The Silencing (2020) Movie Script

That's mine.
Well, I saw it first, shithead.
Well, actually, the deer's mine.
And you two shitheads are trespassing.
Come on, rayburn.
You ain't going to miss one buck.
It's a goddamn zoo around here.
Well, that's the point.
This is a sanctuary, you dumbshit.
Now, put down your rifles.
Rayburn Swanson is a goddamn tree hugger.
Who'd have thought?
Well, people change.
No, they don't.
You can pick up your guns later.
Don't let me catch you here again,
all right?
Don't suppose you boys
could give me a jump?
Hey, Thor.
How you doing, huh?
Are you tired?
Any more activity?
Weren't you supposed to do the dishes?
A defunct paper mill
oh sawbill reservation
is how ground zero
for the war on drugs.
The locals call it the factory.
Sawbill nation unanimously
voted last night
to condemn the old paper mill next month.
Karl blackhawk is with the tribal police
and has been working diligently...
Where'd you find him this time?
Over at the factory.
Attracts trouble from all sides, Alice.
Trying to clean that place up, but...
Losing battle, I guess.
He's got blood on him.
What happened?
According to him, nothin'.
Just tripped.
Any trouble around town last night?
Don't recall a time there wasn't, Alice.
Anything involving him?
Not that I know of.
But I wouldn't, uh...
I wouldn't bet on it.
Thanks, Karl. I'll take him home.
I can't keep doing you favors, Alice.
Sooner or later your brother's
gonna get caught up in something
you won't be able to get him out of.
Come on. Get out.
What were you doing in that place
last night, Brooks?
None of your business.
You still taking your meds?
Every day.
Can you...?
Can you stop that, please?
Whose blood is that on your shirt?
Mostly mine.
Sam moonblood beat the shit out of me.
What? Why?
A woman.
Why don't you take the back roads?
What woman, Brooks?
You have any idea what moonblood does?
Whatever it is,
it's outside of my jurisdiction.
Him and that creepy fuck, Olsen,
they push it all.
Drugs. Gambling.
Were you paying for sex?
She wasn't a hooker.
Can you just turn around
and take a different way home?
- No, I need to go this way.
- I don't want to go this way.
I gotta go this way,
I gotta do something.
I don't want to go this fucking way!
Just turn around!
Oh, shit, I...
Shit, I'm sorry, Brooks. I...
I wasn't thinking.
Still think you're cut out for this?
Don't think I forgot what day it is.
I'm gonna come by the motel later.
I'm not sure I'll be around.
Well, I'm gonna come by anyway.
Unit one-three-one.
Go for one-three-one.
We've got a possible homicide
out on buck lake.
Ten-four. I'm on my way.
Oh, shit.
Hey, kids.
Thank you for having us, Mr. Swanson.
This is a real treat for the students.
Well, my pleasure, ma'am.
Are you intoxicated?
Don't worry, the kids won't notice.
Welcome to the Gwen Swanson
wildlife sanctuary.
Now, who knows what a sanctuary is?
No one?
Well, it's a place where
no trapping or hunting's allowed.
A safe haven for animals.
You see this area here?
Look, almost 50 square miles.
That's my sanctuary.
My dad said you've killed
more animals than anyone.
Used some real nasty traps, too.
Done my share
like everyone else around here.
But I stopped all that.
My daughter didn't like it.
So now, instead of trapping
animals for their fur,
I use humane traps
to catch the problem ones,
and then I release them here,
where they can live without human threat.
Now, every now and then I...
I do share kids...
When they talk out of turn.
Can you turn her over?
The body was dumped
postmortem in the water,
probably a good week ago.
What do you think this about?
Well, I'm not sure, but I'll make a note.
Get forensics up here.
You think whoever killed her
was hunting her for sport?
I wouldn't call that a sport, but, yeah.
She was hunted.
Somebody get a saw and cut this out.
Jesus, you're pregnant?
Aren't you a bit old for that?
Still have no manners, huh, rayburn?
Still got no personality, eh, blackhawk?
Got something to talk to you about.
Well, you better come inside then.
Not you.
I missed you. Oh, I missed you.
I don't suppose you and blackhawk
came here to pass out cigars.
Karl and me want to hold a...
A funeral for Gwen.
You know, five years is a long time, ray.
I don't want to do this without you.
She's my daughter, too.
I know.
I got a say in this, and I say no.
Ray, don't make this harder.
Well, you can't replace Gwen
with blackhawk's fuckin' baby.
Hey! That's not fair.
You think you're the only one
who misses her?
After everything that's happened,
you're still drinking?
Oh, shut up.
It's just a formality.
Just sign it and the court'll issue
an official death certificate.
Listen, we bought a plot,
and it's a really nice place.
Funeral's in two weeks.
Come in.
Wasn't easy, but we got it out.
You know, there's plenty
of people happy you're sheriff.
You can't please everybody.
Thanks, Hansen.
This just in, breaking news.
We're here at a crime scene
by buckridge and echo falls.
Looks like there is a body
of a young woman here,
and the identity has not been released.
We're trying to get some
interviews with the police,
but it looks like they're
getting ready to move the body.
We'll update you more live
as information becomes available.
For now, back to you.
You didn't have to get me anything.
Mm. It's not much.
Where'd you find this?
It was in the storage box in the attic.
Dad looks so young.
We should, um...
We should talk about
what happened to you in the barn.
I should have adopted you
when mom and dad died.
I should have taken you
to Chicago with me.
You didn't know nothin'
about raising a kid.
Yeah, well, I knew more
than those fucking people.
Hey, Alice?
If I messed up and did something bad,
what would you do?
What are you talking about?
If I fucked up and did something stupid,
would you help me out?
Hold on a sec, all right?
I'm rayburn Swanson.
I know who you are.
What do you want?
I was told at the station
I could find you here.
I need to see that girl.
She could be my daughter.
- I'm kind of in the middle of something...
- Please.
All right, well,
we'll finish this when I get back, okay?
I saw your brother earlier.
Someone sure did a number on him.
Hope he didn't give you any trouble.
I got to be honest,
he has some bad habits.
Some? Jesus Christ.
You know what gets me the most?
Those knuckles.
- Those knuckles fuckin' kill me.
- Yeah.
That and he went through
a six-pack while I examined him.
Just? It's usually a case.
Oh. Doctor...
Do you know much about rayburn?
Do you have kids?
Then you can't begin to imagine
what he's gone through.
J oh, take me down j
j to the water j
j bring my body to the sea j
can I join you?
Hey, Pete.
Hey, Alice. Long time.
I remember hearing about
the disappearance of your daughter.
Things like that
didn't happen around here.
Yeah, the world's a shitty place.
It can be.
Well, it was for that girl
you found today.
I've only been sheriff
a couple of months.
I'm still catching up on active cases.
Yeah, my daughter's case
is far from active.
My training is very different
from the officers around here.
Yeah, I heard. What do you want?
A chance to prove...
The chance of solving
a missing persons case
after 48 hours is almost zero.
What do you think the chances are
after five goddamn years?
Or didn't they teach you that
in your fancy college?
I'm gonna take a leak.
You gonna be here when I come back?
- You need me to be?
- Not really.
Don't hesitate to call, rayburn.
- I'm here to help.
- I don't got a phone.
Quiet, Thor.
You ain't getting shit
unless I see something in those...
What the hell?
Son of a bitch.
I know you're there, pal.
Just want to talk, that's all.
This is a sanctuary.
You can't hunt here.
Don't be getting stupid.
Come on.
Okay, asshole.
What were you tracking?
Whatever it is, I'm innocent.
Oh, there's nothing innocent
about you, Jim.
Your parents would be proud.
You have a minute?
You hear about that girl
they found dead in the boundary waters?
Yeah, you betcha. Horrible thing.
Was she really hunted,
like the papers said?
What do you think he used?
World's oldest weapon delivery system.
It's called an atlatl.
Developed over 30,000 years ago.
And people still use these for hunting?
Maybe some real die-hards,
but it ain't legal.
Clearly you're not a suspect.
Hold your horses.
A well-made atlatl can deliver a spear
over 100 miles an hour.
- Jesus.
- It ain't no toy.
It was designed to kill.
Do any members use an atlatl?
- Not that I know of.
- Where could you buy one?
Well, you're not going to find
it at Walmart, that's for sure.
There's a local fella
you could probably start with.
Sam moonblood's his name.
Hangs at the factory over in sawbill.
Makes 'em... and he sells 'em.
Careful, Alice, when you pay him a visit.
He's not too friendly to your kind.
Women? Or cops?
Yo, bitch! What you want?
Can't... trust her.
You lost... or looking for your brother?
I have some questions.
That badge don't mean shit out here, lady.
Is Sam moonblood around?
He's probably huntin'.
Oh, yeah? Whereabouts?
Shut your cock-hole, Patty.
Does Sam moonblood use atlatls
when he hunts?
What are you getting at?
We hear things out here too, you know.
Sam's a lot of things...
But he ain't a killer.
You tell Sam moonblood
I'm looking for him.
Fucking dick.
Oh, shit.
Moonblood has a place over in sawbilll.
You'll find him there.
Thank you, Patty.
Look after yourself.
What the...
Hey. Hey.
Hold on, hold on,
hold on, hold on, hold on.
Hey, hey, I'm not gonna hurt you.
I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?
Listen to me, okay?
Let me help you.
I want to help you.
Let me show you.
It's gonna be a lot warmer
down there out of the wind.
We don't go down there, we'll freeze.
Nothing bad's gonna happen.
Here. Hold this.
Goddamn it.
Oh, come on.
No, no, no, no, no.
Oh, no, you got to be kid...
Oh, no. Shit!
My whiskey.
My ex-wife used to call me abrasive.
I think I understand what she meant now.
I'm sorry.
This is a pitfall.
For trapping animals.
This is a real nasty way to go.
There's a few of these old traps around,
but I don't use 'em anymore.
I'm just going to put these on you, okay?
Okay, there you go.
Can you talk?
My name's rayburn.
Molly. Molly.
It's nice to know you, Molly.
Do you know who that man is?
Try and get some sleep, okay?
We got a long walk tomorrow.
It's gonna be okay.
Sam moonblood?
- Freeze!
- Whoa, easy!
It's me, Alice.
Holy shit.
Followed you and called you in.
Jesus Christ, breaking and entering?
- It was an urgent matter.
- Yeah, well, you need a warrant, sheriff.
Probable cause.
Moonblood's tracks are all over this.
We know that the suspect used an atlatl,
and he has atlatls
in his fucking basement,
and the spearhead has an mb on it.
And no one knows where the hell he is.
Does your brother own an atlatl?
Young girl missing.
Now, the mother hangs out at the factory.
Said she got in an altercation
a few nights back
with a man she named Brooks.
- What are you trying to say?
- He was getting handsy with her.
He wouldn't leave,
so Sam moonblood tossed him out.
My brother would never
kidnap a young girl.
We never know as much
as we think we do, Alice.
Now, I know your brother
went through some hard times
- after your parents passed...
- There's nothing wrong with my brother.
- Then bring him in.
- Are you forgetting who the sheriff is?
There is no sheriff here.
This is sawbill nation.
We make quite a pair, kid.
My place is southwest of here,
probably fi... six miles.
Hey. Hey, it's me.
I need a break.
It's not much further.
I need a drink.
I bet your mom and dad
will be real happy to see you.
I lost my daughter, too.
On my watch.
You know what? You might...
Open it.
You recognize her?
Let's go.
Sheriff, copy a call.
Glum brothers are complaining
rayburn Swanson confiscated their rifles.
Can you go check it out?
Take a seat.
Let me get you some water.
Who are you?
Rayburn, it's sheriff gustafson.
I'm here about those guns you took.
Do you have a moment to talk?
Put your gun down!
I said put your gun down!
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
- Put your gun down, goddamn it!
- He's still here. He's here!
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What? No, no, no, no, no!
- What have you done?
- Sheriff! Behind you, behind you!
Drop your weapon!
Drop your weapon and get on your knees!
Do it now!
- Oh, my god.
- Put your hands on your head, now!
This man, he hunted this girl.
You gotta be careful.
On! Ohl
go, Brooks.
(Go home.
Hello? Hello?
This is dispatch. Identify, please.
I need an ambulance at
rayburn Swanson's immediately.
A girl is hurt real bad.
Rayburn Swanson's.
What happened?
It's gustafson.
- She fucking shot me.
- What? Why?
She's protecting Brooks.
He did it.
We need to get you to a hospital.
No, no, no. They'll be looking for me.
I need checkpoints on every road
in and out of this county.
- You hear me?
- Yes. She's coming with you.
What the fuck have I done?
All units, all units.
Be on the lookout for rayburn Swanson.
It's okay, just hold on.
Hold on, we're going to be there soon.
Hang in there, buddy.
I'm sorry.
You're not too old...
To be a mother again.
You-you deserve it.
I'm sorry I wasn't a better father.
Just stop. It's okay.
And, Karl, you're a good man.
You're just saying that
'cause you think you're dying.
Don't worry, we can go back
to hating each other
after you're all stitched up.
Thanks for coming, doctor.
I appreciate it.
- Where is he?
- He's over here.
It's the best I could do, doc.
Okay, this is it.
He's here. This is Dr. Boone.
We met at the morgue.
I hope you don't plan
on taking me there, doc.
I came across the wrong kind of man.
Or woman, I guess.
He needs a hospital, not a fucking rv.
I have emergency supplies,
including blood bags.
We have no choice, doc.
I'll see what I can do.
I need some space.
Yeah. Okay.
He'll be okay, all right?
Do me a favor, go back to the car
and lock the doors, okay?
Be careful.
Yeah, this is blackhawk.
I need backup at the factory right now.
Can I get some?
Hey, come here!
Brooks! Hey!
Brooks! Stop!
Get back or I'll fucking kill him.
- Okay. Stay calm.
- Move the cars or I'll kill him.
Hey, take it easy, Brooks.
Let's just think this thing through here.
This isn't just my fault, okay?
I didn't start any of it!
Hey, I understand.
But you have the power
to put an end to this.
So, why don't you just put that down
and we'll talk, okay?
Brooks, we're just trying
to help rayburn here.
He's seriously hurt.
You can help him when we're on the road,
okay? Just move the cars...
Come here.
Put your hands behind your back.
Hey, hey, hey. Easy. Easy.
Did they find rayburn?
Your brother's been arrested.
- Where is he?
- Take it easy.
I want to talk to him.
Where is he?
Did you shoot rayburn Swanson?
That is an ongoing investigation
in my county.
It has nothing to do with you.
I want to talk to my fucking brother,
goddamn it.
No. This is not your county, Alice.
Now, your brother wants to come clean.
Says he has something to show us.
Over there.
Call a paramedic.
- Who is he?
- Sam moonblood.
After the altercation at the factory,
your brother jumped him
in the parking lot.
Been keeping him here ever since.
Brooks says he doesn't know
anything about Molly Johnson.
I believe him.
Several eyewitnesses place him
at the factory
around the same time you
and rayburn had your encounter.
So whoever was out there with you,
it ain't Brooks.
I'm going to recommend
you be placed on leave
while you're investigated.
We got pics of this already.
I'm sorry, Alice.
I got angry.
But I had nothing to do with those girls.
You know I came back for you?
You know that, right?
Better go, Alice.
Rayburn didn't kill those girls.
Well, thanks for saving my life.
I think you saved mine, too.
They got him, right?
Karl says it wasn't Brooks.
He says the timelines don't match.
Sheriff, we got a call
from sawbill reservation.
Blackhawk wants to see you
at the factory asap.
Over and out.
Funny, rayburn changed his story.
Said that it was the suspect
that must have shot him.
We all make mistakes.
Let me do the talking, okay?
We got one lead.
Whoever this guy is
likely bought an atlatl from you.
I'm not the only one in America
who makes atlatls.
Who you been selling to
in the past year or so?
Can't be too many.
I ook...
I'm really sorry about
what my brother did to you, okay?
He's gonna get what's coming to him.
But right now, there's someone out there
killing teenage girls,
and we need you to talk to us.
I don't got names.
Only faces.
I don't keep receipts,
'cause nobody returns my atlatls.
Now, if you got mug shots,
maybe I can help you,
but if not, you're shit out of luck.
That's a good spear.
It's made from pine.
I only use birch.
I don't Mark my Spears.
I'm sorry, I can't help you.
Thanks for your time.
Can't go one day, dad?
I'm just going to get a beer.
Jesus, you're like your mom.
Should I be like you?
I'll be right back, okay?
I'm going to start walking.
Don't be stupid.
- She's gonna be okay?
- We're gonna keep an eye on her.
Thank you very much.
Hi, Molly.
We're going to get you all better,
I promise.
No, I'm just here to settle my debt.
Can I help you?
Nice truck.
I need to see the autopsy report.
Sorry to bother you.
Is your son home?
No one here but me.
Well, it's just...
Last week this guy helped
jump-start my truck.
I could've sworn this was
the truck he was driving.
Just wanted to thank him.
- Sorry about that.
- Oh.
He uses it sometimes.
Lives up the hill there.
Well, thank you, sir.
You betcha.
Dr. Boone left for the day,
but if you'd like to follow me,
the autopsy report
should be in his office.
This can't be the file.
It has none of the photo evidence in it.
Oh, I'll keep looking.
Yeah, there have to be more.
Who's this?
Dr. Boone's daughter, Melissa.
I didn't know he had a daughter.
Yeah, she was hit by a drunk driver
and left alone in the forest to die.
Poor girl.
Melissa Boone.
Open it.
Go upstairs.
Hansen, with me.
Call the paramedics.
Jesus Christ.
We got the apb out on Boone.
You okay?
I have to talk to rayburn.
I know who took Gwen.
Why Gwen?
I was a good father.
You were a drunk.
She would've grown into a fuckup,
just like you.
A drain on everyone.
I only took the ones
that no one would miss.
Rayburn, stop! Don't do it.
This man needs to die
for what he did to my daughter.
Rayburn, don't do this.
Don't do this.
Let me take him in.
Let him rot in jail.
You want to talk to me
about right and wrong, sheriff?
Now you can either walk away,
or you can shoot me again,
but this ends now.
Get up, get up.
Goddamn it, rayburn!
I covered this trap years ago,
realizing I didn't like killing animals.
Rayburn, please.
I'll make an exception for you.
You're going to let me die
like some animal?
I would never leave an animal suffering.
Now we're even, sheriff.
In local news,
authorities are still searching
for suspected serial killer
Dr. John Boone,
whose last known whereabouts.
Don't worry, we'll get this piece of shit.