The Sleepwalker (2014) Movie Script

- Hey, you.
- Hey.
Whenever you want.
Hey, who is this?
Oh, it's J&F Andrew.
Oh, sorry.
No, I know.
You want me to deliver that?
No, I'll come pick it up
on Thursday, man.
Don't worry about it.
Can you help me?
Wait, say that again?
It won't work.
Well...I told him that.
Yeah, all right.
I'll see you then.
Got it?
I'll fix that later.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Are you almost finished?
Have you seen
my router anywhere?
Your router?
I think there's one in the garage.
In the garage?
In the garage.
All right.
Come on, Tiny.
It's gonna be great
when it's done.
I like having you here
with me, though.
I like being here.
You mind if I set up
a workspace in the garage?
No, of course not.
It's what it's for.
Saw most of your dad's
stuff's in there.
I didn't want to start
throwing it all out.
Just get rid of it.
I just..I haven't gotten around to it.
All right.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
It's beautiful.
It's perfect.
That's good.
Is that good?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
What's wrong?
Nothing, I just lost it.
Do you want me
to go down on you?
Kaia, hey.
Hi, it's me.
Can you hear me?
Yeah, I can hear you.
What's wrong, Chris?
Sorry, I know it's late,
but I was wondering
if you could pick me up.
Pick you up where?
Train station.
# In my heart
# In my heart
# Lord, I want to be
a Christian in my heart
# Lord, I want to be
a Christian in my heart
# In my heart
# Lord, I want to be
a Christian in my heart
# In my heart
# In my heart
# Lord I want to be
a Christian in my heart
# Lord I want
# In my heart
# Lord, I want to be
more loving in my heart
# In my heart #
Can you turn the heat on?
I hope I didn't wake you.
Sorry for calling so late.
It's all right.
I was up.
It was my birthday.
Yes, fuck.
Happy birthday.
Guess what.
You're gonna be an aunt.
I'm pregnant.
Jesus, Chris.
Be quiet.
My boyfriend is sleeping.
You have a boyfriend?
That's crazy.
I'm sorry.
I didn't want to wake you.
It's all right.
This is my sister, Christine.
Hi, I'm Andrew.
Nice to meet you.
I'm very sorry for waking you.
Kaia, I'm really cold.
I'm gonna take a shower.
Okay, go ahead.
What's going on?
Is she okay?
I don't know.
I just picked her up
at the train station.
You go back to sleep.
I'll talk to her for a second.
All right.
Hey, Kai.
I need to call my fiance.
You're engaged too?
Actually I need to call him
and tell him where I am.
And you're gonna love him.
What's going on, Chris?
His name is Ira.
He'll make a great dad.
Are you taking anything now?
No, but just because
it's bad for the baby.
I don't know if you want
to come pick her up,
but if I don't hear from you
by tomorrow morning,
I'll bring her back to Boston.
My number is 860-581-9826.
Fuck, Chris.
I couldn't find you.
You're sleeping in dad's room?
You went in there?
Yeah, well, nice touches, Kaia.
It looks sweet in there.
Don't worry.
I didn't wake him.
It doesn't work.
What do you need?
I don't know how we used
to sleep alone up here.
I'm not used to it.
Are you afraid?
Kind of, yeah.
I'm really sorry.
Yeah, well, you're not forgiven.
I know that.
I know that, but right now,
I need you to be nice with me.
So he's nice, huh?
He's great.
I love him.
He's a little different from me.
He works at the UN.
With what?
Something to do with human rights
in Grozny or something.
Sounds kind of honourable.
I don't really understand it.
Me neither.
Look, I'm here now.
I'm gonna make it
right between us.
Come here.
You can be such a child, Chris.
'Cause you're a good mommy.
Me too.
- Hey.
- Ah.
I'm making pancakes.
Hope that's okay.
It's the only thing
I know how to make.
Yeah, no, nice.
Where's Kaia?
She's sleeping in my room.
We had a late night,
so I figured she should sleep in.
All right, well,
I'll go wake her up then.
Tell her breakfast is ready.
All right.
You, uh-you have
a different accent.
Different moms.
My dad and I lived everywhere.
You didn't know that?
Oh, no, I knew that.
I just...
I forgot.
Still asleep.
She doesn't really talk
about me much, huh?
Uh, no, it's not that.
I just forgot.
All right.
Why are you sleeping in here?
We were talking,
and I fell asleep.
Mm. Okay.
Um, what's she doing here?
Apparently she's pregnant
and engaged to some guy.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
So, what, she just showed up?
Come here.
It's so weird that
that's your sister.
How far along is she?
14 weeks.
She's not taking care of herself.
She's too skinny.
Well, she's downstairs
making pancakes now.
It's the only thing
she knows how to make.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Kaia?
- Yeah.
- Ira, right?
- Yeah.
Thanks a lot for calling me.
Is Chris here?
Yeah, she is.
- Hi.
- Oh, hey.
- Andrew.
- Ira.
Nice to meet you.
Nice car.
Yeah, thanks.
Yeah, come in.
She's in the kitchen.
I'm really sorry about her
just showing up here like this.
She does this sometimes.
Yeah, I'm used to it.
It's not the best behaviour.
I guess we'll have
to start tying her up.
The kitchen is...
To the right.
You guys are fixing up
the house, huh?
Did your dad draw it?
It's from the 1920's.
It's by my dad's
favourite architect.
It'll probably be worth
a lot when it's all done.
Well, no, we don't plan on selling it.
- Hi.
- Hey.
You're here.
Long drive up here, babe.
I had to tell Kaia about the baby.
It's good news, huh?
Couldn't you wait to come up here
in the morning, though?
You scared the shit out of me.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm terrible.
Kaia called you, right?
That's not the point.
You can't keep doing
this to me, honey.
Or we have to tie you up.
All right.
Well, thank you, guys,
for calling me.
It was nice to finally meet you.
You want to get your stuff?
Ready to go?
Hold on.
I made breakfast.
Yes, you did.
I'll have two, if you eat one.
- Oh.
- Come on.
She's just like you.
She can't eat in the morning.
Then I want apple jam.
On pancakes?
Yeah, it's a Scandinavian thing.
It's awful.
It was Kaia's birthday yesterday.
I was thinking that
we could stay.
I'm never around
for your birthday.
I thought it might be nice if
we all had dinner together.
Well, we should probably
head back, babe.
Yeah, I'm not really up
for another celebration.
There you go.
Why don't we plan on
coming up here another time?
Come on, Kaia.
It'll be nice.
Well, aren't we keeping Ira
from anything?
Well, it's the weekend.
Yeah, but I..
I brought you your dress.
We have tickets for
the SPS benefit tonight.
Well, give them to your
mother or someone.
You hate those things.
Well, that sounds more fun
than sticking around here.
No, no, no, no.
Actually it doesn't.
It's the donation
that matters, anyway.
It's just that people usually
expect to see me there,
but I can miss it for once.
The only problem is,
I didn't bring anything to wear.
Well, you can wear me.
Wear you?
All right.
Maybe I'll just run
to the shop instead.
But, uh...
Um, are you guys sure
that we're not intruding?
- Of course not.
- Not at all.
It's gonna be great.
Ira's a good cook.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah, I'm not bad.
I don't get a kiss?
I missed you.
Can I steal you for a sec?
Just for a sec.
Thanks a lot, guys.
It's nice to be here.
Thanks for having us.
- Sure.
- Of course.
So how are you feeling?
I'm okay, babe.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Hey, listen.
I, uh...
I thought you didn't
want to tell anyone
about the baby
until we were sure.
Yeah, I know.
I know, but...
Isn't Kaia great?
Yeah, of course, but...
I mean, honey,
she's my only family.
I want you to get to know her.
All right, listen,
we'll stay for the night,
but then we leave
in the morning, okay?
Say, "I understand".
I understand.
Let me show you my old room.
Oh, it's pretty in here.
You're pretty.
Oh, yeah?
Am I?
Pretty much thought
you'd packed your bags
and left me this morning.
Take my panties off.
What are you doing?
Honey, they...
Don't worry about them.
They'll be fine.
Give in.
I missed you.
Come here.
Leave them there.
Come here.
Turn over.
Is this okay?
It's actually nice to see her.
Yeah, I wish the circumstances
were a little less weird, but...
I'd like to get to know her.
Well, it looks like
he can take care of her.
He seems a little arrogant
or something, right?
You just don't like him
because he's rich.
Maybe you should tell them
to come another time.
When the house is more done,
it's nicer.
I'm not gonna go back and say,
"Oh, hey, look, we thought
about it for a second,
and actually you should leave".
Tell me when you're gonna cum.
I want you to cum in my mouth.
Hey, stop that.
What are you doing?
What the fuck are you doing?
You okay?
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Where's the bathroom?
And I was mad at her
for a long time.
You know, she didn't
help me at all
when he got sick.
You know, we used to be
really, really close.
I know.
All right.
Just be nice to her, okay?
About this other tiny
person inside of you.
Your boy is cute.
Yeah, I think so too.
Tell me about him.
What's his deal?
What's he do?
Mainly construction.
I feel like I remember
seeing him in school.
He dropped out of high school.
Had a hard time
until dad hired him.
Didn't he go to jail
for something?
What for?
Come on, what is it?
He hit his girlfriend
when he was drunk.
Of course he shouldn't have done it,
but there's more to the story.
He was a kid.
Well, doesn't that worry
you a little bit?
No, absolutely not.
He'd never hurt me.
I just can't believe
that you have a boyfriend.
This is good.
Look it!
Are you gonna dance for me tonight?
I miss your old moves.
I don't dance like that.
I assure you that you did.
I mean, he had on these
knee-high black boots,
but I was wearing sandals.
So I asked him if he'd be upset
if I waited in the car,
and he seemed sort of offended,
so I just went along with it.
Then he smiled and said,
"Don't look to your right."
But I did, and there
was this big ditch
filled with coral snakes.
And suddenly I felt one
crawling up my leg.
I had a sharp pain,
my water broke,
and I gave birth.
I always dream about snakes
when I'm nervous
about something.
I think that folks place
a little too much significance
on the importance of dreams.
I mean, they even seem
to grant them
some kind of supernatural
fortune-telling quality,
and I don't mean to say
that they're completely
meaningless, babe,
but they do usually just reflect
whatever's been on your mind.
I believe that everything
happens for a reason.
Me too.
I don't believe in that shit.
Well, dad had this old book
that he used to look at with us.
Do you remember?
Wasn't much for
picture books, was he?
God, he was like 100 years old.
Why were you in Oslo?
Oh, I was just there for work.
I'd like to go back.
Yeah, you should.
I want to take Andrew next summer.
Oh, you'll love it, dude.
It's beautiful.
I'm sure.
She told me.
You had the cutest little accent.
God, I was so jealous of you.
Is your mom still there?
Hmm, I don't know.
She's hard to keep track of.
She was a pretty troubled lady.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I know what you mean, though.
My mother's a lot of work,
especially after my dad died.
What are you talking about?
Your mom's fine;
her mom's a drug addict.
That's why she came here,
so we could take care of each other,
since our parents
are total fuck-ups.
Well, I think he must have
been a decent enough guy,
to be able to take care
of two girls alone.
Yeah, he was.
What are you talking about, Chris?
He was crazy about you.
No, Kaia.
He was crazy about you
because you never
opened your mouth.
Shut up.
I was shy.
Well, you were
a bad kid like me,
weren't you, Andrew?
Oh, remember me?
Yeah, I certainly do.
Do you remember me?
Yeah, I guess I do, yeah.
You grew up here too?
Born and raised.
I wasn't that bad, though.
I just liked practical jokes.
Yeah, like what?
Mm, I don't know..gross stuff.
It's probably not the
best dinner conversation.
Then we'll save it for after dinner.
No, come on.
Tell us.
We don't care.
Uh, well, hmm.
Let's see.
I played lacrosse growing up.
Oh, yeah?
They play that out here?
Yeah, they do.
And we weren't very good,
but we were playing a good game,
and I was getting lucky.
And there was this guy on
the team, Eric Lundin.
You remember him?
- Totally.
- You don't?
Well, he was a prick, anyway.
So what about him?
Well, he fucked up a pass
or something like that
during the game.
And he was the kind of guy
that was always
giving everyone else shit
for what they did.
And so for once, he fucked up.
And so after the game,
we all hid in the gym,
and he came out,
and everybody ran up,
and they grabbed him,
and they pulled his pants down.
And I went,
and I got my lacrosse stick,
and I managed to get
the lacrosse stick in his ass.
And then my buddy came over.
And he put the ball
in the lacrosse stick
and then managed to throw it
in the net and score,
with the stick still in his ass.
I'm sorry, but isn't that
basically rape?
We were kids.
We did shit like that all the time.
Oh, okay.
Did it happen to you, Andrew?
Not that, but the same
kind of shit happened, yeah.
I mean, that guy and I,
we're still friends.
I think you were right
the first time.
He was a prick,
and I think he got
what was coming to him.
Thank you.
So we're Eskimo brothers.
I fucked him too.
Thanks for sharing, Chris.
Guys, I mean, come on.
That was a long time ago.
That guy probably works
in a gas station now.
And what's wrong with
that if he does?
I think we got it.
Everybody does stupid
things when they're kids.
Yeah, they certainly do.
Watch the wine, babe.
I didn't know that
you two had gotten,
you know, so close growing up.
What happened?
I moved.
Oh, I know, but what happened
more specifically?
Why did you stop talking?
Well, you know what happened.
Why are you bringing this up?
I was just curious what
Christine had to say.
All right, let's rewind a little bit.
I'll clean up.
No, I can do that.
Help me get the cake, hon?
Hey, what you doing over here?
Should you be drinking?
I've only had one glass, dad.
So I used to see you around.
Did you and I ever...
I was trying to remember.
That would be awkward.
Yeah, it would be.
So how did you
and my sis hook up?
Well, your father introduced us.
I was lucky to have gotten
to work with him,
even briefly.
He was a hard-ass.
But he knew what he wanted.
I know it doesn't
look like much, but...
the ideas that he had
for the renovation,
they're all really solid.
It's just the guts of
the house that don't work,
the electrical stuff, you know.
We don't want another fire here.
She told you it was
an electrical problem?
It's not true.
I started the fire.
All right.
You want to dance?
Yeah, I don't know.
I don't know if you can
keep up with me, to be honest.
To be honest, we won't know
unless we try.
Come on.
All right, all right,
I'm getting up.
Help me find more wine?
I got the spins.
Come here.
I feel like I'm in college.
I'm gonna go to bed.
I'll be up in a sec.
Your sister's kind of nuts,
by the way.
She told me that she started
the fire in the garage.
Is that true?
She's not nuts.
Why the hell did you tell me
that it was an electrical fire?
I've been rewiring this whole house,
for Christ's sake.
She did all kinds of crazy shit
when I moved in with them.
Like, she didn't want to share
her dad with a stranger.
What are you talking about?
She didn't mean to hurt me.
Look, we are in a relationship.
You are supposed to
share things with me.
You're not supposed to
choose what you share
and what you don't share.
You told me that you
burned yourself, Kai.
Yeah, I kind of did.
I was trying to get her
out of there.
So you're a liar?
- Mm-mm.
- No?
You want to share?
Let's share.
What's up with that
stupid story in there?
It made you seem horrible.
Why are you talking
so close to me?
Well, why are you
so close to me?
Tell me.
Well, what..what..
why the fuck did you even
bring up that story?
Oh, come on.
What are you..
I was a kid.
And that..what,
that asshole calling me a rapist?
Are you kidding me?
I'll fucking show him a rapist.
I'm gonna put my dick
in his mouth.
- Dude.
- Hard.
That's called humour.
Yeah, all right.
Forget it.
I'm sorry.
I'm drunk.
I'm drunk.
Let's go have fun...
- Yeah.
- With everyone.
Let's have fun.
I'm all right.
Go ahead.
After you, Princess Leia.
# After you've gone
# And left me crying
# After you've gone
# There's no denying
# You'll feel blue
# You'll feel sad
# You'll miss the only pal
# You've ever had
# There comes a time
# Don't forget it
# There'll come a time
# When you'll regret it
# Some day
when you'll grow lonely
# Your heart will break like mine
# And you'll want me only #
# After you've gone #
# Gone away #
# After you've gone
# After the breakup
# After you've gone
# You're gonna wake up #
I think she's sleepwalking.
I'll be right back.
I'm gonna go try
and put her to bed.
# Come and change your mind
# After the years #
What the fuck was that?
Don't worry about that.
Don't worry about that?
She sleepwalks.
Hey, there.
- Hi.
- Morning.
Sorry, I look like shit.
No, you don't.
How did you sleep?
I slept okay.
Thanks for having us,
by the way.
It's really nice for her.
It's not a problem.
Where is she?
She's still sleeping.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I'm really sorry about last night.
Hey, don't worry about it.
You're great with her.
It's good.
You don't get mad.
Yeah, well, there's no use
in getting mad, is there?
I don't know.
I never tried it.
Have you tried spanking her?
Sorry, what's that?
That was a joke.
That was a really weird joke.
I'm so hungover.
I have no idea why I said that.
It's okay.
Hey, um...
Listen, I have some time before
I have to leave for Grozny.
And I can do some work
from home for a few days.
What are you doing in Grozny?
We're monitoring
the elections there.
Listen, she's been a little
all over the place lately.
A little more than usual.
You know she went off
her medication, right?
Yeah, 'cause it's bad
for the baby, no?
Yeah, yeah, I know.
It's just..seems like
it's good for her
to be close to you right now.
And I, um...
I don't want to
impose in any way.
If it's okay with you and Andrew,
I'd like us to stay
for a few more days.
Yeah, of course.
Of course.
Are you sure?
Yeah, it's not a problem, really.
Please stay.
- Okay, thank you.
- Yeah.
So, what, they're staying?
I'm sorry about that.
He kind of just invited himself.
I have to go and
pick up some dresses
from an estate sale.
Christine and I are
heading into town.
You need anything?
No, I'm good.
- Hey, wait.
- What?
Come here.
Come here.
Look, I've got to say something.
To me, it seem like
she changes you.
What do you mean?
Staying like this.
It's like she's trying
to win you back.
So it's not gonna be a drinking
party every day up here.
We have a lot of work to do.
They're gonna help out at all?
I'm not gonna
put them to work.
What the fuck
are they gonna do?
Look, this is where she grew up.
She has the right to stay.
Come on, last night?
Yeah, I know.
But you just don't like her.
Oh, no, she's fucking awesome.
Coming downstairs, prancing around
in her fucking underwear.
- Hey.
- Ooh.
Hey, she's my sister.
This is my house.
I'm going to lunch.
- Pretty low, Kai.
- Yeah.
It's not like I'm
breaking my fucking back
out here or anything.
Wait here.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I called about the clothes.
I'm really sorry for your loss.
I just looked around a little.
Nothing's changed.
No, it hasn't.
I'm really sorry that I hurt you.
I saw you out by the garage
the other morning.
You know you've never
really let me see it?
It's not so much to look at.
Can I?
It's not so bad, Kai.
You know, I've always imagined
that it was so much worse.
Well, you've seen between
my thighs, right,
where they pulled the skin for it?
Well, I didn't..I didn't
mean it like that.
Guys fucking love it.
If second base didn't
freak them out enough,
just wait until they
take my pants off.
I really didn't mean it like that.
I just-I didn't expect it
to come out like that.
I was trying to say
that you are beautiful,
and I expected it
to be even worse.
God, man, Kaia, I don't want
you to be mad at me anymore.
I came here to make amends.
Well, I'm fine.
And Andrew doesn't mind.
I'm very happy and
very lucky to have him.
I think it's the other way around.
He doesn't deserve you.
How the hell do you know
what I deserve, huh?
Hey there, pal.
Something to nurse the hangover?
Oh, no.
I don't like to drink when I work.
Okay, fair enough.
Need any help?
Yeah, you want to give me
a hand with this?
Where are we putting this thing?
Just out front.
I'll bring it to the dump
in a few days.
All right.
- Ooh.
- Got it?
All right, watch your step.
So Kaia's shop must do
pretty well, huh?
Really seems to be
coming along, the house.
Yeah, well, it's her father's money.
But she does good, yeah.
She told me that you
want to be an architect?
It'll probably be worth a lot
when it's all done..this.
Yeah, you said that already.
What is it that you do again, Ira?
I studied political science in Paris,
but I just started working
as a human rights
officer at the UN.
All right.
I figured I'd end up
doing something
a little bit more normal,
but, you know...
Yeah, now this is normal for you.
Nah, not really.
Heavy motherfucker.
Sorry about that.
Hey, how did your father die?
Plane crash.
Oh, yeah.
Those little planes
are dangerous, huh?
It was a commercial airliner.
Oh, yeah.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Yeah, we were too.
I got to say,
you and Kaia,
you don't seem to be
treating this situation right.
Christine, you mean?
Yeah, Christine.
And what would you suggest?
Well, you know,
you're well off.
You can get her the best
help that there is.
Doesn't make sense to me
that we're all just
letting her go on and on and on
and not doing nothing about it.
Well, thanks for
your concern, pal,
but I think I got it
under control.
I remember Christine
from growing up now.
Doesn't seem like things have
changed very much with her.
That's funny, 'cause Chris
told me that you went to jail
when you were kids.
Yeah, I did.
Look, dude, I came out here
to break the ice a little.
Why are you being
so hostile with me?
Those two are family,
which I guess makes us
family, too, for now.
Oh, yeah, no, we're family.
I'm gonna go take a piss.
Hey, do me a favour
while you're out here.
Make sure she doesn't
burn the whole place down.
Be a awful lot of work
down the drain.
Cool, brother.
Good talk.
- Stop the car.
- What?
Stop the car.
What the hell is that
doing out here?
Andrew's cleaning out the garage.
Yeah, who told him
he could do that?
I did.
Why do you care?
You just told me
to knock it down.
You want that stuff?
Tell him to put it back.
It's my house too!
Whatever he took out of there,
you tell him to put it back!
What's going on now?
Apparently it has some
sentimental value to her.
I'm sorry, dude.
That couch does?
Jesus Christ.
Christine, what are you doing?
Christine, stop it.
Stop it.
Christine, stop it!
Get her out of here!
Get her away from me!
I'm sorry.
I'm up.
What's going on?
Hey, what's wrong with you?
She walked into the room,
and they started fighting.
What happened?
She was masturbating
in our bedroom!
All right.
It's all right.
Chris, I want to talk to you.
Just a second, baby.
- Hey.
- Hey.
She's not feeling so well today.
Well, I really need to talk to her.
Can you give her a sec?
She's almost asleep.
- Sure.
- Okay.
We'll see you in a bit.
Still sleeping?
Can I ask you something?
Was your father ever abusive
with you guys in any way?
No. Why do you ask that?
It's Chris.
She just hates him so much.
Well, that's not true.
What, she never told you?
Not that she hates him, no.
So you guys got along, then?
Yeah, he was fine.
I mean, he was
a little despondent,
but he was nice with us.
Despondent how?
Well, let's put it this way:
Some years we'd celebrate
Christmas and birthdays,
and some years we wouldn't.
But there was always
food on the table,
and I had a really nice
room all to myself.
That's pretty different
than the picture she painted.
Yeah, well, that's bullshit.
She got treated
a lot better than me.
Look, I don't know
what she told you,
but you've got to take Chris' stories
with a grain of salt.
Yep, I know.
She has a hard time separating
her fictions from realities.
I guess I just thought that
the way he treated her
maybe explained something.
I'm grasping at straws here.
Sorry that I asked.
Maybe depression just
runs in the family, huh?
Well, I'm fine.
Yeah, I know.
I know you are.
Would you take a walk with me?
I'd like to ask you something.
I'd like that,
but I should head inside.
Later then.
- Morning.
- Morning.
You're up early.
I couldn't sleep.
I had two fresh bags
of cement out front.
Did you move 'em anywhere?
Those things weigh
more than me.
I don't know where they are.
They still here?
His car is here.
They're just out, I guess.
They weren't here
when I woke up.
Will you remind me
to call my niece?
We got to go up
there some time.
You'll love those kids.
My brother, he's a great guy.
I'd love to.
I'm sure there's
some good vintage spots
up there you could check out,
might find something good.
Maybe I'll tell them Thanksgiving
we'll spend with them..
What's wrong?
Have you seen Chris?
Have you seen Chris?
She didn't come back?
I thought she was with you.
No, she wasn't with me
when I woke up this morning.
I went out to look for her.
Doesn't she do this all the time?
All right, everybody
needs to calm down.
She could have gone into town,
or she could've gone back
to the city.
I checked my wallet.
Normally when she disappears
like this,
she takes some money.
Okay, Kaia, did you check yours?
Well, maybe you should.
She didn't go for a walk, Andrew.
Okay, don't talk to me like that.
If you don't want to help,
you don't have to.
I'm helping, you idiot.
All I'm saying is that yelling
like we're looking
for a fucking poodle
is not the way to do it.
Hey, can you not talk about her
like that, please?
We have to go back
and get flashlights.
I'll go.
No, you stay.
I'll go.
Wait here with me.
How far are we?
It's not too far.
This is where we go swimming.
Oh, Christ.
Come on, it's dark, Kai.
We can come back in the morning.
Let's go to the truck.
We can go check into town.
No, let's have a look.
She might have gone around...
- What are you doing?
- You know, to the other side.
What are you doing?
Are you out of
your fucking mind?
All right. Hey.
Hey, hey, hey.
Come on, come on, it's fine.
I'll come back in the morning, okay?
It's dark out here.
He's right.
We can't see anything.
Let's get into some warm clothes
and drive into town.
Come on, I'll come back
as soon as it's light out.
Sorry, I was trying to be quiet.
It's okay.
I thought you were her.
I can't sleep.
I was gonna go back to the lake,
take another look.
I saw her out there
the other night.
What, at the lake?
No, no.
In here and then out front.
I was following her.
Kaia, what are you talking about?
Well, she was walking in here,
then over there.
I didn't wake her up.
I used to think that
she was faking it
or trying to tell me something.
All right, but you know
she's not, right?
She's not conscious when
she does that; she's asleep.
But I don't understand it.
Okay, don't worry.
Come here.
I think that we should
go to the police today.
But she always comes back.
You okay?
I don't feel so good.
I need to sit down.
Okay, come on, let's sit down.
You're just tired.
So am I.
Hey, man.
We went out looking at the lake.
Me too.
I woke up,
seemed like everyone
had disappeared
all of a sudden.
Yeah, I..I'm sorry
that we were gone so long.
She wasn't feeling well.
Yeah, you look like shit.
You should get some sleep.
Maybe Ira and I
will head back to town,
ask around at the train station.
But she wasn't there.
Well, I don't know.
That was last night.
Maybe she turned up.
What do you think, Ira?
Yeah, sure,
let's head into town.
I'll come too.
No, it's fine.
You stay here.
The truck takes
a little while to warm up.
You mind starting it
while I tuck her in?
No, but why don't we
just take mine?
Great, even better.
Come on.
You'll feel better after a nap.
Yeah, Andrew.
You know how much
I love you, right?
I love you too.
You know, there's one thing
that I cannot accept, is,
I do not like being disrespected.
- I know.
- Okay.
You have your things from inside?
Your stuff, you got everything?
All right, here's
what's gonna happen:
You're gonna go home.
You can wait for Chris there.
We'll go to the police,
and we'll look for her out here.
Okay, is that what Kaia wants?
I'd prefer to stay here.
I'm sure you would,
but it's time for you to go.
All right, well, I'd like
to talk to her first.
You have seriously
overstepped your bounds
in this house, bro.
You walk around
like you live here.
You flirt with Kaia
right in front of my face.
Maybe that's why your
slut girlfriend left you.
What the fuck
is wrong with you?
Are you fucking stupid?
Are you fucking stupid?
Hey, get your hands off me.
- Are you fucking stupid?
- Get your fucking hand off me.
You talk to me like that again,
I'm gonna fucking
break your neck.
- Get your hand off me.
- All right?
Are you fucking serious?
I will fucking kill you!
I will fucking kill you!
I will...
You motherfucker. Huh?
You motherfucker,
put your hand down.
Put your fucking hand down!
I'm gonna hit you
in your fucking face!
I will fucking murder you!
I will fucking murder you!
What are you doing?
Ira, God.
You stupid motherfucker!
Look at his face, Andrew!
Look at his face!
- Stop hitting me, Kai.
- Hit me!
This is my fault, so hit me!
- Stop hitting me, Kai.
- Hit me!
You need to stop
hitting me, Kai.
Hit me!
You need to stop.
All right?
Look, I'll leave.
- I'll leave.
- No.
I'll wait outside.
Are you sure you don't
need me to call a doctor?
I'm fine.
I just want a shower.
I'll get you something to wear
from my father's closet.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
I think I need to sleep a little.
You should go to the police.
No, I'll stay with you.
If you have a concussion,
it's not something
to fool around with.
I don't think I can sleep.
You should get some rest.
I'll keep an eye on you.
Can I ask you something?
What exactly did Chris
say about our father?
Not much.
She just said that
she couldn't stand him.
That's all.
That scares me.
She said that he hit her once.
I was there.
It was after she burned me.
Oh, God.
What are we gonna do?
Tell me a little bit more
about your sister's sleep issues.
Hey, it's me.
Ira, hi.
How are you?
I'm okay.
I'm staying with my mother.
Just dropped by her apartment
for the first time today.
It's weird being alone here.
Yeah, I know.
But I'll see you soon, right?
Are you coming up?
The reason I'm calling is,
I was going through
all of our mail,
and I found a letter from Chris.
I've already called the police
to let them know.
Are you there?
When did she send it?
Well, that's the thing.
The postmark is from
before she disappeared.
What does it say?
I'm supposed to read it to you.
So I think I'm just gonna
pop in the car right now, all right?
No, what does it say?
It says...
It says, uh...
"Dear Ira,
"Please read this to Kaia.
"I'm currently writing you this
from my old bedroom,
"and it makes me
so happy to hear
"you and Kaia talking outside.
I want you two to be friends. "
It says that?
Should I keep going?
"I want you two to be friends."
"It's really important to me
"that you two
continue to get along
"and take care of each other.
"I can hear you
saying something,
and I don't know what you said,
but it's making her laugh. "
There's a smiley face.
"I can see Andrew
pulling everything
"out of the garage
from my window.
"How could you let him do that?
"I came back here
to try and piece together
"what happened to us there.
"I am almost certain now
"that I am not the one
who burned you.
"It's clear that you do not
want to remember
"what he did to us.
"And I have to respect that.
"So if I leave
and I don't come back,
please don't be mad,
and don't go looking for me. "
"You and Ira
have each other now,
and I have my little one
to keep me company. "
"I hope I don't change my mind,
but I think I know
where to go for now. "
It stops there.
Hey, are you there?
Are you okay?
You have to tell me what happened.
You have to tell me
what happened to you guys.
# Into the deep
# Into the wild
# Into the open
# Out of the leaf
# Out of the fire
# Out of the broken
# Into the deep
# Into the wild
# Into the open
# Out of the leaf
# Out of the fire
# Out of the broken
# Take everything back,
take everything back
# All is lost
# All is true
# Take everything back,
take everything back
# All is lost
# All is true
# Take everything back,
take everything back
# Into the deep
# Into the wild
# Into the open
# Out of the leaf
# Out of the fire
# Out of the broken
# Take everything back,
take everything back
# All is lost
# All is true
# Take everything back,
take everything back
# All is lost
# All is true
# Take everything back,
take everything back
# All is lost
# All is true
# Take everything back,
take everything back
# All is lost
# All is true
# All is lost
# All is true
# All is lost
# All is true
# Take everything back,
take everything back
# All is lost
# All is true
# Take everything back,
take everything back
# All is lost
# All is true
# Take everything back,
take everything back
# Take everything back,
take everything back
# Take everything back,
take everything back
# Take everything back,
take everything back #