The Senator (2024) Movie Script

Look, Renan.
This is the house.
When you said it was far,
I didn't imagine it was this far.
Now explain to me.
No, wait, Renan.
First let's get there,
Let's unpack and
then I'll explain.
Can we do that?
What happened
with Arthur?
Nothing happened
with Arthur.
Now forget about Arthur,
Now, I need
you to trust me.
How am I supposed
to trust you?
Renan. You know that
everything I did...
You know that everything
I did was for your well-being, right?
Right now, we need
to relax, calm down.
We need to clear our heads.
So, let's go, I'll show you
the house, we'll rest. Okay?
Senator Arthur Alencar
was found dead
on a back road
around Braslia tonight.
What did you do?
I didn't do anything, Renan.
I swear! I just talked to him.
And he handed me
to you on a silver platter?
This is very strange.
How am I supposed
to trust you?
It's the truth, Renan.
Calm down.
How am I supposed
to believe that?
I swear, calm down.
You were the last person
to talk to him.
They're going to suspect you!
He was important.
This is going to be a mess.
Renan, look at me.
Look at me.
Let's go back.
Let's go back.
I'll give a statement
and everything
will be fine, right?
Because after all,
I didn't do anything.
No, no, no.
No, no, no.
Why is this happening?
I need...
I need you
to believe me.
I risked everything for you.
I'd do it all over again
if I had to.
It's going to be okay.
I promise you, okay?
I promise you
it's going to be okay.
Renan Garcia Pinheiro,
That's me.
Detective Carlos.
Do you know
why you're here?
I don't.
You must have heard that Senator
Arthur Alencar was killed tonight.
I heard it on the radio.
What was your
involvement with him?
I can't say for sure.
Were you related?
But he used to give you money.
I'll be very clear with you.
You have the option
to cooperate with us
and walk out that
door in a few hours.
Or you can
make it difficult and stay here.
Until everything is clarified.
What's it going to be?
I'll cooperate.
Then start by telling me
about your relationship with the senator.
We met at a party a few years ago.
What kind of party?
A private party.
Influential people,
boys, drinks, drugs.
A common party in the capital.
You met each other
at that party, and then?
We went out a few times
and he started supporting me.
Were you lovers?
He was helping me.
In exchange for what?
You don't work.
You don't study.
How do you
sustain yourself here in Braslia?
It's a pretty expensive city
to live in.
He paid for the apartment
and all my personal expenses.
How often did you meet?
He visited me sometimes,
when he had time.
I still have
two meetings today, Helena.
I don't know what time
I'll be home.
Take me to the apartment.
No, Helena.
I don't know about your credit card.
Talk with Marcos
about this tomorrow.
When I get back, we'll talk.
Alright, my love.
I love you too.
RENAN: Are you coming
to see me today?
ARTHUR: I'll be there
in ten minutes.
ARTHUR: Put on
that jockstrap I gave you
wait for me!
Arthur, I've been thinking.
I want to study.
I was looking at the courses
at that college nearby here.
So, it'd be good for me.
I need to occupy myself, Arthur.
I've been spending too much
time here alone.
You have less and less
time for me.
If you prefer, I can turn on the gas,
light a match.
What do you think?
I don't know, Renan.
Whatever you prefer.
I have to go.
Helena's on my back, and
I have an early meeting tomorrow.
Sure. It's always like this.
Right, Arthur?
Oh no,
is this starting again?
You don't care
about me, Arthur.
You don't ask how
I am, how my day was.
You arrive here, we go to
bed, you leave, and that's it.
Hey, Renanzinho.
Another time we'll
talk about this, okay?
I had a terrible day.
I just wanted to come here
and relax with you.
Wasn't it good?
It was, right?
So, don't cause
more trouble, okay?
For you to buy
a little something.
A little something.
So, you knew
he was married.
I knew.
What did he say about his wife?
Nothing. He never even
brought that up.
Did he promise you anything?
Like what?
I don't know.
Leaving his wife, marrying
you, living happily ever after.
That's nonsense.
I always
knew my place.
Arthur Alencar
was a conservative politician.
There was never
anything to tarnish
his reputation
as a family man.
Are you really going
to stick to that story
in front of public opinion?
Good evening! Today I have
the leader of PFB.
The Brazilian Family Party,
Senator Arthur Alencar.
Welcome, Senator.
Good evening, Aline.
Good evening, to your audience.
Thank you for the invitation.
Senator, I couldn't start any other way.
Your party was opposed to the law
that criminalizes homophobia in Brazil.
You followed your party
and voted against
the approval of this law.
Do you believe this
was the correct decision?
Aline, I did vote against
that law.
But it was what my
constituents expected of me.
I was the youngest senator
elected in Brazil's history.
And I received their
vote of confidence.
But senator, in over forty years
of LGBTQIAP+ activism
no law has been passed
to ensure the rights
of these people.
Achievements came
through justice
like same-sex marriage
the use of chosen names,
Don't you think it's time
for politicians
to look more seriously
at these important issues?
Aline, these people
aren't abandoned.
They are citizens
like you and me.
And I believe creating
a new criminal type
now in Brazil, won't
bring any benefit.
We have very important
issues in Congress
that need to be discussed
and everyone should have
equal rights.
But do you believe we've
already achieved
this equality here
in Brazil?
We're moving
towards that, Aline.
We need to talk more
and value family, work.
If the family is well and
structured, life is good.
It seems like it's become a crime
to defend the family today.
And values are distorted
in Brazil.
That's what
we need to talk more about.
Senator, recently
we had the case
of young Daniel,
from Porto Alegre
who was persecuted
and killed
simply for walking
with his boyfriend
in a public place.
Don't you believe that
if laws were stricter
we could prevent
cases and tragedies like this?
Well, Aline. Killing someone
in Brazil is already a crime.
Regardless of whether the person
is gay or not gay.
The guilty ones
need to be punished
And I don't see sense
in this discussion.
It's quite upsetting
to watch something like that.
He was elected by a
conservative party
of course he would follow
that line of thinking.
Line of thinking, Teodora? No.
That, to me, can be anything
but thinking.
A creature like that
doesn't think at all.
Victor, why are you
so nervous?
Because he is terrible.
Him and everything he represents.
He keeps talking about
family, good manners, morality,
as if gays
don't have families.
I have a family, damn it.
He represents
a big part of society, you know?
That is the problem.
And Renan? Where is he?
Is he okay?
Why are we here?
I didn't do anything.
He didn't either.
You're here to
answer my questions.
I think it's better
if you calm down.
Okay, I'll answer.
I'm an open book.
You can ask
whatever you want.
Great. So it
will be better for everyone.
Then start by explaining your obsession
with Senator Arthur Alencar.
Could you let me
investigate him?
Our political section is full.
I told you that...
I only have promotion slots
here for celebrities and entertainment.
God save me from writing about
reality show participants.
I didn't spend four years
in college for that.
Don't be prejudiced.
But seriously.
I know I can
handle this.
If you give me
a chance, an opportunity.
I can't give you
too many details now.
I have an informant
who can provide me
with important information, you know?
I see.
Let's do this.
You get me
that hot information.
But really hot.
To suddenly interrupt TV programming.
If I get good information.
Will you give me the promotion?
My dear. If you get it.
I'll give you my chair.
On loan, of course.
I have information that you
were determined
to ruin his life.
No. No.
It's not like that. I...
I just wanted
to expose that jerk.
It's obvious.
Because he's corrupt,
hypocritical, homophobic.
Do I need more reason
than that?
And can you prove
these accusations?
In a way, yes, but...
It doesn't matter anymore, right?
He's dead anyway.
Are you involved in this?
No, of course not.
Does your hatred for the senator
have any relation to
Renan Garcia Pinheiro?
No. He has
nothing to do with it.
I recently met Renan...
I didn't know about their relationship.
So you assume that...
What happened
between you was casual?
Are you sure
he's really coming?
If he doesn't come,
I'm gonna kill him, Victor.
I'm serious! I mean, Renan,
he's such a sweetheart.
But he's kinda lonely,
doesn't interact, you know?
So he doesn't need
just a little push.
He needs to be
run over, you know?
Goodness. Poor guy.
I'm serious!
But... do you think
he'll like me?
You two will get along great.
It'll work out.
Oh, look over there.
Hey, Dani?
Sorry for being late.
So glad you came.
I'm so happy.
Thank you!
Victor, this is Renan.
- Hi, I'm Victor.
- Renan, Victor.
He's that friend
I told you about
who's handsome,
smart, well-travelled.
And he's single.
I don't know why, but he is.
I'm single, but
we keep trying, right?
We're out on the prowl,
but so far, nothing. Unfortunately.
Oh, for heaven's sake.
Here's the deal.
You're here.
Let's go inside.
Because otherwise, people will
think I've already left.
And the night
is just starting, okay?
Let's go in, friend.
We had an
instant connection, you know?
I saw a sadness in his eyes
That he was trying
hard to hide.
And did you ask him about
his relationship with the senator?
No. As I already said.
I didn't know anything at that moment.
The birthday girl,
what's her name again?
Did she know?
No, I don't think so.
Daniela was out of town,
she came back recently.
You and Renan, did you
had sex that night?
What kind of question is that?
Why is that relevant?
I'm the one who decides what's
important here. Got it?
That night, he ended up drinking
too much and...
So. Are you okay
to go upstairs?
I'm great.
I've never been better
in my whole life.
You drank too much.
Don't you want me to help you upstairs?
I live there, look.
In that one, with the open window.
Not the closed one, the prettier one.
Oh, really? Alright then.
Goodnight, Renan.
Yeah, I see how great you are.
You're gonna wake up
tomorrow morning
inside the elevator,
right, young man?
Hold on, let me help you.
Come here, let me help you.
Oh, Jesus, hold on.
That's it, hold on, come here.
Come here, that's it.
Are you okay?
Do you want me to get
some water for you?
I'll get some water
for you, hold on.
Hydrate yourself so
you're all fresh tomorrow, boy.
Are you always like this?
Like what?
Like this.
Attentive, dedicated.
You defended me from
that guy at the party.
Brought me here.
You're taking care of me.
These are just
a few of my...
Qualities and virtues...
Renan, wait.
Don't you want to?
Of course I do, but...
You've been drinking.
I don't want you to do
something you won't remember tomorrow.
Or something that...
You'll regret, right?
You're just something else, baby.
I'll get more water for you.
You and Victor Amorim.
What do you have
to say about him?
He's a cool guy.
Just that?
I barely know him.
I don't have much to say.
Did the senator know that
you were meeting other men?
I wasn't meeting
other men.
Was it an agreement
between you?
It was like that, and that's it.
Do you know Renan,
a guy who lives in this building?
Yes, I do.
He lives in...
Wait. Weren't you the one
here yesterday, bringing him in?
Yes, yes. That's right.
He ended up drinking too much,
so I brought him here.
You know how it goes, right?
But I ended up with his phone
by mistake. Can you believe it?
I see.
I wanted to go up
to give him his phone back.
Man, I've been ordered
not to let anyone up.
But if you want,
you can leave it with me.
I'll give it to him.
No problem at all.
Alright then.
Thank you very much. Mr...
Good morning to you.
I'm going, hold on.
Do you know how many times
I called you?
Where were you?
Are you going to
tell me or not?
Calm down, Arthur.
I haven't even
woken up properly.
I'll take a shower
and then we can talk.
I don't have time for that.
I want to know
where you were
and who's this guy
that brought you here?
How do you
know about that?
It doesn't matter.
Answer now!
It was my friend's birthday.
I had a few drinks, and a
friend of hers brought me here.
Had a few drinks and
ended up in this sorry state.
Where's your phone, huh?
Why didn't
you answer me?
Oh, you lost your phone?
You reckless idiot.
The damn phone
full of my calls, damn it.
Who's this guy, huh?
I've already told you.
A friend of Dani's.
I don't know him.
He brought you here
and what else?
Nothing else.
It was just an act of kindness.
And what did you give
in return for this kindness?
You're offending me, Arthur.
I hope you're
telling me the truth.
And that nothing happened here, alright?
Because if I find out
that you're lying to me...
You're hurting me, Arthur.
I can hurt you much more.
Now go take your shower,
you smell like shit.
Teodora Garcia Barreto.
Your boss
at BSB News, right?
She used to send you to
investigate the senator?
Actually, she didn't
believe anything could harm him.
Sometimes I thought
she was... afraid of the senator.
Of what he could
do to the newspaper. I don't know.
Until one day...
Arthur, I won't
drag this on.
I'll be very direct.
It's been a long time
since we last spoke
and things are
changing very fast.
What things, Teodora?
Don't act clueless.
I won't be able
to help you for long.
I'm under a lot of pressure,
you know?
I know what pressure is.
It's what I feel
from the moment I wake up
until I go to sleep.
I want to keep helping you.
But there are several new facts
about you every day.
There will come a time
when I won't be able to
cover them up anymore, unless...
Unless I give you
more money, right Teodora?
You've always been very generous.
You and your late father-in-law.
Doctor Valdemar
was one of those men
you don't find anymore
these days.
It's just that...
As you're saying
the times were different, right?
Now I can't
do anything anymore.
The opposition is after me.
And your deal
was with my father-in-law.
I don't have anything
to help you now.
Arthur, you know that
I was crucial in your election.
It was a favor I owed
to Doctor Valdemar, but I believed in you.
Bullshit, Teodora.
You're money-driven.
You go where you're paid more.
And to top it off, there's a newcomer
trying to make a mark in the newsroom.
To stand out.
He says he's going
to get a bombshell against you.
I don't know if I'll be able
to hold him back.
But that's all I needed.
Right, Teodora?
Trying to blackmail me
with a recent graduate.
Come on, really?
You were better at this.
What a strong word.
Let's say I'm warning you
in the name of our friendship.
Friendship, Teodora?
I put my head on the line
when I protect you. That has a price.
A price I won't
pay anymore. Forget it, Teodora.
I don't need to tell you
how much I know about you
and your father-in-law, do I?
And let me tell you
that if you pull anything
against me, I'll end
your mediocre career.
It costs me nothing.
A phone call and your newspaper
turns to dust. You know it.
Alright then.
Don't say you weren't warned.
Did something happen?
Yes. You know that
story about ending Arthur Alencar?
Do it.
Do whatever it takes.
You can count on me.
But what happened?
Are there any new facts?
Nothing new.
He's the same old shit.
I was thinking though, you know?
We really have to clean up
this country.
Get off the fence.
So great. Well, actually.
I have some explosive news
to tell you about this matter.
Yeah. So, I have a
friend. From high school.
Who works
as an escort.
For women.
No. For men.
He's a prostitute.
Go on.
Anyway. And he...
He told me that he served
Arthur before he became a senator.
Kid, what are you telling me?
But I don't have any evidence yet.
I just trust my friend a lot.
I don't think he'd lie to me.
About something of this magnitude.
Okay. And where is this boy?
Why have you never brought him here?
That's valuable
He doesn't want to expose himself.
You know, he's afraid
of what might happen to him.
And I totally understand,
of course, right?
But don't worry.
We're already figuring out a way
to get that evidence, okay?
Hmm, I knew I wasn't wrong
when I approved you in the interview.
You have a different star.
Get that evidence and
your reward will be unimaginable.
Now go.
You can go.
And did you get that evidence?
Who's your friend that claimed
to have encounters with the senator?
I'd rather not say.
I promised him I wouldn't.
Look, Victor,
honestly, the way things are going,
you're already in a lot of trouble.
And if I could give you advice,
I'd say you should cooperate.
Or we can stay here
until the court order arrives.
Assuming everything you're
saying is true.
It is true.
Then why didn't you leave?
It's not that simple.
Aren't you ashamed
of being supported
by a married man
who has a family?
That was just a detail.
His marriage was
just a detail to you?
His marriage had issues.
He had issues.
I was one of the least.
You took a while.
I went for a longer run today.
I'll take a shower.
I'm all sweaty.
It's perfect.
I ordered Japanese food, okay?
Oh, great!
I love Japanese food.
I never order it at home,
Helena doesn't like it.
I've asked you
not to talk about her here.
Okay, sorry.
I got a little gift
for you.
It's in the living room.
I love it. Thank you.
You said you wanted to study, right?
I think it'll help you.
I'm sorry
for earlier today, okay?
I've been so stressed,
so much on my mind.
I know I'm tough
on you sometimes.
But it's to prepare you
for this world.
Sometimes my life
becomes a living hell.
So many people
trying to take advantage.
I'm not made of steel.
And when I'm here with
you, it's the best part of my day.
It could always be like this.
Yeah, but it's not that easy.
You know.
It's the life I chose.
As long as I'm
a public figure,
I have to fulfill
certain roles.
That's what society demands.
Have you ever stopped to
think how it would be if...
If I wasn't
married to Helena?
Sure, I have.
But it's part of the package.
It always has been.
Do you really think I would've
gotten here by myself?
Getting to my position?
To get where I am,
I had to make many concessions.
Her father reminded me
of that every single day.
He catapulted you into politics.
But that doesn't make her
the owner of your life.
Oh, Renan.
You're too young to understand,
but trust me.
The same hand
that lifts you up
can also bring you down.
It must be the food.
I'm going to change, okay?
Go ahead.
Good evening, everything
alright? Here's your order.
- Here's your order.
- Thank you.
Let me introduce myself,
I'm Ricardo.
I'm the restaurant owner.
We're opening this week,
and I'm personally making all
the deliveries to showcase our work.
That's great.
I wanted to ensure a great
experience for all my customers.
In fact, I have a
complimentary welcome dessert.
Wow. Thank you.
You're very kind.
If you could give us a positive
review on the app, it would help a lot.
Sure. It's so hard
to have good service these days.
Here's my card.
And I'll also leave you
my personal phone number
in case you want
to place a special order.
I'll expedite it for you.
Thank you. Good night.
Good night, enjoy your dinner.
The food's here.
What was that nonsense?
That guy hitting on you.
Are you crazy?
It seemed like
you were enjoying it.
Look, Arthur,
I'm not going to argue with you
about something so stupid.
Where's the card?
What card?
The damn card
with his number.
Give it to me.
The delivery guy giving
his personal number to the customer.
Did you hear the conversation?
He just opened the restaurant.
He's trying
to be friendly, build loyalty.
I know well
what he's trying to build loyalty to.
Freitas. Good evening.
Arthur Alencar.
Can we talk?
Man, I ordered some food
from an app today,
but it arrived in terrible condition.
Stop it, Arthur!
What are you doing?
I'm not sure if it came spoiled.
I'm feeling a bit unwell.
Could you send a team there
to take a look?
Yes, I'll give you
the address.
And check if
they have a permit.
Because it seems
like they recently opened.
And if they don't,
just shut that crap down.
Great, Freitas.
Thank you.
Knew I could count on you.
Take care, my friend.
You're sick.
No one's ever
going to make a fool out of me.
Leave, Arthur.
I'm leaving.
I've lost my appetite.
Based on what you're
telling me, and I'll say it again
assuming all of this is true,
he lived in a fake marriage.
Many people do.
He's not the first one,
nor will he be the last.
I know stories that if
I told you, you'd blush.
Do you know if he
met other guys?
Probably yes.
Fidelity was never
one of his virtues.
Hi. I'm here.
Murilo, right?
How are you?
So, where are we going?
Right here.
I don't have time.
Didn't it bother you? I mean,
he could be
interested in another guy
and you could lose your position?
He would have left me
if he wanted to.
But he didn't.
What do you do?
Where's the rest?
What rest?
This wasn't
what we agreed upon.
My rate is two hundred reais
and here's only fifty.
For this little service
you provided,
it's more than enough.
Now get out
of my car.
I'm not leaving until
you give me the rest.
Get out of my car, damn it!
Son of a bitch!
I hope you die!
I hope you die,
you bastard!
At least tell me
if Renan is okay.
Let me talk to him.
He's better off
than you.
If I were you, I wouldn't
worry about him so much.
What do you mean by that?
And after that party?
How did things
end up between you?
I was really
interested in him.
So I asked
him out.
How did you know
I like amusement parks?
That's easy.
Who doesn't?
Is that where
you take all your dates?
Only the...
Most important ones.
That day,
on Dani's birthday.
You set me up,
didn't you?
What, dude?
Dani has always been like that.
Always wanting
to play cupid for everyone.
Well, in my defense,
She just told me
She wanted to introduce me
to a friend she really loves.
Oh, really?
What else did she say
about this friend?
Ah, she said he was a
super smart guy, you know?
The most kind-hearted and
best-charactered person she's ever known.
Oh, yeah?
Wow, all that?
Yes, sir.
His name is...
Renato, I think.
You dork.
Seriously, Renan.
I really enjoyed
getting to know you that day.
Ah, I don't know, it was...
Fast and...
You were so wasted.
But I felt something.
An energy...
So good when we were
Look, Victor.
You're an amazing guy.
The way you treat me,
no one has ever treated me.
You have someone.
You can tell me!
I can handle it!
It's not even that.
My life has been
so tangled lately, you know?
You know when
you feel like...
You need to close a chapter.
Take a step forward.
I know how it is.
I come from
a small town.
Really small.
I'm here more for
my family.
Well, my aunt...
At least that's what's left
of my family.
What happened
to your family?
Oh, sorry, Renan.
I don't want to be intrusive, really.
But you know how it is, right? I...
I make a living
asking questions.
It's okay.
My parents died in an
accident when I was young.
I survived, but...
They didn't.
I'm so sorry!
I don't even know
what to say.
It's okay.
I was very young.
I don't remember much
about the accident.
As soon as I left the hospital, my
aunt took over my upbringing.
And she still
takes care of me to this day.
She's like
a mother to you, right?
I owe her
a huge debt of gratitude.
But sometimes...
You need
to balance that scale,
don't you think?
Think more about yourself?
I feel that sometimes.
Sometimes we get so...
Absorbed in that...
In that idea, that desire...
To help others, that...
We forget about ourselves, right?
That's not healthy.
Not for you or for her.
For me, definitely, it's not.
It's something I can help with.
Actually, no.
I think this is a monster
I need to face alone.
You know you can
count on me, right?
Just for the record...
I haven't had
any alcohol today.
At that moment, I...
I was already
very involved.
But I also had
a mission in progress.
Boss, are you busy?
Come in, Victor.
So, you know that friend of mine
I mentioned who
was meeting the senator?
It seems he managed
to set up another meeting.
They're going to meet...
It seems so.
But I'm worried for him.
I know he's only doing this for me.
But this is excellent.
It could make
a lot of money.
Yes, scandal,
lots of views.
Your promotion!
I understand.
Teodora, can I
ask you something?
Do you, by any chance, have a
personal motivation in this case?
My motivation
is always for the common good.
So, you're assuming
you set up a situation
to catch the senator.
It wasn't hard at all.
He was so predictable.
I just didn't expect
things would get so...
Complicated from there on.
What the hell is this?
Who are you?
This is Leandro.
He's hot, isn't he?
Do you like him?
Are you crazy? I don't
like this and you damn well know it.
I brought him here so we
can have a little fun.
You're being too uptight.
Please, leave.
look, Leandro.
I told you
he was hot,
But as much as he's hot,
he's annoying.
Always complaining,
Like my wife, damn it.
Looks like Helena,
damn it.
I'm a screwed-up guy.
I got two Helenas.
You're a loser, Arthur.
You don't respect anyone.
Not even yourself.
There you go...
Blah, blah, blah.
Man, I pay for
everything for this kid.
I give everything.
He lives here... I don't pay?
I don't pay?
Man, I even support
his family.
But he's never
satisfied, right?
- Buddy!
- What's up?
You're awesome!
You're awesome, man!
But then, tell me!
How did it go?
He picked me up
in his car
and took me
to an apartment.
Of course.
He would never go
to a motel with a guy.
- Yeah.
- He's a family man!
So we got there
I made a drink for him
I added a little something
to help him relax
because I have
my tricks.
But you're really not good,
right, buddy?
- So?
- Everything was going fine.
I started
dancing for him.
We were
really getting into it.
And out of nowhere,
the kid arrives.
What kid?
Ah, the boy
he maintains, right?
Exactly, that one.
Hold on.
So he took you
to the apartment
that he pays for
for the boy, right?
Yeah. We were there chillin'.
I didn't know
the kid was going to be there.
But he showed up,
started yelling at him,
told us to leave.
So I grabbed my stuff and left.
Otherwise, I'd be
in trouble, right?
Did you manage to record it?
For God's sake.
I recorded, buddy.
I just don't know if it turned out
the way you wanted,
but I'll show you.
Play it now.
I'm dying
to see this, man.
No one would believe.
Senator Arthur Alencar.
I don't know how
you can do it, man.
It's my way.
Now's the time
the kid arrives.
Now's the time
when things will heat up, huh?
It was chaotic,
so chaotic.
Hold on.
This voice...
Rewind that part here.
Renan, did he say Renan?
Yes, yes.
That's the kid's name, Renan.
No. No, no.
This can't be, man.
What's wrong?
Do you know him?
Where is
this apartment?
There, in Asa Sul.
No, it can't be.
Do you remember how to get there?
Can you show me?
Sure, I can take you there.
Do you want to go?
Okay. Thanks.
Here, buddy.
This building.
Sixth floor.
What's wrong?
What's going on?
Why are you like this?
Could you send me that video, please?
Sure. I'll send it.
But you were so excited.
I just mentioned the kid's name,
and you reacted like that.
Changed completely.
No, man. Relax.
It was nothing.
It's okay.
Are you going home now?
What do you want to do?
No. I'll go back there.
I have some contacts later on.
Can you drop me there?
Sure. No problem.
I couldn't...
I couldn't leave Renan
in the hands of that despicable man.
Renan is so sweet, so...
so sensitive.
He was manipulated
by that damned man.
Senator! Senator!
I have questions for you.
Leave it
with my assistant.
Ah, so she'll be able
to inform me about Renan, right?
Who are you?
Victor Amorim.
BSB News Portal.
Never heard of it.
I doubt it.
What do you want?
I want to know
how you have the courage
to do whatever
you want with people's lives?
What are you
talking about?
You don't respect your wife,
you don't respect anyone.
It won't look good for
your family man image,
the fact that you have
a lover, right?
Listen, you little
piece of shit.
I don't know who you are,
I don't know
what you're talking about.
And I don't know where
you crawled out from.
But I'll give you some advice.
It's better if
you don't mess with me.
You need to calm down.
My dear, you're taking out
your anger on the wrong person.
I have nothing to do with this.
Victor is an idealist,
but he's a sweetheart.
I tried to make a deal
with you that day, remember?
But you were inflexible.
It was very unpleasant.
Oh, okay.
Fine, a kiss.
we'll talk later.
So, did you get
that explosive information?
What happened?
What's wrong?
Any problem?
No, no, nothing.
Have you ever liked someone
so much that it hurts?
I don't think so.
I'm very materialistic,
I confess.
My mind is so rational
that it doesn't get
involved in these love things.
I'm trying
to be rational right now.
But if you're
liking someone...
Let it happen.
Life is too short,
you know, Victor?
It passes by faster
than we think.
If love is the thing that moves you,
invest in that.
Victor always wanted
to help me.
But he ended up
causing me a lot of problems.
Who have you
been talking to?
Oh, Arthur.
This conversation again?
Yes, again.
A journalist approached me
today asking
how it would be if they knew
I support a lover.
So, I ask you.
How does he know that?
Victor Amorim.
Who the hell
is this Victor Amorim?
I don't know, I don't know
any journalist.
Must have been
some dude, right?
Someone you sucked up to and
ended up talking too much.
You know what, Arthur?
I do know him.
I know him very well.
And he's much better
than you.
He doesn't need to hide behind
a persona to do what he wants,
to be with
who he likes.
He doesn't have a fake marriage.
And doesn't need to lie
for status and money.
Hit me.
Hit me more.
That won't erase the words
I'm saying, Arthur.
And you know it's true.
I dedicated myself
to you all this time.
I stopped studying,
stopped working.
I've been stuck in this
apartment like a dog.
But I'm tired, Arthur.
I've reached my limit.
Are you so turned around
because of that jerk?
You'll regret
talking to me like this.
- No, I won't.
- Oh, yes, you will.
No, you know why?
Because I should've said this
a long time ago.
But I was numb, Arthur.
Now I'm not anymore.
I give you everything.
What more do you want?
Love, Arthur.
I lack love.
Oh, my God.
Your dirty money can't buy that.
You probably don't even
know what that is, right?
I don't know why you all
romanticize this so much.
What do you mean, Arthur?
In what way
are you different from me?
Do you think that ring
on your finger
makes you somehow different?
It doesn't.
It's pointless.
You can deceive
whoever you want.
Except yourself.
That's why
you're so unhappy.
Is that how it's
going to be?
That's how it can be, Arthur.
Your little toy broke.
It's ruined.
I know you'll buy another one
to replace me, right?
That's what you do
with people.
You keep them with money.
Now that I've realized this,
I woke up
and I know I deserve more.
Give me my phone.
I'm leaving now.
I need to think
about what I'll do with you.
And you'll stay here quietly,
without making noise,
because you know
you have a lot to lose, don't you?
How's your aunt?
Have you been talking to her?
Family is such a precious thing, right?
It would be horrible if something
happened to her, wouldn't it?
I know you're there.
Open the door, please,
let's talk.
You know everything, Victor.
Go away.
I don't want to cause you
any problems.
Do you really think that's all
you deserve from life, Renan?
I sold myself, Victor.
I got carried away
by the luxurious life,
by the gifts.
It wasn't what I planned,
but it was my choice.
It's done.
We all make
bad choices sometimes in life.
But that doesn't mean we
have to live in error forever, you know?
He locked me in here.
Took my phone.
Did you think he would accept
being confronted without reacting?
My God, Renan.
I'm sorry, I...
I didn't think that confronting him
like that would make him...
It doesn't matter.
I also spoke
some truths to his face.
Now I'm going
to face the consequences.
No, none of that.
I'll handle this.
Victor, no.
In my own way, I knew how
to control the senator.
I knew that confronting
him wouldn't help at all.
But this time,
everything was so confusing.
I ended up
losing control.
What do you think
the senator would do to you?
Probably nothing.
He was very angry.
He would probably punish me
and come back with a gift
and an apology at night.
But now...
he's dead.
I didn't expect
Victor to be capable of that.
I need to meet with Arthur today.
It's urgent.
Hey, calm down.
going on?
That bastard.
He locked Renan at home.
I don't know what he might
do to Renan when he returns.
Locked up?
If you want me to help you,
you need to
tell me what's happening.
Renan, it's the guy
I've been seeing.
We're getting along great,
I'm really into him, but...
But I found out that he's
the guy Arthur is supporting.
My God.
So I got so...
So angry.
That I went there.
I went there to tell
Arthur the truth,
because he deserved to hear it. Okay?
And then he got angry at Renan.
And now he's locked
him up at home.
I don't know what
he might do when he returns.
Calm down.
I think I can arrange that meeting.
I don't have Arthur's contact,
but I know someone who does.
Just give me five minutes, please.
Please, Teodora.
Hi, it's me.
The opportunity has arisen.
It has to be today.
Teodora, I hope this matter
is truly very important.
What are you
doing here, huh?
Where's Teodora?
There's no Teodora,
damn it!
I'm the one who needs
to talk to you.
I have nothing
to talk to you about.
Especially not
in a place like this.
I know about you
and Renan.
I know about your meetings
with rent boys.
I have a video
from last night!
Did you know?
I'm not going to harm you, no.
Because I'm not like you.
Destroying people's lives.
Right, Arthur Alencar?
Do you want money?
How much do you want?
Just say it.
I don't want
your filthy money.
Alright, I get it.
You want Renan, right?
Look, it's very unlikely,
because that kid
costs me a lot of money.
He's not cheap to maintain.
How despicable
you are.
To be honest,
I even thought about
returning him to the hole
where he came from.
But in bed, he's
really good, you know?
It was a good cost-benefit.
I have a group here
with several journalists
who would love
to receive this video.
And in an hour, your
career will be ruined.
But you can prevent that.
Okay, you want Renan?
Go ahead.
Conquer him.
I find it very unlikely.
But you can try.
I have nothing
to do with this anymore.
I want the key
and his phone.
I know you
locked him in the house.
Wow, did I lock it?
What was I thinking?
No, no, sorry.
I can send it then?
Can I send it?
I have to admit something to you.
For a good-for-nothing worm,
you're surprisingly brave,
you know?
I'll trust you.
You can take it.
Now I don't want that
ungrateful one anymore.
Enjoy it.
But know that
I won't accept returns.
Hey, if these images leak,
I won't be happy.
And when I'm not happy,
I can do terrible things.
I did it, thank God.
How did you do that?
Look, I'll explain everything later.
But now, grab some things,
and let's go, fast.
Go where?
I have a friend's house.
It's in the mountains.
It's very isolated, very remote.
I think you can stay there
until Arthur calms down.
- Victor.
- For God's sake.
Take these things and let's go.
Just tell me, Victor.
What did you do?
Renan, I'll explain later,
for God's sake.
Now get your things
and let's go.
Don't I deserve to know?
Of course you deserve it,
but there is a lot to explain.
- Trust me.
- Just tell me.
Renan. Please.
Trust in me,
believe me.
Let's go,
I'll explain on the way.
What did you do, man?
I didn't do anything, Renan.
Go. Go.
Yes, I confronted him.
He couldn't, he didn't
have the right
to do what he was
doing to Renan.
And then you killed him!
No, no, I didn't kill anyone.
I couldn't even hurt a fly.
He was killed
right at the place
you described
being with him.
Yes, but I didn't do it.
He had several enemies,
everyone knows that.
You killed him,
came back to get Renan,
and planned to run
away from here.
No, no, that's not true,
I swear.
I just wanted...
I just wanted to talk to Arthur,
I swear!
I swear.
Good evening, Aline,
good evening, everyone.
The body of a man was found
with several gunshot wounds,
here in this street,
in a rural area
near Braslia.
Just over 10 kilometers
from the city center.
The police confirmed it is
Senator Arthur Alencar from PFB.
We don't have information
about the perpetrator
or the motive yet.
I'll continue to follow
the police work
and soon I'll have
more information.
Back to you in the studio, Aline.
Very well,
mission accomplished.
The news has already...
already spread.
Burn this.
Here's what we agreed upon.
Now disappear.
Commissioner Freitas?
Teodora, darling.
I heard about what happened
to Arthur Alencar.
How terrible, huh?
But I think I can
contribute some information.
An employee of mine,
he was obsessed with him.
He used to say he was going to
finish Arthur off.
I think they both liked...
the same person.
So, it's delicate, isn't it?
Delicate, but...
Can we have coffee sometime?
That's great.
Goodbye, dear.
Take care.
Well, after clarifying
the initial points,
I can proceed
with the reading of the will?
Yes, please.
Let's do it.
I, Arthur Oliveira Brito Alencar,
Brazilian, married,
Senator of the Republic,
declare that:
Free from any
inducement or coercion,
I resolve to draft this
particular testament,
in which I state
my last will,
in the following form
and manner.
First, not being able to dispose
of all my estate,
as I have no legal heirs
at the time of my death,
I leave to Renan Garcia Pinheiro,
Brazilian, single, student,
the following assets.
The mentioned apartment
where he resides,
valued at approximately one million
and four hundred thousand reais,
a house
in Praia do Forte, Bahia,
valued at approximately one million
and three hundred thousand reais,
the copy of the deed
is attached.
All this for me?
Did he leave
all this for me?
Yes, that's what
I'm trying to tell you.
Can I continue?
Yes, of course, sorry.
Financial investments, valued at
approximately eight million reais.
Secondly, I bequeath to
Helena Maria Rocha Alencar,
Brazilian, married, visual artist,
all the remainder that
comprises the disposable part
upon my death.
I declare there's no prior will
in any of its legal forms.
Having nothing more to record,
I conclude
this present testament.
My God.
Now I need you to sign here
and a witness' signature.
My aunt.
She will be my witness.
It's like I
always said,
The senator was a
very generous man.
This is a work of fiction.
Any similarity to real names, people, facts
or situations are purely coincidental.