The Snowball Effect (2022) Movie Script

Good morning, Winterport.
and good morning Winterport.
My name is Sam Perrish
and this is your weather today.
I am Tara Washington,
here on the eve
of our favorite season around.
That's right,
tomorrow is the 21st day
of the month,
the shortest day of the year,
and the absolute official
start of winter.
Now let's go ahead
and get right to it,
"cause it is about to get real.
A high of 40 today
will give way to a high of 28.
Now although they do look good
today is definitely not blazer
or hoodie weather,
and I'd say that
we are actually flirting
with winter coat territory.
See we have this big
low pressure system down here
and of course,
we've been dealing with this
high pressure system over here.
And you are gonna wanna swipe
right on those parkas!
When those combine,
the barometer goes south
and the snow levels go...
We're talking big fluffy
flakes, white rolling hills
and an absolute total
body workout
when you finally roll out of
bed to shovel.
We're talking 30 to 50 inches
of snow,
sub-zero temperatures.
Hold onto your hats.
It is twice in a century
Stock up on bread, milk,
and eggs.
Where two smaller systems
collide just right,
and churn, and spin...
Get out those sleds,
"cause we're gonna have
a white Christmas style system
that we like to call...
- "The Snowball Effect."
- "The Snowball Effect."
And we're clear!
Great job, guys!
Thank you.
Great work.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Good morning, Mia.
Hey, Tara.
That temperature graphic still
felt a little late, right?
Ah, I'm sorry.
I will hit up the switcher
and make sure
he has the right cues.
You're a rockstar.
It's just my job.
Gotta be tighter
if we're gonna make it
to number one.
I know.
We'll get there.
How was the weather king
this morning by the way?
"Sam Perrish, and this
is your weather today."
Handsome as always.
But his numbers were way off.
Let's take a look, shall we?
Last week timing was wrong 50%,
precipitation 70%.
And his temperature was missed
on average of 6 degrees.
Why do his readings keep going
up though?
Ours do, too.
Not as fast.
Not as fast as his, Mia.
Uh, right.
It's just what if we start
thinking outside the box?
What box?
Stan Winston quits mid segment,
walks off air
in now viral moment.
I am a professional!
I'm on the air right now!
Are you kidding me?
I've had it!
That is enough.
Oh my!
This is crazy.
This has never happened.
I just... I can't believe this.
This is it, isn't it?
This is it.
This is my chance to move up.
I could bring you as my editor.
You gotta call.
- I gotta call.
- You gotta call.
Not here.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- I'll be right back.
- Alright.
Tara, this is it.
Here we go.
Hi, this is Tara Washington
from Winterport Action News.
Uh, I was calling,
because I heard
you might be looking
to fill a position.
Yeah, the meteorologist.
Okay, great.
Yup, Washington and yes,
the number I'm calling
from is perfect.
Okay, great.
I am looking forward
to hearing from them.
Oh no, it's...
It is all good,
it was a short hold.
Yes, this is uh, Sam Perrish,
calling about the recent
meteorologist opening.
Oh, not your first call, huh?
I bet.
Sam Perrish.
As in like, the Sam Perrish?
The Sam Perrish!
Of course, he would.
Of course.
Are you worried?
- Should I be?
- No.
Look at me, okay.
Sam Perrish is like
100% Winterport, okay.
He was born here, raised here
and he's a weatherman here.
You are going
to be so much bigger.
I've been battling him
on his own turf
for five years now.
- But it's your turn now.
- Absolutely.
No one works as hard as you.
And look at me,
no one is as nearly as accurate.
That's what they want, right?
So what is it,
like an interview or something?
I don't know.
They'll get back to me
with the details.
I hope soon.
Well, we'll figure it out.
So, Christmas...
Now, is your flight still
leaving on Christmas Eve?
It is.
Are you nervous?
I am.
I hope it goes okay.
I haven't seen my parents
in three years.
I have somehow convinced
all of my nieces
that I'm one of Santa's elves
and that explains where
I've been all these years.
But at least we're loved.
Oh wow, more?
I don't know any
of these people.
It's okay.
They love you.
Thanks, Norm.
Alright, we're gonna take
a short break.
And when we get back,
we'll have a look at that
snowball effect system
from our chief meteorologist,
Tara Washington.
Well, maybe for now,
we just focus
on the storm of the century
barreling towards us.
Merry Christmas.
Miss Tara Washington?
Ron Mitchum, Northeast News.
I presume, I didn't wake you.
Ah, no.
Of course not.
Every meteorologist is awake
2:40 in the morning.
I like to know I can get a hold
of my potential hires
any time of the day.
Of course, Ron,
uh, Mr. Mitchum.
No, no, Ron is fine.
I looked you up.
And I like your style.
We're holding interviews
I know with the storm and all
it could be tricky,
but we need to know we can
count on whoever we go with.
Uh, yeah.
Of course, that makes sense.
How's 6:00 p.m.?
Can you be in Boston by 6:00?
Uh, 6:00 p.m.
I uh...
Well, Tara,
there's a big gap in my lineup
I'm eager to fill
as fast as possible.
Yes, um, absolutely.
I'll be there.
Competition's stiff,
but I have a good feeling
about you.
Yes, sir.
I... I won't let you down.
I promise.
2:40 in the morning.
Uh, what are you doing here?
Mia, hey,
glad you're here early.
This is the time
I start every day.
So, what's up?
I have to get to Boston,
For the interview.
and trains are either booked
or cancelled,
because of the blizzard.
So, I'm mapping out
the trajectory of the storm,
the likely start times
for the heavy stuff,
the likely road closures.
You're driving.
I'm gonna have to.
Look, if I can take
this road here north,
then I can skirt right around
the edge
just before it all settles.
You would use meteorology
to solve this.
Ah, I feel like it's a test.
Pass it and the job is mine.
I can feel it.
Well, here.
This will help.
You're the best.
Still my job.
Joy to the world...
Turn right ahead.
Wait, what?
Turn right ahead.
Uh, a right?
Why are we rerouting?
Road closed ahead.
- What?
- Road closed ahead.
Why are you closing highways
We've at least an hour
before the storm.
Come on!
Road closed ahead.
Road closed ahead.
Take next left,
then right onto country road 7.
I don't care.
I'm taking this road.
You're not doing this to me.
Well, what now?
Signal lost.
Please return to service area.
Not now.
Afternoon, ma'am.
Governor closed the roads.
Look, officer the storm
won't be here
for another 20 minutes.
If you could just let me
I promise I can make it.
No, can't do.
Please sir, I'm an expert.
On driving?
No, on storms.
I'm a meteorologist.
Alright, alright.
There's an inn,
a couple of miles
down the road, Mistletoe.
No, no, I...
I really need to make it
You can hold up there
until this thing passes.
Merry Christmas.
Hi, excuse me...
Oh, it's you.
It is.
Have we met before?
"Sam Perrish.
And this is your weather
Oh, you're a fan.
I like to keep my eye
on the competition.
Oh, I see it now.
"Tara Washington,
Winterport Action News."
And you're trying to get
to Boston?
you going for the same gig, huh?
Northeast News?
I was.
Well, isn't this somethin'?
Stuck at an inn
for the storm of the century.
You think they're even open?
Can I help you?
Um, we're...
We were um,
looking for a place to stay.
You know,
just to ride out the storm.
We were hoping that...
That you had vacancy.
Right now?
Uh, yeah.
I'm not really set up
for guests right now.
Um, this is my off season.
Isn't this place
called, "Mistletoe" ?
It is.
Well um, do you have
any recommendations
Storm's supposed to be starting
pretty soon.
Any minute now.
Well, you're in luck.
I do always keep
the loft set up.
Just in case.
A loft.
That sounds great.
It's quite cozy
especially for a young couple
such as yourselves.
- Oh no, no!
- Oh? Us?
- We're not a couple.
- No, we are not a couple.
We came here in two
different cars.
We'd need two separate rooms.
Well, it's only the one space
with the one bed.
I see.
There's a couch.
A couch.
Separated by a door
from the bedroom.
That's not so bad.
You could take the couch.
No, it's fine.
I... I can stay at another inn.
There is not another inn
for at least 20 miles out.
That's... That's fine.
I'll... I'll take my chances.
Just one second.
Uh, look.
I don't like it either,
but they've declared
a state of emergency.
It hasn't even started yet.
But it's gonna start like...
Right now.
Let's go ahead
and check out that loft.
Here's everything you need.
Make yourselves comfortable.
I'll bring you dinner later
and breakfast in the morning.
Not sure what time yet,
I was not expecting company.
Oh, that's fine.
We appreciate it.
My name is Olivia.
And I'm right next door
if you need anything else.
Thank you, Miss Olivia.
Well, she's nice.
Where are the decorations
I don't know,
but I 100% expect a visit
from the ghosts
of Christmas present, past,
and future tonight.
I don't know.
I think it's very...
What, rustic?
I mean of course,
you would say that.
You getting the bed.
It's a pretty comfy-looking
I mean, we can switch
if you want.
Oh no, I insist.
Someone like you deserves
the fine touch of polyester
as they sleep.
Oh, I cannot wait.
Thank you.
Oh, welcome back.
You got service?
Not yet.
But if there is any,
I will find it.
And persistent.
You could help.
Ah, looks like you've got it
Do you not care about this job?
Of course, I care about it
but you know,
you ain't got no service.
What can you do?
Hey, hey, hey,
I respect the hustle.
I wonder if...
Oh, I got something.
But it gets only up here.
Hey there Tara, what...
What's the story?
Ron, hi!
You on the road?
Um, well, see that's the thing.
Of course not.
I saw that they closed it
all down.
That's unfortunate.
Yeah, so I'm kinda trapped.
In a town called, "Mistletoe" .
Well, that's quite
a predicament.
I wonder if Sam Perrish
will be so unfortunate.
You... You were two of my top
Hey Mr. Mitchum,
I'm actually stuck here, too.
Sam Perrish!
Well, I'll be.
Yeah, we would have beat
the storm
if they would have let us
but you know,
very sorry about that.
Well, you two can relax,
you're still in the running.
But with all the candidates
I've interviewed,
it wouldn't be fair
to not judge you
on a similar plain.
We could do a video thing.
Like a virtual interview?
No, no.
I need something bigger.
How about... how about this?
I'm not gonna be making my...
Your own weather news package.
Something that shows me that
you both understand weather,
but more importantly
that you can make people care
about it, too.
What sort of format would you
be looking for?
An evergreen?
A quick report?
Four-minute slot?
Two-minute slot?
Mr. Mitchum?
Sam, you got that, too?
You have three days.
Yes, sir.
Three days.
Okay, great.
I... I won't let you down.
Well, so much for Christmas.
Three days.
Write, shoot,
and edit a package with,
what, no crew?
No equipment, no research?
And we won't get out of here
for what,
another day or two?
Which means Christmas Eve
is the only day
to put it together.
You always just stare
at people silently?
I do.
It's this habit I have
called "thinking" .
Oh, okay.
Yeah, yeah.
No, yeah.
I can do it somewhere else
if you prefer.
Oh no. Oh no, you good.
You good.
I mean you did find us service,
so you know, props for that.
Well, not everyone gives up
so easily.
Okay, I see how it is.
It's uh, getting pretty late.
It's not even 6:00.
Yeah, you know, long day.
You going to bed for real?
Alright, that could work.
What are you doing?
Alright, look,
check out all of this stuff.
Do I look like the uh,
the ghost of Christmas past?
More like the nightmare
of Christmas present.
Okay, Scrooge.
Is this really all
Christmas stuff?
Yeah, there's so much stuff
in here.
Like suspiciously so much stuff.
But why?
I don't know.
Apparently, Miss Olivia
is a closet Christmas-holic.
Why closet?
I mean, why not set
all of this up?
And like you said,
what is a place called the
"Mistletoe Inn"
doing not open during winter?
I mean,
I guess it's not easy to get
to, but still...
Anyway, do you mind keeping
your Yuletide role play
down to a minimum?
Some of us actually care
about this job
and have a lot of work to do.
You don't think I'm down here
I'm working, Tara.
I'm just saying.
Oh, hey.
Good morning.
Hope you slept well.
The storm's not letting up.
No, ma'am.
Not for a while.
Sometime this afternoon.
Oh, is that a fact?
2:20 in the afternoon
to be exact.
What are you
some kind of weather person?
We both are actually.
I'm Sam Perrish, News Channel 6.
And she is Tara Washington.
Winterport Action news.
A couple of celebrities.
Oh, no.
Not really.
I wouldn't say that.
Well, here's your breakfast.
Ah, I had a question.
Yes, dear.
We noticed in the basement
last night
that it's full
of Christmas decorations.
Uh, you were in my basement?
Sorry the stairs were open.
Those were the decorations
for the old winter festival
Mistletoe used to hold
each year.
In fact, my husband made
most of those.
That's why I keep them
down there.
Uh, Miss Olivia, is he...
Yeah, about ten years now.
Sorry to hear that.
Well, no festival,
no decorations.
I just don't have the heart
to throw "em out.
What happened to the festival?
It soured on us.
Times change, I guess.
I mean we can help set some
things up.
You know, if you want a little
Christmas flair around here.
Or even just some lights inside?
That's okay, thank you.
Enjoy your breakfast.
Hey, so I guess,
don't mention Christmas
around Miss Olivia.
I wonder what the deal is.
Uh, something wrong?
Oh just...
Just my favorite.
Oh, um...
They're my favorite, too.
Thank you.
Tis' the season, I guess.
Yup, just not in Mistletoe.
I'm just gonna start working.
What'd I say this time?
It's nothing really.
And there she goes,
across the room again.
I'd say there's about
a 95% chance of a closed door
in the next five seconds and...
Um, there you have it.
Mia, I need your help.
Hey, Tara.
What's up?
Northeast News wants me
to do a mock segment
instead of the interview,
but I'm stuck,
so I gotta do it here.
In Mistletoe.
Uh, okay.
Looking into Mistletoe now.
And Sam is here, too.
And he has to do a report, too,
but I think he's waiting to get
back to Winterport to do it,
so we can get a jump on him.
Um, what do we...
What do we need?
Uh, something we can build
both a weather
and a human interest piece
do you have any starting points?
Saving Christmas.
Does it need saving?
It does here.
The inn keeper was saying that
there used
to be this huge festival
every year
and how it's nonexistent.
I mean, she was getting
all worked up
when we asked her about it.
Okay. Just, just...
I am looking into
the Mistletoe festival.
My service is terrible.
And I don't have Wi-FI,
but I need to figure out
what happened to Christmas
and how I can use the storm
to bring it back.
Ah, will do.
Ah, keep me posted.
Um, so how much time do we have?
Oh, she's back.
Snow's letting up.
Yeah, it is.
You exploring?
Could use a change of venue.
You know what?
Sounds like a good idea.
You doing the same?
I hope that's okay.
As long as you're not
a distraction.
It's true what they say.
I just heard that you never
really turn it off.
Well, you don't become
the most accurate meteorologist
by accident.
Oh, you know what you really
need if you're going into town?
What, company?
Well, yeah.
But no.
A pair of these.
No, it is never too late.
What you gotta do is
grease your speedy up.
You see, go like this.
Now, you kids have fun.
Hey, and if you get hurt,
it's not my fault.
Hey, you get my text?
That's what I found out
at the library, too.
I don't suppose
you're gonna be able
to get that train service
back in time for Christmas.
Ha, yeah.
No way.
Any other ideas?
You know, hear me out,
I think the mayor might be
our in.
Huh, okay?
Well, after the festival
she asked everyone
to take a pause on Christmas.
They did that year and then,
I guess every year since.
Oh, that's really strange.
Like why just stop celebrating
I don't know.
Let's um,
let's dig deeper on the mayor
and see if there's anything
that we can use.
Got it.
Hey, I gotta go.
Let me know what you find.
but when do you need it by?
As soon as you can.
Hey miss,
what can I get for you?
Um, hi.
Uh, water and a chicken Caesar?
Decisive, I like it.
Hey um, you seem pretty friendly
with that guy over there?
Who, Sam?
You're not gonna believe this
but he is actually a weatherman,
down in Winterport.
Wow, unbelievable.
Really nice guy.
Super relate-able
for being so famous.
Hm, is he that famous though?
Well, he's the number one
rated reporter
in the whole town.
I'm sure he told you that.
Um so,
what else did you talk about?
Well, um, Christmas.
Really, Christmas?
What about it?
Uh, hang on.
Hey Sam!
Oh, I...
See we're on a first-name basis.
Yeah, what were you saying
about the Christmas
and the report and everything?
I think she might be a fan.
Oh, Rueben, my man.
This is Tara.
Oh, so you two know each other.
Oh yeah.
She is apparently the most
accurate meteorologist
in all of Winterport.
You're... you're joking now.
He's joking.
No, no.
Not at all.
I mean, we got stuck heading
for the same job interview.
Oh my.
So ah, Rueben was it?
It was and is.
So, tell me um,
were you all talking about
Christmas in Mistletoe?
Or maybe the lack thereof.
Yeah, I was telling about how
I miss the lights,
and the decorations, and stuff.
So, they had this train
that would go through town.
And everyone winter,
they'd have this huge festival.
And I used to run
a micro-brew booth at it.
But then the train stopped.
So did the fes...
The festival.
I know, I heard that, too.
It was really rough actually.
I... I had to give away so much
free beer that year, it flopped.
But I was actually kinda lucky.
Some businesses
totally shut down.
What so now people just
don't celebrate?
A little.
And just a lot of raw feelings
out there,
so we keep it real low key.
So, you don't put up any
twinkle lights
or anything?
Yeah, I have a business to run.
I mean, the last thing I need
is to offend.
Don't you think
after three years...
Ah well, let somebody else
start that trend.
I mean for now,
even with the business
being steady,
we are barely hanging on.
What about a party though?
I'm serious like instead
of outside,
you do something inside,
so no one has to see.
Just the people that want
to be there.
So speakeasy Christmas.
Sounds a little sketchy.
I'd be in.
Do you think a lot of people
would be?
Hard to tell.
I mean most people,
they don't really talk
about it much.
You know what,
maybe they should.
Oh hey, you know,
do you guys need anything else?
I gotta go check
on the other tables.
Oh, of course.
No, no, we're all good.
Okay. Miss, here?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Actually um,
can you make that to go?
Uh, sure thing.
- Rueben, my boy.
- Man...
Two reporters...
This is great!
Yeah, he's fun.
Oh, something come up?
Hm, just a lot of work ahead.
Oh, of course.
And I just promised... I just...
I just said I wouldn't distract.
- And here I am.
- Mmhmm.
- Distract... I'm still...
- Mmhmm.
- Okay.
- Alright.
Mia, hey.
Hey Tara,
did you see what I found?
Yes, tell me more.
Well, her name came up
on the community directory.
Looks like the mayor
was the local choir teacher
for 25 years.
That's brilliant.
It is?
This is our in!
Music, Mia.
Music is powerful.
Uh, okay.
So, what are you gonna do?
I have an idea.
So, that's all you need?
For now, yes.
I'm gonna start recording
some stand-ups
and can I send those over
to you,
so you can start editing
the package?
- Uh, you want...
- You want me to edit it?
Uh, sure.
You're the best, right?
Of course.
The game is changing.
I think he's gonna do
his own report here now, too.
Oh really?
He's so...
I don't know, I can't...
I can't figure him out.
But either way,
we just need to focus.
And do not let his looks
lure you in, alright?
Anyway, I'll get you the story,
you pump out something golden,
and we'll ride this wave
all the way to Boston.
No distractions.
Ah, yes.
What are you doing anyways?
Uh, uh, nothing.
Um, just send me the videos
when they're ready.
They'll be there soon.
Hey do you have a printer
I can use?
Yeah, we do.
We do.
It's right over here.
But you can actually print
from your phone in here.
Ooh, fancy.
Can you show me how to...
Should be all set now.
Wow, that's good.
- Alright.
- Okay.
- Be right back.
- Yeah, sure.
Thank you.
- You all set?
- Yes, ma'am.
You should come.
Okay. Thank you.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Have a good day.
Thank you, too.
This is Tara Washington
from the Inn
at Mistletoe Massachusetts.
Five years ago,
this was a source of one
of the state's favorite
Christmas traditions;
the winter express train.
Which brought in throngs
of tourists
to the perfectly-named town
to bask in its seasonal revelry,
and more importantly,
spend their year-end bonuses
on a financially-strapped
But eventually,
the sun set
on the train service,
and in turn
it dimmed the town's very
financial survival.
The question is,
can a once in a lifetime
blizzard create
its own snowball effect
on the locals,
and inspire
a new Christmas renaissance?
I'm here to find out.
Yeah, exactly,
so you can understand
why it's pressing.
But don't you think Mistletoe
is due...
I agree.
Of course.
But just... Just give it a shot.
Ask around,
that's all I'm saying.
Anyone willing,
just have them meet me
at the mayor's house.
7:00 p.m.
Okay, yes,
um, please,
just see what you can do.
Ah, thank you.
This has been the most
wonderful Christmas.
Oh yes, you've given us
enough already.
How's it going?
It's a cute town you know.
Good people.
It is.
You go shopping for new clothes?
No, I packed these.
It's not like I was gonna
drive back
after the interview
with a blizzard coming through.
Yup, yup.
Did you not pack anything?
You know.
I didn't think that far ahead,
Winterport's number one
forecaster here.
Hm, email?
Uh, yes.
Just wait.
Consider it my RSVP.
I just thought the town
could use it.
Also seems like it would make
a great report.
Did you find a venue?
Oh yeah.
They got this...
This big ballroom down
at the square.
Food, drinks,
you got decorations?
It's coming.
- Activities?
- Activities?
Activities, this is good.
This is good.
Did you not think
of any of these things?
Seems like you keep doing
the figuring out for me.
I gotta stop doing that.
Maybe, you need a break.
What I need is more time.
We'll be fine.
Are you watching
a Christmas movie?
It's a guilty pleasure, alright.
Look, why don't you just
take a second.
You know, just sit down, relax.
Yeah, that sounds very nice,
but like I said.
Like you said, not enough time.
But what can you do tonight?
I can...
And it's...
It's not I'll be working ahead.
Truce for now?
Come on.
Look, Olivia brought cookies.
And they smell good.
And I brought these.
Half of them don't work,
but yeah...
Hey, stop, don't.
Don't eat it all
if you don't get some more.
Looks like someone's out.
Let's go to bed.
Alright, come on.
Time for bed,
let's go, let's go.
I want the bed.
Come on.
Come on.
Watch your step.
That's really nice.
Do you ever rest?
Are you kidding me?
- I'm a professional!
- Unreal, wow.
I'm on the air right now.
- Well, hello there.
- Rueben!
My man,
aren't we looking festive?
We are.
You like it?
I love it.
I mean, change of heart?
It's just all that talk
about Christmas
got me thinking, hey, you know,
let's test the waters
a little bit.
Dude, this looks great.
Oh, and I...
I saw your flyers.
Ooh, my flyers!
What you think?
It's not very underground
when everyone knows about it.
But, you know what,
I'm totally cool with it.
So, you think you'll come?
Oh yeah, man, of course.
Yo, where you thinking
about having it?
Um, I was thinking the ballroom
in the square.
Once I figure out
who to talk to about it.
Well, you know, um,
I'm actually
the custodian there.
You wanna check it out
after the lunch rush.
It's a date, man.
What's that?
I found my in for the ballroom.
Now you just gotta get
some people.
He's got at least one.
Hey, pooh.
Two, if I show up.
- Ooh.
- Oh.
I mean, we are gonna go
check it out after this,
if you want to join.
I think I'm gonna be busy
enough with my own report.
Thank you.
Open invite.
Just consider?
What's the special?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Coming right up, bingo.
- Yes.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm doing a news report
and I just wanted to know
if you had
any Christmas decorations
that I can put up
for a behind the video?
Uh, I don't know if we have any.
Just anything small.
I could put it up on the door.
I'll take it right down.
Tell you what.
I'll take a look
and see if I can find something.
Thank you.
Christmas is only three days
And while the town of Mistletoe
is still decidedly underdressed
for the occasion,
there are signs that
the blizzard
may be creating its own
snowball effect in town.
Behind me, the local library,
just yesterday without a hint
of Christmas flavor,
now sprouting the first signs
of a renewed holiday spirit.
All it took was a little push,
and this little ball of
yuletide is on the move.
But can it collect enough
energy along the way?
We might have a few tricks up
our sleeves to help it along.
Christmas is only
three days away.
And while the town of Mistletoe
is still decidedly under...
Oh, come on!
Just in three minutes.
Whoa, this is huge!
Hell, we used to need it.
You know, during the festivals
and all.
This is perfect.
I mean, although we're gonna
need a lot of people
if we want to fill this up.
Well, there is
a sound system over there.
In case you want some
seasonal tunes.
Any decorations?
Not really.
Most people bring their own.
Have to figure that out.
Hey, look who made it.
What do you think?
It's uh...
It's gorgeous.
Oh, and they got
a sound system, too.
So, how much is this going
to cost you?
You know, we actually haven't
covered that yet.
I don't really know.
The owner hasn't been around
for years,
so we just use it how we want it
and leave it how we found it.
Oh, that's fortunate.
You just make it look easy,
don't you?
Hey, so I gotta get back
to my dinner rush.
Do you two mind
if you could lock up?
Oh, no problem.
and good seeing you again, miss.
Nice to see you too, Rueben.
I love you, Rueben.
Thank you.
It's nice, huh?
It's nice.
It's... it's really nice.
You doing okay?
Yeah, well.
You know,
not all of us can have
solutions to our problems
dropped into our laps.
Some of us actually have
to work for them.
Ah, what are you doing?
What is your favorite
Christmas song?
They're way too many.
You're right.
Pick one.
Sam, I'm fine.
- I just...
- Okay.
We'll do a mix.
Sam, I really should get back
to work.
I bet.
Oh boy.
I mean, you dance right?
Everybody dances.
Not me.
My lady.
You started it.
Oh please.
Mmm, see there we go.
- Okay.
- Oh.
The little neck
and the mm, mm, mm.
I don't figure how this helps.
Oh, okay.
So, now I do this with my crew
when we're all feeling
a little burnt out.
Turn on some music.
Ten minute dance break.
Wait, so you have
a soul-crushing deadline
and you stop working and dance?
We do.
Does it help?
Not always.
Oh my goodness.
So then what?
Oh, I mean we take another ten.
And ten more.
Till we get our groove back.
Oh boy.
Hmph hmph.
Here we go, give me some hip.
That sounds like a lot
of waste of time.
I disagree.
Of course, you do.
Here we go.
What do you love most
about Christmas?
I don't know.
Take your time.
I mean, I love everything
about Christmas.
But I don't know,
does it seem like every year
it just gets a little less?
Like something's missing.
Like what?
Like when I was a kid,
Christmas used to be
this huge deal.
Yeah, like that.
And December felt like
it lasted forever.
And now the stores change
even as early as September,
and I still feel like
I don't have enough time
to fully get into it.
Oh, you know, the amount of time
that we have never changes.
It's hust how you use it.
I just...
I don't even...
I don't even send
Christmas cards anymore.
And so that means
I don't get any either.
Just the ones at the station
from a bunch of folks
I don't know.
It sounds like you need a lot
more dance breaks.
Or a life outside of work.
Dance lessons?
I'll teach you.
Just feels like if I let up
for just one second,
I just fall behind.
Well, you need support,
you know, a team.
I have a team.
And I don't know that
we can work any harder.
Do you ever think that
might be the problem?
I'm sorry.
I sound like a spoiled kid,
I should just be happy.
You're good.
How do you feel?
Still little stressed.
Less stressed?
Hm, a little bit.
You know what,
second favorite Christmas song.
Nice try.
Come on, what...
What's the hurry?
Trying to save Christmas.
Don't wanna be late.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Um, hi everyone.
Thank you all for coming.
This town has been
without Christmas
for the past two years now.
And this is our chance
to show the mayor
that we're ready to celebrate
So, get your candles turned on,
which you already have.
Some of you put on
your game faces.
And yeah,
let's really hit those notes.
Okay, um, first up,
We wish you a merry Christmas.
We wish you
a merry Christmas
We wish you
a merry Christmas
We wish you
a merry Christmas
And a happy new year
Good tidings we bring
To you
and your kin
Good tidings for Christmas
And a happy new year
We wish you
a merry Christmas
We wish you
a merry Christmas
We wish you
a merry Christmas
And a happy new year
Ah, Deck the Halls.
Deck the halls
with boughs of holly
Fa la la la la,
la la la la
'Tis the season to be jolly
Fa la la la la,
la la la la
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
O Christmas tree
How lovely are
your branches
O Christmas tree,
O Christmas tree
How lovely are
your branches
Um, you all sounded great.
Um, thank you so much
for coming.
And um, have a merry Christmas.
Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
'Round yon virgin,
mother and child
Holy infant
so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace
That was beautiful.
Looking at all this Christmas
that Reuben brought.
What's up?
Third favorite Christmas song?
I think you won.
My story.
It made perfect sense.
It was perfect.
I did all the research,
I put it all together.
She was just
supposed to come out.
Hey, hey.
Alright, just take me back
to the beginning.
The mayor.
It was supposed to be like
the storm.
She was the snowball.
She puts up some decorations
and then other people see her
and follow her lead.
And then pretty soon,
the whole town is bursting
with Christmas spirit.
She's just a Grinch, no?
So, if you win over the Grinch,
you win over the town.
But you didn't win her over.
That was my whole story.
I have to...
Have to figure this out.
Hey, you just need
to take a moment.
Just breathe, regroup.
Sam, no.
I don't need to take a moment.
I need to work.
Harder than before.
You ever think you might be
working so hard,
because you're working
against yourself?
What are you talking about?
Everything I do is
to push myself forward.
But that doesn't mean
you can't get in your own way.
Alright, yeah.
Maybe I could just sit around
doing nothing
and wait for someone
to drop this into my lap.
Sit around and do nothing?
I worked for this.
Now I just don't stress
like you do.
Okay, alright.
Why don't you tell me
about working too hard
when you're the most accurate
forecaster in Winterport.
That's fine,
but what has it gotten you?
You're right.
It got me number two,
behind you.
Hey Tara, wait!
Hey, hey,
hey, listen to me, listen to me.
Look, I'm sorry.
Don't want it.
Look, I'm just worried that
three years from now,
that's gonna be you.
Rage quitting in a viral video.
Just like Stan,
whatever his name is,
who's job that you're trying
to fill.
Like that is what happens
when you burn out.
You don't know anything
about me.
We gotta start from scratch.
What happened?
I messed up.
I was wrong.
What do we gotta do?
We can work through the night.
We gotta...
Did I wake you up?
Uh, no.
No, no, I'm good.
Just let get to it, right.
We gotta get this job,
no matter what.
So uh, what now?
I don't know, I...
What is it?
I think I did it.
Did what?
Don't lie.
Did I wake you up?
No, I was just...
just getting a little bit
of rest.
We'll do this tomorrow.
Thank you.
Oh, it's Rueben.
It's looking really good
in here, man.
Um, don't wanna make this
but do you need any change
of clothes?
Ah, no, it is just,
poor planning.
I guess me and the ballroom both
running a little low
on decorations, huh.
Well, you know something,
you're actually in luck,
Good morning, hun.
You weren't in the loft,
and I didn't want this
to go to waste.
You made this just for me?
Well, maybe I wanted to see
what this event
was all about, too.
Yeah, I'm trying.
Not a bad start.
But you know,
I have some things specifically
made for this space.
I know it must have been hard
to think about
putting those up
after the festival bombed.
Hard to think about?
What was hard was when
the mayor said that
my husband's
beautiful decorations
would somehow upset people.
I've wanted nothing more
than another chance
to show off his work.
Well, okay, Rueben.
Christmas is coming back!
There's plenty more.
So, what do I say?
Um, you could start with...
You're welcome.
You're welcome?
You're welcome.
You were right.
I just literally slept 10 hours,
and when I opened my eyes,
it all made sense.
That's great.
But what made sense?
Giving things time
and space to fix themselves.
I don't have to do everything.
I'm pretty sure you could
do everything.
But that wouldn't be healthy.
No one spends as much time
on every predictive model
and forecast as me.
No one is as spot on
with their reports as me.
But people watch you,
because you know how
to make them understand it all.
But you are a weather prodigy.
Like I would give anything
to have that.
Do you know the kind
of letters that I get
when I miss a rain prediction?
"I didn't bring my umbrella,
because you said... "
But you're still, hmm,
pretty good.
And people still kind
of watch you.
Well, see that's the point.
That's what I realized
this morning
about both our reports.
You have an event.
And I still do not know...
Know who is going to show up
for it?
But that's what I've been
working on.
Don't you see?
The Mayor.
She's a small, firm ball
of snow.
Yeah, you really lost me.
You just get this space ready.
Let me handle the guests.
So, does this mean that
we're not competing anymore?
This is so much bigger than
that now.
We can still both do
our own reports
but in the end,
working together
is the better story
and we get to save Christmas.
You know we make
a pretty good team.
Just don't get too used to that.
Right, Mia?
Hey, what...
What are you doing here?
I found this.
But... but the roads.
State of emergency lifted.
Okay, but why?
Because you and I are a team.
We really are, aren't we?
And after trying to put together
this massive surprise
Christmas party
for all of my nieces
after being absent
for the last four years.
Oh no, Mia, I don't want
to disrupt that.
It's okay.
I somehow convinced them
that Mistletoe
is actually a cover up
for the north pole.
They're coming tonight.
That's good.
I'm Sam, by the way.
- Oh hi.
- Hey.
- By the way, this is Sam.
- Yeah.
It is.
So, what are you guys doing?
You two working together now?
Huh. Okay.
Okay, great.
We need to finish this report
if you're gonna have
a shot at this job.
Okay, uh, gotta go.
Should we regroup
in the afternoon?
Sounds good.
Uh Tara, I will be right out.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Who's editing your report?
"Cause I have an idea.
Don't be nervous.
It's gotta be fine.
- You nervous?
- I'm fine.
I just have to convince
the Mayor
that the town is ready
for Christmas again.
I'll meet you back
at the ballroom.
But, you were spending
this year with your nieces,
because I was gonna be gone,
Because you'd finally have
a break at Christmas
from all the work I give you.
Look, if there's one thing that
I've learned in this past year
is that I can handle both
at the same time.
It's gonna be different,
I promise.
- Good luck.
- Yeah.
Ooh, hi.
I saw you milling around
You brought the carolers?
I did.
Okay then.
Come in.
I'm going to tell you something
that will probably
come as a surprise to you,
I don't hate Christmas.
That's good.
In fact, I love it.
Always have.
And as you correctly surmised,
I love Christmas music
most of all.
You really got me with that,
brought me back
to Sunday lessons.
Tears may have been shed.
I'm so sorry.
I was just...
I know what you're doing,
and I know what you're here
for, so let's get to it.
Well, the town could really use
a Christmas boost.
And I think they're ready
to start celebrating again.
And there's this party...
And you're some sort of expert
on our little town of
Mistletoe, are you?
No, I...
You see these?
They're beautiful.
I used to get a new one
every year at Christmas.
See, Christmas is like
a snow globe.
A little different each year,
yet still this perfect snapshot
of how you dream it could be.
That's beautiful.
I'm sure you heard about
the train service.
That left us in a real lurch.
The town struggled every year
and Christmas was the only
bright spot.
Nobody thought the festival
was a good idea
without the train, but I pushed
because well, we needed it.
What could we lose?
Turns out everything.
I just...
You've seen the town.
This snow has really brought
out their holiday spirit.
It has.
I'll tell you what.
I'll make an announcement.
Tell the town about the party,
and that it's
a city sanctioned event.
Is that what you want?
That's exactly what I want.
We can see what people think.
Will you come, too?
It's an open invite.
Hm, have fun tonight.
And if I don't see you...
Thank you.
I uh, thank you.
Thank you so much.
Hey, it's all good.
- I got your clothes, man.
- My man.
Can you actually move that way?
Like two steps.
- My way?
- Yeah.
- Your left, right?
- Uh...
that's cool.
We'll... we'll live with it.
Thank you, Rueben.
Knock 'em dead.
A white winter landscape,
cooling a simmering tension
that's been keeping
a shared community
Christmas spirit at bay.
The gauge reads 33 inches,
but it's hard for a number
to really capture the emotions
that come with it.
Neighbors and friends,
long divided,
are now coming together
for a sight unseen here
in the past two years.
Tonight, under a clear, brisk
15 degree sky,
the winds will be calm,
making for a perfectly
still landscape
like a snapshot,
a memory of the way
we want Christmas to be...
Where old, young,
and everything in between
can come together
and remember the joy that
this time of year can bring.
And with a little luck,
and a lot of love...
This week's historical blizzard
will be the perfect storm,
in the perfect season...
For the perfect holiday town
of Mistletoe.
Hello, Ron.
Hi, this is Mia from Winterport.
I'm good, I'm good.
Listen, I'm out in Mistletoe.
I'm editing a package
for Tara Washington
and Sam Parrish.
Yes, of course.
Where would you like me
to upload?
It's in.
Thank you.
Do you wanna see it?
- No.
- Really?
I think you're gonna
be impressed.
Definitely not.
I'm just gonna find all
the things I hate about it,
and that'll stress me out.
Suit yourself.
So, I take it you're not making
your flight tonight?
Oh no, my parents.
Okay, it's okay.
I let them know.
I know you've been busy.
I don't deserve you.
I know.
You taught me hard work pays,
But we've paid our dues, right?
- You know, yeah, I think so.
- Yeah.
No more missed Christmases.
No more.
Starting today.
Ah, I'll take this...
It's okay.
I gotta call my folks.
I'm sure they're not happy.
I think they'll understand.
Especially if you get this job.
- You look great.
- You too.
- See you later.
- Okay.
- Hey.
- Hi.
How's it going?
It's a start.
People will come, I'm sure.
Ah, you heard
from Northeast News?
I've been trying not to think
about that.
How about you?
Feeling optimistic.
Hey, now we're talking!
Weather folks!
Merry Christmas!
Rueben, come here, man!
Come here!
- Merry Christmas, Rueben.
- You look wow.
Thank you.
You brought people.
You know my phone is
just blowing up right now.
Oh, I got kegs coming along
the way.
- What?
- You're mad.
Thank you two so much.
I mean, it looks as good
as it ever did.
My husband would be so happy.
Thank you.
Thank you.
This is...
There's some... what's her name?
Oh so, got something for you.
I would have sent it,
but I thought you wouldn't
mind hand-delivered this year.
Is this...
Just for you.
Well, you don't need to all
stop on my account.
This place have a mic set up?
Yes, ma'am.
Oh, me, okay.
- Thank you.
- Yes, ma'am.
Ah, hi.
Looks like we all have
the same idea.
Just needed someone to come out
and say it.
It's time for us to have
Christmas back.
After a two-year hiatus
and some very real
personal struggles.
It's time for us to all
come together
and bring Mistletoe back.
let's see if this still works.
I wish you
a merry Christmas
I wish you
a merry Christmas
I wish you
a merry Christmas
And a happy new year
Good tidings we bring
To you and your kin
Good tidings for Christmas
And a happy new year
We wish you
a merry Christmas
We wish you
a merry Christmas
We wish you
a merry Christmas
And a happy new year
Isn't that something?
I know that voice.
Ron Mitchum, Northeast News.
Uh, it's such a pleasure
to finally meet you in person.
And the same with you.
Thank you, Mr. Mitchum.
Ron, please.
I'm sorry.
Um, sir,
if you don't mind me asking,
what are you doing here?
I was floored by your report.
Absolutely floored.
I had to come see for myself.
I mean this is
something special.
Yes, it is.
And you two have
something special.
You made my choice
very difficult.
So much talent we interviewed
this week.
Well, he really deserves it.
And he pulled this whole party
Oh no, no, no.
Tara, she brought out
the entire town,
brought "em together.
But Sam deserves so much credit
Now wait a minute.
I'm confused.
- What?
- Your report.
The two of you did it together.
Well, we both worked on
bringing Christmas back
to Mistletoe together,
but we each had our own
reports, didn't we?
Didn't we?
I only received one report.
With the... with the two of you
as a team.
And let me tell you
it was unbelievable.
So much so that I'd like
to lobby the board
to hire you both.
If that's okay.
Both of us?
Like as a team?
Like together?
- On the air?
- At the same time?
What do you think?
I love it.
I... I love it!
- I love it.
- We can...
We can talk details soon,
but right now you enjoy
your evening.
I need some hot-buttered rum.
Mr. Ron, thank you.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Don't be mad.
You did a joint report?
Look, I knew that you had
to stand out, okay.
And when I saw you guys
working together,
it was just perfect.
Like nothing I've ever seen
or anyone's ever seen
or done before
and Sam said it was okay, so...
You knew about this?
I mean, Mia is very convincing.
And Ron did say
he wanted to be blown away.
Mia, wait, what?
So, we did it!
Time to party.
Come here.
Hey, do you mind if we give
this a spin?
For you guys, anything.
What are we doing?
Just a wait...
Okay, wait, wait, wait.
Tara, look,
just look at how happy
everybody is.
You did this.
We did this.
My, I'm so happy right now.
Oh, did you read your card?
You better read that.
So, here's the thing,
I was thinking...
This wasn't part
of the forecast.
Snowball effect, right?
I guess so.
The days when we were young
And Christmas was
the best day of the year
The best day of the year
Good morning, Sam.
Good morning, Tara,
and good morning New England.
Today, we're looking
at a low pressure system
with a barometer reading
of 29.8
with a sudden shift downwards
towards 29.6.
Which means that sunshine
you all enjoyed yesterday
is going to go sailing away
with those umbrellas
if you try to use one
this afternoon.
As thundershowers develop
and fly in
with gusts of 50 miles per hour.
So, please hold onto those hats.
High temps of 80, low of 60.
Shorts and T-shirts,
and maybe even a hoodie
if you're out
on an evening walk.
And for you sports fans.
Oh no, no,
Tara, please don't tell me
the Red Sox are getting rained
out today.
You're in luck.
The system will give way
to more sunshine after 6:20 p.m.
just in time for...
The opening pitch.
Which I just so happen to have
two lower level tickets to.
So let's take a look
at the rest of our week.