The Power (1984) Movie Script

- Tonight's lecture will focus
on the paranormal
in other cultures.
One of the richest and
most sophisticated networks
of demonology and
superstition is found
in the ancient Aztec cultures.
The Aztecs assigned religious
significance to the stars.
They believed that four
of the heavenly bodies
fell from grace with
the divine forces
and descended to
Earth as demons.
Three of the demons embodied
the destructive
forces of nature.
Fire, water and wind.
And the fourth,
known as Destacatyl,
was believed to control the
dark side of the human soul.
This is the only idol
in existence today
which is still believed
to have true power.
- It looks like a
Mexican salt shaker.
- That's very
funny, Mr. Hopkins.
As a matter of fact,
your reaction is common,
among the ignorant.
- Well, I guess
Destacatyl forgot to pay
his electric bill, huh?
- That will be all for
tonight, you are dismissed.
- Hello, Matthew.
- Hello, Francis.
I was wondering how long it
would take you to find me.
I must admit, I
admire your tenacity.
- Did you think
I'd just give up?
- No, frankly I expected
you much sooner.
- I saw what
happened to your student.
I see it's already
gotten the better of you.
- That's where you're
wrong, Francis.
You see, I've found
a way to control it.
- Don't be a fool, Matthew,
the research shows--
- I've gone further
than our research.
I know what is possible.
- You've gone too far,
you can't control it.
- Get out.
- It's too late for you.
- Get out.
- Open the door, Matthew!
Open up, Matthew!
Matthew, open this door!
If you've you got a
key, open the door.
Where is it, Matthew?
- Back.
I sent it back.
- Adios!
- Show me your power.
- Tonight at midnight.
- Midnight?
No way, Julie, I've got draft
practice in the morning.
- You promised!
Matt's gonna do it.
- You're really
gonna do it, Matt?
You're not afraid?
- Well, I don't know.
- You said you'd go.
- I did not!
I said I'd go if Tommy goes.
- You really wanna
do this, Julie?
- It's not too late to back out.
- It's all set, there's
even a full moon tonight.
Don't forget the
good luck charms.
- KHIR, Los
Angeles, I am Chad Perry.
It's a cool Thursday night
and we're in the middle of--
- Tommy, did you
finish doing your homework?
- I'm on the last chapter, Mom.
- Do you want a
ride to school tomorrow?
- I got it on my back.
- Control Center
Dad to Satellite Tommy.
- Satellite Tommy?
- I've got two tickets
to the Lakers game Saturday,
so we're all set.
- Sure, that sounds great, Dad.
- Don't forget to take
the trash out in the morning.
- I won't forget.
- This is dumb,
this is really dumb.
- Shh.
- It's not much farther.
- What's wrong with
right here, Julie?
- No, there's a better place.
- Matt, what did you do
with your flashlight?
- I broke it.
- Oh, great.
- I'm sorry.
- Come on!
- What is this place?
- Looks like they
made tombstones here.
Oh my god.
So you know somebody
who works here?
- Huh?
- You told me you knew
somebody who works here!
- Oh, I just made that up, Matt.
I knew you wouldn't
come otherwise.
- Julie!
- Tommy, light the candle.
This locket is to protect us
from any evil that
we may encounter.
It was given to me by
my great-grandmother.
Matt, what did you bring?
- Won't this work?
- I suppose it will, as long
as you believe it will work.
- I believe it.
- Tommy, what about you?
- My parents brought it
back from the trip, it's uh,
it's supposed to
bring good luck.
- We're here to communicate
with the spirit world.
We have to start
with the pointer
in the middle of the board.
Now let me ask the questions
and don't take your hands
off the pointer no
matter what happens.
We'd like to
communicate with anyone
that will communicate with us.
- What are we
supposed to do now?
- Shh!
Sometimes it takes a long time.
- You moved it!
- No.
It's a spirit.
We feel a presence here.
Make yourself known.
There's a force in this room.
- That must be a sign!
- Do you have a message
for anyone here?
- G.
- Come on, let's
get out of here.
- No, let's try again!
- Julie, it said "go,"
it wants us to go away.
- No, it wants us to keep going!
- It's getting late, my parents
are gonna notice I've gone.
- Yeah, I gotta get
home too, come on, Julie.
- Let's get outta here!
- Come on!
- We're gonna get in trouble.
- Shut up, you guys.
- For crying out loud.
Damn kids.
I don't know who's in here, but
you better get the hell out.
This is private property.
Anybody down here?
I heard you, now
come on out of there.
Oh, no.
- Let me get this straight,
a woman is mowing her lawn,
she's attacked by a bunch of
bees, now did she say how many?
- It doesn't say.
- Alright, so she must have
walked into a hive or something.
She's not gonna call the
paper for a few bees, right?
- Right.
- Alright.
How many bees in a hive,
hundreds, thousands maybe?
- Sure.
- Okay.
So, "woman attacked by
legions of killer bees."
- "Legions of killer bees."
- That's the story.
- Sandy, have you got a minute?
- Sure, Roxanne,
what do you need?
- I don't know what to
do with this bee story.
- What bee story?
- This woman was attacked
by a bunch of bees.
- Okay, how many bees?
- Marty said to say 1,000.
- Were there really 1,000 bees?
- I don't think so.
- Remember I told you, you
should always check the facts
before you go any further.
Although round here that's not
a very popular point of view.
- The prince is in.
- Oh, great, did you get
a chance to talk to him?
- Just for a second,
I didn't get very far.
- Well, wait a minute,
here's the rat boy story.
- That looks great, thanks.
- Hey, what time is Mr.
Prince's party on Sunday?
- Oh, we're supposed to be
there around three o'clock.
Is Bernie coming with you?
- Bernie's history.
- That was fast.
- Not fast enough.
- Hey listen, I have a
friend in from out of town
who'll be there,
you should meet him.
- Okay!
- Sandy!
- Jerry, hey!
- Hello.
- Hi!
- God, it's good to see you.
- Oh, it's great to
see you too, Jer.
- Look at this place, I thought
you were a starving writer?
- Oh, thanks.
Hey look, I cleaned out
that closet for you.
You can throw all
your stuff in there.
Can I get you a cup of
coffee or something?
- Oh, sure.
- Great.
- You got a beer?
- Oh, yeah, you got it.
- Hey, I got somethin' for ya.
It's from the Radcliffe Banner.
"For journalism is more than
the sex lives of celebrities
"and the scandals
of the jet set.
"Journalism is the
pursuit of truth."
Well I brought it to try and
rekindle some inspiration.
- Oh, I forgot, I gotta
give my dad a call.
I'll tell him that we'll
see him after lunch, okay?
- Uh, can we make
it a long lunch?
- So, I wanted to get
away from the books,
away from the four walls,
so that we could
open our minds up.
Now we have a few minutes left,
so is there anything anyone
would like to talk about?
Isn't there anybody
that has anything
they'd like to talk about?
Yes, Julie.
- What do you know
about the supernatural?
- What do you mean
by the supernatural?
- You know, spirits,
communicating with
the other side.
- Alright, alright, now Julie
asked a serious question,
and I think it's important
that we deal with it.
There are quite a few
people who believe
in the supernatural.
I don't happen to be
one of them, but--
- Mrs. Lawrence, isn't it
impossible to accurately
document cases dealing
with the supernatural?
Are people who put their faith
in these things in effect
making up for imbalances
in their life?
- Well, Mark, that may be
coming out a little bit strong,
but I see your point.
Oh, now listen, listen.
Don't forget we have
a quiz tomorrow.
- Hey, Julie, you don't seem
to be in good spirits, today.
- Come on, knock it off, Rick.
- Clone head.
- What'd you say, punk?
- Nothing, I didn't
say anything.
- They're the ones
that don't understand.
- Julie, maybe they're right,
I mean, what proof do we have?
- We felt it.
Didn't we?
- Anyway, if I have to
write one more story about
talking dogs or UFOs, I
think I'm gonna go crazy.
- I tell you what you should do.
Come with me to Europe.
Just quit, boom.
We'll be in London this weekend.
- Well, I wish it was that easy.
I mean, I can't just
take off and go.
I have too many
things goin' on here.
- That's not the real
reason now, is it?
- It is,
really, I can't.
- How come you never
answered that letter?
- Which one?
- The one that was on your desk.
- I didn't know
how to answer it.
- I'm sorry, I didn't wanna
make you feel uncomfortable.
- I was gonna call.
- Look, we've known
each other a long time.
And we were friends first.
And that's the most
important thing.
- Right, Jerry, that is
the most important thing.
- I was hoping
you wouldn't agree.
- Jerry--
- Yeah, no, it's um...
It was a mistake.
We both agreed it was a mistake,
it's one of those things.
One of the people likes the
other more than, oh whatever.
Um, let's get outta here.
- Okay.
You ready to see my dad?
- Does he still think I'm the
one who was stealing his mail?
- No, but he has a
million other reasons
why he doesn't like you.
Sounds like Jerry's got
great plans, doesn't it, Dad?
- Yeah, Jerry's
got lots of plans.
- Yeah, speaking of which,
I think I better get going.
- Are you sure you
don't want a ride?
- I think I'll
just take the bus.
- Oh, you can catch it
right down the street.
- Okay, thanks, Mr. McKennah.
I'll see you later, Sandy.
- Okay, Jerry.
- I'll try and stop
by before I leave.
- I can hardly wait.
- If he warms
up the Sixers are in trouble.
It's 67 to 61, Chief looks in.
Jones gives out to Banham,
dribbles right down the middle,
throws it from eight,
they'll get the rebound.
Jones has got it,
fine call by Caldwell.
Now at the baseline to Chief,
Chief's out of West Texas
State, looks for Banham.
Closing up on Wilks,
he gives it to Banham.
He's gonna turn and shoot,
he does turn and shoot.
He scores, offensive
foul, no basket.
Boy, that was a mighty
fine move by Banham.
He must have used that
left arm on Kareem in order
to get that shot off and
that's exactly what he did,
after he put Wilks in
the popcorn machine.
67 to 61, the Lakers lead as
Magic coming in the front door.
Magic in a thrill-packed
encounter here between the East
and the West, Magic down
the middle, Magic turns,
sees short, rebound is
off, Kareem has got it back
accidentally from Masterson,
Kareem with the dribble.
He loads to Magic,
Kareem's all wound up.
Magic hookshot his
six is no good.
He makes this place explode.
- It's just that it's
so hard to believe.
Are you sure you
weren't dreaming?
- I wasn't dreaming, Matt.
- What did you do with it?
- I hid it.
- Are you alright?
- I think so.
Thanks for coming over.
- What did you wanna
tell us, Julie?
- I didn't wanna talk to you
guys about this on the phone.
I picked this up tonight.
- What is it?
- You're not gonna believe this.
Page two.
- Hello.
- Is this the
McKennah residence?
- Yeah, this is Sandy McKennahs.
- Is Sandy there?
- No, she's not in right now.
Can I take a message?
- Yes, I was
calling about a story
in the Prince Eye Witness.
- Uh, yeah, wait a
minute, just a minute.
- It's really important,
you see, I was with two--
- Yeah, slow down, slow down.
- Do you know
about that article
on the guard that was killed?
- Yeah, that's uh...
Yeah, I know that article,
I know the one on page two.
- Yes, that's it.
- Right.
- We were at
the cemetery that night.
- Okay, it was the three of you.
Wait a minute, you were
there when this happened?
- We were
there right before it,
and we'd really like to
talk with Sandy about it.
- Okay yeah I'm sure Sandy would
be very interested in this.
Okay, why don't you
give me some details?
- Well, we went
there with a ouija board.
- Really?
- Yeah, you
see, were trying to...
- Jerry, it's Sunday.
- It'll just take a few minutes.
I mean, look, I thought
you might be interested.
You know, like a
follow-up story?
- Do you know how
many people come to me
with stories just like this?
- No, this is different.
I mean, they sounded
really legitimate to me.
- Right, little trinkets
that kill people.
I mean, how legitimate
does that sound?
- I don't know, this
is your business.
I'm just trying to help.
- Five minutes, that's it.
We have to get back and
get ready for the party.
I told Roxanne
you were handsome,
so you'll need plenty
of time to get ready.
- Sandy.
These are the people I
was telling you about.
It's Julie, Tommy and Matt.
- Hi.
- This is Sandy McKennah.
- Nice to meet you.
Why don't you have a seat?
- Thank you very much for
taking the time to talk to us.
We really didn't wanna
go to the police.
We wanted to see you first.
- This is an amazing story,
like it told you before,
they were there the night
the guard was killed.
- You want me
to cover your story
for the Eye Witness?
- No, we don't want
it in the paper.
- Well, then I really don't
understand how I can help you.
- We read the Eye
Witness every week,
and we always make it a
point to read your stories.
And you say that you talk
to experts all the time
about things like this.
- But you weren't
actually there when it happened,
were you?
- We were there right
before it happened.
But we do know what caused it.
- Right, it was some kind
of jewelry or something?
- No, it was an idol.
Did you bring it
with you, Julie?
- Sure, I'll go get it.
- Okay, now one of
you had some kind of
experience at your house?
Why don't you tell me about it?
- This is really gonna sound strange.
But like I was
telling Jerry, uh,
I was in my room and I
had that thing with me.
And it started
acting like a magnet.
- Um, excuse me.
Make sure you tell her the
part about the speaker, okay?
- Things were attracted
to it, I mean,
things were sticking to it.
- So that's it, huh?
- Do you think
Sandy will help us?
- Yeah, I do.
We talked about it
before you guys came over
and she is really
receptive to the idea.
The problem is, she's a
little busy right now.
So we decided that I'd take
care of the basic groundwork.
I've already got some ideas.
- Well, whatever
you think is best.
- Okay, um, can I
take a look at it?
But right now let's just keep
this between you and me, okay?
- Yeah, alright.
- Okay.
- Well, it sounds
like you've all had
an incredible experience.
But see, the paper
doesn't really have
any connections with experts.
I really appreciate you bringing
all of this to my attention
but I just don't see
how I can help you.
- It's alright, we understand.
- Bye bye.
- Bye bye.
So what did you think?
- It's about what I expected.
Look, I've heard the
same kind of thing
in a million different ways.
They're nice kids, Jerry.
Maybe they just
want some attention.
- So nothin', huh?
- We're gonna be
late for the party.
Why don't you get the car?
- Okay.
- I'll meet you out front!
- Thank you, Carmine.
- That is fascinating.
I would love to do
a story about it.
- No, we don't want
it in the paper.
Oh hi, Sandy.
What we wanna do is just get
to the bottom of this thing.
Find out exactly what it is.
- I understand.
- Jerry, what are you
doing with that thing?
- I'm just telling
Roxanne the story.
- I thought I made
myself clear, Jer.
I don't wanna have
anything to do with that.
- I haven't asked you to.
I know how kinda
skeptic you are.
- Uh, listen, I see
somebody I know.
I'll see you
tomorrow night, okay?
- Yeah, okay.
- Alright, how'd you
wind up with that?
- The kid gave it to me.
I told her I'd look
into it for her.
- Jerry, I think this is
the biggest waste of time.
You're getting yourself--
- It's okay, it's my time.
- Fine.
Do whatever you want, Jer.
- No, I'm not gonna be able
to go, something came up here.
Look, I'm the one who wanted
to go in the first place.
It's just something came up
here, I gotta follow it through.
No, no, it's too involved
to go into over the phone.
Look, it's nothin'
like that, it's just,
see, I found this thing and
it's this relic or something,
these kids ran into it.
I don't know what it's
worth, Gary, I don't care.
I've been readin'
about this thing.
I think I'm really
onto somethin'.
Look, I gotta go now,
okay, I'll tell you
about the whole thing when
I get to London, alright?
Okay, bye.
- Sandy, this is Ron.
I'm still waiting for material
for page two tomorrow.
I don't care what it is, make
something up if you have to.
But I want it on my desk
first thing in the morning.
- Jesus, Jerry.
- Jesus, what the hell happened?
Hey, are you alright?
- Did you see anybody
on your way up here?
- No.
- Somebody must have broke--
- Shh, shh.
- Oh my god.
- Everything in here
is still locked.
Where were you when
all this happened?
- I was in bed asleep.
I thought I heard
something, so I got up.
At first I thought it was you.
- You didn't see anything?
- I told
you, I was asleep!
I had this horrible nightmare.
- How do you think they got in?
- I don't know, Jerry.
I don't know.
I guess I have to
call the police.
You know, they told me when
I moved into this place
that this was a
safe neighborhood.
Think I'm gonna have to call
my insurance company tomorrow.
- I don't think your
insurance will cover this.
Nobody broke in here.
- What?
- Nobody broke in.
I mean, your purse,
there's still money in it,
there's a fork
stuck in the wall,
and your phone
machine is melted.
Nobody broke in here.
- Right, Jerry,
what do you think,
I just decided to go
berserk in my own apartment?
Jerry, what are you looking for?
- What's that kid's number?
- Who?
- Julie, what's-her-name.
- Jerry, just stop, okay?
Would you please just stop
trying to play detective
and maybe give me a hand here?
I mean, what do you
think that the girl
had something to do with this?
- Yeah, I do!
Look, don't you think
it's a coincidence,
just a little weird?
Okay, the kid comes to you
with this thing after his room
comes apart, now it's here
and look at this place!
This is no burglary,
nobody broke in here.
- I've had it with you, Jerry.
I mean it, I'm just so
sick of your bullshit.
Now you're seein'
ghosts everywhere and
talkin' about that
stupid clay thing!
Jerry, this is
exactly why things
never worked out between us.
- Fuck you.
- Sandy.
Mr. Prince wants to see you
in his office right away.
- Thanks, Roxanne.
- Sandy, I'm glad you're here.
- What's going on here?
- Go ahead, Marty.
- "Beautiful young reporter
is true eye-witness
"to ancient curse."
"Ravishing reporter
is naked in shower,
"as midnight phantom
wreaks havoc."
- Needs a little work,
what do you think?
- Look, you know it
wasn't a burglary.
- That's not the point,
you embarrassed me.
It goes beyond embarrassment.
You made a fool
out of me in there.
- I wouldn't have happened
if you'd helped me
in the first place.
- I told you in the
beginning that I didn't wanna
get involved, you knew
how I felt about it.
- You know, I remember a
time when Sandy McKennah
would have jumped at
a story like this.
- Not like this, Jerry,
believe me, I've chased down
too many crackpot stories to
get excited about this one.
- Yeah and I think that's
your problem, you've become
so closed-minded, you won't
give anything half a chance.
- This thing has really become
an obsession with you, Jer.
You know, I remember a few
times when your open mind
got you into trouble and
this is the same thing.
It's just another dead-end
for you to waste your time on
and that's fine, but
leave me out of it.
I have more important
things to do.
- Oh my god.
- Shit!
Where did you put it?
- No, it's Julie, is this Jerry?
Listen, I've found something
out about the idol.
- Do you have it?
- No, that's why I called!
We have to get rid of it, it
says here it works its power
through the people that have it.
We have to tell Sandy!
Jerry, are you there?
Did you hear what I said?
Jerry, hello?
Jerry, are you there?
- Destacatyl?
Oh, you must be very old.
You must know everything.
I wonder where your
power comes from.
Do you have any real power?
They're all afraid, except me.
But I've never seen your power.
Show me.
Knock it off the desk.
Take this.
Or this.
Look, you took this room apart.
Put it back the way it was.
Then maybe it's true.
Maybe you can't do
anything by yourself.
You need somebody.
You need me.
- We can't do it
now, it's too late.
- We have to.
- Julie, why can't it
wait till the morning?
- Fine, if you don't want
to, then I'll go by myself.
- Come on.
- Hi, Jerry.
I guess I'm early.
Are you ready yet?
I tried to call you but
I guess no one was home.
Oh my god.
What happened here?
You guys had a party
without me, didn't you?
What happened to your hand?
Are you alright?
You better let me
take care of that.
This place is a mess.
- Did you bring your car?
- Yeah,
we'll take my car.
- Where are the keys?
- What?
Let me take care
of your hand first.
- Where are the car keys?
- I'll be there in a second.
- Give me the keys.
- What do you want my keys for?
- I gotta have your car.
- Jerry, I'm sorry but
nobody drives my car but me.
- Give me the god-damn car keys.
- Jerry, you're hurting my hand.
Jerry, what are you doing?
Jerry, don't!
Stop it!
- Hello, Prince Eye Witness.
- Sandy.
- Hello?
- Sandra.
- Dad?
- Come home.
- Dad?
- Is anybody home?
- We can't go in there.
- You can stay here
if you want, Matt.
- Come on, let's go.
- Just hurry up.
- Hey, you guys!
There's a note here, it says
she's at her father's house!
- She's probably got
the address in here.
- Should we go in here?
- No, here
it is, let's go.
- Dad?
- Sandy.
- Jerry, what are
you doing here?
What happened to my
father, is he here?
- I'm glad you're here.
- Why? What's happened?
Jerry, what is going on?
- Everything's alright now.
I don't want you to be alarmed.
They took your father
away about 20 minutes ago.
- Who did?
What happened?
- The ambulance.
He was having trouble breathing.
- Where
did they take him?
- The nearest hospital was full,
they didn't know
where they'd take him.
They said they'd
call when they knew.
- Oh my god.
Oh, he called me at work and
I just rushed right over here.
- I tried to call you at work.
- Jerry, what are
you doing here?
- You should have taken
better care of him.
He was all alone here.
- What?
- Since your mom died, things
have been tough on him.
He was tellin' me all about it.
- Jerry, I don't know
what your problem is.
- You're all he had.
If you had your way,
he'd be dead by now.
- Yes, I need the paramedics,
please, this is an emergency.
Santa Monica.
Yeah, this is 7735
Birmingham Road.
Look, please hurry, I just
need some information.
I've had enough of this, Jerry!
Jerry, where the hell are you?
God damnit, Jerry, talk to me!
What is wrong with you?
You'd better start explaining
what is going on here.
Are you listening to me?
God damnit, Jerry, I wanna
know where my father is
and I wanna know now.
- Sandy!
I lied.
- I'm leaving.
- Sandy!
Help me.
I've never been
so confused, I...
I'm sorry.
I've lost control.
I don't know what
I'm doing anymore.
I'm scared.
Please don't leave me.
I mean, don't make me
face this thing alone.
I need you now more
than I ever have.
I found something.
And it's, it's strange.
And it's powerful.
And it's real.
And you don't understand
just how real it is.
You don't have any idea.
Do you wanna see?
I'll show you.
It doesn't hurt.
See, this gives me power.
And you wanted to
take it away from me.
- Jerry.
I wanna help you,
I'm your friend.
Let me see it, Jer.
Can I touch it?
Let me have it.
Give it to me, Jer.
Jerry, give it to me!
- Your father.
Go look in your bedroom.
- Oh, god.
- Shh, come on.
- Sandy?
Sandy McKennah?
- What are you doing here?
- Jerry.
We were looking for Sandy.
- Sandy.
She's back in her bedroom,
she's not feeling well.
I think you'd better leave.
- Go, Matt, come on!
- Hey, wait!
Hurry up, come on!
- No, Matt, it's
gonna be too late.
We've gotta go
back and get Julie.
- We'll try and get
help, there's nothing
else we could do!
- It's gonna be
too late, come on!
- Look!
- Matt.
Come here, help me with this.
- What're we gonna do
when we get in there?
- Just shut up, we gotta find
Julie and get her outta here.
- What're we gonna do now?
- There's gotta be a way inside.
- You want the idol?
You can't have it.
- I came here to tell
what I found out.
- I know what you found out,
and that's why you
came here to get it.
Sandy tried to take
this away from me.
She thinks I'm going insane.
Stupid bitch.
- Where's Sandy now?
- Doesn't matter.
Don't you understand?
I have the power now,
and there's nothin' anyone
can do to take it away.
You're afraid, aren't you?
Aren't you?
You think you
understand this thing.
You don't.
You don't have a clue.
I know what you're thinking.
You want the power,
but you're afraid.
You think it's evil.
Well that's the only
power in this world.
And only those people who
can control that power
can avoid being destroyed by it.
- What are you gonna do now?
- The power needed
someone like me.
Someone to control it,
I control the power now.
- Please let me go.
- I can't do that.
- Come on.
Here, I got a match.
Let's get out of here!
- Come on,
let's get out of here!
Help me pull it!
- Pull it open!
Oh, god.
- We can get out the window.
Block the door with something.
- Wait, listen.
- Give it to me!
- No, don't!
Don't give it to him, no!
- Give me the idol.
Give it to me!
- No, don't!
- I have to.
- No, you can't!
Don't, Sandy!
- Let her go!
- No!
- Come on, let's
get out of here!
- What? Can't you
see what's happening?
I need something heavier!
- Come, get this!
He's coming through the door!
- Goodnight.
- I didn't mean to frighten you.
- I'm sorry, the
library's closed.
- I know.
I'm Francis Lott.
I've tried to see you.
You're Julie Robinson?
- Yes.
- I wanted to talk to
you about something.
You're mentioned quite a bit
in Sandy McKennah's book.
- My name's not in that book.
- I know.
It's been very
hard locating you.
- What do you want?
- Could I talk to you about
some experiences you've had?
The things that are in here.
- I'm sorry, the library's
closed, I have to lock up.
- I, too, have had
many experiences.
I still bear the mark of my
encounter with Destacatyl.
There are many things
I wanna tell you about,
things I think
would interest you.
There must be more
to your story, too!
Maybe we could talk.
- Look, Mr. Lott, everything
that happened to me
is in that book, there's
nothing more I can tell you.
- But the power can
never be destroyed.
I think you know that.
- Goodnight.
- Miss Robinson.
I'm sorry I upset you.
I think I know what
you've been through.
Miss Robinson,
please, don't cry.