The Taste of Freedom (2023) Movie Script

Cooking is an art.
Just like music.
For example,
recipes are notes,
and cooks are musicians.
If the components are combined well,
the melody of taste is created.
Of course, there are different dishes.
Some you can play solo or a capella,
but for the complicated symphony
you'll need an orchestra
and a director.
I mean, chef.
Actually, it's me.
Two poached eggs for table ten!
Yes, chef!
Thank you.
Are you talking to eggs?
They don't answer, I hope?
So? What happened?
The clients are waiting!
Nothing, I just wanted
to present our new breakfast.
Varia, I asked you... No need for all this.
It must be simpler.
Well, it does look very good...
Are these eggs?
Yes. Poached eggs.
Okay. Come on.
Come on, hurry.
Come on.
Poached eggs.
Varia made these.
Look how beautiful the dish looks.
Like real Faberge eggs.
Like in the restaurant.
In the restaurant?
Like in American movies.
Enjoy your meal, guys!
- Thanks!
- Thanks!
They said it was like in the movies.
Liubov Ivanivna,
I bought everything for this dish.
- The receipt is on the table.
- What receipt?
They'll choke on those grape seeds
after finding out the price.
Hello! Anybody there? Come here!
We won't pay for these raw eggs.
Poached eggs must be like that.
These are poached eggs.
They must be like that.
I must be in Poland tomorrow.
Not in the hospital, okay?
These crazy chicks fed us raw eggs!
They're not raw!
And with some sticks, too.
The asparagus!
Who did you call that?
Shut up! The asparagus!
I am so sorry, guys!
I've had enough.
You're fired.
Your payday was yesterday,
so I owe you nothing.
That's it.
Make a big hole there
so Lord can see your dreams from the sky.
You must go apologize to Liuba.
Come on, Mom.
It's good she fired me.
I deserve more.
Why do I need that lousy pit stop?
Okay, I'll talk to her myself.
No! Have you seen that high society?
Gourmet cuisine for them? The hillbillies!
When did you become a big city girl?
When you spent three months
in cooking school in Kyiv?
Don't refuse God's gifts!
And don't upset your Mom.
Bon apptit.
You're right, my girl.
You do deserve more.
Thanks, Mom.
Marry Stasik. He's such a nice boy.
So young,
but already has five food stalls.
And he loves you so much.
He'll eat anything you cook,
even if it's raw.
Don't even start!
I can't marry a man
who calls pasta macaroni
and eats it with bread.
Besides, I am not going to get married.
What do you mean?
Why did you learn to cook, then?
To become a chef, to create,
to get to a higher level.
Why gett to a higher level
if you can just get married?
Varia! Come on...
I also call macaroni macaroni.
And it didn't cause the end of the world.
- What are you doing?
- This is a higher level!
Don't act like a kid.
Why would they hire you?
Bravo! You are so good in it!
In what?
Cutting my wings.
I don't want to spend my life
in this wasteland.
- I haven't always been like I am now.
- Where are you going?
Okay, go.
- I had dreams too.
- Right.
But I also could use my brains!
Hello, Stasik?
Varia ran away.
How? By bicycle.
Hey, doll! Where are you going?
- Your Mom is worried sick.
- Tell Mom I will write her.
Why are you so nervous?
You lost a job, so what?
I'll find you a new one.
I'll call the guys now.
You can make hot dogs if you want.
Where? Here?
Ha! No, thanks!
Tell me what you need.
You won't understand!
Are you trying to say I am dumb?
You said that!
That's it!
You'll come begging!
Even if it seems
that the whole world is against you,
it's better to be sorry for what you did
than for what you didn't do.
Among the hundreds of voices
sometimes it's hard to hear yourself
and your wishes and to take a risk.
They say the brave
conquer the cities, right?
But I don't need just a city.
I need a restaurants' capital.
And it better be far from my home town.
You are one lucky lady
as this apartment is free now.
The antique.
In the very center of the city
and for such a price!
The fridge.
It's small.
But you will live alone, right?
All right...
- There is no electricity?
- What do you mean?
Here we go.
This cloth is for turning it off.
Pay attention...
The gas stove is working like dancing.
The bratrura.
That's what we call the oven.
But young people don't cook.
They just order pizza.
I am a cook. I love cooking.
A cook! So I have something for you.
Something you'd call vintage.
The hair salon
and the grocery store are nearby.
The windows are hard to open.
But it's even better.
The air in the center is so polluted.
Oh, it's so late.
We must decide on something.
If you agree, the price is 500 USD.
What? It said 200 in the ad.
What did you expect?
The first and the last month
and the deposit.
Let me.
That's all I have.
So you need to find a job very soon.
Excuse me...
- Sorry, but we're closed.
- I read the job ad.
Petro! Someone came about the job ad!
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Have you ever worked as a cook?
- Yes.
- Three months in a road cafe.
- And in the restaurants of our level?
- Well...
- Sorry, I don't have time for experiments.
I finished culinary courses, too!
In Kyiv! With honors!
We will call you.
There are no openings.
There are no openings.
We will call you.
The position has been closed.
Are you kidding me?
What the...
Open the door!
I'm from up there!
Sorry, not interested.
The pipe has burst!
I am flooding you!
You pressed something and it was the end?
Haven't you seen the sign? A stupid cow!
What? You are...
What sign?
This sign!
Hey, what's your name? You need help?
No, the standpipe must be blocked.
I know nothing about the pipes.
- Good evening!
- Evening!
Thank you.
"Have you ever worked
in the restaurants of our level?"
You know what? Now I have.
Good morning.
Time to get up.
People are already having
their third coffee.
Oh God, what a nightmare.
- Where is it?
- My goodness!
Who are you and what are you doing here?
I am looking for something. Help me.
I need a tablecloth.
A tablecloth? Get out of here!
A stand-up breakfast can ruin your day.
You will live your day like you start it.
I found it.
You know, you mustn't have visitors
if your apartment is such a mess.
The kitchen needs attention.
It must be meticulously clean.
I wrote about it in my book.
About the acceptance. Have you read?
What acceptance?
I didn't invite you.
Okay, what's going on here?
How can I help you?
No, it's me who can help you.
I don't need anything from you.
I have no idea who you are.
If you don't leave,
I will call the police.
Darling, you're doing everything wrong.
It's awful.
Hope you finished your coffee
because I have to leave.
I have a lot of things to do.
Oh, you again.
Listen, I wanted to apologize.
Okay, it's fine, I overreacted a bit too.
You'll have the water back in ten minutes.
I figure you need it.
- If you don't have any more questions...
- Wait. I wanted to explain.
I had a very hard day yesterday.
I was trying to find a job
but had no luck.
All of them need experience.
But I already can do everything, okay?
And then the flood.
I didn't see that sign.
I didn't see anything at all
because the pot fell on my head.
And I got soil in my eyes. And...
My name is Varia.
There's something burning.
Oh damn!
So, what about the water?
My breakfast is ruined because of you.
You'll do without the water.
What a jerk.
Oh God! Let me help you.
You already did.
You could use your eyes, you know.
Look where you're going!
Damn, what a waste.
Forget about the pie, kids!
I didn't mean to.
These young people!
Please let me pay for it.
What's this?
- It's my book by Olga Franko!
- Sorry, but it must be a mistake.
No mistakes.
These scratches were made
by my Murchik's claws.
That Valia is such a liar!
She said she lost it. Can I?
Don't get me involved.
Take it from the one you gave it to.
- And I'll put it where I took it from!
- Let go, you'll tear it!
- A thief!
- A crazy woman!
Give me my book back!
So many requests and finally!
Top five rules for the perfect curls.
It's my book.
Now I know about it,
and 1 500 000 of my followers too.
Wave to them.
Varvara Rudyk. Nice to meet you.
I have a great experience,
I'm a team player.
I am outgoing, stress-resistant,
and I am ready to work for the result.
In five years, I see myself only here.
Good job.
Oh God.
So you're mustering up the nerve
to lie and pretend you're someone else?
Won't the real Varvara Rudyk fit them?
I must've gone completely mad.
Big problems usually start
from little lies.
- You know what?
- What?
I've always been dreaming
to work in a restaurant like this.
Hello. I am here for an interview
for a sous chef position.
- It's scheduled for 10 a.m.
- What a joy.
Morning, chef!
- Smoking again?
- No, chef. I quit, I swear.
This girl is here
for an interview with you.
- Hello!
- Uh-huh.
- I'll walk her there.
- I'll fire you if I catch you.
Take this.
So? Come on.
What did you expect?
Are you serious?
- Are you serious?
- Does she have a passport?
Do I really need to talk to all of them?
No if you don't want to. I don't care.
You can throw a bouquet.
The one who catches it is a sous chef.
Anyway, I have to go.
Have fun.
Hello, everyone!
Hello, chef!
All of you want to work with me. Right?
But do you understand
the philosophy of Restaurant 1?
- Our main goal is to surprise our guests.
- Yes, chef!
What are you doing here?
Why are you here?
I already said no to you last week.
Get out, one, two!
I won't speak to each of you.
You can assess a cook only in the kitchen.
So my question is...
Name a dish you will cook
to show me your skills.
If you interest me, you'll go further.
Spaghetti with squid.
Scallops and langoustines seviche.
Salmon trout confit.
Pasta with clams.
Cordon bleu.
Octopus in wine.
Is everyone done?
I see.
I am disappointed.
Goodbye, everyone.
Chef Mikolai! Please, give me a chance!
I have nothing to discuss with people
who don't understand the basic principles.
But I do! I understand!
I see. Security! Michele!
Let go!
Chef Mikolai! Please listen to me!
Let go! I'll walk myself! Chef Mikolai!
Dear people,
if I didn't hire you now, I never will.
Please leave the restaurant.
- Hello!
- Hello, chef!
Is there a stop list?
- Yes, there's no foie gras.
- When will we have it?
The delivery is in 20 minutes.
I got it! It was a tricky question!
- Listen to me!
- I'm sick of her.
An egg! I'll boil an egg for you!
This dish will show you my skills!
The CV?
She worked with Yakutov.
Not bad.
Say hello.
This is our new sous chef...
- Varia.
- Varia.
Hope your dishes will be good
and we won't have to throw them away.
Throw away? Why?
I better take them home.
Just kidding.
Meet Sasha,
Fil, Garik.
And Lesia. You'll work together.
This is Vitaly, the restaurant's owner.
- Get to work!
- Yes, chef!
Yes, chef!
It's an honor.
For me.
Of course, for you.
You must change your clothes.
And shoes, too.
Come on.
Yes, yes!
Here we go again.
The last girl was just as happy.
- She didn't even last three days.
- Did she work bad?
On the contrary, too good.
Lesia doesn't like it.
Do I have to work bad
if I don't want to get fired?
Then the chef or the owner will fire you.
You won't stay for long in any case.
Just look how he got
the mashed potatoes all over him.
The nanny just sent this to me.
I cook for him every morning.
Wow. Lucky Masik.
I'd like these mashed potatoes.
I'd prefer the nanny.
I am ready.
- Two minutes before we start.
- Lesia, it was fantastic.
- Kiss-kiss.
- Too bad you didn't have time to eat.
Now listen. The work starts at 10.00,
the team has lunch at 11.30,
and the restaurant opens at noon.
It was actually the lunch.
Restaurant 1
is a restaurant of fine European cuisine.
This is the present area. I work here.
And now you, too.
- A poached egg for table two, okay?
- Poached egg? Cool!
I just love cooking these.
- Let me show you.
- I can do it.
Come on!
Mik, shouldn't we verify her CV?
- What?
- Nothing.
You mean Varia?
Let the owner take care of it.
The subscriber is out of range
at the moment.
Please leave a message after the signal.
Forget everything you knew before.
It's a different kitchen.
We have different recipes
and different chef.
Here are the production sheets.
I'll check later.
Why are you still here? Go!
Your breakfast. Enjoy it.
Risotto ai fungi.
How many times do you add broth?
- At least three.
- Rib eye steak, how many minutes?
Four centimeters,
three minutes on each side.
Then let it rest for six minutes.
Duck liver pate. What do you do first?
Take the butter out
so it's of room temperature.
How much salt for ten servings of soup?
Oh, 20!
- Did I pass the exam?
- Yes. Go prepare the servings.
What's wrong? Get to work.
Do you want to go out together?
Thanks, babe, I'd rather lie down.
Nope. Been there already.
I'll get drunk and start hitting on you.
You'll turn me down.
What if you don't get fired?
It can be a problem. Sorry.
Sorry, girl, I'd help you out,
but I really must go. Sorry.
I'll pass, honey,
or I'll be late to meet the sun.
You can't go yourself.
You have to clean up the kitchen.
Okay, okay.
Yes, but we have to understand
how to deploy back-end in a cloud.
What are you doing here?
I will call you later.
Why are you yelling?
Don't you see I am working?
Oh, I am so sorry I bothered you!
- How did you get in?
- Your door has a secret.
If you push,
you can open it without a key.
The landlady told me
that the last time I was flooded.
The apartment of my dream.
So what are you doing here?
Helping myself.
I'm sick and tired
of being constantly flooded.
- I am fixing your pipes.
- I need a few more minutes!
Well, not exactly you.
Well, I am a programmer, not a plumber.
But I did fix your light.
You could've thanked me.
Well, I actually wanted to do it
this morning.
I even brought you a croissant.
But you acted like a real jerk
so I ate it myself.
- A jerk?
- Yes!
If you didn't come with your croissants,
my cutlets wouldn't burn.
Cutlets? With mashed potatoes, huh?
For breakfast. Pork ones, frozen.
The leftovers from yesterday. Right?
Right. Tell me what you eat
and I'll tell you who you are.
What's wrong with you?
Did the pot fall on your head again?
I better go. Got some work to do.
The pipes of this city
really need a new hero.
That's it! I am done!
You can take a shower now.
- How much do I owe you?
- Your boyfriend already paid.
By the way... It's not my business,
but cutlets are not that bad.
I understand that Soviet cuisine
really irritates you
but there are many ways to make cutlets.
As the famous August Escoffier said...
"A slice of roasted bread,
covered with foie gras pure
and on top is a lamb cutlet
with truffle and Parmesan souffl."
"Baked for five minutes
with asparagus tops with butter."
I changed this recipe
of Lord Nelson's cutlets
so our housewives could use it.
Great, right?
What are you getting at?
What do you mean?
Cook this dish for that boy, Taras.
It'll please him.
So if I am a woman,
I have to please a man?
If you are a cook,
you have to please those you cook for.
And I think food must surprise.
Yes, if you cook for those,
you want to please.
You know, my girl,
cooking is just one way of showing love.
Ouch, lady.
Who said love? We have just met, you know.
There is no love.
Besides, I am angry and hungry.
Enough about food.
Oh, I just can't.
Hi, poached egg girl.
Hello, everyone.
Hurry. It's your turn to make lunch.
I'm on it!
You again?
Can you find a normal way to appear?
Listen, why don't you cook something
from my book?
You wanted to make Nelson cutlets.
What? It's a fine-dining restaurant.
So what?
They don't eat it here.
Oh, so my dishes aren't fine enough?
I didn't say that.
It's just they are so... traditional.
Here we go.
They're traditional but exquisite.
You must please people.
You said it yourself.
Well now, my girl!
Enjoy it. Who's next?
Enjoy it.
Here you go.
Pumpkin soup.
Everyone knows Lesia makes the best soup.
I remember your stracciatella
which tasted like first sex.
And my first sex was kind of like this.
I'll never forget it.
A parody of a soup and of me, too.
It's all in vain.
They'll never accept me.
But you tasted it yourself.
And you liked it.
It was good.
It doesn't matter. You saw their reaction.
So I am just a loser.
It's good.
- What? I am just hungry.
- Lesia would kill you if she saw that.
This poached egg girl is a good cook.
Shouldn't we compliment her?
Looks like she was upset.
Oh, don't worry. It'll be hot here soon.
Two ladies in one kitchen...
We better stay away.
What do you think of Varia?
And you?
Well, she is not me, you know...
Of course.
She lacks a European school,
long-term experience, character, polish.
But she might have something like...
This is talent.
And she's just got skills.
Can we make steamed vegetables?
Why are you asking?
You know well that we cook
only the dishes from the menu.
I know, but Jamala is here.
She is asking for steamed vegetables.
Even if the British Queen was here,
we'd cook only the dishes from the menu.
It's the best one in the city.
Suggest something.
I know.
We really have to book a meeting
and discuss the hackathon agenda.
Send me the invite and I'll pitch it.
Okay, I have another project here, bye.
- Hey.
- Hello.
Listen, I'm sorry, I...
Come here, you striped scoundrel!
Are you here?
Murchik! Murchik, is that you?
What a fat hooligan.
We can come out now.
What was that for?
If she sees me,
I'll have to give her the book back.
But I am not ready to. I need it.
- What book?
- By Olga Franko.
I found it in the apartment.
It's a cookbook. But there is much more.
She described
her life philosophy in that book.
I don't think you are interested.
You are not a cook.
- Are you?
- Yes.
Listen, if you really need that book,
you can borrow it.
Here we go again.
Did you call me here to lecture me?
I wanted to go to the movies with you.
- When?
- Today.
Varia, Masik is feeling unwell.
The doctor will come tomorrow morning.
So I'll be late.
You must receive the grasshoppers.
Don't mess it up.
Grasshoppers! The green jumping insects.
You have never cooked them?
Mamma mia...
Masik, why did you have to get sick now?
Just get the delivery.
Don't worry, Lesia. It will be fine.
A kid's health matters the most.
I hope it's not too serious.
He's had problems
with his hind paws for a while.
- Hind paws?
- Forepaws sometimes.
I think he's getting old.
A dog!
Can you imagine? Masik is a dog.
Listen, did you even like the movie?
Yeah, it was okay.
But that scene in the restaurant?
- It never happens in reality.
- Varia, stop it.
You can't go on like this. Are you...
Are you interested in something
besides work?
Well, I like riding a bicycle.
Back home, I loved dreaming
on my way to the caf.
What did you dream about?
Let me guess. About the kitchen?
Stop it!
Don't you like your job yourself?
I hate it.
The lack of sleep,
the calls from the clients at night.
What a bore.
Why do you still work there?
I'm saving for a trip around the world.
- Yes.
- Wow!
I even have a new hobby now.
I plot new routes.
Cool. When are you planning to go?
Had two planned dates already.
But my work got in the way.
Too bad.
This trip sounds so cool.
Like something unreal.
You know, for me coming here
is like visiting another planet.
Where did you come from?
From a very small town
to which I hope I will never return again.
Oh, it's so late.
Do you want to go home?
No, let's walk some more.
Listen, is this like...
a date?
Didn't you get it from the start?
I know what was missing.
Taras, don't!
What are you doing? Come back!
You always get flooded because of me.
Hi. Excuse me.
I want to remind you that it's my place!
And if our regular client,
especially Jamala,
asks for anything special, make it!
This is my kitchen. My menu and my rules.
And I want to remind you
that Jamala came here because of me.
Don't act like a kid. It's just business!
Wanna make all the decisions yourself?
Open your own restaurant.
And while you're working for me,
do what I say, okay?
It's easy to change.
Sign here, please.
She called me herself yesterday.
You must do it!
The matter is settled.
Why are you here?
The shift has started.
Seafood linguine,
fois gras, avocado salad!
Yes, chef!
Varia, cover for me please.
Two minutes. I'm about to go crazy.
Want a smoke? Make it quick.
Where are lemons?
- Hi, everyone! I am here!
- Hi, chef!
Varia, where are you?
Why are you there? You must be working!
I'll have the soup in one minute.
The guests are asking
for the grasshopper tartare.
- They're in a hurry.
- In 20 minutes.
- Varia, where are the grasshoppers?
- What?
Did you receive the delivery?
I left them in the van.
Oh no...
Zoria, grasshoppers are on stop.
It'll be harder to work with you
then I thought.
Varia! It's burning!
What's going on here?!
Sasha! Where were you?
Don't you value our cooperation?
Do you understand that our reputation
is at stake? Do something.
Of course I won't tell anyone.
They'll charge double for grasshoppers.
It goes from your salary.
Can someone explain what's going on?
Lesia, why are there no grasshoppers?
Ask Varia. She really has a talent.
Isn't it a talent to spoil the dish
without touching it?
But I settled it.
We'll have them in an hour.
Listen, I warned you so many times.
Today was the last straw.
It wasn't me. It was her.
Do you smoke?
Sorry, it was a hard day.
Grasshoppers and stuff.
She didn't know about the rule.
I'll quit smoking, I promise.
Just don't fire me please.
Yellow ticket. Clear, everyone?
Yes, chef.
Sorry, but you'll get fired anyway.
Varia, we are going to the bar.
Come with us.
I owe you a glass of the best champagne.
A crate.
That's too much. A bottle.
A party, finally!
She said the honey was too sweet.
I said, "But it's honey, you know.
I didn't make it myself."
"You should complain to the bees.
It has to be sweet."
Is this for me?
Yes. Just for you to be sure
it really is a date.
Sorry, I can't go today.
They invited me to the bar
as if I belonged.
- I'm happy for you.
- I'm really sorry. Maybe tomorrow?
- Should we wait for you?
- Coming!
A party!
You're a quick one.
Three shots, please.
Oh God,
I ruined everything.
Mikolai will fire me for sure.
Come on.
He'd have fired you long ago if he wanted.
But he didn't because you're cool.
Really cool.
We were a bit scared of you.
You came from Kyiv,
you worked with Hellish Yakutov.
What should I do now?
You must surprise our chef.
I already surprised everyone today.
Can you do it in a good way?
You know some tricks, right?
What tricks? I just...
You're right.
I have an idea.
I must go home.
I'll surprise you guys tomorrow.
You will if you get out of bed
tomorrow morning.
I will be a director,
and all of us will have a symphony.
Happy landing.
As a chef, you must know
that strong alcohol kills your palates.
Oh, Madame Perfection.
Don't you lecture me now.
You go on like that
and you won't be able to differ
a lemon from kerosene.
Go to sleep.
No way.
I must surprise the chef.
Oh no. You can't cook in such a state.
Varvara! Go sleep.
Just for a minute.
Well, if only for a minute.
We'll talk tomorrow.
The pickle juice? Very funny.
Thanks for the idea.
Hello? Sasha, I overslept!
I'll get fired for sure!
Calm down. Didn't you see my text?
I changed your days off. So relax.
Will I be able to surprise
and please the chef with your recipes?
We'll see, Mrs. Olga.
Can you tell me
where can I find soused apples?
I know this old lady.
Her soused apples are the best in Lviv.
But she is really old now
and she doesn't come here every day.
Do you have her address or number?
Thank you.
I thought I'd never find those apples.
Does this lady live alone
or with a family?
With her grandkids.
And their parents?
Poor things.
This is my yard.
Oh no, not her.
Someone wants your apples.
Oh really?
Do they want to give the book back?
You won't cope by yourself.
I work in the best restaurant in the city.
What do you mean I won't cope?
- I won't make borshch with soused apples?
- Show me.
And pies, too.
I'll make Olga's borshch
with small pierogies
And we'll compare.
You're so lucky I am here.
We need beetroot kvass.
Borshch without kvass
is like a lady without the jewelry.
Go take the tray from the kredens.
- From where?
- The cupboard.
Is that you on the photo?
With the girls? Yes.
They worked in the same newspaper
until they flew all over the world.
Some are in Toronto, some in Chicago.
Rimma and the girls
have founded a ladies' club here in Lviv.
They cooked by my recipes
and took the cakes to that bakery.
Rimma's friend's Mom
worked there.
She sold them secretly.
You could get in jail for that
in Soviet times.
Wow! The illegal selling
of pies and cheesecakes?
Did you recognize her?
This is Olga Franko.
She'd be happy to know you were going
to show her recipes in such a restaurant.
I'll cook this for the crew for lunch.
I won't tell them it's Ukrainian cuisine.
You won't tell where you got the recipes?
This is very important.
How is the book called?
First Ukrainian Practical Cuisine.
It's in Ukrainian, too.
Every housewife had it in her kitchen.
You must tell them the truth as it is.
At least out of respect for Olga.
It's burning.
If you don't tell them,
don't you come to my funeral.
And give the book back. Got it?
Don't forget the tray.
Well, this borshch is not bad.
A real bomb.
I told you.
Just don't forget
to make the kvass beforehand.
I'd serve it differently though.
You'll have to ask Taras
to help you take it away.
- Where?
- To your place. Where would I keep it?
I can't eat all that. It'll spoil.
What if we treat someone?
Let's treat our neighbors.
Galia! Nadia!
Have you eaten?
- No.
- Don't eat, then!
Welcome! Real Ukrainian cuisine!
- The food tasting! Made by a famous chef!
- Welcome! Real Ukrainian cuisine!
- The food tasting. Made by a famous chef.
- A chef?
- Yes.
- A famous one?
- Yes.
- Show me.
When you are going to work
and suddenly end up
at the real local food festival.
There is a line of neighbors
and random guests.
The real food lovers.
- This borshch is just like my Mom made.
- Yeah.
And all this was made
by this delicate chef.
Mrs. Rimma!
Mrs. Rimma, I brought your friends over.
- Hi!
- Stepha, Milia!
I don't see anything.
I have something to show you!
Turn the camera over.
- There is a button.
- I don't see it.
Gran, you're like a real blogger!
I learn from you!
- The mussels!
- Ready!
A lemon.
Cooking. Garik, a lemon.
Food review magazine.
A question from your fan.
Maybe a cute one.
Will you ride a bicycle with me?
- Yes.
- Cool.
Varia, I want to raise this glass...
I just thought of a name for this dish.
Beetroot shot.
- What?
- Beetroot shot.
- Beetroot shot?
- Yes.
- Beetroot shot!
- You're a beetroot shot!
Beetroot shot sounds great.
I'll write it down.
Beetroot shot by the charming cook
from Restaurant 1.
Oh, you didn't tell me,
you worked in Restaurant 1.
Did you organize this?
- So cool.
- Thanks.
What's wrong?
What happened?
- Masik?
- Yes.
- I don't know the details but I must go.
- Sure.
- But...
- Go.
Sasha, tell Varia to come here!
Yes, chef!
Yes, I got you.
I'll be there soon.
Taras, sorry, I have to go.
Please help Rimma.
Varia! A ride tomorrow, yes or no?
Excuse me.
Who should I pay for this?
Just a sec.
My friends! I have an announcement!
This lunch was cooked by a wonderful girl.
Everything's for free.
But in case you would like to thank her,
there is a way to do it.
Just write a few words
about your feelings.
It will really make her happy.
- Okay?
- Yes!
Sorry, can I...
I am here. Hi, guys.
Get to work. Fois gras is on you.
Are there changes in the menu?
Why wasn't I informed?
- There were no changes.
- Then who wrote this on social media?
All the guests order the same dish
and show me this.
- I'm sick and tired of saying no.
- What's a beetroot shot?
Chef? Chef...
Jamala is here.
She wants some beetroot shot.
What beetroot shot?
She said it was soup.
She also said we had to cook it
or we'd make her look bad
in her friend's eyes.
- I hate these stars.
- Stop. Don't go hysterical.
We need to think
how to make something similar.
Show me.
Don't you think it looks like...
It has beets for sure.
Look, what's that?
A dumpling?
These are tiny pierogies.
I know how to make it
because it's my dish.
Chef, I'm sorry, I...
I don't even want to know
where you got that damn recipe.
Chef, I think it's British cuisine.
Yes, it's British.
It doesn't matter!
Okay, it's your mess so deal with it.
Make your shot.
And then go to the accountant's
and get your salary. You are fired.
Nobody, I repeat, nobody
can add the dishes without my permission!
- Yes, chef.
- Yes, chef.
Yes, chef!
I'll go crazy! I'll go completely crazy!
A compliment from the chef.
- What happened?
- You will never guess.
Thank you.
Your beetroot shot.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Thanks. I really want to try it.
Not bad.
It's good.
Looks like the British dish is a success.
I had no choice.
You always do.
I have five more shot orders!
Table two - two, table five - one,
table seven - two!
On it!
I want to apologize again
for causing these problems!
But it wasn't intentional.
I didn't mean it to happen.
Varia, we must thank you.
It's a hit!
We're officially adding it to the menu.
What the hell?
I just fired her.
Well, take her back.
Moreover, thanks to Varia,
our restaurant will feed the beau monde
at the presentation of Jamala's new album.
By the way, Varia,
you should make a menu for this event.
This is too much.
I've had enough.
I quit.
As you wish.
But, according to the contract,
you must work for two more weeks.
It's a hit. A real hit!
Looking for the new recipes?
Is it that hard?
The English roast.
You need a British one, right?
Don't you understand why I said that?
No, I don't.
Cuisine is your unique heritage.
Now, when everything is alike,
it's your individuality.
It's who you are.
And you are neglecting it.
Girl, it's a real victory!
Where'd you find that blogger?
It wasn't planned.
Yeah, right. What's this?
Sasha, I must confess...
I got the idea of beetroot shot from here
and I want to use this book
while making the menu.
- Ukrainian cuisine?
- Yes.
Varia, it's a career suicide.
Listening to his advice
is a career suicide.
Put the book back.
But everyone liked it.
Varia, Ukrainian cuisine
doesn't belong here.
You need something more exquisite.
Ukrainian cuisine is exquisite! Tell him.
Ukrainian cuisine is exquisite.
Here. Just look.
Do you realize what the stakes are?
You are one step away
from becoming a chef.
Stakes? Oh please.
First, you must become a chef
and then start your revolution, okay?
Oh, finally.
Are you okay? I'm waiting for you.
I'm sorry, I can't today.
Ride without me.
Can I ride alone?
- How are you, star?
- Can I think more about the menu?
Of course.
I am sure you will make it perfect
and you surely won't let your ego
to ruin our business.
Like a real pro.
Who do you call a pro? Her?
Sure, because a pro is someone
who obeys orders,
always tries to please
and dares to speak
only when the boss likes it.
Get to work.
Why are you here?
The restaurant is working as usual.
Yes, chef!
The chef quit yesterday.
Can you explain what's going on here?
You quit and I learn about it from them?
- I made the decision yesterday.
- And what now?
I've worked with you for five years
and this rookie's already got her menu?
Lesia, you are a great cook,
but if you want to be a chef,
you must be ready to scheme and struggle.
Hello. Sorry for calling so late...
- Mrs. Angela Rudyk?
- Yes.
I'm from Restaurant 1 in Lviv.
It's about your daughter.
What? Did something happen?
No, don't worry, she is fine.
We're in the process of hiring her
and I need some information about
her registration and work experience.
Thanks. You've helped a lot.
Did you get what you wanted?
What's going to happen to Varia?
A pro, you say?
Sorry, I'm busy. Maybe next time.
Taras, wait.
I am really sorry
I missed our bicycle date.
I am sorry, too, but...
I really can't come and go
just when it suits you.
Suits me?
Why are you saying that?
Don't you see I am going out of the way
to reach my goal?
- That I do see.
- And I seem to be making it.
I really can become a chef.
You could just be happy for me.
I am happy.
You won't understand. You know why?
Because you're spending your life
doing a job you hate.
You know why I am doing it.
If you really wanted,
you'd have left long ago.
And you know what?
The worst lie is when you lie to yourself.
- Oh really?
- Yes!
If I were you,
I wouldn't have brought this up.
The only time when I saw you really happy
was when you were feeding those people.
The rest of your time was spent
to build some elite career.
Here. For you to remember that happy day.
I can still make it right.
I understand now.
Nobody believes
that local Ukrainian cuisine
can be fine and exquisite.
Garik, you make baked oysters!
Sasha, clean the mutton chop!
But we have our own voice and taste.
And I'll prove it.
I'll make a special Ukrainian menu
for Jamala, come hell or high water.
Where's the mixer?
Baked oysters,
mushroom soup with smoked pear,
lamb chops with rice balls
and carrot and barberry jam,
fritters with rose jam
and dried fruit drink Crimean Tatar style.
Thank you.
You know, your menu
has really impressed me
as it unites the tastes into a melody...
Simple and exquisite at the same time.
There are these notes...
The smoked pear.
Pear? Wow.
It's just what I need.
Every detail is important for me.
I am sorry, but we have another guest.
The famous restaurateur,
The Hell's Chef, Alex Yakutov.
I invited him over as a star expert.
- Hello, Alex.
- Thank you.
Bring the cutlery.
Meet Vitaly, the restaurant's owner.
This is our dear Jamala.
And of course,
the chef of Restaurant 1, Mikolai.
Nice to meet you.
Unexpected but nice.
Nice to meet you, too.
I don't think
I must introduce this girl, right?
Why? I'd like to meet her.
Varia, why don't you say hi
to your former chef?
You've worked with him for two years.
You must be like family.
I don't understand.
Don't you?
And I understand perfectly.
Mikolai, this girl was pretending
to be a professional cook,
but she is really an amateur.
And before coming here, she worked...
Where, Varia?
In the road diner?
Who, Varia?
And she was fired from there.
Did you think you were the smartest one?
Each of us has spent years
working in crowded kitchens and learning,
giving up the personal life.
Just to be where we are now.
You think you can come
from God knows where,
write some false lines and win?
Change everything here?
It'll never happen.
Yes, Lesia, you are right.
Sorry that I lied.
But if I didn't, you'd never hire me.
It was my only chance
to work in a restaurant of such level.
Thanks for everything.
I really learned a lot from you.
Anyway, I don't belong here.
And to tell you the truth,
the beetroot shot everyone loved
is Ukrainian borshch with tiny pierogies.
I told you it was borshch.
You were right. This could never end well.
When you are telling the truth,
it's the beginning, not the end.
So emotional.
I always said that cooks...
They are like artists.
Very interesting.
- Smoked pear.
- Right.
I hope you'll bring the girl back?
Here you go.
Lesia, bring her back.
Don't look at me.
I don't work here anymore.
- Enjoy it.
- Thanks.
You aren't mean at all.
Varia! Wait!
Here. Your salary.
Vitaly asked me to give it to you.
He's very angry.
Take it.
There's even more than it should be.
He didn't want to listen to me.
Why did you even speak to him?
I don't want to work there anyway.
What do you mean?
I though your goal was to become a chef.
I was offered this position so many times.
But I...
was ready to work as your sous chef
for all my life.
But you're leaving.
Good luck.
What do I do now?
Depends on what you want.
Before I wanted to be a chef
in a prestigious restaurant.
But where the chef is a director,
not a second fiddle, okay?
What do you think is being a director?
Like making all the decisions.
And who decides in a restaurant?
The owner.
Here's your answer.
Become an owner.
Are you joking?
I just can cook, is all.
I won't be able to cope with it.
Well, cooking is an important part.
You just have to find people
whom you trust
and who can do the rest.
If you want to be a director,
you must put together an orchestra.
Well, but...
FOR RENCome in.
Oh God, these walls.
The utilities are in good condition.
There was a famous bakery here
for many years.
That's why I want my cafe to be here.
I want to cook by Olga Franko's recipes.
What a great idea.
By the way, I have several old recipes
from around that time.
And what's the price?
Can you imagine? 5000 USD.
How much?
- Per year?
- Per month.
Just for the rent?
There are also utility bills and salaries...
And you will cook yourself?
Listen, kiddo, just forget it.
You should find a normal job
where you'll get paid, not vice versa.
I made a decision.
I finally realized what I always wanted.
I'll find the money.
So you don't work?
At the moment, no.
Ms. Rudyk, according to your data,
we can only offer you a secured loan.
You didn't write if you had any property.
An apartment, perhaps?
Please hold on.
Your call is third in the line.
Sorry, but all operators are busy.
Hold on.
Your call is very important to us.
The operator will answer you
in three minutes.
Dear client,
we can't provide a loan to you.
Can I help you with anything else?
But the ad said...
Not in your case, sorry.
- That's it, then.
- Have a great day.
Leaving already?
I wanted to say goodbye.
I choose a route
for 11 months and 28 days.
A whole year?
I'm glad you took the leap.
Look who's talking. How's your cafe?
There's no cafe.
And there won't be.
I didn't find the money,
so I'll have to get a job elsewhere.
Too bad. Listen...
Sorry, it's the driver.
Hello, are you here? Okay, I'm coming.
I'll walk with you.
Send me the pictures.
I'll follow you.
Mr. Vitaly?
- What are you doing here?
- Looking for you, my star.
I want you to come back.
As a new chef.
I don't get it.
After everything I've done?
I'm ready to forget about it
if our regular customers
are pleased and happy.
Jamala wants only you.
And Lesia?
I'm sure she won't agree to work with me.
Lesia, Lesia...
Lesia is fired.
I don't know.
- I have to think.
- What's there to think about?
You can't believe you dream came true?
Well, neither can I.
Let's move a bit.
Can I make my own menu
with authentic Ukrainian recipes?
Ukrainian cuisine doesn't sell well.
But the beetroot shot was a hit.
You said so.
Beetroot shot is not Ukrainian.
- No, I don't want this anymore.
- Wait, wait. You mean it's a no?
Are you kidding?
You can't decline such an offer.
Say yes and I'll leave.
Why are you here?
Did you forget something?
Yes, I did.
I forgot you!
Varia, it was you who made me understand
that this trip
is just an attempt to run away
from the life I don't like!
I want to change everything!
Together with you!
Do you hear me?
Varvara Rudyk,
I want to propose to you!
Will you be my business partner?
Let's open that cafe together!
You have ideas and talent.
I have experience and some savings.
We'll be together in joy and sorrow,
we'll share profits and losses.
Do you know how much money you need
to open a cafe?
Don't be fools!
But I don't want you
to sacrifice your dream for mine!
I need it just the same as you do!
Varia, you know how well your ideas sell!
Do you agree?
Yes. Yes!
Varia, you can borrow my soup tureen!
And the chairs!
I'll help with the light!
And we have a few tables!
I'm in, too!
Yes, I agree!
I'm saying this to all of you!
I want it to be our common cafe
so each of you can be a partner!
You can also invest
in our business if you wish!
All this is a big mistake.
You don't do business like that.
Don't come to me, okay?
Don't come to me when this bubble bursts.
What if we don't have enough money?
We'll find a way out.
Yes, I know, in your times
you had to get married first.
But I'll tell you a secret,
It was fantastic.
I agree with you.
Who you are talking to?
I have a surprise for you.
- Cutlets?
- Lord Nelson's.
Thanks, chef.
I used to think
that I must repeat after someone
to become successful.
But now I understand
I have something to be proud of.
I mean, we have.
Cool. Post it.
Looking deep into myself,
I realized that cooking
really can surprise and give love,
to connect the past and the modern.
Soon Taras and I will open our cafe,
where we're going to talk
about our modern and amazing Ukraine
in the language of taste and comfort.
We'll bring to life unknown
and forgotten tastes
and the sweet tastes
of childhood and freedom.
We want to submerge our guests
in the game of textures
by the amazing rules of Olga Franko.
On a small plate,
you will see a big cooking story.
Waffle cakes, clenets,
canapes, layered cakes,
soups and crescent rolls,
borshch, fricassee,
chicken frittersm fried escargo, salads,
almond cake and pastry.
And our violet juice.
Some cooks call it a drink of fidelity.
The violets are valued
for their fantastic color and smell.
Ancient Greeks and Romans have valued
these pretty and useful flowers.
They were also used to make
violet wine and sedatives.
We'll find our recipes from sadness,
and, besides the a la carte orders,
we will always feed and treat those
who need help and support.
How do you open a cafe in three weeks?
By putting together a dream team!
I am so nervous.
You are ready.
There's no better reason
for this dress to be worn again.
- May all your plans work.
- Thanks.
- Is it time already?
- Let's wait. Not everyone's here yet.
- Look who is here.
- Lesia? An unexpected visit.
How could we miss it?
You've turned our whole life upside down.
- I am sorry.
- Oh no, don't be.
We came here to thank you
before we leave for Poland.
We'll open Mikolai's new restaurant there.
I am happy for you.
Don't hold the breath of your dreams
Just for a minute
Close your eyes just for a minute
Don't hold the breath of your desires
Varia, I found out
you were opening your own cafe.
I wanted to congratulate you
before the concert.
- Congrats!
- Thanks.
May I? Excuse me.
My darling!
- Why are you here?
- I invited her.
I thought this day
wouldn't be complete without her.
- Are you Taras?
- Yes.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I am so sorry.
I am sorry, too. I am so happy for you.
This is my girl!
My daughter!
Attention, please!
There are meetings that change everything.
They can be unnoticeable to others,
but for you life changes
to before and after.
Sometimes it starts with a quarrel.
Sometimes with attraction.
Or with a hit on the head, too.
Mrs. Olga taught me to take risks
and to have a goal.
To appreciate who I am.
To be, not to seem.
Every day we'll cook the dishes
from her book
so we and the whole world
could discover our traditions.
Can we say something?
Rimma, I don't see!
Varia, your post has inspired us.
We had to do it long ago.
Yes. To have our ladies' club again.
Hush, girls. I'll tell her.
We also want to invest
in your important business.
We'll be partners.
Looks like we'll get paid!
Smoking again?
Okay, good luck.
Can I help you?
You're doing everything wrong.
Honey, who is it?
This film was inspired
by a real cookbook from 1929
written by Mrs. Olga-Maria Franko.
Besides this book,
Mrs. Olga and her husband,
Petro Franko, Ivan Franko's third son,
published a few more cookbooks,
which were very popular
in the interwar period.
During the Soviet times
those books were banned from distribution.
Mrs. Olga lived a long life
and until the age of 90.
She kept Ukrainian cooking traditions
in her own kitchen.
Olga's granddaughter, Ivanna Milianchuk,
and her daughters Marta and Natalka,
today continue
what their famous grandmother started,
on their website
"Practical Kitchen. Forgotten and New."