The Troubles: A Dublin Story (2022) Movie Script

["The Foggy Dew"
by The Dubliners]
As down the glen
one Easter morn
To a city fair rode I
Their armed lines
of marching men
In squadrons passed me by
No pipes did hum
nor battle drum
- Is he in there?
- Yes.
- What did he say?
- Nothing.
But the Angelus bell
o'er the Liffey swell
- He knows we're involved now.
- Yeah.
- Did you give him
a chance to confess?
- All morning.
One, two, three, four
[lively folk music]
Right proudly high
over Dublin town
The flung of the flag of war
'Twas better to die
'neath an Irish sky
[gunshot blasts]
[trash can lids clanging]
[whistles chirping]
- [Reporter] It's early
morning here in Belfast.
As the city wakes up,
echoes of sporadic protests
pop up around the city at the
news of Bobby Sand's death.
The Northern Ireland
Secretary of State
Humphrey Adkins' office
gave this statement.
"I regret this needless
and pointless death.
"too many have died
in this violence.
"And in this case, it
was self-inflicted."
The Northern Ireland office
gave a terse, one
line statement.
"Mr. Robert Sands died
today at 1:17 a.m.
"He took his own
life by refusing
"food and medical
intervention for 66 days."
As the news spread throughout
the Catholic areas,
whistles were blown...
- Sean!
- [Sean] What?
- [Reporter] But the
rosaries said for Sands
were quickly overtaken by
the sounds of violence.
While some prayed,
others gathered...
[record scratches]
- What was that last bit?
- [Francis] Took his own life.
- British cunts.
- [Vincent] You.
Bad as each other.
- Full of wisdom with
a glass in your hand.
- [Francis] Don't you two start.
- Not me, son.
- I'm off out, yeah?
Make sure he doesn't
piss himself again.
- [Vincent] He'll be off
to Big Declan tomorrow.
[door slams]
Like the rest of them gobshites.
- What are you doing?
- I'm just teasing.
- [Francis] Yeah, well don't.
- He's the one.
Always Sean against the world.
If your mother was here now-
- It's got nothing
to do with Ma.
[sighs] Right.
I'm goin up
You need anything?
- Nah.
- Here.
Just in case you can't
make it upstairs, Dad.
- Where are you going?
- [Francis] I'm going upstairs.
- Sean going with you?
- [Francis] No
Dad, he just left.
- Oh yeah.
Good lad.
Night son.
- Can you see a
resolution of this issue?
- The English must get out.
Or be put out by any
means we can muster.
- Is that a call
for more violence?
- It's a call for the English
to not let it come to that!
It's a call for
the English to get
the hell out of
Ireland and stay out!
For the English to know that
every action has a reaction.
- Declan!
- Declan!
- Deco!
- [Declan] You lost, lads?
- Yeah, can we have a word?
- Talk away.
- In private.
- You want to stand
in the toilets?
- [Francis] We seen all
the stuff on tele and-
- We want to volunteer.
- [Declan] Volunteer?
Volunteer for what?
- The cause.
- The cause?
Which cause would that be now?
- [Francis] Up north.
- Tell you what, lads.
The Sinn Fein office in
town are always looking
for volunteers to hand
out leaflets and whatnot.
Pop in to them.
They'll look after you.
Few leaflets over there,
you can hand them out.
- [Sean] Look, we don't want
to hand out leaflets, Declan.
- Then what do you want to do?
- I want to fight
them British scumbags.
- British scumbags?
What British scumbags?
Go away lads, will yous?
- Look, they just
let your man die.
What they're doing up
there, it's not right.
We want to be a bit more active.
Do what you do.
- The Shannon Twins isn't it?
You know your Uncle Christy
was one of the last
of the officials.
- What's that?
- The old Dublin IRA.
- You look nothing
like each other.
- We're not really twins.
People only say that 'cause
we were born in the same year.
- It's like a joke.
- How many times have you
pair been arrested this year?
It's not a trick question, lads.
- Two.
- Four.
All right, five, but
that's only because-
- If you pair lift your
sticky little fingers
one more time against
your own community.
That community is
gonna break them.
Do you understand me?
- Yeah.
- We won't, Declan.
- Sorry.
What about the other thing?
- Come on.
- Finn?
- Are ye right?
- What time is it?
- Home time.
Come on, we're somewhere
to be tonight, yeah?
- Where?
- Doesn't matter where does it?
Come on.
- What does this lunatic want?
- Shannon Twins.
Read this.
Don't touch.
I'll be back for
it in two weeks.
- Come on.
- [mispronounced] Socialism.
History of the Struggle.
Propaganda Technique...
The fuck is this, Francis?
This is homework.
Where's all the guns and stuff?
- [sighs] It's not the
fucking mafia, Sean.
What are you doing?
- Getting changed.
- Where you going?
- I'm bringing Marie pictures.
- Marie Kelly?
- Yeah.
I'm telling you,
she's fucking gamey.
That's it.
Military Hardware
and Tools Used-
- Her brothers are headbangers.
- Fuck them.
Would you not just read that
and tell me what's in it now?
- No, fuck off!
- [Sean] Is the immersion on?
- How should I know?
[Marie knocking]
- Oh shite, will you tell
her I'll just be a minute?
I have to wash me balls.
- [sighs] Fucking sap.
- Heya, Francis.
- Heya, Marie.
He's just getting ready.
- Can I just use your
Jacks real quick?
I'm dying for a piss.
- [Francis] Yeah yeah,
top of the stairs.
- Ta Francis.
[Finn knocking]
- What time is it ?
- It's half 6.
You done anything stupid
that I should know about?
Or maybe it's just da, hmm?
- No, it can't be.
He's passed out in there.
Are you gonna check
who it is or what?
- No, are you?
- [Finn] Get dressed.
Van leaves in 10 minutes.
- What's this all about?
- What the fuck is his problem?
- [Francis] Come on.
[Irish rock music]
Well in the merry
month of June
Forced from home I started
Left the girls of Tuam
nearly broken hearted
Saluted the Father dear
Kissed the darling mother
and drank a pint of beer
Grief and tears to smother
Then off to reap the corn
- Out.
Come on.
Rattlin' o'er the bogs
Frightening all the dogs
on the rocky road to Dublin
One two three four five
Hunt the hare and turn
her down the rocky road
All the way to Dublin
Whack fol lol le rah
Well in Mullingar that night
I rested limbs so weary
Started by daylight me
spirits bright and airy
Took a drop of pure
Keep me heart from sinking
That's the Paddy's cure
whenever he's on drinking
To see the lassies smile,
laughing all the while
At me curious style, 'twould
set your heart a bubbling
And asked if I was hired
[gunshots blasting]
- The fuck is that?
Down here!
You buy them bullets?
Did you bring them
from your car?
- You're both here of
your own free will.
As volunteers of the Provisional
Irish Republican Army.
Our primary objective
is the removal
of all British
institutions of power.
From the island of
Ireland and establish
a natural sovereign destined,
32 county independent republic.
This is always
our ultimate goal.
Unfortunately as
we speak right now,
up north our brothers
and our sisters
are being beaten, murdered,
and burned out of their homes
by an aggressive
occupying population
who are protected by a
hostile police force.
And a very fucking
hostile British Army.
Our mission, for now,
is to help these people
protect themselves by
any means necessary.
You're now part
of a sleeper cell.
And just like
thousands of invisible
men and women
across this island,
you stay sharp, you stay
quiet, and you wait.
Be very clear on
something here, lads.
You're not just invisible.
You don't exist.
No parades.
No medals.
[tense music]
- People carry big ears.
And even bigger mouths.
Master what you speak.
Master what you hear.
And learn to speak a
lie like it's the truth.
- Now listen to me, lads.
Anything you know you
think we should know,
any time, any
place, you tell us.
- And anything you think
I shouldn't want to know.
I'll be wanting
to know that too.
- Here.
Get yourselves togged out.
I'll bring yous up on the range.
- Put it on.
- No.
I'm good.
Well then I took a stroll,
all among the quality
Bundle it was stole,
all in a neat locality
Something crossed me
mind, when I looked behind
No bundle could I find
upon me stick a wobbling
Enquiring for the rogue,
said me Connaught brogue
Wasn't much in vogue on
the rocky road to Dublin
One two three four five
Hunt the Hare and turn
her down the rocky road
And all the way to Dublin,
whack fol lol le rah
Well from there I got away,
the spirits never failing
Landed on the quay, just
as the ship was sailing
Captain by me roared,
said that no room had he
When I jumped aboard,
a cabin found for Paddy
Down among the pigs,
played some funny rigs
Danced some hearty jigs,
the water 'round me bubbling
When off Holyhead
wished meself was dead
Or better far instead
Up the rocky road to Dublin
One two three four five
Hunt the Hare and turn
her down the rocky road
And all the way to Dublin,
whack fol lol le rah
- [Singer] Oi Tommy,
your chains are off!
[guitar solo]
- [Francis] One more.
Just one more.
No, okay.
Here, just hold on for a second.
If it was whiskey it wouldn't
be a problem would it?
[Vincent chuckles]
[phone rings]
What time?
- [Vincent] Is that Maureen?
- No, Da!
It's Sean!
- Ask him!
- Dad wanted to know when you're
bringing the kids
around to see him again.
[Francis sighs]
Can you hold that?
- Yeah.
- [Francis] You got it?
- Yeah.
[Francis sighs]
- Next week.
Definitely definitely
next week he said
he'd bring the kids
around to see you.
- He's a good lad, Sean.
Your mother comes back.
Wake me up, will you, son?
- I will, da.
I'll be upstairs if
you need me, all right?
- Yeah.
What would I need you for?
- [Francis] Aw Jesus.
- [Sean] Who are you
gonna tell, Marie?
- [Marie] I'm gonna
tell my Ma what you did!
- [Sean] Are ye yeah?
Fucking go then!
- [Marie] I fucking will.
And wait til my brothers
hear about this.
- Ah your brothers yeah?
Go get your brothers!
Go on! I'll wait
here with the kids?
- Give me the kids, Sean.
Give me my kids now!
- Whose kids?
Whose kids?
[Francis knocks]
- Heya, Francis.
Wasn't expecting company.
- How are you, Marie?
I was just in the area.
Is he in?
- Sean your brother's here.
- Let him in.
- Come on, come in,
he's just inside.
- Frank!
Frank, come here, look at this.
Maggie, oh wait
'til you see this.
Wait 'til you see when
she smiles at you, yeah?
Maggie, smile for Uncle Frank.
That's a good girl.
A great girl.
Susie too old for
the bottle, huh?
You too old for the bottle?
No you're not.
- [Marie] Where's
Susan's buggie?
I'm just gonna go to the shops.
I won't be long.
- Susan, Susan come here.
Are you tired?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.
She's tired.
Put her in the pen.
[Sean sighs]
- [Marie] I'm just gonna
get a few messages.
I won't be long.
- Marie.
Were you dragged up?
- Sorry?
- I mean my brother's
only walked in the door
and you haven't even
offered him a cup of tea.
- I'm alright Marie.
I'm good, Sean.
- Don't mind him.
He's only being mannerly.
Of course he wants something.
Fry all right?
- I'm good, Sean.
- We've no sausages
or rashers though.
- What have we got?
- Eggs.
- Have we bread?
- Half a pan.
Would you like a fried egg
and a cup of tea, Francis?
- Marie, you're very good.
But honestly, I've
had something already.
Honestly, I'm all right.
- All you can do is offer.
Grab a few sausages
and a few rashers
while you're down the
shop won't you, love?
- Yeah, okay.
- You're gonna be late.
I'll mind the kids.
Why are you using the back door?
- I just thought I'd be quicker.
- Use the front door, love.
You're not a dog.
More hassle than they're worth.
- He's getting worse.
He's nearly completely gone.
You need to bring the
kids around to see him.
- Can he still find
a bottle, Frank?
- He's sick, Sean.
What difference does it...
- Post office.
He wants us to get the
scope on the place, yeah?
- Collections?
- He wants us to do it.
- What, as in...
Do do?
Who with?
- Who else?
- Time?
- Half 9.
- Is that the exact time?
- Exact time is 9:28.
- Well say that then.
You sure about the intel?
- First Tuesday of every month.
I'm sure.
- In.
And out.
And you!
Keep your finger
off that trigger.
Right, bally up.
Don't move!
[tense music]
[Siobhan screams]
- [Sean] Calm down,
you stupid bitch!
Drop it!
- [Finn] The bags that
came in this morning.
- [Sean] The fucking bags!
- [Finn] You go back and check.
- [Siobhan] No wait!
- [Child] Mommy!
- No no no no! I'll get
them, I'll get them.
- [Finn] What's she doing here?
- She was sick and I...
- [Finn] Look, no
one's gonna harm her.
We just want the bags.
- [Sean] Heya sweetheart.
What's your name?
[idle chatter]
- That's it.
- Okay, let's go.
This wasn't meant to happen.
- Go fuck yourself.
- Right lads.
[suspense music]
- [Garda] It's an armed
robbery PJ! Call it in!
- Fuck.
- SDU are two minutes away!
Give yourselves up!
No one needs to get hurt!
- What the fuck did you do?
- [Siobhan] I
didn't do anything!
- Relax, will you, relax.
Is there a back way out of here?
- [Siobhan] Through the office,
but the door's still locked.
- Fucking open it then!
The keys! Will you hurry
up with the fucking keys?
- I'm looking for them!
We don't ever use the rear door!
- Look at me.
It'll be over soon, yeah?
They're not even armed.
We could walk out
the front door.
- What, now you're
trying to be a hero?
We gotta head them all in here.
We'll go out the back.
- [Garda] SDU are on the way!
- Fuck him!
He's bluffing!
[sirens wailing]
Give me the fucking keys!
- He wasn't bluffing.
They're armed.
It's over.
Disarm and surrender.
- What?
No, fuck off, I'm
not surrendering!
Fucking keys man,
we go out the back!
- [Finn] There's two loaded guns
out there pointing right at us.
- And we have three!
And the keys to the back door!
Come on!
- [Finn] I said
disarm and surrender.
That's an order!
- [Sean] No!
- Disarm and surrender.
I won't ask again.
- No.
Fuck you!
The fuck are you doing?
- Following orders.
- Disarm, Sean.
- I've no choice now do I, Finn?
- Sit down.
Who's in charge here?
- It's just me here.
I'm usually the...
- What's your name?
- Siobhan.
- McNally?
Siobhan McNally?
And you're little Annie McNally.
Did you see anything, Annie?
- No.
- Who's in charge here?
- You.
- And who hit you?
Who hit you?
- Nobody.
- Now can you wipe your face
and tell them that if they ask?
Good girl.
- [Sean] Fuck.
- [Finn] We're coming out!
We are unarmed and surrendering!
There's a child on the premises!
Do not shoot!
- [Officer] Slowly!
Come out!
Down on the ground!
- [Second Officer] Get
down on the ground!
Get down!
I remember you
singing this song Ma
I remember how you
blushed when you smiled
Love has a way
Of never letting go
- [Christy] No acting
the bollocks now.
- Story, Christy.
How's the form?
- What's the craic, Christy.
- Nice one, lad.
Fresh lads, yeah?
- Just about.
Go for a pint?
- Indeed.
Wanna see the folks first?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, nice one.
He would tease
you to sing along
He would sing out of key
- They're over there.
Say your piece,
pay your respects.
- Thanks, Christy.
And I wonder who's
teasing you now
[music softens]
- Hi Mam.
Just wish I could've had
a bit more time
with her, you know?
She was a nice lady.
- I know.
- He just gave up
Didn't hate him for it.
Like he was the only
one that was suffering.
- I know.
- He wasn't the worst.
Sure I know you're
together somehow
- [Christy] Cheers, luv.
- [Rosie] You're welcome.
I know you're
together somehow
- Your ma.
I know you're
together somehow
- Your da.
[speaking in Gaelic language]
- Here.
I thought you'd enjoy this.
- [Sean] What is it?
- Jesus Christ youngfella
open it will you?
Was your da's.
- [Francis] What am I reading?
- The second story.
- June 2nd, 1948?
- No, the second one.
- "Five men were arrested
today on conspiracy charges.
"The men suspected to
be members of the IRA
"were arrested for what
authorities are calling
"conspiracy to rob a
Protestant bakery in Ranelagh.
"All including the
youngest of the men.
"Vincent Shannon.
"Refused to comment."
Da was in the Provos?
- Conspiracy to rob
a fucking bakery.
- The officials.
The real IRA.
Now them fucking headbangers
you pair are running with.
- He never mentioned that.
- Moralizing prick.
He could keep it shut though.
Your ma would've slapped
the bleeding head
off of him if she had found out.
- Fucking hypocrite.
- Don't you disrespect
your father's
name again around
me, you hear me?
- But you just said-
- Enough!
Different times back then.
Less complicated, it was.
Sure, yous are men now.
And I'm not one to judge yous.
But be very careful.
Those lads you're
hanging around with now.
Different animal.
And they do not mess.
To our fallen comrade,
Vincent Shannon.
The Baker boy bandit
[speaking in Gaelic language]
- And on that note lads,
I'll leave yous to it.
Look after yourselves.
And come see me when
yous get settled, okay?
- Thanks, Christy.
- Right, these's gone fellas?
- Yeah, thanks.
- Bring us a few
more will you, love?
- Shall I bring the bottle?
Save me a few trips.
- Yeah, whatever.
I'm going for a piss.
- Charming.
- Sorry about him.
It's been awhile since he's...
- Yeah, right.
I'll bring the bottle.
- Yeah, thanks.
Think we're okay for glasses!
[door unlocking]
- Marie.
How are ye love, you all right?
Where's the girls?
- They waited up as
long as they could.
They made you a
cake and bought you
a tie like what Bono wears.
- Look, I'm sorry.
I ended up going for a pint
with Frank and me uncle.
After we'd seen the
graves, you know.
- It's okay.
- You never changed the locks.
Key still works.
- Yeah.
- Is everything all right?
- Why would I change
the locks, Sean?
Who's gonna even attempt to...
Doesn't matter.
- What?
- The house of an
IRA prisoner, Sean?
I thought you volunteered
at the Sinn Fein office,
not the fucking IRA.
You never felt the need to
share that information with me?
Your wife?
Having me find out by
my mother ringing me
saying you're on
the 6 o'clock news
for attempted armed robbery
of a children's fucking
allowance payments!
- All right Marie,
will you calm down?
The kids-
- Fuck you, Sean!
Fuck you!
Bunch of fucking hoodlums.
You know, they'd
call around here
with their guilt envelopes.
Checking up on me
and making sure
the prisoner's wife is behaving.
The bastards.
They put young Timmy Carroll
in the hospital for
buying me a drink.
He literally seen me
at the bar, waved,
and sent a drink
over to me and they
broke his legs for his troubles.
- What the fuck is Timmy Carroll
doing buying you a drink?
- You just don't get it do you?
I hate you, Sean.
I wanted to leave you years ago.
But your good friend Declan
said he couldn't allow it.
This fucking stranger
telling me I couldn't
leave my useless
prick of a husband.
I never wanted to visit you.
They made me.
Now you're free, so am I.
I'm taking the kids
to me ma's tomorrow.
You can spend the
morning with them.
Don't ruin it for them.
Just pretend everything's
happy families for a change.
- So are you sleeping
on the couch then, yeah?
- No.
- Will you grab us a blanket?
[dramatic acoustic guitar music]
- He's the worst.
Well I mean he thinks the
rules don't apply to him.
It's like he's
something special.
He just complains
for about 600 pages.
Your man in the-
- Raskolnikov.
- Ras-kol-nikov, yeah.
- So you've read
Crime and Punishment?
- I have a thing for
depressing Russians.
- Ah, so you've read a
lot of Dostoevsky then?
- Most of it, yeah.
- Must have a lot of
time on your hands.
- Fast reader.
- So what can I get ya?
- Excuse me?
- [Rosie] What would
you like to drink?
- Oh, sorry.
Just tea please.
- Are you in the right place?
- Yeah, I just think I had a
bit too much to drink earlier-
- Ah, lightweight.
I see.
Sorry, no milk.
- Two whiskeys then.
- Two?
- Misery loves company.
- Oh dear, am I
misery or company?
[Rosie coughs]
- That's all right.
You're not from
around here are you?
- No, what gives it away?
Two pound 50 please.
- [Francis] Oh yeah.
- The till's closed.
- Just keep it.
So where you from?
- Belfast.
Crumlin Road.
- Belfast?
- Aye.
Is that okay with
you, inspector?
- Yeah.
No, it's just you don't see
many people from Belfast.
Down here I mean.
- Well I mean I hope
I don't disappoint.
- No no no, not at all.
- Thanks.
Well as riveting as
this conversation is,
we're closing in five minutes.
So is there anything else
I can get you before I go?
- Could stay and
have a drink with me.
- Unfortunately I cannot,
I've got exams to cram for.
But you know what?
I bet Pam would stay behind
and have a drink with you.
[Francis chuckles]
- Well.
When are you working again?
- Every day until Friday.
- Friday then.
- Well when you
put it like that,
now how can a lady resist?
- [Francis] All right.
- All right!
How are you?
- Not bad.
- How's Marie and the kids?
- Good.
They had a cake for
me when I got in.
It was nice.
How's the house?
- Smells like bleach.
What's that around your neck?
- It's a bolo tie.
Your man Bono wears one.
The kids got it for me.
- You look like a dope.
Come on, he's waiting for us.
[Francis sighs]
How's things, Declan?
- Good, yeah.
What's that on your neck, Sean?
- It's a bolo.
- Bono wears one.
- Yeah?
- Fuck off, you two.
- Little one?
- No thanks, Declan.
- Not right now, thanks.
- Cuppa?
- Yeah, please.
- I'll have a cuppa, yes.
- [Declan] Sean, grab
that milk will you?
- Yeah, of course.
- So I heard you were
keeping yourself busy inside
studying business
or something was it?
- [Francis] Yeah.
Anything to pass
the time, you know?
- No, that's good.
Keep the head sharp.
- Is this one of
them microwaves?
- Yeah. Nuala
picked it up for me.
Great little yoke.
Stick a coddle in that,
two minutes later-
- And it just heats 'er up?
- Yeah.
- Can I open it?
- Yeah, go ahead.
Sorry about your dad, Francis.
We gave a few bob
toward the funeral.
- Yeah, no no, thanks.
We appreciate it.
- And does it use heat, flame?
- No, it's radiation,
microwaves or something.
- Microwaves.
- [Francis] Fascinating.
How's Finn?
- Portlaoise.
They're trying to do
him for membership.
Lucky for him the clerk
got a bit of amnesia.
After some eegit gave
her a slap on the head.
- She fucking bit me, Declan.
Look at the scar.
- Yeah yeah, look,
water under the bridge.
You two conducted
yourselves like soldiers.
You did your time.
You can't ask for
more than that.
- And it doesn't melt?
- No, it's a special...
You were only up the
fucking road, Sean.
You weren't on
the bleedin' moon.
Have you never seen
a microwave before?
- Yeah, but on the tele.
Is it heavy?
- Take the fucking thing.
- You sure?
- Yeah, now sit down will you?
Can we talk now?
Look, that was no small
stretch by any imagination.
You did what you did.
Put your time in.
Can't ask for any
more than that.
- We're ready to
go back to work.
- [Declan] Both of yous?
Are you sure?
- Is the Queen still
on the money up there?
- Good lads.
Until I get Finn back I want
you two working
directly under me.
- [Sean] Whatever needs
to be done, Declan.
- Things aren't
getting any better.
It's a fucking
disaster up there.
Every day.
Us, them.
The RUC, the UDA,
the fucking army.
The whole dynamic is changing.
We're doing everything
we can down here.
But it's not easy funding a war.
Do yous know who John Byrne is?
- Yeah.
Few of his were on the inside.
- Scumbag.
- Very wealthy scumbag.
- [Francis] He's a
heroin dealer, Declan.
- He has family up north.
And they sympathize
with the cause.
- And?
- [Declan] And he's reached out.
He wants to contribute.
- Declan, we take these
peoples' kneecaps.
We don't do business with them.
Where do you think
all that money
came from in the first place?
- Nothing changes.
We still hate this filth.
But it's a one time thing only.
That's all.
And we're doing
everything we can
down here to protect
our communities.
But we need that money now.
- So Byrne just gets a pass?
- There's an American.
He has a boat
packed full of gear.
Waiting to clear the docks.
He wants-
- [Sean] Why are they not
organizing it from up there?
- 'Cause they're
busy with the Libyan.
And they've asked
me to look after it.
- And you want to use
John Byrne's drug money.
Do they know up there where
the money's coming from?
- They gave the order.
- This isn't us.
- [Sean] Morals don't win wars.
By any means necessary.
It means what it means.
- [John] Mrs. Kehoe, If
I can't get that out.
I'll personally
buy you a new one.
- Sit the fuck down, you!
Who the fuck are you?
- I'm security for Mr. Byrne.
- I'll shoot Mr. Byrne
in the cock right now.
What are you gonna do about it?
You'll do fucking nothing.
Now go outside that door.
Don't even look
at me and get out!
- [John] Wait outside, Charlie.
Bringing the dogs
for a walk, comrade?
- [Sean] You be careful, you.
- You don't talk to him.
You talk to me.
- What's this, Dec?
- Where's the money?
- I have the money.
And I'll get it to you.
But this isn't a small
contribution, lads.
What do I get in return?
- [Francis] There's two ways
of looking at this, John.
I'm inclined to see this
as an upstanding citizen making
a voluntary donation
towards the cause.
In which case, I
respect your privacy.
I won't ask you where
you got the money from.
And your reward?
Knowing that you played a part
in the eventual
reunification of Ireland.
Now the other way
to look at this
is that you are a
drug dealing scumbag.
Who made his money getting
kids addicted to heroin.
- What size is this?
- [Francis] Sean what do
we do with drug dealers?
- Usually pick them
up on a Friday night
when they're leaving
the same local
they go to every Friday
night with their fat missus.
Roll up in the van.
Two seconds and they're
in, gagged and bound.
Bring them to a nice quite place
in the woods where
we have a hole dug.
After a little cry I mean.
You'd be amazed how
many big men have a cry
at the sight of a little
hole in the ground.
They usually know by then.
Then we offer them a quick
chance at redemption.
Prayer, a cigarette.
Then we shoot them in
the back of the head
and bury them in that hole.
- I'm a businessman.
And a Republican.
And as a good Republican, I
want to help the cause, lads.
But 40,000 pounds.
It's a lot of money.
This isn't 20 pence
in a collection box.
I just need to feel
I'm getting some.
Bang for my buck.
You know what I mean?
- You're still
walking aren't you?
- Yeah, no no no, and
I appreciate that, but.
- What is it?
- Delaney.
He's pushing in hard
in the southside.
Does nobody any
good having twice
as many dealers on the streets.
If we could remove
some of those.
I'm sure that'd
benefit everyone.
- The money.
First thing tomorrow morning.
[waves crashing]
- How long you
working in the pub?
- Just less than a year.
- Do you like it?
- Yeah, it's a job isn't it?
How come I haven't
seen you before?
- Didn't drink.
- Come on.
Let's paddle.
Let's go for a paddle!
Take your shoes off.
- What's it like?
[rock thumping the window]
- Do you like
embarrassing yourself
in front of the whole street?
What are you doing here?
- [Sean] I was just
walking up the road.
- Look at the state of you.
You're gonna die alone, Sean.
- I just want to
see the kids, Marie.
- I was gonna give this to
your brother to give to you.
- Where's your ring?
We're still...
Come on Marie,
we're still married.
- [Marie] It's the court
papers for visitations.
- But this is between us.
Why are you involving the kids?
You're being a
fucking cunt, Marie.
- Sean, this is exactly why
I wanted to go through Francis.
Always a big scene with you.
- Scene?
A scene?
I'll show you a fucking scene!
You haven't even-
- This, Sean.
This is why.
Just get your shit together
and you'll have a
chance of seeing them.
It's as simple as that.
I'm not afraid of you anymore.
- I'm not allowed to
be a bit upset, no?
I never done a thing
to them kids, Marie.
This isn't right.
Will you just let me see
them please for five minutes?
Please, five
minutes, that's all.
Even let them look out
the window just to see.
I'm their da.
I'm their da, for fuck's sake.
- They don't want to see you.
They don't even know you.
That's your fault.
Fuck off before
I call the guards
and you lose them for good.
- Marie, in.
- [Sean] Bang.
- I don't know, a cappuccino?
- A what?
- It's like coffee with milk.
- All right.
Hey Cathleen!
- [Cathleen] What
can I get yous?
- [Francis] Do you
have a cappuccino?
- [Cathleen] A what?
- [Francis] It's a milky coffee.
- And you, Francis?
- I'll just have a
mug of tea please.
- Mug of tea.
- Oh, and have you got any
of those Chester slices?
- Yeah, how many?
- Two please.
- So two Chester slices.
A mug of tea.
And a "cabarino".
I'll bring them over all right?
- Thanks Cathleen.
- She's very friendly.
- [chuckles] Yeah she is.
- And by the way, we have
cappuccinos in the city.
- Alright Sean.
- Alright.
Any smokes?
- Light?
How's Marie and the girls?
- What you mean?
- What?
- You said how's Marie.
- Yeah, how's Marie?
- And I said what do you mean?
- Just, like, how is she?
- Why, you friends?
- Are we friends?
Sean, you were away, I
haven't seen you in ages.
I was just being mannerly.
- When was the last
time you seen her?
- Last time I seen her?
- You keep fucking
repeating what I'm saying.
- Don't do that.
- I'm not.
- I'm not.
A month ago maybe?
Sean, I've to leg it man
Say anything to her?
- Sean, take your
fucking hands off me.
- Are you hard of
hearing, Patrick?
My fucking wife.
Did you say anything to her?
- Sean, no.
We know the fucking
rules, all right?
I didn't fucking
say anything to her.
Linda said a quick hello.
- Who's Linda?
- Linda Dunne.
I'm married to
fucking Linda, Sean.
- Linda, lanky Linda.
- Yeah.
We have a baby and all now Sean.
For fuck's sake, man.
- You want to get Linda
to put a bit of Sudocreme
on that pal
How are yous girls.
Heya Sean
- I do.
I just prefer the cold and rain.
- Up your arse.
- You get to wear a big
coat and all, you know?
- Nobody likes the rain.
You're lying.
You're actually-
- Here you go.
- I swear.
- Here you go.
And do you want anything else?
- That's perfect
Cathleen, thank you.
- A Chester slice?
- [Francis] Now who's
the cultured one?
- What's in it?
Do I want to know?
- Probably not.
What are you doing
at the weekend?
- Heading up home
to see the folks.
- Crumlin home?
- Yes, with a large
framed picture
of a certain Queen hanging
proudly in the hallway.
- [Francis] I presume
it's the Queen of Monaco.
- What time is it?
- [Francis] It's 4:38.
- [Rosie] You up to much
the rest of the day?
- No.
[guitar folk music]
- [Dagtha] Gentlemen.
- Francis.
That's Sean.
- Dagtha O'Malley.
- [Sean] You what?
- Dagtha O'Malley.
- Dogta?
- Dag-tha.
Named after the high
chieftain of the Celtic gods.
- Is that a fact, yeah?
Fucking Yanks.
Would you like a
cup of tea, chief?
- Any word?
We good?
- Chief.
[speaking foreign language]
- Love the fucking bolo.
Thank you gentlemen.
Best of luck.
If you're ever over my side
of the pond, give me a call.
- All right, come on.
Let's go downstairs for
a bit of crack, yeah?
- I'll follow you down, Sean.
Hi, is Rosie there?
It's Frank.
[dramatic acoustic guitar music]
There is a house
in New Orleans
- Trev, what's the story?
They call The Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin
of many a poor boy
My God, I know I'm one
My mother was a tailor
She sewed my new blue jeans
And my father was
a gambling man
Way down in New Orleans
Now the only thing
a gambler needs
Is a suitcase and a trunk
- [Sean] Anything
strange, Trevor?
- Nah.
Same old same old.
- [Sean] You still playing ball?
Who you with now?
- [Trevor] Just with
St. Kevin's now.
- Good side, Kevin's.
- [Trevor] Yeah.
[guitar solo]
- It was United you had
trials for wasn't it?
That's mad.
Whatever happened to that?
- Just got sent.
Don't know, just
unlucky I suppose.
- [Sean] Shame that.
- Yeah.
The other foot on the train
I'm going back
to New Orleans
Just to wear that
ball and chain
Yeah Papa, tell
your children
Not to do, not to
do what I've done
To spend your life
in sin and misery
In the house of
The Rising Sun
[guitar solo]
- Nah, disagree.
United are fucking
bottle merchants.
Liverpool will
have it in the bag.
- [Trevor] What about Everton?
- Fuck off Everton, will you?
Two words for you, mate.
Ray fuckin' Houghton.
Best player in the world.
Watch what he does next year
to them fucking cunts
England in the Euros.
- Houghton's class.
There is a house
in New Orleans
- [Sean] This us?
They call The Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin
of many a poor boy
- Any chance I get a
pass on this one, lads?
My God, I know I'm one
- You know that's not
how this works, Trevor.
[Trevor sobbing]
I know
I'm one
- [Francis] Come on now.
- Ah lads.
You know me.
I was only selling
5-bags, I'm a nobody.
- [Francis] Do you want to
pull your trousers down?
- I'm okay, Francis.
- [Francis] Turn around.
Which leg?
- [Trevor] [sobs] Lads please.
- [Francis] Which leg?
- I'll tell you
where I got it from.
- [Francis] Which leg?
- [Trevor] Oh mother of God
- Just pick a
fucking leg, Trevor!
- [Trevor] I'm sorry, Sean.
- [Francis] Well pull
that one up then.
- [Sean] You might want to
get it a bit higher, Trev.
It's gonna make a mess.
- [Trevor] I know, it's
just I can't get...
- [Sean] Fair enough.
Count backwards from three.
- [Trevor] Lads, I'm
fucking shitting me-
- [Sean] Count or I put
it in your fucking head!
- [Trevor] Three.
[gun fires]
[Trevor screams]
Fucking Jesus Christ!
- [Francis] What the
fuck did you do that for?
- What?
- He said left.
- What's the difference?
- [Francis] You were
told to let him choose.
- [Sean] Relax you will ye?
- Do you think this
is a fucking game?
- [Trevor] Sorry lads,
I'm losing a lot of blood-
- Stop talking for
a second, Trevor.
- What's your problem?
- If you ever pull a
stunt like that again.
I'll put you down
there beside him
You're my fucking problem.
- Right.
Right, you!
Want me to shoot you in
the left leg, Trevor?
- No, no, Sean, actually.
The right is fine, I wanted
to play football again.
It's grand.
- [Sean] Yeah?
Just one more thing.
Are you ever gonna move heroin
in my city again are ye?
- No, no.
Honest to God, I've
learned me lesson.
[sobs] I'm sorry.
- He says he's sorry.
Right, case closed.
Look, I have things to
do, people to see yeah?
- [Trevor] Any chance of a
lift to the hospital, lads?
- [Francis] Come on.
- [Sean] Full moon
- Huh?
- How does the man on
the moon cut his hair?
- [Sean] What?
- Eclipse it.
He clips it?
Aw fuck off.
I'll talk to you tomorrow.
- [Francis] Night.
- Are you all right yeah?
- Yeah.
- Right.
- What was the
point of all that?
- All what?
- [Francis] Youngfella
was harmless.
- Ours is not to question
why and all that, brother.
[Francis sighs]
[dramatic music]
- [Joe] See you tomorrow, Liz.
- Not back 'til Monday.
- You lucky sod.
- [Elizabeth] I can hear your
bones creaking from here.
- Enough of your cheek.
- Do me a favor and run
on up the road there.
Move on up the road now!
- What does that
look like to you?
[phone ringing]
[Francis knocking]
- [Sean] All right.
What are you doing here?
- [Francis] Is Marie home?
- No, she's at her
ma's with the kids.
What's up?
- [Francis] Any clean mugs?
Where is Marie?
- I told you, she's at her ma's.
- [Francis] And when she back?
- I don't know.
- And the kids?
- What's with the
interrogation, brother
Now I'm after tellin you
She's at her ma's with the kids.
She'll be back later.
- What do we know
about that up there?
- You know what I know.
- Women and children in a cafe?
No warning call?
- Two youngfellas beaten to
death in a cell, Francis.
- Any intel on the dead?
- None on our side.
- [Francis] Who were they then?
- I don't know.
I don't really care to think
about it either, brother.
You chose to eat
in the chip shop
around them murdering scumbags.
I'm just saying.
It is what it is.
- The girl on the
phone last night.
- What about her?
- She's from Belfast.
- Ah don't tell me.
What's wrong with you?
Do you know who she is?
Do you know where she's from?
How do you know she's not one
of these MI5's or something?
- She's not.
She is a Protestant though.
And she was in Belfast today.
- Yeah. And you just
happened to meet her
when our American
friend is in town.
- She's a student in
Trinity for fuck's sake.
Nothing to do with anything.
- You're 100% sure about that?
- Yeah.
- So why didn't you tell anyone?
- We sent that up there.
- How do you know
that's what we sent up?
- It's paid for with drug money.
- Oh yeah, it's that simple.
- Innocent women and children.
- You knew what
the money was for.
And you knew what the
explosives were for.
So don't come over all
Johnny fucking Morals
were me, brother!
- Women and children.
No warning call.
- They do just as bad to us.
And they have a
government backing them.
Now I don't know what
game you're playing
coming over here
selling some fucking
guilt trip on my doorstep.
But maybe if you would've
come to me and spoke to me.
Told me about your
proddy girlfriend.
Maybe we could have
sorted something,
you wouldn't be in
this predicament.
- Speak to you?
I can't speak to you.
No one can speak to you, Sean.
Where's Marie?
Where's your kids, Sean?
Well come on, speak!
Where's your fucking family?
I thought so.
Da was right about you.
Sean against the fucking world.
- Fuck you!
- [Francis] Sit down.
Sit down, Sean.
- Fuck you!
- What the fuck
is wrong with you?
We had the same life!
Why are you so fucking angry?
- You fucked us on
this one, brother.
Not me.
This is gonna have
to be reported up.
Or she has to go.
It's one or the other.
- No one's going anywhere.
And no one's reporting anything.
You hear me?
We've paid our dues.
- And what's that
supposed to mean?
- I'm out.
Let's just go.
Let's just stop.
Let's go abroad for a while.
Just be normal.
- I enjoy it too much.
We get to do what
everyone else wants to do.
But they don't have
the balls to do it.
- Okay Sean.
Well you might want to
clean up in here a bit.
Just in case they
decide to bring
a parade through
your kitchen for you.
- [chuckles] Good one.
- Look at me.
Look at me!
This ends now.
- Yeah.
If you say so.
[door slams]
- Thanks.
- Is everything all right?
I just seen all the
stuff in the news.
- You tell me, Francis.
Is everything all right?
- Yeah.
I mean up there, are you okay?
- Who are you?
- [Francis] Who am I?
What do you mean?
- Why did two men
come to my dad's shop
this morning asking
a million questions
about me and what
I'm doing in Dublin?
- Who were they?
Is your dad okay?
- Is there a reason
he shouldn't be?
Who were those men?
- Rosie, listen to me.
I don't know what
you want me to say.
- Well I think you do, Francis.
Just stay away from
me and my family.
Leave us alone.
Tell those men we're
nothing to do with this.
- So I don't get
to say anything?
- Can you be honest?
- Yeah.
- Which part of the truth
do you want to start with?
[Francis sighs]
Just promise me my
family will be safe.
- I promise.
[dramatic guitar music]
[Finn knocking]
[louder knocking]
- You're out?
- The rules, Francis.
He gave you a
chance to tell him.
We need to come in and talk.
- Never Declan is it?
Always manages to keep
his own hands clean.
- Either I go in
and talk to you.
Or they go and talk to her.
If nothing to worry about.
Nothing to worry about.
[bangs on car]
- What, do you think I'm stupid?
She's a civilian.
And you know me,
for fuck's sake.
- And you know me.
This is happening.
- Why are you doing this?
- You did this.
I'm just cleaning it up.
- Finally getting
into the trenches.
- Don't forget who I am, son.
- What did you
tell them about me?
- A student.
- Yeah?
- Did you do a
background check on her?
- No.
Why would I?
She works in the pub-
- From the Crumlin Road.
Her folks, Rodney and Jane,
run a little butcher's
off the Shankill.
And of course you knew.
She have two uncles who are RUC.
And a cousin in
the Orange Order.
I'll take that as a no, shall I?
Let's just say this is
all a bit of a mix up.
And that you didn't
intentionally put
this young girl
into a very dangerous
Never mind our thing.
Let's just say this is some
sort of a misunderstanding.
Then I'm forced to think
well if that's all it is,
why doesn't he just
tell me about this?
What am I gonna do
with you, Francis?
- You do what you have to do.
- Always with that tone.
- [Francis] Why did
you tell her about me?
- A very high opinion of
yourself, haven't you?
Not everything is
about you, Francis.
Is it?
I mean she's a smart girl.
Trinity and all that.
And you know,
smart girls usually
put two and two together.
And maybe she comes
up with an answer that
tells her to keep her
fucking mouth shut.
She is a smart girl.
Isn't she, Francis?
Isn't she?
- Yeah.
- You think you're
better than us?
Is that what this is?
'Cause I'll tell you something.
When your time comes.
You're going to the same place
everybody else in
this room is going to.
It's time to own who you are.
So who are you, Francie?
I'm fond of you, son.
I am.
But that's the
difference between
you and your brother here.
You're always forcing me
to doubt your loyalty.
- I've always been
loyal to the cause.
- But are you loyal to me?
- You still fucked up, Francis.
Luckily for you some
things can be forgiven.
Others not so much.
Help your brother, Francis.
- Fucking help me, Francis!
Tell me the hopes
that surround you
I want to look
inside your head
Yes I do
I've seen all your
You got from the Sorbonne
And the painting you
stole from Picasso
Your loveliness
goes on and on
Yes it does
When you go on your
summer vacation
You go to Juan-les-Pins
With your carefully
designed topless swimsuit
- What the fuck did you do?
- What did we do, Francis.
What did we do.
What did we do, Francis.
He never got the order up
north for the Byrne thing.
They already had the
money for the American.
This cheeky cunt was
taxing the drug dealers.
And keeping it for himself.
Now look, Smiley hole is heading
up north for a bit, yeah?
I'm gonna run things down here.
So if you're finished
with your little sulk.
Want to give me a hand?
Your name, it is
heard in high places
You know the Aga Khan
He sent you a race
horse for Christmas
And you keep it just for fun
For a laugh, ha ha ha
They say that when
you get married
It'll be to a millionaire
- Looks like I got a promotion.
But they don't realize
where you came from
And I wonder if they
really care or give a damn
- Doesn't end.
You coming?
[rhythmic drumming]
As I walk the streets
of Dublin town
I hear melodies
from all around
Old buildings
tell old stories
Of fallen men
And glories
See the Liffey flow
from O'Connell Street
Under Clearys Clock
Old romantics meet
Down Temple Bar
Through the Liberties
And shooting buses
With Bang Bang's keys
The Auld Triangle
Molly Malone
Poor Paddy snared
on Raglan Road
The rare auld times
Alive alive oh
Luke and Ronnie up to Monto
[violin solo]
I find the urge
To write a song
The city provides
The shoulders of giants
I stand upon
The spirit that fights
Lives on and on
The Auld Triangle
Molly Malone
Poor Paddy snared
on Raglan Road
The rare auld times
Alive alive oh
Luke and Ronnie up to Monto