The Sugarland Express (1974) Movie Script

Haven't seen you|here before.
That's 'cause I ain't been|here before. It's my first time.
Who'd y'all come to see? Clovis|Poplin. I'm his legal wife, Lou Jean.
Hmm, Poplin?|Let's see.
He just came from the|penitentiary. Here we go.
So he did. It's here on my flimsy.
Let's see what we got here.|Some nice goodies in here?
Oh, let's see.|What's this?
That's Texas Gold Stamps|from the market. Gimme.
Gimme. Okay, there's some more.
Okay. What we got in this one?
All right, Mrs. Poplin. Have|yourself a real nice visit.
I think theJ.C.'s are gonna have|lemonade. I didn't come for the drinkin'.
Of course you didn't. You are|permitted to display familial affection,
including bodily contact, as long as|it doesn't outrage the public decency.
- Does that mean we can kiss?|- If you so desire.
All right, then.
Oh, Lou!
Ain't you somethin'?
Clovis!|Ain't you somethin'?
Ain't you somethin'?
Clovis. Ain't you somethin'?
Clovis!|Ain't you somethin'?
What's the matter, honey?|Goin' shy on me?
I come with the bad news|I'm leavin' you.
What kind of junk|are you talkin'?
We are no longer man and|wife. I'm leaving you.
That's why you|brought your lunch?
This don't mean nothin'.|I'm already on my way.
Don't you|notice nothin'?
Don't you|notice anything?
You've gone blonde.|You've gone blonde before.
Clovis Poplin, have you|forgotten your own son?
No, I ain't.|Why didn't you bring him?
There's kids allowed. They|got candy for 'em and pop.
I'm not behind bars in despair.|You can bring him every week.
That's what I come|to tell ya.
Welfare's come and taken|Baby Langston forever.
They're gonna keep him|in that foster home!
Why are they doin' that?|How am I supposed to know?
I got out of women's|facility three weeks ago.
I went to welfare|to get him back...
and that child board|made up some story.
They had me fill out|a statement of propriety...
and take it to county|courthouse, but it was closed.
A man on the first floor said to me I|should take it to the hall of records.
I did, but nobody knew|what I was talkin' about.
I remembered what you said|about the telephone.
I called the man|and got him on the line.
That didn't do no good|neither 'cause he said...
the man at the first place should've|already sent it to my address.
That didn't do no good|'cause I'd already moved.
I want|my baby back.
You gonna help me|or not?
Where's he now?
Over in Sugarland.
Now that they got him,|I bet those Methodists...
are gettin' ready to|move out of state.
I wanna know if|you're gonna help.
Well, sure I am.|Sure I am.
Sure I am.
Two for us and half-fare|for Baby Langston.
I spent $65.
We're goin' to Los Angeles|so's you can go white collar.
Bus tickets! A workin'|father's what that boy needs!
Lou Jean,|who ever gave you $65?
I got to go|to the bathroom.
Lou Jean?|Lou Jean?
Honey, you gotta go next door.|This is the men's room!
Prove it.
You saved $65|all on your own?
Oh, Clovis.
Oh, Lord,|how I've missed you.
I can't wait|no longer.
You waited a year. Can't|you wait another four months?
I can't.|This is an emergency.
Isn't this my shirt? When I|leave today you're comin' with me.
You got two pairs of pants on! I know.
I got it all planned out.|You're leavin' today.
Mmm, I love you. I can't.|I only got four more months.
No, you're|leavin' today.
I can't. I love you. Yes, you are.
I love you too.|You're leavin' today.
I can't. Yes, baby. Please.
I can't. Come today. Today.
I love you.|No!
If you don't,
this is|our last time.
Jesus Christ,|have you lost your brains?
Hubie, you're gonna|screw me up.
Nobody breaks out of|prerelease! That's just stupid!
If I don't,|she's gonna run off.
You said your ol' lady|was in the jute mill.
No, she's done her time|and she's out on her own.
I'm gonna call a guard|for your own good.
This is stupid! Hubie! Hubie!
You don't understand. They|took my boy, Baby Langston.
What the hell you|talkin' about, boy?
Ain't nobody gonna fuss|over four little ol' months.
Bye, honey.
We won't see him for another|week. Sure am gonna miss him.
You might, but I'm not|gonna miss him any.
Oh, Pa, don't|talk like that.!
Scoot on in, Mama.
Pardon me. You Hubie's mom? Yes, I am.
And still proud of it no matter|what his circumstances may be now.
He's a caution, which is why we|came to see him, isn't it? Sure am.
Where y'all headed?|New Frankfurt.
That's where we're goin'! We lost|our ride. Do you mind awfully?
You're a friend of Hubie's? Sure am.
That's right. That|boy ain't no damn good.
Never was no good.|Stop talkin' like that!
I don't think he ever will be. I tried|my best to make a man out of him...
but it look like|I failed somewhere.
Scoot in the seat|back there.
ndale, ndale,|young fella.
Yes, sir.
No smokin'.
Officer, I think|you're a mean man.
Buster, haven't I seen you|somewhere before?
You probably have.
I picked peas with you on|the pea farm one time... No.
Before you got that|hog leg on.
No, I think I drove you|in before. I sure do.
I think I took you in D.W.I.|Before. Ah, you never done.
I never was drunk|in my life.
What? I never was drunk in my life!
What are you tryin' to do,|make a liar out of me?
You son of a bitch.!
You ever do|some time in prison, son?
Sir?|You heard me.
Well, just a little.|Yes, I did.
It's all right by me. You served|your time and squared yourself.
What was it you|went up for?
I think they said it|was larceny.
- Is this car runnin' right?|- She run pretty-pr-pretty nice.
You look like a pea picker to me anyway.
To tell you the truth, you|look like a pea picker to me.
Is your name Buster Daniels?|It was 'fore I married.
- What kind of larceny?|- We was bustin' coin boxes in the washaterias.
It's hot. Do you think we could|go faster so's to cool the car?
As long as you squared|yourself, it's all right by me.
- Yes, sir.|- That all right with you, Mama?
- Pa, you've bought it.|- I can see it.
You got yourself|a real violator, huh?
You ain't gonna be sick in|the car, are you? Why, no!
You know I'm not, man.
Good. Don't let me find that|seat wet, neither. Thank you, sir.
Mr. Nocker, sir,
you were goin' less than 25|miles an hour on the open highway.
Not only is that|a violation...
but you could be|a dangerous hazard.
I'm just amused.
I've been an upright,|irresponsible citizen all my life!
I've been drivin'|all my life.
I'm not gonna|cite you, sir,
but I am gonna give you|a written warnin'.
That'll be okay,|just fine.
I'd like to take a look|at your safety sticker.
It's plastered on the|inside of that windshield.
Didn't I tell you, Pa?|He's comin' over.
I gotta get out, give|myself up. No, it's too late!
They're gonna be mad. I'm|gonna get another year.
You willin' to go to the|end? What you talkin' about?
Do you love me? Baby,|we're in real trouble!
Oh, shit!|Our car's stole.
You folks stay put.
No, no, no.|Uh-uh.
Okay, let me drive.|Lou Jean, let me drive!
- 23-11, Houston.|- Go ahead.
Got a 10-80 headin' west.|I'm just an old farm boy.
I haven't done anything wrong.|Green Buick, 1956 license.
Boy, Ocean, William,|four, zero, four.
Let me drive, right now!|Let me drive!
Let me out of here.|I'll walk to jail!
Please let me|out ofhere.
Lou, watch it!
- Keep to the right!|- Hey, Officer.
Do you know it's illegal to make a|turn in the middle of the highway?
You violated the law.
- Jesus!|- Hey!
Keep to the right|of the truck.
Keep to the right...|Open your eyes!
Open your eyes.!|Goddamn it.!
God bless me, my wife, my son,|John, his wife, plus four...
God bless me, my Lord.
Oh, my Lord,|my Lord.
23-11, Houston.|Houston, 23-11.
Okay. Pursued vehicle done|10-50 major. Wrecked in woods.
Need ambulance and wrecker|on Airline Road...
three miles north|of 90.
Ten-four,|23-11 received, 65-80.
Just shut up and|sit where you are.
Relax for now.|I'm all here.
Lady? Help me out of here.
Can you move your|toes and fingers?
Am I bleedin'?
Do you have double vision? I don't know.
Does it hurt when...|All right.
You let me know if it|hurts and I'll stop.
I never|shot a man.
Friend, want to|give that back?
You got no idea|what's gonna happen to you.
What do we do now? I don't know.
If you don't give that back voluntarily,
you've committed|a felony.
Now, all right.
Now, stick 'em...|Reach for your...
Just get your goddamn hands in the air!
I never gave you|no lip.
Get on out of here!
God bless you!
Now stop.|Stop!
Now get in that car.
Now, you listen,|Mister.
So far, it's|grand theft auto,
drivin' to endanger.
You've got|resistin' arrest,
threatenin'|an officer,
hinderin' an officer in|the performance of duty,
illegal possession of|firearms and assault.
But if I get in that car, you|got kidnappin', and that's fed...
Lou Jean, get in|the backseat.
C'mon, c'mon.
Move it or loose it.|Shit!
Turn them lights off!
All right, now.|Let's go.
That's better.
Know we are kidnappers? I don't care!
We're on the road.|He's a state trooper.
I got it worked out. We ain't|never gonna see Los Angeles.
You're gonna take us to|Sugarland. Yes, ma'am.
Take 59 through Rosenberg,|where the intersection y's off.
98 goes to the left. I'm in big trouble.
I don't care if|I live or die.
You drive or I'll shoot you!|Shut up!
Then we go|into Rodrigo.
That's where that bus broke|down. We're almost there.
Then into Honda, Sugarland,|and the Rio Grande.
We're in real trouble.
Everything's gonna be fine.|Just get down.
Attention ambulance|and wreckers.
I was rollin' with a|patrolman when the call came.
I was here from the start.|You fellas flip for it.
Ernest, now I have|seen it all.
Looks like 23-11 's|in the ambulance business.
What's your trouble? I'm first|on the scene, got no victim.
I'd say your man|owes me $40.
Billy, what's happening? How ya doin'?
We don't know where they|are but we know who they are.
What you got? Alvin T. Nocker,|R.F.D. 4, New Frankfurt.
Can I have this? Yes.|Guess get on the horn.
Good idea. I figure this|has been here all day.
Motor's still warm.
Over to Dallas.
23-22, Houston.|Houston. 23-22, go ahead.
You got any word|on what hospital...
23-11 is transportin'|his 10-50s to?
We have a 10-50, no confirmation.|Are you on the scene?
Yeah, I'm here, Lamar.
Call the hospitals, will ya,|and see if he's on his way.
I'm gonna check out the area|north and south. Ten-four.
Every time we start somewhere,|you pick something to fuss about.
I wish you'd hush, Pa.|I'm tired of listenin' to you.
My feet hurt and I'm|tired of standin' here.
You can sit and rest your|feet. What'll I sit on?
You think I'm gonna|sit on this bag?
Sit on your pits and|lean back on your thumb.
What's the story? The missus and I|just had our car taken by an ex-con.
Claimed he was a workin'|man. Was it a green Buick?
Seafoam green, 1956. Stole!|Roadmaster, B-O-W 404.
Is your name Alvin T. Nocker|of New Frankfurt? Yes, sir.
Now you're talkin'.|You stay put.
23-11, this is Houston.
23-11,|this is Houston.
23-11, this is Houston.|Give me a ten-four.
You got a|confirmation for me?
23-11, this is Houston.|23-11.
- Houston, Pierce.|- This is Pierce. Go ahead.
- Pierce, would you attempt|to raise 23-11? - Ten-four.
I'm gonna smash|that radio.
Wait! I'd rather you held back|on that. They'll dock my pay.
Kick it, Clo.|I hate that goddamn thing.
Please, don't smash my|radio. I can shut it off.
Turn that sucker off! All|right. I'm shuttin' it off.
Airline Road,|three miles north...
Just lay back.|We're not gonna hurt you.
Get us to Sugarland.|Everything'll be fine.
You get outta here!
On the day|in question,
how long had your man been|with the highway patrol?
It was three years,|unless I'm mistaken.
During that three years, had it|ever come to your attention that...
he was having difficulty|with his vision?
No, sir.
Don't highway patrolmen|have to have regular...
physical examinations and|examinations of your eyes?
Yes, sir, all highway|patrol personnel...
undergo a thorough|medical examination.
Excuse me a moment, gentlemen.
Captain Tanner.|Yes, sir.
If you would,|Your Honor.
We have an emergency. May|I see counsel in chambers?
We stand adjourned.
All rise.!
Your Honor, may I have|the court's attention?
May it please the court... Your Honor?
2-5-9-0, Houston.|This is Capt. Tanner.
Believe our man is hijacked.|Repeat, hijacked.
Have all units makin' the florist call stay|off the "A" channel as much as possible.
There's no need them knowin'|what we're talkin' about.
I want a roadblock on 90 Alternate|at the Lavaca County line.
The name of the patrolman|is Maxwell Slide.
He's been in uniform nine months|but he's a good boy.
We can't count on him to|act in his own best interest.
In the event of a face-off, I|want you to keep your shirts on.
I see lights.|A whole bunch!
Put that shotgun on this officer|so's he knows where you're at.
That's my captain.
Don't shoot.! That's Captain Tanner.|You want to get us all killed?
I'll put you|on the radio.
Tell him to get out ofhere.|We never hurt nobody.!
23-11, 25-90.
Go ahead,|23-11.
We got a 10-32 in here.|Says drop off or he'll shoot.
They hurt you any,|Maxwell?
I'm sorry about this. I|had no idea they were 96s.
What you talkin', 32, 96?|You tryin' to code me out?
No, sir, it is merely|verbal shorthand.
10-32 is a man with a gun.|10-96 is your mental subject.
How do you work this thing? When|you wish to talk, press the button.
We ain't no|mental subjects.
I've done some dumb things,|but I ain't a goddman mental subject!
What's your name, son?
My name's Clovis Poplin and|this is my ol' lady, Lou Jean.
What are you doin'|with our man in there?
He's takin' us to Sugarland|to get my boy, Langston.
You got a strange notion|on how to hitchhike.
Y'all stay back,|no need to worry.
Get your cars back.|Quit followin' us!
I've got|a job to do.
I can't have ol' boys|commandeerin' my patrol car.
What would|the taxpayers say?
Get back or I'll|shoot 'em in the head.
Take it easy and think|about what you're doin'.
No one's gonna get hurt. Do you hear me?
We'll get you|out of this, Maxwell.
We've got|a bad hombre here.
We're gonna have to|lift that roadblock.
Houston, let 'em all know to|back off and let that boy through.
Here they come. Get|that car out of the hole!
Hit it, boys!|Hit it!
Sam, I couldn't see|a damn thing!
We'd better|phone it in.
Oh!|Here, doggie.
Doggie, want more?
Baby?|Baby Langston?
Let's go inside and play. Mommy. Mommy.
Mommy, Mommy!
You're lyin'!|I'm awful sorry, sir.
You had the whole thing|planned, you're mistaken.
From beginning to end.|I sure as hell never.
Don't tell me. I can see|you had a plan! You're wrong.
You get us goin'!
Ma'am, we're|out of gas.
There's no fillin' station|anywhere nears here.
Just surrender yourselves.|This thing'll end peaceable.
Capt. Tanner?|Capt. Tanner?
You're on|the outside speaker.
Capt. Tanner,|this is Clovis Poplin.
I wanna talk to you.
Look, they give Gold Stamps.|I want some Gold Stamps.
Lou Jean, you|don't need no stamps.
Fill 'er up?|Ethyl.
That oil|needs checkin'.
Honey? Honey? What?
If you wanna run do somethin',|now'll be the time. Not me.
I know you. Run and do what you have to.
I don't|have anything to do!
Shall we go,|if you please?
All right.
How y'all today?
You want me to|check that oil?
Oil's okay.
Tell him I want|Gold Stamps... lots.
He's comin'.|Be quiet.
That'll be 7.90,|please, sir.
What in the world is|going on around here?
I'm sorry, we can't accept these|here. Better talk to the captain.
Talk to who?|The captain?
Wait.! Come back here.!
Hold it, hold it!|Hold on just a minute!
This ain't no|contract station.
We can't accept your|card. Talk to the captain.
Are you the captain?
We can't accept|them credit cards here.
Hey, are you a captain? If you|ain't, would you tell me where he is?
Your name, sir.|Oh, ah, Fr...
Fred Mengers.
I own this station|right here.
Do you know you just served|gas to an escaped felon?
Oh, you mean in that|police car? Yes, sir.
I sure did,|yes, sir.
I'm from right here|in Killdeer.
And I seen|the whole thing happen.
The fugitives|have been identified...
as Clovis Michael Poplin,|25, a convict from Crowley,
and Lou Jean Sparrow Poplin, 25,|an unemployed beautician from Sayers.
The name of the patrolman|has not been released...
pending notification|of next ofkin.
The hijackers stated to Captain|Tanner that their purpose...
was to protest the action|of the Child Welfare Board,
which refused to return custody|of their son to Mrs. Poplin,
who has|a criminal record.
The boy has been living with|foster parents in Sugarland.
The K.K.O.K. Mobile command unit|is on its way for a live report.
This has been a K.K.O.K.|News KO.
This is the big country.|It's great country.
But sometimes it can get|mighty hot and dry.
Out here, men grow|the mightiest thirsts on Earth.
It takes a lot|to cut it.
That's why Lone Star|is one of the...
What they're saying is|I'm an unfit mother.
- You broke out of prerelease?|- Shut up. Mind your own business!
You broke your husband|out of prerelease?
You're assuming a lot|for a man your size.
What was that "unemployed beautician"?|You been takin' money from Donny Hyatt?
No, I quit.|You got $65.
You ain't never seen work.|What you been doin'?
You been runnin'around? I|have not! I am not lyin'!
- Don't lie to me!|- Don't call me no liar!
Donny Hyatt ain't runnin'|around. That's just beerin'.
Suspicions of marital infidelity|are more often than not groundless.
The disputes ensuin' are highly|destructive. What do you know?
Why'd you have to come along for|anyway? This whole thing's your fault.
Now, lady...|It's your fault!
If you were half as|good-lookin' as Donny Hyatt...
I still wouldn't quit|no job for you,
not after this mess|you got me in.
I've stopped more disputes than|you've had. I've been trained for it.
Mind your own|goddamn business.
What you wanna hang around Donny Hyatt|and Bill Fails for? They're just...
Jean, they're gonna call you|promiscuous, unfit.
In the three years we've been|married, I haven't even had the urge.
And I am not promiscuous|and I am not unfit, neither!
Pull over. I wanna talk to that man.
You heard it on...
# Great country 68 #
Well,|I'll be doggone.
The highway patrol in our|neighboring state of Texas...
admitted|early this afternoon...
that their roadblock|has been licked.
Your news hounds have learned|that the hijackers...
Admire it|while you got it.
Next time around it's|propane and super slow.
Equipped to give officers|a run for their money.
Inasmuch as Texas patrol vehicles,|like our state of Louisiana,
boast high-performance engine...
Pete, these things|ready to roll?
They're ready when you are.|You been followin' the fun?
Texas highway patrol's got|their hijacker on the radio.
- The hell you say.|- It's no lie!
I believe they gonna|talk him out of it.
Where'd they be|about this time?
Outside of Killdeer, Texas, goin' west.
What say we just|poke on up there?
That's over|three hours away.
Just about|the break-in period.
Nod Away standard crib,|four positions, teething rail,
16 and a quarter books.
Honey,|we could get that.
And Happy Hoppers. Push toy|encourages walkin' activity.
Colored disks makes|poppin'S.N.D. What does that mean?
And we got, uh,
animal shop crib mobile,|one and a quarter books.
And, uh,
Nod Away play yard,|one book.
We've got...|Honey?
I got somethin'|to tell ya.
Promise you won't|be mad?
I got to go|pee-pee.
All-around bumper pad,|one and a half books.
Honey!|I gotta pee! Shit!
We gotta have ourselves|a little talk.
We gotta quit this runnin'|around and start runnin'.
You want me to pee in|the backseat of that car?
All this stoppin', startin'. We|ain't never gonna get Langston.
Everything's|gonna be fine. Just fine.
We're in real trouble.
Lou Jean Poplin|has two shopliftings,
and a conviction on petty larceny,|for which she did eight months.
Clovis Poplin|has four petty larcenies,
two illegal entries|and a conviction on burglary.
He has four months left|on a one-year sentence.
You sure there's no armed|robbery or assault? No, sir.
Did they ever make use|of firearms? Sure didn't.
Ah, shoot! They're nothin'|but a couple of kids.
Hold it!
You! You in|the cab there!
Unhook that thing.|Get out of here.
Sit down!|Sit down!
Come on!
Gonna drive away|with her pants down?
That's a nice try.|You're not dealing with a blind man.
Turn around and sit down!|Sit down!
Hold it!
Hold it!
Now, I just might see what happens...
if I shoot a load of|buckshot in that commode.
I said, I just might see what happens...
if I put another hole|in that thing.!
It's only me.
You gonna let him|get away with that, Captain?
Well, I don't know.
They thought their way|out of a toilet.
This ol' boy's|some doer.
They sure are messin'|all over us, I know that.
You got any better ideas? Yes, sir.
I sure in hell do.
Hello.|Hello, ma'am.
Of course, I know|why you're here...
but I have|nothing to say.
We'd just like to|see the child, Mrs. Looby.
Well,|the child board says...
the child is ours|to keep now...
and we love him|very much.
And I'm his mother.|We understand that.
How old is|the little boy?
Oh, he was two|in January.
We sure would like|to interview him.
Oh, uh...
Uh, Verne?
Langston, do you know|where your papa is?
Could you wave good-bye|to your real mama?
Are you happy?
He's our boy now,|we give him a good home,
and he has all the love|he'll ever need.
Right here.|All the love, Baby Langston.
Oh, no, no, baby.
Back!|Back up!
Get closer to the thing.|I can't reach over there.
Now, move over here.
Get closer.|I can't reach it.
All right, stop!
We're the Poplins.
Anybody home?
This is Mark Fenno. Hi, Captain.
That's Logan Waters. Howdy, Captain.
They're rangers. They think|they can drop that ol' boy.
What've|you got there?
I got a 7 millimeter Magnum,|4- power scope, Mauser action.
I'll be shootin'|a 148-grain bullet.
At 300 yards,|hit a dime.
Can you guarantee|Slide won't be hit?
At this distance?|Oh, absolutely.
How am I gonna know|they'll be killed outright?
If it's a spasm shot|you're worried about,
I figure to hit the boy in|the brain and cut his motors.
What about the girl?
Same thing. She'll be dead|before the sound gets there.
You don't|want none?
Well, maybe|just one piece.
A small piece.|I'm not that hungry.
Give the man a breast, Lou. Clovis!
Could I have|more honey, please?
Want another napkin? I just|wanna tell you I love you.
Don't say it|too loud.
Hey, he's got|a wishbone!
C'mon, Lou.
I won.|The kid.
I don't know. I can't tell|the boy from a doorpost.
We've lost|our light.
How you gonna score|through that glass?
Captain, the glass|will be no problem.
Don't put that stuff|on me. Give me a number.
I'd say it's|better than 90%.
I'm gonna have to|say "no" to you boys.
That's a|pretty good number.
We won't get chances as good as|this one. It's not good enough.
It's a long ways|from here to Sugarland.
There's possibles that|we haven't tried yet.
I've been on the force 18 years.
It's been my good fortune not to|have killed anyone in that time.
That's the way|I'd like to keep it.
Wouldn't you know it.
How do you like it?
Got a flat spot|between 85 and 90.
Not me.
- How far to Binney?|- About five or 10 minutes.
We didn't pass|that cutoff, did we?
I don't think so.
# Oh, Louisiana gals|Come and listen to my noise #
# Don't ever marry them|Texican boys #
How about tellin' me|what you got in mind?
Hold your butter. I'm gonna|76 'em like you never saw.
That's a great idea,|just terrific!
That's great! Think you|can do it without me?
You know my mind|on the matter.
You ought to by now.
If your butt ain't sore, I|don't mind tellin'you mine is.!
Aren't you tired?
No, I ain't.
I don't see why we can't|reach some understanding.
Do you trust me?
I'm not saying I do|and I'm not saying I don't.
You talkin' about|not charging me?
That I can't do, but what I can|do is make it easier on Ms. Poplin.
If she's worried|about her baby,
I personally can arrange a hearing|with the Department of Public Welfare...
so she can tell|her side of the story.
I appreciate that,|Captain.
You're a man of your word and you're|tryin'your best. Don't think I don't see that.
But we got|other plans.
What are your other|plans? I'd like to know.
We got secret plans.
Look out!
Keep after 'em!|C'mon!
Hubert, get after them! Pull over!
What's in the road?
Can you advise|if you can release units?
We need some|back at home.
You crazy son of a bitch!|You tried to rack us up!
I goddamn|sure as hell didn't!
I been to drivin' school.|The proof is you're livin' and squawkin'.
They're gonna be|so mad.
I don't care. Gimme gum|and I'll drive all night.
- Don't stop for nothin'.|- Don't call me no son of a bitch!
Clovis, it don't do no good|runnin' from a tornado.
Who else is out there? The|Lord only knows, Captain.
Call 'em all in. All except|Highway patrol out of Region 2.
If I can't call him by his first|name, I don't want him out there.
Yes, sir.|I want a helicopter.
A helicopter|with a searchlight.
And I want some kind of a spot|to hem these ol' boys up.
C'mon. Move on down here.
That's it.|C'mon, c'mon.
That's it.|Good. Real fine.
Where the hell|they all comin' from?
We heard anything|from our unit? No, sir.
They are still out there? Yes, sir.
In fact, the whole state|ofTexas is on A.P.B. Alert.
The whole state|ofTexas is here!
We got lawmen from|Dallas, up from Austin.
If they was all dentists, we|could call this a damn convention.
Has the chopper come up|with anything yet?
Nothin'. Just kids hole-punchin'|back of the schoolyard.
Have you located|this ol' boy's folks?
Both mother|and father dead.
Do we know the girl's|maiden name? Sparrow.
Hey, help.!
Hey, help.!
Clovis Poplin.!
Somebody help me.!
I don't believe it!
Man, these cuffs hurt!
Are you|Mr. Sparrow?
This way.
That's some ride,|huh?
Mr. Sparrow, your influence|might persuade...
your daughter and her husband|to give themselves up.
Otherwise, I fear not only|for the safety of our men,
but frankly,|for their lives as well.
Do you understand why I|have to say that? Yes, sir.
All right, sir,
whenever you're ready, you just|press this black button down here.
Talk in a|normal tone of voice.
When you're ready,|just...
talk in a|normal tone of voice.
Yes, and press...|Press this button,
and talk in a normal tone|of voice. That's right.
You want me to go ahead? Just|say whatever you think's right.
Lou Jean?|Lou Jean!
Lou Jean.!
This is your daddy. They brought|me down in a helicopter...
that I might say a word,|and I'm gonna.
It's a good thing your|poor mother is not alive...
to see what has|become of you.
Lou Jean,|you're no good.!
And I always knew...
If this man gave me a gun,|I'd go there and shoot you...
and shoot that|trash you married.
God'll get you.
Hi, there.
Here, take this.
Put this around ya.|It'll make you feel better.
You tired?
I sure am.
Not every day you hitch|a ride like this.
You're not all together|bad-lookin'.
You married?|No.
- Got a girl?|- Of course I do.
I bet she's nice.
Well, good night. Lou Jean?
Could you turn off|the police radio?
Why, sure.|Great.
Lou Jean?|Yeah?
I know you're|all right...
and a good woman|at heart,
even though you might have|took a wrong turn in life.
Well, thank you,|I'm sure.
Prison made|a woman out of me.
Good night.
It's got a gas stove.
Hey, we got|a free movie next door.
Oh, Lou, honey.
If Baby Langston was here,|we'd be a real family.
What if we|don't get the baby?
Of course we're|gonna get him!
That's why you stole|that ol' police car, ain't it?
I guess it is.|You guess it is?
I guess you're right.
Come here.
Did you miss me?|Every day.
I like to hear you|tell me that.
I missed|all that sweet talk.
I wish we|could get drunk.
We always used to|get drunk together.
You're fun drunk.
Except when you're throwin' up in|the back of Bill Fails's Chevelle.
Jean, I mean that|for what it is.
You're my wife|and I love you...
even if we|don't get the baby.
Wish we had sound.
I'll be your sound.|C'mon.
Beep, beep!
Oh, no.!
Oh, boy, that kid!
How many times|have I told him!
What are you doin'|in that outfit?
We're not goin'|to the mountains.
Just a precaution.|See and be seen.
There's gonna be a lot of clowns out|there with firearms and itchy fingers.
I don't want|to get shot.
Patty, you tryin' to be a|reserve officer like your ol' man?
No, I want it full time. You'll make it.
Did you bring the coffee? Black and hot.
Did you do that?
I had to.
You're in|real trouble.
Thank you.
Jean, you decent?
Y'all decent?
I'm gonna go pick one out and|don't you guys get to dawdlin'.
Does that ol' razor|belong to you?
Sure do.|Wanna use it?
Yeah,|when you're done.
How much money you make|on the highway patrol?
Not a whole lot,|lemme tell ya.
How much is that? 620 a month.
But I take home|a whole lot less.
I didn't mean|what I said.
What was that?
About callin'you a son of|a bitch. I didn't mean that.
And you ain't no|mental subject, neither.
I've been thinkin' about|gettin' on the highway patrol.
They won't take|a man with a record.
I think it's|a state law.
Honey, I found us...
Blue colored.|I love it.!
Honey.! Just supposing|that I were to tell you...
that this is|the end of the line.
Just supposin' I told you|I wasn't gonna go no further.
Just supposin'!
Now, you may kill me,
but if you don't come to|your senses and throw it down,
they're gonna kill you.
Well, supposin' I was|worried about that?
Which I'm not!
And supposin' I was|to give myself up,
how many years you figure|they'd give me for breakin' out?
I couldn't tell you but it might go|real easy bein' you're a regular fella.
Well, I am a regular|fella! I never shot a man.
There you go! That's a|major point with the law.
Make you mighty happy,|I bet ya.
Hell, yes.|It'd make everybody happy!
Where are you two?|It's already sunup.
Not Lou Jean,|it wouldn't make her happy.
Man, they'd lock me up|from now to Moses.
Take away my boy for good.|They'll change his name.
All right,|stand up.
Stand up!
Nobody move.|I made up my mind.
We're gonna take this one.|It's the best on the lot.
Don't let that|squelch fool you.
We're not the|only ones out here.
Maybe they already caught 'em. No way.
I had my home set on all night.|Wasn't anything on A.P.B. About it.
You all know what I think|about the airborne.
Dad, they're in|Big John's!
After you get the|insulation scraped off,
you bring it from your hot|line to your coil over here.
Make sure you don't get|your fingers on the metal.
I need somethin' to|short over to the starter.
What about your badge?|Yeah, that'll work.
You got water|in the gas line.
Y'all been runnin' lights|and appliances all night?
Battery's outside.
Which one do you want?|I'll take that redhead.
Come back!
There! There!
Come back!
Come back here!
Come back here!
That must be them,|all right.
Hold it!|Maxwell, come back!
Wait.! Max.!
Wait a minute!|You son of a bitch!
Make 'em stop.!
Stop!|Hold your fire!
This is patrolman Slide, Texas|Department of Public Safety.
How do you work|this goddamn thing?
No, Lou Jean,|turn it around.!
Capt. Tanner.!|Capt. Tanner.!
They're shootin'at us.
This is Capt. Tanner.|Where you located?
We got 'em. Big John's|Used Car Lot, Military Drive.
Hey, we got 'em. They're at Big|John's, Military and San Pedro.
Get anything yet?
Boy, wait'll they see|what we found.
Drop those weapons! Move a|finger and I'll blow it off.
But we've captured|the fugitives.
- Keep 'em here, Jessup.|- Yes, sir.
Capt. Tanner.!
Capt. Tanner.!|Capt. Tanner.!
You're gonna kill|your man.
I'll pull my trigger.|I'm gonna shoot his head.
It's him or my baby,|that's my deal.
Clovis, I see you.|That's my deal.
What kind of a deal|are you talkin' about?
We keep right on|to Sugarland,
no roadblocks, and no|snipers and no nothin'.!
Once we get my baby,|I'll let your man go.
Are you listenin'? 'Cause|he's gonna tell you somethin'.
This is patrolman|Maxwell Slide.
I suppose y'all might want|to end it right here now.
If that's your thinkin',|sir, it's fine by me.
Y'all come on in.|Tell everyone I told you that.
Let's all back off|a step or two, men.
There's no need for|hasty talk around here.
All right, Clovis.|You got yourself a deal.
Sounds like a fair proposition|to me and I'm gonna abide by it.
But no more runnin' off, no|more speedin', and no more guns.
What do you say to that? I|want your personal word ofhonor.
Do I got it?
Yeah, you got it.
Did you hear that, honey?|We're gonna get the baby.
Capt. Tanner,
I do believe|you're a good man.
You ain't really gonna let|them take that baby, are you?
I don't see|how we can.
Well, uh,
do you want me|to go somewheres?
Go find those two ol' boys|that was with you.
What's their names?
Fenno and Waters.
Yeah, Fenno|and Waters.
Find them, take the chopper,|and get over to the foster home.
Yes, sir.
I'm real sorry,|Captain.
Don't let me see you|around here again.
But, Captain...|Shut up!
These boys|ain't no reserves.
They ain't been on the active|list for more than a year.
Is that right?
9- 3-4-1.
Take that|with you!
- Arrest them, Jessup.|- Yes, sir!
You're not gonna take him|away, are you? No, ma'am.
Just gonna make sure|he'll be safe, that's all.
# When the blue moon|turns to gold again #
#And the rainfall|turns the clouds away #
#When my blue moon|turns to gold again #
# I'll be back|within your arms to stay #
I'm settin' too far|from the wheel.
No, sir, that's the way|it's supposed to be.
Place your hands at|10:00 and 2:00.
Like this?|That's about okay.
When negotiatin' a turn, shuffle|the wheel through your fingers...
rather than to go across,|hand-over-hand.
That way you got both hands|on the wheel at all times.
# I'll be back #|That's neat.
#Within your arms again ##
Have you ever seen|a picture of Baby Langston?
Ain't he sweet? Yeah, fine-lookin' boy.
I took that picture. It's|a fine-lookin' picture.
This here's my ma and pa,|Horace and Mavorene Slide.
Hey, you got|your pa's eyes.
Who they standin' next to?|My bull. I was in the F.F.A.
Who's that,|your girlfriend?
That's my old girlfriend.|I still got the cycle. Hmm.
What's that? No, no. Gimme that!
Ah! What's that? That's mine.
Is that you?|Is that you?
Looks just like you.
I bet you're gonna get a big|promotion when this thing's over.
You're gonna be|Lieutenant Slide.
That'll be the day.
Hey, looky up there!
What do you think|of that?
Could I have that? Would|you bring that here to me?
You got to|count to 10.
1- 2-3-4-5|6- 7-8-9-10.
Oooh, God!
Lemme see.|Nah-uh.
Could you do me a|favor? Anything you want.
Could you get me some hair|spray and a set of rollers?
You wait right here.|Just wait right here.
Could you bring some pins|and some other junk?
- You just wait.|- And lipstick, pink frosted?
You wait now.
Here you go.
Maxwell Slide.|There's my picture.
That's an old mug shot|of me. I look like shit.
You look more like a convict. It's|Patrol Academy. It's worse than jail.
It's your baby. Don't let no|one take him away from you.
I'm not gonna.
Thank you for everything|you've done. I appreciate it.
Y'all take care now.
There's another town|between here and Sugarland.
I don't want any more|rubberneckin'.
You go around to Rodrigo and make sure|the local man's got the streets cleared.
If he tells you it's the 4th|ofJuly, you advise him otherwise.
Do you understand? All right. Yes, sir.
Wanna set up some sandbags?
We won't need 'em.
We're gonna need|more room in here.
Get that chair out|just a little bit.
Can you gimme|some braces?
Ma'am, are you expecting|a delivery of diapers, milk,
or newspapers, anything like that? No.
Are there any|neighbors or kinfolk...
who might get it into their|minds to pay a visit? No.
Excuse me, ma'am.
You all right, sir?
Officer, I know you're not gonna|let me shoot the son of a bitch,
but at least|you could use my rifle.
I don't know how|this is gonna look.
You should always|wash it first.
How y'all doin'?|Could I ask y'all some questions?
Hey,|y'all be careful.
How they treatin' you, Mr.|Slide? They've been all right.
When you gonna|make your escape?
I'm not gonna escape. I'm too|busy talking the man out of it.
He's talkin', see,|but I ain't listenin'.
The hell you ain't! I've|practically got him rehabilitated.
I wouldn't go that far.|I'm just being reasonable.
You in the rig.
You've got one second|to get out of there.
I wanna say I appreciate what|Capt. Tanner's done on my behalf.
What would you two charge for an|exclusive interview with my station?
Cash money? Don't nobody|want to ask me nothin'?
Okay. Now,|we're not gonna talk...
to any more reporters and such|until we decide on our deal.
Right. Whatever you think's fair. Okay.
I've been advised...
we've got innocent civilians|all over the streets of Rodrigo.
I can't let you|go on in.
I want you to pull over and stop so's|we don't have an accident or worse.
Pull over and stand while I|find a way around that town.
What's he thinkin' of?|So what if there's people?
I wanna see the people!|I like the people.
And I bet ya $10 the people|are gonna wanna see us.
Let's take a vote. Everybody who|wants to go through say "aye. "
Raise your hand.|I raise my hand, "aye. "
Y'all go on in|if you have a mind to.
If you're in favor, raise|your hand and say "aye. "
Capt. Tanner, this is 23-11. Go ahead.
We all decided|to go on through.
Thank you all for|makin' it unanimous.
Honey, look at|all these people. Hi!
Hi, Lou Jean.|Hi. Hi, everybody.
Here's my wallet|with money. God bless.
Hi, honey. Look at all these|people. Get off! Get off!
Lou Jean.|Hi, how are ya?
Look at this|ol' thing!
Officer Slide, we're with|you. I appreciate that.
What? Is this for my baby? Diapers.
Oh, my God.!
You can have him|now for a pet.
Oh, my baby!
- Quit that!|- Thank you, honey.
Hi.!|Oh, hi.!
Do you believe|in God, brother?
Yes, ma'am.|I sure do.
Courtesy of|Schleicher's Hardware.
Take care of that boy.|I know you love him.
This is from|my daughter.
Oh, thank you.
When we pick up Baby Langston,|no more of this sportin' around.
We're gonna settle down|just like real folks.
Hi!|Ah, he's peeing on me!
He's peeing on me.|Do you believe that?
Take this thing,|okay?
84, 185,|85, 186,
86, 88,
89, 90,
91, 94, 195,
197, 198,
99, 100.!|Oh, 200.!
201, 202,|203, 204,
205, 206, 207...
Out of the way,|folks, please.
Take off!
Okay, folks. That's it.|Let's go home.
What's up? Where are they taking them?
For safety, we're transferring|them to the courthouse.
That's where we'll|make a transfer.
Transfer will be made at the|courthouse? Right out front.
Harvey, what you doin'|over here from Houston?
If you're gonna stick around,|you might as well do it inside.
I knew it. They done|Terrible Ted the same way.
Remember back|in the car lot...
We're gonna keep this|newspaper. Hope you don't mind.
Could you sign somethin'|real nice right there?
Listen,|this here's my card.
Maxwell Slide,|phone and address.
I sure would like my|car back after all this.
Honey, c'mon.|Let's go.
Well, Captain, looks like|we made it in one piece.
Looks that way, son.
You still want|your baby?
You still want|your patrolman?
Listen to me, Clovis.|We come a long way together,
and you know my intentions have|never been other than decent.
Whether you|realize it or not,
I know|what's best for you.
I'm asking you, please get out|of that car and get into mine.
Let me take you home.
I know I gave you|my word and all,
but I'm still a duly constituted|peace officer of the State of Texas.
What he's saying is he might|not be able to keep his word.
I'm happy with|the deal we made.
All right. Your child, Langston Poplin,
is in the foster home|ofhis foster parents.
You just|go on over there...
and they'll|give him to you.
Tell him I know where|it is.! Let's go.!
Hold on a minute. We gotta|get somethin' straight.
Go ahead.
I want 15 minutes while|I go in and get my boy.
You got it.
I wanna go in private.
Y'all hang|right back here.
All right,|we're not movin'.
I'll just park here|so no one gets by me.
That's real fine.
There's nothin' else|I can think of.
I guess it's good-bye.
C'mon, Jean.
Clovis, if you|don't mind my askin',
what's your plans after|you pick up Baby Langston?
I guess I can|tell you now.
We're only a few miles from Mexico.|Jean's got a cousin in Mexico City.
We're gonna go down|and live with her.
There it is.!|There it is.!
Yeah, I see it.
I see it.|Don't stop!
Hey, that was it!|What are you doin'?
That was it,|do you hear me?
Stop that car!
It's all wrong. Look|around you, for Chrissake.
You heard what|the captain said.
I'm beggin' ya.
Hand me back my gun and in|the name of God, let's quit.
Open your door and|you step out real easy,
and we'll go get|my boy.
he's not in there.
Ain't no way in the world|I'm goin' up that path.
Oh, God.
It's true.
He ain't in there.
Baby Langston!|Baby Langston!
Now, get outta here.
Baby Langston!
Baby Langston!
They took him away.|I hear him.
Sit down.|Just sit down.!
Jean, they took him away.|What's the matter with you?
Get out there!|You go get him!
You lied to me. Go get|him! I can't do that!
You promised. Get out|there and get him! I can't!
I'm gonna get him.|No!
Lou Jean,|get down.
I'll take the girl.
Stay down.|Get yourself down!
- Damn that bannister!|- The tree's in the way.
No, he's goin' back.|He's goin' back?
I can get him easy|but it won't be clean.
Take that goddamn|window out!
Don't hit Slide!
You okay?|Yeah, I'm all okay.
What'd they mean|pullin' a stunt like that?
Y'all better pull over.|Pull over...
Pull over and|let me look at you.
How about|all them crazy kids?
Do you have|a match?
Take me home now.
My wife's so loud.
I suppose|you'll be wantin' that.
He took my gun but|he wasn't gonna use it.