The Suppression of Hannah Stevenson (2022) Movie Script

Can you confirm the identity of
these two people for me please?
That's Traian and...
Yeah, that was it.
What about this girl?
Do you know who she is?
Of course I do.
She's my girlfriend
At least...
...she was.
That's the last one, I promise.
Hold on...
...imagine there's a little
gorilla on your left shoulder.
Trust me, just look at your left
shoulder, imagine it's there.
You know I hate having my photo
Can you blame me?
You try going out with the most
gorgeous girl in the whole wide world.
You're hopeless!
I know.
How about you take a photo of something else for
a change, and I'll grab us something for dinner?
I'll be back.
You ok?
I'm Traian.
Pretty name for a pretty girl.
Are you American?
British actually.
Ah, of course!
How do you like my country?
It's lovely, very peaceful.
I could give you a little tour
if you like?
I know all the best places,
what to see, where to eat.
No, it's ok actually,
my boyfriend's waiting outside for me.
Boyfriend? What's his name?
Look, I'd better be off,
thanks again for your help.
No problem.
Perhaps we will...
...see each other again?
Yeah, maybe.
Is everything alright?
fine... honestly
Nothing took your fancy then?
Let's eat out, shall we?
Yeah, I'm game if you are?
Shut your eyes.
Do it, do it!
Open it then.
It's beautiful.
I though you might like it, it should
match the earrings your brother got you.
It's perfect, thank you.
Here's to us.
It's good that!
Sorry about earlier.
Sorry I was in such a rush to
get away from the supermarket.
It was all a bit overwhelming.
That's ok
Everyone's first time abroad can
be a bit daunting.
Oh, it's not that,
my Ex and I went to Gran Canaria
last Summer.
Oh, ok.
It was more a case of too much
choice and not enough vocabulary.
We've all been there.
I remember Ian and I, we almost got arrested
because we couldn't read the signs at the beach.
What happened?
Well, we were both...
You were both?
You know what... he was an
let's not talk about it.
You can't just leave it there.
Look, can we just leave it and
enjoy our evening?
Yeah, of course.
Ah, perfect timing!
Thank you.
They sound quite good.
Do you think we should join
Why not, huh?
I can't believe that just
I didn't know you could dance
like that.
Neither did I!
Hey, Traian.
Who spat in your soup?
Not tonight Tanya.
I know this look...
...only one thing on your mind.
I said "not tonight".
That's better.
That was crazy, I've never done
anything like that before.
You looked like you were
enjoying it though?
I tell you what...
...why don't you head back to the cottage
and I'll meet you there in a few minutes?
I can if you want?
Trust me, it'll be worth it.
Go on!
You like this one?
Ok, let me show you.
You want brief or thong?
What do you think?
This is sexier, no?
Yeah, very much so.
Lucky girl!
Just a sec...
What's in the bag?
...a little 'something' to spice
things up.
I'll wait here.
Take off your dress.
What's wrong?
Are you sure this is really me?
Yeah, of course.
You don't like it?
I'm grateful that you bought it
for me.
I don't know what you want?
I don't want anything.
I mean it.
Look, if you want me to wear
No, it's fine.
Where are you going?
For a walk.
Shall I come with?
No, I just need some air, OK?
Well, be careful.
Matt wait!
I'd hoped I would get a chance
to see you again.
Oh... hi.
I must admit I barely got a chance
to look at you in the supermarket.
Pay no attention to those small-minded townsfolk,
they're always afraid of what they don't understand.
Not you...'re curious.
So, I'm guessing you're not a
local then?
I'm more of a local that you
are, no?
My name is Eliska.
I'm Hannah.
Please... take a seat Hannah
Thank you.
Something to drink?
No, thank you.
Mind if I?
Oh yeah, go ahead.
Where's that handsome man I saw
you with?
I'm sorry?
I saw the two of you earlier
leaving the bar together.
Oh, I see.
To tell you the truth, I don't
know where he is... we had a fight.
That's a shame, you make such a
picturesque couple.
It's my fault.
I keep getting hung up on stupid
little things.
Hung up?
I... have difficulty...
...satisfying him in the
Has he voiced concern?
No, but...
...I can tell it's an issue.
You're an attractive girl?
It's not that.
It's more like...'s more like he wants
That's fantasy!
Surely I should go some way to
making it a reality?
I am his girlfriend.
So, what's the problem!?
It's not that I don't want to do
certain things...
...I've had a bad experience in the past and
it's taking me a while to feel confident again.
If that's the case, then you
should be honest with him.
I've tried but... know...
...he'll think I'm being a
There is something I can give to
help with your situation,
but I wouldn't recommend it.
Why not?
The results can be...
Please, I just want him back.
This will rid you of what you
consider to be your inhibitions,
but you should only use it if you
are sure that is what you want.
Where were you?
I was looking for you.
You knew I'd come back here.
I wasn't sure, and besides, I
wanted to apologise.
What for?
For being a wimp.
It's alright, I understand,
these things, they take time.
But I don't want to disappoint
I just want you to feel wanted,
desired, you know?
I do.
Could you wait here a moment?
I'll be back.
What do you think?
You alright?
You OK?
Give me a sec.
Excuse me, do you speak English?
Have you seen this girl?
Excuse me...
You OK friend?
You speak English?
Have you heard anything about an
English woman at all?
Oh, you mean the dancing girl,
yes, she was here last night.
I mean my 'girlfriend', have you
seen her?
Yes, I've seen her.
At the supermarket yesterday
What's wrong?
Come with me.
Alright witch, start talking.
Have you finally gone mad
The girl that was with my friend
here, what have you done to her?
That is between he and I, not
You try my patience.
Then leave.
Be careful.
I would think long and hard before
letting him call you 'a friend'.
Look, I'm not looking for any trouble,
I'm just looking for my girlfriend, OK?
Some of the townsfolk told me
that she came here last night.
She did.
Please take a seat.
Wait... Hannah consumed this stuff without
having any idea what it could do to her?
She knew she would no longer be
worried about whether she pleases you.
Is that what she told you?
I just wanted her to open up for
her own sake.
How noble of you!
Look, just tell me where she is.
I can't. I don't know.
If you find her, give his this.
It'll counteract whatever effect
the potion has taken.
You better hope I find her.
I sincerely hope you do.
Any luck?
Well, what did she say?
She said she'd given Hannah this
Medicine!? What kind of
I don't know. Why?
Pay no attention to me.
If I were you, I would look in the next
village along, beyond the woodland.
She may have gone off exploring
on her own for a bit.
It's more that I deserve.
I'll keep my ear to the ground
here, just in case she returns.
And, if in the meantime you do find
her, you can always call me.
If you stick to the main road
going out of town, going East... should get there
Thanks Traian.
No problem my friend.
It's OK...
It's OK...
Did you cut yourself?
You must be hungry?
I'll be back.
I'm sorry, it's just... it's
been so long.
Hannah...'s me. It's Matt.
You're sick, you're not well.
I need to give you this
It'll make you better, OK?
Just take this and we can go
back to how it was.
What the hell are you doing?
Protecting her from men like
I'm her boyfriend!
Her partner, her man.
And you treat her like that!?
A demon?
I don't know, it's just...
...that's what she looked like.
Wait for me to call you
tomorrow. Sit tight, OK?
Meet me at the witch's shop in
ten minutes.
I'm sick of just sitting around.
We'll never find her in
darkness, she's in her element.
How could she be so stupid...
...trusting that gypsy woman?
You mean Eliska?
The woman in the little shop.
She tricked Hannah into taking
this drug and...
...whatever it was, it turned
her into that thing.
I think she's beautiful.
Do you?
You've got a strange idea of
Do you think she remembers who I
Does the butterfly remember
...a catapillar?
I don't know.
We'll find out.
I thought I made it clear,
you're no longer welcome here.
The Englishman said you cursed
his woman,
I want to know why.
Becasue she needs her eyes opened
to the fate that awaits her...
...if she continues to submit to
people like you.
Is that the same lie you told
yourself when Melina came to you?
Go to hell Traian.
You first.
Where are you going?
To find that gypsy woman.
Will you take coffee before you
No, I'm OK.
If I find the potion, I'll give
you a call.
With any luck, we can find
Hannah and make her better again.
You think that is what is best
for her?
Are you serious?
She's sick and she's vulnerable.
To whom?
She made light work of you.
To herself!
...just stay here.
When I get back, we can look for
her together.
Thank you.
The Englishman?
You want us to go after him?
There's no point...
...not until we have the girl.
You, stay here...
...we'll call you if we find
Beware of the girl, Viktor.
Nice to see a familiar face.
Good morning.
What are you doing here?
Eliska wanted something from the
It's not what you think!
Are you...
After you.
Thank you.
Where is she?
I don't know. She knew I would
be stopping by.
What's the deal with you and
this Eliska woman anyway?
How come you're the only one not
prepared to give her the cold shoulder?
The big guy... err...
...he can't stand her.
He says she's some kind of
A witch!?
To be perfectly honest, I'm
inclined to agree with him.
I know this is going to sound
crazy, but...
...I think she drugged Hannah.
My girlfriend.
And... this the girl that you
bought the lingerie for?
Did she like it?
Not at first.
So... convinced her?
Not quite.
That Eliska woman, she gave her
this drug...
Hannah must have taken it in the
Why wouldn't she talk to me?
Why wouldn't she consult me
before taking that?
Some women need their armour...
...and some feel trapped by it.
I have to find her.
I'll head out to the woods,
I'll go back to the cabin and find Codrin.
You met Codrin?
Yeah, why?
You do know that him and Traian
are brothers?
You could have fooled me.
They used to be much closer,
...that was before Melina came
So, they fell out?
Over her?
Codrin worshipped the very
ground she walked on,
while Traian saw her as the
ultimate trophy.
It didn't matter though.
She ran off with somebody else?
She killed herself.
Traian believes that she was
poisoned by Eliska.
And was she?
Who can really say?
...if you got involved with Codrin,
Traian will know about it and...
...he's a dangerous man.
Please, just trust me.
You should call the police.
I can't risk it.
If anyone see's Hannah like I saw
her, they'll have her committed.
Unless, of course, the authorities
really do believe that Eliska is a witch?
How could anyone prove such a
OK, well...
...good luck finding her.
Just be careful.
You know, I never understood this little self-imposed
exile you went into after Melina's death,
but I must say... seems to have provided the
perfect opportunity for her atonement.
No, no, no.
Get some rest, brother.
Killing me won't bring Melina
back, Traian.
I'm well aware of that, witch.
I just want you to watch, while
I take what is owed me.
Don't you touch her!
Shut her up.
There's no sport if they don't
fight back.
Codrin, it's Matt.
Matt, my old friend, I wondered
where you had got too.
Yes. I'm afraid Codrin is...
Listen, Matt...
I think I may have something
that belongs to you.
Let me talk to her.
Of course.
...are you there?
I'm coming straight to you...
Traian, if you harm her I'll...
You'll what?
I'll be waiting.
...while we wait for the last
piece of our puzzle to arrive...
...let's have a little fun, ay
You western girls, you do insist
on putting yourselves on show.
OK everybody, let's just relax,
shall we?
Let her go, Traian.
I can't do that, my friend.
It's not an option,
neither is letting you leave
here alive.
This is no time for heroics, brother.
The blood in our veins only runs so thick.
It's going to be OK Sweetie.
Oh this?
Are you talking to this!?
This is NOT your girlfriend.
You girlfriend died when she made
a deal with this Devil's Harlot!
Now can everyone shut the fuck
up and watch me take my fill!?
Don't fucking touch her you
Enough of this!
It's no good Traian...
...your fill has been had.
What do you mean?
When you found us by the
river... were too late.
No, you're lying.
When have I ever lied to you...
Look at what you have done.
Look at what YOU have done!
Traian's right...
...this is my fault.
This isn't you.
You're Hannah Stevenson.
You're kind,
the sweetest girl I've ever met.
I'm so sorry for what I've done
to you,
but let me make it right.
So please...
...I'm asking you...
...let him go.
Please, just let us go.
You coward!
Police! Put the gun down, put
your hands behind your head.
I said "put down the gun".
We've got one dead male, one
male two females, unarmed.
Get him to the station.
Listen, the girl, she's...
You don't understand, she's ill,
She needs medicine.
Please. Do you understand me?
Can you understand what I'm saying?
She's ill, she's not safe, OK?
Listen to me!
She's not well, she needs
That's quite a story!
It's true...
...every word.
I didn't think you'd believe me.
Can you just tell me what
happened to Hannah?
Your girlfriend is fine, Mr
She was discharged from the surgery, and is receiving
medical treatment back at your holiday cottage.
Just do one more thing for me
Describe for me again Hannah's physical
appearance after having drunk the potion.
It was horrible.
She was really thin,
and pale, and you could see her veins
through her skin as clear as day.
But the worst part was her eyes,
just really hollow and sore.
You mean like this?
Thank you Mr Peters, you're free
to go.
Mr Peters?
Yeah, how is she?
Your wife is asleep upstairs.
She's not my wife actually.
She's very weak,
and will need to continue taking
steriods for another two days,
but she will be fine once you
return home.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Hey Sweetie,
how are you feeling?
Do you remember much?
It was like a dream.
When we were in the cabin,
Codrin he...
...he said you and him...
That we...?
It can wait.
Yeah, she's still pretty fatigued,
but she's getting better.
Oh, that's really good.
And you say that you're flying
home early?
Yeah, today actually.
I was wondering if... fancied coming to the
You know, just to say goodbye?
I normally would, but...
...with Hannah and everything
it's just...
Oh no no no, that's OK.
That is very thoughtful of you
But, thank you.
Thank you so much for your help.
You're welcome,
once again, sorry for going against
your wishes and informing the police.
Probably the best decision
anyone's made!