The Primevals (2023) Movie Script

(dramatic music)
(wind howling)
(wings fluttering)
(dramatic music)
(wind howling)
(dramatic music continues)
(Sherpa chanting in
foreign language)
(creature roaring)
(feet thudding)
(hand knocking)
(Tenzang speaking
in foreign language)
(latch squeaking)
(door clattering)
(father speaking in
foreign language)
(Tenzang speaking
in foreign language)
Tenzang, must you destroy him?
We do not wish it, but he's
come again to destroy us.
(Tenzang speaking
in foreign language)
(Siku laughs)
Please, if there's a
way to capture him.
We will try.
(Siku speaking in
foreign language)
(Tenzang speaking
in foreign language)
(father speaking in
foreign language)
(Tenzang speaking
in foreign language)
(door clattering)
(talisman clanking)
(footsteps plodding)
(door clattering)
I've got to go with them.
Siku, help me find them.
(jacket rustling)
(door clattering)
(dramatic music continues)
(footsteps plodding)
(door clattering)
(footsteps plodding)
(people screaming)
(yeti roaring)
(man screaming)
(rope whooshing)
(yeti roaring)
(hands thudding)
(rope thudding)
(rope whooshing)
(yeti roaring)
(hand thudding)
(body thudding) (yeti roaring)
(dramatic music continues)
[Siku] Tenzang.
(footsteps plodding)
(creature growling)
(yeti roaring)
Tenzang, stop him.
(hands thudding)
[Siku] Tenzang. (yeti roaring)
(gunshots blasting)
(yeti roaring)
(body thudding)
(Siku screaming)
(gunshot blasting)
(yeti roaring)
(ice rumbling)
(body thudding)
(wind howling)
(Siku screaming)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(footsteps plodding)
(paper rustling)
(footsteps plodding)
Hey, Matt, Matt Connor.
[Matt] Kyle Norris, right?
Yeah, yeah, it's been a while.
Yeah, haven't you graduated yet?
Oh, yeah, I'm in
the PhD program.
Yeah, well-
Anyway, I mean, you gotta be
pretty excited about all this.
It kinda validates your
whole theory, doesn't it?
What does?
You mean you don't know?
I was out of town.
I got back.
This was waiting for me.
What's going on?
Matt, come on.
You gotta be in the VIP section.
(footsteps plodding)
(attendees chattering
[Matt] What is this?
Oh, you'll find it.
Go ahead.
Take my seat.
It'll be worth it.
(pensive music)
Ladies and gentlemen,
the chairman emeritus
of the Department of
Anthropology, Dr. Claire Collier.
(audience applauding)
Thank you, and good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen.
Four weeks ago, several
Nepalese shepherds killed
a large Himalayan anthropoid.
This chance occurrence has
put an end to the years
of controversy over the
existence of the yeti
(audience chattering
or the so-called
abominable snowman.
I'm proud to announce that
the remains of the animal are
here today and will
be on display shortly.
By studying this animal, we
are granted a very rare glimpse
back in time, back
before the most ancient
of our known ancestors.
And let me stress that this is
a story of science
and not sensation.
It is perhaps the most important
discovery of the century,
and this is the story my staff
and I hope you will
emphasize in your accounts.
(dramatic music)
(curtains rustling)
(audience applauding)
(cameras clicking)
(microphone screeching)
Oops, sorry.
You may begin your questions.
Is it true that the
creature killed or injured
a half dozen natives
before his capture?
One Sherpa was, I believe,
killed in a snow slide
along with the animal.
But aren't there other
stories of attacks
by these monsters, attacks
where deaths have been reported?
We are looking into
the entire matter
of human confrontations.
However, this line
of inquiry ignores
the momentous significance
of this story.
If we could-
How would you
compare this snowman
with the Hollywood versions?
I'm really not familiar
with the Hollywood versions.
(dramatic music)
Well, now that you
seem to have proof
that the yeti does exist,
are there any plans
to actually track and
capture a living specimen?
You mean an
expedition, Mr. Connor?
The joint trustees
of both the museum
and the university have
stated that the chances
of finding another
specimen are too remote.
Well, what do you feel?
You know full well that,
as an officer of the university,
I'm bound by their decision.
We've heard that no scientist
besides yourself have been
allowed to examine the specimen.
Is that true?
You will each be provided
with a press release
concerning what we feel
are the scientific issues
raised by this unexpected find.
I trust that some of that
material will find its way
into your reports.
(audience chattering
(dramatic music continues)
(footsteps plodding)
(hands clapping)
Nice speech.
Matt, I've been trying
to reach you for weeks.
Anything important?
Of course.
I'm very glad you
came here today.
Well, I guess you
had to invite me
under the circumstances.
Matthew, please.
Your dissertation on the
yeti was judged by a panel
of the best scientists
in the university system.
Looks like they were wrong.
We were quite apparently
mistaken but not prejudiced.
Our decision was judged
solely on your presentation.
Your thesis was speculative,
and you should have
presented it as such.
You presented it as fact.
Which it is.
Which it wasn't at that time.
You knew what was required
for you to get your PhD.
You bucked the system,
and you were thrown off.
Academia is no place to
make up your own rules.
You never understood
my position.
I understood that
the yeti existed.
I was right about that at least.
Not entirely, Matt.
Now, dammit, Claire, what
are you people hiding?
Lloyd Trent, do you know him?
Sure, he's molecular
biologist, gene mapping.
What's he gotta do with this?
We're working together
at McLaren Hall.
I want you to meet us
there tonight, please.
I need you there.
What time?
(dramatic music)
(footsteps plodding)
Please, I'll need
more like three years
to piece this code together.
Besides what we-
Good evening, Matt.
Lloyd, I'd like you to meet
a, an associate of mine,
Matt Connor.
Matthew Connor, a pleasure.
Fine dissertation, fine work.
I guess I'll have to update it.
(laughing) That you shall.
So far, Matthew has
no idea what we found.
I'd like your permission to
take him into our confidence.
Oh, I have no objection,
but it's pretty soon to
say anything about it.
Well, what can you say, doctor?
We're dealing with a
very superior creature.
Superior in what way?
For survival.
He's a genetic pack rat,
banded hair for camouflage,
the teeth, uh, the
whole muzzle are feline.
And yet he can live on
roughage if he has to.
The ear, canine,
obviously sensitive.
You're talking transmutation.
Those species aren't
even distantly related.
Either this creature split
off so far back in time
before every rule we know
about primate development or-
Or is manmade?
Well, let's say that it
was a controlled mutation.
At least that's my theory.
It's too fantastic, Lloyd.
Claire doesn't agree with me.
The science required is decades
beyond anything we know.
If we can discover how
this creature crossed
the genetic barrier from
one life form to another,
we'll unlock the
mysteries of heredity.
A blueprint of life.
What about this
violent behavior?
A further mystery and
a very different one.
This creature must
have been in a state
of chronic emotional arousal.
During dissection, we
found a traumatic injury
to the brain.
I saw an intervention
around the parietal lobe.
That wasn't done here?
- No.
The trauma follows a trunk
line right into the amygdala.
The emotional
center of the brain.
The incision was crude,
but this unfortunate animal
while still alive
suffered a brutal surgery.
Here, the frontal nerve
connections were severed,
almost burned away.
These nerves connect
the new higher brain
to the older primitive brain.
A surgery so barbaric, Lloyd,
that it's hard to reconcile
with your theory of
an advanced science.
But who, I mean who, who would-
We haven't any idea, but
the brain centers affected
by that surgery were
deliberately chosen.
(dramatic music)
(footsteps plodding)
(door clattering)
(footsteps plodding)
You know you can't
answer those questions
without a living specimen.
Which requires an expedition.
Are you still saying the
university doesn't intend
to follow through with mine?
Matt, it's complicated.
The Nepalese consider the
specimen to be here illegally
and demand its return.
Officially, we
can't do anything.
And unofficially?
I've applied for an
extended leave of absence,
which they approved immediately.
What about the financing?
Paragon Publishing.
I sent them your dissertation,
details on the find,
a prospectus on the expedition,
and a sketch for our book.
Our book?
I want you on this trip, Matt,
and I was hoping
you'd do me the honor
of co-authoring a
book on our return.
Well, I'm flattered, but
does your publisher realize
how much money is needed to
outfit an operation like this?
(Claire laughs)
We're not going to
climb Everest, Matthew.
We're searching for a yeti.
Of course, our base camp would
have to be well supplied,
but only a few of us
would set out from there
on one- or two-day treks.
We'll crisscross the ravines
until we pick up his tracks.
Well, when do we leave?
In a few days.
Enough time to get ready?
Claire, you know how long
I've waited for this.
It's settled then.
And obviously, you
have contacts in Nepal.
A former student.
She's a social
anthropology PhD candidate
doing field work,
studying the Sherpas.
Can we count on her?
She's the reason
the yeti is here.
She slipped it
out of the country
right under the noses of
the local authorities.
What if we run into whoever
did that bit of brain surgery?
We'll be careful.
And we're picking up some help.
(bag thudding)
We'll be meeting up with
this fellow, Rondo Montana,
a big-game hunter.
He has his own plane,
so we can get into Nepal
without going through customs.
Between safaris, he runs
a kind tavern in Calcutta.
(dramatic music)
Must be around here someplace.
Nice neighborhood.
[Claire] Yes.
(dogs barking)
This looks like the place.
I'd say so.
(knocker clanging)
He's expecting us?
Of course.
Well, it is late.
Perhaps we should go to the
hotel, come back in the morning.
(footsteps plodding)
I think I'll call
his partner tonight.
[Thief] Hey, money, money.
Ah, you didn't catch me
in a very generous mood.
[Thief] We want money, man.
(Matt grunting)
(dramatic music)
[Claire] For heaven's
sake, give him the money.
The lady gives excellent
advice, my friend.
(knife clanking)
Your money, please.
It's in my back pocket.
(wallet thudding)
(thief laughing)
Now, you've got what you want.
Let's us go.
(dramatic music continues)
(thief laughing)
[Thief] What's in
your purse, lady?
Leave her alone.
(fists thudding)
(thief grunting)
(fist thudding)
(Matt grunting)
(brick thudding)
(foot thudding)
(fist thudding)
Thank you.
You ought to be more
careful around here.
(wallet thudding)
I guess so.
(shirt ripping)
(Claire gasps)
Now, he'll have two
headaches when he wakes up.
(knife clanking)
Here, souvenir of Calcutta.
(footsteps plodding)
Mr. Montana?
(tea sloshing)
Call me Rondo.
(pot clinking)
(cups clinking)
So I'm supposed to be
expecting you, right?
Your partner didn't tell you?
What'd he charge you for
the arrangements this time?
Ned the leech, it's nice to
hear he is still making a living
off his old friends.
I hate to break it
to you like this,
but I've been outta the
safari business for 12 years.
(cup clinking)
(Claire sighs)
Mr. Montana, I'll
be candid with you.
We haven't anyone
else to turn to.
If you can't help us, can
you recommend somebody else?
Well, that depends.
What are you two
after, tigers, buffalo?
Something even more dangerous.
Particularly since we're not
hunting to kill but to study.
And you brought
tranquilizer rifles,
and nets, and cameras.
Yeah, I think I get
it. (dramatic music)
Either you're after wild
elephants or the yeti.
How did you know?
[Rondo] I've been expecting it.
There's an expedition
ahead of us?
None I've heard of.
They'll be coming.
There'll be no stopping 'em now
that they've
supposedly caught one.
From what I've read, nobody
saw the thing up close.
So you think it's a hoax?
Well, if we could convince
you that the yeti is-
That it's real?
Take a lot more proof than a
couple of newspaper stories.
I admire your skepticism.
You'd make a good scientist.
Rondo, this is
Dr. Claire Collier.
Did any of the stories
you read mention
she supervised the
dissection of the yeti?
This is no fraud, Mr. Montana.
Take it from a
former unbeliever.
These, have a look at
these. (paper rustling)
(dramatic music continues)
What's the size?
Oh, didn't you find?
(bag rustling)
Oh, sorry, here, this one.
The yeti does exist.
One has been killed, and
others have been sighted.
It's chancy.
People have been looking
for over 100 years.
And they never found him,
because he didn't
want to be found.
Now, something's driving
him down the mountain
into human confrontation.
They say he's a man killer.
The specimen we have went
through a mutilating surgery.
That's what caused the violent
behavior you heard about.
Someone is capturing and
maiming this creature
for God knows what purpose.
There can only be a
few specimens left.
Extinction now before we
can even finish describing
the animal scientifically
would be a tragedy.
Please reconsider.
The delay in finding someone
with your experience-
Set your watches
10 minutes ahead.
The Nepalese are
independent little guys.
They set their clocks 10
minutes ahead of everybody else.
That gives 'em a jump on
the rest of the world.
Then, you'll do it?
We don't want him
sold in souvenir shops
for hat racks and umbrella
stands, now do we?
Not at all,
Mr. Montana, not at all.
(adventurous music)
(engine humming)
(hand knocking)
(door squeaking)
Dr. Collier.
Kathleen, my dear, how are you?
Surviving, please come in.
Kathleen, here are our
two co-conspirators.
This colorful fellow
is Mr. Rondo Montana,
our tracking expert.
Rondo, Kathleen Reidel.
Good to meet you.
So you'll be our protector.
Good, I'm not the heroic type.
And I think you
know Matt Connor.
Matthew Connor, should have
realized you'd be coming.
Do I know you?
Your dissertation preceded you.
Who didn't you give it to?
(Claire laughs)
I thought it might help
Kathy in her research.
Your perspective
was very insightful.
Now, we need more
scientific criteria.
That's why we're here.
Is our guide somewhere about?
(dramatic music)
Siku will be our guide.
How old are you, son?
(gun clanking)
If it's dirty, it'll
freeze up in the snow.
[Kathleen] You won't find
another guide in this village
to take you into
these mountains.
They scared of the yeti?
The people here never climb
without a ritual
blessing from the llama.
And doesn't the llama approve?
[Kathleen] He was killed
just two days ago.
[Matt] Yeti?
About two kilometers
from the village.
Always we honored
the ancient one.
Now, he has turned against us.
The yeti attacked
suddenly, viciously.
The llama was, he
was- (dramatic music)
Kathy, how are we
progressing at the camp?
(sighs) Some supplies
are still arriving.
We're nearly ready.
[Rondo] How far is it?
'Bout a day's climb.
Good, we'll start
in the morning.
(dramatic music continues)
(adventurous music)
(shovel rasping and thudding)
(gun clanking)
(snow crunching)
(towel rasping)
You ever handle one of these?
This would be yours.
Military, huh?
Kinda small, isn't it?
It's the best I could
find on short notice.
Probably won't stop a yeti,
but it might scare him off.
It's light.
It's easy to handle.
It's a good first rifle.
(gun clanking)
Uh, uh, no, no, it's a carbine.
First shot, you got
slam the bolt back hard.
12 years is a long time, Rondo.
Why'd you quit?
Why'd I quit?
You know anything
about safari hunting?
[Matt] Not really.
In the old days, we would
walk three, maybe four months.
We'd assemble in Nairobi,
maybe 20 people, gun bearers,
skinners, camp boys,
and the hunter himself.
Nowadays, it's a
two-week vacation.
They scout the game
from an airplane.
They chase it down in a jeep,
and then they get
back to their hotel
in time for a gourmet meal
and to mail some postcards.
Not very romantic.
Romantic? (laughs)
I had this one regular client.
He wanted the entrance to
his game room to be an arch
formed by the necks
of two giraffe.
Well, I shot the first one.
When I went up to him,
the eyes of a dying giraffe
can change a man, Mr. Connor.
It's a legend the natives have.
Anyway, times have changed.
Sport hunting's barely
allowed anymore.
Most of us old-timers
think it's better that way.
Big day tomorrow, you
better get some rest.
(Siku chanting in
foreign language)
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to.
Please enter.
Siku, I was wondering
which is the trail
we would be following.
Below the northern ridge
through Janana Hunetao.
[Claire] What?
The forbidden palace.
For my people.
Only Tenzang would go.
He showed me.
[Claire] Is that your family?
I have no family.
(solemn music)
(paper rustling)
I know what it's
like to be alone.
(solemn music continues)
(knife clanging)
(adventurous music)
(adventurous music continues)
(footsteps plodding)
[Rondo] Snow just
stopped half an hour ago.
That footprint's fresh.
Yes. (water sloshing)
It must be just up ahead of us.
Come on.
It'll be dark soon.
We'll have to wait till morning.
The yeti'll be miles
from here by morning.
I've lived up here.
It's too dangerous to travel
by night in these mountains.
[Matt] Look, we've come
too far to lose him now.
And what would you
advise, Mr. Montana?
I say we pitch
camp for the night,
start out in the morning.
Seems entirely sensible to me.
Kathy, let's help the
man pitch the tent.
(wind howling)
(dramatic music)
(wind howling)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
(wind howling)
(dramatic music)
(gun clanking)
(footsteps plodding)
(creature roaring)
(gunshots blasting)
You crazy?
[Matt] Yeti.
Yeah, this damn fool
coulda got us all killed.
[Matt] Where was he?
[Rondo] He went over
the side up ahead there.
Siku was only protecting us.
Listen, Mrs. Collier.
I've seen the look
in this kid's eye
when he talks about the
yeti, the look a man has
before he makes a kill.
- He's just a boy.
- Yeah,
well, that boy
wants to bag a yeti,
and he doesn't care who
he takes down to do it.
Claire, everybody, over here.
(footsteps plodding)
(wind howling)
(dramatic music)
(footsteps plodding)
(dramatic music continues)
Well, we don't know what it is,
but maybe we can
find out something.
There are no rivets
or fasteners.
Top looks like it's made
of a solid piece of glass.
Must be a casting, but the size.
(dramatic music continues)
[Siku] Yeti.
(footsteps plodding)
Watch your footing.
The snow's getting
slushy around here.
Fresh track.
Must be.
The snow's melted all around it.
(hand hissing)
Ow, this thing is hot.
(ground rumbling)
(Kathleen screaming)
(air whooshing)
(Claire grunting)
(bodies thudding)
(dramatic music continues)
(footsteps plodding)
Collier, Dr. Collier, Kathleen?
I'm here, Matt.
I'm all right.
(hand thudding)
[Rondo] Ms. Reidel?
Oh, yes?
[Rondo] Good girl.
Oh, was I out long?
Just for a moment.
Oh, we were fortunate
to land on snow.
Maybe the lama
blessed us after all.
It could be.
(Kathleen grunting)
Well, that was some fall.
[Claire] Can we climb back out?
Not easily, we gotta find
another way outta here.
Where's Siku?
Over here.
Come this way.
Well, maybe our other guide
can get us outta here.
Gather up all the
gear you can find.
(dramatic music)
(footsteps plodding)
[Kathleen] Daylight.
[Rondo] It's looking good.
[Matt] Doesn't look
like too hard a climb.
Shall we see where we are?
Well, it's, uh, getting late.
After nightfall, we'll
be warmer in the cave.
We'll climb out in the morning.
(water pattering)
These rocks are warm.
Must be the sun.
Well, the sun's just come up.
These rocks have
been warm all night.
What do you see, Matt?
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(adventurous music)
(insects chirping)
This must be where
they come from.
I don't see any reason
to think otherwise.
Makes sense.
It's a big area, two,
three miles wide.
Enough room for a
yeti to hide, Rondo?
Enough for two or three,
hell, probably four.
(suspenseful music)
That river runs the
length of the valley.
Be foolish not to
take advantage of it.
(zipper whizzing)
Foolish indeed, Mr. Montana.
We can stash our
cold-weather gear here.
Let's hang on to it.
No telling what the nights
are like down there.
(suspenseful music)
(footsteps plodding)
You coming, my dear?
(bright music)
(footsteps plodding)
(bag thudding)
What now?
We build a raft.
(adventurous music)
(knife clanging)
(water sloshing)
(switch clicking)
The forest is made up of
mostly pine and redwood.
Topography seems to
rule out the presence
of any volcanic activity.
(switch clicking)
Get enough pictures, Matt?
Oh, yeah, I got
plenty a mile back.
Terrain hasn't changed
much since then.
All right.
I want to get a sketch of
those cliffs over there.
Why does she do
all that drawing?
Why doesn't she just
take a photograph?
Because, Mr. Montana, anyone
can take a photograph.
(water sloshing)
(adventurous music continues)
Dr. Collier, look.
Where are those binoculars?
(suspenseful music)
What is it?
(hand thudding)
[Matt] Buildings of some kind,
more like huts, about
a half mile that way.
[Claire] How large?
[Matt] Maybe large
enough for a yeti.
(suspenseful music)
What are they,
some kind of yeti?
Not at all.
They seem to be Pithecanthropus,
possibly even Australopithecus
from an early
paleolithic period.
Prehistoric man, Rondo.
[Rondo] Oh, yeah,
well, maybe we'll meet
some of my old relatives.
Precisely, that's
exactly what we must do.
Look at them, Claire.
They must have been living here
unchanged for 50,000 years.
At least. (suspenseful
music continues)
Rondo, can we find a, a hidden
place where we can camp?
They're bound to find us
no matter where we go.
We may even want them to,
but I want to do as much
field work as possible
before they do.
Yes, a fantastic creature as
strange in his way as the yeti.
That's what I was thinking.
Life forms developing in
a controlled environment.
Yeah, maybe.
But every environment we know
that has a stable climate
for millions of years has life
that hasn't changed
for millions of years.
And we might expect to find
an ancient species maybe,
but at least a species we know.
We're finding
completely unknown ones.
Are you suggesting
Dr. Trent's theory
of a controlled experiment?
We haven't seen any
signs of that, Matthew.
Yeah, I guess so.
(sighs) We've collected
many questions today,
questions that may take
whole lifetimes to answer.
To begin, we must
be well rested.
And I, for one, am exhausted.
Goodnight, everyone.
It's time for me to
fold, too, amigo,
your turn to stand watch.
(gun clanking)
(fire crackling)
(creatures howling and growling)
(suspenseful music)
(footsteps plodding)
(creatures howling and growling)
(hand thudding)
Easy partner, and
I'm sorry, Matt.
I didn't wanna wake anyone.
(sighs) Thought you were in bed.
I heard that racket, too.
Sounded like the village
was under attack.
We'll check it out
in the morning.
(suspenseful music continues)
(insects chirping)
[Matt] Looks deserted.
[Claire] What do
you think, Rondo?
It seems quiet.
You wanna go in?
If you recommend it, yes.
Well, let's all be careful.
They might be watching us.
We'll cross downstream,
and no talking.
(suspenseful music)
(leaves rustling)
(suspenseful music
continues) (leaves rustling)
(creature squealing)
(Kathleen screaming)
(leaves rustling)
Sorry, everyone.
It was one of the hominids.
What was he like, Kathleen?
I was too scared to notice.
You and him both.
A terrified chimp makes
it sound like that.
I didn't mean to frighten him.
Oh, of course not.
(leaves rustling)
I doubt it was you.
He was hiding in here all night.
He must have been half panicked
by the time you spooked him.
Should we keep on going?
Might as well.
No point in keeping quiet now.
(leaves rustling)
(footsteps plodding)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
Claire, everybody, over here.
This is what we
heard last night.
(stick clattering)
Looks deliberate.
Looks almost like defilement.
Another tribe?
Matt, look at the hands.
The skin, it's not human.
Many tracks here.
Kid's right.
There was a battle, all right.
Looks like our apeman
friends were taken prisoner
and marched out of here,
some of 'em anyway.
(dramatic music)
He has been here.
Then, he has a pretty
good head start.
(dramatic music continues)
What are they, Claire?
Who could have made
something like that?
This is the third
one we've seen,
counting the first one
we saw in the snow.
It's a pneumatic system.
Yes, that alone
makes our questions
rather academic for now.
Rondo, how are we doing?
Closing on 'em.
(dramatic music continues)
Matt, all of you,
whatever lies ahead
is something unknown
and very likely dangerous.
I shouldn't presume that
all of us want to go on.
Don't worry, doc.
We're ready for 'em.
(laughing) Oh, I have
no doubt about that.
Kathleen, would you and
Siku rather stay here?
Matt and I can-
Please, don't ask me to stay.
(dramatic music)
(hand thudding)
(Claire sighs)
Very well then, let's proceed.
(dramatic music continues)
(water pattering)
(footsteps plodding)
Undoubtedly, but what's
the source of that power?
I know what the source is.
It's been right in
front of us all along.
What are you getting at?
The river.
My guess is the entire valley's
a hydroelectric system,
starting with those heat domes.
Matt, you may be right.
Those domes could
be solar heaters
like furnaces melting ice
from the mountainside.
Forming a river that
ends up in a reservoir,
which generates electricity
that keeps this place going.
It's fantastic.
(dramatic music)
(footsteps plodding)
Matt, the skin.
Half man, half reptile.
Can I have a minute?
Sure, we can use the rest.
(bags rustling)
His neck's been broken.
Yeah, maybe his back,
too, and one leg here.
It's a safe guess what got him.
(suspenseful music)
(water pattering)
(paper rustling)
Yes, just let me
take a tissue sample.
(fire crackling)
(Rondo inhaling)
Where's Kathy?
We should get moving.
Went that way.
(suspenseful music continues)
[Kathleen] Matt.
Hurry, Claire.
(dramatic music)
Kathy, what happened?
My God.
(dramatic music continues)
What is this place?
It's where the
answers are, Rondo.
(footsteps plodding)
Star Trek.
[Matt] We've got to get inside.
It may not be safe.
We must go inside.
We'd betray a priceless
opportunity if we didn't.
(stone clattering)
- Stop.
- What?
Behind us, listen.
(water sloshing)
It is gone now.
Mr. Montana, I will stay here.
Someone must guard
against surprise.
- I don't think it-
- No, Siku's right.
Someone should stay
behind and guard our rear.
It's your turn to stand watch.
Now, any real action I
expect will be up ahead,
but you be careful.
If you see anything funny,
you fire off one round.
We'll hear you.
We'll come running.
'Kay, partner?
Gotcha, partner.
Okay, let's go.
(wind howling)
(ladder creaking)
(wind howling)
This must have been
beautiful once.
Over here.
This corridor's open.
(air whooshing)
(door rasping)
Ooh, this place has
been closed for a while.
(brooding music)
We must be in the
center of the ship.
(footsteps plodding)
Matt, what's that over there?
(footsteps plodding)
(brooding music continues)
We may be looking at
the pilot of this craft.
He's holding something.
- What?
- In his hand.
Let's turn him up.
No, don't disturb him.
Matt, you can reach it.
It's metal.
(switch clicking)
(tone pulsating)
(suspenseful music)
(static hissing)
It's not real.
[Claire] It's a projection,
a hologram or something.
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
It's a speech, a
recording of a speech.
(switch clicking)
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(creature continues speaking
in foreign language)
Thoughts from another world.
If only we could understand.
(craft humming)
Look, that's the ship
we're standing in.
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
[Claire] Is it the Earth?
I think so.
Yes, look.
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
This gives us an idea
of when they arrived,
100,000 years ago.
At least.
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
[Matt] That's the
thing we saw inside.
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(energy pulsating)
(explosion blasting)
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
This is the key to
their expedition.
Oh, this is so frustrating.
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(screen beeping)
Biological engineering.
(screen beeping)
Systematic control of evolution.
(device clanging)
(suspenseful music)
(footsteps plodding)
Killed by something monstrous.
Matt, you were right.
Creatures in this
valley were developed
in a protected laboratory
for experiments
without interference.
Experiments by scientists
from another world.
An experiment that failed.
How could beings with this power
and knowledge leave
such wreckage,
such desolation?
Something unexpected must
have happened to them,
maybe disease, something
foreign to them.
The alien seemed reptilian,
probably cold blooded.
Warm-blooded mammals of
the Earth might have shown
some biological advantages.
Advantages they may have
wanted for themselves,
gene splicing, mutations.
Somehow it got out of control.
It's tragic, terribly tragic.
(Claire sighs)
From the top of these mountains,
hundreds of centuries
are looking down at us.
It's time to return home.
We have an important
story to tell.
(dramatic music)
(footsteps plodding)
Dr. Collier, wait a minute.
If these experiments were
performed thousands of years ago,
who's doing surgery
on the yetis now?
(creature screeching)
Look out.
(Claire screaming)
(containers clanging)
(gas hissing)
Dr. Collier.
(dramatic music continues)
(Kathleen coughing)
(Kathleen coughing)
(Claire screaming)
(Matt coughing)
He's coming around.
(creature growling)
Easy partner, don't
make any sudden moves.
Show any excitement,
they go crazy.
Be careful.
(hand thudding)
Well, what is it?
(creature growling)
Freak of nature.
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
Matt, are you okay?
(Matt gasping)
Where's Siku?
We don't know.
They must have surprised
him before he could warn us.
Followed us for miles.
It's my fault.
I should have seen.
Don't blame yourself.
They're very clever.
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
Yeah, clever enough to
fly a spaceship, I guess.
No, no, this is
not the same alien
we saw in the spacecraft.
These must be drones or workers
probably brought here for labor.
Maybe they destroyed the
others like we saw in the ship.
Yes, then without any guidance,
they must have regressed
almost completely,
a whole culture lost forever.
(suspenseful music)
(footsteps plodding)
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(metal clanging)
(creature growling)
Kathy, don't worry.
We'll find you.
(Kathleen screams)
We gotta get outta
here. (bars clanging)
Check your pockets.
The knife, it's still
here. (knife clanging)
Didn't they search us?
Folds up.
Didn't see it was a weapon.
They didn't take this either.
Stash the knife, Matt.
Don't give 'em anything
to be interested in.
(creature growling)
(suspenseful music)
(rope rustling)
(creature growling)
(footsteps plodding)
[Claire] That appears
to be our destination.
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(suspenseful music continues)
(fire crackling)
(creature growling)
(creatures speaking
in foreign language)
(door clattering and creaking)
(suspenseful music continues)
(door clattering and creaking)
(creatures hissing)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
[Claire] What do they
intend to do with us?
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(footsteps plodding)
(door slamming)
(creatures hissing)
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(suspenseful music)
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(machine creaking)
(suspenseful music continues)
(creatures speaking
in foreign language)
(switch clicking)
(bodies thudding)
(hominids grunting)
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(suspenseful music continues)
(creatures hissing)
(gate clattering)
(gate thudding)
(feet plodding)
(creature growling)
(creatures hissing)
(yeti growling)
(suspenseful music continues)
(gate clattering)
(stone thudding)
(creatures hissing)
(suspenseful music continues)
(yeti growling)
Doctor, look.
I see it.
Behavior modification.
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(spear thudding)
(hominid grunting)
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(machine whirring)
(electricity buzzing)
(yeti roaring)
(dramatic music)
(hominid screaming)
They're worse than the
bloodiest savages I ever saw.
(yeti growling)
Savages, of course.
Of course.
What? What is it?
Matthew, these aliens,
they're not a different species.
They're the same species,
cerebral, almost spiritual
without animal drive
or, or desires.
That's the way
they were, Matthew.
Now, they're combined
with a, a species so complex.
They didn't realize.
You can see the violent
animal still within them.
(Claire gasps)
Oh, God, help us.
(dramatic music)
(hand smacking)
(body thudding)
(switch clicking)
(Claire screaming)
(body thudding)
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(hand thudding)
(creatures hissing)
(knife clanking)
Kathy, Kathy, are you all right?
(yeti growling)
(feet thudding)
(Claire grunting)
(dramatic music continues)
(yeti growling)
(knife rasping)
Dr. Collier, be careful.
He understands.
He's intelligent.
(electricity buzzing)
(yeti roaring)
(body thudding)
(yeti roaring)
(body thudding)
(feet thudding)
(yeti growling)
(knife rasping)
I'll take care of Kathy.
You've got to
destroy that machine.
(yeti growling)
(lever clicking)
(machine whirring)
(electricity buzzing)
(yeti roaring)
(rope rustling)
(machine whirring)
(tongue rasping)
(feet thudding)
(metal clanging)
(explosion blasting)
(electricity buzzing)
(creature growling)
(rope whooshing)
(creature growling)
(Rondo grunting)
(body thudding)
(creature growling)
(metal clanging)
(creature groaning)
(creatures hissing)
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(Matt grunting)
(feet thudding)
(yeti roaring)
(gate clattering)
Let's go before they
cut us off at the door.
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(dramatic music)
(hands thudding)
(arrows thudding)
Look out.
(yeti roaring)
(hands thudding)
(door clattering)
(yeti roaring)
Come on, Claire.
(arrow slashing)
(Claire gasping)
(blood squelching)
(arrow clanking)
Claire hurry.
(dramatic music continues)
(footsteps plodding)
(door creaking)
Let's go.
I can't hold 'em off forever.
(door slamming)
(yeti roaring)
(bodies thudding)
(arrow thudding)
(yeti roaring)
(footsteps plodding)
(hands thudding)
(yeti roaring)
(arrow clattering)
(yeti roaring)
(footsteps plodding)
(creatures hissing)
(yeti roaring)
(water sloshing)
(dramatic music continues)
(footsteps plodding)
(yeti roaring)
(swords slashing)
(body thudding)
(dramatic music continues)
(footsteps plodding)
Rondo, hold up.
(footsteps plodding)
Siku, go on.
I'll help her.
(Claire gasping)
You have to leave me, Matthew.
That's not an option.
You must save yourselves.
Get the women to higher ground.
[Rondo] Where are you going?
Just go on.
(dramatic music)
(footsteps plodding)
(creature growling)
(yeti roaring)
(spear thudding)
(yeti roaring)
(creatures hissing)
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(footsteps plodding)
(machine clattering)
(dramatic music continues)
(footsteps plodding)
(switch clicking)
(electricity buzzing)
(water sloshing)
(switch clicking)
(machine whirring)
(electricity hissing)
They're coming.
(footsteps plodding)
(creature speaking
in foreign language)
(metal creaking)
(machine whirring)
(electricity hissing)
(explosion blasting)
(stone clanking)
(dramatic music continues)
(dam rumbling)
(water sloshing)
(water sloshing)
(craft creaking)
(wistful music)
(Claire gasping)
You can do that later.
Just rest.
Matt, please.
(switch clicking)
This is Claire Collier speaking.
In an isolated Himalayan valley,
our party has
discovered the remains
of an ancient civilization
from another world.
There's far too much
for me to say here,
far more that will
need to be said.
Please believe
everything that Matt,
Matthew Connor tells you
about what we have found.
(feet shuffling)
(Claire gasping)
(switch clicking)
A beast in the soul of man,
a legacy they were
powerless to overcome.
(feet shuffling)
I want you to leave me here.
Emotions so beautiful,
so human, and powerful,
for their world, too powerful.
Make them understand, Matt,
how they came to this.
(Claire gasping)
And Siku, so strong.
I'm very proud of you.
I'm sorry I won't be able
to write that book
with you, Matthew.
But I know you'll find
a worthy collaborator.
Your name will be
on it with ours.
It will be such
an important book.
(Claire gasping)
She's gone, son.
(machine whirring)
(insects chirping)
(gentle music)
(hand thudding)
(footsteps plodding)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(adventurous music)
(adventurous music continues)
(adventurous music continues)
(adventurous music continues)
(adventurous music continues)
(gentle music)
(adventurous music)
(adventurous music continues)
(suspenseful music)