The Schoolmaster Games (2022) Movie Script

No, you're being sloppy.
Start over.
Yes, Schoolmaster.
Bend down lower.
There you go.
Bend lower.
- Good morning, Schoolmaster.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Schoolmaster!
- Good morning.
You'll put that out now.
Welcome back, Schoolmaster.
Thank you. The same to you.
- No, never!
- Okay.
We'll go open this year too, right?
Yes, of course.
We can't just snuggle with just the two of us.
Love and freedom.
- Hi!
- Hi there.
Darlings, over here! We're over here!
Hey, Cap! See you out on the field!
You look like you're in great shape!
I've missed you all so much.
It's all he talked about this summer.
So... just putting
all our cards on the table, boys.
First things first.
We are all guaranteed to get into
the Winter Procession, if we want.
The competition is stronger than ever,
so it'll take more than
a chef's tongue up your ass.
You'll have to put in some effort.
- We talked about...
- No, it'll be fun! Let's do it.
- Hello, Schoolmaster.
- Hi, Joey. Welcome.
I'm thinking gold and glitter...
Gentlemen, welcome back to Saint Sebastian.
Thank you.
I hope you all had a nice summer
and have regained your strength.
This coming semester
is an important part of your education.
As you know, your special assignments
and its verbal presentation
is a large part
of your final grades this year.
Could anyone suggest
some possible topics to explore?
One topic could be how
the 18th century's brotherhood ideal
is reflected in today's
mainstream bromance films.
Given that it allows
for an angle and analysis,
it's not a bad subject.
This actually brings me to something else
that I want you to think about
when deciding on your topic.
There is always a risk
in using places and times
that are outside the scope
of one's own utopian...
In other words, when I say...
When I say...
When I say it can be tempting
to look for existential legitimacy
in a place or body beyond our own,
what do I mean by that?
Could anyone give me an example?
Even the ancient Greeks would...
Is he like that, Richard?
His favorite place.
Does anyone else have anything to add?
Charles, hi there. Cute jeans.
Hi, Tim. Thanks. Good to see you.
Will we see you
at the opening party on Friday?
Right, sounds like fun.
I'll try to come.
Maybe we'll see each other there.
Oh my God!
Oh my God! He is not of this world.
You all know why he has keys
to the swimming pool, right?
Oh yes, and rightfully so,
from what I've heard.
If he decides to try out
they might as well hand him
the procession candelabra right away.
Obviously. But it would be magic.
What, I can think of lots of guys
who would be awesome Procession leaders.
You have no reason
not to live your dreams.
Let me say that again: There is nothing
you can't be or have. Nothing!
Try to see it in front of you,
visualize as if it were already so!
My question to you is,
have you reached the level you aspire to?
Apparently not, because then
you would already have it.
Hi, Frank! You all right?
You dream of being proposed to
on a beach,
by a sexy man with gorgeous biceps,
and this dream can come true!
Don't you think Noak
put on weight this summer?
If his stuff doesn't fit him,
he needs to shape up.
I refuse to buy him a bigger size.
Enough is enough, right?
Doesn't he look as he always does?
Well, that's not really the point, is it?
The point is how he'll look in December,
- How does my ass look in these?
- Amazing.
Isn't he divine?
Careful with the shirt!
Try yours as well, so we know they fit.
But isn't it a bit excessive
to do this all now?
What do you mean?
We don't even know if we're in yet.
I did not hear that.
Look at that mess, kid.
Pull them down.
That's for luring me in here
and getting me all wet.
Forgive me, Schoolmaster.
And this is for carving
on your schoolmaster's door.
Do you want us
to start leaving marks perhaps?
What marks are you talking about?
Now what have I done?
Come on, let's pretend
you're my swimming teacher.
What's wrong?
Come on, guys! Come on!
Come on!
It's life, it's life!
It's death, it's death!
You're here, guys! You're finally here!
I want you to give each other a high five
and say, "You're awesome!"
You're awesome!
Louder! Say it from here!
You're awesome!
The Winter Procession.
This Academy's proudest tradition.
Think about that for a second. Feel it!
Some of you will be part of it.
Two of you will join the list
of Solo singers and Procession leaders!
Right, little kittens,
time for cat leaps.
That's the way. Light and graceful.
Nice and steady!
Let's hope that'll suffice this year.
Ouch! You all right? Up you go.
Ouch, you okay?
Boys, it won't be easy for us this year.
Many of you have really impressed us!
You know the drill.
The list will be posted in the lobby
one hour before the next round.
Thank you all for today!
Are you about done, Chad?
Yes, I'm about done.
Could you write it larger?
My presentation is called
"The loneliness of lust".
It's is a formal academic paper,
with elements of essayist freedom.
By looking at our historical narrative
from a social science perspective,
I have aimed to analyze
loneliness and togetherness
in relation to erotic desire
and different forms of coexisting.
As an addendum, my conclusion
also includes an attempt
to answer the question 'How do
we escape the feeling of loneliness?'
Because the answer
to my principal question is quite simple.
Erotic desire can make us very lonely.
Historically, erotic desire has
made people very lonely,
State sanctioned,
and public violence in different forms,
often with religious undertones,
have prevented homosexual men
from following their sexuality.
This oppression has often
trapped men in shame and self-loathing.
Oppression rarely makes people kind.
There are ways to find strategies
that reduce the feeling of loneliness.
But oppression and discrimination
could just as well reinforce
that desired illusion of togetherness.
Because yes, I would argue
that togetherness is always an illusion.
A will-o'-the-wisp.
Desire carries the power
to make us devastatingly alone.
Not through oppression, or guilt or shame,
but because of overpowering access
to an infinite supply.
It's my belief that
a carefully devised system,
even if I still haven't had
the time to work out the details,
enforcing some form of marriage
of convenience would be beneficial.
Through fair programs that take account
of soft values, such as personality,
we could find peace in
predetermined relationships.
We wouldn't have to waste our energy
on seeking to gratify our lust.
Thank you. That's all I had.
Thank you so much.
The guy is actually serious!
Is this how you're planning
to find a boyfriend, Chad?
- Sorry, I don't want to...
- Should be we mated now?
Hey, Champ!
You okay?
Thanks, Frank.
Are those hormonal monsters
giving you a hard time?
If there's anything I can do,
just let me know.
- You know where to find me.
- Thanks, Frank. That's kind of you.
Well, I guess I should
take on the little monsters again...
Who knows what they've been up to, huh?
By the way, I was thinking...
Fancy going out for dinner tonight?
Or some other night, for that matter.
Yeah, maybe some other night.
I'd love to, that'd be nice.
Do you like my hands?
I like your hands.
And my arms?
My back too?
Your back too.
And my butt?
I love your butt.
Do you love my face?
My eyes?
My nose?
My lips?
Most of all your face.
You love all of me?
What does it mean to be yourself?
Frankly, I think the answer is
not asking yourself that question.
People who know themselves fully,
couldn't possibly be very profound.
Interesting, Tim. Really nice.
Maybe those who know themselves
don't feel the need to ponder.
Not a bad thought.
Does anyone wish to add something?
Does anyone disagree?
Being yourself is very subjective.
To express your personality
in a confident, yet humble way.
To feel attractive.
Isn't this a philosophical question?
Does the self even exist
if we don't mirror ourselves in others?
Interesting. Go on.
We constantly mirror ourselves
in other people, right?
So one could argue that we are only
ourselves when no one else is around.
Which in turn leads us to the question,
do we even know we exist?
That's deep.
What do you say, Tripod?
There are no wrong answers.
No wrong answers.
As I'm sure you all know,
we can't offer everyone a spot.
Could you imagine the Winter Procession
if anyone could join?
That would be...
Let's see, next question... Ah, this one.
That would be...
What is a friend?
I know.
Or I think I know.
Of course, you need the courage
to talk about closeness and loyalty
and you need to demand and strive for it.
This means you take risks,
because you make yourself vulnerable
when you become dependent
on another person's benevolence.
And it always hurts,
even if your friend is an angel.
In the end you always get hurt.
If they mean anything to you,
they will, in the end, hurt you.
Maybe at one point
you're just out of sync with each other,
which can lead
to both big and small disasters.
And a friend is simply a person
you're prepared
to be hurt by or suffer for.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Boys, this is what I was talking about.
He's more than a pretty face.
Thank you, Paul. Really.
You pretty much summed it up
so unless someone wishes to add something
I think we'll move on.
Right then...
You look like you're ready.
What is your biggest fear?
Hey! Is this the tryouts?
Do you have somewhere I can sit?
No, but just stand here with us.
You can help Tripod take notes.
- This isn't fair!
- It's Charles!
- Hi there.
- Hi.
Historical revisionism.
Can anyone give me an example?
People forget how important trans
people were during the Stonewall riots.
They were the ones
fighting back against the police.
That's an example
of historical revisionism.
Mm... Sure.
Anyone else?
What examples do we have
of distorted historical narratives?
The Romantic movement offers a few...
Indeed it does. Well done, Chad.
Very good.
You know what I mean, you still
want the presentation to be good.
I've thought about writing
about the shaming of bottom guys.
Couldn't that be interesting?
You can only change yourself.
You are the only one
who change who you are.
Look at yourself and ask yourself,
are you really all that you can be?
When you look yourself in the mirror,
do you see who you want to see?
If not, why?
I'm sure Noak and I
will be the ones who have to wrestle.
And I'll beat you up!
- Yes, you just wait.
- I can't wait.
I love the idea of wrestling you.
Do you now?
You two will have to fight about it.
But at least we're all in it.
That doesn't mean
we shouldn't put in an effort.
This is crunch time.
You'll be a stunning
Procession leader, baby.
Oh you, we're not there yet...
I could never be Procession leader.
Second line is more for me.
Honey, you should've thought about that
before indulging in milkshake floats.
Have you ever seen
anyone in the first four pairs
to be, and I'm sorry, of your size?
That was really uncalled for.
- Tim is an idiot!
- Never mind him. Okay?
- Okay?
- Okay.
Wait, I need to ask
the schoolmaster something.
Schoolmaster! I have a question
regarding the presentation.
Can I write about "what-the-hell-drugs
during the 1980s Aids crisis in New York?
- Or is it too flat a subject?
- Well, there are...
I think there are many interesting
side stories there to explore.
Submit any ideas you feel unsure about
in writing, with a short synopsis
and we'll get back to you.
You know that, come on!
Thank you, Schoolmaster.
Thank you.
How hard can it be to be
to follow the simplest of instructions?
Write a synopsis, hand it in
and we'll get back to you.
Wham, bam, done!
Imagine if they would invest
half as much energy in their studies
as they do in the tryouts
for the Winter Procession.
- Coffee? Should I get you one?
- Ah...
Come on, a cappuccino, lactose free?
It's nice of you, Frank, but... No.
Wasn't it weird, that thing Paul said?
What thing?
You're thinking about that now?
Like we should pity him.
What does he mean,
suffering for one's friends?
So fuck it, we don't have
to be friends if it's that hard.
He doesn't mean it like that.
You know how he is.
He exaggerates.
But he makes other people suffer
when he says that.
And the leaders just loved it...
He jeopardizes our spots.
We're all in, so why not let it go?
He says having friends is exhausting.
I can't let it go.
He is the fucking pain in the ass.
Did you choose topic yet?
No! It feels like everything
has been done already.
And what were they thinking,
scheduling the presentations
while the tryouts are taking place.
I think Richard's is going to be epic.
I was thinking about
going through with the idea
about an idealized exposition on
underground gay culture in the 1950s.
- Is it silly?
- No, it's not silly.
- But maybe a bit pretentious.
- Pretentious?
No seriously, I can't let it go.
How could he say such a thing?
- I have practice.
- You can work out with me?
What am I supposed to do then?
All by myself.
I really dont understand why they'd have
the party on a Thursday, a Thursday!
We have to be in school on Friday.
Then I also thought about
all this talk about winter...
Can the Schoolmaster indulge
in erotic desires without chastising?
Our first winner, Richard!
Winners still have a shot at leads.
You wait over here.
Come on, Joey!
Come on, Joey!
No punches in the face!
The winner is Joey!
Our winner!
Isn't this exciting?
Next ones up, Fred and Noak.
Get ready!
Greet each other.
- Come on!
- Come on, Noak!
- Let's go, Noak!
- Do it!
Get him!
Give us some action now!
Give us some action!
Hey guys, stop it.
If you guys want to cuddle,
do it in your free time.
You'll be maidens, both of you.
Last match of the day, then.
And what a match!
Two strong candidates
who both impressed us during tryouts.
Tim! Paul! Get ready!
Greet each other.
Come on, Tim! Fight!
Let's go, Tim! Push!
And the winner is Paul!
And you know what,
since we have a match without winners,
Tim too can join the winners. Well done.
It's time for the jury
to begin their deliberations.
It's been an exceptional year.
And we have made our decision.
This year's Solo singer:
This year's Procession leader...
Well done, Paul!
Paul! Paul! Paul!
- Congratulations, Paul!
- You must be so happy.
You'll be amazing.
Little Schoolmaster...
You'll be so beautiful!
Thank you.
You'll pull this off like you had
a chef's tongue up your ass!
Say what?
Like you had a chef's tongue up your ass!
You want another cider?
I could get you one.
I could strangle you!
And who the fuck are you looking for?
I guess it's time for you
to start looking for Paul,
now that you've scared Fred off.
Well done, Noak. Really.
You've ruined everything.
You know what?
Paul already left.
And he looked even more sad
in those dreadful rags than usual.
I'm so relieved I don't have
to look at him and his trashy outfit.
Paul is sitting somewhere crying.
What else is new?
It's so hard for little Paul
to win all these contests.
"And I'm so poor, so my friend
needs to buy me my...
my... my...
my fucking Winter Procession uniform!"
"And then I'll stab him in the back,
because I'm a poor little parasite
trying to move up in the world."
What happened?
Noak hit Tim.
Is he still alive?
Sweetie, is this where you're hiding?
I punched him. Tim.
How did that feel? I mean...
Is he okay?
I'm sorry I left.
Love and freedom.
Yeah, but...
I love you so much.
- Hello.
- Hi, Tim!
Isn't it true that we are entitled
to some help with our thesis?
Absolutely. We could schedule a meeting.
Are you the only one who needs help
or do any of your friends...?
No, it's only me.
How about Friday, after class?
Do you know where my office is?
At the end of the hallway,
where Frank has his desk, right?
- That's right.
- Okay, bye.
Singing starts here.
Hi there.
And from here.
Nick has told you about
when Conor wrote "The Procession Song"
and "The Solo Song", right?
With a chef's tongue up his ass!
You got it, sweetheart.
If it weren't for him and Nick,
there would be no Winter Procession.
Well, in a way, it was easier back then.
It's become such a big deal these days.
It's harder for you guys.
But now you're here
and this is going to be fab.
Joey, where are you?
Hi there.
We'll start with your solo song.
Let's try it. Do you know the lyrics?
I never will forget
The things you said were mine
I'll keep them in my heart
Until the end of time
Soon the door will open
The world is ours to see
And I'll remember all
But now is time to leave
Like an infant in your arms
That's where it all began
But now that baby boy
Has turned into a man
Maybe we were boys back then
But now we leave as men
So rise again
And sing your song, my friend
All things that you gave
Made me who I am today
Love gives birth to freedom
That's what I heard you say
All things that you are
Made me who I am today
You are in my heart now
You will never fade away
You will never ever fade away
I never will forget
The things you said were mine
I'll keep them in my heart
Until the end of time.
Thank you.
If Conor could see this...
Just... wow.
I'm floored!
- Tim, I...
- Stay away from me.
The only thing that would be worse now
is if people saw me re-used
by dork-Noak's disposed toy!
Stay away from me!
Tim? Tim?
Come in.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Wow, isn't this... drab?
And what's that mark on the door?
Are there wild animals running about?
So, what was it you wanted help with?
Well, here's the deal.
I've been quite involved
with the Winter Procession this fall.
I won't have a large role in the actual
show, so it's not a big deal for me.
But it's been pretty demanding.
Which is not something
they tell you beforehand, let me tell you.
I guess I'm one of those persons
people tend to... dump things on.
Practical matters...
but also emotional.
I'm so tired, Schoolmaster!
I'm sorry.
Don't worry, I'm fine.
I've always felt
there's something special between us.
Little signs, you know.
For example,
if I have listened to a certain song
in the morning
that reminds me of a certain color,
I'm like that, maybe you are too,
then nine times out of ten
you're carrying a folder in that color
when I see you in the hallway.
I just know that we're alike.
Do you know who Paul is?
Curly hair, pretty femme?
Cute according to some.
He is Procession leader this year.
Oh, that's exciting.
Or maybe not.
The tryouts have been disastrous.
Paul has only gotten his part
by playing lost and innocent.
And since you understand me...
The Academy needs to put him in his place.
It's crucial that we fuck with him.
That we do something
to make him get his shit together.
And I need one of the teachers to help me.
So, you and I should
put him in his place, you say?
Sounds exciting enough...
Partners in crime, you and I.
I haven't really worked out a plan yet,
but you're so smart...
- Get out.
- Excuse me?
Old man.
My thesis is called
"The Transgression of the Faggot."
It's shows how
the regulation of our sexuality
has been the subject of transgression
in film and literature.
It shows how the idea of transgression
is depicted in these works.
It's an informative overview,
without a specific argument
that I'm trying to put forward.
I think we've had enough
of visionary ideas from Chad already.
Cut it out! It's no fun!
It was just an idea!
My oral presentation
brings together four ideas
that are explored in my thesis.
I proceed on the assumption
that the act of transgression
is actually progressive
in the context of our sexuality.
Transgression is not possible
without laws, prohibitions,
taboos, or traditions!
To exist, transgression requires limits.
And limits only exist
if they can be crossed
and transgression becomes pointless
if the limit has no resistance.
Did you really fall for that one?
Fucking faggot.
We should try and get rid of this.
Now that the semester will soon be over,
we shouldn't let...
It was me. It was me!
I was trying to shake you up,
you son of a bitch!
How can you let yourself
be fooled like that?
- What do you want from them?
- I don't understand...
You and I have seen the world outside.
- Frank, can we talk about...
- Please, be quiet and listen!
You and I grew up
thinking we were freaks.
We felt there was something wrong with us.
Scared shitless that someone
would find out what we really longed for.
And these new guys...
those students I know you desire...
they're all vapid.
I hate them, for not having a clue.
They have no history,
constantly flapping their mouths.
Let them wear each other out
with their cute stories
about how they decided to come out
when Mom and Dad were in a good mood,
so they could be gay
in a natural and pleasant way.
Do you really believe
they can carry your cross?
Do you really believe
you will be free like them?
You and I struggled with loves
that were fucking impossible
because it was so stained to begin with.
But these new guys...
they can experiment
with their relationships.
Play around.
They just shrug
at everything we struggled for.
We thought we were building a sanctuary...
but we've created a hell.
A place where we who built it don't belong.
And you let them seduce you
with their playfulness.
You're trying to forget
everything you've been through!
What do they know about you?
They only see you as a remnant of...
You're a dinosaur to them!
I love you in a way they never could.
I can love all of you.
Love you for all that you are.
Your calculating side.
Your needy side.
Because I know why you're like that.
I can love those sides
you try to compensate for.
I can even love you
for those awkward attempts to break free.
But I don't love you, Frank.
Frank, easy!
Frank... There you go.
Everything will be fine.
We will have barriers out there,
so you can feel safe.
Well done, all of you.
Now we just need to nail
that flow in your movements.
But for now you can all take a seat,
because Charles has something for us.
Move it!
Thank you, Nick.
Well, since I don't have
a given spot in the procession,
we were thinking
I could go last, after you.
And maybe hand out something
to the audience, we'll see.
But I also have a song
that I would like to perform.
One that I wrote myself.
All those days
When sadness overwhelms me
All those nights
Without the firmness of your grip
That will tell me where I belong
That will tell me who I am
I look for someone to take me now
I look for someone as strong as you
I'm so strong with your glove in my mouth
I look for someone to take me now
I look for something to persevere
I'm so strong with your glove in my mouth
I grow when you do what you want with me
I look for something to persevere
That will tell me where I belong
That will tell me who I am
I look for someone to take me now
I look for someone as strong as you
I'm so strong with your glove in my mouth
I look for someone to take me now
I look for something to persevere
I'm so strong with your glove in my mouth
That will tell me where I belong
That will tell me who I am
I look for someone to take me now
I look for someone as strong as you
I'm so strong with your glove in my mouth
Maybe he was being ironic.
In your dreams!
They say he's like a god in bed.
Who's they? Can you think
of anyone who actually fucked him?
My cousin said his friend fucked...
A friend's friend, darling? Por favor!
Don't you get why he has keys to the pool?
- Oh, please!
- What do you mean please? It's true!
Or maybe it's just...
- Isn't it epic to be here, though?
- And nervous.
Shit, that thing with Charles was strange.
What, people are strange, no?
- Wouldn't you just love a burger now?
- Sure.
Bye, guys, see you tomorrow.
Bye, Charles.
Ba da bam ba da da bam
Ba da bam bam ba da da bam
Like a fox out prying at night.
I try to cover my tracks.
A Robin Hood having lost all his might.
There's no one to cover my back.
So come, let us live
Yes, come, let us love
Come, let us venture
Yes, come, let us feel
St Sebastian`s Winter Procession!
So come, come
Like the bear, the owl and the fox
With their strength, wisdom and guile
At Saint Sebastian's Academy
We all unite at last
Show them some love!
Like the owl will see through the dark
We're the only ones to explore
We see rainbows shine in the night
No, we will not hide anymore
So come, let us live
Come, let us love
Come, let us venture
Come, let us feel
Come, come, come, come, come, come
Like the bear, the owl and the fox
With their strength, wisdom and guile
At Saint Sebastian's Academy
We all unite at last
Like the bear sniffs out sweet honey
And then licks it off its paws
We praise all things of beauty
Within Saint Sebastian's walls
So come, let us live
Yes, come, let us love
Come, let us venture
Come, let us feel
Come, come, come, come, come, come
Like the bear, the owl and the fox
With their strength, wisdom and guile
At Saint Sebastian's Academy
We all unite at last
Yes, at Saint Sebastian's Academy
We all unite at last
I wish it would all burn.
I wish I had the courage
to set Paul on fire
and make him run around in panic
so that the fire would spread in here.
He would collapse by the door
and a big fire would block the entrance.
Burn, you motherfucker.
Your ass looks like shit in those pants.
I never will forget...
I wish I weren't someone who doubts.
Standing here kills me.
But not standing here
would have killed me too.
I wish something
would embrace me with such power
that I no longer would perceive
flashes of anxiety and worry.
I think about those wonderful moments
with Noak, Tim and Fred.
That feeling of being invincible,
without having to win over anyone else
I need to rest.
I need to put this candelabra down.
I need money.
I need to be fixed.
I could do better than this.
We wish for a different system.
Where we didn't have to compete.
It could all be dissolved
and turned into something different,
more beautiful, for everyone.
Why can't everything just stop right here?
And change. To be redistributed.
Whatever happened to Charles?
He's the hottest guy I've ever seen.
I thought you had forgotten about me.
One, two, three.
There's a fire!
Like a fox out prying at night...
Stay calm! We need to evacuate!
No panic!
Seriously, Tim, we need to get out!
Tim, we need to get out!
This is God's punishment!
Don't leave me here!