The Sky Is Everywhere (2022) Movie Script

[sibling 1] Okay! You're gonna have
to say it 45,000 times.
[sibling 2 laughs]
[sibling 1] Because I won't.
- [gasps]
- [sibling 2] There's my baby. [chuckles]
- [sibling 1] What is this?
- [sibling 2] Come here and have a look.
[sibling 1] Oh, my God.
Bailey, what is this?
- [Bailey] Look.
- [sibling 1 gasps]
- Wow. [laughs] It's...
- [Bailey] Uh-huh.
[sibling 1] Look at this view. Aw.
[Bailey laughs]
[sibling 1] No. Bailey, stop.
[sibling 1 narrating] Last summer,
I learned that the most terrible thing
you can imagine can happen at any time.
[wind chimes clinking]
[wind whistles]
[wind chimes clinking]
There were once two sisters
who shared the same room,
the same books,
the same thoughts at the same moment.
The older sister walked
ahead of the younger one
so the younger one
always knew where to go.
Come on. [chuckles]
- [screams]
- The older one took the younger one
- to the river.
- [both laughing]
The older girl would say,
"Dunk your head under a few inches,
then open your eyes and look at the sun."
- [sibling 1] Okay. Two
- [Bailey] Three, two, one.
And so, the younger girl did it,
and her whole world was filled with light.
[grandparent] What do you mean
it might not get better this time?
[uncle sighs]
It's always gotten better before, Big.
- [sighs]
- Gram? Uncle Big?
Hey, hi. Hi.
Lennie. Come here. We were
just discussing your black spots.
Listen, we must ask ourselves,
"Has the Lennie-plant ever been wrong?"
- No.
- No.
Come have some breakfast, Lennie.
[chuckles] I'm not hungry.
Is that the sweater that she was...
Are you sure you wanna wear it?
I'll see you guys.
[breathing heavily]
[wind whistling]
[thunder crashing]
[breathes heavily]
[wind fades]
- [groans]
- [chuckles]
- [sighs]
- Which do you like better?
Green or the blue?
The blue.
You didn't even look up, Lennie.
Fine. The green. [inhales deeply]
Really, Bailey,
I don't care what shirt you wear.
- [Lennie] It turns out she wore the blue.
- [sighs]
Turns out those were the last words
I ever spoke to my sister.
At 4:48 p.m. on a Friday in August
Give me my Romeo.
[Lennie] my sister was rehearsing
the role of Juliet.
- and he will make the face
- And less than one minute later,
she was dead of a fatal arrhythmia.
- [body collapses]
- [gasping]
[Lennie] Just like our mother.
- [bystanders murmuring]
- [student speaking indistinctly]
[student] can you call someone?
Call the cops?
[Lennie] To my astonishment,
time didn't stop with her heart.
[school bell rings]
People went to school,
to work, to restaurants.
They crushed crackers
in their clam chowder.
- They kissed on corners, on benches.
- Mmm.
[waves crashing]
Were lonely on long beaches.
They ate plums in the sun.
[biting loudly]
And sang in cars with the windows down.
[singing indistinctly]
But unlike everyone else,
for me, time stopped.
There was no more music in me.
Not one note. [scoffs]
There were no more dreams in me.
And just like Cathy and Heathcliff
from Wuthering Heights,
I've lost the one person on Earth
who understood me.
- [wind whistling]
- [wind chimes clinking]
- [door opens]
- [sighs]
I saw that.
I have invited him to dinner, so go...
go keep him company
and make him feel welcome.
[Lennie] He is not interested
in talking to me.
- Go.
- [sighs]
The kid is out of his tree,
running loose through the park.
Right along with the rest of us.
I know you never liked him much,
but come on.
She was the love of his life.
- [sighs]
- [inhales deeply]
- Make sure he knows not to pick my roses.
- [sighs]
- [jazz music playing softly]
- All right, it's a concept right here,
but [speaks indistinctly]
- Hey.
- Hey, Uncle Big. [inhales deeply]
You hanging in there, kid?
How about a session in the truth-mobile?
No? Okay.
[drill whirring]
- [whirring resumes]
- [grunts]
Uncle Big get you in the...
the truth-mobile?
Uh [sighs]
He tried. But, uh, I resisted.
Done my time in that car.
Yeah, that's... that's how Bailey
would get everything out of me too.
[grunts, chuckles]
Is this her sweater?
Gram wanted me to pack up
all of Bailey's stuff in boxes,
then put them up in the attic.
[stammers, sighs]
No way. [chuckles] Nev... Never.
Of course not.
[drill whirring]
Do you want some water
or something from the house?
Yeah, sure. That'd be great.
[locker opens]
- [bell rings]
- [student 1] My God. Lennie Walker.
[student 2] Oh, my God.
That's Lennie Walker.
[student 1] Hear about her sister?
[student 2] She dropped dead
out of nowhere.
[student 3] She's been gone
for, like, two months.
- Can't believe she's back already.
- She must be so sad.
[Lennie] The weirdest part of grief
I heard him play.
The guy's a total musical genius.
Catch you later, man.
He was in a band in Paris.
- Yeah, France, dude.
- The most inappropriate part is that
I heard he plays, like, 30 instruments.
For real.
all of a sudden, since Bailey died,
I can't stop thinking about just
falling into someone's arms.
- [jazz music playing]
- [sighs]
[students] Whoa.
[students] Whoa.
- [sighs]
- [student 4 shrieks]
[gasping, shrieking]
[jazz music continues]
[jazz music continues, fades]
[exhales tunelessly]
Hey. You must be Lennon Walker.
Been keeping it warm for you.
You play clarinet too?
But now I can get back to where I belong.
[chuckles] Where is it you belong?
Not here. That's for sure.
- [student 5] He sounds so good.
- Yeah, me neither.
[student 6] Are you ready
for your big solo today?
You wanna make a run for it?
[students chattering]
[breathes heavily]
Where to? [chuckles]
Paris is nice.
Sorry, I... I heard about your sister.
Everyone's been talking about it.
Actually, ev... everyone's been talking
about you.
[gasps] Lennie! You made it!
Did you get my texts, my emails,
my Morse code, my skywriting?
- Lennie! [chuckles]
- [laughing]
[instruments tuning]
[sighs] You okay?
I missed you so much.
I'm sorry I've been so AWOL.
- I'm sorry.
- Free pass.
Free pass for life after this.
[dramatic instrumental music playing]
- Very funny, losers.
- [music stops]
- Oh.
- [school bell rings]
[students laughing]
Lennie. So good to see you.
See me after practice
so we can go over your solos
and so we can talk about
your conservatory auditions.
- [sighs]
- [teacher] All right, everyone.
- I can't do it.
- Let's start with Finzi this morning.
What? What do you mean?
First chair. Juilliard.
This is the dream, right?
I'm not applying.
Yeah, you are.
[playing out of tune]
- [Sarah] Never gonna happen, Luke.
- Excuse me, Lennie.
See you later.
Bated breath, boy wonder.
- [chuckles]
- [chuckles]
- [sighs]
- [scoffs] Don't even think about it.
He's, like, so out of your league.
[inhales sharply, sighs] Anyway.
When's the last time
you had a boyfriend again?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- [speaking indistinctly]
- Hey, Big, you want a little more?
- Yeah, please. Thanks, Mom.
- Mmm, good?
- [speaking indistinctly]
- Mmm.
- Toby?
- Um, I'm okay.
[Bailey] Three more steps.
- [Lennie] Bailey. Ugh.
- Come on, Lennie.
- Lennie.
- [Lennie] I'm too... [sighs] I'm scared.
- I don't wanna do this.
- [chuckles]
Bailey, I can't.
What if we get in trouble?
- Come on, Lennie!
- Bailey.
- [Bailey] Let's see.
- [chuckles]
- [laughs]
- [chuckles]
Not... Not my bravest moment.
Yeah, she used to joke my name
was "Come on, Lennie." [chuckles]
Well, I think you're being
really brave now.
- You do?
- Mm-hmm.
Hey. Look, at the... the three of us. Hey.
[Lennie chuckling]
Oh, Toby, these are even worse.
I felt so left out that day.
I was, um, plotting when to drown you.
Yeah, I actually spent a lot of time
plotting against you for
[inhales deeply] turning Bails
into such a zombie.
Yeah, my dad, he... he didn't let me
on a horse for months
'cause of my, uh,
"Bailey Walker impairment."
- [laughs]
- As he called it. Yeah.
I felt left out that day too.
Really, I've never known sisters so close.
Wuthering Heights again?
I can't stand this anymore.
Do you want to be as miserable
as Cathy and Heathcliff?
This is not okay, Lennie.
And you have to stop sitting
in her closet.
[gasps] Gram, no. Stop! Stop!
It is okay. I want it like this. [sobs]
It makes me feel like...
like she's still here.
Like she could come back any minute.
[instruments repeating notes]
[clarinet plays bum notes]
- [instruments stop]
- [students chattering]
[teacher] From the top, Lennie.
[playing notes repeatedly]
[clarinet plays out of tune, squealing]
- [instruments stop]
- [students chattering]
[teacher] Again.
Use what you're feeling.
We don't play the instrument.
We let it play us.
[playing notes repeatedly]
[clarinet playing random notes]
- [clarinet squeaks]
- [instruments stop]
[teacher] Okay. Let's move on.
I'd like to challenge Lennie's chair.
[teacher] Really, Rachel.
Now's not the time.
It's the last day before fall break.
And under the circumstances,
I'm gonna have to say...
I accept the chair challenge.
[teacher] Lennie, this is about solos,
college visibility, Juilliard
You understand this is a challenge
for first chair?
[students chattering, laughing]
You got this. Mozart is your jam.
- Mozart clarinet concerto in A.
- [exhales]
[teacher] Player B, when you're ready.
[concerto playing]
[concerto ends]
[teacher] When you're ready, Player A.
Player A.
Player A?
- [students gasping]
- [student 1] Rachel? Oh, no.
- What the...
- It's a forfeit.
- [breathes heavily]
- Rachel, you're first chair.
[students applauding]
[Lennie] There were once two sisters
who were not afraid of the dark.
[inhales deeply]
Because the dark was always full
of the other's voice.
[both laughing]
How do you know that I can do the solo?
The toes told me.
- The toes always knows.
- [both laughing]
[inhales sharply]
[phone chimes]
Uh, perfect spot for a gingerbread house,
don't you think? [chuckles]
You... [chuckles]
Wow. Wait. You followed me? From band?
[chuckles] No.
Just, you know, had this sudden urge
to, uh, go for a run
with my guitar on my back
down a long, dark
[distant bellowing]
creepy road.
I mean, it's literally called
"California's enchanted forest."
[boy] These trees are too tall.
Oh, my God. [chuckles] Treason.
They're... They're... They're redwoods.
That's the point of them,
being tall and old.
Like, this one is probably
a thousand years old. [chuckles]
I like nature.
- I do. [chuckles]
- [chuckles]
Mr. James wants us to practice
over break for auditions.
I'm guessing that you're also applying
to Juilliard.
No, I'm not [sighs] applying.
- Jesus, I wish everybody would just stop...
- I've gone through it too.
You've lost a sister?
No. Um Uh, sorry.
I meant I know what it's like
to lose your ability to play.
One song?
Right here? Guitar and clarinet.
Untapped duet.
It will make you feel better.
- [strumming guitar]
- [sighs]
[boy] Yes! All right.
[up-tempo guitar playing]
I don't wanna play
some untapped duet with you.
And I don't wanna be first chair,
and I am not applying to Juilliard!
- Okay. Fine, dude.
- No.
No, nothing is fine, "dude."
[wind whistling]
[Lennie] I wish my shadow would
get up and walk beside me.
[sniffles, sighs]
[both sigh deeply]
[Lennie] No one at school gets it.
Don't think it's, uh, possible to get it.
Unless you're in it like we are.
[Gram] All we can do is love the world
as she loved the world,
with daring and spirit.
- And joy.
- [attendee crying]
It's such a colossal effort
not to be shattered by what was lost,
but to be enchanted by what was.
[sobs, sniffles]
Bravo, Bailey! Bravo! [applauds]
Bravo, Bailey!
- Love you, Bailey.
- Bravo, Bailey.
Better get back to the horses
and the hogs. [chuckles]
- You are Saint Francis.
- [chuckles]
It's been said.
By your sister.
That was me who said that actually.
She told me about how you are
with the horses at the ranch,
and I'm super into the saints.
- Oh.
- So [chuckles]
[Toby] I didn't know that.
Well, uh, I should go.
It was great hanging out.
Uh, and last night too.
Made me feel better.
Me too. So much better. [chuckles]
[chuckles] Okay.
[Toby] Well, uh...
- [sighs]
- Yeah.
[cartoon spring sound]
[slide whistle plays]
- Good night.
- Good night.
[phone chimes]
[phone chimes]
[Lennie] It didn't mean anything, right?
- Truth-mobile immediately.
- [both chuckling]
- [grunts]
- Come on. Okay, okay, okay.
- What? What? [chuckles]
- We did it.
[Lennie chuckles] Did what?
Toby and I had sex last night.
I thought you already had
like 10,000 times.
It was incredible.
It was so intimate and just...
Congratulations then.
Why can't you ever be happy
for me about Toby?
You're just so different now.
I miss how it used to be.
I'm in love, Lennie. [sighs]
Maybe one day you'll put down
Wuthering Heights and live your own life.
Hey, maybe one day I will!
[Gram] Lennie,
are you in her closet again?
[breathes heavily]
[birds, insects chirping]
- [voice 1] Boner.
- [voice 2] Boner, erection,
woody, schlong, stiffy,
- baloney pony, johnson.
- Boner.
[Lennie sighs]
[Toby exhales deeply]
[Lennie sighs]
You know, it's possible you've taken
the whole strong, silent type thing
a little far.
[Toby chuckles]
Was going for the oak tree in the yard.
Excellent. You...
You do a very good oak impression.
I need to tell you something, Lennie.
So I asked Bailey to marry me.
She said yes.
As in "yes"?
Uh-huh. [grunts]
Why did... Why didn't she tell me?
[breathes heavily]
- We were gonna tell you all that week.
- No, no. "We"...
"We" were going to Juilliard together.
"We" were gonna room together
in New York. That was the plan.
And she and I, we are the "we."
And she was waiting to apply when I did.
So we... we could be there together.
Oh, my God. I'm... [breathes heavily]
Toby, I'm sorry.
[sighs] Y-You guys
[sighs] you were getting married.
[breathes heavily]
And I'm acting jealous.
No, we... She knew it would surprise you.
I just needed to tell someone, you know.
Just needed to tell you, Lennie.
You know, I don't know
how I'm gonna do it.
[clicks tongue]
Day after day
without her
Oh, Len.
Me neither.
You miss her as much as I do.
- I can feel it.
- [sighs]
[breathes heavily]
[breathes heavily]
No, no.
Didn't mean to do that. [inhales sharply]
Oh, shit.
I'm so sorry.
- [wind whistling]
- [Toby breathes shakily]
[Lennie] Once, I decided
I wanted a heart like Bailey's instead.
I took her medication for days.
Waited to get prettier,
cooler, funnier. [chuckles]
Waited to sing in my sleep.
Follow the road
[birds chirping]
I waited to eat petals off flowers.
["Shoo Shoo Baby" playing]
Waited to move
through the world like music.
- [tires screeching]
- [crash]
- [groans]
- [phone line rings]
[baby crying]
[Bailey] Hi, this is Bailey.
Uh, you know what to do.
- [beep]
- I don't.
[baby crying]
I don't know what to do.
[people clamoring, screaming]
Bailey, I'm so sorry.
Nothing like that will ever happen again.
I promise.
- Never, ever.
- [people arguing, indistinct]
[sighs] Can you... Can you send me
a sign you forgive me?
Anything. [stammers] I'll know.
- [grunting]
- [guitar playing]
[Lennie] Him? He's the sign, Bails?
[sighs] Oh, my God. He is.
Joe Fontaine is the sign. [chuckles]
- [horn honking]
- [chuckles]
Hey! Hey, get in. I need your help.
I'm gonna go dead bug hunting.
- Dead bug what?
- Yeah.
- [Joe] Hey.
- [Rachel] Hey. You sound amazing.
[Big] I'm on the verge
of a scientific breakthrough.
I'm gonna use the sacred geometry
of the great pyramids
to bring dead bugs back to life.
- [Lennie sighs]
- All right, so I figure
that we're eventually gonna hit,
like, a high bug-density area.
And we'll... we'll pick 'em...
pick 'em off the windshield.
[clears throat, sighs]
How are you doing? 'Cause your gram and I
have been a little worried about you.
I knew it. Total ambush.
It is an a... It is an ambush.
How you doing?
I keep calling her voice mail.
How did you guys get through it
when my mom died?
Uh [smacks lips]
I'm not sure, uh, that we did.
Len. [sighs] I'm sorry,
but I'm just not sure that you ever do.
It was you guys who saved me back then,
moving back in with my mom
to help raise you two.
All of a sudden I got
these wobbly little drunks.
Just banging into everything.
Especially you.
[chuckles] You...
You're like my dad, Big.
You're like my dad too.
- [insect splats]
- [chuckles]
[Big] This guy's a beauty.
We gotta be sure to choose
the guys who are still intact
because we do not wanna
bring the severely wounded back to life,
I've realized.
You believe in signs?
Like, from the beyond?
I believe in everything.
Big, what if you did something
[sighs] uh, terrible?
Don't do it again.
Yeah. Okay.
[Lennie sighs]
[sighs, chuckles] What if you want to?
What if...
What if you can't stop thinking about it?
Got it. [chuckles]
Welcome to the human condition, kid.
[clicks tongue]
Try thinking about something else maybe?
- [doorbell buzzes]
- [sighs]
Hi. [chuckles]
Um, I'm in honor band with Joe.
- He has my clarinet.
- So the magic clarinet's yours.
He's convinced it's making him
play better.
He's been playing my clarinet?
He's not home right now, but, uh,
you're more than welcome
to take a look in his room.
[breathing shakily]
[door closes]
[notes play]
[French music playing]
[inhales sharply]
[Lennie] He loves Wuthering Heights too?
He's my Heathcliff.
- [Rachel] Why do you have her clarinet?
- [Joe sighs] It's a long story.
- [gasps]
- [Rachel] We got time.
[Rachel chuckles]
[Sarah] He played your clarinet?
Look at this beautiful thumb bump.
No clarey with a callous like this
doesn't wanna be first chair.
You work harder than anyone.
You want this.
Please... [stammers] Just don't.
- [sighs] Look, I'm sorry about
- [sighs]
the texts and the phone calls and emails.
I said free pass. It's fine.
Okay, it isn't fine at all.
Why won't you let me be there for you?
Sarah, I have to tell you something.
And if I don't say it right now,
I never will.
[breathes heavily]
Something happened with Toby.
S-Something like "something"
or something like "something"?
Oh, no. It was Toby's "it"?
When we hugged.
- [shudders]
- Once.
- [grunts]
- But it gets worse.
We kissed.
Like, we really kissed.
Say something. Please.
[Sarah stammers]
I don't know what to say.
I can't believe you would do that.
And him. But how could you do that?
God, Lennie, it's like
you're someone else, and, uh...
And what?
No. Say it.
And I don't know if I like her.
Oh. Len, I'm... I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean it. [stammers]
You just... [sighs]
You just... You just keep blowing me off.
Lennie, I love you, and I can't imagine
what you're going through right now.
No, you can't. But Toby actually can.
[Gram crying]
[thunder crashing]
[crying continues]
[exhaling sharply]
[Lennie] When I'm with Toby,
there is someone with me in my grief.
Someone who knows its architecture
as I do,
who can walk with me
from room to sorrowful room,
making the whole rambling structure
- [inhales deeply]
- of wind and emptiness
- not quite as scary
- [clatter]
as lonely, as it was before.
[speaks indistinctly]
[Toby] Look, I... I know
I shouldn't have come.
No, but I... I'm... I'm glad you did.
I, um
I know I shouldn't say this,
but I... I can't stop thinking that
the better one of us was taken.
That it should've been me.
- Oh, no.
- [sighs]
She'd hate for you to feel that way.
I hate for you to feel that way.
You're the only person
I can tell these things.
I'm so guilty that I'm still here.
You know she's in a coffin, Toby.
[Toby clicks tongue] Oh, Lennie.
You know, we're here. [crying]
And she...
And she's in that airless box.
[crying, breathing heavily]
I c...
Oh, my God. I can't... I can't be here.
[Toby] Lennie.
[breathes heavily] I can't...
I can't be... be here.
- I can't be... [sobbing]
- You're okay.
- You're okay.
- No. No.
- You're okay. You're okay.
- [crying]
You're okay.
[crying] You're okay.
We're gonna be okay.
Okay? I promise.
[sniffles, sighs]
[blows out of tune]
[playing note]
- [speaks indistinctly]
- [laughing]
- [Bailey] Three, two
- Two.
Stop. [cries] Can you please get off her?
[cries] Bailey.
- Bailey, talk to me. Bailey!
- [clarinet continues]
Bailey, please!
[crying] No. No.
- [crying continues]
- Lennie, please. For me.
- No!
- Lennie. She's gone.
She's gone.
- [sobs]
- [clarinet stops]
[gasps, sobs]
[Lennie] My mind is not a safe place.
[wind whistling]
I can't shove the dark out of my way.
Why does being near him feel
like being near you?
I have to throw these thoughts away.
Let's go to the beach.
Have a day together.
I'm okay. [chuckles]
Then maybe we could pack up
some of her things.
It's time, Lennie.
[gasps] Everybody hide.
Nonsense. Who is it?
It's this guy from honor band! This guy!
Oh. I think the front door
must be telling him jokes,
because his face is so lively.
- Big.
- I'm answering it.
- Gram.
- You've gone mute. At least with me.
You could store paper clips in your mouth.
[exclaims] How come you guys
don't know how to whisper?
Well, hello, young troubadour. [chuckles]
I got it, Gram. [chuckles]
So do I, hon. [chuckles]
[Joe] I brought a peace offering.
Please don't attack me with it.
So sorry about my woods freak-out.
You were in my bedroom.
[strums guitar]
- Yeah. Yeah, but don't worry.
- [chuckles]
I wasn't, um... I didn't smell anything.
I didn't read anything of yours.
I didn't... I didn't smell your pillow.
You know what I mean?
[inhales deeply]
And also
Yes, by the way.
So these, uh, roses.
Wow. [chuckles]
Four marriages behind me to prove it.
[Gram] Don't get any ideas about my roses.
- [plant trilling]
- This, uh, plant, however.
[Big] Oh, yeah, that guy.
Well, that's Lennie,
and it's dying.
We don't know what the hell to do
about him.
'Cause if the plant goes
[choking continues]
- Okay. Um
- Lennie's next.
- Joe, how about we just, um
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Is this your dad, or
- [Gram] Big is Lennie's uncle.
Lennie's mom, my daughter, Page,
she died a long time ago.
She had a real independent streak.
Went to the sperm bank for the girls.
They deliver it right to the house,
you know.
Sorry... Deliver what?
- The sperm, dear.
- [blows raspberry]
- Oh.
- Just like a pizza.
Okay. Joe.
- [sighs]
- They're so cool.
They are so weird.
- Okay.
- [sighs]
At the risk of mortal danger, I am not
going to ask you to play with me again.
I won't have to
because you're gonna be begging me
to play with you momentarily.
Yeah. [sighs]
I give you three minutes.
Ready? About to disturb
the birds in Australia.
[playing Spanish guitar intro]
[guitar stops]
- [Joe] Huh?
- I'm not gonna play with you.
[Joe chuckles]
[playing notes]
- Go get your clarinet.
- [sighs]
[Joe chuckles, inhales deeply]
[jazz guitar playing]
- Oh, man!
- [chuckling]
Okay, that's all I got. I'm spent.
So, um, you... you... [sighs]
You said in the woods that you lost
the ability to... to play once.
- [Joe chuckles]
- What happened?
This violinist.
At a conservatory in France.
- Oh, a girl. Hmm.
- Yeah.
Thought we were in love.
Found her in my bed with my roommate
who I also [inhales deeply]
thought was my best friend.
How can they betray me, man?
It was brutal, though. [sighs]
Never spoke to either one again.
[Lennie] And you just s-stopped playing?
[Joe] For six months.
How did you get it back?
After it all happened,
all I really wanted to do [sighs]
was listen to Bach. [chuckles]
And I mean, like, every minute.
Like, I was dreaming in Bach. [chuckles]
And it started feeling
like everything was in it.
All the awesome. All the BS.
And in this one perfect moment,
I mean God perfect,
Bach turned
everything into this killer beauty.
My God, I wanna feel that.
[strums guitar]
Can we do it?
C-Can we try... Can we try it? Like...
Try what?
Brandenburg One?
- Oh.
- [Lennie] Yeah?
- Or... no, no, no.
- Cool.
- Air on G, actually.
- Yeah.
Okay. [inhales deeply]
Yeah, better.
[Bach's "Air on the G-String" playing]
[inhales sharply]
[music continues]
[music continues]
- [rustling]
- [wind whistles]
[thunder rumbling]
[birds chirping]
[insects buzzing]
- [gasps]
- [gasps] Holy shit.
I've never heard it like that before.
Me either.
I felt like I was listening to it
through you.
Did we just have sex?
You wanna do it again?
[both] French Suites?
- We have so got to play Bach together.
- [phone ringing]
There's no way around it now... now
Um, sorry.
Sounds good.
Yeah, meet at the river. Okay.
Me too.
Sorry. Um...
- I've got to go meet with... [stammers]
- Yeah.
- You know, I had a dream about you.
- [cartoon spring sound]
No. No, no, no, no, no.
Like... Like a... Like a...
[chuckles] Not that kind of dream.
It's a flying dream.
One minute we were playing
on the ground, and then the next we're
[Lennie] In a fit of ecstasy?
Like Saint Joseph, your namesake?
[chuckles, sighs]
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
How could you do that?
- How could you, Gram?
- [Gram] I had to, Lennie.
They They don't come back.
[exhales sharply, scoffs]
[line rings, clicks]
[Bailey] Hi, this is Bailey.
Uh, you know what to do.
[line rings, clicks]
[Bailey] Hi, this is Bailey.
Uh, you know what to do.
[line rings, clicks]
[Bailey] Hi, this is Bailey.
Uh, you know what to do.
[bell over door rings]
[door closes]
[Rachel] Clarey number two.
Did you hear my big news?
Now that I'm first chair,
Marguerite St. Denis,
yes, the Marguerite St. Denis,
is taking me on for the year. [chuckles]
Guess how many students
she got into Juilliard last year.
Later, band-kill. [chuckles]
- [Joe] Where do you want this?
- [Gram] Anywhere is perfect.
Lennie! Time for a deep cleaning.
You just stopped by?
What's up, brother?
[chuckles] Hey, Lennie.
[Gram] Lennie, aren't they handsome?
Wouldn't you just kill
for those eyelashes?
- Aw. [chuckling]
- [Joe chuckles]
- [Marcus] What you working on?
- [Joe groans] Okay. I mean...
It's my cleft chin, Ms. West.
Oh, I thought it was your navel.
Your nuts are so high.
- [chuckles]
- [laughs] Cheers, milady.
- Mmm. Brother. [chuckles]
- Brother.
It tastes good.
- Tastes really good.
- [slurps, gulps]
It's too soon
for it not to taste like ashes.
[Lennie] Grief is a house that blows
into the air at the slightest gust.
Grief is a house where the chairs
have forgotten how to hold us,
the mirrors how to reflect us.
Grief is a house that disappears
each time someone knocks at the door,
that buries itself into the ground
while everyone is sleeping.
Grief is a house
where the younger sister grows older
than the older one.
You okay?
You didn't even know her.
[breathes heavily]
And you have a brother.
- I-I do.
- [breathes heavily, scoffs]
And I d... I don't understand
why you're here.
[Joe] You don't?
Uh, it's 'cause I like you.
Duh. That's one.
And two,
I'm obsessed with playing with you
because I think Mr. James thinks
you're better than me
and that's driving me crazy.
- And, well, three
- [Lennie sighs]
I think you're really pretty
and I'm incredibly shallow.
I'm not the pretty one.
You just say that because you never met...
I'm saying that because it's true.
[breathes shakily] What about Rachel?
What about her?
We're friends.
[Joe chuckles]
And I just totally freaked out
on you again, didn't I?
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It's okay.
- [sighs]
Can I?
Been wanting to do that. [chuckles]
[chuckling] Joe, stop.
[guitar playing]
Who's that guy?
[breathing heavily]
[Lennie] Uh, it's...
He's, uh...
Your hair. It's down.
[Gram] Let me introduce you boys.
Joe Fontaine, Toby Shaw.
Bailey's boyfriend.
- So sorry, man.
- Thanks.
[inhales deeply]
- [Marcus] Brother bean!
- [Joe] Nah, you've earned it.
- [Marcus, laughing] Shut up, man.
- I'm off.
Your hair looks amazing like that,
by the way.
- [Marcus] Sounds good, bro.
- [Joe speaking indistinctly]
[door opens]
- Nice.
- Smooth. There you go.
[door closes]
- [overlapping chatter]
- [Gram laughs]
[breathing heavily]
- [knocking at door]
- [breathes heavily]
I want you to meet him.
[Toby] Is it okay I came back?
I can't stop thinking about you.
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
- [Toby kisses]
- [Bailey chuckles]
- No, we can't. We can't.
- Wait. Whoa, whoa.
No, no, not this.
I don't know what this is now. We can't.
This is...
This is not making anything better.
- It's just making things worse.
- No. Mm-mmm.
I'm not her, Toby.
I know that. I'm...
[Joe] John Lennon?
- No.
- Not sure which room is yours.
Nothing happened to me for 17 years.
Seriously, nothing.
And now everything at once.
We were just, um,
going th-through Bailey's things.
Just leaving.
[Joe breathes deeply]
Lennie, is something going on
between you guys... [grunts]
[Joe chuckles]
[Lennie chuckles, speaks indistinctly]
That's hilarious.
Meet me in the rose garden.
[Lennie] This is the truth-mobile.
While in this car, do you swear
to tell the truth,
the whole truth, so help you God?
[Joe] I swear.
[Lennie] Why do you like me?
The grief girl
who can barely function in the world.
Because after that day
with Bach on your porch,
I couldn't listen to music
without thinking
how much more incredible it would sound
with you there listening to it with me.
- Even the water faucet.
- [laughs]
I wanted you to listen
to the water faucet with me.
[Joe laughs]
That is the best thing
anybody has ever said to me.
- Wanna say it again? Maybe?
- Nah, I'm at my corny quota, thanks.
Okay. Mmm. It's worth asking.
My turn.
Why'd you forfeit your chair?
[stammers] I was scared. [sighs]
- I am scared.
- Of what?
Of the solos.
I throw up before every concert
where I have one. [sighs]
- Oh.
- Yeah.
And that's all you're scared of?
It's like I'm scared of
I guess of being alive without my sister.
[Joe, Lennie shouting]
- [Lennie laughing, shouts]
- [Joe] Yeah!
- [Lennie screams, chuckles]
- [Joe shouts]
I learned this, uh...
this really terrible thing recently.
That the absolute worst thing
you can imagine in life
can happen at any time.
- But [chuckles] today
- [chuckles]
I also realized
that the absolute best thing
you can imagine
can happen at any time too.
[inhales deeply]
[Lennie chuckling] Joe, no. God.
[Lennie chuckles]
Your damn roses take another one down.
Oh, shush.
You go on like that,
every lovelorn in town
will be here snipping away.
He's a musical genius.
Wish I was a musical genius.
- [brakes screech]
- [horn honking]
I'm so sorry, Len.
I, uh... I've read about it since.
I guess grief sex is a thing.
I, uh... I didn't mean to be so judgmental.
No, you were right to be judgmental.
- It was wrong. It was so wrong.
- [horn honking]
And I am so sorry
that I kept blowing you off.
I just... I didn't think you could
understand me anymore, bu...
I-I couldn't. But I want to.
And I miss her too, Len. So much.
[horn honking]
I miss you so much.
Hello. Toby stopped by to see
if I needed any help in the garden.
Isn't that nice of him?
He's gonna stay for supper.
Not hungry.
[fireworks bursting, popping]
[both chuckling]
[breathes heavily]
[Joe] What's going on with you two?
[Lennie] Nothing.
My gram keeps inviting him for dinner.
Just being paranoid?
Some, uh, Genevieve PTSD.
Genevieve? Is... [breathes heavily]
The one you stopped talking to.
Yeah, don't cross a horn player.
[both chuckle]
[breathes deeply]
You'd tell me, right?
Nothing's going on. [breathes shakily]
[people chattering]
[Lennie playing clarinet]
Shit. [chuckles] Okay.
- You're better than me.
- [chuckles]
Okay, I'm gonna try to be big about this.
[both playing instruments]
[children shout playfully]
[music ends]
- [Lennie knocks]
- Oh.
[muffled] Why is he always here?
- What?
- Why is he always here?
I cannot hear you.
Why is he always here?
What is wrong with you, Lennie?
I mean, have a heart.
The guy is devastated.
[breathes heavily]
I am so sick of Toby.
Of you.
Of death.
I just wanna be in love.
And I just wanna be in life.
God, how does everyone else do it?
Tell me!
I mean, people die all the time, right?
God. H-How do they do it?
How do people all over the world,
staring at beds
that are no longer slept in...
They no longer have to buy
a certain kind of cereal.
How do they stand in line at the movies?
How do they make music
when inside,
their hearts are ripping to shreds?
Tell me how, Bailey! [crying]
She told me
[crying] that she would never leave me
like Mom did.
Why didn't you take her
to a better doctor?
Or to more doctors?
I blame you, Gram.
I blame you for everything.
And you, nothing comes back to life.
Get a grip and stop smoking so much pot,
for Christ's sake.
You're not in eleventh grade!
Toby, you have to leave me alone.
I mean it.
You can't keep coming over here.
I know. I know.
- And I'm sorry. [sniffs]
- [breathing heavily]
That's all I wanted to tell you. I just...
I wanted...
I needed to apologize in person.
I got so messed up in the head.
We both did. It was both of us.
No, it was more me.
Trust me, it's, um
I don't know what to do. Um
[breathes shakily] I just, uh
[inhales sharply] I just miss her so much.
[breathes deeply] Me too.
Yeah. [breathes heavily]
Hey, what is it? Toby? What?
- Uh... [breathes heavily]
- I can...
It's something in your face.
What? Wha... Wha...
Hey, hey. Toby, what is it?
I thought maybe you knew.
[Toby gulps]
Uh... [sniffs]
She was pregnant when she died.
Uh... [breathes shakily]
And... [breathes shakily]
And we were gonna have a baby.
[softly] A baby.
[exhales sharply] No.
Oh, no, Toby. I am
[breathes shakily] I'm so sorry.
[Toby] I just want this pain to end.
Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, please.
Wait, Joe. P... Please stop. Please.
It's not... I... I don't...
It's not like us, it's... I...
Uh... My sister... It's not what you think.
It's exactly what I thought.
No. No.
No, no, no, no, no. You don't understand.
Here, I wrote you some music.
I'm so sorry. [breathes shakily]
[Lennie] Where does all the love
for someone go when that someone is gone?
How would Bailey ever forgive me?
Does she understand
that it's just me and Toby
in this house of grief?
That we're stranded here without her?
That it feels like the only way
to bring her back?
[sniffs, breathes heavily]
They all smell like me now.
Every single one.
[line dialing, ringing]
- [breathes heavily]
- [phone line error tone drones]
[operator] We're sorry. You have reached
a number that has been disconnected
or is no longer in service.
[operator continues, indistinct]
[playing clarinet]
There you go, Bailey.
- Can you listen to me for one second?
- No, I won't.
Because you always cancel plans on me
for Toby! It's not fair!
How does he know me like this?
[breathes heavily]
How can anyone but you
know me like this? [breathes heavily]
Please, Joe.
I need you to understand. [sighs]
[clicks tongue]
Like I promised, subtle. [chuckles]
- [chuckles] Oh, man.
- [Sarah] Mmm.
I can't believe I let you
talk me into this. Aren't we feminists?
Uh, totally.
The French kind that celebrates the bod.
It's langage.
As a means, of course, of subverting
the dominant patriarchal paradigm
and the white male literary canon.
So [chuckles]
go forth and subvert, sister.
- [Lennie sighs]
- [chuckles]
Before you lose your nerve.
[scoffs] When have I ever had any nerve?
- [chuckles]
- What?
Remember that time we watched
the Kentucky Derby together?
Yeah. Um, why?
Did you notice
that the... the racehorses had
those little companion ponies
that never really left their sides?
Mmm, I guess?
Well, that was me with Bails.
I'm a companion pony. [sighs]
I mean, even with you, Sarah,
I'm second chair.
It's who I've always been.
And now?
[horn honking]
[sighs, breathes deeply]
[Marcus] Lennie?
- [Marcus] One hot tamale, John Lennon.
- [Joe] Shut up, Marcus.
What's going on with you two?
We're finished, okay?
Joe, I'm... I'm s-sorry.
I don't care.
Your feet. [breathes heavily]
Um, I've never seen them before.
Your toes are so awesome. [chuckles]
Leave me alone. [sighs]
[clears throat]
Emotional guy.
He attacked me with his guitar yesterday.
Think we're making progress.
What are you doing here?
Haven't you done enough?
Len, let me take you home.
No. I am done with you.
You are just gonna say something
so heartbreaking that I wanna die.
- No way.
- Nothing's gonna happen, I promise.
It's just a ride.
Okay, only if we can drive
in complete silence.
- [breathing heavily]
- [Toby] Fine.
No, total freaking silence, Toby.
I mean it.
Nice outfit, by the way. Subtle.
Okay, I, um... I give up.
Tell me what you're doing.
The three words I got in yesterday
and the ten today
add up to pretty much telling him
he should give you a second chance.
That, uh, there's nothing going on
between us.
That we were just wrecked.
[sighs] Wha... Really?
That was really nice of you. [sighs]
You know, I watched you guys
that night, um
by the roses.
I saw it. How you feel.
I really love her, you know?
More than anything.
[breathes shakily]
[engine cranks, starts]
[breathes deeply]
Len, you'll make him see the light.
Len? I made us some tea.
Oh. I'm so... I don't...
I don't want any tea, Grams. I'm fine.
I just need some alone time. It's okay.
[objects clattering]
[shears snipping]
- [doorbell rings]
- [grunts]
- [Lennie chuckles] Hey.
- Hey. [chuckles]
Fiona's? Uh, I thought
you weren't supposed to pick these?
[panting] They're for Joe. Is he home?
Wow, Lennie, the aroma.
[sniffs] My God, and the colors.
The size of them all. Dude!
Marcus, is Joe home?
No, sorry. He is not,
but I will take these inside.
I have the perfect spot.
Wait. Um, Marcus...
Marcus, I... I wanted t...
- [door closes]
- [sighs]
[sighs] Joe.
[Joe] You think it's that easy?
I don't want tiny dresses
or stupid freaking magic flowers, okay?
I can't be with you,
because every time I close my eyes,
I see you with him.
- I can explain everything, but...
- I just...
No, there's nothing to explain.
I saw you two, and you lied to me.
No, it's j... Toby and I were t...
We were talking about... No...
Toby and I what? I do...
No, I don't wanna hear it, okay?
Hey, look, I told you about
what happened to me in France,
then you did this anyway.
I can't be with somebody
that could do that to me.
I can't be with somebody
[inhales sharply]
that could do that to her sister.
[inhales sharply]
[grunts, inhales deeply]
- [breathing shakily]
- [door opens, closes]
You have no idea how close I came
to chopping your precious book to bits.
But I... I have some self-control
and respect for other people's things.
You come like the Grim Reaper
and decimate my roses. How could you?
They'll grow back.
You have become very selfish,
Lennie Walker.
Did it ever occur to you
that I have been asking you to go on walks
or have tea or go to the beach
because I need you?
I'm sorry.
Yes, you act like you're the only one
in this house who has lost somebody.
She was like my daughter.
Do you know what that's like?
No, you don't.
Because you haven't once asked.
You're right. [breathes deeply]
Who I'm becoming is this
totally selfish screw-up who...
who hurts everyone.
Could we go to the beach together?
Maybe spend the whole day together?
And just so you know,
I don't know who I am without her either.
[Gram gulps, inhales sharply]
You were right that night.
Ever since your mom died,
I-I had promised her
that I will protect you girls,
and... and I didn't. I couldn't.
I couldn't take care of her either.
[sighs] Gram, no, no.
I've been blaming you. [sighs]
And that's so u-unfair of me.
[scoffs] Like it's all your fault.
[sniffs] Like... like you're in charge
- of everything.
- Ooh, I wish I were in charge.
- [chuckles, sniffs]
- [chuckles] Yeah. Yeah, me too.
Do it.
[chuckles] What? Do what?
Just do it. [sniffs]
Chop it into bits. [chuckles]
- They wasted their lives!
- [chuckling]
They wasted their amazing love!
I hate Cathy and Heathcliff!
They were so committed
to their misery. Fools! [groans]
I am not gonna be afraid to live my life
like you two Victorian idiots!
- [chuckles] Here, give me.
- Ugh! Ugh!
[Gram] Whee! We're gonna live our lives!
- Ugh! [grunts]
- You Victorian imbeciles. [laughs]
And while we're at it... Oh, my God.
I hate this pathetic plant!
- I hate it. [chuckles]
- [chuckles] Oh, yes. Yes!
- Good riddance!
- [Lennie screams, laughs]
[Gram] And you know what?
I hate that painting.
Ooh! Goodbye. Not my finest work.
[both laughing]
[chuckling] Oh, my G...
- Oh.
- [sniffs]
Oh, I have missed you so.
[cries, sniffs]
[both chuckle]
- Mmm. [chuckling]
- [chuckles]
[inhales deeply]
[sniffs, inhales deeply]
Grief is [sighs] forever. Isn't it?
It's not gonna go away.
She's gonna die again and again
every day for the rest of my life,
isn't she?
Oh, honey.
I think so.
[Lennie playing clarinet]
[breathes deeply]
[doorbell rings]
Heads up.
First day back after break,
I'm challenging you for first chair.
- You're just doing this because you s...
- I want the solos, Rachel.
- How about we split 'em?
- No.
We both know that most of the
conservatories only consider first chairs.
May the best clarinetist win.
You're applying to Juilliard?
That's the plan.
[chuckles] About time you got a clue.
[Rachel chuckles] Whew.
If I could play like you
[inhales deeply, sighs]
Did... Did you just say something nice?
[chuckling] Yeah.
It happens. [chuckles]
- Hey.
- [sighs] Hey.
Thanks for waking up this early
to let me in.
[inhales sharply, gasps]
[groggily] What are you doing here?
How did you even get in?
- I want you to come with me.
- [inhales deeply]
No, I'm not going anywhere with you.
Are you crazy?
Look, I just... I made a huge mistake
with Toby that day.
And when I'm with you,
I-I feel like I'm turning into brightness.
Total effing brightness.
You don't know this,
but I've read Wuthering Heights
23 times.
And I know that I love you
more than Cathy loves Heathcliff.
[scoffs] Knowing this feeling, I never
would've married Edgar Linton. Ever.
I wanna live like Bailey did,
with daring and spirit and so much joy.
And I want you to live like that with me.
Please give me another chance.
[softly] Please, please, please.
I can't, I can't, I c... I can't.
Yes, you can.
And you have to
because we're supposed to be together.
And we're supposed to be somewhere
by 7:00 a.m.
And it's an hour drive to get there.
- [scoffs]
- So, please just come with me.
[inhales deeply] Lennie, go.
Just leave me alone.
[Joe breathes deeply]
[Joe sighs]
[burner ignites]
Maybe we should just skip the ride, right?
I mean, I wanted to do this with him.
And we ha-have this thing about floating.
We had [sighs] this thing.
[sighs] I hate the past tense.
I'm such an idiot.
Marcus. Marcus!
Marcus! Is Dad's car still in the shop?
Do you know where she was going?
I need a car!
[horn honking]
Can't you make it go any faster?
No. [chuckles]
It's called Ennui for a reason.
- [Marcus] Your car's called Ennui?
- Oui, monsieur.
I have two cats at school
named Nothing and Dread.
Your cats are named Nothing and Dread?
- His cats are Nothing and Dread! [gasps]
- The little train that couldn't.
Did you just bat your eyes at me?
- Hey! Only one love story at a time.
- You did.
Eyes on the road. Pedal to the metal.
- [Sarah gasps, laughs]
- Please!
[Marcus chuckles, groans]
[Lennie] I know I messed up.
- But I just really like him.
- Yeah.
You're going up.
Me and you, okay?
You took a big risk.
That's what love is. Just get the hell in.
I'm sorry about that stuff
I said to you the other night.
Yeah, I'm mad as hell about it.
No, listen, you got me thinking.
I haven't gotten high in, um
Get in the balloon, would you?
You're gonna make your sister proud today.
That was cheap.
- Yeah, it worked though.
- [chuckles]
You're in for the ride of your life.
[burner ignites]
[sighs] Ooh.
[horn honking]
- Is that Sarah?
- [Joe] John Lennon!
- Wait. Big, it is.
- [Joe laughs] Hey!
And it's him! It's... It's him.
It's Joe. He's here.
- He came.
- Lennie! He passed the test!
- [gasps] Oh, my God, life is happening.
- John Lennon!
- This is...
- Hey!
Oh, my God, this is it. This is what...
Big. Come on. Make it stop.
Ma... Make it go down.
I can't, the rip line's all tangled.
Okay, then I'm getting out.
No. No, no, no, no, no.
[strains] Big!
[pants] Oh, uh... Oh, oh, oh. Whoa, whoa!
[Lennie pants]
Yes. Come on, Joe.
Come on, come on, come on.
- Joe. [Lennie strains]
- [straining]
Big, you got me?
- You got me? [straining]
- [Big] Very Wizard of Oz all of a sudden.
God, you are crazy!
- Ready? Ready?
- [Lennie pants] I got you.
- [Big] Pull, pull, pull, pull!
- [Joe strains]
[Joe groans]
You're crazy.
I'm sorry.
[grunts] I'm a dick. [chuckles]
I get what happened. I do.
Um, I do
these, Lennie.
- How How can you have these?
- There's more.
Okay, I know what you're thinking.
That I'm a creepy stalker dude, right?
Yeah, that's kind of exactly
w-what I'm thinking.
Yeah, but I'm not.
It just kept happening.
[wind whistling]
[Joe] I just kept finding these.
And even before we met, I found one
and then I started looking for them,
like, everywhere.
And it was like they were looking for me.
[chuckles] I can't explain it, I...
What? That sad melody. That's...
- That's how you knew me like that?
- Yeah, I-I-I should've told you, I know.
I-I almost did when you asked me
if I believed in signs
because I was seeing all these signs.
Bailey did this. [chuckles]
[Joe] What?
And I don't wanna miss out on my life
either just because I'm afraid.
- I get it.
- [stammers]
I just ca... I can't believe it.
I can't believe you...
[Lennie] There was once a girl
who found herself dead.
She spent her days peering over
the ledge of heaven.
This dead girl thought her sister
might be writing her notes, poems maybe,
but it was such a long trip to make
for a few scattered words here and there.
So, instead the dead girl made sure
the notes got into the right hands.
She made absolutely,
positively sure of it.
[burner ignites]
[Lennie] There was once a girl
who found herself so very alive.
She spends her days in a house by a river.
There are weirdos
and roses that for sure
make you fall in love.
There's music. [chuckles]
There's the whole, sad, beautiful world
and no stupid effing plant.
There are days
that turn her into brightness.
There are so many days.