The Sex Thief (1973) Movie Script

I'm terribly sorry, did I disturb you?
Mrs barrow: I should scream.
I shan't keep you a moment.
Don't do that, you might
disturb the neighbours.
I must compliment you on
your good taste, by the way.
You have such beautiful objects.
I particularly like the Picasso
lithographs in the hall.
However, of all the beautiful objects
I must say, you are by
far the most exquisite.
I shall scream.
Emily barrow: It was awful.
Sorry about that I
caught it off the wife.
Nothing more you can think of that
might be of any help, mrs barrow?
Oh it was awful,
him standing there like that.
If only I'd been here to protect you.
I'm on nights this week you see.
I do voluntary social work
looking after inadequates.
Yes, I see.
Now if I can just recap.
"I was awakened at about
2:30 am by a noise.
I got up to investigate.
I went into the dining room
and switched on the light.
I saw a man standing there by the
window going through the silver."
Yes that's right.
I was so frightened,
I didn't know what to do.
Constable: Then we come
on to your description of the man.
"He wore a small black velvet mask,
ginger hair, height about six feet, four
stocky build, sallow complexion,
age somewhere between 40 and 50.
Spoke with a Russian accent."
"He pushed past me, seized my
Jewel case and ran out of the flat."
Please, constable, my wife's
recovering from a very nasty shock.
Right then.
Your husband's given
me a list of yourjewellery.
I daresay you'll be hearing
from us pretty quick.
In the meantime, if you do
happen to remember anything else
you know where we are.
Good day madam.
Inspector Smith: Must be a gang.
Absolutely disgusting.
Inspector Smith:
Every description different.
These Jewel robberies
it must be a gang operation.
Or a master of disguise.
Well, who could disguise himself as a
club footed coloured midget one week
and a six foot six Russian
with a hairlip the next?
Out of work actor maybe?
Christ, seven burglaries in three months.
Always the same trademark and yet
seven totally different descriptions.
The old man's doing his nut
and the identity kit boys
aren't even talking to me.
They think I'm having them on.
So what do you want me to check on,
multiracial gangs or out of work actors?
I'll check myself
with the latest victim.
What's her name?
- Mrs barrow?
- Yeah.
Well, come on.
I do have this latest consignment
of dodgy magazines to check sir.
We're in the middle of
a bloody crime wave
and they keep pinching my
men for the pornography squad.
Can't you just leave that for a moment?
Yes sir.
I'll fetch it with me sir, I could
always work on it in the car.
Oh, it was awful, awful.
I kept protesting, of course,
but he just kept saying 'nyet nyet'
in that dreadful, grating accent.
What makes you think it
was Russian, mrs barrow?
Oh, I couldn't be sure, I mean,
he could have been
Serbian, croat or something,
or even Icelandic.
But he gave that, well, impression.
I do hope I'm being helpful.
Oh, yes, yes.
Tell me you did say it was
2:30 am this happened?
Tell me, why didn't you call the
police before six in the morning?
Oh, was it that long?
I mean, I was stressed, I was fraught, uh
and that's when my husband came home.
Yes, I do social work at night you see.
Looking after inadequates.
I see.
And that's when you felt sufficiently
recovered from the shock to phone us?
Thank you, mrs barrow, mr barrow.
That's all we need to know for now.
I might need to question you again later.
Yes, of course, I'll do
anything I can to help
see that beast put behind bars.
Hmm, well from what you told us, you may
be the subject of an extradition order.
- We'll see, sergeant plinth.
- Sir?
I don't think we'll get much
more from mrs barrow.
Is the insurance investigator here?
Yes sir, left out in the
hall with the reporter.
- I think I'll have a word with her.
- Yes sir.
Alright, you can come in now.
Inspector Smith's finished.
And the inspector would
like a word with you miss.
Not bad for an insurance
investigator, eh?
She could settle my claim any time.
You reporters you're
all the same aren't you?
Sex mad!
Go on if you want to
finish your interview.
Hey, that's not bad either.
Well you couldn't blame anyone
for snatching her in, could you?
Sorry for that interruption, mrs barrow.
Must let the guardians of the law
get on with their work, mustn't we?
Right, now where were we?
Ah yes, you were saying how you thought
pornography and violence on television
was encouraging this sort of thing.
Uh, I thought you said that?
Well, it's the same thing
these days, mrs barrow.
It's all violence.
You know, you're very lucky
he only took your jewellery.
He didn't harm you in any way.
Well, he was in such a rush, you see.
Uh there was an emerald necklace,
for example, valued at over 11,000.
Judy Marvin: Mrs barrow,
I really don't think it's wise
to have that sort of information
printed in a newspaper.
Guy Hammond: Oh, come on.
I insist it's printed.
I don't want him to think he's
got away with everything.
I mean, well, it'll be a comfort
to anyone who reads it
to think that burglars
don't take everything.
That's the only reason I
want it printed, I assure you.
She's asking for trouble, you know,
saying things like that to the press,
especially guy Hammond.
Not much I can do if she wants
to invite another burglary.
Have you found anything?
Same as all the others,
not a single clue.
- No progress at all?
- No.
Let's drown our sorrow, shall we?
Judy Marvin: It's costing the
insurance company a small fortune.
Five out of the seven burglaries
have been our clients.
Yeah, I remember you thinking
there might be a connection.
One of my more inspired ideas.
Not that it came to anything
other than upsetting half the staff.
Didn't exactly please my boss either.
You know, if I don't come up
with something positive soon,
I'm going to be out of a job.
You know, miss Marvin.
Oh please call me Judy.
Judy, if I don't solve this case
quickly, I'm going to be in trouble too.
I hear them all whispering now
pratty would have solved it.
I took Pratt's place when he retired.
Inspector Pratt, yes he was
quite famous, wasn't he?
This is my chance to really prove myself
and I can't even find a single clue.
Not one.
Not even half a clue.
Never mind, inspector.
No offence but I'm afraid I do mind.
I'm sure something will turn up.
You know, Judy, there's something
about you I really admire.
I'm a big tit man myself.
No, arses and thighs, that's me.
I have dreams at night about them.
Oh, don't mistake me, I mean
I like arses and thighs too
but... tits you know, great big ones.
That's really something.
I tell you, when I firstjoined the force,
I asked to go with the vice squad but
there's such a long waiting list.
I suppose you must get access to
some pretty hot stuff up the yard.
- Yeah.
- You know, photos and things.
Most of it's under lock and
key, of course, but um...
Now and again, you manage
to get a quick glimpse.
I'll tell you the other day,
a couple of boys from the flying squad,
they seized a bunch of
really hard-core porn stuff.
They were trying to smuggle
it in through customs.
- Yeah.
- Well there was one.
I'll tell you I've never seen
anything like it before.
It was this, um
this bird like, beautiful
tits, beautiful.
She'd got this stuffed
rhinoceros on her...
What you came for is under here with me.
- It's all insured.
- Grant Henry: Good.
Then we'll both get something.
But, if you don't mind, I
won't stay, I'm very tired.
I do hope you haven't worn
yourself out breaking and entering
but if you want them,
you've got to take them.
Grant Henry: No really, thank
you, I mustn't be too late back
I have to be up early in the
morning and... you understand?
I'm sure the police would
understand, but of course,
they might not let you sleep either.
Ah good morning.
My usual carnation please?
- Just the one sir.
- Ah yes thank you.
Oh that'll be 10p.
- Thank you very much, good day to you.
- Thank you.
God bless.
Ah, is he up yet?
Had a late night of it, dead
to the world when I arrived.
- Yes, but is he up?
- Just about.
- Would you like coffee?
- Jacobi: Oh, I wouldn't mind.
Well, I'm glad to hear
he's working again.
Grant always writes
his best stuff at night.
It's all right for you.
I have to transcribe it
while he sleeps all day.
Oh, as long as he brings the work in
on time, I don't care when he sleeps.
What about the latest?
Has it got a title yet?
The dirty and the dying, I think,
hasn't made his mind up yet.
Um, what about the proof for the new
cover design, has that come through?
No, not yet.
Well, it should have done,
it was posted on Friday.
Well, as far as I
know, it hasn't arrived,
unless Grant's got them
and forgot to tell me.
Oh hello jacobi,
I thought I heard your
dulcet sweet tones.
Hey listen, did you get those cover
designs through for virgin vengeance?
Virgin vengeance? No why?
Oh, bloody Arnold he's supposed
to have posted them on...
Hello, mr riddle, jacobi here.
Hello, Arnold?
Where the hell have those
bloody cover designs got to?
Yes, I know, you told me
you posted them on Friday.
No, well of course, I'm sure I'm
sitting right here with him now.
Jacobi: Fire her and
get yourself another one.
If you're going to screw them,
screw one that's efficient.
They should be round later this afternoon,
he's sending them round by hand.
Right, so how many chapters
have you got for me?
As your publisher, I'd say
that's definitely a best seller.
Worth a nice advance on
royalties don't you think?
What it is to be a creative artist.
I tell you, if he'd ever have been allowed
to join the club, I'd have resigned.
I had a letter to the
secretary written out already.
I say!
Isn't that Grant Henry, the writer fellow?
See you too.
- Scotch?
- Uh yes thank you.
Did you know him?
No, I don't go in for reading much
browse of the financial
times and that's about all.
- Do you know him Freddy?
- Well
- actually yes.
- No?
We went to school together.
Can't remember him as very brainy though,
I must say for a chap that writes books.
I say does one actually earn
money from that kind of thing?
I've no idea.
He always seems to have money.
He probably gets vast sums
for film rights that sort of thing.
I got an uncle who writes
books, mainly about pigs.
I don't suppose anybody wants
to make a film about them though.
He was a jolly good
athlete, I remember that.
My uncle?
No, no. Grant Henry.
Grant, how are you?
- Grant Henry: Freddy.
- Do join us.
Do you know lord Prescott?
- No I don't think I do.
- Porky to us.
- And Ian wesleydale.
- Oh how do you do?
I've heard about you.
You write thrillers don't you?
- Grant Henry: Uh yes.
- Ah how jolly thrilling!
You know, I once knew a
man who knew Ian Fleming.
- Really?
- Yes, he was a writer, too.
- Yes so I believe.
- Yes and he played golf frightfully well.
At least that's the story I heard
from the man I knew who knew him.
- Yes.
- Well, my dear chap.
- How's the world treating you?
- Oh, can't complain.
You know, I see your paperbacks
on railway book stores frequently.
Gathering dust I'm afraid.
Oh, come on
all you writers earn
fortunes, it's the film rights.
Wesleydale: I say have
you ever met Sophia loren?
- Grant Henry: No.
- Or Jane Fonda?
Oh pity.
I'm afraid I haven't sold any
of my books to films yet.
When you do, be sure
to have them both in it.
Yes, yes, I'll try.
- They're jolly good.
- Yes.
My wife florinda reads a
lot of books and magazines.
I must tell her I've met
you, she'll be thrilled.
She reads, writing you know.
It's the best thing to do with it.
Grant Henry: Are you
still living in the country?
Oh, yes, well we all do.
Came up to town tonight
with Ian and met porky.
We go wrestling together.
You wrestle?
No no we watch it.
- Ha!
- All over the place.
Shoreditch town hall tonight,
frightfully amusing spot.
Then Ian and I will drive back.
- But you're staying?
- Yes, we have a small place in town.
We don't keep staff or
anything like that a 'pied--terre.'
you must pop around sometime.
Florinda would love to meet you.
She loves actors and writers
and that sort of person.
But not wrestlers.
No, she prefers to watch it on the telly.
Hyde park place, you must pop round.
Penthouse, numbers in the book.
I just might do that.
Porky Prescott: I say we've got a
spare ticket if you'd like to come along,
you're more than welcome.
Grant Henry: Thanks
again but I have to work tonight.
I promised my publisher I'd have
something for him in the morning.
Florinda Prescott: Oh I mean, you don't
have to do that kind of thing in public.
And now ladies and gentlemen.
Well, quite darling, I certainly won't
go down there for the weekend again.
I know!
It's when they start doing it in
front of the children that I object
not that the eldest's his anyway.
If he was mine, I certainly
wouldn't let him behave like that.
Well, not in front of
the guests, at any rate.
You know me, darling, I'm the last one
to be fussy about, we" things like that
but when you're at a formal
dinner party and suddenly
he gets it out and start
stirring the soup with it,
well, darling, I for one,
find it most off putting.
What darling?
Oh I never did believe that story anyway.
I mean, he's much too good a swimmer.
Do you remember that
weekend down at Harriet's?
No, Rodney's Harriet.
That's the one who ran away with
the lesbian waitress from fortnums.
That's right.
They ended up in the south of France
just after Stephanie's third abortion.
Fourth was it?
Well, anyway, I was down there for
the weekend just after Christmas.
Yes well anway, clive, was there.
That is assuming that she is his mother.
Well, darling, after what Cynthia
garnet-Lovell told me at Tony's 21st.
No marriage darling, not birthday.
M-My husband's downstairs.
I mean I've only got to make the
slightest sound and he'll come running.
I can't believe any husband,
could allow such a beautiful woman,
to go to bed, alone.
Your neck is so beautiful, so white.
So firm.
This is madness.
Your a handsome burglar and
I'm an unhappily married woman.
Yes, it is madness.
You, so exquisite.
- Making me mad.
- No!
But my husband wouldn't like it.
Your husband's not going to get it.
No please. Please no.
So what is it she's missing?
About 80,000 worth sir.
What was it lady Prescott said?
Small, about 45, black beard and one arm.
If only I had something to go on.
I tell you sergeant this man's
harder to catch then Jack the ripper.
Don't worry, sir, he'll make a mistake.
They always do.
It's not right, you know.
There's no pictures,
there ought to be pictures.
I mean, how else are you supposed
to know what he's on about?
Hello Judy, Marvin here.
Inspector Smith: Hello, I'm afraid our
burgling friend struck again last night.
Or one of them, I'm beginning
to think it must be a gang.
Uh, does your company have
an insurance for lord Prescott?
No, thank god.
I just had a rocket from my boss to.
If I don't come up with something positive
soon, I'm going to be out of a job.
Would it help if I gave him
a ring, had a word with him?
That's very kind of you, Robert, but
I don't think it would have any effect.
He never wanted a woman
in the job in the first place.
Now it's proving the point.
We seem to be in the same boat.
Well, don't wear this thief he'll
make a mistake, they always do.
Well, I only hope he makes it
before the end of next week.
So where's the photographer?
This is London baby not
Rome, now come on.
Jezebel will you stop doing that.
Why, they're my
clothes, for Christ's sake.
Well, you better start taking
better care of them baby.
They may have to last you quite a while.
So I get myself another movie.
I'm a star ain't I?
Sure you're a star.
It's just you can't act.
Listen boot-face,
I got real good notices
for hot pants broad.
They said I was a great performer.
Well, they weren't talking about
your acting for Christ's sake.
If I can't act
how come I starred in
seven first feature movies?
Cause you were being screwed by
the head of empire films, that's how.
I told you, baby
you should never have
walked out on that guy.
Like I said at the time, who needs him?
You for one and me for another.
Who else will give us work?
Right now, I can't even get you
publicity, let alone a god damn movie.
Listen, why were there no
photographers when I arrived?
I always had photographers.
Sure you always have
photographers, don't I know!
Are you making illusion?
I ain't doing nothing.
All I'm saying is make
my life a lot more easy
if you weren't always
screwing with photographers.
What good were they for you?
What good did you ever do for me?
And you're supposed to be my agent.
Listen, just because I happen
to like one or two photographers,
what call is there for you to bitch?
I got my pictures in
the papers, didn't I?
Great but they don't pay for
pictures unless they move.
You get movies when you get publicity.
A good agent makes
publicity for his clients.
Listen, the only things that are making
headlines over here right at this moment
are these god damn Jewel robberies
now maybe if you get yourself burgled
or something you might hit the papers.
Guido baby.
I wouldn't have believed it but
you've come up with something at last.
I have?
And there was this sapphire
ring that was worth $15,733.
And a diamond brooch with
genuine mink all the way around
that was only worth $5,411.
Miss Lorraine could you tell
us just how it all happened?
Oh well, it was awful.
My goodness it was awful.
I was in the bathroom taking a bath,
you know, with lots of bubbles,
because they make me supple.
Well, suddenly I heard this
noise in the other room.
The bedroom.
Well, I thought it was
my agent, you know.
Then I remembered he said he
was going to have an early night.
So I got out of the bath
and went to investigate.
Were you wearing any
clothes, miss Lorraine?
Well, sure I was wearing
clothes, I had this bathrobe on.
Anyhow, I went into the bedroom
and my goodness, there he was.
Well, I nearly fainted.
I mean, he was enormous.
Could you describe him
again for us, please?
Tall, very tall,
with black hair all over,
but with ginger streaks in it and
he was going a bit bald as well.
But some of the descriptions in the
past have said he was very small.
Well, he did slouch a lot.
What I meant was he was very
tall when he straightened up
and he had this black mask all over.
And he was just well, he
was just unbelievable.
It was just like out of that movie,
I did with Tony Anthony, sex o,
where I did the scene in the
bath and he suddenly came in
dressed like he was Betty Davis
and chopped me up with an icepick.
Well, I mean, you know, I don't
know if you remember the scene,
but we had an awful
lot of trouble shooting it
- because".
- Miss Lorraine.
Did this man threaten you at all?
Well sure he threatened me.
He chopped me up with an
ice pick, I already told you.
I meant last night.
Oh, yeah, well, sure,
sure he threatened me.
I mean, he was enormous
this guy, like I told you,
maybe 190, maybe 200
pounds and I was all on my own.
And he had a gun.
Yeah, he had a gun, this guy.
And he threatened me with it
saying he'd shoot me if I didn't
do everything he asked me to.
You know, like give him all my jewellery.
And then...
And then he raped me.
Yeah, it was terrible, it was like
a nightmare, you've no idea.
He pointed this gun at me
and forced me to undress.
Well, you can imagine
how embarrassed I felt.
I mean, it's one thing to
do it for a movie camera
and another entirely when you're with some
strange burglar wearing a mask, you know?
Anyhow, he looked at
my naked body hungrin
and he said how I was
his favourite movie star.
And how in hot pants broad
I fitted the title perfectly.
Well, then he he got this rope
and he forced me to lie down
while he tied me up like a chicken.
He trussed my naked body up like a chicken
and then he raped me, seven times,
one for each of my movies.
Yeah, he'd seen every one of my movies.
Wanted to know what my
next one was going to be.
Well, I told him I was still
looking for the right part.
Of course, empire films
desperately wanted me to go back,
but, well, I'm tired of doing
these kind of sexy parts.
What I'm looking for now is
something that will stretch me.
Have you ever heard
such a ridiculous story?
Sounds more like a plot of a film to me.
A pretty lurid plot, too, wasn't it?
Seven times.
That's one hell of a rape.
It's one hell of an insurance
claim she's putting in for too.
I don't know what I'm
going to say to my boss.
So obviously a put up job for publicity.
Tomorrow I'm going to go back
there and go right through that list
and check out everything
she claims was stolen.
I must say she's making
use of the situation.
That press conference of hers looks
like it's due to go on the whole day.
I was thinking
If it is all a put up job for publicity,
I wonder what the burglar's
reactions are going to be
tomorrow when he picks
up the morning paper
and reads that he's supposed to have raped
one of the screen sex symbols seven times.
Hmm, thanks love.
Bloody hell.
Good morning. Morning.
How's my little Angie this morning?
World's best secretary.
Morning, mr jacobi.
You're early, how come?
New chapters what else?
Morning Grant, I gather you've
got quite a lot for me this morning.
How about some coffee dear?
Seven times?
It's a good job Angie doesn't know
about your little hobby at nights.
Or yours.
It's just as well you're a good fence,
because you're a lousy bloody publisher.
Well there's no money in books,
unless you've got a sensation.
Now you write your memoirs, my boy
and we can all go straight
if last night's a fair example.
Grant Henry: Oh don't be an idiot.
It's all a pack of bloody lies.
Oh Grant baby you can tell me.
Look, I told you, I never
burgled anybody last night.
I was at the theatre with Angie.
You're joking?
And there was I rushing over thinking
you'd have all that lovely stuff for me.
It's all lies, some stupid,
bloody publicity stunt.
What a pity.
Reads like there was
some nice stuff there, too.
Sapphire rings, diamond necklaces.
I'd like to buy a Smith
and Wesson revolver.
45 calibre, heavy duty
with a spin chamber.
Yes sir, with percussion caps?
Uh, no thank you, I don't
want to make a bang.
A water pistol then?
Yes, yes now that would do rather nicely.
Who's for standard?
Who's for standard?
Who's for standard?
Who's for standard?
- Taxi driver: Thank you.
- Cheers.
Sorry I'm late, I got
held up in the traffic.
That's alright.
Have you um...
Have you got them?
Oh dear!
It's fantastic.
You know the one
underneath that's very good.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
No, no, not that one no.
The one where she's uh... yeah, that one.
These are bloody marvellous right.
Listen, you can't get hold
of any in colour can you?
I can try, I mean I may have to slip
the boys a little something you know?
No that's no problem.
Oh what?!
These are really good
Christ, how did she manage that?
Jesus just look at the size...
Look um, I can't stay long.
I'm supposed to be keeping an
eye on miss Lorraine upstairs.
Can't be bad.
Not for me, I don't fancy being the
subject of her next press conference.
You're dead right.
Did you hear the story about
the guy who got applause
writing a new musical for her.
- No.
- Yeah, it's called clap.
Ah I really ought to be going.
Cheers Roy.
Grant Henry: Evening.
Do I seem to have been here before?
This can hardly come
to you as a surprise.
Now then first things first,
your jewels.
I ain't got none.
Well there's a false back on it
but-but there isn't all I said there was.
I had to sell most of it
before I left the states.
Perhaps you should cast your mind back
to what happened last night.
Oh my god!
Please miss Lorraine
your robe.
I don't think we'll
really be needing that.
Now for the hard part.
Oh... damn it.
How many does that make?
I think it's my round.
Round one.
[Glasses clink,
Hey what's the time?
One more for the road, eh?
Same again please.
I'm sorry, sir.
It's gone closing time.
Guy Hammond: So drunk!
Oh I can't believe it.
Such good times.
She must have had a plank
across his burn or something.
Where are you going?
He's one of us.
This is one of us.
Come on, I know this
little place we can...
We can go.
Hold on though.
We can drink all night.
Doorman: They're all topless here.
Bottomless, pit-less, everything here.
Everything's less, the price as well.
Come on 18 of them.
They're all naked and they dance.
You can have a look inside.
Come on don't cost you
anything 'till you get right in
then it's a nicker and you see 18.
Here y'are
18 beautiful birds here all naked
and they dance.
Non-stop titillation for a nicker.
Come and have a look, here y'are.
Only a nicker.
Non-stop titillation.
Hey, I'll bring smiler in
here that'll get him right.
Go on in there.
Here y'are, 18 beautiful birds in here.
Ah look at that!
Oh I like it.
Let's get a seat in here eh?
Oh yes, yes, more,
more, more, more, more.
Come on, let's get in.
Come on let's sit down.
Oh cheeky!
Oi, pack it in.
Let's have a look. More!
Cheeky! Cheeky!
Oh, I like it.
Come over to my place.
I want tits.
Where's he going?
More, more, more, more!
Go on smiler get home out the cold.
Our 18 beautiful birds.
Seven times.
Seven times without a
break for a drink even.
Miss Lorraine, I've already
heard that story, thank you.
All day yesterday and the day before.
Well, how come when it only happened...
Oh, yeah, I forgot.
Silly of me.
It's the shock it makes
me lose all sense of time.
I guess you could call it a
delayed reaction, you know?
We were talking about your insurance
and I've already spoken to
customs and according to them,
the jewels you claim were
stolen never entered the country.
Listen, babe, why don't we
leave this 'till some other time?
Jezebel's tired right now.
That business about the
jewels, it's all genuine stuff
but she needs time
to work it... to recover.
The way he raped me like that.
He just never stopped.
It was awful, you can't imagine.
He was so young and strong.
Oh it was awful.
Call it women's intuition if you like,
but it's certainly a possible reason why
all the descriptions of the
burglar differ from one another.
Well, it's better than
being a gang, isn't it?
Well, all the victims
were women, remember?
Yeah, okay, I'll be right over.
Judy Marvin: Guy!
What are you doing here?
Oh, hello, I was just looking for
something I left here last night.
- Is it important?
- Yes, it is.
Listen, I want you to come
with me to see inspector Smith.
But I'm innocent.
I didn't know what was in that envelope.
It was handed to me
by a complete stranger.
Guy, I don't know what
you're talking about,
but the inspector and I need your help.
You do?
What for?
To catch a cat.
- What?
- Cat burglar, come on.
A cat burglar?
All right, Judy, assuming you're right
and all his victims deliberately
lied because he seduced them.
All we can do is to um
revisit the complainants and try to
wring a confession from one of them.
What we need is some kind of plan
where we can catch the burglar in the act.
Which act?
Guy we'll need newspaper coverage.
That'il be your department.
As for the bait leave that to me.
You'll come with me, Robert, alright?
Oh, yes, yes, yes, of course.
It's an unusual request,
but naturally, inspector, I'll only
be too pleased to cooperate.
Although I do suggest we
take a few special precautions.
After all, we don't want
any little mishaps, do we?
Do you have any ideas?
50... 7,000.
9,000 and 20.
Wilson and Tate and sudlow
And now we come to lot 36,
an emerald and diamond
necklace created in 1831
for the diamond jubilee celebration
of the crown prince of Poland.
Specially made for his German mistress,
Helga from gotterdammerung.
The piece contains
327 smaller emeralds, the
centrepiece being the famous
16 carat waleska diamond, which
was added to the necklace in 1903.
The bidding will commence at 50,000.
And five, 60,
70, 80, 90,
100, 100,000.
30, 40.
And ten,
And five.
And five.
Do I hear any other bids?
The second row, lady in the fur coat.
Can't stay long.
Got to write up a piece about the auction,
so it'll make the evening editions.
Everything went according to plan then?
195,000 it ended up at.
That's not bad for a piece of paste
or glass or whatever you call it.
Do you know, I could
see the auctioneers face
getting worried as the
price kept going up
but Judy just kept bidding
higher and higher until she got it.
Sergeant plinth: Yeah? Where's Judy now?
Guy Hammond: She's gone on a shopping
spree, hoping the thief will follow her.
I hope she doesn't lose him
and cock-up the whole case.
Which reminds me.
Seized them at customs last night.
Seen a couple of them, they're not bad.
Oh, wow.
Should be able to flog
this lot easily enough.
Yeah, well don't lose this
little lot like you lost the last.
Have you been served?
Lemon tea, please.
Cor, I wouldn't mind those
for breakfast, I can tell you.
I had a friend who was a cameraman once.
I asked him about those shots, you
know, those shots when they get right up
Anything else?
Anyway, I'll have no
trouble getting rid of that lot.
This Danish stuff, you know,
it's really good, I
mean, it's... it's refined.
I mean, they give a
minge class, don't they?
I wish you could remember where
you left that bloody envelope!
Look I tried the hotel,
nobody had handed it in.
Well they wouldn't would they?
I mean supposing
someone takes a look inside
and then goes straight to the
police, then what happens?
Then we'll get it back again, won't we?
Well, as long as no one
recognises it at the yard,
or I'll really be in for
it if that happens.
I suppose you realise
you've been parked on a double yellow line
for the past three quarters of an hour.
Oh, really?
I've been watching you.
I would have thought
a pretty girl like you
would have had something
much better to do with your time.
Right then.
I'll get that thing in
before it's too late.
Then I'll see about
getting rid of that little lot.
You know, if they're good,
should get a fair price for them.
Oh, ouch my leg!
Cor blimey, it's someone's prick!
How did it go? Alright?
Now, as long as guy does his part
okay, we should get results and soon.
Judy, I'm... I'm worried.
Well, the idea of using a bait
to attract this thief is one thing
but leaving you alone in this
house, well that's too much.
I mean, supposing your
assumption is correct.
Supposing he does fall for the bait.
And breaks in tonight
or tomorrow after he's
read about the auction.
Well, what can we lose
even if something goes wrong?
A phoney necklace
that isn't worth a cent.
It wasn't the necklace I was thinking of.
I was thinking of you.
I know I'm only an inspector
at new Scotland yard
and my name isn't anything
more than plain Smith,
which isn't much to offer
anybody, I must admit,
but I may be just another ordinary kind of
person, but I do get very concerned about
you and it worries me because
I think you're just about
the most wonderful insurance
investigator I've ever met and uh...
If anything happened to you,
I-I don't know what I'd do
you know, because I think
you're so um... nice and uh
well you're a wonderful girl, Judy.
At least I think you're wonderful and...
Rape me.
I beg your pardon?
Rape me.
Well you know what rape is?
Well yes, it's um...
Rape, uh yes, yes.
Well, if you're so worried about me
being raped by this burglar, you do it.
Oh, for god's sake, Robert,
will you please rape me?
Look I'm not very good
at these sort of things.
You know, I was educated
at the kind of school where we
didn't get much opportunity to um...
Uh, get much practise at uh...
You shouldn't have done that.
You should never do
that to a police officer.
Remember, we're all
trained in unarmed combat.
It's a... it's a compete instinct
to anyone in the force.
Well, your instincts are a bit slow then.
I may look mild, but when I
want to be I can get really rough.
Alright, go for me again.
I don't want to hurt you.
You won't.
I might forget myself and...
Look just go for me again, will you?
Now go for me as if
you're going to rape me.
Oh my god!
Still worried about tonight?
By the way,
didn't like to mention it at the time,
but I'm also a black belt at karate.
You're late back.
Feeling better?
There's something wrong somewhere.
Feels wrong.
Having trouble with one of your plots?
I'm just tired.
Perhaps too tired.
For what?
To make an important decision.
I'll get the stimulator.
- What?
- Just relax.
It was really weird this afternoon.
- Hmm?
- I was walking along
when suddenly this car hit this man
carrying a suitcase, as
he crossed the road.
Well, he went up in the air
and so did the suitcase and
all the contents splattered out.
And what do you think they were?
Ladies underwear.
No, blue movies.
How's that?
Mmm better.
Just relax.
Let yourself go limp.
Don't worry I feel limp.
Why don't we go upstairs, I could
perform much better on the bed.
Oh too much effort to go up the stairs.
We'll be all right here.
Grant Henry: Yes, who is it?
It's me, jacobi, what the
hell's going on in there?
Grant Henry: Turn that damn thing off!
Angie: Grant you can't stop now,
let him wait.
- Let who wait?
- Grant Henry: Turn it off!
I can't hear myself speak.
I can't hear myself hear.
Grant Henry: Jacobi's
waiting on us now put it off.
Angie: Jacobi can you
hang on for a few minutes?
- We're just in the middle of something.
- Grant Henry: Don't be silly
he can't stand out there
when we're in the middle...
Angie: Just a few minutes
isn't going to hurt him.
Grant Henry: Angie go and let him in.
Angie: No you let him in,
I can't, I'm not...
Grant Henry: Oh for Christ's sake,
neither can I, not with...
Look, Grant, what is going on in there?
Let me in, for god's sake.
Jacobi: And about time too.
Angie: What the hell do you want?
Scotch and I'll pour it myself,
now get lost Angie.
The trouble with women
is they're not self-sufficient.
At least none of the
ones that I've ever met.
Yes, never mind about your sex life.
Let's talk about your
business life for a moment.
Have you read the papers?
Alright, I see you have.
Now this mrs rothfellow
did you see that she's...
I'm ahead of you, jacobi.
She keeps all herjewels in her
safe in a house in Kensington.
She goes to bed early
and she lives alone.
I found all this out this
afternoon after the auction.
The necklace looks very nice.
She looks even better.
The house looks as if it's wide
open and waiting for me to go in.
Which is what I don't like.
I don't know it seems
too easy, it smells wrong.
What the hell are you talking about?
Money, that's what it smells of.
I can get 100 grand for the
waleska diamond alone.
Never mind what else she's got
stashed away in that safe of hers.
Well you read what
she said in the papers.
She doesn't trust banks.
That means she's got it all there.
Oh, come on, Grant you've got to do her.
Look, we can all leave
the country afterwards.
Go away on a long vacation.
What the hell with a hundred
grand, we can all retire.
Well, I could certainly
do with a holiday.
Right. Right.
And I certainly have been
overdoing it recently.
And it's only just after midnight.
Angie love.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to go out.
What are you two doing here?
Supposing the burglar sees you?
The inspector insisted I call
round to see if you were all right.
Don't mind me, I'm just going to wire a
couple of speakers up in the bedroom.
So the second he touches
the combination lock
on the blooming safe,
you'll be able to hear.
That's if he hasn't been
frightened off already by you.
[Phone receiver clicks, sighs and dials
I told you I'd be perfectly
alright on my own, Robert.
Now, will you please stop fussing
and sending a sergeant
round to check up on me?
Well, of course he looks like a
policeman, he's got those kind of feet.
If I need any help,
I'll call you, alright?
Look, it's after midnight.
I don't know what guy's doing upstairs.
Wiring up some speakers,
so you'll know when...
Right then.
- We'i | leave you in peace.
- All finished up there?
Yeah, don't worry.
The second anything
happens, it'll start up.
Of course, I could
always disguise myself.
I do a very good postman.
At one o'clock in the morning?
I know that fella from somewhere.
No one I know and I never forget a face.
Well, we're especially trained
to remember them you see.
I could swear I've seen him
somewhere and recently too.
Now if he'd got big tits I'd remember him
even if I'd never seen him before.
Thighs mate, that's what's best.
Great big, juicy thighs
and lovely squeezy bums.
No, give me a pair of tits any day.
They wouldn't suit you dear!
- Great big ones.
- Thighs.
- Tits.
- Thighs.
- Tits.
- Arses.
- Tits.
- Bollocks.
Why don't you try three to the right,
two to the left, and
one to the right again?
Sorry, that's all there is in there.
Well now, mrs rothfellow
where do you keep the rest?
In your bedroom?
Oh, there's nothing
up there, I assure you.
But you're welcome to have
a look while I call the police.
This looks cheap compared to your beauty.
And you are very beautiful.
I know all about your techniques
with the ladies, you burgle.
So there's really no need.
You needn't bother.
Just to set the record straight
my name's Judy Marvin.
I'm an insurance investigator
and this entire evening has been an
elaborate charade in order to bait you.
Because you've nearly cost me my job
the way you've been going
on the last few months.
And I sincerely hope that you don't
compare me to this little trinket.
It's only a bit of paste and
glass run up for the occasion.
Let's go.
Huh, oh.
Grant Henry!
How do you do?
I was reading one of your books upstairs.
Oh did you like it?
Well now you know why I have to
make my living as a Jewel thief.
Yeah not just a Jewel thief, I might add.
I think it's high time you had
a taste of your own medicine.
Who are you calling?
Inspector Smith.
What are you talking about?
You're not going to turn
me in after... of course.
What did you expect?
That I was all weak and
helpless, like the others.
Look, just because you screwed me
doesn't alter the fact that
you just tried to burgle me.
- Bloody hell!
- And if you don't
want to be permanently
damaged, you'd better shut up.
Hello Robert?
Yes, it's me.
I'm fine.
He's right here.
Yes, right beside me.
Do you want a word with him?
No I told you I'm fine.
See you in a bit.
Oh, by the way, there's no need to hurry.
I've got him under control.
I estimate that should
give us just enough time.
But you better make it a good one,
because it's going to be
the last you'll get for a while.
You know Judy, you
really are quite a girl.
There's plenty to be said
in your favour as well.
God knows how long
they'll put me away for
but when I get out
how about teaming up with me?
I mean just think,
with my skill, your contacts
we could make a fortune.
We'd certainly make a pretty
formidable team, I must admit.
I've got a crummy boss anyway.
Grant Henry: How about it, then?
Is it a deal?
I'd even be willing to offer
marriage if you were willing.
And I can assure you, you're
the first girl I've ever said that to.
All right, you're on.
I told him not to hurry, too.
I'm going to want to see you again but...
About six months, I should imagine.
Well, I don't suppose any of
your other victims will dare
give evidence against you
so, that leaves just me.
And what can they convict you of
other than simple house break-in?
What do you mean?
Well, you haven't stolen anything.
Nobody can prove you're the Jewel thief
without evidence or witnesses.
And by the time I've said
my little piece in court,
I should think they'll let
you off with a small fine.
Imagine it.
Grant Henry, the Jewel thief.
Well, you certainly got yourself
a story there, haven't you guy?
Indeed I have, inspector.
Listen, I think I'll just whip upstairs
and dismantle the equipment,
you know the speakers and things.
Oh leave that for a
couple of my men to do
saves bothering you.
Oh no, it's no bother, no bother at all.
Of course, they'll still have to prove
he's the Jewel thief, won't they?
I mean, it won't be so easy.
Well, that's somebody else's problem.
At least we brought him in
and as far as I'm concerned,
that's all there is to it.
Whatever happens next, I don't care.
Looks like everything
turned out rather well, then.
There's just one question of um
us, j-Judy.
Sergeant plinth.
Uh, could you um?
Yes sir, did you want something?
Just make sure
everything's all right outside.
- Judy.
- Yes Robert?
Judy, I find you very
attractive, you know that?
Thank you, Robert.
As for the way you
captured the thief, well
I think you're just wonderful and uh...
I wondered if it'd be asking too much
if I were to ask you if you
wouldn't mind if I asked you
to marry me?
Of course not.
I'm-I'm sorry I didn't quite get that
um, what you said.
I said, of course not.
And I'm sorry I still, um...
Am not quite sure whether you...
I'm not actually sure whether you mean,
yes uh, or no?
I mean, of course I don't mind
you asking me to marry you
and I'd love to accept,
but I've just recently got myself
engaged to someone else, actually.
Very recently, in fact.
Everything's fine out there sir.
Right well we'll be on our way then.
Uh if you should, you
know change your mind or
if he should change his mind, you know,
whoever he is, then, you know,
perhaps you'll give me a call.
I'll just go and give
guy a hand upstairs sir.
Can't wait to see what he's like.
I mean, he must have been bloody
good to keep all those women quiet.
Never mind that.
Just think of the money we're
going to get flogging the prints.
I hope they kept the light
on while they were at it.