The Third Saturday in October (2022) Movie Script

The third Saturday in October,
a moniker given
to one of the most bitter
college football rivalries
in the United States,
the yearly matchup between
the Alabama-Mobile Seahawks
and the Tennessee
A&M Commonwealth.
In 1979, this appellation
would also become forever linked
with a series of bizarre
and grisly murders
committed by a deranged
death row inmate
named Jakkariah Harding.
For his victims,
a quaint fall day of football,
Romance, and off-beat fun
would quickly descend
into a surreal nightmare.
The following film
is a recreation of the events
that transpired
on that fateful October weekend.
Events that took place
on the third Saturday
in October.
Grandma's nana pudding, $3.25.
World famous catfish, $6.25.
You can beat the prices
at Norman's Catfish Cabin,
but you can't beat the taste.
Norman's Catfish Cabin,
now open in Hackleburg,
behind Hank's Good Stuff.
Channel 2 news
11:00 update with Linda Brock,
Jerry Cartwright,
meteorologist Conway Darby,
and more of Alabama's
leading news team.
Tomorrow night,
two of the most storied programs
in college football square off
in what's historically
been called
"The Third Saturday in October",
the date reserved for a showdown
between the
Alabama-Mobile Seahawks
and Tennessee A&M Commonwealth.
Few folks
know this rivalry better
than Alabama-Mobile head coach
Amos Redd.
I had a chance to catch up
with the old ball coach
to discuss what the
Third Saturday in October
rivalry means to him.
Now in my playin' days,
Coach Hodge Griffin
was the head ball coach here.
Now, we didn't play the game
from 1942 till '45,
'cause of World War II.
And on the eve of that game,
word got back around
to Coach Randy Hale
over Tennessee A&M,
that Coach Hodge said,
he would rather kiss
a Nazi girl on the lips
than lose to Tennessee A&M.
Well, that next day,
they beat the dog piss
out of us.
45 to nothing.
Coach Redd ain't playin'.
I heard Coach Redd
tell that story
at the Kiwanis Club.
It was just as good then.
Dang, I'm gettin'
my butt kicked, ain't I?
You sound surprised, Daddy.
Well, I'm tired of it.
Now, this is 1979 rendition.
I want to tell you something.
You gonna throw them bones
or you gonna
shake 'em all night?
Alright. Smart-ass.
...something special.
Let's look in the pantry.
What? Oh, that-- that's it.
Baby, I'm done.
I'm all Yahtzee'd out
for the night.
Oh, Daddy,
it's only 10:00 o'clock!
Says the person
who doesn't get up
at 6:00 a.m. every morning.
Yeah, it's only 10:00 o'clock.
You're right.
I swear I've never laid eyes
on anyone as lucky as you.
You know how you're so lucky?
- Why?
- 'Cause I'm your daddy.
Alright, goodnight.
Goodnight, Daddy.
Get some rest.
Oh, don't forget.
Tomorrow night,
right here for kick off.
I'll be right here
on this couch.
War damn Seahawk.
War damn Seahawk, Daddy.
Give them Commonwealths hell.
Tonight's top story
takes us to the death row unit
at Bowling Prison in Mobile,
where spree killer Jack Harding
is set to be executed tonight
at midnight.
what's the mood in Mobile?
Now, Linda, the mood here
is one mostly of jubilation.
Behind me are numerous--
Well, I can't exactly
call them "protesters".
Some of them are wearing
commemorative T-shirts,
which celebrate
tonight's execution.
Now, Linda, if you're wondering
about the T-shirts,
those are the creation
of this man
and his lovely two friends.
Hank Zbornak.
Hank, what's the story
behind the T-shirts?
Well, listen, I run me a store
up there in Hackleburg
called Hank's Good Stuff.
I've been in business
about 1966.
And my friend Marty Dixon
was one of the victims
of this killin' spree.
And I thought it right fit
that I'd come out here tonight
Celebrate old Marty's life
with some T-shirts.
Come on down to Hackleburg,
get you one.
We love you, Marty.
Come on down
to Hank's Good Stuff.
Now, Linda, as for people
that are actually attending
tonight's execution,
only two names appear
on the state's list
of attendees.
And for privacy reasons,
we will not be revealing
those names to you tonight,
but I can tell you
that both of them lost children
at the hands of this killer
back in 1960.
- Burn, baby, burn!
- Keep on at it!
- Burn, baby, burn!
- He's gonna burn in hell!
- Burn, baby, burn!
- Yo, cheer!
- Burn, baby, burn!
- Cheer!
- Burn, baby, burn!
- Cheer!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Let's go, let's get it up.
Come on! Get loud!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
- Burn, baby, burn!
- Rot in hell!
- Burn, baby, burn!
- Let's go.
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn...
Here we go.
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Ricky Dean?
Ricky Dean, is that you?
Vicki Newton.
It's been a long time.
It has.
Not since that court room
back in Limestone County.
I'll be honest uh,
I wasn't sure
if you were gonna be here.
It's my duty to be here.
Hell, I'm glad you are.
I don't reckon
I could do this alone.
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
You're not alone,
Vicki Newton.
Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn!
Let's go in there...
Burn, baby, burn...
There's nobody else here?
Not yet, ma'am.
I hope this brings you justice.
I am Warden Glenn Haskins.
Those of you here to
witness the execution
of Jakkariah Dubose Harding.
This execution
is to take place at midnight,
11 years to the day
Harding committed
these terrible crimes
in October of 1968.
The victims,
may they rest in peace,
22-year-old Michelle Vaughn,
13-year-old Carly Lee Logan,
18-year-old Beth Ann Studebaker,
39-year-old Marty Dixon,
and 22-year-old Lou Ann Newton.
State of Alabama
sentenced him to death
by electric chair.
It's customary in this state
to let the inmate say
a few final words
before he leaves this world,
but seeing how Harding
hasn't spoken a single word
since he was arrested,
I'm not holding my breath.
Let's see.
So, do you have anything to say
to the victims' families?
Just nod your head.
Are you sorry
for what you've done?
I didn't think so.
Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn in hell!
- Yeah, let him burn!
- Burn in hell!
Die, you bastard. Die!
Die! Die!
He's dead.
Justice's been served.
Hear the horn? He's dead!
He's burning in hell!
Lets go break out...
Come on!
Come on!
You're welcome
to attend the burial
if you can put up
with this weather.
They're buryin' him tonight?
Yes, ma'am.
Are there any other guards
gonna be there?
Well, no, sir. He's dead
Are you gonna go
to the gravesite?
I suppose
I should go, too, then.
Only on one condition,
you're riding with me.
Burn in hell!
Burn in hell!
Burn in hell! Burn in hell!
Burn in hell!
Burn in hell! Burn in hell!
We gotta get
to the cemetery.
They're holdin' us up, man.
Come on, people,
get out the way!
We're gonna lose them,
Ricky Dean.
Are you kidding me?
Look, get out the way!
Come on! Move!
Those people make me sick.
You mind?
No, go ahead.
You know,
it's really somethin'
that we were
the only ones there.
not a single family member
for Harding.
No sister. No brother.
No prison wife. Nothin'.
They say he was
a drifter back in '68.
No next of kin.
No friends.
The man never said
one single solitary word.
I have never seen so much fog.
There's the hearse
right there.
I've never seen fog like that.
That's not normal.
Unfortunately, there's
something evil in that fog.
Open the glove box.
I want you to lock all the doors
when I get out.
And don't open 'em
for nobody but me.
If I don't come back,
Vicki Newton,
you get over here
in this driver's side
and you drive your butt
out of here.
You're saying that you think
he's still alive, aren't you?
I know he is.
Lock the door.
Oh, no. No, no, no, no!
Do I need a cigarette?
Do I need a cigarette?
Uh, you bet your ass, I do.
Where are you,
you son of a bitch?
Show yourself, you monster!
Where you at?
Ricky Dean!
Oh, my God.
Ricky Dean?
We gotta get him.
We gotta get him.
We can't get him.
We've gotta get you
to a hospital.
No. Hackleburg.
We got to get to Hackleburg.
Ah, ah, ah
Beat the clock
Beat the clock
Come on
Beat the clock
Beat the clock
Beat it
I never say what I want...
- Morning, boss.
- Good morning, Heather.
I could never be mistaken
About you lovin' me
It's written everywhere
I don't get jealous
I never get upset
'Cause, baby
I believe in you
Shit! Shit, shit!
That game is rigged.
Rig on this, Neddy boy.
Rig on this.
That don't even make
a lick of sense, John Paul.
Not one lick.
Well, how about you
lick on this then, huh?
Oh, man, stop it!
Dang, woman.
Ain't you got any songs
we can square dance to?
You can't
square dance to this?
- Well...
- Mmm.
Let me see.
In your mind
Music isn't too loud,
is it, Uncle Deeter?
I can't even hear it, boy!
You know I'm half deaf.
Well, what y'all doin?
Goin' skinny-dippin'.
What's funny about that now?
Why are you
takin' your hat with you,
if you're goin' skinny-dippin'?
Dammit now, I don't wanna
get my head sunburnt.
Alright, alright.
Get your laughs in
at old Deeter's expense.
Yeah, y'all burnouts
must be high,
because that ain't funny.
I told you
not to smoke up my supply now!
Don't worry, Uncle Deets.
We got an abundance!
I'm just funnin' with you.
We'll be out back.
You all are welcome to join us.
Yeah, you should join us,
Uh, maybe later.
You're missing' out,
God! God dang! Alright.
Hey, y'all.
Let's go get us some grub.
How could
I ever say goodbye, love
You now.
Thank you.
- Oh, thank you, sir.
- My lady.
Come on in, y'all.
Hey, let's go!
Is that a hearse?
No, it's a Cadillac. Come on.
Slow down!
Oh, come on, slow poke.
Oh, free kittens!
Can you focus?
We're here about
Muskrat Scout cookies!
Muskrat Scout.
We know you're home!
We can see your car
in your driveway!
I got a bad feeling
about this place.
Let's go to the next one.
Listen here, you little shit.
This is why you never sell
any Scout cookies and I do.
Stop, please!
Let's go!
Where's Warden Haskins?
I'm sorry,
but he called in sick today.
That's pretty convenient
that we're sitting here
talking to his assistant
and he's not here.
So, you tell me
what the hell happened in there?
Well, obviously
the voltage wasn't set
to a high enough magnitude.
Are you kidding me?
We've seen that man get
electrocuted three damn times,
and you're gonna sit there
and come up with
that sorry excuse?
Well, how else would
you explain it, Mr. Logan?
Electrocuted men
don't just get up and walk away.
Don't you walk
your ass in there
and call the proper authorities
and the media,
and let them know
what's comin' in.
This is not a media concern.
and we will
let the authorities know
on a need-to-know basis.
Well, I tell you this.
When I get to Hackleburg,
I'll call the media.
Well, good luck on your
little crusade, Mr. Logan,
as long as you keep
the media out of this.
Because as far as
they're concerned,
Jack Dubose Harding
is resting peacefully,
6 feet under.
What are you tryin' to prove?
You tryin' to get
your other hand broke?
Or wind up dead
like them poor other fellows?
Somebody's gotta stop him,
Vicki Newton,
and that somebody is me.
Well, looks like you're gonna
need an extra set of hands.
You know what?
If you're goin',
you're goin' for the long haul,
Vicki Newton.
You know what you're doin',
You're sayin' my full name
every time
you say somethin' to me.
It's always Vicki Newton, this,
Vicki Newton, that.
Four hundred times since we've
been together, Vicki Newton.
I don't know what you mean,
- See?
- Um--
You was about to do it
right then and there.
Is there a problem?
Well, how would you like it
if I called you Ricky Dean Logan
every single time
I said somethin' to you,
Ricky Dean Logan?
How would you like that,
Ricky Dean Logan?
You know what?
I think it'd be quite nice,
Vicki Newton.
Now, come on, let's go.
Let's get out of here.
Pick something good there,
I'm starving.
Come to me slowly
So, I can see your eyes
Dang, you're the
danciest woman I ever saw.
Thank you.
Excuse you.
Well, howdy, y'all,
welcome to Bronco Burger.
My name's Heather
and I'll be
y'all's cowpoke today.
Our house specials
include the Buckin' Bronc' combo
with Bronco Soda
and Stallion Fries.
If that don't suit ya,
I can get y'all some menus
out here.
You are so precious.
Do you say that to everyone
who comes here?
Yes, ma'am, I'm supposed to.
Though I can't say
I always do it.
Just to folks
I ain't seen here before.
Oh, well,
you pegged us, honey,
'cause we ain't from round here.
Oh, yeah?
Where are y'all from?
Well, see now,
I'm just from over in Huntsville
and uh, these are my friends
from out of state.
We're stayin' over
at my Uncle Deeter's place,
just partying,
and carrying on and such.
This is my good friend uh,
Neddy the Teddy.
We call him that, 'cause he's
a big old teddy bear.
No. No. It's Ned.
Just Ned.
Nobody calls me that.
Sure, sure, Neddy Teddy.
Uh, and this looker right here
is our friend Pam the Glam,
and this bedhead
behind me is Denver.
Are you from Colorado,
'cause I've always
wanted to go there?
No, I'm from Utah.
We just call her "Denver",
'cause she loves
John Denver so much.
Oh, yeah.
Big fan.
Uh, pardon us,
we're just cuttin' up.
Uh, we're all
old college buddies from UAM.
And we just ain't been together
in quite a spell.
Well, welcome to Hackleburg.
We're glad to have ya.
Say, listen, I'll--
I'll grab y'all
a couple of menus, alright?
And uh, could you bring us
a round of that Bronco Soda.
I ain't never been to a place
that got their own sodas before.
If you like Dr. Pepper,
you'll just love it.
- Hmm.
- Comin' right up.
Okay, Bronco Soda.
Hey, she's pretty cute, huh?
Howdy doo, everybody?
- Hey, Sheriff!
- Hey, Sheriff!
War damn Seahawk.
- War damn Seahawk!
- War damn Seahawk!
What's a Seahawk?
Guys, straighten up.
He-- he's right behind us.
No, the other way.
Oh, yeah.
Hey, Sheriff,
you're awfully late today.
Had a sick cow
down at the farm this morning.
But I'm here now.
Would be here
in my office for uh,
in case anybody needs us.
You want your usual?
That'll be swell, Heather.
...started so naturally
I know that you know
But we let it to grow
To the love that we know
That's just
between you and me
I know that you know
- That you know that I know
- Look at this.
"State's oldest cat,
Glamourpuss, turns 27."
- Meow, meow, meow.
- Meow.
Meow, meow, meow!
- Meow, meow, meow.
- Meow, meow, meow.
- Oh, meow!
- Meow.
- Meow!
- Meow!
- Meow. Meow, meow, meow.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Meow, meow, meow, meow.
- Meow! Meow!
- You know.
Meow! Meow! Meow!
Meow, meow, meow, meow...
Meow, meow.
- Meow! Meow.
- Meow.
Y'all straighten up, alright?
Kick us out of here.
- Meow!
- Meow!
This is a livin' nightmare.
I'm gonna need you
to have to pinch me,
so that I know it's real.
It's real, alright,
Vicki Newton.
I'm sorry,
that's just the way I talk.
No, it's fine.
I've been afraid
something like this
would happen.
What do you mean?
Like that night, back in '68.
You know, I chased him
out of my house, right?
I remember somethin' like that.
But did you know,
Vicki Newton,
I shot him twice
with my shotgun?
And later on,
they come a telling me
I shot him with birdshot
and not buckshot.
That's bullshit, Vicki Newton!
It wasn't no birdshot,
no way in hell!
Well, what are you gettin' at?
That I shot him twice
with buckshot!
He should be dead,
but he didn't spend one night
in the hospital.
Well, if you're trying
to tell me something,
just say it!
Vicki Newton,
it's a real possibility
that this Jack Harding
isn't a man at all.
And the state of Alabama
knew that
all the way back in '68.
I-- I can't believe that.
Well, believe it,
Vicki Newton,
'cause it's true.
Well, that sure
wasn't much of a skinny dip.
I'm tired.
You're always tired.
You're even tired
when I do this.
Stop it!
What's the matter with you?
I'm not some young stallion,
you know?
If you require a--
a War Admiral, my dear,
or a Seabiscuit,
then I advise you
to head on down
to the nearest waterin' hole.
Well, you know,
I love an old horse
put out the pasture.
Oh, stop it.
Come on, Deets, my sweet,
let's go take a nap.
Now, you're speaking
my language, my dear!
And then
I'll read your horoscope
for the next three days.
Or we could go to
a Chinese restaurant
- and get some of the--
- Fortune cookies!
Fortune cookies, yeah.
I-- I love the fortune
cookies, but you--
It's all a bunch of bunk.
Honey, let me tell you
what the world is all about.
I don't know.
Don't talk about it anymore.
So, nap,
and then fortune cookies
and Ouija boards?
Well, as long as the nap
is included in that list
and at the top,
I'll do whatever you want,
my dear.
Come on, my love, it's nap time!
Just a minute.
How's your pie?
Oh, guys,
I think I'm gonna ask her out.
- We know.
- Of course you are.
And here's your change.
Uh, no keep it. Keep it.
Uh, say, what are you doing
later tonight?
Uh, just watchin' the game
with my daddy.
Oh, how nice.
Yeah, we watch this one
and the Birmingham Bowl together
every year.
- It's good luck.
- Oh.
Well, say, that's too bad.
Uh, I was gonna invite you over
to my Uncle Deeter's place
to uh, watch the game with us.
Uh... I guess I can always
do something
with my daddy tomorrow.
Alright. See?
That's the spirit!
Uh, let me
write down the address for you.
High rollers
And boogie wheels
Alright. See you at kickoff?
You can count on me.
See you there, then.
Oh, yeah. See ya. Oh, yeah!
Oh, yeah!
I haven't skated
Since I was 10
It's so great
To do it all again
High rollers
Well, howdy, Mr. Policeman?
it's Sheriff actually, hon.
Oh, howdy, Sheriff.
High rollers
I like your pajamas
Thank you.
I like your Sheriff's suit.
Oh, thank you.
I designed it myself.
Bye-bye, Sheriff.
Skate, skate, skate, skate
Out on the street
Or by the beach
People skate everywhere
I think Denver's got
a date, too.
Somebody's gettin'
arrested tonight.
Hey, I'll pump.
Go on in and you get us
some cold drinks.
Um, anything in particular?
Uh, something cold,
something sweet.
I'll surprise you.
Oh, okay.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, here.
- No, come on.
- Yeah.
I won't have it any other way.
Howdy, ma'am?
This is one mighty nice ride
you've got here.
It sure is. It sure is.
That's a '73 I think, isn't it?
I'm Eugene.
Uh, what's your name?
Hi, I'm Vicki.
Vicki. Vicki.
Nice to meet you, Vicki.
Yeah, that's a sweet name there.
I tell you what?
It's not every day
you see such a pretty lady
drivin' such a pretty car.
Well, I reckon
that's 'cause it ain't my car.
- It's not, eh?
- It's my friend's.
Is it? Your friend?
You got a friend?
Two ice cold drinks.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
This here fellow
was just complimentin' your car.
Oh, yeah?
Ah. Ricky Dean Logan.
I ain't shakin' your hand,
You don't know where you are,
do you?
Just outside Cullman, I guess.
Yeah, well,
that's exactly right.
Meanin' you got
one hell of a nerve
showin' up here, son.
We don't tolerate
your kind here.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
My kind.
And what kind is that?
I'll tell you
exactly what kind.
Hold up. Hold up. Wait.
Kinda soothes your soul
a little bit.
You know what?
I just figured out what it was
while I was drinkin' my drink.
It-- it-- it was this
Church of Christ bumper sticker,
wasn't it?
I see it.
Now, you know,
you folk in Cullman
don't like Church of Christ.
That's it!
The whole side
of my daddy's family
is Church of Christ,
I'll have you know.
No, that ain't it!
We allow them!
I know what it is.
It's the Alabama-Mobile
bumper sticker
and you are a Tennessee A&M fan.
Tennessee A&M? Hell no!
Look at-- look at my hat!
I'm the biggest
Seahawk supporter around here.
You can ask anybody.
Then sir,
I'm strugglin' hard to find out
what it could possibly be
that you don't like about me,
considering we just
laid eyes on each other
for the first time.
I'll tell you exactly
what it is that I don't like.
No, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no!
I know what it is.
You think that Trent Thompson
should be first string tailback
at AMU over my son Lucky Henry.
Lucky Henry is your son?
Oh, I-- I didn't know
Lucky Henry was your boy.
That-- Luck--
Lucky Henry is
one of my favorite athletes!
Then what could it
possibly be about me
that you don't like, mister?
Uh, it uh, I-- I--
I guess I just mistook you
for somebody else.
Alright, then.
It was good chatting with you,
but we gotta hit the road
if we're gonna make it down
to Mobile before kickoff.
You know what that man
was tryin' to do
when he started talkin' to me,
Complimentin' this
damn fine automobile.
No. He was complimentin' me.
Which in theory, there ain't
nothing wrong with that.
And I know it ain't the same,
but he would've acted
just as ugly to me
if I hadn't acted kindly
to his advances.
Newsflash, Vicki Newton.
If you had been a black lady,
he would've tried to run
your ass straight out of town
and not back to his bedroom.
I know it ain't the same.
Still ain't no fun
havin' men prey on you
like you're some sort of object
and then just discard you
when you're not interested in
what they're after.
Hell, since I know
where you kept your gun,
I-- I -- I had mind
to just whip it out
and point it
at that son-of-a-bitch.
I-- I-- I might've
accidentally shot the fucker
and when the cops came in,
I would just say,
"Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm just a dumb old woman.
I didn't know
how to use the thing."
Hey, I've done been
to one execution.
I can't take yours, too!
Y'all, I'm gonna need me a nap
if I'm gonna be
worth a darn tonight.
Oh, yeah,
I could go for a nap.
He only has eyes
for Bronco Burger waitresses.
Well, I don't
wanna sleep with you.
Just nap.
There is a big dang difference.
Okay. It's okay.
I could nap.
Well, come on in, Neddy Teddy.
I'll nap with you any old day.
Denver, nap time.
Nap time. Nap time.
Nap time. Nap time. Nap time.
Well, I ain't even tired!
Denver, babe, my nose hurts
just lookin' at you.
You know, sleep
is just as important as water,
which I haven't
seen you drink at all
since we've been here.
All I'm sayin' is
that maybe you might need--
Meow, meow, meow.
Meow, meow, meow. Meow.
Meow, meow, meow.
Meow, meow,
meow, meow, meow...
What the fuck?
Alright, nap time.
Meow, meow, meow, meow,
meow, meow, meow, meow.
Meow, meow, meow,
meow, meow, meow.
Meow, meow, meow, meow,
meow, meow, meow, meow, meow,
meow, meow, meow, meow, meow,
meow, meow, meow, meow, meow,
meow, meow, meow, meow, meow.
Meow, meow, meow, meow.
Pretty good.
I knew you'd like this place.
- Yeah.
- Glad we came.
Um, excuse me,
I'm lookin' for the sheriff.
He's right over there.
Well, I reckon
you could say that.
I've been called much worse.
Sheriff Toliver Shanks.
Ricky Dean Logan.
This here is Vicki Newton.
What can I do
for you folks today?
Well, we're gonna need
to sit down for this one.
Oh, please.
I see you uh,
heard about the execution?
Yep, read all about it.
Uh, said it went off
without a hitch.
Said the Yellow Mama
took Harding out of this world.
I'm sorry,
but we have some really
disheartenin' news to tell you.
Well, howdy, y'all,
welcome to Bronco Burger.
My name's Heather
and I'll be your cowpoke today.
Our house special includes
the Buckin' Bronc' combo
with Bronco Soda
and Stallion Fries.
If that don't interest you,
I can get you
some menus out here.
I am starvin'.
Well, well um, get us
two of the house specials.
And can you get us
some Coca Colas
instead of whatever else
that was you said.
You got it. Comin' right up.
Can I get you anything else,
I'm good for now, hon.
Sheriff Shanks,
we were at that
execution last night.
And despite of what you
might be readin' in that paper,
that monster's
still walkin' this Earth.
And I believe he's
right here in Hackleburg.
Last night,
he got up out of his coffin,
and he killed three people,
and broke my goddamn hand.
It's true.
I saw it with my own two eyes.
He stole that hearse
that they were carryin'
his body in
and he took off in it.
Oh, man.
Y'all pullin' old
Sheriff Shanks' leg, aren't you?
Who put you up to this?
Sheriff Craven over in Sonoma?
Dammit, Sheriff!
This is the real deal!
Two Coca Colas.
Thanks, hon.
Y'all seriously
expect me to believe
that old Jakkariah Harding
took a ride on the Yellow Mama,
and then just
dusted hisself off,
and walked right out of
his own damn grave?
Don't call him by that name.
This isn't is a man,
Sheriff Shanks.
This is a monster!
Listen, if Dracula name
was Phillip Tankersley,
you wouldn't say,
"There goes Phillip,
drinkin' some blood."
Nobody's ever seen Wolfman
running at him and said,
"Oh, hey. there goes
old Larry Talbot."
Do you believe in
Wolfman and Dracula?
Ricky Dean,
just take a sip of soda.
Sheriff, look,
I know it sounds crazy.
And I-- I wouldn't have
believed it either.
But I did see it.
Ricky Dean is lucky to be alive.
What does it hurt
if you would just believe us?
I reckon it wouldn't do
no harm to contact my boys
and tell them
to keep their eyes
on the lookout
for old black hearse.
Good luck's on your side,
Ricky Dean Logan.
If they left us alone now
Would we cry
Or would we feel
The same as we do
Na, na, na, na
Could you leave me alone now
Could you find in your heart
The strength to be true
Na, na, na, na
It's seems to me
You better lead
Your life alone
You better go
So if we're alone now
I can make you understand
What I try to say
Na, na, na, na
You can understand me
If you don't understand
Yourself or your heart
Na, na, na, na
Yeah, screw this.
It seems to me
You better lead
Your life alone
You better go home
If they left us alone now
Could I tell you how I feel,
I'm leaving your life
Na, na, na, na
If they left us alone now
Could I make understand
what I try to say
Na, na, na, na
It seems to me
You better lead
Your life alone
You better go home
If they left us alone now
So if we're alone now
If they left us alone now
So if we're alone now
If they left us alone now
So if we're alone now
Someday walking
Next to you, baby
With steps so strong
And true always
I'll stay with you forever
Here's the city limits.
And that's farmland
as far as the eye can see.
All right,
I'm out of here, y'all.
Headed home?
Yes, sir.
All right.
Well, come over here.
You can't leave without this.
Here's your tip.
Ah. Thank you.
I hope you figure out
whatever it is
you're working on.
Listen, there may be
a bad man out in town tonight.
So if you see a black hearse
riding around,
just steer clear.
- Hear me?
- Oh, yes, ma'am.
That is one of my guiding
principles, anyway.
If I see your hearse coming,
I go in the other direction.
Well, you know what?
If you do that,
you'll be just fine.
And be safe, Heather.
- All right, y'all too.
- All right.
Now I'm gonna head out
to West Hackleburg,
make some rounds.
You all hit the east side
and then we'll meet back here
in a couple hours.
Now, if you need to get
in contact with me, call 911
and have 'em
patch through to my radio.
All right.
I appreciate that, Sheriff.
For this evening's lead story,
Alabama officials are planning
to fast track more executions
after last night's successful
revival of the Yellow Mama.
But first, Gunnar Hansen has
more details about today's--
Daddy, what are you doing?
Getting ready for Halloween.
Hey, you better go
get changed for the game.
Kickoff starts in
a little while.
Okay, daddy,
don't get upset with me,
but I kind of sort of made
other plans tonight.
Other plans with who?
A boy named John Paul.
Oh. Right.
John Paul.
Do-- do I know John Paul?
Oh, I just met him
today at work.
You sure that's wise?
I mean, he--
he could be Ted Bundy. Right?
I'm just saying.
John Paul?
Well, he's real nice.
I think you'd like him.
And it's just gonna
be a group thing.
We're just gonna watch the game
with him and his friends.
Are you-- are you asking?
No, Daddy,
I'm-- I'm telling you.
Fair enough. All right.
Then it's me
and Mr. Bones today.
I'm sure
he'll bring us good luck.
I'm sure he will, Daddy.
Nothing over here.
Anything on your side?
But when I see something,
you'll be the first one to know,
Vicki Newton.
...Alabama and Tennessee,
there is none bigger than this.
If you're from Alabama,
you're Mobile golden and green.
All right, boys, come on!
Come on!
Let's see some action.
I know, I need a win.
I would like to
introduce y'all
to Count War Damn Deeter!
I'm kidding, Bobbi Jo. I'm--
God, lighten up.
It's a game, come on.
Oh, hey, that must be Heather.
- How do I look?
- Groovy.
I look all right.
I dig it.
There's my boy, look.
Did you have any trouble
finding the place?
No, no.
I really liked your driveway.
Oh. Uh, thanks.
Uncle Deeter is thinking
about having it paved, so.
Oh, yeah. He should--
he should do that.
Uh, by the way, Uncle Deeter
is quite a character.
So, I just kinda wanna give you
a heads up on that.
Hey, everybody, this is Heather.
Heather, this is the gang.
Hey, girl.
Come, sit down.
Milton Deeter, my dear.
Pleasure to meet you.
I'm Bobbi Jo,
Milton's girlfriend.
And Bobbi Jo and I
are retiring to our room
for the evening.
Oh, no,
come on, Deets, hang out.
It's a party.
It's your house.
I guess we could sit
for a spell.
Hey, kid, still got
any of that coke?
Sure do.
Right here.
Right answer
to the right question.
It's in this little box here.
Perfect. Perfect.
Ooh, yeah. Oh yeah.
I do not have any Pepsi
to offer you, my dear.
- But would you like some coke?
- Uh...
You ain't got to do anything
that you don't wanna, you hear?
Uh, reckon
I'll just hold off for now.
At least till I make sure y'all
aren't a bunch of Ted Bundys.
Cute and wise.
Shit, guys.
Where's Denver?
She's probably down
at the swimming hole.
That's one complicated girl.
Still trying to wrap my mind
around the many interwoven
layers to which she possesses.
Well, you know, personally,
I think she's a damn idiot.
- Hey.
- But, hey, I like damn idiots.
I'm a damn idiot.
Me too. Me too.
Well, I know that
Neddy Teddy, Pam the Glam.
You ain't got to tell me.
Meow! Meow! Meow!
Ugh, shit!
We're off and running.
Meow! Meow!
- Meow! Meow! Meow!
- Meow! Meow! Meow!
- Meow! Meow!
- Meow! Meow!
- Meow! Meow! Meow!
- Meow! Meow! Meow!
Woof, woof, woof!
Woof, woof, woof!
Bobbi Jo!
Stop that.
You're embarrassing me.
I'm tired tonight, gang.
You need to get some shut eye?
I can't get enough of it
these days, I swear.
You see that cut?
Oh, yeah?
What'd you do to yourself?
When I woke up from my nap,
I was bleeding profusely.
Well, hell, Uncle Deeter.
You must have done something.
Napping, my boy?
Merely napping.
Unexplainable things
happen in this house.
Unexplainable things to which
you will become accustomed
if you stay long enough.
Come, my lady.
We will now retire to our room.
Bye, Heather.
War damn Seahawk!
- War damn Seahawk!
- War damn Seahawk!
I think I wanna rouse Denver.
I'm getting worried.
Man, she's fine.
She's a grown woman.
Just watch the game.
Uh, I don't know.
I'm getting concerned.
Come on, look,
go, go, go, go, go!
Yes! Oh!
- Woah!
- That's what I'm talking about.
Best game we're playing.
Denver, you up there?
It's Neddy.
Where are you?
- Yes, yes, yes!
- Yes!
Oh my gosh!
I knew.
I told you!
That's good, that's good.
Oh, geez, Denver.
Where are you?
Denver, you down here?
Surely you're not down here,
Denver. It's Neddy.
What the hell is that?
John Paul.
This house is haunted, man!
Oh, yeah.
You got ghost.
Chinese checker-playing ghost.
Seahawks on the prowl tonight!
Come on! Hey!
At this rate,
it's gonna take a week
to find that hearse.
That's if he's even out there.
I have no doubt
he's out there, Vicki Newton.
We just haven't been looking
in all the right places
just yet.
But he'll show up.
I'm telling you.
Welcome to Bronco Burger.
I'm Amy.
I'll be your cowpoke tonight.
Um, we have a few specials.
Hey, just give us two
Coca-Colas, please.
- Two?
- Oh, and hey,
- where's the lady's room?
- Oh, just around the corner.
Who wants a deluxe
Bronco Burger?
- Me.
- Me.
Well, guess who's not
getting jack crap?
Not at least till you tell me
the God's honest truth about
what really happened today.
But mom, we've already
told you this story like,
50 bajillion times.
Yeah. He looked like this.
You told me the same lie
50 bajillion times.
I don't want to hear any more
bullshit about a monster man
in a hearse.
I want to hear the real reason
you ended up at that hospital
all damn day.
- Ma'am, did you say hearse?
- Yes, I did.
Ricky Dean,
get your ass over here.
Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Where are you? Stop him!
What are you doing?
Get-- get there!
What is going-- come on, y'all!
Come on!
Why are we playing
like this today?
C-- catch him!
Uh, say,
you wanna take a little walk?
There's a nice little
path out back.
I thought I was here
to watch the game.
Oh, well, I mean, it's--
you know, it's pretty stressful.
Maybe it we'd benefit
from stretching our legs
a little bit
and getting some fresh air.
Hmm. Maybe at half time.
Yeah, half time.
Oh, sack him!
- What is this?
- Yes!
- Yes!
- Yeah!
We'll return to
Biford Griffin Stadium
after this commercial break.
Howdy Hackleburgians,
it's your old pal Hank
lettin' ya know about
a very special sale
we got goin' on this weekend.
All weekend long is our
Christmas on the Third Saturday
in October weekend sale.
Tell me, what do you make
of that man there?
Hank or Hank's Good Stuff.
I don't know.
Seems like a real strong guy.
Kind of sexy.
Bobbi Jo, that man
does not care one iota
for the company of a woman.
- We're cheap!
- We're cheap!
- And we've been naughty!
- And we've been naughty!
And garsh, so have I!
Could've fooled me with
all those floozies around him.
It's all a ruse.
He desperately wants to appear
masculine in order to fit in
to the social structure
of Hackleburg.
Well, aren't you
the smartest thing?
Kind of like when you told me
about those little boys
wanting to diddle their mamas.
Oedipus complex.
Go on.
Yeah, you said the little boys
wanted to kill their daddies
and have their mamas
all to themselves.
You do listen to me.
Of course I do.
That's how I know I got me
an Electra complex.
That doesn't scare me at all.
Cause I get to
live it out through you.
You're not thinking about
jock straps anymore, are you?
Maybe after the game
we turn the lights down.
Watch a Fellini flick
or something?
That sounds great.
Hold that thought
while I go slip on
something more comfortable.
Happy third Saturday in October.
Dracula, a love story
of horrific proportions
It won't take long.
I'll only miss
a couple of series.
...found in Transylvania's
infamous resident,
Green Dracula.
I think I need
your help in here.
I seemed to have
misplaced my clothes.
hold on one second, baby.
I'll be there soon.
Bobbi Jo, you get in here.
Now, baby.
I said I'll be there
in a minute.
Be patient.
you better hurry.
The time is nigh.
Bobby Jo.
You need to
calm down in there.
Don't finish before
I get in there.
I hope you're ready for me.
What are you doing in here?
My butt shaking
like I said it would, babe.
You're not even
gonna look at me?
Okay. Well, I guess you're
playing hard to get.
Just how hard are you?
Just like I like it.
Oh my God!
Coach Redd,
you're winning the game
by a touchdown,
but Tennessee A&M came
awfully close to tying it up
after that last drive.
What do you need to do
to slow 'em down?
We're lucky to be
in the ball game right now.
I'll tell you what,
the boys are playing like
a steaming pile of dog shit,
pardon my French.
If we don't start playing
some Mobile football
in the second half, we're gonna
get our asses handed to us.
He's right.
They're gonna get killed
if they keep playing like this.
It's 'cause I'm not watching
the game with my daddy.
It's bad luck if we don't
watch it together.
John Paul,
you better tell your friend
to take her ass home.
I cannot take the loss
to A&M tonight.
Hey, I'll go down there
and whoop Coach Redd myself
if we get beat.
Perfect time for a walk, I say.
All right.
Walk never hurt nobody,
I reckon.
- Hmm.
- Man, this party is a drag.
Where the hell is everybody?
You don't think
Denver and Ned.
Dancing Denver
and Neddy the teddy?
Hey, I don't know.
They're both pretty far out.
I'm just saying.
Mmm. No. Yep. Right.
Meow! Meow! Meow!
Meow, meow!
Meow, meow, meow!
- Meow.
- Meow, meow, meow!
We'll be back.
All right.
Don't get lost.
I got that--
Mm. Dancing Denver
and Neddy the teddy.
Maybe in his wildest dreams.
How close are we,
Vicki Newton?
It looks like we still
have a good 10 miles to go.
Ten miles? Damn!
We should have called
Sheriff Shanks
before we drove on out of there.
Everything we need
to handle that monster
is in the trunk of this car.
When I get him on the ground,
you just be ready
with what's in the trunk.
Can't stay out here too long.
I want to finish watching
that football game.
No, we're just gonna
stretch our legs a little bit.
So you didn't uh,
grow up here?
No, but I spent
a lot of time here.
You know, I'm sure shocked
that we ain't never met before.
Well, I'm sure glad you walked
into my Bronco Burger today.
Yeah, I am, too.
You know, I think there was
something in those Bronco sodas.
Well, yeah.
I mean, I really liked
their odds this year.
I mean, I think they're
gonna repeat.
Yeah, but their defense isn't
as great as it was last year.
Well, yeah.
Hey, John Paul.
What's that?
Where did that come from?
It's a hearse.
Well, I know that.
I just don't know
where it came from.
It's not y'alls?
I've never seen it
before in my life.
I was warned today
about a hearse.
I was told if I saw one,
I should steer clear of it.
What, you're superstitious?
I left my keys inside.
I thi-- I think I ought
to grab them and go.
Hey, listen, I'll ask the gang
if they know about it.
Uh, we'll figure this out.
These folks, they--
they came into
Bronco Burger today.
They're the ones that warned me.
They-- they were
talking about that--
that killer that got executed.
Jakkariah Harding.
Yeah, he's dead.
You think he's got something
to do with this hearse?
And broke my goddamn hand.
What did he say before that?
Hey, hey, hold on.
Hey, can you just explain
to me what's going on?
Why are all the lights off?
Oh, there ain't no tellin'.
Well, hey, it's probably just
a fuse or something.
We'll get in here
and switch that fuse out.
We'll be watching the game
in no time, all right?
Nothing to worry about.
Hey, they're probably just
goofing off in here
or something.
Oh, they're just joking.
Hey, why y'all sitting
in the dark?
what's going on, y'all?
John Paul,
get away from there!
Joke's over.
Wake up, everybody.
Hey, everybody, wake up. Hey!
Hey, monster, remember me?
Vicki Newton, Vicki Newton
get your ass in here.
Oh my God.
Ah, oh my God.
Bronco Burger Heather?
Hey, hey, hey,
Vicki Newton here.
Vicki Newton here.
Everything is gonna be okay.
All right, hon?
Nightmare is over.
It's over! It's over.
The nightmare is over.
It's okay.
It's gonna be okay.
It's all right.
It's all right.
Hey, hey, it's all right.
Come on. Sit down.
Come on.
It's all right.
This is what you deserve,
It's a goddamn nightmare
in there.
Come on back here, Ricky Dean.
I wanna go home.
I wanna see my daddy.
No, no, hon.
You need to stay here.
The cops are gonna
want to talk to you.
Let her go home.
To be with her daddy.
She's one of the lucky ones.
Hey, hey, come on.
You're all right?
We're together now come on.
It's all right.
It's been a long night.
But at least we did
one thing that's right.
Hey, you did what you
came here to do.
You got him.
After all this time,
you got him.
I'm gonna go call the law.
Ooh, shopping at night
Shadows rise
...Come on down to
Hank's Good Stuff...
Ricky Dean!
He's in the damn car!
How do you know?
I just know it, Vicki Newton!
I know it!
I can feel it!
Then she's dead already.
He's just using her to get away.
He's going where she's going
and then he's gonna kill her,
so he could throw it
in my damn face.
- Think, um...
- Think, think.
How can we find her?
- You remember her name?
- Heather.
But I don't know her last name.
- But--
- Come on, come on!
She works at
the Bronco Burger.
That's it, that's it.
You're welcome so much.
Bronco Burger.
This is Amy.
This is gonna be
a very weird conversation.
But I just need you
to go with it
- and not ask any questions.
- Okay.
You know the girl who works
the day shift, Heather?
Yeah, you're talking
about Heather Hill.
Hill? Okay, good. Good.
Uh, where does
Heather Hill live?
Um, I'm not sure
I'm supposed to be giving out
that kind of information.
If you don't tell me
where Heather Hill lives,
she's as good as dead.
Um, excuse me,
who here knows where
Heather Hill lives?
Who wants to know?
I'm sorry, lady.
Nobody here knows
where Heather Hill lives.
Damn it.
Nobody knows where she lives.
Okay, I got an idea.
Call Bronco Burger back,
Vicki Newton.
Call 'em back!
Bronco Burger.
Yes, um, I'm doing
a follow-up question
on Heather Hill.
Hey, is this
some kind of a joke?
Listen, I just need you
to ask everyone there.
Does anyone know who
Heather Hill's daddy is?
Y'all know who
Heather Hill's daddy is?
You're talking about
old Barry Hill.
Yeah, I know that
son-of-a-bitch, good old boy.
His name is Barry Hill.
Look in that damn phone book
and find Barry Hill.
And you're right, partner,
this is the moment of truth.
They can take their
first lead of the night
With a touchdown on this drive,
but if you're gonna
make it happen,
you better do it now.
If he's gonna take the ball
himself on a QB keeper,
this is what makes the
thunder and lightning approach
of Alabama Mobile's
running game's
so tough to defend.
Gotta give all credit...
Patrick pitches to Lucky Henry
and here he goes.
Oh! What a move to
stay on his feet.
Here goes Lucky
breaking away now
and he's gonna barrel down
to his own 35 yard line.
Listen to this
crowd come to life.
- War damn Seahawk.
- War damn Seahawk.
Oh, come on now.
- Hey, old timer.
- Howdy, Barry.
Hey, you know uh, Bethany?
Oh, Bethany, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
Thank you.
Got quite a game going on,
don't we?
Oh, you tell me.
You know, you mighty popular
around here tonight.
How's that?
Somebody called up here
asking about you.
And your daughter.
Do what now?
Yeah, some folks
called up here saying
Heather Hill was
as good as dead.
I don't know.
I couldn't make any sense of it.
They say who they were?
I didn't get any names.
Look, order something,
anything you want now.
I'll be right back.
- Where are you going?
- I gotta check on my daughter.
Good luck, Barry.
I'm real lucky.
Heather Hill!
Ricky Dean Logan here.
I don't need you to
ask me any questions.
I just need you to do
what I fucking tell you to do,
- okay, sweetheart?
- Okay.
Get your ass
out the goddamn house now!
No! No.
No! No! No, no!
No! No! No!
No! No! No, no!
Meet my daddy, motherfucker!
Son of a bitch!
Son of a bitch!
Heather, the gun case!
I don't know the combination.
Ugh, damn!
Okay, okay.
Son of a bitch.
Get up! Get up!
Get out of my house!
Stay behind me, sweetie.
You're just gonna have
to trust me, Daddy.
Shoot him!
I trust you, honey!
Shoot him!
Shoot him again!
What the hell?
Get out of the house.
I know you think
he's dead, Daddy,
but you gotta watch him.
Where the hell is he?
He's in there on the floor
and he's dead.
Thank God!
Oh God!
You're okay.
Heather, what happened?
My daddy.
He saved me.
Of course.
That's what daddies are for.
that son-of-a-bitch is gone.
I mean, virtually vanished.
Don't be concerned though.
He can't get too far.
I'm on his trail.
I want y'all to meet my daddy.
Hey, Daddy.
These are the people
that helped saved me tonight.
Barry Hill.
Pleasure to meet you.
Ricky Dean Logan, sir.
And that's my friend,
Vicki Newton.
Ms. Newton.
I want to thank y'all for
looking out for my little girl.
You got something
special there, sir.
I think so.
Did I hear him say that that
man in there got up and left?
How is that possible?
He isn't a man.
He's a monster.
Mr. Hill,
I got a story to tell you,
if you got time to listen.
It's been a long night.
I wish somebody would tell me
what the hell
is going on around here.