The Possessed (2021) Movie Script

[bright music]
[lights buzz]
-[birds caw]
-[thunder rumbles]
[intense music]
[eerie music]
[distorted screaming]
[eerie music]
[water drips]
[eerie music]
[glass shatters]
[eerie music]
[lights buzz]
[eerie music]
[Jacob] You weak piece of shit.
I'm gonna send you to hell.
This is Carissa's body,
do you hear me Cass?
This is your body,
don't forget it.
[distorted heavy breathing]
[eerie music]
[in distorted voice]
You want some?
[distorted laughter]
Carissa, do you
give me permission?
I need this Cass,
do you give me permission?
No, we don't!
I know you're in there Carissa,
I need you to give me
permission to clear you.
She doesn't give you permission.
Come on Cass,
you know what to do,
I need to hear you voice.
I know you can hear me, Cass.
Hey, do me a favor
and give me permission.
No, she does
not give permission!
[in normal voice] Yes, yes,
yeah, yes,
I, Carissa Chandler,
give you permission.
Thank you.
[suspenseful music]
Whose body is this?
[distorted laughter]
Whose body is this?
No, no, no, we were
just playing with you,
she doesn't give permission.
Answer me, whose body is this?
Fuck off!
-[demon speaks indistinctly]
-Whose body is this?
Hey, look at us asshole!
Whose body is this?
It's ours!
Whose body is this?
Fuck you!
-Whose body is this?
-Fuck you! [screams]
[dog barks]
This body is ours
and you can't have it.
You lie.
This is not your body, demon.
-I command you to leave!
Leave, demon!
Leave now!
Leave now, demon!
You need to fight, Carissa,
you need to evict this
parasite from your body!
Fuck off!
This one is ours.
[in normal voce]
Help me, Jacob, please.
[in distorted voice]
Shut up, bitch!
Whose body is this?
Talk to me, Carissa.
Whose body is this?
Its mine!
This is Carissa body,
this body is mine,
get out of me, demon,
this is my body!
[demon growls]
[intense music]
[indistinct whispering]
[demon growling]
[demon chuckles]
[door slams]
[dog barks]
[somber music]
You okay, huh?
I'm here.
I'm here for you, come here,
come here, come here.
I won't let them
hurt you, I promise.
-I won't let them hurt you.
I love you.
Bloody dog.
[somber music]
[vacuum whirring]
Hey, Cass!
[dog barks]
Hello, Aunty Carissa!
Hey, love,
sorry, I didn't hear you.
Good to see you.
You after Jacob?
Yeah, is he around?
Yeah, yeah, he's just
down at Dino's workshop.
Okay, all right,
I'll go say hello then.
Um, Aunt Cass?
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine, just a
big night, too much wine.
Okay, well, I'll go see
what Jacob's up to.
Okay. Hey, love?
You reckon you could remind him
to get to
the bottle shop for me?
[melancholic music]
[Liam] You know you'll never get
the old girl running again.
[chuckles] Miracles happen,
you know.
What are you doing down our way?
I'm just heading into town so I thought
I'd drop in and see my favorite uncle.
Yeah, I thought you were
a bit dressed for a visit,
go grab yourself a beer.
Yeah, nah, a few of the boys
are going into town
so I thought I'd catch up
with them, tag along.
[Jacob] Yeah, well I call bullshit
because I know why you're going
to the clubs and it's not to see
your mates it's to see that
shit hot DJ chick isn't it, hey?
Hey, got you in one?
Good on ya, mate, so when do I
get to meet the lovely lady,
-what's her name again?
-Atalie, and soon.
-[Jacob] Natalie eh?
-No, Atalie, Atalie,
no N, only an A, Atalie.
She hates when
people get it wrong.
Duly noted, Atalie, At-a-lie,
well, that's a bit different.
Yeah, it's different.
I can't wait to meet her.
Yeah, she's amazing.
I think she's got a few demons that
could do with some clearing though.
[Jacob] Haven't we all, eh?
You know, Uncle Jacob,
I don't mean to pry but,
why is Aunty Case's arms
all bandaged up?
I mean, your house looks like
a cyclone just tore through it.
Did something happen last night?
I know I can trust you to
keep it to yourself, but,
your Aunty made another attempt
on her life again last night.
Yeah, bud, it's bad, I can't
seem to stop them attacking her
and every time I clear her,
it lasts for a few weeks
and then they're attacking her again,
you know, and I got to tell ya,
it's getting stronger.
There's something bad going on.
It's like she's a magnet
to the fucking things.
So, what happened? Is she okay?
I mean, what, did she cut herself?
Yeah, but it wasn't too deep.
It was a bloody good thing that I
turned up when I did, thank Christ.
So why are you limping?
Oh, I trod on a bit of glass,
eh, look its nothing,
not too bad, it's all right.
Uncle Jacob,
have you ever thought that
maybe we're
not doing this right?
I mean have you ever thought
maybe we should just stop,
I mean, we could be the reason
all this is
happening to Aunty Cass.
Look, of course
I fucking do, you know that.
I mean, did I fix
her manic depression
or did I remove her demons?
Have I brought the demons
home to the manic depressive?
I don't know.
If I stay, will I make it worse?
If I go, will she die?
You know, look, I got this
calling, a calling from God.
This is my mission,
this is what I have to do.
Yeah, but at what cost?
Because I don't think you or
Aunty Cass can keep doing this.
Yeah, yeah, I know, and the
possessions are getting worse.
I mean that demon last night,
well, I got to tell ya, I've
never seen anything like it.
It was big and it was more
powerful than anything
I've had to deal with, and
you weren't there to help me,
and then Saf rings up
and she tells us we're
booked for another bloody
clearing this week.
That's four in one month.
Two this week
including Aunty Cass,
we've never had
four in a month before.
Yeah, yeah,
I know, it's a first and...
Hey, you know what?
I get this feeling that
something really bad
is going to happen soon,
you know, really bad,
something big's coming.
I don't know, it's just a
gut feeling, I wish I knew, bud.
Hey, don't you worry about me
and Aunty Cass, we'll be fine.
You go out and have a good time
and you tell Atalie I said hello
and I wanna meet her ASAP.
Yeah, I will, actually
I got to shoot off now
because I want to catch her
before she jumps on stage but,
Aunty Cass wanted me to remind
you to go to the bottle-o
but between you and me, she could
do a night or two without it, okay?
Oh, have a good time and remember
if you don't want an infection, you've got to
-wear protection!
-Wear protection!
-I'm not 18 anymore,
Uncle Jacob, but thank you.
-Yeah, I know mate.
-See ya.
-See ya, mate.
[playful techno music]
Come on babe, its time.
-[playful techno music]
-[people cheering]
[Liam] There she is!
Nadine, how's the doco coming,
have you got
enough footage yet?
[Nadine] Not until I get my one on one
time with Atalie's favorite guy.
How you doing, buddy?
Hey, I'm very, very good.
Okay, mate, personal space.
[playful techno music]
[eerie music]
[demon growls]
[playful techno music]
[people shouting]
[demon growls]
[playful techno music]
[demon growls]
Relax, mate.
[people shouting]
[woman] Stop, stop!
[demon growls]
[playful techno music]
[eerie music]
[demon growls]
[crowd cheers]
So, babe, what was
with that psycho scream
at the end of your set tonight?
It was great touch, FYI.
I saw them again.
No way, are you sure you
just weren't really drunk, babe?
I mean, I'm not judging,
I'm jealous.
Ow, what?
What do you mean,
you saw them again? Who's them?
Oh my God, I can't believe
she hasn't told you yet.
-Told me what?
-Little miss party girl here
has a freaky little dark side.
Atalie, what's
he talking about, babe?
Fine. I'm not crazy, okay?
Just remember that.
Since I was like,
six or something
I've been able to see things.
What do you mean things,
like ghosts?
No, not ghost more like, um,
monsters or demons.
I mean, at least
I think they're demons,
I'm not exactly sure
what I'm seeing.
When did this start?
It goes back as
far as I can remember.
It's my first real memory
and it's kind of traumatic.
I used to live just
up the road from here
before I moved in
with my aunt and uncle.
My dad, Nicholas Carlisle,
who my aunt has
always said was a good man
but something changed
when I was about six.
He started drinking and
he became really violent,
and the he lost his job and my parents
couldn't afford to pay their mortgage so...
We were getting ready to move
and the house was mostly packed,
there were boxes everywhere.
[somber music]
And then one
night he just, lost it.
I remember I was sitting
on the floor in the hallway
and my dad, he seemed so big,
it's like he took up
the entire space.
He was coming down
the hallway and it was dark
but I remember
everything really clearly.
His face was pure rage,
and he had blood on his cheek
but it wasn't his blood,
it was my mum's,
and he had her hair in his hand
and he was dragging her
and she was screaming.
She was begging him
not to hurt me and I...
And he got close enough
and he looked at me
and it wasn't my dad,
it was a monster.
I mean, it was my dad but
it was something else,
it was different.
The cheeks were different and
the eyes were black and teeth...
jagged and broken,
and the skin
was a different color
and there was sores everywhere,
I mean it was my dad,
but it was different.
[Liam] I don't know what to say.
What happened to your mum?
He took her to
the bedroom and...
he strangled her.
And then my aunt and uncle
came over the next day
and they found me
asleep in the corner and
my dad was curled up in
bed with Mum, she was dead.
[Orion] Fuck me.
I've never heard
that story before.
You must have needed a butt-load
of therapy growing up.
You have no idea.
I mean they told me
it was normal for me
to perceive my dad as a monster
because in
that moment he was one.
But, I've always
been able to see things,
and lately it feels like I see
something every second day.
Can you see anything right now?
I mean, no I can't see
anything right now but
at the club I saw something.
Why, what happened tonight?
Well, there was one demon who
seemed to want my attention,
he knew that I could see him.
He was standing
right next to Orion
and we just stared at each
other for a few seconds
before he exploded over
Orion and his friends
and disappeared.
[Orion] Are you seriously
trying to tell me
that some fugly demon
exploded all over me?
Well this wouldn't
actually be the first time,
there was this one time
I was on my sex swing--
Orion, we don't want to
hear about your sexcapades.
All right, since we're all
having confession time,
I have something
to tell you too.
The plot thickens.
First of all,
I believe you Atalie, I do.
These things are real and while
I haven't seen them myself,
I know someone who does and
he sees them quite often and,
I help him clear
demons from people.
-No, I'm 100 percent serious.
Who is it?
Okay, you know how
I told you I work part time
in a clinic with my Uncle Jacob?
-So, it's a wellness clinic
that does massages
and clearings.
Its kind of like an exorcism
where he clears
the demons from them.
I'm sorry, but can you
please explain what you mean
by he "kind of
performs exorcisms"?
Okay, so, a couple of
months ago we cleared
a lady with a thief demon
attached to her.
[Atalie] What's a thief demon?
-Sweetheart, we are having
a serious Q and A right now,
so if you wouldn't mind,
[Atalie whispers] Sorry.
So, there's this woman, Shania,
really successful
business woman,
ridiculously wealthy, but the
problem is for her whole life,
she's never been able to go anywhere
without stealing something.
Will it hurt?
[Jacob] You won't feel a thing.
[Liam] I mean, she
could walk into a store
with enough money to buy
everything on the shelves,
no problem, but for some reason,
she has to steal something.
Honey, that's not possession,
that's everyday normal shit.
Well, no, it's not normal,
but I do get what
you're trying to say
but it's also not possession
it's an actual condition,
it's called kleptomania.
Yeah no,
I agree, it is a condition
but she has tried
absolutely everything,
she has seen people, tried
everything, nothing works,
fortunately for her,
one of Jacob's former clients
recommended her to us.
[Jacob] Shania, do
you give me permission
to clear you today?
Huh? Yeah,
I give you permission.
[Jacob] You need to say
your full name darling.
Oh crap, yes I, Shania Wilkins,
give you full permission
to clear me today.
[eerie music]
Shania, these are
rosary beads for prayer,
would you like to hold them?
Yeah, its been a
while since I've prayed.
[Jacob] Close your eyes.
Now remember, don't be
afraid when you hear noises.
Now I'm going to ask repeatedly,
"Whose body is this?"
And you will reply, "Shania's
body," do you understand?
[Jacob] Shania,
whose body is this?
[stammering] Shania's body.
Perfect, keep answering.
Whose body is this?
[stammering] Shania's body.
That's it, one more time, again,
whose body is this?
Shania's body.
Easy, you got this.
[Jacob groans, laughs]
[Shania groaning]
-[tense music]
-[distorted groaning, laughter]
[lights buzz]
There you are.
[distorted] Piss off, you fraud,
I'm not going anywhere!
Whose body is this?
Whose body is this?
Fuck off, fuck off!
Fuck off! [growls, laughs]
Whose body is this?
[growls] You pair of shit wipes!
Answer me, whose body is this?
This is your body,
whose body is this?
[normal voice]
It's Shania's body!
It's my body!
[demon growls]
Jacob, are you okay?
Fuck off. Like The Exorcist ,
spinning heads
and all that crap?
Kind of, I mean,
not really that bad,
we do it once or twice
every couple of months
but for some reason,
we don't know why,
it's becoming
a lot more frequent.
Come on, are you guys
seriously trying to tell me
that you believe that
his uncle exorcizes demons
for a living and he's like what,
he's Harry Potter's
apprentice or something?
Well dude, what exactly
have I got to gain by lying?
[Orion] Are you believing this?
Hey, At tie, you said you've been
seeing more of these things lately?
-Yeah, lots more.
-Yeah, we've noticed an increase in
possession cases lately too,
Uncle Jacob's
pretty worried about it.
Actually, you know what,
you should meet my uncle.
I mean, I know
he'd love to meet you too.
That would be amazing, I mean,
you have no idea how
much that would mean to me
to know that I'm not
the only crazy person.
Okay, yeah, well, I'm meeting
him for breakfast tomorrow
at Beans By the Beach,
I could introduce you both then?
Oh, I'm so coming too.
[soft music]
[Nadine] Are you nervous?
No, I'm excited to meet someone
who sees the same stuff as I do,
it makes me feel
like less of a freak.
I don't know, I still
think you're kind of freaky.
Two dudes exorcizing
demons as their day job,
sounds pretty crazy, right?
I mean if I wasn't seeing
monsters and demons myself then
I guess it would
sound pretty crazy.
Are you expecting
Jacob to be a wack job?
Look, I like to see myself
as a fairly open-minded person,
and I've seen you flip out
when you see this shit,
so, no, I don't think he's
going to be a wack job.
Hey, I have been meaning
to ask you something.
Have you ever seen a demon
attached to me?
No, never.
They don't like geeks like you.
No, Deeny, please don't,
don't, I can't run, I'll barf.
I really will.
[Nadine] I wish I had my camera.
-[Jacob] How you doing?
-[Atalie] Hi.
Hey. [chuckles]
-[Atalie giggles]
-Jacob, this is At a lie.
-Oh, really?
-Hi, nice to meet you, Jacob.
-[Jacob] Nice to meet you.
-And this is her best friend
who usually has a camera
attached to her, Nadine.
Jacob, it is so nice
to meet you.
Liam has told us
so much about you.
-Oh, have you just?
-Only the lies.
Where's Orion?
It's before 10, there's no way
Orion was going to make it,
I barely made it myself.
-Hey, Skylar!
-[Skylar] Hi, Jacob, how are you?
[Jacob] I'm doing great,
so how are those
nightmare's going, all right?
Well thanks to you, I haven't had
a single one in over a month now.
-Glad to hear it.
-Can I get you another coffee?
No, no, I'm fine but I'm sure
my new-found friends
here wouldn't mind something.
Yeah could I just get
an orange juice please?
-Thank you.
And I'll get the big breaky,
eggs poached.
It won't be long.
-On ya.
-[Atalie] Thank you.
So, Liam's told us a little
bit about your clearings,
they sound
absolutely fascinating.
Girl, calm your farm, give
the man some breathing room.
What? I'm just excited,
it's not every day you get
to meet a real-life exorcist.
Its okay, Atalie, I don't mind
talking about it.
Have you always
been able to see demons?
Yeah, although I didn't realize
that that's what I as seeing,
most of the time there
was just shadows, you know.
Half the time,
I thought it was my mind
playing games with me.
And when was the first time
you cleared a demon,
like for real?
My first actual clearing was
a friend of my wife, Carissa,
she came around one day
banging on the door,
she felt there was
something wrong, you know,
she begged me to help
fix her with a clearing.
So, you remember what to do?
[eerie music]
What the hell is going on?
Whose body is this?
[pants, giggles]
Do you need to touch me?
Because that's okay.
No, no, no, no touching,
no touching, okay.
Angela, could
you please, please.
And if you could
just sit still please?
-[Jacob] Thank you.
Whose body is this?
[distorted] Yours, it's yours!
You can have it, take it!
-Take it!
-Angela, Angela, no please!
Let's try this again.
Whose body is this?
Whose body is this?
[normal voice] It's mine,
it's Angela Wilmoth's body!
[distorted] Fuck!
-[intense music]
[Jacob groaning]
Unless you want to fuck me,
get you filthy hands off me.
And believe it or not,
my first clearing, right,
I managed to manifest the
demon of lust, Asmodeous.
Asmodeous, yep.
-[Jacob] I'm telling ya.
-Oh my God, that is insane.
-[Jacob] That's one big demon.
-[Nadine] Thank you.
-And, if you need anything
else, just let me know.
-[Jacob] On ya, Skylar.
-You all good there babe?
Word of advice babe,
never come
between a hung-over woman
and her greasy breakfast.
Oh! We got to get going, Liam,
we got a client in 20 minutes.
Okay, yeah.
-Hey, lovely meeting you.
-Can we please do this again?
I really want to
hear more stories.
-[Jacob] You're on, you're on.
-Nice to meet you Jacob.
See you later.
That was hectic.
Yeah, it was.
-You are so gross.
-[Atalie laughs]
[Nadine groans]
[tranquil music]
-[tense music]
-[Martin] Dammit!
Have a go at that bloke.
Yeah, weird shit.
[Liam] How you going guys?
Who was that bloke who just
stormed out of here, do you know?
He said his name was Martin.
Apparently heard about
us through a friend,
comes in here demands to
see the effing priest.
I tell him
we have no priests, clearly,
grabs my favorite pen,
writes his number
down on Damien's file,
and throws a whole bunch of
business cards around and storms out.
Who referred him, do you know?
Nope, you know him?
[Jacob] No,
I never seen him before.
Well, that is his number.
-Oh, okay.
-Good luck.
How you doing, Saf?
-I quit.
-[Liam chuckles]
[pensive music]
[door opens]
Just this way, guys.
Jacob, this is Helen and
this is her husband, Damien.
[Helen] So nice
to meet you in person.
So how have things been since
we had our talk on the phone?
Things have gotten worse,
much worse.
[Damien] It's not that bad.
Are you serious?
He tried to drown
his best friend.
You tried to drown
your best friend?
Well, it's not like
I was trying to kill him,
-things got out of hand.
-Out of hand?
Passes it off
like it's an accident,
but combined with the headaches
and the excessive drinking
and the marijuana.
Just a little pot and booze,
you're overreacting.
Hey Damien,
seeing as you're here,
we may as well
have a look at you, I mean,
you've got
nothing to lose right? Huh?
Damien, if you could just
jump up on the chair, please?
Now, I'm going
to give you a clearing
which is sort of
a spiritual cleansing.
What have you gotten me
into this time?
Hey Damien, why don't you
just lie down and relax.
You don't have to do anything
and there'll be no pain,
okay, I promise.
Now for your safety and mine,
we are going to
have to restrain you, okay?
In order for me to
complete this procedure
I need to get
your permission, okay?
So when I ask for it, you have
to give me your full name
and give me permission, okay?
What's that for?
Damien, Damien!
Will you give me permission
to clear you today?
I, Damien McCarthy, give
you permission to clear me.
this shouldn't take too long.
Now, when I ask,
"Whose body is this?"
You respond,
"Damien's body," all right?
I think I can handle that.
[eerie music]
[Jacob groans]
It's small but it feels
more powerful than it should.
[distorted laughter]
That's what she said.
[Jacob] I see you, imp.
-[Jacob speaking indistinctly]
Whose body is this?
-[tense music]
[Jacob] Whose body is this?
Whose body is this?
In the name of Jesus Christ,
Lord give us strength.
Helen you need to ask him,
"Whose body is this?" Ask him.
What is happening?
Hey, you old fuck,
got any spare blades?
That's right, your whore
of a wife used them all.
Fuck you!
Don't you ever hurt my wife,
you motherfucker!
-[Helen screams]
[Liam] Helen, come
around here, I need you.
What do I do, what do I do?
[Liam] Put his hands
in there, help me.
Jacob, Jacob, Jacob!
Jacob! Channel the Roman,
channel the Roman!
Damien, tell me
whose body this is!
Let me go, bitch!
Don't you ever talk
to me like that again!
Helen, you have to understand
this isn't him, okay,
this is the demon.
Helen, look at me you need to
help him, help your husband.
[eerie music]
I'm so sorry, honey.
Please tell me
whose body this is.
Damien, you need to fight!
Fuck you!
Hey! Stop being an asshole
and start being
the man that I married!
Whose body is this?
You better answer me,
Damien Stephen McCarthy!
[normal voice] It's my body.
It's Damien's body.
[demon growling]
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
[Liam] Excuse me, excuse me.
[stammers] I don't know
what just happened.
It's all good, you can go.
Honey, are you okay?
How do you feel?
Groggy, like I just woke up.
Hey, Damien, we are going
to sit you up now, okay?
Ready, one, two, three,
up, good, good.
We are going to get
you off the chair now.
That's great, you did great.
Go outside,
we'll be out with you soon.
-[Helen] Okay.
Jesus H. Christ,
that was insane!
[groans] An imp shouldn't
be that hard,
that should have been
a fast, simple clearing.
I've never dealt with
anything like that, ever.
Hey, it's all right,
you're only human.
-Did you get it?
-Yeah, I got to get rid of it.
I feel weird.
My chest is tight and
my head's throbbing, you know.
[eerie music]
Creator, please use this
master exorcism template
in a divine, ideal way
and magnitude
to complete clearing of myself.
Rescuers of light,
this is my body,
I have sovereignty over my soul.
Creator, complete
clearing until I am pure.
Thank you.
[tranquil music]
[woman] Hello?
Hi is this Chandler's Health
and Wellness Center?
Thank God.
Oi, can you get Jacob?
Its the wife of the crazy man
that came in this morning.
Oh yeah, yeah.
It's the wife of the crazy man
that came in this morning.
[Saf] Yes, Jacob is here,
I will pop him on for you.
Oh, hi, Nancy, this is
Jacob Chandler here.
Jacob, it's really good
to finally talk to you.
What can I do to help you?
It's my husband, Martin,
he's really struggling and
I don't know what to do.
Do you remember the
Larsen family massacre
that happened
about eight months back,
the husband
worshiped the devil
and killed his wife and kids
and then committed suicide?
Yeah, I sure do, it was
a terrible, terrible tragedy.
Well, we live
in their house now.
-[Nancy] Look,
something's really wrong
and I really need some help
and I'm sorry if he was rude
because he's not usually
like that and I just,
I just don't
know what else to do.
Yeah, look that's okay.
Look I'm sorry I missed him.
When do you think he might be
able to get back into the clinic?
I don't think we can get
there any time soon, he's...
Is there any way
you can come to us?
To your house?
[Nancy] Please, Jacob.
[Martin] Is he coming?
Please, Jacob, I need
you to come to the house!
Of course, I will come to you.
[Nancy] Okay.
Thank you, thank you so much.
He's coming, Martin,
he's coming to the house
[Jacob] What's your address?
It's 1528 Slaughter Road.
1528 Slaughter Road.
Yeah, look, I'll be there
tomorrow probably after lunch,
if something
happens between here and then
please don't
hesitate to call, okay?
[Nancy] Thank you,
thank you so much for this.
Yeah, okay, bye-bye.
Okay, bye.
[suspenseful music]
[object clatters]
[whispering] Babe?
What are you doing?
What are you eating?
Babe, what
the hell are you doing?
Do you know what time it is?
[music continues]
What are you doing over there?
-What the hell babe?
[intense music]
[Liam] Babe, are you all right?
Oh, that was sick!
Holy shit, Atalie, are you okay?
You just flew through the air,
like literally flew,
and I got it all on camera.
What are you doing? Oh.
Babe, talk to me?
Love you too.
Death is here.
[Liam] What are you talking about?
What does that mean?
What the fuck
are you guys doing?
Can someone
tell me why we are up
at this asshole
hour of the morning?
[phone buzzes]
It was right here.
[Nadine] What was?
Writing in blood and you...
There was writing on this wall
that said "Death is here."
All right, we'll be there.
I've got to go,
Jacob's got an emergency.
What's wrong?
You know that guy I was
telling you about, Martin?
Shit's really hit the fan,
I've never heard him
sound like this before.
I've got to go.
-I'm coming with you.
-Oh, I'm coming too.
I just need to stop by the
clinic, I have to get my Bible.
Um, excuse me,
I don't know who Martin is
or why you need a Bible
but I'm actually quite
scared so can I please come?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can come,
everyone can come
we just have to go, now.
Okay, okay.
[gravel crunches]
[ominous music]
Thanks for coming, mate.
I see you bought back-up.
Yeah, I guess, everything
just happened so fast
everyone just kind
of jumped on board.
-It's good to see you.
-You too, mate.
-Hey, Jacob.
-Good to see you again, love.
Hi Jacob, how's it all going?
So far so good.
Hey listen, I'm not
worried about the camera
but if Mrs. Philips doesn't
want you to turn it on,
maybe you'll
have to turn it off.
Oh my God,
yes, no problem at all.
You don't look like a preacher.
That's because
I'm not a preacher,
but, I'm pleased to meet ya.
Liam, do you want to meet Nancy?
Nancy, this is my nephew
and assistant, Liam.
-[Jacob] And his girlfriend, Atalie.
At a lie might be able to help,
she can connect with demons
on a similar level to Jacob.
You can see them too?
Unfortunately, yes.
Oh, and Nadine and Orion.
Nadine is something
of a documentarian.
Hi Nancy, I hope you don't
mind if I film tonight,
I'm making
a documentary with Atalie.
That should be fine.
Oh good, I promise
we won't get in the way.
No problems at all.
Has anyone got
a problem with the dark?
Liam, do your friends know
exactly what's going on here?
Yeah, yeah,
I filled them in on the way.
Okay, well, to put it bluntly,
we are here to clear Martin
of an evil that inflicts him.
And a couple of hours ago,
Martin asked Nancy
to restrain him.
Sorry, so,
let me get this straight.
Your hubby is
possessed by the devil
and you have him
chained up in the house.
I know this sounds crazy,
trust me, I have spent months
thinking that I'm going crazy.
But once
you walk inside that house,
once you see Martin,
you'll understand.
Honestly, I'm not sure how
safe this will be for you all
so if anyone wants out, by
all means, you can leave now.
Aren't you frightened?
Yeah, a little, but I've got
the power of good on my side
so let's get in there and see
what we've got to face, huh?
[eerie music]
I thought you said
Martin was restrained.
-He is.
-Then who's that.
I don't see anything.
Me neither.
He's gone now but there
was definitely someone there.
[Orion] Fuck this, Liam,
I'm out, give me your keys.
Yeah, yeah, look, you go home,
I'll give you a call
when this is all over
you come back and pick us up.
No, fuck that, you can ride
with Jacob or get a taxi.
[Nadine] No, no, it's all
right, I'll use on board sound
-but can you leave
that in the car for me?
Right, are we ready for this?
Lets do it.
[ominous music]
[faint growls]
Shit on a stick.
[door slams]
-Dude, shh.
There was something out
there, it was growling a me.
Where's my sound recorder?
I must have dropped it,
we can get it later.
[distorted scream]
What the fuck was that?
I'm out of here, there's
monsters everywhere.
What the freaky fuck,
why won't this door budge?
I just came through it.
This is stuck too, Liam.
[Nadine] This one
won't open either.
[Liam] Jacob?
This one's stuck too,
I don't know what's going on.
[Jacob] You're kidding.
Has this happened before?
-No never.
-So, are we suck in here then?
Well, I don't know,
it never happens.
Babe, do you have your phone?
I think I left mine at yours.
I need a torch or something.
No, I left mine in the car.
Take mine, just do me a favor
and just don't drop it okay.
-Thank you.
-[Liam] Righto.
Nadine, Orion, I want you
to stay down here,
the rest of you, I want you to come
up with me and check on Martin
because I don't him freaking out with
a whole lot of people in the room.
All right, but if you need us,
you'll call for us, right?
Of course, we will. Shh.
-Babe I'm going to need more
than just
a phone with a torch light.
Guys, there's another flashlight
in the bottom kitchen draw
feel free to grab that,
it's just down there.
[eerie music]
Which room?
The room at the end.
What is that? It smells
like a dead animal.
Close, it's
the stench of demons.
I do have to tell you guys,
Martin's not in a good way,
he's been getting worse.
Last night he was screaming
and yelling at me,
telling me it was all my fault,
he got really
aggressive at one point.
You got to remember it's
not Martin, it's a demon,
and they lie to try to
get you off your balance.
I mean they feed
off fear and sorrow.
There's something under there.
Is Martin still tied up?
Yeah, he is.
Martin told me
to keep it locked.
You all stay here for the moment
and I'll check it out, okay?
[door thuds]
[eerie music]
[light flickers]
[tense music]
Hey, Martin, how you doing?
We're here now, mate.
It'll be all right.
We're here to help you.
[floor rumbles]
[lights flicker]
[Jacob] Oh, Jesus.
-[knocking on door]
-[Liam] Jacob, are you okay?
-Do you need me to come in?
-No, no, not yet.
Just stay out there, okay?
[ominous music]
[tense music]
Aka Manah.
The pentagram!
Don't step inside the circle.
Do not step inside this circle!
Why, what will happen?
I don't know, but I got to say,
it's not going to be good,
so just don't step
inside the bloody circle.
Nancy, what the fuck is this?
I have no idea.
I swear, I have no idea.
I stay away from this room,
Marty told me to.
[Jacob] This is to invoke
really evil spirits,
this is some really
heavy shit right here.
Stop, wait put
the light back on him.
-What did you see?
-Give me the torch.
-What do you see?
-One sec.
You see something, Atalie?
There, behind Martin,
I can see him now.
I don't see it.
Oh, oh. There he is.
[Liam] What does it look like?
Like a shadow or smoke.
[Liam] Atalie, are you okay?
Can you hear me?
-[At a lie panting]
-[Liam] At a lie!
[Jacob] Talk to us,
Atalie, are you okay?
I'm okay, can you open
the door and get me out?
-[Liam grunts]
-[Nancy yelps]
Hurry up, open, open, open!
Nancy, are there keys
to the cupboard?
-I think Martin
used to keep them up top.
-Up top Jacob, up top!
Liam, there is something in here,
please open the door!
-I've got them, got them!
-[Atalie] Please get me
out of here now!
[Liam] We got the keys,
babe, hang on!
Oh, for Christ sake,
give them here.
Babe, I'd really like
to get out of here now.
[demon growls]
I like your skin.
-Got it!
There was a fucking
demon in there with me.
Close the door!
[ominous music]
Who are you, demon?
Answer me!
Demon, what is your name?
[soft growling]
Leave him alone, demon.
[distorted laughter]
[tense music]
[laughter continues]
-Fuck, that was--
-Yeah, it was.
Where did it go?
Oh, it will be back,
its linked to Martin.
Nancy, you have to stop this,
please, help me.
-Don't cross the circle!
[Nancy] I have to get to him,
he's my husband.
[Jacob] Christ!
-[Nancy] It's okay, it's okay.
-[Martin groaning]
You two, come with me.
-[Martin coughing]
-[Nancy] It's okay, sweetie.
Have you ever seen
anything like this before?
No, never, babe,
are you sure you're okay?
Yeah, I'm sure.
I mean, it was pretty scary
but I'm not hurt.
You're going to need this.
Is that holy water?
[Liam] Yes.
We've never needed holy water
for a clearing before.
I'm assuming
that's not holy water.
We are in way over our heads,
that demon in
there is not like anything
I've ever dealt with before.
And what happened to you,
that is some
powerful demonic activity,
and don't forget we saw a
soldier demon in there as well.
What's a soldier demon?
Soldier demons
are outside of the body,
it's not really a possession.
They can control
and influence a person
but not actually possess them.
They do the dirty work for
the more powerful demons.
In all the clearings I've ever
done I've never dealt
with anything powerful
enough to have soldiers.
This is not a clearing.
This is a full fucking exorcism.
This is the face of hell,
I mean you both
saw that floor, right?
Well, the previous owners,
they were into satanic worship,
and I'm guessing that in that
room, they tried to invoke him.
Invoke who?
Well, the symbols
spelled out Aka Manah.
He murdered
his family, he killed himself,
and that is
a potent blood sacrifice
which is probably enough
to call him, right?
Yeah, but what
I confused about is
why go through the all
the trouble to murder
your entire family
and then kill yourself?
I mean it doesn't
make any sense.
And why is Aka Manah still here?
Why hasn't he left yet?
Why is he still in that room?
Buggered if I know.
Maybe the dumb bastard only got
half way through the ritual.
He did enough to bring
Aka Manah to the surface
and he killed himself
but didn't actually
release him into the world.
Who is Aka Manah?
Maybe that's the demon
I saw in the cupboard.
I can't say for certain
Aka Manah is what you saw
but I can tell you that he
is one of the most powerful.
Aka Manah is
the third demon born
out of the nine sons of Satan.
Now he is cruel and controlling
and absolutely
obsessed with power
and if he's what's inside
Martin right now then, fuck.
But you can help them,
I mean you've never performed
a full exorcism before
but you know how to, right?
He's just another demon.
You know what,
Atalie, you're right.
When it gets down to it,
he's just another demon.
A very powerful fucking demon
but yeah, just another one.
So the clearing principle
is the same, all right?
Martin's still got to give
us permission to clear him
but we know
the name of the demon
and that gives
us power over him.
Assuming that it is Aka Manah.
Yeah well I'm going to have
to bring out the big guns, aren't I?
[Nadine] I found it.
Yes, good job.
[eerie music]
I swear I just saw something
walk past the camera.
No, babe, don't
do that to me right now.
-[Nadine] No, I'm serious.
-Don't play games.
[door clangs]
Look at the cupboard doors.
Hey, help.
Give it, quick, quick, quick,
quick, quick, quick, quick.
Turn it on.
[eerie music]
[Orion] Fuck this, come
on, lets go find the others.
[Nadine] I want to go home.
-[Nadine gasps]
I promise I will never take
electricity for granted again.
Please don't tell me
something's standing behind me.
[distorted voice]
[dramatic music]
[demon screams]
[Nadine] Oh my God!
Orion, wake up!
You can still help us, right?
this makes things difficult.
How so?
Well firstly, people
flying through the room
is a strong indication
that something powerful
is at play here.
And this.
The star?
-Not just a star.
-[Liam] It's a pentagram.
See, these symbols are
from the Gujarati Script
and they are used
in the A vest an Alphabet.
What does that mean?
It flows like Arabic.
That's where this demon's from.
That's the name of
this demon, Aka Manah.
And going by the pentagram
and these symbols,
I'd say the previous owners
were trying to invoke this demon.
So, if it was invoked
from wherever it comes from,
why is it still in my home?
What does it want from us?
This is just my theory, right.
I think they were trying
to bring this demon forth
but they hadn't
completed the ritual,
which means,
he hasn't been released yet
and he's trapped in this room.
-This pentagram.
-Yeah, right.
So, when Martin
came in to renovate,
he discovered the pentagram
and I think that's when
Aka Manah possessed him,
which strangely enough,
is good news for us
because if I can clear Aka Manah
from Martin into me
than I think I can
send him back to hell.
What happens if he gets free?
Nothing good's
going to come from it,
depression and anxiety
will all rise and suicides...
[distorted laughter]
Rape, murder,
violent crime will increase.
[laughter continues]
Look, put it this way, we've
got to send this bastard
back to hell and that is
our only fucking option.
[Nadine crying]
[Atalie] Deeny, what's wrong?
Where's Orion?
-Whose blood is that?
Nadine, Nadine, Nadine,
look at me, look at me, breathe.
Where is Orion?
-[distorted laughter]
-I don't know what happened,
it was dark down in the kitchen,
I blacked out for a minute
and when I came to, he was
unconscious on the floor
-and I don't know.
-[Liam] At tie, where are you going?
I'm going to check on Orion,
we can't just leave him down there.
Go with her.
Hey, Bible,
don't forget the Bible.
[demon growling]
[door shuts]
[eerie music]
Orion, what are you doing?
What do you see?
Shit, this isn't good.
Orion, look at me.
Babe, be careful.
-[both screaming]
Shit, I can see him.
I mean, I can actually see him.
[Atalie] What do we do?
Atalie, get a chair,
get a chair!
Its okay, it's all right.
[Orion grunting]
I don't feel so good.
It's all right, buddy,
you just had a bit too
much to eat, all right?
What happened, where did he go?
I don't know.
I'm guessing he jumped into
Orion just for a quick snack
but, babe, you really seem
to be packing some power.
Please don't tell me
I ate off that floor.
[muffled screams]
[Liam] Shit, Jacob and Nadine!
[Liam] Jacob!
Let him go, you asshole!
-Nancy, look at me.
-Get away from her!
Release her, you bastard!
Let him go, demon, release him!
[Martin] Get away from her now!
Fight it, Jacob,
you have to fight the demon!
[stammers] Say your name!
[Atalie] Say your name,
Jacob, fight it!
-Hey, get away from her!
-Nancy, I just need you to
look at me, I can help you.
Jacob, you can do this,
please say your name!
-[muffled speech]
[Atalie] Just look at me.
[Liam] At a lie.
Atalie, you've
got to release me.
Oh, for Christ sake,
somebody get me out of this!
[bones crack]
[distorted voices overlapping]
Oh, for fuck sake, will someone
please untie me already!
Death is here!
Death is here for all of you!
[frantic music]
I fucking hate this house!
[eerie music]
[bones crack]
[Jacob groaning]
[distorted laughter]
-[Jacob groaning]
-[laughter continues]
Untie him, there's nothing
happening here any more.
-You're sure?
-Yeah, yeah, I'm sure.
Come on, get me out of this!
[normal voice]
I love you so much, Martin.
Please help me.
Nancy, Nancy, you got to fight!
[Liam] Stay back!
I'm going to rip your
fucking soul to pieces!
[Orion] No way.
The bitch is floating.
Orion, do something!
[dramatic music]
[demon growling]
Get your hands off me, bitch!
Go, help them!
-[frantic music]
-[demon growling]
Don't let her go!
[distorted laughter]
[suspenseful music]
Our Father, who art in heaven.
Aka Manah!
Aka Man ah?
Who the fuck is Aka Man ah?
Leave this woman's body now!
God isn't here, fuck stain!
He isn't going to help you!
And forgive those who
trespass against us.
[sing-song voice]
God isn't here.
-God isn't here.
-You must say, "I, Nancy--"
You pitiful fucks
don't have a clue
who you're dealing with!
[Martin] Come on Nancy, you have
to give him permission!
[demon] You! Yes, you.
She thinks you're weak.
You're not a man who
can fulfill her needs.
-Give me permission!
-[distorted laughter]
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
Fuck you, Aka Manah!
[dramatic music]
[eerie music]
No, don't let go!
I said don't let her go.
Okay, let's get her over here
where we can get
her better secured.
[whispering] One, two, three.
[heavy breathing]
It's okay. It's okay.
Atalie, I need you to go
get the restraints, okay?
Go, now.
She's smiling at me.
Liam, grab her!
Restrain her!
Secure her arms!
[frantic music]
[demon roaring]
Put it on her arm!
[demon] Get your hands
off me, you pathetic shit!
Her legs,
we've got to tie her legs!
I've got it, I've got it!
So, you like
it rough choir boy? [laughs]
Get her legs! Tie her!
Get something to tie them!
Get back.
Get out of the pentagram!
Martin, get out
of the pentagram!
-Bible and holy water.
Atalie, your time has come.
When I give you a signal,
I want you to
come into the circle
and place your hands on Nancy.
I fucking dare you, bitch.
Just let me now when.
Nancy, give me permission!
Nancy, give me permission!
[bones crack]
[normal voice] I, Nancy Philips,
give you permission to clear me.
Just kidding, no she doesn't!
[Jacob] I need you to help me.
Liam, give her the holy water.
[demon laughs]
Hey, if you know the Lord's
Prayer, now's the time.
Our Father.
Aka Manah, I command
you to leave this woman!
I command you to leave her.
[Jacob groaning]
You have to fight it, Nancy!
She is gone! I ate her soul!
Mummy's busy choir boy!
I know you're in there,
you have to say your name,
Fuck you!
[Jacob groans]
Come, legions of Michael!
Come, warriors of light!
Join me, gather,
join me, gather,
march with
the force of the angels!
Join me now and send this demon
back to the face of
the sun to burn forever!
Ease out this demon!
Send him back to hell!
Leave now!
Leave now!
Leave now!
Run to the light, Nancy!
[all groaning]
[bones crackling]
[Jacob groaning]
Jacob, are you okay?
[Jacob] Stay back!
-[eerie music]
[distorted groaning]
Liam! [speaks indistinctly]
[speaks indistinctly]
All right, everyone stay here
and make sure Nancy's okay!
[Jacob groans]
[whispers] Stop.
[groaning, growling]
Creator, please use this
master exorcism template
in a divine, ideal way
and magnitude
to complete clearing of myself.
I am of light!
[distorted] This is my body!
[in normal voice]
I take sovereignty of my soul!
Creator, continue
clearing until I am pure!
Thank you!
Get out of my body!
Fuck you!
Its okay, it's okay.
You're okay, you're okay.
Something's wrong.
Something's wrong.
It didn't work.
What do you mean it didn't work,
what are you talking about?
[dramatic music]
I sent you to
the bowels of the earth!
I cast you out!
-[dramatic music]
Is anyone else
super confused tight now?
What just happened?
I've been doing these
clearings for over 20 years,
and this should
not have happened.
I've let the genie
out of the bottle.
[Atalie] He used us.
That motherfucker used
each and every one of us.
Of course, he needed
Jacob to get him outside.
So, what you're saying is,
we basically
finished the ritual for him.
Yeah, that's exactly
what we're saying.
What does this all mean now?
It means I set him free.
I just don't know why I couldn't
send him back to the earth.
Maybe you weren't
strong enough on your own.
Maybe we should have
linked arms or something.
I've got to find him.
Hey, boss.
No, we have to find him.
We have to find him and we
have to send him back to hell.
[soft music]
Well done, gang,
another successful clearing.
We make a pretty good team.
wasn't Aka Manah though.
Nah, but we'll find him.
Dude, can you please,
please stop telling
the clients to
run to the light, okay?
It is not Poltergeist .
What? It worked with Aka Manah.
It's true.
When I said it,
Aka Manah left Nancy.
-It did!
Every time you say it,
I wanna leave.
-[phone buzzes]
-Hold up.
Hey Saf, how are ya?
Yeah, sounds interesting, yeah,
send me the address, thanks.
We got another one.
Saf said it sounds pretty weird,
she's sending me
the address right now.
Aka Manah kind of weird?
I don't know,
it sounds powerful.
Let's find this son of a bitch
and send him back to hell.
["Devil May Care"]
Devil may care
I hear the knock
but I can't answer
Is it real or is
this in my mind
I see
the darkness taking over
What I thought was
light has made me blind
Hey I'm about to break
There is no escape
[laughs, screams]
Come on. Come on, this is not
your body. Whose body is this?
The fucking idiot's mine!
I feel
the cold begin to enter
One last time
before I lose my mind
Hey, it's got a hold on me
Can you feel
the devil's inside
-It's good to meet yah
Won't you stick around
Feed your addiction
Break it down, down
Break it down,
break it down, down
Break it down,
break it down, down
Arise, my demons
The hour is late
And the skies are gray
We live to fight another day
Tomorrow it rains
To wash our sins away
Time is not your friend
We will die by its hand
No quarter shall be given
When we reach the end
It's harder to
see with your eyes
When you're
dying to feel more alive
In darkness
they may fall in line
Keep you warm
when the demons arise
The darkness
awoken inside us
A moment of weakness
A doubt in my mind