The Shadow Strays (2024) Movie Script

[wind whistling]
[suspenseful music playing]
[man 1] Ah, Kenjiro, sir.
I thank you.
Thank you.
Stay alert.
[men] Yes, sir!
[suspenseful music playing]
[man 2, man 3] Thank you
for the hard work.
[man 4] Thank you for the hard work.
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
It's all right. It's just Kenjiro.
I thought it was the woman.
Excuse me, boss. She will be here soon.
[uneasy music playing]
[boss] Do I really need
all this protection?
There have been many in the past
who tried to kill me.
Hardly be the first time.
With all due respect, boss,
on this occasion, it's very different.
Shadows of Death.
That's what they call themselves.
Nobody knows who leads them.
And nobody knows who hires them.
It's a mystery.
They lay in wait in the dark,
and before you know it...
[clicks tongue]
[elongated whistle]
...from your neck
comes the terrifying death whistle.
And the last thing
you will see on this earth
is your blood
painting the floor bright red.
What the fuck?
What the hell are you on about?
Don't fuck with me.
Ninjas? You think that makes me scared?
Forgive me.
- [gun clicks]
- Who's there?
Uh, excuse me.
Excuse me, boss.
Excuse me.
[drops gun]
The woman you requested.
["Hokkai Taratsuri Uta" playing]
[woman singing "Hokkai Taratsuri Uta"]
[song ends]
That was very nice indeed.
- [ominous music playing]
- Now you know what to do.
That's good.
You keep your back to me.
Now take your clothes off.
[Kenjiro] I'm sorry, dear.
I'll be home in two or three days.
[girl] But Mika wants Papa
to come home tonight.
- Please, Papa.
- [chuckles softly]
Mika, when I see you...
[sighs aggressively]
You're mine!
You do exactly what I tell you to.
[boss laughs wickedly]
What's that?
[woman screams]
- I have to go.
- [phone beeps]
What was that?
All right, you and you, come.
[tense music playing]
[breathing shakily]
[man 1 groans in disgust]
[woman whimpers]
Who did this? Who was it?
Answer me!
[woman gasps]
[uneasy music playing]
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
[all coughing]
[menacing music playing]
[men continue coughing]
- Huh?
- [dramatic music playing]
[blood squelches]
[man 2 yelling in fear]
[yells angrily]
[grunting aggressively]
[breathing heavily]
[yells angrily]
[yells aggressively]
[Kenjiro straining]
[music fades]
[men yelling in confusion]
[Kenjiro breathing heavily]
Tell everyone.
Stay alert. Be on the lookout.
There could be more, others to come.
Yes, sir.
[uneasy music playing]
A woman?
- [electricity crackles]
- [men exclaim in confusion]
[music fades]
Now what?
[wind howling]
Turn the lights on. Now!
[man 2, man 3] Yes, sir!
[unsettling music playing]
[tense music playing]
[Kenjiro breathing shakily]
[dramatic music playing]
[high-pitched tone]
[music subsides]
[rapid beeping]
[objects clattering]
[man shuddering]
[tense music playing]
[ominous vocalizing]
[breathing deeply]
[metallic ring]
[men yelling aggressively]
[music subsides]
The Shadows of Death.
[Kenjiro grunts]
[both yelling aggressively]
[Kenjiro groaning]
[groaning, spluttering]
[music intensifies]
[music subsides]
[uneasy music playing]
[Kenjiro] Shadow.
You have successfully killed Yoshinori.
Why do you keep killing? I'm just a...
We are hired to eliminate
the entire Onori clan.
he is only the head of the clan.
Kayama Kenjiro,
with the death of Yoshinori,
it is you who is
next in line.
The clan is annihilated.
You've wiped us all out.
How long do you suppose I will last?
- [woman] No one chooses their fate.
- [coughing]
Your destiny is chosen for you.
Let's see.
[Kenjiro coughs]
[Kenjiro breathing heavily]
[music intensifies]
[Kenjiro roars]
[music subsides]
[liquid burbling]
- [high-pitched tone]
- [breathing weakly]
[eerie music playing]
[gasps heavily]
[gasping, whimpering]
Breathe slowly.
[13 breathing deeply]
- [gasps]
- We're done here.
Get your gear.
[breathing heavily]
[breathing unsteadily]
[somber music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[music fades]
[brooding music playing]
[13] What's next?
[music fades]
I'm sorry.
Instructor Umbra.
I am doubting now if I can trust you
on future missions.
Did I fail?
But I neutralized the main target.
And many of the others.
You were compromised.
This wasn't a tough job.
But what's next will be.
And look what happened.
[13 groans in pain]
You were distracted. It's why you failed.
The woman was there.
I wasn't briefed on that.
Our mission is never easy.
But also never complex.
We are assassins.
Not rescuers or negotiators.
We're killers.
If you can't understand that,
why are you even here?
[pensive music playing]
We've wasted time
and a lot of effort
to forge you as the best.
Remember that, 13.
I am more than just a number.
I have a name.
[13 breathing shakily]
My name is...
- [high-pitched tone]
- [grunting]
[muffled heartbeat]
That's enough.
Take this.
Take it.
[pill bottle opens]
You think I'm hard on you?
It's nothing compared to my training.
Your instructor, then.
Instructor Burai.
Master Burai.
Get some rest now.
[music fades]
So? How'd it go?
I need her to be sent back
to the facility.
What the fuck for?
Psych re-training.
You're her instructor.
If that's what you think she needs.
But... you'll have to wait.
You and I, we have a slight detour.
Some shit show in Cambodia.
But it's my responsibility,
sending her back to the facility.
[earpiece beeps]
Copy that. Understood.
Yes. Change of plan.
Cargo to Jakarta.
The others and I
will be on the next flight.
Okay. Thank you.
What are you waiting for? Brief her.
Take your gear.
A medic will check on you.
Listen, 13.
Fulfilling a successful mission
is our purpose in life.
What life?
[man] Please stand by. Ready for takeoff.
[engines whine]
[unsettling music playing]
[music fades]
- [high-pitched tone]
- [shudders]
[high-pitched tone fades]
[tense music playing]
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
[ringing tone]
[automated voice] Please state
your operating code.
Please state the purpose of your call.
Seeking instructions from Umbra.
Please advise.
Are you taking prescriptions, Operator 13?
We expect things to be all clear
until your next briefing.
Your commitment and dedication
is always appreciated.
[disconnect beeps]
[tense music playing]
[echoing footstep]
[music intensifies]
[music subsides]
[music fades]
[boy] Come on, Mom.
[woman coughs]
Just a bit more. That's it.
[woman grunts, groans]
[boy yelps]
[woman coughing]
[woman coughs]
[woman] Please forgive your mom.
You don't have anything
to worry about now.
[boy] I don't want you seeing him.
You promised
you won't work with him anymore.
I promise I won't.
I don't work with him anymore.
But I also promise
we won't be poor anymore.
You're gonna be a big brother soon, Monji.
[woman groans]
[somber music playing]
[Monji] Let's go, Mom.
- Come on, Mom. Let's go.
- [woman groans]
- [woman groans]
- [Monji] That's good.
[brooding music playing]
[exhales deeply]
[breathing unsteadily]
[knocking at door]
[man] Asti.
[banging at door]
[Asti] What are you doing here, Haga?
[Haga] You know why I'm here.
[Asti] Mind your own business.
It's between me and Ariel.
So fuck off.
I said fuck off!
Fuck off, all of you!
- [Asti screams]
- Fuck off! That's my mom! Leave her alone.
[Asti] Take your hands off him!
[Asti screams]
Stop it!
- Monji!
- [Monji] Get your hands off me!
- Leave me alone!
- [Asti] Please stop! [screams]
[door opens and closes]
[high-pitched tone]
[breathing unsteadily]
[indistinct chatter]
[distant siren]
[concerned murmuring]
[somber music playing]
[Monji sobbing]
Monji, Monji, Monji, Monji.
Hey, hey, hey. Hey!
[paramedic] Get lost! Move along!
That's it. Now you're all alone.
[Monji whimpering]
You take good care of yourself, okay?
You call me if anything happens, okay?
- [Monji whimpering]
- There. Now go.
[unsettling music playing]
[ominous vocalizing]
[vocalizing fades]
[ringing tone]
Please state your operating code.
Seeking instructions.
From Umbra.
Operator 13, you are instructed
to wait for further notice.
Wait until when?
It's been two weeks.
Please advise.
Are you taking your prescription
as you have been instructed?
Yes, I've been fucking taking it, okay?!
I'm sorry.
It's just I haven't heard anything...
We expect things to be all clear
until your next briefing.
Your commitment and dedication
is always appreciated.
[disconnect beeps]
[Monji] Aren't you gonna eat that?
What do you mean?
[Monji] If you're not gonna eat it,
I'll have it.
Are you okay?
It's nothing.
[13] Hang in there, okay?
- [Monji] What do you mean?
- I saw your mom.
I saw what happened
the other day.
Well, it can't be helped.
She had it coming.
She was an addict.
So she OD'd.
I saw several men
at your place that night.
They're just her customers.
Her customers beat you up.
Can you shut up?
I'll give you back the food.
[somber music playing]
Fucking lousy mom.
I've had to look after her
since I was a kid.
It's meant to be the other way around.
And after everything, she just died.
Fuck her.
But you still loved her, didn't you?
She was a burden.
And so now I'm free.
So this knife that you carry with you
isn't for revenge?
[Monji] They say she OD'd.
I don't buy any of it.
They killed her.
She worked for people who...
I tried to protect her.
But Haga, he beats me up.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I still want you around, Mom.
[Monji sniffles]
Hey. Let's go see your mom.
[music fades]
[Monji] I'm scared.
It's all right.
[Monji] It's spooky.
Hey, trust me.
These guys can't do anything now.
What was your mom's name again? Asti?
[13] A beautiful name.
Yes, thank you.
Go on.
You can talk to her.
[emotional music playing]
I'll show you.
You can say anything you want.
Your momma will always be listening.
Mom, I'm sorry.
I failed to protect you.
I still wanna be with you, Mom.
I can cook for you.
And rub your back.
[music intensifies]
Mom, I still want you around.
Hey, thank you. I don't know your name.
Perhaps if we meet again tomorrow,
I'll let you know then.
[music ends abruptly]
[girl] Mom! Mom!
[inhales sharply]
[high-pitched tone]
[pensive music playing]
[high-pitched tone continues]
[grunts, breathing heavily]
[man] Hello, boss?
[Haga] Are you there?
- [man] Yeah, boss. I'm at Asti's.
- [Haga] Start rummaging.
What am I looking for?
[Haga] Idiot. Find anything there
that can be evidence.
- All right.
- [Haga] Jeki.
Search for anything there
that could be traced back to me.
[Jeki] Okay, boss, I got it.
[Haga] If you miss something,
we all go down.
- [Jeki] Yes, boss. Hello?
- [disconnect beeps]
Boss Haga?
[sighs] Yeah, fuck you.
Those at the top
forget about those at the bottom.
[cistern lid clunks]
[uneasy music playing]
[grunts softly]
All right. This is good.
[chuckles softly]
Where is he?
[Jeki clears throat]
- Who?
- Monji.
Where is he?
[Jeki sighs]
[sighs contentedly]
[dramatic music playing]
[Jeki screams]
- Fuck!
- Where is Monji?
I can't breathe.
[exhales sharply]
[Jeki screams]
I heard you say "Haga."
That's my boss. [sniffs] He sent me here.
- Take me to him.
- To who?
To Haga? [laughs]
Are you crazy? Fat chance!
- [13] Right now!
- Shit!
[music fades]
[sniffs] Going to see Haga is suicide.
Do you know who he runs with?
Tell me.
Like father, like son. [sniffs]
If I were you,
I'd pray that I didn't tangle with them.
[brooding music playing]
[13] What's that got to do with Haga?
[unsettling music playing]
- [Jeki] Haga. He's my boss.
- [grunts]
- [woman yelps]
- [grunts]
[Jeki] And then there's
the corrupt Prasetyo and his army.
And the most dangerous one of all,
They grew up together.
And now they commit atrocities together.
- [Ariel grunts]
- [woman shrieks]
[Jeki] Yeah, anyone who messes
with those three disappears for good.
[music fades]
Now you know. Not a trace.
The police?
Sis, you're in Jakarta.
[in mocking tone] Police.
Where are we going?
And his twin, Soriah.
- [muffled dance music pounding]
- They run the Moonrose.
[tires screech]
Let's go.
Hold up, hold up.
What's your plan?
I told you.
I'm looking for Monji.
He also mentioned Haga's name.
Who's Monji to you?
A friend! Now get out!
Okay. Okay.
[dance music pounding]
[13] Monji's here. He has to be here.
Sh! We don't know that yet.
Now, don't cause any trouble, okay?
That's Soriah.
Ariel agreed.
In two days, you bring cold cash.
And we hand you the stuff.
Abi Kabil.
After the transaction,
we'll meet again,
and we're officially partners.
Ariel is so full of himself.
Why must I go through this whore again
to do business with him?
What do you call those women
who procure whores like she does?
Hey? Huh?
Hang on! What are you going to say?
I'm going to ask where Monji is.
You're just gonna ask where Monji is?
Ariel is smart.
He's not gonna meet some petty thug
who stabs people in the back.
It's not really any secret.
You're well known.
In fact, I'd say you're quite famous.
Quite renowned around the town
for your habit
of stabbing people in the back.
It's obvious.
Look at me.
The difference
between you and me is
I'll stab you in the face.
One day,
your big mouth,
that will be the end of you.
Let's go.
[Kabil sighs]
Okay, just act dumb. Trust me.
I brought a gift for you guys.
For Haga.
[pounding dance music continues]
[door unlocks]
Go on in.
[door closes]
[patting down]
[uneasy music playing]
She wants to be a hostess?
I don't think so.
What's your name?
- Are you listening...
- [Jeki] Sari!
Her name's Sari.
She's a bit shy.
[Soriah] Sari?
I don't think so.
Pardon me, Soriah,
but where's the boss?
What's up?
It's about Monji.
I'll kick your ass if it's not urgent.
You stay here.
[door opens]
Lock the door.
[door locks]
[tense music playing]
[woman] No...
[Haga] Sh.
Everything will be all right, my dear.
[brooding music playing]
[Haga exhales deeply]
[objects clatter]
[breathing deeply]
[Haga] Is it done?
Yeah, boss.
I've cleaned up the place.
So if I send someone there now...
they won't find anything?
Yeah. Absolutely.
Your face.
Uh... um...
[Monji grunts] Get the fuck off me!
You used my stuff?
No, boss. I... I swear, boss.
Your face.
Your ass.
Everything belongs to me.
The only difference
between you
and her...
she's still worth something.
- Do you fucking understand?
- Yeah, boss.
He brought a girl here.
Said she's for you.
I met her at Monji's place.
- Bring the girl in now.
- [man] Yes, ma'am.
[Monji panting]
[tense music playing]
[door unlocks]
[whipping impact]
[guard grunting]
Why are you alone...
[dramatic music stab]
[Haga breathing heavily]
Who the fuck are you?
I swear, boss.
She just suddenly... [chokes]
Where's Monji?
[Jeki thuds]
[menacing music stab]
[Haga yells furiously]
[dramatic music playing]
[13 strains]
[Haga roars]
[both straining]
[both straining]
[13 straining]
[inhales sharply]
This is Monji's.
So fucking what?
[yells angrily]
[Haga screams]
[Haga groans]
[13 yells furiously]
[Soriah grunts angrily]
[gunshot echoing]
[Haga wheezing]
[yelling furiously]
[Soriah yelling furiously]
[13 yells]
[Soriah groaning, spluttering]
[Soriah] You killed Haga, you fuckers!
[screams in pain]
Jeki, bring her! We're outta here!
[Jeki, straining] Fuck!
Haga... I'm fucked!
[13] Jeki!
[attendees screaming]
[Jeki grunting]
[guard yells]
[guard's body thuds]
[guard's spluttering continues]
Hey, sis, here's the stairs.
[guard yells]
[both yelling furiously]
[bone crunches]
[both straining]
[13 screams, groans]
[both yelling furiously]
[13 roars]
[guard screaming]
[attendees screaming]
[Soriah] Hey, slut!
- [Soriah yells angrily]
- [gun clicks]
[Soriah screaming]
- [Soriah screaming]
- [13 yells furiously]
[both straining]
[guard yelling angrily]
[yells furiously]
[yells furiously]
[guard grunts]
[Soriah] Hey!
[breathing heavily]
[Soriah panting]
[Soriah exclaims angrily]
[distant siren wailing]
[yells furiously]
- Sis! Sis!
- [gasps]
Let's go!
- [siren approaching]
- Hurry!
- [running footsteps]
- The cops are here!
Come on!
What the fuck are you waiting for?
I'll go without you.
[attendees screaming]
Hurry up!
I'm trying to help you, goddamn it!
[officers shouting instructions]
[13] Hey! We can't just leave her here!
We bring her, she's a burden.
[siren wailing]
- Let's go!
- Jesus, fuck!
[tires screech]
Get out! Hey! Stop!
[music fades]
Don't look at me like that.
You just dug my grave!
[Jeki breathing unsteadily]
You know they never trusted you, right?
Yeah. But now they're gonna think...
They're gonna think I'm with you. Damn it!
I saw Monji taken away by police.
Ah, Monji again.
Why do you care so much?
About him?
[tires screech]
Get out.
I can't help you anymore.
[13] But I need your help to find Monji.
Not my problem!
[13] Hey.
It's better if you don't go home tonight.
[tires screech]
[man 1 screaming]
- [man 2] That's enough now.
- [screams]
- Please, stop!
- [head bangs on table]
You'll make him deaf.
[unsettling music playing]
[sighs] Kusno.
Why now?
Why did you drive
the truckload of meth to the harbor?
It wasn't me, sir.
If you don't confess,
then I can't help you at all.
[girl] Dad, when will you be coming home?
I've been very good at school today.
I miss you a lot.
I wanna show you what I've been doing.
Are you sure now?
Every morning, your daughter
goes to school at 5:00 a.m.
It would be a pity
if her small body collided with a car.
if an unknown vehicle
took her away.
No, sir. Please, sir!
[Kusno crying]
Please, sir! I'm begging you!
All right, then.
We don't want that.
None of us want that. Do we?
[Prasetyo sighs]
- [recording device clicks]
- [Prasetyo] Kusno, from the top.
I want you to tell me now
how you drove
the truckload of meth to the harbor.
[phone buzzing]
[phone beeps]
Hello, Riel.
[music ends abruptly]
[sobs softly]
[unsettling music playing]
[Prasetyo sobbing]
[Prasetyo breathing unsteadily]
A professional did this.
She's a teenager,
and she looks familiar.
I've seen her before.
[siren wailing]
[man] Yeah, I heard she came with Jeki,
looking for Asti's son.
- Moonrose?
- [Prasetyo] It'll be all over the news.
- Call off your deal with Kabil.
- [snarls]
- Yeah. Pras. Pras. Pras!
- Ariel, I simply can't accept this.
I can't!
[exhales sharply]
About Haga,
I'm also upset about that, okay?
- So you know what to do.
- Hmm.
- I'll deal with Jeki.
- Okay.
Be careful.
I've got other problems.
[man 2] What did I tell you, son?
Now a small mistake
has snowballed into something large.
Don't worry, Pop.
I've spoken to Pras.
And the team.
Everything's gonna be okay, Pop.
So don't worry. I've organized it.
[music fades]
- [man 2] Have they been put up?
- [woman] Yes, sir, they're up now.
[man 2] Print the ones of myself too.
- And stand by. There may be revisions.
- Pop!
[woman] Excuse me, sir.
I told you...
to take care of the situation
with that woman you knocked up.
I did take care of it.
I intended you should send her
to a clinic!
Not by killing her
around the start of my campaign.
I was only doing the same as you did.
Listen carefully.
Get a grip.
["Libiamo ne' lieti calici" playing]
[exhales unsteadily]
[door unlocks]
[brooding music playing]
[Monji groans]
Someone's looking for you.
You scared?
[Ariel inhales deeply]
[Ariel grunts]
[Ariel sighs deeply]
Hoo-hoo-hoo, aaah!
Well, you should be scared.
I hear that adrenaline
is good for the pain.
- [Monji whimpers]
- So...
[Ariel giggles wickedly]
- [Monji screams]
- Whoo!
- [lightning cracks]
- [Ariel's giggling echoing]
[mysterious music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[man groans, splutters]
[Umbra yells]
[man 2] Hey!
[man 2 screams]
[man 2 screaming]
[bones crunching]
[menacing music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
[Umbra] Troika.
[Troika] Agent Umbra.
Long time no see.
[earpiece beeps]
Handler, I wasn't informed
about another agent.
[Handler] Troika is around
to make sure you're safe.
- But I'm capable of...
- Look at them closely.
[Troika] Shit.
These are Shadows.
[Umbra] Deserters?
Someone is leading them.
Your main objective
shouldn't be too far away.
Troika, clear the way for her.
[Troika] Yes, old man.
Let's go.
- [Troika] Stop.
- [Umbra] What is it?
- [metallic ringing]
- [Troika] Move!
[Troika] Look who it is.
This one's mine.
[neck cracks]
[Shadow yells angrily]
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
[mystical music playing]
- [grunts]
- [dramatic music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[exhales sharply] You're the target?
Long time no see.
[Umbra roars]
[Volver screams]
- [music fades]
- [panting]
[somber music playing]
[Volver] Out of everyone,
I didn't think they'd send you here.
You're one of us.
Twelve years ago,
you were a good instructor.
A big sister.
You're nobody now.
Look at us.
Look what they made us do.
Tell me, is this really
where you imagined yourself to be?
We are Shadows.
- We're supposed to...
- Umbra, wake up!
[voice breaking] Please.
Wake up from whatever spell
they fucking put you on.
We are flesh and blood.
We have a chance to be more than this.
Join us.
Join us, and we'll run.
Join who?
Your friends?
I killed them.
[man screaming]
[screaming continues]
[Umbra] He's with you?
[exhales sharply]
- It's not possible.
- But it is.
[gentle music playing]
And for us, you know this is a miracle.
Umbra, please.
Look at me!
You took care of me, didn't you?
Didn't it mean something?
Anything? Please, let us...
[Umbra breathing unsteadily]
never saw me here.
[uneasy music playing]
[Volver groaning]
[Volver groans]
[Volver screaming]
[brooding music playing]
[electricity crackling]
- [rapid beeping]
- You've activated emergency protocol.
Do you wish...
[tense music playing]
- [music fades]
- [thunder rumbling]
[man and woman
singing children's nursery rhyme]
[singing continues]
[singing continues]
[singing continues]
[singing continues]
[chuckles, sniffs]
[singing continues]
[phone buzzing]
[Jeki singing]
[phone buzzing continues]
- [thunder rumbling]
- [Jeki singing]
[somber music playing]
- [ringing tone]
- [menacing music playing]
[phone beeps]
[Prasetyo] Make sure
you've all removed your badges.
Let's move.
[switch flips]
[Jeki breathing unsteadily]
[doorknob rattling]
[doorknob squeaks, rattles]
[doorknob rattling]
- [woman moaning]
- [Jeki resumes singing]
[thunder rumbling]
[Jeki singing]
[Jeki gasps]
Nana. Nana!
[Prasetyo] Watch the door.
[Jeki] No, please. No.
[Prasetyo continues to sing
children's nursery rhyme]
[Prasetyo continues singing]
- [Prasetyo sings first line of verse]
- [Jeki continues singing]
[Jeki continues singing]
[Jeki sings louder]
[Jeki screams, whimpers]
- [Prasetyo] Jeki, where is she?
- Where's who?
[Prasetyo] Come on, Jeki.
Where is the kid who killed Haga?
If you don't tell me,
you'll soon be wiping off
your Nana's brain matter.
Please. I don't know.
We split up after Moonrose.
You think your Nana is
worth more than Haga?
Haga is all alone now.
He's scared of the dark.
Did you know that?
I'm all she has.
- Do you get it?
- Please, I'm all my nana has.
[Jeki whimpering]
[walkie-talkie beeps]
[man 1] Movement outside.
Need instructions.
Go check.
- [gunshot]
- [man screams]
- [man 2] Fuck!
- [Jeki whimpers]
[door opens]
[men grunting]
[dramatic music playing]
[bullet ricochets]
[music fades]
[silenced gunshot]
[breathing unsteadily]
- [motorcycle engine revving]
- [dramatic music resumes]
[tires screech]
[man 2 yelling in fear]
[man 2 whimpering]
[man 2 groans]
[13 yelling furiously]
[gun clicks empty]
[man 3] Fuck!
[13 grunting, groaning]
[gun clicks empty]
[13 yells]
[music fades]
[music resumes]
[man 4 yelling]
[man 4 screaming]
[man 5 yelling]
[man 5 screaming]
[13 yells furiously]
[blood squelching]
[13 yells angrily]
[13 straining]
[13 yelling furiously]
[man 6 screaming]
- [music subsides]
- [man 6 screaming]
[suspenseful music stab]
- [thwack]
- [13 grunts]
[man 6 speaking wheezily]
[man 6 screaming]
- [music intensifies]
- [man 6 splutters in agony]
[knife swishes]
[both yelling furiously]
[13 yelling angrily]
[music fades]
[breathing heavily]
No fast moves, Jek.
Remember whose side you're on.
- [grunts]
- [tense music playing]
[Prasetyo groaning]
- [Prasetyo squeals]
- [13 yells angrily]
Where is Monji? Huh?
Monji? [cackles]
So all this is just because of one boy?
Who's soon going to die thanks to you?
[Jeki straining]
- [13 yelling furiously]
- [Prasetyo whimpering]
[13 snarls in frustration]
[silenced gunshot]
[13 grunts]
[vehicle engine running outside]
- [tires screech]
- [motorcycle engine revving]
[dramatic music playing]
[gun clicks empty]
- [motorcycle accelerates]
- [air hissing]
[tires screech]
[Prasetyo] Ariel, hello.
I'm nearby, but she's getting away.
[Ariel] Okay.
I'm ready.
Okay, then. Yeah.
[phone beeps]
[tires screech]
[13 grunting, groaning]
[13 panting]
[13 groaning]
[music fades]
Me first.
Hey, Pras! Pras!
Hey, take it easy. Okay?
Let me call Pop.
[pats 13 down]
[13 groans]
You killed someone who's dear to me.
So now I'm gonna really enjoy...
[Prasetyo screaming]
[dramatic music resumes]
[13 yelling maniacally]
- [screaming furiously]
- Pras. Pras. Pras!
[13 hyperventilating in fury]
- [Ariel yells]
- [grunts]
[music fades]
[pensive music playing]
[Handler] You hesitated.
I have to put that on your record.
I wasn't briefed
on neutralizing our own agents.
- It caught me off-guard.
- [Handler] Such a shame.
They used to be very useful,
but there's no such thing as perfection.
Always gonna be some bad eggs
thinking they're not what they are.
Hmm, speaking of bad eggs...
what does a drug-dealing politician's son,
a crooked cop,
and a human trafficker have in common?
None of them are
supposed to be our fucking concern.
Until now.
Just a baby.
"Just a baby" activated
an emergency booth.
Unsanctioned, of course.
Now there are bodies all over Jakarta.
Cops, crooks.
- Us?
- She was your responsibility.
But now she's become ours.
We're catching the next flight.
[Umbra sighs]
- [gunfire]
- [gasps]
[girl] Mom!
- Mom!
- [whooshing]
That's not gonna work.
[breathing unsteadily]
You know, I've watched Dad
interrogate people here.
[chuckles softly]
[pop music playing on radio]
No one escapes.
It's not possible.
You know what?
[Ariel breathing unsteadily]
You killed my two best friends
in one night.
And what for?!
For what? A son of a whore?
- Fuck! Answer me!
- [13 grunts in pain]
Why did you kill Monji's mother?
You killed Haga and Pras...
all because
I killed a whore?
What's your deal with her?
You're a fucking psycho.
You fuck! You're a fucking psycho!
That kid needs to know
that his mom blackmailed me to marry her.
She was blackmailing me
all because once we fucked.
So she had it coming to her. That's it!
My pop's a gubernatorial candidate.
Gubernatorial candidate!
[13 groaning, coughing]
Do you know what that means?
[Ariel sighs contentedly, chuckles]
It means
that one day soon...
[eerie music playing]
...I... will also be governor of Jakarta.
[cackles wickedly]
Do you have any idea
where your mistakes lie?
[13 laughs]
I know one thing.
Under that mask over your face,
you're just a puny boy
hiding behind his daddy.
[breathing unsteadily]
[Ariel giggles]
[Ariel laughs]
[Ariel hums a cheery tune]
Your head breaking
will be music to my ears.
So please, you little bitch,
be a good girl.
[inhales deeply]
Don't kill her though.
Leave me some. For Haga.
[chuckles] I like that!
Ooh! [vocalizes wickedly]
[high-pitched tone]
[father] Ariel!
- [high-pitched tone fades]
- [breathing shakily]
- Pop? Uh, Poppy?
- [drops bat]
Pop. P... Poppy.
She... [giggles]
She's right.
You fuck up unless I'm around.
Many of our men have died.
Police and your friends too.
She killed them, right?
And I'm...
Shut up and listen!
Whoever she is,
she can be useful for us.
What do you mean?
As long as that kid is still around,
she'll do anything for us.
So our deal with Kabil is on.
Pop, Moonrose, it's shut down.
I've got no choice.
- I need to cancel it.
- Hey!
You are going to do the deal
with that Arab.
It's close to two million.
Pop, I know! Pop, I know!
I need that money for my campaign.
Pop, please, please.
Remember, she can wipe out ten cops.
Kabil's army don't stand a chance.
Once the deal is done and dusted,
you can do whatever you want with her.
Take her to the harbor,
and then you can drown her,
along with the kid.
They're all yours.
Pras and Haga...
As soon as I am the governor,
Pras and Haga are forgotten.
There will be others.
[uneasy music playing]
There, there.
Tidy up.
Look like a governor's son.
I know that you're no ordinary woman.
And I'm a fair man.
I don't need to know who you are.
You want the kid.
I want your services.
[music fades]
[door unlocks, opens]
[somber music playing]
[Monji wheezes]
[door closes]
[Monji whimpering weakly]
[Monji] Mother...
[Monji wheezing, whimpering weakly]
I'm sorry.
I just couldn't forget my mom.
I still dream of her.
I know.
I'm hungry.
we'll go eat bakso again.
All the bakso you want.
[Monji breathing shakily, whimpering]
[Monji wheezing]
[tense music playing]
[tires screech]
[tires screech]
[Ariel] See that guy?
Okay, here's the plan.
Once the deal is done
and we're safely in the car,
that's when you take out Kabil.
Right in the head.
If I kill him,
then we will all die together.
You're strong.
Don't worry. You'll survive.
If anything happens to me,
choke the kid to death.
[Monji wheezes]
[groans] It's so fucking hot in here!
- Hey.
- [Ariel] Come on.
[Ariel chuckles]
- Is that your daddy in the car, huh?
- [music fades]
That's so sweet.
The future governor looking after his son.
- [cackles]
- [laughs ironically]
Straight to the point.
You've got the cash?
It's there. Where's my stuff?
[exhales sharply]
99% uncut.
Street value is twice your capital.
I'm not wanting to be governor.
She comes with the stuff?
A bonus.
Check the stuff.
Make sure he keeps his word.
[Monji wheezing]
[breathes deeply]
[Monji wheezing]
Sir, we have to take him to hospital.
- [man 1] Sh!
- [Monji wheezing]
Good. Thank you.
Hey! Check it!
Now let Monji go.
[Ariel breathing excitedly]
As soon as I get in the car,
you know what to do.
What about Monji?
Fuck! Just do what I say.
- [tense music playing]
- Kabil!
Here, take her.
You want her, right?
[Jeki] Monji? Mon...
Monji's gone! Monji!
- [father] Shut him up.
- Monji!
[yells in pain]
[13 breathing unsteadily]
[yells in pain]
- Your face.
- I don't wanna do this.
What do you mean?
[Jeki straining]
[both straining]
- [horn blaring]
- [dramatic music playing]
[horn blaring]
Monji's dead!
Monji is dead!
- [horn blaring]
- Monji is dead!
- [muffled heavy breathing]
- [heartbeat]
Monji is dead!
[13] Monji? Monji?
Monji is dead!
Monji! [screams]
[screams furiously]
[Jeki screams]
Who's stabbing who in the back now, huh?
Kill them all! Kill them! Kill them all!
Stop standing around! Mow them down!
[bullets ricocheting]
[high-pitched tone]
[father] Wait.
[high-pitched tone fades]
Pig fuckers!
Poppy! Poppy!
Pop! Pop! Poppy!
All this because of you!
You always told me what to do!
[Ariel whimpers]
Look at you now!
[yells furiously]
Die, bitch.
[man screaming]
- [music subsides]
- [panting]
- [Ariel exclaiming triumphantly]
- [distant explosion]
[grunts in alarm]
[Ariel] Kabil!
Oh, Kabil?
[man] Wait! No, wait!
Shit! Fuck!
[Ariel cackling]
The fuck are you doing?
[Ariel laughing]
I won, motherfucker!
[blood squelching]
Where's the girl?
Find her now!
Hey, let's go this way.
- [Ariel laughing]
- Fuck!
- Fuck!
- [Ariel whooping]
Oh, goddamn it!
[Ariel] Jeki!
[Jeki] Where the fuck is that girl?
Where is she?
- [straining]
- [Ariel] Oh, Jeki!
- [Soriah] Hey.
- [music fades]
[vehicle engine approaching rapidly]
[Soriah yelling]
[brooding music playing]
[engine revving]
[tires screech]
[tires screech]
[man screams, grunts]
[dramatic music playing]
[tires screech]
[men coughing]
[Ariel] Hey!
[gun clicks empty]
[echoing grunt]
[music softens]
[dramatic music resumes]
[tires screech]
- [shrieks]
- [metallic tinkling]
- [engine revs]
- [tires screech]
[yelling furiously]
[Ariel] Fuck!
[music subsides]
- [gasps]
- [music fades]
[breathing heavily]
[tense music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[both straining]
[both straining]
[yells furiously]
[screaming in agony]
[yells furiously]
[Ariel screams]
[Ariel] Fuck!
- [Ariel splutters]
- [whistling]
What the fuck
is that... sound?
The whistle of your death.
[choking, spluttering]
[whistling continues]
[Ariel speaking incoherently]
[yells furiously]
[music fades]
[13 panting]
[brooding music stab]
Just who the fuck are you?
- [gun clicks]
- Answer me!
[Soriah panting desperately]
- [tires screech]
- [Jeki breathing unsteadily]
[rubber flapping]
[somber music playing]
[13] I know this is weird.
I just met Monji two days ago.
[Jeki] It's okay.
No need to explain.
My name is 13.
[Jeki] 13?
You like that name?
All right, then.
[music fades]
- [liquid burbles]
- Wake up, Mom.
[muffled] Wake up!
Wake up!
[breathing shakily]
[13 groans]
Hey, hey! Don't touch Monji!
Don't touch him.
What's the dead kid to you, huh?
You insolent little cunt!
[13 groans angrily]
[Umbra] A whole list of casualties.
The governor candidate, his son.
The list goes on.
And now... the police are closing in.
You don't say!
Why? You were supposed to lay low!
- [howls in pain]
- [Jeki] Sis!
We'll clean...
No. I have to clean this mess up!
Don't hesitate!
[menacing music playing]
[13 breathing rapidly]
[Jeki] Don't.
[Umbra breathing heavily]
[13 grunts]
[Jeki] Don't!
[Umbra and Jeki yell]
Get away! You can run away!
[somber music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[gun clicks empty]
[Handler] Damn!
What just fucking happened?
[music fades]
Troika, go!
[uneasy music playing]
You are on thin ice.
[crows cawing]
[music fades]
[gun clicks]
I can sense you, little Shadow.
[dramatic music playing]
And I can sense your fear!
[Troika straining]
[13 yells angrily]
[Troika snarling]
[laughs wickedly]
[coughs, splutters]
[13 wheezing]
[Troika straining]
[13 yells furiously]
[both straining]
[13 yells]
[Troika grunts wearily]
Little Shadow.
Time for your honorable sleep.
- [yells furiously]
- [Troika] Fuck!
[grunting in pain]
We are Shadows!
No honor, no sleep!
[Troika screaming]
[13 yells furiously]
[13 yells furiously]
[13 yells angrily]
[both straining]
- [13 yells furiously]
- [music fades]
[Troika splutters]
[dramatic music playing]
[gun clicks]
[Umbra straining]
[13 yells, coughs]
[rapid beeping]
[muffled explosion]
[tense music playing]
[13 screaming]
[dramatic music playing]
[grunting in pain]
[crows cawing]
[breathing unsteadily]
[music intensifies]
[music subsides]
Why did you do all this?
I don't know.
You stupid girl.
I know.
[dramatic music resumes]
[gun clicks empty]
[screams furiously]
[13 yells furiously]
[13 straining]
[Umbra yells furiously]
[music subsides]
[13 groaning, coughing]
[tooth rattles]
[both yelling furiously]
[dramatic music resumes]
[both straining]
[music subsides]
[straining painfully]
[Umbra panting]
[dramatic music resumes]
[13 grunting, groaning]
[both panting]
[yelling furiously]
[yells in agony]
[yelling furiously]
[both straining]
[Umbra screaming]
[13 screaming in pain]
Tell me why.
Tell me why!
[somber music playing]
[13 groaning]
[rapid beeping]
[Umbra grunting desperately]
[music intensifies]
- [continuous tone]
- [music slows]
[metallic jingling]
[metallic ringing]
[breathing unsteadily]
I trained you very well.
Why everything has to be like this.
Explain that!
This is the way the world works.
[mournful music playing]
I want all this to end.
[Umbra] All of this...
is never going to end!
[both breathing deeply]
[girl] Mom.
[tense music playing]
Wake up, Mom.
[Handler] Finish it.
[music intensifies]
[Handler yells in pain]
[Handler yelling angrily]
[yells] No!
[yelling furiously]
[panicked breathing]
[music subsides]
[Umbra splutters]
Your name is...
[ethereal music playing]
[woman] Nomi.
Nomi, wake up. Nomi.
- Nomi!
- [gasps]
[breathing unsteadily]
[automatic gunfire]
["My Tears Are Becoming a Sea" playing]
I'm slowly drifting to
[girl] Mom!
The stars and the planets...
No... mi.
Are calling me...
[Umbra, breathing shakily] Nomi.
The daughter of
my heart.
From you
I'm on my way
I'm on
I'm on
[liquid burbling]
[liquid burbling]
[song fades]
[digging in soil]
- [Nomi grunts]
- [gentle music playing]
[music fade]
[unsettling music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[chuckles softly]
Hello, 13.
[woman chuckles]
I never really liked the number 14.
It's strange.
You know, if I kill you now,
then 13, it's my number. Sounds good.
Just take it.
I'm done.
You're done?
They have a lot of questions for you.
I never liked you.
So it'll be... better
if it all ends right here.
[breathing unsteadily]
[man 1 grunting, groaning]
[man 1 yelling angrily]
[man 1 straining]
Who are you?
[man 2] Someone who's here
to even things out.
[laughs mockingly]
- [gun clicks]
- Now, that's fair.
[man 2] Hey, kid.
The Shadows are ready to die. Are you?
[14] Well, on second thoughts,
I'd like to kill you both, slowly.
See you.
[14 cackling wickedly]
[man 2] She's just the start.
They will all come for you.
Who will?
They will come for you.
The Shadows of Death.
Who are you?
[man 2 laughs]
[Burai chuckles]
Master Burai?
[Burai] Umbra.
Did you kill her?
you will surely die.
Say your name
Try to speak... you're my responsibility.
As you can
You know...
What do you think, 13?
Everything gets written down
Nod your head
Just in case they could be watching
With their shiny...
Call me Nomi.
Turn it up
Listen to the shit
They pump into your head
Filling you with apathy
Hold your breath
Wait until you know
The time is right on time
The end is near
I hope they cannot see
Living inside of me
To murder everything
I hope they cannot see
I am the Great Destroyer
Say your name
Try to speak as clearly as you can
You know, everything is written down
Nod your head
Just in case they could be watching
With their shiny satellites
Turn it up
Listen to the shit
They pump into your head
Filling you with apathy
Hold your breath
Wait until you know
The time is right on time
The end is near
I hope they cannot see
Living inside of me
To murder everything
I hope they cannot see
I am the Great Destroyer
I hope they cannot see
Living inside of me
To murder everything
I hope they cannot see
I am the Great Destroyer
Turn it up
Listen to the shit
They pump into your head
Listen to the shit
They pump into your head
Listen to the apathy
Hold your breath
The end is near
Turn it up
Listen to the shit
They pump into your head
Listen to the shit
They pump into your head
Listen to the apathy
Hold your breath
The end is near
[song fades]
[brooding music playing]
[music intensifies]
[music fades]