The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015) Movie Script

How's it going, fellas?
- Hi.
- Hi. How you doing?
All right.
Uh, yeah.
Okay. Question one.
Have you ever talked
to a psychiatrist
or a psychologist
about an emotional problem?
Uh, no.
Have you ever felt
you needed help
with an emotional problem?
Have you ever attempted
to kill yourself?
Uh, no.
In the past year, have you
consumed any alcohol or...
- Yes.
- Illegal drugs?
Illegal drugs?
Um, yes.
Do... is this...
this is going on record?
If I say "no,"
that means that I can be in it?
Not necessarily.
It's $15 a day?
- Yeah.
- That's correct.
No, I haven't had any alcohol
or anything like that.
Have you ever given in to
an aggressive urge or impulse?
Uh, what do you mean by that?
Like, domestic violence
or rape, incest...
- No, no, no, no.
- Things of that nature.
- No.
- No.
I go to Stanford.
Have you ever experienced
any emotional problems
associated with
your sexual interests
or your choice of
a sexual partner?
Does love count?
If you'd like it to.
Okay, then no.
Why do you want to
participate in this study?
To be honest,
financial gain.
I could use a little cash
this summer.
I just saw the $15 a day.
I was looking through the ads,
and it was just...
the most interesting.
If selected for
this study,
would you rather be
a guard or a prisoner?
I don't think I have
the qualities to be a guard.
Prisoner, I guess.
I-I wouldn't want to be a guard.
- Prisoner.
- A prisoner.
A prisoner sounds like
it would be a little less work.
Why's that?
Nobody likes guards.
All right,
we got a heads.
So we can just put him
over there,
with the prisoners.
Last one.
You want the honors?
Heads again.
He's a prisoner.
Okay, so the last
one's a guard.
Well, guys,
I think we have our prisoners
and our guards.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
I am Dr. Phil Zimbardo,
professor of psychology
here at Stanford University.
Welcome to orientation.
You're gonna be
very pleased to know
that you all have been chosen
to be the prison guards
in this study.
And that choice was made based
upon the exemplary qualities
that you all demonstrated
during your interviews.
So good for you.
This experiment will be
an extension of my research
into the effects prisons
can have on human behavior.
And being that it's summer
and the school's almost empty,
we should have near complete
privacy for this study.
And as you'll soon see,
we have cleared out
some of the teachers' offices
and converted them
into prison cells,
and the hallway will serve
as the prison yard.
But remember,
just as you are watching
the prisoners,
my graduate staff and I
will be watching you.
So under no circumstances
whatsoever are you to hit
or physically assault
the prisoners in any way.
Now, you'll all be given
sunglasses and uniforms
to give the prisoners a sense
of a unified,
singular authority.
Once a prisoner is jailed,
he will not be able to leave,
except under
established procedures.
And from this point forward,
you should never refer
to this as a study
or an experiment again.
A lot of these books,
I don't even know
where I got them.
The perils of
moving in together.
What are you
thinking about?
The experiment?
No, experiment's routine.
You know, I'm gonna be away
for two weeks,
and then...
And then you are
gonna be starting
your new job.
You make it sound like
it's in a different state.
Berkeley is an hour
up the road.
Oh, that I know.
It's just I don't know
what the guys and I
are gonna do without you.
No one's ever gonna
take me seriously and...
and my career seriously
until I go out there
and prove it on my own.
It could have been
New York.
I made this decision
for us.
I know.
I know.
I know.
It's just...
You know what?
Nobody deserves this
more than you.
You were a great
student of mine.
And you're gonna be
a great professor.
Thank you.
Now wait a second.
You did miss a spot
right over there.
You can't fall for that.
Come on!
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Hey. You Daniel Culp?
Uh, yeah.
That's the name
they gave me.
I'm placing you
under arrest
for violation of
California Penal Code 211,
armed robbery.
Hey, my brother
didn't do anything.
Uh, they know that.
Everything will be fine.
Gogo on, tell Mom
I won't be home for dinner.
She'll understand.
It's okay.
Hands on the car and spread 'em.
Which one of us
should start?
Well, I'll do it.
feet apart.
I said "wider. "
You guys,
this doesn't have to be...
Just keep your hands
on the wall.
Okay, just keep your hands
on the wall.
Um, put your head down.
Uh, and take off
your shoes.
Oh, oh.
Put your hands
at your sides.
Now I want you to strip.
Uh, really?
Maybe I could have
some privacy first...
Shut up!
And strip.
And put your clothes
on the floor.
Oh, man.
Put your clothes
to the right.
The shirt.
Don't we have
to delouse him first?
Oh, shit.
Uh, stay where you are.
Ah, oh.
You made it.
I'm so happy. I'm so happy.
- Yeah.
- Very, very, very good.
Uh, everybody,
this is Jesse Fletcher.
He's gonna consult with us
on the experiment.
We got Paul, Kyle,
and you remember Mike.
- Hey.
- Yep.
Why don't you
pull up a chair?
Why me?
Just do it.
All right.
Put your arms
above your head.
Hey, Phil,
I don't mean to be rude,
but what qualifies him
to be here?
Well, he's got experience.
You're kidding, right?
Okay, boys,
let's take her down there
and show her
just how pretty she looks.
All right, listen up.
From now on, you will be known
as Prisoner 8612
and only as 8612.
And you will,
at all times,
refer to us
as Mr. Correctional Officer.
You got it?
Uh, yeah,
I got it.
What was that?
I mean, yes, sir,
Mr. Correctional Officer, sir.
Yeah, good.
All right,
let's take her down
to cell number two.
All right.
Let's get the next one.
What are you doing in here?
You're missing everything.
You brought me here
to legitimize this experiment,
and there's nothing legitimate
about this place, Phil.
You're right.
You're right.
I didn't explain it well.
Prisons, they represent...
a loss of freedom,
and symbolically.
Yeah, but that does not explain
why they're wearing dresses.
They're wearing dresses,
Yes, I understand.
We're trying to strip away
their individuality...
Make them uniform,
feminize them.
Feminize them?
Feminize them.
Take away all the things
that make them them.
You see, we're trying
to understand
how an institution
affects an individual's
We're trying to do something...
We're trying to do
something good.
Hey, man.
I'm Daniel.
Uh, that's Jeff.
I'm... I'm Peter.
Well, nice to meet you,
What are you in for?
they said something
about burglary,
but, uh,
I mean, I didn't really
do anything.
Sure, sure.
Joint's overflowing
with innocent men.
We've been framed...
framed, I tell ya!
I'm just messing with you.
You can sit down, you know.
Are you aware we're
supposed to be quiet?
Yeah, you are aware
they can't lay a finger on us.
It's in the contract.
We can do whatever we want.
I'm just saying I think
it'll go a whole lot smoother
if we do what we're told.
Time for lineup!
Prisoners are part of
a correctional community.
In order to keep the community
running smoothly,
prisoners must obey
the following rules.
Rule number one:
prisoners must remain silent
during rest periods,
after lights out,
during meals,
and outside the prison yards.
Rule number two:
prisoners must eat at meal times
and only at meal times.
Rule number three:
prisoners must participate
in all prison activities.
Rule number four:
prisoners must address
the guards
as Mr. Correctional Officer
and the warden as Mr. Chief
Correctional Officer.
- Rule number five...
- You're on, Mike.
Smoking is a privilege.
Rule number six...
You can call me, uh,
Warden from here on.
Hey, maybe tell the guards
to lighten up a bit.
- Yeah.
- I wouldn't do that.
Rule number eight:
prisoners must report...
All right.
Don't interfere.
All rule violations
to the guards.
Rule number nine:
failure to obey
any of the above rules
may result in punishment.
All right,
stand at attention
for Warden Penny.
All of you have shown
that you are unable to function
in the real world.
You lack the responsibility
of the good people
of this great country.
Well, we are here
to help you learn
what your responsibilities are.
Now, if you follow the rules
and keep your hands clean,
if you repent for your misdeeds
and show a proper attitude
of penitence,
well, we'll get along just fine,
- How is it in there?
- It's fine.
Prisoners are falling in line.
Yeah, we kind of did
all the hard work for you.
I can almost smell the pork.
Better pork than
wearing a dress, dude.
You know who
you look like?
You look like that guy
from Cool Hand Luke.
You know, the one that kills
Paul Newman at the end?
Haven't seen the film.
Thanks for ruining it, man.
Oh, it's a great flick.
I'm partial to Captain
Now, I can be a nice guy,
or I can be one real mean
son of a bitch.
It's all up to you.
Oh, we should strike
for better food.
And more money.
Just eat your food,
Keep your comments
to yourself.
Hey, man.
Can I have a smoke?
Oh, yeah.
Smoking is a privilege,
one you're gonna
have to earn.
It says in the contract,
after mealtime...
As for the rest
of you prisoners...
I need not remind you
of rule number one.
I don't want
any more talking.
Look at this guy.
Thinks he's John Wayne
or something.
- Jesus.
- What the fuck, man?
That means you, 8612.
You got that?
Okay, is it just me,
Are these guys taking this thing
a bit too seriously?
Uh, yeah.
They're just doing
their job.
Same as us.
Uh, really?
'Cause it seems to me like
they're having more fun
twirling their batons
than I'm having
with my balls hanging out
of this fucking dress.
This isn't about fun.
This is a job.
Yeah, but for 15 bucks?
Yeah, 15 bucks
that I really need.
Yeah, we all need it,
but why should we be working
twice as hard for it
than these guys?
I'm thinking we need to make
the guards earn their pay.
Visiting day is in two days.
We would like to give you
the opportunity
to write a letter to the person
that you would like to have
come visit.
Isn't that nice?
In 30 minutes,
you will be required
to turn in a finished letter.
Do not seal the envelope.
Whether or not
your letter gets sent
will be based
on your behavior.
Are there any questions?
I have a question,
Mr. Chief Correctional Officer.
Uh, will we be allowed
one phone call?
No, you will not.
Oh, yeah...
Question, 5486?
Yeah, yeah, Mr. Chief
Correctional Officer,
um, my glasses...
What about them?
Well, I...
I mean, need them to see.
Your correctional staff
is here to serve you, 5486.
- Right, it's just I get...
- You don't need your glasses.
Don't interrupt
the warden, boy.
Mr. Correctional Officer,
when will we know
our sentence?
When judgment
is passed on you.
And when will that be?
Well, that is for the judge
and the court to determine.
When are we gonna
go to court?
That is also for the judge
and the court to determine.
Uh, Mr. Correctional Officer,
sir, uh, my pills...
I need my pills...
I wasn't aware that
you took medication, 3401.
Uh, well, they're vitamins,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
Well, you get all
the vitamins you need
in the tasty, nutritious
food we serve you, 3401.
- Yes, but...
- That's enough chin-wagging.
Let's get to writing those
letters, ladies.
No, nothing so far.
"I'll do my best to organize
the other prisoners
and bring an end
to this oppressive situation. "
Signed, "Power to the people. "
Well, clearly, he's not
taking this very seriously.
Check this one out.
Look how he signed it.
It's only been ten hours.
This might be an interesting
two weeks after all.
Let's go, boys.
All right, gentlemen,
we gonna have ourselves
a little count.
Gonna be a lot of fun.
Okay, 5704, go.
Loud and clear.
- 7258.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Is that loud and clear?
Maybe you didn't hear me right.
Loud and clear.
- 7258.
- 819.
- 1037.
- Stop!
1037, you don't know
your own name?
Why'd you have to
look down?
'Cause I didn't know
my number.
- You didn't know your number?
- No, sir.
You know your name now, boy?
Yes, sir.
- What's your number?
- 1037.
Then, 1037, don't look down
at your dress next time.
Start again.
- Faster.
- 5704.
- 3401.
- 7258.
When I say, "Again, faster,"
I expect you to go again,
5704, go again. Faster.
- 5704.
- 3401.
- 7258.
- 819.
- 1037.
- 8612.
- 2093.
- Uh, 5486.
Now, that was terrible.
Maybe them caps on your heads
are a little too tight,
'cause that was slow as hell.
Since you guys
can't go forwards,
how about we try
going backwards?
No, God damn it.
I said backwards.
Starting with him.
- 5486.
- 2093.
Uh, 86
Excuse me, 8612?
Did you use profanity?
Yes, I did,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
Well, just for that, you have
to start all over again.
- 4
- Because of you.
That's right, don't interrupt
Mr. Correctional Officer.
Go, 4325.
- 4325.
- Uh, 5486.
- 2093.
- 8612.
- 1037.
- 819.
- 7258.
- 3401.
- 5704.
- Tell you what you're gonna do.
Tell you what we're gonna do.
I got a great idea.
How about we try singing it?
That'll get the blood boiling
a little bit.
5704, go!
I know you got it.
I know you got a set
of lungs on you, 5704.
I see any smiling,
it's jumping jacks.
7258, you think this is funny?
Start again.
- Higher.
- Like a pretty little girl.
I can't get that high.
819, how about you give me
a couple jumping jacks,
if you find it so funny.
Y'all find that funny?
Y'all think this is funny.
This ain't no Romper Room.
Since y'all find this
so amusing,
how about you come on out here
and give me ten jumping jacks,
all y'all at the same time?
Count 'em off.
And sing it loud and clear.
- Ten jumping jacks. Let's go.
- One, two, three
Four, five, six
Seven, eight
Nine, ten
This John Wayne guy
is remarkable.
From the second
he stepped in the yard,
he's been in complete control.
He's just doing his job.
- 5704.
- 3401.
- 1037.
- 8612.
- 2093.
- 5486.
Now count it like you mean it.
- 5704.
- 3401.
- 7258.
- 819.
- 1037.
- 8612.
- 2093.
- 5486.
I want it fast,
I want it loud,
and I want it clear.
- 3401!
- 7258!
- 819!
- 1037!
- 8612!
- 2093!
- 5486!
- 4325.
That was pretty,
real pretty.
That's how
we want it done.
What are you so proud about,
Tell me the number of the dress
to the man to your right.
Don't look.
No cheatin'.
I couldn't tell you.
I tell you what.
Why don't you come out here
and give me ten
jumping jacks
after you tell me
what number that is?
tell me the number of the man
standing to your right.
Um, 5486,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
Well, since
you had to look,
I want you
to step up here,
I want you to do
five push-ups,
four jumping jacks,
then eight push-ups,
then six jumping jacks
so you will
remember the name
of the man standing
to your right
and you won't have
to look next time.
Five push-ups.
There you go.
One, two, three,
four, five.
One, two, three...
Little less rattle there.
- One...
- All the way down now.
- Three...
- There you go.
- Four, five.
- That's a real man's push-up.
Six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six.
Get back in line.
Did y'all enjoy your counts
this evening?
No, sir.
Who said that?
- This one.
- 8612?
You want me to lie?
Maybe you'd enjoy
a little time in the hole.
Anybody else
not enjoy their counts?
Anybody else want to be
honest here?
Hey, I, uh...
I think one of us
needs to go home.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, yeah.
We got another
two weeks of this.
We need to pace ourselves.
Have fun down here
in the dungeons of Jordan Hall.
- See you later.
- Good night.
Hey, Phil?
You want to go
get some rest?
No, I'm gonna stay here
a little bit more.
Come on out of there, 8612.
Get crackin', boy.
Don't none of these other
prisoners get to sleep
till you make your bed
to my satisfaction.
Go on. Nice and tight.
And I assure you,
all of those other
prisoners are real tired
from all those counts
you made 'em do.
No wrinkles now.
Oh, I hope you're not
done yet.
I think your mama taught you
to make a better bed than that.
Come on now.
Don't disappoint
your mama, boy.
Move those sheets.
Start over.
I want those corners
nice and neat.
John Wayne is a fag.
What was that, 8612?
Um, I'm sorry,
Mr. Correctional Officer?
Did you just sass me, 8612?
No? No.
- Hmm.
- No, Mr. Correctional Officer.
That's funny.
I could've sworn you did.
That's so strange.
Very strange.
You know what?
Just the same, 8612,
why don't you come on
out here in the hallway
and give me 20 push-ups?
Count 'em off
so everybody can hear them.
One, two, three, four...
- Louder.
- Five, six seven, eight...
- Nine, ten...
- Don't touch his bed, 1037.
- 11, 12...
- I see you.
13, 14...
I don't think
cell three can hear you.
15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20.
Well, are you ready
for me, 8612?
Sure am,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
All right, now.
I don't know, 8612.
Them look like
hospital corners to you?
How you guys doing?
- Good.
- Yeah.
- Good.
- Good.
- I mean, we...
- How'd it... how'd it go?
- Not bad.
- Yeah.
Not too bad.
I mean, we...
We ran 'em pretty ragged.
- Really?
- Yeah.
You should've seen
8612's face
when I made him remake his bed
for the 12th time.
Little fucker looked at me
like I just took a shit
in his ice cream.
Thought he was gonna
burst out crying
right then and there.
Yeah, I mean,
he might have.
He's a pretty
emotional guy.
- Nice.
- He got pretty upset.
So they just, uh...
they let you do it?
Nobody steps in?
Well, yeah, I mean, they don't
really have a choice, you know?
Who's gonna step in?
I mean,
you know,
you're the boss man.
Hell yeah.
They got to do
what you say.
Well, I guess we'll
have to give 8612
a little extra
attention tonight.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Let's go!
- Come on!
- Wake it up!
- Are you fucking kidding me?
You hear that?
Get out of there.
- All right.
- Get the fuck out of bed!
- Come on!
- Man.
- We just finally got to sleep.
- Oh, no.
We slept all day for this.
Hands up.
Against the wall.
Do it.
Hey, give me that.
Now, this
is an exercise period.
Each prisoner must
complete the following:
30 jump
Turn around.
30 jumping jacks,
30 sit-ups,
30 push-ups.
It is up to
the guards' discretion
whether or not a prisoner
shall do more.
Well, hell,
let's make it 40.
Do 'em now.
Hey, you heard the man.
- Fuck!
- Come on!
Jumping jacks,
sit-ups, push-ups.
Get to it.
One, two, three...
Keep going!
- You only did six, 7258.
- I did at least seven.
Yeah, good.
You're finished when I say
you're finished, 819.
Get back down.
I did 40 push-ups.
That's what you
told me to do.
I did them.
I'm done.
Hey, everybody
keeps going,
unless 819 decides
to join you
for an additional 20.
What's it gonna be?
You gonna do your 20,
or are these guys gonna go
till they drop?
It's up to you.
Fascist pig.
Two, three...
- Everybody, stop.
- Four..
- Everybody, stop.
- Six, seven...
- 819, stand up.
- Eight, nine, ten.
- 11, 12, 13, 14...
- I said stand up, 819!
15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, sir!
What did you just call me?
I think you heard me,
you fascist pig.
Open up the hole.
Open up the hole.
The rest of you, return
to your cells immediately,
have them neat and orderly,
and be standing by the foot
of your bed in three minutes.
Go now.
Not bad,
not bad.
Is this your bunk.
Yes, it is,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
Why don't you make up
your bunk, 8612?
I did,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
Oh, really?
Well, that's not
what I see.
What the fuck, man?
I just made that!
What was that?
What just happened?
You shit bag.
- You...
- Take him, take him, take him.
Put him in the fucking hole.
- Get in the goddamn hole.
- Oh, 819's already in the hole.
Put him in the hole!
Should I get Zimbardo?
Just put him in the hole!
Just do it.
Let's just...
see what happens here.
You just hit him.
You're not supposed to hit him.
Clean up his bed.
You're not supposed
to hit him.
You hear me, 1037?
Fix his bunk.
You got two minutes.
You hear me?
Don't talk back.
You fix that
nice and neat now.
What happened out there?
That guy fucking hit me
with his nightstick.
He hit you?
They're not allowed to do that.
Well, I did grab
his throat first, but,
I got to tell you,
it felt good.
It felt really good.
I... I really don't think
that's the way to go.
If we can convince the others,
the odds favor us, man.
It's what they'd do
in a real prison.
Wait, what are you...
No talking, 8612!
Shit and fall in it,
Think about it.
There's only ever three of them.
There's nine of us.
How many more of us
can they throw in here?
All right, everybody.
Mealtime's over.
I want you to wash your dishes
and return to your cells.
Come on.
said mealtime's over.
No, not...
not until I get my glasses.
Don't be a pain in the ass.
I said mealtime's over.
Get up.
I said I want my glasses.
- Get him up.
- All right.
- Get up.
- No.
- No.
- Get up.
- Get up.
- Fuck you.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Give me my glasses!
Let go of the table.
We'll talk about
your glasses.
Will you just give me
my glasses?
I get really bad headaches.
I'm not gonna fucking...
- Come here!
- Give me my fucking...
- Get Zimbardo.
- I'll get Zimbardo.
Lock him up.
Everybody's got something,
Phil, hey,
you have to come
see this.
When did this happen?
About ten minutes ago.
Should we step in?
Let the guards figure it out.
Let's see where it goes.
This is where it goes.
It's only been a day.
Let the guards handle it.
I think this whole thing is
taking a turn for the worse.
- Hey!
- You see...
Let 'em handle it.
Oh, man.
All right, let's go.
- Is it that time already?
- It's that time.
Wait, what's this all about?
It's new cell assignments.
Warden's orders.
How was the hole, man?
It's all right.
At least the guards aren't
hassling you in there.
You okay, man?
I'd just about suck a dick
for a cigarette.
You know, I got to say,
I'm very dissatisfied with
this whole experience so far.
You know,
I just want my pills.
They're vitamins, Gavin.
You're not gonna die.
Hey, guys.
8612 and I were talking
in the hole and, um...
I think we've got a plan.
What the fuck?
Oh, fuck.
Someone open this door
or face severe punishment.
Blow it out your ass,
Mr. Correctional Officer!
- Fuck!
- Whoo-hoo!
Way to go,
cell number one!
We're with you
all the way!
That's right!
You heard him, motherfuckers!
Men, it's your job
to keep my prison in order,
and right now,
there doesn't seem to be
a whole lot of order out there.
Sir, they've blacked out
their doors, and they...
Why am I hearing excuses?
Do not forget,
you have all the authority.
Yes, sir.
And you're stronger
than they are.
They're starting to create bonds
with each other.
Break 'em up.
- Okay? Get back in there.
- Yes, sir.
Establish some order
before it gets out of control.
Yes, sir.
And don't forget,
if you need to...
call for backup.
Step away from the door.
Fuck you.
- Whoa!
- Step away from the door.
Fuck you!
Come on, get up!
- Hey!
- Stop struggling!
- They're taking our beds, man!
- Cell three, cell three.
Get against the wall!
I need some help over here.
Hey, 8612,
these guys are
model prisoners.
They're literally helping us.
Come on, cell three.
What kind of fucking
solidarity is that?
Shut the fuck up!
Don't even think about it.
Do not even think about it.
I will ruin you.
Put your caps back on.
Right now!
1037, where's your cap?
It's right there, on the ground
in front of you.
Come on, man,
put your cap back on.
No way.
Put your cap back on.
No fucking way.
All right.
Help me get him on the ground.
Give me that rope!
Hey, what are you doing to him?
You can't fucking do that!
- That's fuck...
- Hey, shut the fuck up!
- Shut up!
- Ah. Ah.
- Stop!
- Get off of me!
- Stop talking.
- Get off of me!
Tie him up.
Tie him up good.
How do you like that, huh?
Stop! Stop moving!
Cell two,
as you can see,
your correctional staff
has prepared
a delicious, nutritious,
and very special meal
for the wonderful prisoners
of cell three
in appreciation of their
good conduct this afternoon.
You've been
model prisoners, boys.
Well done.
Don't eat that shit.
Hands off the bars,
I'm not gonna tell you again.
What the fuck
is wrong with you?
Okay, one thing, though...
if only one of us gets away,
we've got to send help
to bust the other guys out.
Yeah, deal.
Coast is clear.
I think that 8612's definitely
been a little, um...
Well, that's the word
you're gonna use?
Well, let's go back and look
at his questionnaire.
- I...
- Who's got him?
- I don't... I don't...
- I think...
Hey! Hey!
No, no, no, no.
We can't wait for this, man.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
All the doors are locked!
We got to go, man.
They're coming.
How the fuck do we
get out of here, man?
I don't even know
where we are.
What are you doing?
I'm gonna need you to...
Order you to get back
in your cells.
Fuck you, pig!
The prisoners are escaping!
Uh, okay.
The exit! Let's go!
Oh, what the...
- Go, go, go, go, go.
- Yeah, go back! Go back!
Oh, no. No.
Against the wall.
- Against the wall.
- Shut up!
- Fucker, get in there.
- Calm down, man.
- Fuck you!
- Jesus Christ.
Shut your fucking mouth!
You shut
your fucking mouth!
Shut your fucking mouth.
- I'm tired of this shit!
- You can't do this to us!
You're messing with...
You can't fucking
do this to us!
Stop! Stop!
- You can't do this to us!
- All right!
- Okay, okay! Stop!
- All right!
8612, you have proven to be
a singular
and terrible influence to all
of your prisoners around you.
You will stay in the hole
until further notice.
You will remain here,
and you will remain silent
until we fix the door
to your cell.
Is that understood?
Yes, Mr. Correctional...
- Yes, Mr. Correctional Officer.
- Good.
Guys, wake up.
Guys, get up.
Guys, wake up! Guys, get up!
Well, well, well,
look at you three, all
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
You know, you boys are in
for a whole heap of trouble,
but if you clear this here,
uh, barricade,
I can spare you a shit storm the
likes of which you never seen.
Don't let them in.
Come on.
that's how he wants it.
Knock it down, boys.
All right, now,
up against the wall.
I leave all of y'all alone
for less than a day,
and look what happens.
You lose your beds,
try to escape.
What is so goddamn wrong
with all of y'all, huh?
This behavior
will not be tolerated.
And you,
look at yourself.
You're naked.
Why in God's name
are you naked, boy?
You know what?
Never mind.
I don't even care.
Get him back his uniform,
will you, boss?
He'll catch a cold.
Guys, guys,
I really need... I need
to speak to a doctor or...
Or the warden
or somebody.
Quiet, 8612.
Come on, man!
Don't do that!
It hurts my ears!
Maybe you'll think
about that
next time you get yourself
put in the hole.
All right, you can
fuck off, man!
Now, because
I am not nearly as cruel
as my fellow colleagues
on the day shift,
your blankets will be returned
to y'all
and your dresses
will be repaired.
However, should you feel
the need to defecate or urinate,
please feel free to do so
in the fine buckets
provided by
your correctional staff.
That'd be us.
Thank you.
Guys, seriously,
y-y-you don't know.
I got to go...
I... to a doctor.
I don't know.
I'm fucked up!
I feel so fucked up
I mean, God!
I mean, Jesus Christ!
I'm burning up inside!
Don't you know?
Please, please!
Please, please,
please, please!
Let me out of here!
I want out!
I want out now!
He could be faking it.
Should we deny his request?
Let's bring him to
the old classroom upstairs.
So, prisoner 8612,
I understand
you're not feeling well.
Um, yeah.
Yeah, I just, uh...
I've had this really bad
headache all day,
and, um, a couple hours ago,
I started feeling
my stomach being all...
being all knotted up.
And what is it you'd like
for us to do about that?
Well, I just...
I figured I ought to,
you know,
g-get out and go...
go see a doctor...
Just to be sure.
Surely you're not suggesting
that we release you
from prison
for a stomachache.
Look, man,
I just really don't feel well,
and it would be really nice...
100% Grade A bullshit.
This boy's not sick.
This boy is weak.
All right, listen, doc.
You don't know what
it's like down there.
What did you say?
What did you just say to me?
I said, "You don't know
what it's like down there. "
San Quentin, boy,
17 years of hard time.
Do you really think
you can tell me
what it's like
on the inside?
Uh, no.
I, uh...
No, I guess not.
You damn right
you guess not.
Look me in my eye
when I'm talking to you.
You're a wimp,
They'd knock
your goddamn teeth out
and pass you around
like candy.
So why don't you tell us
what the real problem is?
Uh, all right.
It's the guards, man.
I mean, I really think
the guards
have gone
a little bit overboard.
From what I've seen, I'd say
you brought that on yourself.
Look, I'd just really like
to get out of here, okay?
You know that you're the most
rebellious one in here.
It's pretty impressive.
Maybe if you spent
a little less time fighting,
you wouldn't be so tired.
Yeah, but what
am I supposed to do, just...
Don't interrupt me.
I'm sorry, sir.
Come on.
Look at you.
You telling me
you can't handle, what,
some push-ups,
some jumping jacks,
guys calling you names?
Come on.
Tell you what,
I'll talk to the guards
and tell them to go easy on you,
all right?
W-would you do that?
Phil, I think
we're done here.
Take him away.
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
No, no, no, no!
I'm not done here!
No, no, no.
I want to finish
the conversation.
I don't want to do this.
Hey, you're not really
gonna tell them
to take it easy on him,
are you?
Oh, my God.
Of course not.
Are you kidding me?
He was faking it, anyway.
I can tell.
There's no way he's getting out
of here right now.
During meals and whenever
they are in the prison yard.
Oh, hello, 8612.
Welcome back.
Get your ass
back in line, boy.
As I was saying,
prisoners must remain silent
during rest periods,
after lights out, during meals,
and outside the prison yard.
- Rule number two...
- What happened?
Prisoners must eat
at meal times...
I couldn't get out.
What do you mean, you couldn't
get out of the contract?
No talking on the line,
you two.
- Contract don't mean shit.
- Rule number three.
I mean I couldn't get out.
I mean they wouldn't let me out.
This is all real.
This is all real.
This is all real.
This is all real.
This isn't a fucking experiment.
This is all real.
They won't let you go.
They won't let us leave.
You understand?
This is real.
This isn't
a fucking experiment.
Don't fucking touch me, man!
- Just get back in line here.
- I mean it!
- Come here.
- No! No!
Let go of me!
You motherfuckers!
You motherfuckers!
You motherfuckers!
You fascist motherfuckers!
I want to see the warden!
You understand me?
You have no right
to fuck with my head!
You have no right!
I'll smash this camera!
I'll beat up
your fucking guards!
I want out,
and I want out right now!
You're messing with my head,
My head!
You have no right
to fuck with my head!
Okay, what is it?
Wewe hit a breaking point
last night,
and, um,
8612 is gone.
We let him go.
You let him go?
Well, the contract
explicitly says that...
Do you understand
how much time and energy,
not to...
not to mention money,
has been spent
on this experiment?
I leave for one shift,
and you have tampered
with the integrity
of the entire enterprise.
Phil, we were following
The kid was
in a serious crisis.
He was hysterical.
He was threatening
to harm himself and...
I'm the superintendent
of this facility.
I make that decision.
Nobody else.
It was late.
Everything was escalating
really quickly.
- Kyle.
- We...
Did you even stop to think,
for one second, if 8612,
just like Jesse said yesterday,
was bullshitting you?
He wanted a lawyer.
What is it
with these lawyers?
Oh, my God.
I see.
I see.
Well, then,
why did 8612 lose it?
What did we miss
in the screening process?
I mean, we missed something.
We were all there.
We all screened him.
He was only in there
for two days.
Yeah, but without any
sunlight and sleep,
your sense of time
has been totally altered.
His only weakness
was that he resisted.
He didn't bend,
so he broke.
No, he broke because he couldn't
control the other prisoners.
8612 just wanted control.
Even as a prisoner
with essentially no rights?
No, Jesse's right about that.
8612 was fine
while other people
were serving him.
So what?
You think if the other
prisoners had stuck with him,
then, what, John Wayne
would have lost?
Man, John Wayne can't lose.
He served the system.
8612 served himself.
I'm sorry.
I don't buy any of this.
No, I don't imagine
you would.
This is bullshit.
You're basing your conclusions
off your own experience...
on real felons
in a real prison.
So this is not a prison?
This is a simulated prison.
This is 18 college boys
who's never been punched
in the fucking face.
That's what this is.
I think you guys
are both missing the point.
- He missing the point.
- I'm not missing anything.
You missing something.
No, here's the point.
The only thing
that separates those two
was a coin flip.
All right, what steps are being
taken to replace 8612?
Well, none, as of yet.
- We got...
- Kyle, come on.
Start notifying the alternates
immediately, okay?
And find out which ones
can start tomorrow.
Got it.
Until then, what do you want me
to tell the prisoners?
Tell them 8612 has been taken
to maximum security.
Get some more fear
into them.
As you know,
today is visiting day.
For the sake of your friends
and family,
I want this place
made presentable.
That means cleaning up
the mess you've made,
as well as cleaning up
Out of respect
for your loved ones,
I want you to put on
the outward appearance
of self-dignity,
even if you have none.
You never had it this good,
have you, 2093?
No, I haven't
Mr. Correctional Officer.
So you never want to go home,
I don't have a home,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
What was that?
I don't have a home.
Can't afford one after tuition.
Been living in my car
all this summer.
Y'all, uh,
y'all see how good you got it
now, don't you, huh?
Yes, Mr. Correctional Officer.
Well, you best remember that
when you're talking
to your visitors.
Hey, um,
you guys should hear this.
So this was taken
a couple of hours ago
from the mic in cell two.
I was talking to the big guard,
and he told me
that they had him locked up
in maximum security.
No, that's bullshit, man.
I'm telling you, he's at home.
That breakdown
was some jive acting.
- He'll be back.
- What makes you say that?
Because we had a deal.
When we tried to escape,
he said if either of us
make it out,
thatthat we'd come back
and then bust
the rest of the guys out.
Hey, Phil.
Phil, it's time.
The, uh... the visitors
are here.
How are you holding up?
I'm... I'm okay.
You know, it's actually
not so bad
if you just cooperate.
But are you...
You're cooperating, right?
Ever since I was stripped down,
bare naked, I have been.
Yeah, 'cause, see, I got
most of the rules memorized,
except for the...
I guess, the new ones we get
at the guards' discretion.
Tell him
the most important rule, 4325.
The most important rule is
always obey the guards,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
Amen to that.
Can they tell you
to do anything?
What right do they have
to do that?
Well, the guards
run the prison.
Well, aren't there
certain rights
that they have
to respect, I mean...
Well, prisoners have no rights.
Well, I think
maybe they do.
Not in this prison.
H-how's the food?
Are they feeding you well?
Yeah, three meals a day.
You look exhausted.
He looks fine.
Probably just a little
too much time in the hole.
W-what's the hole?
I don't think you're supposed
to talk about the hole.
If something isn't right,
you can let us know.
You know that.
Everything's fine.
Are you sure?
Yeah, of course.
We miss you.
I miss you too.
Drive safe. Thank you.
Uh, Mr. Zimbardo,
we don't mean
to make any trouble,
but we're just a bit
concerned about our son.
Well, what...
what seems to be
the problem?
Honestly, he looks like
he hasn't slept in a week.
Is there anything wrong
with your boy?
Does he...
does he sleep well?
Normally, yes.
I-I... that's what has me
so concerned.
You know what? We are recreating
a prison environment here,
and one of the ways
that we do that
is by instituting
regular counts.
Some of those counts take place
very late at night.
So that may be it.
To be honest,
Mrs. Mitchell,
we're all very tired,
but everybody else seems to be
handling it pretty well,
I don't know.
Your son seems to be
a pretty tough kid.
Do you think
he can handle it?
Of course, he can.
He is a tough kid.
My wife's just being
- It's her nature.
- No, I understand.
We've wasted enough
of the man's time.
Thank you, Mr. Zimbardo.
You're welcome.
It's Doctor.
- Hey.
- Okay.
I think we're gonna double up
on security tonight.
Guys, 8612.
You heard the tape.
He wants to come back, break
the other prisoners out, okay?
Right, he wants to play a little
cat and mouse game, that's fine.
I'll play a little
cat and mouse game with him,
but I'm not gonna let him
screw up our work.
I'm gonna personally
sit guard myself tonight.
Phil, you know, we actually
were just talking...
that it might be a good idea for
you to get some rest tonight.
No, a good idea right now
is to keep our prison safe.
I expect you guys to be a little
bit sharper than this, okay?
Are we on the same page?
Can we be on the same page?
- Sure.
- Yeah.
Right? All right.
Yes. Hi, Jim.
What are you...
What are you doing down here?
Picking up
some summer reading.
And you?
It's quite the late hour.
I'm actually waiting for
one of my subjects to arrive.
- Ah, your prison study.
- Mm.
I saw some of your boys earlier
in the hallway.
It's a frightful sight.
Just following protocol.
Well, I would love to...
to sit and chat
with you, Jim,
but I'm actually in the middle
of it right now.
- We'll catch up later.
- Yes.
Something I'm curious about,
What's the independent variable
in your study?
I'm sorry?
Have you introduced
a variable
that might influence
your outcome?
This is an experiment, right?
Not just a simulation.
Are you challenging me,
No, I'm not challenging.
I just...
Well, while I would love
to sit here and
explain my prison to you,
I actually have
more pressing matters
than whether or not you
understand the academics
of my work.
Sorry to bother you.
I'll see you again
when the semester begins.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Looks like 8612
is a no-show for tonight.
Let's get Kyle and Vogel
and meet in the conference room.
I hate to be the bearer
of bad news,
but Kyle's gone.
What the fuck do you mean,
I mean, gone, gone.
He, uh... he had a death
in the family.
Jesus Christ.
I mean, I'm sorry,
but, fuck,
this could not have come
at a worse time.
He didn't come.
It's been days since he got out,
and he didn't come.
Hasn't even been a day yet.
That's not true.
It's been at least two.
No way.
Oh, fuck.
How are we even
supposed to know?
He told us
he would come get us.
Yeah, well,
he also started to think
that all this was real.
Isn't it?
Hey, man. Hey.
You got to pull it together,
all right?
We've only got another week
in here.
Another week?
We're not even gonna last
another night.
They've taken our clothes;
they've taken our beds.
They don't even do that
in real prisons.
They do.
All right. Come on.
Let's go.
Come on. Let's go.
Come on.
Come on, 819.
It's mealtime.
Do we have a problem here?
I want to see a doctor.
See if you can find one
in there.
What's going on in there?
What's your name, son?
I'm 4325, sir.
So how are you holding up?
Not too bad, considering,
Um, sorry, Father.
What are you doing here?
I'm here to provide
guidance and counsel
to the prisoners
in this jail.
So what measures
are you taking
to get out of prison?
I'm not...
entirely sure
if I understand the question.
Has bail been set
in your case yet?
If it has, sir,
I'm unaware of it.
All right,
what about counsel?
Do you have a lawyer?
I wasn't aware that I was,
supposed to...
Do I need a lawyer?
Well, son, just how
do you suppose
you're ever going to get out
of here without one?
Whywhy would I need a lawyer
for an experiment?
Well, I don't know what
experiment you're referring to,
but you've got to take control
of your situation here, son.
Take control of your life.
Come on, 819,
you're the last one up, buddy.
Yeah, sit down.
All right, let's start
with your name, son.
What's your name?
It's not a trick question,
It's 819.
And what steps
are you taking
to secure your release?
I'm sorry.
Whatwhat steps am I...
am I what?
It's a simple question, son.
I don't know why
you're asking me this.
I don't know what
any of this means.
I didn't know I had to take
steps to secure my release.
I don't know what
you're talking about!
Calm down, son.
Have you spoken
to your lawyer?
My lawyer?
I have an uncle
who's a lawyer.
I could call him,
but I don't...
That sounds like
a good start.
All right, all right,
just calm down.
gonna be fine.
- Take a deep breath.
- No, look, I'm sorry, but...
Can I just see a doctor
or call my parents?
I just need a little help
right now, and I...
Please, can I just see
a doctor or something?
Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey.
Hey, everything's
gonna be all right.
what I'm gonna do is,
we're gonna clear out
of this room,
get a nice meal
brought in here.
If you're still feeling
bad this afternoon,
we'll call a doctor, okay?
Okay, so I'm assuming
that you've all seen
and heard the mess
that your fellow prisoner has
created for us this afternoon.
So I want you all
to say now,
after me,
"Prisoner 819
did a bad thing. "
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Okay, that's great,
but I said loudly enough
so that he can hear you.
20 times.
Let's go.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Well, uh, thanks again,
I think it really did
make a difference.
- It's my pleasure.
- Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
What you're doing here,
it's a good thing.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
It'll teach these boys of
privilege what a prison is.
They should know.
I couldn't agree
with you more.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
Hey, Phil.
I'm really worried
about 819.
- He's calling a lawyer.
- Who?
The priest.
I don't trust that man.
They can shut
this whole place down.
I don't think so.
He wasn't here ten minutes,
and he became
part of the experiment.
Even if he did call a lawyer,
why should that
be any different?
Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
- Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
- No, I didn't!
- Prisoner 819 did a bad thing.
- No!
Just stay here.
Let me handle this.
Hey, Peter?
They think I'm
a bad prisoner,
but I'm not,
I swear I'm not.
Hey. Hey.
You're not even
a prisoner at all.
And that's not a prison.
It's a hallway...
With a bunch
of empty offices
in the basement
of Jordan Hall.
You're free to go.
All you have to do is sign
a couple of release papers.
All right?
Jesus, Phil,
why did you do that?
Hey, he was a lost cause.
I had to say something.
All this talk
about lawyers...
I can't afford
any more liabilities.
I'm not letting anything
get in the way
of the progress
that we made...
I know.
I understand that.
And will you make sure that
he takes him to Student Health
and gets him checked out?
Hey, did you find
a replacement for 8612?
I'm trying.
It's not that easy.
There's not that many people
left on campus.
Well, get on it!
- Oh, ah.
- Hi.
Hi. Oh.
Oh, I'm so glad you came.
So this is it?
Well, it's quiet right now,
but it... it has been
truly extraordinary
the way these boys
have adapted.
It's significant.
It'll get better
later tonight.
Well, you're gonna have me
around for a while.
I heard about Kyle.
So I'm volunteering to take
his place on the parole board.
That's fantastic.
Now you'll get to see
what it's really like.
Like a chimp.
And then the chimp
raped the woman.
- And she had a baby that...
- You're a liar, man.
No, no, I swear. I swear.
Literally, every story you tell
is a bullshit lie.
I'm fucking serious.
And the baby was half chimp
and half human.
It had, like, sideburns
and shit, like those.
I'm fucking serious.
Hey, let's go, new guy, eat up.
No thank you,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
Well, that is not
an option, 416.
Well, I'm sorry
you think that, sir.
You're sorry...
Bring me his plate.
How about you pick up
those sausages, boy?
you will not leave
this closet
until those sausages
are in your belly.
Got me?
I believe the correctional staff
has convinced me
of my many weaknesses.
Despite my horrible disrespect
for them,
the staff has treated me well.
I now know that every member
of the correctional staff
is only interested in
the well-being of the prisoners.
And I believe that
because of their goodness,
I have been rehabilitated
and transformed
into a better human being.
On a personal note,
the prisoner adds,
I will turn 23 on Monday.
This being my last year
at Stanford,
I would like to be paroled
so that I may spend one more
birthday with my old friends.
Sincerely, 1037.
From your request,
it sounds like
you're very happy
with your setup here.
Why do you want parole?
Well, as I stated
in the request,
it's my 23rd birthday on...
Don't you think
the prison staff is capable
of giving you
a birthday party?
But for sentimental reasons,
I would rather spend...
You should have thought about
that before you broke the law.
Why are you in prison,
I was charged with assault
with a deadly weapon.
How do you plead?
Not guilty.
Not guilty?
Not guilty?
So you're saying that the police
officers who arrested you
didn't know what
they were doing,
that they...
that there was a mistake,
that there was some confusion,
that there...
- No, sir.
- I'm not done speaking.
They're lying,
is that what your saying?
They're lying?
Well, I haven't seen
any evidence,
but I'm sure it's probably good
if they picked me up for it.
Then you admit
there is some merit
to the charges against you.
There probably is some merit
in what they're saying.
You do recognize
that prisons are
for people who break rules,
and you put your freedom
in jeopardy
doing exactly
which you did.
Yes, and I realize that now,
and I...
I find it hard to take
the word of a young man
with such a checkered
history with the law.
What kind of citizen
do you think you can be
with these kinds of charges?
I don't understand
the question, sir.
- I'm sorry.
- Oh, you don't understand.
1965, you were picked up
and later released
on suspicion of car theft.
1969, you were picked up
and later released
for lack of evidence at a place
where narcotics were found.
you were arrested
for passing bad checks.
Now, you tell us that
you can make it out there,
but your behavior
don't reflect it,
nor do your behavior
reflect it here.
Now, I think
that you're destined
to be prison scum.
I understand that, sir.
You believe in God?
Yes, sir, I do.
Why is that?
Well, because that's just
what I was taught, and...
You were also taught that
assault is against the law.
Or do you think it's legitimate
to go around hurting people?
No, sir. I do not.
But you stated
in your own handwriting,
"My horrible disrespect
for them. "
That's hurtful,
is it not?
1037, is it not?
Yes, sir, it is.
And what do you think
would happen
if everybody in this nation
everyone else's person, huh?
I don't know.
I really don't know.
You sicken me.
1037, you sicken me.
And to be honest,
I wouldn't parole you
if you were the last man here.
You are the least likely
candidate for parole
that we've seen.
Now, how do you feel
about that?
Well, I think that you're
entitled to your opinion.
Well, my opinion
means something
in this particular place.
I think we've heard enough.
You can take him away.
I have one more question
for you,
Since you've been here,
you've been performing
your duties
and accruing a certain salary?
Tell me,
would you forfeit your pay
in exchange for parole?
Yes, ma'am, I would,
without a doubt.
Do we let anyone go?
Well, 1037 looks
ready to break.
but is that a reason
to parole a man?
If we let somebody go,
they're all gonna think
they can just talk their way
out of here.
Am I right, Jesse?
I was just trying to do it
exactly how I was treated.
reenact what they did...
their feelings,
their attitudes,
their indifference.
What are...
Jesse, wait.
Hey, where you going?
You know what?
It was an experiment,
and I went along with it,
but I really hate myself
right now.
You did nothing wrong.
That was just protocol.
Back in that room,
I became everything I've hated
for so long,
and I let it happen.
And I enjoyed it.
You can't possibly understand
how it makes me feel.
I need you to stay.
Parole 1037 for me,
Thank you.
Oh, no, no.
Don't, don't.
What is happening here,
Is this thing over?
We have become part
of this experiment,
whether we like it or not,
and frankly,
I don't even think
that we can call this
an experiment anymore.
It's a demonstration,
part of me thinks
that we already
have the results
that we were looking for.
- Mike...
- No, I...
I wanted to say that to you
the last day or two,
but I was afraid
to question you.
You know, I suppose that
if I didn't admire you so much,
um... I...
I don't know.
And now?
After seeing what this place
has done to us,
to 1037,
to 8612,
to Jesse,
now I realize
that you have
to see this through.
I think, uh...
- This could be great.
- Yeah.
I had no idea
it would turn out this way.
This is important...
To me.
But the results
are important.
They are.
Parole him.
Good evening, gentlemen.
How about we make this one
a night to remember?
You mean to tell me
that you spent all day long
in that stinking hole
because you wouldn't eat
two lousy, little sausages?
God damn, boy.
Well, maybe you want us
to take them sausages
and cram 'em
up your ass, huh?
Bet you like that,
416, won't you?
Just 'cause you
have no friends
doesn't mean you have to make
everyone else suffer, 416.
New guy,
look at me.
There you go.
The hell is your problem,
boy, huh?
My problem is that
the guards
and the people
running this experiment
are not treating the prisoners
like human beings.
The hell has that got to do
with sausages, huh?
The guards and the experimenters
are clearly in...
You address me
as Mr. Correctional Officer.
Mr. Correctional Officer,
the guard and the experimenters
are clearly in violation
of the rules set up
for this experiment,
and I refuse to endorse
an unfair system.
What did you
expect, boy?
What the fuck
did you expect?
Did you expect this to be
a fucking nursery school?
Is that what you thought
this was gonna be?
You thought you were gonna get
some playtime in the yard, boy?
You thought you could
go around breaking the law
and wind up in
a fucking nursery school?
You listen to me, 416!
You ain't going nowhere
but this fucking hole
until you eat
those fucking sausages!
Do you fucking
hear me, boy?
Now, trust that
your fellow prisoner
will not stick his wee-wee
in your asshole
as you march to the restroom
to relieve yourselves.
Go on, now.
Right, left, right.
You know how it's done.
Come on, you miserable
sons of bitches.
It's time
to shit and piss.
That means...
Go, go on.
It's incredible,
isn't it?
Hey, hey.
Wait just a...
Will you wait a second, please?
What is it?
What is wrong?
What's wrong?
You're a psychologist,
for Christ sake,
and you're asking me,
"What's wrong?"
You're missing
the bigger picture.
This study has the potential
to help people.
Yes, felons, maybe,
but those are kids,
kids who have never committed
a crime in their lives.
Kids who volunteered,
kids who are being
paid money,
kids who can leave
whenever they want to...
They tried.
Every single one of them
came to your parole board
and all but begged,
and I was sitting there,
"What's wrong
with these kids?
"Why don't they just quit?
"What are they
trying to prove?
What are they
so afraid of?"
It's you.
They are afraid of you.
That is absolute nonsense.
You're not looking at this
like a psychologist.
No, I'm a human being,
I have empathy
for other human beings.
Well, you're not gonna
cut it in this field
if you're gonna get so emotional
over some basic procedure.
Hey, look.
of all people,
I thought would understand
what I have tapped into
in my prison.
Your prison?
Oh, my God.
You are so in
over your head.
Those are not prisoners.
Those are not subjects.
They're not students.
Those are boys, Phil.
Those are boys,
and you are harming them.
You need to fix this...
Are you finished?
Did I see you smile, 2093?
I don't think so,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
What, you didn't think
it was funny?
I think that it could be funny,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
Then why didn't you smile?
Because I am not supposed
to smile during...
That's right!
They're getting it now.
5704, what the hell
are you doing
with that chair
over your head, boy?
I don't know,
Mr. Correctional Officer...
Well, if you don't know,
put it on down.
You standing there,
wasting all your energy.
You like it in there, 416?
Not at all,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
Tough shit.
since you already have
your hands over your head,
why don't you play Frankenstein?
2093 can play
the Bride of Frankenstein.
stand here.
Walk over like Frankenstein
and say that you love 2093.
That's not how
Frankenstein walks.
Have you seen Frankenstein,
Yes, Mr. Correctional Officer.
So walk like fucking
Go on.
I love you, 2093
Get close.
Boy, you better get
a whole lot closer than that.
Get close.
Yeah, there you go.
I love you, 2093.
Get the fuck back in line.
Quit crying
like a little bitch.
Why are you such
an ass-licker, 2093, huh?
I don't know,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
You don't know.
Why is it that you try
to be obedient so much?
It's in my nature
to be obedient,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
It's a fucking embarrassment
how obedient this guy is.
You little brownnose,
kiss-ass homeless boy,
always doing
what you're told.
What if I told you
to get down on the floor
and fuck the floor, huh?
What would you do then?
I would tell you
that I didn't know how,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
Don't you go anywhere,
Let's wake up our friend here.
Now, I want y'all to take
a really good look at this man,
because this man here
did not eat his sausages.
Now, 2093,
come on over here.
Tell 416 you're gonna
kick his ass.
I'm sorry, sir,
but I object.
And just what
do you object to?
I object to the word that you
used, Mr. Correctional Officer.
The fuck word are you
talking about, boy?
I'm sorry, sir.
I cannot say the word.
He doesn't want to say "ass. "
Well, I gave you an order.
Now you get over there
and tell him
right now.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'm unable to do that.
Well, well, well,
well, well.
Our little Mr. Obediency
has a sore spot
for bad little words.
Just tell him that you'll
kick him in the end.
Yes, Mr. Correctional Officer.
Eat your sausages, 416,
or I will kick you
in the end.
There you go.
He said it.
No, he said it,
but did you mean it,
2093, huh?
Yes. No.
No, no, I'm sorry.
No, I did not.
I didn't mean it.
So why are you lying?
I said what Mr. Correctional
Officer told me to say, sir.
That's bullshit.
He didn't tell you to lie,
now, did he?
Nobody wants any lying
in here, 2093.
Why is it that all of y'all
are a big load of liars,
- I don't know.
- Huh.
I guess we're just
a bunch of bastards,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
I like that.
Come on out here.
So are you a bastard,
too, 2093?
If you say so,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
I say so...
I want to hear you say it.
I'm sorry, sir.
I object
to the use of profanity,
and I will not say it.
You said couldn't say that about
another human being, 2093?
Can you say it to yourself?
- Hmm?
- Uh?
I wouldn't think of
saying it to myself
because then I would
be saying that I would...
That you'd be a bastard.
- Right?
- No, sir.
- Yes, you would.
- Yes. Yes.
What would you be?
Would you be a bastard?
You'd be saying nasty things
about your mother,
that's what you'd be doing.
Yes, Mr. Correctional Officer.
Why the hell won't you say it?
Because I do not use
any profane language,
Mr. Correctional Officer...
Are you a fucking saint?
It's real easy.
Just tell me what you are.
I am whatever you wish me to be,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
Well, you know what?
If you won't say it...
If you won't say
that you're a bastard,
you want to know
something, 2093?
Yes, Mr. Correctional Officer.
You just proved my point.
You a bastard.
You a bastard either way.
Isn't that right?
If you say so,
Mr. Correctional...
I do say so!
I want to hear you say it,
god damn it!
I'm sorry.
I won't say it.
I'm sure you want to get a real
good night's sleep tonight.
Am I right?
Yes, Mr. Correctional Officer.
Well, I think we're
gonna have to wait.
Let 2093 think about just
what a bastard he really is,
and then maybe he'll tell the
rest of us that he thinks so.
May I have a cigarette,
At this rate, we gonna be here
all goddamn night.
And I love it.
I think you're
perfectly accurate
in your condemnation of me,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
Oh, I know that.
But I shouldn't say the word.
Say what word?
I shall not say with any meaning
the word "bastard. "
Holy shit.
He said it.
Well, glory be.
I do believe he did.
I think we got a winner.
Chicken dinner.
We might even get
to bed early, boys.
Who knows?
Sweet relief.
Now, uh...
2093, just for swearing,
why don't you get on the floor
and give me ten push-ups?
Thank you,
Mr. Correctional Officer.
You're welcome, boy.
One, two...
- Three...
- Louder.
Four, five...
- Stop.
- Six.
Those ain't no push-ups.
Start over.
One, two,
5704, you come over here.
Six, seven...
You can sit on his back.
- Nine.
- Stop.
Sit on his back.
Keep going, 2093.
- Go on, boy!
- One!
You know what?
4325, you come
over here too.
That's it.
Sit on his back.
There you go.
Now do a push-up, 2093,
and do not help him!
Come on.
Get back
against the wall.
Big, tough guy, huh?
Can't even do one push-up.
Now, Mr. 2093 here
says he ain't know
how to fuck.
We gonna show you.
Now, I want
my female camels...
- Line up.
- To line up in the middle.
Shoulder to shoulder,
right beside one another.
- That's it. Right here.
- Like so.
That's right.
And I want my male camels
to get behind
the female camels.
- Bend down. Bend down.
- That's right. Come on, boys.
- Get down.
- What you doing, boy?
Get on over here.
And y'all gonna do like the male
camels do to the female camels,
and y'all gonna hump them.
2093, pay attention.
You could afford to learn
a thing or two.
- Come on.
- Now have at it, boys.
Went too deep. Come on.
Got a lot of work to do now.
Get inside her.
She's waiting for you.
- Keep humping.
- Come on, that's it.
Yeah, that's right.
Nice and gentle
with that camel, yeah.
Good, keep her
in that low back end.
That's it.
Open up that way.
Keep humping.
It's okay.
This one's gonna shed a few
You know, uh, why don't you, uh,
serenade your fellow inmates
to keep them in the mood?
That's good. Come on.
What would you like me to sing,
Mr. Correctional Officer?
Right here.
Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
Come on. Get humping!
- That saved
- Good. Get on down there.
Get in there.
Put your hand on there.
- A wretch
- Put your hand on the hip.
- That's right.
- Like me
Yeah. Oh, whoa.
This one's gonna be bitching
if you're bucking this one.
Oh, yeah, she bucking back
on your dick; that's good.
I once was lost
But now I'm found
Bend down,
or I'll fuck you myself.
Bend down.
Don't cum yet.
- Was blind
- Don't cum.
- But now
- Right, there it is.
You gonna cum.
- Right, get right back...
- I see
That feel nice, 2093?
All right, faggots, stop!
Y'all are disgusting.
Get back in line.
Line up.
Come on, get back in line.
Come on. Get in there.
Now I want all y'all to come up
to 416 and thank him.
Thank you, 416, for singing
such a pretty song to us.
Thank you, 416.
Oh, I think
you can do better than that.
- Thank you, 416!
- There you go.
Thank you, 416.
Oh, I think you can
say it louder than that.
Thank you, 416!
Yeah, say it
like you mean it now.
Thank you, 416.
From the bottom
of your heart now.
- Thank you, 416.
- Oh, yeah.
Thank you, 416!
Thank you, 416.
Thank you, 416.
Thank you, 416.
- Hey.
- Thank you, 416.
Thank you, 416.
Thank you, 416.
This experiment is...
Did you hear what I said?
This exper...
This experiment
is terminated
from this point on.
The Stanford County Jail
is now closed.
You're all free to leave.
So does this mean
we're not getting paid
for the full two weeks?
I said to myself at
the beginning of the first day,
"This could be a very long,
very boring experiment. "
Uh, it wasn't conceivable.
There was just no strong sense
of precedent
for how far this thing could go.
It's easy for you to say,
"Oh, I wouldn't have
acted that way. "
But you don't know.
That's... that's the truth.
You don't know.
And now,
I know what I'm capable of,
and it hurts.
I don't know... I don't know
how else to say it,
but it does hurt me
to know that.
You know, and I knew right away
it was wrong,
and I was the only one
that could see it.
You know, anyone could see it
except for these guys.
You know, you give them
the uniform
with the glasses
and the nightstick,
and they simply
can't be the same person
as if they wore street clothes.
Meanwhile, I'm just
a number in a dress.
That's the thing; I wasn't
a prisoner in an experiment.
I was their prisoner.
I really felt that
I was losing my identity,
that this person
that I call Tom
was disappearing.
And it was a prison to me.
It still is a prison to me.
You know, I don't look at it
as an experiment
or a simulation at all.
It was a prison
that was run by psychologists
instead of by the state.
The consensus
is that they did suffer.
I think that
they also learned a great deal
about themselves
and about human nature.
And I think most of them
would say
that in hindsight it was
a very valuable experience.
This whole experience harms me,
and I mean "harms"
in the present tense.
- It harms me.
- How did it harm you?
Or how does it
harm you?
Is it just to think that
people can be like that?
And I know
you're a nice guy.
You know?
Well, you don't know that.
No, I do.
I do know that
you're a nice guy.
Then why do you hate me?
Because I know what
you can turn into.
If you were in my position,
what would you have done?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I can't tell you that.
- I wasn't.
- Hmm.
I don't think I would
have been as, uh...
I don't believe
I would have been
as inventive as you.
I don't think I would have
applied as much imagination
to what I was doing.
You understand?
I understand.
I would have been a guard.
I don't think it would have
been such a masterpiece.
Personally, I-I don't see
where it was really harmful.
It was degrading,
but that was part of
my particular
little experiment that...
Oh, your particular
little experiments?
- Well, why...
- Yeah. Yeah.
Why don't you tell us
about those?
Yes, I was running
experiments of my own.
Well, tell me about
these little experiments.
- I'm curious.
- Okay.
I wanted to see just
what kind of verbal abuse
people can take before
they start objecting,
before they start
lashing back.
And it really surprised...
It really surprised me that
nobody said anything to stop me.
Nobody said,
"Come on, man. You...
"You can't say
those things to me.
Those things are sick. "
Nobody said that.
And nobody questioned
my authority at all.
And it really shocked me.
I-I started to get...
I started to abuse
people so much.
I started to get so profane.
And still, people
didn't say anything.