The Trek (2002) Movie Script

Attention please.
it's not different from an
ordinary elephant.
It's just covered
with more hair.
Strange... I've never seen
anything like it before.
And who was the
first to spot it?
A local hunter searching
through the jungle.
From there,
the news just spread.
Forrest rangers
used helicopters... survey and take
pictures of it.
As members of the asian
elephant conservation group,
we should go in,
explore and take our own photos.
Mr. Termsak, is this story
really believable?
Or perhaps.
This is just another crazy
make believe story...
...that will end up being
another fake?
That's why we have to go
and find proof for ourselves... we'll know the truth.
That way, no one will be fooled.
So we have to risk going
deep into the jungle?
Don't think of it that way, Tong.
If all of this is true,
our group will get the credit
for the discovery.
Searching for this
strange elephant
and filming it at the same time?
Won't that be a hassle?
I don't think so...
We'll film while we're exploring.
Once we have proof
no one can say that we
were foolish to believe in a myth...
We've got to get the proof, Air.
Kong, we can invite
those foreign researchers
to come with us.
It seems like they've
really had a liking for the elephants.
From the moment they arrived,
we can work together.
Won't they just be in our way?
I think it would be good to have
some foreigners along.
Thai people trust foreigners.
They believe everything
foreigners say.
And another thing is that they
can be our witnesses.
Tong, be sure to prepare camping
gear for them too.
Mr. Termsak, how should we break up
the responsibilities?
This is how we'll do it.
Henry, you'll do the filming.
Kong and Tong, you two will take care
of the foreigners.
We should have enough
canned supplies
and camping equipment... last us 3 days in the jungle.
Lets all watch each
other's backs.
This jungle is deep
and dangerous.
And it's used for
drug smuggling too.
Let's move it.
I would like to ask both
of you a question.
What is it that you want to do?
What do you mean?
In the wild?
I like that black girls group.
You like black girls?
Oh you like black girls?
No one dislikes them
I am particularly fond of them
I tell you that guy up there is
even more particular.
You are talking about black girls
I can hear you.
Come on down.
Sing for us.
Come on.
Yeah sing for us.
One two three here we go.
Did we come to the wrong place?
I wonder if this is the place.
That's it.
There's only one village around here.
Oh really
I've checked.
But it's strange.
How everything looks so different.
Well, we should do something.
We haven't had a bath or eaten yet.
We don't even know where
we're going to sleep yet.
The main problem is
cannot have a bath.
You're worried about a bath?
How about food.
What happened?
Don't worry.
We need to stay at the
church tonight.
Hurry up, man!
You gotta film this.
This is how they cremate
people out here in the villages.
Where's the village chief?
Excuse me.
You're looking for me, Termsak?
Yes, chief.
I guess you're here to
find out about this famous elephant...
Yes, that's right, chief.
...that's been on the news so much, huh?
Yes you're right.
We'd like to stay the
night at the temple...
...and we'll need a tracker to
guide the way for us.
I'll have someone send for him,
but our tracker, Thong,
probably won't want to go
back into the jungle again.
I won't go! I can't take them!
If you won't take us,
then how are we
supposed to find the way?
Please don't tell me that
we came over 800 kilometers...
...and this is the answer we get!
Tracker, please let me
just say this...
we really need your help.
I won't go!
I never want to go back
into that jungle again!
If you won't go...
then who's going to guide us?
No one else knows
where to find the elephant.
Then the truth will never come out.
No proof.
And this will just be
seen as another myth.
And it's not like we're asking
you to do this for free.
We'll pay you.
Come on, name your price.
Stop making such
a big deal out of this.
You think this is about money!? Huh?
All of you already have shadows hanging
over your heads!
Let go him.
You are all no brain.
What are you talking about?
What's in the jungle?
Ummm... It's nothing.
It's just that it's a
deep and dense jungle.
You might be able to
find your way in,
but there's no way out.
There were several hunters
who went in but never came back.
Another thing,
this elephant that you're looking for,
it might or might not be in there...
We can't be sure.
But if it is in there,
it could be wild or dangerous.
It's too risky.
That's why Mr.
Thong refuses to go in.
This stuff you're babbling about isn't
going to stop us.
We don't believe in
stupid fairy tales.
I think you all are
just being paranoid.
Must be.
We've got to continue this
and finish our project.
Even if Thong won't lead us,
we'll still go in on our own.
At least we'll know
what's in that jungle.
Don't!! No!!
Help me! Somebody help!
Please help me.
What's wrong, Air? What's wrong?
What happened?
What is it?
Are you alright?
Al, you were just having a nightmare.
I'm not going!
Slow down. Be careful.
This way going forward.
Mr. Termsak.
Mr. Termsak.
What should we do.
Please do something.
Mr. Termsak.
Rescue them.
Mr. Termsak.
Hurry up save their lives.
Just so something.
Mr. Termsak.
Mr. Termsak.
Hurry pull them up
God hurry up.
Are you okay Mr. Termsak?
I'm alright
I wanna leave, Tong.
It's just not right for us to
have to risk our lives for this.
You're really going to go back, Al?
But how do you think
you can get back?
I'll just go back the
same way we came in.
It can't be too hard.
I'll just follow the
marks that Kong...
...has been making on
the trees with his knife.
That's not the point Al.
The thing is we don't
know what's in the jungle.
And you can't just go
wandering off by yourself.
Then you come back
with me, Tong.
Instead of just me,
there'll be the two of us. You're right.
You got me there.
We don't know what
else is in this jungle,
and we're still going
to go in deeper?
Before we sort everything out.
We are all doomed to be dead
I think we should all
wait until tomorrow and go back together.
Let's wait and see how Mr.
Termsak is doing first,
and then we'll all
go back together.
Mr. Termsak seems completely
determined to find...
...and document this elephant.
I don't think he'll turn back.
Try not to think so
much about it right now.
Let's all try to get some sleep.
I'll keep the first watch.
How's everything going, Kong?
Is everyone asleep?
Just try to rest.88 Don't strain yourself.
Kong, help take me
out to the campfire.
I don't think you should.
It's not as bad as you're thinking.
Kong, I'm sorry.
That I got you all into
this mess.
But, if I don't make it,
You would never quit.
Can you give me your word?
Will you do this for me, Kong?
All right, Mr. Term.
We would quit
Kong, can you go and bring
me the pain medication...
...from my backpack?
Thank you.
Mr. Termsak.
Come over.
Leave it alone. Live and let live!
Why did you have to do that?
Why should I let it go?
Just let it bite us and kill us?
Do you want to die?
Do you all want to die?!
You have your way
of life and it has its way.
You live! It lives!
There's no need to interfere.
Answer me, tracker!
What else would be
appearing in this jungle.
Tell us everything you know!
If you want to stay alive.
You should follow my back
I am a responsible person
I gave my word to Mr. Termsak
I would never go back.
Would you take the girl with you?
I cannot do that.
If you wanna go back we
go back together.
What are you talking about?
I do give a damn.
However it really
doesn't look good
I'm begging you. Please!
rest here for a moment.
Stay alert at all times and
don't get reckless.
Don't go away.
We must go thru this river.
But it's so high and steep.
How to get thru?
If we cross from this high up,
We'll all be dead.
Why don't we look for another way
that's not so steep?
Better than so
risking our lives.
We definitely
need to get thru here.
To the opposite
side before dawn.
How can we get thru?
Use a hook to stabilize the rope
I hope everyone
can grab the rope tightly.
And crossing the river slowly.
Grab the rope hurry.
Grab it.
Quick! Tie it!
Give it to me.
What's wrong with you.
Let us catch up with him.
Come on hurry.
Hold on to it.
Watch out.
Come on be careful.
Grab the rope. This way. Good.
Grab her
I have you now.
Come up here.
God grab it.
Don't get loose of her.
Hurry up.
Hold on to it. Yes.
Come on.
Do you all wanna be dead?
Are you insane! Huh?
I told him. I warned him.
We have used the best
way to cross the river.
But he just won't listen.
Maybe he had a good
reason for crossing here.
No matter what.
We have to leave
here before dawn.
How much longer
until we reach where the elephant is?
And how far is the
way back to the village?
It will take some time
to get back to the village,
Because the way
back is different.
There still a long way to go.
Why can't we just take
the same way back?
Hey! Henry, wake up!
God we gotta rush.
Oh god.
Save him.
Why do we have to take
a different way back, Kong?
I don't know.
I just think this is not bad.
Are you insane! Huh?
You've got to have a
better reason than that!
You can't tell me you just
have some stupid hunch, Kong!
Last night I was
talking to the tracker.
He told me we have
to go back another way.
Don't you have your own ideas?
How can you believe
some crazy old tracker?!
Chote! Show some
respect for the dead!
He died for protecting us!
Have some respect.
Be respect to him.
Hey! Enough!
Both of you stop arguing!
We need to be thinking of a way.
We must get out
of this crazy jungle
I'm going back the
same way we came in.
Whoever wants to
come with me can follow.
But if you want to go some other way,
then go with Kong.
Damn it! Have have been walking
for the entire day.
We've been walking all day just to go
back to here we started.
Al, what the hell are
you crying for?
OK everybody listens.
Just a little bit longer and
we'll make it out of here.
Don't give up and don't worry.
We shouldn't just walk.
We should think of
a better way while moving along.
We'll get there sooner or later.
Don't stress out.
Hey, Kong, listen.
Just now, we were walking east, right?
We will be walking to the
opposite direction towards the sun.
What do you think?
Let's do some brainstorming here.
How can you be sure we won't
end up back here again?
We can't be sure of anything, Chote.
If we walk in the opposite direction
from where you led us,
it might lead us back to the village.
Or do you want to go the back
the same way again?
Is it exactly where we should go?
Robert. Michelle.
What do you think
how we should get away from here.
We just follow your decision.
We know nothing about this jungle.
Then we shall just walk towards the sun
are we lost?
As much as I can recall
I don't remember seeing these strange trees
on the way in.
Are you sure this is the right way?
How the hell should I know?
I'm just walking on and on towards the sun,
like you told us to.
I think we should stop and rest here.
Better set up the camp before dark
and we should look for food
and supplies. Are you crazy?
If you stop like this.
When is it that we can get out of here
I'm tired and thirsty.
And haven't got eaten.
Let's rest. I'm tired.
Tong, hold this for me.
Come on everybody... drink up.
Where is that water from, Kong?
Are you sure it's safe to drink?
It's not poisonous, Tong.
Come on everybody. Drink up.
I assure you this is safe.
Come on.
Tong there's still plenty of water there.
You and Henry go and
look for food and supplies.
Michelle and Al and set up camp.
I'll go and look for firewood.
We'll rest here for the night...
...and then leave early tomorrow morning,
Robert and I shall go looking for firewood.
What is it?
Don't shout.
Where do you wanna go?
Don't get too far.
Where are you?
Where the hell are you?
Come back.
There you are.
What the hell are you doing here?
Come on let's go back.
Help me!
Somebody please help me.
Get her out.
Pull it off.
Be quick.
Get the fire.
Hold on
I can't get it.
Hurry up.
Oh my god.
It's alright now.
How's Al doing? Any better?
She's not good at all, Kong.
She also has a high fever.
Chote, you and Robert come with me.
We're going to have to look around.
We might have to stay here
for a few days,
Until Al gets better.
And we'll also bring back more food
and other supplies.
Alright then.
Let's go.
We'll set up camp here by the river...
...until Al gets better.
Then we'll start out again.
It's not good at all.
It's seems to be deteriorating.
Damn it! We can't just stuck here
I can't stand this anymore!
I'm not going to stay around
and wait to die here!
I wanna be back
I'm going back!
This jungle doesn't scare me!
How can you even think
about going back? Huh?
Al is still sick!
Forget about walking,
she can't even stand up!
If you want to stay, fine!
But I am definitely going back.
Chote! Aren't you worried
about Al at all? Huh?
She is your friend.
We are all suffering from pain and hunger.
But you wanna to leave us.
Like I said before,
whoever wants to stay can stay.
But I'm not going to just sit here
and wait to die.
At least I'll try to find a way out for myself.
If you want to stay then stay!
I'm not asking anyone to come with me.
Chote! You bastard! It's a shame.
I thought you were a friend.
But you're really just a coward!
You son of a bitch!
Give me your gun and
get the hell out of here!
Go, you bastard! Go! Go!
Get lost.
You useless stuff.
Get lose.
Damn it.
Stop it! Both of you!
What the hell are you fighting for?
Stop it.
What the hell.
Why am I being stuck in this damn jungle.
Don't be like this
Robert you come with me.
Let's leave it here
Michelle what about you?
I am asking whom wanna leave with me.
Here. Keep the gun in case you need it.
Take care of yourselves.
I'm sorry for being selfish.
Hey friends, take care of Al, OK?
I'm sorry
How is Al? How is my friend.
You cannot leave.
They need our help
Listen to me.
If we cannot get out of here.
We will all be dead.
Alright then.
Do what you wanna go but I will stay
I need to be with them
Michelle I'm sorry.
Tong, Kong come over Al is better now.
We can go home now.
See how she's doing.
Al we can go home
I got it.
This is great.
You guys hurry.
Hurry up
I'm just worried about Air. Come on.
Let's go. Hurry!
Come on.
Al when you get better we can go home
come on.
Hey you are within our territory.
We just wanna get thru.
Give way to us.
Alright but I need to have your weapon.
Put your hands on your back.
Get them out of here now.
Hurry up.
Get it out.
You hold on
Where is it? I have it now.
Have you got it?
I can't see. Where.
Right in front of you.
Hurry up.
Right grab it.
This is great.
Henry there's one more.
There can you see it?
What's that?
Come out here now.
It's coming out of the water.
We better get back.
Hurry let's go.
Tong something must have happened.
It should have been back.
If Air finds out, it'll just make
her condition worse.
Maybe she just went chasing
after a butterfly and got lost.
Don't be stupid, Henry!
Come on, we've got to stay serious!
I'm going to sleep.
Wake me up when it's my turn.
Where are you? I wanna kill you.
I'm going to kill you! Die!
Oh shit! Everybody, come here quick!
See what is it?
What? Damn!
Kill it.
Be careful.
Be quick. Kill it right now.
What the hell is that?
See I will grill it.
That's pity.
OK this way.
Firewood here.
That should be enough
come over.
You are back. That's cool.
What have been a long way.
Where is Robert
Robert is dead.
You look tired.
Why is it?
There is a huge snake
I was almost eaten.
There's snake around.
It has eaten our chicken last night.
It was fucking huge!
Oh shit! You saw it too?
I think if the snake had spotted me
I would be eaten.
We must find our way out.
Before all of us got eaten.
So, how can we leave?
Al still cannot move
Kong, do you remember the river...
...that flows through the village
where we stayed?
Yes. I remember. Why?
When we left the village,
do you remember
if we walked upstream...
...against the river current
or downstream?
If I remember correctly,
it was against the current.
We walked toward a mountain
behind the village,
not over any river.
That's just it.
It doesn't matter which way we went.
But from the river,
Did we walk up or down
from the current?
I think we walked against the current.
I think the water all flows
from the same river.
We can use a raft to float
back downstream...
...and get back to the village.
How can we use a raft?
The snake is in the water for sure.
Then we'll just have to
get rid of the snake first.
We'll try again tomorrow.
Let's go!
I hope tomorrow
that fucking thing won't
mess it up for us again.
You all go on ahead.
I'm just going to wash my face.
Give me a hand would you.
I will be back soon.
Hey, little chicky.
Sorry to have made you a widow.
Look at it this way,
you're doing it for your country.
Chote! Shoot it! Hurry!
Shoot it.
Hurry shoot.
Do something.
Why don't you shoot asshole.
Shit! If I shoot, I'll hit Henry!
I told you to shoot!
Why didn't you shoot? Huh?
Henry Henry.
You go hell bastard.
Won't happen again.
It's not coming back.
Bastard kill it.
Don't let it go. Get it.
Stop it! Both of you!
What the hell are you fighting for?
We have more important thing to do
I said that's enough!
Go hell.
While we're waiting,
We should make the raft and start back.
I'm not going anywhere.
I'm going to kill it!
Let's go. Nothing again today.
Nothing again.
I don't think it's going to come out.
Dame kill it.
Don't let it get away!
Die! You bastard! Die!
Go hell.
Go hell.
Sleep peacefully we all love you.
Look at us.
When we get home.
We thought you would be with us.
Wait for us, friend.
Hey, Kong, what's in this bag?
It wasn't here before.
Oh! The grenades!
I forgot we had those.
What is it Chote?
What are you looking at Chote?
Chote let it go.
Let it be.
Let it go.
Let it be free to live a natural life.
If we expose it to the public,
We'll destroy its way of life.
People will swarm in here and
ruin its natural habitat.
Others will do the same.
And they might also run into exactly
the same deadly risks that we did.
Can't be like this.
We cannot let it happen.
What happened?
We have to keep moving.
If we don't,
we'll become an easy target.
Shit get up.
We can't stop.
Or else we would be eaten.
What's on your mind.
What's on your mind.
Come and help me out.
Harder and quicker.
Kill it.
Where is it.
Wrap it.
No Chote.
Just kill it.
Chote come on up.
Damn it.
Chote don't.
Alright Michelle don't cry.
It's alright now
Michelle don't cry. We are now safe.
We are fine Michelle.
Let's leave now.
No damn it.
Where it goes.
Right behind you.
Come on.
It's over there. Help me.
No help me.
Please help.
Please don't.
Shoot it damn it
help me.
Michelle swim away.
Swim faster
Michelle hurry.
Thank god.
Great. Great
Right it's dead.
We are safe.
Somebody over there.
Please come over.
Wake up. Somebody please help them.
Wake up. Somebody please help them.
Please help.
Slow down.
Alright come up.
It's fine.
Alright catch up