The Supremes at Earl's All-You-Can-Eat (2024) Movie Script

[labored breathing]
[instrumental music]
[Odette] I was born in a sycamore tree.
Mama was halfway
through her tenth month with me
wondering if it was ever gonna end.
She didn't really see that end coming.
So, she wound up seeing a witch
my granny knew for help.
Oh, Jesus
[Odette] The witch asked my mama
if she wanted her child
to be guided by destiny or by fate.
Now destiny would let me
turn left or right
but fate,
fate would be a one-way street.
Now that all sounded the same to mama
so the witch made the choice
and showed her the way.
But first, she had to climb up
into a sycamore
and sing her favorite hymn,
only then I would come.
[Mrs. Jackson groans in pain]
[Odette] Mama said me being born
off the ground
meant I didn't have the natural fear
of falling...
[Mrs. Jackson] Hello, Odette.
[Odette] So, I was cursed with a life
of fearlessness.
But my girl Clarice was cursed
with something else all together.
Hi, sweetie.
[Odette] She had the curse
of being born to a mama
who thought if she could put on
a face and play perfect,
folks wouldn't notice that she was
no more than a dadgum push over.
[photographers clamoring]
[Odette] Photographers snapped pictures
and Clarice's mama
put on a practiced smile
which she had a habit of doing whenever
her husband was nowhere to be found.
[jazz music playing]
[Odette] With Me being born in a tree
and Clarice being born
at a White hospital,
our best friend, Barbara Jean,
had to do something special
to come in this world... and she did.
But not in the way her wild
and loose mama expected.
[man] Hey, listen fellas, let me tell you
about our pretty girl.
[Odette] Her employer liquored up
each of the potential daddies
and got 'em bragging about
their women.
- [man 1] Loretta...
- [man 2] Loretta, your ears
must have been burning 'cause I...
see, that ain't my baby.
Loretta, what are you trying to do to me?
I thought you loved me.
[Odette] It didn't take them
long to realize
that they were all bragging about
the same woman.
[all gasp]
[Odette] Everybody believed
the three of us coming into the world
out of the ordinary
was a bad omen,
that our painting wasn't a masterpiece
but a hot mess.
A mess that would be dictated
by destiny or by fate.
I was never quiet or funny enough
for folks to overlook me
being a pain in the ass.
But Clarice and Barbara Jean loved me.
I thought I was put here
to love them back.
But friendship don't always
work out that way.
That witch had put me
on a one-way street,
one that inevitably led to Clarice,
Me and Barbara Jean's book
being split at the seams.
["Liebestraume" by Franz Richter
played on piano]
- [cheers] Bravo, Clarice!
- [audience applauding]
- Odette...
- Bravo, Clarice.
Sit down, Odette.
[Odette] Uh-huh, Clarice, uh-huh, I'm not
keepin' another one of your trophies,
you gonna have to take that one home.
[Clarice] My case is too full, Odette.
I don't know what to do with it.
[Odette] All them other piano players
was looking at that trophy
like it was Jesus's Second Coming.
Here you are, looking at it
like it owe you card milk note money.
Oh, you think they get
more clever with the design.
Look at this.
You need to worry about the design
of that plane ticket to New York.
- Tickets.
- [Odette] See, I told you.
I told you your recording deal
is your mama's trophy.
Better her than me
cuz I'm tired of holding that position.
Oh... Doesn't matter
how many different ways you look at it,
it's still the ugliest dress in the world.
I swear, your clothes
are like virginity insurance.
Well, maybe you should have worn them
to help you keep yours then.
You know, I ain't never seen nobody
switch so fast
from the Virgin Mary to Mary Madeline.
Church house to hoe house.
Don't ever ask me
to tell you anything else.
Well, I ain't complaining
and neither is Richmond.
- I can't figure it out, Clarice.
- Oh...
- Here, here, here, here, here.
- Okay.
Try on the blue one.
- What? Come on.
- Look.
It don't matter. It don't matter.
All this fuss so you and Richmond
can set me up
- with a damn mute.
- James is a little shy, Odette.
And you do all that hard and gruff talking
probably scared him.
I'm a bold woman with a big mouth.
And if James can't handle
both of those things,
well, then he can just slide on
somewhere else
because I'm not about to sit here... Ow.
- And what's it supposed to do?
- Accentuates the color.
Feel like you're choking me.
It's all about the grace notes, Odette.
Ooh! When James sees you this time,
he won't be able to shut up.
- Yeah, all he do is shut up.
- Look at you.
- Twirl... James, come here...
- [door opens]
[Clarice] Oh...
Odette, I need you to run this on over
to your little friend,
Barbara Jean's house for me.
Barbara Jean?
[Mrs. Jackson] Today was
her mama's funeral.
I baked chicken for the family.
Barbara Jean doesn't have any friends.
My cousin, Veronica,
says she saw her combing her hair once
and a roach fell out.
[whispers] Shut up.
[Clarice] And we're going to Big Earl's.
Barbara Jean lives in the other direction
and I got on the heels.
[Mrs. Jackson] Odette's gonna take
this chicken on over to Barbara Jean's
to show that child some kindness.
You worried about your shoes,
then go barefoot.
Scared of roaches, then step back.
Or maybe you ought to
just go on home, Clarice.
I'll do it, Mama.
Your wig looks good.
Hard and gruff, huh.
[Clarice] Where is your mama sending us?
This is why I never
come over here.
[Odette] Well, we are on the other side
of Leaning Tree.
- [Clarice] This how kids go missing.
- [Odette] And how would you know?
[Clarice] My cousin Veronica!
[Odette] I wish somebody would kidnap her.
- Hey, how y'all doing?
- [Clarice] Don't engage.
[Odette] Well, I don't like that attitude.
- They could have said something.
- [Clarice] Oh, they're looking at us.
- If my mother finds out I'm over here...
- [Odette] Talking too much.
- [Clarice] What is that?
- [Odette] Hmm.
Y'all want poop on your white shoes?
Odette, we gotta get in and out.
- We're gonna be in and out.
- In and out. Come on.
[Odette sighs]
[knocks on door]
Well, I know this gotta be
the right house.
[whispers] Just leave it.
You want to take your chances
running away from my mama
swinging switches, then go on.
That woman is turning ass whooping
into an art form.
[whispers] Odette, Odette.
My mama, she... she sent this chicken
for Barbara Jean.
Barbara Jean, your friends are here.
We sorry for your loss.
- My mama sent...
- Thank you.
Tell your mama,
me and stepdaughter
sure appreciate her kindness.
Y'all come on in.
Come on, now.
[muttering] No... no.
Where are your aunts and cousins?
You know, for the funeral.
I guess, they couldn't be bothered.
[man clears his throat]
Well, I'm sorry, where are my manners.
This baby girl gonna grab
some glasses for our guests.
No, no.
No, thank you, sir.
We just came to drop off the food
and to get Barbara Jean.
My mama said to bring her back
to our house for dinner,
to not take no for an answer.
No, no, no.
She's been through a lot today.
I think she should be with family.
That was you want, Barbara Jean?
Yes, it is.
If you don't want that hand broke,
you better get it up off her.
I know who you are.
You're that crazy witch girl
supposed to be born inside of a tree.
Ain't supposed to be afraid of nothing.
Well, I guess it's time somebody
gave you something to be afraid of, girl.
You right about me.
And my daddy
was a Golden Gloves champion.
And from the time I was little,
he'd been teaching me
how to deal with dumb ass men
who want to scare me.
So, uh, let me thank you now
while you're still conscious,
for giving me the opportunity
to demonstrate
some of the special shit
he done taught me.
Go and unzip me.
Unzip me, now.
I don't want this asshole's blood
all over my dress.
Well, come on.
Where your belt at? Come on.
Yeah, use your belt, come on.
I ain't got time to be dealing
with this crazy shit.
You ain't none of my concern no way.
Now, go on then.
- [door closes]
- [Odette sighs]
I didn't know your daddy boxed.
Daddy weighed 110 pounds holding rocks.
Who the hell he gonna box?
Well, let's go, Barbara Jean.
You might as well come with us to Earl's.
- I don't know.
- [Clarice] Come on.
You all dressed up and looking good.
Thank you.
[Odette] Oh and Barbara Jean,
whatever you do,
don't go eating my mama's chicken. Mm-hm.
I was on the toilet for two weeks.
The taste, the smell.
["Pucker Up Buttercup" by Junior Walker
and The All Stars playing]
[girl] 'Cause he's a fool.
Straight up fool.
Hey, Big Earl.
Hey, baby.
[Big Earl] Me and your mama,
you know, we can't take it with us.
You and Lydia,
it's gonna be your place one day.
Look at Ms. Gigi walking in here
looking all good.
Hey, there... Hi.
Barbara Jean... It's amazing.
You have to try...
Look at the three y'all walking in here
all pretty and shiny.
Remind me of The Supremes.
[girls gasp and laugh]
Big Earl, this is Barbara Jean.
- Hi.
- Welcome to Earl's All You Can Eat.
Nice to meet you.
- Little Earl...
- Huh?
Find these ladies a seat.
- [Little Earl] Ladies...
- Hey, Little Earl.
Oh, Barbara Jean, the milkshakes here
are to die for.
Yeah, and make sure
you get you a slice of pie.
It might get you the beaties,
but it's worth it.
Make way.
This table is reserved for The Supremes.
Don't get comfortable.
Thanks, Little Earl.
- [Richmond] How you doing?
- [girl] Hey, Richmond.
[Richmond] Hey, baby.
We looking really nice.
Oh, what's happening, Odette.
This here, Barbara Jean.
- Hi. How y'all doing?
- How you doing? Richmond.
[Richmond clears his throat]
[Richmond clears his throat]
Um... [clears throat]
That's a pretty dress, Odette.
No, it ain't. My grandmama made it.
She blind in both eyes.
So, how many touchdowns you get?
- Touchdowns?
- [Richmond] Yeah...
Through for three, ran for one.
And only sit down once.
But you know, I really would have had more
if you was there.
[Odette] Well, she wasn't.
Clarice was getting a well-deserved
standing ovation of her own.
- Proud of you.
- Really?
I thought the recital wasn't
until next weekend.
It's alright.
- I'll make that one.
- That was the last one.
- Sorry. Hold on. So, you do recitals?
- Mm-hm.
- And he's a football star?
- Mm-hm.
Well, I'm afraid to ask what y'all do.
Well, I whoop asses and nick souls.
- [Richmond clears throat]
- [Clarice] Ugh...
- [Barbara Jean chuckles]
- [Richmond] This girl ain't right.
- She wants to be a nurse.
- Really?
Whoa, hold on. I never knew you
for having a bad side, man, Odette.
Keep on. I really want to find out
just how good it is, Richmond.
- Phew...
- Uh...
Hey, James. You mind putting this
in Richmond's car for me.
- I don't want to forget it.
- Yeah, I'll fold it up.
- Thank you so much. He's such a gentleman.
- Let's get that here.
[Richmond] Sure is.
- I think he like you.
- [Clarice] Baby?
- [Richmond] Yeah?
- Is James gonna talk this time?
I mean, I gave that man a whole list
of things to say.
Mm-mm. See, I ain't got time for this.
Odette, he said that's a pretty dress.
I ain't doing this today. He talking.
- He's... okay.
- I'd be scared of her.
[Odette] Hey, what did Richmond
promise you?
- What?
- For coming here...
He told you I was gonna let you
cop a feel?
Because I won't.
He didn't promise me anything.
[Odette] Then why you come?
You just sat there last time,
staring at me
like I had two heads.
Well, this is what I look like.
And if you don't like it, then you can go
stare at somebody else.
I don't want to look at anybody else.
Why not?
You probably don't remember this
but when when we were 12,
you beat up a couple of guys
who were calling me Frankenstein.
Liked you ever since then.
Let's get back inside.
Congratulations, honey
If you found somebody
- Let's go outside.
- No, thank you.
Come on. Alright, let's stay...
I don't like the way Barbara Jean's
stepdaddy been touching up on her.
I almost had to knock him out.
Curtis ain't never been no good.
- I'll take care of it.
- Thank you.
So, Barbara Jean...
is it true you were born on the stage
at the Satin Slipper Gentleman's Club?
- Veronica!
- [people gasp]
Barbra Jean, please, ignore my cousin.
You know what, Veronica,
I was listening to my daddy's sermon.
- About how God don't like ugly.
- Amen.
You might want a front row seat
this Sunday
because I haven't seen you
win not one beauty pageant.
I mean, man.
Is she still 0-20?
You would stop by now, I think.
My bad. I would've stopped at ten.
I appreciate you all bringing me here,
but I should get going.
- No.
- Hold on.
- It's alright, I'll see you next time.
- Barbara Jean, she's not worth it.
I'll be right back, Richmond.
Me and my wife need a word.
Y'all come on with me.
It's okay.
Our daughter, Lydia,
moved out not too long ago,
going over to Chicago to go to school.
We ain't using the bedroom.
It's yours.
Oh, no, I couldn't possibly.
Oh, that's just your good manners talking.
Earl will go, collect your things
in the morning.
- My stepdad...
- You're welcome to stay at our house
tonight or for however long you want to.
Come on, honey.
No one's ever done anything nice for me.
Even the people that were supposed to.
Y'all don't even know me.
Well, we better get to know you.
'Cause you are our new best friend.
[girls giggle]
To your mama. Rest in peace.
To The Supremes.
[Odette and Clarice together]
To the Supremes.
Oh, this good, Ms. Thelma.
I can't wait to introduce you
to all the boys.
[Odette] Big Earl lost Ms. Thelma
not long after that.
But it hurt us even more
when we lost him.
The man who was the binding,
who put our beautiful book together
in the first place.
[Little Earl] So, Daddy just died
like this.
[Minnie] This is how I found him,
Little Earl,
probably praying
about your dead mama.
And you just now saying something?
I didn't want to call too late at night.
Y'all need your sleep.
Didn't you just recently call
Odette and James
in the middle of the night?
But James is an officer of the law.
Is he not?
Made complete sense to me.
Claiming she saw a spirit tipping by.
Even if that mess was true,
what you want James
to do about it?
Handcuff Casper?
Minnie, you should have called us.
[Odette] Oh, Earl.
Where did you sleep last night?
In the bed, where else would I sleep.
- In the bed?
- On the couch...
The couch aggravates my sciatica.
But a dead man on the side of your bed
just lulls you to sleep.
- [door closes]
- [footsteps approaching]
Hey, James.
[James] Hey, y'all...
the coroner's gonna be
here in a few minutes
to take Big Earl away.
[Little Earl] Thanks, James.
[Minnie wails]
Oh... Lord...
Now she upset, now she's distraught.
[Minnie continues crying]
[Odette] Hey, Lester.
[Barbara Jean] Hey, baby.
[Lester] Hey, it's okay, Barbie...
I'm sure Big Earl didn't suffer.
Take solace in that.
But I'm suffering.
Ms. Minnie, listen,
let's go back to the diner.
I'll make some tea.
Get you calm down.
Oh, don't pretend you care.
You have wanted me out of the way
ever since I married your daddy.
[Veronica] Ms. Minnie. Oh, Ms. Minnie.
Oh, I am so sorry, Lord,
I knew something was wrong
when you didn't show up
for our reading.
Is this old flake still doing readings?
- Yes, she is.
- I heard that, Clarice.
Veronica, please stop encouraging Minnie
and her foolish readings.
This is not foolishness. I met a man
and I need to know if he's the one.
Well, Veronica,
you don't need no fortune-teller.
All you got to do
is look at your past.
- God can hear you.
- [Odette] Good.
Because he gonna tell you
the same damn thing.
My spirit guide, Charlemagne,
came to me this morning.
He said that I would be following Big Earl
to the grave in the new year.
- [Veronica gasps]
- In the new year.
I am on my way to my great reward.
And nobody here cares what happens to me.
Oh, I care.
- Oh! I can't. I can't.
- [ambulance siren wailing]
- Let me go...
- Alright, go on.
You're just a bunch of non-believers.
[Odette] You're gonna be
all right, Minnie.
I'm coming, Big Earl.
- Y'all heard about Earl.
- [woman] Sorry for your loss, y'all.
[woman 2] God bless his heart.
- [man 3] He was a good man, Earl.
- Alright, Charlie.
Give me that. Thank you.
Sleeping with the dead, spirit guides.
- I just can't.
- I still can't believe Big Earl gone.
I mean, he was sick...
James had higher blood pressure
than Big Earl.
It's hot as hell up in here.
It's November, Odette.
Can't nobody be hot in November?
I told you.
You're going through the change.
Y'all might be about to turn 50,
but my uterus is still 22.
Your uterus about to beat you
into the next century.
- [Barbara Jean] That's right.
- [Clarice] We telling you,
you're going through early menopause.
[muffled wailing]
[Minnie screaming and crying]
[Clarice] She crazy as hell.
- Ms. Minnie sure can put on a show.
- Oh, yes, she can.
Whole thing.
[bell ringing]
[Clarice] Richmond, we're gonna be late.
[Richmond] Mm-hm. [laughs]
[both moaning and laughing]
[both breathing heavily]
[phone ringing]
[shower running]
- Hello.
- [Richmond] Who is it?
[phone disconnects and beeps]
Wrong number.
Clarice already went over
their selections.
You know, she'll up and curse
in that church if a song is added.
I don't even know
why this is being entertained.
Well, Big Earl was Minnie's husband.
- Honey, take the cobbler out the oven.
- Yeah?
- Don't let it burn.
- I got you, baby.
And she does have a say...
Even if don't nobody want to hear it.
Yeah, when Namo Myoho Renge Kyo
starts playing
you be the one to hold
Clarice back.
I'm gonna leave that to Richmond.
[Barbara Jean] Mm-hm.
I'm pretty sure he got some sins
to atone for.
She's been getting hang up calls.
She do star 69?
- Blocked.
- A lot of those pro-teams and colleges,
they block their numbers.
[over phone] So, we don't know, Odette.
You don't know.
And she don't want to know.
Richmond feels like he lost a step or two
after that bad sugar scare.
- He likes attention.
- I'm saying,
If I find out that
he been stepping out on Clarice,
he gonna wish he stayed
in that coma.
Baby, you know how much I love you
in that night gown,
but we gotta get dressed.
Okay, you gotta go...
Go get ready. We'll see you in a few.
Look, don't forget the lasagna. Bye.
Okay. Bye.
[whispers] Damn it.
I love that dress.
Thank you.
[sighs] When I came to live with Big Earl,
only clothes I had were my mama's.
Trashy hand-me-downs.
But he told me I look pretty
every single day.
Figured he'd get a kick out of this dress.
I know, I...
Don't, don't...
You're not weak. Hm...
A weak person
would be two drinks in already.
You putting it back,
tells me what I've already known.
You're a strong person, Barbie.
He's always with me.
Along with my trusted cards.
Oh, Lord, she just don't stop this shit.
- Take that for me, baby.
- Okay, Mama.
- Oh, God, come on, let's get in here.
- Just near last year...
- Hey, there.
- Hey...
Hey. Y'all take that
in the kitchen for me.
[James] Yes, ma'am.
I must say...
that would've been a beautiful
home-going, musically perfect,
if Odette hadn't intervened.
Minnie just use a little sage and smoke.
That's all.
[Odette] The service wasn't that bad.
It was like one of them
little grace notes.
[James] Can't believe Big Earl is gone.
You know that man,
he kept an eye on me
- when he didn't have to.
- Yeah, he loved you, James.
But I never understand
why he married that Minnie.
She was a showgirl.
I get it.
[Clarice clears her throat]
We all like to think of Big Earl
as a father figure
but he was still a man. Right?
Well, I guess he was passing his time
until he got back with Ms. Thelma.
I mean, look at that statue.
What this woman has done
to Ms. Thelma's home is a felony.
That blinking light
is giving me a headache.
It's been doing that
ever since we came in.
All right, probably just a loose bulb.
- Okay, baby.
- You sure?
- Yeah, I got it.
- Okay.
[Barbara Jean] He likes to feel useful.
- All right, here we go.
- Here you go, Dad.
Carl, you're trying to kill your father?
Don't put this on Carl, baby...
Just this super bowl of ham.
My mama always taught me,
you show your respect
- with a tribute of pork.
- Amen.
- [electricity crackles]
- [loud crash]
[woman screams] Barbara Jean.
[Odette] What happened? What happened?
Excuse me, excuse me. Lester.
Somebody call 9-1-1.
[woman] Oh, Jesus.
[Clarice] Lester...
It's alright, it's alright. It's alright.
It's alright.
[Clarice] Barbara Jean, Barbara Jean,
you have to come see this. Come on.
- Hi, Lester.
- Hi, Barbie.
- What do you think?
- It's real slick, Lester.
I mean, it's a gorgeous car.
This is the best part.
[horn honks rhythmically]
[tires screeching]
[boys screaming]
Run, boy.
[man] Hey, yo, it's Desmond.
[woman] Y'all, move.
Get the hell out of my road, boy.
- [boys laughing maniacally]
- [horn honking]
[Desmond] Get off my road.
Get off my damn road, jig.
Sorry, Desmond tried to run us over again.
You know better than to mess
with that redneck fool.
- [Lester] You okay?
- [Barbara Jean] It's not the first time
I've been knocked off my feet.
I'm all right.
Well, I would prefer to be the one
knocking you off your feet.
You probably think I'm an old man, huh?
No, no, no, I don't.
How about I take you
to dinner in the city.
Take you to a picture show afterwards.
Sure, Odette and Clarice have been wanting
to go to the city anyway.
- [Odette] Hey, y'all!
- Alright, I'll make it happen.
Get in here. Hurry up, all,
and get in here.
- Okay, Lester.
- See you later, Lester.
You and Lester going to the picture show.
[Barbara Jean] You're coming too.
[Odette] Y'all get on, get on.
- [Barbara Jean] Odette, what?
- [Odette] Y'all get ready.
Just hope you're ready.
I said come on, run.
- You're bringing in the whole town.
- Come on.
Okay, Odette. Hey, Little Earl.
Slow down, slow down, slow down.
Hey, y'all.
[Richmond] ...change coaches every year.
- Calm down.
- What is going on?
What's wrong?
Look over there.
That's one pretty White boy.
Excuse me?
Ray, let me introduce you.
Hey, Supremes.
[together] Hi, Big Earl.
This here is Ray Carlson.
He's working here now.
[Ramsey] Hey.
You related to Desmond Carlson?
Yeah, he's my older brother.
You like playing his game, too.
Running Black folks off of our road.
Damn, Big Earl.
Why you even let him in here?
Ramsey, both your brother's in jail,
and you don't see me checking
your pockets for silverware, do you?
[people laugh]
Hey, that's true, yeah.
Hey, Big Earl, I didn't know
- you went and hired yourself a chicken.
- [people laugh]
- [Richmond] Too easy. What, baby?
- [Clarice] Richmond.
- Hey.
- [Richmond] I'm looking at him...
Hey, way to go, Chick.
See, now, Chick done slipped
on the feather.
That's what I'm saying.
[Ray] I'm sorry, Mr. Earl.
It's all right, you're all right here.
[Clarice] You could be a gentleman
and help him pick it up.
Hey, baby.
- Hey.
- I saw your car.
- Oh, yeah?
- [Richmond] Help him pick it up?
- Desmond?
- Desmond.
Of all people.
- Chick cute?
- He is cute.
Does anybody maybe have a nickel
for the jukebox?
- [Clarice] Honey?
- I think I left my wallet in the car.
- Here.
- Hey, good looking out man.
- [James] No problem.
- Thank you, Odette.
Thank you, James.
- You didn't have a nickel?
- [Richmond] Baby, now...
- It's okay, you know. You too.
- Take it easy.
[Richmond] It's just five cents...
I'm a... whole dollar...
- Oh, that boy clean, ain't he?
- Oh, man.
- Hey...
- Hey.
We see your new car, y'all see it.
That's yours? Oh, man.
You got one of the things
with the top off...
- [Richmond] Friend...
- [James] You gotta let me drive.
I got you.
[Ray] Sorry...
My mother used a belt buckle.
I'm sure she didn't mean it.
No, she was too drunk to realize
she'd grabbed the wrong end
when she swung it.
My brother, hit me with a brick
for taking food from his ice box.
My mama used to crack me with a pool cue
if I left the house with no makeup on.
Didn't have a mom
and my daddy died in jail.
I never knew my daddy
but there are four men
who hope they're not him.
Big Earl is letting me stay here because
he found out
I was living in the shed
of my brother, Desmond's place...
sharing with the chickens.
[Barbara Jean] Sorry, okay, you win.
Kind of looks like a face.
Can... can I?
This line's like a mouth and...
these two small ones are like eyes.
[dance music playing]
[Odette] You're the one that's back there
with a little White boy.
[Barbara Jean] We was just doing
a little talking.
- [Odette] Talking?
- [Barbara Jean] Yeah.
[Odette] Oh, so you just talking?
[Barbara Jean] Yeah, because
that's my friend.
[Odette guffaws]
- So ain't no touching, ain't no kissing.
- No.
I don't believe it,
you ain't fooling nobody, Barbara Jean.
What's wrong with talking, Odette.
- Do you not like Ray?
- Oh, Chick good people.
- Better than most, but just saying...
- But we can't be friends
- because he's White.
- But...
He worked for Big Earl.
- So?
- Okay, Chick, my friend,
but this little nightly pie thing
y'all call yourselves having
for the last month...
Oh, friendship. Friendship, really?
- [Clarice] Hey.
- Oh, Lord, here we go.
I finally bring some college guys
around the both of you
and you act like you're out of a nunnery.
- I danced.
- [Clarice] You swayed alone and uh...
And you've got prospects.
And so do Richmond.
[Richmond] You crazy, girl.
[Odette] That ring ain't repelling
the bugs like you thought it would, huh?
- Odette!
- What?
Jokes like that will get
your maid of honor privileges revoked.
[Barbara Jean] It's gonna be
a beautiful wedding.
- Thank you.
- And expensive.
[Odette] Mm-hm.
Excuse me.
I don't like that.
She getting a little weird, ain't she?
- Yeah.
- You want to go check it out?
Yes, please.
- Clarice.
- What's going on?
[Clarice sighs]
[clears throat]
I turned down the recording deal.
- You did what?
- What?
See, this ain't nothing
but that no count ass Richmond...
No, it's not.
Richmond doesn't even know
I'm turning it down.
A recording deal...
It's a one-time thing but...
Me... having a family,
[breathes deeply]
...that's for a lifetime.
That is the one thing I can't turn down.
- You ain't got to. Do both.
- Yeah.
Richmond is gonna be all over this country
playing football.
Who's gonna raise our kids?
- My mother?
- At least she's better than mine was.
They both...
put their selfish needs
in front of their children, Barbara Jean.
They are the same woman
just wrapped in different packages.
While you go around
doing them concertos,
I'll help raise your kids
when that time come.
Me too.
What's the point of having a family
if I can't be there with them.
[softly] Clarice.
Richmond and I,
having a family, and children.
That is the best musical piece
that I could ever play.
- Then we gonna be your band.
- That's right.
- Orchestra.
- [girls laugh]
Or whatever.
I just know I ain't keeping
no ugly children.
Your kids better be cute.
If they're coming for me,
you know they're gonna be cute.
It wasn't you I was worried about.
You don't get a point, Richmond.
And Clarice is waiting on you.
...that shines so brightly
To match the star dust in your eyes
Darlin', I would chase
that bright star nightly
[James and Odette hoot]
He mad, that boy mad.
Why you leaving the table?
Sweets for my sweet
sugar for my honey
Your perfect kiss thrills me so
Sweets for my sweet
sugar for my honey
I'll never ever let you go
And if you needed a dream
to keep you smiling
I'll tell the sandman you were blue
And I'd ask him
to keep that sand a-piling
Till your dreams would come true
'Cause I would give sweets for my sweet
sugar for my honey
Your perfect kiss thrills me so
Hey, I gotta go to the powder room.
I'll be right back.
- [man] What's going on up here, man?
- [man 2] Let me see your money.
[door opens]
[muffled music playing in background]
It got a little hot out there
so I just needed a breath.
You mind me hiding out
in here for a bit?
No, I thought I was the only one
doing that tonight.
Yeah, Odette told me I could come
but I just don't think I'm the type
for college parties
or college for that matter.
I think college would look
pretty good on you.
Just never thought about college
until Big Earl.
He keeps telling me I'm too smart
not to go.
You are, he's right.
It seems like two worlds away, you know.
I mean, I guess I like the idea of college
but I don't really have a passion
like Clarice with her piano
or Odette with nursing.
You gotta be passionate about something.
My mama used to say
I wasn't smart enough to be special
but I was pretty enough
so that it wouldn't matter.
Hey, don't believe it.
You are so special, Barbara Jean.
[muffled music starts playing]
[muffled cheering and laughing]
You've got a smile
A crazy little smile
But everybody's got a smile
And they smile when I hold you
[Barbara Jean laughs]
Then we've got love
I think you're ready
for this college party.
So much love
We've got love
We've got, We've got love
So much love, we've got love
Now if we get together
And they smile...
Why are you running with it?
You ever use one of these before?
- No, I prefer to use my fists.
- Ah.
- First, you want to line up your shot.
- Mm-hm.
Hold your fire.
Oh, Lord.
I just been thinking...
If you were to ever get married
it should be to me.
And clear the way for you and I
Leaving troubles far behind
- [gunshots]
- [bottles shattering]
Days burn quickly
[indistinct chatter]
Towards that empty place
Through the fire
I'll find a state of grace
Like a window open wide
To a newborn day
An unknown mind
All our dreams are waiting here
Wanting faith to reappear
I will find the state of grace
Who died now?
James left this for you.
I told him to give it to you himself,
but he didn't want to disturb you.
What James sent me?
- [gasps]
- Oh.
You wasting money.
And you wasting time.
You better hurry up and catch the bus.
It'll be 10 before you know it.
Oh, yeah.
I don't know why you ain't let
Clarice or Richmond drive you.
The test ain't but a few hours.
You ain't telling me
you was taking that nursing exam.
No need in burning gas for something
I might not pass.
Something you might not p...
- Child, what is you saying?
- [telephone ringing]
I got it, Ma. I got it.
Jackson residence.
Maybe my cycle's just late.
- Girl, we way past that point.
- We don't know that.
- She needs to go to the doctor.
- I agree.
He can give her the due date
for her and Chick's baby.
Hey, maybe you should go talk
to Big Earl.
See what he's got to say about it.
And what am I gonna say, Clarice?
Oh, I've been sneaking out of the house
you invited me in
to go have sex with the White bus boy.
Now I'm pregnant with his child.
I can't have Big Earl
thinking of me that way.
You need to tell Chick.
She can't.
- And why not?
- Good Lord,
please forgive me
for saying this, but...
you might not want to keep it.
You think her going under a dirty knife
in the basement
is better than her having
a White boy's baby?
Is that what you're saying?
- There goes marrying Lester.
- Marry?
Girl, don't even like Lester like that.
I'm no better than my mama.
More than one man, child on the way,
not a father for it.
No, come on. I spent all this time
thinking I was better than her.
I deserve everything that's coming to me.
- I deserve it.
- Mm-hm. Hey, hey, hey.
Don't you ever think
you don't deserve better, Barbara Jean,
Your mama ain't give you a chance
to know your daddy.
And if you don't want to follow her fate,
then you know what you gotta do.
- I'm scared.
- I know, I know. We right here.
Go, wipe them tears now.
[mellow music]
You're gonna be just fine.
You know, let me tell you something
about this menopause though.
You know, they be talking
about the hot flashes
and being tired
like it ain't no big deal.
It is a pain in the ass.
I'm hot now.
Ms. Odette, you're not
going through menopause.
Well, thank God for that, but...
You have non-lymphoma.
[tense music]
Lymphoma... That's-that's...
Cancer, yeah.
So, it's serious but we have treatment
options of chemotherapy.
I've taken the liberty
of making an appointment
with the oncologist here at the hospital.
She's highly regarded, excellent.
Given your overall health, I'm optimistic,
though we need to be aggressive.
[distorted voice]
We'll start with a thorough...
[voice fading]
[Alex Li] Ms. Odette.
Ms. Odette.
Would you like me to speak
to Mr. James about this for you?
[Odette] No, no, no, no, no, no.
You ought to see him when I get a cold.
Yeah, I'm gonna keep this
to myself for a minute.
[somber music]
[harmonic vocalization]
[birds squawking]
- Chick.
- Odette.
Oh, Chick.
Oh, Chick.
What brings you back here
after all this time?
The university put me in charge
of the research project
for the ornithology department.
- Oh.
- Hawks, owls.
- [birds chirping]
- Purple finches.
They gave me a bigger space
than I had in Oregon.
Oh, Oregon.
That's where you've been hiding.
Oh, Chick!
I see you're still leading
the pack of the pretty White boys.
Still playing with them birds,
don't tell me,
you're playing
with the dead ones now, too.
Nah, I just came out to watch them.
Saw this flock had lost one.
That's why they doing all this chirping.
They're mourning.
If you tell me they throw funerals
I'm gonna slap some sense into you.
Purple finches don't throw funerals,
but they do feel hurt.
I guess they ain't no different
than us then, huh?
You heard about Big Earl?
First place I went to...
When I got back at the diner,
Little Earl told me...
I didn't have the heart
to go to the funeral.
I wanted to, but you know...
Barbara Jean.
Maybe I should have went...
It's never going to be
a perfect time, is it.
Well, there is a wrong time.
And that wasn't a moment.
I better get on.
It's good to see you.
It's good to see you, too, Chick.
Don't let it be 30 years next time.
[Odette] Ray could wait another 30 years
and it still wouldn't be
the perfect time for Barbara Jean.
I didn't think she could take
losing him twice.
[Ray] Don't worry.
We go up north and we're good.
Green is the only color
they care about up there.
[Barbara Jean] I-I don't know about this,
Won't he know you took his stash?
By the time he sees the money's gone,
we'll be long out of town, all right.
Desmond's passed out.
He's always drunk on the weekends.
Go wait in the shed
and I'll be right back.
- Be quick, okay?
- I will.
[Odette] Barbara Jean didn't tell Chick
about the baby.
She ended up on fate's one-way street,
cussing all along the way.
What the hell are you doing here, girl?
You and Ray?
He messing around
with nigga pussy now?
It's light meat that
you've got a taste for.
Why don't you let me show you?
Where you going, bitch?
[Barbara Jean grunts]
Look at me, look at me.
Now give me those lips.
I'm gonna fucking kill you,
you Black bitch.
Where the hell are you?
I'm gonna find you.
[engine starts]
[Ray] Barbara Jean.
Barbara Jean. Oh, my God.
- Are you okay?
- Do I look okay?
Sorry, look, you're safe now.
Safe? Safe?
There is no safe place, Ray.
I keep trying to tell you this,
but you won't listen to me.
This, this is what it's gonna be like.
- Desmond will never know...
- Desmond? This is more than your brother.
Wherever we go,
we will be spit on or, worse... we...
We can't bring children into this.
No, oh, no, no.
Things might be different by the time
we have kids, okay.
We can't live like that.
I can't live like that.
I'm sorry, I can't.
What are you saying?
Barbara Jean, what are you saying?
What are you saying?
- But you love me. I-I love you.
- Love's not enough.
We both want it to be enough,
but it just, it just, it isn't.
I'm sorry, Ray.
I'm sorry.
[somber music]
[bell jingles]
[switch clicks]
[bell jingles]
Hey, I didn't mean to just pop in on you.
Big Earl told me
you're gonna be over here.
I hope it's okay.
What's wrong?
I'm pregnant.
It's Ray Carlson's.
Do you love him?
[Barbara Jean sniffling]
What are you gonna do?
What does Ray want to do?
Ray doesn't know.
He left before I could tell him.
[mellow music]
I can treat you right, Barbara Jean.
I just wanna spend
more time with you.
And I'm not talking about
messing around either. I...
I wanna be a husband,
child or no child.
You're crazy, Lester.
I am.
I also love you.
You can't love my baby.
I love our baby.
[music continues]
[piano music]
[Odette] Clarice bought Barbara Jean
a Bible
so she could find some peace
after losing Lester,
but all it did was arm Barbara Jean
with a long list of reasons
to be even more
pissed off at God.
I can't lie and say I wasn't pissed, too.
God seemed to be picking
on her for most of her life.
Barbara Jean comforted herself
by thinking if she drank enough
that in the morning
she wouldn't be able to recall
that constant ache in her soul.
Clarice thought if she struck enough keys,
her ache would leave her too.
She could hit every key
on a piano without missing.
[indistinct chatter]
But she was tone deaf
when it came to Richmond.
Mama used to say a hard head
made a soft ass for a whooping.
I used to think a whooping
included a switch, but...
watching Clarice showed me
a heart can take a ass whooping too.
[upbeat music]
Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bobtails ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride
And sing a sleighing song tonight
[Odette] Most folks don't think
Christmas can be cruel,
but I knew better...
because Christmas was always cruel
to Barbara Jean.
God and her both had a son
at that time of year.
Her and God both lost those sons, too.
I still can't decide
whose death was crueler.
[Odette] You can never play
a game with her.
[Clarice] That's why I'm playing with you,
[Clarice] Now, go ahead
and play your card now.
- Here's me...
- We playin'...
- Say about a baby.
- Whatever.
Mom, can I go see Ricky and Carl?
Uh, I don't know if your uncle Richmond
can handle another boy today.
How about this,
you stay on the sidewalk,
you look both ways
and no shortcuts.
- I know.
- Okay. Promise me.
No shortcuts.
[birds calling]
[flies buzzing]
[engine revving]
[music playing on radio]
[Odette] There we go, ladies.
She's cheating.
...out here cheating.
[suspenseful music]
Kings, kings always win.
- Now y'all gonna be mad about this.
- Barbara Jean's turn before you...
I don't even wanna play
this game no more.
[music intensifies]
[bottle clinks]
[engine accelerates]
I took too long. How... See...
[Clarice] And now, you got too many cards
in your hand.
- Alright.
- See, we can't...
[somber music]
[Barbara Jean] It's okay. You're okay.
You're okay. You just gotta wake up, baby.
You're okay.
[indistinct radio chatter]
[Lester] You know who did this, James.
- Desmond killed my boy.
- [James] Listen.
They're over at this place right now.
Alright, we'll-we'll handle this.
Man, they ain't gonna try
to put away a White man for this.
- It's not like it used to be.
- Bullshit!
That is my boy!
If you cops don't do something, I swear
to God I'll take care of it myself.
Listen, Lester, you gotta calm down.
You can't be saying that right now.
You can't be saying that right now.
If you go and do something stupid,
what the hell is gonna happen
to Barbara Jean?
What's gonna happen to her?
I need you to do something.
You're okay, baby. You're okay.
You're okay.
[somber music]
Barbara Jean.
- They have to take him now.
- No.
No. Don't you touch him.
It's okay. He's gonna wake up.
He's okay. Wait.
- Come on.
- No. No! No.
No. No, no, no, no, no!
No! No. No! No!
Please, no!
No. No! No.
[Barbara Jean screaming]
Oh, shit.
Hey, baby.
How was work today?
It was okay.
- Muah.
- Muah.
Oh, I'm tired.
You wanna tell me what's going on?
What you mean what's going on?
I had a talk with Laureen
and she told me that, uh,
you didn't show up
for work last Tuesday.
Now you know,
I don't like that spying.
You know, I wouldn't spy
if you would just be straight with me.
So again, I ask...
What's going on with you?
Well, you know I've been
having them hot flashes.
Well, the doctor said that, um,
it's a little bit more than the change.
What kind?
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
It's not exactly the Christmas gift
I was expecting.
Now James, you know, I ain't sat
on your lap in a long time.
It might be the end of that chair.
Come on.
- [sobbing]
- [James groans]
[exhales sharply]
- It's gonna be alright, now. Okay?
- [sobbing]
I know, I know.
It's gonna be alright. I know, I know.
I love you, babe.
It's gonna be alright.
It's gonna be okay.
- You want me to tell The Supremes?
- No
They can't handle nothing like this and
they got too much going on anyway.
[James] Okay.
So when do we start treatment?
[somber music]
[Odette] She's late.
[Clarice] Well...
The last time we met for Big Earl,
Barbara Jean did lose Lester, now.
Here you go,
making excuses for her again.
You see her parading around here
with that water bottle.
That woman ain't hydrating.
Look, I can't understand how this might be
bringing up some dark things for her.
If I took a drink every time a dark thing
rolls its head up at me,
- I'd be under the liquor store.
- She's okay, Odette.
Until she not.
And Lester ain't here to clean her up
this time around.
- [woman] Hey, Barbara Jean.
- Hey.
I had some volunteer work
to finish up at the hospital.
Scoot over.
- [microphone feedback]
- [clears throat]
Welcome to Minnie's journey
to her great reward.
- I thought this was for Big Earl.
- Shh.
Little Earl, dim the lights.
What for, the sun's still out?
- Just, get the lights.
- Oh, Lord.
[instrumental music]
Oh, Lord, here we go.
Here we go, here we go.
Get the door. Get the door.
- [bell jingling]
- Get the door.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [laughing]
Good Lord, is this a repast
or resurrection?
Trust me, Big Earl would die twice
to avoid this mess.
[indistinct chatter]
You said you did shows before.
An Easter pageant at church
ain't no show.
- Damn shame about that bunny rabbit.
- [laughter]
Y'all already took Earl's repast for me.
You're not getting this too!
Now, shush up!
[woman] Big Earl just turned over
in his grave.
- Shush!
- [laughter]
[crowd applauding]
Hold your applause for me.
For soon,
I will not be here to hear it.
Ascension awaits.
But since my end is nigh,
- y'all can line on up.
- No, no. No, no...
Make sure you have your money to put
right over there, that table.
Is Minnie mourning her passing in advance?
I mean, obviously this is the production
of Minnie McIntyre presents
Repast The Musical.
- I heard that, Clarice.
- I meant you to.
You know what?
You wanna know what I saw
in a vision last night?
- Not particularly...
- It was Richmond.
On a foggy beach embracing a woman.
But when that vision materialized,
I saw that the woman...
wasn't you.
Your customers are getting antsy
over there, Minnie.
Y'all can try to ignore me,
but the spirit guides already know.
And what I hear from them
is that someone's husband
likes being all up in a Cherokee.
And I'm not talking about the car.
[mellow music]
No, no, no, no, no.
No, no.
Mm-hm. You're okay.
[upbeat music playing]
[Odette] They ain't even got
the good strippers.
Veronica says she bartends here.
For somebody who wasn't born
in a Satin Slipper,
she knows more about this place
than I do.
She also said they have Biblically themed
pole dancers on Monday nights.
John three dollars and 16 cent lap dances.
If you and Veronica are becoming friends
I will burn this place to the ground.
Save all that for Cherokee.
No, I'm just here to talk
to her woman-to-woman.
You mean, women to woman.
You know, she might be one of them
take our earrings off
and wanna,
wanna swing on somebody.
So me and Barbara Jean,
we gonna be right behind you.
- We gonna have to fight Cherokee?
- If need be, honey.
I am just here for answers,
not to fight.
Just saying.
[exhales sharply]
Like the Indian tribe?
[Barbara Jean] No, like the jeep.
Her daddy was a car repairman.
Her brothers are named Tercel
and Seville.
- [laughs] Oh, you lying.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- So you know her?
- Uh-unh, not really.
You know, she works
part-time at the hospital gift shop.
Oh, there she is.
Oh! Whoa! Hey.
- She's practically a child.
- [Barbara Jean] That may be.
But she old enough to know better than to
lay up with some other woman's husband.
I guess ain't no woman's husband
off limits, huh?
- Don't, don't.
- Oh, we doing that?
You better back up.
I'm Richmond's wife.
Now let me ask you a simple question.
When did you start sleeping with him?
About four months ago.
Well, look, he said
that y'all wasn't together,
so it's not like...
[Odette] Cheating.
Girl, that line is as old as selling ass.
Did you think you would grow up
and become a man's mistress?
'Cause I know Richmond
must be selling dreams to you
like a used car salesman.
I mean, you're too young to know that this
is very self-serving for Richmond
and you're the only one
that's given anything.
See, 'cause all he gonna do
is take from you.
You know, take your beauty.
He's gonna take that smile. He's gonna
take that light in your eye.
He's gonna take that place
where your heart used to be.
He is going to take and take and take
until there's nothing left
because he doesn't care about you.
[somber music]
That's not because of me,
just who he is.
And you're not about to stand
where I am standing now, young lady.
You're gonna have yourself a nice night,
[Odette] Oh, reset.
I thought I nicked souls.
- I'm just trying to save one.
- Mm-hm.
You know Big Earl came to talk to me
about Richmond
the week we got married.
- Same thing to me.
- Me, too.
Oh, Earl.
What'd he say to you, Reese?
That in 30 years...
Richmond would show himself to be
one of the finest men in this town
ever turned out, but until then
it was going to be a rough ride.
I took that as a ring and endorsement
because I wanted it to be, um,
but it turned out
to be a prediction.
It wasn't Earl who told you
not to marry Richmond.
That was me, honey.
[Clarice] Oh, God, w-what happened?
What is Alex Li doing to you?
[scoffs] Nothing.
But you said Dr. Li was helping
you with the change.
It's more than that, isn't it?
It's cancer.
[Clarice sighs]
But I'm fine.
That don't look fine.
That don't look fine.
Listen, they're gonna
put a port right here,
so don't have to keep sticking me.
My chemo is going good.
[Barbara Jean] How long have you known?
How long have you known?
Long enough.
[somber music]
I'mma gonna draw up a schedule.
And I gonna designate someone to each
day to help you with your treatment.
I'll do the first treatment.
Just let me know when.
You see, you see what you're doing?
From now on, you're gonna
have to start eating.
Look, look, you see what you're doing?
Do you see what you're doing?
All this, all this fussing!
All this fussing...
You spent the last 30 years fussing
that and, and over us.
Let us do the same.
What the hell do you think you're doing
with that little shit?
- [laughing]
- [gunfire]
[gunfire continues on TV]
[TV switched off]
Okay, I take it you want to talk.
You could have just asked.
Cherokee is a pretty girl.
Naive, but pretty.
- Who's Cherokee?
- Don't.
You've insulted me enough.
Clarice, I swear
I ain't been with nobody.
I swear on my mama's grave.
Well, knowing she raised a whore,
she must be rolling in that grave
right now.
It was just a one-time thing.
Oh, so you're saying that you slept
with her one time?
One time in four months...
with some restraint?
- No, this ain't nothing but Odette.
- It's not.
Oh, if it was up to Odette,
she would have had you castrated
on our wedding night.
She has stayed relatively quiet
on the matter.
- This ain't only on me.
- Oh, so you're saying that
it's my fault that you can't stay out
of other women?
You sold me a lie
and mastered in a dream.
I gave up everything for this family
I never asked you to.
If you were so upset,
why don't you just speak up?
If you would look at me,
you would have known!
[somber music]
This isn't working for me anymore.
But I'm not moving.
So, I suggest you think it through
a little bit more.
So, this is who you are?
I'll leave, Richmond.
[music continues]
Thank you, baby.
Anytime. I mean, I don't know
what the hell I'm doing,
but I'm trying my best.
[both laughing]
All these years wasted on diets,
all it took was a touch of cancer.
Oh, shit.
- I'm sorry, baby.
- Oh, that's alright.
Gives you something less to do.
It's like a painting.
[James] What is?
You fill in your picture
every day,
trying to make it as pretty as you can
till you get to the edge
of your frame.
I believe my mama's sycamore tree...
was the prettiest spot on my canvas.
I'll open up.
[exhales sharply]
I don't know how to do this.
Nobody does.
Y'all coming?
Well, when you pick the right one,
I guess you don't need to.
When it's time for me to go...
sycamore tree is where I want to be.
[birds chirping]
[piano music]
- How's it going back there?
- It's going good. Be still.
Alright, alright. Okay.
[trimmer buzzing]
[Barbara Jean] Done.
- Done.
- You done?
What? What? No, no, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
It was gonna come off anyway
because of chemo, right?
- That's right.
- [Clarice] That's right.
- Okay.
- You ready?
Yes, I'm ready.
I thought I'd be in tears.
But after years of heat, rollers
chemicals burns, shit, I should
have done this years ago!
I know, that's right.
Hell, I'm free!
[all laughing]
Well, you got a good
shaved head, too.
- I got me a good barber.
- How about that?
[Barbara Jean] That's right.
I want the same thing.
- What?
- Clarice.
Girl, I appreciate the solidarity,
but you just left your husband.
So, you ain't in the right frame of mind
to make a decision like this
I know,
I just found a prayer list
for my church saying
that they want to pray for me
for my recent behavior with Richmond.
Oh, church miss.
Oh, let's give them something
to talk about.
- Who next? Come on.
- Okay.
Come on.
Come on right here, ma'am.
We're gonna go in stages, okay.
Why we gotta go in stages, now?
Because you might have a cone head.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Leave me a little to work with though.
[Odette] Wonder what happened
to Barbara Jean.
Oh, she wasn't at church today.
What the kind of clothes she wears,
she's hard to miss.
Huh. Hot, meet kettle.
Oh. I didn't wear this
to church, Clarice.
I'm slimming down.
Ain't you hot?
What you want a heat stroke diet?
[Odette] What in the world?
Oh, my God.
[Clarice] Barbara Jean?
- Barbara Jean?
- How did this happen to me?
- I didn't mean to do it.
- It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay, it's okay.
[crying] I'm so sorry, I wet myself.
Look what the cat dragged in.
How you feeling?
Much better. Thank you.
I don't know what happened.
Well, you're gonna be just fine.
Just need some rest,
something to eat...
You are alcoholic.
She running around here
wetting her pants in public, Clarice.
Ain't nothing to do
but to call it what it is.
You are alcoholic.
No, no, no, no.
My mama was one.
I know what that looked like
and this ain't that.
[Odette] You could have killed somebody.
You could have killed a kid.
You've been drowning
ever since Adam died.
Yeah, I said it.
But I'm telling you right now
this is gonna stop today.
Before you kill yourself
or somebody else...
Fine. Fine.
I'll stop drinking. Okay?
Okay, good.
Because tomorrow me and Clarice,
we're gonna take you
to Alcoholics Anonymous.
No, no. I don't need all that.
I don't need all that.
Today was a hard day, that's all.
Alright. Okay, then,
well, what about weeks ago
when you didn't pick me up
for my cancer treatment?
- I told you.
- You can't show up for yourself...
So I don't know why I think
you're gonna show up for me.
You know, I was a dummy
for trusting you.
You... you're going along with this?
We know not to call you after 9 o'clock
because we know you're not gonna
remember the conversations.
Oh, those were conversations?
There's nothing to remember.
Y'all both talk the same old shit
every day...
- Barbara Jean.
- Let her talk.
complaining about
"shoulda, woulda, coulda."
Knowing neither one of y'all
are ever gonna
change a damn thing about yourself.
Well, maybe that's because we've too busy
changing your pissy ass drawers.
Well, you should have been worried
about changing your husband.
Your mouth is writing checks,
your ass ain't brave enough to cash.
Oh, I can cash it,
question is can you afford it?
I'm not the one who settled
to be a lunch lady.
Oh, shit.
Maybe I wouldn't have had to settle
if you had kept your legs closed.
Oh, so my open legs
is why you couldn't take that test
for the last 30 years.
That's the lie we telling now?
- Don't.
- Don't what?
Be like you and give up
a whole damn career for a man
who screws around
like it's his goddamn job?
You're just like your drunk ass mama.
[Clarice] BJ...
[Barbara Jean] When you lose a husband
and bury your baby in the cold ass ground
then you can come for me.
Until then stop judging me.
Because y'all don't understand.
You're not... You don't understand.
You think you own the market
on worry and grief?
You think we don't understand
hard days?
My goddamn cancer medicine
stopped working.
- What?
- What do you mean stop working?
It means cancer is smart...
and it adapts.
It means
they're gonna give me
some more medicine
that's probably gonna kill me first.
- I'm sorry. Odette, I'm so sorry.
- Keep it.
Keep it.
- You ain't sorry.
- Yes.
[Odette] You ain't sorry.
I'm washing my hands off you.
I'm washing my hands off you, too.
- No, you don't mean that.
- I do mean it. I do mean it.
I'm washing my hands off you, too.
You're just like her.
You're just like Barbara Jean.
You just like your mama, too.
You up and left Richmond
but that don't make up for the fact
that you 30 years late
on a revelation that it should have
took you 30 seconds to see.
I ain't gonna waste my last days
on a damn pushover...
and a goddamn drunk.
- Odette!
- Odette!
Oh, my God.
Odette? Odette?
Wake up, wake up. Odette.
[Alex] The cancer isn't her most
serious problem, she has an infection.
[James] Well, what kind of infection?
All her heart and lungs
are distributing sickness
throughout her body,
but the antibiotics aren't stopping it.
Will she wake up?
She's a fighter.
[instrumental music]
You are gonna be okay, baby.
You have to.
Because I don't work without you.
[Barbara Jean] You need your rest, James.
The kids needs you strong.
And Odette needs you healthy.
She says she needs you to go
and get a bite to eat.
- I ain't hungry.
- [Barbara Jean] Doesn't matter.
You need to go down to that cafeteria
and put something in your stomach.
Come on. Come on.
I'll go with you.
I'll be back, baby.
- I'll stay here with her, James.
- Alright.
I started AA.
I haven't gotten up the nerve
to do more than just listen yet.
But, um,
one of the members
is on his step nine.
Make direct amends
with the people you've harmed
unless it'll harm them even more.
I hope this doesn't harm you.
Barbara Jean.
[Barbara Jean] But I've done far,
far worse things than drink.
[birds chirping]
Things I never told you
and Clarice about.
I knew the years of silence
between me and Ray
would be filled with nothing
but grief and regret.
But I still needed to go find him
after Adam died.
I had to.
Do you think Desmond killed Adam
because he knew he was yours?
What are you talking about yours?
I mean, I know I didn't tell you,
but I just somehow thought you knew.
I mean, I can feel Ad...
I could feel Adam's presence
so hardly like it was a part of me,
I mean, I didn't need to see him
to know he was there, you know.
I guess, I just...
I hoped that you could feel him too.
There's blood on my hands
and Ray's too.
[Ray] Please tell me what I can do,
Barbara Jean,
there's gotta be something we can do.
Please tell me something we can do.
If you want to do something
for our son...
I want that more than anything.
You make sure that Desmond knows
that he killed his own.
And then you kill him.
[dramatic music]
[door closes]
[Clarice] And we know through you
that all things are possible.
[James] Amen.
[Clarice] So we need you.
We need you to lift up our sister.
[Clarice] Our friend,
a mother of children.
[Clarice] Because we need her.
- We need...
- Why is everybody whispering?
See, I told you my girl ain't done yet.
How you doing, baby?
- Hey, James.
- Yes, baby.
- I love you so much.
- I know, baby.
I love you very much.
But you look terrible
and you smell, baby.
[James laughing]
- [Alex] Excuse me.
- [James] Y'all see that?
This girl been through hell,
she still ain't holding back.
[Odette] I ain't got no time to hold back.
I ain't gonna be holding
my tongue no more.
[scoffs] You've been holding
your tongue all this time?
She must have some brain damage.
[Odette] Clarice,
I want you to take James home.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- [Odette] Sweets.
- Put them back together.
- No, baby.
Listen, I ain't going nowhere,
especially not right now.
Please, please.
I'm alright.
I'll be here when you get back.
- I love you, baby.
- Love you.
- [Odette] Clarice?
- Yes.
That musical piece you wanted to play...
you ain't missed a damn note, girl.
Stop beating yourself up.
It ain't your fault.
[emotional music]
[Odette] Barbara Jean.
I saw Chick...
- In your coma?
- No. No.
Right after Big Earl died.
- Ray's here?
- He's at the university.
You should have told me.
I know.
But you were still hurting
after Lester died.
I didn't wanna put anymore pain on you.
Barbara Jean, I don't care
if you ain't on step nine.
I want you to go see Chick.
I want you to lay it all out
in the sunlight,
the whole truth.
I ain't gonna rest in peace
unless I know you do that.
You promise me,
promise me.
I promise. I promise.
You better be here when I get back.
Girl, I ain't going nowhere.
I'm too stubborn.
Richmond, I need you to stay.
Odette, before you pull a Minnie on me...
I know I've been a bad husband.
I know that.
can I just tell you I'm sorry
for everything.
We just leave it at that.
[Odette] Well, I don't want
to talk to you.
I just want your muscles
and your car.
[soft music]
[birds chirping]
Just take your time, take your time.
It's okay.
Let-let's go slow.
Okay, listen
we're coming close to the tree.
Now, I'm gonna let you down.
And I hope you got this...
[Odette panting]
You okay?
[Odette] I know I was supposed
to be born fearless,
but that was actually a damn lie.
I might have been born off the ground,
but never thought about
how I could never die there.
I had to touch the ground someday
that place where fear and fate resided.
Fear and fate were things
I never expected would meet.
But the two had been having
an unknown love affair
since my very first breath.
Hell, everybody's focused on
telling us how to live
but nobody ever comes back to tell you
how to do death, right?
[clearing throat]
Damn you, Richmond,
I asked you to do one thing
- you don't get that right.
- What?
- You said take you here.
- And to a sycamore tree.
What... What's this then?
You got me out here with
magnolia seed pods falling on my head.
I'm sorry. A tree is a tree to me.
I'm over here trying to die
the way I want,
I can't even get that right.
What you laughing at?
You must be feeling better or
God ain't ready to take you just yet.
You want me to carry you somewhere else?
If you show me where the sycamore is,
I can, I can take you there.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I didn't think about it this far.
I thought I'd be dead by now.
You ever think that maybe
it ain't your time yet?
My daddy used to say
God's got a plan.
Maybe he got a plan for you
to do some other things.
I'd like to see you do that.
I'd like to see you
do some things too, Richmond.
You ain't gonna believe, I don't believe
I'm saying this but in my heart
I know you a better man than this.
You think so?
I know it.
Come on.
Let's get back to the hospital
before James gets back.
He finds out about this
I just might die.
Alright, come on. Come on.
[instrumental music]
[birds chirping]
[knocking on door]
[sighs] Making amends is
much harder than my addiction is.
So, you're making amends to me?
What do you want?
I should have
shot Desmond myself.
But I took the love you had for me
and twisted it
to make you pull the trigger.
[clears throat]
I didn't kill Desmond.
I went over there after you left
and when I got there
he was already dead.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Lester.
No, it wasn't Lester.
Desmond hurt a lot of people,
Barbara Jean.
I guess his girlfriend
took enough licks and hit back
the only way she could.
I told her to leave town.
No sense in her being
put back in a cage
when she just escaped one.
[Richmond] It's an early present.
Is this a joke?
I know you meant well, but I don't play
concerts with an audience.
Then you
go up on that stage
and play for yourself.
I honestly don't know whether to kiss you
or spank you sometimes.
You could do both.
I loved you so hard
when I was younger.
And as you told me,
sometimes love just isn't enough.
Bye, Ray.
[Ray] Barbara Jean.
[instrumental music]
[instrumental music]
[Richmond] Good morning.
I didn't want to take off
before you woke up.
I was thinking maybe we could hire
somebody to move your things.
No need for you to do it.
What are you talking about?
You, coming back home.
Am I moving back home, Richmond?
What do you mean
you're not coming home?
- I thought after last night...
- Last night was fun.
But I don't see any reason for me
to move back home.
We've only been apart for a short time,
it doesn't fix
30 years of foolish decisions.
You knew if we slept together,
I think you were moving back home.
You used me.
I'm sorry, Richmond, I'm very sorry.
[upbeat music]
- Oh...
- Hey, what's up?
Alright now. Alright now.
Oh, thank you. Thank you, thank you.
- Praise the Lord.
- I know, I know.
- Yeah.
- Come here, come here.
I know all these people
ain't here to see me.
Oh, it doesn't matter because...
We are.
We are.
I'm just starting to look good again,
and y'all heifers gonna make me cry.
Looking good? I know you ain't saying
that wearing that outfit.
If you and James didn't have kids,
I would think that you were dressing
like that to keep your virginity.
- Still hating, I see.
- Grace notes.
You know, some little girls try
to sit at our table.
These kids have no respect.
After Barbara Jean set them straight,
they did.
Alright, Chick.
I guess they thought The Supremes
were a thing of the past.
Past my ass.
We still look as good
as we did back in the day.
Right? Come on.
I see Richmond's little gift is
paying off, huh?
[Clarice] Oh, it is not.
I mean, he means well
and everything, but...
I am not playing at his concert.
I made some calls.
I'm going to New York.
I got some, uh...
recording to catch up on.
Reese, I'm so proud of you.
I'm so proud of you.
[instrumental music]
[Odette] Fate might have put me
on a one-way street,
but I was destined to walk
that street well-loved,
with someone on my left
and with someone on my right
holding me up.
Without each other,
maybe we would have believed
what the world told us about ourselves.
Broken pieces, hot messes,
bad omens.
They thought a friendship
couldn't hold us together,
and they were right.
Love was our glue.
We might have been broken,
hot messes when apart,
but together, we had painted
a pretty damn good picture
and a Picasso can't ever touch that.
That's the kind of love we know.
Yeah, our hands were, and still are,
unsure sometimes.
But we're not worried about reaching
the edge of our frame,
not when there's so much
more good painting
we've got to do... together.
[Little Earl] Hey, y'all,
Minnie's gonna kill herself.
[Odette] Minnie's gonna die today.
That's a long way to go
to make a prediction come true.
You have to admire her dedication.
- Wait-wait now.
- [Little Earl] Come inside the house.
[Minnie] Y'all would love that,
wouldn't you?
You would love for me
to live through this day.
So, everybody can call my gift
for prophecy into question.
I think she is gonna kill herself.
- [Little Earl] Watch it, Miss Minnie!
- [Richmond] Hey, hold it.
[Odette] Oh, shit!
Oh, my gosh!
- Are you okay, Minnie?
- What is wrong with you, Minnie?
[Barbara Jean] Is she dead?
[Odette] Well, dreams do come true.
[Minnie laughing hysterically]
Oh, my God!
I fulfilled my prediction!
You said you were gonna die.
I had a near-death experience.
That counts.
Ms. Minnie,
you almost killed me.
Now don't you go trying to get in
on my prophecy?
[Little Earl] Nobody's trying to get in
on your prophecy.
Alright, alright.
She know how to put on a show,
but I ain't paying for it.
'Cause here I come
And I'm bringing
you a love that's true
So get ready
Get ready
I'm gonna try to make you love me too
So get ready
Get ready
'Cause here I come
Get ready 'cause here I come
Get ready
All my friends shouldn't want you to
I understand it, we'll be alright
I hope I'll get to you before they do
The way I planned it you
be outta sight
So twiddled twiddledly dum
Look out baby 'cause here I come
And I'm bringing you a love so true
So get ready, get ready
I'm gonna try to make love to you
So get ready
Get ready
'Cause here I come
I'm on my way
Get ready 'cause here I come
Get ready
I'm gonna try to make love to you
Get ready 'cause here I come
Get ready
Ready 'cause love's so true
Get ready
'Cause here I come
On my way
Through the dusk of golden sky
Summer rain begins to ease my mind
And clear the way for you and I
Leaving troubles far behind
Days burn quickly
Towards an empty place
Through the fire
I find state of grace
Like a window open wide
To a newborn day and unknown light
I listen for your heart that sings
Above the noise life's traffic brings
And days burn quickly
Towards an empty place
Through this fire
I find the state of grace
Like a window open wide
To a newborn day and unknown light
All our dreams are waiting here
Wanting faith to reappear
Moving towards this empty place
I will find
A state of grace