The Silent Twins (2022) Movie Script

(fly buzzing)
Today we have Letitia Wright.
-JUNE (sighs): Amazing.
-JENNIFER: Amazing.
-JUNE: I love her.
-JENNIFER: Only the best.
Amazing work.
(sighs) Beautiful.
Tamara Lawrance.
(June exhales)
Oh, my God. Nadine Marshall.
(heart beating)
Jodhi May.
Oh, my God. Treva Etienne.
JUNE (softly):
Michael Smiley.
(June chuckles, mutters)
He always makes me smile.
-JENNIFER: Jack Bandeira.
-JUNE: Amarah-Jae St. Aubyn.
And introducing us...
Eva-Arianna Baxter
and Leah Mondesir-Simmonds.
Mm-hmm, amazing.
They just sound totally amazing.
They're so wonderful.
I know, I know.
The Silent Twins.
(flies buzzing)
(Jennifer clears throat)
(sputters lips)
(clears throat)
(June hisses)
(radio static crackling)
(Jennifer blows into microphone)
Testing, testing,
one, two, one, two.
Testing, testing, one, two,
one, two.
(imitates radio tuning)
(imitates radio tuning)
-(imitating drumroll)
-(drum beating)
W... welcome
to Radio Gibbons, Gibbons,
Gibbons, Gibbons,
-Have a nice day.
It's 5:00 p.m.
We're your hosts,
June and Jennifer,
and you're joining us for...
The Living Facts of Life.
Today we'll be discussing
how to handle a divorce.
Yes, separations are very tough.
Difficult, but possible to do
while keeping your head high.
Even if you've married
a Scorpio.
No, no, don't do that.
Next time, consider a Libra.
They're polite
and considerate people.
(sighs heavily)
The suffering of men.
Men are dazzled by us and think
women are their superiors.
They get caught up
in a painful web of hurt
filled with anger
and desperation.
Perhaps it will help you
to remember
that men hate women
but cannot live without them.
It's possible
to love someone so much
you can't stand her
and, at the same time,
to want her dead.
I suppose love can also
be destruction.
-Moving on. Let's take a break.
With "Hot Love" by T. Rex.
Coming at you this fine
Monday afternoon.
(upbeat intro begins playing)
(volume increases)
Well, she's my woman of gold
And she's not very old,
ah, ha, ha
Well, she's my woman of gold
And she's not very old,
ah, ha, ha
I don't mean to be bold
A-but a-may I hold
your hand?
(speaks indistinctly
under music)
Well, she ain't no witch
-JENNIFER: Yeah. -And I love
the way she twitch
Ah, ha, ha
-Well, she ai...
-(knocking on door)
-(song stops)
-(phone ringing in distance)
(knocking on door)
(tape spool whooshing)
(breathing softly)
You lost.
No, I didn't.
Yes, you did.
-No, I didn't.
-Yes, you did.
You moved.
I win.
You lose.
I did not move.
You lost.
(tape spool whooshing)
JIMMY YOUNG (over radio):
The, uh, details were
Fleetwood Mac
from the album Fleetwood Mac
with "I'm So Afraid."
Let's call in our T-shirt
winner, uh, Geoff Waller...
(continues indistinctly)
JENNIFER (whispers):
You'll never find joy
if you want to be alone.
JUNE (whispers):
You will never find joy
if you want to be alone.
I'm home. Everybody all right?
GLORIA: Aubrey, so,
help yourself to dinner.
I'm changing Rosie.
How was your day, girls? Huh?
-How was school?
-GLORIA: David. Greta.
-AUBREY: Good?
-GLORIA: Come down here.
Yeah, all right, coming.
We'll have a nice dinner
today, huh?
Right, let's get the plates.
(Aubrey grunts)
All of your food, okay, girls?
(phone ringing)
David, you want to get
the phone?
GLORIA: Sweetheart,
you want some peas? Yes?
-You want some peas, eh,
darling? -DAVID: Hello?
-Greta, do you want some peas?
-GRETA: No, thank you.
GLORIA: Mummy feed you
some peas today. Okay.
(David speaking indistinctly
You got homework today, girls?
I didn't hear an answer.
Greta, come on.
They need to get their heads
bashed together.
(Gloria speaks quietly)
(wind whistling)

One times six is six.
Two times six is 12.
Three times six is 18.
Four times six is 24.
(bell ringing)
-BOY: You stupid or what?
(chattering continues)
Swallow it.

(low chattering)
We're done, Catherine Jenkins.
Run along.
Next up, please.
Do you think you could keep
a stiff upper lip for me?
Just one.
Are you very scared?
What about you?
Are you scared?
Dr. Rees feels this issue
goes beyond the school's help.
Please understand,
I have 1,500 students.
My hands are full dealing
with the ones who are trouble.
I can't do much about the ones
who don't communicate.
We didn't do nothing
to the babies.
-They were perfect.
They giggled.
They spoke to me,
and then it was just less
and less, you know.
But nothing happened.
Nothing bad happened.
You're originally from Barbados?
Yes. Um...
the RAF moved us to Britain.
I am an air traffic controller.
We were told,
keep them in a normal school,
Mr. Davis.
Adolescence will resolve this.
They need a good education.
They need to be in school.
They speak all the time
in the bedroom.
They're just shy, you know.
Mrs. Gibbons, please.
They won't get on
in a proper school
if they don't speak English.
We will move the girls
into special education.
We'll get them to talk yet.
(low chatter)
Come along.
Girls, come on.
It's a fresh start.
(departing footsteps)
Hello, June. Hello, Jennifer.
My name is Tim Thomas.
I'm your teacher.
I've recorded
some questions here,
and I've left enough space
for you to answer.
But if you don't want to answer
my questions
or you don't think my questions
are very good,
you're very, very welcome
to shout at me,
"Mr. Thomas,
your questions are rubbish."
(tape whirring)
I'll close the door.
TIM (over tape): What do you
think of your new school?
(door closes)
Do you have any hobbies?

Do you like cats?
What kind of music
do you listen to?
What do you like doing
during your free time?
How would you describe
your personalities?
(excited chattering)
(chattering continues)

(bell ringing)
(both sigh)
(children chattering
in distance)
(tape whirring)
TIM (over tape):
What is your favorite subject?
Which do you like better,
sunshine or rain?
Jennifer, June,
have you ever had a pet?
BOTH (whispering):
Inky, Pinky, Perkins and Polly.
Inky, Pinky, Perkins and Polly.
Two little parrots
who were very jolly.
Then Perkins died,
and poor Polly cried.
Poor little Perkins and Polly.
Inky, Pinky, Perkins and Polly.
Two little parrots
who were very jolly.
Then Perkins died,
and poor Polly cried.
Poor little Perkins and Polly.
-(fly buzzing)
-(parrots squawking)
Once, there were two parrots
who were brought up
to live in a zoo.
Every day, people would come
to the zoo
-and see the parrots.
-(inquisitive grunting)
-(inquisitive squawking)
-Sometimes the parrots
would mock the talking people,
and sometimes
they would actually
have a conversation
between themselves.
The people would stand there
-nearly all day
-listening to the parrots'
conversation. -(baby crying)
-The people thought it was
a bit weird -(parrots crying)
for two parrots to talk
as well as humans did.
The parrots, whose names
were Polly and Perkins,
often talked of how they longed
to get back
to their native land.
Sometimes they would ask
the watchers
to open the cage doors
and let them out.
The people would often laugh
-(giggling) -and think
the parrots were kidding.
Some of the children
who were watching
asked their parents
if they could take
the parrots home with them.
Sometimes, before the parents
had time to answer,
one parrot would kindly say...
JUNE: "We're not for sale.
We're not for sale."
And the other parrot
would say the same.
JUNE: "We're not for sale.
We're not for sale."
"I am a very, very big man,
and I'm coming to get you."
"No, you're not.
You're not taking us anywhere."
"Yes, I am."
"No, you're not.
Go away, go away, go away."
"It'll taste very, very,
very good."
(diabolical laughter)
"No, you're not gonna eat us.
We're not tasty."
JENNIFER: "I will take you."
(diabolical laughter)
-JUNE: "No. Go away, go away.
"Don't take us.
Don't take us away.
No, no, no, no. No."
"I want to have their liver
for 300 pounds,
"and then your heart
will only be one pound,
"and I'll eat it.
And it will be nice,
tasty and warm."
(diabolical laughter)
(horse snorting)

JENNIFER (whispers):
I move, you follow.
I follow, you move.
You move, I move.
-(horse snorts)
-JUNE: I follow, you move.
Girls, you're doing beautifully.
You, me, we, I.
Follow me else you die.
-(horse whinnying)
-(June grunts)
(woman shouts)
-TIM: Come on.
-WOMAN: Oh, Jenny.
Jennifer, why did you do that?
-You all right?
-TIM: Are you okay?
Jennifer, why did you do that?
Look, I'll get straight
to the point.
If there's something you want
to communicate to me,
you best say it now.
You see, I...
I think you might be
a bad influence on each other.
It might be an idea to...
split you up for a while.
One of you can go to
Dr. Floyd's residential unit,
which isn't far from here,
then the other one
can stay here.
What do you think?

(Tim sighs heavily)
Are you going to say anything?
Okay. I, uh...
I'll leave the room...
and let both of you
work out who goes where.
All right?
I'll just be out here.
I'm giving them a few minutes.
(woman speaks indistinctly)
(Jennifer breathing heavily)
I hate you!
(woman exclaims)
Oh, my God.
(June cries out)
JENNIFER: You are nobody!
You are Jennifer!
-You are me!
-Girls. Girls, stop.
("Winter Dance" by John Ashton
Thomas & Tracey Mathias plays)
It's so silent and still...
GLORIA: You'll be home again
before you know it, June.

(car door closes)
(car door opens, closes)

JENNIFER (whispers):
Together forever and ever.
Together forever in silence.
You and me.
Me and you.


Come on, June.
Do it for you.
Do it for we.
Do it for me.
Do it for us.

-MAN: Oi!
-WOMAN: Jennifer!
-Jennifer, stop!
-Jennifer, stop!
(man and woman grunting)
(Jennifer screaming)
-(screaming continues)
-MAN: Hey, hey.
Hey, come here now.
-(Tim sighs heavily)
-MAN: Hey, calm down.
-(Jennifer screaming, yelling)
-WOMAN: Come back.
(man speaks indistinctly)
(turns off engine)
(door opens)
I've brought June home.
(door creaks)
(footsteps approaching)
(door closes)

(whines softly)
-(scratching at door)
(footsteps approaching)
(hinges creaking)
(hinges creaking)
Dashing through the snow
On a one-horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way,
ruf, ruf, ruf.
-("Jingle Bells" playing
in other room) -Oh.
Merry Christmas, puppy.
Everyone's coming over.
I want us to sit with them.
Eat with them.
What do you think?
We have to choose
the right moment.
(doorbell ringing)
-(happy chattering)
-("Jingle Bells" playing)
-Gloria, that one look
great, man. -Okay.
-Hey, Greta, go and put the...
-David, bring the juice.
Mark, you put the presents
over there.
Come through there.
Let's see the baby, man.
-Let's see the baby.
Ah, look at her, huh?
Just look at her.
-It's all I do.
-Come here, look at the baby.
-I can't stop staring.
-Come and see the family, man.
Beautiful, huh? Look at that.
This one.
Should I put the presents
under the tree or on the table?
-On the table.
...the baby might be vegetarian,
but I made her a turkey.
Is that okay?
JENNIFER: And, and then
there's the family.
So... there's a mummy...
...daddy, Lucy, Suzie
and Thelma crazy.
So we walk into the living room
and we say...
Merry Christmas.
Said it a bit slow,
but I'll keep up with you.
Okay, a bit faster, then.
Merry Christmas.
Why don't you pop upstairs
and show the twinnies the baby?
I know they'd love to hold her.
What have they been
doing all day
now that school's done
with them?
-Oh, music. -("We Wish You
a Merry Christmas" playing)
You know.
So, the same.
No. No. (chuckles)
Take her up.
In fact, I think they made her
some dolls.
David, I'm missing a fork.
-We won't go until we get
some -DAVID: Just a minute.
We won't go
until we get some
What the hell?
So bring some out here...
And bring the plates.
-The good ones. -DAVID: Okay,
I'll bring them in.
-(baby fussing)
I've brought you Helen Marie.
Merry Chris...
Merry Christmas.
I've brought you Helen Marie.
You can hold her if you like.
Mummy said you made her a gift.
Jennifer, what's in your hand?
Is it for Helen Marie?
It's nice.
I'm trying.
You could at least
say something.
You've been a burden on me
all my life.
An embarrassment to the family.
You can rot in here.
In your filthy little room,
with your piles
of crumpled paper
and your bits
of half-eaten food.
This is the last time
I make an effort.
I'm done.
Mark, we're leaving.
-We're leaving.
-GLORIA: What happened?
-Did the twinnies say something?
-We're leaving.
Yeah, Mum.
They said, "Merry Christmas.
Peace on Earth.
We love you so much."
(Aubrey sighs)
Oh, Lord Jesus.
(Gloria crying)
Don't cry. It's all right.
It's all right. It's okay.
(over TV): And man
will live forevermore
Because of Christmas Day
("Mary's Boy Child" by Boney M.
Long time ago in Bethlehem
So the Holy Bible says
Mary's boy child
Jesus Christ
Was born on Christmas Day
Hark, now hear
the angels sing
A king was born today
And man will live
Because of Christmas Day...
(music fades)
JENNIFER: After Christmas,
black clouds hang over
the Pallenberg family.
-JUNE: Beep.
-John Delroy Pallenberg
is a surgeon whose wife,
Michelle Delroy Pallenberg,
has already lost two babies
from a congenital heart defect.
their latest child, Wayne Shane,
is diagnosed as having
the same heart condition
and given only two weeks
to live.
Dr. Pallenberg decides on
heroic measures
to save his child.
"Michelle, we both want
the baby to live, don't we?"
Michelle nodded her head.
-"Yes, John, we do."
-(dog panting)
"And so Bobby is going
to do it for us
"because without
that possibility
our son is going to die."
Michelle for a while
gazed down at Bobby,
his large brown eyes
seeming strangely concerned
-as though he had perceived
something shrewdly, -(whines)
The room took on the presence
of a heavy hush,
accompanied by the shadowed
whispers of a growing secret.
The Writing School.
"A correspondence course
in creative writing
"will not only improve
your writing style
but help you sell your stories."
Wait, wait.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
JUNE: It says 89 pounds
enrollment fee.
Well, how are we gonna
afford that?
Says, "In order to qualify
for the course,
"what not to write about.
"Editors as a class
dislikes drunkards,
"lunatics, drug addicts,
"prostitutes and authors,
"crippled or deformed
key characters,
"unpleasant children,
who smoke and drink.
"Other editorial dislikes
are mental homes,
"serious or incurable diseases.
Funerals are also a taboo."
We could do that.
(machine whirring)
(printer whirring)
WOMAN: Social Security number,
name and address.
(paper rustling)
And here's your benefit.
(pen scratching on paper)
Old Julie's outside,
spying on us again.
(pen scratching on paper)
Yeah, I can see you see me.
Keep walking.
Love of your life is here,
Jenny. Postman.
Has he got a package?
-Jenny, look.
-Did it arrive?
(both laughing softly)
The Art of Conversation.
Open it, open it.
-How do you open it?
Push and lift.
We're writers now.
-(sighs): We're writers now.
It says they accept
our application
with a 33% discount
and we are both student 8201.
Our first assignment
is due in four weeks' time.
Gonna need more ink.
(typewriter keys clacking)
(typewriter clacking continues)
JUNE (slowly): What can
be happening to me today?
I feel as though
I'm swimming in a pool;
by the sea
washing up to touch my feet,
I taste the sweet smell of salt;
salt water running
in between my toes,
salt water running from my eyes,
to touch my cold
and papery hands...
(typewriter clacking continues)
What can be happening to me;
I can reach out
and touch the stars;
I can see Jupiter, Venus;
I can see the galaxy
And then I spot the earth
and see a missing space;
my missing space.

(thunder rumbling, rain pouring)
They're all rejections.
All of them.
My second rejection
from Fontana.
And the BBC says
they won't read your play
because they don't know you.
Course they don't want
our stories, Jenny.
In order to write a good book,
you need to feel it.
(thunder rumbling in distance)
You have to be inspired.
Or feel something
more than this.
Need love.
Need romance.
("Hot Love" by T. Rex
intro playing)
Well, she's my woman of gold
And she's not very old,
ah, ha, ha
Well, she's my woman of gold
And she's not very old,
ah, ha, ha
-Let me see.
-I don't mean to be bold
A-but a-may I hold
your hand?
Well, she ain't no witch
And I love the way
she twitch, ah, ha, ha
Well, she ain't no witch
And I love the way
she twitch, ah, ha, ha
I'm a labor of love in my
Persian gloves, ah, ha, ha
Well, she's faster than most
And she lives on the coast,
ah, ha, ha
Well, she's faster than most
And she lives on the coast,
ah, ha, ha
I'm her twopenny prince
And I give her hot love,
ah, ha, ha
Take it out on me, mama



-(dog barking in distance)
-(traffic passing nearby)
(traffic passing)
(birds chirping)
(latch clicks)
(traffic passing nearby)
(chair scrapes on floor)
(ocean waves crashing)
(seabirds squawking)
-Is this it?
-I think so.
(metal clattering)
(seabirds squawking)
(wood jingling)
So many breasts.
(Jennifer gasps)
June. Look.
(both inhaling deeply)
(Jennifer groans)
He kept our cigarettes.
Oh, he's so romantic.
(inhales loudly)
My American lover.
("White Riot" by The Clash
plays loudly over TV)
White riot, a riot of my own
White riot, I want to riot
White riot, a riot of my own
-White riot
-I want to riot
-White riot
-A riot of my own
-White riot
-I want to riot
-White riot
-A riot of my own
Black man gotta lotta
(gate hinges creaking)
(brakes squeaking)
(dramatic music playing over TV)
(door opening)
WOMAN: They're definitely,
definitely dating.
-Yes, she told me.
-She told me...
-(TV continues playing)
-MAN: Hey! Hey!
-(both gasping)
-(dramatic music plays over TV)
(dramatic music continues
over TV)
(dramatic music intensifies)
MAN: Where do you two
come from, the base?
They are scared, George.
Did you come around
to see one of my boys?
My boys are genuine
You know that, right?
(door opening)
Fuck you, you massive shit.
Go suck a cock, asshole.
What are you doing here?
Where have you been?
Did they kick you out
of school, huh?
You, uh, ever get high?
Hey, give that shit to me.
(punk rock music plays
over stereo)
Take it. There you go.
Ready, Jennifer?
Come here. Don't be scared.
Breathe it in.
(inhales deeply)
That's it.
Might loosen you up a bit.
Yeah, yeah.
That's it.
(soft, breathy laugh)
You do the same.
-That's it.
-(Jennifer coughing)
-Breathe it in.
-(inhales deeply)
(music continues)
That's it.
-(Wayne chuckles)
-(music slows and distorts)
You two are some crazy
goddamn bitches.
-(inhales deeply)
-(music fades)
Big breath, right.
("Your Yellow Pyjama"
by Amanda Lear intro plays)
-All right?
(Wayne laughs)
I think she likes it.

Trying to remember
A bright summer day
Dancing on the blue sea
Like a child in the sun
How can I forget your smile
As you played in the sun?
The sun on your body...
June was born at 8:00,
and I was born at 8:10.
Which is why I have
a good, strong,
a good, strong Aries in me.
Under the Ram.
Loving free, so exciting...
She can also be
really unpredictable,
just like an Aries.
-(June chuckles)
-Your yellow pyjama...
I can't believe you can talk.
-BOTH: Well, we can.
There's a lot of things
we can do.
Your yellow pyjama...
-I'm a Libra.
-(Jennifer gasps)
Of course.
-Of course he's a Libra.
-Of course.
Tell me about me.
The men that you really
wanted and who got away
What do the stars say?
And then came another...
Do they say
that I have a huge cock?
(both laughing)
You're going to want
to live forever...
(loud static rumbling)
-(static stops)
Because you're a woman
A woman who wants
A feeling of freedom
To try to understand...
(song continues indistinctly)
(rain pouring)
(thunder rumbling)
(typewriter keys clacking)

JUNE: The apartment was filled
with the lonesome atmosphere
of a sleeping cemetery.
-(motor chugging)
-The buzzing sound
coming from the refrigerator
turned to a deep sigh
as Preston opened it to
yank out a Pepsi-Cola can.
(soda can opens)
(Preston sighs heavily)
(soda fizzing)
The phone began to peal.
(phone ringing)
Preston stopped.
His heart raced.
And anxiously,
he thought about Peggy.
She was a million miles away.
PEGGY (staticky):
Preston, is that you?
Peggy's voice attacked his ears.
PEGGY (staticky):
We're not leaving Malibu.
Are you listening?
I love you, and I can't go
to San Francisco.
I've gotta tell you something,
We're not leaving Malibu.
Are you listening?
I love you, and I can't go
to San Francisco.
The pain deafened his eardrums.
He sank to the floor...
-(body thuds)
-(Preston grunts)
...the phone crashing down
beside him.
-(soda cans opening)
-He was falling,
floating in an empty
black tunnel,
like a rocket trapped in space.
-(soda fizzing)
-A can of Pepsi-Cola
came twisting and turning
towards him.
It crashed.
(typewriter roller clicking)
Just because you've had
a burst of inspiration,
doesn't mean your book's going
to be better than mine.
You're just jealous of my focus.
You're a hack.
(typewriter keys clacking)
Last night's dream...
(Jennifer speaking indistinctly)
(continues indistinctly)
JUNE (gasps):
Jenny, New Horizon said
they'll publish my book
for 80 pounds a month.
I'm gonna need
a little bit of your dole.
Well, I need that money
for my book
because it's going
to be a knockout.
What do you mean?
You're writing a bunch of crap,
and no one's accepting it
Don't be rude!
Look, this is a big deal for me.
Read it. Look.
And what do I get out of it?
Well, when you actually
get your book accepted,
I'll give you all my money,
I swear.
(breathes deeply)
Okay. First things,
we need to take
professional photos.
All right? Come on. Smile.
(camera shutter clicks)
Let's go downstairs.
(door opens)
Perfect. Okay.
Make sure your face
is like this.
-JENNIFER: To the side?
-Yes, looking professional.
-Okay, but...
Yeah, but get that right angle
because I don't want
to look fat.
Does my face look fat?
-Looking great.
(June sniffles)
No. No.
Oh, God, no.
-No, no, no. Terrible, no.
-JUNE: I don't like these.
-JENNIFER: What am I doing
there? -Look at this hair.
What is that?
What is that?
Why did you tell me to do that?
-The composition of this
photo does not... -Oh, my God.
I should have been so much
more serious about that diet.
JUNE: I've got spots.
Look at that spot. There.
JENNIFER: Oh, no. I'm way
too fat to find a publisher.
YOUNG (over stereo):
And finally Michael Hyams,
from 11 Orchard Road,
Dagenham in Essex.
Congratulations, gang.
And, uh, I must say,
music lovers,
I think we've chosen
his greatest performance ever,
Bob Dylan there,
taken from the album Desire,
the one called...
("Put Your Love in Me"
by Hot Chocolate plays)
Put your love in me
I need you now and forever
Put your heart...
(crickets chirping)
(dog barks in distance)
(owl hooting)
(indistinctly talking in house)
(Wayne humming)
(speaks indistinctly)

(inhales deeply)
(Jennifer inhales)
Take it.
You stay there, Juney June.
Don't you move.
(car door opens, closes)
(gentle melody begins playing)
(insects chirring)
Your hands
Caressing mine
Your mouth
Upon my mouth
Your eyes intense
with longing
All over my, all over
All over mine
-(Jennifer sighing)
-Innocent body
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la
Love is a bliss
Yes, it is
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la,
love is a bliss
Yes, it is.
-(music stops)
-(Wayne and June grunting)
JENNIFER: One of the best days
of my sweet life.
I had sex before marriage.
There was lots of blood.
Sorry, God.
Your friend, Jenny.
(moans softly)
(moaning continues)
("Tainted Love" by Soft Cell
playing over stereo)
Whoo. Whoo.

Oh, you lucky girl.
It's your turn tonight,
Juney June.

(June chuckles)

I know I still have you
under my spell.
You think so?
(glass breaking,
people laughing nearby)
Ah. (chuckles)
Yeah, you're more like me.
That's 'cause our souls
are fiery and competitive.
We both have mysterious styles.
We can be partners
in crime, Wayne.
Ah, are you gonna rob with me?
-Mug people with me?
(people talking nearby)
(Wayne chuckles)
You look funny when you smoke.
You want to set fires with me?
-Of course.
Oh, yeah.
-What? No, Wayne, don't...
-What's wrong? What's wrong?
-Don't do that.
-Give it back.
-You ready?
-Stop. No, no, no, don't!
-(whooping, laughs)
No, no, no, no, no, no!
Whoo. June, you seeing this?
(Wayne chuckles)
June! (laughs)

(seabirds squawking)
Don't look at me like that.
Get off me!

(continues choking)

(Jennifer gasps, panting)
(cries softly)
Why did you do that?
I'm sorry.
(Jennifer crying)
-I love you.
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
I love you, too.
(both crying)
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry. I love you.
I love you so much.
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I love you. I'm so sorry.
JUNE (crying): Don't let him
treat you like that.

(grand music playing over TV)

MAN (over TV): They make
their way back down the aisle
to the tumultuous welcome
awaiting them
at the steps of St Paul's.

And so, out into sunshine
and bells and wild delight
as a palpable wave
of affection and pride
wells out from the crowd.
(bells tolling)
(water sloshing)

Gone from our lives
like the tides from the shore.
I've got no feeling for sex,
but I can't bear life
without romance.
JENNIFER: We can't go back
to the empty days
before we found love.
(Jennifer breathing rapidly)

Were it matchsticks you stole?
(phone line ringing)
(ringing continues)
(Jennifer breathing rapidly)
MAN (over phone):
Police, ambulance or fire?
JUNE: I'm calling 'cause we've
got a confession to make.
What's your name?
We're gonna burn the whole
of Haverfordwest down.
(man speaks indistinctly)
We don't mind going to prison.
What's your name?
He wants to know our names.
Names are Wayne and Carl,
that's our names.
Wayne and Carl. Wayne...
Want to know where we live
as well?
Want to know
our fucking address?
Here's our fucking address!
(June screaming)
Come, come, come.
Follow me.
This way.
(bird squawks)
There it is.
-JUNE: Watch the car.
-(horn honking)
Fuck you, asshole!
Jenny. Jenny.

(alarm ringing)
(alarm continues ringing)
(alarm continues ringing)

(alarm continues ringing)

(alarm continues ringing)
(laughing softly)

(alarm continues ringing)

(breathing heavily)
WOMAN (over phone):
Police, ambulance or fire?
JENNIFER (singsongy):
Police, please.
I have a confession to make.
We burnt down a tractor store...
-(laughing) Haverfordwest.
Yeah, we're here now.
Catch us if you can.
Jennifer Lorraine Gibbons,
you are charged
with the following counts.
You did jointly, with another,
enter a certain building,
as a trespasser,
steal 25 pencils,
one pair of headphones,
an electric clock,
a pair of scissors,
and a carton of Play-Doh,
of a value together
of 40 pounds and 50 pence.
Between the 15th and 18th
of October 1981,
at Haverfordwest
in the county of Dyfed,
did enter a certain building,
as a trespasser,
steal therein
drink and food items
to the value
of five pounds and 24 pence.
And on the 20th day
of October 1981,
without lawful excuse,
damaged by fire a tractor store.
Jennifer Lorraine Gibbons,
how do you plead,
guilty or not guilty?
And you, June Alison Gibbons,
have been charged
on the same counts.
How do you plead,
guilty or not guilty?
Uh, Dr. Hamilton, uh, thank you
for attending court today.
Could you please tell
the court your opinion
on how you found each of
the defendants' state of mind
when you examined them?
And could you give the court
your recommendations
that you have?
My professional opinion
is that each defendant
suffers from a mental illness.
A psychopathic disorder,
a subnormality of such a degree
to warrant their detention
in a hospital
for medical treatment.
As such,
admission has been arranged
for Broadmoor Hospital.
(shocked murmuring)
Does Broadmoor have facilities
that people of their age
It is not,
not usual for persons so young
to come to Broadmoor.
Uh, however, I think compared
to the remand centre,
Broadmoor offers a certain
freedom and also therapy.
Uh, their treatment there
will consist of teaching them
to speak.
And we maintain a sort
of village-like atmosphere
at the hospital.
There are gardens.
Uh, we have, uh, hairdressers,
uh, beautiful bathrooms,
and such.
Sports facilities for
maintaining patients' fitness.
Oh, and, uh,
we even have a swimming pool.
("Enigma" by Amanda Lear
intro playing)

Give a bit of mmh to me
And I give a bit of mmh
to you
Give a bit of mmh to me
And I give a bit of mmh
to you
Duh, duh, duh, duh
And your eyes like a laser
Duh, duh, duh, duh
Every time cut me deeper
-Give a bit of mmh to me
-You're a mystery
And I give a bit of mmh
to you
It's so confusing
Give a bit of mmh to me
You're a mystery
And I give a bit of mmh
to you
Or am I dreaming?
Are you devil or angel?
JUDGE: If that is your
recommendation, Dr. Hamilton,
then regarding the information
we have as to
their tendencies to be
dangerous to themselves
and to each other mutually,
and in view of the difficulty
of the prognosis,
would you recommend
that the order I make
shall be without limit of time?
(shocked murmuring)
GLORIA: They giving
the twinnies a life sentence?

(clanks shut)

(people speaking indistinctly
in distance)
(lock clicks)
(woman yelling indistinctly
in distance)
Okay, I figured it out.
(woman continues yelling)
June, come on,
this is our chance.
I'll slip out the window,
and you can make a ladder
from knotted towels
attached to
the washbasin taps, okay?
Juney June.
Hmm? Juney June.
Hmm? Talk to me.
What's going on?
Come on, we have to escape now,
or else we'll end up
resident zombies.
Come on, June. Snap out of it.
-Come on, do as I...
-NURSE: Time for bed!
(footsteps departing)
(footsteps approaching)
(footsteps departing)

(dog panting)
(dog whines)

(hinges creaking)

(footsteps approaching)
(low chatter)
June Gibbons.
(low chatter)
(paper crinkling)
(low chattering)
(paper rustling)
(chuckles quietly)
(pages turning)
(pages turning)
(June chuckling)
(music playing loudly)
(turns down volume)
(Jennifer grunting)
(music distorts, fades)
I hate you.
You're a witch!
You bitch!
You're ruining my life!
I hate you!
-(Jennifer yelling)
-(June screaming)
-(June screaming)
-(locks clicking, door opening)
(man shouting)
Jennifer! Get off her!
Stop it!
-(men grunting)
-JENNIFER: You fucking bitch!
-(Jennifer yelling)
-(men grunting)
(Jennifer screaming)
(hinges creaking)
(woman breathing heavily)
(door opens)
June Gibbons.
-(door swings open)
-(footsteps approaching)
(door closes)
Hello, June.
I'm Marjorie Wallace.
A reporter for The Sunday Times.
I don't know if you were
allowed to read the article
I wrote about your trial.
I've read your writing.
Pepsi-Cola Addict had me up
the other night until 4:00 a.m.
I couldn't put it down.
You have an extraordinary
The vision of Preston drowning
in Pepsi-Cola.
(laughs softly)
You're very good with tension.
I should like to read
more of your writing.
If you were...
telling your story...
through me... would you want yours
to begin?
Perhaps I would start...
(gasping wheeze)
(grunts, gurgling)
She'll be all right.
(screaming gasps)
(door closes)
(exhales heavily)
(Jennifer sniffles)
(pen scratching on paper)
(pen clattering)
(pen scratching on paper)
(door opens)
Time's up.
She's on short visits
in Intensive.
(breathes heavily)
Please tell the doctor
that June must come back.
We want to be together.
It's not right.
(material creaking)
You bastards!
No! No!

My death
I would welcome you
As a child would welcome
candy each day
Outside the sky
Is heavy deep blue
My mind is peacefully clear
What would I do
if I were free?
Pure summer
vibrates around me
Dear Death
You are always ready
Smiling your sweet smile
Anxious to be friends
Give me a date
When my sister
comes back to me
I need her
I need her
Won't you please
Won't you please
Please help me.
(crying softly)
(both crying softly)
We have to stop.
It has to be different.
I know.
No more fighting.
(birds chirping)
We need to get our lives
before Marjorie's book
comes out.
It'll be a glorious day.
We'll walk out of here
as queens of Broadmoor.
We'll be famous.
If there are photographers
at the gates, we should wave.
-(footsteps approaching)
-(men talking indistinctly)
(men speak indistinctly)
-Not bad, eh?
We should stop smoking.
Queens don't smoke.
("Starlight" by Helen Bank
I hear your music
going round in my head
I know the words that you've
been trying to say to me
I don't know your name.
-(softly): Jenny.
It's just the way
you're walking
It's just your way
of talking
It's just the way
you're looking at me
Oh, starlight
Oh, starlight
I see your green eyes roam
when I'm at your door
What are you doing?
Ron is going to give me
his baby.
Thank you, Jesus.
It's not gonna work.
You can't just use his sperm.
-(water bubbling)
You're just jealous because
I'm going to be a mother
and you're not.
It's the same game with you.
What, you gonna run off
with Ron?
Have a family when I die?
He'll be your twin.
Don't be stupid.
You're too pretty to die first.
So what?
But if I die,
you'll just get over it.
You're the strong one.
-Is that what you really think?
No, I won't.
I don't want the grief.
(June chuckles)
-It's not gonna work.
-Yes, it will.
(low chatter)
(whispering): So, I found out
he's in here for manslaughter.
Yeah, I know, I know.
But he said he didn't mean it.
I did have a dream
about being strangled.
(low chattering)
I just hope he didn't use
his bare hands.
Hey, it's your turn
to eat today.
(low chattering)
(talking indistinctly)
All right. Take a seat, please.
Mm-hmm. Go on.
Oh, thanks.
JENNIFER (screaming):
-(pounding on door)
(pounding stops)
No, it's not her fault!
(pounding resumes)
-(pounding stops)
-(screaming): No!
-(pounding resumes)
(sniffles, crying):
I'm sorry, June.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, June.
Why have the girls been sedated?
It's an outrage.
They're lost,
trapped by each other.
They're not dangerous.
Excuse me, Marjorie.
You're taking away their future.
DR. LE COUTEUR: Collecting
a murderer's sperm in a bottle.
What kind of future is that?
They are sensitive girls.
They are writers. You know that.
Marjorie, they just can't
help themselves.
They don't even seem to want to.
When they can show that they do,
I will happily hand them over.
But neither of us have
any control over that.
And I don't see it happening
anytime soon.
I'm not letting this go.
(dog barking in distance)
(sighs softly)
Leaves me no feeling in me.
I wrote you some poems.
I can't, I can't write anymore.
I'm sorry.
(footsteps departing)

JUNE: I am immune
from sanity or insanity
I am an empty present box;
all unwrapped
for someone else's disposal.
I am a thrown away egg-shell,
With no life inside me,
for I am not touchable,
but a slave to nothingness.

"And how do you suppose Bobby
is going to help
our child live?" she asked.
Dr. Pallenberg gazed at her
with strange remote eyes.
The room took on the presence
of a heavy hush
-accompanied by the shadowed
whispers -(Bobby whines)
of a growing secret.
He smiled lightly,
taking her hands in his.
Gradually, he persuades
Michelle to accept his plan.
-(heart beating)
-They converted their kitchen
into a makeshift
operating theatre
and, with Michelle
as his assistant,
John Pallenberg plucks
Bobby's heart from his body
and implants it in baby Wayne.
(heart beating)
The parents keep
their secret well.
Wayne grows into
a remarkable child,
very advanced for his age.
But at seven months,
Wayne shocks Michelle
by saying...
I want Bobby."
His parents didn't
know what to say
because Bobby
had sacrificed his life
in order to save him.
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
-(Wayne whining)
-When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
my sunshine away.
How are you both doing?
We feel fine.
Do we look fine?
You look good.
I look good.
How about you, Jenny?
Have you been eating?
I'm good.
I'll eat when I'm gone.
Are you listening?
Got something to tell you.
What's that?
I'm going to die.
What makes you think of death?
I just know.
Twinnies, the news is good.
Dr. Le Couteur feels
you've improved enough
for him to sign
the transfer to Wales.
Are you being for real?
We're leaving here?
We're leaving.
We're leaving, June.
I told you.
Oh, my God.
It's a good day,
it's a good day,
because the sun's shining
and the birds...
-It's a good day. I told you.
-They saying it's only weeks.
(both crying)
Oh, I'm so happy for us.
Oh, June,
it's been 11 years of hell.
We can bring you
whichever clothes
you'd like to wear out of here.
Maybe some jeans?
Maybe skirts.
you need to take care
of yourself
so you're healthy
on the way out.
She'll be fine, Mummy.
I'm nearly 30.
Would I be prettier
if I put on weight?
Just a couple of weeks.
It won't seem so long.
You've got your whole life
ahead of you.
JENNIFER (quietly):
You, too.
(paper rustling)
(bag rustling)
(footsteps approaching)
(van door opening)
(van door closing)
(door rolling shut)
(van door closing)
(engine starts)
Transport leaving.
Van leaving.
(engine humming)
(van rattles quietly)
(dog barking in distance)
(nurse coughs)
(van stops)
Jenny, we're home.
Jenny, wake up.
-NURSE: Is this a game?
-NURSE (quietly): Jenny?
-(nurse panting)
Help me.
What's... what's wrong with her?
-NURSE: Come on. (mutters)
-(nurse panting)
-(nurses grunting)
-(nurse mutters)
-JUNE: Jenny!
-(nurse grunting)
JUNE (quietly):
Breathe, please.
Please wake up.
(nurse panting)

Jenny, wake up.
It's not funny anymore. Get up.
Jenny, wake up!
Wake up. It's not funny anymore!
Please, please, get up.
Jenny, please.
It's not funny, it's not funny.
Stop playing games, Jenny.
Get up.
Stand up, Jenny!
Jenny, get up.
(June sniffling)
(June crying)

That was our laughing
And that, too,
was our smiling
-And now
-(June sniffling)
I'm dead
And that, too,
is your crying
I'm not calling for you
Out of my love for you
I'm not calling you
But if you hear me
I got you
Now you're
We once
We once were two
We two
We two make one
All right, June?
We no more
We no more two
(low, indistinct chatter)
Through life be one

We once were two
We two
We two make one
We no more
We no more two
Through life be one
We once were two
We once were two...
We two...
We two
We two make one
We two make one
We no more
We no more two
You live for me

(song ends, music fades)

Your hands
Caressing mine
Your mouth
Upon my mouth
Your eyes intense
with longing
All over my, all over
All over mine
Innocent body
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la,
love is a bliss
Yes, it is
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la,
love is a bliss
Yes, it is
I'll take in this
Communion love, love
Love rules my soul
From above
My mind and body
are at peace
The birds will want
a part of me
In this moment of time
My beauty is sublime
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la,
love is a bliss
Yes, it is
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la,
love is a bliss
Yes, it is.

(breathes deeply)



(music fades)