The Terror Live (2013) Movie Script

Morning rush hour traffic
has all cleared up.
Vehicles are moving well on
all highways and bridges.
One thing to be aware of.
This morning... should be a moment ago
There was a presidential address
at the National Assembly.
Streets around the area
will be briefly closed off.
Have a great morning!
That's all for the traffic report.
It's 9:31 AM Monday.
This is YOON Young-hwa's Daily Topic.
We're taking callers' opinions
on the new tax reform.
You're on the air. Hello?
Hello. Good day.
Please introduce yourself.
I'm PARK No-kyu from Seoul.
I'm a construction worker.
Hello, Mr. PARK.
The biggest controversy is in less
tax for those with high income.
What are your thoughts on this matter?
I live alone.
All I have is a TV and a fridge,
but my electricity came to $170!
I called Korea Electric to complain.
Today's topic is on the new tax reform.
Right. Electricity is tax, too!
How can the government do this
to a good citizen like me?
'Electricity is tax, too'.
Thank you for your opinion.
I can imagine how hard it must be.
Next caller, please.
Wait! Don't hang up!
Hi, my name is KIM Hee-eun.
Hello, Ms. KIM Hee-eun.
I watched your news every day.
It's great to talk with you.
Thank you. Your thoughts on the matter?
As a housewife, I think...
Don't hang up!
We apologize for the confusion.
We'll be back after these commercials.
What was that?
Why isn't it getting disconnected?
I was talking! How could you!
What did I do? Why hang up on me!
Please, sir.
Could you hang up so we
can keep the show going?
How can you do that? So rude!
Treating me like I'm weird!
Where'd YOON Young-hwa go?
I know you're there!
Sir, that's it for today. Thank you.
Why can't I say what I have to say!
It won't disconnect. He has to hang up...
Mr. YOON? Listen carefully.
It's a big announcement.
I have a bomb.
I'm going to blow up a bridge.
I'll keep working on it.
I'll blow it up. Heard me?
We don't take prank calls.
Please stop or we'll report you.
I gave it a lot of thought.
I have to do it.
Then, go ahead.
Let's see you do it! You can't, can you?
I'm not lying. I'll really blow it up.
Then, blow it up fast.
We'd like to see that.
Watch what you say.
I'm not joking. I really have a bomb.
I warned you.
So, go ahead! You son of a bitch!
I cut the audio. But we can't disconnect...
Just make up something?
That would be good.
Hold on.
Our show's only been a week.
Problems like this come up at first.
It's just a slap on the wrist.
Just relax. I'll handle this.
We apologize for the
confusion in the phone lines.
The most controversial part is
cutting transfer income tax.
It means the rich pay less
and the poor pay more tax.
Thus, it is criticized
for favoring the rich.
YOON's Daily Topic has
been discussing this...
For a week, with experts
and their opinions...
The hell!
I will call back.
The number is not in service...
Police. How can I help you?
Police. May I help you?
I'm sorry. Wrong number.
JUNG! Wait!
Where are you calling?
Report him to where?
The police...
Use your head! Listen.
We're the only ones who
know about this, right?
His announcement didn't
go on the air, right?
You're in luck.
Save it here.
Don't report him?
He said he'll call back.
We can report him later.
But we should report him!
Why you!
Since when were you so law-abiding?
Don't you get it?
The press is on the fritz!
But we're the only ones who know!
How lucky is that?
It's our chance.
If he calls back, we'll top the ratings!
Give it to me.
Stay put. I'll go ask for news time.
Stay put.
I'm busy! Don't call me!
Chief! Wait!
Everyone listen!
It happened close by. We
get the first newsflash!
If we don't, we're screwed!
3 minutes passed! Get to work!
Know why it blew?
I'm busy! Bye!
Hold on...
You stay out this!
It's a terrorist act.
I have a bomb. I'm going
to blow up a bridge.
What's that!
It blew up right after. He did it.
Did it go on the air?
Not yet. I called you first.
Okay, bring the recording and come quick.
I can't. He said, he'll call right back.
Why you!
Life is funny.
I got divorced, cut as
anchor, and demoted to radio.
My life sucked!
Maybe that all happened for this.
Come up and we'll talk.
This is my chance of a lifetime.
So come up and let's talk!
I don't think so.
What's with you?
You'll backstab me again and take over.
Not this time.
What do you want?
To return as news anchor.
Fine, I'll talk to the Director.
What do you need?
Can you send in a camera now?
You take the control desk
and let's go live with this.
How many cameras left?
They all went out.
I'll send one. Don't trust anyone.
Don't let this out. Got it?
I get my anchor seat back. We made a deal.
Send a camera to our radio.
I recorded this. Just so you know.
An explosion at Mapo Bridge
took place at 9:35 AM.
Eye witnesses claim the bridge
collapsed in a sudden explosion.
Let's join our reporter at the scene.
As you can see, Mapo Bridge is severed.
Most of the cars made it
out before the explosion...
What floor are you on?
I'm kind of busy. Let's talk later.
The caller is unavailable.
Please leave a message.
Why'd you hang up?
Golfing with that bastard or something?
Anyway, I'm going back to doing news.
If things work out...
Maybe we can get back together?
I'll call you when it's all over.
What did they say?
Aren't you waiting for him to call?
Why do you think he called us?
To get on the air?
Then, we should go on
the air so he'll call.
So, let's prepare.
Prepare what?
To go on the air. Now.
Yes, sir.
Mapo Bridge has suddenly...
Hold on.
Suddenly collapsed.
10 seconds left in commercials.
This is YOON's Daily Topic.
As you all know, an explosion
at Mapo Bridge occurred.
I'd like to inform our listeners
the possibility of a terrorist act.
Before the explosion,
a man claiming to be the terrorist called.
I believe he is now on the line with us.
This is YOON Young-hwa.
First, let me clarify one thing.
Did you cause the explosion at Mapo Bridge?
I told you I'll blow it up.
I see.
Please don't hang up.
We'll continue after these commercials.
Sir? Still there?
Why am I not on the air?
You will be soon.
We're airing this as a newsflash.
You mean, my voice will go on TV?
You're quick. Isn't that better for you?
Really? How long till we start?
Give me 5 minutes.
A TV newsflash? But that's not what we...
Hold on.
I was going to tell you.
Just stay out and come later.
It's okay. You'll be back later.
I'm here. Don't worry.
Yes, sir. We'll report it.
Ready on standby?
What's the story?
Nothing yet.
We'll set up the big picture
and start from there.
Vice Chief? I'm Producer
JUNG of Daily Topic.
The CEO and Director approved of this.
Our Director?
He didn't hear?
Your program's been cancelled.
Sorry, pal. I'll buy you drinks.
Get to work! Move it!
What? You sent Ji-su there?
Worried about your ex-wife?
Why would she go there?
She insisted on going.
She won't listen to me.
Looking for trouble.
We can't use her footage anyway.
Play up the human, drama code.
Something's up with the bastard.
Go with 'Who is the terrorist and why'.
Then, he surrenders at the end.
He wanted to commit suicide,
but changed after talking to me.
Draw it out so that he's crying
and in handcuffs at the end.
Can you do it?
Wait! This is ours. What's the rush?
Give me 5 minutes to make a call.
We gotta start! Other
stations have newsflashes.
Let's change ties.
Nothing on the guy yet?
So, we go live with this and it's over!
I apologize for the delay.
Please think through what you want to say.
But what about my pay?
We can't pay a terrorist.
We don't have money.
With my voice on, the
ratings will skyrocket.
I called, got you the newsflash,
and the station takes all the money?
That's crazy.
Hold, please.
How much?
How much are you thinking?
What is the money for?
If you want to know,
deposit it to this number.
It's an investment.
Because of me, you'll get more commercials.
What if we can trace your account?
If I get caught during the
show, it's your loss, too.
Should we wire the money?
We'll pay you. First, let's begin.
If we lose the timing, we can't pay you.
Sorry, that won't do.
I'll go with another station,
if you're not interested.
We have a call from a man who
claims to be the terrorist.
KTN news is preparing an
exclusive interview with him.
No deal?
Is this really about money?
The chance to say what you
want is what's important.
No one else will listen to you like me.
But I need that money.
We'll pay you every penny,
plus the chance to talk.
They'll never let your voice
go on live without editing.
They care about the show not you.
We're different.
You can swear and say anything.
I'll help you.
Now, it's time to start.
Any later and this call will lose merit.
Okay. I got the money. Let's begin.
You really paid him?
Just get the ratings up!
Then, you'll be the
anchor on tomorrow's news.
10 seconds left.
We're about to begin.
When I ask you a question,
just speak your mind.
I'll sort it out. Okay?
SNC has decided to broadcast
the phone conversation live.
interview with the terrorist.
Here is the exclusive.
This is YOON Young-hwa.
The country is at shock over
an unprecedented bombing.
For the truth,
SNC will broadcast live the phone
conversation with the terrorist.
Hello? Can you hear me?
Yes, I can see you.
Your identity or why you bombed
the bridge have not been revealed.
I think the biggest question on
our viewers' minds is this...
Why did you blow up Mapo Bridge?
I built that bridge.
You say, you built Mapo Bridge?
About 30 years ago.
I had to provide for my family,
but didn't have any skills.
IN 50s
So, I just worked odd jobs in construction.
I did anything for food.
So, you worked as a worker
in constructing Mapo Bridge in 1983.
Then, two years ago they
suddenly wanted repair work done.
They said some big-shot, foreign
guests will cross that bridge.
But it didn't look good
because it's too old.
A big event 2 years ago?
WORLD LEADERS SUMMIYou mean the World Leaders Summit?
They said, if we worked
through the night...
they would pay us $25
more to get it done fast.
When they're splashing money
saying our country's developed...
I'm still slapping on
cement there after 30 years!
I understand your disappointment.
I was working on the rail to
get things done by sunrise.
At the risk of my life!
Suddenly, the rail suddenly gave way.
Sir? Please take your time.
The rail suddenly gave way...
Then, three men fell into the water.
I see. 3 workers fell
that night while working.
Then, what happened?
They were alive and floating in the water.
But cops and rescue forces were
busy with the summit to come!
The 3 men died while
trying to make $25 more.
That's it. No compensation or apologies.
How can they do that!
Is that why you blew up Mapo Bridge?
To get attention and
tell this story on air?
I'm PARK No-kyu from Seoul.
Listen to me carefully.
Wait, sir. Is PARK No-kyu your real name?
I have a name, too.
I also had a family,
and hoped to live well.
So, I worked like a dog
as the country ordered.
But the country thinks of
us as just dogs who died.
Do you understand me?
The President.
The President?
I just want to be treated
like a human with respect.
Tell him to officially apologize
to the 3 dead workers and family.
I fully understand how you must feel.
I think it will be quite difficult
for the President to come here.
You said, you'd listen
to whatever I wanted!
I am listening, Mr. PARK.
However, we cannot listen
to excessive demands.
Is that so?
You cursed at me earlier, can I curse, too?
But you swore at me.
Did I?
You must be mistaken. I'll ask again.
The Mapo Bridge was...
Damn bastard talks too much!
So, go ahead! You son of a bitch!
We apologize for that interruption.
Mr. PARK No-kyu? I'll ask you again.
Hello? Can you hear me?
Damn son of a bitch.
What now?
Why'd you curse!
Come out!
Damn it!
We've lost connection with the studio.
Put YOON Young-hwa on.
I have a question.
Put him on!
I'm sorry, we have a bad connection.
Why her?
Please calm down.
He's asking for me! I'll finish this up!
Stay out of it for now.
Backstabbing me again? This is mine!
Are we to understand the terror
is against the government?
Then, can you bring the President?
You, rookie! Don't backstab me!
Hand him over!
We already said that's not possible.
I have a few more bombs.
Are you saying there
could be more bombings?
I have the switch in hand,
but there's a problem.
What is the problem?
I'm reporting live from the
Mapo Bridge bombing site.
It is the first bridge to
collapse in 19 years...
Chief! Give me 1 minute!
What are you doing?
I'm warning you! It's no
good messing with the press!
I just want to be heard.
But you're saying crazy things!
Do you think I'm an idiot?
That lady got slightly hurt, but not you.
Shit! What the hell?
I wouldn't keep cursing
at me if I were you.
Because there's already a bomb on you.
What? Asshole?
If you get away from the desk, it'll blow.
If you tell anyone, it'll blow.
The entire country will see
a big hole in your head.
Who brought me the earpiece?
You're on next!
You planted a bomb on me?
Why're you doing this? Do you know me?
Who doesn't know YOON Young-hwa?
You became a reporter for SNC in 2003.
Most trusted and influential
news anchor for 4 years.
The anchor of the nightly
news for over 5 years and...
What's that got to do with this now?
No one will believe me, but they trust you.
If you tell him to
apologize, I think he will.
That's what I need now. The way you talk.
That won't bring the President here.
There's no time!
Wait! Hold on!
How'd the explosion happen?
Is the rookie okay?
Remember your closing commentary?
That's the news for today.
We'll always be just and
fair in delivering news.
This news has to be like that.
Then, it'll end without any problems.
The hell...
You're on. Do your job right.
Let's begin. Don't test my patience.
Wait. Hold on a second.
I'm not ready.
Aren't you starting?
Wait! I need more time!
We're back on!
This is YOON Young-hwa.
There has been a second
explosion at Mapo Bridge.
The explosion was captured
on our camera at the scene.
Let's find out how our
staff is doing out there.
Our reporter is...
We'll report on her
status once it comes in.
Bring the President.
Yes, we will try to do the best we can.
I'll give you 10 minutes.
I believe it'll take more than
10 minutes from the Blue House.
He's at the National
Assembly, probably in hiding.
It's 3 minutes away on foot.
What if he cannot appear?
Then, everyone dies.
Any rescue attempt, and they'll all die.
But if he apologizes, I'll turn myself in.
All I need is just an apology.
I see.
If the President is
watching this right now...
A terrorist has the citizens
on Mapo Bridge held captive.
There is no time to waste.
I ask for immediate action.
Call him directly.
Call him!
We will try calling the Blue House.
What will you say! Are you nuts!
Our staff is unable to make the call.
If we don't call, the
hostages can be at risk.
I will call directly.
The phone is ringing.
Hello? This is YOON Young-hwa.
I am still waiting for them to answer.
I'll keep trying to reach the Blue House.
I have a question for you.
You said, you worked as a laborer
in construction for 30 years.
I'll ask you again.
Are you really a construction worker?
Think people who do odd jobs are stupid?
We look dumb and can't talk well?
We can think and get mad, too.
Just didn't know how to stand up and fight.
But the bombs showed me how.
Still no answer?
I am still calling.
In the meantime, I have another question.
If what you claim is all true, the
3 workers should be compensated.
Why do you demand just
the President's apology?
Is there another reason?
Their compensation money
and funerary expenses
of $2,179,245 were paid in full.
By you.
Secretary KIM Sang-mo of Blue
House National Crisis Management.
This is YOON Young-hwa of SNC.
Are you watching?
Yes, I am.
Are you aware of the terrorist's demand?
Yes, I am.
There is 5 minutes left.
Where is the President?
Is he in the bunker?
See the call? You got 1 minute.
For safety reasons, I cannot disclose that.
The government is very concerned
over the terrorist acts.
So, he is not on his way?
With utmost priority on
our citizen's safety...
There's no time for that.
He must come here now.
Is he coming?
We haven't received notice yet.
However, we are trying our best to
stabilize the situation quickly.
You don't understand, Secretary KIM.
Our citizens' lives are at risk.
Are you insane! Wrap it up!
If the government doesn't do
anything and casualties arise...
The citizens will not tolerate it.
I trust he is on his way.
Hello? Can you hear me?
Yes. We will do our best.
The boss wants my report.
Just keep it up as usual.
The ratings are at 50%!
That was Secretary KIM Sang-mo of
the National Crisis Management.
I repeat.
The country is engulfed in fear by terror.
We hope for quick action
from the government.
He'd better come or else.
Yes, Mr. PARK. I feel the same way.
However, there is not much time left...
Don't speak, Mr. YOON!
No need to respond to the
terrorist's every word.
I'm Captain PARK Jung-min
of counter-terrorism center.
We are tracing his address. Time is tight.
Could you wait one moment?
We sent Chief CHA out and
turned everything off.
We need to buy some time.
Stay calm and follow my lead.
Bring up the hostage footage.
Mr. PARK? Please look at this footage.
Is the Mapo Bridge footage ready?
Calmly report on the scene.
Don't excite him by using the
word 'terror' from now on.
As you can see, there are about
10 citizens stuck on the bridge.
Mr. PARK? This is your explosion site.
Do you think your cause
will be justified like this?
If I didn't blow up the bridge,
would you have talked to me?
Think if I talk nice, the
President will apologize?
No way.
But it's not the hostages' fault.
Those citizens are the same
as the 3 workers who died.
But you will kill them?
No, I'll save them.
And I'll turn myself in.
Just apologize that the
government treated us wrongfully!
Then, it'll be over.
I know you are tensed.
But viewers are watching.
Stay calm as usual.
Good. Go back to Mapo Bridge.
Let's turn to the situation at Mapo Bridge.
We see a car hanging on
the edge of the bridge.
We confirmed there are 3
family members inside the car.
I see.
A man is bringing two
children up to the front.
He appears to be the two children's father.
The father is pushing the
children out through the sunroof.
People are actively helping
the two children out.
I pray for the family's safety
and applaud the brave helpers.
We see the two children
being safely rescued out.
Now, the father is trying
to come out after them.
That must've shaken him up, too.
Talk about the victim's
family to draw out sympathy.
From your acts, those two
children lost their father.
You said you had a family, too.
Do you have any children?
If you just saw what happened,
you must have a change in heart.
The President, too. 1 minute left.
Don't look at the clock.
Ask him if he must get
an apology like this.
Must you do this to get an apology?
There are legal ways to get what you want.
Legal ways? Like what?
Use legal measures set for
those in need of help like you.
And judiciary measures.
This could be dealt with by law.
Do you really believe that?
Maybe for rich, smart folks like you.
But the law has never been on our side.
I gave this a lot of thought.
But this was the only choice I had.
But the victims?
What about the innocent victims?
Please reconsider.
If you give us more time,
we'll get the apology and...
He should've already come. It's over.
Say he'll be here in 5 minutes.
Wait! Hold on!
He's on his way.
We confirmed a black vehicle
pulling into our lot.
He will appear momentarily.
At last, PARK No-kyu will
get the apology he demanded.
Preparations to appear are underway.
The government made a firm
decision in this matter.
He will soon arrive at our studio.
We thank the President for coming.
The terror will soon end
with the President's apology.
You've all waited long.
A guest has arrived in our studio.
This must be the government's best effort.
I hope Mr. PARK will see it that way, too.
Commissioner General JOO Jin-chul
has come on behalf of the President.
So, they sent in a fake apology, huh?
He is the police commissioner
in charge of this case.
I believe a more concrete apology and...
I'm Commissioner General JOO Jin-chul.
The government is seeking ways to
resolve the situation reasonably.
But our priority is in seeing
there are no further casualties.
If you disarm yourself and turn in...
Get out.
We will take things into
consideration and be generous.
I said, get out!
5 minutes to locate him.
We'll find you.
Make the right choice when
we're giving you the chance.
The police won't be able to find me.
We'll find you soon. Then,
you know what'll happen.
Looks like your head will
be on a platter not mine.
You came onto put on a show?
Or did someone send you?
Commissioner, please don't talk.
Let Mr. YOON lead.
Commissioner, you frankly
said to surrender.
However, such behavior may
not help the situation.
What if PARK No-kyu will
not surrender and...
Mr. YOON? Stay put.
This is between me and the terrorist.
Sir! Refrain from speaking!
You stay put, too!
PARK No-kyu! You think we can't catch you?
We searched through every
record on you we can find.
Born on August 13th, 1959. PARK No-kyu.
This is you, isn't it?
The government does not negotiate
with terrorists. So, surrender.
I want an apology not a negotiation!
Commissioner? See the
hostages on the bridge?
You came on the President's behalf.
Is the government willing to apologize?
Mr. YOON Are you out of your mind?
How can the government bow down to
such garbage with people watching?
Who're you calling garbage?
I worked to the bone for
30 years, but I'm garbage?
What about you who takes bribes and lies!
Calm down, please.
What a laugh from a guy who
was charged for bribery!
That case has been cleared.
They were all mission expenses.
And I'm innocent.
You think people don't know?
They're work related expenses!
Like Mr. YOON here, everyone does it!
Not just me!
I see.
Please understand Commissioner
JOO's heated tone in this matter.
Stop being nice to him!
I said, I'm innocent!
But foul thoughts lead to
terrorist acts like this!
I can't stand him. Tell him to get lost.
You know what happens, if you don't.
PARK No-kyu!
Don't just think of yourself!
How can you do this!
Ever think your son is watching this?
What about his young life! You'll ruin it!
Be quiet!
Please, put that down...
Must you hear his voice to give up?
I could release his picture, if I want!
Shut up!
He'll be marked as a killer's son for life!
He's studying on a government scholarship!
You should be ashamed!
You call yourself a father?
I cannot stand it, Mr. YOON.
Let's kill him!
Why you!
After all the chance I gave you!
Kill him and I'll give you 10 more minutes.
PARK No-kyu!
I swear, I'll catch you and make you pay!
No! I'm killing you! Mark my words!
What's this?
Call 911! Now!
Mr. YOON? What's this?
What's this! How did you know?
Get this off me.
Who put this on you?
Get this off me.
Get it off me now.
Hold on.
Chief says to go on the
air, if PARK calls back.
Everyone out!
That son of a bitch!
Hey, are you okay?
Do the newsflash until PARK is caught.
I feel like throwing up.
We'd better stop. Get the camera away.
We are at war here!
See that?
Other stations are going
crazy trying to find PARK.
If you stop here, our
whole station is screwed.
How can you say that after seeing this?
I know it's hard,
but we can't stop and let
someone else have him.
You started it. So, you finish it.
After they pushed me down to radio?
You wanna do that for life?
Make a comeback!
Think they'll help you? Wake up, YOON.
They want the killer, not a
fool who threatens to kill.
To get recognized.
They probably know where PARK No-kyu is.
They're just dragging this
with no intention to catch him.
What do you mean?
Think the President will come? Never!
It looks bad if he doesn't
apologize and just catch PARK.
So, why wait?
The kids' father and JOO Jin-chul dying?
They're too weak.
They want footage of PARK
killing the hostages!
They gotta turn him into
the devil incarnate.
Know why?
So, there's no need to apologize.
I'm part of that ending! Shit!
I'm about to die!
No! No! No!
PARK is just threatening
you, but you hold the key.
If you say there's no apology,
he has nothing. He'll flip!
He'll kill a few hostages.
Then, cops will get PARK.
You wrap things up and it
looks like you caught PARK.
It'll happen like I say.
I get it, but you're saying
we let the hostages die?
You said, this was your
chance of a lifetime!
Be honest. You made a deal, didn't you?
I make Director, if we hit 70% in ratings.
Why? You made a deal with me, too.
It's easy.
If you say there's no apology,
you'll be catching PARK.
But still...
That's the only way.
If things work out, you'll
get a medal of honor.
Chief CHA Dae-eun? Shit. This is crazy!
You weak fool.
I'm doing this for you...
It's PARK Jung-min. I'll be back soon.
Hurry up and get this off me.
The dismantling team is coming.
Did you trace the call?
It's taking longer than expected.
How long?
If you reported him sooner,
we would've found him.
We promise to save you.
You're all talk. What have you done so far?
PARK No-kyu revealed
himself from the start.
You want hell to break loose?
All he wants is an apology!
No, he'll never surrender.
We must catch him.
So, catching him comes
before people's lives?
I get you don't trust cops.
Whom do you think will
see you getting killed?
Your family, friends,
or Reporter LEE Ji-su?
The cops don't care about that.
Problem is the whole country
will be seeing it live.
We'll be totally losing to
the terrorist, if you die.
So, how will you catch him?
It'll take about 6 hours to locate him.
How many times must I ask!
The beginning and end of PARK's calls.
He called here twice.
We're searching through the
nation's telephone network.
We narrowed it down to 30,000
circuits for the first call.
We'll looking for how many circuits
overlap with the last call.
30,000... Shit!
But we'll find him no matter what.
He really can't come?
The President?
Excuse me.
What is it?
Okay. Hold on.
We can nail him with his next call.
I promise you'll get
off work on time today.
The identified victims
are a 39 year-old man...
and Commissioner General JOO Jin-chul.
No casualties have been found in
the first and second explosions.
There were no injured victims as well.
Let's look at the falling car once again.
I think I know where PARK is.
He's watching the bridge.
On what basis?
There were no casualties
in the first explosion.
That's not by chance!
There are traffic lights on Mapo Bridge.
That means he blew it
when there were no cars.
He didn't kill people on purpose.
But he just did.
He just blew the bridge to get attention.
If he gets the apology, he won't blow!
I know I'm right!
From the 17 circuits, check near
Mapo Bridge and you'll find PARK.
Hold on.
Hey, YOON!
Just report things as we talked about.
Are you crazy?
If hostages don't die, the cops won't move.
You have to read that to catch him!
I'll send in a press van to get interviews.
What are you doing!
Are you crazy?
Captain PARK? Still here?
I know what you're trying to pull.
But this is my turf!
The Commissioner General
died on your watch.
Shouldn't you look for a new job?
Hold on.
What if PARK kills all the hostages?
Aren't you folks waiting for that?
Answer the phone!
Do your job.
Read what's written.
This is YOON Young-hwa.
Let's continue the call.
Look at the bridge outside.
It won't last much longer like that.
If I get the apology, I'll
let everyone go and surrender.
Don't forget.
The hostages can't be saved. Just read.
Ignore Chief CHA.
We sent men in and will locate him soon.
We'll save everyone. Just buy us some time.
Mr. PARK? Please, listen carefully.
The person you asked for is
really here in our studio.
And he is ready to apologize.
I'll tell you the apology in sum.
The government has decided
to accept all your demands.
He'll apologize directly
and treat you fairly to
stop any more casualties.
But there is a condition.
What's that?
It's simple.
They need proof that you'll
stop your terrorist acts.
You said, you'd surrender
after the apology.
I know you're nearby.
Please come to the studio.
Come and hear the apology in person.
I'll give you 3 minutes.
If I stand in front of the
camera, it'll be all over?
That is correct. It'll
end the way you want.
How can I believe that?
What did you say to me at first?
You called because you trust me.
But how can I trust that?
Did you receive money or something?
Is what they're saying
on the news all true?
Answer clearly.
We have a connection.
Anchor YOON Young-hwa?
You're in a tight situation.
We'd like to be of help. Would it be okay?
Wait. Who is this?
It's Anchor LEE Sang-jin of KTN.
We've obtained a reliable tip
on speculations about you.
We received a threatening call from PARK
to verify them with you.
Wait. What are you talking about?
May I ask a few questions?
No. No questions, please.
I would like this case to
be resolved quickly, too.
So, please don't ask.
We should resolve this.
What does that have to do with this?
Are you doing this for ratings?
Here is my first question.
How long were you the
anchor of nightly news?
Answer him.
Please answer the question.
It was for 5 years.
5 years and 2 months to be exact.
Last month, you suddenly got
forced out of nightly news.
You are now on a radio program.
That is incorrect. I resigned on my own.
Let me summarize.
According to our source...
during your 57 months as
the nightly news anchor...
you received contributions. Correct?
What source? Where did you get that?
Please just answer, 'yes' or 'no'.
Let me ask a question.
Who gave you the file you're looking at?
We cannot disclose that.
It was me.
If you say what we want,
I'll cover for you.
If PARK doesn't get caught, you will!
The hostages on the bridge
are in great danger.
There is no time. Let's
focus on the issue at hand.
So, you admit you took bribes?
Let's continue.
You won the journalist of
the year award last October.
But the exclusive report you won with...
was revealed to be that of your
wife at the time, LEE Ji-su.
There's no need to listen to
such groundless speculations.
Shit! Cut the dirty crap!
I'll clear things up with Ji-su.
I'll tell her I ordered
you to steal her story.
I know your feeling but
you need to continue.
If you want to make it big, you
gotta do dirty shit like me.
That's life. If I were you, I'd read that.
We'll give you the chance to explain.
Please answer the question.
Hold on.
Excuse me.
I apologize.
I'll answer.
Anchor LEE Sang-jin?
Stating false rumors as the truth
for ratings is deceiving the viewers.
Think the viewers are stupid?
I'll answer clearly, again.
That is not the truth!
You claim they are all lies.
Then, let me ask you directly.
Why didn't you report things
when Mapo Bridge first exploded?
Producer JUNG Yong-suk of 'Daily
Topic' informed us, directly.
It seems to me...
an ex-anchor who took bribes
and stole his wife's report...
did not report the terrorist
to get an exclusive.
Any comments on that?
Hey, YOON!
The ratings just hit 78%.
Let's have drinks some time.
Forget the news anchor deal.
We will assume you gave us your answer.
We just complied to the terrorist's demand.
KTN has nothing to do with this.
There is a bomb inside
YOON Young-hwa's ear.
Mr. PARK! Wait!
I wouldn't have done this, if
men like him did the news right.
That's all the news.
Wait! I'll get you the apology! I swear!
You? You have no right!
He's right in the next room.
Look. It is hard to see
from my cellular phone...
But the police texted me.
He is in the next room.
So, he will apologize now?
Yes. Right now.
He'll apologize shortly.
What the hell is going on!
Chief CHA told us not to tell. She's there.
The hostages on Mapo
Bridge are in grave danger.
Our reporter is out on the scene.
Let's find out what's happening.
Reporter LEE Ji-su?
Yes. I'm at Mapo Bridge.
Can you tell us what is happening?
Our camera was damaged
in the second explosion.
I'm reporting with my cellular phone.
I apologize for the poor footage.
Currently, there are 16 civilians
trapped on top of Mapo Bridge.
Having watched the newsflash, the
citizens are trembling in fear.
Some are suffering from burns...
I repeat...
People with severe burns are
in urgent need of treatment.
Reporter LEE Ji-su.
Are you okay?
The bridge plate we are on is
tilted 15 due to the explosion.
It appears to be so on screen.
The slant is getting worse with time.
There is no telling how long we will last.
There are rescue
helicopters flying overhead.
But no rescue can be made
without the terrorist's consent.
I see.
Reporter LEE Ji-su?
Please stay still and safe
until this ordeal is over.
It'll be fine.
I hope you will finish
the news safely, too.
Thank you.
The hostages on the bridge
are in great danger.
No apology, they all die.
As I mentioned, the
President will apologize.
But if the civilians die, it will be over!
No apology!
They have nothing to do with this!
Not really.
Isn't the lady reporter important to you?
We've located him!
Like you said, he was watching the bridge.
Our men are headed there...
Wait! Then, he's not coming?
Give us 5 more minutes.
Enough with more minutes!
You said, he was coming!
An apology doesn't guarantee
the hostages' safety.
YOON Young-hwa!
Yes, I'm talking with the police.
He'll be here soon.
Why can't he come and apologize?
You said he'd come! Damn it!
What are you doing?
Clear the helicopters!
Think you can play games?
I'll bring him.
Still not coming?
Are you watching?
You hear me well, don't you?
You're killing those people!
Watch carefully.
Wait! Mr. PARK! Please!
The President must still
be getting ready to appear.
We are all in this difficult
situation along with you.
Shut up and close your eyes.
Where'd the cop go
She said she'd bring him! Go check! Hurry!
The entire country is watching.
Appealing to the public
can get you the apology.
For that, you must release some hostages.
I'll stay.
But I beg you to let the
women and children be rescued.
Women and children only. Hurry!
PARK No-kyu agreed to
release some of the hostages.
Now, it's the government's turn
to show action in response.
I ask the President in the next studio.
There is no time to waste.
Please come at once and apologize.
I repeat. PARK released some hostages.
As you can see, a helicopter
is approaching for the rescue.
Just now...
I ask all rescue forces on the water...
Please promptly start
searching at the crash site.
There must be survivors.
I trust everyone can be rescued.
Please hurry.
Once again, I ask all rescue forces
to start searching for survivors.
What do you say to this?
Cut the sh... stuff about
apologies and say something.
I'm sorry.
You were going to kill them anyway!
Son of a...
You're sorry? How can you say that!
I started this just to
hear those two words.
I said to come quick
because it'll collapse.
I agreed to the rescue! But where is he?
It's out of my hands now.
I'm watching you. Can you hear me?
I'm at the scene. We're
going to catch PARK.
Good work.
If I hear anything on LEE Ji-su,
I'll let you know. Don't hang up.
It's all over now.
POLICE LOCATED TERRORISThe terrorist is about to be shot down.
There is no threat of additional bombings.
YOON Young-hwa?
Cameras are here to film me getting caught.
But I have another announcement.
I'm going to blow up this building.
Wait! Hold on!
I inform the police!
Stop your arrest!
There is another bomb.
Stop the arrest!
Can you hear me?
You must stop the arrest at once!
Come out of the building now!
I repeat!
Stop the arrest at once!
Evacuate the building!
All lines are busy.
It's Secretary KIM Sang-mo.
Are you alright?
Yes, I'm fine.
I was very worried.
The rescue team will arrive shortly.
Did you call the press or anyone?
You didn't talk to anyone else?
No, I didn't.
There's no time, so I'll be brief.
You'll soon be summoned by the prosecution.
Me? Why?
We have no choice.
Your bribes were made public.
Just read the confession
we prepared for you.
Wait! What confession? What are you saying?
Still don't get it?
The terror is over.
Then, what's the problem?
The public will protest and say
it was excessive use of force.
With PARK No-kyu dead,
we can't get around it.
There's no footage of
him sobbing in remorse.
Someone has to take the bullet.
Hold on.
So you and Chief CHA let my story leak?
The President won't apologize,
so dump everything on me?
Secretary KIM.
After everything I did!
How can you do this!
Still, you took the money.
You gave it to me! Damn it!
You're a lot dumber than you look.
Why didn't you just do
what Chief CHA told you to?
Saying on TV to apologize and shit.
The nerve!
I recorded everything.
I'll spill it everywhere!
Look, YOON.
Think anyone will believe you now?
YOON Young-hwa can
fabricate the evidence...
Or go on the run.
Thus, he'll soon be
detained for questioning.
The police are searching for
clues to locate the terrorist.
But no leads have yet been found.
You're smart. So, I'll ask one question.
If I get caught, how long will I have?
Even if I surrender, I'll be executed.
It doesn't matter if I
get caught or killed.
But I can't end things like this.
I can get back on the news.
Let's get the President's apology.
I'll help you.
Think he'll apologize? No way!
If I press a switch, the
building will fall over.
Mr. PARK...
What do you want me to do?
Then, why don't you just
come here and speak?
If you knew he won't, why'd you call?
What power do I have?
It's not my fault the
President won't apologize.
Tell me!
Why me?
Still, I thought you'd be different.
You're all the same.
That's why you're dying.
Then, I'll stand there
and end things myself.
Please, Mr. PARK...
Please don't kill me!
Please, sir!
Please! I beg you! Please!
Let me live? Let me out, please?
Keep being like that.
Groveling under damn bastards.
Live like that, then die.
I'll give you 5 minutes. Scram!
That bomb is a fake.
This news just in.
The terrorist identified
as PARK No-kyu was...
one of the workers who died during
the bridge's repairs 2 years ago.
Born on August 13th, 1959. PARK No-kyu.
I'm PARK No-kyu from Seoul.
I have a name, too. I also had a family.
And hoped to live well.
Then, I'll stand there
and end things myself.
Police have no clue on
the terrorist's identity.
They are searching for clues
inside the terrorist's home.
The police claim the terrorist
is skilled in engineering.
The investigation could take weeks.
The two buildings look like
they could collapse any minute.
Everyone has been safely
evacuated out of SNC.
But there is no word on YOON's whereabouts.
This is YOON Young-hwa.
There is a bomb rigged here
and it is about to explode.
However, I am here to
finish this newsflash.
Today, a man terrorized Seoul
demanding the President's apology.
Though illegal, I thought he
had reason to get the apology.
But I just changed my mind.
Here is a newsflash.
The terrorist pretending to be PARK
No-kyu will reveal himself here.
No matter who he is, I'm
going to catch and kill him.
Please watch this news until the end.
Who the hell are you!
No-kyu SON: PARK Shin-woo
Who are you?
Are you PARK No-kyu's son?
Why'd you do it?
You didn't trust me from the bat!
Why'd you do this to me!
My Father...
He only watched your news.
When I asked why...
He said, you could be trusted.
The fool.
He worked like a dog his
whole life, then died.
So, I wanted an apology in his name.
Is it that hard to apologize?
This is all I have.
The terrorist is in Studio
B on the 31st floor.
Shoot him upon sighting!
Grab it!
Grab my hand!
I understand! So, grab my hand!
Those bastards won't even
twitch, if you die like this!
Nothing will change!
Do what you set out to do!
Wanna die like your father?
Grab it!
I'm sorry!
The hell with them. I'll apologize instead.
I'm really sorry.
I'm sorry.
I repeat.
Kill him upon sighting.
It was appalling.
However, as the President...
I made a firm choice to guard
the nation's freedom and justice.
The government will not negotiate...
Our forces took prompt and firm action.
As a result, the terrorist paid the price.
The terrorist's claims
were nothing but lies.
Beloved citizens...
I thank you for supporting
my decision in this matter.
Today, the government won
the war against terrorists.