The Possession Experiment (2016) Movie Script

It's November 14th,
and we are here
with father mark Campbell
for the 29th session
of the exorcism
of Tracy crowell.
Tracy, can you hear me?
Let me go, you catholic pig.
Fucking maggot!
Uh, the subject,
since our last session
two days ago,
has obtained a nail file,
and she has filed her
teeth down to a point...
You might want to
get in here and get
a closer look at this.
Our father,
who art in heaven,
- thy kingdom come.
- Thy will be done...
Give us this day
our daily bread...
As we forgive those
who trespass against us.
When is all this
gonna stop?
She's not getting
any better.
He doesn't care about
this wretched sow's soul.
He's just tired
of fucking her from behind!
I command you
in the name of Jesus Christ,
our lord,
to leave the body
of this young woman now!
But, father...
Her snatch is so much fun.
Your foul words
cannot shake us.
Leave her now!
In the name
of the father...
The son...
And the holy spirit!
Leave this woman now!
What is your name?
Oh, god.
Oh, Jesus.
Heavenly father, help...
Help me!
Oh, my god.
Oh, heavenly father.
Oh, Jesus, help us.
Oh, god!
Stay away, incarnate!
What's the matter, father?
Don't you want to fuck me?
Fuck me!
I'm protected by the father,
the son and the...
What you need to understand
about the romans
is that they didn't think
they were doing
anything unjust.
Quite the contrary.
Killing christians
was praised, encouraged even.
Why, these people
even made a sport
out of creating
torture methods
for these martyrs.
Take, for instance,
the sweet death.
These victims would be
bound to wooden planks
with a leather strap,
painted with honey,
and then boxes
of flies or bees
would be released to...
Well, finish the job.
Those who were
thought to be possessed
were subject to
the same treatment.
Now if you'll turn
to page 112 in your
anatomy of the sacred text,
we will learn that
more often than not,
the cause
of these possessions
was more rather epilepsy
or some other mental ailment,
and not actual demon...
Well, hell's bells.
Start thinking
about your projects.
You can have groups
of up to three.
Only three people.
Mr. t, who needs coffee
when I get to watch people
get tortured all morning.
Well, this side of theology
has always been
really exciting to study.
A bit of Gore
for your thoughts?
Hey, I'm thinking about
doing my final on exorcisms.
You wouldn't happen to have
any books on that topic,
would you?
Yeah, I think
i have some things
that could be
of some service to you.
Stop by during my
office hours tomorrow,
and I'll let you borrow them.
Awesome. Cool. All right.
Thanks Mr. t,
I'll see you tomorrow.
See you, Brandon.
What up, fag?
Just working on
this piece of shit video.
So, check it.
I've got this chick
coming over later.
So, don't be here
after 10:00.
If I'm done with my video,
i will leave.
Fuck that, dude.
I've been trying to
bang this chick forever.
Don't fuck my game up.
Dude, I've been trying to get
this video done for forever.
Please do not
fuck my game up.
Look, just because your ass
never gets pussy,
don't stop me
from getting it.
And you wonder
why you don't have
any fucking friends.
Wake up. You okay?
I must have fell asleep
during my export.
I'm gonna go for a walk.
That'd be good.
Well, all right.
Hey, aren't you
that one dude?
No, man.
You're that...
Fuck, you're that one guy.
Come on, man,
my religion class?
You're the one
that gives a fuck.
that's probably me.
So, you know
what you're doing
for that project yet?
What about you?
No, man, I don't do shit
in that class.
Didn't he say something
about having partners?
We have three.
Up to three.
Well, you wanna be partners?
You just told me
you don't do any work.
I do mad work.
I don't even know you.
Come on, man,
you know what you need?
You need to get high.
Come on, man,
I'll get you high
right now.
Right fucking now.
Get to know me, man.
Come on, it'll be fun.
Say yes? Come on, man.
All right.
All right, why not.
Awesome. Hey, I'm Clay.
Good to meet you, buddy.
Come on.
Mr. t.
How are you doing today?
Good, good.
I actually found
a partner for my project.
Who are you working with?
Uh, Clay.
Clay, which one is that?
The really stoned guy.
He'll be interesting
to do an exorcism project
This is a really
intricate topic
of discussion.
Do you know what
you're gonna do
for the project portion yet?
I was, uh, thinking about
trying to find a priest
who's done
an exorcism before
and interviewing him,
making a little documentary,
recreating the process,
something like that.
Yeah, that's a great idea,
I have a list
of the closest ones.
I'll e-mail them
to you later.
I think it's only
one around the region.
You'll just have to
see what you find.
Clay! Clay.
Clay, dude. Clay. Clay.
What's with
the wake-up call, dude?
Sorry, I just wanted
to get at it.
Oh, you need to
go get blasted?
No, no, no,
i totally need to get high,
but I found out
some shit about our project.
Let's go.
All right, man. Come on.
Yeah, for real,
though, we got to do this.
Come on in.
Make yourself at home.
So, what's new
in the field
of devil worship, man?
Jesus Christ,
fifth time, fifth time,
we are studying
the ritual of exorcism.
I just found out about
a priest out of Richmond.
That's cool, man.
It's not too far away.
But I also found out about
this other priest in the area.
He did exorcisms,
like, 20 years ago,
but he was killed.
That's a bummer, man.
He was killed
in the next town over,
and I got the address.
Yes, sir,
i got the address.
So, hold on, man, wait.
Was the priest
killed or what?
Not just the priest.
Not just the priest.
The husband, the wife,
the priest,
the priest's assistant...
Everyone except
some camera guy and a kid.
Wait, the cameraman lives?
The cameraman survived.
What do you think
they were recording?
I don't know,
but if I had to put
money on it...
I got to hand it to you,
You're good at
this project shit.
I know.
I know, you should
probably try to help.
My name is Brandon Jensen,
and this is Clay Harper.
And we are in
professor Tucker's
introduction to
world religion class.
For our final project,
we will be investigating
the ritual of exorcism.
Uh, we intend on
keeping a video blog
of all of our findings.
And we wish
to further investigate a crime
that happened 20 years ago,
which could have been linked
to an exorcism gone wrong.
Based on our
preliminary research,
we have discovered
that among the victims,
one was described
as being a cameraman
who actually
survived the massacre.
This further
strengthens our theory
that this happened
during an exorcism.
Uh, we submitted a request
to the local police department
to further review,
um, the crime scene,
and if there was a recording,
to find out
exactly what happened.
Hey, this car
is fucking shitty.
I know, dude.
What do the chicks say,
Actually, dude...
Your mom, she loved it.
She was here last night,
she was like,
"ooh! Call me
Clay's mom, yeah."
And I was like,
"do you want me
to clean that up?"
Fucker, shut the fuck up.
You are disgusting, man.
That's fucking...
You know, all jokes aside,
you'd probably be
slaying pussy left and right
if you weren't
such a fucking dork.
What's your deal, man?
I've had girlfriends, dude.
I just can't seem to find
a chick who gets me.
Aw, Brandon...
I hate you.
That's touching, man.
Why do you even ask me
an awkward question
like that?
No. I got to
ask you a question though.
Does that really prevent you
from letting them
get your dick?
You need to get laid,
my friend.
I fucking hate you.
All right, we're here, dude.
Give me the gopro,
and stop talking shit
before I smack
you in the face.
Why are we here again?
We're getting the evidence.
You coming?
Oh, you know what, man,
cops and I don't really see
eye to eye on a few things.
So, I'm going to just
chill here in the car...
I'll do all the work
like I always do. It's fine.
Well, hurry up,
because I want to go
get some food,
some tacos or something.
Hey, officer, what's up?
I called in earlier
about viewing some evidence
on a closed case.
My name
is Brandon Jensen...
Yeah, hold on one second.
Here we go.
All righty, uh...
This is for you.
Sign this,
and it's all yours.
Now, not that
it's any of
my business or anything,
but, uh,
that's a pretty old
case file.
Uh, school project,
This is great.
Thanks a lot.
Fuck! God damn it, man!
Oh! Fuck! Fuck!
God damn it!
Shit, man.
Dude, take that.
There's a tape in there.
We need to go back
to my mom's house. Cool?
Is there food?
Yes, there's food.
Then I am down.
Computer's over here. Vcr.
Pull up a chair, bro.
You've got nothing
interesting in your house.
Will you stop
playing with shit?
And here we go.
The subject,
since our last session
two days ago,
has obtained a nail file...
What the fuck was that?
Hey, man, why do you think
the tape just
cut out like that?
You do all that
video editing shit.
Why would it just cut out?
Seriously, I mean...
What are you doing?
Why are you pulling over?
I want to go there.
Okay. For the record,
I am violently
opposed to this idea.
All right,
then I'll take you back
and I'll go there myself.
Brandon, do you not see
what a terrible
fucking idea this is?
Are you serious right now?
All right.
You're fucking crazy,
you know that, right?
So, am I taking you
back to your place?
Or are you coming with?
You know, here's the thing.
I have this misled sense
of fucking moral obligation
to make sure you don't
fucking kill yourself.
I'll go. I'll go.
That's why I love you, Clay.
Jesus Christ.
That's why I love you.
we're totally lost.
No, no, no.
This is the house.
This is the house?
This is it.
Dude, this is incredible.
Can this not
be the house?
This is huge.
Did you
say incredible?
Your definition
of incredible
and my definition
of incredible
are very different, bro.
All right, Clay,
talk to the audience.
Well, audience, uh,
this day's gone great,
and it just
keeps on getting better,
as you can see.
I got this.
It's locked.
Too bad, man.
Stop. Stop.
Hold the camera.
I got this.
I'm going to try
to break this thing down.
I'm out of here.
Are you serious?
- All right, can we go now?
- No.
We got to go
check upstairs.
No, we don't.
I'm with you.
You're going to be fine.
It looks like
an elevator shaft.
What the fuck?
do we really have to go
into every single room?
Dude, there are
spikes on the walls.
you say, man.
Don't whatever me.
All right,
that was every room, right?
We haven't been
in the basement.
There is no basement.
I don't know,
I thought I saw something.
Why are there chains
hanging from the ceiling?
I don't know.
I don't know.
This whole place
is weird.
Oh, my god!
Holy shit!
What the fuck was that?
There's someone...
There's fucking
someone in here.
Let's get the fuck
out of here.
It might have been
a reflection of a light.
Reflection, my ass!
There's someone
in here, Brandon.
Relax. Relax.
Look around. Are you good?
Are you good?
Yeah, can we leave now?
We don't even know
why the fuck we're down here.
Why are you whispering?
Why are you
not whispering?
I really need to lower
my intake on thc.
I make poor choices.
Brandon, don't touch that.
What is that?
It looks like
i don't care what it is.
Let's go.
No. No, seriously.
Hold this.
Just hold it.
There's, like,
a hole in the boards.
No, seriously,
I think I see something.
Dude, there's something
back there.
Yo, give me a light.
Give me a light.
Oh, yeah.
Hold on, man, I got you.
Here you go.
A lighter? Really?
I'm keeping
the flashlight.
Brandon! Brandon!
Fuck you, man!
I'm out of here.
Hold on.
There's something in here.
Dude. Chill.
Let's get out of here.
Come on.
All right.
Jesus, Brandon.
You've gone from
dude with a little too
much time on his hands
to full-on
fucking weirdo, man.
This is bad.
That is bad shit.
For this project,
what if we could prove
that possession was real?
What if we could
factually prove
that exorcism had
some sort of real-life basis?
Where do we come from?
Is there a god?
If there is a god,
is there a devil?
If there is a devil,
do demons exist?
If demons exist,
can they somehow inhabit
or disrupt
the lives of the living?
Brandon, man,
you're a cool guy,
all right?
But how is this
supposed to work?
I mean,
after the project is over,
what are you even
going to do?
What happens to you?
I don't know, dude.
I just... I want to know
if something will happen.
Something's already
fucking happened, man.
I don't even know
what I believe anymore.
But this tape?
This tape is real.
We saw this
with our own eyes.
I don't want to
fuck with any of this.
All right?
This is why,
I, Brandon Jensen,
in correlation
with this project,
have decided
to use fundme.Com
to help raise money
with the hopes
of conjuring a demon
into my body
and scientifically documenting
the medical effects
it has on me.
I know that
this may be controversial
to some people.
But I assure you
that I am
a willing participant
and am of sound mind, and...
Just think
what this would mean
for the paranormal community
to actually
finally get respect
in the eyes
of the scientific community.
If we could get actual proof
that possession is real
and that demons are,
in fact, real.
For your $10 donation,
I will be
putting up a live stream
of this ritual
when I perform it next week
for you all to watch.
And you will
be able to see for yourself
what happens.
No parlor tricks,
no games.
Everything is
going to be real.
How'd that sound?
gettysburg address, man.
Do you think
people will donate?
You know,
the fucked up thing is,
i do.
I mean, even if you
don't agree with it,
people are gonna
want to see that shit.
Will you share it
on your Facebook?
Yeah, whatever.
I gotta roll.
See you later, man.
I know this kind of
stuff is exciting,
some of that
might even be my fault,
but you don't
understand even 1% about
what goes on with this.
This kind of stuff,
for one reason or another,
is very real
and it is very dangerous.
You can't just
mess around with things
you don't understand,
Because, guess what?
Things you don't understand
are going to happen.
As your educator,
I respectfully advise
against you
carrying forth with
this portion of the project.
I appreciate
your concern, Mr. t.
But I have to finish this.
I'm sorry.
You're a trending topic.
No, seriously, man. Look.
You and this
famous priest guy...
Samuel Hughes is saying
he's publicly
condemning you
for your
hypothetical actions,
whatever the fuck
that means.
Oh, shit, dude.
He's under the impression
that you're going to
summon the devil...
And take over the world.
Evening, friends,
neighbors, children of god.
I'm deeply troubled here.
You know,
we fight all the time
to keep the devil
out of our community.
And now, I understand
that there's a young man
over at a college,
a boy named Brandon Jensen,
who is inviting the devil
into his body,
into his heart,
into his soul, into the house
that god made for his soul.
Inside of him!
All right,
we need to hire a medium.
We need a med student, too.
Can you handle that?
Oh, I got that covered.
Check that shit out.
Check that shit out.
She's fucking perfect, man.
Look, her name
is lovely leda.
Who gives a shit, man?
Look at that fucking body.
All right. Well, message
this chick back.
Yeah, yeah...
See what she has access to,
see what we gotta buy.
My fundme page ends tonight.
Looks like we're gonna...
Jesus, fuck!
Jesus, fuck!
Oh, my god. $10,000.
Holy shit. We had
1,000 people subscribe.
Oh, my god.
I wish buying fucking pot
was as popular
as getting a $10 ticket
to watch someone
kill themselves.
Hey, you know what,
the hot girl just
messaged us, the leda girl,
and said she wanted
to meet at 5:00.
Because that means
we have time
to go get some lunch
so you stop stealing
my fucking chips, and...
Get some 420 going.
Dude, Brandon,
so this is what happens
when you worship the devil.
She is really cute.
You make 10 grand overnight,
and hot chicks just throw
their medical
nerdy knowledge at you.
Hail Satan, man!
Come on,
we should go say hi, man.
What are you
so nervous about, man?
Come on.
No, I'm not.
All right.
Uh, Brandon.
Yeah. Leda?
Yeah. Uh, that's me.
And, uh, this is Clay.
Really big help
so far with everything.
Hi, Clay. No, thank you.
Um, he told me
that you're interested
in helping us
with what we've got
going on?
We can pay you,
and any expenses you've got,
we can definitely
cover that, too.
Well, I mean, really,
I'm just going to be there
for simple tests.
We're just gonna
monitor your vitals,
keep tabs on any
personality changes,
any appearance differences,
you know, easy stuff.
I guess that's all
we can really keep
an eye on, right?
Pretty much.
So, what, are we good?
Are we doing this?
I'm in.
This will be exciting.
Oh, dude, Brandon,
they've got snacks.
All right.
Yeah, he does that.
This could get kind of scary.
Are you sure
you want to do this?
I don't know.
My parents always
encouraged me to explore
every aspect of life.
The prospect of all of this
is interesting,
to say the least.
I'm excited to see
if it happens.
Why would you
want to see it?
Why would you
want to be it?
Good point.
Okay, um...
Would you be able
to maybe get a straitjacket?
I know it sounds
sort of weird, but...
In case something
does possess me,
I want to be contained
until we can find a priest
or something
to exorcise me...
I mean,
i can probably find one.
Um, have you found
a priest yet?
Oh, about that...
The church told us
to go fuck ourselves...
...and excommunicated
our boy Brandon here.
He's so subtle.
Uh, we're just going to
have to find someone else.
Are you guys cool
with meeting up together
and going to the location,
say, 9:00,
the day after next?
Yeah, sounds good to me.
Works for me, man.
I know it's good for you.
Okay, well,
i will see you guys then.
All right.
Bye, leda.
Shit, man. Hell yeah.
Come on, let's go get
something to eat, man.
Come on.
Thanks for this.
Yeah, no problem.
Just so you know, though,
i totally
brought salt with me.
Let's go, Clay.
Wait for me, assholes.
Clay, get
the Wi-Fi hotspot set up.
In one sec.
Hey, um, I just wanted
to take your vitals
real quick.
So... nervous?
Uh, maybe a little.
It's okay.
This is all kind of
a little scary, you know,
now that we're here.
There's no
power in this house.
You do realize
what you're about to do,
I don't like this.
I'm not paying you
to like it.
we're ready to stream, man.
Good evening, everyone.
we're in the basement
of the former residence
of Tracy and Richard crowell.
Twenty years ago,
Tracy was believed
to have been possessed
by some sort of demon.
She was undergoing
a series of exorcisms
being performed by
father mark Campbell.
Unfortunately for
everyone involved,
nobody survived
except for
their young son
and an unidentified
It is my desire
to use this ouija board,
to perform a conjuring,
and see if it is
scientifically possible
to voluntarily
possess myself with a demon.
My assistants,
Clay Harper and leda Morgan,
will be monitoring me
to make sure
nothing goes wrong.
And our medium, Julie,
will be leading the ceremony.
Just put this back.
X... y...
Is anyone here with us?
If someone else is here,
please give us an answer.
Shit. I guess
that's a yes.
What's your name?
All right,
that's creepy.
What are you
doing here?
Tell me
what happened to you.
Waiting for what?
Oh, my god.
Holy shit!
Damn it.
It's waiting
for you, Brandon.
We shouldn't be here.
Where did you
get this board?
We found it in the wall.
Why does it matter?
Were there any symbols?
There was some
writing or something
on the wall, I don't know.
What does that mean?
Jesus Christ.
- We shouldn't be here.
- No shit.
I'm sorry,
I've got to get out of here.
Where are you going?
You fuckin'
kidding me?
Got to get out of here.
We paid you to stay.
- Hey!
- Oh, my god.
Yo, Brandon.
If there are any
demonic forces present...
What the fuck, dude?
I ask you to allow me
to be your host body.
Oh my god,
that was so fake.
Did you see it?
Yes, I saw.
Is it the same?
It's the same.
I'm sure of it.
Get it done.
So, it's been 12 hours
since we conducted
the conjuring,
and I don't think it worked.
There was definitely
something down there.
But whatever it was, um,
it didn't possess me.
Leda has taken my vitals
four times
in the past 12 hours,
and nothing has changed.
It's crazy
to be disappointed
that you weren't
possessed by a demon.
But something...
Something was
definitely down there.
I know people think
what they saw was fake,
It was real, so...
Checkup time.
I'm pretty sure
everything is the same.
Hey, you're not
the doctor here.
Well, technically,
neither are you.
Hey, come on now,
I've risked life and limb
to monitor a possessed man.
So, no weirdness at all?
Something strange
totally happened
down there.
Yeah, I know.
Oh, sorry.
But, of course,
everyone is accusing
us of being a fraud.
Or, at least,
that's the trending consensus
from all the fuck you's
in my inbox.
Hey, massive attention
is always going to
bring some negative thoughts
your way.
Slide your arm
through here.
Okay, so, um...
This is gonna
sound a little crazy...
after the past 24 hours,
I doubt that.
Well, I'm almost
kind of disappointed
that nothing happened.
And that...
That's insane, right?
No, it's not crazy.
You wanted to believe
that all this is real.
I mean, I get it.
And what better
proof in life
that good is real
than to experience
evil firsthand?
I don't know. I guess,
maybe I just wanted it
to happen a little, too.
So, what happens now?
What's next?
I don't know.
I, uh, don't really have
anything to go on with here.
But I definitely
have to go and patch things
up with my mom.
She did not
take the experiment
well at all.
So, uh...
Do you have to be possessed
for us to keep
seeing each other?
I don't think
that has to be the rule.
Well... uh...
This has to be continued.
I hate my life.
I, uh, have
a pretty intense exam
to study for, so...
Can I see you tomorrow?
Where's dad?
Working late.
Mom, I'm sorry.
I'm not the one
you need to apologize to.
Okay, well, who do I need
to apologize to
to make this right?
The lord.
What you did,
to try to bring
something like that
into yourself...
Why would you even
play around
with something like that?
Mom, it was an experiment,
a failed one at that,
for a school project.
It was wrong!
And not only wrong,
but you let
the whole world
see you doing it.
I love you, honey.
You're my child.
But I can't have you
in my house.
Just go.
Mom. Mom.
Just go!
Come in.
Hey, kiddo.
So, mom hates me.
She doesn't hate you,
But she is pretty upset
with what's going on.
It seems like
the whole world knows
what you tried to do.
And I'll be
honest with you, son.
I'm sure that you knew
this was going to happen.
She told me
that she didn't want me
to be in the house.
She'll cool down
in time.
She's a particular woman.
And to be known as
the mother of the kid
that tried
to possess himself,
she doesn't want that.
I think I know
why you're interested
in all this.
There are some things
that I haven't told you.
Your mother
wanted to have a baby.
And for whatever reason,
that wasn't happening.
So, we decided
to go another route.
We're not
your birth parents.
I'm not
your birth father.
How are you just now...
Now? Now telling me this?
No, you're just
saying this just to hurt me.
Brandon, I wouldn't do that.
I love you.
No, it's impossible.
I'm not adopted.
Have a seat.
You see, the circumstances
which led
to us being able
to have you
were a bit horrific.
What does that
even mean?
This priest that
you've been investigating
was killed at the exorcism
of your birth mother.
The video that
you've been watching...
I shot that.
Your mother had
nothing to do with it.
She had no idea.
I have something
you need to see.
Frank, frank, frank!
What are you doing?
Dad, I'm sorry.
I just have to leave.
What the fuck?
Brandon, we need to
slow down.
Brandon, stop.
Who is this?
Uh, my name is leda.
I'm friends with Brandon.
Where is he?
Can I talk to him?
Something has
happened with his mother.
Tell him to come home.
Okay, I can go get him.
Who were you speaking to?
Your dad called
and said that
we need to
go to your house now.
Only family allowed in.
I live here.
Who are you?
She's with me.
I'm leda Morgan,
I'm with him.
Are you immediate family?
No, but...
I need you
to wait outside.
Come in, son.
What's happening?
Have a seat.
I need to tell you
your mother's dead.
Hey, Brandon, how you doing?
I'm detective Garcia.
I just want to ask you
a couple of questions about,
you know,
what happened to her.
Does it matter? What?
Brandon, your father has
a pretty good
security system set up,
Just minutes
after you left...
Fuck this!
Brandon, wait.
Son, he's just
trying to help us.
Shut up!
Are you all right,
I'm fine.
- Officer. Brandon!
- Brandon...
Officer, grab him.
Do not let him go.
Do not let him go.
Hold him.
Just let me
talk to him...
No, no...
Just let me talk to him.
This guy is dangerous.
Officer, grab him,
do not let him go.
You need to get it together.
It's too late for that.
Officer, stop him!
Police! Freeze!
- Put your hands up!
- Freeze!
I don't know.
What do you want me
to do when I see you?
Just come down tonight.
Look, I need
you to come down tonight.
Hi, Colby.
What's happening, buddy?
Get out of my fucking face,
you fucking freak.
But I missed you.
What a psycho.
What the fuck?
I thought I told you
to stay the fuck away.
You're hurting
my feelings, Colby.
The hell
is wrong with him?
You know...
What should I do?
I really wish
we were closer.
I don't know.
I feel like
we haven't gotten
to know each other.
I don't know, he's acting...
He's acting...
But I want to change that.
You see, I love
getting to know people.
After all...
It's what's on the inside.
Shut up, Brittany.
What are you doing?
Oh, my god. Colby...
Leda. Come on.
Tell us what's happening.
Do we really
have to film this?
Can't we just go find him?
Trust me.
He would be pissed
if we didn't get
this on film.
Come on.
Fine. Um...
We're here
looking for Brandon.
Something's happened.
And it appears
that maybe
he is actually possessed.
Brandon's mother has,
just taken her own life.
And now,
Brandon is not right.
We are at the west end,
on campus,
we're at Brandon's dorm now
looking for him.
We have to find him.
We have to stop him
from doing something else,
something worse.
Hey, bro,
you got a light?
Is that him?
Stay in the car, leda.
Brandon, you okay?
Brandon. Shit.
What do we do?
What do we do?
Get him back...
Get him back to
the fucking house?
I don't know.
Jesus Christ,
get his legs or something.
We need to find someone,
like, now.
Who are we
going to find, leda?
He's awake.
Brandon, are you okay?
I have to go upload this
so we can get
some fucking help.
I should call his dad.
You need to leave.
Hey, detective,
the Vic had guts.
Where's the rest
of the stuff?
The body appears
to have been dragged.
In there.
What time did you
find the body?
Around 3:00 A.M.
a janitor found him.
Okay. Awesome.
Yeah, 9:00 P.M.
We'll be there.
Okay, thank you so much.
So, that was
the spiritualist.
He said he's willing
to perform the ritual for us.
Thank god.
But he said
it has to happen
where it originally did.
Fuck, no.
So, we just have to get him
in the car somehow.
And we just have to
go back to the house.
Leda. We cannot
o back there.
There is no way
we're going back there.
Clay, we have to
help Brandon.
He's our friend.
This is why
he wanted help
in the first place.
He's a good guy, Clay.
You know that.
So what, now we're worried
about our morals?
Fuck. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, leda.
I'm fuckin' scared.
I know.
Well, I got to make
an announcement
on the website.
I mean, people are
going to want to
see this shit.
I don't know,
that seems a little bit...
Fucked up? Yeah,
it is fucked up. I mean...
Jesus, leda,
look what he's gone...
Look what
he's gone through, leda.
Who are we to stop him?
I'm trying to
help you, man.
Yeah, this is Garcia.
I need an ip address
traced immediately.
You're the spiritualist?
I'm leda.
Thank you for coming
on such short notice.
That's... that's Brandon.
You can follow us
to the house.
All right.
Everybody ready to stream?
I'm here to help you.
I knew your mother.
Get off of me!
My rod is a thrust.
The penetration of my venom
shall shatter
the sanctity of that mind
which is barren of lust.
Memories are inflamed.
Drink up the nectar
for my eager pouch...
Hail Satan.
And as the seed
that's fallen,
so shall its
makers be sprang...
Hail Satan.
...into that reeling brain,
into helplessness,
according to my will.
In the name
of the great god, pan,
may my thoughts be marshaled
into the movements
of the flesh.
Hail Satan!
Hail Satan.
Hail Satan.
Hail Satan. Hail Satan.
Hail Satan.
Hail Satan. Hail Satan.
Hail Satan.
Hail Satan.
Continuing your work,
are we?
You are now free
to do thy work.
Hey, what are you doing?
Don't untie him!
Get back! Get back!
Brandon! Brandon,
what are you doing?
Oh, my god!
Brandon, my son!
Brandon. Brandon, stop!
Brandon! God!
Son, I'm sorry.
God forgive me!
I am not your son!
No. Brandon, no.
Brandon, no, please.
Please don't!
Jesus Christ! That's leda!
You see what you're doing?
What the fuck, man?
What's wrong with you?
Help! Help!
Help! Oh, my god...
Shut up!
Put your hands up,
god damn it! Freeze!
Hands up!
Police! Hands up!
god damn it! Freeze!
Put your hands in the air!
Hands up, god damn it!
Hands in the air!
Put your hands in the air,
Put the gun down!
What are you doing?
I'm not doing it!
Put the gun down!
I'm not doing...
Holster your weapon!
Hey... hey, Brandon.
Come on, buddy.
Let her go.
Brandon, please!
Come on,
you're just sick, man,
I can help you.
Let me help you.
Come on, Brandon.
Don't make me shoot you.
Brandon. Brandon,
don't make me shoot you!
Oh, god.