The Sales Girl (2021) Movie Script

The work isn't that bad.
You can go to class in the mornings
and show up in the afternoons.
People hardly come in anyway.
There isn't much to do.
But the thing is...
you have to deal with the owner.
She told me to find someone
to cover for me, or I'm through.
But the pay is good!
Some customers give big tips.
Why me, though?
I mean, we hardly know each other.
What are you talking about?
We go to the same school!
We see each other every day.
Frankly, you're the only one
I can rely on.
The thing is...
no one knows that I work there.
You're the only one
who can keep my secret.
Why is it a secret?
You get what these are, right?
This pink box is
a breast-enlargement device.
The other boxes are all dildos.
This thing is
a penis-enlargement device.
The rest are dildos.
That thing in the corner
is a vagina tightener.
Women always ask for these.
This shelf is all toys for men.
Fake boobs. Fake vaginas.
Come here.
Don't worry.
The customers know their stuff.
Katya likes to collect
the day's earnings in cash.
Katya? Is she Russian?
No! She's Mongolian.
This is her address,
her phone number and her keys.
You bring the cash to this address.
She will call and
let you know about deliveries.
You make the deliveries...
and that's it!
Oh, one more thing.
I almost forgot.
This is the food her cat likes.
Make sure to bring some when you go
over. I'll send you the picture.
Thanks so much!
You're a lifesaver.
If you need anything else, just call!
Okay! Bye-bye!
Who the hell are you?
- Namuuna told me to...
- Namuuna?
Namuuna. Are you mad?
This is a little girl.
You trying to get me arrested?
No, no, she's my classmate.
- I'm not underage.
- She's very reliable.
Didn't she give you the keys?
- She did.
- Shut the door before the cat gets out.
- Give it to her.
- What?
- Didn't you bring the cat food?
- Oh, right.
How was it today?
Four viagras, one vagina tightener, and...
- Never mind that. How much?
- 127,000.
What do you do?
- I'm a student.
- A student of what?
Nuclear engineering.
- Where will that get you?
- Huh?
What is the greatest thing
a nuclear physicist can accomplish?
An atomic bomb?
Do you at least have a scientist
that you look up to?
I don't know.
You don't know?
Then why do it?
I didn't choose.
My parents did.
Then change your major immediately.
Tell your parents.
My mom would freak out.
Are you waiting for her to die, then?
You aren't going to live
with them forever, are you?
Don't ever knock again.
Dinner is in the fridge!
Can you make me tea?
- What happened?
- I think it's Yong-Jin's father.
Did you eat?
Why are you so late?
I'm helping a friend with her work.
Really? What kind of work?
- Deliveries.
- What kind of deliveries?
human organs...
Organ trade, huh?
Very funny.
Go on, put your brother to bed.
The rock band Soyol Erdene
was founded in 1971.
The members consisted of Galsanbat,
Nandintsetseg, Dulansuren,
Chinggis's Jagaa,
Lujgar Jagaa, Tsolmon,
and others were the original members.
Let's have a listen to their song
"Huduugiin saihan tald zoriyo"
and learn more about the band as we go.
Is your dog a boy or a girl?
He looks bored.
- Hi.
- Hello.
I'm interested in a boy.
- A boy?
- That's right.
I don't understand.
How shall I put it...
A penis. A dildo.
Oh right.
Dildos are over here.
- What kind are you looking for?
- Oh, it's not for me.
It's for a friend.
Which kind is better?
Could you help?
- What size are you looking for?
- Size?
Not too big.
How's this?
It's a little too big.
How about this?
This is too small.
Do you have something in between?
Let's see...
How is this?
This is perfect.
I'll come back later.
- Is the owner in?
- Nope.
Holy horse dick!
What's the size of this space?
I don't know.
How's business?
Does anyone even come in?
You know what?
Just give me the owner's number.
Oh goodness.
Albert Einstein.
My pirozhki.
Today's sales.
What's this?
Cough syrup.
Thank you.
You've never had anything
done to your eyebrows.
Look at this.
The legendary Pink Floyd.
I found it today.
Smell it.
Doesn't it smell like the '70s?
I don't know what the '70s smelled like.
I made dinner.
Have dinner with me.
I'm not hungry.
It's still hot!
What's your cat's name?
I don't know his real name.
I found him outside.
I just call him The Boy.
The Boy?
Do you want cake?
I don't like cake myself, to be honest.
Your dog isn't like a dog.
What do you mean?
A dog should be like a dog.
Like how?
Like them.
Those are stray dogs.
Still. They act like dogs.
Why don't you join the army?
Mom said I shouldn't.
I'm gonna be an actor.
If you have the talent,
you don't need to study.
A friend of mine knows a filmmaker.
Actor Tovdorj.
That sounds stupid.
You should change your name.
- I've already got one.
- What is it?
Isn't that a Korean name?
Yeah, but it sounds cool.
A lot of customers are first timers,
so they can be a bit shy.
You have to be confident.
Explain the products well.
Especially those inflatable dolls.
Tell them that they can order
custom dolls.
Even get them to look like celebrities.
- Got it?
- Got it.
Hey. What does this do?
Cock ring.
- What about this?
- Expander.
Have you tried all these yourself?
Would you guys
be interested in inflatable dolls?
Custom made. They can look like
any celebrity. Even your girlfriend.
- Want a ribbon?
- No.
Come on in.
- How much?
- 185,000.
Hold on.
You. Out.
Can we go now?
Hey. Wait there.
Is everything there?
No. Where is my package?
That's been confiscated.
It's the government's property now.
The government is going to sell it?
You've got a big mouth.
Distributing pornography is illegal.
Now get out of here.
I don't know about laws and stuff, sir.
I just want my package back.
Can I have it back?
You should have left the damn thing.
It could've been of use to somebody.
This is today's income.
I don't want to work there anymore.
When did your parents come to the city?
I was around 10.
Let's have dinner.
- Well, I...
- Here. Take the wheel.
You got me all worked up!
Let me take these pants off.
What am I even wearing?
Hand me those shoes in the back.
- These?
- Yes.
Hello, Katya! Glad to see you.
It's been a while.
You look lovely as always.
Your table is free. Please, sit.
- How are things with you?
- Very well.
- What would you like to order?
- Cognac. You know what I like.
And some fried fish for my girl.
We have a new brandy.
Would you like to try it?
I would. Bring it over.
You eat fish, right?
The sardines here are marvelous.
Take your coat off.
- What's your sign?
- Scorpio.
Oh goodness.
That's the most sexual sign.
Scorpios have boundless lust
and all of their actions are oriented
to derive maximum sexual pleasure.
A Scorpio woman can drive
a man mad with desire.
The catch is, they tend to become
sexually active at an early age.
You talk like a real psychic.
Aside from my shop,
I do consult professionally.
About sex?
Sure, everybody has sex.
But there's a whole secret world.
- Are there many people into that?
- Lots.
People aren't born knowing
everything, sweetheart.
Babies learn to speak
by copying others, right?
Likewise, you learn
to have sex by imitation.
But everybody's different.
You know the song that says,
"Life's golden step comes at age 16"?
They're not talking about school, honey.
They're talking about...
I might sound vulgar...
but that's the bitter truth about life.
You must have a Russian meal
with a glass of vodka.
- Why?
- I have no idea.
Excuse me.
May I ask you a question?
How can I help?
You wouldn't happen to know
why Russians drink a glass of vodka
with every meal?
If you do not drink 100 grams
with your meal,
it will bring misfortune.
Would you two like to join us?
We're inviting you.
Thanks for the invitation,
but we're fine. Excuse me.
Of course.
So this is what he says.
- It creates a good atmosphere.
- And they invited you to sit with them.
Oh goodness!
You understand Russian?
My dad used to teach Russian.
Sex shops are not pornography.
They're pharmacies.
- What's your real name?
- Katya.
Good evening.
If I'm not mistaken,
are you the famous...
Excuse me.
I'm busy talking
to my granddaughter about sex.
I'm sorry. Truly. I'm sorry.
What's your profession anyway?
By the way,
you have no idea
how marvelous their baths are.
We'll take a dip next time.
Let's go now.
Wrap this up for me, please.
The Boy shall have fish tonight.
What do you do on the weekends?
Sometimes I manage the stand
at the market. But I don't have to. Why?
Manage the stand?
Yeah. My parents make felt slippers
and sell them at the market.
I manage the stand sometimes.
Come over early in the morning.
I want to take you somewhere.
Now, let's go.
One viagra.
- What kind?
- It doesn't matter. Just give me one.
- We have Hong Kong and American.
- I don't care, just gimme one.
Just making sure
you're not underage.
Is this a joke?
I'm obviously an adult.
- So, which one do you want?
- Jeez, I told you, it doesn't matter!
- Before you use...
- I know, okay? I know.
So you draw.
I try.
Have some coffee.
Thanks, but I don't drink coffee.
People who don't drink coffee bore me.
Did you know he was a sadistic lover?
He lost his virginity to a prostitute.
I don't remember reading that
in his biography.
Do you think they'd write about that?
Historic figures all have their kinks.
He didn't have sex until he was 39.
In his youth,
he only dated older women.
Alexandre Dumas.
Prolific procreator.
He bragged
that he fathered 500 children.
Collected nude paintings.
The woman most famous for sex:
the legendary Cleopatra.
She once made 100 men orgasm
at the same time in her palace.
She's the only woman
who showed the world
how to reach the greatest heights
of power through sex.
There is nothing like that these days.
Where did you hear all of this?
Not hear. Read.
Is there such a book?
People your age want to read
about meaning.
When you reach my age,
you search for truth.
Let's go.
Do you have a friend here?
No. A customer.
That's a lot for one person.
They'll find their people.
- You sound like you did time.
- I did!
Does that surprise you?
- Do I look like I murdered my husband?
- No, that's not what I meant!
It wasn't anything serious.
I told you I won't sell my store.
No means no!
You understand, you idiot?!
Did you see that?
See what?
What do you mean, "what"?
Why are you so... dopey?
Life will pass you by
while you're walking around
staring at your boots.
My mom says happiness is never late.
Happiness that arrives late
only brings sorrow.
- Why?
- Oh God.
You spend your youth
striving for wealth
and success and life,
and when you finally think
it's time to be happy,
you're already
too tied down by everything.
Let's take an example.
You sleep with someone other
than your wife when you're old
and discover sex for the first time.
But you can't separate, so you just
stay together and waste your life.
There are many people like that.
Some people have
never even had a blow...
Can you believe some
have never tried it?
Women, too.
People like that must wonder
when they'll get cheated on.
So... are you saying
it's good to be promiscuous?
Promiscuous means having
no control over your desires.
Of course, you have to work
when you're young.
But being successful too early is bad.
Because you don't get
to experience youth.
But that's just my opinion.
So... what is your job?
Dancer. And I don't mean
the stripping kind.
- But...
- Now I look more...
like a wrestler than a dancer, right?
Someone recognized you
in that restaurant.
Were you famous?
What are these people doing?
I think they're selling something.
Would you look
at that cute little thing!
Mushrooms for sale.
Would you like some mushrooms?
Oh dear.
- What's your name?
- Anujin.
- How old are you?
- Seven.
Are you thirsty?
Want some water?
Hand me some water.
Here you go.
Is your home close by?
If I buy all your mushrooms,
will you promise to go home?
My daddy has lots of mushrooms.
Thanks! Good bye!
What are we gonna do
with all these mushrooms?
- Make mushroom jam.
- Ew.
Are you rich?
Rich is when you can make
a living doing what you love.
Why do you have the store, then?
Do you know how long it takes for a single
snowflake to reach the ground?
Nope. How long?
About an hour.
Wow. That long?
That's just what I think.
I thought you knew.
It's way slower than rain,
that's for sure.
It gets to experience the beauty
of the world for far longer.
New Year's...
What's your favorite holiday?
I despise all holidays.
- What is it?
- What?
You just scratched your boob.
My boob was itchy.
What? I can't hear you.
- My boob was a little itchy.
- I can't hear you.
Why are you mumbling?
- I said, my boob was itchy.
- Say it louder!
My boob is itchy!
- I still can't hear you! Say it louder!
- I have an itchy boob!
- I'll scratch it for you!
- No!
We're closed!
Hi, teacher.
- Would you like to come in? I can just...
- No! It's fine.
Your father is driving me crazy.
He's getting old and senile.
I heard that men also
experience menopause
and become stubborn asses.
Moody old ass.
Your hair...
You made sure it was
an auspicious day, right?
Can I get some tea?
- Mom.
- Thanks.
- Delivery! Here's your order.
- Come in.
Have a seat.
- Can I get you anything? Coffee?
- No, thank you.
Here's your package.
- How much is it?
- 260,000.
Hey, hey!
Sit with me.
I'm rather shy
when it comes
to this kind of talk.
Could you give me a hand?
Huh? With what?
Isn't it nice when people
help each other out?
I can help you out down the line.
Let me be blunt.
- Is 200 enough?
- What do you mean, 200?
Let's be partners.
What... are we talking about?
I think you got the wrong idea, sir.
Fine. Let's make it a million.
- Disgusting!
- Hey! Come here!
Is it too little?
You knew.
- Knew what?
- That man.
He offered me money!
- I didn't know.
- You did know!
He molested me!
I'm done.
I'm through with you.
Calm down.
There are customers
like that sometimes.
For some,
it's an opportunity to turn
their lives around and start living.
To start living?
What do you know about real life?
You have everything!
Not a care in the world!
Hiding in your little corner.
Do you call that living?
What do you call living exactly?
People get up every morning
and work to make a living.
They crawl home
in the evening, exhausted.
They sit around the dinner table
and eat the same meal every day
and they dream about going
on vacation as a family.
And they're happy for a brief moment.
But in the end, they just curse
the damn government and head to bed
and fall asleep
as they put their kids to bed.
In the morning, they blame one another
for not waking the other,
they reheat yesterday's meal
and do it all over again.
Do you call that not living?
They can't pay for a private school,
so they send their kids to schools
with 60 kids in the class.
But they were there for them,
and that's what matters.
And they're proud of that.
This is their life.
They're not unhappy
or unfulfilled...
or incomplete people.
But you... you envy them.
You're scared to death someone
will find out who you really are inside.
You're scared to start your life again.
I'm going abroad.
Mongolia sucks.
You work your whole life
for an apartment and a Prius.
You're quitting acting?
I met with that filmmaker guy.
He was an arrogant asshole.
Straight up insulted me.
He said I have hollow, vapid eyes.
Look into my eyes.
What do you see?
Not much!
I stared into my eyes for hours at home.
They just look like regular human eyes.
Hey! What's up?
Thanks so much, by the way!
You didn't tell a soul about me.
I got my cast removed. See?
I'll be back at work next week.
- I...
- Where'd you get your hair cut?
It looks great!
Tell me where you got it cut, okay?
I'll see you
at the store next week. Bye!
How are you?
Good. And you?
Hey! What are you doing here?
He's gone.
Your dog?
Did you look for him?
- Bim!
- Bim!
Hey, wake up.
Hey! Wake up!
- There's a call for you.
- Who is it?
- Katya.
- Katya?
- Hello?
- Are you sleeping?
Yeah! It's 4 am!
What is it?
I'm going fishing.
Want to come with me?
What? Fishing?
What are you talking about?
Stop acting dopey. Just get up!
I'm coming now.
Dress warm.
I'm sorry.
About last time.
I really didn't know.
There are all kinds
of customers out there.
That's so funny.
They look like kids!
Naked! And old!
You old timers look ridiculous!
We may be old, but we ain't soft!
If you know what I mean!
Why don't you come and check?
Do you have any female friends?
Men are easier to be around.
I've mostly been around men
my whole life. I guess I'm used to it.
I don't know how to talk to women.
Men are just easier.
But it can be annoying sometimes.
The wives tend to get jealous.
They'll come up
and scream at me.
Even now?
Why not?
They're just old. Not dead.
Jealousy is a nasty thing.
- It's got an easy explanation.
- Really?
Jealousy is the fear
that someone else will give your partner
the joy you couldn't.
It's better to work on yourself.
To find happiness.
a girl like you, stuck in adolescence,
wouldn't understand.
No talking about politics today.
Right, fellas?
Or illnesses.
And no talking about children.
Let's just have a good time.
- Hey, Dad.
- Just a minute.
But I'm going to take
my medication first.
How about a toast?
To the great outdoors!
I sneaked into your room.
There were many pictures.
Lots of wedding photos.
Were you...
Married many times?
Yes. I was married. Many times.
I've broken many hearts.
But you should never break
a good man's heart.
Why did you get divorced?
I only separated once in my life.
From my first husband.
He died of illness.
It's still hard to believe.
separated over a tiny thing.
You know what it was?
I don't know what we would have done
if we'd had money.
was so lonely.
I kept looking.
People are strange.
You know you'll never find it again...
but you keep looking
for that first person.
He used to get bloated a lot.
I made him dumpling tea
with seven dumplings.
And he would just...
fart nonstop.
Farting relaxed him a lot.
We would count his farts.
he farted...
40 times in a row!
We were so happy.
You need to know suffering...
in order to know happiness.
doesn't exist on its own.
How did you two meet?
It was 1981.
Year of the Rooster.
New Year's wrestling match.
Wow. You watched wrestling?
Yes. I still do.
You're such an interesting person.
I guess you're the boring one.
Find the difference.
This will be our little secret.
A boy
Six months.
For six months...
was a mother.
It was the most wonderful
feeling in the world.
She used to play with me.
She was right here.
I would gently press here,
she would kick here.
listened to music together.
one day...
she stopped moving.
had died.
Why does everybody...
leave me?
Is that all there is?
Some say death is a transition.
Others say it's darkness.
We can choose which to believe.
Transition sounds better, doesn't it?
But being alive would've been better.
These are today's earnings.
Today was my last day.
Namuuna is back.
- I can still see her face.
- Who?
- The girl selling mushrooms.
- Oh yeah. What about her?
Got a smoke?
God, you're useless.
Hand me those smokes.
You said that death is a transition.
Do you think that's true?
Did you see someone die?
I did.
And? Were you close?
Grandma? Grandpa?
She lived in our building.
She jumped.
I saw her through my window.
Seeing and hearing, that's empty.
Feeling is real.
Never keep fear in your heart.
Or you will die. Like her.
we must erase those damn
memories from your mind.
- Let's go.
- Where?
Your building.
This way.
Right here?
Come on, come closer!
I don't wanna get close.
Right there.
- Do you have anything to dig with?
- No.
What are you doing?
This is your building!
This is where you grew up.
It must belong to you!
We'll send it off!
Do you have anything in your pocket?
- Like what?
- Anything!
- Just this.
- Bring it over.
Now it's totally gone.
Come. Let's stomp together.
If we water it,
a pencil tree will grow here.
- Ew! Why would I...
- Just do it! It's almost dawn. Hurry!
Did you do it?
We just planted a tree!
Was your hair always like this?
Do you want to come over?
This is my room.
The bumps look really realisti...
Hey, hey, hey! Wait!
- What?
- Condom!
Yes, condom. Condom.
Where are you going?
- Pharmacy.
- Hold on. Hand me my bag.
Here, let me do it.
- To the right.
- There?
All right.
Right. We need to talk.
Can I help you?
Is Katya here?
Sorry. Wrong house.
By Katya, you mean Dulamsuren?
- Dulamsuren?
- Yes. She moved.
- Hey! Are you Saruul?
- Yes, that's me.
Wait here.
She told me to give you this.
- Thank you, sir.
- You're welcome.