The School for Good and Evil (2022) Movie Script

[mystical choral music playing]
- [instrumentals harmonizing with chorals]
- [chimes ring]
[air whooshes hauntingly]
- [foreboding instrumentals play]
- [crows cawing]
[foreboding music surges]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [swords clanging]
- [both grunting]
[energy crackles]
[energy thrums]
[music grows to a crescendo]
- [music fades]
- [thrumming subsides]
[brother 1] You cheated, you know.
The Duel Arena has very clear rules.
No magic.
It's not cheating if you win.
It's only cheating if you get caught.
- Shall we go another round?
- No, we don't have time.
Sparring with you is
the only part of the day I enjoy anymore.
I enjoy it too, but we're needed.
It's one of the downsides of overseeing
the most important school ever built.
And I'm bored.
[sighs] Rafal, what do you want?
Just one more round.
Ugh. [chuckles]
We'll both use our magic.
No holds barred.
Come on, Rhian.
- [sword resonates softly]
- Show me how it's done.
You just don't stop...
- [Rafal grunts]
- [Rhian groans]
[Rafal yells]
- [Rhian groans]
- [energy crackling]
[Rhian yells]
[fire blasts]
Rafal, that's enough!
Maybe for you,
but I'm done settling for half.
I want it all!
- [Rhian strains]
- [fire roars]
[Rafal shouts]
- [Rhian grunts]
- [sword clanging]
- [Rhian groans]
- [epic music playing]
[Rhian] No!
[energy thrums]
[impact clangs]
[magic thrums malevolently]
Rafal, what have you done? That's...
[Rafal grunting]
Blood magic.
I've been searching for years,
but last night, I finally found it.
- [Rhian panting]
- [blood magic thrums]
Rafal, it's forbidden for a reason.
[Rafal chuckles]
It'll consume you. You can't control it.
I prefer chaos.
- [blood magic crackles]
- [yells]
[energy blasts]
[Rhian groans, gasps]
Thousands of years,
you always gave the heroes the upper hand!
[straining] I held the balance with you.
[both grunting]
[moans, gasps]
[chuckles darkly]
It's my turn now.
[weakly] Rafal...
I dictate the terms.
And it's going to be
a very different world.
We can work together.
- [laughs]
- [whimpers]
Evil doesn't cooperate.
[Rhian breathing shakily]
Evil doesn't share.
When I'm done...
[Rhian moans]
...Evil won't lose.
[both grunting]
[Rafal] No!
[music fades]
- [groaning]
- [soft instrumentals play]
[somber orchestral music playing]
[Rhian gasps softly]
[crows cawing]
[softly] Oh, Rafal.
[soft, whimsical instrumentals play]
- [music swells]
- [chimes ring]
[majestic orchestral music playing]
[crowd gasps]
[narrator] Once upon a time,
there lived a girl named Sophie.
A brave creature of exquisite beauty
and uncommon grace...
[Sophie giggles]
...who was destined to change the world.
[guests gasp]
[shoes squeaking on floor]
[taps loudly]
Now, listen up for the last time,
you lazy, ridiculous girl.
[in woman's voice]
Get your candied ass out of bed now!
- [knocking]
- [gasps]
[woman] Sophie, I know you can hear me!
- [sighs] Someone save me.
- [rooster crows]
[knocking continues]
Okay, I'm awake.
Don't break the door down.
[woman] I will,
if you're not out in five minutes.
- [Sophie scoffs]
- And no spending an hour on your hair.
[mutters] At least I have hair.
- [glass shatters]
- [boys shouting]
[man] All right, settle down, now, boys.
[boys laughing]
Good morning, my dear family.
- [splats]
- [gasps]
Hey, don't waste that tomato, Sophie!
It was supposed to go in the stew!
You've got to be kidding me.
Meanwhile, on the other side of Gavaldon,
just outside of town,
in a humble cottage on top of Graves Hill...
[birds singing]
...there lived a girl named Agatha.
[bright music playing]
[cat purring softly]
Dang it. [exhales deeply]
You're too good
at staring contests, Reaper.
- [Reaper meows]
- [Agatha chuckles]
- [sighs]
- [knocking on door]
- [kisses]
- [woman] Come here a minute, Aggie?
I'm making Great-Grandma's love potion
for the widow Grunfeld.
It needs something.
[Agatha sips]
- Hemlock.
- Of course.
[both laugh]
[narrator] Agatha had no idea
if her mother was actually a witch
since her potions never worked.
But it was in Agatha
that her mother placed her highest hopes,
knowing that her daughter
had the makings of a real witch.
- [horse whinnies]
- A sentiment shared by Agatha's peers.
- Witch! Witch! Witch!
- [children yelling]
- [boy 1] Burn her! Burn her!
- [boy 2] Witch!Witch!
[squirrel chittering]
[gently] Hello there,
my little forest friends.
- [horse neighs]
- [Sophie gasps]
- [squirrels squeak]
- [kids laughing]
[girl 1] Weirdos!
- [girl 2] Freaks!
- [Sophie sighs]
[both] God, I hate this town.
[both laugh]
[gentle music playing]
Fortunately, they had each other.
A friendship between
two such different girls
might have seemed unlikely,
but theirs was a special bond...
[Sophie] Oh, gross!
...forged at an early age.
For it was the death of Sophie's mother,
the person who loved her most...
Always remember how special you are.
You're gonna change the world someday.
Then you'll live happily ever after.
[narrator] ...that brought her a friend
who loved her even more.
- Who's there?
- I... I made this for you.
I'm sorry about your mom.
[narrator] And it was
beneath the village wishing tree
that they sealed a bond
they knew would last a lifetime.
[Agatha giggles]
Like, for literally
the hundredth time, no.
- It wouldn't have to be a whole makeover.
- [scoffs]
We could just do a cucumber eye mask.
Maybe a pumice scrub for your pores.
- [slams table]
- Hey, ugly.
Aren't you gonna answer him?
Not her, you.
- Oh.
- Eric says you put a hex on him.
- Who's Eric?
- [uncertain grunt]
- We've been in the same class eight years.
- He says you looked at him weird.
And now he's feeling all itchy.
I'm sorry,
that sounds more like a hygiene issue.
Seriously. Lice, anyone?
- Hey, shut up!
- [Agatha chortles]
You two think you're better than us,
but really, you're just a prig and a pig.
[both mock gasp]
[both sigh]
And I'm Eric.
[Sophie giggles]
You know, I think he likes you.
Who, Eric?
I'm sorry, there's an Eric?
[both laughing]
Oh, I... I need to pick up some hemlock
from Mrs. Fisher for my mom.
I gotta get some green fringe anyway.
- I'll meet you at Deauville's.
- [Agatha] Wait, no, Sophie, I...
Okay. Uh...
[inhales sharply] Cool.
- [goat bleats]
- [sighs]
[ominous string music playing]
[man] Witch.
[baby crying]
- [woman whispers] She's a witch.
- [horse neighs]
[kid bleating]
[gentle music playing]
[Agatha, softly] Hello there, little guy.
- [kid bleats]
- Aw, yeah, you like that?
You're the girl lives in the graveyard.
[tense music playing]
We live by the graveyard, yeah.
[man] Mm.
[gulps] You know, everyone...
[laughs]...andI mean everyone...
says you're a witch.
You know what we used to do...
what we used to do to witches in Gavaldon?
We burned 'em.
- You have a really nice day, buddy.
- Whoa! [grunts]
[Agatha gasps]
We don't want witches in this town.
Do you hear me?
It's a threat
to the decent people of Gavaldon.
[pan clangs]
[man thuds]
You know, I seriously doubt
there are any decent people in Gavaldon.
- You okay?
- Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
[chuckles] Let's... Let's get out of here.
[gentle music resumes]
[pan clatters]
[Agatha and Sophie giggling]
Hey, let's drop by Deauville's,
see if she's got anything new.
Oh, don't you have to get home, though?
C'mon. Let's see
if she's got something good.
[Mrs. Deauville] Ah!
My favorite readers.
Good thing you stopped by.
We had a big delivery yesterday.
- Any ghost stories?
- Yes, a few interesting-looking ones.
Any new fairy tales?
Nothing you haven't read
a thousand times before, Sophie.
But I did spot some very interesting
older editions in there.
Look, look! Dig around.
Okay, this might sound crazy,
but you ever think about
branching out of your comfort zone?
Maybe, like, stop reading
little kids' books? Aww.
To The Blood of the Homunculus?
I'm good, thanks.
Give me Cinderella any day.
- Just look at the dresses in here.
- [Mrs. Deauville] Ah.
You found it.
Just look at the embossing.
Who's S.G.E.?
[Mrs. Deauville] Not who, what.
The School for Good and Evil.
Don't tell me you've never heard of it.
- Where is it?
- No one knows.
Another time, another world.
But legend has it,
it's where the true story
behind every great fairy tale begins.
- Ooh.
- The School for Good trains the heroes.
The School for Evil, the villains.
- Or so they say.
- The people in insane asylums, you mean.
I wouldn't be so sure of that.
Twenty years ago, a girl named Leonora
was taken from our village
- under a blood-red sky.
- [thunder rumbles]
- [low snarling hiss]
- [Leonora gasps]
[Mrs. Deauville] Many believe the school
wanted her for some reason.
[Leonora shrieks]
- [Sophie] What happened to her?
- [yelling]
[creature growls]
- [Mrs. Deauville] No one knows.
- [screams]
She was never heard from again.
[Agatha scoffs]
That'd be one way to get out of this town.
Do they ever accept new students?
[laughs] You're joking, right?
[Sophie] Dear School for Good and Evil.
As a future princess, I wish very much
to attend your esteemed institution.
Allow me to list the many attributes
that I believe make me
a uniquely qualified candidate.
From a very young age,
I've always known
it's been my destiny to change the world.
[narrator] Willing to try anything
to escape her current life...
Please be real.
...Sophie entrusted
all her hopes for the future
to the powers of the Wishing Tree.
[ominous musical crescendo]
- [clicking hiss]
- [music fades]
- Oh, I hate my stepmother!
- [Agatha] Whoa, whoa. What?
There's an opening at the factory,
so she's making me quit school
to bring in more money.
So I will quit too.
Can she get me a job there with you?
And then what?
We just fade into this town
like everyone else?
No, Aggie. My mom said
I'm supposed to do something important.
Something that matters.
I'm leaving tonight.
Wait, Sophie... you've never even
set foot outside Gavaldon.
You don't even know what's out there.
- None of us really do.
- [Sophie] That's the point.
You know nothing can ever happen for me
as long as I'm stuck here.
I can't settle for an ordinary life.
I won't.
[gentle piano music playing]
Hey, look.
- [laughing] Remember?
- Oh!
- Yeah, I found it in my attic last week.
- Oh!
[voice trembles] See? You already did
do something that matters.
The day you became my friend.
Please, I can't handle this place
without you.
I'll talk to your mom and dad,
and I'll tell them how unfair this is.
[breath trembles]
I'll call you Queen Sophie of Gavaldon.
I will even let you give me a makeover.
[Sophie chuckles]
Just please don't go.
[gentle music continues]
- Okay.
- You promise?
I promise.
- Oh, thank you!
- [Sophie] Oh!
- [mystical instrumental music plays]
- [birds singing]
- [Sophie scoffs]
- [crow cawing nearby]
[quietly] "Queen Sophie of Gavaldon."
It was at that moment Sophie decided
she was beyond wishing
for her life to magically improve.
It was time to take charge of her destiny.
Even if it meant breaking the promise
she'd made to her best and only friend.
[Sophie] I'm so sorry, Aggie.
[gentle, somber music playing]
[narrator] But some wishes are
simply too powerful to take back.
- [gentle music fades]
- [ominous music playing]
[wind howling]
[Sophie gasps softly]
[tree branches creaking]
[Sophie gasps]
You were gonna run away after all?
Aggie, I'm sorry.
- [creature growling]
- [Agatha] What was that?
- [wind falters]
- [girls breathing shakily]
[Agatha gasps]
- [thunder rumbling]
- [quietly] The red sky. It's happening.
- [gasps]
- [low snarling hiss nearby]
[soft clicking, hissing]
[quietly] Sophie.
Hey, we have to get out of here.
- Aggie, this is what I wished for.
- [Agatha] You what?
- [creature roars]
- [screams]
- Sophie!
- [Sophie shrieking]
[dramatic music playing]
[Agatha] Sophie!
- [Sophie laughs, whoops]
- Hold on! I'm coming!
So long, Gavaldon!
Farewell, mediocrity!
- Goodbye, low ambition!
- [Agatha yells]
- [grunts]
- Aggie, no!
Please let me go!
[Agatha] No way! I'm never letting you go!
- [both yelp]
- [music crescendos, fades]
[Sophie and Agatha groan]
- [both panting]
- [Sophie] No.
- [tense mystical music playing]
- No.
No, Aggie, what was happening
was a good thing.
I'm sorry, Sophie,
but I...I couldn't take that chance.
I can't let anything bad happen to you.
Yeah, I know.
[leaves rustling]
[bird screeches]
[Agatha and Sophie scream]
[thrilling, suspenseful music plays]
[bony wings flapping]
[bird cries]
[low growling]
[bird screeches]
[screams] Oh my God! Oh my God!Oh my God!
Aggie, this is good.
No, no, no, no! This is not good!
[Sophie] It's okay!
[triumphant music playing]
[girls scream]
This is it!
- This is real! I was right!
- [bird calls]
Aggie, look.
That must be the School for Good.
It's so beautiful.
Wait, that means that's...
[gasps] Oh God, the other one.
- [bird screeches]
- [both screaming]
Aggie, this is everything
I've ever wanted.
[Agatha] This is not what I wanted!
No, Sophie, we have to get back.
You know my mom can't get by without me.
I'm sure this will take you home
once it drops me at the Good school.
I want it to take us both back!
[both scream]
Oh, Aggie!
[bird snarls]
[Sophie] No! You're supposed to drop me
at the Good school, not her!
No, take me back! Please!
No! You don't understand! I'm Good...
- [shrieks]
- [music fades]
[Sophie continues screaming]
[guy 1 screams]
[guy 2 yelps]
[Sophie choking for breath]
[kids screaming and splashing]
- [coughing]
- [guy 3 gasps, exclaims]
[Sophie gasps]
Ah, great. The bird ate my shirt.
Oh wow.
Can I touch your hair?
- [Sophie whimpers]
- Most witches don't have princess hair.
- [Sophie gasps]
- I bet it smells like cake. [chuckles]
I love cake.
- [Sophie] I'm not a witch!
- [guy 3] Hey! Hey, where are you going?
Oh, come on!
- Help me!
- [guy 3 laughs]
[Sophie whimpering, gasps]
Fall in line, newbie.
- [Sophie gasps]
- Get over there.
- [wolf growls]
- [Sophie] Oh!
[Sophie gasping, yelps]
- [spluttering] Sorry.
- Watch it, freak.
- [tense music playing]
- [wolf growls]
Hey, no!
You have to listen to me.
I am not supposed to be here. I'm Good!
God, I hate move-in day. [sighs]
[Sophie] I'm supposed to be a princess,
not a villain!
- [birds crying in distance]
- [Sophie] No!
[dramatic music continues, crescendos]
- [music fades]
- [harp music playing]
- [birds singing]
- [soft, muffled grunting]
[Agatha gasps]
[grunting continues]
[plants rustle]
- [Agatha shrieks]
- [fairy yelps, groans] Ow.
[girl] Did she just kill a fairy?
Uh, what?
- [fairy chiming, grunts]
- [Agatha] Oh.
- [Agatha yelps] Son of a...
- Oh dear.
You must be lost.
[shakily] Yeah.
Yeah, that is an understatement.
- How do I get out of here? I...
- [girls gasp]
Ugh. What the hell is it?
It looks like a witch.
I'm thinking a troll.
I say demon.
Maybe part hunchback?
I don't have a hunch.
Then you really need a tailor.
[girls gasp]
How do I get over to that school?
I knew from its smell.
It's a Never.
- Just listen!
- [group gasps]
I just need to find my friend.
Ah, whatever,
the fairies will get rid of her.
- [fanfare plays]
- Come, girls.
[girls murmur]
[Agatha sighs, gasps]
- [fairy] Mm.
- What? I'm leaving.
[fairy grunts]
[chuckles] No, no, no. I need...
- [fairy chomps]
- [Agatha yelps]
- Stop doing that!
- [fairies chiming and grunting]
What are you...?
- [grunts, yelps]
- [dramatic music builds]
No, let me go!
Get off of me! [shrieking indistinctly]
[thrilling sinister music playing]
Ta-da! [laughs]
Me again. [chuckles]
Put her there.
[Sophie screams]
[laughs] It's cleaner than my own hand.
Trust me.
- I'm Hort, by the way.
- [Sophie] Hort?
That sounds like something you cough up.
That's the nicest thing
anyone's ever said to me.
[sighs] Weirdo.
Excuse me, ma'am.
You seem to be in charge,
and I am in the wrong school.
Ooh! How distressful. And improbable.
- Back up. Your name?
- [gasps]
Actually, you know what? I wanna guess it.
You won't know it.
Mm, Sophie.
Of Gavaldon.
Did I guess it?
- I always do.
- There must be a mistake.
- I clear...
- You're the Reader.
- I read, if that's what you mean.
- Shh, shh, shh. It's not.
Every so often,
a very lucky candidate from the outside
is selected for admission
to this hallowed institution.
We call them... Readers
because they only get to read
about the amazing adventures
that originate here.
- Now, please, excuse me.
- [Sophie gasps]
I have fresh villainy to attend to.
[whispers] Showtime!
- [sinister music continues]
- [shouts] Attention!
- Attention, future Evil!
- [wolves growl]
If you open your
tiny little bloodshot eyes,
you'll find your dormitory
and class schedules around the hall.
It would serve you well to memorize both.
Make me proud.
- [crow cawing]
- [music swells]
[excited chatter]
Oh my God.
[music crescendos, fades]
[Agatha grunts]
Don't you ever touch me again.
[fairies screech]
- All right! Okay.
- [hissing growls]
I thought fairies were
supposed to be nice.
[fairies mutter, whoosh]
[angelic choir]
Bring honor to his name
- [chimes jingle]
- [birds singing outside]
Oh, I must be in hell.
[girl] Ugh.
[Agatha] Well, this is hell, all right.
[gentle harp music playing]
[water gurgling softly]
- [angelic choral music plays]
- [birds chirping]
- Holy sh...
- [woman] Well, hello.
[giggles] I see you found the Groom Room.
Well done, Agatha of Gavaldon.
Might I suggest
you clean up a bit before orientation?
Or perhaps clean up a lot. [chuckles]
How do you know my name?
Because I've been expecting you.
I am Professor Dovey,
here to help however I can.
Finally. My friend Sophie
wanted to be here.
- The Never? No.
- The what?
Your friend is a Never.
[in singsong] You are an Ever.
Ever, because we believe
in living happily ever after.
Nevers, because they don't.
School for Evil, School for Good.
- Evil...
- Yup, okay, I got it. [chuckles, sighs]
- But clearly, there's been a mistake.
- [Dovey] Hmm?
I mean, look at me.
My dear,
one doesn't measure one's goodness
just by how one looks.
- No, it's about what one does.
- [Agatha grunts]
If you're here,
you must have great... power.
Trust me, I don't.
Well then, I bet you just need
to learn to summon it. [giggles]
Feel it.
Because magic follows emotion.
The stronger the emotion,
the more powerful the magic.
- [soft chiming]
- Summon enough passion,
and you can accomplish anything.
For you.
- How did you do that?
- I just told you.
[both laugh]
- Okay.
- Yes.
Thank you so much for the show.
Um, have fun with your magic tricks, lady.
I've gotta find my friend
and get back to Gavaldon.
[booming] Stop!
Look, if there was a mistake,
then it is one
that someone is going to get fired for.
- Literally.
- [fire whooshes, shrieks]
So, let's pretend there is not a mistake
until we can sort this all out, yes?
Besides, there is no way back. [giggles]
Wait, what?
Oh, I know! Let's get you
in your armor. [laughs]
- Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
- ["Once Upon a Dream" plays]
- [soft chiming]
- [Dovey] Oh, yes! Look at them!
[wheels squeaking]
[Dovey] Let me guess.
You're not a pink person?
Not a problem!
We also have rose, fuchsia, blush,
watermelon, hibiscus.
[Dovey] So many colors!
- [sighs heavily]
- I just love my job.
[majestic orchestral music playing]
[excited chatter]
- Wait, Sophie!
- [Sophie] Aggie!
- [Agatha] Hey!
- [girl] Hey!
[Agatha panting]
They gave you a gown?
- [growls] Sit down and shut up, Reader!
- [Sophie gasps]
- [wolf] Come on.
- [fairy squeals]
[Sophie gasps]
[wolf] And stay there!
Me again.
- [Agatha shrieks]
- Oh my God.
- [Evers giggle]
- Excuse me.
My father tells me not to talk to Readers.
He says they're bad luck.
You've probably read about my father.
Captain Hook?
He's got a pretty awesome ship. [chuckles]
- Do you want a bite? It's nice and putrid.
- [Sophie gags]
- [indistinct murmur]
- [orchestral fanfare playing]
Grace and beauty first?
- Oh, if you insist, Clarissa.
- So glad you agree.
- [giggles] Welcome, first-year students!
- [growls softly]
I am Professor Dovey,
Dean of the School for Good.
[Evers chanting] Evers!
Evers! Evers! Evers! Evers!
And I'm Lady Lesso,
Dean of the School for Evil.
[Nevers chanting] Kill you!
Kill you! Kill you! Killyou! Killyou!
- There's no boys in the School for Good?
- Ugh, there's plenty.
And get ready to be nauseous.
[taps loudly]
As per tradition,
the winning school from last year...
Us again. Imagine that!
- Hmm. Imagine.
- ...will now grace us all
with a display
of their chivalrous talents.
- [Hort] Ugh.
- Gentlemen!
[dramatic drumline music playing]
[Evers cheering]
[Nevers booing]
[indistinct jeering]
[cheering grows louder]
[mocking grunts]
[marching to beat]
What a bunch of losers.
Oh my.
[Nevers continue booing]
[clatters loudly]
[girl 1 giggles]
[exclaims delightedly]
- Aren't they wonderful?
- [Everboys shout]
[Evers cheering]
[Nevers jeering]
[Evergirls exclaim]
[girl 2 giggles]
- [girl 1 sighs] Oh.
- [boy whistles]
["Rock & Roll Queen" by The Subways plays]
If you boys are finished with dance class,
maybe you'd like to have a real fight.
Oh no.
What do you say?
[students gasp]
- [students exclaim]
- Who... is... that?
[squeals] It's Tedros!
His dad was king,
so of course
he has to have his own stupid entrance.
You are the sun
You are the only one...
You know what? Let's make it easy for you.
[Everboys] Charge!
Be my
- Be my
- [boys groan]
Be my little rock and roll queen
Yes! [gasps, exclaims]
- Be my, be my...
- [Tedros strains]
[boys grunting]
I don't know what the big deal
about owning a round table is, anyway.
His father was King Arthur?
- Yawn.
- [whispers] Wow.
- [Tedros grunts]
- Be my
Be my
- [exclaims] He...
- Be my little rock and roll queen
Be my, be my
- Be my little rock and roll queen!
- [Evers cheering]
- [song ends]
- Nice work, fellas.
Let's see how you do
in a real fight, pretty boy.
Prepare to die.
- [tense instrumental music playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
[neck cracks]
[girl 3] Get him! Get him!
- [wolf] Huh?
- [Lesso] Mm.
Oh, come on.
If we're gonna do this,
we might as well do it right.
Ugh. [scoffs]
[students cheering]
- [cheering]
- Yes, yes, yes!
[cyclops grunting]
- [energy thrums]
- [cyclops yells]
Oh, come on! Foul!
Anybody! He's got a magical sword.
[chuckling] How's that fair?
That's Excalibur.
[cyclops panting]
[magic whooshes]
- [flames roar]
- [Nevers cheer]
[cyclops chuckles]
[huffs] Really?
I know. How evil of me.
[cyclops chortles]
[shouts menacingly]
[both grunting]
[dramatic music playing]
- [cyclops grunts]
- [Tedros groans]
[sword clangs]
[energy thrums]
- [Tedros groans]
- [cyclops shouts]
[Tedros grunts]
[yelps, panting]
[cyclops strains]
[Tedros panting]
[cyclops roars]
- [sounds distort]
- [cyclops shouts]
[Tedros grunts, panting]
[cyclops yelps]
- [groans]
- [Nevers gasp]
[dramatic music building]
[flames roar]
[music crescendos]
[axe clangs]
[Nevers groan]
[boy] Come on!
[Evers cheer]
- [Hort sighs]
- [Sophie gasps]
- [moans]
- [flesh sizzling]
[quietly] Dammit.
Oh, how good of you to lose again.
- [Lesso growls]
- [Dovey giggles]
[tapping loudly] Bravo! Bravo!
- A heroic display!
- [Tedros sighs]
[chuckles] Look... [gasps]
[gentle harp music playing]
[Agatha gasps]
[Tedros sighs]
[girl 2 gasps]
- Excuse me, milady. I believe, uh...
- That I don't belong here? Yeah, I know.
Don't want your stupid rose anyway.
Oh, and by the way,
this is what a normal girl looks like.
He intended it for me.
Normal girl.
There's an open seat next to me, Teddy.
And, for the record, you don't know
what I was about to say, but...
nice try.
[chuckles softly]
[Tedros exhales]
What did he smell like?
[girl 1 giggles]
In these two schools,
we will take away any confusion
and make your souls as pure as possible.
Pure Good.
Or pure Evil.
Future heroes and villains,
you have been chosen
to protect and maintain
the balance between Good and Evil.
For if that balance is ever compromised...
I don't think we need to get into that
just now with our new friends, do we?
- [students murmuring]
- It's such a happy first day.
- Let's not be downers, hmm?
- [Dovey gasps]
Besides, I'm sure this new class
will perform exceptionally well.
And like your parents before you,
you are all here because
the world of story needs
great heroes and villains
to teach the people of the outside world
to make choices to find their way.
So, obey the rules,
study hard, and remember,
the Storian only chooses
the very best of our students
for their own adventure.
But what if we've been dropped
in the wrong school?
Or there's been a mistake
and we need to go home immediately?
[Dovey gasps]
[ominous music playing]
There are no mistakes
in the School for Good and Evil,
have a nice semester.
[dramatic music crescendos]
[Dovey on PA] All students,
report to your assigned sleeping quarters.
- [music fades]
- [flatly] Perfect.
The Good do not room with Evil.
- Reena...
- Hmm?
Tell the fairies to come get my bags.
- I'm moving.
- [Agatha sniffles]
Mm, but I'll miss you so.
[somber harpsichord music playing]
Try not to ruin anything.
Sweet dreams, Never.
- Hey!
- [door locks]
- [Evers laughing]
- No, no, no! No, you don't understand!
I need to find my friend!
- [laughter fades]
- [Agatha panting]
[tense music playing]
[Agatha gasps]
[quietly] Whoa.
[tense music fades]
Ugh, I told you we'd get her.
Let me guess.
- It's Belle.
- [snickers]
[in high, breathy voice]
Or Anastasia. Or Sugar Plum.
- Actually, my name is Sophie.
- [crunches loudly]
[both cackling]
[Sophie sighs]
- Ah!
- You two have no manners.
Welcome to room 66.
I'm Dot, daughter of Robert de Rainault.
- Robert...
- Hello? The Sheriff of Nottingham.
It's okay. He's not, like, super famous.
Yeah, who's ever heard of Robin Hood?
- [girl scoffs]
- Learn your history, cream puff.
Anyway, that's Anadil.
[Anadil chuckles]
- And that ray of sunshine is Hester.
- [spits]
- [sparks crackle]
- You can bunk next to me, Sophie.
That's a funny name for a villain.
- [Anadil scoffs]
- Oh, please.
- She's so not a villain.
- Of course I'm not.
Look at me.
Do I look like a witch?
Or a troll?
Or some disgusting old hag?
[loud thunderclap]
- [ominous instrumentals play]
- [mice squeaking]
[thunder rumbling]
[Anadil inhales sharply]
[gently] That hag
is my mother.
- [spits]
- [sparks crackle]
- [ominous music surges]
- [Sophie gasps]
[music fades]
- [breeze blowing]
- [gentle music playing]
[Agatha gasps]
[shakily] Okay, eyes up, Agatha.
- [gasps, panting]
- [eerie musical flourish]
[sighs] It's just a Cupid, stupid.
Okay, don't be lame.
Don't be lame.
You got this.
Phew. Okay.
[Agatha, quietly] Okay.
- [gasps softly]
- [stone crumbling]
[ominous music playing]
[Agatha gasps]
[gentle chimes play
over mystical instrumentals]
Uh, hi.
[Cupid laughs]
Students aren't allowed on the ledge.
- [chuckles darkly]
- [foreboding instrumentals play]
[voice grows deeper]
Prepare for punishment!
- [cackling]
- [arrow whizzing by]
- [Agatha yelps]
- [Cupid yells menacingly]
[Agatha gasps, screams]
[Cupid roars]
[Agatha yelps]
- [soft, mysterious music playing]
- And I thought Gavaldon was bad.
[Agatha breathing shakily]
[footsteps approaching]
[door opens]
[Lesso] All right, princess.
What's so important
we had to trek all the way up here?
I'm in heels, you know.
- It's the Readers.
- [Lesso sighs]
And their insistence
that they shouldn't be where they are.
- And something does feel wrong.
- [sighs]
The only thing that feels wrong
is the School Master's decision
to bring them here in the first place.
[Dovey] What if he did make a mistake?
What if he dropped them
in the wrong schools
and something terrible happens?
He'd never admit it.
He'd blame one of us to save face,
and you know what would happen then.
[Lesso] There is no mistake.
Besides, I'd think you'd be happy.
I'm stuck with yet another underachiever.
[breathily] Sophie of Gavaldon.
What? What? No. Whatever do you mean?
Pfft. Please.
Evil hasn't won anything
in over 200 years.
Well, you've come close a couple of times.
[shouts] Close doesn't cut it!
I just have to work my students
twice as hard.
[Dovey] Mm.
Because a world
where Evil is not as powerful as Good
is a world out of balance.
Now, if you'll excuse me...
[quietly]...I have a lot of work to do.
- [Dovey inhales sharply]
- [door opens]
[door slams, echoing]
[Dovey grunts, huffs]
[mutters] Lesso!
[door squeaks]
- [door closes heavily]
- [wind hissing]
[ominous music welling]
[sinister chorals accompany instrumentals]
[blood magic thrumming]
[sinister chorals swelling]
[Agatha gasps softly]
[music fades]
[echoing] Stay away from Sophie,
little witch.
- She has a destiny to fulfill.
- [Agatha gasps]
And she belongs to me now.
- [sinister music crescendos]
- [blood splatters loudly]
[music fades]
- [crows cawing]
- [up-tempo suspenseful music playing]
[Agatha panting]
[quietly] Where are you, Sophie?
[doors creak]
[Agatha gasps]
[slow, eerie music plays]
[soft chiming]
[Agatha breathing shakily]
[heavy doors open]
[Sophie] I'm sure your mother's beautiful
on the inside.
- [spit crackles]
- I have to get to the other school.
- I'm Good.
- Yeah, at disguising your Evil.
[Sophie] I am not Evil.
Let's settle this with science.
- [yells]
- [Sophie screams] Oh my...
If she's Good,
the fairies will catch her when she falls.
But if she smashes on the rocks
in a gruesome, skull-splintering death,
she's Evil.
The second one. Do the second one.
[excited gasp]
But she is a villain.
She just doesn't know it yet.
No, I'm Good!
Aw, she whines like an Ever.
[inhales deeply] Smells like an Ever.
- [Sophie gasps]
- Has hair like an Ever.
Or had.
Not the hair!
- [Hester and Sophie grunting]
- [dagger clangs]
[Hester shrieks]
- [both straining]
- [Hester groans]
You want proof that I'm Good?
Then get a mirror, and look in it.
You hag!
[Hester grunts]
Told ya. Definitely Evil.
- Sophie!
- [gasps] Aggie!
[Hester catches her breath]
- [foreboding musicflaring]
- [growls softly]
- [suspenseful instrumentals play]
- Aggie, hey.
- Come on.
- Wait, where are we going?
[Agatha] To get you out of here.
- [Sophie] Oh, good.
- [Agatha] Not good.
Some... thing is after you.
I saw it.
Okay. [panting] So we're ending this now.
Aggie, no! It's not worth it!
[chimes ring]
- [Agatha gasps]
- [mystical chorals play]
- Come on.
- [narrator] Agatha's plan was simple.
Find the School Master
and plead their case
to leave the school directly to him.
There was only one problem.
[Sophie] How do we get in?
[sighs] He definitely came up here.
I saw it.
[Sophie] Hey! Let us in!
[sighs deeply] Great.
Now we're stuck up here.
[locks clang]
- [doors creak]
- [eerie instrumentals playing]
[chimes ring]
[narrator, voice resonating]
Would they be prepared
for what awaited them in the shadows?
Agatha called into the darkness.
- [narrator] But there was no response.
- [low squawk]
Who is that?
[narrator] Sophie discovered
that books lined the walls,
filled with stories
from every corner of the world.
- You know we hear you narrating, weirdo.
- [scratching]
If you're trying to scare us,
it's not working.
[narrator] The girls heard
a scratching in the blackness.
They moved warily toward it.
Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
- [pen scratching]
- All of that, and it's a dumb pen?
Sophie, stop!
- [narrator] Don't touch!
- [pen rings menacingly]
[School Master laughing]
You know, no students
have ever made it into my tower.
I knew you were special.
The Storian began writing your story
before you even arrived.
Guess that's why I'm so confused
as to why the two of you want to leave.
She wants to leave. I don't.
Sophie, I have to get you out of here.
Ahem. Ladies, ladies. I can assure you,
you are both perfectly safe here.
We pride ourselves
on protecting our Readers.
Really? Then what about
the spinning tower of blood
I just saw obsessing over Sophie?
Well, my friend, you see,
there are so many random spirits
and personalized spells flying
around this school, even I can't keep up.
Well, I think she's in danger.
So, unfortunately,
we can't just languish here
while you train us
to be in some silly fairy tales.
Our graduates live the very real events
that change the world,
which become the stories
that change the world.
You're trying to tell me that Snow White
and Cinderella
and Jack and the Beanstalk were real?
As were Hercules
and Sinbad
and El Cid
and all the others
who have battled the forces of Evil.
We teach you how to fulfill your destiny.
And that's exactly what I wanna learn,
but you put me in the wrong school.
I'm supposed to be in Good.
You made a mistake.
- [School Master] Hmm.
- Sir.
Well, perhaps I have.
But I'll need you to prove it.
Why, if it's your mistake?
Because once something
is written by the Storian,
only the Storian can change its course.
[Agatha] This is ridiculous.
How are we supposed to change its mind,
if it even has one?
Oh, but it does.
And there's only one way, really.
What is the one thing
that Evil can never have
that Good can never do without?
Oh, I know. Manners.
A castle.
Amazing hair. A horse.
[School Master] Mm.
True love.
[Storian] Which is
traditionally manifested in a kiss.
So you're saying...
I can't believe I'm actually saying this.
[sighs] If Sophie were
to kiss her true love,
that would prove to Quilly over there
that you were wrong about us?
If one from School of Evil
won true love's kiss,
it would change everything.
And I could stay and switch schools?
This is all I've ever wanted, Aggie.
I can't go back to Gavaldon.
Not to my old life.
I will never get this chance again.
Please, let me do this.
- I'll think about it.
- Excellent.
Well, I guess somebody
better go find herself a prince to kiss.
[Storian] But remember, dear Reader,
no kiss comes without its price.
- Wait, what does that mean?
- [dramatic music playing]
- [door opens]
- [Sophie screaming]
- [Dovey on PA] Good morning, darlings!
- [Agatha gasps]
[Dovey in singsong] Rise and shine!
The first event of the semester,
the Evers Ball, is only two weeks away,
and you've got a lot to learn.
- [girl 1] Good morning.
- [girl 2] Good morning.
[all] Good morning, Agatha.
["Brutal" byOlivia Rodrigo playing]
- [Hester snorts, groaning]
- [Lesso on PA] Wake up, despicables!
Unrelentlessly upset
You say these are the golden years
But I wish I could disappear
Ego crush is so severe
God, it's brutal out here
[Evers chattering]
Who's that?
- Dark... Dark hair.
- [girl 1] Tristan.
I caught his rose.
I hope he invites me to the Evers Ball.
You have to get a boy to ask you,
or you fail.
And you do not want to fail.
Three fails, and you're expelled.
- Wait, you mean they kick you out?
- Uh...
They actually turn you
into something else.
Like a talking tea kettle
or a mouse or something much worse.
Wait, like forever? What?
[enunciating syllables] Uglify!
- Why do we need to be ugly?
- [Hort sighs longingly]
- Hort! Wake up!
- [Hort gasps]
Oh, because it makes little children cry.
- That's merely a bonus.
- [Hester growls]
[Sophie] Ah.
Why be revolting and repugnant?
My question exactly.
Ah, not caring how you look
forces you to use your intelligence.
Ugliness is freedom!
[professor laughs, coughs]
- [tooth clangs]
- [professor coughs, wheezing]
[exhales] My tooth just fell out.
It's disgusting.
And I don't care.
And that is power!
[Nevers cheer]
- [harp flourish plays]
- Bring it down, girls.
- [soft chorals, instrumentals play]
- I am Professor Anemone,
and I am here to show you
how to become a truly powerful woman
through beauty.
[girls gasp]
[Anemone] A lady's smile is a sword
in the battle for life and for true love.
- So, pick up your mirrors...
- [clattering]
...and strike!
- Lovely, Reena.
- [Reena] Thank you, Professor.
Exquisite, Beatrix.
- [chimes ring]
- [choir sings, cuts abruptly]
I'm sorry. This just feels so wrong.
Smiling? That's how you're empowering us?
Smiling is a strict requirement
for passing this course.
So, show me your smile
if you don't want to fail.
My... smile?
- I don't feel safe.
- [girl 2] Mm-hmm.
[girls tittering]
[ominous music playing]
[thunder rumbles]
Wait. What is that?
A fail, Reader.
Wait, you're... you're failing me
for being a bad smiler?
- Yeah. Let's get to work.
- [class laughs]
Ah, now, prepare to drink up
and see how ugly and powerful you can be.
- [inhales sharply] Reader.
- [stomach rumbles]
[professor groans]
You're first.
No. I don't want to be ugly.
- It's not who I am.
- [Dot laughs]
Not yet. Hort!
Uh, yes, sir, Professor Manley.
Sorry about this.
But don't worry.
You'll still look beautiful to me.
[Sophie whimpers]
- [gurgling]
- [Nevers laugh]
- [students chattering]
- [playing melancholy organ music]
- [object clatters]
- [Hester cackling]
[Evers grunt]
It's, um, Agatha, right?
- Hi.
- Do you mind if I sit with you?
- No.
- Great.
- [Agatha] If you want to.
- Uh...
- [chair creaks]
- [fork clattering on floor]
I'm Gregor.
Um, Gregor Charming.
The, uh... the prince's son.
I'll try not to be
too charming. [chuckles]
- I'm Agatha.
- I heard you don't want to be here.
Well, I don't either.
- You don't?
- I'm not cut out to be a prince.
It's... It's not who I am.
Do you know what I'd rather do?
Run my own grocery store.
- Wait, really?
- [Gregor chuckles] Yeah.
I love food, but I wouldn't sell meat
'cause I can't stand the sight of blood.
That's actually why I got a fail today.
I got nicked in a duel.
[Gregor groans]
I'm sorry,
they failed you for one tiny cut?
[sighs] Not quite.
I saw the blood,
and I passed out in my heavy armor.
[metal clanking]
I was on top of a hill,
and so I started rolling down,
knocking over everyone in my path.
[Everboys groaning]
[Gregor grunts, moans]
- Definitely grocery-store material, right?
- [both laugh]
I think you should do
whatever makes you happiest, Gregor.
- [Gregor sighs]
- [door opens]
[door closes]
I'm sorry, Gregor,
will... will you excuse me?
[Gregor] Oh, uh...
Sure. See you around, Agatha.
- [silverware clatters]
- [Agatha] Thanks.
- Did you get attacked?
- [Sophie] Yes.
By tadpoles.
In ugly class.
Well, I failed beauty class.
What part did you fail?
Forget it. I found you a prince to kiss.
I already found my true love.
- [Tedros speaking indistinctly]
- [Sophie] Tedros.
We had a connection
from the moment we saw each other.
Plus, we just make sense, aesthetically.
Well, unfortunately,
Beatrix already has him.
You think she's prettier than me?
I'm just saying
we need someone who's available now.
School Master said
it had to be true love's kiss.
Sophie, a kiss is a kiss.
Oh, really?
See? Nothing happened.
Has to be true love.
I'm okay to keep this casual.
[gently] Aren't you sweet?
Just give him this,
and tell him how good and kind I am.
And don't be weird.
You know what I mean.
[quietly] Don't talk about your cat.
- Fine.
- Fine.
Just get him interested.
I'll handle the rest.
[speaking indistinctly]
- [Sophie chuckles]
- [Beatrix scoffs]
[Sophie growls softly]
[gentle instrumental music playing]
[gentle music fades]
[bark rustles]
Get off me!
- [explosion blasts]
- [Agatha screams]
[gnome yells]
- [exhales deeply]
- Who are you?
I am the Gnome of the Blue Forest.
But I thought gnomes
were supposed to be short.
I thought princesses
were supposed to be likable.
Welcome, students! Gather round.
I need you all to sign in
so I know who survived and who hasn't.
Hey. Normal girl.
How's the mind reading coming along?
Uh... Oh. [laughs awkwardly]
Yeah. No. Sorry about that. That was...
I was just really overwhelmed
when I first got here.
- Yeah. This place can be overwhelming.
- Mm.
Never had a princess
cop an attitude like that before, though.
Really is quite impressive.
Mm, do they usually all smile
and bat their eyes at you?
Yes, they do, which is incredibly boring,
so thank you for not being boring.
Uh, no, I'm actually, uh, pretty boring.
The only person
who doesn't think so is my cat.
Mm, no, I...
Well, they say, uh,
cats are good judges of character.
- They do?
- They will.
Now that I've said it. [chuckles]
I'm quite famous here, you know.
- [laughs]
- Number one fairy-tale prince and all.
Yeah, I think...
I think when you become king,
they're probably gonna have to
find a bigger crown
to fit on that swelled head of yours.
[snorting chuckle]
- [Agatha laughs]
- Nice. Nice.
[laughs softly]
[Tedros] Uh...
[soulful instrumental notes playing]
This is for you.
- Yeah?
- Not from me.
From my friend, Sophie.
Oh, the... the witch with the gorgeous hair?
No, no. She's not a witch.
She was just dropped in the wrong school.
No, that does not happen, normal girl.
She's definitely playing you.
Well, in this case, it did.
Trust me. She is... definitely a princess.
My name is Agatha, by the way.
Much better.
'Cause you're definitely not normal.
In a good way.
[gnome] All right, come on, everybody!
Come on, gather round.
- Let's can the balloon juice.
- [Agatha sighs]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Agatha] Hmm?
I am Yuba,
the school woods survival expert.
I've lived in them for hundreds of years,
and I haven't died once.
At least... [laughing]
...not that I can remember.
[continues laughing]
Oh! That's justa little gnome humor.
So, off we jolly well go.
All right, let's get these doors open.
Go on.
[dramatic music builds, pauses]
[Yuba] Open.
[Agatha chuckles]
Open the forest doors!
Thank you.
- Follow me, everybody!
- [percussive music plays]
You cannot survive any adventure
if you cannot survive the woods.
The Blue Forest prepares students
for any perils you may face.
[gasps] Oh, uh...
Gregor, what happened to your forehead?
I failed, uh, steed-riding this morning.
- [boy] Gregor!
- [horse neighs]
Turns out I'm not really any good
with horses.
[horse whinnies]
And I think I might need glasses.
[horse neighs]
[Gregor moans]
That grocery store's
looking better and better, right?
- [both laugh]
- Stay away from Tedros, you goon.
- He's mine.
- [ominous notes play]
[percussive music continues]
Hey there.
[Yuba] Come on!
A field of pretty pansies,
but as we know from our fairy tales,
pretty can sometimes kill you.
[shrieking growl]
[Yuba exclaiming] No, no, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no!
- [strains]
- [pansy snapping]
[Yuba] Cheeky plant.
That's, uh... That's one bouquet
you wouldn't want to catch at a wedding.
[guffaws, sighs]
Gnome humor.
[flower chomping]
It's okay, Gregor.
It can't get you. You're fine.
[shakily] I really hate this place.
[pansy shrieks]
Quick, quick! Come on.
Ah, this is Yuba's favorite part.
The pumpkin patch.
Benign by day,
but by night, a grisly horror world
where reapers will hunt you down,
drink your blood,
and sell your limbs for spoils!
- [Gregor sighs]
- Reapers? What are those?
One of those.
[laughs] That's just a scarecrow.
[students chuckle]
And I suppose pansies are just flowers.
- [pansies hissing and shrieking]
- [Evers gasp]
Remember, only the best Evil
can disguise as Good.
[Gregor gasps, groans]
- [pansy chomps]
- [Gregor groaning]
- I've gotta get out of here!
- No, bad idea.
Let go of me!
Gregor, stop!
You've already got two fails!
Gregor! Gregor!
Gregor, you don't know
what they'll do to you!
- Come on, come back!
- [Gregor] I'll be fine!
[thunder rumbles]
[dramatic choral music playing]
[electricity crackles]
[Gregor grunts, panting]
- [energy blasting]
- [Gregor moaning]
[crying out]
[yelling] Help me!
[dramatic music crescendos]
- [energy thrums, fading]
- [music fades]
[breath trembling]
[softly] Gregor?
[grim instrumentals playing]
[clock tolls]
[Lesso] Every villain has a special talent
they can hone into a powerful weapon
to defeat their nemesis.
What's a nemesis?
Your archenemy.
Your story will not end
until one of you is destroyed.
Now, I want you to dazzle me
with whatever you believe
your unique talent to be.
Hort, you're first.
Well, I've been working on
my werewolf powers in hex class.
Watch this. [grunts]
[inhales deeply, straining]
- [hair twangs]
- [Hort gasps]
- [Anadil] Hmm!
- [Dot] Well done, Hort!
All right.
Next time I need
a skinny, one-haired werewolf,
- I'll make sure to call you. Sit down.
- [shuddering giggle]
- Dot?
- Hmm?
Please tell me you can do better.
Watch me.
[Dot breathes deeply]
[straining groan]
- [desk rumbling]
- [grunts]
- [exhales sharply]
- [piece snaps off]
[chuckles softly, chewing loudly]
[quietly] Is it poisoned?
[muffled] It... could be.
Well, it's better than a stray hair.
We can work with that.
[taps staff] Sophie.
[Lesso sighs]
Those who are truly Good
can summon the animals of the forest.
- Mm.
- I used to do it with my squirrel friends.
Oh God, give it up.
Why don't you summon a cliff
and go jump off it?
[class snickers]
Why don't you find someone else
to have mommy issues with?
Don't you dare talk about my mother.
You know nothing about her!
I know she did one hell of a good job
turning you into a raving lunatic.
[tense music playing]
I despise you, you freak.
And everything you stand for.
Which just proves
that I am at the wrong school.
- You want to get out of here, princess?
- [Nevers laugh]
This raving lunatic's unique talent
would be more than happy
to get rid of you permanently.
[suspenseful instrumentals building]
- [eerie chorals accompany instrumentals]
- [Anadil giggles]
[wicked chortling]
This is delightful. [cackles]
- [Hester gasps]
- [low, purring growl]
[Anadil continues laughing]
[demon snarls, screeches]
- [Nevers cackling]
- [demon hisses]
- [flames roar]
- [Anadil cackling]
[demon growls, snarls]
- [suspenseful music swells]
- [chaotic laughter continues]
[demon shrieks]
- [Hester yells]
- [Sophie screams]
- [Hort] Sophie, watch out!
- [Nevers yelp]
- [Lesso laughing]
- [demon hisses]
[Sophie screams]
[Hester shouts]
- [demon screeches]
- [Sophie yells]
- [demon cries out]
- [Hester screams]
[screeches softly]
- [music swells]
- [Hester shouts] Go!
[demon roars]
[fire blasts]
[Lesso] Oh!
Be careful, Reader,
she's getting really close.
Use your talents.
[screams] I don't know what they are!
- [fire blasts]
- [shouts]
Your squirrel friends, Sophie!
Call your squirrel friends!
[Sophie] Help! Help me!
[mockingly] Aw, guess the squirrels
don't like you either.
[demon screeches]
You poor little princess.
[Sophie gasps]
Let me put you out of your misery.
- [Anadil] She's gonna kill her!
- [Nevers laughing]
[Hester yells]
- [Sophie screams]
- [choral music crescendos]
- [all gasping]
- [bees buzzing]
[Hester grunts]
[Nevers gasp]
[Hester strains]
- [ominous choral music continues]
- [demon roars]
[Hester groans, gasps weakly]
[chorals continue dramatically]
[grunting, groaning]
[strained gasping]
Sophie, you're not allowed to kill anyone
until after graduation.
Call them off!
- Stop!
- [bees buzzing]
[Hester sobbing]
[demon roars weakly]
[Hester continues moaning]
- [grim chorals and instrumentals playing]
- [Hester groans]
[chorals building dramatically]
[Lesso] Oh my God.
[dramatic chorals cresting, fading]
[softly] Rafal?
You're doing wonderfully...
[gasps softly]
[dramatic chorals
and instrumentals surging]
- [bees whooshing]
- [students gasp]
[chimes ring]
- [music fades]
- [Sophie panting]
[Hester whimpering]
[demon squeaks weakly]
[Hester sobs softly]
[demon slithering]
[skin sizzles]
- Move out of the way!
- Move!
[Anadil] Hester!
- [Hester crying]
- [Anadil] You're fine. It's okay.
- It's okay.
- [Dot] Gonna be okay. Breathe.
[Anadil] We'll make sure
you're fine, okay? It's okay.
- [Sophie gasps]
- [Anadil] It's okay.
[Sophie] Who is that? Who is Rafal?
Do not say his name again.
Not to anyone but me.
- Who is he, and how does he know me?
- Shh. He's the School Master's brother.
He was once the most powerful being
in our school.
Evil hasn't beaten Good
ever since he disappeared.
But somehow, your powers...
your powers have drawn his attention.
I didn't know I had powers.
I don't want powers. I want to go...
Oh, stop your whining!
What you just did in that classroom
is proof to me
that you are exactly where you belong!
It's not what we are.
It's what we do, Sophie.
Now go.
And tell no one.
And if Rafal visits you again,
you must tell me immediately.
Go, go.
If she is the one, Rafal...
I'll do everything in my power
to deliver her to you.
[ominous music playing]
My love.
- [music fades]
- [giggles] No, no, no.
Of course we don't hate.
Evil hates.
Good loves.
Evil attacks.
Good defends.
Chinen, when is Good permitted to attack?
It isn't. Good can only defend.
If Good were to attack first,
by definition, it would be no longer Good.
What did you people do to him?
I'm sorry?
Gregor failed three times,
and then he disappeared,
screaming in pain.
What did you turn him into?
The rules at this school must be obeyed.
There are no exceptions.
Ladies, as... as I was saying,
Evil has many weapons, but we...
we have animals.
[girls giggling]
Animals of the land, animals of the water.
- And so, ladies, today I present to you...
- [gentle, mysterious music plays]
...wish fish,
shimmering underwater friends,
who understand us and our deepest desires.
Is that because
they used to be students here?
Not everyone earns their own story.
At least they can still be
part of someone else's happy ending.
Ladies, if your wish is strong enough,
then they might make it come true.
- [Evers giggling]
- [soft squeal] Who's first?
Me! Me, me!
[Beatrix sighs]
- [laughs] Kiko.
- [Kiko giggling]
[chimes ring]
[gentle music swells]
[gasps] It's Tristan! He loves me.
Let me try.
- [softly] Tristan.
- Move, Kiko.
- Move.
- Ah.
- Get out of the way.
- [Kiko groans]
- [Dovey chuckles]
- [Kiko giggles softly]
[Beatrix exhaling]
[chimes ring]
[Beatrix chuckles]
We look perfect together.
[Beatrix sighs]
The Evers Ball,
where many of you
may receive your first kiss next week!
Your turn.
Any wish?
Whatever your heart most desires.
[somber instrumentals playing]
[Agatha, softly] I wish for home.
For all of us.
- [chimes ringing]
- [eerie music playing]
- [water gurgling]
- [fish splashing softly]
[students gasp]
What are you doing?
What's happening?
That's enough now, Agatha. Please stop.
I... I can't let go!
[inhales sharply]
- Get back!Get back!Get back!
- [students gasp]
[Agatha gasps]
[mystical choral music playing]
[chimes ringing]
- [gasps]
- [girl] Who is she?
[breathing shakily]
A hundred years since I failed.
A hundred years of granting wishes.
You were the first to wish to free me,
to wish me home.
Thank you.
[mystical chorals, instrumentals continue]
[chimes ringing]
[breathing shakily]
[chiming continues, surges]
- [gasping]
- [chiming fades]
- [roaring]
- [tense music playing]
- Run. Run!
- [girls screaming]
[Dovey] Run! Go, go, go!
Run! Run!
- [students clamoring]
- [bird cries]
[Agatha yelps]
[bird growls]
[Dovey] Run! Run!
Agatha, get out of there!
Get up!
- [bird snarls]
- [Agatha gasps]
[Dovey] Get up!
[bird growling]
[bird grunts]
[soft growling grunt]
Hey, Gregor.
- No, don't! Get back from it!
- [Agatha] Gregor!
[breathing shakily]
Hey, Gregor, I don't know
if I can help you or not.
[bird moans softly]
[Agatha] But if I can, I will.
[bird grunts]
[bird breathing deeply]
- I've got you!
- [bird shrieks]
- [Tedros] Don't worry, Agatha!
- [snarls]
- [sword clangs]
- [Agatha screams]
[bird shrieks]
[Agatha and Evers gasp]
- [thunderous boom]
- [bones clatter]
[mournful music playing]
[Tedros panting]
- [Tedros] You okay? [groans]
- [Agatha grunts]
[crying] What did you do?
That was my friend!
It was about to kill you!
I've just saved your life!
You pompous ass, you killed him!
- [Tedros] No!
- No! Tedros was rescuing you!
[Dovey] Everyone, back to your dorms!
Classes are canceled
for the rest of the day.
You, come with me. Go!
- Go, go, go!
- [students murmuring]
[crying] Gregor, I'm so sorry.
- Agatha...
- Stop!
That's what you call Good?
Destroying someone kind
because they can't live up
to your impossible expectations?
What exactly is good about that?
Agatha, everyone has a role to play here.
In time, you will understand.
No, I won't.
[softly] I told you, I don't belong here.
What is wrong with you?
[Agatha breathing shakily]
Once upon a time, Good was real and true.
Now we are in the age
of self-centered perfectionism,
but you used your wish
to save that poor girl.
Do you remember when I told you
that magic follows emotion?
[voice trembling]
The most powerful emotion is empathy.
The passion you've shown
tells me that you,
young lady, are exactly where you belong.
You are the first real princess
this school has seen
in a long, long time.
[Agatha breathing shakily]
[Dovey sniffles]
[Agatha sobs]
- [door shuts heavily]
- [playing organ music in minor key]
[indistinct chatter]
[both] We have to talk.
Did you give Tedros my letter?
Yes, but something very bad
is going on here.
Yeah, tell me about it.
I just got visited by a swarm of bees
that is apparently the most Evil man
in the world.
Some guy named Rafal.
That's the guy I saw. No, no, Sophie.
We have to get out now, kiss or no kiss.
No, wait. What did Tedros say?
He said your friend had
one hell of a right hook.
Oh no. What happened to your eye?
Uh, ask your friend.
[Sophie] You hit him?
Aggie, why?
I just had the nerve
to save her life, you know.
Just meet me outside when you're finished
doing whatever you have to do.
- [Tedros sighs]
- So sorry.
She can be temperamental...
and violent, apparently.[giggles]
Sophie, right?
[quietly] Yeah.
You write nice letters.
I just didn't know how else to meet you.
They keep us so separate here.
Yeah, probably best
to keep Good and Evil apart. Less messy.
That is, unless you're unlucky enough
to be trapped in the wrong school.
- [growls] She's not in the wrong school.
- [Sophie grunts]
But she's definitely not supposed
to be talking to princes.
- [Sophie] No!
- No, you don't need to drag her...
[screams] Tedros, please!
I didn't do anything!
- [gently] Hey. Hey.
- [Tedros sighs]
She's Evil, Teddy.
Let them take care of her.
[Sophie screaming]
Where are you taking me?
- The Doom Room.
- [Sophie] The what?
[screams, gasps]
No! I didn't do anything that bad!
[wolves growling]
- [door slams]
- [Sophie gasps]
Which is precisely why you're down here.
[chuckles] You.
You, you, you.
Whom Rafal has chosen above all others.
You could be the savior
our school's been waiting for.
But no.
You waste your time being distracted
by foolish Everboy princes.
[voice trembles] Please don't hurt me.
- You've been given a great gift, Sophie.
- [flail squeaking]
One I will not let you sabotage.
[blade rings softly]
[Sophie gasps]
[quietly] The time has come...
for you to admit which side you're on.
Rafal only wants one who's truly Evil.
It's clear your beauty
is keeping you and others
- from accepting who you really are.
- [soft scraping]
[Sophie gasps]
[Sophie exhales softly]
No! No! [sobbing]
Hey, meathead. Stop!
Oh God, what did I do now?
Apparently, you stood there
while one of the giant dogs
dragged Sophie away screaming.
Hey, I rescue princesses and defeat Evil.
I don't save it. Okay?
You know who's Evil?
Yes. Because it's literally
on the name of her school.
Because I'm Good.
That's what I'm supposed to do.
That's what I have to do, okay?
- Start getting the concept of this place.
- No, I get it fine.
And it's ridiculous.
You know that Evil stymph you killed?
Yeah, that was Gregor.
- No, it wasn't. I would have known that.
- Mm, but you didn't.
Are you sure?
Ask Dovey. And then come back and tell me
how you know Evil when you see it.
[Agatha sighs]
- [gentle music playing]
- [Tedros sighs]
You know what?
Try thinking for yourself for a change,
and you might see past the black and white
this school wants you to see.
You might be surprised
by what you figure out.
[music swells softly]
- [crows cawing]
- [melancholy piano plays]
[Sophie inhales sharply]
Why is this happening to me?
[blood magic thrums softly]
Because it is your destiny.
[Sophie gasps]
[inhales sharply]
- [soft, eerie music playing]
- [sighs]
[sniffles, shudders]
You can be more than you ever dreamed
you could be, Sophie. After all...
Always remember how special you are.
[sighs softly]
You're gonna change the world someday.
[Rafal] And you are special, Sophie.
But they all refuse to see it.
You've been honest, kind, patient,
and did they admit you were Good?
I'm the only one you can trust.
Forget about their rules.
Do what you want, when you want.
And if they won't give you what's yours,
take it.
[Storian] Drawn in by Rafal's words,
Sophie decided she would do
whatever it tookto win Tedros
- and gain true love's kiss.
- [grim music playing]
- [Nevers laughing]
- [music fading]
Lose something?
Or just looking for another face to punch?
- Can't find Sophie.
- [Tedros chuckles]
Just want to make sure she's okay.
Well, I'm sure she won't miss this.
Big day today.
Both schools finally getting access
to their magic.
Hey, you should know
some people are saying you're a witch.
[snorts] Yeah, I've heard that before.
[gentle music plays]
For the record, I don't think you are.
Then what am I, hmm?
[Tedros takes a deep breath]
I wish I knew.
[chuckles] Because you're sure not like
anybody I've ever met before.
[sword clatters]
[Agatha gasps]
[both breathing shakily]
I... I... can't do this.
Do what? Uh, fall down?
[Agatha giggles]
Shut up!
Everyone, find your seats.
- Let's begin.
- [Dovey] Mm.
To access one's magic,
one must first unlock one's finger glow.
Once you've mastered your finger glow,
it will prove to be invaluable.
[Kiko giggling]
I can't wait.
They say some people can transform
into animals when they have their magic.
I want to turn into a cat at night
so I can sleep under a stove.
Oh, it'd be so warm.
Shall we?
- [magical chiming]
- [soft chorals play]
[Nevers murmur and chuckle]
Have no fear, Evers.
- [gentle music playing]
Good feels no pain.
- Nevers... [laughs, inhales]
- [haunting notes playing]'s going to hurt.
- [Hort] Oh good.
- [Hester] Ugh.
Line up!
- [excited chatter]
- [Dot] Me first!
[Kiko sighs happily]
[Dot] Hey! Let me through!
[boy] No way! Me first!
[chatter dies down]
- [chimes ringing softly]
- [mystical music playing]
- [Beatrix gasps]
- Beautiful.
[Dot] Stop.
[ominous chorals playing]
- [soft, high-pitched tone]
- [Hester gasping]
Your finger glow helps you become aware
of the power inside you.
[Hort yelps] Ooh!
[panting excitedly]
Ow, ow, ow! [exclaims]
Thank you, ma'am.
- [chimes ringing softly]
- [Kiko giggles]
When your finger glows, it means
you've begun to tap into emotions
- powerful enough...
- [gasps]
- cast a spell.
- [soft, high-pitched tone]
[Agatha sighs]
[Dovey] The stronger your feelings...
[chimes ringing softly]
...the stronger your magic.
[discordant instrumentals play]
[music crests, pauses]
I hope I'm not late.
[dark electronic music playing]
[finger glow chiming]
What is this all about?
This? Turns out you did me a favor.
I was long overdue for a makeover.
Now, if you wouldn't mind
activating my powers,
I'd be most grateful.
[Dovey gasps softly]
[Lesso inhales slowly]
[blade pierces skin]
[soft, high-pitched tone]
[Sophie] Hm.
Thank you.
["You Should See Me in a Crown"
by Billie Eilish plays]
You should see me in a crown
I'm gonna run this nothing town
Watch me make 'em bow
- One by one by one
- [wolf growls]
One by one by
You should see me in a crown
- Your silence is my favorite sound
- [speaking indistinctly]
Watch me make 'em bow
One by one by one
- One by one by...
- [Beatrix snaps fingers]
Now, who wants a facial?
[Ever] Draw!
[discordant electronic vocals play]
[Sophie] Heh.
[Sophie sighs]
- You should see me in a crown
- [both squeal]
You should see me
- Your silence is my favorite sound
- You should see me, see me
Watch me make 'em bow
- One by one by one
- [Nevers cheering]
One by one by one
- [rats squeaking]
- [melancholy organ music playing]
[bowl clangs]
And whether Good or Evil,
beauty is a full-time job.
[Nevers giggling]
[thuds loudly]
We need to talk.
- About?
- [Tedros and Beatrix laughing]
[Beatrix sighs] Oh!
I have it under control.
I don't think you do.
So I'm supposed to take romantic advice
from a girl who used to make
phlegm sculptures?
[Nevers laughing]
[Hort sighs]
[Agatha] Why are you acting like this?
Because I'm tired of being
pathetic little Sophie.
[Agatha] The girl who defended me
with a frying pan wasn't pathetic.
Well, I like the new me.
[gentle harp music playing]
Okay, what's with the book?
Tedros's father chose his bride,
Guinevere, for her beauty,
but then she betrayed him with Lancelot.
King Arthur lost his throne
and died of a broken heart.
And this is supposed to be, what?
- Date conversation?
- [Agatha] Don't you get it?
After what happened to his father,
Tedros isn't going to fall for someone
just because she's hot.
You need to prove to him that you're Good,
in front of everybody,
in a way no one can deny.
[Tedros and Beatrix laughing]
[sighs] Fine.
What do I have to do?
- [birds singing]
- [gentle music continues]
[Ever] Good shot.
- [arrows whizzing]
- [indistinct chatter]
[crow cawing]
- [Sophie] Hi.
- [crow squawks, thuds]
Sorry. Didn't mean to distract you.
Heh. Nothing distracts me.
Then maybe I'm just good luck.
Don't flatter yourself.
It's prince's code.
Your arrow flies straight
if you're pure of heart.
[chuckling] What do you think
you're doing?
Where I come from,
girls are allowed to do anything boys do.
It's got nothing to do
with you being a girl.
- [Sophie] Hmm?
- Nevers can't shoot.
The whole lack of pure heart and all.
I told you, I am not a Never.
Oh, please, not a Never.
Keep your elbow tight.
Extend this and relax the grip.
[gentle music playing]
It helps if you focus on the target.
[Sophie chuckles softly]
[Agatha sighs]
[Tedros] Take it away.
- [finger glow chimes]
- [Agatha chuckles softly]
[bow strains]
[Tedros laughs]
[Sophie] Hmm.
Never doubted you for a minute.
[dark, rhythmic music playing]
Do you wanna hang out?
I don't know. With who?
Just some prince
who wants to get to know you better.
- [arrow whooshes, impacts]
- [mouthing]
You're up.
[Sophie nocking arrow]
- [speaking indistinctly]
- [music continues]
Traitors. [inhales sharply]
I think I'm gonna be sick.
Ugh. I don't know what she sees in him.
It's an affront to us all.
It's not right.
I hate to say it.
[Dot] This is bad.
She's mine.
Or ours.
She's a Never!
- It's bloody disgusting.
- [grunts] We should eat them.
They've been together all day.
So tragic.
[Sophie sighs]
[dark music continues]
You do know that no one's
ever wanting to see us together.
I do.
And me being with someone
who they think's a Never
is gonna send the entire school
into chaos.
I'd survive.
And they're all gonna lose their minds
when I take you to the Evers Ball.
What? [gasps]
- Teddy, you promise?
- Of course.
[Sophie giggling]
- [continues laughing]
- [Hester growls]
[chairs scraping]
You are not taking
that underdressed she-wolf instead of me.
One of you, do something.
[Chinen] Hmm.
- [Dot laughs]
- Shh.
- Going somewhere?
- [Beatrix grunts]
- Down your throat!
- [both yelling]
- Come on!
- [students clamoring]
[glass shatters]
[wolves laughing]
[indistinct shouting]
[Tedros groans]
[Agatha] Stop!
[shouting grows louder]
- [Dovey, loudly] Stop it!
- [students gasp]
- [Dovey huffs]
- [music ends]
[woman] Why? Why are we still entertaining
this preposterous...
[Dovey] Please! Please! Please!
Dating between Evers and Nevers
is strictly against the rules.
- Thank you.
- Yes!
Evil and Good do not belong together.
It's rep... repulsive.
Sir, if I may.
I'm responsible for choosing Camelot's
next queen.
I do not take that decision lightly.
I chose Sophie because she is Good.
She's just in the wrong school.
If he believes it, why can't you?
Besides, nothing can keep true love apart.
[Dovey scoffs]
Isn't that, like,
the first rule of fairy tales?
If it is true love,
such a thing would certainly be momentous.
[Dovey chuckles]
It seems to me
there's only one way to be sure.
[echoing] A Trial by Tale!
- What? No!
- But sir!
Sir, I accept.
Uh... [nervous giggle]
Sorry. What is a Trial by Tale?
[Manley groans]
Each of you have to enter the Blue Forest
on opposite sides.
You have to defeat
whatever danger presents itself
and find each other by dawn.
Help, strictly forbidden.
Sophie, we can do this.
We're good enough
and strong enough to protect each other.
- We can do this.
- [Dovey] What?
This will get them both killed!
The trial shall begin...
[chimes ring] sundown.
[tense rhythmic music playing]
[Dovey] Tedros of Camelot.
[Lesso] Sophie of Gavaldon.
[Dovey] A Trial by Tale
is not to be taken lightly.
[tense rhythmic music continues]
[Lesso] Mortal danger lurks
beyond the school's gates.
Do you still wish to proceed?
I do.
[magic blasts]
[explosion booms]
[Dovey] If you wish to give up,
drop the red handkerchief on the ground,
and you will be transported to safety.
- Let the trial begin.
- [staffs clang]
[music swells]
[dramatic chorals accompany instrumentals]
[gates squeak]
- [doors close heavily]
- [chain clanking]
[gates lock]
[Agatha breathing heavily]
[bird calling]
- [Agatha gasps softly]
- [rhythmic music fades]
- [eerie music playing]
- [twigs snapping underfoot]
- [Sophie gasps]
- [creature calls in distance]
- [frog croaks]
- [Sophie gasps, in singsong] Hello?
[in normal voice]I'm over here!
[creatures calling]
I'm ready to be saved!
[whimpers softly, panting]
Flowers. Pretty.
Let's stick to pretty.
- [tense string music building]
- [pansies rustling]
[Sophie breathing shakily]
- Hello, my little friends.
- [pansies hissing]
We're all so beautiful.
It's me.
[hissing grows louder]
[music pauses]
- [pansy shrieks]
- [Sophie screams]
[pansies snapping]
- [Sophie screaming]
- [dramatic music playing]
[shrieks] Help!
[Sophie screaming in terror]
- [pansy chomps]
- [Sophie screams]
No! [screams, whimpers]
[pansy howls]
- [finger glow chiming]
- [Sophie continues yelling]
Tedros, help!
Tedros, where are you?
[suspenseful musical flourish]
- [eerie music playing]
- [Sophie gasps]
Pumpkins are fun.
[low crackling]
- [crackling grows louder]
- [tense music building]
[reaper growling]
[reaper grunts]
[Sophie screaming]
Tedros, help!
[yelps] Tedros!
- [groans, whimpering]
- [reaper growls]
- [roars]
- [Sophie screams]
[bird cawing]
- [reaper shrieks]
- [triumphant music plays]
[magic chimes]
- Sophie, come on! Go, go, go!
- [Sophie panting]
- [Sophie whimpering]
- Go!
[Tedros] Sophie!
[Sophie gasps]
- [Tedros] Sophie!
- It's okay. Okay.
Go to him. Once he saves you, kiss him,
and then we can get out of this madhouse.
- Okay? Go.
- [Sophie whimpers]
- [Tedros] Sophie!
- [Sophie] Tedros!
[Tedros panting]
[Sophie] Oh, Tedros, thank God.
- [reaper roars]
- [shrieking]
- No!
- [reaper cackles]
- [muffled gasp]
- [Tedros grunting]
[thrilling instrumental music playing]
[Tedros groaning]
[reaper roars]
[grunts, snarls rhythmically]
[Tedros grunts]
[blade rings]
[reaper growls]
- [sword clanging]
- [Tedros grunts]
[both gasp]
[Tedros grunting]
- [groans]
- [scythe whooshes]
Sophie, grab Excalibur.
Help him.
[Tedros grunts]
[reaper growling]
- [Agatha gasps]
- [Tedros grunts]
- [Tedros groans]
- [reaper cackles]
- Sophie! Toss my sword, now!
- [Sophie whimpers]
- [reaper growls]
- [Tedros grunts]
- [Tedros groans]
- Sophie, do something!
[Tedros moaning]
- [Sophie whimpers]
- [Tedros screaming]
[Agatha breathing shakily]
[reaper shrieks]
[dramatic music crescendos]
[blade rings]
- [Tedros grunts]
- [reaper screeches]
[Agatha gasps]
[thundering boom]
- [music fades]
- [panting]
[all panting]
What are you doing here?
[Agatha gasps]
You! You cheated!
- You brought Agatha!
- [Sophie] No!
No, I came on my own. I swear.
- Yeah.
- You knew she wouldn't help me.
- That's not true.
- That's not fair.
Everyone knows the prince saves
the princess, not the other way around.
- I can't change the world if I'm dead.
- [Tedros scoffs, chuckles]
And I thought you were Good.
No, no, no. No, no.No!
[Agatha gasps softly]
[somber music playing]
You did this.
I... I was just trying to help.
Sophie, you know
you'd both be dead right now if I hadn't.
Liar. You knew this would happen.
First, you steal my school,
and now you're trying to steal my prince.
How can you say that?I...
[panting] Sophie, I'm your best friend.
A princess can't be friends with a witch.
- [soft whoosh]
- [gasping, breath trembling]
[foreboding music surges]
[Agatha gasps softly]
[Dovey gasps] Oh!
Where have you been?
Trying to talk to Sophie,
but they locked her in her room.
Yes, they locked her in
because she broke the rules.
You both did.
Why? Why did you help her in the trial?
Did you not think
she could do it on her own?
I thought that you believed
that Sophie was truly Good.
I don't.
I don't believe that anyone
is truly Good or truly Evil,
because people are complicated,
even if everybody in this place
pretends they aren't.
Young lady.
- The rules of this school must be...
- Must be obeyed.
You keep saying that,
but what good are your rules
if you don't do anything about it
when actual, dangerous Evil is here?
Sophie is many, many things,
but I would hardly call her dangerous.
Not Sophie. Rafal!
- [Dovey gasps]
- [soft, eerie music playing]
What did you just say?
Rafal. I saw him again in the forest,
but clearly, none of you
have done anything about it.
"Again"? [spluttering]
What does that mean?
Have you seen Rafal before? Here?
In the tower of blood
I told the School Master about.
And Sophie saw him in her classroom.
So did Lady Lesso. Didn't she tell you?
[sighs] Lesso.
I should have known. [breathing shakily]
Come with me.
We will get to the bottom of this.
Come on. Go!
- [melancholy music playing]
- [crow cawing]
[Anadil] Sophie?
Um... [scoffs]
...Agatha asked me to give you this.
I hope you feel better soon.
[Agatha] Dear Sophie, I'm so sorry
for what happened in the forest.
I never meant to hurt you.
But whatever's going on,
it's more than you getting a kiss
from a prince.
I saw Rafal in the woods.
I think what's happening here
is bigger than anyone realizes.
It's true Evil,
and we have to stick together.
- [Sophie sighs]
- [Agatha] Only trust each other.
We're best friends.
You must know,
no matter what, I'm on your side.
- All my love, Aggie.
- [Sophie exhales deeply]
[air hissing softly]
[Rafal] Don't tell me
you actually believe that.
It's a lie.
[blood magic thrums softly]
And besides, that prince
wasn't good enough for you anyway.
You're back?
- But I thought...
- [Rafal] I'd left you? Never.
Even if everyone else has betrayed you.
- Aggie hasn't.
- [Rafal] No?
- See for yourself.
- [magic chimes]
I thought you believed
that Sophie was truly Good.
[scoffs] I don't.
- She's been lying to you, Sophie.
- [Sophie inhales sharply]
Working against you
from the very beginning.
She means to drag you
back to that miserable little village.
But I'll protect you.
I'll help you.
[Sophie gasps]
[exhales sharply]
[Rafal] Don't be scared.
Think of yourself as a caterpillar
about to transform into a butterfly.
Very soon,
you'll emerge more beautiful
and more powerful than ever.
A queen unlike this school has ever seen.
I can give you abilities
they only dream of.
You'll not just be
the fairest of them all,
you'll be the strongest.
[Sophie exhales]
Blood magic, Sophie.
My love...
[soft chiming]
...will you accept
this gift?
- [magic chiming]
- [Sophie] I will.
[dramatic music surges, fades]
You knew Rafal was here,
in the school, and you told no one?
Ah, must have slipped my mind.
I see! The soul of wickedness itself
just slipped your mind, Lesso?
I'm the Dean of the School for Evil.
Does that suggest anything to you?
Yeah, it suggests
that nobody in charge here knows
what's going on in this stupid place.
- Quiet, Reader!
- Or what? You'll fail me for frowning?
Now, what does Rafal want with Sophie?
For Evil to finally win!
That's what.
That's what you think will happen?
Rafal won't help Evil win.
When he tried to kill the School Master,
his own brother,
his goal was to destroy the school,
both schools,
so that he can keep
all the magic in the world to himself.
Thank you so much, beauty teacher.
Hey, I was the head
of the Magical History Department
long before you got here, Red.
- You were?
- Yes!
Before this place
became insufferably shallow
and I was demoted to beautification.
Do I look like I give a shit
about smiling?
Okay, then we have to protect Sophie.
- And we will, as soon as we find her.
- [Dovey gasps]
Sophie is missing.
- And Anemone is right.
- Oh.
Rafal will destroy this entire school
if he joins forces with Sophie.
All lies!
This is just another ploy
to have Good win again.
Trust me, it's not.
If my brother is back from the dead,
there is a good chance
none of us will survive, Lady Lesso.
None of us.
Go find Sophie now. Search both schools.
Yes, of course.
And Agatha.
Go to the Evers Ball.
Sophie may very well show there.
If she does, bring her to me.
Now, go.
[tense music playing]
[Sophie] "Living doll."
[tooth clacks]
- [Lesso] Sophie?
- [blood magic thrums]
[chuckles softly]
[Lesso] Sophie.
You're not... Oh my God.
What has Rafal done to you?
Taught me to accept
who I truly am, that's what.
Isn't that what you wanted?
I am a thing of beauty, am I not?
The poison apple to Rafal's eye.
The one whose talents
soar above all others.
[Lesso scoffs]
[mockingly] Please don't tell me
you're jealous.
Leonora of Gavaldon.
[clicks tongue] Rafal told me.
Leonora, the lonely Reader
who wanted to be so much more.
He saw something in you.
An Evil you didn't know you had.
- [soft snarl outside]
- And so he brought you here to nurture it.
You tried so hard,
but you weren't Evil enough for him.
So he turned his back on you,
despite your love for him.
And you've been trying
to prove yourself to him ever since...
[Leonora gasps]
...hoping to win him over.
[in singsong] But then along comes Sophie.
What has he promised you?
And what have you promised him?
You're both such dolls to ask.
[soft chiming]
- [blood magic thrumming]
- [Tesso] Sophie...
- [thrumming intensifies]
- [Tesso] My God.
[grand orchestral music playing]
I was worried you wouldn't come
without an invite.
But then I thought, "You know Agatha.
She does what she wants."
Tedros, have you seen Sophie?
[sighs] Look, for once,
can we talk about something else?
Like what happened in the forest?
- That was...
- Yes, later. Once I've found her.
She yells at you,
she disrespects you, she blames you
for everything wrong in her life,
yet all you do is help her.
Come on, why do you even think
she deserves saving?
Look, back in Gavaldon, all my life,
they've called me a witch.
They told me to my face how ugly I am
and how someday they'll get around
to burning me and my mom.
And the whole village just laughs,
except for Sophie.
She's the only one who has stood up for me
from the time we were kids.
She's like my sister,
and I'm not someone
who gives up on family.
Not ever.
No, you're... you're right.
No one should ever give up on family.
Agatha, you saved me from that reaper,
and you made me want to see the world
in more than just black and white.
And no one has ever done
anything like that for me before.
And it made me realize
you are my true love.
- Oh my God, you've got the worst timing.
- [Tedros] No, really.
I've thought it through,
and I... I love you, Agatha.
Tedros, please, please stop.
Rafal is using Sophie
to take down the schools.
Uh, wait, who's Rafal?
[menacing notes flaring]
[dark music continues ominously]
Sophie, what happened to you?
[eerie chorals playing]
- My God.
- [Sophie] Don't worry, Teddy.
Should clear up by tomorrow.
Try to look past it
and not ruin our evening.
The Evers Ball!
Ah! [inhales]
Here I am.
You're taking me, remember?
- You promised.
- Sophie, please.
Quiet, Aggie.
The protagonists are speaking.
- [Tedros inhales sharply]
- I'm still your date, right?
You going back on your promise?
bad things happen...
[whispering]...when the Good
break their promises.
There is no promise.
You betrayed me. I'm here with Agatha.
- No. Whoa, no. He's not.
- Liar.
[blood magic chimes]
[dark music building]
[ominous chorals play]
- [Sophie giggles]
- [flesh sizzling]
[Everboys groan,shout]
[blood magic thrums]
You know, I think
I'm really getting the hang of this.
Sophie, stop.
- Whatever's happened, I can help you.
- [Sophie blows]
I'm your friend.
No, Agatha.
You're my nemesis.
Which means our story can't end
until one of us is destroyed.
[voice breaking] Sophie.
[Agatha breathing shakily]
[ominous choral music swells]
[blood magic thrums malevolently]
[doors close heavily]
- Tedros.
- [Agatha gasps]
Come quick.
[Tedros sighs]
[indistinct high-pitched shouting]
[faculty dolls screaming]
[dramatic orchestral music playing]
So, does this mean the ball is canceled?
[Tedros] We have to stop her.
No, no, no. Nobody hurt Sophie.
Look at what she's done.
Our only hope is to kill her
before she destroys us all.
Men, grab your weapons.
- It's time to kill the witch!
- Stop!
Evil attacks, Good defends, remember?
You can't attack!
[dramatic orchestral music continues]
[finger glow chimes loudly]
[dramatic music crescendos]
[suspenseful music playing]
[magic chimes]
- [Agatha panting]
- [dark, percussive organ music plays]
[Nevers cheering and laughing]
[harpsichord accompanies in minor key]
[both laugh]
[loud pounding]
My dear Nevers!
[loud pounding on door]
We have guests.
- [Evers shout]
- [Sophie] How should we greet them?
We'll kill 'em!
[Nevers cheer]
Just leave them alone!
Sophie, please. They were just scared
you were going to attack them.
Now, why would we ever do that?
That would be such an Evil thing to do.
[blood magic thrums]
[Agatha breathing shakily]
[Sophie] Let's show them
how Good we really are.
- [Agatha gasps]
- Let's dance.
[Evers shouting]
- [blood magic flares]
- [Sophie echoes] Say hello to our guests.
[echoing] Here's some party favors, boys.
Tedros, it's a trick!
- [Tedros] Kill the witch!
- [Sophie cackles]
[high-pitched humming]
[magic chimes]
[Agatha gasps]
Well, now.
If Evil attacks and Good defends,
then it would appear
that Good has become Evil.
- And Evil has become Good.
- [eerie chorals playing]
Oh, so Good.
- [Tedros gasps]
- [Nevers laughing]
- [eerie chorals continuing]
- [magical chiming]
[Anadil laughing loudly]
[Dot giggling wildly]
- [laughter echoing]
- [blood magic chiming]
[Hort gasps]
[Dot laughing maniacally]
[Anadil continues cackling]
[Hester laughs loudly]
[chiming grows louder]
[choral music swells]
- [suspenseful instrumentals playing]
- [all gasp]
[ominous choral music building]
[fire roaring]
- [foreboding instrumentals playing]
- [Agatha gasps]
Get out, Tedros!
- [blood magic hisses]
- [blades whoosh, clanging]
- [Tedros gasps]
- Teddy, we have so much to talk about.
You and your little army just tried
to kill a roomful of innocent people.
[Nevers cackling]
Now that is quite Evil indeed.
[blood magic thrumming]
[rumbling impact]
- [Evers moaning]
- [ominous choral music surges]
[groaning continues]
[flesh sizzling]
- [blood magic chimes, thrums]
- [Nevers cackling]
[explosion blasts]
[Agatha gasps]
[Evers groaning and murmuring weakly]
[Tedros inhales sharply]
Looks like someone's
been auditing Uglification.
[Nevers laughing]
- [Tedros grunts]
- [Agatha] No! [panting]
Please, Sophie.
You have to stop this!
It's too late.
They attacked.
Now we defend!
[snaps fingers]
[doors creaking]
- ["Toxic" by 2WEI plays]
- There's no escape
I can't wait
I need a hit
Baby, give me it
You're dangerous
I'm lovin' it
[Evers shouting]
[Nevers screaming]
[Sophie cackling wildly]
[Dot laughing]
[arrow whooshes]
- [Dot grunts, screams]
- [electricity crackles]
With a taste of your lips
I'm on a ride...
- [liquid gurgles]
- Who wants hot chocolate?
- [cackles]
- I'm slipping under
- With a taste of a poison paradise
- [Dot and Sophie laughing]
- I'm addicted to you
- [students grunting]
Don't you know that you're toxic...
- [Tedros groans]
- [Nevers laughing]
- [Tedros yells]
- [Dot yelps]
- [demon shrieks]
- [Tedros grunts]
- [grunts]
- [cackling]
[gasps] Call yourself a prince, Teddy?
[Ever grunts]
[Hester yelps]
- [demon roars]
- [Ever groans]
[Hester yelling] No!
- [blood magic chimes]
- [demon hisses]
- Too high, can't come down
- [Evers grunting]
Losin' my head
Spinnin' round and round
[Hester gasps]
- [screams]
- Do you feel me now?
- [swords clanging]
- [students grunting]
- [Hester laughs]
- [energy thrumming]
[Anadil] Ooh. [laughs wildly]
- [Nevers laughing]
- [music swells]
- [spears clang]
- Aww!
[energy crackles]
- [metal clangs]
- [shouts]
With a taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
[girl grunts]
- With a taste of a poison paradise
- [Never shouts]
- I'm addicted to you, don't you know...
- [student yelps]
No, listen! Wait!
Just listen to me!
[students grunting]
- [explosion blasts]
- [Ever yells]
[blood magic zings]
[Tristan yelps]
[groans weakly]
[Tedros gasps]
[Tristan moaning]
[Tedros grunting]
- [energy blasts]
- [Tedros grunts]
[Ever shouts]
[blood magic thrums]
[Hort grunting]
[grunting, shouts]
With a taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
[Hort yelling, grunts]
You're toxic
With a taste of a poison paradise
- I'm addicted to you...
- [blood magic thrums]
Coming, my queen!
- [Tedros groans]
- Whoo!
No! Tedros!
That felt wonderful.
Been dying to do that all semester.
[Agatha] Tedros! Oh, Tedros! No!
[Agatha screams]
Back off, Aggie!
[Agatha panting]
This is my happy ending.
So this is how you change the world?
This is what you've always wanted?
To simply have it all at your feet?
Yup. The only mistake I made
was thinking I needed to switch schools.
It was just the schools
that needed to switch.
The mistake you made
was thinking you needed any of this.
Look what it's done to you!
Look at what it has done to us.
Sophie, Rafal is the enemy.
- We have to defeat him.
- [blood magic thrums]
- [Agatha gasps]
- [Sophie] I'd rather defeat my nemesis.
Sophie, don't!
No! No! Oh my...
[sighs] Now...
just one last score to settle.
[dramatic music playing]
[magic chimes]
- [glass shards clinking]
- [wings flapping loudly]
[dramatic music fades]
- [magic chimes]
- [Sophie gasps]
- [in singsong] School Master.
- [eerie music plays]
[shouts] Where are you, old man?
Time to pay for your mistake!
[Storian] Seeking revenge,
Sophie searched the tower
for the one person
who had wronged her from the start.
Or so she believed.
What does that mean?
It means your tale has just begun,
Sophie of Gavaldon.
[blood magic thrums]
This was all a test, Sophie.
All of it.
A test... to find my true love.
I don't understand.
I was the one who answered your wish
and brought you here.
The seers told me of your potential,
and I wanted to help you fulfill it.
Who else has believed in you...
cared for you,
defended you,
given you everything?
[blood magic thrums]
[Rafal] When you use that power,
and watch your enemies fall,
how does it feel?
- [soft, ominous chorals play]
- I like it.
[Rafal] You were never meant for Good.
And of course, neither was I.
[slow, eerie instrumentals continue]
Why did you pose as the School Master?
[Rafal] He was my brother.
Centuries ago,
we were entrusted the Storian for eternity
because our bond
overrode our warring souls.
As long as we protected each other,
we would stay immortal... and young.
Good and Evil, in perfect balance.
But time...
time makes one discontent.
What happened to him?
- [Rafal] We fought...
- [suspenseful music playing]
[brothers yelling]
...and I killed him.
[ominous choral music surging]
- [blade pierces flesh]
- [Rhian groans]
- [Rhian gasps, chokes]
- [Rafal grunting]
[music crescendos, fades]
[Sophie] You killed your brother?
[bellows triumphant cry]
How could you do that?
Well, the same way
you tried to kill your beloved prince.
Because it's who we are.
After my brother's death,
I assumed his identity
to hide my true intent.
Started destroying the balance
from within.
There are no mistakes
in the School for Good and Evil.
But Good has won for 200 years.
Oh, have they now?
Story by story, I have corrupted them.
Rewarding them for burning old ladies
in ovens,
making mermaids cut out their tongues,
forcing women to dance
in red-hot iron shoes.
Good became vain.
But you, Sophie?
You put me to shame.
You brought the whole school
to its knees in weeks.
Beyond Good and Evil, you...
are chaos itself.
- And together, we are unstoppable.
- [ominous music crescendos]
[Tedros] Agatha!
- [panting] Tedros?
- [soft, suspenseful music plays]
[panting] Hey.
[Tedros] You all right?
Oh my God, I thought you were dead.
I'm fine. Listen to me.
I need to put an end to the Nevers,
once and for all.
No, no, no, Tedros.
This whole war thing
between the schools, it's all wrong.
- If I can get through to Sophie...
- After what she's done?
No point. No way. It's not gonna work.
No, no, no. She's being used
by the School Master's brother.
He's given her blood magic,
and it's too much for her.
- She doesn't know what she's doing.
- No, she knows.
I can reach her.
- I know it.
- Listen to me.
- What?
- She's gone.
She turned into a raven
and went up to the School Master's tower.
- What?
- The fight's down here, Agatha.
It's time to let her go.
Tedros, you told me
you were ready to see the world
in more than just black and white.
- Mm-hmm.
- This is your chance.
Please, I just need you to trust me.
Come with me to save Sophie.
That is how we'll save the school.
- Evers and Nevers.
- [Tedros sighs]
- Please.
- [Ever] Tedros, help! We can't hold them.
Okay. Go to her.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
I promise you.
[Agatha sighs]
- And will you join me, Sophie?
- [suspenseful music building]
All we need is our true love's kiss,
Evil's kiss, to unlock our love
and forever open the gates to Never After
for you and I...
to rule.
I am your prince.
[blood magic chimes, thrums]
I am your true love.
I always have been.
Will you join me?
[softly] Yes. Yes.
- [both breathing heavily]
- [thunder rumbles]
[Storian] And so it was that Evil
had finally won true love's kiss,
condemning both schools
and all those within their walls,
Good and Evil alike,
to perish in agony,
- allowing Rafal's Evil...
- [Rafal] Yes!
...true Evil, to overtake the world.
[gasps] What have I done?
- Why does anyone have to die?
- [screaming in distance]
I thought you wanted Evil to win.
Those are my friends.
[Rafal chuckles]
They are merely fairy-tale Evil.
We must wipe the slate clean
to make way for true Evil.
- [students screaming]
- [ominous music swells]
[Rafal breathing shakily]
[voice warbles slightly]
Welcome to Never After, my love.
No! I didn't want to hurt them.
I thought you said we'd just rule them.
And we will rule Never After,
where every one of those students,
every professor,
anyone who could challenge us, is dead.
Including... your nemesis.
[Sophie gasps]
[somber chorals, instrumentals playing]
[gasps] No, Aggie!
This is not what I wanted!
Oh, it's too late for that now, Sophie.
You've driven away everyone,
lied to everyone, betrayed everyone.
You're all alone now.
That's why you're mine.
[Agatha] Get away from her!
[heroic music surges]
[Agatha exhales sharply]
You're alive? [whimpers]
- I'm so sorry.
- [Agatha] It's okay. I got you.
You know, I expected more from a Reader.
Surely you know
what happens to those who thwart love.
[chuckles] Love?
This isn't love.
Do you know why Good always wins?
Because we fight for each other,
and we care for each other.
That is what Good's love is.
Evil only fights for itself.
And that is the furthest thing
from love on Earth.
Such beautiful words
that have no power or meaning anymore.
Now, if you'll please
step away from my bride.
You will never have her, you monster.
Not as long as I'm alive.
Well, as you wish.
[magic chimes]
- [Rafal grunts]
- [screams] No! Not Aggie!
[Sophie grunts]
- [grim instrumental music surges]
- Sophie!
- Sophie?
- [Sophie gasping]
- [dramatic choral music swells]
- No. No!
[Sophie screams]
[Agatha crying]
[Rafal gasps]
[sweeping chorals accompany instrumentals]
It can't be.
Not after all this.
[organ music accompanies
orchestral hymn]
[breathing shakily] No.
- [Agatha gasps]
- [tense music playing]
- [Agatha whispers] It's okay.
- [Sophie gasps weakly]
- [breathes unsteadily]
- [tense music builds]
No. No, no, no.
- [energy thrums]
- [Tedros grunts]
- [Agatha gasps]
- [thuds]
- [Rafal grunts, yells]
- [gasps]
- [Agatha screams]
- [wind gusts]
[Rafal yells]
[Tedros screams]
[ominous orchestral music playing]
[Tedros grunts, gasps]
[Agatha gasps, panting]
[eerie chorals harmonizing
with instrumentals]
[low rumbling]
Did you really think
it would be that easy?
- [Tedros grunts]
- [Rafal] In my school?
In your father's hands,
that sword might once have vanquished me.
But in the hands
of his ridiculous whelp of a son,
it is merely an oversized butter knife.
- [yells]
- [Tedros grunts]
[Rafal exhales]
[Tedros grunting]
You think this tale...
is about your true love.
No, it's about mine.
[finger glow chiming]
[Sophie whimpers]
And the power Evil's kiss gave me
to kill Good's future king.
Or the tale of the girls who stopped you.
- [Sophie yells]
- [heroic orchestral music surges]
[Rafal groans]
[energy thrums]
[Rafal screams]
[sweeping music continues]
[Rafal groans softly]
[music fades]
[Agatha panting]
[gentle music playing]
The end.
[Sophie whimpering]
Oh my God.
[sword clangs]
[melancholy instrumentals play]
- Hey. Oh my God. [panting]
- [Sophie whimpers]
Oh my God. It's okay.
[gently] Hey. Hi.
[Sophie] Aggie...
I'm so sorry for everything.
Shh. You're fine. You're okay.
You're safe now.
[sobbing] I don't wanna be Evil.
No, you are not Evil.
[sniffles] You're just human.
As long as I have you.
We will always have each other.
[Sophie gasps]
[whimpers] You promise?
I promise.
[whispers] Good.
[Agatha sniffles]
[Sophie moans]
[softly] I love you, Aggie.
You'll always be... my best friend.
[exhales weakly]
Hey. Hey.
No, please come back.
[mournful orchestral music playing]
I love you too.
Oh God.
[gasping sobs]
- [faint thumping]
- [Agatha gasps]
[thumping continues]
[Agatha inhales sharply]
[magic chimes]
[hopeful orchestral notes playing]
Oh my God. [gasps]
- [Sophie inhales sharply]
- [Agatha] Oh!
[Agatha crying]
- [Sophie gasps]
- [Agatha sobs]
Hi. Hi.
- [Sophie] Hi.
- Hey.
[chuckles softly] Hey.
[both laughing]
[Sophie coughs weakly]
Oh, I'm sorry, am I hurting you?
Oh my God.
Don't ever do that again.
Let's go home.
[Agatha] Yeah.
Let's go home.
[resolute instrumental music playing]
[Storian] And so it was that our heroes
defeated the greatest threat
the School for Good and Evil
had ever known.
[triumphant music playing]
[Storian] The world of fairy tales
had not perished,
but it had been changed forever.
- [excited chatter]
- Good and Evil together?
- [Kiko laughs]
- One school?
[fairy chimes]
[Anemone] Hmm.
Now what?
Unity, perhaps.
[laughs, sighs]
Maybe... friendship, even.
[Manley grunts]
[Lesso] Hmm.
[Dovey chuckles]
[Lesso] Mm.
- [both laugh awkwardly]
- [grand music starts, fades]
- [hesitant whimper]
- [hopeful choral music plays]
- Well, no rush. No rush.
- No. Slow and steady wins the race.
[both laugh]
[indistinct chatter]
Hi there.
My heart belongs to another.
[choral music building]
[thunder crashes outside]
[choral music crescendos
into bright orchestral melody]
[Storian] As for our two heroes,
there was finally a way back to Gavaldon,
as Agatha's kiss had set them free.
For what is truer
than the love between friends?
It's definitely best if I go.
Aggie, if you want to stay here
with Tedros, I understand.
[soft instrumentals playing]
I'll take care of your mom.
It would be my honor.
[voice trembles] Thank you, Sophie.
[Tedros sighs]
[music swells]
- [Tedros sighs]
- But I can't leave my friend.
[Sophie gasps]
Thank you, Tedros, for wanting to change.
I hope we'll see each other again someday.
[triumphant chorals, instrumentals play]
[Tedros sighs]
[energy thrums]
Wait! Wait!
[magic chiming]
- [soft chimes continue, fade]
- [bird twitters]
["Space Man" bySam Ryder playing]
If I was an astronaut
I'd have a bird's-eye view
I'd circle 'round the world
And keep on comin' back to you
In my floating castle
- I'd rub shoulders with the stars
- [Agatha giggles]
But I'm only human
And I'm drifting in the dark
- [both exclaim]
- I'm up in space, man...
Both girls were met with open arms...
[Agatha's mom gasps]
[Reaper meows]
...and open minds.
They never felt so special.
I've searched around the universe
Been down some black holes
There's nothing but space, man
- Oh!
- Oh no!
- [boy calls out] Hey!
- And I wanna go home...
Although some things never change.
- Gravity keeps pullin' me down...
- [kids jeering]
- Witch! Witch!
- Burn! Witch!
[Storian] That is,
unless you use your power
to begin to change them.
[magic chimes]
[birds calling]
I'm up in space, man...
[all groaning]
[Eric] Ew!
Up in space, man
[both laughing]
I've searched around the universe...
[Storian] And that,
you could say, is the end of our story.
- [song fades]
- [energy thrums]
[Storian] However, as Tedros's arrow
pierced the vortex between their worlds...
[Tedros, echoing] I need you, Agatha.
[Storian] became clear
that this was only...
[metal clangs]
...the beginning.
["Who Do You Think You Are?"
by Kiana Led and Cautious Clay playing]
Gray sky
There's something bad in the balance
I'm staring into the darkness
And I like what I see
There's a thin line
Between a sinner and a savior
Never once did I ever
Think it would be me
Dead in the eyes, cold in the heart
A kiss or a cut, saw the scar
Don't you know that beauty can kill?
I'm caught in between
Two worlds apart
Devils and dreams
But do you know your heart?
Tell me, who do you think you are?
It's sick,and it's sweet
Went bad from the start
I'm caught in between
But do you know your heart?
Tell me,who do you think you are?
Blue light
Glowin' deep in the forest
I'm overcome with emotion
Pourin' out of me
Fake smile
I can cut like a dagger
A happily ever after
But who knows where it leads?
Attack to defend
Your body wins after all
What's a war between friends
When you're the one against me?
- I'm caught in between
- Caught in between
- Two worlds apart
- Two worlds apart
Devils and dreams
- But do you know your heart?
- But do you know your heart?
Tell me,who do you think you are?
It's sick, and it's sweet
- Bad from the start
- Bad from the start
Devils and dreams
- But do you know your heart?
- You know your heart?
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you
Who do you think you are?
- Tell me,who do you think you are?
- Tell me,who do you think you are?
[song fades]
["Here Comes Trouble"
by Striking Vipers playing]
There's a wicked wind blowin'
I feel it in my bones
Everybody gonna know it
I'm about to hit the danger
Danger zone
Got me like, whoa
I can feel it now
Takin' over
I just touched down
Never gonna forget my name
Here comes trouble
Trouble, trouble
Here comes trouble
Trouble, trouble
Here comes a no-good good time
Sign me up on the double
Whoa, yeah, here comes trouble
I'm gonna fire off a warnin'
Baby, three, two, one
By tomorrow mornin'
Ain't gonna be nothin'
But a trail of dust
- I'm like
- Whoa
Tried to tell you about
Can't nobody help you now
I just touched down
Never gonna forget my name
Here comes trouble
Trouble, trouble
Yeah, here comes trouble
Trouble, trouble
Here comes a no-good good time
Sign me up on the double
Whoa, yeah, here comes trouble
- Whoa
- Trouble, trouble
- Whoa
- Trouble, trouble
- Whoa
- Trouble, trouble
- Whoo!
- Trouble
Yeah, here comes trouble
["Ready for It" by Rayelle playing]
Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah
I see what's goin' on
Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah
I feel it coming strong
Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's almost here
Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ooh, yeah
Are you ready for it?
Get ready now
Are you ready for it?
- It's 'bout to go down
- Ooh, ooh
Are you ready for it?
- Ooh
- Get ready now
- Ooh
- Are you ready for it?
Better get ready now
'Cause it's 'bout to go down
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
Ooh, ah, ow!
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
Better get ready now
'Cause it's 'bout to go down
Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Magic in the air
Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Feel it everywhere
Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's gonna be so good
Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ooh, yeah
Are you ready for it?
- Ooh
- Get ready now
Are you ready for it?
- It's 'bout to go down
- Ooh
- Are you ready for it?
- Ooh
- Get ready now
- Ooh
- Are you ready for it?
- Ooh
Better get ready now
'Cause it's 'bout to go down
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
Whoo, yeah, go down
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
Better get ready now
'Cause it's 'bout to go down
- Ooh
- Get ready now
- Ooh
- Are you ready for it?
- Ooh
- It's 'bout to go down
- Ooh, ooh
- Are you ready for it?
- Ooh
- Get ready now
- Ooh
- Are you ready for it?
- Ooh
- Better get ready now
'Cause it's 'bout to go down
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
Ooh, ooh
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- Ooh
Better get ready now
'Cause it's 'bout to go down
- ["Evergirls Hymn" playing]
- Oh, we of pure and beauteous hearts
Our goodness shall not wane
With grace and poise
Our weapon of choice
Our goals, we shall attain
To find true love
And win our prince
Bring honor to his name
The princesses of Good are we
So proudly
We proclaim