The Station Agent (2003) Movie Script

[ Bell Tinkles ]
What do we have
on the board today?
Dr. Cross will be wanting
to pick up...
those three 629 Pullmans
and 630 Observation.
Shouldn't be a problem.
What number?
Um, 423.
I'll have your train
in two weeks.
Uh, okay.
You forget something?
[ Boy ]
Hike. Hike.
All right.
Nice going, man.
[ Kids Laughing ]
Hey, buddy,
where's Snow White?
Grumpy or Sleepy
over there, huh?
[ Chuckles ]
[ Man ]
Lorraine, look.
[ Lorraine ]
He's gonna hear you.
[ Chuckling Softly ]
Paper or plastic?
- Paper, please.
- Sorry.
I didn't see you.
Cash or charge?
Who's showing
the movie tonight?
[ Man ]
The billowing smoke
as it's coming forward.
My wife was inside the car,
staying warm,
but I-I was on the hood.
There's, uh, people
standing by here
as it's, uh, going by.
The traffic, of course,
was stopped...
to, uh,
allow the train--
Oh. Now h-here I was
hanging out, shooting this
in, uh, Canada.
It's Canada.
It's cold. Snow.
The scenery was, uh,
really spectacular.
See, because the train
is moving forward,
the smoke is coming back.
It was not
extremely windy,
but the smoke did billow.
And, oh, we're about
to go into a tunnel.
Yeah. We're in a tunnel
for about a minute.
It got colder
when we were in the tunnel.
It was, uh-- It was one
of the darker tunnels in Canada.
[ Horn Honks ]
[ Rhythmic Clattering ]
[ Clattering Intensifies ]
[ Loud Thud ]
[ Horn Honks ]
He was a nice man.
He was a nice man.
I don't--
I don't think
we've ever met.
No, but I've
seen you around.
[ Stutters ]
You're one of those
memorable people.
Uh, I brought you
down here to discuss
your inheritance.
In his will,
Henry bequeathed to you
some property...
in Newfoundland, New Jersey.
It's about half an acre of land.
It's got an old train depot
on it.
I have an appraisal
of the property
for your records.
What's happening
with the shop?
Well, the building's
been sold.
Golden Spike will be closed
and the inventory liquidated.
This is all, of course,
in accordance with the terms
I drew up in Henry's will.
How soon?
If everything
goes as planned,
no hitches, anything,
a thing like this
takes about six weeks.
Uh, I have some
preliminary paperwork
for you to sign.
Some other papers
are being drawn up.
We have the keys to the depot.
You ever been out
to this part of New Jersey?
Uh, I drove through it once.
Let me tell you--
I mean, it's pretty, but--
I mean, there's
nothin' out there.
[ Thunder Rumbling ]
[ Rain Splashing ]
[ Insects Buzzing ]
[ Birds Chirping ]
[ Rustling ]
[ Man ]
Then where'd you go?
Nice. Thank you.
Huh. So,
what else, dude?
Huh. Andy, man,
why don't you
come out here, bro?
I'm going out
of my mind.
Holy shit.
Hey, let me
call you back.
Wow. How you doing?
Fine. Do you sell coffee?
Caf con leche.
It's the house special.
You'll love it.
Trust me.
I also got hot dogs
and muffins.
You live around here?
Never seen you around.
Where you from?
- Hoboken.
- No shit?
I live in Manhattan, dude.
So, why are you
out here? Work? Family?
- Just--
- How much do I owe you
for the coffee?
O-Oh, shit. Sorry, man.
It's a buck.
Is there a convenience store
Uh, yeah. Down the road
about a mile and a half,
on the right.
This is my pop's truck,
by the way.
He's sick.
That's why I'm out here.
He can't get out of bed,
so I'm taking care
of this shit for him.
I've been here for six weeks.
It's driving me crazy.
Hey, I'm here every day
from 7:00 to 3:00.
I'm Joe Oramas.
What's your name?
- Fin.
- Fin?
- Yeah.
- Cool.
Hey, you--
Your place around here?
No shit.
[ Softly ]
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Just stay there.
Don't move. Don't-Don't--
Don't try to get up.
[ Grunts ]
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Hey, you okay?
Uh, I'm fine.
Can you move everything?
Are you sure?
I'm fine.
Can I-- Oh, God.
Oh-- Ca--
I'm okay. I'm okay.
Can, um-- Can I--
- Can I give you
a ride somewhere?
- No.
- You're sure?
- Yes.
I-I'm sorry. I'm--
[ Panting ]
[ Softly ]
Oh. God.
[ Door Shuts ]
[ Country ]
Hey. Yoo-hoo.
Good afternoon, Olivia.
One caf con leche,
extra sugar, coming up.
- How you doing today?
- I'm fine.
There you go.
Oh, hey, did you hear?
Someone moved
into the depot.
Well, that's-
that's great.
Yeah. He's an interesting guy.
he's a little guy.
[ Clears Throat ]
Uh, is that it?
Uh, two packs of Drum,
and, uh, some beef jerky.
Help yourself
to the jerky.
Oh, shit. There he is.
Ow! Oh! Oh!
Ah! Oh!
Oh, my God.
Oh. Oh. Oh.
[ Gasping ]
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
I can't believe this.
I can't--
I'm so sorry.
[ Panting ]
I-I saw you.
I-I tried to put
my caf con lech down,
and it spilled...
all over my ass,
and it burned me very bad,
so I swerved.
I-- Can I at least
give you a ride
back to your train station?
The hot dog guy
told me where you lived.
No. I'm fine.
You're sure?
You're fine.
I-- Ow.
Yeah? She ask
about me?
What did you
tell her?
Don't fuckin'
tell her that.
I don't know.
Make some shit up.
Hey, I'll call
you back. Bye.
Hey, Fin.
Bro, you live here?
Wow, we're neighbors.
Hey, what happened
to you?
Listen, uh, you want
to go down to the Mill
and grab a beer later?
No, thanks.
What, you
don't drink?
I do.
Well, you just don't want
to have a drink with me?
I don't like bars
very much.
Hey, well, how about I go
get a six, and we can
have it right here?
No, thanks.
Well, what
are you gonna do?
I'm, uh, I'm going
for a walk.
Oh. Cool.
Well, you mind
if I come along, man?
I need the exercise.
I'm turning into
a fat shit out here.
I usually go alone.
I'm a good walker, bro.
I prefer to go alone.
Okay. All right,
maybe next time, right?
You know
where to find me.
[ Insects Buzzing ]
[ Knocking ]
[ Knocking ]
[ Object Clatters ]
You're safe.
No car.
I-I never told you
my name.
Olivia Harris.
Uh, this is for you.
A sort of, uh, housewarming...
off-the-road gift.
Oh, thank you.
It's dark.
Do-Do you have
any glasses?
Or we could just swig
from the bottle.
I have mugs.
[ Wine Pouring ]
When I was 19, I actually
slept with a guy...
because he rolled
his own cigarettes.
[ Soft Chuckling ]
[ Wine Pouring ]
Y-You never told me
your name.
Oh, that's a good name.
[ Phone Rings ]
You can get that
if you want.
My phone's disconnected.
Oh, shit.
It's mine.
I always forget
I have this thing.
My husband gave it to me
in case of an emergency.
Although he's not
my husband right now.
We're separated.
You don't have
a phone?
I love that.
I hate phones.
I have two.
Never answer
either of them.
How'd you find
this place?
- I inherited it.
- It's very nice.
Oh. I love this.
What is this?
- It's an old ticket box.
- Oh, look
at this little drawer.
- Careful. That doesn't--
- Ah!
[ Clattering ]
Oh, God.
I'm so sorry.
Oh, my God.
Can I sit here for a moment?
[ Sighs ]
Who left you
this place?
My friend, Henry.
- When did he die?
- Three weeks ago.
I'm sorry.
My son Sam died.
Two years ago.
Would you mind
not looking at me right now?
[ Birds Chirping ]
[ Door Opens, Closes ]
[ Joe ]
You miss your train
last night?
[ Knocking ]
[ Knocking Continues ]
Hey. Brought you
a caf con leche.
So, what happened?
What do you mean?
I been here for six weeks,
I don't get two words
out of her.
You're here 24 hours,
it's sleepover time?
She brought me
a bottle of bourbon.
Are you serious?
[ Phone Ringing ]
- You should get that.
It's probably her.
- My phone's disconnected.
Something's ringing.
She left her phone. Sweet.
So, what happened?
[ Horn Honks ]
Fuck. Be right back.
[ Man ]
Hold on!
Come on, man.
You gotta tell me
what happened.
You're not going
anywhere today,
are you?
I'd like to return this.
Do you know
where she lives?
If I were you, I'd freeze
her out, but that's just me.
You're very lucky, bro.
She's a pretty woman.
You know, she got that sexy,
smart older-woman thing going.
It's nice.
Do you know where she lives?
She's on Green Pond Road.
Three miles down the road,
on the right.
Hey, listen.
If you guys do something
later, can I join you?
We're not gonna
do something.
Oh, I know.
- But if you do, can I join you?
- We're not gonna do
something later.
Okay, but if you do?
- Okay.
- Cool. Hey,
you're the man.
You're the man.
[ Phone Ringing ]
[ Ringing Continues ]
[ Olivia ]
Hi. Leave a message.
[ Beeps ]
[ Man ]
Olivia? Are you there?
Liv? Look, I really need
to talk to you now.
It's important,
so please call me back.
I hope you're well.
[ Horn Honks ]
Okay. Bye.
[ Olivia ]
I had a client down here,
so I thought I'd drop by,
see how you're doing.
Oh, how nice. You know,
I hate to do this, but
I've actually got to run.
Well, that's too bad.
I know.
Our crazy lives.
[ Chuckling ]
How are you?
I-I'm good.
I'm good.
I-I-I gotta go.
Oh, that's okay.
You know, we ought
to set a date.
I would love that.
Oh, you forgot your phone.
Uh, just leave it.
[ Screams ]
Oh, fu--
I'm so sorry.
Oh, God.
I didn't know
anybody was in here.
[ Sighs ]
Can I help you?
- Check this book out.
- Okay.
Um, do you have
a library card?
Okay. Well,
do you live in town?
Okay. Well, um, I need
a proof of address.
If you could bring in
a piece of mail, then
I can give you a card.
[ Olivia ]
You can put it on mine.
No, thanks. I'll--
I'll come back.
- You sure?
- Yes.
Uh, sorry
about last night.
I overstayed my welcome.
[ Chuckles Softly ]
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hey, Emily.
Oh, God. I just screamed
in his face.
Oh. It's all right.
[ Joe ]
Olivia left it.
My hero, dawg.
Hey, Fin.
You want a cold one?
So what else?
[ Truck Engine Chugging ]
[ Joe ]
Hey, Fin, I'm taking off.
Maana, baby.
[ Honks Horn ]
[ Truck Departs ]
[ Bird Chirping ]
Hey, what
are you doing?
I'm, uh, searching the trucks
for the company name.
Well, these are
trains, not trucks.
The wheels on the trains
are called the trucks.
What grade are you in?
I'm finished with school.
Are you a midget?
Where do you live?
In the depot.
My name is Cleo.
My name is Fin.
[ Knock At Door ]
[ Joe ]
Hey, Fin!
Wakey-wakey, baby.
[ Horn Honks ]
[ Rock ]
nearly every time
Hey, I'll be at the truck.
Is he done
with that girl
[ Stops ]
Hey, Joe.
Big Joe!
What's up, fellas?
Oh. Look at the stache,
Ron Jeremy.
Thank you.
I'll get your coffees.
You know how I like it.
All right.
Thanks, bro.
Hey, how's
your old man?
He's doing better.
Hey, let me get
one of those.
So, how long is he gonna
be out of commission, man?
Holy shit.
Look at that.
[ Laughing ]
It's fuckin' Mini-Me.
Ho-- Hey,
"Da plane! Da plane!"
- Fin! Fin!
- Man, do you know him?
- He's going--
- "Hey, boss! Hey, boss!"
- Shut the fuck up. Hey.
- What?
- Shut up.
- [ Laughing ]
- Why don't you
ease up, Joey?
- Two bucks.
I got it.
I'm light, man.
Course you're light.
Hey, Joe, we're still
playing softball
every Friday night.
Why don't you
come by, man?
You should bring
your little buddy.
Hey, how funny
would that be?
Him walking up
to the plate.
You know?
It's, like,
"Throw one in there.
Throw one in there."
All right.
See you, Joe.
Take it easy, man.
[ Doors Shut ]
[ Engine Starts ]
Hello, Olivia.
Un caf con leche,
extra sugar, coming up.
All right.
- Gonna pop in on Fin?
- What? Oh, uh, no.
I just drove past him.
- Where?
- Uh, the pond on Lake End Road.
Tell you what.
This one's on the house
if you do me one favor.
You like it
out here, Olivia?
What do you do
for fun?
I don't.
Me, neither.
Sucks, right?
There's, like, not enough
cool people around here,
you know?
[ Sighs ]
Do you live alone?
Do you not like me,
or something?
You're not exactly
pleasant towards me.
You're not gonna
say hi to Fin?
I gotta get going.
I know he wanted
to thank you
for the book.
Bye, Joe.
What's going on?
Olivia says hi.
She just gave me a ride.
What're you doing?
Watching trains.
- What's this?
- Train guide.
Can I look at it?
What time did
the last train come?
Hour and 23 minutes ago.
Really boring.
Mind if I hang out
a while?
[ Train Approaches ]
[ Whistle Blows ]
So, you hungry?
You don't really
say much, do you?
Guess not.
Guess not.
Hey, h-hold on.
Hey, you missed a great day
of train watching.
Maybe next time.
- Hey, Olivia!
- Yeah?
Could you give us
a ride home?
My feet are killing me.
[ Joe ] Man, when you guys
taste this, you're gonna be
so happy we did this.
Trust me.
- Anybody?
- No, thanks.
Everyone's doing it.
It's there if you want it.
Hey, Fin, let me
ask you a question.
What do you think
of Amtrak?
I don't know.
I've never ridden
on Amtrak.
You've never ridden
an Amtrak train?
That's weird, right?
I thought that's
what you train guys did.
You ride trains.
How-How's your dad, Joe?
Well, he's driving me nuts,
but he's better.
[ Pans Clanking ]
Chuleta con cibolla
con arroz con frijoles.
Cuban surprise,
in other words.
- Bring 'em in.
- What?
[ Olivia ]
Yeah, really.
We gotta give thanks.
Come on. Bring 'em in.
Hands around.
Who wants
to say it?
God, thank you
for letting us sit here
and enjoy this meal.
Please watch
over everybody.
Please let my dad heal
'cause he's driving me
fuckin' crazy.
Anybody you guys
wanna mention?
Let's dig in.
Olivia. Plate.
Let me ask you
a question, Fin.
Do you people have clubs?
- What do you mean?
- Well, like a train-
of-the-month club.
Yeah, there are clubs.
What do you guys do?
Well, uh-- They get together
and they look
at old photographs,
and sometimes
they watch a movie.
Watch a movie?
That's cool.
[ Cell Phone Melody ]
This looks good.
[ Sighs ]
[ Speaking Spanish ]
[ Continues ]
Uh, what-what kind
of movies?
Well, there are people
called "train chasers."
They follow a train,
and they film it.
Are you a train chaser?
How come?
I don't know how
to drive a car,
and I don't own a camera.
That would do it.
I gotta split.
- You're leaving?
- Yeah. It's my dad.
He can't find his medication.
Totally sucks, but--
- This was fun, right?
- Yeah.
Cool. All right. Well,
we'll do it again, all right?
- [ Engine Starts ]
- Bon apptit.
This is really good.
We don't have to talk.
We can just eat.
I'm cool with that.
Hey, Sancho Panza,
what's this
called again?
Walking the right-of-way.
How am I doing?
You're doing okay.
Told you I was
a good walker, bro.
Boom! Give me
another one.
That one?
Did you get
any mail yet?
unbelievable, bro.
I don't suppose
you wanna grab a beer.
No, thanks.
You gotta get over
the bar thing,
dude. Seriously.
[ Door Opens, Closes ]
[ Cleo In Distance ]
All aboard!
Tickets, please.
Next stop is Cleveland,
Charity, Newark,
San Diego, California,
and San Diego, California.
Next stop.
Thank you very much.
All clear.
[ Humming ]
What are you doing?
I-I was looking
for Fin.
What's your name?
What's your name?
Are you
Finn's mother?
No. No.
I-I-I'm just his friend.
Do you wanna see
my spike collection?
I don't know what that--
What's a spike collection?
You know, like, train spikes.
Oh. Actually,
that sounds kind of cool.
- I'd like that.
- Come on.
- I don't need a ticket?
- No.
Are you sure?
Be careful.
[ Joe ]
Hey, how about from L.A.
to San Francisco?
[ Fin ]
Starlight Express.
That's gotta be
fuckin' beautiful.
Yeah, but I think
the Zephyr
would be better.
The Zephyr?
Where's that go?
It goes through
the Rocky Mountains
outside of Denver.
Great mountain passes.
[ Cleo ]
Hey, Fin.
Somebody left you something.
Oh. What's that?
"Happy movie making.
What's it for?
Train chasing.
No, it's not.
[ Whispers ]
Yeah, it is.
Can I see?
[ Train Passing ]
Hey. I know. I'm late.
[ Grunts ]
My pop.
He was up
coughing all night.
He kept me up.
Hey, grab those chairs,
would you?
Hey, man. Question.
Why don't you ever sit
in the lounge?
The lounge?
The lounge.
I like to read
when I eat.
What, you can't read
in the lounge?
You'll talk to me.
Not if you don't want me to.
Fin, I promise.
I'll read too.
I got a book in here.
I'll read too.
[ Cricket Chirping ]
This isn't so bad,
You reading
about trains?
Know what you should do, man?
You should get a job
on the railroad.
You said you weren't
gonna talk to me
if I sat here, Joe.
I haven't said anything
in, like, 20 minutes.
You timed me?
That's cold, bro.
Hey, you gonna walk
the right-of-way today?
[ Beeping ]
Yeah, the number
for Olivia Harris
on Green Pond Road.
Thank you.
Hey, go back
to your book, man.
[ Olivia ]
I don't think
we should do this.
Come on.
You can do it.
This is
a little scary.
This is really beautiful,
You sure no--
There's no trains
on this track?
No. It stops
right down there.
Thank you.
I'm starving.
Want some
beef jerky?
You had it
all this time?
- Want some?
- I'll pass.
This is fuckin' delicious.
Let me have a piece.
Fuckin' good.
It's so beefy.
This is good.
That was a good walk.
[ Sighs ]
Why is it called
"walking the right-of-way"?
It's complicated.
You know, it's uh--
[ Laughing Loudly ]
I'll let Fin
answer this one. Fin?
When the railroads
were being built,
the government took
a lot of private land,
saying the railroad needed
the right-of-way
through the property.
Hey, can we
get some sodas?
[ Joe ]
We're closed.
I'll play soccer
with you though.
[ Laughing ]
He does enjoy life.
You guys want to play?
[ Giggling, Laughing ]
Oh, Jesus.
You okay?
Uh, I'm gonna--
I've got-- I'm gonna go.
Uh, I'll see you later.
[ Joe ]
[ Car Door Closes ]
[ Engine Starts ]
Hey, Olivia.
[ Car Departs ]
Where's she going?
[ Train Whistle Blowing
In Distance ]
This is Joe Oramas,
reporting live...
from the inside
of Gorgeous Frank's
Hot Dog Emporium.
Open every day
from 7:00 to 3:00.
Keep it on me.
Camerawork by--
Turn it on you,
turn it on you.
Finbar McBride!
We're train-chasing, baby!
We got you live
from the Susquehanna train!
[ Train Horn Blowing ]
This fuckin' train is huge!
[ Phone Rings ]
- [ Olivia On Machine ]
Hi. Leave a message.
- [ Machine Beeps ]
[ Joe ]
Olivia, hey, what's up?
Scorsese and Coppola here.
Listen, we're done
with the movie.
We want to screen it.
We can either do it
at Fin's pathetic
little hovel of a home...
or we can do it
at your beautiful home
with your beautiful self.
Get back to us.
[ Knocking On Door ]
You're early.
Are we early?
We're not early.
Well, there's, uh,
wine and-and beer
in the fridge...
and, uh, liquor
in that funny little cabinet
in the corner.
I'll be right back down.
Holy shit.
[ Olivia ]
I heard that, Joe.
I was just talking
about the view.
[ Olivia ]
It's just that they're
like a little--
I don't want
to hear it, Joe.
[ Quietly ]
What do you think?
[ Joe ]
Hey, Olivia!
You got a garlic press?
How can you not have
a garlic press?
Still no.
All right. I'm gonna go--
You keep talkin'.
I'm gonna go cook
without the garlic press.
I'm not used
to having people
in my house,
especially loud people.
It's a nice house.
David bought it
as a getaway place, so...
I moved down here
and got away.
Where did you
use to live?
I know.
I didn't get very far.
I just couldn't stay there
another minute.
Everyone looking at me--
the poor woman
whose son died.
How about you?
What made you
pick Newfoundland?
I wanted
to live near Joe.
[ Chuckling ]
Would you come
up here and talk?
Seriously, this sucks.
[ Laughing ]
[ No Audible Dialogue ]
[ No Audible Dialogue ]
[ Joe On Videotape ]
Finbar McBride!
Whoo! We're
train-chasing, baby!
Trains are really cool.
They are.
So are horses.
[ Joe ]
I was just
thinking that.
Give me
the joint, man.
[ Joe ]
This fuckin' train
is huge!
Shh. Shh.
[ Joe ]
Have you ever
been in love, Fin?
What happened?
I was young and, uh,
really angry.
About what?
Being a dwarf.
You know, it's--
It's, uh--
It's really funny...
how different people...
see me and treat me.
Because I'm actually
just a very simple,
boring person.
What about you?
Are you still in love
with David?
I don't think
he's moving.
I'll wake him.
No, you're not
gonna have any luck.
Maybe I should go.
No. No.
You're not leaving.
You're both staying here,
and don't argue...
because I'm
just too tired.
Would you like
some water?
Um, no. I'm all right.
You can get
under the covers.
No. I'm fine.
I brought you
some water anyway.
And, uh, a towel.
That's Sam, huh?
He fell off
the monkey bars.
I turned my head
for a second.
Looks like a happy kid.
He was.
Well, good night.
Good night.
[ Knocking ]
[ Footsteps Approaching ]
- Who are you?
- Fin.
Where's Olivia?
I think she's
upstairs sleeping.
you're Olivia's ex.
I just saw your picture
in the kitchen.
I'm Joe.
I think Olivia's
sleeping, man.
Tore it up last night,
you know.
What are you doing here?
Well, I wanted
to talk to you,
and you won't call me back.
I didn't feel
like talking.
Yeah, yeah,
I got that much.
Can you, uh--
Can you guys
leave us alone?
You gonna be okay?
[ David ]
You wanna explain that?
[ Olivia ]
No, what?
I'd just like to know
what the hell's going on.
No, I came
all the way down here...
because you won't
pick up the goddamn--
I have nothing
to say to you!
Don't walk away from me.
Olivia, can you listen to me?
[ Cleo ]
Here, Fin.
It's a permission slip
so you can speak at my school.
I can't speak
at your school, Cleo.
Yes, you can.
You can pick any Friday
that you want.
I'm sorry.
I can't.
It's just not something
that I can do.
You have to.
I'm sorry.
But I already told everyone
you were coming.
I'm sorry, Cleo.
No, you're not.
If you were sorry,
then you would come.
What was that all about?
I guess no coffee
for Olivia today.
No. Guess not.
I didn't like
that guy, man.
Olivia's ex.
Uptight white guy.
Can I ask you
a personal question?
You've had sex, right?
With a regular-sized chick?
With a regular-sized chick.
You ever had it
with someone
your own size?
Do you wanna?
I don't want to talk
about this, Joe.
I just-- I just don't.
[ Pills Rattle ]
[ Train Passing ]
[ Sighs ]
I have my bill.
Oh. Cool.
Um, I can make you out
a card right now.
Um, I just need you
to fill that out.
There you go.
I'll get your card.
Your first name
is Finbar?
My name's Emily.
You have
a nice chin.
[ Joe ]
A nice chin?
[ Scoffs ]
[ Fin ]
Fuckin' weird.
That's Olivia.
Hey! Olivia!
- That was her, right?
- I think so.
What was that?
She had to see us.
[ Cell Phone Melody ]
[ Speaking Spanish ]
It's my pop.
We're going
to the Mill tonight.
- He wants to know
if you want to join us.
- Okay.
- Really?
- Yeah.
[ Speaking Spanish ]
[ Phone Rings ]
Yeah? Good to Go.
Yeah, okay.
34 Green Pond Road.
Yeah. Name?
Harris. All right.
Right, okay.
Two of those.
All right. Yeah.
Is that it?
Well, my delivery boy's
out of the store right now,
so it's gonna be
a couple of hours.
Yeah. Okay. Bye.
Excuse me.
That delivery
for Olivia Harris.
I'll take it to her.
She's a friend of mine,
and I'm-- and I'm--
I'm gonna go that way.
You're gonna have
to pay for it, you know.
Yeah. Sure. Yeah.
Before you leave
the store.
I got your groceries.
I was in the store
when you called,
so I thought
I'd bring them over for you.
Thank you.
How much?
How are you?
I'm fine.
How much?
Twenty dollars.
I got it.
I got it.
Thank you.
[ Rock, Faint ]
Can I get you
Yeah. Just a beer.
Anything else?
Getting a jump
on happy hour?
No. I'm waiting
for a friend.
Oh. Me too.
Do you mind
if I sit here?
So, I saw you
at the hot dog stand.
I live in the depot.
Oh, really?
Oh, cool.
You're like the old guy
in the movie who does
the telegraph thing.
Something like that.
[ Cell Phone Rings ]
Hang on.
Where are you?
So you couldn't call?
No, it's fine.
Don't come.
I-- No. Just do
whatever you're gonna do.
[ Blues ]
No, actually,
I-I met a friend,
and we're having
a drink, so--
I-I'm gonna go.
I'm carryin' the nails
Oh, my God.
He's such a prick.
You want your fries
here, sweetie?
Yeah, thanks.
We've been workin' on
for years
I'm pregnant.
I know I hurt you
I haven't told anyone yet.
Even Chris.
I-I was gonna tell him today.
He's probably gonna freak out.
I lay awake and cried
You don't have to say anything.
I just wanted to say it.
I ruined your life
Thank you.
You can have
some of my fries.
You say
you're brokenhearted
Where's your friend?
You can't sleep at night
You think
that I'm the problem
I don't know.
You want me
to make it right
Can I give you
a ride home?
No. Thanks.
Thanks for hanging out.
Of course.
[ Loud Rock ]
Hey, baby.
This your little friend, huh?
Fuck you, Chris.
I'm leaving.
Emily, wait.
Get off of me!
Please, don't do that.
This is none
of your business,
all right?
You want to get
out of my way?
[ Emily ]
Oh, my God, stop it!
Stop it!
Fin, go.
Go. Just go.
that guy's problem?
Fucking freak.
You're such a fucking prick.
[ Train Rumbling Loudly ]
Hey. What's up?
I brought you
some coffee.
Hey, man, I'm sorry
about last night.
You know, my, uh--
my pop, you see,
he got a little pain,
and, uh, so I got
nervous, you know,
and I called the doctor.
He's okay though.
But by the time
I called the Mill,
you were gone already.
You gotta get a phone, bro.
So, was the Mill
fun last night?
- Any word from Olivia?
- No.
- You wanna
do something tonight?
- No.
What the fuck, man?
I said I was sorry.
What more do you
want from me?
I want to be left alone, Joe.
That's what I want.
Be alone.
[ Birds Chirping ]
[ Phone Rings ]
[ Olivia On Machine ]
Hi. Leave a message.
[ Machine Beeps ]
[ David ]
Pick up the phone.
You're starting to scare me.
Pick up the goddamn phone.
[ Bell Clanging ]
[ Clanging Continues ]
I was just about to knock.
I'm sorry.
No. Come in.
[ Chuckles ]
This place is cool.
Can I--
Wow. So, are you
gonna fix this up?
I don't know.
I suppose so.
You should.
I mean, you could
make it really nice.
It's really nice
right now, but--
Where do you sleep?
So, I just wanted
to come by
and say I'm sorry.
Chris can be such
an asshole when he
gets angry like that,
but he's really
not a bad guy.
It's just--
God, it's so nice
and quiet in here.
Everybody's freaking out
at my house
about me being pregnant.
I live at home.
I was gonna move in
with Chris, but--
So, did the conductor guy
used to live here?
No. The conductor
worked on the train.
The station agent
worked in here.
Doing what?
A lot of things.
The train brought in the mail,
and the agent delivered it.
They sold groceries.
They cut hair.
Are you gonna
open a salon?
I'm retired actually.
Aren't you
a little young
to be retired?
No. Dwarves retire early.
Common fact.
Yeah, lazy dwarves.
Can I stay here
Just sleep.
[ Engine Starts ]
[ Cleo ]
Hey, Fin.
Is that your girlfriend?
Is that other woman
your girlfriend?
You mean Olivia?
I liked her.
Yeah. Me too.
When is she coming back?
I don't know.
[ Train Passing ]
[ Olivia, Indistinct ]
There is nothing.
There is nothing.
You have--
You have no right
to say that.
You just show up,
and you tell me this?
I've known you
for 17 years.
You've known me
17 fuckin years,
and you don't--
You have no clue?
No, David.
What? What would be--
What could be
more important
than this? What?
How could you do this?
Just go to hell.
[ Handset Rattles ]
Go away.
Are you okay?
I don't want you
here, Fin.
Go away.
Please, Olivia, just--
I'm not your fucking girlfriend
or your mother, all right?
I know that.
Are you all right?
You're not a child!
Get off the fucking porch
and leave me alone!
[ Door Slams ]
[ Loud Chatter ]
[ Rock ]
Lay me down
And let me die
It's just you and me
[ Continues, Indistinct ]
Down and slow.
[ Continues ]
[ Continues, Distorted ]
How you doing?
[ Continues, Indistinct ]
[ Loud Clattering ]
[ People Exclaiming ]
Here I am.
Take a look.
Take a look!
Lay me down
And let me die
[ Continues, Indistinct ]
Oh. Oh.
[ Train Whistle Blowing
In Distance ]
[ Train Approaching,
Whistle Blowing ]
[ Birds Chirping ]
[ Groans ]
Did you take these?
[ Grunts ]
He's having
another baby.
Did you take
all of these?
Oh, gosh.
I gotcha, I gotcha,
I gotcha.
Come on, come on.
Oh, God, Fin.
[ Breathing Heavily ]
I want--
[ Sobbing ]
I want--
I want Sam back.
I want him back.
Oh, God.
I want him back.
[ Woman On P.A., Indistinct ]
[ Door Opens ]
[ Woman ] You can
come in now, Mr. McBride.
[ Scattered Laughter ]
Everyone, I want you
to give Mr. McBride
your full attention.
I am here
to speak about trains.
The first real train
in this country...
was built
by Peter Cooper in 1829.
Does anyone know
what it was called?
It was called the Tom Thumb.
[ Students Giggling ]
Since that time,
trains have helped make
this country what it is today.
A long time ago,
most people never
left their towns...
because travel was hard.
How tall are you?
I'm, uh-- I'm four feet
and five inches tall.
[ Snickers ]
I'm taller than you.
Jacob, come with me.
I'm so sorry.
Be back in a minute.
You're such a jerk.
[ Door Closes ]
What about blimps?
I think blimps
came later.
I'm not sure exactly.
- Blimps are cool.
- Well, so are trains.
Yeah. Well, they're--
they're both cool.
Trains and blimps.
[ Crickets Chirping ]
Anybody hungry
for dessert?
I'm stuffed.
Yeah. Me too.
Well, there's
plenty of food.
We can have it
for lunch tomorrow.
Hey, when were
blimps invented?
I have no idea.
Yeah, me neither.
You know, you can go
down to the library
and ask that little hottie.
She is cute.
It's the librarian
fantasy, man.
Glasses off, hair down.
Books flying.
She doesn't
wear glasses.
Well, buy her some.
It's worth it.
[ Chuckles ]