The Skeleton's Compass (2022) Movie Script

Hi, my name's Walter.
My parents named me after
my great grandfather
on my dad's side,
but everybody calls me Champ.
These are my friends.
Stryker's been my best friend
since the second grade,
when he shared his lunch
with me, when I forgot mine.
Jenny lives two doors down from
She's smart and funny,
and the only person that
can beat me at Mario Kart.
And Pip, she can be annoying,
but she's Jenny's best friend,
so she's always just hanging
We are the Nomads.
We live in a quiet
neighborhood in Georgia,
next to the Chattahoochee river,
where basically nothing ever
My mom's family lived here way
before there were any houses.
Do you ever stop to think
who lived where you live,
like before you,
like before your house was
built or even your city?
The people that lived here first
were called Native Americans.
The Cherokees inhabited
the Appalachian mountains
from the Carolinas in
Tennessee to North Georgia,
where I live until now that is.
We had to move because my
dad's company is downsizing,
kind of like in 1828,
when gold was discovered on
Cherokee land
and they were forced to
move too, far, far away.
My great-great-great
grandmother was Cherokee,
but since she married someone
that wasn't,
she ended up staying here,
but most of her family
and friends moved away.
History always felt like
that happened so long ago
to people I didn't know,
so it didn't really have
anything to do with me.
But this summer,
what happened almost 200
years ago became very real,
and I learned that the past
is linked with the present,
and that history is more
important than I thought.
Let's go back to the beginning.
You'll never take me alive.
I wasn't planning on it.
I'm out.
Die you alien scum.
Oh man.
Is everything okay boys?
Yes Ma'am, everything's fine.
All right,
dinner's almost ready.
Oh, and Champ, you're welcome to
Thanks, but I gotta go home.
Yeah, don't worry about it. I
got it.
You sure?
Yeah, it's cool.
I'm gonna miss you Daisy.
Bye Daisy.
See ya.
This is so cool.
This baby does zero to
60 in under three seconds,
in ludicrous mode.
Not that Miss Michelle will
let me.
Stryker tells me that
your family's moving soon.
Yeah, it's so unfair.
You know, you're welcome
at our house anytime.
Champ, you're supposed to
have your room packed up.
I've been busy.
We're all busy.
I really need you to pitch in
and do your part around here,
okay pal.
I will.
You're right, you will.
Because today it's no
friends, no cell phone,
no video games until you're
That's not fair.
Trust me, life's not fair.
I can't survive a whole
day without my phone.
Just get your stuff packed
and you'll get it back.
I could stay at Stryker's.
That's not happening.
I know it's hard to understand,
but I've been looking for a
job ever since I got laid off.
And then someone shows up
here wanting to buy the house,
offering us way more than what
it's worth,
I mean, that's an offer
that your mom and I,
we just can't turn that down.
My friends or a good offer, hmm?
Champ, your friends will
always be your friends
and you will make new ones.
Dad you've always wanted
to start a business,
why don't you do that now?
Then we don't have to
take that stupid offer.
As great as that sounds,
that takes investment capital.
So unless you got a secret
stash of cash laying around
that I don't know about then.
What about the clubhouse?
We'll build a new one.
It's not gonna be the same.
And he doesn't wanna
leave his girlfriend.
She's not my girlfriend.
She's just a friend.
She's a girl and she's a friend.
Yeah, well you don't wanna
leave Corey.
Well, on that note, I have a
When you get done,
why don't you go get your
stuff out of the clubhouse,
okay sweetie.
Ew, grossed my eyes.
Champ, get out.
You get out, this is my
Not for long from what I hear.
Just leave him alone, come on.
Was just joking.
All right, all right.
You know, you're not the
only one losing friends.
Practicing for your girlfriend?
Bravo Charlie, Bravo Charlie,
come in.
This is Crying Wolf.
The enemies are closing in.
Bravo Charlie do you copy, send
the bird.
Bravo Charlie, I need extraction
You need to come over now.
Meet me at the clubhouse
and go the back way.
Dude, you had a skeleton in
your backyard this whole time?
Ha, dude, it touched me.
Check this out.
You shouldn't take that.
He won't mind.
Nah, you are not
making me an accomplice.
An accomplice to what?
He was already dead.
Dude. what are you doing?
It's a gold nugget.
Check this out.
What is it?
I don't know, maybe a
treasure map to more gold.
Here, come on.
Wait, what about him?
I promise to take care of your
Rest in peace, Amen.
Sure, sure, that works.
I don't know if we should.
Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.
Yeah, you did.
What you doing?
None your as in none your
Yeah, I got it.
Well the question is
what are you doing in the Nomad
You're not Nomads.
Two people don't make a club.
Oh, Jackson went to summer camp
and Tripp he got grounded
for throwing water balloons
at his little sister.
What's so top secret?
Only the biggest thing
this clubhouse has ever done.
Wait, you can't tell
secret club business
with non-members.
We'll just swear them in.
Dude, what?
No way.
Yeah, but we could use the
extra help
and they'll only be temporary
My mom says I can't swear.
Then you'll promise.
I, state your name.
Do solemnly swear,
I mean promise,
that you will never reveal
the secrets of the Nomad club
and will not tell a single soul
what I'm about to tell you,
or Katie's hamster Fluffball
will meet Mr. Whiskers.
Do you promise?
We promise.
All right, you're now temporary
members of the Nomad club.
Cool, so do we get nicknames?
Oh, come on.
When we've told you what we've
you're gonna help us figure it
By the power vested in me,
the leader of the Nomads,
I dub thee
Here, here Pip.
I'll have to think about yours.
Technically Jenny is a nickname.
Here, here, Jenny?
So like I was saying before...
We found a skeleton.
No way.
Wait, but that's not all.
We got this compass and this
gold nugget
and a journal that
could lead to more gold.
Yeah, right?
Oh, you're serious.
Look, it's super old.
It's dated 1800s and just smell
It smells old.
Yeah, it's an old prospector's
What, like a diary?
No, not a diary.
It's a journal.
A diary, a journal same thing.
No, he's not writing about his
he's writing about gold.
Wait, how am I supposed to
read this?
What's the matter?
Oh, cursive.
Give me a minute.
I'll read it.
No, no, I got it.
Prospecting by Joshua Ryder.
April 18th, 1828.
I arrived today in Dahlonega.
I went into town and registered
for the land auction.
These are the claims here to
You need to be here Friday
If you are not here when
your number is called,
you will go to the end of the
Much obliged.
Hey Big Nik.
Nobody cheats me.
What's fair is fair.
Well it's fair, when I say
it's fair.
There'll be no fighting in my
Crump go home.
Nobody cheats me.
Go on, get.
You get
You helping me, that meant
Tomorrow Big Nik is for himself.
You're welcome.
Son, I'm not sure if
you're brave or stupid.
What's your name son?
Joshua Ryder sir.
You are?
Colonel Nathaniel Jeffreys,
retired of course,
but everyone around here
still calls me the Colonel.
You wouldn't happen to know
where I could find some
supplies, would you?
I just happened to be the
proprietor of the general store.
Jedidiah's got some issues.
Big Nik doesn't sound too
great either.
That guy Joshua saved his life
and he didn't even say, thanks.
Hello, this is not a reality
show recap.
Sorry, go on.
Well here, let me read it.
I hired a Cherokee guide to take
me out
and scout the claims.
He couldn't speak much English,
but when he saw my
compass, he pointed at it
and said, "Sidanela"
Cherokee Sidanela, it means
This says it too.
Then he brought me to a
beautiful spot
on the Etowah river and said,
this was the property for me.
So does he find the gold or not?
Hold your horses.
20th of May,
I'm as lost as this compass,
it just keeps spinning in
Biggest thing this
club has ever done, huh?
Wait, let me see that.
Mr. Benjamin Ryder in the County
of Milton state of Georgia.
My dearest Uncle Ben, our
claim has proven worthy,
as I have finally discovered
the secret of the compass.
I plan to bring a portion of my
but fear I may be followed,
sincerely, Joshua.
He found it.
And where is it?
Does it say?
Ah no, it doesn't.
Look right here.
A compass rose on the wall
will lead you to find your way.
The wall.
What wall?
Yeah remember that
fifth grade field trip
to the gold mine in Dahlonega.
Yeah, and some kid had a panic
Well so, sue me.
I don't like closed spaces,
Yeah, that one.
And the tour guide kept talking
these mysterious symbols on the
I remember that too.
Dahlonega, it's at least 10
from the national forest.
My mom would have a
cow if we went that far.
I mean, we have to try.
Actually, we kind of don't.
But if we find the gold,
I won't have to move.
That's a pretty big if.
I'm in, if you're in, I'm
in, you can ride with me.
Okay, so meet back here in the
Nomads this is it.
This could change the rest of
our lives.
Yeah and get us grounded.
Just saying,
All right, all we have to
do is take the yellow trail
all the way to Dahlonega and
stay close,
so no one gets lost.
But that goes through
Shumate's Creek
and they don't like
people cutting through.
True, but it's a shortcut.
It'll be fine, I know people.
Whatever you say.
I came from the mine
There's dirt on my hands
Strong like a tree
There's roots where I stand
Trying to catch me howling at
the moon
Trying to catch me howling at
the moon
Trying to catch me howling at
the moon
Trying to catch me howling at
the moon
Champ Brown.
Hey Frankie,
What are you doing here?
Just out for a ride.
Do you really think you should
be here?
Not so tough now are ya?
Hey, let him go.
Cut it out Corey.
Oh, you gonna tell your mommy?
Hey, it's not worth it.
Champ, what are you doing here?
Can't tell you, but it's
Whoa, stop with the lies, bro.
I won't tell mom and dad,
you two were in the clubhouse,
if you don't tell them that I
was here.
And you'll go home right now?
Let him go.
I mean it, home now.
When it rains it pours
We heading home?
Nope, let's go.
So he knew people huh?
Many men have tried to reach
Many men have failed
Follow me on
through the gold mine here,.
Guys, my friends, you are in
200 feet underground in
this consolidated gold mine.
Guys in this gold mine,
they were finding gold the size
of flower,
gold inside of quartz.
How to extract that gold out the
they were using dynamite.
Drilling up holes with the
That way.
Look here.
Come on.
Hey, is it just me,
or is this tunnel getting
No, that's your brain.
Wait, here's one.
Here too.
Over here.
You see that?
See what?
Where'd he go?
If you're not here when
your number is called,
you will go to the end of the
US Government land auctions
this Friday.
What the what?
I got in line at the US
claims and surveys office,
when suddenly a fight
broke out between two men.
Well it's fair, when I say
it's fair.
I saw Joshua Ryder.
I went back to 1828
and saw Joshua Ryder.
Come on.
I think you bumped your
head, it's dark in there.
No it's not, it's light.
Maybe you just want it so badly.
Do you not see the light
at the end of the tunnel?
You mean metaphorically,
you can see the light at the
end of the tunnel, right?
No, that's not what I mean.
Holy Christmas.
Where did it go?
It was just right there.
Stryker, put your hand
back on Champ's shoulder.
I see it.
I see too.
Pip, come here.
Oh, okay, okay.
Can you stop touching me.
What did you see out there?
Exactly what it says in the
Joshua standing in line.
What else did you see?
Big Nik and Jedidiah arguing.
I wonder.
It worked.
Whatever page to journal is
on is what time it is here.
Let's go check it out.
That must be the Colonel with
You thirsty boy.
Yes, sir.
Son, you don't wanna
be drinking any of that,
that's mountain moonshine,
you'll be sleeping it off for a
Thank you, sir.
Can I get some water.
Boy, get up and fetch
the man some water.
Come on.
I'm not going out there.
You all think you
gonna be rich don't you?
Well I say you gon be broke
and headed home to your
mama within a month.
Ain't that right.
What you looking at?
What's with that guy?
He's got the gold fever,
and not just any kind of
gold either, Cherokee gold.
What's so special about
Cherokee gold?
It runs along the vein of
The magnetite pulls all the
leaving the gold the purest
there is,
but only the Cherokee know how
to find it.
Legend has it,
they have a special instrument
that points to gold.
I'd be happy with good
old run-of-the-mill gold.
What's your story, son?
What brings you here?
My uncle Ben raised me
after my parents passed.
So he gave me a hundred dollars
and a compass that was my
It was a way for me to find my
way home,
and he told me to go make
something of yourself,
so I'm doing it for him.
For my parents.
Watch it boy.
You alright kid.
Hey kid.
Come on, we gotta go.
Hey, you need to mind your own
Hey, I'm talking to you.
I was taught to be quick
to listen and slow to speak.
Jedidiah, ain't about
time you went home.
We all got a big day tomorrow.
You think you safe with
this old man here, don't you?
But you ain't.
I'm sorry, maybe you and
me got off on the wrong foot.
Can I buy you and your friends
to drink?
Can I have a round of drinks
for my friends please?
Yeah, let's get some drinks,
come on.
He's buying.
Yeah, I gonna give you a
friendly little word of advice,
cause I won't see nothing
happen to you boy.
Go home.
That's two words.
Yeah, I seen you and you guide
walking around the plot I got my
eye on.
I walked all the plots.
You stay outta my way boy.
All right, Jed.
Thank the boy for the drink.
I'm just trying to keep
that boy outta trouble,
that's all.
That's all I'm doing, that's
Gentlemen, have a good evening.
Oh, we will.
You bet your bottom dollar.
Oh, you want some of that right
there you go.
That was close.
1828 smells different.
No showers.
I think he saw my compass.
Does it matter?
Oh, what if it changes
things, you know in the future?
What if he's on to us?
Uh oh this wasn't here before.
When the boy fell,
he revealed he had a Sidanela
that looked just like mine.
Does the rest of it sound the
Yeah, I think so.
This time.
Come on, guys, loosen up a
Where are we going next Champ?
Claims day.
Should we try to blend in a
in case someone sees us?
Ladies and gentlemen let's get
Number one.
Number two.
Number three.
Good luck.
Number 15,
Where's that drunkard.
Number 16.
Good luck.
Number 53.
Did we bring any water?
Where's the bathroom?
Number 54.
It's number 31.
This is the map.
Claims with Xs are no longer
what number do you want.
Is number 31 available?
Son, I wouldn't recommend
you getting that lot.
But it is available?
Gonna be $10.
Good luck to you.
My dearest Uncle Ben,
I acquired our claim today.
I will break camp and head
to our new land at Dawn.
You have a good day today kid?
Not particularly eventful.
I think the polite thing to
do is ask me how my day was.
Because imagine my surprise,
when I woke up face down in the
come to realize I missed the
Must have been a rough night.
I ain't finishing yet.
See, I have me a little
talk with that survey man,
cause he's supposed to hold a
special little claim for me,
and lo and behold it was gone.
That's too bad.
Oh no, no, no,
not really.
Cause right before I shot him,
he told me who he sold it to.
And I thought you and me
supposed to be friends.
What's so special about that
There's Cherokee gold
on that land, I seen it.
Years ago I seen it, every day.
I waited till they was
gone and I searched for it,
but I couldn't find it.
Then the Colonel come here,
and they got rid of them
and I knew it was my chance.
The Colonel.
Yeah, the man wants what he
you can't talk him out of it,
and you come along and
you took it from me.
I can't take from you what's
not yours.
You gonna gimme that claim boy.
I can't do it.
Oh I think you can.
We gotta do something.
We can't go in there.
Let's go get Big Nik.
I mailed it.
You what?
I sent it to the post this
morning to the investor.
You bluffing.
Big Nik,
Joshua needs you.
If you shoot me,
they will send five or
six more men in my place.
They or he, you owe me boy.
We're even, and kid
don't ever play poker.
Been looking for him,
Seems he tried shooting the
surveyor man in the head.
Fortunately he missed.
This ain't over kid, this
ain't over I'm telling you,
I'm gonna get you, I'm gonna get
So kid, you still got that
Yeah, it's in a safe space.
Good, good.
Don't want that falling
into the wrong hands.
Listen kid, you're in over
your head.
If you know what's good for
you, you'll just go home.
Why does everyone keep saying
Because there's things
you just don't know about.
Just go home.
This is my home, Nik.
This is where I was born.
I'm Cherokee and I'm here to
get what's rightfully mine.
Tell no one what you just told
And if you find that gold,
you just get outta town,
you here.
Well, according to this,
he's been working on his claim
for about four months now,
and today's the day he finds the
And if we're at the right time,
then is when he gets really
frustrated with the compass
and he throws it.
He goes to look for it,
and then he finds his secret
entrance to the gold cave.
Well, all we have to do now is
and see where the gold cave is
You're supposed to be looking
for your compass right now.
How do you know so much about
You're ruining everything.
Where did you get that?
It's yours?
We're from the future.
Big Nik put you up for this?
What no.
You working for Jedidiah
trying to get my claim?
No, no, I'm not.
No, I can prove it.
Okay, where did you get that?
Well, you were gonna look
for your compass, right?
Let me see that.
We can't show you.
It could change things we can't
But if you go look for your
you may find more than just
All right. You're coming with
all of you.
Let's go.
Right now.
Hey, over here.
This must be it.
All right, Stryker can
you hand me the lantern
and the bag.
Stay here.
I'm okay.
We found it.
We can't take them,
it could change things.
We can't take the gold, not now.
You need to do with it
what you would've done
if you would've never met us.
Party pooper.
We'll come back in the future,
I mean the present.
Stryker's right.
We can't take it.
So, what's it like in the
We can't tell you that.
He's watched too many
time travel movies.
You wouldn't believe us if we
told you,
but you don't have to walk to
get places,
and you can talk to anyone,
anywhere, whenever you want.
That doesn't make any sense.
It's all good,
except our family's
having to sell our land
because of money problems.
Our family.
Champ okay, we gotta go.
Oh, all right.
Well Champ it was interesting
meeting you.
You too, Joshua.
Oh, and watch out for the
Hey, seriously.
We can't tell him about the
Don't worry,
he's not telling him anything
I don't already know.
See, he already knew.
Bye ladies.
Sit down.
There's something going
on at Joshua's claim.
Is that so?
You think he's found
what we're looking for?
Well, if anybody can it be
Ben's nephew.
You know what to do.
Dear Champ,
after you left,
I emptied out the cave.
Goodbye 1828, it's nice
knowing ya.
Champ, hurry up so we can go.
You sure I can't keep this,
it's kind of grown on me.
We can't take anything.
What's going on?
He took the gold.
And you worried about
me taking pantaloons.
I told you we couldn't take
I know, you're right.
We can take it back.
Oh man, I'm tired.
I think it'll be
faster if you went alone.
So much for Nomads sticking
Well, look at what we got here.
Hey, that's mine.
Boy, who'd you steal this from?
I didn't steal it, it's
Is that so, let's go pay
him a visit then, shall we?
What's going on gentlemen?
Seems we found this boy with
Says he got it from you.
We take theft around here
It's a hanging offense.
He didn't steal it.
I asked him to take it to
town to get it weighed.
Sorry I...
You found your claim, did you?
Nah, dumb luck, tripped
over while I was hunting.
Is that so.
You gentlemen need anything
Let's leave the man to his
Grab the boy and let's go.
Don't worry about it,
I'll make sure he gets to his
Very well then.
You might wanna get that compass
North is that way.
It's a family heirloom.
Broken compass, family heirloom.
My gold.
Maybe that compass ain't broken.
You know, they say if
you was to hold a magnet
to the compass, the needle would
but you gotta get pretty close.
Why don't you walk with me.
We really gotta go.
You holding out on me?
Well, Well I'll be...
Grab 'em.
Stop it.
Prospector's compass.
And here I thought it's just a
This day just keeps
getting better and better.
Take them to my tent.
Shouldn't he be here by now?
Maybe he's taking his time.
Stop it.
He did what he did for all of
so he wouldn't have to move.
You're right.
We should go look for him.
You think.
Colonel, just let the boy go.
Look. I promise you'll never
see him again and he'll leave.
You really think I'm
gonna let some scrawny kid
get in my way.
Now that I have the compass,
I'm gonna be the richest man,
East and West of the
Soon as Festus comes
back here with the tools,
we gonna take a little
stroll on your claim.
Don't run off now.
Champ, we gotta get outta here.
Can you get your hands on
Mine are stuck.
Okay, get your feet down,
go back to back and drag
all the way up, ready?
- Okay.
- Go.
See, I told you, you
was in over your head.
See, you did get me in
a little bit of trouble,
you still being alive and all.
You made me look bad in front of
my boys,
not mentioned, got shot in the
You should talk to Big Nik
about that.
Oh you not so slow to
speak today now, are you?
You want something?
I got my own problems.
See thing is I'm sober now.
I got my family back.
My wife forgive me for
everything I'd done,
so I reckon I'm here to forgive
I'm happy for you.
Glad I could help.
Don't suppose you would return
the favor?
You want me to shoot you in
the foot?
I was thinking more along
the lines of letting us go.
Well, there is
something I owe you first,
something you need to know.
Since you step foot in camp,
Colonel knew who you was.
What do you mean?
You looked just like your Pa.
I mean, he's a good man, fair.
You knew my Pa?
Yeah and your Ma too.
I mean they's good people
didn't bother nobody.
Your Ma she had a knack for
finding gold
and Colonel didn't like it,
made him look like a fool.
Why you telling this?
Cause I was there that night.
Colonel said, we was just
going to go look for that gold,
and he shot 'em.
After that I went and got me a
and I never stopped drinking.
Hey Champ, I want you
to get to that tunnel,
I want you to get there
fast, okay, don't look back.
I'm not leaving you here with
Hey, don't worry kid, I'm
What are you guys doing here?
We're Nomads, we stick together.
We came to rescue you.
Take care kid.
Thank you.
Where's the compass?
Come on, we gotta go.
He's right, you gotta go.
Come with us.
I can't.
Be careful.
I will.
Did I do it right?
Champ's lucky to have you as a
Take care of him.
I'll miss you.
We'll always be connected,
not even time can change that.
Now go.
I will write you.
Hey old man, over here.
Hey, what are you doing?
He's saving Joshua.
Come on.
Festus, get my gun.
Oh, thank goodness.
Why haven't you been answering
your phone?
You know you're not supposed
to be out riding this late.
Sorry, it died.
Glad you're all right pal.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
So what were you doing
on the other side of Shumate's
Is that what Zoe told you?
Surprisingly, your
sister didn't give you up.
It was Corey who had no
trouble spilling the beans.
Dim wad.
Uh uh, no name calling, please.
Even though I agree, he can be
inconsiderate, childish.
You forgot moronic,
dimwitted and a jerk,
we broke up.
Oh thank goodness.
At least one good thing
happened today.
Glad you're all right, fuzzball.
All right, Champ.
I'd appreciate an honest answer
about where you were today.
You wouldn't believe me if I
told you.
Try me.
I found a skeleton in the
A skeleton?
Yeah, and his name is Joshua
He had this special compass
and on the back it said
I haven't heard that for long
It's Cherokee for family.
My grandmother was half
So who's Joshua?
And it wasn't unusual
to bury family on your
own property back then.
Did she tell you about the gold?
Yeah, that's how they
survived the depression.
It's long gone by now.
So where's the skeleton?
I left him right where I
found him, under the big tree.
I didn't touch it.
All right, well we need
to get rid of the skeleton
before the new owners see it.
We can't just get rid of Joshua.
Can we take him to the new
That's gross.
Mom, we are not moving a dead
No we're not, we're gonna
leave him right where he is,
We'll just cover him up with
some dirt.
He probably was exposed
when the big tree fell.
I don't know.
I'll ask your father in the
Is that really how
you're gonna wake him up?
No, I think I'll fix
him some breakfast first.
All right. Kiddos,
don't stay up too late, okay.
Love you.
Goodnight mom, love you.
So you really think there's
more gold?
I know there is.
Why didn't you tell mom?
She wouldn't believe me.
I hardly believe it
myself and I was there.
Well, I'll believe you just
tell me.
Well, we went to this gold mine
and I thought maybe we
could find the gold there.
But you didn't?
We kind of did.
We had the compass and a
and I was just walking down this
and I got to the end and it was
No way.
Yeah, I know, it's crazy.
And I met Joshua and then
I saw him find the gold.
The dead guy?
And there were these guys
chasing us and we got away,
and it was the last I saw of
You don't believe me, do you?
No, I do.
I mean, even you couldn't make
that up.
See I told you, Jenny likes you,
you think she'd follow
just anyone back to 1828.
So where's the gold now?
I know it's close, I can feel
Oh, get some sleep,
you'll need it in the morning to
help dad.
All right.
You know that this is
probably against the law, right?
I didn't put him there.
Doesn't matter how.
It's just the fact that I'm out
digging a grave with my son,
it just doesn't seem right.
You're the one that's always
you wanna spend more time
All right, hopefully
this is deep enough.
Hey dad,
Show some respect.
You can't just shove him in.
Look, I mean no disrespect,
but I'm not picking up
an old skeleton Champ.
Here, just put him on this
and we'll lower him down.
Sounds like you've done this
I watch TV.
Zoe Sweetie, will you
please keep an eye out?
I don't wanna have to explain
what we're doing here to the new
Who knew our family was so cool.
This is not cool.
All right.
I mean, we're cool,
but this, this is not cool.
Okay, okay.
Family time, am I right?
That's what I said.
Okay, all right, okay.
could I get a minute?
Wanna say goodbye.
Sure pal.
You should have this.
You were right.
As long as you have
family, you'll be okay.
Bye, Joshua, rest in peace.
All right.
Tim, they're pulling in.
All right, you go meet 'em,
I'll be there in a minute.
You guys go get your
the boxes from your rooms
and I'll let 'em in.
Come on let's go.
You got everything.
I forgot to put this in the
Well, I guarantee you dad's
not digging him up again,
so just keep it.
He told me he'd write me.
Champ, I know it was hard
buring that guy this morning
and those things you said,
that was really nice,
but it's time,
gotta let him go.
That's everything.
It's okay, bud.
I'm gonna miss this place.
I know.
I gotta look.
It's here,
Let me see that.
I can't lead them back home.
Sidanela's more important than
the gold.
What did you do?
What did I do?
What do you mean?
I saved your life, that's what I
I think we're even now.
Colonel, Colonel, did you get
Quickly, let's go.
We can't just leave him here.
Oh, you think they're gonna
that it was self defense do you?
There's something I gotta do
Dear Champ,
if you're reading this,
you made it home safely.
I hope to do the same,
since the Colonel came
to an untimely death
while he was chasing me.
I emptied out the cave
and gave uncle Ben enough
to last a lifetime.
I'm leaving you the rest in a
safe place.
Below where the eye can see
the mist protects its treasure,
Go, now.
that's not Joshua in our
backyard, it's the Colonel.
You know what that means?
We buried the Colonel.
Yeah, but the Gold's still out
and it's on our property.
We can't let them sell it.
They're in there signing the
Dad, dad.
Yeah, Champ I'm talking.
Dad, we need to talk,
can you come outside?
We can talk as soon as we're
done here.
Dad, it's an emergency.
I'm sorry, can you excuse
me for just a minute?
Sorry, there's never a dull
moment with teenagers around.
Hey, what, what is it now?
I think there's gold in our
Champ that's why the buyers
are willing to pay so much.
Dad they know.
We are not doing this now.
But if we don't do it
now, then it's be too late.
And by the way, it's not an
unless one of you is
bleeding, you got that?
Hey, you tried your best.
Who needs some stupid gold
anyway, right?
Hey, I didn't think you...
And that's your problem right
Is everyone in trouble?
We all wanted to go,
we're Nomads we stick together,
I remember.
Well, I thought I'd better
come by
and say goodbye before you guys
And besides I'm grounded,
so I won't be seeing the
light of day for a while.
So, what's the plan?
Your father says, you think
we're sitting on gold.
Are you serious?
You didn't sell it?
Not yet.
I told them that there
was a family emergency
and I'd give them a call in
the morning to set up a time.
Okay, so we got 24 hours to
find it.
Champ, tell us exactly
what makes you think
there could be gold,
the truth and only the truth.
Okay Champ,
tell us where you think it might
and where should we look?
This is the journal I found
with who I thought was Joshua
but now I don't think it was.
Then who did we just bury?
Stryker son,
I'm gonna need you to
forget that you heard that.
Can you do that?
This really bad guy who was
after Joshua
and he was trying to take the
Did Joshua?
What have you been watching?
No Big Nik shot him.
Don't ask who Big Nik is.
So Joshua had the gold, but
that was a long time ago.
Yeah, Stryker, Jenny, Pip and me
went back to the gold mine,
and somehow we got to
1828 and I met Joshua.
Look right here,
he wrote to me and said,
he'd leave it for me.
All right, you are
definitely grounded after this.
We haven't specifically
told you not to go to 1828,
but I think it's inferred.
Carol sweetie,
can we please focus on
the situation at hand?
I mean, there's gonna be plenty
of time
to ground Champ for that
and a whole host of other things
Go ahead.
Dear champ, blah, blah, blah.
I'm leaving you the rest in a
safe place,
below where the eye can see,
the mist protects its treasure.
Tim, what do you think?
Champ, son,
are you sure that this isn't
some just elaborate story
that you're making up?
Yeah, promise.
All right, below where the eye
can see.
You guys, I think that
means that he buried it,
but he doesn't leave
us a clue as to where.
If the Colonel was in our
backyard with the compass
and Joshua's journal,
doesn't that mean it'd be
somewhere around there, right?
And this is the same land
mom's family's had for years.
We are not gonna try to
dig up this whole yard.
Oh, we have an metal detector.
So do we.
Great, I'll tell you
what Stryker go get yours,
we'll need both, but don't tell
You want me to lie?
No, no, no, no.
Of course not, just if they
don't ask.
Got it.
Where's our metal detector?
It's packed away with the garage
I don't know the
movers packed everything.
I don't know.
Let's find it.
- Well lets go.
- Come on.
Hey guys, who told you?
I had to tell them, they're
Plus we need more help.
It's true we needed a lot of
Okay, you guys we've gotta
spread out,
so that we don't cover
the same area twice.
Okay, we've got four zones
North, South,
East and West.
That ways North.
Are you sure?
Yes, we've lived here long
I'm pretty sure which way North
You know what we need?
We need the compass.
Where is it?
This is classified information,
meaning that you don't tell
We solemnly swear on the
Nomads name
to never disclose what
we're about to hear.
So help us...
No, that's fine Stryker,
that's fine thank you.
The skeleton that we thought
was Joshua,
we buried him this morning over
with the compass in with him,
right before we covered it up.
No, no, definitely not.
This has already gone way too
Listen, it is one thing
to bury an old skeleton,
but it is something completely
wrong to dig one up.
You don't understand
the compass is special,
it doesn't point North, it
points to gold.
Sorry, Colonel, but I'll be
needing this.
Now what?
Well, I guess I'll cover
up the Colonel again.
Anyone need anything while I'm
in here?
Last call.
This is so exciting.
You know, I wouldn't sell
this place if we didn't have to,
It's fine, really.
I just don't want you
to get your hopes up.
I know.
It's just so nice
seeing Champ and Zoe
getting along finally.
Yeah, it's kinda cool.
Guys, we should back up.
I mean it can't work if
we're all standing so close.
Maybe it's too old and it's
It's just not close enough to
the gold.
Here, let me try.
Well, there's still two
places we haven't looked.
Under the house and the
Your house has a basement,
so it's already been dug up,
if it was ever there, it's gone.
Well then it's under the
clubhouse or it's just not here.
It's not close enough.
We need to tear it down.
We can't tear down the
It's the only way.
I'm gonna go get mom and dad.
You guys, we can't tear it down.
Whether they let you use
it or they have a kid.
So you think it might be under
I'm not tearing it down for
all the gold in the world.
Champ, I'm really glad to hear
feel so strongly about it,
but I don't think we're gonna
have to.
We won't?
Let's try tearing up the
floorboards first, come on.
Okay, okay, guys come on.
Back up.
This has to be it.
Nothing yet.
Wait, it's spinning.
This is the same piece
I found on the skeleton.
Sorry you said hide it.
And you forgot?
I was caught up in the moment.
It's okay Stryker.
So there's no gold.
I think we all got caught up
in what they call gold fever.
Your mom's right?
If there'd been any gold,
it would've probably been found
by now.
Sorry buddy.
You've caused enough trouble.
Things don't always
turn out how we'd like.
I know it's just, I'm leaving
You said you'd forget us?
No, that's not what I meant.
I meant that you'll find a new
a friend that you'll
see every day at school
and it just won't be me.
I won't forget you.
Me either.
Let's go find that compass,
that's memory we can hold on to.
Here it is.
That's it, the mist protects its
Come on.
We found it.
See the mist?
Look on the island it's there, I
know it.
Champ buddy,
it's getting late,
everybody's getting hungry.
No, I just ordered pizza,
we're good.
They should be here anytime.
I promise if this isn't it
I'll give up.
Let's go get the boat.
Let's get it.
Hey Champ, compasses work better
if you hold 'em like this.
It's moving, it's, it's moving.
This way.
Yes, this way.
This has to be it, where's the
I got it.
No matter what happens.
Dig, talk later.
Might be a rock.
Or not.
There might not be anything in
There might be.
We did it.
Joshua left it for us, for all
of us.
Look at that.
I can't believe it.
I guess we're staying after all.
Dad, you know how much I wanna
but I think you should use this
as capital
in your new business, it's your
Son, family, that's what's
I mean, that's what
this land is all about.
It's been in your mom's family
and now one day it'll be passed
down to you and your sister.
Well, the way gold
prices are these days,
I think we'll be able to do
Even better.
Couldn't have done it without
So I make the motion
of granting Jenny and
Pip permanent membership.
Okay, I guess I'd be okay
with having them around.
Now that I'm not moving,
I guess I'll be back
at school in the Fall.
I guess so.
So I was thinking...
Told you.
So we were there when we found
the gold,
and he would have just
given it to us but...
We couldn't change the
past by taking the gold
because that would changed
the future or the present now.
Stryker was right.
I wouldn't want anything to
change today.
Even if we didn't find the gold,
the best part was searching
for it with you guys.
got back from summer camp
and found out that he had
missed all the fun we had.
Tripp learned not to throw water
at his little sister.
Jenny's saving her money for
she decided she wants to be a
Pip took her whole family
on a tropical vacation
before school started and gave
the rest of her money away.
Stryker invested in a startup
tech company here in Georgia.
Dad's working really hard
to grow his new business
and well, we got to keep our
Oh yeah, don't worry.
Mr. Whiskers is safe and sound