The Real West (2024) Movie Script

[alarm ringing]
[shuts off alarm]
[groans] Okay.
Noah! Breakfast!
Mom, did you know that there
are four types of ghosts?
funnel ghosts, orbs,
and wisps?
I did not know that.
What kind of ghosts
do you think will be
at the ranch, Mom?
I don't know.
I guess we're just gonna
have to find out.
[mutters] Oh, man.
I thought you told Noah
no devices at breakfast,
or we'd get addictified?
And I'm not addicted,
I'm waiting to hear
about tenure,
and I want you to eat up,
because we need to be
on the road by 8:00.
Where is your brother?
You know, you boys are gonna
love this place.
There's campfires, hiking,
Noah! Breakfast, please!
Where is your brother?
He's probably still asleep.
-He got home late last night.
Sorry. Jasmine and I wanted
to get a head start
on college applications
before football starts up.
And you thought
the night before we leave
for family vacation
was a good time to do it?
It's my applications, too.
Why? I thought we decided
you were gonna go to Boulder?
I'm about to get tenure.
It's a great school.
You can live at home.
Yeah, it sounds good,
but we thought it might be fun
to go somewhere together.
Yeah... I mean...
It's just...
don't you think
it would be... healthy
for the two of you
to, you know, kinda branch out,
meet some new people?
I was kind of thinking
the same thing,
but about you.
You're awesome, but...
you know, it's been
three years since Dad died,
and it could be good to make
some friends who aren't,
you know... your kids?
Do you feel this way?
I think that it's nice
that you don't have
anything better to do
than hang out with us.
Wow. Okay.
Uh, well...
I'm glad
we had this little talk.
Please eat your breakfast.
Let's get going.
[car horn honks]
What's Jasmine doing here?
You didn't tell her yet?
Don't be mad at her!
It was my idea!
Hey, Ms. Granway!
[realizing] Hi...
Did you sneak-attack-invite
your girlfriend
on our family vacation?
I'm really sorry.
I-I meant to tell you,
but I knew you'd be mad,
so I kept putting it off.
[forced] Hi... Sylvia!
Oh, hey, Rebecca.
Thanks for doing this!
Uh... [stammers]
I love our family trips,
I do, it's just it's me
and Jasmine's last chance
to spend time together
before school starts.
What are you thinking?
Hey! I've never been
to a ranch before.
I actually saved up money
for this coat
so I could be authentic.
And authentic it is!
[Jasmine chuckles]
Did your parents
plan a vacation
for while you were gone?
Yeah, it's more of a belated-
honeymoon type of thing.
Yes! Yeah, it's our first time!
Well, aloha![laughs]
-Bye, sweetie!
-[door thuds]
-Thank you so much.
-I really appreciate it.
Let's just go inside, Jasmine.
[honking horn]
Hi! You're here!
Fun, hey?
[all chuckling]
Hey! Come here now.
Come, come, come!
It's so nice to see you!
How are you doing?
You look so good, sister.
You're taller than me.
Oh, my gosh.
Look at you! Hi, baby.
Nice to see you, sweetheart.
Ollie, come here!
Oh, hi!
Uh, this is
my girlfriend, Jasmine.
Jasmine, this is Grandma Maureen
and Aunt Cassidy.
So great to finally
meet you guys.
Noah always talks about
how awesome his family is.
-Oh, that's so sweet!
Well, you're welcome here.
More, the merrier.
Uh, we'll go take the stuff
out of the back.
-Okay, great, thank you.
-Wow, you're so cool
to let Noah bring
his girlfriend on the trip.
Yeah, "so cool"
he basically told me
I need to get a life.
-Oh, that's so weird.
Okay, you leave
your sister alone.
She's doing the best she can.
This place is incredible.
Isn't it?
Yes, and this was
your sister's idea,
in honor
of you getting tenure.
Well, I mean,
that hasn't happened yet, so.
Stop being modest.
Aunt Cassidy,
I drew you a picture.
Ranch ghosts
can play the harmonica.
Wow! Is that what this is?
[hurt] No.
It's a ghost holding a flower.
-Purple flower.
-Flower. Right there.
Ghosts also have
a strong sense of smell.
-Oh, wow!
-I didn't know that.
Well, I love it,
and I'm going to hang it
in my room.
Right! Speaking of rooms!
Okay, boys, you're gonna be
in the Wrangler Room,
um, Auntie and Mom next door...
and Jasmine, don't worry,
we'll find you a room.
Okay. Let me take one.
Let me take one.
Let's go!
Here, I'll grab that for you.
-Thank you so much.
-Let's do this!
Family at the ranch!
So... Jasmine seems nice.
[chuckles] Yeah. She's...
You know, I just wish
they weren't so... serious.
Wow! Pot callin' the kettle--
No. Okay, Shawn and I, that--
we were different, our whole--
that was different.
-Totally different.
Oh, I just, maybe I'm in denial
that he's growing up so fast,
and he really likes her,
so I should probably
get to know her.
Mm. That's the spirit!
Besides, I'm really glad
that Jasmine crashed,
because I have
a surprise of my own.
I thought you dumped
the performing artist?
Oh, I did.
No, this is my new squeeze.
Okay, we met in New York,
and we totally hit it off,
and get this--
he's from Colorado
and happens to be in the area
for work,
so I took it as a sign that
we should take a vacation here.
I thought you picked this place
in honor of my tenure?
Two birds!
Besides, I couldn't
actually tell Mom and Dad
that I came here for some guy,
otherwise they would think
I was jumping into something.
-You're unbelievable.
-No, which-- I'm not, I swear!
Oh-- Uh...
That's Aaron.
He owns the ranch.
Good morning, ladies.
How can I help you?
Uh, we were...
Uh... looking for a room.
That's right.
Ah. We're all full up.
Let's see
if we can work something out.
Welcome to the Biscuit Room.
We can set you up a cot
in here,
but that's about
the best we can do.
Uh, it's, uh, it's great.
I will go grab my bags.
You know what, Jasmine?
This is gonna sound selfish...
but, uh, I want the room.
You know what?
You can bunk with Cassidy.
Yeah! Yeah, it'll be great.
It'll be an adventure.
You know, cooks used
to sleep off the kitchen.
Right? Breakfast at daybreak.
Meat and potatoes, coffee,
you know, biscuits--
that kind of thing--
it'll be great.
Thank you, Ms. Granway.
I really appreciate it.
I will go unpack,
and I'll see you later.
Seems like you know a lot
about ranch life.
She's a professor
of the Old West.
Ah! Wow.
Well, I'll tell the guys
to bring your bags in,
and, uh, if you need anything
else from me,
just holler.
There you are.
-Oh, hi!
-Oh, hey, Miss Raymond.
I was just about
to come find you.
-Are you still interested
-in that riding lesson?
-Yeah, sure am.
As long as you're my teacher.
I wouldn't miss it, ma'am.
I'll see you down at the paddock
in about an hour.
Okay, cool.
See you soon.
[deep breath, contented sigh]
What? What?
-Give me a break.
I'm gonna go see if Jasmine
needs any help settling in.
Are you sure
this room is big enough?
It's awfully messy.
Yeah, it's fine.
Yeah, you know, the vacation
isn't about the room.
This is about me spending time
with the boys and you all, so.
-...Why don't I unpack,
and we use
the rest of the daylight
to hike Big Rock Trail?
Did you know
that that's the original
cattle trail
-where they had the settlers--
-Okay, stop.
I'm gonna say this
as nicely as possible.
Noah was right.
You need to get a life.
What happened to, "I'm doing
the best that I can?"
It wasn't a compliment.
I'm fine!
Meh. You're surviving.
There's a big difference, okay?
Your dad and I
are worried about you.
Look, you got yourself
and your boys
through a really difficult time,
but that was three years ago.
You know, maybe it's time
to start thinking about what's--
or who--
comes next, maybe?
-I did say "who".
-Are you--
-Not at all.
Are you talking
about dating right now?
Yeah, I sure am,
but not just dating.
-Everything, all of it.
Let those boys go discover
this place on their own
for a couple hours, right?
And, uh...
Oh, yeah!
You should go into town
-and get yourself a cowboy hat.
[like six-shooters]
Pew! Pew! Pow!
[blows air]
Gotta go-- Gotta go ride.
[footsteps receding]
I'm regretting this already.
[shop radio crackles
with old Western music]
I'd like to buy a hat.
You sure you came
to the right place?
That's funny.
You're joking.
Um, if you could just point me
in the direction
of, you know, something
that would fit this,
that would be great.
Well, that depends
what you're looking for.
Well, something in
the "brown" or "tan" arena.
I'm sorry,
is there something on my face?
I'm just trying to get
a sense of who you are.
The right hat
should say something
about the person
who's wearing it.
Well, I'm a professor.
I teach history,
with a focus on the Old West,
you know, mostly
the importance of women
in the Old West
and the formation
of our country.
I'm writing a book. Yeah.
I prefer wine to beer,
but, I mean, I would take a beer
if there was nothing else, so.
I was meaning,
more on the inside, but...
but I appreciate it.
It's very helpful.
I have a few ideas.
May I?
"Blue-collar cowboy."
The person who wears this hat
is tough as nails,
wakes up early,
gets more done
before most people
have their coffee.
Wow. Wow did you know that?
I'm pretty good
at reading people.
Then there's...
[exhales deeply]
"Tried and true."
When others grow weary,
you grow stronger.
It's a hat
and a horoscope.
Is it normal for a hat
to make you feel like
a completely different person?
That's the way it works.
Oh. How many hats do you have?
Just the one.
-Guess I'm...
set in my ways.
That fits.
Now, where's that vaquero?
Ah, there it is.
Now, this hat has been waiting
a long time
for the right person
to come along.
Take a look.
"Tough and tender."
Strong enough to ride the land,
gentle enough to warm the hearts
of anyone that's lucky enough
to know ya.
You're really good at this.
[takes a shaky breath]
I'll take all three.
You take credit card?
Pretty sure they do.
you got a card machine yet?
I didn't see you come in.
Oh, I didn't want to wake you.
This lady
would like three hats.
You don't work here.
He doesn't work here?
He sure don't.
That's great.
Well, all right!
It isn't every day
that Jake West
helps a gal pick out a hat.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I didn't realize--
I apologize. I... um...
Don't be embarrassed.
You needed a hat,
I was here.
I know the place
like the back of my hand.
I'm happy to help.
Why don't you two
go get a cup of coffee?
I'll get these things boxed up
and have 'em ready to go
by the time you get back.
-Oh, I--
-You heard the man.
Okay, um...
Um, I'm the only woman
in the department,
so the idea that I would be
the one to get tenure
is even more exciting.
Feels like everything I've been
working towards in my career
has kind of led
to this moment, you know?
Sounds nerve-racking.
Yeah, well, that's
an understatement, yeah.
I'm sure my boys are tired
of me talking about it.
I have two boys.
Um, I'll show you.
He's smart as a whip.
This is Ollie.
He's nine.
Always making us laugh.
He reminds me a lot of
what his father was like.
what happened to your husband,
if you don't mind my asking?
Shawn, uh...
had a heart attack suddenly.
I think the hardest part
about that was...
none of us had a chance
to say goodbye.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, it's okay.
[awkward chuckle]
I have...
just told you
my entire life story.
Sorry, I don't normally, um...
just talk like that.
You're easy to talk to.
It's one of the hazards
of being the...
strong, silent type.
Well... um...
tell me about you.
Start from the beginning.
Don't leave anything out.
I want all the details.
-Every detail?
[phone chimes]
Saved by the bell.
-Oh, I'm sorry.
No! No, no.
I have to go.
There's a rodeo this week.
You should--
You should bring the boys.
They might like it.
Yeah, great.
I... I'll, uh--
Thank you...
-for the coffee.
-You're so welcome.
Could I get your number?
I mean, in case we...
wanna go to the rodeo?
-Just in case we--
-Of course. Yeah.
-...Decide to do that.
You know what?
Why don't you just put it in?
[keys clicking]
There you go.
Thank you.
I'll see ya.
See ya.
[phone chimes]
[indistinct conversations]
Hello... family!
-Hey! Hi.
What's with the hat?
Wow! Nice hat!
Thank you. Got three.
Yeah. How was
your horse-riding lesson?
Oh, fantastic.
Aaron is a great teacher.
You were gone
an awfully long time.
-Oh, I...
You met someone!
-Oh, get outta here.
-Yes, you did!
No, I-- Okay, fine.
He was so cute--
this cowboy in the hat shop.
See? This is it!
This is your moment.
You have to go after
what you want.
Okay, well, that's not
really me, but--
Hey! The good ones don't stay
on the market for very long.
I have a question.
Was he nice?
Yeah, he was...
Well, you know,
if it's meant to be,
it's meant to be.
-[Cassidy gasps]
This is my new guy.
This is Jake.
Oh! Wow.
It's so nice to meet you, Jake.
Nice to meet you.
That's what I was gonna say.
Nice to meet you. Yeah.
That's a great hat.
-There you are.
Good to see you.
I thought you said
you met him in New York?
I did. Upstate.
Sal and Rita
were doing a pottery seminar,
and I was there,
helping them out,
and Jake was rehabbing
one of their horses.
Oh! So you work
with horses, then?
[Aaron chuckles]
I do.
Jake's a bona fide
horse whisperer.
I called him in to help me
with a mare who's been
running off on me.
Did you get
everything you needed?
Yeah, I did--
set the trailer up
behind the barn,
so I can keep an eye on Bonnie,
and I put my horse
in stable 12,
-if that's okay?
Thank you.
I'll see you ladies at dinner.
Wow. So, horse whispering?
Wow, that is--
that is fascinating.
[Cassidy] It is!
There could be
a totally wild horse,
and Jake comes in,
and suddenly-- normal horse,
and he does it all
without saying a word.
Wow. How did you
get into that line of work?
Well, I used to ride for
a living, so when I retired,
just seemed like
a natural transition.
He's being modest!
He's a champion rodeo rider,
and he owns the world record
for saddle bronc riding.
-He does?
Anyway, so my sister,
she met this super-hot guy.
No! That's--
I didn't say that.
Anyway, she should totally
go after him, right?
You don't have to answer that!
That's weird.
Fine! I'll let it go.
For now.
Okay, I want to introduce you
to my nephews.
-All right.
-We'll see you guys later.
[Cassidy] Hi, guys!
He seems nice.
The cowboy.
Yeah, I mean, who knows--
...Who people are anymore,
I mean...
[forced chuckle]
I'm gonna go, uh, put my hats
in the Biscuit Room.
Wait! What about
that mysterious--
[blurts] That was nothing.
Nothing? You said he was char--
Pitch to the right.
Good morning.
Welcome to your first morning
at Mustang Point Ridge.
Here at Mustang Point,
we try to give our guests
a feeling of what it was like
to live on a real working ranch
in the Old West.
But, don't worry,
we won't put you to work.
You will find some activities
that you would have done
back in the day.
Like, uh, today,
you can choose between, uh,
panning for gold
or, um, leather working,
or there's always
horseback riding.
uh, yeah, um, Ollie?
Will there be
any ghost-related activities?
In a place
with this much history,
I don't know why
we never thought of that,
but I'll see if I can
find you some maps, all right?
Okay, if you haven't picked
your morning activity yet,
uh, now's the time,
and, uh, we will see y'all
right back here for lunch.
-Thank you.
-Thank you!
You know what?
Aunt Cassie and I
signed us up
for gold panning.
Is it real gold?
Sure is!
Let's go get our supplies.
Ooh! I'll come with you.
You're such a dork.
No, you are.
-Who's a dork?
Noah was telling me
that my eyes twinkle
like the stars in the sky.
-Did he?
-Mm-hmm. Isn't that romantic?
I thought of it
'cause Jake said
we should check out
Aaron's "stargazing
on the open plains" night.
-He said we'd see more stars
than we ever thought possible.
You should, uh...
you should sign up for that.
-You sure?
-Yeah, sure.
-It's the same night as--
-Whatever you guys want.
Hi. Good morning.
-How did you sleep?
[cuts him off]
Good, great. Um, listen--
Oh, good.
Thank you for asking. Um...
I didn't realize that you were,
you know, dating my sister,
so I would've never, you know--
[chuckles nervously], asked for your number.
[sighs awkwardly]
so if we could just, you know,
kind of keep that...
out of our memories,
I think that's best, y-you know,
for everybody, if--
well, if you know what I mean?
-Okay. Good!
I'm, uh, I'm glad
that we're on the same page.
That's a...
a relief--
a one-time hat purchase.
And a three-hour coffee.
Well, a-a visit
between friends--
Oh, there you two are!
Talking about me,
I hope?
[forced chuckle] Always!
Okay, I got
our gold-panning supplies,
and I'm ready...
to strike it rich.
Let's go get our gold on!
Okay, you guys,
okay, you're going to put--
Are we putting it in?
I don't think
I'm doing this right.
[all laughing]
I just got it!
Great. Everybody loves Jake.
What are you doing,
all the way over here,
by yourself?
Ah, I thought I would,
you know...
just so many people
over there, you know?
[chuckles] Yeah.
Thought I'd stake
my claim here.
Going on
a riding lesson today?
Goodness gracious,
you and your sister
need to just calm down.
-I'm telling you,
Aaron--he's just one of
those cowboy types
that seems like he looks
right into your soul.
-Mm. Mm-hmm.
And you know what?
I think it's okay to flirt
every now and then.
"Flirty" can be fun.
And speaking of flirting,
I am going for
a riding lesson with Aaron.
-Heading off right now.
Have fun.
-I'll just be here--
-You will.
-...Panning for gold.
Mom, look what I found!
You got one.
You're set for life!
Look at that.
Jake helped me.
He says the key to everything
is patience
and perversiness.
-That too.
Fool's gold.
Jake taught me
how to tell the difference.
Oh, guess what?
Aaron gave me a map
marked with every place
there's been a ghost sighting,
and Jake gave me some tips
on how to do a ghost call.
-Oh, you got it.
"Come out, ghosts."
Whoa. That was good.
Jake's way better at it
than I am.
-You know what?
I'll get him to show you.
-That's okay.
-I'll j-- I'll just--
No, we're-- I got it.
Show my mom
how to do the ghost call.
Yeah, okay.
Think she can learn this?
Hmm, yeah.
Okay, let's try.
The trick--pull from
your diaphragm, right?
[all breathing deeply]
[sinisterly, together]
Come out, ghosts.
I did it!
-I'm gonna go show
Noah and Jasmine.
[Rebecca laughs]
Well, you have a friend
for life now, so...
It's easy.
He's a great kid.
Noah, too.
I got lucky.
Yeah, that, or...
they got a good mom.
My diaphragm isn't working.
Will you help me
show Noah and Jasmine?
-Duty calls.
[breath deflates]
-Stand up here.
-Okay, let's see this.
Rebecca? Wait up!
Jake-- what do you think?
He's cute, right?
Yeah, he's definitely... cute.
I'm just super-bummed
you didn't get a chance
to hang out with him more.
I really want you
to get to know him.
Well, I don't need to be
all up in your--
you know...
your situation.
Well, I want you
all up in my... situation.
-Yeah, I think I like him.
[stammers] You just know
my history with men.
It's never really
been that good.
Well, I mean, at least
you haven't dated anyone
that's taken all your money.
Um, yeah, I have--
in college.
Good thing
I only had $40 to my name.
Look, I only pick guys who
are all flair, no substance,
and huge commitment issues.
Jake doesn't seem that way.
He doesn't seemthat way,
but who is he, really?
And that's where you come in.
Before I go any further
with this,
I really would love
if you spent the day
with him tomorrow.
No, that's not a good idea.
-Yes, it is!
I just want what you had
with Shawn.
Something that is real.
And I don't trust myself
to be a good judge of character,
but you get people...
and you know me.
I'm gonna go ghost-hunting
with Ollie in the morning,
and then we'll go on a hike
with the kids.
not just a hike, and no kids.
-Yes. Yes, kids!
-No kids!
It has to be
just the two of you.
-Spend the day with him,
and tell me
if he is as good as he seems.
-[words catching]
Please, please?
Come on! I'm not gonna
take no for an answer.
[squeals and laughs]
Ah! Oh.
Thank you!
I love you so much,
and I knew I could count on you.
[Ollie] There should be
a fort around here
where a cowboy
froze to death
in the hard winters
of 1802.
How do you know that?
My book.
There it is!
use your diaphragm.
[darkly] Come out, ghosts.
[exhales] You!
Hey, come here.
How'd it go?
Find any ghosts?
We checked all the places
on the map,
but we didn't find any, did we?
Ah, bummer.
Can we go again later?
I wan to fix that stick fort.
-Ghosts are drawn to that.
Yeah. Well, maybe
Noah and Jasmine
might be able to take you.
I have to do some recon
for Auntie Cassidy.
What's "recon"?
Uh, it's just something
to make sure
somebody's not
headed into any danger.
But you know what?
Why don't we go back tomorrow?
I'll check with the front desk
and see if they have
-any hunting--
-...Ghost flashlights?
-Yes, those!
Get some good recon, Mom.
I will.
Okay, have fun.
-See you.
Good morning.
Any idea why she keeps
running off?
Not yet.
She's healthy.
Gets along with her neighbors
just fine.
Well fed.
Nothin' in her hooves.
I don't say this often,
but I am stumped.
You know, just out of curiosity,
when you find yourself
at a roadblock like that,
do you tend to be
the person who lashes out
or, you know, goes inward,
what would you say?
I like to take things
as they come.
Yeah, there's-there's--
there's that.
I mean, life is never
what you expect it to be,
but that's what
makes it interesting, right?
Why do you ask?
Oh, just...
uh, out of c-curiosi...
Just making conversation.
She's beautiful.
She is.
Gentle, too.
So we'll use her today.
I'm sorry. For?
Your sister texted
and said you wanted
to learn to ride.
I mean, that's why
you're here, right?
Right. Learn to ride.
Yeah! We'll...
Well, it can
feel scary at first, but...
nothing worth having
comes without risk, right?
So, left hand...
on the reins, and the horn,
left foot
up in the stirrup here.
-Right up there.
-That one.
-I know.
Yup. Yup, put it up.
-Tight jeans.
-Okay, all right!
I guess that's why
you wear loose ones.
Okay, then you hop up,
swing that leg over--
Yeah. Oh--
Oh! Okay. Okay.
-I am so sorry.
That is, uh,
one way to get on a horse.
Sorry about that.
Okay, we'll take
the beginner's trail--
Bonnie knows what to do, but...
if you feel like
you're in any trouble,
you just holler, okay?
Let's go.
[clicks tongue]
So if I had to pick a moment
that I knew being a cowboy
was my life's calling,
that'd be the one.
Walked up to the horse,
told him I was gonna get on,
and that's where my mom
found me ten minutes later,
just sitting up
on top of a horse
that had thrown
every experienced rider
in the stable--
[Rebecca laughs]
...Calm as can be.
You were only ten?
Wow, your mom must've
freaked out.
That is an understatement.
[Rebecca chuckles]
You close?
We are. Were.
She, unfortunately,
is no longer with us.
I'm so sorry.
Passed away a few years back.
But I was able
to be with her when she went.
I'm so glad.
I'm sure you miss her.
I do.
-[dog barks]
-[horse whinnies]
Pull back on the reins!
Whoa. You okay?
I don't know.
She just wouldn't slow down.
Something must've spooked her,
I don't know.
Hey, come here.
I'm just tryin' to figure out
how long you been riding for.
What gave me away?
Most new riders would freak out
if their horse took off on them,
but you didn't even blink.
I've... been riding
since I was a kid.
It was sort of my gateway
into the whole "Old West" thing.
Sorry I didn't say something.
I just didn't, and then...
it would be weird if I did,
so I made a judgment call.
To be a damsel
in distress?
No, I--!
-You know, in my defense,
this whole ruse, okay,
was my sister's idea.
She wanted me to find out
if you were
a serial killer or not, okay?
I am...
not a serial killer.
Is there anything else
your sister wants to know?
Well, I've ruled out
"mommy issues"
and career hang-ups,
so I guess...
that leaves
relationship history.
you ever been in love?
Oh? Married?
No, my job keeps me on the road,
and even when someone
thinks they're okay with that,
after a while,
they're not.
So no one's ever...
made you want to stay
in one spot?
Guess I haven't
met the right girl yet.
Or you're not
willing to compromise.
So... how did I do?
Oh, well,
you get favorable marks,
but I do have
one more question.
Do you like to dance?
I do.
You do?
That-- That's good,
'cause Cassidy
loves to dance, so...
and she's very enthusiastic,
and you two have that, right?
Together, you have that.
Oh... the horse--
Well, I'll be.
I think I know why
Bonnie keeps running off,
and it's not
'cause anything spooked her.
Wow... [chuckles]
[birds singing]
Thought you'd be up early,
working with the stallions,
so I brought you some coffee.
I appreciate it.
That's not the only reason.
I can't stop thinking
about you either.
[alarm clock ringing]
[alarm clock ringing]
[rooster crowing]
[alarm clock ringing]
[alarm clock ringing]
[rooster crowing]
[alarm clock ringing]
[horse whinnying]
Shh, shh.
Whoa. Whoa.
There you go...
There you go.
There you go...
Come on. Hup!
There you go.
[clicking tongue]
Aunt Cassidy said you
and my mom found this mustang.
That's right.
Is it hard
training a wild horse?
It's hard,
but it's not impossible.
He's been wild his whole life,
so he just needs to trust
that I'm not trying
to take his freedom away.
Once he does that,
then he'll be able to come
and go, and hopefully
Bonnie won't run off anymore.
You want to try?
Wouldn't have suggested it
if I didn't mean it.
Come on.
There you go.
Come up in front,
so he can see you coming.
Let him smell you.
There you go.
I think
you might be a natural.
I'm gonna hand you this rope.
You got it?
Hold this one.
Swing it around,
just like that.
-Good boy.
-That's it.
Keep that spinning.
Keep him going.
-[Ollie] Go, buddy! Go!
-[Jake] Yeah, that's it!
Go! Go, buddy.
That's it.
[Jake clicking tongue]
You might be a cowboy.
-[Jake clicking tongue]
-[Ollie] Go, boy!
[Jake] You got it.
[Jake] Man, those are
some nice broncs you got here.
It's a shame you won't
be riding one of 'em tomorrow.
Nobody ever rode a bronc
like you.
Yeah, I was pretty glorious,
if I'm being modest.
Hey, you forgot
to close the gate.
That's not like you.
-[gate rattles closed]
[lock clacking]
Something on your mind?
It's complicated.
Meaning it involves a woman?
Something like that.
Well, I'm here,
if you want to talk about it.
Welcome to the Mustang Ranch
Stampede Competition!
First one
to cross the finish line
wins the horseshoe!
-On your mark-- get set, go!
And the winner is,
by a nose-- Cassidy!
I won!
How do ya like me now, sister?
I won!
-That's debatable.
Yes. Whoo!
[Cassidy laughing]
Looks like you really wanted
that horseshoe, huh?
Don't be sad, Mom.
You did your best,
and that's what really matters.
-Yup. That's...
I'll give you a hand.
I'll give you
an "A" for effort.
-Great-- oh!
-Whoa, whoa!
The bag's still on.
All right.
-You good?
Got it... in the bag.
Jake, have you ever
seen a buffalo before?
Uh-huh. Lots of times.
Noah and I are applying
to U of C,
and their, um, their mascot
is a buffalo.
We'll just grab a plate.
[hushed] I get that Noah needs
his independence,
but U of C, really?
Did you hear that?
-Yeah. Yeah, so?
Well, Boulder's
a much better school.
What is he thinking?
my guess is it has
something to do with a girl
whose name starts
with the letter "J".
-Yeah, I know.
-Noah's... pretty fond of her.
So is she.
Don't you think they're a little
young to be, you know...
Uh, ahem, same age you were
when you met Shawn.
Yeah, so what happens
when she suddenly disappears?
Okay, I'm sure
he will handle it.
Look, I-I know
you want to protect him, okay?
But you can't control
when you fall in love.
-Yes, you can.
-Yes, you can.
You really can! You know,
if it's not the right time
or not the right person,
you know, you just tell them...
and walk away.
Okay. You seem
a little stressed.
Is this because
you haven't heard about tenure?
No, I haven't
heard about tenure.
Oh! Okay, what about
that mysterious stranger
you met in town?
[hushed] I told you
to drop that! That was nothing.
-Okay. "Nothing."
Well, that's good news,
because... [snickers]
I invited Bobby Briggs
to come to the rodeo with us
as your date.
Mom! Why would you do that?
He used to follow me around
like a puppy.
Oh... he's not a puppy anymore!
His mom sent me a photo.
His mom
sent you a photo?
Yeah, check it out.
[brightly] And...
his wife died, too.
We could start a club.
Ooh! What club?
Mom invited Bobby Briggs
to the rodeo.
Oh, Mom, even Rebecca's
not that desperate.
Oh, yes, she is!
And besides, Bobby Briggs
is all grown-up now.
Check him out!
Bobby is definitely a hottie.
-Yeah, okay.
-He's not as handsome as Jake.
-Pretty good, though!
Thanks, Mom.
-Oh, great. I will--
-You should try the ribs.
...Get a plate
and start all over.
[alarm clock ringing]
[stops alarm]
[exhaling groggily]
[deep breath, sigh]
[sighs heavily]
Morning, Jake.
You're up early.
My mom always tells me
to come to her
with whatever...
it's just kind of weird
to talk about feelings
with your mom, you know?
Hoping to get--
-[horse whinnies]
[Rebecca groans lightly]
really like Jasmine...
And I mean, we've been dating
for, like,
four months now,
I guess I was wondering
how I'm supposed to know.
How you're supposed to know...?
If I love her.
[exhaling] Oh.
in my experience,
not just one thing,
it's the whole package.
So, if she's
the first thing
you think about
when you wake up,
and the last thing
you think about
before you go to bed.
If she's easy to talk to,
even easier to listen to...
Her smile...
just cuts through
and makes you want to be
a better man...
[Noah chuckles] Yeah.
I feel all those things
about Jasmine.
Man to man, do you--
do you think I should
tell her I love her?
Man to man,
I think...
you're the only one
who can answer that.
That's wise.
I like it.
-Any time.
-See you, Jake.
-See ya.
[Jake sighs]
[footfalls drawing near]
I was checking the...
-to make sure...
So you were here
the whole time?
heard every word, yup.
All of it, actually.
You gotta stop that whole--
I know what you're doing. It's--
You've gotta quit
that-that-- the eyes.
It's too much!
Hello. Bobby's here.
What? Why aren't you ready?
I'm not going to the rodeo
with Bobby Briggs.
But I promised Jake
that we'd all go cheer him on.
Okay, well, that's good.
You go cheer him on.
[sighs] Okay.
Listen. Mom is right,
and you need to put
yourself back out there.
You can't even rule out Bobby
before you see him,
and trust me when I say
that he's cute,
he's funny,
and he looks
really good in his jeans.
[chuckles, sighs dreamily]
Oh, yeah.
Are you into Bobby Briggs?
-Because you can-- That--
Seems like you are.
Of course not.
And he's always been
in love with you, so.
[sighing] Ugh.
Okay, now which hat?
No hats.
Please. Oh, it's too much,
all of it. Just...
Don't know what that's about.
-It's too much!
This is gonna be fun!
We're gonna go to a rodeo,
and then we're going dancing.
-No, don't do that.
- We're goin' dancing
Oh, wow.
-You gotta stop. It's--
-What do you mean?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
-That-- Wow.
-I'm not gonna stop--
...Until you say yes.
Please don't tell me these
are the only shoes you brought.
What's wrong with those shoes?
Nothing. If you're going
to a professor convention--
-...Where all the professors
of united professors--
-Mm-hmm. Yeah.
...Will be there,
Okay, this is your first date
since Shawn--
...and you need
to make a statement.
[grudgingly] Oh-kay.
We'll see you in five?
Maybe do something...
-Just-- Mm-hmm.
-...With your hair
and put some deodorant on, or...
[annoyed] Okay.
[shouts] I'm not dancing!
[door bangs]
Look at you... all grown-up.
Well, I mean--
look at you.
You... did--
you grew up.
[Bobby chuckles]
-He's a triathlete.
-Oh, not professionally.
It's just something I do
as part of my charity work.
Hey, how about you?
Me? Well, uh...
I jog... and recycle!
[all chuckling]
-Ah. It's good to stay healthy.
-I was just talking
to Jake here about
a little side project
I'm trying to get going--
horse therapy for kids!
-Yeah. Yeah, it turns out
...horses help kids
with all kinds of issues,
and, you know, I'm just
such a big fan of this guy.
Six-time bareback riding
champion, right?
Seven, but...
Who's counting?
Ah. Right.
How could I forget Maui?
Listen, I know there's a bus,
but, if you're comfortable
riding with me,
I was hoping we could
catch up on the way there?
Well, I would like that.
[Rebecca] Okay.
Let me get the door for you.
This is me here.
I have a really good feeling
about those two.
-Don't you?
[over P.A. system]
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen,
to the Mustang Falls
Fall Rodeo!
I'll be your MC for the day.
My name is Jake.
It's a pleasure to be here.
Do I look like a real cowboy?
You sure do!
Did you see the magazines?
-Jake's on all of them.
-I see that.
There's Jake.
I'm gonna go say hi.
[Cassidy chuckling]
Oh, Becs, Becs--
do you remember
when Bobby used
to write you poetry?
What was that one called?
It was "Ode to..."
"A Goddess," I think.
Oh, my teenage self apologizes.
I think it's sweet!
Mom, it's starting.
We gotta get in there.
Jake says he's gonna start with
some really cool rope tricks.
Okay, you go
and save us a seat.
I'm gonna get us some food
real quick, okay? Go, go, go.
I can help with that,
Ms. Granway.
-Oh, I'd love that.
-You having fun?
-So much fun.
[Rebecca chuckles]
I'll take one of those.
Hi! I think we're gonna do
six chili dogs
and six lemonades, please.
Thank you so much.
You're getting that
for Cassidy?
Uh, yeah.
I thought I would.
Jake's really great.
He is.
Noah really likes him.
He said he reminds him
of his dad.
Not in the-the cowboy way,
of course,
just I guess
his demeanor or something.
He said that?
Yeah. [chuckles]
Uh, I guess I could see that.
My mom--
she told me that it's...
it's really hard
for moms to let go, and...
it's probably extra hard
for you,
with everything
that's happened.
I just--
I really like Noah.
Like, a lot.
if you want him to go
to Boulder, I--
I can talk to him about it.
You would do that?
Yeah, we're not that far away,
and I just...
I want him to be happy, so.
Me too.
You're very sweet, Jasmine.
[laughing] Thank you.
-No worries.
-What's taking so long?
I know. It's here, here, here.
Here, I got that for you.
Oh, thanks.
You can keep the change.
Thank you.
Thank you. Thanks.
That one's for you, please.
Thank you. Thank you.
-Ooh, I like this.
-I know, it's everywhere.
All right!
-Let's rodeo!
I have lived
a lot of places
Making money on the run
So home
is where they'll have me
Texas is where I'm from
Back in June and July
Of 1988
I was born and raised
For a couple of days
In the Lone Star State
So... how's everything
been going with Bobby?
What are we thinking?
He's nice.
He's perfect!
He's good-looking.
He's smart.
Oh, he invented
this new climate technology
that everyone's using,
and he wants to use
his money for good.
How do you know all of that?
-He told me at the rodeo.
Oh! Listen.
You vetted Jake for me.
Now I'm gonna return the favor.
No, I really don't
need you to do that.
I'm just gonna do some recon.
Thank you so much!
First round's on me.
You know what, Bobby?
I think it's time
you show me what you're made of.
Oh, ho, ho,
I've got some moves!
Let's go.
She's... on a mission.
We're gonna start things
off with a classic.
Thank you for the--
the rodeo.
-My boys had a great time.
-Of course.
Do you miss it?
I do.
Feels like
a lifetime ago, but...
Hmm. I bet.
She is... enthusiastic.
Yeah, she's got it.
So you gonna
see Bobby again, or...?
He's great.
But I...
But what?
Okay, that's enough chit-chat,
you two.
Time to get your butts
on the dance floor!
I had a feeling
that was coming.
Well, I'm game if you are.
All right, this next one
is for the couples.
Everybody grab a partner.
-Yeah, we should--
Been a while since
danced with anyone.
Give me your hand.
-There you go.
-That one, over here.
This goes here.
I think you got this.
-I got it?
I just let you
take the fall
I don't want
to pay your way again
I'm sorry. I can't. I-I...
I just have a headache.
I'm gonna-- I'm gonna head.
I'm fine.
You stay. You stay.
Just one sec.
Hey! Rebecca. Wait.
-I have some Tylenol.
I don't have a headache!
[softer] Okay, sorry.
I'm sorry.
The truth is,
and it-it's silly, really,
and it's not,
and I know that we have always
told each other everything,
and so I feel really weird
that I-I haven't said
anything yet, but I just--
It's okay.
I already know.
I really don't think you do.
Yes, I do.
It's the mysterious man
you met in town--
you can't stop
thinking about him.
You were exactly like this
when you met Shawn--
the second you met him,
every other guy
became invisible.
It's true. It's--
But you need to forget
about him, by the way,
if he hasn't
called you by now.
That's his loss.
It's time for Plan B--
Just give him a chance.
Could you imagine both of us
in these relationships?
You and Bobby,
and-and me and Jake?
Unless you don't think
he's right for me.
No, I think...
He is the total package.
I do.
He's, uh...
strong and smart
and funny...
and he's...
good with the boys.
tell Robert and Jake
that I'm sorry.
I just, I...
I promised Ollie
that I would go ghost-hunting
with him in the morning again,
and, um, have fun.
Have fun.
That stallion still here?
I thought you were gonna
open up the gate
and let him
run free a spell?
And I did.
He didn't want to go,
headed straight for the barn.
Turns out
Bonnie's expecting.
I'll be dang.
When's she due?
Couple weeks, I'd say.
She's carrying high,
which can make it harder to see,
but still, I...
I don't know how I missed it.
Mm. Wild guess--
there's something,
or somebody,
distracted you.
[sighs pointedly]
Offer still stands
if you want to talk about it.
[chuckles softly]
It's not you. It's--
Look, you're gonna
make someone very happy.
[Rebecca] Hey.
Well, what happened?
Jake broke up with me.
Why? What did he say?
He said I'm great
and a lot of fun, and...
anyone would be lucky
to have me.
[phone ringing]
[Rebecca groans]
It's the university!
It's probably
about your tenure.
Ugh, not now!
Answer it!
Answer it.
Th-This is.
Well, thank you.
I will--
I will be in touch.
Thank you so much.
What did they say?
Can you tell Ollie I...
will go ghost-hunting with him
this afternoon?
I-I need--
I-I need a--
Are you okay?
-I'm-I'm okay. Are you okay?
-I need to fix this.
I need to sort this out. I-I...
[sighs] Everything all right,
Ms. Granway?
Oh, other than
the fact that I feel like
the underside
of a welcoming mat,
just, uh, yeah,
you know, peachy.
It's apple juice.
I'm not really a-a day drinker,
you know?
It's just I got a call
about tenure today.
Uh, yeah...
your mother did mention
you've been waiting to hear.
I'm surprised, really,
you know,
that I'm having
such a strong reaction.
Oh, I'm not.
To hear her tell it,
you're the best thing that ever
happened to that department.
Making tenure is what I've been
working for my whole life.
So you got tenure?
Yeah, I did.
All right, just to be clear--
your boss called and said,
"Congratulations, Rebecca!
[chuckles bitterly]
You know,
for the last three years,
since Shawn died,
all I could ever think
was "if I could get tenure,"
you know--
the boys would be set.
We would be okay.
But when I got the call,
I felt,
"Is this what I want?
Or is this
what I shouldwant?"
Well, it depends.
I mean, you like the job?
I do!
I love my job, yes.
But for the past three years,
I just feel like I've been
going through the motions,
you know, doing what I should.
-I wish I was more like Cassidy.
You know, I'd just fly
by the seat of my pants,
do what I want.
I love that about her.
I wish that was me!
But it's not!
I'm... I'm this.
And then I come here
and for the first time
in my life, you know, I feel...
I'm sorry. You probably
have somewhere to be.
This is-- I'm just...
it's a lot.
I'm good.
[sighs deeply]
what are you gonna do?
I don't know.
I need to talk to Jake.
Do you know where he is?
Ah, you just missed him,
but he'll be back
in a couple hours.
I just asked him to move a herd
to a different pasture.
You mind
if I borrow Bonnie?
How did you--?
Aaron told me
where to find you.
You broke up with Cassidy?
I did.
Why would you do that?
I think we both know why.
I don't know what to do...
about you, the job--
about any of it!
Maybe we should do something
to take your mind off things.
Follow me.
Come on.
If I hold your door
or buy you dinner
That don't mean
that you ain't strong
It's just my way of lovin'
Hope you don't
take this wrong
If I wrapped you
in my jacket
To keep you dry
from all the rain
See, cowboys like me
Do those kind of things
Cowboys like me
If I say "yes, ma'am"
to your mama
And "yes, sir" to your pa
Or tell you
that you're pretty
I hope you don't
take this wrong
If I picked you
on Sunday morning
For some Amazing Grace
See, cowboys like me
Do those kind of things
Cowboys like me
Do those kind of things
That was amazing.
Thank you.
Whoa. Hey,
you might just be a natural.
Can you imagine
coming here
with everything that you own
on your back
and trying to make a life?
Yeah. I can.
Can you?
We should get going.
I promised Ollie
I would take him ghost-hunting.
-Let's go.
Come on. Let's go.
Who's ready to ghost--
"Went ghost-hunting."
[calls out] Ollie!
Everything okay?
Uh... Ollie went on
a ghost-hunting trip by himself.
He-He left his map,
but I-I visited all the 'X's
along and he's not there.
Do you have any idea
where else he could have gone?
There's an old miner's cabin
I told him about,
when we panned for gold--
few miles down the river.
Aaron and I used
to stay there sometimes
when we were
on a cattle drive.
How long ago he leave?
I don't know.
Maybe an hour?
Then he can't have gotten far.
I'll check it out.
Let's go! Let's go!
Don't worry, we'll find him!
[Cassidy] Rebecca!
I just spoke to Jake.
He thinks he knows
where he may have gone--
he's on his way there now.
You don't think we have to look
down by the river, do you?
No, no, no, no.
He wouldn't go down there.
He knows not to do that
without an adult.
Yeah, he's good
with that stuff.
I'll go to the room,
Just in case he comes back.
Thank you, Jasmine.
Actually, Mom, can you go
to the Biscuit Room,
-in case he comes back there?
-Of course.
Uh, Noah, why don't you
wait at the barn?
I'll go to the stick fort,
maybe he shows up there.
I'll come with you.
We can look around the area
and make sure
he didn't get lost.
Okay, great.
I can't believe
this is happening.
I should have never
taken my eyes off of him.
Hey, this isn't anyone's fault.
He's just a kid
going on an adventure.
-He's gonna be okay.
-I hope so.
-Any sign of him?
No, not at the stick forts.
You don't think he's playing
hide-and-go-seek, do you?
No, he would've put it
in the note, but...
I forgot how much he used
to love to play that game.
He'd hide so well,
he'd be gone for hours.
One time, I found him
in the dryer.
-I-It wasn't on. Don't worry.
He'd hide all over the place.
The harder to find,
the better.
That weird little nook
behind the heater
in the dining room?
The neighbor's tree.
I remember that. Yeah.
We had to get your father
to help find him.
Dad always knew
where to find him.
He did.
[horse whinnies]
[hooves pounding]
Whoa. Whoa.
Caught up with him
just before he got to the cabin.
We did the ghost call,
but we couldn't find any.
[Rebecca sighs, relieved]
Where have you been?
Where did you go?
You can't run off like that.
I was worried sick about you.
I wanted to see Dad.
Oh, sweetheart.
I thought
if I could see a ghost,
one day, it would be possible
to see Dad again, too.
[sighs sadly]
I'll go...
let everyone know
he's safe.
Thank you.
Come on, come on.
this might be a little hard
to hear, okay?
[tearfully] We're not gonna
see your dad again.
Okay? At least, um...
[deep, shaky breath]
...not in this lifetime.
But that doesn't mean
that he's not
still with us.
sweetie... [chuckles]
...when you smile,
I swear,
it could be your dad.
It's true.
And, Ollie, my sweetie.
You have his spirit.
You do!
You live your life like
everything, and everyone, in it
is a gift,
and that, sweetie,
is a rare, special quality,
and you got that from him.
And there isn't a moment
that I don't wish
he was still with us...
...but just because
we can't see him...
you know, I like to think
he can see us,
that he's watching us
and everything that we do.
I mean, I...
I can kinda feel him
at my games.
I once couldn't think
of an answer for my math test,
and then it just came
into my head.
[voice breaks]
Was that Dad?
Oh, that sounds like him, huh?
Can he hear us, too?
Yeah, baby.
Can I say goodbye?
Yeah, sweetie,
you can say goodbye.
Bye, Dad.
I'm glad I got your spirit.
Yeah, you did.
I miss you, Dad.
Love you.
[sighing deeply]
Bye, Shawn.
I love you, boys.
I love you so much.
[Rebecca exhales deeply]
-How's Ollie?
-He's good.
Jasmine and Noah
built him a blanket fort,
so he's in heaven.
I just wanted to...
thank you again...
for today.
And, um, oh,
I wanted to bring you this.
It's a thank-you letter
for finding Ollie.
No idea what he was
carrying around with him...
and, uh, for Noah, as well,
for being someone
he could talk to that, um...
...wasn't his mom.
You wrote me a letter?
You don't
have to read that now.
It's basically everything that
I just told you. It's just--
-I bring stationery
with me wherever I go,
so it-- you know what?
Actually, I'm just--
...regretting that--
You didn't say this part.
"And, finally,
thank you for today,
for understanding
that I couldn't talk
about whatever it is
that's going on
between the two of us.
I don't know
where things will go,
'cause I'm going back."
To Boulder.
"If I take the tenure position,
you'd have to give up
all this open space
and come to the city,
and I can't ask you
to do that."
You've been a cowboy
since you were ten.
You belong out here.
"The problem between us
is we're...
just too different."
You really believe that?
Tell me that I'm wrong.
[Cassidy] Oh, my god.
Cassidy... Cassidy.
-I can't believe this.
Wait, Cassidy.
Stop. Stop!
You know, I came here
to thank Jake
for helping you find Ollie,
and this is how I find out
that something's been
going on with you two?
Nothing's going on!
Nothing's going on.
We were just talking.
Was he the mystery guy
you met in town?
-I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I don't even know
why I didn't see this sooner.
You two are perfect
for each other.
You know,
it just doesn't even matter.
It never would have worked out.
You didn't tell me the truth.
We are sisters,
and we're supposed
to tell each other
That's what hurts!
I know. I know.
I can't even be around you
right now!
Listen, ju-- [sighs]
[harmonica blares off-key]
Mom, Grandma
got me a harmonica!
I see that.
That's... great.
Sounds good, buddy.
Mm-hmm. Good one.
-Yep. You're welcome.
-[giggles as Rebecca sighs]
Have you seen Cassidy?
She said she was gonna go
as far away from you as possible
without actually leaving.
What happened?
Um... L-Long story.
Oh, okay.
-Hey, Mom.
How was stargazing?
It was so cool, Ms. Granway.
I mean, Jake was right.
There are so many stars,
it's-it's humbling.
-It sorta reminds you
how small we are
compared to the universe,
but also makes you feel, like,
"Wow, I'm a part of all this."
That sounds like something
that belongs on a college essay.
Speaking of college,
I've been thinking.
If you two want to go
to college together,
I won't stand in your way.
Seriously. You're 17.
I don't want you to be afraid
to live your life
because you're worried about me.
if you love Jasmine--
-Wait. What?
[aghast] I'm sorry.
You-You-- You love me?
Yeah, I...
I love you.
I love you, too.
[sighs contentedly]
[guitar strumming, muffled]
[knocking at door]
Hey. Uh, you coming
to the campfire?
I'll think about it.
Did I ever tell you about Annie?
No, I don't think so.
Annie was, um...
...sunshine and light.
Like a song you couldn't
get out of your head.
She ran a little store
up in Johnson County, Wyoming.
When I was in the area,
even if I didn't need anything,
I'd stop by just to see her.
Then, a few years
into that dance, she says,
"If you're gonna make a move,
you best make it now.
I'm not waiting around forever."
When was this?
[exhales heavily]
30 years ago.
So, I tried--
I moved in with her
and everything,
but, after 'bout a year,
I told her I just
loved the land too much
to stay in one place.
She said
she saw it coming.
She, uh,
took the bandana off
from around her neck,
and gave it to me
"to remember" her by.
Then wished me luck.
You ever regret your decision?
I try not to think about
this life in terms of regrets.
It's just choices.
I made mine.
I live with it.
But not a day goes by
I don't think about her.
If you think
you love this woman... need to ask yourself--
"Is a handkerchief enough?"
I'll see you
at the campfire.
[flames crackling]
How was town?
I saw Bobby,
and he sends his regards.
I know you're still mad.
And you're right--
I should have told you.
And I'm really sorry,
I really am.
I will never do that again.
It's just--
Cassidy, I really...
I didn't know how I felt.
And now?
it's complicated.
I got you some s'mores stuff...
even though there's no s'mores
in the Old West.
Ah, who cares?
They're delicious.
-They really are delicious!
-They really are.
[both laughing]
I'm so sorry.
I love you.
I love you, too.
So don't be mad--
I... might be seeing Bobby.
When? How?
Since he was up for grabs,
I thought, "Why not?"
And, you know,
it turns out I was right--
he's... he's actually
really great.
I'm happy for you.
Thank you.
[laughs] Bobby?
Good. That's really good.
[fire crackling]
[begins strumming]
I don't blame you
Pulling up stakes
Moseying away from
that pulls you down
I've been known
to do the same thing
That'll be the day
I decide to stick around
Ain't you a cowboy
like me?
Ain't you a cowboy...
Like me?
[finishes playing]
[flames crackle]
[Rebecca sighs]
Looks like
you're all ready to go.
Gonna miss
my tiny little Biscuit Room.
All my things
smelling like flour.
So... I talked to Jake.
-Uh-uh-uh. Believe it or not,
I know how to be subtle,
and I asked him to sign
this magazine for you.
I thought, whatever he wrote
might give you
a window
into what he was feeling.
"To my...
tough and tender cowgirl."
[Cassidy chuckles]
It's... cute.
So you're just gonna leave?
Anyone who uses
the word "tender"
is clearly interested!
Cassidy, I am who I am,
and he is clearly who he is.
It's not gonna work.
[fumes and snaps] Mom!
Tell Rebecca to go talk to Jake!
Go talk to Jake.
Okay? Clearly,
he's in love with you.
Even if that were true--
It is!
A mother knows.
Ever since Shawn died,
you've been living for everyone
but yourself.
Okay? You need to tell Jake
how you feel.
[Cassidy] We're all rooting
for the two of you.
You deserve to be happy.
I want you to be happy.
I-- I don't even know
where he is.
Well, he headed
up the Big Rock Trail.
Yeah. Aaron's got Bonnie
all saddled up, ready to ride.
Wow! You... really
had this worked out.
Yeah. It's been,
like, a whole thing.
-[flustered grunt]
-Just go!
Come on!
[overlapping] Go.
-Go. Now.
I really don't like you two.
-We love you!
-We love you!
[door slams]
-We make a good team, Mom.
-We sure do.
-We should take it on the road.
-Okay, honey.
Let's go.
I like you, Jake.
A lot, and, um...
I never thought
that I could...
feel like this again.
I never thought that I would.
and ever since Shawn died...
...well, I've been wearing
a lot of hats,
and you literally have
handed me three more hats,
which is good,
I have never felt more alive.
And my boys love you.
And I knew,
if I left
without telling you how I feel,
I would regret it
for the rest of my life.
And I know that a girl
has never made you
want to stay in one place...
[chokes up]
...but I was hoping
that, um...
uh... maybe--
...I could be that girl.
Well, I've never
answered to
anything or anyone
other than myself.
I've never stayed in one place
longer than a season.
You know, I...
I sleep under the stars
and chop my own firewood.
I love this life.
Yeah, no, I...
I get it.
I spoke to Bobby.
He's, uh...
He's serious about
the horse-therapy thing.
It's in Boulder.
if I had to choose
between a life with you
and a life without you...
it's no choice at all.
[protests softly] No.
-My hat...
Well, I don't blame you
Putting down roots
You got someone
So you got something to lose
And you stand up tall
People might even...
Hey, you mind if I cut in?
I thought you'd never ask.
Is that okay with you?
You hurt her,
you answer to me.
I would expect nothing less.
Ain't you
a cowboy like me?
Ain't you a cowboy
like me?