The Preacher's Daughter (2012) Movie Script

Jesus said to his disciples
"This is my body...
Do this in remembrance of me."
Hey... You okay in there?
Hey, ass hole!
You let me in there!
Hello... let me in!
Open this God damn door right
now, or I'm gonna kick it down!
I had no choice.
Dude, she's trippin' bad.
Ok, Babe, bath time's over.
- No! Don't touch me!
- I'm not going to hurt you.
Get off of me! Stop it!
Put me down!
of me, you ass holes!
Stop it!
Put me down! Let me go.
Please stop! You're hurting me!
Stop it! Stop!
This'll make it
stop hurting. Okay?
Get off!
I promise. No more pain.
Shh... no more pain.
This little light of mine...
I'm gonna let it shine...
let it shine...
shine, shine...
let it shine...
That'll be 62.03.
That fucking...
Uh, my money seems to have
mysteriously disappeared.
You wanna put something back?
Yeah, um...
I guess the toilet paper.
We're going to some
party off Montrose,
but we can come by later.
No shit?
God damn it, Zane!
Will you slow down?
Let me just call you
back later, alright?
You mind not fuckin' yelling at me
when I'm on the fucking phone?
D'you mind not driving
ninety over potholes so
I can do my make-up without
poking my eye out? Jesus!
What the fuck? No, this can not
be fucking happening right now.
- What?
- Fuck. This cannot be happening!
- Zane, you don't have anything in here
do you? - Be cool. OK?
Keep your fucking mouth shut!
License and insurance, please.
There a problem, officer?
There will be if you don't hand
over your license and insurance.
Do you know why I stopped
you tonight, Mr. Richter?
No. Not a clue.
I clocked you going over fifty.
Well, the speed limit's
forty five, man. Come on.
Try thirty five.
Look, my girlfriend and I got in a fight.\
I probably missed the sign. C'mon.
It's late, dude.
Just wait here a minute, please.
Ass hole.
Unit 412...
- Get in the car.
- I can get in the car myself!
Get in the car!
Fuck you!
Yup, looks like we
got something here.
Oh, Jesus...
Yep. Now'd be a real good
time to start praying.
White Residence.
I, um...
...I didn't know who else to call.
Hannah... where are you?
Are you all right?
I'm, um...
Just tell me where you are.
I'll come and get you.
Just tell me where you are.
Hannah White!
Let's go.
Dad's here to get you.
Hey, Barbie.
See if your old man'll
bail us out, too.
Tell him we'll make
it worth his while.
Shut your mouth!
Thanks for coming.
I didn't know about the drugs. I swear.
Shhh... It's all right.
Gonna be all right.
Um, I'll get you a blanket.
Thank you.
So. We have good news and bad news.
The bad news is the police found
enough drugs in your vehicle
to charge you and your
boyfriend with intent to sell.
- It wasn't mine...
- Let me finish.
I just talked to the D-A's office; they are
willing to reduce the charge to possession
if you agree to testify against Zane.
Ok, what's the good news?
That was the good news.
I'm not testifying against Zane.
The man is a drug dealer!
With two priors. Odds are, he's
going to jail for a long while.
There's no reason you
should have to go with him.
Okay. We have one other option.
And that's we can try
and convince the judge
you didn't have any knowledge
the drugs were in the vehicle.
It's not going to be an easy sell,
especially since you lived with the guy.
But, since this is your first offense,
you'll possibly get deferred adjudication.
Uh, layman's?
She'll get off.
Providing that she stays out
of trouble the next six weeks.
And there will be a fine.
Ok, well, what if I
don't have the money?
Then you'll go to jail.
I'll pay the fine,
on one condition.
You come home...
...I knew this was coming.
Actually, that could
work in your favor.
The judge is more likely to be lenient...
...if he knows you'll be living
in a stable environment.
Fine. Whatever.
As long as I don't have to testify.
disappeared to another land!
Squandered his inheritance!
Lain with prostitutes...
You uh, need to call anybody?
Let them know you're leaving town?
Job? No one?
How do you support yourself?
I sing in Zane's band.
At least you're getting some use
out of all those voice lessons.
# This is my story, this is my song... #
# Praising my Savior all the day long. #
# This is my story, this is my song. #
# Praising my Savior all the day long. #
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
Let us pray.
Heavenly Father, we thank you
for this beautiful day,
and for all these people who
have gathered in your house to worship you.
I ask that you be with me today,
Heavenly Father, as I deliver your words.
Let them fill our hearts and minds with
the spiritual nourishment we need to be
more perfect servants for you.
In Jesus' name we pray...
- Good sermon.
- Thank you.
- Sir, good to see you.
- Always a pleasure.
Good sermon, Daddy.
Thank you, Sweetheart.
You ready for voice lessons tonight?
When do you think she'll be ready
to get up and sing for us?
I don't know...
that depends on Hannah.
Look at the freak.
Now, Caleb, that's
not very Christian.
The poor girl's been through a lot living
with that so... called mother of hers.
Who is she?
That's Brother Tate's daughter Rachel.
It looks like she's
going to be staying with...
...them for a while, so she
may need a new friend.
You want me to be her friend?
It's our job to reach
out to people in need.
It looks like she could use a positive
influence in her life right about now.
Just as long as you don't
let her influence you.
# We're stuck in this place
We don't want to look back #
# at our lives and
find out they were waste #
# It's time to follow our dreams #
# Take a good look around
Can this be all there is? #
# I don't wanna get stuck like my... #
I don't remember seeing
that one in the hymnal.
It's a little something I wrote
back when I wanted to be a rock star.
You wanted to be a rock star?
Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me.
You ready to get started?
So. When you sing, always breathe
from your diaphragm. Ready? Let's go.
My what?
Your diaphragm.
Ok. Focus your breathing
where my hand is.
Breathe in...
And out...
Breathe in...
Breathe out.
Ok, try that singing.
# la la la la... #
I'm sorry.
No no no... it's all right.
It was good.
Don't worry about it. It takes time
to learn how to breathe correctly.
You're doin' good.
Youll get the hang of it.
C'mon. Let's try something else.
Now don't get me wrong, I love the
traditional hymns. They're great and all.
But if we are going to grow as a church,
we got to liven things up a little.
We got to bring in more upbeat music...
draw in a younger crowd on Sunday mornings.
Well good luck with that.
Dad's pretty old fashioned
about those kinds of things.
Which is precisely why I'm glad
you're taking these lessons.
Because he won't mind so much
if it's you up there singing.
That'n... well...
Kids are more likely to relate to you
than an old fogie like me.
You're not that old.
Feel like I am.
I just, I don't know...
about getting up there and singing
in front of all those people.
What if I forget the words or something?
Yeah, you might.
I'm not going to lie to you.
It's scary the first time.
But, the more you do
it, the easier it gets.
Same as anything.
Hey, look at me.
God gave you that beautiful
voice for a reason.
Don't waste his gift by
not sharing it with others.
Looks like someone's
got their eye on you.
Jeremy? Yeah, right.
Oh, I don't know. He seemed
pretty interested to me.
Even if he were, it doesn't matter.
I'm not allowed to go out with guys.
I guess I'd better
get you home then, huh.
Now, Calvin, stop that.
You know she don't eat meat.
You don't?
She's a vegetarian.
You don't know what you're missing.
Lanette here makes the best
chicken fried steak this side of paradise.
Oh, come on...
Rachel, have you started
back to school yet?
Yeah, today.
She had to get a shot.
Shut up.
What for?
Her mother wasn't very good about
keeping up with her health records.
Y'know, I'll tell you, schools today are
so full of bureaucracy and so devoid of God.
That's why we home school.
No politician is going to tell
us how to raise our children.
So what would two to
the power of three be?
Now try the next one
on your own.
Thank you.
It's Rachel, right?
Uh, Hannah.
We had dinner last night...
So, um, are you headed home?
Where else?
Cool. Me too.
Your dad lets you smoke?
Never asked.
My parents would totally kill me.
Not like it's a sin or anything.
Tell that to my dad.
Where exactly in the Bible
does it say smoking is a sin?
Well, it says that
your body is a temple,
and anything you do that's bad
for it is considered a sin.
You mean like eating steroid
overdosed cows deep fried in lard?
That a really cool camera.
Are you in photography
class or something?
What photography class?
They don't teach it here.
There's not enough
money in the budget.
Course there's plenty of
money for the football and... teams to get brand
new uniforms every year.
Such bullshit.
At least you get to go to school.
You don't like being home schooled?
It's okay, I guess.
I don't gotta get up
every morning and
worry about my hair, or what
I'm going to wear, but...
I miss out on other things.
Like homecoming, or dances.
Not that my parents would let me go
to a dance even if I were in school...
They did seem a little overly protective.
A little?
Try no make-up, no dancing,
no listening to secular music...
Man, I don't knowwhat's worse.
Parents who are too fucking strict
or parents who couldn't give a shit.
# Take a while and take a bow
And let yourself down slow #
# Gather up your memories
Hold on to what you know #
# And everything's been
movin' way too fast #
# If I'd be you,
Found something that would last #
# In the past #
# So if you find it in your mind
You're putting up your guard #
# Trust me when I say it's not
Supposed to be this hard #
# To fall again in air
Don't feel so fast #
# And every single fear... #
# Every single fear...
Will pass #
I can't believe you're home!
Caleb? Oh my God,
look how big you are!
It's amazing how much a person
can change in four years.
Are you hungry?
I've some roast left over from last night.
I could make you a sandwich.
I'm fine.
Brought you some fresh linens.
I have to go to the grocery store later, is
there anything you need me to get for you?
You sure you don't want
something to eat?
No, um, I'm actually pretty
tired from the drive, so
I think I'm just going
to take a nap.
Okay, then.
Okay, Mom, you're making me cry.
I'm just so glad you're home.
Is your back bothering you again?
Long drive.
How was she on the way up?
She didn't say much.
Smoked like a chimney.
You think she's telling
the truth about the drugs?
She was living with
the guy, Maxine.
I'm going to go lay down.
Remember your breathing.
Keep your back straight.
Project your voice...
I can't do this.
Yes, you can.
You just gotta relax.
That's all you gotta do.
All right?
Now listen to me, okay?
This is real simple.
But you cannot sing correctly if your
shoulders are up like this.
All right?
The key to singing is to allow
the air to flow unobstructed
from your lungs, through
your windpipe and out.
That's it. Okay?
Okay now, open your mouth.
There you go. Wider.
Good. Good good good.
Now relax these shoulders...
Nice. Okay, Keep them straight...
Relax the arms,
relax the back.
Good. Okay, now, breathe in
with your diaphragm...
Yeah, that's it. Okay.
And out...
And in... and out...
One more time, breathe in...
Now sing.
# You're the Glory of my longing #
# The Glory of my tears #
There you go.
# The Glory of my loneliness
That seemed to last for years #
# The Glory of my struggle#
# You're the Glory of my longing #
# The Glory of my tears #
# The Glory of my loneliness
That seemed to last for years #
# The Glory of my struggle
To be who I have to be #
# The good that came
From everything #
# That seemed to hard on me
The happy ending #
# To my story #
# You're the Glory #
# You are the Glory #
- Just like an angel...
- Thank you.
- Hey.
- Hi.
That was... I mean, I didn't
even know you could sing.
I messed up, like, three times.
I never noticed.
I heard about your scholarship to A and M.
That's really awesome.
Thanks. Where you going?
B- U. It's where my
parents went, so...
Thank you so much, Sir.
A pleasure, always.
Thank you very much.
Appreciate it.
Hi. How are you?
Listen, a bunch of us are
meeting up at the lake this afternoon.
You should come hang out.
Uh, I don't know if I can...
Um, yeah, if you can...
Yeah, that'd be cool.
Well, let me know.
I noticed the Reeds
weren't there again.
Yeah, they put Jake on nights.
- Dad?
- Hm?
Some of the kids from church are
going over to the lake this afternoon,
and they wanted to see if I could go.
Which kids?
Just Jeremy and them.
And I was going to see if
Rachel wanted to come, too.
I don't think that's
such a good idea.
I've heard stories about what
some of the kids do out there.
I'm not going to do anything.
We know, Sweetheart.
But that doesn't mean we
want you around it either.
- But...
- The answer is 'no'.
I found that duet
I told you about...
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
Nothing. It's...
I got invited to go to a party
and my dad won't let me go.
Oh. I'm sure he's just trying
to protect you. It's no big deal.
He can't protect me forever.
I'm almost eighteen and I'm
going to be moving off to college soon.
But, he still
treats like I'm two.
Oh, I think your dad knows
exactly how old you are.
And how beautiful.
Hm? Hm?
That's better.
So who invited you to the party?
Huh? Who was it?
Was it Jeremy?
Yeah, I told you he
had an eye for you.
He has a girlfriend.
So? Doesn't mean he's blind.
Heck, if I were his age...
you'd have an eye for me?
What am I doing?
I'm sorry.
Hannah, I uh...
It's okay.
I won't tell anyone.
We better go.
What a fucking hypocrite!
He is not. He just got
caught up in a moment of weakness.
He promised it
wouldn't happen again.
What if it does?
It won't.
But what if...?
So what if...?
Then what will you do?
I don't know.
You want him to.
I do not!
Yeah, you do.
No, I don't.
You're so full of shit.
No, you are. No, you are.
No, you are. No, you are.
No, you are...
Where'd all this food come from?
The ladies from church brought
it, to welcome Hannah home.
Wasn't that nice?
All that's missing
is the fatted calf.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for this food
we are about to receive to our bodies...
We thank you Heavenly Father
for having our family back together again.
You mind?
How many of them things
do you smoke a day?
Still my conscience.
I'm also still your pastor.
If there's anything you
need to talk about...
See, that's the problems
with being a preacher's kid.
You can't confide your secrets to your
pastor without your dad finding out.
Well, if you can't talk
to me, then go to God.
He is always there.
Yeah, y'know, God and I aren't really on
speaking terms right now.
Maybe that's why you're having
so many problems...
Dad, look...
I didn't come to get saved.
You weren't expecting a revival
on the first night, were you?
I'm wasn't expecting anything.
I'm just trying to help her.
As her father or her minister?
I am who I am, Maxine.
I can't just turn the
preacher off and on.
You can with me.
That's different.
Maybe we should consider
having her see a psychiatrist.
[CHUCKLES] They are nothing
but drug pushers with prescription pads.
They'll convince her
that it's our fault that...
...she's so messed up. Make
her hate us even more.
You know she doesn't hate us.
She just needs some time to adjust.
And willingness.
Baptism is a symbol of rebirth...
it's the purification of our souls through
the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.
But more than a symbol, it is
a real commitment to Christ,
witnessed by God,
and this community.
Sister Carol.
Have you accepted Jesus Christ
as your Lord and Savior?
Yes. I have.
Then just as Jesus was baptized
in the River Jordan.
I baptize you now,
with your declaration of public faith,
in the name of the Father.
And the Son.
And the Holy Spirit.
So, you play the piano, too?
No. Not really.
I took lessons when I was a kid,...
...but I only learned one song
before I got tired of playing.
That's too bad.
You could have been quite the musician.
Maybe you could teach me again.
Hannah, there's something
we need to talk about.
I think we should perhaps take a break
from music lessons for a while.
Is it because of what
happened the other night?
I told you I wouldn't tell anyone.
It never should have
happened to begin with.
It's not your fault.
Ok, I take full responsibility
for what happened.
Lily and I, we're just having
some issues right now...
it's got nothing to do with you.
Just stuff.
We... I just...
Got caught up in
a moment of weakness.
No. No, not just a moment.
Every time I'm with you...
I forget who I am.
Who I'm supposed to be.
Maybe I want to forget.
No, it's just...
What if someone comes in...?
# Cover me with your hand of mercy #
# Who said Heaven's a place? #
# Shelter me in the shadow of your wings #
# Reach me with your arm of praise #
# Cover me with your songs of freedom #
# You'll form the universe #
# Revive me with your words of wisdom #
# See me with your eyes of peace #
# Giver of mercy #
# Be my refuge #
# King of compassion #
# Be my peace #
# Hearing songbirds #
# Be my comfort #
# Lord of creation #
# Console me with your light of kindness #
# Through the fire, the ocean rage #
# Restore me to my home... #
Youll be fine.
TV; Thousands of pro-choice
advocates flooded the streets
I tell you, this country is
going to hell in a hand basket.
Whoa, whoa whoa young lady!
Come on down here a minute.
Got your lessons done for tomorrow?
Yeah, well, I was just
heading up to finish them.
How was your lesson with Neal?
Work on anything new?
Um, yeah.
A duet.
I can't begin to tell you
how happy it makes me,
seeing my little girl
up there singing for the Lord.
She's not a little
girl anymore, Daddy.
She will always be my little girl.
Even when she's an old granny.
Isn't that right, Hannah Bear?
It's just sex.
It's just sex?
That's, like, the worst thing
I could possibly ever do!
No, it's is not.
How do you think you got here?
You know what I mean.
What. Because he's married?
You know what he told me?
He said that...
he and Lilly haven't...
you know... since before
the twins were born.
They don't even
share a bed anymore.
Well, shit, if I'd popped out four of his
pups, I wouldn't let him near me. Either.
Wait... You don't think
that I could be...?
I don't know.
Did he, you know?
You've got to be kidding me.
Hasn't anyone told
you anything about sex?
Just that it's a sin to do
it before you're married.
Maybe you should ask Neal.
What?! No way!
Why not?
I'd be too embarrassed.
You wouldn't understand.
I'm not as experienced as you are, okay?
Technically, you are more
experienced than me.
You're saying that
you've never...
Then how do you know
so much about it?
Just because I know about sex
doesn't mean I've done it.
I guess sex ed wasn't part of
your home school curriculum.
Are you kidding?
That's why I'm home schooled.
Wait. You are telling me that
your parents home schooled you
all this time to
keep you out of sex ed,
and then you end up learning about it
on the Sunday School room floor?
It's not funny.
[LAUGHS] I'm sorry.
You're right.
It's not...
I brought you some breakfast.
You sure you don't want
to come to church with us?
There's a lot of people
who'd love to see you...
I'm sure.
Morning, Neal.
- Morning.
- Any messages?
Thank you.
Well, how's Hannah?
Hardly been out of her
room since she got here.
I don't know what's
wrong with her.
Whatever it is, she's
not telling me about it.
Well, you let me know if
there's anything I can do to help.
I appreciate that.
Be all for you?
Uh, pack of lights, please.
That'll be 8.32.
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
I'm sorry...
My goodness, I almost
didn't even recognize you!
I heard you were back home.
You did? How?
Same way I hear all
the town's gossip.
The prayer chain.
Great. Might as well announce it
from the pulpit while he's at it.
I'll tell Rachel that I ran into you.
You know. She's back at school in New
York now, she's about to graduate...
- Yeah, um, I have to go.
- Take care...
Don't be a stranger...
Wow, Rach, these are amazing.
You'll definitely be able to get
into a good art school with these.
Well, that'd be cool.
Who's this?
My mom.
You look like her.
You think?
How come you don't
live with her anymore?
She decided to move
in with this guy,
I guess he didn't think it was
too cool having a teenager around.
But you're her daughter.
How could she just
leave you like that?
People leave their
kids all the time.
Not all the time.
So, what are you
going to major in?
Music probably.
Neal thinks I'd make a good
choir teacher or something like that.
Is that what you want?
It'll make my parents happy.
I think Neal's worried about me going
off to college and meeting some guy
and forgettin' all about him.
Well, at least you'd be able to
go out in public together.
Neal and I go out.
The other night he
took me down to the lake.
It was really nice.
I bet you didn't even
get out of the car.
We didn't need to.
We could see the sunset
over the lake through the windshield.
You have such a dirty mind.
Who's this?
That's some girl from
our old apartments.
She asked me to take
some photos of her so...
...she could send them to some
modeling agency or some shit.
Got a cigarette?
Mind if we bum a cigarette?
Oh. Yeah.
You new around here or what?
Um. No.
Hey, there's a party
tonight at the lake.
A garden party.
Should be pretty cool.
Can I borrow the car?
Where are you going?
I just need to get out
of the house for a while.
- I can drive you wherever you want...
- Forget it. I'll walk.
There are no more second chances.
You get in trouble again,
I'm not bailing you out this time.
What do you want
me to do, Maxine?
Shackle her to the banister?
Hannah, just a second!
He just wants
what's best for you.
Yeah. Well. That's not his
, place to decide anymore.
Be careful okay?
I just got you back.
Is Garden in there?
A new customer?
No no no... wait a minute.
New old customer.
So, the rumors are true.
The prodigal daughter has returned.
Don't tell me you're on
the prayer chain now.
Prayer chain... no I'm not
on the prayer chain.
I got some inside information.
Hey, uh...
Can we maybe chat somewhere
a little bit more private?
More private.
Yeah. My crib.
Hey, let's go!
C'mon, everybody out. Let's go!
C'mon, move your asses!
Let's go. Get out.
You don't gotta go home,
but you gotta get out of here.
Caleb? Oh my god,
what are you doing here?
Shit. What are you doing here?
Me? We have to go.
Fuck you! I'm not going
anywhere with you!
- Caleb. Listen!
- Get the fuck off me!
Whoa whoa... Easy... easy.
Hey, let's not argue, all right?
C'mon, I got, uh...
plenty of...
Get that shit away!
Are you fuckin' kiddin' me?
Doin' that kinda shit in my house?
After all I did for you?
I'm sorry.
- He's my brother, ok?
- He's about to be your dead little brother.
- Dude, you're going to shoot me in front of
all these people? - Shut the fuck up!
What are you talkin' about?
Shut up!
Now which one of you two
is gonna meet Jesus first?
I'm sorry. Okay? He didn't...
It was me. I came here.
He doesn't know what he's doing.
Please, I...
He doesn't know what he's doing.
Do you think I'm that fucking stupid?
Do you?
I'm not a killer.
I'm just a guy that provides
a well needed service to the community.
Not unlike your old man, actually.
You don't get it, do you.
You see this pill?
This is a gift from God.
He gave us the ingredients...
He gave us the intelligence to create it.
He musta wanted us to have it, right?
To enjoy? Have some fun.
But you.
don't honor God's gift.
You choose to disrespect it.
Throw it in the dirt!
Well, now you're gonna pick up...
every one of God's little gifts.
And for those that you don't find,
you're gonna pay me... way
or another.
You got that?
Yeah. That's my girl.
That's my girl.
You. Go to bed.
And you. You pack your bags.
- What?
- John...
That boy is on something, and don't you
pretend you don't know anything about it.
You think I gave him drugs?
Did you?
No! Of course not.
- Stop lying!
- I'm not!
- Stop it!
- I'm not!
Stop it!!!
If you want to ruin the
rest of your life...
If you want to destroy it, you go ahead.
I can't do anything about it.
But I will not let you destroy
the rest of this family!
Still as blind as ever.
It's not her fault.
She didn't give me the drugs.
You look like you could use an ear.
I uh...
I don't know what happened to my family.
Would you like to pray about it?
Heavenly Father, we...
come to you with heavy heart to pray
for John and his family...
There are two types of
Christians in the world.
There are Spiritual Christians,
and there are carnal Christians.
Now, Spiritual Christians,
they seek to please God.
To bring glory and honor to
Him in their everyday lives.
But carnal Christians. They
seek to please themselves.
They yield to earthly pleasures
and, well, carnality!
Now, carnal Christians may seem
to be spiritual Christians.
Oh, they come to church,
they sing the hymns,
they even bring covered dishes
to all the church fellowships.
But deep down,
they are drowning in sin.
Drowning in sin!
What's wrong?
Who took this?
Just Rachel.
Does she know?
- She's not going to say anything.
- Oh my God, Hannah...
Are you...
Are you trying to get us caught?
No, of course not.
I thought you'd like it.
I don't.
Oh, man.
We have to stop seeing each other.
No... what... Why?
Because of a stupid picture?
Because it's wrong!
What we're doing is a sin.
You never cared about that before.
Yes, I did. I just...
I don't know, I just ignored it I guess.
God spoke to me today.
- He spoke to you?
- Yes.
He laid it on my heart to get
things right with my life
before I lose everyone that I love.
I thought you loved me.
I care about you, a lot.
So much that it scares me.
I... I...
That's why I gotta
to do this now, you see?
While I still can.
Rachel was right.
You are a hypocrite!
Don't you feel guilty at all?
You know what?
Fuck guilt!
My whole life I have been
told that I was a sinner.
Have been since the day I was born.
So why should I feel guilty?
Why should I have to repent for being
the way God made me to begin with?
Y'know, if he doesn't like what
he created, then screw him!
# Do I have to let go and
watch you walk away? #
# Do I have to let go and
wish you would have stayed? #
# I think I'll just play the part #
# I think I'll just play the part #
# And it may take some time
before you find that #
# You're back to good again #
# Right where you shoulda been #
# And even though the letting
go can be that hardest part #
# I think it's time you start
living like you loved again and #
# I don't care where you been
I wish you'd let me in #
# And show me how to get you #
# Show me how to get you back to good #
You waiting up for me?
No. I was just reading.
How was your first night?
I only screwed-up one order.
It's for the court fees.
It's not all of it, but
I should be able to pay you
back by the end of the month,
depending on my tips.
You don't have to do that.
Yes I do.
Well, I'm pretty wiped,
so I think I'm just gonna
head on up to bed.
Yeah, I guess I should get to bed too.
Night, Dad.
I think I'm gonna color it or something...
I think it looks fine.
You're just glad she's not
wearing that wig anymore.
No, now, I never said
anything about the wig.
I learned a long time ago there's two
subjects men should always avoid with women.
Their hair and their weight.
Praise the Lord.
[PHONE RINGS] 'Scuse me.
White residence.
Yeah, is Hannah there?
May I ask who's calling?
A friend from Houston.
If this is the friend I think it is,
you are not welcome to call here.
So you're keeping her locked-up
in your house? Is that it?
Whatever it takes to
keep her away from you.
Man, you're blaming the
wrong person, dude.
She was totally messed up
way before she ever met me.
don't call here again.
Here you guys go.
I thought that was you.
It's so good to see you!
Isn't it?
Yeah. Yeah, you look great.
- I didn't know you worked here.
- I just started.
- How are you?
- Honey... she's workin.
Of course.
Maybe we'll see you in
church on Sunday then.
- Oh... Sorry.
- Whoa, watch out.
- I, um, need a break. Can you cover
my tables? - Sure.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Did he say anything?
Yeah. He said "That'll be
$24, you little whore."
I'm kidding. Here.
I don't, um...
How... how?
Oooooh... Ok.
Oh, Hannah... Hannah...
Hannah, I could uh,
I could go to jail for this.
I could lose my family.
I could lose my job.
Your father could lose his.
Do you think abortion is murder?
My dad says it is, but I don't know.
I'm gonna need some money.
Some of us are headed over
to Buck's for drinks.
Want to come?
No, I'm pretty tired.
Maybe some other...
You know him?
Um, yeah.
I'll see you tomorrow.
You sure? I can...
No, you go ahead.
What are you doing here?
I, uh...
Just uh,
How are you?
Actually, I was sort of
hoping that we could talk.
There's nothing to talk about.
Hannah, please...
I need to ask you something.
It's important.
I need to ask you for your forgiveness.
You have no idea
how much this has been eating
me up inside all these years.
I still think about what happened.
About you.
- About what you had to...
- Shut up!
Just shut the fuck up!
You have no idea what I went through!
Then tell me!
Just tell me.
I was up all night
trying to figure out
I don't know, something.
You think I'm doing the right thing?
It doesn't matter what I think.
Or Neal thinks.
Or your dad.
This is your decision.
You gotta do what you
think is right for you.
What's right...
This should be the street.
"Stop killing babies..."
I knew I shouldn't have let
them get to me like that but...
...I was a different
person back then.
If you didn't go through
with it, what did you do?
I prayed.
I begged to God...
to help me.
I thought
it wasn't murder if I miscarried, right?
But he never did.
He just wasn't there.
what's the worst thing they could
do to you if you told them?
They'd never forgive me.
Are you sure about that?
I'm not telling them.
I can't...
I can't. I just...
Evening Ladies.
Y'all got some... car troubles?
No, we're just chillin.
Yeah? You gotta be careful
out here at night.
Watch out for the boogy man.
I like the uh, earring on your lip.
Thank you.
Hard to get, huh?
What's wrong with your friend?
She looks a little down in the dumps.
Um, nothing is wrong with my friend.
Doesn't look like nothing.
What's wrong, sweetie?
Oh, come on.
Your boyfriend dump you?
Oh, come on now.
It can't be that bad.
Why don't you tell the Garden.
Maybe the...
Maybe I could help.
Turns out he could help me.
He game me these pills.
Said they'd "take care of my problem."
"Stop killing babies..."
- Why didn't you come to me?
- I don't know!
I don't know why I did anything!
All I knew was that my
parents couldn't find out!
That is all I cared about!
No. Don't!
I can't... I have to go.
White residence.
What is going on?
That's the third time today
someone's called and hung up.
You're resigning?
Yeah, I'm afraid so, John.
Well, it's Lily. She wants to
move back to Oklahoma.
To be closer to family.
And I...
I feel like it's time that I moved on.
You... have another
church lined up back there?
No, no, I've decided to leave the ministry.
You are the single best musical
minister this church has ever had.
Well, it's been a difficult decision,
but I feel like it's the right one.
Son, are you're sure this is
the direction that God is leading you?
I'm sure.
John, um,
thank you
for everything that you've
done for me and my family.
I wish I were half the man you are.
Finally! You fucking answered!
Yeah, I been trying
to call you forever.
Your god damn dad would never let you talk.
You're out of jail?
Shit, you know they can't
keep me locked up, C'mon.
You probably shouldn't be calling me here.
But Babe, I'm dying to see you.
- You said in your letter...
- I know what I said.
Look, I can't come back
to Houston right now.
You don't have to. I'm here.
You were right.
This town is a piss hole.
What... Wait... you're here?
You mean you're in Trinity?
Yeah. Can you meet me?
Hey, blondie. I like it!
Is Hannah there?
No, I'm sorry, she's already gone to work.
This is Camille from the restaurant
and she didn't show up tonight.
What time was she scheduled to come in?
Two hours ago.
I was sort worried because of that guy.
What guy?
When we left last night, there was this
guy waiting for her in the parking lot.
I could tell she was kind of
freaked out about him being there.
But she said she knew him.
This guy... did he have a scruffy look...
Have tattoos?
No tattoos.
Drives a blue mini van.
I've seen him in the restaurant
before with his family.
Got a bunch of kids.
Ok, uh, thanks you for calling.
I'll make sure
Hannah gets back in touch with you
just as soon as she comes in.
What's going on?
I don't know.
But I'm going to find out.
Lanette, this is Maxine.
I have an urgent prayer request.
Poor preacher and Maxine...
...Hannah's run off again...
...I heard she was in jail...
...with Mary Lou's daughter...
This rainbow should be a token
of the covenant between me...
I just got a call from the Prayer Chain.
Looks like Hannah's run off again.
I just got a call from the prayer chain.
Hannah is here at the motel.
This is the motel manager!
I don't think anybody's in there.
Can we make sure?
Oh, my Lord...
Call the police!
What the fuck?
Get the fuck out of my room, ass hole!
All right, Zane.
It's confession time.
Now you tell me where
my daughter is right now
or I swear to you boy,
I will rip your arm off!
Drowning in sin...
drowning in sin...
drowning in sin...
Oh my Heavens...
She's okay.
She just passed out I think.
Let's get her upstairs to her bed.
I'll get her a wet rag.
I, um,
I found her at church.
In the Baptistery.
The Baptistery?
Here we go...
Thank goodness you found her when you did.
As far as I'm concerned. John
nobody needs to know about this.
The last thing I...
I want to see her is in prison.
She doesn't deserve that.
You know.
For the longest time, I've tried to
tried to figure out where...
where I went wrong
for Hannah.
You know... I mean...
How could somebody change
so [SNAP] suddenly.
I guess I always
blamed it on the drugs.
But now...
I need to ask you something, Neal.
Your leaving our church.
It wouldn't have anything to do
with my daughter, would it?
Oh, John.
You listen to me. Ok?
Just hear me out, all right?
I uh...
I wish I had an explanation
that would make this
easier for you, but I...
I don't.
I never meant for any of this
to happen.
I loved her.
I love her!
I trusted you!
You son of a bitch!
Caleb... Caleb! Caleb, no!
No, Son, that's in not the way we do it...
You get out of my home!
No, son.
It's all right son, it's all right...
This is...
a blow to our church family.
We will not be disrupted in our choir
practices and our Sunday services.
We'll be able to get assistance from
our sister churches, and have somebody...
fill in for Neal.
On a temporary basis.
You thinking you should
have left me in jail?
I was uh, thinking about
when you were little.
You used to love to come in here.
You'd to sit at that piano all day long
and play the same song over and over again.
Drove me crazy.
This Little Light of Mine.
You remember that?
It was the first song I ever learned.
Neal resigned.
He's leaving the ministry
and going back to Oklahoma.
Gotta let it go, Sweetheart.
Just let it go.
I'm so sorry.
I thought I could protect you.
But I couldn't.
I failed you.
No... please don't think that.
You never gave up on me.
Even after
everything I put you through.
Sweetie, I could never give up on you.
You're my child.
You're my little girl.
You're a part of me.
But I'm not you.
I know.
I know.
So, are you back for good or just visiting?
Just visiting.
You know, I got a internship
lined up when I get back.
That's cool.
I always wonder what it would have
been like if I'd gone to college.
Just another one of my
countless fuck ups, I guess.
You could still go.
There aren't many music
schools around here.
There's tons in New York.
New York?
Why not?
I really missed you, Rache.
- I did try to call.
- I know.
I know, and I meant to call you back.
It's all good.
You don't gotta explain.
I get it.
You know what's funny?
I was supposed to be the
good influence on you.
What do you say we get out of here?
Lead the way.