The Trial (2014) Movie Script

My teacher told me
that in Japan,
plants need
to have three levels.
The top part is heaven.
It should be in order
because it's the first one
you'll see.
It's better if it's lush.
And much better
if there are flowers.
The middle part are the humans.
It's because we're similar
to the branches.
Like plants, it's tall
when it stands upright.
And looks short when sitting.
The bottom part is the soil.
Still, it's the most important.
A plant is only as firm
as the soil it's rooted in.
If these three
support each other,
it's called "harmony."
If there's harmony,
plants will thrive.
The garden will be beautiful.
I'm going now, Buryong.
You can get money from that.
Ronald, you're late again.
- Hey!
- Ronald, hurry up!
You're being called. Hurry!
Stand on the marker. Look.
- Look at the marker. Go.
- Ma'am.
- Goodness...
- Ma'am, look behind you.
- Huh? Hey, stop! Rascals!
- Jimenez, Ronald Jr.
Renan! Aljo! Jasper!
Go to your seats!
You're late again.
A rest a la, Joseph Marvin.
- Pilo, I'm here.
- Hey, dummy.
This is your job.
Why are you late?
I told you,
I'll arrange my friend's garden
because it's his birthday.
Come on.
I already picked out the flowers
for the altar.
Just place them there
and replace the dry ones.
Pilo, I'm about to graduate.
I just have to pass Math.
Would you look at that,
even if you're a dimwit,
you obtained a higher education
compared to me.
But you're still nothing.
You're just about to graduate
while I'm about to retire.
Go to work.
See you, Pilo.
Wow, such gorgeous flowers.
Thank you for replacing them.
Come on, guys.
Because of minute
random mutation
that's very common
in the chromosomes
of every pollen,
we'll see tiny differences
among plants
despite being
in the same specie.
If you selectively
pollinate plants
favoring your desired
like dwarf growth,
or colored leaves,
or even bigger flowers...
Ma'am Bessy, I read
about something called
"genetic drift."
What's the difference
between random mutation
and genetic drift?
I-I-I'm afraid
I'm not able to...
Genetic drift happens
when a certain gene
occurs more frequently
in a population
through several generations.
You didn't tackle it in
class so I Googled it.
Bessy, Bessy!
Hey, how's the observation?
Hey, you can still catch up
to the superintendent. Hurry.
Or else,
you won't be regularized.
- Ma'am Bessy.
- Yes, Ronald?
- For you.
- Beautiful. Thank you.
I want to show you something.
It's like a memorial park.
- Heavenly Gardens.
- It is a memorial park.
You're always making me laugh.
No, I'm showing you this
since you asked
what I wanted to be.
- Yes.
- It's this, Ma'am Bessy.
Once I graduate, I will be
a professional gardener.
I want this to be my career.
Once you graduate high school,
you mean.
I won't go to high school.
I'm fine with just grade seven.
But I spent hours tutoring you.
It's not a waste of time
'cause I got to be with you.
And I already learned a lot
from you.
But, you know how I am.
Slow. But don't worry.
Buryong promised me
a salary of 500 pesos a day
if I became a gardener
near our place.
That's why I want
to ask you something
before I graduate.
What is it?
I've always wanted to ask.
Ma'am Bessy...
- will you be...
- Ma'am Bessy,
Sir Paco is calling you.
Just tell him I'll be on my way.
Don't forget our tutorial later,
Take a video of him.
Ronald, give us a smile.
Look at the camera!
If you smiled at the camera,
I'll show you my videos here.
We'll show everything,
boobs and butts.
Don't you like that?
Come on, just one.
Ronald, are you a pencil?
- Why?
- Because...
What is it this time?
Why do you always insist
I come with you?
You came
because I wanted you to.
Is that so?
Go have dinner by yourself.
I'm getting sick and tired
of your tantrums!
I swear, you're getting worse!
Then let me go.
I've had enough. Ouch!
You don't get a say.
I do.
Get out of my car. Get out!
Solve this exercise. It's easy.
Maybe we can do this tomorrow?
I'm fine.
Just finish answering
so we can go home.
But, Ma'am Bessy,
you're not okay.
Look at me.
It didn't work.
It's not that funny anymore.
Ma'am Bessy,
let's just do this tomorrow.
You're not in the mood.
Let's do this tomorrow, then.
Go home.
Wait, just me?
You should go too.
Let's go home together.
I'll go
to the faculty room first.
Oh, I know.
I'll show you something.
Ronald, go home.
This won't take long, I promise.
I swear, you'll enjoy it.
I've always wanted
to show you this.
But I couldn't get you
to come here.
They need extra care
but it's all worth it.
Look at this one.
It's called granada,
not the bomb, okay?
It's not mine.
I was just asked to care for it.
But this one.
Take a look at this.
They're the ones
that need a lot of care.
You can't let it out in the sun
for too long
'cause it will dry up.
But if it's under the shade
for too long,
it will grow short.
If I water them too much,
they'll be yellow
like a person with hepatitis.
So you have to be precise
with everything.
The kind of care
that's right for them.
How would you know
if it's the right one?
Well, when you like something
so much,
you're attentive to their needs,
and what they dislike.
You'll really get to know them.
Ma'am Bessy,
why do you let him hurt you?
If he really loves you,
he shouldn't hurt you, right?
You're too young for this.
Young? I'm older than you.
This one's slow.
But this understands everything.
I'll get used to it.
That's just how he is.
Why don't you fight back?
If you're not mad, well, I am.
He shouldn't do that to you.
You're the kindest friend
I have in the world.
Ma'am Bessy.
Why does it have to be him?
Why can't it be me?
I won't hurt you
no matter what happens.
I love you, Ma'am Bessy.
I love you, Ma'am Bessy.
They might allow you
if you text them. See you.
Come on. Let's go.
They're there.
Where's my phone?
Ma'am, Sir Julian is here.
- Good afternoon, sir.
- Good afternoon, sir.
You're here.
We should've come together.
I had to get these flowers.
Sir, do you want to eat?
No, thanks.
I have to appear in court.
it will be a year next month.
We talked about this.
We'll sell the house
after his death anniversary.
What about Martin's room?
Just donate his stuff.
You know what, last night,
I woke up crying.
I dreamt of Martin.
His face was a blur.
I don't want to forget Martin.
I don't want to sell the house.
We'll go through an annulment,
This will make it easier for us.
Sooner or later,
it will come to this.
Once the gate's done,
I'll post the house for sale.
If you want the feeding
program to be on Friday,
I'll just cancel
your appointments
at the clinic.
But Dr. Fenestria
would be there.
He's a developmental
Ma'am, just like
this Lallie Laperal?
She said she's your friend.
She kept calling.
She doesn't seem to know
your new number.
Lallie... I wonder why.
Ma'am, let's just do it.
It's the children
who line up most often.
But the parents join too
when they're hungry.
Martin even asks them if they
want noodles or porridge.
Let's just prepare the juice
when we get to Payatas.
It's gonna be messy
if it spills.
I'll cook the pork
in the pressure cooker first,
then I'll put it in the freezer.
We'll just chop it on Friday.
Okay. It's such a pity, huh?
I never got to join Martin.
It's really unfortunate.
Martin was so happy
with feeding programs.
His allowance and fund raising
from his organization,
they go directly
to the mobile kitchen.
He even wants the food
individually packed.
Let me help you.
- Oh, no.
- We'll do it.
Dora, put the pork
in the freezer
or it might go bad again.
- I will.
- Okay.
The bread will harden
if you leave it in the fridge.
Yes, I know, I know.
Wait, where are my stuff?
Where are the shirts?
They stink,
so I put them in the laundry.
What's happening?
What's all the commotion about?
Martin's all hyped up again
- with this feeding program.
- As usual.
She wants me to use
styro instead of plastic.
It's already banned.
Right. Let me handle it.
Dora, use the melamine instead.
- Martin?
- Dad!
Here's my share. No barongs,
just t-shirts and pants.
Great! I hope we'll have
some tall guys fit into these.
- Thank you, Dad.
- Okay.
Dad, you remembered.
I really appreciate it.
- Mom. Come here.
- Yeah?
I have something to give you.
- What is it?
- Mom.
Uh, stress ball.
- Rather, a stressed heart.
- Oh.
Thank you, yeah, I like it.
If you're happy with it,
you'll come to our
mobile kitchen tomorrow.
We're already affiliated
with the Love One Another
My chapter is in Payatas.
- Nice.
- It's fun, I tell you.
Imagine, we'll feed 80 children.
Last week, the volunteers
were from AIESEC.
Even people at comedy bars
help us.
It's like a street party.
You'll have so much fun.
Please come. Dad will come too.
Hmm. I'm busy tomorrow.
You always are.
Fine. But next time,
no more excuses.
Promise me.
Why is this heart blue?
Ma'am, we're going.
Borta has to leave
early tomorrow.
Before I forget,
she kept on calling
that I forgot to give you this.
- A link?
- She said to watch it now.
It might be gone tomorrow.
See you.
We're heading out.
Ronald, no! Ronald, stop!
No, Ronald!
Ms. Amanda Bien,
let me just introduce myself.
I'm Megan, and I'm Bessy's
co-teacher and BFF.
If you noticed, our students'
main language is English.
And, of course, we make sure
they have an accent...
Thank you, sis.
I thought you wouldn't come.
We last saw each
other at the Velada.
That was already
three years ago.
I couldn't attend the funeral.
I was already in New Jersey
by then.
What happened to Martin?
His brakes didn't work?
I thought so. But you received
my mass card, right?
I guess... you saw?
Yeah, Bessy was in it.
Yes, Bessy.
It was a week ago
when it was uploaded.
I even found out
from someone else.
I almost had a heart attack
when I did.
What's wrong with you?
Is this the reason why?
Ronald, no! Ronald, stop!
No, Ronald!
Everyone knows.
The students know.
The faculty's asking me.
I assure them that you wanted
none of this to happen.
And we will track down...
Who did this to you?
Why now?
We're under review by the
Commission on Higher Education.
The board is doing audits.
This is the worst time!
You know it, right?
I spent all my life
to get the school established.
All my life!
But out of all the people,
it has to be my niece.
What happened, Bessy?
Who did this to you?
Ronald Jimenez?
That bastard!
- He has nothing...
- All victims say this.
They think it's their fault.
You were raped, right?
If it is rape,
it's not your fault.
Tell me.
It is rape.
It was rape.
So how is Bessy now?
Did she go through
physical exam?
How about psychological
Of course.
Even when a week
has already passed,
I still made her take
a physical examination,
even medico-legal.
But the psychiatric exam?
No, she refused.
Oh, so that's why you called me.
But I'm
a developmental psychologist.
- What you need...
- No, no!
No, Amanda.
I need you for something
much more delicate.
Talk to the rapist.
The rapist?
- But Lallie...
- It's not hard.
- He's still here.
- In this school?
How do I explain it?
It's not a rape attack.
It's more like, uh,
a student rape.
Ronald Jimenez is our gardener.
You're a psychologist
to this kind of people, right?
Assess him.
See if he is capable
of the crime.
If not,
then we don't have a case.
Amanda, of all things,
the rapist is mentally ill.
We call them now
"developmentally delayed."
I call him a rapist.
To think Bessy is the only one
who puts up with that dimwit.
She teaches him in elementary
so he could pass.
He's just a charity case,
yet this is how he repays me.
But why would a guilty person
still show up
at the crime scene?
I told you, he's a dimwit.
Amanda, please assess him
so we can use your testimony.
No one's here.
Ma'am, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Uh, but it's still neat
and tidy, right?
- Sorry.
- Oh, I'm not an inspector.
I'm here to visit you.
Why? What's happening?
What do you mean?
People have been acting weird.
They look and laugh
at me differently.
Also, Ma'am Megan said,
I would go on a vacation.
But it's not yet graduation.
Then you're here to visit me.
- Who are you?
- I'm Amanda.
I'm Bessy's friend.
Ma'am Bessy?
You're Bessy's friend.
Please, have a seat.
You should've told me
right away.
Sorry, please, have a seat.
Go ahead.
How is Ma'am Bessy?
When will she come back?
Her flowers are already wilting.
You don't know
what happened to Bessy?
Sir Paco must've hurt him again.
That's his mean boyfriend.
No, no, no.
What I wanted to ask
was about you and Bessy.
Ma'am, I have to go.
There's a letter for my mom.
I also have to give this
to Ma'am Bessy.
You'll give it to her?
You know what?
You have a very kind face.
Here, take my number.
If you need me, call me.
Is that a pork? Pork? Pork?
Because my brother is not a pig!
Wow, intense.
If she can't release
her pork barrel,
then who is this "handsome"
on the ledger, Napulis?
Who's handsome?
It's these guys.
How handsome.
Not really.
This one. Who's "sexy"?
Sexy? That's me, Madam Senator.
Who's this "old" one?
Old? It's you two.
You watch that mouth!
You can get yourself killed
with that!
Why would you have me killed?
Rape me first, please.
Are you taken?
- You were amazing!
- Thank you.
Son, pull it up gently.
I hate this tight costume.
It's crushing my insides.
Mom, kindly read it.
A letter from the school.
What is this?
- Can I borrow this?
- Here you go again.
Oh, my genius son
is already here.
Caloy, he'll graduate
from grade seven in March.
Sampi, your son keeps getting
porn DVDs without paying.
- That's why I said "borrow."
- Borrow?
- Drop it.
- I'll return it to you.
Don't get too smart with it.
- I'll just watch it.
- What is this?
- I saw one before.
- That's two boys though.
- Really, gay porn?
- This is what I was looking for!
Monster wet an...
Anal. Do you know what that is?
- Butt.
- Right.
If you watch that,
worm will come out of your butt.
If someone's prettier than you,
I'll kill them,
'cause I don't want
to commit suicide.
Here you go.
Here you go, love.
It's not enough.
- How much do I owe you?
- More than fifty pesos.
I'm only 30 pesos short.
I'll just pay you next time.
I'm invited to the palace.
Hey, give us some snacks.
Why should I give you?
Is someone in there?
Good morning.
Lovely day, isn't it?
How may I help you?
Good morning. Is this
where Ronald Jimenez, Jr. lives?
- Yes. Why?
- For him.
- What is this?
- A subpoena.
How much, you ask?
- It's fifty pesos!
- Buying scrap!
We should tell Ronald.
This is rape. Rape.
No. It will upset him.
We don't even know
all the details yet.
How will we know
if we won't ask?
Come on.
- Please.
- Wait.
- Mom, Dad.
- Yes, dear?
- Mom, Dad.
- Yes?
I'm confused.
Someone visited me yesterday.
What do you mean by that?
A woman visited me yesterday.
She seems familiar,
but at the same time, she's not.
She looks like someone I know.
- A teacher?
- No.
- Police?
- She kind of...
- Looks like...
- Who is it?
Martin! Right!
Ron, what's that?
What are you up to again, Ron?
What are you looking for?
I have a selfie with bro here.
Where is it? Found it!
Dad, look at the woman.
She's Martin's mom.
She visited me yesterday
at school.
Martin told me she's a psycho.
You mean "psychologist."
"Psycho" means crazy.
And this man is Martin's dad.
He's, uh...
Uh, an attorney.
This is a letter
from the fiscal's office.
Do you know
how extreme this case is?
That's why we came to you
because we need your help.
We don't know what to do.
We're poor. We don't know
anything about the fiscal.
We just want to protect our son.
The preliminary investigation
is on-going.
They're waiting
for your response
- to the alleged rape...
- Attorney.
Okay. Do you think
your son is innocent?
I believe Ronald's innocent.
Our son is a bit... slow.
It's impossible for him to do...
our son's mentality is delayed
but that doesn't mean
he's impotent.
That doesn't exist in his mind
so it's impossible for him
to commit that.
He can still pick up
on messages.
He's not a saint.
Are you against our son?
- No, it's not...
- Excuse me.
How old was he adopted?
No, he's our real son.
His sperm cell with my egg cell.
I'm sorry, I thought...
That's fine.
It's puzzling, really.
I'm a guy yet I look
like Kathryn Bernardo.
She's a woman but
looks like Chito Miranda...
who got cursed.
Hey, don't make fun of me.
Sorry, I can't help it.
Sir, I'm married to this guy.
I was a former agent
at the bikini open.
I saw him at a beauty contest.
They fell so hard for me
at first sight!
Do you know how serious
this alleged rape case is?
Mom, Dad...
Just tell it to me straight.
Use "rape" in a sentence.
"Ronald raped her." That's it.
I have a question.
May I know
who referred you to me?
Martin did.
Martin would always talk
about you when he was alive.
Of course, the dead don't speak.
Oh, sorry.
Ronald and Martin,
they were very close.
But Martin never said
anything to me.
Martin did say
he couldn't talk much to you.
- Naldo, stop.
- What now?
I'm... I'm sorry. But I think,
it is not in your best interest
that I represent you in court.
Come on, Sampi. You know
I slip up when I'm nervous.
Stop talking. I can't think
straight with you being noisy.
Maybe that's why they didn't
believe we're Martin's friends...
Martin! Ron!
You often went
to Martin's house, right?
Hi, you don't know us
but we know you.
Special noodles for you
with squid toppings.
We are Ronald Jimenez's
parental guidance.
You visited him at school.
I know you're familiar!
You are bro's mother.
Uh, how may I help you?
I have an appointment
and I need to...
Our son is Martin Bien's friend.
- We're his friends too.
- Yes.
You're my son's friends?
- Yes.
- Hey!
- Dora!
- You're here.
- Long time no see.
- Ma'am,
Naldo and Sampi are my friends
at the comedy bar.
They join us
in Martin's feeding program.
- Hello.
- Here.
Do you use
the blue heart for stress?
- Do you know this?
- That one! Yes.
Martin and I bought it.
He said it relieves stress.
I think it's a joke
because you can't just relieve
stress by squeezing it.
I told him, "Bro,
why would a heart be blue?"
- Martin said...
- Ma'am?
You still continued
Martin's mobile kitchen.
When you couldn't come,
Martin would ask us to join him.
They're in every
feeding program.
Mom, Dad, can we come too?
Let's go again like old times.
- You should.
- I know!
Let's help her make it bigger
and feed as many porridge
to a lot of people.
I'll call my friends.
That might cause a ruckus.
It's just a small event.
Ruckus? That won't happen.
We'll be quiet like in funerals.
Let's call our friends.
I'll call Miriam.
Your lips so red
It's like you're dead.
No, it's a face mirror.
What a dirty mouth you have!
Crybabies aren't allowed here.
Go back home and shed tears.
Go back, loser.
What a foul mouth.
You really believed
it will be quiet?
Thanks for your help.
It's nothing.
Anything for Martin.
I know why you came to me,
But I can't promise
that I can help you.
Bessy is my godchild.
There's no hope for my son
to get justice, is that it?
But I have to side
with the truth.
Such a pity, huh?
A 13-year-old trapped
in a 27-year-old's body.
I was a drunkard
when it happened.
I was drinking with Naldo,
and boom, I got pregnant.
Gross, right?
I forgot that my uterus
is still intact.
I had been pregnant
for two months then,
yet I kept drinking,
so Ronald came out a dimwit.
But Sampi,
you're still fortunate.
Ronald is borderline normal.
He's still high-functioning.
So that's what it's called.
Sounds like a washing machine.
But let's admit it. My son
still got some loose screws.
Some parts are missing.
He's called a "special child."
You know what, Amanda,
he came home one night
with a red mark on his forehead.
His playmate told him
if a steamed bun is special,
to separate it from the rest,
they mark it with red.
I'm sorry to hear that, Sampi.
You know what made
his forehead red?
A cut.
They hurt my son.
Now, if they will hurt my Ronald
for the rest of his life,
how is that being "special"?
Don't blame yourself for it.
We keep telling ourselves that,
You're a mother too, Amanda.
You know it in your heart
when you haven't done enough.
And you're right, you did.
Caloy, give it to them.
This would fit.
The space is big.
Thank you.
That's nothing.
Bro and I are used to it.
How did you meet Martin?
I was his test subject
for his study...
- The... the...
- Thesis?
Yes, his thesis.
But why would he do that?
He was studying engineering.
Didn't you know?
He transferred to psychology.
He wanted the two of you
to be psychologists.
He looked up to you so much.
It seems bro didn't tell you.
But that's fine.
I have a lot of secrets
from my parents too.
They didn't know...
I'm in a relationship
with Bessy.
Really? You're dating Bessy?
I told you, it's a secret.
You won't get me.
Ron, was Bessy kind to you?
- Kind? Is that a question?
- Yeah.
You bet.
You're still pretty
even if you're getting fat.
Excuse me, you can have this.
I haven't had a sip.
What he said isn't true.
You're not getting fat.
Okay. Ronald,
convert this in five minutes.
We already studied
the binary and hex.
I'm going to return this phone.
But before I do that,
can we take a video first?
You should sing.
What will I sing?
Whatever comes to mind.
I know a lot of songs.
You know a lot of stuff
like binary and hex.
One, two... Go, Ma'am Bessy.
What's that?
It's a dance.
That dance is so corny.
- Do some other dance.
- Corny, you say?
- Give me that.
- No.
- It's your turn.
- No.
You said I was corny, right?
- Let's see how you do it.
- Okay.
Okay then.
What is that?
One, two, three!
No way!
That's not fair.
Blow it.
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Ouch, hey, ouch.
Ronald, you're not even looking.
Ma'am Bessy...
- Did she tell you that?
- What?
That she loves you too.
She loves me.
But she never said it.
Do you love Martin?
Of course.
But you never told him.
Can we talk?
I remember Lallie.
She's got loads of money, she
can get him convicted easily.
So why would I want to handle
that loser of a case?
In this country,
no alleged rapist gets away
with the claim
of intellectual disability.
I had our legal officer
look into it.
Ronald stalked the teacher.
They even have a sex video.
Julian, I know all of it.
But he's Martin's best friend.
He was there for Martin
when we weren't.
There you go.
And now the truth came out.
This is what I'm saying.
That's why
I didn't take the case,
and why I'm selling the house.
All for Martin's sake.
I'm leaving you
because I'm sick of this.
For how long must we grieve?
It's already been a year
since he died...
I want to make it up to my son.
If we help Ronald,
will that bring Martin back?
Come on, Amanda, let's move on.
Move on?
What is moving on for you?
To sell this house?
Forget everything
that reminds you of Martin?
That's not moving on.
You're just burying
your heart alive.
It's long been buried!
Yes, I made a mistake before,
but you never stopped.
We couldn't move forward.
I'm exhausted.
Just talk to Ronald.
If you can't take the case,
I'll sign the annulment papers.
That's how important
this is to you?
I'll prepare
the annulment papers.
Don't just say it, do it.
it's just the two of us here.
It's so you can tell me
what you have to say.
Now, tell me,
what really happened
between you and Bessy?
Why did you reject us before,
What if...
I tell you that I believe the
things they're saying about you?
No, that's not the reason why.
I can see right through you.
Martin taught me a trick.
He told me before,
if a person looks to his right,
it means he's lying.
And that's what you did.
Okay, then why do you think
I refused then?
You might be afraid to lose.
But it's fine if you fail.
Everyone fails.
Even parents fail.
Since everyone fails,
then everyone must know
how to forgive.
It's fine
if you won't take this.
We don't have the money
to pay you, anyway.
But if you'd let me pay you
by arranging your garden,
just like before,
but even better this time.
Hold on.
You helped Martin
arrange our garden?
Helped, you say?
Martin only took the videos,
but he never helped.
I'm not lying.
Check his video camera.
Video camera?
Yes, the one behind
his head caps.
It's true.
Mom's topiaries look great.
It's done so beautifully.
Mom will be so happy.
She thought I did this, but...
it's all about this guy.
There he is. Smile at me.
Oh, no, you cut
the bougainvillea!
I'm just kidding.
Would you look at that.
- What a move.
- Stop that.
No, I'll upload it on YouTube.
I'll call it "Zumba Hotline,"
hashtag, hot mama!
you're grounded for this!
Okay, I'll stop.
This is our mobile kitchen.
We have spaghetti,
some sandwich.
We're here at Montalban,
and we have a special guest.
Dad, say hi to the camera.
- Hi, Dad.
- Hello.
Okay, guys, look at them.
Hi, kids, hello.
Hi, Mom. It's Julian, Jr.
But his nickname
is very unique. Junjun!
Out of all the names,
it has to be Junjun.
- I'm very cute.
- Yes, you are.
Junjun, when the time comes,
we'll show this to Aunt Amanda.
Okay? Yay!
Look at the camera, say hi.
- Hi, Aunt Amanda! Hello!
- Hello! Hello!
Five seconds, let's do it.
He dunked the ball
and it's all over!
You should eat a lot.
You ate two.
Okay, I won't.
So we'll always go back to this?
Yes, we're done.
How many times
do we need to talk about this?
Martin, stay out of this.
Mom, I already know.
I have always known.
I have a half-brother.
It's Julian, Jr.
You knew?
You knew yet you never told me.
Enough, Amanda.
For what, Mom?
So you can fight with Dad
every day just like now?
I'm so tired getting between
your arguments.
I don't deserve your betrayal!
Martin, don't answer back.
No, Dad. It's time for her
to hear the truth.
It's always about you, Mom.
I'm exhausted.
Every day, I do all that I can
so you can forgive Dad.
But you're so tough.
Sometimes, I just want to die!
Sure. Join your father in hell.
For heaven's sake, Amanda!
I told you, enough!
If you've had enough of me.
Go, get bent!
Go to your family.
Join your family.
- What's wrong with you?
- Your other family.
- You won't let this go?
- Not until you're a womanizer.
So you won't stop?
For Martin's sake.
Miss Bien,
straight to the point.
A most upsetting conflict
of interest here.
The defendant is friends
with your son.
Before. Martin passed on.
It changes nothing.
A memory is more powerful.
Lallie, who is this woman?
Attorney Patricia Celis.
She'll handle our case.
Actually, um, we just want
to be reassured
that there's no cause
for concern, right, Amanda?
That's what I came here for.
I thought you're my friend?
I was depending on you.
Do you know
what I'm going through here?
The enrollment rate
will decrease.
We'll be laughed at
by the academic community.
Don't look at me like that.
I have to think of my life work.
I've given so much to my niece.
Lallie, maybe we shouldn't go
through with this.
I'll just talk to Bessy.
No, you may not talk
to my client.
Especially now.
do you still have doubts?
There's a sex video.
Yes, the video exists.
But videos
are not admissible in court.
Great. Now you're a lawyer too?
While you're playing lawyer,
what has consciously
convinced you
about the demerits of this case?
Ronald said Bessy and he
had an understanding.
Bessy loves Ronald.
She's just like her mom!
My failure of a sister.
Why did I take on such a burden?
So I am still a burden to you,
I am your burden.
- I never...
- Who told you to come down?
There's a court case
that I wasn't aware of.
- Bessy, can I talk to you?
- Don't you dare.
- Were you dating Ronald?
- Don't you dare answer that.
- Do you love him?
- You, Miss Bien,
are way beyond unethical.
Trying to squeeze a response
like that?
Lallie, I was right, wasn't I?
She will drag us down.
I asked around, you know.
About your son.
It's none of your business.
My enemy's my business.
I've been told
you kicked him out.
Did he do it in front of you?
The suicide?
Now, if that doesn't unhinge
you, I don't know what will.
As I've told Lallie,
- you're not capable!
- Then so be it.
I'll see you in court.
I will defend Ronald from you.
Then, good luck to him.
You couldn't even save
your own son, what more Ronald?
Stop it.
"And he brought up Hadassah,
that is Esther,
his uncle's daughter.
For she had neither
father nor mother.
And the maid
was fair and beautiful,
whom Mordecai, when her
father and mother were dead,
took for his own daughter."
Naldo, I have some good news.
Our son
won't get jailed anymore.
Ron, Ron, you won't
get jailed anymore.
You won't get jailed.
Oh, Attorney, thank you so much.
The court has granted us bail
given his condition.
He has no previous conviction,
and he isn't flight-risk,
so anytime, we'll be called
for a hearing for our case.
But we do have a chance, yes?
- Well, I came here...
- What the hell!
- So we can talk about...
- Attorney, wait a second.
Come, help me close the windows.
- Thank you for helping us...
- Hey, you!
Shut up! I've got visitors here!
- You're such a blessing...
- Ma'am, Attorney.
- Come, sit down.
- Have a seat, please.
The glue gun's still hot,
careful, Miss Amanda.
- Have a seat.
- How's our case?
Naldo, honey...
- Attorney, what's next?
- Naldo. Naldo.
Um, Ron-Ron,
I saw your room, it's so dirty.
- No, I cleaned it already.
- Sort your magazines.
I saw it, too. It's dirty.
- Come, clean it up quick.
- Just take your time.
- Ron, let me help you.
- Wow, see, she'll help you.
- Here, this way.
- Go on, now.
- Thank you, ma'am.
- Thank you.
By the way, ma'am.
I'll show you something.
- What is it?
- Wait, it's over here.
Where is it? Here, I found it.
It's quite old.
Where is it?
Here you go.
Those were Martin's papers
in psychology.
He was going to let you read it
because he said
you're a good psychologist.
Why didn't he give these to me?
He said you're too busy.
These are good.
There's another one in there.
Oh, sorry. I'm so sorry, bro.
I'm really sorry.
I'm so sorry.
H-H-He didn't want you
to see that.
M-M-Martin told me before
that you'd get mad
if we go there.
And also...
he said that's his brother
whose mom is not you.
How is that possible?
You wouldn't understand.
Did Attorney have sex
with another woman?
Pia was my friend.
She became Julian's assistant.
I was in the US that time.
I had no idea.
When I came home,
Julian just apologized to me.
What they did really hurt.
We have to build up our case.
I'm thinking of using
mental incapacity as defense.
As in, like a crazy person?
- Yeah.
- Oh.
- Ronald is crazy?
- Yes.
Attorney, our son knows
what he's doing.
But we have to prove
that it's not rape.
And given Ronald's condition,
how can we prove that he's aware
of his own actions?
Here, for example,
your neighbor's issues.
How does Ronald understand that?
How can he understand that?
The court would want to know
what he understands about sex.
But you know, ma'am,
Martin told me before,
everyone makes mistakes,
so everyone should learn
to forgive.
It's not that easy to forgive,
Martin said that, too.
You were mad for so long
that you didn't even bother
to think
that he's also hurting, too.
Yes, Attorney,
I understand that.
Sure, my son finds it hard
to learn and study,
he may not know what's right
from wrong.
It's not like Ronald just felt
horny and decided to rape.
- I understand, Mr. Jimenez.
- That's me.
Rape is not even an act of lust,
rape is an act of violence.
Violence? I don't get it.
In rape, usually, a man proves
that he has power
despite his frustrations.
Oh, frustration...
I mean, a woman's rejection.
With the awareness
of his mental capacity,
we can say
he's got strong urges.
Well, that's not my son at all.
I just want to help.
I'm your lawyer.
It's important for me to see
all the angles to this
so I can help Ronald
in the best way I can.
Right, he's our lawyer.
He's on our side.
If I may ask,
does Ronald have
violent tendencies?
Yeah, sometimes.
He gets mad at times,
just like the rest of us.
- That's...
- Wait,
how will this help our case?
I'm just showing you
how the judges think.
Ronald's violence, plus
the shows he's watching here,
plus your family's
unconventional setup.
So, you're saying that we taught
our son to rape, is that right?
It's not that.
What I mean is, Mr. Jimenez...
No, Attorney.
That's what you mean.
That's what you're saying!
How great.
You've beaten the court
into judging us,
because we're not
as pure as you.
You're so perfect!
Your family's so perfect!
He also said,
your family
would've been perfect,
but it wasn't.
Now, you know why
that heart was blue.
That's not my heart.
It was Martin's.
That's what's wrong with you.
You find us funny,
so you think this is all a joke.
Our lives are ruined, Attorney.
Don't you understand that?
We're shattered!
Do you know
how much this hurts us?
Would you like it if your child
gets accused of rape?
- Would you?
- I'm sorry...
I didn't mean to offend you.
But as your lawyer,
it's important
that I know the truth.
You want to know the truth?
Here's the truth!
- Wait...
- No, don't do it, Attorney.
Just let her. She'll calm down.
- Come here.
- Dad...
- Come here.
- Ouch.
- What is it, Dad?
- Come here!
It hurts, Dad.
Come here and admit
what you've done!
- My god!
- You raped your teacher!
Just admit it!
- What the...
- Stop it!
You treat him like a baby,
now he became a rapist!
You raped your teacher!
What are you doing?
Sampi, come on!
What else do you need to see?
What else should we prove?
Screw this.
I'm sorry, Dad.
Please, stop.
Don't be mad at me, please.
Please, no more.
That's enough.
Do the interviews later.
Later, please.
Ma'am Bessy!
So, she's Bessy?
She's prettier in person.
Doctor, please read
your report again.
"Moderate laceration,
minor bruising."
No semen samples?
Attorney, the incident happened
a week ago.
I'm sure she's washed...
So, there's none?
What about bleeding?
There will surely be traces.
There was no bleeding.
It's not definitive, but it's
indicative of virginity.
I don't want to ask
but I should.
Doctor, was Bessy a virgin
when it happened?
She was not.
Light laceration,
minimal bruising,
no semen, no bleeding,
not a virgin.
Considering that rape
requires force,
I'd like to ask you, doctor,
is your report conclusive
of rape?
Attorney, according to
my medical reports,
- there was penetration...
- Answer the question.
Is it conclusive of rape?
- Indicative.
- Are you sure it's rape?
I am not.
Silence in court.
No further questions,
Your Honor.
I'm here in the kitchen!
Aren't you friends
with Lallie Laperal?
Did you know that the Sequias
are a major stockholder
of Bonaventure University?
How is she related
to Paco Sequia?
I don't remember the last time
you cooked here in the house.
Well, it's been a while
since I last saw you in court.
Some things never change.
You're still good.
That's true.
Some things never really change.
Your fried eggs
are still over hard.
That will never change.
Come on, let's eat.
You know what?
I don't remember the last time
we had a meal here together.
It actually feels good.
It's my way of thanking you
for taking up Ronald's case.
I never thought that we'd be
of help to our son's friend.
It's surreal, huh?
It's like Martin set
this all up.
Yeah, that's why we have
to give it our best shot.
We can't fail them.
Bessy has a good career
in the field of education,
like almost all of us
in the family.
She has a decent boyfriend
who is a member
of the school board,
with a good family background.
Not like...
But what happened?
My niece, whom I treat
like my own daughter,
is now broken,
all because she was too kind
to tutor a rapist.
That is all, Your Honor.
Mrs. Laperal,
do you still check the lesson
plans of your teachers?
Objection. Irrelevant.
Your Honor,
I'm establishing the character
of the witness.
Relax, Attorney.
I don't mind answering. Yes.
I spot-check their
syllabi and lesson plans.
I want quality in my school,
being an educator myself.
So, how are Bessy's
lesson plans?
Or haven't you checked
because she hasn't submitted any
for two semesters?
Bessy gets sick a lot.
She has a weak
respiratory system, so...
So, her photos
on Instagram, Facebook,
with her boyfriend...
Mrs. Laperal, tell me,
do tequila shots cure asthma?
Your Honor, I'm testing
the credibility of the witness.
I can change the question.
You said Bessy's boyfriend,
Paco Sequia,
is a business developer.
The Sequias are one of the
stockholders of the university.
Any relation?
He's the grandson
of your largest stockbroker
and an investor
for your expansion.
Was there any pressure
from the Sequia family to...
Objection! Misleading.
Your Honor,
I'm driving onto something.
Then, get to it!
So, there's a lot at stake here
aside from rape.
Your name, your university,
and your investors.
And if you mess up,
it's better for your niece
to be a victim
than a willing participant.
Misleading! Conjecture!
Attorney Bien,
I'm getting impatient.
Last question.
If the video didn't surface,
would you file a case?
No further questions,
Your Honor.
To be honest,
if the video didn't surface,
I would not file a case.
Say what you want,
but it doesn't change the fact
that there is a rape video.
Sampi! Sampi!
Don't you ever come back
and show your face again!
I'm not planning on coming back
to your rotten bar!
You're all so cheap!
You look like a
tarsier, you traitor!
You're just as rotten
as your attitude!
It's Ronald!
Mr. Jimenez, wait a minute.
Is it true that you won't
graduate because of this?
Do you plan on getting help
from the government?
- What can you say...
- Excuse me, no interviews.
- Sir, just one more.
- Don't say anything.
Uh, DVDs. Ronald and I
are actively trading DVDs.
What a traitor.
You even came
to our feeding programs.
I don't care.
Attorney Bien.
Don't make me send them out.
I'm warning you.
- To continue, what kind of DVDs?
- Porn.
In those porn DVDs,
are there rape scenes?
Yes, but it's all acting
and stuff like that.
So, the defendant thinks
of rape as a game.
Irrelevant, Your Honor.
No basis, jumping to conclusion.
Let me change the question.
In his gay father's
comedy act...
Objection, Your Honor.
Are you objecting
against the father being gay?
- Why did you put makeup on?
- It's good that I have it on.
Your Honor, his job
is irrelevant and immaterial.
For a mentally challenged person
like Ronald,
isn't there great influence
on his mind and character
if he's exposed to problematic
Rephrase the question.
In your comedy act,
was there any punch lines
about rape?
He said if a customer's cute,
he'd like to be raped.
And how did the audience react?
The reaction
that the suspect witnesses?
They laugh,
but that's just a joke.
Rape is just a joke?
Ronald, do you understand?
You need to take
the witness stand.
I thought
I don't need to do that?
They'll bring Bessy in tomorrow.
If you can't do as good as her,
you'll get locked up.
No, I won't.
Look, Bessy will tell the truth
She'll tell you everything,
so I don't have to.
You trust the enemy?
She betrayed you.
Julian, please.
I'm the lawyer here.
Why is there a case against you?
Because Bessy said
you raped her.
That's not true!
Bessy wouldn't say that.
She loves me.
I'll talk to your parents
Our only choice right now
is settlement.
What are you doing here?
Why do they say those things?
Did you really tell on me?
But I've been quiet because
you said it was our secret.
Okay, I'll meet you down there.
Hurry, or you'll miss him.
Ma'am Bessy.
- What are you doing here?
- Why?
Let's forget
about what happened.
Tell your lawyer that you didn't
know what you were doing.
You won't get jailed
because you're not normal.
Should I say that? But...
Ma'am Bessy, I know what we did.
- Come back in here!
- I know what happened.
- Now!
- Go home.
Bessy, please, don't leave me...
Ma'am Bessy, whatever I did,
I'm sorry.
- Ma'am Bessy!
- Ronald!
- Go away...
- Ma'am Bessy...
if you don't want me
to call the police on you!
- Rapist!
- Auntie...
Inside! Now!
Hey, dimwit. Are you lost?
- Where are you going?
- Hey, freak!
What are you doing here, jerk?
Show him! Show him!
- Planning to rape again?
- Hit him, bro!
Hit him!
Kick him!
Fighting back, huh.
Watch out! Paco!
- Kick him. Kick him.
- Bastard.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
You bastard.
- Stay back!
- Hey...
- Stay away!
- Guards!
- Damn. Calm down.
- Stay away!
- Stay away!
- Guards!
- Guards! Get him.
- Stay back! Stay back!
Guards! They're attacking me!
Stay back!
Excuse me, sir.
- I'm here for Ronald Jimenez.
- Ronald Jimenez?
- Go get your son.
- I'm not his father.
I'm his lawyer.
Ronald. Nald.
- Let's go.
- Attorney?
Let's go.
We've talked about this.
I've told you, the court order
said you can't talk to Bessy.
I'm sorry.
- I'll have him released.
- All right.
I'll talk to your dad.
Attorney, please sign here.
Attorney, don't tell Dad.
He'll hit me.
I'll deal with him.
My god, what did they do to you?
Attorney, look at what they did!
Those bastards didn't spare
my child.
Let's sue them
for physical injury.
We're at fault, too.
I'm sure Patricia
would bring this up,
saying Ronald
attacked Bessy first.
Here's more.
You can choose
which charity these will go to.
- Sir, we can still fit the bed.
- All right. Bring it out.
Amanda, today's the anniversary.
We've talked about this.
You know, I was thinking
about the case.
Let's just claim Ronald's
incapacity to determine
right from wrong.
Just to get this over with.
Here, bring these out, too.
You'll admit
that there was rape?
But no intent.
He didn't know that it was rape.
There's a difference.
Yeah, but...
Ronald will be sent
to a mental institution
if we do that.
For all we know,
it might actually help him.
Is the box there yet?
Sir, we're just waiting
for the packing tape.
It's so easy for you
to give up the truth.
What else is true in this case?
Ronald doesn't even want
to testify.
And worse,
the court order was simple,
just don't go to Bessy,
and he still did.
I don't understand why we keep
on defending this guy.
For Martin.
Ronald is not Martin.
Wake up.
Julian, Bessy will testify.
Can we at least wait
until after tomorrow?
Sir Julian, here's the tape.
Sorry, it took so long.
It's clear in the medical report
that you weren't able
to fight back.
- And why was that?
- I was scared.
He brought something
out of his pocket.
- And what is that?
- A screwdriver.
No further questions,
Your Honor.
- Cross, Your Honor.
- Proceed.
Miss Buenaventura,
do you love Paco?
- Yes.
- Enough to share a life
with him?
If so, why is your relationship
You've broken up
five times, to be exact.
Objection. Hearsay.
- There's no witness for that.
- Sustained.
Are you happy
when you go out with Paco?
Why do you use your unpaid
tutoring as an excuse?
Do you use it to avoid
going out with him on dates?
- Another objection.
- Sustained, Attorney Bien.
I teach Ronald
because he's my friend.
Ronald is a friend.
Well, he's getting jailed
if found guilty.
And with that mental condition,
he will not stand a chance
to survive.
And whose fault would it be?
A friend of his.
Remember, Bessy,
you only have this chance.
Your answer will forever change
the life of this person.
You can ruin the life
of an innocent person.
So for the last time, in front
of Ronald Jimenez Jr.,
I ask you,
did he force you to have sex?
He forced me.
Attorney, that's not true.
That's not true.
Ma'am Bessy...
Keep quiet.
Your Honor, that's not true.
He didn't even fix
the questions.
The truth will always come out.
We'll get there eventually.
What are you talking about?
Truth always comes out?
I don't know anymore.
Maybe it's true.
We're bad parents.
Maybe we should've put him
in a mental institution.
What are you talking about?
What if he did rape that girl?
- My god...
- I didn't blame God
for failing in life.
I didn't blame God
for having a disabled son.
But now, I'm mad at Him.
I'm mad that He let our son
do that kind of thing!
- He didn't do anything!
- He raped a girl!
Ronald, stop! Ronald, stop!
Ronald, stop, please!
- Oh, Ronald.
- Ma'am Amanda.
The gate was open,
so I let myself in.
Oh, Julian just went out
to buy some food.
What's wrong?
What happened?
Ma'am... Ma'am Amanda...
- What happened?
- Ma'am...
Tell me.
I don't think anybody wants
to believe me anymore.
That's not true. I'm here.
No, even my dad...
He wants to believe
I raped Ma'am Bessy.
I believe in you.
Me and Julian. Okay?
It's good that
even if we're not related,
- you believe me.
- Stop crying now.
- Come on in.
- I'm fine. I'm fine.
- Come on.
- I'm fine...
Come on, you need to relax.
Come here.
- Have you eaten?
- I'm fine.
Come on, we can wait for Julian.
- Have a seat. Are you thirsty?
- I'm fine.
All right. Have a seat,
I'll get you some water.
Why are you watching this?
Why does it say "rape"?
- Oh, Julian is...
- Why?
Do you also believe
that I raped Bessy?
Of course not.
Calm down. Have a drink.
- You think I did it?
- No.
- What are you...?
- You're just like my parents!
You believe them and not me!
I don't...
What if I just tell them
that I did rape Bessy?
Why would you say it
if it's not true?
But Attorney said I can!
Then, you're going to tell them
that I don't know
right from wrong!
Then, what am I?
- A crazy person?
- No.
I didn't rape Bessy!
I know what rape is.
- Come here.
- What are you doing?
- Let me go!
- What do you think?
- You think this is what I did?
- Let me go!
- Come here.
- Hey!
Let me go! Ronald, let me go!
Let me go, Ronald!
Is this what you think I did?
- Let me go!
- Ma'am, I know what rape is.
I've watched those!
- Ronald, let me go...
- This is what rape is.
Like this...
Ronald! Ronald...
Look over there.
See? See that?
That's how a rape victim
looks like.
They're scared!
Bessy didn't look like that
because I didn't rape her!
- Do you understand?
- What's happening?
- What's this?
- Do you get it?
What are you doing, you bastard?
After all we've done for you?
Why won't you believe me?
Is it because I'm like this?
- Bessy loves me!
- Jerk!
- She loves me!
- Cut it out!
Julian! Stop that!
- It's not what you think!
- You're defending this pervert?
Julian! Cut it out!
Stop it!
He's just explaining...
No! Martin!
I'm sorry.
I understand you now. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
This is the last day.
You don't have to watch this.
Ma'am, where's Attorney?
All rise.
The honorable
Feliciana S. Nieves
is now presiding.
Recall the case.
Criminal case number 7412.
People of the Philippines
versus Ronald Jimenez Jr.
For the private prosecution,
Attorney Patricia Celis,
Your Honor.
For the accused,
Ronald Jimenez Jr.,
Attorney Julian Bien,
Your Honor.
For the record,
Attorney Bien's motion
to exempt the same is denied.
Please present your witness.
May we call on
Ronald Jimenez Jr., Your Honor.
According to your sworn
when you saw Paco Sequia
hurt Bessy near the school,
didn't you get mad at her?
- A little.
- So,
you were a little mad at the
woman who doesn't like you
but allows other people
to hurt her?
Were you angry when you met
in the garden shed?
- Yes, but...
- Were you mad when you had sex?
- Yes... Oh, no...
- There we go.
Your disabled mind is shaken up.
In your statement, you said
you held her hands first.
What did you do?
I just squeezed it like this.
I tried to kiss her.
How did she react?
She turned away.
- She was shocked.
- She turned away?
So she didn't like it.
Look at this video.
So she turned away,
then why were you on top of her?
No, Attorney,
that's not what happened.
It's not just that.
She's telling you to stop,
but you continued.
Attorney, no...
- I can't remember...
- I know you're quite slow,
but your memory is sharp.
So, try to remember it.
Ma'am Bessy...
Ma'am Bessy...
You're talking to me.
Why did you continue
when she told you to stop?
- Isn't that how it goes?
- What do you mean?
In Titillating Teachers in Love
Part 4.
Titillating Teachers in Love?
It's Auntie Miriam's DVD
that I borrow.
In that film,
even if the girl screams,
"Stop it! Stop it!",
the boy still goes on.
- What's your husband doing?
- I don't know.
- Do you own a screwdriver?
- Yes.
The one you used in your fight
with Paco Sequia?
- Yes, but...
- Did you have it with you
when you had sex with Bessy?
I had it,
but I didn't bring it out.
Objection, Your Honor!
Is Attorney Bien working now
for the prosecution?
Why are you objecting?
I'm helping you.
It's still his witness.
Proceed, Attorney Bien.
Ronald, do people like you
know how to love?
- Of course.
- You do?
So, even if you're called crazy,
a dimwit, abnormal,
- mental, you still do?
- Yes.
Do you love your parents?
Of course, I do.
If you do, then why
didn't you tell them the truth?
Why can't you tell them
what really happened?
- Attorney, stop it.
- Sit down.
I can't... I shouldn't...
- I really can't.
- You love Bessy.
That's why when she turned
away, you had sex with her!
No, that's not what happened!
- Attorney...
- You don't understand.
Then, who can tell us
what really happened?
All of them have said
that you're a violent dimwit.
You know right from wrong,
but if you don't get
what you want, you get violent.
What about your girlfriend?
Only she can tell if what
you're saying is true or not.
But she said, you forced her
to have sex with you.
She doesn't love you.
She's scared
of your screwdriver.
She doesn't care
whether you get jailed
or taken to a mental hospital!
Is that the person
you say loves you?
Ma'am Bessy...
All right. Go talk to her.
Apologize for what you've done.
Apologize because a dimwit like
you has no right to be in love.
- You have no right to love!
- Cut it out!
Bessy, sit down.
Order in the court.
Miss Buenaventura, sit down.
You can tell them.
But... Isn't it...
Isn't it just between us?
It's okay.
Tell them everything.
No more secrets, Ronald.
Ronald, no!
What's wrong?
Is it because...
I'm like this?
It's difficult to love
someone like me.
I'm just the same as you.
My own mother didn't want me.
They just took me in
and bore with me.
All of them are laughing at me
because I'm a failure.
Ronald, the world is not for us.
It's only for the smart ones,
the strong ones, the great ones.
Not for us.
Ma'am Bessy, that's not true.
Well, me, I'm lucky, too.
I'm lucky because...
I have a mom, I have a dad,
I have classes,
I have work, and I have you.
Isn't that lucky?
You're lucky,
you have people who love you.
My sweet, innocent Ronald.
I hope no one hurts you.
Ma'am Bessy.
Even if they always laugh at me,
I'm not hurt.
But whenever I see you
getting hurt,
I feel it, too.
Get off! Get off! Get off!
Ronald, stop! Stop it!
Ma'am Bessy, what's wrong?
What am I going to do?
What am I going to do?
Ma'am Bessy, I'm sorry!
I'm sorry! Ma'am!
Wait up! Ma'am Bessy!
Ma'am Bessy, wait up.
- Ronald...
- What did I do?
- Let's talk about it.
- Ronald...
What did I do wrong?
Ma'am Bessy.
Where is it?
Ma'am Bessy,
I know what I'm doing
and I know how I feel about you.
- Please, believe me.
- Ronald.
If you really love me,
you'll keep this a secret.
No one should know about this,
whatever happens.
Promise me that.
Ma'am Bessy...
Are we a couple now?
If we are, you have to tell me,
"I love you, too, Ronald."
Right? You have to say that.
"I love you, Ronald."
If you keep this a secret
without anyone knowing,
I love you.
But if someone knew,
I don't love you anymore.
Your Honor, I move for a recess!
Bessy, is that true?
Don't say anything, Bessy.
Don't mess this up.
Bessy, don't you dare!
My client is indisposed,
Your Honor.
I would like to hear
her statement.
Our reputation, Bessy.
It's true.
Why did you say it was rape?
I was shocked.
No, I was embarrassed.
I was embarrassed with Ronald.
I was embarrassed to be seen
having sex with him.
I was embarrassed with
the person who truly loved me.
Ronald, I'm sorry I lied.
You still love me, right?
Yes, I love you,
but not in the way
you want me to.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Ronald.
Where are you going?
Order in the court!
Order in the court!
Order in the court!
Order in the court!
What's that, girl?
I'd spent years in this.
Why are you rushing?
Ronald! Your visitors are here!
- Yes, Dad!
- Ronald!
- Yes, Dad!
- Ronald!
Hurry out! Ronald!
My son is here!
Where's the party? I'm here!
I can hear you
from across the street!
Excuse me!
- Here's the winner's prize!
- Thank you!
Let's eat.
- I am the winner.
- I am the winner
- I've hidden my broken heart.
- I've hidden my broken heart.
A round of applause!
- Hey, sis.
- Play 2482. I paid for that.
- We know!
Don't hog the microphone!
Ronald? What are you doing here?
We're celebrating for you
My son...
I know it's hard for you
to understand what happened,
and I know how much it hurts.
But that's just how life goes.
That's normal.
All people who love get hurt.
Especially if they're
a handsome boy like you.
Stop it, Mom.
I'm exactly like you before.
When I was a teenage girl,
there was a guy who broke
my heart to pieces.
It hurt so much,
I gave up on being gay.
Just kidding. Can you imagine me
being straight?
I don't.
But who would've known
that I'd meet your dad?
I am too gay but still ended up
with a woman.
What I mean is,
time will come,
and you'll find someone
who will truly love you
and might love you
more than you could.
Really? Even if I'm like this?
- What?
- Disabled?
Don't listen
to those judgmental bastards.
Everyone is disabled
if you judge them enough.
Be thankful
you won't have problems
with your face
since you got
your dad's features.
Imagine if you got my face.
See, you're smiling.
But really, I'm thankful
that your heart isn't disabled.
This is so beautiful.
I love you so much.
Well, feeling better?
Can we stop this?
Let's go back in?
Upstairs? Come on.
It's my turn to sing.
I'm singing next.
- Where's Amanda?
- In her room, sir.
Where are you going?
With Yvette, in Canada.
While I'm waiting
for the annulment papers.
Are you still serious
with signing the documents?
That's what I promised you,
Just for you to take the case?
And you won it.
So, I guess, here we are.
Actually, I've got these papers
for some time now.
I wasn't sure if I wanted
to give them to you.
I didn't want to anymore, but...
I honestly don't know
why I should sign this.
It doesn't make sense anymore.
You know what, Amanda?
If there's someone
who should leave, it's you.
I wasn't a good husband to you.
I know it's unforgivable.
But for all it's worth,
I'm sorry, Amanda.
You know,
I still wanted to be mad at you.
But, whatever I do,
I'm not mad anymore.
Ever since we handled
Ronald's case,
something seemed to have
changed in me.
I learned one thing
that Martin's trying
to teach us.
Mom and Dad told me
that everyone is like a plant.
We wither and die,
but it's okay,
because we can get replanted
and start again.
De Castro, Jose Francisco.
Just look up the sky
and make a wish.
De Leon, Jonas.
They said it's better
to reach for the sun
than give up.
Jimenez, Ronald Jr.
They said we're not alone.
Whatever happens,
there are people
who will support us.
They'll water you and care
for you as much as they can.
They won't hesitate to share
what they have.
There will always be
heavy storms,
but you will live depending
on the soil you're planted in.
Well, my soil is Mom and Dad,
because no matter how hard
I struggle and fall,
they're still there,
building me up
until I get stronger.