The Throwback (2024) Movie Script

It's you
that determines how you feel.
Tell yourself, I have
control over how I feel.
I choose to feel peace.
I have control over how I feel.
I choose to feel peace.
- I choose to feel peace.
- I have control
over how I feel.
I choose to feel peace.
Mom, what
are you doing?
I'm busy! Go bother your dad!
I have control over how I feel.
I choose to feel peace.
I have control over how I feel.
I choose to feel peace.
I'm in the bathroom!
Jordi, give me a minute!
Give me an f-ing minute!
I have control over how I feel.
I have control over how I feel.
I choose to feel peace.
Dad! Mom's locked
herself in the closet again!
I have control over how I feel.
I choose to feel peace.
Yeah, I'm just thinking
for the first meeting,
we just go over last
year's Christmas festival.
You know, we see
how we could improve it.
Wait, hold on.
Jordi, turn that down!
I'm trying to simulate real
life combat situations, Mom!
Unless you want a real life
combat situation on your butt,
turn that crap down!
I can't believe you're
not letting me go.
How come all my friends get to
go paintballing except for me?
You see I'm on the
phone, right? Shh.
I'm asking Dad.
I'm busy, talk to your mom.
Yes. You know, listen,
we really have to make sure
that we keep these meetings
short and focused.
You know, they have a tendency
to turn into therapy sessions.
Wait, hold up.
- Guys!
- Almost got me there.
What are you doing? No
playing football in the house!
We're not playing football.
We're trying to see who
gets hit in the nuts first.
Okay. Brilliant. Okay.
Did we talk about sponsors?
I can always ask Matt's
agency to sponsor us again.
Yeah, that's not a problem.
Felicia, can I call you back?
All right, bye.
Everyone gets to go except me!
So unfair, Mom!
Well, get used to it, kid.
Life's full of disappointments.
Hey! What's going on out here?
I'm working on something
really important in there.
Yeah, I'm working on
something important, too.
Like the trash.
You know, dinner. Laundry.
Can you just do
something with them?
Hey, Dad. Let's go
throw the football.
Ah, yeah. I'd love to, bud.
But I got this big meeting
I'm getting ready for.
- How about tomorrow?
- You always say that.
How's Jordi gonna get
better if we don't practice?
You're the one who
sucks f-ing balls.
Jordy, what have I told
you about that word?
It's a letter, Mom.
You should know.
You say it all the time.
Hey, Zach! Suck on this!
Oh! Oh! Ah! Ah!
Oh, you okay?
Mm! Ah!
Now they're up there.
You wanna go
grab me a bag of blueberries
out of the freezer?
Ah, get it? Blueberries.
They're slowly killing me.
Yeah, I can feel it.
Come on, they're
just being kids.
You'll be okay.
Would you like another ice pack?
This was a direct shot.
Managed to get
both of them and it.
The whole package.
The horror.
Here are the white gloves.
Hey, you do the dishes
a few nights in a row
and see how your hands feel.
The gloves absorb the
moisture from the lotion.
Tuesday night. I almost forgot.
Well, you set the reminder.
What do you say?
Well, let's make it fast.
I'm exhausted.
Has that ever been
a problem before?
And I have to be on top
because if my head hits
the pillow, it's a done deal.
Okay, that's a wonderful
vote of confidence.
Thanks, babe.
Oh, can I keep my
shirt on? It's so cold.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Of course, actually.
It's nice of you to ask.
I'm leaving mine on.
You sure you can't
take off the gloves?
I always feel like I'm messing
around with Mickey's girl.
Who's even capable
of such a horrible thing?
Goofy, probably, right?
You're an idiot.
What? What? What?
- What happened?
- What is that?
Oh, it's the medicine for
my ear, for the dermatitis.
- Ah!
- Is it bad?
- Yeah!
- Okay.
Oh, my, okay.
- I'll try to check it out.
- My tongue's a little numb.
- It's gone.
- Yeah.
Alright. No,
it's fine, it's fine.
- It's fine? Okay.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, you know what?
You know what?
Oh, shh. Yes.
Don't forget the sponsor check
for the Christmas festival.
That's what you're
thinking about?
No. No, I'm not.
It's just we have our
first meeting this week.
Um, I'm a mom.
Yeah, sorry. I multitask.
You want to just take a
rain check on sex night?
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Is everything okay?
- Yeah, it's fine.
It's just, you know,
usual work stuff.
I got a meeting
with Terry tomorrow
on some new account.
Why don't you just leave
and do your own thing?
It's what you've
always wanted to do.
Mortgage, tuitions,
car payments, white gloves.
I'm just saying,
we would find a
way to make it work.
Do you ever miss
the way it used to be?
No stress from
work, no kids fighting,
sex anytime we wanted it.
I'm gonna be honest.
I don't even remember that way.
Oh God. You know, Matt,
Matt, can you grab my...
- I got it.
- Hey Jordi...
We need everything. Listen,
don't forget to pick up the
boys from football practice.
I can't. I'm gonna have to
stay late at the office today.
- Okay? No, I know.
- Matt.
No, but you said you would
throw the football today.
I promise tomorrow. Tomorrow.
Yoo hoo!
- I'm outta here.
- Yoo hoo!
Guys, come on, let's go!
Come on, come on.
Get in the car.
- Kate!
- Oh, Jesus.
Kate, I am so glad I caught you.
Okay. Ira and I are going
out of town tomorrow
for our anniversary,
and I was wondering if you
could keep an eye on the house.
Now, Shay is gonna be there, but
you know how college kids are.
Of course, safe travels.
Hey, I want to ask you,
how is Shay doing
at the bank so far?
You know, and thank you,
again, so much for hiring her.
She needs to know there's more
to life than that phone. Right?
She's great, she's great.
But I really have to go to
school. I gotta get going.
- You know, you know what?
- Uh huh.
Finally getting
away to Key West.
Oh, wow.
Do you know
I've never been?
I have lived my
whole life in Florida.
- I've never been to Key West.
- Oh!
I know.
Well, I'm sure you guys will
have a lovely time together.
You know we're... Guys,
where are you going?
No, no.
Come on.
Oh, you know what? We're
actually not going together.
I'm going to go to Key
West with a girlfriend,
and Ira is going to
Arizona to play a little golf.
That's our anniversary
gift to each other.
- Oh.
- Oh.
Sorry, mom.
- Oh my God.
- I have some accuracy issues.
Get in the car. Get in the car!
Okay. They're
just... okay. Yeah.
They're really adorable.
Yeah, they are really adorable.
- Have a good day, all right?
- Okay.
I think they just prefer
doing their own thing.
Like they're actually happier.
Ever since they started
sleeping in their own rooms.
Dad's snoring.
It's cool though.
Whatever works.
Okay, I think your drawer
is actually balanced now.
So the key is to, uh,
to spend less time
on your phone.
So you actually enter
the right amounts
when you complete a transaction.
See, I never had this kind of
distraction when I was your age.
So my drawer was
always balanced.
I was just checking my DMs.
I'm almost at 10,000
Instagram followers.
Why? You have 10,000 friends?
Oh, no, no, no.
I don't know them all. I just...
I'm trying to get to a million
because that's when
you become legit,
you know?
That's how you...
that's how you become legit?
Having a million people
follow you, you don't know?
Yeah, I mean I don't really want
to work at a bank my whole life.
Oh my gosh, I'm
so sorry. I'm sorry.
No, I didn't mean it.
No, Shay, it's fine,
honey. It's fine.
It's... it's so fine.
You're just better at it
than I am. That's all I meant.
It's all good, babe. All good.
All the money in that bag.
Please, just don't hurt anybody.
Come on! Jesus!
Yeah, sorry. I'm sorry.
Mrs. Morgan?
Mrs. Morgan?
Mrs. Morgan?
Mrs. Morgan?
As you may have heard,
Bayshore Foods is
shopping agencies.
It's the first time in 70
years they've looked for
outside help with
their advertising.
Uh, no, I think
we're good. Thanks.
Yes, Charles?
I love their yellow rice.
My grandmother used to
chop little hot dogs with it
and add ketchup to it and
crumble potato chips on it.
It gave me this real
severe and brutal diarrhea.
Um, but...
probably the hot sauce.
But it was so worth it.
they're looking to attract a
younger generation of consumers.
Oh yes, they want to be
the young, hip food brand.
And we're going
to show them how.
I want you two on the account.
Yes, absolutely.
Actually, you know what?
I'll take some of your
I don't need to tell you
how important having
a national account
like Bayshore
Foods is for this...
- Stop.
It's like human urine.
Anyway, we have to be very
smart on how we approach this.
I totally agree.
Good. Because I'm
going to let Rick Steadman
and his team come up
with some ideas as well.
I know this may be
somewhat displeasing to you,
but let's just take a moment,
close our eyes, and breathe.
In through the nose...
...out through the mouth.
Terry, I'm sorry, if I may...
No, this doesn't mean that
this won't be your account.
As a matter of fact,
I'm rooting for you.
I'm rooting that you somehow
find your creativity again.
After such a long, long...
long dry spell.
And we're breathing.
Grateful that the universe
has given us Rick Stedman
and his seemingly
endless supply of creativity
and an abundance of good looks.
In through the nose...
out through the mouth.
Do you feel as centered as I am?
Are you kidding?
Did you not see what
just happened in there?
We're finished.
She's completely
lost faith in us.
I didn't take that
as an us thing.
It's definitely a you thing.
You know what? She's
probably just being smart.
I mean, I haven't exactly
been killing it lately
or over the past little while.
Oh, no. Stop that.
You used to carry this agency
and you'll get back there again.
Hey, you know what?
- We're gonna win this account.
- You think so?
I have all the
faith in the world,
but just in case,
can you write me a good
recommendation on LinkedIn?
Something that talks about
what a great designer I am?
Hello, gents.
How are we this morning?
- Doing good. Pretty good. You?
- Good.
Sounds like we've got a bit of
competition between us, huh?
Thrilled for the opportunity.
I've got so many ideas that
I don't know where to start.
Yeah, yeah, us too.
So... so many ideas.
Hey, let me ask you something.
Uh, how long have you
known about this account?
Uh, Terry chatted with
me about it just last week.
- Right.
- How about you guys?
- Yeah, last week.
- Just now.
Years ago, man.
Well, best of luck to you gents.
You're gonna need it.
Yeah, I liked him a whole lot
better when he was my intern.
Why are Europeans so sexy, man?
Gotta love him.
Oh shit.
They're finally in bed.
Man, what I wouldn't give
for limitless energy like that.
They're like Motley Crue
with Fruit Roll Ups
instead of drugs.
Anyway, I dosed them pretty good
with Benadryl, so, you know.
All right. Kate, come on.
I'm starting to
get really worried.
You sure you weren't
hurt in that robbery?
We can go to a doctor
first thing in the
morning if you like.
No, I wasn't hurt.
Okay, good.
Well, what gives?
I mean, you haven't said a word
to me or the kids all night.
Is it just the shock?
Matt, what do you see
when you look at me?
I see my beautiful,
incredible wife.
Hey, you're okay.
It's gonna be alright.
It's gonna be fine.
I don't even know
what I see anymore.
I used to feel so empowered,
so sure of myself,
and I had a gun
in my face today,
and I thought I was
going to die, and
I kept waiting for my life
to flash before my eyes,
but nothing.
Nothing was flashing.
I wouldn't worry
about that though,
that's more of a saying, right?
Maybe it is, but I can't,
I can't stop thinking about it.
The days just go by, Matt.
We wake up.
We go to work.
We deal with the kids.
Every day, the same thing.
And we don't even realize it.
And before you know it,
we'd probably be, you know,
sleeping in separate bedrooms,
going on separate vacations.
Or like the Baileys.
Who are the Baileys?
You know, that old couple that
walk around the neighborhood
fighting all the time.
Oh, right. Yeah. No.
Honey, no.
We're not going to
end up like that, Kate.
We're not.
How do you know?
What if this is it?
What if this is
the rest of our life?
And it's so routine.
It's not even
worthy of flashing.
Raincheck, raincheck.
That's okay. Yeah.
Mwah. Morning.
Uh, I don't have class until 11.
Hey. Hey.
What's the hurry?
Ten more minutes.
Just ten more minutes.
You want me to
call in sick for you?
What about the boys
and their morning stuff?
Remember how bad I
messed it up last time?
Wake up, Kate.
Stay away from me!
Stay away from me!
What's wrong?
What? What is going on?
Okay, okay, hey.
Hey, alright honey,
look, just relax.
- Relax.
- No! No! No.
Okay, okay, you're okay.
What the fuck am I wearing?
What am I wearing?
Oh god, am I pregnant?
Jeez, where am I?
Babe, babe,
you're home.
No, no, no, no, no,
I don't live here.
I live in Essex Place,
Essex Place Apartments.
No, you haven't lived in
Essex Place since college.
What are you talking about?
I am in college!
Okay, honey, you had
a very traumatic event
happen yesterday.
You had a pretty rough night.
Let's just get back into bed.
Okay, we'll relax, we'll
get our bearings, and...
Are we skipping school today?
Cause that'll be totally
cool with us if we are.
- Mr. Morgan.
- Yeah.
I'm Dr. Lawrence, the
psychiatric physician.
Is my wife okay?
Oh, oh yeah, yeah.
She's totally fine.
Except for the psychosis.
And the... and the memory loss.
And the... and the
age regression, sorry.
Age regression?
Yeah, Mr. Morgan, your wife
is suffering through a sort of
post traumatic stress event.
She thinks she's 19.
19 years old.
Man, that was a great age.
Yeah, I was slaying it at 19.
The girls, yeah, and the
parties every weekend.
Remember that? We
called them keggers.
Anyway, we gave
her a mild sedative.
Oh, okay. Great.
So that'll fix it?
No, no. That was,
That was just to help
her cope with the fact
that she was married to
a guy that she'd only been
dating for three months.
Shotgun wedding.
Uh, in her mind.
Oh, okay. All right.
Uh, I, um,
I'm sorry, doctor.
I don't... I don't understand
what's happening.
Well, you see, what happens is
sometimes the brain
will go into survival mode
when it's under a lot of stress,
and it'll, you know, go into
the memory banks
and try to seek out a time
when there wasn't as
much stress or worry.
Hey, most people go all
the way back to infancy.
So you should consider
yourself lucky that
your wife's potty trained,
'cause that's a mess
in an adult.
Is it fixable?
Yeah. Yeah. I mean most of
the time it just fixes itself...
Oh! a few years.
Um, yeah or... or months.
All right. So what are we
supposed to do in the meantime?
Well, she's fully functional,
you know, she's...
you know, when the
brain finds peace again
and it goes back to sort
of a normal state of being,
you know, like, mmm,
like the aums of the brain
and she feels safe to come back.
I'm sure she will,
I mean, 85 percent
sure she will.
I mean, I guess for now, you
can probably just take her.
You're dating a millennial!
Okay, the doctor said
it's just a matter of
relaxing your mind, okay?
So I want you to take it easy.
I'm gonna go pick up
the boys from school,
and I will be right back. Okay?
Play the calm station.
Playing calm station.
Who said that?
That's the... never mind.
Oh, by the way,
I called the bank.
They said take as much
time off as you need.
I'm still a bank teller.
No, no!
- No?
- No, no, no, no.
You're the assistant manager.
It's okay.
Are we happy?
Yeah, of course, of course.
I mean, why wouldn't we be?
I don't know,
Charles, okay?
Right now my focus
is getting her better.
Understood. You want
me to talk to Terry?
No, no, no.
Don't say anything.
Let's just wait a couple days,
see how she feels,
and go from there.
Look, the thing is,
I just don't want to hand
this account over to Stedman.
Of course not.
Hey, listen,
Charles, I gotta go.
Don't worry
about the LinkedIn.
I'll talk to you
later. I gotta go.
What do you think you're doing?
I'm just here picking up my
kids. What's your problem?
My problem is you just cut
everybody in this pickup line
and rode up here like
you A list at the club.
Oh, okay.
I'm sorry. I'm just
here to get my kids.
Okay, then go around
and go to the end of the line
like everybody else and
your kids will be brought to you
when it's your turn.
Okay. Alright, you got me.
Alright, I apologize.
Listen, the next
time I come back,
I'll go to the back
of the line, okay?
But I really gotta get my boys.
It's Zach and Jordi Morgan.
Oh, you're Kate's husband.
Why didn't you say something?
Sweetie, you don't have
to go to the end of that line.
Just pull right over
here in this special lot.
And that's right there.
Oh, okay. Perfect.
Thank you very much.
And the meeting
starts in 15 minutes.
What, um, meeting?
The Christmas festival planning.
I co-chair the
committee with your wife.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, Kate's a little under
the weather right now.
So I'm sorry. She's not
going to be able to make it.
Okay, then you could
just catch her up.
Yeah, well, I got a
bunch of running around
to do myself today.
So yeah, I guess I'm not
going to make it either.
Oh, that's right.
All of your work priorities.
Kate mentioned that to us.
Mm hmm.
Well, I guess you
need to turn on around
and go all the way to
the end of the car line.
About two miles.
All the way down.
Um, how long is the meeting?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Where is Stephanie?
There's lots of
stuff inside. Okay.
- Hey!
- How's it going?
- What did you bring?
- Some beers.
There's lots of
stuff in the back.
Mrs. Morgan?
Um, I'm just having
a few friends over.
You're not gonna
tell my parents, right?
I don't even know your parents.
Oh, okay.
Got it. Thanks.
do you have any wine coolers?
Yeah, I think so.
Chug. Chug. Chug.
Chug. Chug. Chug. Chug.
I don't
know what happened.
He used to love hearing
from me during the day,
you know, I mean, I could hear
the excitement in his voice.
Now he just sounds annoyed.
- Oh!
- I don't know why.
And I'm just calling
to say hi. You know?
You know, see
how his day is going.
I mean,
the very same things that
he used to find cute about me,
he now finds annoying.
What happened?
Excuse me, I'm sorry, ladies.
Aren't we supposed to be talking
about the Christmas festival?
It's just, I'm in a
bit of a hurry, so.
Kate's husband.
- Ugh!
- Hmm!
then, he says to me,
there's just a small window
of time during his day
when he can talk to me.
Um, my husband
always answers the phone
when I call him at work.
Anybody want a
lavender pecan cookie?
That's all I am to him.
Now, a small window in his day?
Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug,
chug, chug, chug, chug, chug.
Maybe we should
take mom paintballing.
Yeah, let's
go paintballing.
Guys, no, we're not
going paintballing, okay.
We're gonna go home.
- Hey!
- Have a good look, boys.
This is exactly what you
want to avoid in life, okay?
Bunch of drunk idiots.
Uh, Dad? Where's Mom?
That was good.
It's so fun.
The sun in the back.
Oh, yeah.
That's it. Oh!
He's strong.
- Kate, is that you?
- Oh, oh.
Where you been? I've
been looking for you.
Thank you.
I can do it.
I can do it.
I'm right here, babe.
Matt. Are we still old?
What is this?
What are we eating?
Okay, this and that.
Here, lay down.
Okay, you are soaking wet.
I'm gonna get you
some clean, dry clothes.
Hold on.
Is mom hammered?
Uh, no, she's just resting.
She yacked all
over the front yard.
Yeah, she ate some
sushi from the gas station.
I want to see her.
You heard him. She's resting.
I wasn't talking to you.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
That's enough.
You see, this is the
problem right here.
You two clowns
can't give it a rest.
Even when you know
your mom's not feeling well.
Did you just call us clowns?
Like from a circus?
Or those badass, scary clowns?
Shut up about
clowns, okay? Listen.
Your mom isn't really feeling
like herself right now, okay?
But we're gonna make this work.
And that
starts with recognizing
that your dad is
in charge, okay?
Would that make you
like the circus ringmaster?
No, you idiot.
The ringmaster isn't
in charge of the clowns.
The head clown is.
Oh, so he's the
head clown, then.
Use number bonds to
help skip count by seven
by making ten or
adding to the ones.
Jesus Christ. Jordi, would
you please turn that down?
Defending the free world against
zombies is a little loud, Dad.
You're welcome.
Isn't this supposed to be math?
I mean, what happened to
regular addition or subtraction?
I don't know.
- Hey!
- Oh!
Yeah, I know you
remember this guy, right?
This is Zach.
He's our oldest.
He's our thinker.
He's sensitive,
cautious, strong
willed, just like you.
And, uh, and this is Jordi.
He's our other kid.
Oh, my God.
That television is so huge.
Oh my god.
Oh! Oh, wow.
Where's the back?
Where's the back?
Where's the back?
There's no back.
Are they okay?
I didn't mean to upset them.
They're fine. They're fine.
I explained everything to them.
I reminded them that
you are still their mother
and that you love them.
By the way, if either of
them ask you for money,
don't give it to them.
Pictures aren't
jogging anything?
No, I can't get to the next one.
I don't know how to do it.
There's no buttons
on this thing.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh my god.
That's... that's really cool.
See that? This
is our wedding day.
You remember that, right?
But I love that dress.
That is something I would
have totally picked out.
Picked out? No, you made that.
You know, you always
wanted to be a fashion designer.
Oh, look at this.
That's the day Zach was born.
You know, the doctor said that
we wouldn't be
able to have kids,
but you never gave up.
You said that this was
the happiest day of your life.
Oh, look at this. See this?
This is Jordi's first
day of kindergarten.
That's when we learned how
good he was at drawing penises.
Ew, what the hell is that?
That is, uh, that's a skin tag.
It was between my legs.
I had to take a picture
of it to see what it was.
Hey, honey.
Hey, hey, hey.
It's totally normal
for a man my age.
No, I... just, nothing
is familiar to me, Matt.
Nothing. Not this house.
Not those kids.
And why the hell are
my ears so freaking itchy?
It's just the dermatitis.
Oh, God. Dermatitis?
Hey, it's all right.
Hey, Kate, it's okay, listen.
You just gotta relax
your mind, okay?
Relax your mind,
it'll all come back.
I promise you.
And besides, I'm
still familiar, right?
You are the only
thing familiar to me.
- Matt?
- Mm hmm?
Would you do something for me?
Of course. Anything.
Would you make love to me?
I'm sorry, what did
you... what did you say?
You... don't you want
to? Am I too old for you?
No, no, no, no,
that's not it at all.
It's just, uh...
It's not Tuesday, is it?
Why does that even matter?
Well, I guess it doesn't.
I just
don't like being accused
every time you lose something.
It's not my fault you leave
the TV remote in the bathroom.
I'm still trying to figure out
why you need it to
take a dump anyway.
Woo! Yeah!
- Oh, God!
- God!
Hold on a second.
I just need to rehydrate.
Oh, it's ...
I guess the TV's
got bigger and...
- Is that a computer?
- Yeah.
It's smaller.
How you feeling
this morning, babe?
Still old.
Can I fix you something to eat?
Don't you work?
Yes. Yes, I do.
I'm in advertising.
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
I remember that you wanted to
own your own advertising agency.
Is that what you do now?
Not exactly, but I work for
one of the biggest ones in town.
Oh, nice.
You must be very
creative. I remember that.
You know, we got
the granola and yogurt
you normally eat if you want to.
Ew, no, why?
Well, you always say that
sugary cereal goes
straight to your ass.
Okay, you think I'm worried
about my ass right now?
Have you seen these boobs?
They're like two tires on a bike
that have been sitting in a
garage unridden for years.
You know, flat and lifeless.
Come on, babe, listen.
I promise you are just as
gorgeous as you've always been.
Look, I know this is
probably super weird for you,
but just try to, you
know, embrace your age.
Ha! Wanna embrace
some of this cellulite?
Embrace age.
That's it.
What, can you help me remember?
Can you help me remember again?
No. No,
but I think you just gave
me an idea for my campaign.
Sweetie, that's perfect.
Embrace age.
Holy crap, Kate,
you're the best.
Do I have a car?
Yeah, yeah, the minivan.
It's yours.
No, hold on. I'm sorry.
So, um, I can't eat cereal.
I still work at a freaking bank,
and on top of that
I drive a minivan?
Well, it's got a foot
activated rear tailgate, so...
Yo, I think there's something
wrong with this milk.
Oh, yeah, no, no, no. They
don't... milk isn't milk now.
It's, like, made of other shit.
Oats and nuts and stuff.
But it's milk.
But everyone loves mac
and cheese, will you just...
could you try it, please?
I told you, I want
chicken tenders from P. D. Q.
I took the time to
make mac and cheese,
so that's what you're gonna eat.
for two minutes
doesn't make you
Chef Boyardee, Dad.
Okay, fine.
Then you know
what? You won't eat.
I'll let you starve.
You hear me?
I like when you're
in charge, Dad.
I don't know what
the big deal is.
There was no
money out of pocket.
Yeah, I know. I got that
part. It was an even swap.
They got our one
year old minivan,
and we got a ten
year old Mustang
with 100,000 miles on it.
Yeah, I know. Isn't it awesome?
Yeah, it is. And you know what?
It was even more
awesome a decade ago.
I like it better
than the minivan.
It's pretty badass.
Oh, I mean, bad A.
No, you're right.
It's pretty badass.
- Ooh! Ooh!
- Dodge.
I guess I'll get dinner started.
Okay, cool.
Sounds good.
Chicken tenders meal
with a Coke, please.
No, I'm not going to P. D. Q.
I'm gonna make you something
and don't you guys
have homework to do?
I finished mine already.
How'd you do that so fast?
He finds all his
answers on Google.
You don't
know what Google is?
This is amazing.
I can find anyone and anything.
I'm gonna search for myself.
Kate Louis.
No, no, I'm not that anymore.
I'm Kate Morgan.
Kate Morgan.
There's nothing.
What does that mean?
That just means you
haven't done anything
important enough
to get on Google.
Dad, you're a prince!
This is the last time.
Of course.
Zach! Chicken's here!
Get out of there.
Come on.
Hold on.
Ugly dress.
Ugly dress.
Oh, look at that. Yoga pants.
Why all the yoga pants?
Oh, the lovely
mom jean collection.
Here we go.
Oh my Gosh!
Oh! Ah!
oh man.
I'm gonna get into shape.
I think I had an asthma attack
somewhere in the middle there.
Is that what that was?
I thought you were crying.
That too. I... you know, it
was just, I got emotional.
I can't remember the last time
we had sex two nights in a row.
Oh God, Matt, that's awful.
What happened to us?
Nothing. Everything's...
everything's fine.
It's just that, uh,
um, you know,
sex isn't as much
of a priority anymore.
We've been taking a lot
of rain checks on sex night.
Are you kidding me?
Who takes rain checks on sex?
We do.
Sometimes we even take a
rain check on the rain check.
So we go days
without having sex?
Sometimes weeks.
we will not be having
any rain checks tonight.
And we feature it all
in a series of quick cuts
leading up to the last shot
where we share the tagline,
Bayshore Foods,
Embrace Age.
That is the best
idea you've ever had.
Oh, you're shining me on.
I knew you had it in you.
Maybe it was good
that you got laid.
What makes you think I had sex?
You've been sweating
since this morning.
Oh, yeah, I have, huh?
Gee whiz, it was
three times last night,
I could barely keep up.
I have pills.
No thanks.
- It's for recreational purpose.
- I don't want anything.
Quick recovery.
No, I don't want
any of what you got.
Jesus, I gotta teach
you about everything?
Ha ha ha ha.
Try some of these.
What language is that?
Okay, well, thank you.
Hey, no, actually, um,
One, two-- I just, because
I... uh, I have mental problems
and I have a little
penis, you know.
- Here, you want to just...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'll give you the website.
You got a really
good situation, huh?
What do you mean?
You found yourself a younger
woman, except she's your wife.
Just saying, not a
bad situation to be in.
Oh, hey Terry.
I was meditating.
When I felt this light of
inspiration beckoning me,
it led me here.
You must have something.
Something big.
Uh, well, yeah, actually,
I was working on...
- We.
- We were working on something,
and, uh, we think you're
going to be very pleased.
Well, this calls
for a celebration.
How about dinner tonight?
Oh, I can't. No.
Kate asked me to stay home
and take care of the kids.
Bring Kate. I haven't
seen her in forever.
8pm. Bernini.
Am I invited?
We shouldn't be
too late tonight.
Okay. It's good you
guys have a night out.
Oh my god, she's a Kardashian!
I think dad has wood.
Hey, watch your mouth.
I'm sorry. He's fascinated
with the human anatomy.
He's like a science whiz.
Do I look okay?
Honey, you look stunning.
I think you look hot.
It's a great dress.
It's cute, right?
I found it in the closet and I
just made a few alterations.
So good.
I'm really excited to show you.
- I'm very excited.
- Hey!
Kate, it's been so long.
You simply do not age.
Oh, you'd be surprised.
Hello, Rick Steadman.
Oh, Rick also believes that
he has a winning concept.
So, we've turned this
into a pre celebration
for the agency this evening.
Pleasure to meet
you, Mrs. Morgan.
You know your husband taught
me everything that I know.
Please call me Kate.
- Let's sit.
- Okay.
Well, I got her.
- I got her. All right. No.
- You sure? Okay.
- I guess we'll... there we go.
- There it is.
I'm here. I made it.
Oh, Charles, I didn't
realize you were coming.
I'm gonna take this chair.
No, don't, don't. Oh, Jesus.
Gonna come with us?
There we go.
can I please have
a sex on the beach?
A sex on the beach?
But they still make
that drink, right?
You know what?
That sounds good.
I wouldn't mind some
sex on the beach.
You know, make it three.
Although, I'm not a big fan,
because the sand gets
stuck in your butt crack.
You know, inside
that forbidden hole.
I've been digging
it out for months.
Oh, and here's my ID.
Thank you.
Uh, Bourbon, neat.
- Good choice.
- Yeah. Thank you.
I think we need
to present an overall
brand strategy and
change the conversation.
Totally agree.
- Add new conversation.
- I literally just said that.
Uh, you know, most agencies
are going to come at them
strictly with creative and, uh,
I think we can do more,
you know, I... I... I think
we can do more, you know,
basically push a new brand
story for Bayshore Foods.
It's a new and exciting
concept that we came up with.
This phone can do it all.
Oh Rick... well,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
It's just Rick is showing me all
this stuff this phone can do.
It's amazing.
Well, at least you're up to
date with new technology.
I don't even know how to text.
I'm a digital minimalist.
Anyway, I react better
with face to face interaction.
Oh, come on.
I mean, texting and
social media is the best.
It's like having your friends
around you, but all the time.
Oh! I love that.
@ the Rick Steadman.
No, add me. That's my handle.
Oh, all right.
Well, add me, too.
I am @ the Kate Morgan. Right?
What are we talking about?
Here, let me get
you on Snapchat.
- Okay.
- No, she doesn't need Snapchat.
It's fine. Thanks.
Ooh, add me, too.
@ Chucky Choo Choo.
Hey, could you give the
phone a rest for a little while?
Are you kidding me?
This thing is unbelievable!
Uh, oh, there you go.
I was looking for the Bluetooth.
It is the best!
Oh my God,
Um, why are you so
irritated with me?
I'm not irritated.
By the way, could you
have maybe made that flirting
a little less obvious
earlier tonight?
Oh, you know what I'm
talking about. Don't do that.
Adding him to that
Snap thing is flirting?
Yes. Yes, it is.
For a guy, that's like
an invitation for him to
send you a picture of his penis.
Oh, get out of here, man.
Who would do that?
I mean, I don't know.
You think he will?
I'm kidding!
Oh, wow!
Why are you so
threatened by this guy?
No! Alright. I'm not threatened.
That guy's an arrogant,
overconfident bullshitter.
Oh, I like him.
I really like him and he
reminds me a little bit of you.
- What?
- Yeah, well, the old you.
No, no, no.
I'm not... that's not what...
I'm not... you're not old.
I'm saying the guy
I met in college.
Whoa, wow.
When'd you become so uptight?
Around 30.
maybe we should do
something about that.
What are you doing? What? Hey!
I'm not exaggerating.
These are second degree
burns on my tongue.
I told you it was hot.
Sometimes I wonder
if you ever listen to me.
I'll end the suspense. I don't.
Maybe a little more.
No, that's too far back.
- Just a little.
- Ow, ow, ow.
I know it's just
my head got stuck
under the steering wheel.
There we
go. That's fine.
Mrs. Morgan.
Oh, oh,
Mrs. Morgan, that's me.
Hey! Hi!
Oh, God, I love that top.
Thank you. Um, I
really miss you at work.
I'm almost at 15,000 followers.
On Instagram.
Oh, you know what?
I think I have that.
- Really?
- Uh huh.
Oh, you should follow me.
Okay, yeah, for sure, yeah.
How do I do that?
Oh, here.
It's just my first
and last name.
Ooh, astronomy, huh?
Yeah, I took a
class in high school
and I thought it
was fascinating.
It's really lame.
No, it's not lame.
I love astronomy.
I love the stars.
Yeah, me too.
Just to think beyond us
and what's... I don't know,
unreachable out there.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I got the Pegasus Space Scanner.
It's the best telescope
that you can get.
And I saw the clearest
cluster of stars the other day.
It was insane. They
were all different colors.
Yeah, I could nerd out
about this stuff forever, so...
No, no, girl.
Do your thing.
Did you draw that?
I did, yes.
I used to be a... well, actually
No, I am a fashion designer.
I had this idea to sketch
something practical and comfy,
but yet hot and sexy for,
you know, people my age.
I love that.
You want to sit down with me?
- Yeah, yeah, sure.
- Nice.
Oh, you got a DM.
Oh, I did. Didn't I?
Just this guy that
works with Matt.
It's weird.
I hate that I feel like this.
You know, I should be happy
that he wants to get in shape.
I mean, the other
day he asked me
if I would get him quinoa
from the grocery store.
It used to be Swiss cake rolls.
Now he's asking for quinoa.
Oh, I love quinoa.
I mean, he said quinoa,
but I knew what he meant.
My mind goes to his new
25 year old assistant, Layla,
with the ass that looks
like God carved it himself.
I mean, is he doing
all this for her?
I mean, not that he
has a shot in hell,
you've all seen my husband.
Just the fact that it's her,
you know, that could
make him care suddenly.
Like it's okay to...
be a slob and
look like shit for me.
Am I not worthy of quinoa?
It's so stupid to think a
bird is faster than a cheetah.
Bet me, if I'm wrong,
you could shoot me
with your airsoft gun.
Oh, that's a deal.
Hey, no one's shooting
anyone, alright?
Hey guys, I know you can hear...
Wiggle, wiggle. Wiggle, wiggle.
We're bouncing a ball.
Oh, hey, Matt!
Hey, Mr. Morgan.
I can't with that Mr. Morgan.
That's LOL.
That means laugh out loud.
I know what LOL means.
Yeah. Oh, we're doing a TikTok.
Oh, you know what?
Shay posted some of my
sketches on her Instagram,
and people gave me
a bunch of little hearts.
- Likes.
- Yes, likes.
Did you know that she
has like 15,000 followers?
Wow. No, I didn't know that.
Hey, is it okay if I hang
out with Shay tonight?
Kate, you're 45 years old.
You don't need to
ask me permission.
Just make sure
you're home too late,
because it is a school night.
I just mean that for the boys.
- Aw!
- Oh, there they are.
Someone's definitely
bleeding, so I'm gonna go.
I'll go take care of that.
- Okay.
- Okay.
What was that?
Well, I'm trying to
remember how it goes, okay?
Well, we'll start from the top.
Okay, here we go.
What do you think?
you should post it.
But I feel like you need to show
a little bit more of
the back of the dress.
Because it's so good.
- Really?
- Yes.
Because that's how
you get the followers.
Like posting an ass shot
always gives you a
5,000 follower bump.
Yeah. Let's take a few more.
So I was kind of
thinking of this like,
Timeless theme, you
know, for the brand.
And I'm not exactly sure
how we make this jump.
What are you looking at?
Nice bum.
It doesn't look familiar to you?
Not even a little?
Oh, my God!
Oh, my, yeah!
No way I'm eating that.
Oh yes, you are.
You're gonna eat this.
You'll have to catch me first.
Okay, okay, you
know what, Jordi?
Time out, you win. Okay?
You don't have
to eat this stuff.
I'm not gonna chase you!
What's up? What's up?
I just scored tickets
to the party of the year!
Are you wearing gloves?
Uh! What time is it?
Uh, so, okay.
This new internet company,
they invited all these
social media influencers
that they represent,
and they're throwing a
party for them tomorrow.
And I'm thinking it's
the perfect opportunity
for me to do some networking.
Maybe I can get somebody who's
interested in my clothing line.
Hold on!
- There's a clothing line?
- Yes, yes!
But I need you to
come with me because
there's going to be
a lot of adults and
serious business people there.
And you have all the experience.
You know, the
marketing, the branding.
Oh, for fu... Kate, it's
3:00 in the morning!
So, just say you'll
come with me, please!
Listen, listen, babe.
I'm really happy for you that
you found a new hobby, okay?
And I'll help you out
any way that I can.
But I got a really big
presentation the next morning.
So I don't think
it's a good idea.
So you think I'm just
doing this for fun?
No. No, no, no.
No, no, no. I'm sorry.
No, I didn't mean it
that way, obviously.
It's just,
I really, really need to
nab this account, okay?
I gotta help the boys
with their homework,
I gotta feed them, and...
What about me? Right?
I mean, this could be
really good for me too, right?
Okay, okay, we'll go.
Oh my god, yes!
We can't stay late.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Kate, Kate, Kate. Please,
I'm exhausted. Alright?
Can we just take a rain check?
Rain check?
For real?
You know, I'm pretty sure we're
the oldest people in this place.
Just about ready to go.
Matt, we just got here.
No, we've been
here for an hour, Kate.
I told you I gotta be up early.
There's Rick.
- Oh!
- Oh!
So glad you guys came.
Thank you.
I've got a table
over in the VIP.
There's someone
I want you to meet.
Oh, I really don't think so.
You know, it's almost 10:00.
But thank you for asking.
Ha, he's kidding.
He's so kidding.
Come on. No, we
would love to join you.
Great. Thank you. Thank you.
- Hey, what are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?
I told you I don't
want to stay late.
Matt, it would be
rude to leave now.
Rick is the one that
got us the tickets.
Rick? Hold on. Stedman?
- Yes.
- You've been talking to him?
No, I haven't. I've been
texting him. It's no big deal.
God, please,
please do this for me.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
I watch all your makeup videos
and I learn so much from them.
I'm just, I'm crazy
about this internet thing.
Okay, well your line is, it
looks super fun and fresh.
I love the shorts.
I think they might even
make me feel a little sexy
in my minivan
when I put them on.
Exactly. That is...
that's so crazy.
That's exactly
what I was going for.
And I'm going to
send you a pair.
I'd love that.
I told you she was
a hidden talent.
Yeah, she's the best. She really
is, but it's getting late.
- So we should probably...
- Oh, I love this song!
You two should dance.
No, he doesn't salsa.
You know, come on. Come on.
What's the matter? You okay?
- I can't. My back it's...
- Rick.
Uh, hold on, let me...
No! I can't.
Are you sure you're okay?
Yeah, I just tweaked it.
Okay, then I'll see you at
home a little later, okay?
Wait, what are you doing?
You're not coming with me?
Matt, the party's still going.
There's so many
people I need to meet.
Tina Tracy loves my designs.
Do you realize how
many women follow her?
I mean, like,
this is a big deal.
Okay, Kate,
I think I've indulged
just about enough of this.
Okay, this is not our life.
Okay, we got jobs.
We got kids at home.
We don't stay out until
1 a.m. on weeknights.
And by the way, I can't believe
you've been talking
to Rick Stedman.
I'm not talking to Rick Stedman.
I mentioned my
clothing line to him and
he happened to love it.
You know what? Can
I tell you something?
That guy loves one
thing, okay? Himself.
Yeah, well at least
he's helping me.
Which is more than
what you've done.
Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry
that I've been this busy
taking care of
everything for our family
while trying to save
my career, by the way.
- Your career?
- Yeah.
Matt, do you even
like what you do?
I mean, you used to talk about
owning your own agency,
and you know what?
What about my career?
I haven't done anything
except work at the same
bank I worked at in college.
Kate, listen, that's
not fair, okay?
You've never complained
about that before.
Oh, Matt, just, you
know, go home, please.
I can take one of
those Uber things.
No! You know what? I'm
not leaving without you.
You're my wife, you're the
mother of our children, okay?
And that's what
you decided to do,
so I'm really sorry if you
forgot that, but come on.
It's late. I gotta
wake up early.
I got a really important
presentation in the morning.
Would you just get
in the truck, please?
Just because you have back
hair doesn't make you my dad.
I don't have back hair.
Go home, Matt.
I'm losing her, Charles.
I feel it.
Nah, not Kate.
Yeah, well, she's
not the same Kate.
Maybe the Kate I met
when she was 19 years old,
but not my wife.
I mean, right now she's
probably laying by the pool
in her bathing suit with
a bunch of college kids
vaping or whatever they do.
Yeah, well, maybe I'll
go check it out for you.
Text me the address.
Terry's on her way.
And just like the universe
expands eternally,
beyond its own boundaries,
limitless, eternal, ageless,
so too do foods.
Bayshore Foods.
Embrace age.
Really nice work, Matt.
Inspirational, actually.
I think this little competition
brought out the best in you.
That's what I wanted.
I wanted this decision
to be really tough.
Ultimately, I think
Rick's pitch, though,
resonates the best with
the intended audience.
Plus, I'm not really sure
about the whole age thing
with the concept of food.
Valid, point the whole
stale, expired thing with food.
But listen, guys, you should
be very proud of yourselves.
I mean, it's a very
nice sentiment.
I just think that we
should just take a moment,
close our eyes, and breathe.
No, you know what?
Actually, Terry, thank
you, thank you, Terry,
but I'm fine, I'm
already breathing.
It happens completely
involuntarily, 24 hours a day,
whether I like it or not,
even when I'm unconscious.
Oxygen, carbon dioxide,
thank you, I'm fine.
Yeah, I'll breathe.
He's just not the Matt
I knew, you know?
He used to be so
fun, so easy going.
And now he's just like
annoyed with everything.
Yeah, I'm definitely
never getting married.
Not if it's like that
for a couple like you.
What do you mean
a couple like us?
Well, I just always thought
you guys were really happy.
Like every time I
babysat for you,
you were so cute
with each other.
I always wished my parents
loved each other like that.
Yeah, I'm not
the person to call.
You have to call their father.
It's not...
oh, my God.
Alright. I'll be there.
Oh, my God.
Oh. Sick, huh?
We've been under the
care of a middle aged man
who has no regard for
diet or nutrition himself.
It was only a matter of time.
What are we supposed to do now?
I think paintballing, maybe.
Maybe make us feel better?
Mmm. Paintballing, huh?
Yeah, paintballing!
It's like an exercise,
but with guns.
Okay, paintballing it is.
I wonder if
these things hurt?
I don't
know, let's find out.
Ow! Ow!
WTF, Mom?
I guess it does.
Let's go have some fun, boys!
That's gonna leave a mark.
Shut up.
You gotta
move, Mom! It's war!
No, I'm fine here!
We can't all stay here!
You're taking on too much fire!
Oh, fine!
I'll go.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
What the hell is
wrong with that guy?
Hey Mom! You're in
the wrong playground!
Aw, hell no.
- Let's go.
- Yeah.
That's right.
Come to daddy.
This is like one of the
coolest days ever.
Thanks for bringing us, Mom.
I like it when
you're fun like this.
What? Aren't I always fun?
There you are!
Hey, want to go climb that tree?
You know mom doesn't
want us climbing trees.
Does it look like she cares?
Hey, where are you going?
I said no!
Don't get up there!
Jordi, what are you
doing? You're going too high!
Jordi, you need
to come down here!
You're going too high!
Mom, mom, help!
Oh, Jordi.
I fell off a tree, Dad.
How awesome is that?
Oh, that's awesome.
I'm so glad you're okay.
Oh, so glad
you're here, Dad.
You're okay.
- I was climbing the tree.
- Yeah.
And then, like, my foot slipped.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- And I was hanging on. Right?
And then my hand
slipped, and then I fell.
- Hey.
- Hi.
You doing okay?
I should have been
watching them,
and I had no idea he
was climbing that tree.
Don't worry about
that, Kate. It's fine.
I talked to the doctor.
It's just a sprained wrist.
This could have
been so much worse
and it would have been my fault.
Okay, but it wasn't.
I have no business
being their mom, Matt.
- I'm not a mom.
- Don't say that.
Look where we are.
I mean, you know, I, um,
I don't think I can
handle this responsibility.
Kate, what are you getting at?
I think I need to get
away from everything.
For a little while, because I--
I don't know what's
going on with me,
and I keep trying
to make it work.
But I think I need
to be on my own.
You know, maybe...
I can stay with Shay, or maybe
we can get an
apartment together.
Get an apartment? With Shay?
Are you listening
to yourself, Kate?
You're a 45 year old woman.
You can't be
getting an apartment.
I know that. Please,
don't say that. I know that.
I just need time
to figure things out.
Thanks for letting me
stay, Mrs. Feldman.
Oh, for God's sakes, Kate.
I have been your
neighbor for ten years.
Just call me Denise.
Tina Tracy posted a
photo wearing your shorts.
And tagged you.
What? What?
Oh! Here.
Oh, thanks.
Oh my god!
This is good, right?
It's great. Your
account's gonna blow up.
Oh my god.
Dad, wake up!
Take my credit
card out of my wallet
and get whatever you want.
No, dad! Come on!
You need to see this!
Come on, Dad! Get up!
You're a strong guy.
Dad, Dad! Come on,
you gotta come see this!
I mean, you know, Dad,
even though it tastes like shit,
but don't worry about that.
He forgot to microwave it.
That's alright.
We promise, we're going
to be better, from now on.
Yeah, we're gonna suck
less, especially Zach.
Just promise you won't leave.
Guys, why would I leave?
Well, didn't mom leave because
we never did what she wanted?
No. No, no, no.
Guys, that...
that's not why mom...
Listen, I think it's just that,
she never got to
do what she wanted.
And uh,
I was probably too
busy to notice that.
Okay, boys. Listen,
what do you think mom
would want right now?
She'd probably want
us to finish our homework
and get in the shower.
Okay. Alright, so here's
what we're gonna do, okay?
We're gonna give Mom
exactly what she wants, alright?
First, we're gonna
do our homework.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
And then, we're gonna
go take our shower.
But hopefully not
all together, right?
That's correct, Jordi.
Not together. That
would be really weird.
Come here.
Oh, what a weird thing
you say all the time.
Oh my God!
- Sorry, guys.
- That's alright.
Okay, Jordi, you're gonna go 10.
Then Zach, you're
gonna run the big slant.
Alright? Hands in. Ready break.
- Break.
- Break.
- Catch it.
- You can't catch it.
Are you coming?
There it is!
- Yeah.
- Set, hut!
Hey! Touchdown!
My good friend, Charlie.
Hey Rick?
I just wanted to
congratulate you.
Oh. Thanks.
I heard your
presentation was special.
Can I ask you something?
Did you mean it
when you told Kate
that I taught you
everything you know?
I did. Actually.
Hey, you know, um,
None of this lasts.
You know, everything changes.
I think that's okay.
I just wanted to say that.
See ya.
Okay, Jordi. Time to go.
Come on, Zach.
I was drawing this for Mom.
It's a picture of us going
to the Christmas festival.
Do you think she'll like it?
I think she'll love it.
See how I drew a
big penis on you?
I did, I noticed that.
I think that's gonna be
the selling point for her.
Alright, you guys
ready to do this?
- Yeah.
- Ready.
Okay, come on, let's go.
Hey, Denise.
Hey, Matt.
Is Kate around?
She didn't tell you.
Look, I tried to tell
them it was a bad idea,
especially with Christmas being
right around the corner, but
you know how teenagers are.
You know what I mean.
Hi. Hey.
What are you guys doing here?
The Christmas
festival is tomorrow.
You love the Christmas festival.
I do?
Yeah. Yeah, you do.
And, we were hoping that
you would come with us.
Uh, we're leaving.
You're leaving?
Just for the weekend.
St. Pete Beach.
But, you can't miss the
Christmas festival, Mom.
Okay. Is that your thing?
Yeah, he won't stop
doing that. Never mind.
Listen, the point is,
Kate, we'd...
really love it
if you came along.
And I really wish I could, Matt,
but we've had these plans and...
Rick just texted me and
they're already, already...
Wait, hold on a second.
You're going with Rick Steadman?
He just invited us to
hang out with some friends.
- It's not a big deal, Matt.
- No, of course not.
- It's not a big deal, Matt.
- No, cool, that's great.
That's fine. Have a good time
with your new friends
at the beach, okay?
It's alright. Come
on, boys. Come on.
- But...
- Now. Let's go. Come on.
Matt, wait.
- Wait.
- Hold on a second.
I don't know what
you want from me.
You know, uh,
something really incredible
happened the other day.
Jordi ate his mac and cheese.
Even though it
totally tasted like shit.
Jordi. And Zach was
really excited about it.
And it was actually
an awesome moment.
Okay, that's the thing
about getting older and
having kids, you get to
experience these moments.
And I never slowed
down long enough
to notice these
moments, but you did.
You always noticed the moments.
I don't know what
you want me to tell you.
You know, I don't want
to tell you what to do,
you can live whatever
kind of life you want,
and go enjoy your beach
friends if you want, but
I'm not missing any
more moments, okay?
And I don't know what else
you could possibly want from me.
Come on, let's go.
Come on.
We should probably go.
Okay, I think we're
all set for tomorrow, y'all.
Okay? Um, Holly, you secured
the cotton candy machine, right?
Okay? Nancy, you're in
contact with the balloon maker.
And of course, we
are all going to be here
bright and early, y'all. Okay?
Right, Mr. Morgan?
- Matt.
- Hm?
Oh. Sorry.
Yeah, I was actually, I
was just thinking about
how much Kate loved
the Christmas festival.
You know that.
She's always all about the
kids, whatever brought them joy.
That's what she cares about.
Or cared.
And, uh,
so much so that
she forgot about
what brought her joy.
And, uh,
I didn't do a damn
thing about that.
You know, we all
get, we all get lost.
We all forget who we were
or who we wanted to be.
But, the people that
love us remind us.
Or at least they should.
Oh. Oh, jeez.
No, I'm not gonna...
I'm... I'm okay. I'm okay.
No, no, no. I'm good.
Thank you.
Don't worry, Dad.
She'll show up.
I know she will.
Trust me.
Mom won't miss the
Christmas festival.
You ready
to go to the room?
In a few minutes.
Ugh. You
should post this.
Nah. Let's just watch
it for a little while.
Kate, you
have to come see this.
Sirius is so bright tonight.
You know my favorite
thing about stars?
The older they get,
the brighter they shine.
Then they blow up, right?
Then they start
their next phase.
A new phase.
I like that.
You know, I was thinking,
maybe we should bring
something tomorrow.
You know, I'd really hate
to show up empty handed.
Wait, what are
you talking about?
You know, Rick. He
was so nice to invite us
to hang out at his
cabana with him and
I was just thinking that,
you know,
maybe we should bring
something tomorrow.
Like a cheese tray.
A cheese tray?
- You sound like my mom.
- Oh God.
We're going there to party.
Showing up is gift
enough for them.
Yeah, you're right.
You're right.
But let's not forget
to say thank you.
We should absolutely
say thank you. Okay?
What are you doing?
Um, um, I don't know.
I don't know.
Oh my god.
Your account reached
one million followers.
Oh my God.
Oh my god.
Okay, why don't you guys
go play some of the games?
I wanna wait for Mom.
Me too.
Boys, just go have fun
and I'll come find you
if... when mom shows up.
Alright, go on.
Come on.
Off you go.
What are we having?
Two pretzels please.
One for you.
One for your brother.
What would you like?
- Can I have pretzels, please?
- Sure.
I just want you to know,
from now on,
you're A list to me.
You seem quiet over here.
You not having fun?
I am. I am.
And thank you for inviting
us again. Thank you.
No problem at all.
It's good just to get
away sometimes.
Escape life.
Shay told me you've got
a lot going on with Matt.
I'm sorry to hear that.
We're fine.
You know, I'm just trying to...
just trying to figure
things out, you know?
Yeah, I get it.
I mean, the guy's obviously
going through something,
it's just really sad to see.
What do you mean?
You know, I mean,
quitting his job,
handing me all of his
accounts, it's just weird.
Matt quit?
He loves advertising.
I mean, maybe he's going through
a midlife crisis or something.
You don't happen to have
any suntan oil, do you?
I... No, I don't.
But I do have SPF 100,
which is way better for you.
- 100?
- Uh huh.
- Here you go.
- No, no. I think I'm okay.
There you go.
- Oh, yeah.
- Nice.
Thank you.
Okay, that's the thing
about getting older
and having kids, you get to
experience these moments.
You always notice the moments.
Do you think it was
the champagne?
I don't think she drank.
Maybe it was the heat?
Hi, you fainted.
Where am I?
St. Pete Beach.
St. Pete Beach?
Where's Matt?
Where are the kids?
Well, we came for
a beach weekend.
What? Why would I
go for a beach weekend
with my neighbor's daughter?
And who are you, by the way?
Can someone tell me
what the hell is going on?
Can we just go home?
Yeah, this isn't
fun without mom.
Yeah, I know it's not.
Guys, I'm sorry.
Okay, yeah, let's go.
Come on.
Hey, you want to get some
chicken tenders on the way home?
- Okay, dad.
- Okay, dad.
I f-ing told you she'd show up!
Jordi, what have I told
you about that word?
- Mom!
- Mom!
Oh, my God!
So is it too late?
Kate. Not even close.
Listen, I promise from now on,
every day with you is gonna
feel like the first day, okay?
We're gonna continue
to learn about each other.
We're gonna try new
things. No more rain checks.
We're gonna talk
and laugh and cry.
I was talking about
the Christmas festival.
Oh! Oh, no, no,
no. It's still going.
But I love you, too.
- Ew.
- Ew.
Who wants to go to the
Christmas festival with me?
- Me!
- Me!
So, I heard
you quit your job.
Yeah. Yeah.
What are
you going to do next?
Well, I'm starting
my own agency.
Actually, I have
my first client.
I'm going to be helping
launch a clothing line
for an up and coming designer.
Wow, I'm so
jealous. Who is she?
I'll tell you later.
I know it's me.
Well, of course
you know it's you.
- It's me, it's me, it's me.
- It's you?
- Yes!
- That's her.
I was just
trying to be funny.
You are
funny, you are cute.
Hey, let's go knock
that down over there.
Let's do this,
let's do this.
Do you remember
a little while back
when you asked me what
I see when I look at you?
I see home.
I love that.
Are you tired?
Not really. Why?
Oh, one more thing.
No, I know. Ear medicine.
I'm keeping the Mustang.
I've always wanted that car.
I just
don't understand
why that TV has to be
on so loud all the time.
It's impossible to have any
kind of phone conversation.
It's like a shuttle
launch in our living room.
- Oh, God.
- Oh, no.
- Oh.
- Oh, no.
- Oh, wait. Yeah.
- Yeah.
Oh, God.
I have a headache.