The Resistance Banker (2018) Movie Script

- Am I being accused of anything?
- Not yet.
- But we all know why we're here.
- You have some things to explain.
The money, Mr van Hall. We want
to know exactly how much it was.
- And how you got your hands on it.
- And where it is now.
Because you have no idea.
Just start from the beginning.
It began with my brother.
It all began with Wally.
Dad, is this alright?
You're a little mountain goat.
Nothing will happen.
Pull yourself up on that branch.
Good, that's it.
Not that one, that one's rotten.
Good, now up.
Very good. Look, there you are,
the king of the tree.
Ah, this is where you are.
Look how high we dare to go.
Attie is already in the top.
- They're your guests, darling.
- Yes, I know. We're coming.
Yes, one foot here.
Very good, don't be afraid.
Come, Attie. Yes, put your foot down.
Place it right here.
Sorry, I needed some air.
- Hey, kids.
- Hi, uncle Jaap.
Good to see you.
- Van Hall.
- Henri.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks. Yes, 25, nice age.
- You wish. Do I see some grey hair?
- No, that's the light.
Wally, what do you think
about Rost van Tonningen?
We've got to do something.
There's nothing we can do. That Nazi
will let us pay for our own occupation.
- What if he starts printing extra money?
- Inflation?
At the department
we also worry about that.
That's why I'm glad that as of today
I'll be at the helm of
the Dutch State Bank.
We're in the middle of one of the greatest
revolutions in European history.
Capitalist democracy has bled to death.
That's not just
a National Socialist view, it's a fact.
But within the Dutch State Bank
there's no room for political opinions.
We're here for the people.
That requires supportive collaboration
with nations of the same race.
- I can't listen to this.
- Quiet.
It is my heartfelt wish
that the staff of the Dutch State Bank
will be an example to our people.
Every patriotic Dutchman
wants to see this people happy.
The best ration cards could get me.
Why don't you take the boat out today?
If I do, I need two very sturdy sailors.
Hold the tiller. Attie, look under the
foremast if you see anyone coming.
If you see anyone,
make sure to warn us.
Do you see the mill over there?
Keep your eyes on it.
Very good. Now pull tight.
Let it veer just a little.
The next time let the jib out at once.
And don't tack too fast.
- Little pirate.
- Wasn't your grandpa a pirate?
Not my grandpa, the brother of your
great-great-great-grandfather, Adriaan.
- Really?
- Yes, really.
And his brother Maurits was a soldier
who fought against the King of Prussia.
- Prussia?
- Germany.
- He was in the regiment van Tuyl.
- Van Tuyl? Who was that?
Someone who hated the Germans.
- But I'd much rather be a pirate.
- Then why do you work at a bank?
Mrs van Veen?
- Didn't I have Meijer at one-thirty?
- I can't reach him.
How unlike him.
Wally here.
Mr van Hall?
I'd like to have a word with you.
- Excuse me, but who are you?
- Don't worry.
If I had bad intentions, I wouldn't
have approached you this politely.
I'm sorry, right now I can't...
It won't be long before
this happens everywhere.
Mr van Hall, don't you agree
it's time to fight back?
- How long did you sail on the Flandria?
- A few years.
Mostly South America. Brazil.
- May I ask you why you gave it up?
- May I ask you who you are?
Van den Berg.
Officer in the Royal Navy.
These days I'm in the resistance.
Van den Berg isn't my real name.
- My eyes.
- Sorry?
That's why I quit.
Because of my eyes. Nearsighted.
What do you want from me?
What do you know
about the Seaman's Fund?
An aid fund, right?
For families of sailors who were
out at sea when the war started.
Eighteen thousand men.
Hardly any of them have come back.
They now sail for
our government in London.
Initially the merchant marine
kept paying their wages.
Until the Germans prohibited it.
You're here for a donation to your fund.
I'm here for much more than that,
Mr van Hall.
My question to you is
if you'd be prepared to do the same
for the Amsterdam region.
Me? Why me?
Your name, your reputation.
And I was hoping you'd feel
a personal commitment.
It's not without dangers, of course.
I'd fully understand if you said no.
You have a family, after all.
I don't want it.
Of course I don't want it.
But you must do it.
An underground bank?
Have you lost your mind?
- Did you hear about the Meijers?
- Yes.
Tilly called Emmy. Terrible.
Here, I found this at their home.
All Jewish families in Zaandam
received this.
"Instructions for the evacuation
from Zaandam.
Lock your home and turn
the key over to the police.
Only bring what you can carry."
Here: "Terminate your rental contract.
Ten: Turn off gas, water and electricity."
Does this sound as if they'll come back?
Your Seaman's Fund
won't help these people.
We have to do something.
With our connections.
We can be just as well organised
as the Germans are.
We'll borrow money
from befriended bankers.
To be repaid by the government
after the war?
- Exactly.
- You'd need an administration.
Who will go along with that?
Their names in the books
for the Germans to find?
What's this?
- This is worthless.
- From the Czarist era. Ideal.
We're going to look for money.
Everyone who loans
to the Seaman's Fund gets a share.
Totally worthless.
Each share represents 1000 guilders.
We write down the serial number
and behind it 'x 50', for example.
So after the war the shareholder
can show he contributed 50,000.
All the Germans can find
is a worthless share.
Or a meaningless row of numbers.
- Smart plan.
- And zero risk.
What's your objection?
I'd bring Emmy
and the children in danger.
- I have a family too.
- Maybe think about that.
It's all I do.
I'm sorry, but no.
We're bankers, Wally.
We're no resistance fighters.
I didn't see him for the next two months.
Very unusual for us.
I knew he'd continue
with his plans without me.
I tried not to worry.
But I missed him.
- Mr van Hall, working hard?
- It's my lunch hour.
Yes, of course.
Just to warn you.
Next week I'm taking all notes
of 500 and 1000 out of circulation.
- Oh, why?
- To combat black market trading.
There are always people
who try to profit in times of hardship.
Large denominations can be traded in
at the treasury for two weeks.
- Provided you can account for them.
- Of course.
The telex won't go out till Monday, but we
bankers have to look out for each other.
Well, I definitely appreciate that.
Maybe you can do me
a favour in return.
Should you hear of a party
trying to get rid of a large amount
of 1000-guilder notes...
I'll let you know right away.
Good man.
Mr van Hall, your brother
can't be disturbed right now.
Mr van Hall.
It's alright, Mrs van Veen.
So he got you involved?
What do you mean?
This is my new suit.
So your plan is working.
In the last three months
I've scraped up 500,000.
- Five hundred thousand?
- Jaap is helping me distribute it.
It's too much for me alone.
Guys, you can forget it.
Rost van Tonningen
has declared all 500 and 1000 notes void.
- That can't be true.
- Why?
- To combat black marketeering.
- And the resistance.
How much do you have left?
- Two hundred thousand.
- You have two weeks to trade it in.
All I can think of is that you try and do
so through friends and acquaintances.
I'll never manage on my own.
- Oh no. I just come to warn you, Wally.
- The hard work has been done.
The money is in.
And your network is much bigger.
Otherwise this will all be worthless.
De Vroedt will do it. Want to bet?
Beers. Van Manen.
I'm not sure about Beers.
I wouldn't ask him.
- Henri ter Meulen?
- Henri, that's a good one.
Couldn't this wait?
- How many 1000s can you get rid of?
- Maybe twelve.
- Forty.
- Eight, tops.
Sorry, Gijs, none.
I have a safe full of them myself.
I'm not afraid of the Krauts,
but of the treasury.
And I have your word
it's for the Seaman's Fund?
Then I won't ask any questions.
- Will you do the bookkeeping?
- Me? Why me?
- And we have to borrow more.
- More?
Yes, we can trade in a lot more
than just our 200,000.
Almost 600,000 more than two weeks ago.
All in small denominations.
- I should thank Rost van Tonningen.
- Don't you dare.
- This is just the start, Gijs.
- I was only going to help with this.
But we can't stop now.
We're not doing enough yet.
Who guarantees
that it will all be paid back?
- Are you in contact with London?
- Later. Just enjoy what we're doing here.
- Hey.
- Yes.
The Seaman's Fund is just the start.
More and more people are in hiding.
Jews afraid of deportation, men who
don't want to go to German factories.
Political prisoners, prisoners of war.
- They all leave families behind.
- Easy.
The system works, Gijs. But we have
to think big. We need to scale up.
- Will you stay involved?
- Just the administration.
And someone has to keep an eye on him.
Look, spies on the afterdeck.
As the aid fund expands,
so does the danger, right?
We're careful enough. Besides,
we're much smarter than the Germans.
Yes, that's true.
Herr Viebahn.
- Can we have a brief word?
- At the SD headquarters, not here.
But it's very important.
I need your help.
We suspect there's an illegal bank,
here in Amsterdam.
- What does the SD have to do with that?
- We need your methods.
This here is my work.
Weapons, ammunition, bombs.
I have no time to waste on swindlers.
How do you think
all this gets financed?
The Dutch State Bank limits itself
to paying salaries.
So who financed these weapons?
And the runaway Jews,
who pays for their food?
And those who fled
from labour deployment?
Who pays for their shelter?
Who pays for the illegal press?
Civil donations?
A misconceived feeling of patriotism?
At this volume?
Out of their own pockets?
Herr Viebahn, in this country
only the sun rises for free.
A shadow bank that finances
the resistance?
Do you have evidence?
That's what I need you for.
What if I'm right?
Then you won't only decapitate
a resistance fighter
but the entire organism.
What and who exactly
are we looking for?
Hoogte Kadijk.
Next to the garage.
Ah, now we're complete.
Sorry, Mr van Tuyl,
I thought I was being followed.
Do you have the list?
Alright, gentlemen, ladies.
Everyone here is convinced
of the need to work together.
So today:
the system.
Claim form accident
insurance, it says.
But it really is a receipt
for aid received.
There are nine categories of people
who qualify. Please memorize these.
Once a month all claim forms
will be assembled by a district head.
Another person will make the payments.
We'll work in cells.
Everyone will only know the person...
Hold on a second.
We never talked about administration.
- We can't do without it.
- I beg to differ.
How else will it be paid back?
We have to be able to account for it.
What if the Germans find these records?
Then we'll all be arrested.
Forget it, I say.
Mr van den Berg.
Adding this all up, I come to the
conclusion that due to overlapping
some 90,000 ration cards are
distributed in excess every month.
A waste of money
and an unnecessary risk.
This system works.
It's safe and it's necessary.
We'll finally have a professionally-run
defense set up against the occupiers.
Organised and structured,
just as they would do it.
Sorry, I don't know
if I feel like it this way.
Feel like it?
We're not doing this for fun, are we?
It's our duty.
There's a lot of money to be distributed.
You don't have to accept it, of course.
However, if you do, it will be
done my way and none other.
It's too much. I need a second safe,
just for the administration of the fund.
- Terrific, isn't it? It works.
- Yes, much too well.
What if the government won't pay back?
Ever seen a button worth thirty million?
The Dutch government hereby guarantees
the reimbursement of...
"The Dutch government hereby guarantees
the reimbursement of a maximum sum of..."
Thirty million.
Alright. Good, then that's our limit.
No, there is no limit.
Don't you see what this letter means?
London sees us as the official bank of the
resistance. So we can go much farther.
You think we can just withdraw this
at the Dutch State Bank?
- Thirty million?
- Shall we give it a shot?
- What happens with all that money anyway?
- Come.
Where are we going?
What are we waiting for?
For the fireworks.
Come, let's watch from over here.
Look carefully, on the other side.
What is this?
The population register
of the Zaanstreek.
Wim's papers?
Who's Wim?
Her boyfriend. He had to report
for labour deployment.
But not anymore.
Tilly, if the Germans
trace this back to us...
You don't think I can stop him, do you?
- Platform six?
- To the right.
Thank you.
Gentlemen. Huub.
- Van Tuyl himself, that's an honour.
- Scared you, didn't I?
Stay right there.
Where does the money come from?
Say it!
We need a new district head
for Amersfoort.
Van Poppen has Germans
quartered with him.
- Who?
- Never mind.
We only need a name.
Den Helder thanks you, Mr van Tuyl.
Van Tuyl.
Van Tuyl.
It won't be long anymore, darling.
- It won't be long...
- Yes.
- Be careful.
- I will.
Mr van Hall.
I haven't seen you in ages.
- Not much to do at the exchange lately.
- I know all about it.
Now that I see you, does the name
'van Tuyl' mean anything to you?
No, sorry.
Keeps coming up in an investigation
into financial crimes.
- Will you keep me posted?
- Of course.
Good man.
Stop. Stay there.
- What have you got there?
- Nothing...
At the invasion front. The German
defense is taking on the enemy
in fierce man-to-man combat.
Also a large number of
British planes are taken down.
That you can sleep with that noise.
Air-raid alarm.
Within no time the guns are camouflaged
and the men take cover.
Sorry, had a rather short night.
Why don't you go to bed?
I'll do this one.
- No, I can manage.
- No, I'll deliver the money. It's not far.
I've seen this one already anyway.
Lousy story. Too many bad guys.
The British and American advance is not
only being deterred by German soldiers
but also by the systematic demolition
of strategic buildings.
This came from London this morning.
It's just been deciphered.
"Versteeg's children can go to bed."
Versteeg is code for the Dutch Railways.
A railway strike?
Will the trains stop running?
That's fantastic.
What? That means it's almost over.
The Krauts are helpless
without the railroad.
Direct orders from London.
The strikers have to get paid.
What? By us?
How many of them are there?
The longer the trains are down,
the harder for the Germans.
Perhaps this is the final blow.
- Where are you going?
- To the Dutch Railways.
- We're prepared.
- So you will pay the strikers?
We set up invasion cash funds
at various stations, just in case.
- How long will they suffice?
- Long enough to see us through the war.
- How long?
- Three weeks to a month and it'll be over.
And then we can go back to work again.
So I'm not convinced of the necessity
to work together with you, Mr van Tuyl.
What if the war isn't over
in three weeks?
We think it's better to find
a more structural solution.
Well, if you have such deep pockets...
- We're talking about over 30,000 people.
- We know that.
If you give us the money,
we'll see to the distribution.
- We don't work like that.
- Sorry?
You give us the data of your staff,
we do the distribution and administration.
Out of the question.
Do you really think I'd just pass on
all the data of my employees
to a bunch of adventurers?
- Adventurers?
- Mr van Tuyl...
I happen to run the largest
company of the country.
- I can't just...
- I know exactly what you're trying to do.
Ingratiate yourself
with our government in London.
- You should have acted two years ago.
- Without government orders?
Striking is a capital crime, Mr van Tuyl.
My people are risking everything.
Now they are.
All war long you served the Germans.
- And our people.
- You brought the Jews to the camps.
- And food to the cities.
- You've made millions.
- It's my company.
- It's my money.
Maybe it's best to first discuss
the sums involved.
- I don't follow.
- A maximum of 10 per cent of the wages.
That's absolutely unacceptable.
- And?
- All strikers 100 per cent.
- 33,000 people. That man is insane.
- But that's...
Five or six million a month, extra.
- That's more than we've spent so far.
- I know.
Can we refuse?
Radio Orange already announced the strike.
Engineers have quit work
and must get paid.
We don't have the money.
Rost van Tonningen is sitting on it.
Or you have to rob the Dutch State Bank.
That was a joke, Wally.
We can't rob the Dutch State Bank.
We're no bank robbers.
- We have no other choice.
- Yes, we do, namely not do it.
- Do you have a better idea?
- That money is locked away.
They only use it for salaries.
And treasury bonds.
- We can trade treasury bonds for money.
- And how will we get those?
- Forge them?
- It will solve all our problems.
We won't trade in forged treasury bonds.
That's bank fraud.
Totally immoral.
And it always comes out.
No, Wally, absolutely not.
What's the similarity between
Rost van Tonningen and the Dutch flag?
- Well?
- They'll both...
What if we forge them
and switch them with the real ones?
No one will ever find out.
- Impossible.
- What's this about?
If we trade in real bonds,
it won't be fraud.
Of course it is. Besides,
the design is forgery-proof.
Nothing is.
You'd need access to the Bank itself.
Just forget it.
What is a treasury bond?
- Securities.
- But then from the state.
A bit like the chips of a casino.
And you want to forge them?
Wally wants to steal the chips
from the casino's safe
and exchange them for cash
at the same casino.
- Clever.
- And impossible.
You'd need someone inside the casino.
If it's a no, it's a no.
They already have two sons of his.
If Ritter gets caught,
will you tell his wife?
No, I'll do it.
- We'd understand if you refused.
- But without you it's impossible.
Guys, what on earth are you asking me?
We're all terrified of Rost van Tonningen.
If he catches me doing this...
Any news yet?
It's taking too long.
The Germans are...
Especially with pilots.
So we pray. And pray.
- And does that help?
- Wally...
This is a way to do something.
Something to hit the Germans hard.
Just like your sons did.
I'm not brave like them.
I... I can't do it.
I understand.
Besides, a forgery like that,
they'd notice at once.
- Does the bank still have electricity?
- Not in the basement.
Just candlelight.
- Really, I'm sorry.
- If we make sure...
We're sorry as well.
Thank you.
Putting a scared old man under pressure.
Proud of yourself?
It's war, and we need Ritter.
- So everything is permitted?
- Gijs, stop it.
- Father should have seen you.
- He'd have done the same thing.
Don't tell me I have to stop now.
- Wally...
- Walraven.
Even if I agreed to do it
you'd first need a bank to order
needless treasury bonds
and someone at the Ministry of Finance
to give you the numbers.
And then you'd still have to forge them.
But if all that works out?
So you want me to order millions
worth of treasury bonds
from the Ministry of Finance
without any questions?
- Yes.
- I told Wally...
No, that's fine. I'll do it.
What mischief are you two up to?
Suppose the Post Office Savings Bank
ordered treasury bonds at your agency.
- Could you give us the serial numbers?
- And the dates of issue?
- Ask someone else, please.
- Come on, Dubois.
I'm really not into such schemes.
Nor are you, are you, Gijs?
Be honest.
And what will I say after the war
when people ask why Wally's plan failed?
No time, no interest?
- Say? To whom?
- To our government.
We have carte blanche for 30 million,
only we have no access to it.
We have no one else.
You're the only one we trust.
Have you seen the Vondelpark?
They've stationed tanks there,
felled trees, dug ditches and trenches,
set up machine gun nests.
I used to go for a walk there
every morning.
The Post Office Savings Bank
you said, right?
Yes, you're keeping her here.
I'm her lawyer and I want to see her now.
Jeanette Veenstra, with a 'V'.
Otherwise I want to talk to your superior.
Herr van Berkel?
Jeanette Veenstra. You're detaining her.
I want to buy her off.
She didn't know about the papers.
Besides, it's just a newspaper, isn't it?
No valid ground
to lock her up without trial.
Doesn't it violate
Germany's honour code?
We already expected you.
Your wife was here yesterday.
Isn't Jeanette your girlfriend
since childhood?
She's a friend of the family.
A pretty girl, don't you agree?
I suppose.
Have a seat.
Why would a pretty girl like that
distribute such trash?
- I have no idea.
- I do. Because of you.
Your firm has close ties
to the Parool newspaper, doesn't it?
You're surprised. This is just
the start, we know a lot more.
We have two options now.
Either I arrest you
or you answer one simple question.
What do you have to offer me?
This is what we're going to forge.
And it won't be easy.
As you see, the paper contains tiny
threads. Blue, green, purple, red.
This type of paper is unavailable.
But our friends at the ID Card Centre
have helped find a way to counterfeit it.
However, we do need
those four colours of ink.
The sheets must be the exact same size.
Huub, can you see to that?
Some options for printers.
I think Mouton & Co is most convenient,
because of the logistics.
- Yes? Excellent.
- And the text?
The text will be handwork.
The stamp as well.
It goes without saying it must be
done fast. The till is almost empty.
And I mean that literally.
- And the ink?
- I'll procure the ink.
I'm seeing someone
about that tomorrow.
He also works for Het Parool.
Well, sir, you're in luck.
Usually it's packed at this hour.
I don't know what's going on today.
Must have to do with the weather.
Thank you.
Excellent job.
Were they there for van Tuyl?
That's hard to say.
So you're leaving?
I think it's safest.
- Why?
- Because I'm very busy.
So busy I can't come back
to Zaandam all the time.
And it's better if I stay at work.
At the large bank?
No, other work.
- When will you be back?
- I'm not sure.
But one day it'll be over
and we'll climb the highest trees again.
You guys first. Alright?
Be good to Mommy, alright?
- Do I know where you are?
- No, better if you don't.
I'll call you as often as I can.
- Will you manage without me?
- Stop it.
We were there, he didn't come.
- My information was correct.
- Bollocks. I'll go see your wife.
- My wife?
- I know you and Jeanette are involved.
- That's not true. She won't believe you.
- My experience tells me differently.
And Jeanette, when will she get out?
Let her go.
Oelschlgel, what's the matter?
Does the name van Tuyl
mean anything to you?
Too bad. We could have
meant a lot for each other.
What does this person do?
This person finances the resistance.
Let Jeanette go and I'll find him.
I can't do so without her.
She has the connections, I don't.
In that case, good hunting.
Oh, sweetheart.
What have they done?
- First-rate work.
- This is the first step.
The hard part is that we
have three printings...
- Were you followed?
- Impossible.
- Do you have a gun?
- No.
Van Tuyl.
Jaap? What are you doing here?
We're in trouble.
Van den Berg.
- Have we been betrayed?
- It could be a coincidence.
- Will he talk?
- Van den Berg? No, out of the question.
- He knows your name.
- Van den Berg won't talk.
- Maybe we should stop.
- We won't stop.
We have the paper, we're going on.
It's the last thing I'll make for you.
I don't want the Krauts at my door.
- Can't we buy him free?
- No way.
- Then they'll realise how valuable he is.
- We can't just let him rot.
We have the paper.
Jaap has found a new printer.
Huub the ink.
We'll stick to the plan.
I pray for you.
If you wish, I can warn people.
Is there anyone? An address?
Hey Huub, what's the similarity between
Rost van Tonningen and the Dutch flag?
Don't forget that van den Berg
is in a cell right now.
We're still free
because he keeps his mouth shut.
Don't think they make it easy for him.
Van den Berg?
Then it's clear. We're stopping.
We can't stop.
Too many people depend on us.
On us or on you?
What are you trying to prove?
I'm quitting.
I have my family to think of.
And if you're smart...
This is your last delivery for now.
Try to pick up some food
in the countryside.
- Isn't there something else I can do?
- Something else?
If I no longer have to make deliveries,
I can help some other way.
They need a different location
for their meetings every month.
Never twice in the same place.
- What kind of group is it?
- I don't know exactly.
But they're very big.
And I get to arrange
a place for them to meet.
They can use my office.
- It's safe there.
- Really?
Everyone outside, in the van.
- Come on, take them away.
- Move it.
Him as well. Go on, hurry up.
- You, take off.
- Let's go.
- This has to go to Wally, not to me.
- If I knew where he was, I'd be there now.
I'll make sure he gets it.
Well, you're welcome.
Anything else I can get you?
A nice juicy steak, perhaps?
Just let me know.
Yes, thank you.
A present.
The serial numbers.
A meeting was betrayed yesterday.
Huub barely escaped.
- But they have Jaap.
- Jaap?
He won't talk. Right?
Rost van Tonningen will be in The Hague
all day tomorrow. So we'll do it tomorrow.
It has to be tomorrow.
That can't be true.
He was supposed to be in The Hague.
All day.
- It can still work out, right?
- If Ritter sees him while we promised...
- I have to stop him.
- No, you have no business there.
- And you're worn-out.
- What else can we do?
They know me there.
Mr van Hall, what can I do for you?
hear you're looking
for a certain van Tuyl.
- I think I have information.
- What do you know?
Mr Ritter.
Can I help you?
I come for the treasury bonds.
From the Post Office Savings Bank.
They're here in the safe.
- What about those bonds?
- I have to take them.
At whose orders?
- Van Tuyl?
- Yes.
Yes, van Tuyl.
It's an alias, of course.
But I hear it more and more often.
Bankers talk a lot among one another.
And my suspicion is
that van Tuyl is responsible
for the financing of a large part
of the Dutch resistance.
- The treasury bonds never leave the depot.
- It's an order from the...
from some German official or other.
- Who?
- His name?
It escapes me right now.
He wants to check the reserved bonds,
because he thinks they've been forged.
The bonds can't be forged.
I'd better take them anyway,
so he can check them himself.
How many are we talking about?
- This is very unusual.
- Only the Krauts, right?
- What are you doing?
- Call, for confirmation.
- Let me remind you that I'm your boss.
- Rost van Tonningen is my boss.
Yes, Bakker speaking.
Is he there?
Yes, this is urgent.
So those striking engineers
are still getting paid.
And that's once again van Tuyl.
But what I need is his real name.
Yes, that I don't know.
But I may know
another name he uses.
- 'The oilman'? I already know it.
- The oilman? No, not the oilman.
No, van den Berg.
We'd better put this off for now.
Get those bonds for me right now.
And do so with a smile on your face.
Then you'll write down the numbers
without complaining and give me a receipt.
And when you're done, you'll thank me.
- Ask me what for.
- What for?
Because I didn't go upstairs
to complain to Rost van Tonningen.
If he hears that someone down here
is doing all he can
to make things difficult for the Germans,
you have a big problem.
He may think you work
for the resistance.
- Do you work for the resistance?
- No, sir.
Then hop to it.
I have other things to do.
That's impossible.
If van den Berg was van Tuyl
the resistance would long have
collapsed, but it's stronger than ever.
Yes, perhaps.
You probably know better.
Your connections are better than mine.
Alright. If that's all,
I thank you for the information.
You're a busy man, of course.
- Will you find your way out?
- Yes.
What's the matter, Ritter?
- Oh, is that my briefcase?
- Yes, I saw it...
May I have a look?
But that's a real Swaine & Adeney.
British. Not allowed, is it?
It's a family heirloom.
- Keep walking.
- Do you have them?
Please let the Allies make haste.
I won't do this again.
I have a million worth
of treasury bonds here.
Can you have it ready
at the desk?
- There's our money.
- Well-protected.
Yes, imagine it got stolen.
This is a very nice bottle.
Exactly the right temperature.
Close to freezing point.
They have to look used.
- Cheers.
- Cork.
I'm considering a...
career switch.
Me too.
- After the war.
- Seriously?
- I'm not a banker.
- True.
- You're a bank robber.
- So are you.
To us, the greatest bank robbers
of all time.
No, this one's to Rost van Tonningen.
To Meinoud. Here you go.
Pay more attention in the future.
How long do you think this will last us?
A month?
So little?
Even the Red Cross
is asking for money. For fuel.
Maybe we should use Red Cross vehicles
to bring money to the north.
Hey, give it a break.
Can't we just enjoy this a little?
Haven't we done enough yet?
I don't want anything to happen to you.
You're my brother.
You're my little brother, dammit.
We're bank robbers.
Yes, so what?
They have feelings too.
It's almost over.
Just a few final convulsions.
We'll make it.
Maybe it will even be enough.
How much do you think it is?
Could you repeat that figure?
Of course.
Fifty-one million guilders.
But that's only from the safe.
In total...
with all the loans added up,
it's almost one hundred million.
You had a government guarantee
of thirty million. Thirty, not hundred.
- If we'd had to wait for you...
- You understand that we can't...
- For such a claim other procedures...
- You have no idea, do you?
You were safely in London, drinking tea.
You have no idea.
We paid for everything.
The resistance, the assault groups,
the railway strikers,
the illegal press, the illegal printers,
the ID Card Centre,
spy groups, sabotage groups,
And then I haven't mentioned
the danger we faced...
And the hunger, and the cold.
- That much money?
- Yes.
If they find out...
That won't happen.
- Is it safe for you to be here?
- Just briefly.
I had to see you.
And we?
Are we safe?
You? Are you safe?
You want me to stop.
Yes, I do.
Of course I do.
But you shouldn't.
No casualties.
Viebahn promised.
You promised us van Tuyl.
Where is he?
- I first want a written guarantee.
- Who's there?
Let's get out.
- Are we going to climb trees tomorrow?
- No, sweetheart, we can't. It's snowing.
- Will you make a snowman with me then?
- Perhaps.
First get some sleep, alright?
Little pirate.
Sleep tight.
My little man.
What will we do
once we've been liberated?
- First you'll rest for a long time.
- And then?
Then I'll rest.
And then we'll go sailing.
Roam the seas for months, far away.
Let me guess. South America?
Then we'll sail back home again.
And then...
And then bacon and eggs every day.
Real coffee.
- You know what my mother told me?
- What?
That they call van Tuyl
'the premier of the resistance'.
The world will lie at your feet,
but you have to remain careful.
- See that you make it.
- I am careful.
I'll make it.
And you know what?
I'll become premier of the Netherlands.
I'm going to have
these thirty people shot.
You'll have them on your conscience.
What did you expect?
And when we're done with you,
you'll wish you were one of those thirty.
You have an appointment today.
A meeting?
With whom?
Why don't you just cooperate with us?
In the end they all talk.
Let's go.
- Was Daddy here last night?
- Briefly, but he had to leave again.
Van Hall.
Van Hall.
And now?
We'll wait.
For van Tuyl.
Yes, sir.
- Jaap.
- Wally.
- You too?
- Someone talked.
- Do you know who?
- No idea.
- Huub's here as well.
- What?
- I saw him in the corridor.
- Huub? He'd gone into hiding.
They'd beaten the shit out of him.
He could hardly walk.
They wouldn't have done so
if he'd cooperated, right?
Wally, do the Germans know
who you really are?
Not yet.
That's good. That's good.
- And the money?
- Safe.
Then we can buy him off.
There's enough money.
Then we'll draw attention to him.
They'll think: who is this van Hall
that he's worth so much?
Right now they don't know
they have van Tuyl.
So we won't do anything?
It can't be long anymore.
A few weeks, a few days.
The Allies are halfway across the country.
We can't just wait, can we?
I'm going on with the bank.
Just as Wally would do.
Does Emmy know?
We have to go into hiding,
and so do you. Just in case.
Time to pack.
- Wally.
- Jaap?
I want to ask you something.
In the event that...
That won't happen. Really.
No, but if you get out safely
and I don't...
- will you tell Tilly...
- No.
I'll tell them to take me instead of you.
I'll just say I was van Tuyl.
- Yes, I'll say...
- Jaap.
Will you tell Tilly that...
that in my thoughts
I was always with her.
And with the children.
Tell the children that...
I know what I have to say.
So tell me...
what is the similarity between Rost
van Tonningen and the Dutch flag?
They'll both hang after the liberation.
Hold on just a little longer, Wally.
We're so close.
You're being treated well, right?
It's comfortable here, you've eaten.
But now it's our turn.
You'll describe exactly
how your organisation works.
Before I forget, your wife
and mother send their regards.
Herr van Tuyl?
Pleased to meet you.
Let him go.
- No.
- It's not him. I am van Tuyl.
Jaap, take care of Tilly.
- Jaap.
- I hear you, Wally.
I'm not interested in the why.
I only want to know how you did it.
Is it loans? With whom?
Is it counterfeit money?
Does it come from London?
And the Dutch Railways,
did you pay that as well?
You'd need millions every week.
A lot of money
for a second-rate banker.
You didn't do this alone.
Is Gijs involved as well?
Viebahn is out there looking for him.
I can protect him.
But then you must tell me everything.
I'll tell you how I did it.
I'm just smarter than you.
You'll be loaded onto a cart
and lined up with some other scum
and you'll get a bullet in your head.
Smarter than me?
I'll be lying in a warm bed.
Enjoy it, for as long as it lasts.
Get off, get off.
- Get off.
- Faster, faster.
Squad halt.
Take aim.
That was four months ago.
Could we have bought him off?
I'll never stop asking myself that.
The resistance tracked down van Berkel
and took care of him.
Huub was released
by the liberation army.
He later got convicted
for helping the Germans.
A 500-guilder fine, conditional.
In May Rost van Tonningen
was arrested by the Canadians.
Keep walking.
Whether it was suicide or not
I can't tell you.
It makes no difference.
For Wally it was too late.
So now you know how things stand...
regarding the money.
Wally didn't talk.
No one else got arrested.
We were able to continue lending aid
till the last day.
His system worked.
We even have money left.
With all respect,
but how do we know it's the truth?
That nothing was siphoned off
to a Swiss bank account?
This is the administration.
Everything has been documented.
Every loan can be traced back,
every expenditure accounted for.
The false treasury bonds
can be replaced and destroyed.
Mr Ritter and I will personally
take care of that.
I have seven briefcases
with claim forms at home
but you can pick them up yourselves.
So, if that was all...
Mr van Hall.
Your brother was a brave man.
- A hero.
- Absolutely.
Even so, I think it's better
to keep this story under wraps.
And why?
Good intentions aside...
it remains bank fraud, of course.
Abetted by our own banks.
For the sake of national reconstruction,
I believe
it's best to keep it to ourselves.
We'll have enough problems as it is.
But I'm sure you'll understand. Right?