The Proud Princess (2024) Movie Script
Ugh. I have to go, Jimmy.
I'd rather be picking
a nice apple than a princess.
- I'd pick one right away!
- I don't doubt that.
King Benjamin!
I understand you're again very busy,
but a delegation from
the Midnight Kingdom awaits you.
Benjamin, I know
you'd rather be in the gardens.
But as king, you have certain duties
you cannot shy away from.
Where is he?
Why do I ask?
Your Majesty!
This isn't funny. Not even enjoyable.
It's irresponsible.
I don't want to repeat myself.
In every man's life, there comes a time...
A time to stop acting like a child.
When he must start to take
life seriously, Your Majesty.
I really don't know what
to do with him. Any ideas?
Benjamin! The delegation is still waiting.
This is going to be embarrassing.
Jimmy! Where is he?
Who? The king?
Throning on the throne. Where else?
Jacob, there you are.
Your Majesty.
All right, we can begin.
I present our ambassador
of the Midnight Kingdom.
Good King Benjamin.
Accept a humble hello
from the ruler of the Midnight Kingdom.
His Highness, our king, sends a portrait
of his most beautiful
and fairest Princess Carolina.
He asks if you want to ask for her hand.
Send them a response.
Please wake up. Please get up.
Princess, the Sunny Kingdom delegation.
- Get up. Everyone's waiting for you!
- What? They're already here?
- Out of my way!
- I'm sorry, Princess.
- I am!
- I want the ones with lace.
- With lace...
- No, these won't do!
I'll bring different ones.
- These are too childish.
- Childish?
- Bring the silk ones.
- The silk ones.
- No, no, no, no! I want the blue ones!
- Of course. Of course. The blue ones.
- Slippers. Slippers!
- Yes, Slippers! Right away!
- I've got them.
- Not these ones!
I'm sorry. How stupid am I?
- My crown! Where's my crown?
- My Lord!
I don't know where your
crown is! It's always here!
- Find it, woman! There's no time to lose!
- It was here. I can never find it!
- A princess must have a crown!
- But it was here. I just...
Well, where is it?
Oh, here it is!
- Yes, finally.
- I've got it Your Highness!
Come here. Good girl.
It's good I have you, Bijou. What an idiot
maid. She can't find a thing. But you can.
If I may. Trade me?
- You're ready, Princess.
- The door.
Dear King, fair Princess,
please accept
the portrait of our King Benjamin.
He requests your noble hand in marriage.
- Is this the king or his gardener?
- What? Uh... excuse me?
King Benjamin from the Sunny Kingdom.
I think he's not worthy to ask for your...
He's not even worthy
to lace up my slipper.
This is why I had to wake up so early?
Carolina, aren't you acting a bit rashly?
On the contrary, King.
The princess has great judgment.
This portrait is missing something.
One moment.
But... you can't do that.
- There. Better, isn't it?
- Bravo, Princess.
Let's just hope they
don't declare war on us.
Who? The gardener?
Only if he first sharpens his spade.
But now, seriously.
The ambassador from
the Glittering Kingdom, Your Highness.
Well, Your Excellency.
The fairest Princess Carolina.
Please accept the greeting from our king,
who has allowed to send you a portrait
of the most noble Prince Romeo...
What do you think, Bijou? Do we like him?
...with the kind request to ask...
Why not?
...for the hand of the fair princess.
And here he sends a modest gift.
Sorry, Your Highness. He loves
treasures, silver, gold... glittery things.
I don't know where he picked it up.
Snitcher, back!
- Shall we invite the prince to our palace?
- Of course. Can't you see? Certainly.
It's a literal fairy tale couple.
Princess, your fairest beauty,
in harmony with the nobility
of His Highness, Prince Romeo.
Harmony of beauty. And charm.
It could even be said--
That you were made for each other.
It would literally be a perfect match.
It's a joy to look at you two.
If the prince suits me as well as you say,
go ahead and invite him.
- Your Excellency.
- Your Highness.
Your Grace.
Not worthy to lace up her slipper?
We'll see about that.
- Good luck, sir.
- Thanks, Jacob.
It's okay, boy. Don't be scared.
- Going after the princess, aren't you?
- After love. You don't know what that is.
- But she doesn't want you.
- We'll see about that.
Love. He's crazy.
When I make shoes I have to sing
I cannot stop, not for the king!
They'll lock me up, that's for sure
For singing is against the law
But why is it so very wrong?
To sing and sing out all day long
Hello, good man. What are you doing?
Please don't tell on me.
I just had to jump over to sing a bit.
From the look on your face,
you've never been in the Midnight Kingdom.
- No. But I'm just heading there.
- You see, it's like this. I'm a shoemaker.
And I like singing while working.
But in our kingdom, singing is banned.
Luckily, I live here near the border,
so when it comes upon me,
I jump over here and let it out!
- Your king outlawed singing?
- No, no, no. Not our king.
His wise advisers. But it doesn't matter.
Tell me about the Sunny Kingdom.
Are the shoemakers there happy?
Could you give my horse a bit of water?
Of course. I'll get some right away.
- I didn't mean to.
- That always happens.
Go inside. I'll set it back up.
Very cozy. I've never seen
a shoemaker's workshop before.
- Water.
- Thanks.
- Wow.
- My handiwork.
Are these slippers for the princess?
No, no! She doesn't
set foot outside the castle.
- She clearly likes the castle very much.
- Well, I wouldn't say that.
What I know, she only likes herself.
What's that?
- A picture of our royal family?
- Yes.
It reminds me that singing and
being happy is completely normal.
Money! Pay up, shoemaker!
You owe taxes!
- Do you know what day it is?
- Already?
I haven't sold so much
as a shoelace since last week.
You haven't got the money.
So, you're coming with us!
Guards! We've got some work!
No. Please. I'll have it next week.
That's enough.
Here you go. Is that enough?
A gold coin. You're not
from around here, are you?
That horse outside. Is it yours?
Try and guess.
So, now you'll pay for horse parking.
And you surely drank the local water,
didn't you?
There's a fee for that too.
Plus, we charge for collecting
horse droppings on the road.
And we have other taxes.
On free movement, on standing
in one place, standing on one leg.
A tax on inhaling and exhaling.
And a tax on wiggling.
Enough! How much do I owe you?
According to all of this,
the whole bag of gold.
Let's go!
Welcome to the Midnight Kingdom.
But how will I ever pay you back?
That's a fortune for me.
I know how you can pay me back.
I'd like to borrow your clothes.
But all I have are these.
A perfect fit.
It fits real nicely. I'm like a lord!
Thanks friend.
Go back to Jacob, okay? Go on!
Thanks for everything.
And enjoy the clothes.
Good luck!
This is great! Bye!
Oh, well.
- What do you want?
- To greet the princess.
Get lost! No hoboes allowed.
Bring it here. Who's a good girl?
My sweet thing!
Give me the ball. Give me the ball, Bijou.
Bijou, sit! Ready.
Fetch! Where are you going?
Where are you?
Good girl!
Bijou, you really are a good girl.
One more time. This time a far one.
Good, bring it back!
You really like this ball, don't you?
Okay, wait a second. I'll get it for you.
Hold on. Almost there...
You, there! What are you doing?
Are you trying to climb over the fence?
No, I'm just climbing for the ball.
Don't let me see you here again
or I'll call the guards. Bijou, let's go.
She wasn't always like this.
Just like this kingdom.
Come on.
I think a cup of tea will do you good.
Here you go. Tea fixes moods.
Nothing is ever
as it appears at first glance.
Even you aren't from a poor family,
despite wanting to look it.
Well, has the princess
always been so stuck up?
Not at all. As I said,
appearances are often deceiving.
I was once her nanny.
She was beautiful. Like an angel.
She never cried.
She had a talent for being active.
The queen and Carolina were always close.
And she was always most happy when
singing with her parents by the fountain.
Everything was as it should be.
Then, suddenly the queen got sick.
That was a difficult time for Carolina.
She didn't want to see anybody.
And that's when they came.
The King's new advisers.
Led by the scoundrel Maximus.
Now they rule. And they want to
marry the princess to the highest bidder.
But, if I could sing her favorite song
to her, she would surely be reminded...
I'll remind her of the song.
Would you be so daring?
Nurture buds and watch them bloom
As long as we're together
What? You? Again?
This hobo was loitering at the gate.
Then he started singing.
Your Majesty.
Singing is outlawed here, boy.
Oh, what am I to do with you? Maximus?
To the dungeon with him!
One minute.
What's going on?
So they've caught you?
I knew it when you were
climbing into the garden.
You can't even lie properly.
- Your Highness.
- Your Grace.
- Father.
- Carolina.
I agree with Maximus.
Send them to the dungeon.
- What? No, no. Wait! Hold on!
- All right. Let's go. Come on.
I am a gardener, Your Majesty.
And it seems your garden needs a gardener.
- That is true. We could use a gardener.
- That's why I'm here.
A gardener for what? Needless expenses.
That's why we fired the last one.
Plants grow all by themselves.
I thought he quit.
Not that you didn't want to pay him.
The ingrate! Gossip. The kingdom is broke.
The people aren't paying much tax.
Say something!
Yeah, right.
We are collecting taxes all the time.
We do what we can,
but your subjects don't want to pay.
I noticed that Hedera helix vulgaris
is multiplying rapidly.
While Lilium martagon seems faulty.
- Faulty?
- Faulty. It's wilting.
It's withering until it's dead.
Believe me. It's not pretty.
You don't want a wealthy suitor
to think your garden,
or even your kingdom, is dilapidated.
Really? Advisers? What do you think?
It's a deal.
You put the castle gardens in order.
That's your punishment. Clear?
A wise decision.
I won't let you down.
And here will be your
palace, Your Majesty!
You should clean this up a bit.
There's a mystery deep
Inside your guarded gaze
What's behind those secret eyes
Hidden seeds buried down deep beneath
In the garden of your mind
You hide your feelings behind your pride
Shading all your light
If I just knew the song
That's meant for you
It could let your true self shine
Day by day the sun it rises up
And wakes the land up with its smile
The land accepts this love with open arms
Then beauty opens its eyes
You will see when every flower and tree
Receive the gift of love
That their roots can tell
Yes they know you well
Your pride can't hide your true self
Music knows the secrets in your heart
You just need to let the tune inside
For a melody in perfect harmony
Brings a song
That you've known all your life
Bring it here, Bijou!
That was a close one, girl.
Are you okay? Bijou! Come here.
Generosity beats living selfishly
Only kindness makes the flowers bloom
Then you can taste what's sweet
And reap the orchard's treat
As your heart skips to your tune
When you find your song
That was there all along
It'll lift you to the sky
Then you will see
Beyond the gate you're free
To spread your wings and fly
Look at this.
And this!
It sure is something.
It's beautiful.
This was my absolute
favorite place as a kid, Bijou.
I'm glad that you like it, Carolina.
What? How dare you call
me by my first name, Gardener!
Lace up my slipper.
Did you not understand?
Who do you think you are?
I'm a princess!
Every prince would see it
as an honor to lace up my slipper.
Lucky for me. I'm a gardener.
Lace up my slipper!
Well? Am I not a beautiful princess?
And everyone should obey such a
beautiful princess. Even King Benjamin...
How dare you! Yes, I am beautiful.
Stop! Stop! I'm beautiful!
Of course.
Every prince from far and wide
would want to see such a beauty.
- So, help me!
- Certainly.
There you go.
We have amazing news, Your Highness.
Your wish has been heard
and the prince from the Glittering
Kingdom will come to visit Your Grace.
Wonderful. Finally someone
who appreciates my beauty.
- Your Highness.
- Your Excellency.
Your Grace.
I don't think so.
Your Excellency. Princess.
Prince Romeo has heard
of your unspeakable beauty
and wishes to ask for your hand.
Nurture buds and watch them bloom
His bravery and wealth
are known far and wide.
- What? Who is that? Please excuse me.
- As long as we're together
What's going on here?
You again?
Yes. I'm teaching the flowers to sing.
Yes, sir!
Okay, where was I?
His bravery and wealth
are talked about everywhere.
And that's not all.
I also have unspeakably good looks.
Any princess would think it a great honor
to powder my nose and wax my mustache.
Bravo, Prince. Bravo.
It seems Princess Carolina would
rather admire the flower than admire me.
No! You can't leave.
Your money and beauty...
Oh, yes, I can leave.
Your Highness,
you can forget about my wealth!
I'm fine just staying here.
As long as they don't get married.
The fairest,
the most beautiful,
the most gorgeous princess...
And a little bonus for me.
I came to brighten the mood.
What did you bring me?
Let's have a look how much
you collected this time.
And this much left for the king.
Ouch! You disgusting snaggletooth!
Let go of me now!
Let go!
Good boy. And you never forget that!
Next time he'll bite off your whole hand!
Princess, what are you doing here?
- None of your business. Get out of my way.
- Of course, Your Highness.
- Princess?
- Gardener. I order you to fix the flower.
- Here!
- What?
It's not broken. It just wilted.
So, water it or something.
You are a gardener, after all.
Listen, Your Grace.
This flower wilts when
it's in the presence of someone proud.
But, the flower was only with me.
What? How dare you imply
that I'm proud? That's fresh of you.
Not me. It's the flower.
Watch your mouth.
Otherwise you'll end up down here forever!
Nurture buds and watch them bloom
As long as we're together
It must not grow so short
If it wants to give scent
To the world forever
It must not grow so short
If it wants to give scent
To the world forever
Gardener! The song.
I know the song!
I'd like to learn to play it
on the lute like you.
Will you teach me?
Yes, it would be my pleasure, Princess.
Hugo? The gardener is free.
- Go on!
- Thanks.
Shall we?
How could she? That obnoxious little girl.
In all my years of service in this kingdom
nobody has ever overruled me,
not even the king himself!
Now, that sassy little princess
frees my inmate.
What now?
- We need to lose that no-good
- Who?
- Tree hugger with the green thumb
- Who?
You're right, he's standing in our way
- But who?
- That dirty oaf from the garden
- Oh, him!
- Who overshadowed our new king!
- Yeah, he did
- Ruining our plan with a stupid flower
Why don't we just
Get rid of that flower instead?
You're right!
The dark berry, fetch it!
Just a few drops, in fact
And we will be back on track
Good morning, Gardener!
The tulips and roses need watering.
- Then we can go.
- Wonderful!
We know the mission we must do
We know the target in hand
We won't settle for pie crumbs
We'll take what is rightfully ours!
Bijou, where are you?
Leave him alone. Come here.
Deadly nightshade...
What are they up to?
- I guess we'll see.
- Come on.
The flower and the gardener
Won't be singing anymore
My genius saved the day again
My plan will work for sure
But it was my idea
Did you say something?
We know the mission we must do
We know the target in hand
We know the mission we must do
We know the target in hand
And if we're feeling
A little extra wickedness
- Let the flower wither
- Let's take the throne
- Win, win for us
- Two birds, one stone!
G, G, G
- Ugh, I'll never learn how to play.
- You will.
- You have to be patient.
- I have to...
Yes, I will.
Bijou, fetch. Go get it!
One drop will be enough.
Ugh, that nightshade really is deadly!
You're good at fetching,
but your guard dogging needs improving.
But don't worry.
There's no threat anymore.
The princess is safe.
Gardener! Wake up!
Good morning.
Did you sleep well, Princess?
Yes, like a log.
It was so peaceful last night.
Look! It hasn't wilted!
- You're right. It's beautiful.
- Which means I'm no longer proud.
And I don't even feel proud.
You aren't. And I'm happy.
That means my work at the castle is over.
The garden is blooming. You're no
longer proud. It's time to say goodbye.
But... Gardener. No.
Well, when you turn down a king,
a gardener has no chance.
But he does. Do you not believe me?
I saw that.
- Out! Did you hear me?
- But...
- Out!
- I kissed him.
- I don't care! Kick out the scoundrel.
- You can't do that!
One moment, gentlemen.
I believe you, Princess.
What? How? Take him away!
I don't want to see that hobo again!
And you, Your Highness. Now I'll
accompany you back to your chamber.
After you.
You've accompanied me far enough.
Don't you think?
Let's go! Shh.
- Princess?
- Your Highness!
Bijou! Come back!
Where are you off to?
But, what are you looking for, Bijou?
What have you found?
Yes, Bijou! Run, run, run, run!
Catch her! At once!
Go on! Run! After her! She's getting away!
She's found our secret passage!
Your Highness! Where are you?
Oh, no! I don't have the key!
We're coming!
Thanks, Bijou. That was close.
Where are we?
Am I dreaming?
It's locked!
Princess! Open up!
Oh, no!
Careful, Princess. It's quite a drop.
It's over. You're coming with us.
Can you feel it
The winds of change
Blowing in the hope for a new day
The air on your face
The cool, fresh breeze
Reminds us that it's going to be okay
I can feel it
It's all around us now
The chains are off, I'm smiling
What's this feeling I have found?
A new new sensation
Is this what it's like
When time stands still?
I can breathe the air again somehow
So, let us
Nurture buds and watch them bloom
Nurture buds and watch them bloom
- As long as we're together
- As long as we're together
A fragrance pure and now let's make sure
This blooming scent will last forever
Carolina! My girl.
How could I have forgotten?
But they'll recognize you
in those clothes.
Hurry, let's get you changed.
- Where to now?
- To the Sunny Kingdom.
There! Up there!
There? Up there?
Hold on to the wall.
My God!
Look at me, Carolina. You can do this.
- No! He sees us!
- He doesn't.
You three to the left. The rest with me!
Let's go!
Quick! Grab on to me!
What's this?
That was close.
Very close. Thanks.
Are you okay?
I am now.
Well, okay. We'll have to sleep
somewhere. The sun is setting.
How about here? There's a beautiful view.
Why not?
And in the morning we'll go on.
I remember the beautiful evenings
we'd watch the sunsets with my mom.
I loved when the sun
was warming my cheeks.
And when I'm with you, Gardener, I feel...
And voil!
- We have to go back.
- Yes, sir!
Follow me!
I have to think that Father's advisers
have been robbing us blind.
Don't they earn enough?
There's never enough of greed.
I have to tell my father
so he banishes them.
- Will I see him again?
- You will. Soon.
You have my word that
everything will turn out okay.
You really believe it, Your Highness.
Let's go. Your horse awaits, my lady.
A dead end. A different way!
The forest is scary at night.
Don't you think?
But with you I'm not scared of anything.
Why do we want to go to the Sunny
Kingdom? Maybe it's not the best idea.
What? King Benjamin will be
happy to welcome us.
I'm not sure.
He asked for my hand
and I wasn't exactly the kindest to him.
What if he asks me again?
And he splits us up.
Don't worry, Princess.
I'm sure he's long since forgiven you.
Plus, I won't allow anyone to separate us.
Not even a king.
Carolina, I don't know how to say this.
I'm not a gardener.
In reality,
I'm King Ben...
and you're my Carolina.
- Are you poking the hay?
- Do you see anything?
- Look real well.
- Anything.
Nothing here either. Let's go.
Stop it. Follow me!
I'll tell you something, pet.
Once we find your princess, and we will,
I'm calling Prince Romeo and
there will be a wedding at once.
And his wealth will be mine!
You'll see what I'm gonna do to you.
Finally! After her!
This way! Have you caught their scent?
We're close.
This way!
Bijou! Oh, my sweet Bijou!
You're such a good girl.
How'd you get away?
I missed you so much.
Someone's coming. Hurry.
Maximus and his goons.
What have we got here?
We've got her. She can't be far.
- Hey, you! Peasant!
- Yes? My lord?
Have you seen a beautiful
woman in a beautiful dress?
Almost like a princess?
No. I've seen no such person.
Now, everyone search the area! Move!
Out of the way!
Bijou! No!
Here they are!
You? Again! Get him, boys,
and chop him up into noodles!
Toady! Put the princess
and the puppy in a cage!
What's going on?
- Some fog has fallen on us.
- On the ground! Carolina!
I can't see!
- Princess.
- Keep looking!
Got you.
I caught you!
Hurry! Follow me.
Thank you, coal man!
My pleasure!
Lay down and stay down.
Hurry, Princess.
We're close to the border. Run!
Hurry! After them!
- I have an idea!
- Really?
One moment. I'll go for her.
Now you won't escape me this time!
Hold on!
Another log!
Let's go after them!
Hurry! Lean into it!
Move it! Faster!
Let's go!
- He got what he wanted!
- How are we gonna stop?
Now I've got you, Princess!
- Maximus, enough is enough!
- Enough? I've only just begun!
Carolina, no! Hold on!
I'll never see my Carolina ever again.
I'm a silly old man.
She'll come back. I know it.
How'd you get in here? Who are you?
Have you really forgotten?
Didn't I raise your daughter?
It's been quite the time
since we've seen each other!
Wait. Do you know where Carolina is?
Maybe I do.
And maybe I don't.
Sometimes, a person must lose what is
most valuable to realize their own worth.
How could I have been so blind?
Don't worry. It's not too late.
Now come on. Come with me.
- Are you all right?
- I am now.
- Are we safe?
- I don't know.
Hurry. We need to leave.
I'll fix everything. I promise.
But please, where is my Carolina?
I'll tell you, but first lift the ban
on singing and also lower taxes.
What? But it can't be done so easily.
Wait, wait.
King! We crossed the Nine Mountains
and forded the Nine Rivers...
- And did you find the princess?
- We didn't, my king.
- Have you found her?
- We haven't.
- And have you?
- No.
- And you?
- No.
- Have you?
- No.
And you?
Did you find the princess? No? Okay.
Song and taxes, you say?
Hear ye! By order of your king!
I hereby lower taxes
and lift the ban on singing.
So, where is the princess?
The princess is in good hands.
In what hands? Anything else?
I hereby recant what I just promised!
She's in good hands with King Benjamin.
Did you not recognize him? Really?
What? The gardener?
I knew he looked familiar. The gardener!
I knew it!
King Benjamin.
I recant what I recanted
and I promise what I promised.
Not a hair on King Benjamin's
head shall be touched.
I hope they haven't already stabbed him.
All right. All done, Miller.
We need to be moving on.
Thank you for the help.
The border is quite near.
In the neighboring kingdom,
they say there's a better life.
The king and his advisers are to blame.
Something tells me that even
in our kingdom it will soon be better.
Yes, I hope so.
What? What do you have there?
Your Highness. Game over.
You're going with us!
Where's your amazing armor, huh?
Did it get all rusty in the water?
- The Miser Adviser.
- Grind him up into dust!
And bring him to me in a sack!
Not this way, fellas.
I'll grind you up myself!
As you wish!
Excuse me!
Yes. Good girl.
Thanks, Carolina!
What the--
It's sharp. You'll see!
Thanks, Carolina!
You're right. It's sharp.
How about ring around the rosy?
- Please, be careful!
- That's a pretty mess.
Hurry! Follow me!
How's ring around the rosy for you now?
I've got you now!
No, no, no, no!
Bijou, that's it!
That's enough, Miller. Now, Gardener!
It seems that it's all
as it should be in your kingdom.
I've missed you around here.
That's a good girl.
- Thanks, Miller!
- All right, have a nice day!
And good luck!
Bijou, give those to me.
Hello, Shoemaker!
Who's interrupting me?
I'm too important to be sewing shoes.
Go away!
Wait here, Carolina.
Quit being a lazy body at once!
Get back to work!
- Oh, it's you? What are you doing here?
- I need my clothes back.
Remember clothes don't make the person.
Hear ye, hear ye!
By order of the king of
the Midnight Kingdom, taxes are lowered!
The ban on singing has been lifted.
And whoever meets
Princess Carolina with King Benjamin
should not touch a hair on his head!
Oh, well. Hold it.
Okay, a bit more.
Gardener! Run, quick!
I'll go with you, but please,
please don't harm the gardener!
Your Highness. All is well.
You, and King Benjamin.
King Benjamin?
What? You're a king?
Will you lace up my slipper?
Carolina, wait! Please!
I wanted to tell you, but...
Yeah, yeah, yeah! Goodbye!
See you! Break a leg!
Don't worry, Bijou.
I still love you, even if you are a king.
I hear the song
That's been here all along
To lift us up into our dreams
The notes ring through
Now my heart hears it too
And sings the purest melody
The bells sing, alarms ring
Reminding us that
Love's here, so let it on in
She has such beautiful slippers.
Those were sewn by me!
And fly on its wings
Over the valley of pain and strife
Above the sea of pride
- And fly on its wings
- Into the sky where clouds reside up high
When love gives the gift of its wings
You can hear your heart sing
And what's more you can
Soar through the sky
Fly on its wings
Over this land, we'll take a stand
And face our fears and rise
Fly on its wings
We'll dance between the rays of golden sun
Through the skies
Like two birds once locked up
Now free from their cage
- We dare to fly high
- We dare to fly high
Fly high on love's wings
Wait. Bijou!
Subtitle translation by:
Zach Barnes
I'd rather be picking
a nice apple than a princess.
- I'd pick one right away!
- I don't doubt that.
King Benjamin!
I understand you're again very busy,
but a delegation from
the Midnight Kingdom awaits you.
Benjamin, I know
you'd rather be in the gardens.
But as king, you have certain duties
you cannot shy away from.
Where is he?
Why do I ask?
Your Majesty!
This isn't funny. Not even enjoyable.
It's irresponsible.
I don't want to repeat myself.
In every man's life, there comes a time...
A time to stop acting like a child.
When he must start to take
life seriously, Your Majesty.
I really don't know what
to do with him. Any ideas?
Benjamin! The delegation is still waiting.
This is going to be embarrassing.
Jimmy! Where is he?
Who? The king?
Throning on the throne. Where else?
Jacob, there you are.
Your Majesty.
All right, we can begin.
I present our ambassador
of the Midnight Kingdom.
Good King Benjamin.
Accept a humble hello
from the ruler of the Midnight Kingdom.
His Highness, our king, sends a portrait
of his most beautiful
and fairest Princess Carolina.
He asks if you want to ask for her hand.
Send them a response.
Please wake up. Please get up.
Princess, the Sunny Kingdom delegation.
- Get up. Everyone's waiting for you!
- What? They're already here?
- Out of my way!
- I'm sorry, Princess.
- I am!
- I want the ones with lace.
- With lace...
- No, these won't do!
I'll bring different ones.
- These are too childish.
- Childish?
- Bring the silk ones.
- The silk ones.
- No, no, no, no! I want the blue ones!
- Of course. Of course. The blue ones.
- Slippers. Slippers!
- Yes, Slippers! Right away!
- I've got them.
- Not these ones!
I'm sorry. How stupid am I?
- My crown! Where's my crown?
- My Lord!
I don't know where your
crown is! It's always here!
- Find it, woman! There's no time to lose!
- It was here. I can never find it!
- A princess must have a crown!
- But it was here. I just...
Well, where is it?
Oh, here it is!
- Yes, finally.
- I've got it Your Highness!
Come here. Good girl.
It's good I have you, Bijou. What an idiot
maid. She can't find a thing. But you can.
If I may. Trade me?
- You're ready, Princess.
- The door.
Dear King, fair Princess,
please accept
the portrait of our King Benjamin.
He requests your noble hand in marriage.
- Is this the king or his gardener?
- What? Uh... excuse me?
King Benjamin from the Sunny Kingdom.
I think he's not worthy to ask for your...
He's not even worthy
to lace up my slipper.
This is why I had to wake up so early?
Carolina, aren't you acting a bit rashly?
On the contrary, King.
The princess has great judgment.
This portrait is missing something.
One moment.
But... you can't do that.
- There. Better, isn't it?
- Bravo, Princess.
Let's just hope they
don't declare war on us.
Who? The gardener?
Only if he first sharpens his spade.
But now, seriously.
The ambassador from
the Glittering Kingdom, Your Highness.
Well, Your Excellency.
The fairest Princess Carolina.
Please accept the greeting from our king,
who has allowed to send you a portrait
of the most noble Prince Romeo...
What do you think, Bijou? Do we like him?
...with the kind request to ask...
Why not?
...for the hand of the fair princess.
And here he sends a modest gift.
Sorry, Your Highness. He loves
treasures, silver, gold... glittery things.
I don't know where he picked it up.
Snitcher, back!
- Shall we invite the prince to our palace?
- Of course. Can't you see? Certainly.
It's a literal fairy tale couple.
Princess, your fairest beauty,
in harmony with the nobility
of His Highness, Prince Romeo.
Harmony of beauty. And charm.
It could even be said--
That you were made for each other.
It would literally be a perfect match.
It's a joy to look at you two.
If the prince suits me as well as you say,
go ahead and invite him.
- Your Excellency.
- Your Highness.
Your Grace.
Not worthy to lace up her slipper?
We'll see about that.
- Good luck, sir.
- Thanks, Jacob.
It's okay, boy. Don't be scared.
- Going after the princess, aren't you?
- After love. You don't know what that is.
- But she doesn't want you.
- We'll see about that.
Love. He's crazy.
When I make shoes I have to sing
I cannot stop, not for the king!
They'll lock me up, that's for sure
For singing is against the law
But why is it so very wrong?
To sing and sing out all day long
Hello, good man. What are you doing?
Please don't tell on me.
I just had to jump over to sing a bit.
From the look on your face,
you've never been in the Midnight Kingdom.
- No. But I'm just heading there.
- You see, it's like this. I'm a shoemaker.
And I like singing while working.
But in our kingdom, singing is banned.
Luckily, I live here near the border,
so when it comes upon me,
I jump over here and let it out!
- Your king outlawed singing?
- No, no, no. Not our king.
His wise advisers. But it doesn't matter.
Tell me about the Sunny Kingdom.
Are the shoemakers there happy?
Could you give my horse a bit of water?
Of course. I'll get some right away.
- I didn't mean to.
- That always happens.
Go inside. I'll set it back up.
Very cozy. I've never seen
a shoemaker's workshop before.
- Water.
- Thanks.
- Wow.
- My handiwork.
Are these slippers for the princess?
No, no! She doesn't
set foot outside the castle.
- She clearly likes the castle very much.
- Well, I wouldn't say that.
What I know, she only likes herself.
What's that?
- A picture of our royal family?
- Yes.
It reminds me that singing and
being happy is completely normal.
Money! Pay up, shoemaker!
You owe taxes!
- Do you know what day it is?
- Already?
I haven't sold so much
as a shoelace since last week.
You haven't got the money.
So, you're coming with us!
Guards! We've got some work!
No. Please. I'll have it next week.
That's enough.
Here you go. Is that enough?
A gold coin. You're not
from around here, are you?
That horse outside. Is it yours?
Try and guess.
So, now you'll pay for horse parking.
And you surely drank the local water,
didn't you?
There's a fee for that too.
Plus, we charge for collecting
horse droppings on the road.
And we have other taxes.
On free movement, on standing
in one place, standing on one leg.
A tax on inhaling and exhaling.
And a tax on wiggling.
Enough! How much do I owe you?
According to all of this,
the whole bag of gold.
Let's go!
Welcome to the Midnight Kingdom.
But how will I ever pay you back?
That's a fortune for me.
I know how you can pay me back.
I'd like to borrow your clothes.
But all I have are these.
A perfect fit.
It fits real nicely. I'm like a lord!
Thanks friend.
Go back to Jacob, okay? Go on!
Thanks for everything.
And enjoy the clothes.
Good luck!
This is great! Bye!
Oh, well.
- What do you want?
- To greet the princess.
Get lost! No hoboes allowed.
Bring it here. Who's a good girl?
My sweet thing!
Give me the ball. Give me the ball, Bijou.
Bijou, sit! Ready.
Fetch! Where are you going?
Where are you?
Good girl!
Bijou, you really are a good girl.
One more time. This time a far one.
Good, bring it back!
You really like this ball, don't you?
Okay, wait a second. I'll get it for you.
Hold on. Almost there...
You, there! What are you doing?
Are you trying to climb over the fence?
No, I'm just climbing for the ball.
Don't let me see you here again
or I'll call the guards. Bijou, let's go.
She wasn't always like this.
Just like this kingdom.
Come on.
I think a cup of tea will do you good.
Here you go. Tea fixes moods.
Nothing is ever
as it appears at first glance.
Even you aren't from a poor family,
despite wanting to look it.
Well, has the princess
always been so stuck up?
Not at all. As I said,
appearances are often deceiving.
I was once her nanny.
She was beautiful. Like an angel.
She never cried.
She had a talent for being active.
The queen and Carolina were always close.
And she was always most happy when
singing with her parents by the fountain.
Everything was as it should be.
Then, suddenly the queen got sick.
That was a difficult time for Carolina.
She didn't want to see anybody.
And that's when they came.
The King's new advisers.
Led by the scoundrel Maximus.
Now they rule. And they want to
marry the princess to the highest bidder.
But, if I could sing her favorite song
to her, she would surely be reminded...
I'll remind her of the song.
Would you be so daring?
Nurture buds and watch them bloom
As long as we're together
What? You? Again?
This hobo was loitering at the gate.
Then he started singing.
Your Majesty.
Singing is outlawed here, boy.
Oh, what am I to do with you? Maximus?
To the dungeon with him!
One minute.
What's going on?
So they've caught you?
I knew it when you were
climbing into the garden.
You can't even lie properly.
- Your Highness.
- Your Grace.
- Father.
- Carolina.
I agree with Maximus.
Send them to the dungeon.
- What? No, no. Wait! Hold on!
- All right. Let's go. Come on.
I am a gardener, Your Majesty.
And it seems your garden needs a gardener.
- That is true. We could use a gardener.
- That's why I'm here.
A gardener for what? Needless expenses.
That's why we fired the last one.
Plants grow all by themselves.
I thought he quit.
Not that you didn't want to pay him.
The ingrate! Gossip. The kingdom is broke.
The people aren't paying much tax.
Say something!
Yeah, right.
We are collecting taxes all the time.
We do what we can,
but your subjects don't want to pay.
I noticed that Hedera helix vulgaris
is multiplying rapidly.
While Lilium martagon seems faulty.
- Faulty?
- Faulty. It's wilting.
It's withering until it's dead.
Believe me. It's not pretty.
You don't want a wealthy suitor
to think your garden,
or even your kingdom, is dilapidated.
Really? Advisers? What do you think?
It's a deal.
You put the castle gardens in order.
That's your punishment. Clear?
A wise decision.
I won't let you down.
And here will be your
palace, Your Majesty!
You should clean this up a bit.
There's a mystery deep
Inside your guarded gaze
What's behind those secret eyes
Hidden seeds buried down deep beneath
In the garden of your mind
You hide your feelings behind your pride
Shading all your light
If I just knew the song
That's meant for you
It could let your true self shine
Day by day the sun it rises up
And wakes the land up with its smile
The land accepts this love with open arms
Then beauty opens its eyes
You will see when every flower and tree
Receive the gift of love
That their roots can tell
Yes they know you well
Your pride can't hide your true self
Music knows the secrets in your heart
You just need to let the tune inside
For a melody in perfect harmony
Brings a song
That you've known all your life
Bring it here, Bijou!
That was a close one, girl.
Are you okay? Bijou! Come here.
Generosity beats living selfishly
Only kindness makes the flowers bloom
Then you can taste what's sweet
And reap the orchard's treat
As your heart skips to your tune
When you find your song
That was there all along
It'll lift you to the sky
Then you will see
Beyond the gate you're free
To spread your wings and fly
Look at this.
And this!
It sure is something.
It's beautiful.
This was my absolute
favorite place as a kid, Bijou.
I'm glad that you like it, Carolina.
What? How dare you call
me by my first name, Gardener!
Lace up my slipper.
Did you not understand?
Who do you think you are?
I'm a princess!
Every prince would see it
as an honor to lace up my slipper.
Lucky for me. I'm a gardener.
Lace up my slipper!
Well? Am I not a beautiful princess?
And everyone should obey such a
beautiful princess. Even King Benjamin...
How dare you! Yes, I am beautiful.
Stop! Stop! I'm beautiful!
Of course.
Every prince from far and wide
would want to see such a beauty.
- So, help me!
- Certainly.
There you go.
We have amazing news, Your Highness.
Your wish has been heard
and the prince from the Glittering
Kingdom will come to visit Your Grace.
Wonderful. Finally someone
who appreciates my beauty.
- Your Highness.
- Your Excellency.
Your Grace.
I don't think so.
Your Excellency. Princess.
Prince Romeo has heard
of your unspeakable beauty
and wishes to ask for your hand.
Nurture buds and watch them bloom
His bravery and wealth
are known far and wide.
- What? Who is that? Please excuse me.
- As long as we're together
What's going on here?
You again?
Yes. I'm teaching the flowers to sing.
Yes, sir!
Okay, where was I?
His bravery and wealth
are talked about everywhere.
And that's not all.
I also have unspeakably good looks.
Any princess would think it a great honor
to powder my nose and wax my mustache.
Bravo, Prince. Bravo.
It seems Princess Carolina would
rather admire the flower than admire me.
No! You can't leave.
Your money and beauty...
Oh, yes, I can leave.
Your Highness,
you can forget about my wealth!
I'm fine just staying here.
As long as they don't get married.
The fairest,
the most beautiful,
the most gorgeous princess...
And a little bonus for me.
I came to brighten the mood.
What did you bring me?
Let's have a look how much
you collected this time.
And this much left for the king.
Ouch! You disgusting snaggletooth!
Let go of me now!
Let go!
Good boy. And you never forget that!
Next time he'll bite off your whole hand!
Princess, what are you doing here?
- None of your business. Get out of my way.
- Of course, Your Highness.
- Princess?
- Gardener. I order you to fix the flower.
- Here!
- What?
It's not broken. It just wilted.
So, water it or something.
You are a gardener, after all.
Listen, Your Grace.
This flower wilts when
it's in the presence of someone proud.
But, the flower was only with me.
What? How dare you imply
that I'm proud? That's fresh of you.
Not me. It's the flower.
Watch your mouth.
Otherwise you'll end up down here forever!
Nurture buds and watch them bloom
As long as we're together
It must not grow so short
If it wants to give scent
To the world forever
It must not grow so short
If it wants to give scent
To the world forever
Gardener! The song.
I know the song!
I'd like to learn to play it
on the lute like you.
Will you teach me?
Yes, it would be my pleasure, Princess.
Hugo? The gardener is free.
- Go on!
- Thanks.
Shall we?
How could she? That obnoxious little girl.
In all my years of service in this kingdom
nobody has ever overruled me,
not even the king himself!
Now, that sassy little princess
frees my inmate.
What now?
- We need to lose that no-good
- Who?
- Tree hugger with the green thumb
- Who?
You're right, he's standing in our way
- But who?
- That dirty oaf from the garden
- Oh, him!
- Who overshadowed our new king!
- Yeah, he did
- Ruining our plan with a stupid flower
Why don't we just
Get rid of that flower instead?
You're right!
The dark berry, fetch it!
Just a few drops, in fact
And we will be back on track
Good morning, Gardener!
The tulips and roses need watering.
- Then we can go.
- Wonderful!
We know the mission we must do
We know the target in hand
We won't settle for pie crumbs
We'll take what is rightfully ours!
Bijou, where are you?
Leave him alone. Come here.
Deadly nightshade...
What are they up to?
- I guess we'll see.
- Come on.
The flower and the gardener
Won't be singing anymore
My genius saved the day again
My plan will work for sure
But it was my idea
Did you say something?
We know the mission we must do
We know the target in hand
We know the mission we must do
We know the target in hand
And if we're feeling
A little extra wickedness
- Let the flower wither
- Let's take the throne
- Win, win for us
- Two birds, one stone!
G, G, G
- Ugh, I'll never learn how to play.
- You will.
- You have to be patient.
- I have to...
Yes, I will.
Bijou, fetch. Go get it!
One drop will be enough.
Ugh, that nightshade really is deadly!
You're good at fetching,
but your guard dogging needs improving.
But don't worry.
There's no threat anymore.
The princess is safe.
Gardener! Wake up!
Good morning.
Did you sleep well, Princess?
Yes, like a log.
It was so peaceful last night.
Look! It hasn't wilted!
- You're right. It's beautiful.
- Which means I'm no longer proud.
And I don't even feel proud.
You aren't. And I'm happy.
That means my work at the castle is over.
The garden is blooming. You're no
longer proud. It's time to say goodbye.
But... Gardener. No.
Well, when you turn down a king,
a gardener has no chance.
But he does. Do you not believe me?
I saw that.
- Out! Did you hear me?
- But...
- Out!
- I kissed him.
- I don't care! Kick out the scoundrel.
- You can't do that!
One moment, gentlemen.
I believe you, Princess.
What? How? Take him away!
I don't want to see that hobo again!
And you, Your Highness. Now I'll
accompany you back to your chamber.
After you.
You've accompanied me far enough.
Don't you think?
Let's go! Shh.
- Princess?
- Your Highness!
Bijou! Come back!
Where are you off to?
But, what are you looking for, Bijou?
What have you found?
Yes, Bijou! Run, run, run, run!
Catch her! At once!
Go on! Run! After her! She's getting away!
She's found our secret passage!
Your Highness! Where are you?
Oh, no! I don't have the key!
We're coming!
Thanks, Bijou. That was close.
Where are we?
Am I dreaming?
It's locked!
Princess! Open up!
Oh, no!
Careful, Princess. It's quite a drop.
It's over. You're coming with us.
Can you feel it
The winds of change
Blowing in the hope for a new day
The air on your face
The cool, fresh breeze
Reminds us that it's going to be okay
I can feel it
It's all around us now
The chains are off, I'm smiling
What's this feeling I have found?
A new new sensation
Is this what it's like
When time stands still?
I can breathe the air again somehow
So, let us
Nurture buds and watch them bloom
Nurture buds and watch them bloom
- As long as we're together
- As long as we're together
A fragrance pure and now let's make sure
This blooming scent will last forever
Carolina! My girl.
How could I have forgotten?
But they'll recognize you
in those clothes.
Hurry, let's get you changed.
- Where to now?
- To the Sunny Kingdom.
There! Up there!
There? Up there?
Hold on to the wall.
My God!
Look at me, Carolina. You can do this.
- No! He sees us!
- He doesn't.
You three to the left. The rest with me!
Let's go!
Quick! Grab on to me!
What's this?
That was close.
Very close. Thanks.
Are you okay?
I am now.
Well, okay. We'll have to sleep
somewhere. The sun is setting.
How about here? There's a beautiful view.
Why not?
And in the morning we'll go on.
I remember the beautiful evenings
we'd watch the sunsets with my mom.
I loved when the sun
was warming my cheeks.
And when I'm with you, Gardener, I feel...
And voil!
- We have to go back.
- Yes, sir!
Follow me!
I have to think that Father's advisers
have been robbing us blind.
Don't they earn enough?
There's never enough of greed.
I have to tell my father
so he banishes them.
- Will I see him again?
- You will. Soon.
You have my word that
everything will turn out okay.
You really believe it, Your Highness.
Let's go. Your horse awaits, my lady.
A dead end. A different way!
The forest is scary at night.
Don't you think?
But with you I'm not scared of anything.
Why do we want to go to the Sunny
Kingdom? Maybe it's not the best idea.
What? King Benjamin will be
happy to welcome us.
I'm not sure.
He asked for my hand
and I wasn't exactly the kindest to him.
What if he asks me again?
And he splits us up.
Don't worry, Princess.
I'm sure he's long since forgiven you.
Plus, I won't allow anyone to separate us.
Not even a king.
Carolina, I don't know how to say this.
I'm not a gardener.
In reality,
I'm King Ben...
and you're my Carolina.
- Are you poking the hay?
- Do you see anything?
- Look real well.
- Anything.
Nothing here either. Let's go.
Stop it. Follow me!
I'll tell you something, pet.
Once we find your princess, and we will,
I'm calling Prince Romeo and
there will be a wedding at once.
And his wealth will be mine!
You'll see what I'm gonna do to you.
Finally! After her!
This way! Have you caught their scent?
We're close.
This way!
Bijou! Oh, my sweet Bijou!
You're such a good girl.
How'd you get away?
I missed you so much.
Someone's coming. Hurry.
Maximus and his goons.
What have we got here?
We've got her. She can't be far.
- Hey, you! Peasant!
- Yes? My lord?
Have you seen a beautiful
woman in a beautiful dress?
Almost like a princess?
No. I've seen no such person.
Now, everyone search the area! Move!
Out of the way!
Bijou! No!
Here they are!
You? Again! Get him, boys,
and chop him up into noodles!
Toady! Put the princess
and the puppy in a cage!
What's going on?
- Some fog has fallen on us.
- On the ground! Carolina!
I can't see!
- Princess.
- Keep looking!
Got you.
I caught you!
Hurry! Follow me.
Thank you, coal man!
My pleasure!
Lay down and stay down.
Hurry, Princess.
We're close to the border. Run!
Hurry! After them!
- I have an idea!
- Really?
One moment. I'll go for her.
Now you won't escape me this time!
Hold on!
Another log!
Let's go after them!
Hurry! Lean into it!
Move it! Faster!
Let's go!
- He got what he wanted!
- How are we gonna stop?
Now I've got you, Princess!
- Maximus, enough is enough!
- Enough? I've only just begun!
Carolina, no! Hold on!
I'll never see my Carolina ever again.
I'm a silly old man.
She'll come back. I know it.
How'd you get in here? Who are you?
Have you really forgotten?
Didn't I raise your daughter?
It's been quite the time
since we've seen each other!
Wait. Do you know where Carolina is?
Maybe I do.
And maybe I don't.
Sometimes, a person must lose what is
most valuable to realize their own worth.
How could I have been so blind?
Don't worry. It's not too late.
Now come on. Come with me.
- Are you all right?
- I am now.
- Are we safe?
- I don't know.
Hurry. We need to leave.
I'll fix everything. I promise.
But please, where is my Carolina?
I'll tell you, but first lift the ban
on singing and also lower taxes.
What? But it can't be done so easily.
Wait, wait.
King! We crossed the Nine Mountains
and forded the Nine Rivers...
- And did you find the princess?
- We didn't, my king.
- Have you found her?
- We haven't.
- And have you?
- No.
- And you?
- No.
- Have you?
- No.
And you?
Did you find the princess? No? Okay.
Song and taxes, you say?
Hear ye! By order of your king!
I hereby lower taxes
and lift the ban on singing.
So, where is the princess?
The princess is in good hands.
In what hands? Anything else?
I hereby recant what I just promised!
She's in good hands with King Benjamin.
Did you not recognize him? Really?
What? The gardener?
I knew he looked familiar. The gardener!
I knew it!
King Benjamin.
I recant what I recanted
and I promise what I promised.
Not a hair on King Benjamin's
head shall be touched.
I hope they haven't already stabbed him.
All right. All done, Miller.
We need to be moving on.
Thank you for the help.
The border is quite near.
In the neighboring kingdom,
they say there's a better life.
The king and his advisers are to blame.
Something tells me that even
in our kingdom it will soon be better.
Yes, I hope so.
What? What do you have there?
Your Highness. Game over.
You're going with us!
Where's your amazing armor, huh?
Did it get all rusty in the water?
- The Miser Adviser.
- Grind him up into dust!
And bring him to me in a sack!
Not this way, fellas.
I'll grind you up myself!
As you wish!
Excuse me!
Yes. Good girl.
Thanks, Carolina!
What the--
It's sharp. You'll see!
Thanks, Carolina!
You're right. It's sharp.
How about ring around the rosy?
- Please, be careful!
- That's a pretty mess.
Hurry! Follow me!
How's ring around the rosy for you now?
I've got you now!
No, no, no, no!
Bijou, that's it!
That's enough, Miller. Now, Gardener!
It seems that it's all
as it should be in your kingdom.
I've missed you around here.
That's a good girl.
- Thanks, Miller!
- All right, have a nice day!
And good luck!
Bijou, give those to me.
Hello, Shoemaker!
Who's interrupting me?
I'm too important to be sewing shoes.
Go away!
Wait here, Carolina.
Quit being a lazy body at once!
Get back to work!
- Oh, it's you? What are you doing here?
- I need my clothes back.
Remember clothes don't make the person.
Hear ye, hear ye!
By order of the king of
the Midnight Kingdom, taxes are lowered!
The ban on singing has been lifted.
And whoever meets
Princess Carolina with King Benjamin
should not touch a hair on his head!
Oh, well. Hold it.
Okay, a bit more.
Gardener! Run, quick!
I'll go with you, but please,
please don't harm the gardener!
Your Highness. All is well.
You, and King Benjamin.
King Benjamin?
What? You're a king?
Will you lace up my slipper?
Carolina, wait! Please!
I wanted to tell you, but...
Yeah, yeah, yeah! Goodbye!
See you! Break a leg!
Don't worry, Bijou.
I still love you, even if you are a king.
I hear the song
That's been here all along
To lift us up into our dreams
The notes ring through
Now my heart hears it too
And sings the purest melody
The bells sing, alarms ring
Reminding us that
Love's here, so let it on in
She has such beautiful slippers.
Those were sewn by me!
And fly on its wings
Over the valley of pain and strife
Above the sea of pride
- And fly on its wings
- Into the sky where clouds reside up high
When love gives the gift of its wings
You can hear your heart sing
And what's more you can
Soar through the sky
Fly on its wings
Over this land, we'll take a stand
And face our fears and rise
Fly on its wings
We'll dance between the rays of golden sun
Through the skies
Like two birds once locked up
Now free from their cage
- We dare to fly high
- We dare to fly high
Fly high on love's wings
Wait. Bijou!
Subtitle translation by:
Zach Barnes