The Swan Princess: A Royal Family Tale (2014) Movie Script

Long before the age
of kings and queens,
an evil force,
The Forbidden Arts,
came to Earth from the underworld
through a magical crystal.
The crystal was
his earthly domain
from which he gained
his strength and power.
His purpose,
to search the Earth,
then destroy any power
that might challenge him.
You think you have power?
I'll show you power!
But one day, to his horror,
he discovered a legend which
boded ill for the evil force.
"She will usher in
an Age of Goodness. "
But it also told
of a Glowing Stone
and warned the good creatures of
the Earth to keep it safely hidden,
for the stone would give evil
the power to withstand
the presence of
the Swan Princess
and destroy her.
The Forbidden Arts
was enraged to know
there was a power
greater than his own,
until he devised an evil plan.
Yes! Yes!
He used his great powers
to hide the truth
and alter the appearance
of the legend,
hoping that any creatures who saw
it would fear the Swan Princess.
Having corrupted the legend,
The Forbidden Arts searched far
and wide for the Glowing Stone.
But he searched in vain.
As the ages passed, the
legend withdrew from view.
But then, one day,
the paws of a curious scullion
pulled it from obscurity.
"In a coming day,
"an evil Swan Princess
"will usher in
the Age of Despair
"and lay waste to the
Earth and its creatures. "
The false legend
worked on the scullions.
Fearing the Swan Princess,
they cut themselves off
from the rest of the world,
and lived in seclusion and passed
on their fears for generations,
just as The Forbidden Arts intended.
# Look to the night
and you might see her
# Casting a shadow,
a cloak of fear
# Better beware
and be on your marker
# We must prepare
for the day is near #
Centuries later Odette,
the Swan Princess, was born.
Her mere presence on Earth nearly
destroyed The Forbidden Arts.
He escaped to his crystal
for refuge, and from there,
he frantically began his schemes
against the Swan Princess.
Sensing Lord Rothbart's
darK soul,
he drew the sorcerer to him
and promised him power untold if
he would destroy the Swan Princess.
But Princess Odette
and Prince Derek together
proved too strong
for Rothbart.
The Forbidden Arts remained
tortured by this truth.
He alone could never
destroy the Swan Princess.
And then,
fortune fell his way.
What have we here?
A thief!
Don't kill me, whatever you are! Please!
I will spare you,
but you will do my bidding
for the rest of
your worthless life.
And thus, The
Forbidden Arts renewed his efforts
to destroy the Age of
Goodness and the Swan Princess.
Derek, don't you think...
I have a feeling
everything will be...
Oh, Derek!
You go.
She's, but...
I can't see! Who's there? Who is it?
Mother, it's me.
So cold. It's so cold.
Rogers, more blankets.
No, Derek, no.
If I could just hold
something warm.
But smaller. About
eight pounds or so.
About the size of a baby?
I never thought of it
that way, but, yes!
I mean yes.
So this is what Odette
was trying to tell me.
Mother, you've done a lot of crazy
things to get me to do what you want,
but pretending to be dying?
Fake dying? Zat's genius!
Queen Uberta,
I salute you.
What else am I supposed to do, Derek?
Guess how many grandchildren
the Queen of Wixom has?
Go on, you just guess!
I don't know, four?
No! None!
But what if she has one
before me? Oh! The shame!
Mother, I promise, no one wants
children as much as Odette and me.
Then show me the baby!
Show me the baby!
Rogers, a little
help here.
Well, I'm getting
older too, you know,
and I want another child to
tutor before it's too late!
Et tu, Rogers?
Latin! Which you
learned from me!
But I've no one to teach now.
I must teach or I'll
shrivel up like an old snail!
Next time you're trying to
send a message, use a hammer.
And sorry if...
Don't be.
I love your mother. Besides, I
want her to have grandchildren, too.
We can hear you.
I might have promised the
woodcutter we'd help him today.
Well, can't break a promise.
I'm so cold, so very cold.
You look fine to me,
Yeah. Just a little green.
Look, I'm dying, okay? I've
got, like, 10 minutes max!
Now, I'm sure zere are some
maids and farmers' daughters
zat would like to
say goodbye to me,
so go find zem,
if you don't mind!
Oh, no!
Watson's disease.
He's got
all the symptoms.
Slimy skin!
Bulging eyes!
No ears.
We're gonna
miss you, little buddy!
Poor Jean-Bob.
He was such a
good little frog.
My favorite amphibian.
Why can't we do the double
drop with a reverse lashing?
We're master
trap makers, Cutter!
That's the best way to
finish off the Swan Princess!
No traps.
You know what
would be perfect?
The kingpin slider
with a knot turn!
You're talking crazy.
If we fail, the Hunter-Prince
is sure to track it back to us,
and then the Swan Princess would
come and wipe out all the scullions.
Is that what
you want? Is it?
'Course not!
Well then, you gotta
stop talking traps, Jojo.
Yeah, yeah. Sorry. I don't
know where me mind went.
No, no, no, it's okay.
I don't know.
Sometimes my brain...
Forget about it.
We've got work to do.
You know, a horse just
might get around that.
But not the wagon and
the Swan Princess, eh?
Imagine! The Prince and
Princess doing my work!
I feel a little guilty.
Well, we could
raise your taxes.
Pretty and funny.
We'll get this delivered. You
take care of that leg, my friend.
Tell your sweet wife
hello for us.
That's not good.
Really not good!
Come on! Get off!
Come on.
Drop, baby! Fall!
We really have to stop
meeting like this.
No, really.
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?
No kidding involved.
Unfortunately, what
you saw was actual.
Mangler's gonna skin us!
I can feel me pelt just peelin'
off me! Just peelin' off me!
Why I always gotta
reel you in, Jojo?
News from the bright side,
we just got closer
to finishing off
the Swan Princess
than any other master trap
maker in scullion history.
Yeah, but...
We're not going home
with our tails
between our legs, Jojo.
No? No. We're gonna swagger, my friend.
Yeah, swagger.
'Cause why?
'Cause we done the best yet.
There you go!
Swing and swagger!
Swing and swagger
all the way home!
All the way to
the Great Stone, baby.
If you can do it,
I can do it!
All right.
Go get it now!
You first.
Get it, Jojo.
That's right.
Well? Does she live?
First, can I ask, you got a
sharp instrument of any sort?
Put him down!
Who do you think
you're laying paws on?
A leader who knows that me
and Jojo are your best chance,
probably your only chance, at
finishing off the Swan Princess.
You call yourselves
master trap makers? Ha!
Long day.
Well, look who's
still got his fur.
And what you gonna
do with that fur?
I'm gonna swagger.
Here we go.
She lives.
How can I deliver Odette's
kingdom into your hands
if you cannot destroy her?
Give me another chance,
You have exhausted
my patience.
Master, no!
The last time...
Spare me the
history lesson.
The time has come for me
to test my strength.
To know.
Yes! I've grown stronger.
I can scarcely
feel her presence.
Guard the crystal
with your worthless life.
Ah, yes!
What was that?
That's strange.
Here, come with me.
It's okay. Prince Derek
is with your father.
Prince Derek, I...
You'll be all right.
I'll take you to the castle.
Take care of Alise.
Promise me
you'll care for Alise.
I promise.
It's okay.
I will avenge this, Master.
Odette's kingdom, if I
destroy her, will I still...
You slept the
night away.
You must be famished.
Sorry. It's
one of mine.
Do you mind?
You have very beautiful hair.
No! No!
Father. Father!
I know, Alise. I know.
And I will always
be here for you.
I promise.
Finally, I can put all these
treasures back in my study!
A child in the castle
again! Someone to teach!
When me see girl
with own eyeball?
In time. The poor dear has
been through a horrible tragedy.
Hello, my chamber
of enlightenment.
I have returned to fill
your empty...
Rogers, look at everything
I found for Alise!
Every girl simply
must have a pony.
And a quaint
little doll house.
A stuffed puppy,
kitten and panda bear.
A real puppy,
kitten and panda bear!
Evening clothes, daytime
clothes, mid-afternoon clothes!
And what girl
can survive without
a Marry Me, Leopold?
# Far longer than for... #
Recess is over!
You're not allowed...
The girl is mine
to spoil, Rogers!
No! She's mine to mold!
She's all of ours.
All of ours to help.
She won't speak.
Oh, my.
The poor dear.
Alise! You've gotta try this!
Let's do something fun!
# Today's the day
for adventure
# So many things to try
# Play hide-and-seek
in the castle
# Explore the countryside
# We can throw a party
for our friends
# Go try on all my shoes
# Have a picnic
down by the water
# Take in the mountain view
# I don't know how
to plan the day
# Until I hear what
you have to say
# Can you give me a clue?
Which one sounds fun to you?
# Oh, oh!
# Tell me what you're thinking
# Oh, oh!
# 'Cause I wanna hear from you
# Oh, oh!
# Tell me what you're dreaming
# Oh, oh!
# 'Cause I wanna
hear from you #
Alise, these are my friends
I was telling you about.
# Feels good to
dance to ze rhythm
# So let ze music play
# Your toes will
tap to the beat now
# Your hips will
swing and sway
# Before we jam in the spotlight
Whee! Just one last step
# Have you ever heard
of the Moon Hop?
# Check out my pirouette
# Do you think this
could really work?
# It'd take a lot
to outsmart her
# Can you give us a clue?
Which one looks good to you?
# Have you ever seen this?
Puffin time
# Oh, oh!
# Tell us what you're thinking
# Oh, oh!
# We wanna hear from you
# Oh, oh!
# Tell us what you're dreaming
# Oh, oh!
# We wanna hear from you
# Here, my dear
The perfect broth
# But it's missing something
It's a little off
# If it's hard to taste
It's not your fault
# All it needs is a pinch of
# We really wanna
Don't you just wanna?
# We wanna hear from you
# Shout it out now
# We really wanna
Don't you just wanna?
# We wanna hear from you
# Feels so good now
# What do you say? I said,
say hey What do you say?
# What's in your heart now?
# Hey, hey, what do you say? I
said, say hey What do you say?
# We wanna know now
# Oh, oh!
# Tell us what you're thinking
# Oh, oh!
# We wanna hear from you
# Oh, oh!
# Tell us what you're dreaming
# Oh, oh!
# We wanna hear from you
# We really want to
We just want to
# We wanna hear from
# You #
The scullions will no longer
stay in hiding, Master.
Tomorrow, we'll
storm the castle
and put an end to
the Swan Princess.
# This is the day
that we've long awaited
# This is the hour
they foretold would come
# Destiny calls
as we stand united
# We are prepared and
we'll get the job done #
Do not underestimate the Prince.
He is a masterful warrior.
We have a plan to deal
with him as well, Master.
The girl you
orphaned has become
like a daughter
to Derek and Odette.
When we snatch her up...
The Prince and the Princess
will surely follow.
Right into the forest...
Where scullions have
the clear advantage.
They will be no match for our
master trap makers.
# Hey, did you know she
has snakes for eyeballs?
# I once heard that
she's 10 feet tall
# She never sleeps
Only roams in darkness
# One look from her
And you'll burn with fire #
Bring me proof
of your success,
and all that the Swan Princess
possesses will be yours.
# She will be no match for us
Her fate can't be undone
# All eternity counts on us
# And we'll not rest
Till we get the job done #
It's all right.
I'm here, Alise.
Everything is okay.
# Dry your eyes
# Everything's all right
# I am here to hold you
# I won't let you go
# Lay your head
# Let me calm your fears
# You are safe forever
# I'll always be here
# I know there's pain
# Locked deep in your heart
# You feel like you're lost
All alone
# But just when it seems
It's hard to believe
# The promise of
love leads you home
# When the rain falls
Lift up your eyes
# There's a rainbow
Just standing by
# And the colors
Will light up the sky
# Bringing hope to your heart
Guide your way through the dark
# Where you'll find me
# Always with you #
Poor thing.
"Plants that can heal you. "
"Wart removal. Weight
gain. Writer's cramp. "
Hey, where's Watson's disease?
"Many people consider sweet honey
clover a cure-all for most diseases. "
"But beware... "
"Poisonous stink weed may cause
swelling and hallucinations. "
At least I'm not
having hallucinations.
Zat hallucination's
got a good kick!
Huge squirrels, Jean-Bob?
And zey have blowguns!
Of course they do.
Well, a word to
the wise, Jean-Bob.
Fake dying might
get you a kiss.
Fake lost-your-marbles,
no, that's just sad.
But I really did!
It's go time.
Jojo's ready.
And Jojo's eyes?
This one's for the
Prince at all times.
Today, the master hunter...
Meets the master
trap makers!
One Bavaria,
three Bavaria...
Wait, me forget
"Two Bavaria"!
Two Bavaria. Now I say, three Bavaria.
This way, Alise.
Follow me!
Why didn't Alise follow?
No one ever finds me!
Looks like you're "it. "
Ollie, ollie, oxen free.
Eight Bavaria.
Nine Bavaria.
Ten Bavaria!
And go!
Ready or no ready,
me coming!
Has anyone got
a biscuit?
Remember when we asked
Chamberlain to find her closest relative?
Alise has no relatives.
I'm going to be a mom!
I mean, you're going
to be a dad! I mean...
You've made me so happy!
Kind of thought
you would be.
I'm going to be
a grandma!
In your face,
Queen of Wixom!
Three more seconds, Fido.
Leesey no climb this!
My sniffer broken.
Me give up.
Hooray for Alise!
Yes, yes, yes, Alise!
Big flying squirrels! Big...
Hold on, now. Wait till
the Prince is good and gone.
Last time I did zis, I got...
That poor dear! To be in
the clutches of those...
Those things!
Frosting the snowman.
No one touches the Queen,
you heinous hamsters!
You put me down!
How dare you?
Take her to
the village! Go!
I will wait beyond your traps,
just in case you fail again.
Well, go on now, use
him as a battering ram!
But the door's unlocked.
Well, it's no fun
just waltzing in.
Hey, half-pint!
What are those things?
Where'd they come from?
What they want?
Never mind that!
Where are we?
This is the castle
cellar, Uberta.
You mean, when I say,
"Take it to the cellar!"
This is what
I'm talking about?
This simply will not do!
Hello? Furry
person in charge?
Remove me from this place!
I can taste the air down here!
Right. But I don't
really get the point,
because in the morning,
we're just gonna fling ya.
Fling me?
That's right. For giving aid
and shelter to the Swan Princess!
Did you hear that?
You will fling the Queen
over my dead body!
You'll have to
go first then.
Well, actually, it was just
a figure of speech, really.
I refuse to be flung! I just
spent three hours on this hairdo!
Well, I'm afraid the only
way to avoid it is to
"Deny your allegiance to
the evil Swan Princess. "
Evil? I will never deny the honest
and pure-hearted Swan Princess.
Right. So, tomorrow,
we'll have your trial,
it's more of a
formality, really,
with a flinging to
follow directly after.
And if you could wear
something light and simple,
so we can really get
some good distance on ya.
You monster! There's mold down here!
Never fear,
my noble Queen!
Lord Rogers, Esquire,
shall defend you!
Thank you, Rogers.
And when we win, we're going after
the guy who built this cellar next.
Be careful.
There are traps.
I see it.
They're the real deal.
Fools! They failed again!
Watch out!
The Swan Princess.
But I'm sure I hit the Prince!
Well, she must've
gone on alone.
I'm going back
to the village!
Find him! He couldn't have gone far.
I can't let her
rescue the girl.
Who... What are you?
Oh, my gosh,
I'm a little nervous.
Okay, now those are
two questions I intend
to answer with absolute
clarity, Princess.
But first, if
you'll step aside,
I've just a few seconds
to save your husband's life.
A robust poison, indeed!
These guys know what
they're working with,
but they don't know who
they're dealing with. Me!
Okay, now, to your
first question, Princess.
I am a scullion. Order, Rodentia.
Family, Sciuridae or squirrel.
Subfamily, Pteromyinae, or as we
say in the business, flying squirrel!
Ah, yes. Thank you.
Back to work.
However, we are a very,
very rare genus and species.
And I'll tell you
one thing we can do,
right here, right now,
and that's save lives.
In record time,
I might add.
Look at that.
Look at those cheeks.
Okay, I think it's coming back,
I think he's going to be okay.
Thank you.
Now, as to your
second question.
I am your loyal servant,
Bortan Gali Gali
Gumwatt Sumwatt Bing!
I'll just call you Scully,
if you don't mind.
Scully! I see.
You're very charming,
Thank you.
That's brilliant.
Your friends are
trying to kill us!
Friends? Those
are not friends.
I haven't spoken to
another scullion in years.
I was banished.
Yes. It's your
fault, actually.
I'll tell you all about
it, if you want me to.
There's no time, Scully.
They've kidnapped Alise.
Who's that, your daughter?
Hopefully someday, yes.
You won't be fighting
just the scullions
to get her back,
I can promise you that.
You'll be fighting The
Forbidden Arts, as well.
If you succeeded, then
where are their bodies?
It's only a matter of time
before we find them, Master!
I want proof now.
You brought her here?
As proof that the plan worked.
She must never
leave this place.
Now, go back to the forest, find
their bodies and bring them back to me.
Mangler has been promised
your kingdom if...
If he would...
Yeah. And that other chap,
had been promised
the exact same thing.
You know who I'm talking about.
Rottweiler, Rothlisberger...
That's the one.
So, we're up against
The Forbidden Arts again.
I don't know how
to tell you this.
There's no rescuing Alise.
It's impossible.
I made her a promise,
Scully, and I will keep it.
Well, of course,
I mean impossible
for a non-Swan
Princess person.
But for you, only next
to impossible. But still!
Say, "Ah!"
Ah... I'll find her. Just show
me the way to your village.
Getting you into my village
would be a little like pushing an
elephant through a keyhole, I'm afraid.
No. No, that would... How
are you feeling? You dizzy?
That's it! A sleeping potion!
That's how we'll do it!
Do what?
Squeeze you through the
That's it, boys! Hold him
down for interrogation.
Hurt you so bad!
Are you
guys all right?
Friends of yours, Princess?
This is Puffin and Speed.
I'm sorry. So embarrassed.
Under my fur, I'm blushing.
A secret tunnel?
Well, yeah,
at least I thought so.
Fortune smiles!
No. Ze name is Jean-Bob.
And zis is a frown.
The potion I'm about to make
calls for frogs' eyes!
No, no. Jean-Bob is
also a friend of mine.
A thousand apologies.
You can come down,
No way. He's still got zat
look in his eyes about my eyes.
No. It's all right.
What's that?
Glowing Stone! I see it.
Close it, Princess.
Okay. Creepy.
The Glowing Stone.
Where have I...
It's right on the tip of
the tongue of my brain.
It rings a bell of
some kind deep inside...
I'll tell you this much.
It's definitely got
something to do
with the legend.
Look at that.
Princess, how did
you get it to...
I don't know.
All I did was
touch this image.
But I've run my paws over
this image a dozen times!
Maybe two to 12...
Let's just say a lot.
It responds to Odette's touch
because she's the Swan Princess.
Of course. That's it.
Why didn't I...
You really
believe that I...
Will usher in an Age of Goodness?
I've already seen it happen.
Okay, she's special!
But next time, Odette,
don't touch ze button
zat makes ze frosty,
freaky light show!
The amphibian's right. I'm
afraid that frosty, freaky feeling
is The Forbidden Arts.
Frightening fact,
says ze fearful frog.
Unless I'm wrong,
and let's face it,
that's rare,
last time was early in
the Age of Confusion,
The Forbidden Arts
wants this stone.
Really? What can it do?
Not waiting around to find
out. As my father used to say...
Loose translation, run!
Do that again, buster, and
I'll show you how fur flies!
Remember, we're
playing nice.
All right! I'll
be on my best...
You want a piece of me?
On your way, cutie.
I said beat it, punk!
Your Honor, to the charges
that Queen Uberta gave aid and
comfort to the Swan Princess,
we plead 100% guilty!
Well, thank you very much. That puts us
ahead of schedule, which I appreciate.
Fling her!
I'm not paying
your lawyer's fee.
Since the Swan Princess is
not evil in the least degree,
it follows ex-post-facto
that Her Majesty
is 100% innocent!
I give you exhibit A!
An entire village
of gingerbread,
which Odette made for the
orphans just last Christmas!
Fact, orphans are alone!
Fact, orphans
love gingerbread!
Fact, gingerbread villages
are exceedingly hard to make!
Ergo, the woman
you call "evil"
did a very nice thing
for lonely children!
Now I ask you...
Insufficient evidence.
Fling her!
Fling her! Fling her!
I'm going to die!
Two! Four! Six! Eight!
Who do we appreciate?
I call the witness, Bridgit!
Now, Bridgit, tell us
in your own words
how you know that the Swan
Princess is, indeed, good.
Okay. So,
this go back to time when knee
bone give me secret message.
It true! Me got
special knee bone!
It tell me when rain come!
What you say, knee bone?
A stalling technique. Well
done, Rogers! Well done!
By now, Derek has Alise, and he's
on his way back here to rescue us.
Okay, Princess, if you please,
a quick review of the plan.
Okay. As soon as Puffin, Speed and
Jean-Bob draw away those scullions,
Derek drinks this
sleeping potion.
The scullions find him,
thinK he's dead,
then take him
to their village.
He's in.
Derek's arrival
creates a diversion.
You sneak in, find Alise...
We give Derek this waking potion.
He and I rescue Alise. Voila.
And I'll keep
the Glowing Stone safe.
Questions? Concerns? Comments?
Too late. That's the plan.
Yeah, right here, never
slept through a rescue before.
Through the lips
and close 'em tight.
Swallow it down
and nighty night.
Now, you're sure he
won't wake too soon?
When it comes to potions, Highness,
these paws ain't faux pas.
Get it? Never mind.
I mixed the potion perfectly for
someone weighing 12-and-a-half stone.
I hope so. I can't
live without this guy.
It'll all work out. So long as you
promise not to come into the village.
The Prince is
spot on, Princess.
Every scullion has been trained
since childhood to destroy you.
To my fake death.
So, how long
does it take to...
Faster than I anticipated.
I knew I hit him.
The one who banished you?
That's right, watch
guards, leave your posts.
Okay, Princess, just need to
round off Derek's wake-up potion.
You can use Puffin's eyes.
No. To help spy
in the village.
Great idea, Princess.
Here. Extra antidote.
Just in case you end up on the
wrong end of a scullion poison dart.
You never know.
Killer squirrels.
Who knew?
As my uncle would
say, "Let's go. "
Not an original thinker.
Another one of his sayings
was "Good morning. "
Lay him out on
the Great Stone.
All right. Mangler's making a
suspicious move at two o'clock.
I'd say that
looks promising.
What if Scully
can't find Alise?
And what in the world is
12-and-a-half stone, anyhow?
Your thing's ringing.
Don't touch it, Odette!
It'll be freaky, frozen
feeling, part two!
I don't think so. I think it's
trying to tell me something.
Good choice. I don't like spooky
magical messages zat begin with "Beware"!
You remember me.
I'm flattered.
Say, we have a
mutual acquaintance.
Initials S. P.?
Yeah, Swan Princess.
Correct. Turns out
I was right.
Not evil in
the least degree.
But then again, you knew
that all along, didn't you?
So, you're the reason
I couldn't find her!
I do hope you'll get over it.
And now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm here to rescue the girl.
There, I suppose.
Nothing knocks out a scullion
like a log to the chest.
Boy, am I beat!
I feel like I...
Oh, yeah, drank
a sleeping potion.
Scully, did you find Alise?
What are you wearing?
I think that potion was for
someone 40 stone. I'm seeing double.
Or maybe it wasn't
strong enough.
Hey, fellas.
Look, I know you might
find this hard to believe.
I'm a good guy. The Swan
Princess is a good guy, too.
Just a girl version
of a good guy!
All lies!
Operation Spider Web!
Yeah! Finally!
Not sticking around to
find out what that means.
Operation Spider
Web. Well named.
Please, listen to me!
The Swan Princess...
Enough yappin'! You,
gather up the blowguns.
You, soak the darts
in double poison.
And you, prepare to die.
Operation Firing Squad!
That, I understand.
So, Odette say to me,
she say, "Bridgit... "
That what she call me
because my name Bridgit.
Not right she call me Larry.
Larry not my name!
A few more minutes of this
and I'll fling myself.
Anyhow, this part
funny, so wake up!
Queen Uberta, having heard
some of the evidence,
I hereby sentence
you to death.
I hereby refuse to die!
"The only thing... "
It's Speed reading, but it
sure ain't speed-reading.
"Beware all who live
in the Age of Goodness.
"Guard this stone with your
life, for it is the only thing... "
The only thing that what?
The suspense
is killing me.
Really? 'Cause it sounds like
it's putting you to sleep.
But how are you gonna get
the lass with him in there?
Pretend to be Mangler, of course.
But he's so...
And you're so...
I have the solution
right here.
Just needs to be
properly stirred.
Let me go!
Re-administer anesthetic.
Thank you.
That's some beverage.
Derek's waking potion.
Wish me luck.
Good luck.
Yes, sir.
I mean yes, Master.
Yes, Master. Good news.
The Prince is stone-cold dead.
Don't worry. It's okay.
"It is the only thing that
gives evil the power to... "
You're choking me!
Ze power to what?
Yes, this will all be easier
with the Prince out of the way.
Yeah, but I'm sorry
to say that...
The Swan Princess
lives. I know.
I saw her! She was with it, Mangler.
With what, Master?
The Glowing Stone,
you idiot!
I felt it! I saw it!
Find it, yes. Then I will be
able to withstand her presence.
And then I'll
have the power...
"To destroy... "
The Swan Princess.
Don't just stand there
cowering in the shadows!
Find the Glowing Stone
and bring it to me!
Of course, Master!
Is she in there?
Yes, but...
I'll warn Odette!
You wake Derek!
It was the legend seeker
who I once banished!
He's helping
the Swan Princess!
Then it was his burrow, his
hideaway, that I saw in the vision!
Master, the Swan Princess
is out there somewhere!
But the last time
you left the cave,
it took months for the crystal
to restore your power!
I must get that stone!
Princess! Where are you?
Where is it? I
saw the box that holds the stone!
Tell me where it is!
Well, normally, I like to
help where I can, but no.
Scullion, I will
roast you slowly.
Take your time, Smokey.
Where is the stone?
We are not finished.
Little late, but I know why
Killer Cloud wants the stone.
You too, huh?
So the question is,
where is it?
Why don't you signal
your intentions?
That's brilliant! You
continue to impress, Princess.
He's looking
for it, Scully.
Yes, he is. But that also
means the cave is empty.
I'll take you to Alise.
Odette! Odette!
The potion must've... Scullions...
You know, Derek must've...
Thank you. Derek
woke up too soon!
The scullions
are gonna kill him!
Odette? Odette, no!
Scullions, ready
your weapons!
Please believe me, I've
never meant you any harm.
Don't believe it,
Remember, she's the
evil Swan Princess!
Excuse me. Over here.
There is no evil Swan
Princess! There never was!
Traitor! Mangler
warned us about you!
The legend of an evil
Swan Princess, come on!
It's a complete lie,
and Mangler knows it!
There is an evil force and
he's called The Forbidden Arts.
Please, if I was as evil and powerful
as you've been led to believe,
why haven't I attacked?
My only power is
that I love the girl,
the child you took
from me! Please!
She's already lost so much.
I only want to
live to love her.
I promise, I will
leave you in peace.
Lies! You got away from
me once. Never again.
Do it!
What did the old scullion mean
about The Forbidden Arts?
He's a crazy fool! Fire!
No wonder you couldn't
destroy her. You are weak!
Jojo! I'm so sorry.
I'm here, buddy.
Right here.
I don't...
Cutter, I can't see ya!
I'm right here, Jojo.
Right next to ya!
I'm dying, Cutter.
No! Come on,
you're talkin' crazy.
My only brother.
This will save him!
What happened? Am I...
You live to swagger
another day, Jojo.
You saved me?
You will never defeat
The Forbidden Arts.
Sore loser.
Speed and Jean-Bob took
the Glowing Stone upriver,
but The Forbidden
Arts is after them!
He'll have to kill me to
get it! What about Alise?
She's perfectly safe for
now. We'll get her. Go!
I'm comin' with ya.
The scullion army's a
thousand strong, Princess.
Let us help the Prince
protect this Glowing Stone.
Yes! But where is
the scullion army?
We're gonna swagger after 'em now!
Fling her!
Fling her! Fling her! Fling her!
Fling her! Fling her! Fling
her! Fling her! Fling her!
We're on the home stretch.
It gets dicey up there,
but give me your hand
and I'll help...
Hurry, Scully! Come on!
No strength like
a mother's love.
Good job, fellas.
I'll keep it from now on.
But I still
need your help.
I've got to get this stone back to
the castle where I can keep it safe.
I can't do it without you.
For Odette.
For the Swan Princess.
For the Age of Goodness!
Oh, for Pete's sake!
Tighter. Crank her down.
Try to keep yourself
ram-rod straight, okay?
Flailing really cuts down
on the distance.
Then I shall thrash and flap
about like a hooked trout!
Party pooper,
that's what you are.
My dear Queen Uberta!
If only I'd finished that
last semester of law school!
No, dear Rogers, it was a kangaroo
court, except with squirrels.
But I must tell you
something, my dear Queen.
Better make it quick.
I love you.
I know it's socially inappropriate,
perilously presumptive,
and wrong, wrong,
wrong, but...
You love me, too?
How romantic. We shall
be flung together!
I didn't really...
I order you to have
a sense of romance!
Your love is cruel!
We've been lied to.
Well, guess that's
the end of that show.
Go get them.
We've got some new friends
who need our help.
All right, let's go.
Please. Get Alise
while you can.
But you're...
Go, Princess!
Not giving orders, but go!
Now, sit down, you!
Somebody has been
a very bad squirrel.
Sweetie, I'm going to
get you out of there.
Fire in ze hole!
So, you're the big dope who lied
to us about the Swan Princess!
You'll never get this!
There must be some way!
give me the stone,
or the Prince will burn.
Give it to me and
I will spare him.
No! Don't believe him!
Let me die!
Quickly, scullions.
It is mine.
The Glowing Stone
is finally mine.
Oh, no.
I know, right?
Let the
Age of Despair begin,
and let it begin here.
No! Come back!
Scullions, come down!
Stay together now.
If it is any consolation,
I will destroy the Swan
Princess much more quickly.
I'm so sorry.
I failed you, Alise.
The crystal.
You spoke!
Break the crystal.
I have waited for this moment.
You see, Princess, there
is no amount of goodness
that can save you
or anyone else.
Power is all that matters,
and I have it all!
Age of Goodness! You thought you
and your vows of everlasting love
and your little band of
believers would save you,
but where are
they now? Gone!
And now you will join them.
It doesn't have
to end this way!
Would you take my greatest
pleasure from me, Princess?
Let me live and
I'll help you.
I'll convince everyone
to follow you.
Please! They'll listen to me!
I don't need the help
of a widowed princess.
Everyone! Over here!
Thanks for the offer, but
I will force them to follow.
Farewell, Swan Princess,
and your Age of Goodness.
No! No!
There you go. Good job
all around. Good job.
Alise! Alise!
Loyal subjects, friends!
We have a very
important announcement.
Today, we add to
our royal family.
I present to you,
none other than...
Princess Alise!
And one for Mommy.
And now a second
Sweetheart, allow me
to make the announcement.
Dear, I make all
the announcements!
as king, I...
You're not king yet, Bub.
And even when you are king,
announcements are my baby.
Really? And what do I get
to do as king, pray tell?
If you're lucky,
the checkbook.
I announce that there will
be no announcement! Ha!
I announce our
wedding's on ice!
Fine with me! I don't
think I can marry a woman
who thinks it's
romantic to be flung!
# I love the way you love me
The way you move me
# You feel so good in my arms
# I love the way you need me
The way you free me
# You got me
right where I belong
# I couldn't tell you
what I was missing
# I didn't know myself
# Since every day I was
a little bit closer
# Putting my love on the shelf
# But you
You got me smiling
# You
Came and stole my heart
# Now I can't imagine
being without you
# You turn my world
upside down
# I love the way you love me
The way you move me
# You feel so good in my arms
# I love the way you need me
The way you free me
# You got me right where
I belong
# It's like a dream
How it fits so perfect
# Like a lock and key
# You're the thing
I ever wanted, needed
# I've got my happy ending
# 'Cause you
Got me wishing on starlight
# You
Are the heart to my soul
# You're the first part of
my day A reason to celebrate
# I'll never, ever let you go
# I love the way you love me
The way you move me
# You feel so good in my arms
# I love the way you need me
The way you free me
# You've got me right where
I belong
# You Part of my life Part of my life
# That I've been waiting for
# Now we're alone
# I'm finally home
# I love the way you love me
The way you move me
# You feel so good in my arms
# I love the way you need me
The way you free me
# You got me right where
I belong
# I love the way you love me
The way you move me
# You feel so good in my arms
# I love the way you need me
The way you free me
# You got me right where
I belong
# Right where I belong
# You got me right where
I belong #
# This is the day
that we've long awaited
# This is the hour
they foretold would come
# Destiny calls
as we stand united
# We are prepared
and we'll get the job done
# Faster than lightning
we will strike
# Swift as a wind
in the dead of night
# You better flee
when the arrows fly
# We will not be denied
# We are the mighty scullions
# Fearsome creatures fear us
# We are the mighty warriors
# Here to stop the princess
# She will be no match for us
# Her fate can't be outrun
# All eternity counts on us
# And we'll not rest
till we get the job done
# Hey, did you know
she has snakes for eyeballs?
# I once heard
that she's 10 feet tall
# She never sleeps
Only roams in darkness
# One look from her
And you'll burn with fire
# She'll choke will her tails
and head for the cakes
# Are the positions
she would take
# We'll meet our doom
if she gets her way
# We're going to stop her
We must destroy her
# We are the mighty scullions
# Fearsome creatures fear us
# We are the mighty warriors
# Here to stop the princess
# She will be no match for us
# Her fate can't be outrun
# All eternity counts on us
# And we'll not rest
till we get the job done #