The Quantum Terror (2022) Movie Script

Oh no. It's all going to start over, again.
Sorry, what'd you say?
I'm... not sure.
Dj vu.
I'm sure I've never been
to this place before, but...
Never mind.
I never really wanted to
admit how much I loved her.
Your sister?
So, what is this place?
This is the last place that you saw her?
Oh, I'm glad I brought you here.
You see what I mean.
Come on, you're going to be very
interested in what I have to show you.
Very interested.
The Quantum Terror
I'm sorry.
I just don't know enough about this
stuff to understand what you're telling me.
Come now. The two of you are sisters
and she never enlighten you to her passion?
I mean, she did.
But, she stopped when...
When she knew you'd never understand it.
Well, maybe now that your friends
are here you can all put your heads
together and gleam a little bit of
what I'm trying to get you to see.
You again, Detective?
I'm beginning to think you enjoy
listening to me over explain myself.
Mr. Colt, at this point I am not
interested in anything you have to say,
unless you want to make a confession.
Detective, I assure
you I've done everything
in my power to enlighten you, but...
Save it, Mr. Colt.
I'm not here for you. I'm here for her.
Samantha Carroll.
Would you mind stepping outside with me?
Her friends call her Sam.
Okay! Call her whatever you want.
You were right. It's
down the road that way.
You know, I know it's kind of weird driving
your girlfriend to see her ex, but...
We're still friends
and I don't want her to
be alone, you know, through all this shit.
And besides, I don't, I don't know. I
have a weird feeling about this Jacob guy.
What did she say about him?
I just don't want her to be alone with him.
How about this one?
Um, yeah. Yeah, that's
it. There's the wash tunnel.
Hey, why don't you pull
over for a second. I want
to take a look at it
before we go to the house.
Smells nice.
I remember that smell.
You know, they say that the
smell is your most powerful memory.
I know this smell. I just, I
don't remember where from.
It's sulfur.
Sorry, if I scared you.
It's sulfur.
It's much stronger in there.
Are you Jacob?
No. What do you know about Jacob?
Please, forgive me. The name
is Rathbone, Professor Rathbone.
Sylvia was one of the
brightest students I've ever
known. Sylvia and Jacob
were students of mine.
Well, thank you so much for
your time and I've got your number
and I'll let you know when I
figured something else out.
Sorry, for the way that
Jacob was behaving earlier.
Oh, there's no need to
apologize Ms. Carroll.
I got his number early on.
You're not responsible for him.
Friends of yours?
Yeah, they're here for moral support
while I get this whole thing figured out.
Well, good.
Yeah, good. That's good. I'm
glad you're not alone in this.
Well, I would like to thank
you, again, for your time.
I've got to be moving on
and I'd like it if you would
let me know how the rest of
your day goes with Mr. Colt.
You really do look like your sister.
I mean, I know you're
identical in all but if you
hadn't of warned me, I
would have declaird her found.
Has our dear detective finally
grown tired of chasing his tail?
I've grown so weary of going over
and over the same ground with him.
Oh, the girlfriend's here.
This is Lucy and... Noah, right?
Noah, yeah. Nice to meet you.
Everything he needs
to find her is right here.
I've even told him where Sylvia
is but he insists on continuing
to ask me questions as if I
haven't said anything at all.
Just a small-town cop out of his depth.
Oh, you told him, huh. Then
why haven't they found her?
We're not sure. We think that she's hiding.
Hiding? Why, because she broke up with him?
Oh, you've been talking to
our former professor. Rathbone.
He's exhibited an extraordinary
amount of concern for his old
student and quite a lot of animosity
towards me, don't you think?
Well, you're not the one
who's missing, are you?
I'm sorry. We've gotten
off on the wrong foot.
I want Sylvia back as much
as anyone else and I can
assure you it's not fun being
suspect in everyone's mind.
Lucy, I came to Jacob.
Not the other way around.
I think he's onto something.
I think she's had some
sort of breakdown and this
stuff she and Jacob were
studying is the reason why.
It's my fault.
I introduced her to these ideas
and she became obsessed.
Professor Rathbone
particularly likes to point the
finger at me for her
breakdown but let's be frank.
No one likes it when a girl
like Sylvia gets bored with
you and chooses to spend
more time with someone else.
It's no surprise he holds a grudge.
Jacob, all I want to do is find my sister.
Will you please explain to them
what she was working on in the tunnel?
Well, in layman's terms, she
thought she found something
in one of her books that
lined up with her research.
She up them together and then she told me
she talked to someone
from another dimension.
I'm not saying that really happened.
Only, that's what she thought had happened.
She was overworked, not sleeping.
I had to keep dragging
her out of those tunnels.
She was doing these same drawing
on the tunnel walls, sleeping in there.
And then one night she
went in and I couldn't find her.
I waited for her to come back but...
Sam, can I talk to you in privet, please?
Your phone. Can I show it to them?
Yes, of course. I'll wait right here.
Sam, why are you listening to this guy?
We talked to the professor. He said that
all of those weird books belonged to Jacob.
The professor is a lair.
Lucy, please. Keep it down.
Look, I'm not stupid. Okay? Do you think
I haven't thought of all of this, before?
I know you care but let me do this my way.
Okay. I just want to help, okay?
I... Thanks.
Look, I don't like him
either but I at least
think that he's
partially telling the truth.
Here, I want to show you guys something.
You okay? You sure you want to do this?
Yeah, just a feeling of dj vu.
Funny how in a group of four, someone
can still manage to be the fifth wheel.
Alright, everybody be careful.
It's a bit slippery.
This tunnel just comes
out the other side of the
street. There's a smaller
one about half way through.
It leads out to the others that
will take us to the reservoir.
There's a few different ways to
go but it shouldn't take us more
than half an hour to check out
the whole thing and loop back.
Wait guys. I think I saw a snake.
This is it? Are you kidding me?
You'll only have to
crawl down a few feet and
then we'll be out in the next tunnel over.
You'll be able to stand up.
You think she might be lost in here?
Not a chance.
If you just keep walking you'll
just come out the other side.
There's only one turn and it goes into
a second tunnel, and it goes in a circle.
I'm not entirely sure
of it's function, really but
that's where your sister
was doing her chalk drawings.
Wow, not cool. What is that
smell, anyways? Is this a sewer?
It's a wash.
When it rains, this is where
the runoff from the streets go.
We're under the streets. Isn't that right?
I'm glad there are some details
about this you're able to grasp.
I used to have nightmares about
places like this when I was a little girl.
I had that nightmare, too.
Places like this are nightmare fuel.
So, Noah... Thanks for coming along.
I was looking forward to meeting you.
I'm sorry it had to be during all of this.
Oh, no worries. Shit
happens. I'm glad I could help.
I've heard a lot about you.
Oh yeah? Lucy's been talking about me?
Of course.
I'm not going to hide anything from my
boyfriend and besides, he's a modern man.
Yeah, I think it's great you
two still want to be friends.
Thanks. I felt bad. I mean
I know that you guys are
just getting started, and
me being the ex and all.
Well, I admit it might have been a
bit different if you were a dude but... know I...
Hey, what's that?
That's like the one Sylvia
was pointing at in the video.
Jacob? Jacob, can you
come take a look at this?
What did you find?
There's an eye drawn on the ceiling.
I don't see it.
Dammit, it was just there. I Lost it.
Oh, I'm sure it is. There are a
lot more drawings right down here.
Come on. This is where the other tunnel is.
Oh my God.
She kept herself busy. They go all
the way around, back to this point.
"There is no time. We're
like print on a page. We only
think we're moving, because
they are turning the pages."
Is that something written on the wall?
Hey, there's more over here.
"I sit on the stone bench and
speak to their many sides."
Is this supposed to mean something?
"You are at the doorway
to the high priest."
I wish I knew.
This doesn't seem like Sylvia at all.
She was always so put together.
I was the mess.
Sam, you were never a
mess. You were perfectly fine.
You're just different.
I've told you before,
you just hold yourself
to all these unreasonable standards.
What is it?
Are you okay?
Something touched my leg.
Was it a snake? Are
there snakes around here?
I've seen a lot of geckos around.
It was too big to be a gecko.
Oh dear, look at them.
It's like no time has passed at all.
If I were you, I'd put my foot down
now, before they go back to their old ways.
That's not how I do things.
But everybody feels that way.
You just need to have the
backbone to be the man.
Sylvia! I saw Sylvia.
Sylvia? Sylvia, come back.
Sylvia? Sylvia, come back.
I thought you said this tunnel
just went around in a circle?
Well, more like a square, but yes,
this detour was not here the last time.
Don't be ridiculous. You can't tell us
that you haven't seen a whole other tunnel?
I've been down here quite a few times
and I noticed everything.
This was not here.
You guys.
What's that sound?
Well, there's roads above us. I
mean, there's bound to be noises right?
Oh shit.
I suggest we don't go back
the way we came. Come on.
I'll take what's behind door number two.
What's happening?
You did this.
Beg your pardon?
You slipped us some acid or something.
Stop it!
I will in just a moment, but I don't
like people putting their hands on me.
Once your little puppy dog
here is ready to hear me out
without nipping at my heals,
I'll be happy to let him go.
What do you say? Are you
ready to listen to reason?
Very good.
Think about it.
I don't know how many
drugs you've ever done,
but I can't think of a single
one that makes you jump
from underground to a
house and turn day into night.
I've done all sorts of crazy shit.
Nothing like this ever happened.
It's true but I feel weird.
If we're not on drugs then
what the Hell is going on?
Magic. Quantum physics. A bit of both.
Bullshit. okay, that is bullshit.
You know what I think? I
think you slipped us something.
I think we're back here because
we're coming down off of something.
You're trying to get under our
skin just like you did with her sister.
Sweetie, sweetie, it's okay. It's okay.
Come over here. Come on. Over here.
You know what? Just, guys let's
just, give us a few minutes, okay?
Let's just all calm down
and we'll figure it out.
Where's the bathroom in
this place? I gotta take a leak.
It's at the top of the stairs.
Oh, we're definitely still
down the rabbit hole, for sure.
You look better. You feel better, right?
No, I'm...
What was that?
Let's go.
Noah, are you okay?
We need to get out of here.
There's something out back.
It's not out back. It's everywhere.
Noah? What your doing?
Oh God. Oh God, Lucy.
I'm sorry. I'm s...
What's going on with him?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. What the...
The shit is that?
Help him.
What is that?
What the fuck is that?
Oh, my God.
No, don't.
We've gotta help him.
You can't. Lucy!
Come on. Grab your
flashlight. We need to run.
We need to help him.
And now we are three.
Shut up.
Noah. Oh my God.
Shhhhh, Lucy.
It'll be okay. It's just like you said.
We'll get through this.
Why did that happen to him?
I don't know.
But we're going to get out of
here and then we'll get help.
I don't know if it's going to be that easy.
Yes, Lucy?
I don't want to die in here.
I can survive this if you
can. Okay? We'll worry
about if we've lost
our minds, later. Okay?
Yeah. Yeah.
We haven't lost our minds.
Not yet.
Mr. Rathbone?
Why don't you come on out and we can talk.
I don't mind following
you down here if you can
show me something here
I haven't already seen,
but I don't like it that
you're hiding from me.
This is the
dead one. The Dead one.
We are one of many angles.
This is the place where this angle faces.
Do you understand?
I don't know why I bother to ask,
except that this is the angle that asks,
but you are not the angle that answers.
Find the angle that answers.
Are you sure we should be going this way?
I mean, isn't this the way
where that thing came from?
That wasn't this tunnel.
The tunnel we were in when we
saw that thing had angles, turns to it.
So far we've just been going strait.
Excuse me. Forward.
What's it look like ahead of you?
Do you see any turns coming up?
Jesus, I'm afraid to shine my
light all the way down there.
I mean, who knows what we could find?
I don't know if I can handle it.
That's what she said.
All the same.
It's better to see what's coming ahead
of time, before it smacks you in the face.
Which direction do you
think that was coming from?
Here it comes, again.
[echoing voice of Rathbone
...the observation collapses
the wave of infinite potential
into one singular reality.
A lecture by Professor Rathbone.
I suggest we pick up the pace, before
we suffer a fate worse than death.
Oh, but it's funny when
you make penis jokes?
What are you gonna do now?
No. No, screw that.
We need to go up, not down.
I believe you'll have to take
your grievance up with him.
down, down the rabbit hole.
But... but I already have.
I can't change what's already happened.
But, right now...
Oh, isn't this a special moment?
You know you're wrong about one thing.
You can't change what's already happened,
because all of it already has happened,
is still happening, and
will always be happening.
This holds true even now
that you're braking apart
into possibilities, rather
than a singular reality.
Why are you touching that thing?
Ah, she seems to like me well enough.
I'm thinking some might
call this a hound of Tindalos.
I don't expect you to know the reference.
I think a better name for you
to call it would be Jabberwocky.
Why don't you get to know her.
Don't move.
Stay where you are. I'm coming for you.
Yar lloig nog orr'e hai.
Yar lloig nog orr'e hai.
Yar lloig nog orr'e hai.
I'm sorry. I was so stupid.
I thought that if I could get it
together like my sister but...
I was so wrong.
I was so wrong.
You never had a sister, Sylvia.
It was you all along.
Always, you.
Whoa! Whoa!
Hold on.
I don't understand.
How did this all this happen?
Was this like some science experiment?
I didn't see any equipment.
All there are is these symbols.
This isn't science.
It's more like black magic.
I was hoping you could tell me.
Back there, you said your name was Sam.
Now forgive me but unless
all the records are incorrect,
your name is Sylvia Carroll,
your a graduate student at...
That's my sister.
I only told you about her a
few hours ago, remember?
No, you didn't.
We've never met before.
I think I saw you in one of
those tunnels, down there.
That was Sylvia.
We're twins.
You came to Jacob's house and asked for me.
I've never talked to you, before.
Back and Jacob's house, I met a young
woman named Lucy and her boyfriend, Noah.
And they trying to find
out where to find you.
Look, I'm sure we can
get this all figured out,
but we're going to be able
to, until we get out of here.
We're disoriented. We're hallucinating.
It must be some kind of gas. That
would explain the horrible smell.
You haven't seen what I've
seen. These are not hallucinations.
Either way we still
have to get out of here.
I can't call for backup
through all of this concrete,
and we can't go looking for other
people without getting hopelessly lost.
How hard could it be to find them, even
if we are a few hundred feet of tunnel?
Even if we are tripping out?
The answer to that is I don't know.
Either way, it'd be wise to get
some proper rescue units down here
What about Jacob?
I told you we were disoriented.
We must have walked back
the way we came, thinking that...
Still think we're disoriented?
Whatever I am, I hope someone has found me,
and put me in a nice comfy hospital bed.
What is all this?
Are these flashing lights
or is this just in my head?
I think they're protons.
Radiation shooting through our
brains, and making our synapses misfire.
Don't ask me how I know that.
Miss Carroll? Sam?
Oh my...
When I wake up from this crazy dream,
I'm definitely opting for the CAT scan.
Your whole life has
been a dream, Detective.
You're just a fleeting figment,
in the imaginings of gods.
A dream of higher being than yourself.
Looking for this?
Don't look so upset detective.
It's just a little trick I've figured out.
You see, in their presence you can
move more than just through space.
You can...
Just tell me what you want, ass hole.
Very well, detective.
I want you to see that you're not
nearly as big as you thought you were.
You, who have moved through life
being the big man, the man with the power.
I want you to see that
it was all an illusion,
and now in this place,
I'm the one with the power.
Because I have the ability
to understand true reality.
People like you will never be
willing or able to accept that.
And in this place, that
makes you powerless.
I was going to offer you the
chance to learn, to be a part of it.
But why should I?
I mean, I'm the one
with the power here, and
I think I'd much rather just watch you die.
You're not the one with the power.
I think we both know who that is.
Ha, Sam? Sylvia?
Whoever she is right now?
She's where the angles meet.
The angle that answers.
You know, it's to bad you'll never get
to see things the way I'm learning to.
Goodbye, Detective.
Are you all right? What happened?
If you have any information that
will help us get the hell out of here...
I don't know if I do, but
we're getting out of here.
All of us.
You're just going to
have to trust me Detective.
All of us?
Here's your gun back, Detective.
Don't look at it.
How puzzling all these changes are!
I'm never sure what I'm going to
be, from one minute to another.
But I've figured out who you are.
No more confusing the two of you, for me.
You really have just been
plain old Sam the whole time.
But you could be so much more.
Both of you could.
What do you mean?
Oh come on.
After everything that's happened you
can't tell me you haven't figured it out.
Since you've come down here you've
known things you never did before.
You've understood things you were never
capable of understanding on the surface.
You've been looking for your
sister and you've been your sister,
because down here,
every possible reality is so.
So what?
So what?
So don't you think you
should be considering
what opportunities that offers you?
You can become one with the gods.
You could know.
Be what they are.
What makes you think we'd want that?
Foolish girl.
They never know what they
have until they don't have it.
Of course you want it.
That's why you left everything
else behind and came to me.
Deep down you know that
you'll never be what you should,
until you are joined with
something greater than yourself.
I'm already joined with
something greater than myself.
That's okay.
I'm not actually giving you the choice.
Oh no, it's all going to start over again.
Sorry, what'd you say?
I've been on a real mind-bender,
I've been on a binge
In the nether realms of the female gender,
At least from what I still remember!
I sampled several she-devils' charms,
and once held an angel in my arms
But she spread her wings, and in her place,
another she-devil with an angel's face!
Her lips spoke of heaven,
but her smile dripped venom
She casts no shadow!
She casts no shadow!
She casts no shadow!
She don't cast no...
She clutched my heart in her devil's hand,
and led me to the broken-promised land
A cold, dark, empty hollow place,
that lay behind her angel's face!
The lesson learned is the price I paid
They feed on lust and trust betrayed!
Fools rush in where the wise fear to tread,
and I'd been sleeping in the Devil's bed!
Her lips spoke of heaven,
but her smile dripped venom
She casts no shadow!
She casts no shadow!
She casts no shadow!
She don't cast no...
Good God all mighty!
It's the second face that does the talking
the feet of clay that take a walk, and
she ain't nothing' but a pack of lies
Now I'm reaping me the
rubble of my own demise!
That's how I fell from holy grace,
straight into that she-devil's face
Saw the light at the tunnel's end,
and came crawling out her ass, again!
Her lips spoke of heaven,
but her smile dripped venom
She casts no shadow!
She casts no shadow!
She casts no shadow!
She don't cast no...