The Radleys (2024) Movie Script

(impressive orchestral music)
(music fades)
(stone grinding)
(low droning)
(no audio)
(no audio)
(heart beating)
(grass rustling)
(heart beating continues)
(gulls cawing)
(grass rustling)
(rabbit squeaks)
(soft music)
(dog snarling)
(dog barking)
(rabbit squealing)
(dog snarls)
(rabbit screeches)
(jaws chomp)
(screeching stops)
(dog snarling)
(intense music)
(ominous music)
(paws tapping)
(dog slurping)
(intense music)
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
(paws tapping)
(eerie music)
[Rowan Radley] Here
I am, Rowan Radley,
smallish in stature,
pale, skinny.
An observer of life and a
lover of boys from afar.
I spend a lot of
my time asking why.
Why was I born now and
not some other time?
And why here?
My mother, Helen.
(blender whirring)
Prepping for my dad's,
Peter's, birthday party.
She's probably
scheduled every minute,
printed it out, put it
in a plastic envelope
next to all the other
plastic envelopes
about the schedules
and to-do lists,
all the bread making
courses, keep-fit classes,
pony club, PTA.
(feet tapping)
And that's Clara.
(Clara vomiting)
My strange, pale sister,
vomiting constantly
since she turned vegan.
At this point, I have
no idea what fate
lies waiting in my blood.
All I know is I'm a freak.
(backpack zips)
(Clara coughing)
(blender thuds)
(smoothie splatters)
(eerie music)
(guests chattering and laughing)
(chattering and
laughing continues)
(camera shutter clicking)
Hope he's gonna
talk to people.
I think if he actually
talks to people,
they'll like him even less.
[Lorna] Hello, Helen!
You didn't have
to bring anything.
Really, you didn't. I've cooked.
It's nothing, Hel.
It's just a tiny noodle salad
with marinated chicken and
chili and lime dressing.
It's her signature dish.
Hi, Clara.
You look nice.
A bit pale.
That's your new vegan
look, I suppose.
We brought Tilly.
She's over there somewhere
with your brother.
(basketball thudding)
Come on, she'd love
to hang out with you.
Mark, shabbily.
So, where's Peter then?
Birthday boy. (giggles)
He can't be 47.
He's so
(soft piano music)
(razor scraping)
(soft music continues)
(guests chattering)
(muffled chattering)
(Peter sighs)
(Peter sucking)
(curious music)
(muffled chattering)
(curious music continues)
(curious music continues)
(guests chattering and laughing)
(bottles rattling)
(overlapping chatter)
(Evan roars)
(bottles rattle)
Don't be scared. I don't bite.
Unless people ask really nicely.
Nice one. (laughs)
(bottle clatters)
- Oh, jeez!
Stealing booze from the Radleys?
Yeah, supplies
for the real party.
Up the field by the
abbey, just teenagers.
Imagine Glastonbury.
Then imagine
something much smaller
with no bands and much
less good. (chuckles)
I'll get some more.
Oh, thanks.
- Sup.
- Yo.
So you into him or what?
The new boy.
- Evan?
- Mm.
No. (laughs)
That'd be like
kissing my brother.
No, we're just friends.
He's kind of innocent.
I know.
And so pretty.
Watch and learn.
- [Evan] Here you go.
- What's up?
Evan, you're all
washed and brushed.
Wait, am I intruding?
No, of course not.
This guy can tell you some
awesome things about physics,
if that's what you're into.
Come on, let's go.
- Is it?
- Hm?
What are you into?
Can we please?
[Evan] Yeah, yeah.
(tense music)
(faint chattering and laughing)
(chattering and
laughing continues)
(upbeat music)
(camera shutter clicking)
(teenagers chattering
and laughing)
(camera shutter clicking)
(music playing)
(music continues)
(teenagers chattering
and laughing)
(music playing faintly)
(teenagers chattering
and laughing)
(teenagers chattering
and laughing)
Who's that? Is
that Steve Harper?
That's Stuart Harper.
Oh, and look, he's
on his way over.
The guy's a sporting
legend, Clara.
- Aye, aye.
- All right.
- How are we?
- Good.
Good, good, good.
Awesome party.
Just awesome.
Wait, guys. Look.
(all laughing)
Yeah, could you not, mate?
Could you not? Then you...
Yeah, you're just about to
bend the arms all the way back.
- Oh, sorry.
- Yeah, all right.
Good man. Good stuff.
- Mm.
- Right.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, mm-hm, mm.
- Mm, mm-hm.
I'm going back.
Ah, right.
Well, maybe you could
just have a drink.
[Evan] I'll come with you.
(Tilly smacks arm)
- No, it's fine.
You're busy.
[Stuart] No, it's all
right. I'll walk you back.
- [Clara] I'm not five years old.
- No, no, no.
You don't know what's
lurking about in the woods,
and you don't wanna
get bitten, do you?
By what?
Erm, you know, like a badger?
Yeah, I think I'll
take my chances.
I'll see you, Evan.
(upbeat music)
(teenagers chattering)
(leaves rustling)
(wood creaking)
(branch snaps)
(crow cawing)
(Clara breathing heavily)
(wood creaking)
(footsteps falling)
(distant screaming)
(Clara gasps)
(wood creaking)
(faint screaming)
(Stuart shouts)
Oh my God! (laughing)
Oh, mate. (claps hands)
You're even more of
a freak than normal.
I'm not a freak.
Look, I feel shit. I
just wanna go home.
All right, I'm sorry. I am.
I just thought we could
you know, get to know each
Yeah, just like...
I don't know, like
a little bit better.
(Clara vomits)
(Stuart gasps)
(Clara coughing)
- I'm sorry!
- It's fine. It's fine.
You can make it up to me.
All right?
(belt jangling)
Look, it's all right.
We don't have to kiss.
(fly unzips)
(Stuart chuckles)
What? Come on.
You're being weird.
(Stuart grunts)
(Clara groaning)
All right.
(Clara grunts)
It's all right. Come on.
Calm down, all right?
(both grunting)
God, you're strong, aren't you?
Calm down.
(tense music)
It's all right. It's all right!
It's all right, I won't bite!
(Clara breathing heavily)
You're the rabbit,
I'm the wolf! (laughs)
(suspenseful music)
I see you! Run, rabbit, run!
(Clara breathing heavily)
(suspenseful music)
(both grunting)
(Clara screams)
Fine, it's fine, it's fine.
(Clara sobbing)
Please! Please let me go!
(Clara sobbing)
Shut up!
Shut up!
(both breathing heavily)
(belt jangles)
(fly unzips)
(tense music)
(both grunt)
(Stuart coughing and gasping)
(intense music)
(Clara wails)
(Clara growling)
Wait, wait.
It's okay.
(dramatic music)
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
(Stuart screaming)
(wings flapping)
(upbeat music)
(teenagers chattering)
Oh, I think that's your dad.
I have to go.
What, are you serious?
Yeah, yeah.
He has problems with
anxiety and loud noises
and lots of things.
I'll see you later.
[Jared] Do you want to
end up like your mother?
Do you?
I'm trying to keep us
safe here!
(teenagers clamoring)
(Clara panting)
(soft music)
(soft music continues)
(Clara breathing heavily)
(heart pounding)
(guests chattering and laughing)
I told you.
(phone ringing)
What's wrong?
(tense music)
(Peter and Helen sniffing)
Oh my God! Here.
(Peter sniffing)
(eerie music)
Oh, my little girl!
It's all right. We're here.
Mommy and Daddy are here.
Is there really
an alternative?
God only knows what he
weighs. We could carry him.
Are you listening to yourself?
A few metals. That's
all it would take, Peter.
Helen, this is not you
speaking. This is the behavior.
You are acting out, and
you know where this ends.
Come back.
(Helen breathing heavily)
I'm sorry.
I'm so fucking triggered.
It's like an ache.
(tense music)
Do the breathing thing.
(Helen breathing deeply)
(tense music)
(Helen grunting)
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
Quickly, upstairs.
(music fades)
Mustn't let it stain.
(quick footsteps)
(guest burps)
(eerie music)
(engine revving)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(Peter sniffing)
(waves crashing)
(Peter panting)
(guests chattering)
Sorry, could
someone please tell me
what the hell is going on?
(latex glove snaps)
What's the matter with her?
She killed a boy
at your school.
She what? (laughing)
Wait, is that actual
blood on those clothes?
Oh my God. Was
there an accident?
What's happened?
[Peter] Your sister
killed Stuart Harper.
(shelves sliding)
It's quite a lot to take in.
You must have one
or two questions.
Mom, what have I done?
[Peter] It's not your fault.
I couldn't stop.
No, it's compulsive.
What is?
[Helen] I wish
we'd done it earlier.
We did our best.
God, where was the
roadmap for this?
We did our best.
Are we adopted? What is this?
(soft music)
You're not adopted.
Clara, my little
love, listen to me.
When you went vegan, it
had an effect on you.
It made you
particularly vulnerable
to certain cravings, okay?
All that's happened tonight is
you acted like what you are.
What am I, mom?
(mysterious music)
(music fades)
You're a vampire.
We all are.
It's a family disease.
Is this a metaphor?
It's plain, biological truth.
We've wanted to live as
normal a life as possible.
The lives of most vampires
are dissolute, horrifying.
Most vampires?
Your mother and
I made a choice.
And we chose sobriety.
We're in recovery.
We are what's known
as abstainers.
Now they know.
(soft music)
(ties rattling)
Am I gonna do a thing like...
whatever she just did?
It's not impossible.
Oh my God.
(bag rustling)
You irresponsible, selfish...
Oh, no.
Why the fuck did
you even have us?
No, Rowan. We wanted you.
We wanted you, our babies.
To love.
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
(fire crackling)
(intense electronic music)
Anyhow, there's the old book,
and the program itself.
(keyboard keys clicking)
The steps.
And there's a
helpline you can call.
And there's also an
app with affirmations,
but it's a bit
crap, to be honest.
What else can I tell you?
It's nonsense about reflections,
but it is actually
true about garlic.
But I like garlic.
It kicks in after
you've first been
And, yeah, okay, it's true,
you lose some things
if you aren't active,
but you gain some things too.
What do you lose?
Certain abilities. Mind
control sort of thing.
I don't kill people.
Once you've been
clean for long enough,
you have morals
like everyone else.
It comes back, morality.
What a relief.
I'm a doctor, Rowan.
I chose a very different path.
You made us.
You made killers.
How could you do that?
It's very late.
Get some sleep.
(keys tapping)
(owl hooting)
(computer beeps)
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
(cellphone clicks)
(eerie music continues)
(box rattling)
(soft music)
(soft music continues)
(eerie music)
(troubling music)
(Peter grunts)
Just don't say anything, okay?
(Peter sighs)
(cellphone clicks)
Who are you calling?
You know who I'm calling.
(phone ringing)
Oh, God.
Okay, he can help.
Please be rational about this.
Yes, it has.
Yeah, yeah, you were right.
I know.
She's a bit stressed at
the moment, to be honest.
So, how soon can you come?
Great. Great.
Okay, I'll see you tomorrow.
(mysterious music)
(Peter sighs)
(hectic music)
(pan sizzling)
(hectic music continues)
It's a Saturday morning,
so we're having breakfast.
We just need to seem
normal, do normal things.
Well, I'm meeting and
Evan, so I should get ready.
(eerie music)
(Clara giggles)
I thought you
were a woke vegan.
Piss off, Rowan.
You are not allowed
to talk that way!
You both lied to
me my entire life.
You can all fuck off.
(Clara laughs)
(tense music)
(knife scraping)
(tense music)
(engine rumbling)
(dog barking)
(tense music)
(mysterious music)
(doorbell rings)
Long time.
I know.
So, you gonna
invite me in then?
Of course. (chuckles)
I invite you into my home.
(birds squawking)
So, how are you?
Yeah, really.
Why wouldn't I be?
Is that home?
I tend to think
of it as freedom.
So, this charming little
nook is where you live.
[Peter] Yes.
Helen's sense of composition
always was unique.
(footsteps approaching)
And there she is.
Helen, you've not changed a bit.
Don't be ridiculous.
I'll make some coffee.
(hands patting)
Someone here?
(footsteps approaching)
This is my brother,
your uncle, Will.
Could I borrow your
bicycle just for the morning?
It's no good.
Get him out of here.
What? Do you want her
daughter to go to prison
for the rest of her life?
(Peter sighs)
Helen, I have to go to work.
(door opens)
(Helen sobs)
(Will inhales)
(Will exhales)
[Will] They didn't
mention you had an uncle?
Why didn't they tell me?
Step four.
"We undertake to sever contacts
with all active
vampires in our lives."
They've only just
told you what you are.
Well, then I'd have been a bit
tricky to explain before now.
You freaked out. Don't be.
This is the start of an
infinitely pleasurable
existence for you.
You still do it.
Do you?
You murder people
Only sometimes.
I mean, it's not
always necessary.
Nicer if not, because
the bloody bureaucracy
always gets in the way.
Why not just stop all of it?
'Cause drinking
blood is pure bliss.
Murder investigations,
et cetera. Yawn.
They take that so
seriously, the police.
(toast crunching)
You gonna eat that?
(fork scraping)
You're not very
like Dad, are you?
Not anymore, no.
(soft music)
(Evan and Clara chattering)
(soft music continues)
- All right.
- Yeah.
- I trust you.
- Yeah, you should. (giggles)
It's gonna look good.
(gentle music)
(teeth knocking)
[Evan] I bet you chose
something way fresher.
Anyhow, ready
for the big reveal?
(Clara giggles)
Where are you gonna wear
it, the village pub?
It's the exact same shade.
You knew it.
No, I just think the
boys in our year might die.
(Evan chuckles)
(cellphone buzzing)
What, you set an
alarm to go home?
But how would you dad even
know if you're home anyway?
He's on his laptop
ranting most of the time.
[Evan] He wasn't
always like that.
Used to be a policeman.
Very respectable.
Evan, I'm sorry.
I just don't want you to go.
Sometimes I think if other
people knew what a freak I am,
they'd scream and run away.
I know what you mean.
With the greatest
respect, my friend,
your family's normal.
I mean, your mother bakes.
(Clara chuckles)
We were normal once.
When mom was around.
breakfast together, hugs, love.
My dad used to do this
cute thing every morning
when I went to school.
So I knew we were
always together.
That's sweet.
Do you wanna know what
he's always ranting about?
Thinks there's
vampires everywhere.
(Clara chuckles uncomfortably)
Well, that's pretty weird.
Come on, let's go home.
And I'll flirt with
that hot barista guy
and get us free
bubble tea on the way.
(Evan grumbles)
You do you.
(Clara laughs)
(soft music)
(engine starts)
(curious music)
(engine rumbling)
(door closes)
Fits like a glove.
Nice and snug.
This is the map,
with the woods and the
boathouse and everything.
Peter's marked it all
out, highlighted things.
Course he has.
What's the X for?
Oh, I'm guessing it's the abandoned
corpse of a teenage boy.
Got it.
(footsteps departing)
(camera clicking)
(camera shutter clicking)
(mysterious music)
(Clara and Evan chattering)
I'll see you tomorrow.
Dad, come on.
(mysterious music)
(mysterious music continues)
(unsettling music)
(limb snaps)
(dramatic music)
(gasoline splashing)
(lighter clicks)
(fire roars)
(intense music)
(intense music continues)
(knocking on door)
Fuck! Bloody daylight.
Have you done it?
Thank you.
You're all right.
Wanna come in?
Excuse the smell. Smells of me.
(Helen clears throat)
I should get on, really.
(door closes)
Been entertaining?
[Will] Ah, nothing
special, just a couple mates.
(Helen sighs)
Can I ask you something?
How long has it been
since you last relaxed?
I relax.
What are you talking
about? I relax.
You're blushing.
No, I'm not.
Little bit of
color in your cheeks.
(Will sniffs)
Oh, just fuck off,
would you, Will?
(Will laughs)
And there she is.
Thought you got yourself
lost in this shitty place.
Got yourself sealed up in one
of your plastic envelopes.
It's not shitty.
This is the town I live in.
That's my home, my family, Will!
Do you remember that
time I made you...
- No.
- Scream out so loud that-
I don't remember any
of it and neither do you.
I do, though.
I think about it.
All the time.
Look, I didn't
come here for this.
Are you sure?
We need your help
with Clara, Will.
Just until the fallout's
all dealt with, then you go.
I don't want you
to be in any doubt.
No place for doubt in this town.
All wearing their
fleece sweaters,
all comfortably certain
about their lives.
Like you.
Yeah, okay. I'm gonna go.
(door thudding)
(Helen grunts)
(door slams)
(Will sighs)
[News Anchor] School
boy Stuart Harper
has been reported missing
since Friday night.
The police asking for members
of public to be in touch
with any information
relating to his whereabouts.
[PC Henshall] Well, it's
usually someone they know.
- [PC Longford] Is that right?
- Mm-hm.
That doesn't mean he's dead.
He could just be missing.
If they don't get
found in 24 hours,
odds are they're dead.
Oh my gosh.
Weird thing is...
And I shouldn't be talking
about this, really, but
there's no sign of
a struggle anywhere.
Just vanished.
- So weird.
- Mm-hm.
Is rioja nice with a curry,
or do we need something white?
(soft music)
(anxious music)
(anxious music continues)
You can take that
down, can't you?
If you're eating meat again.
(poster crumpling)
(Evan sighs)
(tense music)
(teeth grinding)
So crazy about Stuart Harper.
What if there's a
murderer still out there?
Well, if there is, I'm
sure they'll get caught.
You really think so?
Mm-hm. Totally.
The police are awesome.
Well, don't get my
dad on that subject.
Never found my mom.
(muffled music playing)
Ugh. My uncle Will's got Rowan
into all this old people music.
And it's so cringe.
People started making
music on computers
for a reason, you know!
Does Rowan date?
That is single most
revolting idea I've ever heard.
Do you want some ice cream?
Oh, yes, please.
(muffled music playing)
(energetic rock music)
No, no, I love this.
My mom used to play this.
Cool photos.
You took these?
Ages ago.
What's this for?
I use it to take photographs.
It's honestly nothing.
What's inside this?
Can I see?
I mean, if you want.
(lid clatters)
It's all from one drop of blood.
It's just a
dorky sort of art project.
I seriously need to
get out more, right?
(Rowan laughs)
What's it about?
It's just...
There's this feeling I get.
It's like sometimes I
lie in the grass outside
when it's dark and quiet,
and I can feel the
whole town sleeping,
I can feel everyone in it,
and I can feel the whole world.
And suddenly there's no
difference between you and me
and the sea and the trees,
all the cells in
one drop of blood
and all the stars in the sky.
(soft music)
(footsteps approaching)
[Clara] Evan?
You coming?
(soft music)
(Peter sighs)
(knocking on door)
Come in.
(door opens)
(high heels tapping)
(high heels tapping)
(Lorna sighs)
So, how can I help you?
Well, I've been feeling
a bit faint, actually.
All week.
It's often when I stand up.
Blood pressure by
the sounds of things.
It's a bit fiddly.
It's one of these
old manual ones.
(Lorna chuckles)
There we are.
(air hissing)
Well, normal.
I, um...
I suppose it could be low iron.
We could do some tests.
Blood tests?
Just keep your arm straight.
All right.
This is a tourniquet.
Clench your hands
a couple of times.
[Lorna] Like that?
You have such lovely veins.
Gosh, no one's ever
said that before.
Right, just a sharp scratch.
(Lorna moans)
(heart beating)
Going to do three of these.
(heart beating)
There we are.
Don't take all of it. (laughs)
(Peter smacks lips)
(chatter on police radio)
(mysterious music)
[Helen] Clara!
(dog barking)
(doorbell ringing)
So why did Stuart
come after you?
Why do boys walk after
girls in fields at parties.
[PC Henshall] So he walked
after you, and what did he say?
I tried to let him down
gently, but... (chuckles)
He started to cry.
I mean, he was drunk.
It was so awful.
Have you ever had
a boy cry over you?
It was humiliating for him.
Anyway, he cried, and
then he just went off.
Off where?
Back to the party.
Yes, the thing is, Clara,
no one saw him at the
party after you left.
[Clara] Oh.
Well, that's weird.
Yeah, you should
look into that.
Clara's very upset about
Stuart going missing.
No, I'm not.
People always do that
when someone dies.
I'm not pretending
he was a saint.
You said, "When someone dies."
(table creaks)
It's beeping.
The tumble dryer.
(knocking on door)
(door opens)
Will, please. The police
are interviewing Clara.
It's gone wrong.
Am I hearing this?
Please. Will.
Just come and do it.
I thought it
was transgressive,
manipulative and unethical.
Look, I was a high-minded
bitch when I was young.
Now here we all
are in middle age!
Please, just help.
Oh, we're just in
the middle of asking
a few questions, actually.
Would it be possible for
you to wait outside, sir?
I'm sorry, I can't do that.
Clara Radley knows
absolutely nothing
about that boy.
(cookie crunches)
(eerie music)
Not a thing.
In fact, if this case
comes up in the future,
you're gonna find
it highly amusing.
(cookie snaps)
(eerie music)
Gosh, well,
in that case, we mustn't
waste any more of your time.
[PC Henshall] I do apologize,
Mr. And Mrs. Radley.
Clara... (stammers)
It must have been a mistake.
We'll let you get on.
I'll show you out.
(mysterious music)
I mean, that was
literally so close.
It was so sick.
Thank you.
(curious music)
(Clara chuckles)
(curious music)
(curious music continues)
(curious music continues)
(birds chirping)
(dog barking)
(Will mumbling lyrics)
(strumming guitar)
So do you, like, have a job?
I'm a fucking academic,
I'll have you know.
English literature.
On sabbatical, sort
of. (clears throat)
(Will exhales)
Is it amazing?
Is what amazing?
Oh, you mean drinking
someone else's blood.
It's so fucking good
there are no words to
make you understand.
Better than sex?
Yeah, better than sex.
Have you had sex?
Not even with that little
friend of your big sisters?
[Will] The way
you stare at him.
I'd have eaten him
whole by now.
(fridge door opens)
(mysterious music)
(Will sighs)
(Will breathes deeply)
(Will growling)
Oh, no thanks.
I'm fine with this.
(heart beating)
Should we get the
hell out of here?
(toothbrush scrubbing)
You okay?
You look lovely.
In my PJS?
(book pages rustling)
Helen, what's happened to us?
I know.
We used to...
All the time.
I know we did.
(light switch clicks)
Before work, even.
Peter it's
really, really late.
(light switch clicks)
(Peter sighs)
(engine rumbling)
He'll wake up the whole street,
Gone out for sex, probably.
(energetic electronic music)
(Will slurping)
(energetic dance music)
(crowd shouting)
(shouting continues)
(shouting continues)
[Dealer] Seven.
He'll take over.
This is my son.
[Dealer] 12.
I think you've made a mistake.
(muffled chattering)
My apologies, sir.
(Will laughing)
(crowd cheering)
Let's go spend it.
(alcohol pouring)
So who do you want?
That one?
That one?
Boys, girls, the world's
a feast of pleasures,
ready for anyone who dares
help themselves first.
(energetic rock music)
(energetic music continues)
Mm. Hey!
(energetic rock music)
(music stops)
(wind whistling)
(soft music)
You've been drinking.
You can tell your uncle you're
not allowed to drink, okay?
He's not here to
set a bad example.
Bad example?
At at least he's not so
obsessed with fitting in
he's just invisible.
He's not your dad.
Well, I wish he was.
(door slams)
(lock clicks)
(soft music)
(Peter sniffing)
(Peter exhales)
(heart beating)
(Peter sighs)
(anxious music)
[Searcher] Stuart!
[Searcher 2] Stuart!
(chatter on radio)
(soft music)
[Searcher 3] Stuart!
(soft music continues)
(curious music)
(curious music continues)
(door closes)
[Peter] Hi darling. I'm back.
Just having a bath!
[Peter] Can I bring
you a glass of wine?
I've already got one.
(door closes)
(anxious music)
(anxious music continues)
(Peter breathing heavily)
(Peter breathing heavily)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(Peter exhales)
(Peter growls)
(plastic bag rustling)
(Peter groans)
(dramatic music)
(dog barking)
(dog growling)
(Peter breathing heavily)
(Peter growls)
(water sloshing)
(Helen sighs)
Am I imagining this?
But I'm helping.
(anxious music)
(Helen moaning softly)
(sensual music)
These are the rules.
You can say anything you want.
You can look.
But you just can't touch.
But it's not real.
I'm not really being...
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
It's our secret, okay?
What you did with the police,
the way they just did
what you told them.
You liked that?
You sometimes wish I
could do the same to you?
(Helen sighs)
(knocking on door)
(glass shatters)
(Helen gasps)
[Rowan] Mom, when's supper?
Dad's cooking!
[Rowan] God, can't you?
No! I've...
I've got my book club.
[Rowan] Oh, I'll
get some chips.
(footsteps departing)
(Helen sighs)
(curious music)
(curious music continues)
(curious music continues)
(music building)
(music fades)
(soft music)
(Helen sighs)
(heart beating)
(Helen gasps)
[Helen] Pete.
Mm-hm. Your husband?
What are you doing?
Kissing my wife.
Are you drunk? What's
happened to you?
No, I just feel
good, that's all.
Yeah, good.
Do you remember that?
And you look so
hot in these jeans.
Have you been drinking blood?
Don't be ridiculous.
I'm not gonna just go and use
and escalate the craving again.
What, after all this time,
that would be insane.
Look, I have to go.
You are gonna make
supper, aren't you?
(Peter sighs)
(heart beating)
They smell good.
Are you going out?
Just walking.
Is everything...
No, not really.
I know everything
with your dad's not...
well, if there's anything
what I mean is, if
there's ever something,
anything at all...
Thank you.
(dog barking)
Was there something
you wanted to say?
When Clara came in?
I can't remember.
Oh well.
I'll see ya.
(knocking on door)
Uncle Will?
(door opens)
Uncle Will?
(Rowan sniffing)
(fridge door opens)
(Will sniffing)
(anxious music)
(anxious music continues)
(curious music)
(cap unscrewing)
(Rowan sniffs)
(curious music)
(curious music continues)
(Rowan breathes deeply)
(heart beating)
(Rowan chuckles)
(dramatic music)
(Rowan exhales)
(heart pounding)
(Rowan growls)
(dramatic music)
(curious music)
(Rowan chuckles)
(Rowan snarls)
(dramatic music)
(bottles clinking)
(dramatic music)
How can I help?
Oh... (clears throat)
I've got some information
about the Stuart Harper case.
I'm an ex-policeman, so...
Clara Radley's fingerprints
that quite clearly...
(officer laughing hysterically)
He's here... (laughing)
He's here about... (laughing)
Clara Radley!
(officer spits)
(officer laughing)
(both laughing hysterically)
(gulls cawing)
[Nicola] From what
I heard, the money was hers.
He just pretends he's
made it, and she let him.
Some more wine, Helen?
Well, are we gonna
get around to the book?
Always the worst
moment in a book club
that these things
have to be faced.
Hold on.
We haven't mentioned the
most shocking thing of all.
Stuart Harper.
Oh, no doubt.
It's so horrible.
I saw his mom, Juliette,
in the supermarket
the other day.
Like a ghost she was.
To lose a child.
[Karen] And she's
just had a new baby, too,
hasn't she?
Course she has. Poor woman.
Single mom, too.
No. Is she?
On her own?
(chair slides)
I'm so sorry.
I think I left the...
I forgot to...
(dramatic music)
(group murmuring)
So is that the fiery
act of conversion?
[Abstainer's Helpline] Yeah.
It's when a vampire kills
but then transforms a victim.
Transforms? How?
[Abstainer's Helpline] You
can save a victim's life
by feeding them your blood,
and they'll change
from human to vampire,
Which leads to the everlasting
chains of enthrallment.
[Abstainers Helpline] Yeah,
the everlasting chains
mean the human victim
would always crave
the vampire who converted them.
Even if he, if the victim,
hadn't showed any signs of interest in
the converter before?
[Abstainer's Helpline]
Oh, yeah, instantly.
Like love.
You convert someone and
they fall in love with you.
[Abstainer's Helpline] No,
quite the opposite.
Conversion actually
prevents real love.
It's tragic, really.
How long does it last?
The craving?
[Abstainer's Helpline]
There's no escape
for the victim,
not unless the converter dies.
(tapping on window)
(Helen gasps)
(Helen breathing heavily)
(window sliding)
I just watched
a group of women
unwittingly discuss
how my family's
ruined another person's life.
Oh, Helen, yawn.
(door opens)
I just think you're wasting
your life, that's all.
(Helen scoffs)
I should be craving,
craving constantly?
How's that different
from what you've got?
(Helen scoffs)
(jacket ruffling)
(lighter clicks)
(Helen exhales)
That was nice earlier.
The bath.
I'm married to Peter, Will.
And I love him.
So much.
(Helen cries)
You just can't see it anymore.
Oh, God, what a mess.
Hey, you're here
because you're mine.
I'm the one who converted you.
(tense music)
(Helen cries)
I don't want to feel
like this around you.
I hate you.
Anytime Peter touches
me, I think of you.
It's not fair to him.
(dramatic music)
(Helen sighs)
(dramatic music)
(intense music)
(Helen screaming)
(Helen breathing heavily)
(Helen shouting)
(Helen screams)
(blood splatters)
(Helen shouting)
(fabric tears)
[Will] You can't
escape it!
(engine starts)
(tires squeal)
(paper towel scrubbing)
(keys tapping)
(mysterious music)
(computer beeps)
(mysterious music)
(birds chirping)
Rowan, I made your
favorite pancakes.
Do you want some?
(Peter sniffs)
(sniffing continues)
(dramatic music)
(Peter gasps)
(heart beating)
(Peter breathing heavily)
(cap unscrewing)
(footsteps approaching)
(Peter exhales)
I'm late for school.
(footsteps departing)
(tense music)
(dramatic music)
(unsettling music)
(door slams)
You've made Rowan
drink blood, Will!
Uh, no.
You've made him a pathetic
slave to his appetite,
like mom, and, dad, and you,
and... (breathing heavily)
Well, they do say it's
a family disease, Petey.
You've got to clean the van.
Why on earth would
I clean the van?
(Peter sighs)
I mean, I quite like it.
Are you insane?
Did something screw
you up at birth?
Did I offend you by
coming out first?
Fuck's sake.
Or are you off
that you were weak
and you had to be
put in an incubator?
Not weak.
The cord was around my neck.
You're talking shit, Pete.
Are you high?
You are high.
What would Helen think?
You know, you really
won't shift all of that
without the right solvent.
Take it from someone who's
dealt with a lot of stains.
(knocking on door)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
Dad, wake up!
You hacked into my phone.
Those pictures, that's
my life, my private life.
It's to keep you safe.
No, it's not!
She left.
Mom left us.
She wanted a different life.
And what we have to do, Dad,
what we have to
do is accept that.
The Radley aren't safe.
They're vampires, okay?
Clara Radley killed that boy!
I have evidence!
What evidence?
His sunglasses.
Her fingerprints
are all over them!
She must have tried them on.
No, no, no, she...
Yes, all the kids
did. I think I did.
Someone took a picture.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
That little bit
of you right now
that's got a doubt, please,
please listen to it.
Look at me. Look at me, Dad.
(somber music)
Take my fingerprints.
Check the glasses if you
want. You wanna do that?
(somber music)
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay. It's okay.
You're not well.
You can get better,
though, right?
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(bike wheels whirring)
No, nothing.
I'm good. I just
slept a bit funny.
Is that Rowan?
He looks...
He does.
[Rowan] Evan.
You're the most gorgeous
boy I've ever seen.
You're the most beautiful
boy I can imagine.
Everything about
you is beautiful.
I write you poems, but they
don't do you any justice.
(romantic music)
Will you let me take
you out tonight?
(students chattering)
I'll come get you at 8:00.
(Rowan chuckles)
(gentle music)
(Evan chuckles)
(knocking on door)
(door opens)
[Lorna] Hello, Doctor.
You look very
nice today, Peter.
So, have we got my results?
Yep. (clears throats)
Low iron, so you'll
need a supplement.
I'll write you a prescription.
Peter, you don't
live forever, do you?
What I mean is,
you and I, we could meet
at the Abbey tonight
to look at the stars.
If you don't have
any special plans.
Have you got special plans?
No. (clears throat)
I'm not sure.
I'll call you?
See you a bit later. (chuckles)
(door opens and closes)
(Peter exhales)
(footsteps approaching)
I've made our life
impossible, haven't I?
No, you haven't.
I wanted all of this
more than you did.
But I think it's time
we both stop pretending.
I think you're right.
You know the fact
is... (chuckles)
you are always way
out of my league,
Pete, that's-
If I hadn't converted you,
there's no chance that
you would be with me.
This isn't voluntary for you.
You are only here with me now
because of some last
little scraps of craving.
This was never love.
This was just a conversion.
we tried really hard to
turn into a marriage.
Pete, no, please.
There's things I should say.
You shouldn't live
like this any longer.
Nor should I.
We both want to
be loved.
(soft music)
To feel wanted.
You don't want me, Helen.
Pete, no, you have
to listen to me.
I need a drink.
Oh, fuck.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(bottles clinking)
(Peter growling)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(knocking on door)
It's just Rowan.
Like I said, we'll go to the
arcade, maybe grab a bite.
It's nothing to worry about.
See you later then, okay?
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(music fades)
(wind whistling)
What do you wanna play?
A game. I don't
really care. (laughs)
Me neither.
Is when I find out you're really,
really good at the arcade.
(both chattering)
(gentle electronic music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(arcade game beeping)
(heart beating)
(teeth grinding)
Don't hurt me! I'm nine!
Oh, oh! Double ladder.
(arcade game beeping)
Back in a sec.
Okay, I'll be here.
(soft music)
(Rowan growls)
(Rowan's breath shaking)
(bottles clinking)
(dramatic music)
(Rowan gasping)
(Rowan snarls)
(dramatic music)
(Rowan breathing heavily)
(bottle shatters)
(Rowan crying)
(Rowan slurping)
(Rowan snarls)
(heart pounding)
Don't touch him, you freak!
(door opens)
(Rowan panting)
(Rowan shouts)
(Peter sucking)
(Rowan panting)
(Rowan yells)
(Peter crying)
(curious music)
(curious music continues)
(dramatic music)
(door opens)
My brother?
Such a cliche!
Anything, anything but this.
Look, I want to be
straight with you.
Oh, yeah, so do I.
I'm packing a bag.
You didn't convert me.
I faked when you bit me,
but you weren't my first.
Jesus, you're incredible.
That's so fucking convincing.
I know. I'm sorry.
You were scared and shaky.
That was real, Pete.
I was excited.
It's just,
it wasn't my first time.
That was with Will.
When the fuck did
this all happen?
Will was staying,
do you remember?
You were doing that course?
You'd left early.
I woke up halfway through.
His teeth were already in me.
It was already too late.
You were asleep?
The truth is, though,
I enjoyed it.
That's the truth.
I drank from him all through
the weekend, I think.
When he bit me, I
lost all self-control.
I'm so sorry.
Yeah, but the craving,
You must have been craving
him all these years.
Yeah, it's pretty constant.
But I've tried to
stay busy, you know?
A book club, PTA,
baking courses,
volunteering, gardening,
church choir, pony
club, my painting.
It just gets worse
with abstaining.
Much worse.
Much, much worse.
Now it feels like he's
invading my mind night and day.
It's a lot.
I hate him.
But I love you.
It was always just you.
(soft music)
I'm sorry.
(door opens)
(Evan exhales)
(glass crunching)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(phone beeps)
(dramatic music)
(Jared panting)
(furniture rattles)
(Jared breathing heavily)
Oh, God.
(door slams)
(tires squealing)
(knocking on door)
[Rowan] Uncle Will!
(Rowan breathing heavily)
(Rowan whimpering)
Oh, hello.
I'm freaking out.
I need to talk.
I need a drink.
I had a date. It was terrible.
It was the smell of his body.
It was like I could smell
every different element of it.
Every nuance, every
aspect of his history.
It was torture.
It's only torture if
you don't give into it.
I would've killed him.
Ah, yes.
All the kids at school
were right about me.
I'm a freak.
I should be locked up.
I'm a menace to society.
I'm a sociopath.
Here, have a great
big alcoholic drink.
It'll do you good.
(Rowan sniffs)
(Rowan exhales)
His blood was in your mouth.
I can smell it on the bottle.
Is he dead?
Don't over overreact.
Lots of other nice
boys out there.
I told you, Rowan,
feast on whoever you
want, whenever you want.
Is he dead?
Probably. I bit very
deep into his neck.
So tender and young.
He was too good for you to
waste, Rowan, so I took him.
I will fucking kill you!
(intense music)
(both grunting)
Calm down, Rowan.
Odds are I'll kill you first.
(Will shouting)
(intense music)
(Rowan shouts)
(bottle shatters)
(engine revving)
(tires screech)
(dramatic music)
(both shouting)
(Will grunting)
(toilet lid slamming)
(Will groans)
(both shouting)
(Evan gasping)
(dramatic music)
(Jared breathing heavily)
(Jared sobs)
(Evan gasping)
(Rowan grunts)
(dramatic music)
(both grunting)
(dramatic music)
(tires squeal)
(both grunting)
(grunting continues)
(bowl slams)
(Rowan panting)
(dramatic music)
(Will shouts)
(dramatic music)
Uncle Will's
trying to kill Rowan!
(both grunting)
(post snaps)
(dramatic music)
(both grunting)
(all grunting)
I know about Helen.
Oh do you?
(fist slams)
(Helen gasps)
(Rowan breathing heavily)
(Peter and Will grunting)
Poor, Petey.
I got there first.
You violated her!
She loved it.
"Oh, Will, do it
again, do it again."
(teeth grinding)
(Will growls)
(intense music)
(blood splatters)
(Will gasps)
You don't kill me.
You're the victim.
(Helen breathing heavily)
(Peter breathing heavily)
[Recording] This is
the Abstainers helpline.
Your call is important
to us. Please hold.
[Jared] Hello!
Yes, I'm here.
Oh my God, it's really bad!
I think he's gonna die!
[Helpline] I'm sorry, sir. This isn't one
of the scenarios I'm trained to deal with.
So what?
He's dying, and
you're a vampire!
Can't you just...
Can't you just tell me what to do?
[Abstainer's Helpline] I'm
just meant to offer support.
I'm going to have
to put you on hold.
No, no, please don't do that.
I'm begging you.
I am begging you. He is my son.
[Abstainer's Helpline] If
you want him to live,
you have to make a choice.
He needs vampire blood.
You can let him die, or you
can give him to a vampire.
(dramatic music)
(engine revs)
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(all breathing heavily)
(somber music continues)
My boy.
Come here.
(Peter exhales)
(emotional music)
(engine revs)
[Jared] Help!
Come inside!
(Rowan breathing heavily)
(Jared whispering)
I'm so sorry, Dad.
It's okay.
It was all true.
This what happened to mom.
It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
Please, I want him to live.
[Evan] It's okay.
[Jared] I want him to live.
(Jared crying)
It's okay.
(somber music)
(delicate music)
(Rowan kissing)
(Evan breathing heavily)
(breathing stops)
(dramatic music)
(Rowan breathing heavily)
(blood squelching)
(emotional music)
(blood dripping)
(Evan gasps)
(gentle music)
(Evan breathing heavily)
[Rowan] The world
is so intricate.
So unendingly beautiful.
(gasoline pouring)
If I should die
this very moment,
I wouldn't fear
(lighter clicks)
[Rowan] Here we are in the
mystery of it all.
Making mistakes.
(fire whooshes)
Trying to put things right,
Letting go.
Letting life in.
Nothing stays the same.
(moving music)
You can live on the outside,
just take in
everything you can get.
But you'll miss it all.
The moments you know
you're a part of the world.
Part of this gigantic puzzle
that you fit into perfectly.
All this time
I've missed you
And searched this human race
Here is true peace
[Rowan] Fate can be so weird.
What's in the
stars, in the blood.
Bathed in your sighs
Could we stay right here
Till the end of time
Till the earth stops turning
Gonna love you till
the seas run dry
I found the one
I've waited for
The one
I've waited for
(intense electronic music)
Wanna stay right here
(all grunting)
Till the end of time
Till the earth stops turning
(water splashes)
[Rowan] The truth is we have no
idea what we're all here for.
I've waited for
Until, suddenly, we do.
The one
I've waited
And even if it hurts a lot,
it all makes a
weird kind of sense,
'cause maybe love can
conquer everything
and your freaky little life
is exactly how it needs to be.
(music fades)
(heart beating)
(beating continues)
(intense music)
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
(eerie music continues)
(eerie music continues)
(music fades)