The President's Last Bang (2005) Movie Script

Presented by MKB
An MKB Pictures Production
This film is based on a true story:
the assassination of South Korean
President Park Chung Hee.
President Park gained office
by a military coup in 1961
and ruled for 18 years
with near dictatorial powers.
In October 1979, students and workers
gather to protest Park's oppressive rule,
but Park's military
easily crushes the protestors.
Take them off!
It won't cost you a thing!
Hurry and jump in!
She said she woke up
early in the morning
to find him gently
caressing her body.
Mumbling, "Beautiful, so beautiful."
He continued to do this,
over her entire body.
She opened her eyes
and smiled bashfully.
Embarrassed, he began to
gather his clothes.
She dared not lie there.
So she urged him to dress
as she helped him, naked.
Stark naked.
He couldn't resist
holding her again.
It's unbelievable.
Especially at his age.
As he held her tight,
he told her to visit again,
to come see him again.
That's enough!
My blood pressure's
getting worse.
I apologize for storming
the Blue House lately.
I'm not asking for compensation.
I know this puts all of you
in a difficult position.
But I have no choice.
Please consider his feelings.
Consider what he wants,
what makes him happy!
It's a big mistake
to ignore her.
Mistake, my ass.
You goddamn bitch.
And you call yourself a mother!
How has the world come to this?
Get up!
Get up, you bitch!
Look here!
I deserve some respect!
During the revolution,
there were no bridges,
just small ferryboats,
and muddy landscapes.
The change must make you
quite emotional, sir.
So what about the seal incident?
Finish your report.
Yes, sir.
During the boat trip,
someone swiped
the seal's testicles.
It's worthless now, sir.
Do you have proof that
Minister Jung was behind it?
No, but no one else
could have done it, sir.
- Anyway, he's unbelievable.
- It's his personal philosophy.
Life's very short,
so enjoy it to the fullest.
He's never picky with women -
what a slimeball.
Never make a big deal
over what goes on
below the belly button.
A real man would never do so.
Mr. Director of the
Korean CIA (KCIA)!
You know a great deal
of top secret information.
This government can't go on
like this much longer.
So resign and get some rest.
Once this brutal reformist regime
ends, things could get better.
Can't you return then?
Your liver can't function at even
one fifth of its normal level,
causing chronic afternoon
fatigue, bloating, gas.
And you're not thinking
straight, are you?
You've got a good excuse.
Get some rest!
He doesn't think I should rest.
"Why live long and happy by yourself?
Get back to work," he says.
A true Samurai never
leaves loose ends!
Prepare to leave!
Samurai, my ass!
Next stop, KCIA headquarters.
Lead the way.
- Colonel Min.
- Yes, sir.
Well? Does it smell really bad?
Well, I've been smelling
it for ages, sir.
That's not your normal bad breath,
but the smell of a rotten liver.
For over a year, I've been
suffocating the President.
I feel so bad for him.
But, sir, people stink.
It's not a big deal.
For Korean-Japanese,
especially pro-North sympathizers,
the Defense Security Command (DSC)
can easily make them spies.
If I say I like North Korea's
no-tax policy?
Clause three, section two: Praising
the North Korean communist party!
If you're just being polite and
say, "I see, yes, of course."
Clause three, section three, four, five:
Encouraging, Glorifying and Congregating.
Asking news to be passed on
to your hometown in South Korea?
Secret Instructions,
Clause four, section one!
If that person enters South Korea,
it's an Infiltration.
A visit to your hometown
is Collecting Information.
Taking a flight back to Japan
is a Getaway.
A phone call saying that your
hometown has the best dog meat
is a Contact, Communication
and Reporting Back.
And there you've got your espionage
conviction under anti-communist law.
That's why the DSC men
are always staking out
Kimpo International Airport,
checking the list and
picking out their victims.
Those fuckers all got
their big breaks doing that.
Earning a special rank
promotion to general.
- Looks like the old man's here...
- Is Director Kim coming with them?
Secretary Cha got nixed.
He never made it in the group.
How come?
He was told the helicopter was full.
How come you're
all shriveled up?
You call those dicks?
How can you even think about democracy
or revolution with dicks like that!
First, get yourselves some
manly dicks, you dickheads.
So, you own a Picasso?
Yes, a small printing.
I bought it cheap.
Did you know Picasso was a member
of the Spanish communist party?
What, Picasso?
You mean Pablo Picasso?
You look like you need
more water!
I didn't know he was a member
of the communist party!
Hear that?
If we tell them to,
we can put you away!
- Then put us away.
- No, Mom!
Sir, let us go.
We won't say a word.
Do you people know
what love is? Do you?
I'll say it's the seed of tears
Mom here is so naive.
Where are my pants?
You're embarrassing me
in front of Secretary Yang.
Secretary Yang, isn't that report yours?
- Secretary Cha.
- Yes?
Why don't you mind
your own business?
How dare you stick your nose into reports
I've prepared for the president?
I'm not sure what you'd think.
Oh, what the hell, I'll be honest.
Secretary Yang.
Weren't you appointed as secretary
of the liquor cabinet?
The president's drinking buddy.
Myself, the president, you,
we all know it for a fact.
The president is lonely.
Truly lonely!
To be his drinking buddy
is extremely important.
No need for you to file reports like -
Yes, Mr. President!
Yes, he's here with me!
Five stacks of one million notes,
and one stack of five million notes.
I'll take that.
And you have the rest.
And spend a little less!
I'm here, sir.
Who's that girl who sings
Japanese Enka songs so well?
Ah, yes.
I feel like hearing
her sing today.
Very well, sir. Should it be
at the secret quarters?
Sir, there's a banquet
in the secret quarters tonight.
A big one.
Call the army chief of staff.
Operator, get me
the army chief of staff.
Ma'am, get out.
Let's not bump into
each other again, okay?
Now get out of here.
Take good care of your mother.
And have her watch her mouth.
If I see you again, I'll -
You'll be in deep shit!
- Do you know where we are?
- No! Let's go.
Oh, my head.
My legs are shaking.
- Where are we?
- Hurry and get up!
It doesn't take much
to be a good lay!
Make them think
they're fucking your brains out!
Men can't tell! They'll think
they're the greatest fuck-
Just don't go overboard,
or you'll go down in history
as a crazy whore.
Why are you up there?
Cut the crap, you bitches.
He must've heard everything.
Yes, I have one last word.
Without ensuring the security
and protection of the president,
national security means nothing!
The president is the country!
The national anthem!
Continue to play!
Hey, can we cross during
the national anthem?
Of course, let's cross.
No fucking way!
Let's go.
Fuck the national anthem!
I have to get home. Come on!
What's wrong with them?
What will you start with?
Steamed roots and
ginseng marinated in honey.
But I can't come up
with a main dish.
It's cold today.
Hey, Kang, turn up the boiler!
Hey, is that fresh?
- Get them out of sight.
- Yes, sir.
The old man's coming.
- Be at the next block.
- Yes, sir!
Let's go!
Huh? What?
Please arm yourself.
Last time I wore mine to the table,
the president lost his appetite.
Get him a small, cute gun.
Hello? Yes. Oh -
- Honey! Company call.
- Company?
But I'm off duty today.
Yes, okay.
I'll be there by 5:00.
I'll whip up something for you to eat.
Sorry. I'm sure I'll be free tomorrow.
So what's the deal today?
The old man's coming.
Hurry and get ready.
Secretary Yang's here!
- Park the car, way inside.
- This car will be leaving.
Secretary Yang's here.
He's passing through the front gate.
The army chief of staff.
Have Deputy Kim join him.
Tell him I was suddenly
summoned by the president.
I'll be back as soon as
I'm done over there.
Yes, sir.
But will it end so soon?
It will!
Colonel Min!
Yes, sir!
What do you think of me?
I have total respect for you.
- Do you trust me?
- Yes, sir.
You're a good soldier.
A person like you should
be on the battlefield.
Then send me to the battlefield!
Quite a few parties lately.
He must be exhausted.
It's because he's lonely.
It's been getting worse.
I know. I wish I could
find him a nice widow.
But heartless as he is,
he doesn't open up easily.
I know. He can be quite cold.
I have an appointment
with the army chief of staff,
but I guess appointments
must follow rank. Let's go,
the president will arrive soon.
- Hey, look who's here!
- Good to see you, sir.
- This way, sir.
- Yes.
Do you know what the former
KCIA director did?
During a demonstration
at Seoul National University,
he called the university
president and said,
one more demonstration and
he'd send tanks to raze the school.
Do you know how happy
that made the president?
I've made a report on
Secretary Cha's meddling ways.
He'll receive word soon, I guess.
Would such passive measures work?
He's crossed the line.
I'll teach him a lesson!
He's here.
General Kim! General Kim!
He's just a puny army captain.
We generals should be
more tolerant!
Greetings, sir!
Good evening.
Mr. Shim, hello again.
How was the ceremony today?
It was cold. It's a good thing
you weren't there.
Hey, Shim!
What's on the menu today?
- Still fussing over side dishes?
- Don't be so picky. Sit down.
So you're majoring in theater?
Heck, I'm just auditing
some classes.
- Why?
- Nothing.
You don't have to
worry about me.
I'm a cool gal.
- A what gal?
- A cool gal!
Well, goddamn, aren't you smug!
What's your problem?
The old man has arrived.
Everyone come home.
I'll be there in 10 minutes.
Sorry to call you so often.
Hey, cool gal!
You know who she is, right?
You think I'm stupid?
I heard you were at
the U.S. embassy yesterday.
What did that jerk
Gleysteen say?
The same old stuff.
That bastard Carter.
He's so stupid,
it's mind boggling!
How would a peanut farmer
know better, sir?
Everyone's making a fuss
about democracy,
but how many countries
are actually practicing it?
In North America there's
the U.S. and Canada.
and New Zealand.
None in Africa and the Middle East.
And there's Western Europe,
a few there.
And not a trace of it
in the French Constitution.
At least I have an opposition party.
So why's everyone on my back,
for Christ's sake!
Thailand's Piapomg
is the secretary of interior,
army general and even
president of the national bank.
What else? Anyway,
he's controlling everything!
Taiwan's still under martial law.
The key is nuclear arms.
That'll silence those Yankee bastards.
Director Kim! You know Bhuto, right?
Pakistan's illiterate dictator, Bhuto.
You know what he said?
I may have to eat grubs,
but I still choose
to have nuclear arms.
Car 31. Open the gate.
Got two oysters coming through!
Oysters? How vulgar!
You may get out of the car.
How have you been?
You're so popular lately.
I've seen you on TV a lot.
You look like a bunch of black crows.
You dudes make such a big
deal out of these things.
Good job. The girls look good.
Why should the KCIA take care
of shit like this?
It's the Presidential Security
Service's (PSS) job.
- We've done our share.
- Hey! Where are you going!
How are things inside?
How does Director Kim look?
The old geezers.
Why can't they fucking get along?
What's the problem today?
Okay. Go back to work.
Shit, it wouldn't kill you
to give me a goddamn answer.
The army chief of staff's
waiting in the main hall.
He's dining with Deputy Kim.
It's no big deal teaching
those demonstrators a lesson.
However, the younger generation
should have some fire in them.
That's what I worry about.
What are you talking about?
During my Manchuria Military
School days,
I got beatings every day-
for being a trainee,
or for being a Korean.
I even got beaten for being short once.
They were merciless.
Once I was beaten so bad,
I couldn't eat for a week.
Beatings make you stronger.
The KCIA needs to intimidate!
But all you do is dance around
with your investigations!
The KCIA's not doing
their job right.
They're supposed to beat
and scare the shit out of people!
Hand me your jacket,
and sign this.
You can put your signature right there.
Can we at least read it first?
I gave them instructions.
- Hey, Chief Ju.
- Yes, sir.
Come here.
You piece of shit!
Take care of things so
word doesn't get around!
How could you let that old hag
and her girl enter the Blue House?
How come the bony chick's so ugly?
Lose the gum in your mouth.
I should just whack
that son of a bitch.
I'm too old to put up
with this kind of shit!
I'm sorry but the tall one's
not a TV star.
Shut up!
She's a college student.
Welcome, I specifically asked for you.
I love your singing.
I am Miss Cho.
Cho? What's your family branch?
I don't know of such things.
Oh, shut up, you wench!
I hope she hasn't upset you.
Kids are like that these days.
Yes. Please don't be upset!
It's time for the news, sir.
Okay. Have a seat.
Sit down.
Nothing seems to be
going right today.
Fucking assholes.
- Sir.
- Come in. It's okay.
It doesn't smell. I failed.
Sir, I can't go on
handling shit like this.
I'm handing in my resignation.
Everything sucks these days,
doesn't it?
Situations change.
So does life.
Everything changes.
So it will change today.
Is this related to the
army chief of staff's visit?
You're one smart chap.
See you later!
... appeal for people to unite under
the New Community Movement
for a better industrial nation.
Next is the opposition party's
group resignation in protest-
Those opposition party bastards.
Who would really want to renounce
their assemblyman titles?
It's all a show!
The people I met today seemed
happy with their humble lives.
In Pusan, some busboy punks
were raising hell.
I know.
If only the KCIA had taught
Youngsam Kim and his punks a lesson,
this never would've happened.
You should never go easy
on punks like that.
Exactly, sir.
Secretary Cha,
why don't you just shut up?
Now, now.
Let's hear a song, that song.
- Remember that one?
- Yes.
And you, have a drink.
That one's too strong.
Want me to get you a beer?
No, beer's too weak for me.
Can I stick with this yellow one?
Why, you cute little -
Of course you can.
Tell Chief Ju to come
to the main hall!
I'll show you how terrible
the KCIA can be!
You're all dead!
You're all dead!
You're all dead?
You called for me, sir?
Today's the day.
I'm getting rid of them.
If things go wrong,
we're all dead.
What do you think?
When I start shooting inside,
you take out the PSS men.
But there are so many today.
It's too dangerous.
We've put this off for too long.
Today's the day.
Pick three bright men!
Pick three to assist me,
and stop being a sissy.
- Does this include the old man?
- Include?
He's the direct target!
Secretary Cha's just a bonus.
For the sake of democracy,
we're offering our lives.
Let's do it together,
and take it like real men.
Let's do it together!
Colonel Min, we're choosing
our fate today, okay?
Yeah, why not?
We've got nothing better
to do anyway.
Just look at them!
I'm so excited.
What's going on?
I don't know.
I'm just following orders.
- We're using real bullets.
- Yeah. I'm scared shitless.
Guard post! Guard post!
Answer me! It's Chief Ju.
- Double the forces immediately.
- Why, sir?
- Do as I say, shithead!
- Yes, sir!
Yeah, put her through.
How are the kids?
I won't be coming home tonight.
Pray hard today, okay?
No need to know.
I'll need a lot of help
from your prayers.
Hey, Sangwook!
What's your IQ?
Forget it.
I can see it sticking out.
Are you stupid?
- Go get a pistol.
- Yes, sir.
What's Sangwook's
military background?
- The marines, sir.
- That punk?
Arm him and bring him
to the annex backyard.
Fucking dumb-ass.
They're all lies
Lies, lies, lies, lies
Love is a lie
Laughter is a lie
They're all lies
Lies, lies, lies, lies
Hurry, come here.
Good, perfect. Now smile. Good.
- Smile. And say, "Kimchi"!
- Kimchi!
- One more time. Hey.
- I closed my eyes.
Hey, bring me some beer.
- Is it okay for you to drink?
- Of course.
I'm done with my official duties.
So, those two in the other room
are on duty?
Let's have a drink and leave
when the president's escort comes.
Sounds good.
- Bring us beer over here.
- OB, or Crown beer?
Number one: Stay here, okay?
Stick to the side and wait.
Number two: You'll hear gunshots.
Crawl up and overpower
the PSS men in the dining room.
Number three: If they resist,
shoot them.
Any questions?
What do you mean, shoot them?
It means that you can kill them.
This is a real situation.
Don't take this personally.
It's not to humiliate you.
Be alert, or else we all die!
- Stick to the side.
- Sir?
Stick to the goddamn side!
The PSS chief in there,
he's a friend of mine,
a classmate from the marines.
There's no need to
get rid of them, right?
Are you serious?
Those men are sharpshooters
for the national team.
They'll put up a tough fight.
You mean the college girl in red?
I'm not interested in sluts like her.
- Join us.
- No thanks.
It's best that I cover this place.
You handle the men
in the dining room.
The PSS chief inside...
our kids and wives are good friends.
It's weighing heavy
on my conscience.
Don't fuck up!
What a goddamn tight-ass!
Don't you fucking worry!
We're gonna be in deep shit.
I can't do this.
Let's just leave.
Chief Ju said we can grab a fortune.
We should just forget our dignity,
and split this place.
Crazy son of a bitch,
you'll be in deeper shit.
I'm just the fucking driver.
What? Are you going somewhere?
Need to take a piss?
Hey, can I talk to Director Kim?
- Chief!
- Huh?
It's almost time for
the president's ride to come.
Hey, man!
The old man's gonna stay longer.
When's the president's escort
coming for him?
Yeah. They'll probably leave
in the morning, right?
Have a drink.
Can I accept it after
a couple more songs?
Just accept when your
elders offer you a drink.
What do you mean by elders?
Let me enjoy my drink!
Give it to me.
None of us want to listen
to you sing, you know?
Good! When I fire the first shot,
it's showtime!
There are three inside, right?
We'll each take one.
I'll go first,
and then you and you.
Use two shots, three max.
Don't worry.
In Cambodia,
they've killed a million people.
In our case, it should be
10,000, just 10,000.
Wipe them out with a tank
and that will do!
The fuckers should've
just laid low and shut up.
Watch what you're saying.
We have girls here.
Girls, you never heard
a word here tonight, right?
- Hey! Secretary Cha!
- Yeah?
- 10,000?
- 10,000!
Just yourself is enough.
What's going on?
It's me!
Oh, my God!
What are you doing?
Stop it! Stop!
Turn on the lights!
Don't move, asshole!
Don't move!
- What's going on?
- Don't move!
Keep your hands down!
Man, it's no big deal.
Nothing. Just don't move.
- What's going on?
- Keep your hands down!
What the fuck's going on?
Don't move, you son of a bitch!
Just freeze, motherfucker!
Shut the fuck up!
Keep your hands down!
Down, motherfucker!
Hey, think of your kids.
We're both gonna live
through this, okay?
- Chief!
- Shut up, asshole!
- I'll pump you full of bullets!
- How can you do this to me?
It's all over! Goddamn it, down!
- Chief Shin!
- Motherfucker!
For Christ's sake, man!
Listen, Kang, did you shut off
the fuse box?
- So, it's not a short circuit?
- Turn it on!
What the fuck's going on?
Bring me a gun!
A gun! A gun!
Bring me a gun!
Gun! Gun! A gun!
Sir! Here's a gun.
Am I bleeding a lot?
I guess he's okay?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Come and help us!
You're brave girls.
Wait here. I'll be back.
How could they leave us
here like this?
Heartless bastards!
Hey girls! Where's Director Kim?
He's gone. Hurry and
help us over here!
What, he's gone?
Hey, guards! Guards!
Shut the fuck up!
Mister, have you gone mad?
Guards, guards.
Fucking loser.
How can the head of PSS
not carry a gun?
Don't do it!
You kids get out.
Director Kim.
Are you gonna shoot me again?
Takaki Masao!
When you die,
you're nothing
but a pile of stinking shit.
I've already had enough.
We're clear.
We're clear.
When I say I'll kill you,
I will kill you!
Hey, Shim. How are we gonna
clean this place up?
My gun!
General Chung! General Chung!
I had them check
with the police.
The way I see it,
it's not an accident.
Not when it's rapid fire.
Besides, I'm positive
they were gunshots.
They'll report back soon, sir.
The president must have
heard it as well.
What the hell are they doing?
General Chung! General!
It's an emergency!
Get him!
Hoist him on your back!
I have to drive.
Be careful.
Please be careful.
- What the hell's going on!
- Just get in.
I'll tell you on the way.
No need to be so impatient.
You did well!
Everyone was great today.
What about the old man?
Don't worry about him.
Just clean things up.
But, sir!
Hey, who was in the car?
AVIP, but I don't know who he was.
- What's going on?
- Go, shithead!
He should've given instructions.
What's the rush?
It's not like we've committed
a crime, for Christ's sake!
Goddamn it!
Who's this man?
Chief Ju!
I'm begging you.
Whatever your excuse is,
you can't leave him here.
How will you deal with the consequences?
Look, it's been settled
with Director Kim.
Open the gate!
Open it.
You, get in!
Jesus, what a motor mouth.
- He has -
- Huh?
- He has -
- What? How did it happen?
- He has -
- What happened?
I don't know for sure.
Anyway, he has -
It'll be serious
if the enemies find out.
- Where's this car headed?
- To KCIA headquarters.
Why are we going to the KCIA!
Let's go to the army headquarters.
Director Kim,
the army headquarters, okay?
Now what?
No civilians allowed inside.
Turn your car around.
Look, it's me, your boss.
Open up!
I'm the army chief of staff.
Open the gate!
What's going on?
He says he's the army chief of staff!
Tell him to leave!
Get the officer on duty over here!
Shit. He wants the officer on duty.
Tell him to fuck off!
Hear that?
I am dead serious!
You need to coax these guys,
they're just kids.
I don't think so.
I'm the army chief of staff,
open up!
Shit, I should've come in my own car.
You must do everything to save him!
Save him. You've got to.
Whatever it takes!
This is the president's ward.
This is unacceptable, sir.
I'm the president's
chief of staff!
You've got to save this patient!
Prep him for an IV and
hand me an epinephrine!
Do something!
And you men, I want you
to stand guard here.
I have to go somewhere!
How could they not recognize me
and refuse to open the gate?
Contact the minister
of national defense,
all the chiefs of staff,
the navy, air force,
and the joint second commander,
the first and third unit commanders,
the state corps commander.
It's the prime minister, sir.
Yes, this is the army chief of staff.
It's an emergency situation.
Please come down to Bunker B1.
You'll receive a full report
upon your arrival.
It's the first unit commander, sir.
Terminate all operations, and
immediately return to your posts.
Listen carefully.
Prepare for regular warfare.
Yes, this is a code two
emergency situation!
I'll brief you later!
The prime minister
and the other ministers
should be summoned
as soon as possible.
We'll have a cabinet council right here.
It's the joint chief of staff, sir.
Do we have a gun
with a silencer?
No, sir.
Bring me an M-16 then!
What just happened? Huh?
At first, I thought
they were putting on a show.
A show, is that
what you're saying?
You think he's dead?
Well he was shot point blank
in the head.
We saw everything.
You think they'll let us go?
Shouldn't we split?
What is your fucking problem?
- Do it right!
- You take it!
- Why are we shooting?
- 'Cause we were told to.
- Will it be okay?
- We're supposed to shoot!
- Are they really dead?
- Come on!
Chief, you need to
change your clothes.
- Have you ever been shot?
- No. Have you?
Where, in Vietnam?
How was it? Did it hurt?
Where were you shot?
Wanna see?
- Where? Here?
- No, lower.
- You mean here, right?
- Yeah. Right there.
- You mean here?
- Yeah.
- It must've really hurt.
- I thought I was gonna die.
Let's shoot!
- Hey, man.
- Who's there?
It's me! Don't shoot!
Hey, I would never
shoot you! Get up.
- Who did this to you?
- I don't know.
- They weren't spies, were they?
- Of course not.
- Not even demonstrators?
- No!
Did someone drink too much?
What happened?
Our people, come on out!
It's all over!
It's over. Let's go out.
Bullshit! You see
what they've done?
Stay put. Stay put
until the very end.
But we need a good excuse
to proclaim martial law.
Yeah, okay.
Like a coup d'etat or
the assassination of the president-
Let's say that national security
is in a state of crisis.
For Christ's sake!
The Pusan-Masan Resistance and all
the demonstrations have been resolved.
Security problems
won't sound convincing.
And what do you mean
by "let's say"?
- What do you mean?
- I take that back.
The USSR hid Breznev's
death for a week.
The whole world never had a clue.
We just need two days! 48 hours!
Are you saying a two-day
media blackout is impossible?
How can you even mention the USSR?
When your job is catching communists!
If the North Koreans find out,
it could mean war!
That's why we need a media blackout.
In case of presidential adversity,
the prime minister should assume
presidential authority.
But it isn't stated
in our constitution.
Why should it be when it's
in the compendium of laws?
I'm positive it's in the constitution.
By the way, what does adversity mean?
That the situation is not in our favor.
- That things have gone sour.
- What are you all talking about?
We'll immediately close
all universities and high schools.
- Let's just keep it to universities.
- Then it'll be just universities.
Just for the sake of North Korea,
we should inform the U.S.
As soon as possible.
General Stillwell's office
has been calling me
both at my office and home.
They must have smelled
something already.
They're fast.
Until an official cabinet council,
we should keep a lid on this.
As top secret!
Don't worry about the Americans.
I met with the U.S. Ambassador,
Gleysteen two days ago.
They've never been too keen
on our president.
What are you saying?
That there have been previous
discussions with the U. S?
Something smells fishy.
Stop whispering
and say it out loud!
Where are you going?
I said speak!
The prime minister has arrived.
Order in the cabinet.
What did you do at the Blue House?
I met the prime minister
and briefed him on the situation.
How much did you tell him?
For Christ's sake!
Was it necessary
to take out the president?
A revolution is not a cocktail party.
It's a bloody war!
Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore.
The power shift has begun.
Let's go.
The stupid cabinet council
has to proceed.
All the urgency made it clear
he was a top VIP.
We did CPR on him.
So, who is it? Who got me here
in the middle of the night?
I don't know, sir.
The president's chief of staff
brought the patient here.
Who are they?
They say they're from
the president's office.
But I'm not even sure
if it's true, sir.
We know who this dead body is.
It's impossible for just
the two of us to guard it.
This military hospital's
an entire army unit.
The two of us can't possibly
guard that dead body!
You cannot come in here.
He's the head of the hospital,
Brigadier General Kim.
Please put your guns away!
Put them away! Away!
And who are you?
We're from the president's office, sir.
The president's office?
You mean, the Blue House?
Then you should know
the president's attending physician.
Out of my way!
You can't do that.
No. How could the president...
How could he have been shot...
How could it have happened?
How could he have been shot...
This is what we'll do.
First, we need to confirm
that the president's really dead.
No need for that.
It's positive information.
Look here, Director Kim!
How can you say that?
How can I believe what
I haven't seen in a situation like this?
I need to see the president's
body with my own two eyes!
Positive? Are you kidding me?
Let's go.
What is it? What?
So Director Kim suddenly shot
Secretary Cha and the president?
One in the stomach
and the other in the head?
Why are you telling us now?
He was right there, with a gun.
You really saw it happen?
You've had a lot to drink, haven't you?
Are you kidding?
I've been scared sober!
One of Director Kim's men
saw us enter this room.
You think it'll be okay?
Hey, Lt. Colonel Sohn!
Is that gun loaded?
Are you kidding me?
Can't you see this is
an emergency situation?
You should protect me
and send out another man!
Get me the army security commander
and the provost marshal!
What's with this color?
I'm worried about Secretary Yang.
Shouldn't you accompany them
to the hospital?
- Put Chief Ju on!
- Power comes from the gun.
Why chase after old men in suits?
Or perhaps you should go
to our headquarters?
- Our car's standing by, right?
- Yes, sir.
Good. We just need control
over the army headquarters.
Chief Ju, it's me, Colonel Min.
The old man,
how's he doing at the hospital?
Here? Director Kim's
in control of this place.
Our men have sealed
the military hospital, right?
If you fail at securing the place,
we're all dead, understand?
- Hey!
- Sir!
It's time to bring
everything out in the open.
Fuck security.
I'll call you back.
You were first to be appointed colonel
among your classmates, right?
Yes, sir.
How are you feeling?
You're good enough to become
army chief of staff one day.
You have your gun, sir?
But for that, you need to be
in the battlefields.
They're not the president's escort.
They have no idea
the old man was here!
Don't open the gate to them!
Even if it means full combat!
Guard post, rooftop,
the wall here.
Everyone else,
go to your positions.
I'm sure the gunshots
came from this direction.
We're on emergency call,
investigating the situation.
So then, we'll quickly survey the area.
You have no business
coming in here!
All right, then just sign
this verification slip.
Verification slip?
What do you mean?
It's just to verify
that we were here.
We're all civil servants here.
What's all the fuss?
- Civil servants, my ass.
- We're leaving!
- Chief!
- What now?
- I heard sounds from the annex.
- What?
- I shot second rounds.
- And?
I can hear voices
from the second floor.
- I'm scared.
- Son of a bitch!
- Don't fuck with me!
- Chief!
Shit, where is everyone?
How can they leave us here?
I think those idiots have
just forgotten about us.
Are you kidding me?
We witnessed everything.
They'll probably hold us here.
- And make us work as maids.
- Maids?
They might just cast us out
to North Korea.
You know?
I'm your greatest fan.
Drink up!
Don't need to knock.
What have we here?
Tonight, it's the real thing.
Load real bullets.
- And have your walkie-talkies on.
- Yes, sir!
Director Kim!
Turn on the lights!
Director Kim!
What is it!
The army chief of staff
wants to see the director.
What is it?
The army chief of staff
wants to see you.
Director Kim has fully armed cars
standing by.
no one can find real bullets
at the ROK army headquarters!
- They're coming, sir!
- They're coming.
Stay there.
- Greetings, sir!
- The army chief of staff?
- He's at the bunker, sir.
- Okay.
This way.
It's the VIP entrance.
Let's go.
Colonel Min should come with me.
Yes, sir. Go get Colonel Min.
Is Colonel Min coming?
Get in, sir.
I'll wait outside.
Why don't you wait in the car?
I'm not leaving.
Tell Colonel Min to hurry-
Let go of me!
Colonel Min -
He just disappeared.
I don't have a clue.
I think he might have been arrested.
Hey, Colonel Min!
I think I'm also in trouble.
Director Kim's calling for you!
Hey, Colonel Min!
It's all over!
Look at that son of a bitch.
Front gate! Stop the black car
headed there!
That walkie talkie
doesn't reach the front gate.
I repeat! Director Kim's missing, and -
Who is it? Come in!
The last confirmed position
is the army headquarters.
Have everyone focus
on locating him.
What now?
I had the ladies cleaned up
and brought over here.
I'm here all alone,
without a clue as to what's happening.
Listen, everything's changed.
The president's dead.
Don't talk too much.
It's too dangerous, sir.
The world's gonna be
a better place from now on.
Is that so?
Why won't you believe me!
Hey, easy, easy!
- Didn't I tell you to relax?
- Yeah, I'm relaxing, I am.
The chief's gone home.
Everything's under control.
Except for those on call,
all return to your posts.
Girls, you must've been scared shitless.
So, go home, get some rest.
And keep your mouths shut.
Take this and treat yourselves.
What? Can't I smoke?
Go ahead.
Hand me one as well.
Shit! I was expecting
an incredible night-
Why are you crying?
Don't cry!
Don't cry!
Fuck! We had no idea -
This is all a goddamn mess!
You've had a hard day.
Why are you crying?
Get in.
You haven't seen anything,
It's Chief Ju.
Hurry and check on
our boys at the hospital.
Yes, sir!
Wait a second, they're not
supposed to go that way.
What the fuck is going on?
Goddamn it!
Are you coming through,
or not!
What's going on inside?
Who just passed through?
Huh? Who are you!
It's past curfew.
Jackass, would I be asking
if didn't have the authority?
I'm the KCIA protocol officer!
What's going on inside?
What's going on over there!
He says he's from the KCIA.
When I'm finished,
I'm going to the KCIA.
I need to know
what the fuck is going on.
How am I supposed to guard
this place by myself?
Hey, I'm a good driver.
I'll come back with backup.
It'll take less than 10 minutes.
You're just a driver.
How will you get backup?
Mr. President!
- Mr. President!
- Who led us out of poverty-
What would happen
if Kim Il-sung found out?
Now, now,
there's no time for that.
Let's share a silent prayer
in memory of our late president!
Ready, all bow!
There, there,
the president has passed away.
For times like this,
our constitution
designates the acting president.
And that will be Prime Minister Choi,
acting president.
Everyone, salute the acting president!
- Now please accept, sir.
- Accept, sir.
I'm honored,
but at ease, please.
Who did this?
Well, I'm not sure
I'm in a position to speak.
It's no fucking secret!
It was Director Kim!
Then, what was that head of
the PSS pig doing at that time?
Well, the problem is -
Here, change into this!
Did you get into a fight?
You've got blood all over you.
Send me to the army prison
or the Seoul Detention Center.
What for?
When they find out I'm held here,
my men will attack this place.
You'll be in danger as well.
We cannot have a war
between ourselves.
Is that so?
You can't seem to take me
seriously, can you?
Our men at the hospital
cannot be reached, sir.
Chief! The army security commander
is calling for you, sir.
I told you I shot him
in the head, saying,
"When you die,
you're nothing
but a pile of stinking shit."
I had the heart of a beast
when I shot him for democracy.
Asshole! Can't you see
you're in deep shit?
Stop lying!
Get up! Stop dawdling
and get up, now!
Look, Captain Cho,
I was a three-star Lieutenant General-
Crazy bastard. He went mad
and shot everyone, right?
I'm doing as you say-
So, what do you think of that man?
Does he look like
a revolutionary freedom fighter?
Or a paranoid Don Quixote?
Rumors say that this man's
last statement in court,
conveying his greatest
desire for democracy,
was more than moving. Perhaps...
But for the curious,
you'll have to find out for yourself.
Whatever happens,
you have to be strong.
Wake up Sooryun.
Go wake her up!
It's Dad.
Were you asleep?
I'm so sorry.
What grade are you in?
This man who was to be
the future army chief of staff.
He got one trial and
was executed by gunshot.
Before he died, he shouted
"Glory to the Republic of Korea!"
Glory to the Republic of Korea, my ass.
How naive!
This man wanted to testify to
the president's philandering ways,
but never got the chance,
as Director Kim, who was tried with him,
stopped him from speaking.
Despite all of the rumors,
there aren't many
who can confirm their authenticity.
On the execution stand,
he was singing praises to the Lord.
Please forgive us, our Lord.
If you don't protect us, O Lord,
who can protect us?
If you don't lead us, Father,
we will be lost.
Forgive us our debts
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
Instead of despair,
I pray for you to lead us
to believe in hope.
That we will see a new day.
Father, our Lord,
thine is the kingdom,
and the power,
and the glory, forever.
Please be with us in such times.
You're both dead!
Don't move!
Should have split
when everything started. Fuck!
The two were arrested,
but only the man involved
in the shooting was executed
while the other one
was never indicted.
This man, in court,
complained of pus running
from his eardrum.
He wished to see his family.
He didn't seem to understand
he was just a man in distress
from following orders.
He was executed.
Honey, it's me.
Is the baby asleep?
I'm sure I'll be free tomorrow.
Let's go to Chuncheon
and get some fresh air.
We'll pig out
on your favorite
spicy pan fried chicken.
No, I'm not crying.
Without knowing why,
this man shot the dead.
Without knowing why,
he stood in court.
He received the death penalty.
And without knowing why,
he was put to death.
The PSS man he purposely
didn't shoot in the dining room
survived to become PSS chief
in the succeeding government.
This man who silently watched
everything that day,
went through harrowing
and exhausting interrogation,
but was never indicted.
Word is that he was bludgeoned
numerous times with a hoe,
but upon his release, he disappeared,
never to speak of this incident,
to this day.
Written and Directed by
Produced by
Executive Producers
Cinematography by