The Trust (2016) Movie Script

Here we go!
- Did anyone see me coming? - I do not think so.
- Me, yes. - Fuck you, Bert.
So, watching, young friends:
All this could contain clues
that could change the entire investigation.
Because this is a very interesting ashtray.
Excuse me, Lieutenant. Captain Harris is here. He wants to see you.
- Right now? - Yes.
All right, wait here. I will be back soon.
No one can touch my bag.
- Do you wish me luck. - Good luck, sir.
The guys are probably already in business longer.
- Give me a bag. - Yes.
- Thank you. - Wow! Just look at that!
This mobile laboratory unit is specially built for
to analyze the evidence chain directly at the scene.
All computerized ...
Examine DNA, fingerprints without what goes through someone else's hands.
- That's ... - Very specifically, I know, but ...
Very expensive!
Jim, I do not know what I can do there.
Additionally you need to talk with the Commander.
I have! He told me to talk to you. - Clear.
You should really talk to the commander about it.
Yes, sir. Of course, sir.
Oh, fuck!
- Stay where you are! - Afterwards! Los! Crap!
- All right, Bert? - No, nothing is fine!
Now I need a cigarette.
Why you wanted to see me so urgently, Captain?
The guys from the evidence room
have confiscated this nice toy, and it will be auctioned off this week.
If a gift for my son to be. - Very nice.
Well, he's a good boy.
Does it make you mind to go and things to organize?
The people in the garage should know that I have an eye on it.
I can stop by for you, clearly. - Great.
Here everything is under control, I think.
No, I have now ... you can keep the ...
Oh, you want me to go on the spot to the garage? - Yes.
What the fuck there?
Is this' n lawnmower?
The is for Harris.
Fr'n Captain he's a real asshole.
For 5,000 on offer. I hear 5? No, then 2,500.
Thank you, ma'am, the next bid, who has 6,000?
Yes, 7,000! And 8,000 ...
- He wants the part of his son? - Son.
Oh, interesting, is' ne nice gesture.
We reserve it for him.
Cute carriage.
What happened here?
The car was gone when we got there.
Someone has expanded the engine.
But we found under the hood.
- It's full of cocaine. - Yes I know.
This must be ensured as evidence.
Yes, logically, clearly, I'm sorry. Naturally. Look at that!
Fits like 's glove!
Yes, this is the best way to smuggle cocaine!
Who checked already the engine block?
- Well, I do it already ... - Who 's that?
A guy from the neighborhood, drug dealers, obviously.
I have the paperwork of the arrest on the desk,
if you want to look for commands.
Yes, sir, he's here. Yes, yes, I'll get him.
The Captain asks if you still images
of the John Deere can do.
With the cell phone or something.
What do you think?
Well, I think, for a real case needs
one a little more than a piece of paper.
Yes, but I thought, that's unusual.
It is.
A good cop is looks at that and knows what he has to do.
- Hello? - Yes, I'll do it ...
- Did I say something wrong? - No, I just need to make calls.
What the hell, man ...!
- Is there anything unusual? - Where are we?
Just look at his file.
- Why, what is there? - Look out, what do you notice?
- He's got a lot of convictions. - And?
- And? What and"? - Equal. The little one comes.
Hi! For me refill again, and ...?
She has not refilled! They had the jug in hand.
Okay, maybe he was cold ... Where are you going?
I feel uncomfortable here!
Wait 'n moment, please. In there lies what!
Please sit back down, be patient!
- We can talk about it tomorrow. - The receipt for the deposit!
- Moment that can not be right. - Yes, it does.
- How do you know? - Verified.
- Was the 'ne bail? - Paid with cashier's check.
- Over 200,000 dollars? - Yes.
- Who pays? - No idea.
What do you think?
- What I think? - Yes.
I think that has a rich friend.
Very rich. Extremely rich.
The since it brings one down.
The eating more, maybe not.
Can I have, or do you need to? - What?
As someone gets so much money together so quickly?
What's that supposed to be?
- Have you ever tried? - No way!
Then you take the here ...
... And I other the.
Are we in the sixth grade? I do not ess that!
Back to the money. Because someone 's risk assets,
to the guy to get out of jail.
Obviously you and I are the only ones who notice that.
What should I do now? Should I rob a drug dealer?
A drug dealer rob?
I just want to find out where the money has come.
Not a good idea.
I demand nothing crazy.
Look, this guy is - read it yourself! - a nobody.
But can not be he. Who gives 200,000 for a nobody from?
If you ask me, in such a thing should stick his nose only,
if it is easy and safe. And the case here
is neither the one nor the other. - Wow!
That sounded so cool to!
How did you just said! Was that cool!
- So what's tastes? - No of course not.
Sometimes I think I should pull myself together more.
Just a little.
I believe that interested in us. - They do not.
- Yes, they do. - Error.
Thou shalt shadow him.
Is it 'ne impasse, well, that's it.
And for your time's coal.
Okay, I will.
I find the guy.
But just because it comes to us both and I really seriously
have nothing better to do and hate my job.
That's sportsmanship!
You're a hotshot!
What the hell...?
What is he doing in there?
- He works in restaurant, 1st floor. - I know.
But what does he work?
He serves drinks, the bar fills up ... Stop it!
He was taken anxiety.
What do you think? - He comes five nights a week for work,
time to fill up the bar? - Yes.
He's a drug dealer, David.
You can not so go to the guy!
You're dressed like a cop!
I'm a cop.
- You know what I mean! - Beschatte him another week.
He can be caught, and now force him his men to wash!
Stop Staring him!
- Have there not overlook what? - No. Certainly not.
So you stand there and kiffst, maybe you're ...
Excuse me, I have an official commission here?
What should I do? Let me hire a Page?
And I offer no vacation days more for this cause.
Do not take this wrong, we are friends
and you're my boss. But fuck you, Jim!
This is total crap!
David! Stay positive, Dude!
I leave it to you guys, the Treasury comes afterwards and pick it up.
All counterfeits.
- When are these? - No idea.
- Man, I shit a lot to do! - But I'm sorry!
Can not you wait for?
Tell you what: We play drum.
What are you doing there?
Want to first, or shall I? You?
- Let the -. Okay, I first.
- That 's Kick! Now you. - No.
- No? - Oh shit!
Sergeant Waters?
What's the matter?
Lieutenant Stone wants you to take over for him
during his special order.
What do you mean? What fr'n special order?
Good Lord!
Jimmy, your friend is here!
Where are you going so late to go?
- Police offices special mission! - Who's the cop?
I am. We both have it. Good night.
- Good luck. - Dad is unusually optimistic.
It's nice, I'm glad.
Yeah, right.
- What's that about? - My tip.
Do not laugh! More than we deserve!
So who to Sundays.
Deliveries arrive back. What happens inside them?
- Have you checked that? - Interesting that you mention that.
Have you dressed about as Einpackhilfe?
- Have you made the? - There is one case, the ...
Let's wait, if you can find it.
- They are so bad. - Yes.
As if a bum made from road.
I did not rumschleichen on the backyard.
The has a homeless photographed for you?
I've got something paid for it.
- All right. - Yes.
I suspect this is more than just a cash delivery,
or whatever you call it.
Why do you think that? - Because everything is there, what is delivered.
Nothing goes out again, never!
What's this?
The freezer! The has a lock.
That makes you curious what?
- Since her look ... - What?
And so I step into the boots of your little ...
My what?
What is the girl solving crimes? Nancy Drew!
This is so 'ne Nancy Drew shit.
Did you see that?
You discovered it!
Building Authority PERMITS
This is a grocery store.
I have nothing of your department heard about it.
- What is' n nonsense? - No, not nonsense.
- You have touched my phone. - Right.
- In suspicious manner. - No, I swear ...
That suggests to me you have something illegal before.
- No! - I'm calling the sheriff.
- I'll give you $ 100. - Okay.
In order.
You are really lucky that this determination is so well funded!
Yes. Delete.
Here? - Yes, because you hold on. A little back.
- Okay. - Wait. run now.
Okay, stop. Can I get a different camera angle? - Clear.
Freeze frame.
Is not that the sandwich shop,
where they sell cheese-steak sandwiches?
Yes, was already there! The store is absolutely great! - Genial is!
Hey how are you?
- Just have to do it. - As the cheese melts on the bread ...
- And the hot cheeseburgers ... - Jim!
Well, you print the out for me and then delete.
- Continue as with the timecode. - That's okay.
- I got the store checked. - And?
The recently installed a new refrigeration unit.
According to order this freezer is protected with 90 centimeters of reinforced concrete.
This could be the safest meat cabinet in the world,
but looking at the drug dealer,
the hotel facade and the strange Laundry deliveries considered ...
And never goes something out!
FREEZER ROOM - You know,
what I'm getting.
Holy shit.
- Sir? - Thank you.
- Clear? - Clear.
Have you ever broken a door?
- Are you serious? - I do not know.
- Do you? - No.
- And what about the here? - Yes, you do, Lewis.
Now the question is:
Someone builds a safe in a grocery store, right? - Yes.
- And we found him. - Exactly.
And we believe that it is full with money or drugs or whatever.
Well, as we can ... you know ... rausholen there?
Hello? How can I help you?
Yes hello!
One moment.
One moment.
Yes, good.
I need a diamond drill.
Wait ... Wait ...
How do you intend to pay?
My people will arrange everything, yes, yes ...
The Ami hides something.
The type must be 'n bank robber or something.
Yes. Really cool.
- I have to go. Take the ready. - But I'm not authorized.
Is shit.
This is the floor plan of the apartment directly above the vault?
Yes, I've now checked through the morning. - Very good work!
What's this?
Am I on the types from Germany.
The cost of the drill? So much I did not.
- You'll think of something. - How should I take so much money?
You're smart, resourceful.
- What? And where did you get the cash? - The I refinance.
- You refinanzierst what? - Mortgage on the house.
You take money to your house to fund a robbery?
- You know how sick that is? - Later. We do not have much time.
Okay, well, the best thing is, we go through the roof.
The safe door is not that old, but if we make a mistake,
we risk an alarm. Besides, we hire a professional safe cracker.
- What we do not want! - I agree.
So we drill through the floor of the apartment?
- And while we do that? - In the dining room.
Then we check that.
There is one catch: There could be a tenant.
What's this?
Nothing. A bee flew in my face as I drew that.
- We have to settle with him. - With whom? The tenant?
- By paying him? - Nonsense!
We tie him simply or so.
Sounds complicated. Who among us does?
- I'm sure that's not easy. - You said we tie him up "easy".
We'll talk about yet. So?
Do you get the money? I want to order the drill.
Jim, that's ten grand.
you get it together or not? For more I did not.
Do not let me down.
For that I gave way needed three hours.
And it is as of Da Vinci!
Well, somehow I manage.
You think always positive, and I respect you.
And, damn, I like you!
Did you ever see ever made?
I do not do that from kindness.
That's hell of a lot of money.
I lend you the short term.
I know.
Here we go.
The guys know what's going on.
One or two will try to flee. Grip on it.
Herhren: All Rise! All Rise! Get up!
All on the wall, on the spot! Come on, hurry, all on the wall!
Imagine on the wall!
What do you want here? Wait it out!
You have the right to remain silent!
This is just one! I said, I need two.
That's all I got.
- I said, two! - More I did not!
I'll tell you what we are doing now:
We play drum.
No no no! Please do not, no!
- What do you want to do now? - No, not!
- No! - What you wanna do?
No no no!
- Go with her, go! - No!
Rap sheet ALIAS: "BOBO"
Bobo Bobo ... ... Bobo's interesting.
Especially for someone who sells weapons.
Really, is funny, you know? It is...
Bobo, Bobo, Bobo, Bo, Bo, Billy
and a bip bo bo baba bobo ba-bip.
Anyway, I'm Jim.
Hey, where are we going? Is it far?
Shut fucking up!
You Arschgesicht stay there sitting quietly until I know that everything is clear!
And if you're not clean, I just see the gun in his ear,
Roger that?
Roger that.
Is it still far?
Get out.
Give the money!
That 's stunner!
Fits right, it can count.
The creaking as are brand new, right?
I mean...
You have not yet ...
... With all the serial numbers scratched out, right?
Fuck, I hope the one you want to shoot down, not as a as I,
but so 's useless Arschgesicht like you.
Just look at the face.
Get used to it. The new roommate.
- And he lives alone, correct? - The barely leaves the apartment.
- Where did you get the van hidden? - The Van?
I've got the license plates, you procure the van.
You should take care of both.
No, I know that you said that ...
No I have not! The van was your thing!
what are we going to do now?
Yes, then I probably messed up's. Sorry.
As we want to create that?
In earnest!
Look at that!
Twofer not regulated the easiest thing!
We are going to risk our lives! Is that clear to you?
Have you any idea how dangerous that is?
So much can go wrong! Are you too blind to see that?
I've got him and now parked morning at the airport.
I'm sorry, David, that was just a little ... before Robbery joke.
Only joking!
Please, it is not! Please not the car! Please who does not!
Do straight out so cool.
I go there now in and watch whether the coast is clear.
And if the coast is clear, I invite you to come in,
via Walkie-Talkie, ja?
- Okay.
Stand up!
Cursed, stand already on!
Come on!
Sit down on the bed. And no sound!
Pull yourself together!
Did you hear anything?
I looked away briefly,
because he was behind me,
and he has the girl dragged behind him.
I shot only the guy.
On the bed with her.
Den we get away later.
- I have to think. - What to do with her?
Set it up again.
Shit, the chick is hard!
Put it over here.
Yes that looks good.
Now he.
In three, two, one ... Three!
Okay, you know the drill.
The first drill is gone.
How deep are we?
What's happening?
They changed the recipe.
Yes, I can accept.
We are now halfway.
I want to smoke a cigarette.
I take care of it.
- What do you want to do? - Anything.
Good evening.
You scared us, man.
I thought I had seen a few people who have unloaded what here.
Yes, that is right. We are having here a small observation exercise.
- They stumble in there straight. - Stakeout?
- Detective O'Connor. - Oh! Cliff.
How long have you observe already?
This guy here?
18 hours I think.
Could you please make up your light?
I always wanted to be a policeman. If 'n good job, I think.
- Has its advantages. - Do I like!
Could you please make the headlights, Cliff?
Oh yes, of course, clear. The headlights.
I must say a few words to the spark and the other communication, what's going on.
This is a Covert Action. You are not allowed to do that. Sorry.
Oh, yeah, right ... Hey, no problem, Officer!
- Then good luck. - Good night, Cliff.
We have met with steel.
We have to hurry, we are running late.
Well, the drills as' ne one!
To continue!
Is the fuse blown?
No she is not.
The V-belt.
Do we still have one?
What now, Jim?
Something occurs to us.
- Are we on the ass? - No.
It lacked only six millimeters!
All right, hold him.
Only a practice stroke?
I hold him if you wish.
Today you have drunk too much coffee, right?
Just kidding, beat to.
Two more! Give everything!
He jumps too much, that's it!
I have an idea.
Is just a little crazy.
- Crap! - Hoax?
- We are through! - Okay.
Okay, I can see the Tumbler,
and you were right, it has a fail-safe circuit.
If we enter a wrong number, the thing never rises again.
Also gut.
Go on.
Slowly to the right, to 0 for Start.
Rotation to 0.
Okay, now on.
Give me a sec.
Okay, go ahead.
Slower, I do not see the score.
Stop, stop, stop!
I think.
Do you think?
She is behind the other two disks. Hardly recognizable.
But I heard something snap, you also?
I have not.
Open the safe.
Yes, open.
Is he on?
Looks's good?
What's happening?
Do you hear me? What is inside? Only steak or what?
Talk to me! What do you see?
Come down.
What is this?
Was that you?
We should clean up.
I have a little son at home.
He is three.
I need to call his father.
You're welcome!
Please, I do not want more.
Write down the number. In my hand.
It's me.
Do you know what time it is?
- I know it's early.
- What do you want?
- Can you help me?
- What is it?
- Hi.
- Hey.
Jeez, shit!
Do you live here?
Who lives here?
- I do not know what you mean. - Who owns the weapons?
What weapons?
The closet.
I know nothing about weapons.
You know nothing of any weapons? Belonging to him?
- Belonging to him? - I dont know!
I do not know the right.
- Who owns the weapons? - I dont know.
Who owns the weapons?
- Who owns the weapons? - What do you want from me?
- Who owns the weapons? - I do not know him!
I do not know him, I just ...
We only have...
I've problems, no money ...
You especially unlucky.
- What is she saying? - Nothing, she thinks he owns.
- And who is he? - They do not know.
They are all not loaded, did you see that?
We can not do that!
What do you think? - This is not some small down there ...
How do you call that?
I do not even know where we are here.
At the heart of the American Dream.
I've never seen anything in my entire life!
- Well. A surprising turn. - We have to get out of here, man.
OK. - We leave everything where we found it. That's crazy here!
A bit misleading. But that does not mean
that you have to go away empty-handed.
With empty hands? The main thing we will ever get out of here!
You brought enough bags for everything here ...
My God!
- You knew it. - What?
Just, you know, what's here.
No one takes such things out of the blue!
We do.
- You were the sights on! - No I did not.
- I'm as shocked as you. - Do not like this.
I'm just ready.
I refuse to underestimate the power of positive thinking.
Want to know how positive I am?
This should not be a surprise,
but you're a little too excited.
I'm so positive on it, that I have two tickets in my pocket for the Bahamas!
On one is your name.
When we are done, we will celebrate!
We drink rum and smoke cigars!
- So I'm positive it! - Want to attach this to me?
- Is it about that? - You what append?
I'm serious!
If it is you serious, should notice you that you're talking nonsense.
How long have you wanted someone like me who participates?
A guy you can blame.
David, I thought we both ...
I would have to be a genius to something to plan and carry out!
- Then tell me your story, Jim! - Okay. We are friends,
we found 'n pile of money, and I am also very happy!
That's the story.
- We touch anything! - Oh my God!
What you have to do to make you millions of dollars
must share with someone?
Pull yourself together!
- Jim. The hunt is over. - David.
Please open it.
I ask you kindly!
I'm so sorry.
Well, if you're scared, I understand. That's okay.
I do not have any.
And I'm so close! So please, open the door.
We go on it because of you!
I'm going to just ask you one more time:
Please open it.
I can not.
Mach on him!
- Open it! - Jim!
Open it! Open it! Open it! Open it! Open it! Open it! Open it!
You should with it so long wait
until I have invited all.
And then we'll turn it off.
She saw my face.
What else can we do?
Also gut.
Hey, Dave, I'm really sorry ...
Another stage.
Now you can go easy. Los.
So, and now into the car. Lying down.
Good. Stay down.
So runs the now from: Are you doing exactly what I say, you will live.
Art thou not, you're dead, you understand?
Crap! Clear?
War 'ne shit long night.
Once we stop, I'll let you out.
Please, continue to live as if never what would have happened. Yes?
What do they want from me?
Goddamn, who are they?
Who did you call?
Speech already, or I'll shoot you through the fucking seat! Speech!
No, not! I'm a cop!
No no!