The Swan Princess: A Fairytale Is Born (2023) Movie Script

[enchanting music playing]
[enchanting music swells]
[man] Buy your tickets now!
Be quick, my friends.
They'll disappear in seconds.
It's your last chance
to see the world-famous Madame LaCroix!
Standing room only,
to see the final performance
of Madame LaCroix's world tour!
[music crescendos]
[tranquil music playing]
[plays fanfare]
What is all this hullabaloo?
"A message for Princess Uberta,
from the king."
Now, now, you are Uberta?
Oh, yes, from head to toe.
Oh, good, good.
"Dear Uberta, I am dead.
As your grand-uncle
through my fourth wife, thrice removed,
who you once met at a food bazaar
when you were 3,
you are now the queen.
And, therefore, your husband is the king.
Here are the keys to the castle.
The big one sticks,
but just give it a quick twist.
Best of luck. The king."
I'm queen!
And you're the king!
[Max] Mm-hm. He was right about that key.
[Uberta] Quick twist, dear. Quick twist.
[Chamberlain] Over here!
[upbeat music playing]
All of these people, here for me?
Oh, yes. All necessary for your success.
But I see you're wondering...
What does it take to be a queen?
It's probably best
If we start with the basics
Of what it takes to be a queen
The life you had before
We must replace it
There is no turning back
You're on your way
We're here to help you through it
We'll show you how to do it
What does it take to be a queen?
When you must organise
A steadfast schedule
Do what it takes to be a queen
You must keep up
With every royal plateful
We'll have to elevate your stamina
-This life's not for the meek
-We work eight days a week
Also, you've been invited
by William and Aubri to a royal tea.
-A what?
-All the kings and queens will be there.
-Oh, must I?
-You must.
[song swells]
It takes poise and grace
With picture-perfect taste
She does have flair
And ingenuity to spare
Clumsy me. I've broken another.
You must be Uberta.
I'm Aubri. We're going to be best friends.
I admire anyone who can play the teacup.
Oh! You're so kind, and I'm so awkward.
We'll have
your pinkie pointing properly in no time.
I think what my William
is trying to say is...
The thing you need to be a queen
You wouldn't find
In any royal textbook
-You already are a queen
-I am?
-Of course!
-Of course!
All that you need
Is sitting there inside you
It shines bright enough
To fill the room
I can see all the good
That you will do
[chorus] Here comes the Queen of Wixom
-She won't abide a flaw
-Not a one
She's sure to find the spotlight
-She loves to share her cause
-My cause?
My cause, of course, is dogs
But not just any mutts, you see
They must be important
And perfectly purebred
[singing off-key] Like me
[clears throat]
My cause are dogs born of royalty
-[Uberta] A cause?
-Don't worry.
You'll find one that's just right for you.
My queen, there's still much to do
to prepare you for the coronation.
The crown awaits for you, my queen
-[maid 1] Chin up
-[maid 2] Stand straight
[maid 1]
You must walk tall and graceful
To be appointed as the queen
This coronation must be monumental
We need to give your look a royal lift
[chorus] A bit of savoir-faire
To make them stop and stare
And be the tallest by a hair
She's ready.
["What It Takes to Be a Queen"
turns dramatic]
Watch it, bub!
There's eight hours of hair up there!
-[song stops]
-[song resumes]
[chorus] That's what it takes to be a
-That's what it takes to be a
That's what it takes to be a
That's what it takes to be a queen!
[song turns pensive]
Oh, my
Oh, dear
There's so much to fear
How can I be the person
That they believe I am?
If you saw what I see
You'd know exactly what they mean
You will be the queen
Of queens
["What It Takes to Be a Queen" fades]
[Uberta] Me? Take my place
on the Council of Crowns?
Sounds perfectly dreadful.
Ten crowns, working together
to spread good and protect one another.
Just so.
-Can't he do it?
-I'm not in the bloodline, dear.
-Can I push this off on him?
-Indeed you may.
Because I have a cause to pursue.
This day turned out differently
than I expected.
Oh, that Wixom.
She snatched up the best cause.
I'm not so sure.
I knew you would have the answer!
Do you? Tell me you do!
Well, I wonder if the plight
of unwanted dogs might be more lasting.
[upbeat music playing]
Let me get this straight.
Your cause is gonna be "Save the Dogs."
Yes, and I need you to help me
find the perfect poster dog.
There's no poster dog here.
Nothing but mutts that need
to be rounded up every week.
Well, if that's your attitude,
no wonder there's no poster dog!
-[tense music playing]
Escape from Number Three!
[lively music playing]
Do it!
[dogs whining]
["Save a Mutt" playing]
Save a mutt
Hug a dog
In your own, set them free
Give them a life fit for a queen
And when you do
The one who is saved is you
I'll take... this, that, and the other.
But those three are the worst
of the whole lot! They're playing you!
Well, it worked.
Come on, spring them loose!
What will you name them?
[Uberta] This, That, and The Other.
Well done, Uberta.
[dramatic music playing]
[Uberta] Why do I have to speak
to the Council of Crowns?
It's your big moment.
Don't let them see you sweat.
Queen Uberta and King Maximillian
of Chamberg.
Come, please.
-[whimsical music playing]
-[Council laughs]
[Sebastian] Today, King Maximillian,
you join the Council of Crowns.
I invite you to address us.
Thank you, King Sebastian.
And I, in turn,
invite my wife to say a few words.
If Sebastian wanted her to speak,
he would have asked her.
-I was just about to say the same thing!
-[Sebastian clears throat]
I would like to tell you about my paws.
[gasps] I mean, cause!
I don't have paws, of course.
But my friends do. My doggie friends.
They have paws.
[both groan]
Hang in there, Bertie.
Oh, how many of man's best friend
lay in cages, as we speak,
or roam the streets
in want of food and love?
Yes, I speak of the unwanted dogs.
Aren't dogs Queen Wixom's cause?
[gasps] She's not going to like that.
Won't each of you take the paw
of a sad and lonely dog today?
-I'm in.
-As am I.
I will pledge my support as well.
[attendant applauding]
But what about all the unwanted cats?
The poor kitties--
-Save the dogs!
-Bravo, Bertie! Whoo-hoo!
"Save the dogs." Pssh!
Let's turn the topic to the thieves
who are raiding our crops and herds!
We need to catch and jail
every one of those thieving barbarians.
Edgar's right.
We'll build more jails if need be.
-Yes! Jail the barbarians!
-[pensive music playing]
My father came from these people.
And I never once saw him bring an axe
to the dinner table.
[Council members chuckling]
It would be better if we called them
what they really are:
Hungry people who just need work.
Work? Who will hire thieves?
Any landowner who sees the wisdom
in hiring workers over building jails.
You really think you can strike a deal
between landowners and thieves?
Maybe not. But this Council is
the greatest force for good in the world.
Don't we owe them our best effort?
I move we send King Maximillian
to talk with them.
No. Let him fail.
I echo the motion. All in favour, stand.
[dramatic music playing]
The majority agrees.
[suspenseful music playing]
-I hate doing this.
-Let's make it quick.
[rooster crows]
That sounds tasty.
[chicken clucking]
-Here, boy. Come on, come on.
Come on, boy. Come here.
Good boy.
[Max] It's not a dog.
Easy, now. I'm alone and unarmed.
-Cousin Max?
-Cousin Peter!
You've put on some weight.
[chuckles] You look good.
King Maximillian?
Hey! You can't run forever!
He's right. He's seen us. He knows me!
-What are we gonna do, then?
-I do have a proposal from the Council.
-Do you mind?
-[chuckles] Sorry.
We could kidnap him
and hold him for money.
You won't get anything from the Council.
But my wife, she loves me,
and she'll probably pay a little.
-[tense music playing]
-Let's give him to the pirates.
To the pirates it is.
Come on. Seriously?
-[Peter] Quiet.
-[Max grunting]
-[all grunt]
Do you know what it took
to get the Council to even
let me come here and talk to you?
They wanna build more jails!
And that's where you're gonna spend
the rest of your lives,
unless you listen to me.
I think I can get you work.
And not just you
but everyone in your situation.
No one hires people like us, Max.
We won't know if we don't try.
Guys, come on!
[pensive music playing]
You're not getting away with it this time!
-Lord Romberg!
-King Maximillian?
You've put on weight.
Oh, but you look good.
Everyone looks so good tonight.
What? Why are you here?
I'll cut to the chase.
These men will never steal from you again
if you give them work.
You want me to hire thieves?
Exactly. And I'm not gonna lie,
they'll need training.
This one can't tell the difference
between a rooster and a dog.
If you do this, all the other landowners
will follow your lead.
And the stealing will stop.
Come by in the morning.
And by the way, I haven't put on an ounce.
Thanks, cousin.
[whispering indistinctly]
[whispering indistinctly]
-Seen Max?
-The big hero?
-[Ivan chuckles]
[tranquil music playing]
[Ivan] King Maximillian.
I'm not too proud a man to admit
when I've been proven wrong.
Well done brokering that deal.
Got lucky, I guess.
King's Rule Number 1:
Take credit for your accomplishments,
or someone else will.
I keep hearing
your cannons are the best in the world.
Credit accepted. You see how that works?
[upbeat music playing]
The trout en croute is fabulous,
don't you think?
What are you hiding from me?
[laughs nervously] Me? Nothing.
[tense pensive music playing]
[whimpers] Queen Uberta
has also chosen dogs as her cause.
"Dear Wilhelmina.
Your gift for my coronation
is one of a kind."
Special, uh... delivery, Highness.
[Wixom] To Queen Uberta!
From Queen Wixom,
the true champion of dogs!
I'm flattered
that you have stolen my cause.
Nevertheless, it gives me no choice
but to challenge you to a dog show!
-[tense music swelling]
-"I gleefully accept.
And I apologise ahead of time
for winning."
"No apology necessary, I'm sure."
-"Are you?"
-"Stop writing me!"
-"I will."
"Great! P.S.
What is a dog show?"
[serene music playing]
-The ducks have landed.
-[cooks] Yes!
Queen One's about to take the first bite.
-Is it good?
-Oh, the best I've ever had.
-She likes it!
-[cooks] Yeah!
-Oh, Aubri.
-[gasps] Wait!
I may have bitten off
more than I can chew.
-Now she hates the aftertaste.
-[cooks groan]
What do I know about a dog show?
Going up against Wixom's poodles
is a tall order.
-You will need help.
-But what kind of help?
-These potatoes are wonderful.
Queen One finds the potatoes confusing.
-[cooks] Huh?
-[Aubri] Mmm!
Let me think.
-Oh, dear. They baffle Queen Two as well.
-[cooks] Huh!
You'll need someone very clever
who can train them to do fantastic things.
Yes! We must prove that you don't have
to be a purebred to be loved.
You also have to feed the dogs right,
so their coats shine.
-The beets have given Queen Two hives!
-[cooks] Oh!
[groans] How to feed a dog...
Please, universe, send me someone to help!
Please, tell me what I can do!
[pensive music playing]
Thank you, universe.
Now, that's a ham fit for a king.
And a queen, of course.
-[suspenseful music playing]
[music turns whimsical]
[This growls, then barks]
[That whines]
I'll feed you later! Shoo!
[lively music playing]
-[The Other growls, then yelps]
[This chewing loudly]
Gotcha! Take that! Ow!
[dogs barking]
Wait! Hey, hey, you get those--! No! No!
[lively music continues]
[Ferdinand] Thieves!
Bertie, we've got a problem
with Who, What, and Whatever.
-This, That, and The Other?
-Yeah, those guys.
[whimsical music playing]
I think you're both seeing things.
I made up a dog skating on turkeys?
Oh? Who tore my pants to shreds, then?
[Uberta] There, you see?
But they're faking!
-[dogs snoring]
-[Uberta] They are not!
-[suspenseful music playing]
-[door closes]
-[dogs whimper]
The honeymoon is over.
You're getting a trainer.
[upbeat music playing]
Niner, niner,
squiggly line, carry the two...
Eh... this thingy plus that thingy,
plus pi squared, and...
Ha, ha! Hello, hypotenuse!
You'll need to make an appointment.
-[clears throat]
-I said, you'll--
Oh. Continuing Education for the Elderly
is down the hall.
Excuse me?
[groans] All right. I'll show you the--
-Do I have your attention now?
-Why, you--
Berta! The new queen from Chamberg!
Dr Balthazar Rogers.
Professor, scientist, and genius.
What would it take to draw you away
from this dreary classroom
into the most interesting project
on earth?
My job is far from dreary!
You'll have all the money you need
and more.
And yet, at times, it can be tedious.
What is this project, may I ask?
-[uplifting music playing]
-You will prove to an unbelieving world,
against all odds
and all conventional thinking,
that stray mutts
can perform just as well--
Nay, better than purebreds.
I'll be a dog trainer?
Oh, I see. I'm afraid you lack
what's required for the job.
No, no, now, wait just a hot nanosecond.
No, no. I can see that you lack
the necessary vision-hyphen-fortitude.
Vision-Hyphen-Fortitude is my middle name!
My parents couldn't decide.
-I'll do it!
Your contract.
Mark my words, these dogs will be
doing ballet and algebra
by the time I'm done with them.
[chuckles] I'm developing
the queenly skill of manipulation.
[lilting music playing]
-[This barks]
-[both yelp]
She's the alpha, all right.
But not for long.
[tense dramatic music playing]
[music intensifies]
Thank you.
Training begins tomorrow at 7 a.m. sharp!
[dramatic music playing]
[Sophia] Thank you for supporting
my proposal, my fellow crowns.
I will direct my committee
to move forward.
That concludes the agenda for today.
Except for one last item.
My good friends, I am stepping down
as chair of this Council.
In doing so, it is my prerogative
to nominate the next chair of the Council.
And so I shall.
But he's barely joined the Council!
This Council has never allowed seniority
to determine its future.
The nomination awaits a second.
I will allow King Maximillian's
good friend the honour.
Then I do second the nomination
of King Maximillian!
[uplifting music playing]
[pensive music playing]
[man coughs]
I don't suppose you'd be available
to paint a queen?
Yes. Yes, please.
Give me a minute.
I'm so sorry.
Come on, now. Settle in.
[Uberta] Now, Magnus,
I have a few ideas for an iconic pose.
-Me as a classic goddess.
-[whimsical music playing]
Or me as the Tiger Mother! [imitates roar]
Which one do you love the most?
[Uberta] Or I have one more.
Me at the centre of the univer--
[pensive music playing]
Well done.
[drumroll playing]
["Royal Dog Show" playing]
[chorus] Poise and beauty
At the Royal Dog Show
Grace and duty
At the Royal Dog Show
Pure perfection
Impeccable form
Undisputed top dogs
High score!
Those mangy mutts don't stand a chance
[chorus] So it seems at first glance
But watch how they follow my commands
[audience exclaiming]
At the regal, rumpus, Royal Dog Show
-Focus and speed
-[chorus] At the Royal Dog Show
Sneakiness and greed
At the Royal Dog Show
Don't lose your gaze
For even an instant
[chorus] Their cheating ways
Are very persistent
My, how the tables do turn.
[laughs haughtily]
-[chorus] At the shifty, shameful
Royal Dog Show
[whistle blows]
Quick and cunning
At the Royal Dog Show
Grace while running
At the Royal Dog Show
They are unstoppable
Do the impossible
These underdogs might steal the show
[song turns suspenseful]
[song turns tender]
[song swells dramatically]
Champions and heroes
At the Royal Dog Show
Changing what we know
At the Royal Dog Show
[woman] Winning has more to it
[men] Looks alone won't do it
And my pups just proved it
[chorus] At the regal, rumpus, raging
Riotous, riveting, rambunctious
Royal Dog Show
[song ends]
[Uberta] You got the last one.
Oh, he's so cute. What's his name?
That's a horrible name!
How about we call him Charley?
[sarcastically] Ooh!
[Charley growls]
-Go on! Get out of here!
-[Uberta & Aubri laugh]
[Emma] They're all gone!
Aw, it's okay. We'll find one.
[tender music playing]
I saved the best for last.
But they have to stay together.
[music turns cheerful]
[music turns poignant]
[Uberta sobbing]
You did the right thing, Bertie.
-You really think so?
-I do.
And your cause was a complete success.
It's no wonder.
Because you will be...
Because you will be...?
[laughs softly] Oh...
The queen of queens.
[tender music playing]
But tell me you'll miss them
as much as me.
Here, Now, and Whenever?
[chuckles] Absolutely.
Oh, I love them!
[laughs] She likes them!
[Uberta gasps]
-I look...
-[Max] Beautiful.
It's wonderful, Magnus.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
And now, might the king have time
to sit for his own portrait?
[laughs] No.
Would you leave me up there...
all alone?
That doesn't work on me.
[dramatic music playing]
King Maximillian and I have some news
we would like to share with you.
I shall soon be setting my corset aside!
-[music stops]
-[crickets chirping]
[dramatic music playing]
There's a cinnamon roll expanding
as we speak.
-[music stops]
-[Uberta chuckles]
-[dramatic music playing]
-Really? There's a little pumpkin--
Oh, come on, people! I'm having a baby!
[all cheering]
Oh! [laughs]
How about you choose the name
for a princess,
I choose the name for a prince?
Agreed. So long as you choose Siegfried.
Of course. So long as you choose Bertha.
All right.
[cheering continues]
Our people seem happy.
Who wouldn't be?
-[pensive music playing]
[Uberta] I know how long you and William
have hoped for a child, my dear Aubri,
so it would crush me to know that
my joy has caused you the slightest pain.
Because you are my example,
my best friend,
my north star.
"Sweet Uberta."
Your joy is my joy.
I cannot wait to hold your child
and pray that he or she
will call me Auntie A for all of my days.
-[tender music playing]
Dear, dear Aubri.
[upbeat music playing]
Okay, Derek, aim at me as best you can.
As soon as you let it go, you say, "Now!"
Sounds dangerous.
Oh, Daddy won't get hurt.
It's just a little game
called Catch & Fire.
The junior version.
Uh... I'm gonna ask Mommy.
[chuckles] No, no, no.
You see, Derek,
Catch & Fire is just a king
and young prince kind of thing.
If you get the queen involved...
Well, you know.
She freaks out?
Well, yeah.
Just the men?
-So when you let go...
-Yell, "Now!"
You got it.
Oh! Now!
[whimsical music playing]
-I hurt you?
-No, no, no. You didn't hurt me.
I just wasn't expecting you
to be able to shoot like a pro.
Just say it earlier.
A lot earlier.
[music turns dramatic]
[music turns tender]
Well, if it isn't
Vision-Hyphen-Fortitude Rogers.
-You came.
You did send a carriage for me
and an envelope full of money.
It appears I am in need
of your services again.
Oh, no, let me guess. You want me
to train your underachieving goldfish?
No, no.
Just your future king.
I will raise up and mould
the heir to the throne?
Don't get ahead of yourself, sport.
I'll still be his mom.
-[sentimental music playing]
-Uh-- Eh-- Ah...
The answer is yes. Yes.
A thousand times yes!
Oh, and, uh, by the way,
from now on you're a lord.
Lord Rogers.
-[cheerful music playing]
-Uh-- Ah...
Oh, dear.
[Uberta chuckles]
King Maximillian, if it please the chair,
I have an urgent matter
to bring before this Council.
By all means.
Friends, I have received
strong information.
The pirates are planning
to raid our merchant ships again.
[gasps and indistinct chatter]
Oh, great!
If it's not thieves, it's pirates!
I say we put Ivan's cannons
to good use against them. Today!
This is unsettling news,
I agree, King Edgar.
But, friends, is it wise?
Let me guess. You want to make
a deal with the pirates too.
-Exactly what I was thinking.
-[Council members chuckle]
[laughs] I'm sure King Maximillian knows
we don't make deals with pirates.
Does he? What does a peasant's son
know about this Council's dealings?
Yes, a peasant's son.
[indistinct chatter]
Rest assured, King Edgar,
I am well aware of the Agreement of '02,
the Treaty of '05,
and the Compromise of '09.
The pirates broke every one of them
and never kept their word.
-Ah, here it comes.
...we must keep trying.
I know you want what's right,
King Maximillian.
But I'm with King Edgar on this.
Strike first!
-Well, I disagree.
-Friends, let's not make a hasty decision.
Let's cool our minds, study this out,
and vote on it in the morning.
-I second the motion.
-Hear, hear.
[pensive music playing]
[sighs] What do you think, my friend?
You have some support.
Let me work on it tonight.
We may have the votes we need tomorrow.
-[suspenseful music playing]
-[man snoring]
How long are we going
to wait for him? Let's vote!
Harbourmaster Fleming
requests an audience.
-[ominous music playing]
-[grunts] This better be important.
I thought you should know
that King Maximillian's ship...
sailed out.
Sailed out? When?
Well, about midnight, Highness.
-And you waited until now to tell us?
-Well, I--
[cannon fires]
[cannon fires]
-[Ivan] To the cannons!
Fire when ready!
[William] Was this just a warning?
Or a celebration.
You think they have Max?
[ominous music playing]
[William] No.
That's Max's flag.
[Ivan] No one could have survived this.
Max's journal.
"I believe with all my soul
that I can help the pirates see reason.
I cannot wait for the Council
or risk them saying no.
I see their ships approaching."
We must keep it.
Fine. But so long as I live,
no one will ever see it.
Why, Max? Why?
My poor Uberta.
[Uberta sobbing ] Why?
-[poignant music playing]
To tarnish Max's image
for one misstep benefits no one.
King Ivan and I agree
Max's journal will remain private,
hidden away.
Why did he do it?
I've known many a good king,
but Max was the best of them all.
I can only believe
he thought it was the right thing to do.
I can't go on.
He alone believed in me.
I cannot be a queen without my king.
But don't you see, Uberta? You must go on.
You must become the queen
he knew you could be.
I can't find Dad.
Shouldn't you be at dinner, young man?
-I already eated.
-I see.
You wanna play Catch & Fire
till I find my dad?
Yes, young prince.
I will play Catch & Fire with you
all the days of my life.
Just today is good.
[Rogers chuckles]
[clears throat]
My condolences, Queen Uberta.
Thank you, Ivan. Max respected you.
And I him. He was my better.
So it pains me to say,
I have been chosen as his replacement.
You will do well.
I'd feel more confident about that
if you joined the Council.
[arrow fires]
[poignant music playing]
[Max] You will be the queen of queens
[music turns determined]
I cannot join the Council, dear Ivan.
I have a kingdom to run, a king to raise,
and a queen to become.
[Aubri exhaling and groaning]
Geez. I hope I never have a baby.
Well, I, um...
Yes, me too.
I just know you're going to have a boy.
He and Derek will be
the best little buddies.
You're so kind to take care of me.
-You're sweating.
-Eh... I know.
My dad said,
"Never let them see you sweat."
[baby coos]
[tender music playing]
So much for my predictions.
-It's a girl?
-What a bummer.
Your people await the presentation of...
[Uberta] Odette.
[uplifting music playing]
[people cheering and applauding]
I think they like you.
And why wouldn't they?
Has there ever been a more perfect baby?
And as for you, young Derek,
girls aren't as bad as you think.
-[ominous music playing]
-[door opens]
-Oh, William.
-No. No!
[sombre music playing]
Oh, Aubri! No!
My darling Aubri!
Poor dear. He hasn't eaten in days.
Send for Queen Uberta.
Okay, Bromley.
As soon as you let go, say, "Now!"
[poignant music playing]
Thank you for coming, Your Highness.
My dear William...
[rain pattering]
When I close my eyes,
I see myself in a small boat...
with no land in sight.
I am at sea, Bertie, and all alone.
Oh, William.
Close your eyes and look again.
We are in the same boat now.
For the sake of our kingdoms
and our children...
we must keep rowing.
[dramatic music playing]
["Let the Curtain Rise" playing]
[LaCroix] Let the curtain rise
Take them all by surprise
Right before their eyes
Let the curtain rise
Let the curtain rise
Take them all by surprise
Let the curtain rise
Turn another page
Raise up the curtain
It's your stage!
-[song ends]
-[audience cheering and applauding]
Well done, Uberta!
I mean, Madame LaCroix.
Listen to that applause.
It's the most beautiful sound on earth!
-[applause continues]
-Thank you.
You are too, too kind.
That's it, Rogers.
I'm stepping down as queen.
-Stepping down, do you hear?
-I love you too.
-[applause continues]
-Let Derek and Odette have the throne.
I want the applause!
But-- But to step down as queen?
Why, Uberta? Why?
-[applause continues]
I think I get it.
[enchanting music playing]
-[Wixom] Madame LaCroix!
-[Rogers] LaCroix's leaving, madame.
Keep your distance, please.
Give a little room.
No, let this one through, Rogers.
Apparently, LaCroix will give you
a moment of her--
As queen, I just want to thank you
for your performance tonight.
And also to say...
I am totally your biggest fan!
When you sang "No One's the Boss of Me,"
I felt like you were singing it
just for me!
My friend says she's your biggest fan.
But no way! It's me!
Will you sign my arm?
It's permanent ink, but I don't even care.
'Cause I absolutely want
to remember this moment forever!
Oh, my. If you're sure.
[pensive music playing]
Oh, thank you. Thank--
[dramatic sting plays]
So happy to have met my biggest fan.
Why so surprised?
You knew it was going to happen sometime.
Well, yeah,
but we thought it would be later.
You know? Not now.
Yes, not now, but when,
you know, later, when you were--
Well, I don't want to wait until then.
I have songs to sing, hearts to thrill,
and applause to hear!
But before that,
my final act as queen
will be your coronation.
It will be the most memorable coronation
of all time!
[dramatic music plays]
Actually, Mother, would it be okay
if we had just a small--?
-[Odette] Or a medium-sized--
-[Derek] Or large.
[Odette] Quite large, really.
[Derek] Maybe the most
memorable coronation of all time.
I'll get right on that.
Mama's still got it.
[tender music playing]
My queen.
My king.
[both laugh]
Today's ze day I move into ze castle.
Goodbye, uncomfortable lily pad.
Goodbye, eating flies for every meal.
Goodbye, never wearing any clothes
because I'm an animal, I guess.
Oh, sorry, Jean-Bob. Derek and Odette
may be moving up, but we're staying put.
But I'm ze personal frog
of ze future queen!
I should at least get a fancy title
and a pair of pants.
How about I call you
"The Duke of Trousers"?
[both laugh]
-Oh, come on, JB.
At least we'll all be together right here.
Yeah, okay, you're right.
Here I come, feather bed,
crumpets, and tiny tuxedo!
[playing serene melody]
May a humble tulip farmer
have permission
to give the princess flowers?
Permission granted.
[Uberta clears throat]
Let's talk.
You want us to crown Mom and Dad?
You have someone better in mind?
Don't you have to be famous?
Or royal, or something?
I'm glad you asked.
Young Lucas, for your sacrifice
and service to this kingdom,
you shall officially be known,
now and forevermore,
as Prince Lucas.
Wha--? What? Really?
Now, as you were.
I believe it was something like...
[tender music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
If I'm spotted in this part of town,
I'll never live down the shame!
[tattoo gun buzzing]
[door opens]
I am not here.
Um... okay.
If you tell anyone I was here,
I will banish you to...
What could be worse than this?
[whimsical music playing]
Avert your eyes,
or lose what few teeth you have left!
What'll it be? A heart? A ship at sea?
Neither. I want to get rid of this.
Ugh. Don't blame you.
Who gave you that disaster?
A crazy woman.
Her dogs defeated my dogs, you see.
But that wasn't enough. No!
She pretended to be a famous singer!
And when I got too close,
she signed my arm with permanent ink!
Then she removed her face!
She sounds crazy, all right.
Get working. Delete it! Now!
Hurry! What if someone sees me here?
How long will this take?
-So quickly?
[tranquil music playing]
You're looking very lovely this evening.
[giggles] Why, thank you.
Stretchy castle pants!
[both scream]
[man] I'm coming!
[dramatic music playing]
[Jean-Bob yelling]
Nice pants.
-Are you all right?
-Thank you.
[Uberta] My dear Odette,
to help guarantee your success...
There are rules every queen must know
For watching her kingdom grow
The keys to success
Making more from much less
Passed down from long, long ago
Chamberlain, hard at work again?
Oh, queen, those aren't meant to be seen.
Your talents are meant to shine!
For the coronation designs.
-Yes. You're the best.
-For all fashion requests.
-Oh, dear.
[Uberta] Oh, yes, you have precisely what
it takes to make this coronation great.
-Well, I suppose if I start now...
-Rule number one:
When you've got them reeled in
Don't let them off the hook
Watch them see it through
They may try to resist
But politely insist
And they'll find rewards
They never knew
Oh, Ferdinand.
At the final feast
For all to dine
I present to you
Course nine
It's wonderful
Yes, respectable
Almost what you had in mind
Course ten?
-And then?
-How about 11?
I'll leave to your discretion
Oh, wait, it's coming
I might be on the brink
I'm sure it will be fine
Go with what you think
For our grand finale
I could... Course 15, 16, 17, 18...
-Course 20?
Rule number two:
When you plant the seed in need
Step back and watch it grow
An idea they think
Is completely theirs
Bears the fruit of what you sow
["Play by the Rules" continues]
Odette would love peonies
To brighten her bouquet
Great idea
But they're not in season
Really, tulips are most okay
Did you search the lands to the east?
I couldn't find them there
What about north
Of the lands to the east?
Well, no
But we could look elsewhere
Rule number three:
The world is full of surprises
When you see beyond your horizons
And look here at this beautiful sight!
You nailed the colour! It's just right!
Rule number four is simple
But is important to be heeded
Remember to always let them know
Whenever they've succeeded
Me have secret talent too.
Can me play piano for coronation?
[playing "Chopsticks"]
[playing intricate classical melody]
New rule. If the little lady who talks
like a caveman can play, let her play.
[plays dramatic crescendo]
["Play by the Rules" continues]
It's stunning! Most memorable, indeed!
Your vision, I'm sure, will far exceed.
Never settle for less
Than simply the best
One more teeny, tiny idea
that might be fun.
[whispers indistinctly]
Out of the question! It can't be done!
When they hit the top
Open doors to set them free
[Rogers] And afterwards,
why don't I part the Red Sea?
If they say stop
You say go
Don't fight it, Rogers
You love a challenge, I know
No, no, no
Show them just how brilliantly
They can glow
But where would I begin? I haven't a clue!
But you're working on it even now,
aren't you?
-No, I'm not.
-You are!
-I'm-- I'm not sure.
-Unlock your mind and open the door.
And watch them spread their wings
And soar
I'll do it! But how?
Rule number five: Always remember,
people are happiest
when they're doing something great.
Play by the rules
They'll never let you down
These five little gems
Are fit for a crown
Play by the rules
Be greater than you dare
When we walk the path of greatness
We are walking on air
Walk the path of greatness
And you will walk on air
Good night.
[song fades]
-[crickets chirping]
-[door opens]
[Derek] How did everything go?
-That's great.
But also a little worrying, maybe?
-Hm. Not so great.
-But mostly, uh, inspiring.
It's just, I worry that some people...
That everyone might get a little...
A lot discouraged.
[poignant music playing]
[Odette] I wish you were here to help me.
["See Another Side" playing]
Everyone tells me how wise you were
How you led with a gentle hand
Is there something I am missing?
All these burdens
All these tasks
Are they too much to bear?
Is it too much to ask?
-Hello, my darling.
I may know something to help you.
See another side of the story
Hear a different verse to their song
When you look through their eyes
Then surely you'll find
A story with another side
Oh, Mother, it's so true.
-See another side of the story
-See another side of the story
There's another side
-Hear a different verse to their song
-Hear a different verse to their song
-When you look through their eyes
-When you look through their eyes
-Then surely you'll find
-Then surely you'll find
A story
A story
-A story with
-A story with
-Another side
-Another side
[song fades]
"Dear Queen Wixom, you are invited
to the most memorable coronation
of all time"?
That Uberta.
She thinks she's the queen of queens!
With her mangy mutts and her perfect voice
and her permanent-ink autograph.
[groans] Autograph!
[dramatic music playing]
[laughs haughtily]
"Most memorable coronation"...
[pensive music playing]
[Uberta] T-minus 12 hours
and counting, people. Let's move!
Queen Bee has got the beehive buzzing.
Ooh! Sounds exciting. Let's go.
[upbeat music playing]
-Yes. Isn't it wonderful?
Oh, indeed.
-They got here just in time.
Yes. From south of the lands to the west.
I didn't think I could do it.
But here it is, Course 20!
[Rogers] What we do here tonight, friends,
will be remembered for generations.
-[cheering and whistling]
Our grandchildren's grandchildren
will tell the tale
of our remarkable achievement!
People are happiest
when they're doing something great.
May I present your coronation attire.
Oh, chamberlain, I never imagined.
-Ah, neither did I.
-[Uberta laughs]
And you're walking on air!
Another side of the story.
Thank you, Mother.
[ominous music playing]
Oh, that one's horrible. I'll take it.
Oh, no. Actually, uh, we're saving
that one for a farmer we know.
Un-save it. It's mine now.
But you'll be nice to it, won't you?
[laughs] Nice? To a mutt like that?
Queen Uberta says there are no mutts.
They're all good dogs.
I want every dog you have. Now!
-[dogs crying]
-[sombre music playing]
No music? No thrones?
Can you believe that?
-Quite peculiar.
-What did you expect?
That's Uberta for you.
-Uh... where have you been?
[dramatic music playing]
All clear here.
Security 1 to Security 2, report.
Security 2, all clear.
Roger that. Security 3?
Security 3?
[sighs] Jean-Bob!
[groans] Where is that frog?
[hopeful music playing]
If I'm being absolutely honest,
I've impressed even myself.
Take your places, men.
The show starts at sunset.
[machinery whirring and clanking]
Prep your wheels, my friends.
Sunset in ten,
nine, eight,
seven, six, five, four, three, two,
one, and go!
I'm late!
[symphony playing dramatic music]
-[music ends]
-[guests applauding]
[symphony playing uplifting music]
[dogs howling]
[howling harmonises with symphony]
Security 2 and 3, we've got a rogue royal.
Meet me underground.
[ominous music playing]
[Puffin yells]
Oh, sorry, ma'am,
but you are not allowed down here.
Oh, you're going to stop me? [laughs]
A bird, a turtle, and a toad?
Ah! I am a castle frog!
Not only zat,
I have stretchy castle pants.
Well, I've got a couple of tools
of my own.
[dramatic music playing]
You ripped my castle pants!
[metal clangs]
At least ze noise has stopped.
[fireworks exploding]
-Did I miss anything?
-[Uberta sobbing]
Oh, the poor dear. What happened to her?
It would be cruel
to let this event define Queen Uberta.
For this day is just a moment
in a grand story.
A story about a woman
who knew true love...
and struggled through its loss.
[tender music playing]
Whose charity and kindness shine
like a star.
Her vision leaves a path for us to follow.
Yes, tragedy has marked her life...
but she has turned it each time to joy.
The joy of loving...
of giving...
of helping.
She has acquired the strength
to stand tall...
and the courage to fight.
She has the charm of laughter.
And the gift to lead.
And the humility to kneel.
Yes, this moment is just a moment,
but this life will shine forever.
She's Uberta,
the queen of queens.
[cheering and whistling]
Thank you, Odette.
But it is you, not me,
who is the true queen of queens.
[symphony playing uplifting music]
I present to you
King Derek and Queen Odette...
the true queen of queens.
[guests cheering and applauding]
Ha, ha!
[guests cheering and applauding]
[dramatic music playing]
Your Highness,
there is a gentleman here to see you.
It's so good to see you.
I have something for you, my dear queen.
It is the finest work I have ever seen.
[tender music playing]
My dear Max.
How I miss you.
Derek, this is Magnus.
The painter that Father saved.
I see him in you.
My father?
As best as I can remember him, anyhow.
You remembered well.
It is his very image.
I should return.
[Rogers] Uh... Magnus, may I show you
some of our newer portraits?
First my mother and now your father.
They've both come back to us.
I have so few memories.
Just flashes, really.
Catch & Fire is just a king
and young prince kind of thing.
But I clearly remember, he loved me.
[Magnus] I'm so sorry I missed
Derek and Odette's coronation.
After all these years,
a new king and queen in Chamberg.
Does King Derek know?
No, he knows nothing.
["Let the Curtain Rise
(It's Your Stage)" playing]
All fairy-tale endings need a start
Each story begins with an empty page
So take your places and play your part
Where you'll find
All the world's your stage
It's your story to be told
An epic for the ages
Both young and old
It's your story
So turn the page
Let the hero always be there
To save the day
And let the curtain rise
It's your stage
It's your story
To be told
An epic for the ages
Both young and old
It's your story
So turn the page
Let the hero always be there
To save the day
Let the curtain rise
Take them all by surprise
Right before their eyes
Let the curtain rise
Let the curtain rise
Take them all by surprise
Let the curtain rise
Turn another page
Raise up the curtain
It's your
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music playing]