The Sisterhood of Night (2014) Movie Script

It was in an
atmosphere of furious
accusation and
hysterical rumor that
this story took place.
We were between fourteen
and sixteen years old.
We traveled in
bands of five or six.
We met in dark
and secret places.
We had taken a vow of silence.
One of us was silenced forever.
Most people remember the
media frenzy that erupted
in our town.
But few know the true secret
behind the Sisterhood of Night.
Listen carefully.
This is our story.
It all started with one girl's
decision to go offline.
Mary Warren was a
straight-C student
who was voted, "Most
Likely to Become Famous."
Emily Parris was an only child
with a blog that nobody read.
She often prayed for new
followers though most of
the time she felt
like a follower herself.
Why don't each of
you tell me what happened.
She ruined my audition!
Stinking pitch.
"Stinking pitch,
that the sea, mounting to the...
The welkin's ass cheek... the welkin's
ass cheek..."
No! I mean
"the welkin's cheek".
Mr. Barry, can I start over?
Mary!? How would you like it if
someone messed up your audition?
Let's see what you can do.
"If by your art,
my dearest father you have
put the wild waters in
this roar, allay them.
She stole my phone.
Emily read
Mary's texts, posted them
on her blog and made Mary's
life one big humiliation.
Didn't you see what
Emily posted about Mary's mom?
Mrs. Warren's having an
affair with some guy at work.
Did you see Emily's blog?
It's like Fatal Attraction
except nobody's died yet!
Everyone move back.
She called me a "blog war"
in front of the whole school!
A blog what?
Don't you mean "whore"?
The "w" is silent
It is...
Everyone was waiting
for Mary to retaliate online.
But on that night, Mary's
Facebook status read:
And she never logged in again.
Dear Diary. Or whatever
you're supposed to say.
I can't remember the last
time I wrote something that
wasn't on my computer.
I love the
solitude of the night.
And I want to
plunge into secrecy.
As in to black smoke.
To disappear
It was on this
night that Mary began to form
the idea of a sisterhood.
Catherine Huang and
Lavinia Hall were the first
two girls to be trusted
with the secret.
Last week...
I had this really bad thought.
Bad as in badass
or bad/perverse?
Just bad.
Like I don't wanna
say it out loud.
We're offline.
You can tell us.
Or write it down.
That's what I do.
You really can't tell anyone.
I won't, I promise.
...You have to swear.
It's our secret
Are you kidding?
Are you kidding me?
that's the fire alarm.
Single file.
Everybody head for the exits.
Just leave your belongings and
head to the exits.
No pushing.
Oh my God!
Everything that
happens here stays between
the three of us.
You have my vow of silence.
You have my vow of silence.
You... have
my vow of silence.
Are you ready?
I wouldn't say the
Mary/Emily conflict was over
by the end of the year,
but they both moved
on to other things.
Mary with her photography and
Emily with her acting class
over the summer.
Principal Harvey didn't
think I needed to keep
meeting with them.
But no one could have predicted
what was going to happen...
Dear God, please
help me make some friends at
school this year.
Please send Mary Warren away.
Maybe she can get swine flu -
I mean not seriously.
Please help Mary see that
she should forgive me
because I was wrong
and I'm sorry,
and she should pick me
to be in The Sisterhood.
One or the other.
You're going to be late.
I made you a BLT, your favorite.
I buy lunch on
Fridays. Mommy knows that.
You're such a little poser.
Alright... well
I'll pick you up after school.
Four o'clock?
We'll go see her together.
Bye Gong-gong.
Hey kit cat.
So my mom went back
into the hospital.
her hair is all gone now.
I'm going to see her today.
I just can't.
Are you okay, honey?
They should really get
that sign fixed for you.
Yeah, I know.
But I secretly like It though.
It keeps me humble.
How's Lavinia doing?
That good, huh...
What's going on? Anything new?
Any big changes?
Well, I just started dating.
Maybe she should
start coming in to talk
to you again, you know?
During lunch like last year...
she said you were
a good listener.
Yeah sure.
I'm here.
Just think it over
and let me know.
...Travis, definitely.
They're coming. Here they come.
There were definitely
rumors about The Sisterhood.
Nobody knew what it was,
which just made the girls
who weren't in it want
to be in it even more...
But you had
to be chosen by Mary.
I was never really
sure how Mary decided
who to pick.
We were all so different.
With me, my family had just
moved to Kingston from Oregon.
I remember that whole week,
I'd see Catherine Huang kind of
watching me.
And one day it started pouring.
Everyone ran for cover.
But I love the rain.
And I missed it.
Soon after that, Mary and
Catherine gave me the secret
sign and you had to figure out
where the meeting was based
on a clue.
We'll see you later.
Mary said I
introduced her to photography.
She said she took
photographs to observe a world
that just wanted to observe her,
but what she taught me was how
to see the mystery in life.
You know, one of these
nights I'm gonna follow you
and find out what you do.
Where were you at lunch?
I had to make
up that Math test...
Hey, what do you
guys think of Jeff Johns?
I mean, he's cute.
He's always
staring at you on the
way to school you know.
Is he boyfriend material?
Okay, who
would you guys save from
a burning building,
Jeff Johns or Ryan Gosling?
Sorry Jeff!
From the girl who
kisses his poster every night...
Oh guys, this is how I practice.
Wait, this is Travis
I'm guessing, right?
Of course this is
Travis, who else would it be?
You missed it!
Okay, okay, okay.
I promise I won't do that.
Keep twirling
That's a good one.
Oh yeah you're crazy hot!
You're like so attractive.
Keep going.
Hey guys, wait.
Let's do something
for the variety show.
Like a dance or something?
Yeah. I mean like I
can write the music and you
can make the costumes
and Mary, you can...
I'll bust a move.
No, but I mean seriously
I think we should.
Yeah, I think so too.
- It'll be fun.
- Let's do it.
But only if the song is like...
More girls
began to roam the night
as new members were initiated.
Not right now.
Okay. Okay. Bye.
Don't forget to
silence your phones.
Did you see her?
Honey, we can
move up. Come on.
No! It's not fair.
You don't know
what she did to me!
She always ruins everything.
Why don't you tell everybody where
were you last night, huh, Mary?
Why don't you tell everybody about
the big secret you're hiding?
I saw her!
I have the picture!
Ask her what she was doing
last night in the woods.
Honey, stop it.
Oh, Emily! Emily!
Come here, honey.
Lie her down. Lie her down.
Are you alright?
Explain yourself...
Were you in the woods
with Mary last night?
What were you even
doing in the woods?!
Tom, take it easy.
Can I have a glass of water.
Oh God, your hand!
Tom, look at that.
Did this happen last night?
It really hurt...
it was bleeding.
It's alright, honey.
Don't be scared.
There's nothing to be scared of.
Just tell us what happened.
We were all waiting
after Emily's outburst.
Mostly people were annoyed
that mass was interrupted.
None of us adults had ever
heard of The Sisterhood before.
And then Rhonda Potter came out.
She had this look in her eye.
And I heard her say these words.
Three little words...
It's a cult.
You'll never be one of us
What was Emily talking about?
Answer your mom!
We'll ground you.
How about a week with
no phone and no computer
Oh great.
Oh hey, did
you talk to your dad?
No way!
I'm not saying anything.
That's Emily's mom.
She's walking up to your house!
Shh, wait a minute.
Your kid is
totally out of control!
I understand
that you're upset, Sue.
But Mary would never
physically hurt anyone...
Did you see the
cut on Emily's hand?
And I am sure there
is some explanation for that.
We should just get the
girls together and they'll
I think Mary's the one
that needs the talking to.
That's between me and her.
This conversation is over.
Uh oh
Incoming. Oh my God,
Catherine, you're so busted!
What do I do?
Oh, hi.
Hi. I'm Sue Parris.
I'm Sue Parris.
How are you?
My daughter Emily
goes to school with Catherine.
And I really wanted to talk
to you about what happened
in church today.
Is... I know you weren't there.
Is Grace here?
Could the three of us talk?
That's not possible.
Could you step outside
for a minute please?
I found this in Emily's jeans.
Have you seen
anything like that?
Hey. Hi. I am from
the Kingston Chronicle.
This is so exciting!
I know both your
daughters are involved in The
Sisterhood, and I was hoping
I could ask you a couple...
My daughter has
nothing to do with this.
Okay, but...
This is my home!
Both of you, please leave.
I'm so sorry to have intruded.
me, Mrs. Parris.
If I can just ask you one thing.
Oh, I have to...
If I could, hey...
You are on private property.
I want you to take one of these.
Dr. Post said it was okay.
You had a long day.
I want you to rest.
Did you understand
what the officer meant
about pressing charges?
That unless you talk
to him and you tell him
what's really going on there is
nothing that he can really do.
But what would he do?
We can talk about
it tomorrow. I love you.
And good luck on that French
test. "Maison" is feminine!
Okay, mom.
That was last week.
We gotta talk later, kiddo.
Hey, Emily.
How's your hand?
It hurts.
I saw the photo you
posted of your boyfriend...
He probably wants to beat
the crap out of Mary Warren.
Yeah, he's pretty mad...
...I heard
Mr.Gambhir's interrogating
all the Sisterhood girls.
It's like the Inquisition!
Tyra makes all the girls line up
and then she tears 'em down!
Your name's on the list, Emily.
Good. As long
as they get in trouble for...
what they... did...
What's really going on?
This is potentially
really serious.
I'm trying to help you here.
You have to tell me something.
Give me something that
helps me help you guys.
Who is your favorite Beatle?
Do you know,
in ancient China, when you
had a secret you didn't
want to share with anyone,
you would dig a hole into a
tree, and then you'd whisper
your secret into the hole.
And then you'd fill it up with
dirt and no one would know.
You'd leave it there forever.
That's beautiful.
You hear that from your parents?
I saw it in a movie.
And Lennon. That's
my favorite Beatle.
Whose your favorite?
George Harrison.
But nobody knows anything
about George Harrison.
I like to keep his secrets.
Excuse me, Miss Warren.
I ask her a question, she just
does not saying anything.
She just sits there quietly.
How's your hand, Emily?
That must've really hurt.
When you slid down those rocks.
I don't know
what she's talking about.
Because if you're
not used to that drop-off,
it's really easy to fall.
So you were in the woods, Mary?
I didn't say that.
You were chanting...
You took off your shirt.
You made me take off my shirt.
Stop it!
You grabbed my hands.
You made me...
Say it.
You know exactly what you did!
It's true.
I know, Mr. Gambhir.
They did it to me too!
What's happening?
Get some water.
Are you okay? Hey.
I'll get the nurse.
Everybody back to class.
Go on back to class.
Sorry, the girls are just...
They're not really good friends.
I mean, they're kids that
she's known for years
but I don't think they're
anybody we can rely on.
Just tell me... how can we
protect our daughter?
Look. Over here.
I found something.
- We found something.
- What's this?
Last night
we found this in the woods.
Come on, Mary. We know
it's your handwriting.
I'm not saying anything!
Well then
you'll be suspended. Again.
- Could I just intervene?
- I don't care!
Oh, but I bet you care about the
Halloween dance... and what
about the Variety Show?
I know you've been
practicing a routine.
You're such a clich.
I'll let you two get started.
I'm gonna have a cigarette.
If we're just gonna sit here
staring at each
other like last time,
I might as well, right?
Are you crazy?
Yeah, you're right.
You should probably stay here.
I don't want you getting
into any more trouble.
Besides, it's only good
for third period.
It's a secret spot.
Now, you may be asking yourself
why didn't we just tell?
It's a fair question.
Our silence became
our holy grail.
In three days, our
world would come crashing down.
Anyone who
Googled Kingston New York
a month ago would have read
about a quiet town the
local papers once called an
"archetype of happy suburbia."
Google Kingston today
and a story of sex and
the occult emerges.
Mary had this charisma
but it was the kind that
can turn dangerous.
Look at The Sisterhood.
Look what happened to me.
Lizzie Ward said she was led
to the cemetery, where the
Sisterhood forced her
to urinate on a Bible.
Sarah Burnhart
claimed her initiation was
sealed by drinking
a whitish fluid.
Sarah remembered feeling out of
control, and then fainting.
Maria Cannito described a game
called Band Camp,
where girls had to wear masks
and play their bodies like
a musical instrument
for strange men.
I remember that game
that Sarah talked about.
Because I was the cello.
Where were you?
I just went out for a walk.
Don't lie, Lavinia.
Do not lie.
I've been waiting and
so patient, and just waiting
for you to talk to me,
but now...
Maria Cannito just
wrote on Emily's blog.
She says...
She says you guys
hurt her, too.
You went through my room?
Mom! What if I
went through your room?!
But, Mom, I didn't do anything!
You're the one that goes out
with different guys every night!
While everyone else's parents
I hang out with my friends, Mom.
What's so weird with that?
But what do you do when
you hang out with your friends?
What do you do in the middle of
the night that you can't tell
anyone about?
Does this have to do
with The Sisterhood?
No! Mom! Mom, stop!
ROSE Let me see!
What are
you doing? Mom!
About The Sisterhood symbol
having occult origins.
The inverted pentagram
has a star with five points
to symbolize the elements,
earth, wind, fire and water
and the spirit and
The Sisterhood circle has
these five x's embedded
in the same places.
...just breathe...
Are you awake?
What are you doing?
What is this all about?
How can you cause
so much trouble when
Mommy is so sick?
What's the matter with you?
I'm not going to
say anything to her
and you're not going to either.
Hau pu hau.
I'm scared.
Sweetheart, I'm scared too.
I just... I just
can't talk about it right now.
There's a reason it's a secret.
But you have to talk
to me, because what if...
What if what?
There might be
a time when it's just you,
me and Henry
And Gong-Gong?
Yes, and Gong-Gong.
Someone asked me today
if I felt like Joan of Arc.
One day we will all be dead.
But those who keep
moving will never die.
What happens in the woods
at the end of our ritual is
A clear, unspeakable calm.
What shall
we do, little sisters?
The sky is falling.
You look a little
Courtney Love today.
Before she went red carpet.
I feel Courtney Love.
Catherine, you're going to be
late for career day.
I'll pick you up after school
to go see Mommy, okay?
She says she can't.
She has to study for a test.
Well you can
study at the hospital.
She says "no".
cut it out. Ni zen mo
I can't do it!
She looks like an alien!
She's bald and it smells -
I can't!
Just stop it!
You don't know
how out of hand this is.
We need you here.
Is Dad coming?
...No, but...
fine. I don't even care.
Good morning everyone.
Good morning parents.
Welcome to career day.
Thank you for coming.
We've got some great speakers...
This is a public service
I'm locked in here...
- I
- speak to you anonymously
about the recent
slanderous statements
made by my classmates.
For which the reason is
The Sisterhood has given
meaning to our lives.
Miss Potter?
To those of you who ask why
we are bound by a vow
of silence, I reply:
To tell you the secret means
to lose The Sisterhood forever.
Listen to me.
Disregard these lies
and trust your daughters.
Hey, Mr. Gambhir.
What's that?
Hey guys.
Say front page!
Chocolate milk for me
and soy chocolate for you.
How did you know I'm vegan?
I see you at
the faculty cafeteria.
Steve Harvey thought
I should talk to you
before the PTA meeting.
I'm just so worried about her,
and I think... She hates me.
She doesn't hate you.
Rose, they're at that
age where everything is like,
"Oh, nobody understands me."
When I was sixteen, I
ended up getting a tattoo.
What'd you get?
On my tattoo?
I'll show you.
Actually, what am I
doing. I can't show you.
I'll show you later...
That came out wrong,
I don't mean that
I'm going to show you...
Do you have...
Oh yeah. Here...
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Sorry about that.
Why don't you take
care of those...
I don't deserve to live.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I haven't laughed in a while.
Oh good, I'm glad you
thought that was funny.
That was nice.
Hey Emily.
I know your boyfriend's a fake.
You are such a liar.
Did you really think that
you could just make this
fake Facebook account for
"Brad MacLaughlin, front man
of Aussie boy band Tidal Wave"
and pass him off
as your boyfriend?
I wonder what else
you lied about, Emily...
WTF, Catherine! guys are fearless.
They're totally going
to Hell for not confessing.
Mary doesn't
care about going to Hell.
They'll never say
anything. It's sad.
Hi Emily.
I heard Lavinia Hall crying in
the bathroom today.
She's totally going
in the psych ward.
They'll probably be devils
or witches for Halloween.
I bet Lavinia would confess.
So can I tell
Emily you're in for Halloween?
It's Lavinia, right?
I hear you like girls.
That's hot!
Wait! Come back!
I wanna be initiated!
Yeah, I'm in.
I hear you're
the leader of a cult.
Voodoo, I made
us a new playlist.
you just get together to hang
out and talk about stuff, right?
I can't break the vow.
I trusted you.
You have to tell
me what's going on.
I don't wanna sneak
around anymore.
I'm just not into
being your secret boyfriend.
Should I use the pink feathers
or the brown feathers?
Whatever you think.
I wonder if my mom will be home.
You know, in time for
the variety show.
Do you ever wish you
could just live inside a song?
Ugh, stop it.
You're obsessed with this song.
Come on.
If I hear it one more time...
This curfew makes me insane.
I gotta go.
Mary? Is that you?
Why are you out after curfew?
Why are you out after curfew?
I'm an adult, the
curfew doesn't apply to me.
Can I...
Can I come in?
The cops are circling
the neighborhood.
Mary, that's not appropriate.
My dad's working in the city.
I really don't care what
my mom thinks.
Sorry, Mary.
That's really inappropriate.
Can I use your bathroom?
Xanax. Sleep.
Mary listen,
we got to get going.
Hey Mr. Gambhir,
Whoa, Mary, come on!
That stuff is personal.
You can't just go
through people's things.
Do I have to go in there,
see what else is missing?
God! Don't freak out.
I was just wondering.
Since I just took some.
Oh my God.
How many?
What's this?
My name is Jennifer, and I'm
from Albuquerque, New Mexico.
I know that your blog is for
Sisterhood victims, but
I've been molested too.
I know this is a safe place.
I have to tell you about what
happened with my babysitter...
It was so long ago,
but I have to speak up.
It's time.
he won't talk to me.
This mailbox is full and cannot
accept any messages
at this time. Goodbye.
Good night, Ryan.
I'm really sorry, Mr. G.
It's okay.
I'll see you at school.
Mary, I know you're in there.
Open the door.
What were you doing over there?
How do you think I felt?
I'm checking my e-mail
and there's a photo of you with
a teacher, at night!
And then you weren't
in your room...
Everyone knows... Sue
Parris sent it to everyone!
Including the Chronicle.
Are you having
sex with that man?
Am I what?
Is that what you
wrote on the secret sign?
No! How can
you even ask me that?!
Because I need to know
the truth and for once you're
going to tell me!
Okay, Mom.
I'm a witch, and The
Sisterhood is a cult.
What are you doing?
Stop acting so crazy!
God, what's happened?
Why are we such strangers?
Because I don't
wanna be like you.
I just don't know
what to believe?
I think it's more
like who do you believe.
Have you spent the night at
Gambhir's apartment?
Is he part of The
Sisterhood's erotic rituals?
are you in the lesbian sex cult?
You have not come up
with one answer. One answer!
We left you with our
daughters. We trusted you!
did Mary tell you anything?
She said nothing happened.
And do you believe her?
Mary's telling the truth.
You know what - that
doesn't get you off the hook!
You let a student spend the
night in your apartment.
A girl who is confused
and in way over her head.
Look, I was trying to help.
Mary was very upset.
I tried to call you, Linda,
but your voicemail was full.
Gordy, I need your resignation.
Why was she at his house?
I don't know.
Hey, chicas.
Look, I really wasn't sneaking
out to meet Mr. Gambhir.
Then where were you going, Mary?
Everything is
just so messed up, Mary.
We have to tell them, okay.
Can we just tell them?
What about the vow?
Forget the fricking vow.
Everyone's waiting for
you to do something!
We're going home.
I think we have to.
We have to tell them.
I tried to fix it,
but it won't play anymore,
so here's mine. On loan.
I'll figure something out,
I promise.
Hey, come on.
"I confronted my
cousin and he admitted it.
I couldn't have done
it without you, Emily!
Here's a song that keeps me
strong." From KandyKane.
Whoa, her cousin?
That's wild!
How are these girls finding me?
What is The Sisterhood?
What is The Sisterhood?
What is The Sisterhood?
Gordy Gambhir will not be
leading the meeting tonight.
I know that you have a
lot of questions, and we
will get to your
questions one-by-one.
Now we've already
cancelled the variety show...
Mr. G.
What are you doing here?
You said to give
them a chance, right?
There's a lot that we still
don't know about The Sisterhood,
but tonight I feel confident
that we can begin a dialogue
that will bring some calm
to the community.
And we need
to support each other...
Mary, what are you doing here?
Let her speak!
What do you have to say?
came here tonight to talk
to you about The Sisterhood.
We haven't done anything wrong.
And neither has Mr. Gambhir...
Mr. Gambhir
is backstage.
If he's not part of The
Sisterhood, why is he here?
Is there a reason you're here?
Gordy, you shouldn't be here.
I'm here on my own.
You should leave.
Look, I can't
tell you exactly what
The Sisterhood is... but I do
know things about your daughters
from just having the
chance to talk to them...
Mrs. Warren, are
you going to press charges
against this man?
Mr. Gambhir.
Mr. Gambhir!
Look, they're just
girls! Listen to them!
Listen, please.
After what they
put my families through?!
They're still your daughters.
It's okay. I'm here.
I believe you...
Mary, Mrs. Warren, right here!
Get the hell out of here.
Dear God,
I'm so grateful for today.
I feel like so many things have
been leading up to this moment.
Sit with my mouth
3 inches from the microphone.
Try not to accentuate my
P's or whistle on my S's.
Please. Perfectly. Sisterhood.
Stay in the moment.
Use my imagination.
Remember my wants,
needs, and objectives.
Amen... oh, and thank
you for letting me go
to my first real
Halloween party tonight!
Amen again.
can read Emily Parris' blog.
Which has become a
confessional meeting ground
for sexually abused girls.
Miranda M. of Cleveland, Ohio
and Jasmin22 of Middleburg,
Virginia spoke about their
experiences of sexual assault
for the very first
time on Parris' blog,
both through artwork.
...the first
time he touched me,
it was in my bedroom.
I was only nine.
I didn't know.
The words to define
that experience don't exist.
Who are those other girls?
You know them,
you just never met them.
That's KandyKane and Jennifer
from New Mexico, Jasmin22...
Our sponsor flew them out at the
last minute to surprise you.
I would
just lie there, wait for it
to be over...
I haven't spoken
him in over ten years.
I hope he's out there listening.
Joining us now,
the reason this special group
has come together. Emily Parris.
Emily it's me,
KandyKane from St.Louis!
I never thought I'd have the
guts to go on the radio and
talk like this but...
You inspired me.
She inspires me.
You're so pretty in person.
She's so pretty...
Emily, can you
tell our listeners about the
situation in Kingston, New York?
What happened?
What's happening?
We were molested.
What happened?
Are you okay?
It's just really hot in there...
Seeing those girls in person -
it's just so hard.
I don't feel so great.
You can pop a Tylenol
when we get back to my place.
You packed your costume, right?
I love that we all match!
I just...
I don't know if we
should do it anymore.
But Travis said he's
in and it has to be tonight.
To go with
the whole witch thing.
Yeah, and what about
the party after?
What if we just go to the party?
Why're you freaking out?
I think you liked
what they did to you.
I can't sleep over anymore.
There you are.
I wanna go home.
What if she tells her mom?
She won't.
You have to come with me.
I need you.
I can't do this alone.
Lavinia, there's
something I need to...
Are you going on another date?
You can just say.
Yes, I am.
The same guy, the dentist.
So Mrs. Olsen's going to stay.
I love you.
Lavinia. Do
you know who this is?
I don't know.
I think you're hot.
Now do you know?
Can you come
meet me at the sign?
I don't know.
Come on.
It's Halloween.
I don't even have a costume.
I have one for you...
Hi, you've called Lavinia.
Please leave a
message after the beep.
Hi Lavinia, it's Emily.
If Travis calls you,
don't go out tonight.
Just don't go.
Trust me.
It's the tattoo.
Five girls. Five x's.
Hi Lavinia.
Let's go for a walk.
Wanna sit?
have you ever made
out with someone?
Do you want to?
With you.
Can you take your shirt off?
You're so beautiful.
No I'm not...
Yeah, you really are.
So what's the deal
with the Sisterhood?
OMG, I can't believe her!
No! No! Please!
I'm mean to my sister
because she's prettier than me.
I read my dad's Playboys.
I kissed a girl at camp.
I make myself throw up.
I keep skipping gym
so I don't have to change
in front of anyone.
Doug Ryan never called
me after we hooked up.
Because I wouldn't
go down on him.
When I'm
really mad I cut myself.
...I'm scared
I'll never be happy.
This is the
only place I feel safe.
My dad lost his
job, and we might have to move.
I'm scared for my brother.
I had an abortion.
Sometimes I tell my
mom I'm with my friends and
I drive to the city alone.
Most of the
time I feel invisible.
When I write poems,
I try to think like God.
I want to change the world.
I lost my virginity.
My spirit is a song.
No one's ever going to kiss me.
I wish my mom
would die - or get better.
For my first time,
I want to be in love,
not just have sex.
I've been afraid
to say this until now,
I love Jeff Johns.
I miss my mom.
Why's she coming
with us to the party?
Why are you coming?
Shut up!
I want her to.
We'll let her go
after the party.
Yeah, she's still
pretty drugged out.
What a freak!
We're witches! Okay?
What's going on?
No! No! No!
Travis - please!
Just let me go home!
are you going to do with that?
It's already done!
Are you there? This is Lavinia.
This recording?
I can't sleep.
I just wish it were tomorrow.
Please hurry.
She's not... she's not breathing.
She's not moving,
I don't know what happened.
standing outside St. John's
church in Kingston, New York
where Lavinia Hall's funeral
will be taking place in an hour.
Lavinia Hall is the
fifteen-year-old high school
student who took her
own life last week.
- You got it?
- Yep.
Dear God...
Will you do something for me?
Yeah. Anything.
I'm sorry, Mary.
I'm so sorry!
I... lied
about that night.
I just wanted
to be in The Sisterhood.
Mary saw me.
Then they just
walked me out of the woods.
I could just tell
everyone everything!
And then you wouldn't be able
to meet in the woods anymore.
I was so mad.
I fell.
I cut my hand.
And that was it.
I should have helped Lavinia,
but I was too scared.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Emily was wrong to lie.
But she helped me speak out.
And her blog helped
me find so many other girls
who needed to speak their truth.
Hi, Mrs. Hall.
That's her song
for the Variety Show.
"L' Espirits Des Animaux"
Spirit Animals.
I think we should do
the dance. For Lavinia.
So this is your secret spot?
What are you doing?
Can I do it too?
I changed my mind
I don't wanna do it anymore.
You don't have to, Henry.
Ah, hi
Gong-Gong. I was just...
You're here.
Oh baby.
What did you do to
your beautiful hair?
Sweet dreams.
I love you, baby.
I love you too.
"The girls of The
Sisterhood shut out the
noise in their lives by sharing
their deepest dreams, pains
and desires, then renewing
their bond of friendship
through silence."
You look like
a white wolf warrior.
You look like
a David Bowie bird.
The Sisterhood continues
to surface in new towns
as the secret is passed on.
We long to remain mysterious.
To evade definition.
Tell us, you cry.
Tell us everything and
then we will forgive you.
But we do not wish to
tell you everything.
This is our secret.
Hence our silence.
We plunge into secrecy.
As in to black smoke.
To disappear.