The Siege (2023) Movie Script

So, what did he do?
It's what he's gonna do.
Fuck's sake. Davids!
Eyes on the road.
Go and check on them.
Get with the fucking program.
Stay with the informant.
Oh, thanks, man.
Did Mike send you?
Oh, fuck, man.
Did you kill them all?
Wait, wait.
Who sent you?
Please, man.
I'll give you whatever you want.
You have nothing I want.
I have kids.
Please. There's money.
Loads of it.
You can get out
of the game like me, man.
Why would I want that?
Who are you?
I'm nobody.
I've lost a witness.
He saw my face.
I've been made.
Share your location.
We'll send a car.
Time for you to disappear again.
Ah, you like to keep
the night shift busy, don't you?
Because you're always here.
I heard you were back.
Always a pleasure, Forge.
You've been here so many times,
it's easy to fast-track
a new identity for you.
I'll get your new documents
turned over.
You're not
the only resident tonight.
Some particularly
nefarious types
who won't take kindly
to queue jumpers.
I'll see what I can do.
Thank you.
Good night, Walker.
Good night.
Get him processed
before lockdown.
Personals are next.
Follow me.
- Hey.
- Oh.
Just the man I need.
You... you... you need me?
Uh, I mean yes.
I... I can help.
What... what... what do you need?
Uh, just the keys
to the upstairs office.
Oh, uh...
o... o... of course.
Um... when...
When the renovation is done
and it's all electronic, you...
You won't need me as much.
Not the keys at least.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Um, what is it?
It's not this one.
Sorry, it's a bit stiff.
Here. This one.
Perfect. Thanks.
Come on.
All right.
Locking down
will commence in 15 minutes.
A word of advice.
For me?
What... what for?
When a girl
opens a door for you,
do everyone a favor
and walk through it.
- Smithee.
- Smithee.
Doesn't that get confusing?
Coming from someone
who has a new name
nearly every week.
Just watch your step,
huh, Mr. Walker.
Ah, right.
No attempting to contact anyone
outside the facility.
You know about
the signal jammer?
Dietary require...
So, I guess that's not relevant
to you, is it?
Hm. No?
That it?
As always,
you'll be locked in overnight.
It's still the best way to keep
everyone minding their business
during the night shift's
minimal security.
At least until we upgrade.
The case, sir.
This stays with me.
I don't think
you understand, sir.
Nothing stays with you.
I don't think you understand,
ya fucking tea leaf
little prick.
This case stays with me.
Right, fingerprints.
Am I going to
have to call security, sir?
Why the fuck you calling me sir?
Chop-chop, Mr. Walker.
I assure you,
it's for the system to work.
You get your ass...
Sir, I...
On schedule, I see.
Keep this up
and I'll start
believing I can rely on you.
Yes, sir.
The place is about to lock down.
Security is as easy
as we thought.
Now, that's the problem
when goodwill
is your main security protocol.
It tends to expire.
Especially mine.
I've sent you the target.
Make this neat.
Make this tidy.
No witnesses.
I want her breathing.
Otherwise, you won't be.
Get Keates.
And the details of every single
fucker inside these walls.
No one survives.
This is gonna be fun.
What's she look like?
Not your type.
Either way, she's dead.
Alive, Keates.
All right, guys,
let's draw some blood.
Locking doors for lockdown.
Ah! Oh, ah.
- Sorry. I'm so sorry.
- Don't do that.
- I... I... I just, um...
- Oh, gosh.
You almost gave me
a heart... attack...
- In fact...
- Oh, God.
Oh, God. Um...
Oh, your face is priceless.
Just... just...
Just wanted to say bye.
S... s... sorry.
Bye-bye then.
I got the new
Freedom Alliance box set,
all six seasons.
Maybe you could come and
watch them with me next week...
If you want to watch them,
I mean.
- Is that the door?
- Huh?
Hm? I mean,
uh, y... y... yes.
That... that would be lovely.
Um, so I got these with
the Freedom Alliance box set.
I... I don't know
if you want them.
Freedom Alliance pens.
These... these were
limited edition.
I... I saw you, you know,
looking on the internet
and stuff for them
and I just figured
they'd end up in my drawers.
So, I will see you next week.
Not if I see you first.
But that...
But I do... I...
I do want to see you
first... last... sorry.
- Six seasons, remember?
- To the future.
Showtime, boys.
Oh, boy
What you doing
You got those moves
Make me crazy over you and
About time
I'm watching you
I'm liking your style
Your eyes
So friggin' enticing
One look from you
And this rhythm is arisin'
About time
Struck into
I'm liking your style
Security breach.
Shutting down.
Please immediately.
Security breach.
We don't have much time.
We need your help.
Do I know you?
No, but I know you.
Get out of my room.
- I'm...
- No personal details.
We need your help.
Lock the door on the way out.
The compound's been sieged.
They want us dead.
That sounds like
a "you" problem.
Or you could just
wait to get shot.
You're obviously
not who I thought you were.
Sorry to disappoint.
The key!
Security breach.
Do you know how to use that?
Says the guy
who has a bullet in his arm.
Do you want me
to come back later?
- Wanna help now, do you?
- No.
But you left my door open
and got me shot.
Serves you right.
These guys have firepower.
We need more weapons.
There's no we.
And who the fuck are these guys?
And she's definitely
not supposed to be...
"She" is stood right here.
Come on.
This one is on you.
Get down there.
I must stop
finding you like this.
I had it under control.
Yeah. Clearly.
What you looking at?
We need to move.
We've got to get
to the weapons lockup
if we're going to
weather this storm.
You're bleeding.
I'm fine. Take this.
Let's go.
- Are you coming?
- We can't trust him.
You came to me.
When someone shows me
who they are, I believe them.
- We need him.
- He doesn't need you,
- I'm afraid.
- Prick.
Hey, any eyes on the little one?
You got a light?
So, you seen her picture?
No, have you?
Let's put it this way.
If it's me against,
she won't be walking for a week.
You're sick.
Oy, we only had
a couple of puffs.
Don't waste it.
That was easy.
Come on, princess.
I was trying to
keep this quiet but...
You're welcome.
You okay?
Let's go.
To the weapons.
I need guns, phasers.
Set phasers.
I have three phasers,
limited edition,
original boxes.
Just pull yourself together.
I need to get to the weapons.
Don't die. Live long...
Okay. No guns.
No guns. No guns.
How did you know it was there?
It's where I would put it.
What are you looking for?
Keys to the gun closet.
Just the man we need.
Gosh, I'd hate to be
the man you didn't need.
What's that doing on the floor?
What's that doing on the floor?
We need the keys
to the gun closet.
The guns, Smithee.
What guns?
Oh, those guns.
Oh, no, not on me.
Not that one.
I know we look ramshackle
at the moment,
but some things have to remain
pretty secure,
firearms being priority, but...
But what?
Have you checked the
in-tray of unprocessed items?
The in-tray?
The in-tray.
No guns, but...
It's very nice.
What are these?
Smoke grenades.
Save your pocket
for something more useful.
I don't know.
I think it might come in handy.
Be careful with that.
I'm not quite sure
why it was checked in.
Oh, that's what it does.
Give it to me.
Very MI6.
The weapons lockout,
it's down here.
Juliet, get ready
with that smoke.
Juliet, smoke!
Ha! Ugh!
I'm... I'm not gonna die?
You're gonna be fine.
Thank you.
S... so sorry.
It's okay.
We gotta get
that bullet out of you.
I'll be fine.
There has to be some
medical shit in the lab.
Are you okay?
Yeah. Just hot.
I'm fine, thanks.
You've been knocked up.
The cause of all this?
You don't need to
know the details.
I'm here
with a piece of crap in my leg
because you two
is too incompetent
to lock a fucking door.
Don't tell me
what I need to know.
Mention that one more time.
I dare you.
- I'm fine.
- The baby?
Hopefully not.
I'm waiting.
Our work requires
we don't ask questions.
Don't get attached.
you are totally incapable of.
This time...
I couldn't walk away.
Let's just say at some point,
your past refuses to stay... past.
I got involved
in a kidnapping...
four women.
Sex trafficking?
Who was she sold to?
There was a buyer,
but the boss
took a liking to her.
Even more so when he found out
about the baby.
These rings are impenetrable.
But when he decided
he wanted to keep her,
it caused problems, delays.
Delays which gave me opportunity.
To steal her.
Stealing implies ownership.
That's how they all see it.
This past of yours...?
Hit a little close, did it?
My life in this world...
all started when
I was stolen as a child,
in broad daylight,
from the streets of Naples.
I won't let those things
happen anymore to others.
Not on my watch.
No more innocence destroyed.
You used to do the same.
Protect innocence.
Getting emotionally attached...
only leads to one thing...
just ask Smithee.
The baby, is it his?
I need to call my handler.
What? No.
He's the only man
on this planet I trust.
We can't trust anyone.
You have a better solution?
We need to
deactivate the signal jammer
to get a call out.
You stay here.
I need to... to turn off
the signal jammer.
Where's that?
Security cabin.
Let me go.
I can walk this off.
I can walk now.
Just keep her alive.
I can do that.
You make sure he does.
This man, what is he like?
Pure evil.
What's that around your neck?
You got family?
Not anymore.
I'm sorry.
My job is easier alone anyway.
If it's easier alone,
why did you help us?
Elda knew you would.
She's done her homework.
She knows my past identities.
After long enough,
your past lives become a rumor,
legend even.
And she's been around
long enough to hear them.
So, you used to help people
and then you stopped,
and now you're helping me?
I'm just trying
to survive the night.
Whatever you say.
You need me, little one.
You know you do.
Drink this.
Don't fall asleep.
You seem to be moving better.
Got more guns.
God, sit down.
Let me look at that.
It's okay.
It's just a scratch.
Jesus, Alexa.
Is that your real name?
For now. You?
Scott, for now.
Mission successful.
Except for a few mishaps.
It's only
a small stab wound to the chest.
The only thing
we need now is phones.
The cloakroom.
You able to function
on that leg now?
I have to.
Okay. Okay. I'm done.
I'm done. That's cute.
Even when in the dirtiest
of waters,
a lotus still produces
the most amazing flower.
I love that.
It's a symbol of rebirth.
Okay, okay,
I've got a sensitive side.
We get it.
Is she okay?
I'm fine.
This time, we stick together.
Someone needs to make sure
you don't get stabbed.
She's killed three of our men
to get to a signal jammer,
and there's no sign of the girl.
So, what exactly
are you still doing out here?
Useless morons.
I'm going in.
The girl alive, Keates.
Are you gonna make yourself
useful or what?
I don't know about you but...
I think the time
for subtlety's over.
He always needs
something big to hide behind.
This place is a bloody maze.
Who wants a job?
Go, go, go, go.
Well, well, well.
Come on!
You see?
Fuck off subtlety
and the universe will
open itself up to you.
Fuck's sake.
Thank you.
Shit! Fucking bullets.
Fucking thing.
Way too loud.
It'll blow the phones.
I have smoke.
Of course, you have.
One bullet left.
You stay here.
You, with me.
- Fuck.
- Hah!
I told you!
What'd I tell you?
Don't fuck with me.
- Just doing anything.
- Egh!
What the fuck!
Yeah, scream.
Pretty little thing, ain't you?
Show me your teeth.
Hold still.
They said they wanted you alive,
but they didn't say nothing
about your teeth.
Eeeny... meeny... miny... moe.
- Fucker.
- Aaah.
He's not breathing.
Scott? No.
- Scott?
- Come on, you big lug.
You can't let this beat you!
Are you two okay?
Never better.
Slow down, cowboy.
You need to take it easy.
No time.
Thank you.
The compound's been sieged.
I need two cars now.
One hour.
We need to lay low for one hour.
An hour?
We can lay low for an hour.
I wonder if this place
has got some whisky.
We need to find
somewhere to hide.
We need our documents.
It's back in the other building.
Why didn't we think
about this before?
They may not even be made.
We have to try.
She has to disappear today.
Let's go.
Can't hide forever.
You okay?
I hope so.
Come on!
You hide behind there.
What you gonna do?
- Come on.
- I'll grab his attention.
When he come, you go.
You're injured.
Have you seen that guy?
I'll be fine.
I'll see you.
I know you're in here...
And I know you're protecting
that pretty little thing.
Have no doubt, I'm gonna
break your fucking neck.
And not because of the money
they've offered me.
No. It's more than that.
I remember you.
I've been waiting for this.
As long as you live,
there'll always be
something waiting.
Go find the documents.
And hide.
Hell yeah.
You're gonna love this.
Much better.
Now, my dear,
I know it sounds clich
but there really is
a hard way or an easy way.
Suit yourself.
Now before I dispatch you,
make yourself useful.
The girl, where is she?
The old double back, ey?
Come out, come out
wherever you are.
Oh, sweet Juliet.
I won't hurt you. Promise.
It seems
you're wounded, little one.
Wouldn't want to hurt
the baby now, would you?
Wherefore art thou?
All right, princess.
Playtime's over.
You know,
he might even let you go
once he's ripped that creature
out of you.
She's my baby.
Now, you choose.
The easy way or the hard way?
I... I choose...
I chose for you.
I'm sure they won't mind
a few scratches.
The innocent suffers.
You were doing this for me.
Smithee. I guess
I've been here enough.
You didn't deserve this.
None of you.
You found them.
Only mine.
I guess she only found yours.
We have to find her.
What you doing?
Ah, I see.
There I was thinking...
There will be a car
for you outside.
After everything...
No attachment.
Number one rule.
I know about your past.
You know nothing!
I know what happened.
Your little girl's mother,
killed in a revenge shooting
because you got those hostages
out of Yemen.
You were trying to do
the right thing
and you were punished.
But there comes a time...
Time for what?
My little girl
will never be safe
if I'm not dead to her.
That's how we survive.
No attachment.
You will find out one day.
Go fuck yourself.
No, no, no.
One bullet left.
Story of my life.
About bloody time.
And why is she bleeding?
She better not be hurt, Keates,
or it's both our heads.
Oh, thank you, Keates,
for saving the day
when all the pathetic boys
went and got themselves killed.
They couldn't pick up
a girl in a bar.
Come on.
Open up.
Fucking morons.
Not bad.
You're gonna watch this.
Fucking hell.
You need to stay down.
Not today, sweetheart.
I'll take you both on
Are you both okay?
I hope so.
He won't stop
looking for us, will he?
You need to get out of here.
I couldn't find your paperwork.
I'm really sorry.
Our friend had them.
I'll be back in two minutes.
You need this more than I do.
Thank you.
Get yourself cleaned up.
I have a job for you.
There's something else I have to
do first.
Quick. She's kicking.
Even she doesn't want you to go.
It's not over for me.
But it can be.
There are girls out
there like you and that's on me.
If they're still alive,
I have to try.
Will you visit?
I'll break down every door,
I'll smash in every skull
until she's recovered.
For that, you have
my fucking word!
The guests are all here.
Stop hiding.
I'm not hiding.
I'll be down in a minute...
I have a business to run.
You'll be sorry you tried this,
you chicken shit!
Who you working for?
I hired, fired, and murdered
ten of your kind
before breakfast!
Do you mind?
Cuban, very nice.
Who sent you?
Who you working for?
Big mistake.
Getting attached.
I thought you knew better.
And what are you doing here
She can't be paying you.
You think you're special.
You think you're righteous.
You're no different from me.
You're no different
from the rest of us.
What you doing here
if not for some
disillusioned attachment?
We're the same.
No. We're not.
You're scumbag.
I'm making sure
she doesn't have to
look over her shoulder again.
Who are you?
I'm nobody.