The Tunnel (2014) Movie Script

Hey, LEE!
You alright?
I Thinkl um.
What just happened here?
The mine's just collapsed.
LEE! You okay?
I don'? feel my legs!
They con get Treated soon.
Don'? be so whining!
To survive until rescue comes,
we must save oxygen
We can get rescued soon, can'? we?
I'll get Through This.
I'll survive at all cost.
Befier turn off The cup
for a while.
The bufiery's almost flat.
LEE, do you hear this?
LEE, who? are you doing now?
Whcfs going on?
What happened, mun?
We can never
get out of here olive.
What are you Talking about!
I just remembered who?
people said.
They are going to get us.
Hey, Eun-joo!
- You haven'? changed a bit!
- Neither have you.
- Is that her?
- She doesn'? look bod.
This is Soe-hee,
and This is Young-min.
Hi, there.
And my boyfriend Ki-chul!
- Let's go.
- Let's hop in!
Come on.
WOiT if
- Gentle with The door!
- Alrighty.
Let's go!
Let him in.
Hey, hey. Look there!
Come hung out later!
You surprised me!
Oh my!
that ism scary nor funny
Hey, you look so surprised
It's so awesome.
- How for do we have to go more?
- Nearly there.
Your dud has strange Taste
to build a reson here.
Tell me about it.
There's nothing strange to it.
VWTh The forest and volley near.
Birds singing, and squirrels
doing Treodwheels.
What Trecdwheel?
There's no Treudwheels here,
you idiot!
Never heard of The new Trend
culling 'healing?
Even know how to spell?
What is that moron?
Ki-chul, don'?!
- Let's just go!
- Get off me!
What do you think
you're doing?
Get lost!
Make sure if The air compressor
is on when you patrol.
If not, The mine gets
Too much carbon gases.
Gus poisoning makes you
hollucincte and get wasted.
Stop nagging-
Heard that The CEO's daughter
planned This puny?
Thats why
that little brat came along?
Such a dick.
He's younger than you, right?
You're way Too kind.
How can you be nice to him?
Not really.
I don'? even see him much.
If Il be developed into
on experience center here.
A cool mine is no playground!
I agree.
According to The records,
This place had countless accidents.
In some oases, The bodies
weren't even found.
S Am 9%; Q gqv
when a miner dies in The Tunnel,
his ghost remains.
You'd know well
since you grew up here.
Probably That's why
I get The chill on my buck
whenever I'm down here.
VWTh goose bumps all over!
I don'? have much time for This.
I no longer even
recognize here!
- Hove you been here before?
- Huh? Yes.
IT was so vogue
as I was Too lifile.
Hey! You are not gonna let me
spend night in This crab?
Wait. Do you hear music?
I hear it, Too.
Where's the puflv?
Inside The cool mine.
Really? Awesome!
HAN Ki-chul?
Sorry. I'm lute.
- How have you been?
- Yeah, sorta.
Received a coll from my father?
Course! I've prepared every1hing
including The pool villa!
- Would you like some coffee?
- No. My friends are outside.
Oh, (k.
Then, lel me guide
you all lo The pension.
Just give me The key.
We'll just go unpack first.
Eun-ioo. We're leaving.
Hove a safe trip!
Come on. Let's go.
- Let's go!
- Okay,
is There a place for puriying
inside The mine?
Thcfs who? I'm saying.
A place doesn't mofier
for on awesome parry.
But The soul does!
Daddy's book!
Everyone, leave!
Ifs cursed here.
You are all going to die.
Ki-chul, a knife!
Ifs blood. And ifs block.
So gross.
Never get in There ever!
If you do so.
You'll get block-cursed
just like me.
I cm so terribly sorry!
So sorry.
Toke my apology, please.
Mr.KIM here used to work
at The mine.
He's like on uncle to me.
He's mentally unstable
since The cool mine accident.
A local miner can gel
wasted like this?
That's why we should bulldoze
out The damn mines.
Mine experiencee center, my ass.
In here, There is a block hell.
You won'? even find The body.
Block hell never lets its soul
Hey, let's just go.
WhQT The hell!
You've ruined my puny!
You've never been a help.
What are The manners
to a big brother.
This is a present from Ki-chul.
Something feels wrong.
I knew it.
How on earth do I wear Those?
He's so sweet.
Did you bring a swimsuit?
- Toke These.
- No, no. I'm good.
Why? They'll look good on you.
The color's good Too.
A lifile slurry I guess.
Not really!
Oh, awesome!
Where's Eun-ioo?
Eun-ioo, hurry!
What's with The mesh?
I love that!
Totally my style.
Grub her.
Come on.
Are you kidding?
One, Two and three!
Sorry, you alright?
Strip! Strip!
Bigger than yours!
You are gefiing in!
Ifs fun, aye?
You ok? Alright?
Why are you here?
Just come by to check if
every1hing's alright.
We are not officially open.
So, If you need uny1hing...
We'll let you know if we do.
Got it.
Hove a good night.
A bombing cocktail
coming right up.
- For Yoo-kyung.
- Thank you!
Fox Sue-hee.
And mine.
Fold a finger if you think
you're sexy and prefiy.
On, no, It's me!
You're so bod!
Yeah, you are Too bod!
You are so so bod.
- What?
- Unfold it.
Ifs for me, right?
Drink! Drink!
Loot at her going!
You are good!
I can'? possibly go more.
I'll Toke a break
for a while.
L give up.
I'm gefiing drunk.
A break, shall we?
I need some fresh air.
Men's room.
Wasn't h' Too obvious?
Then you thought I'll skip
This good chance here?
But, but.
People may notice.
Don'? mind Yoo-kyung.
Should I be bothered by her
even in here?
I'll just!
Where's everybody?
I heard a our stoning.
ls Ki-chul out?
And where's Sue-hee?
Went to The our
to get something.
Be right buck.
Is it you, Ki-chul?
Wait, wait!
What's This sound?
What sound?
Haven'? heard cny1hing.
Isn't This Yoo-kyung?
I Told you to leave.
Why don'? you listen!
You psycho!
Get to your senses
when someone dies?
Are you okay?
Fucking moron.
I shouldve ended him before.
So sorry.
Watch out!
You shouldn't woke him up!
You will get cursed!
Should we coll The police?
We just killed c1 man!
The pension is about to open.
People must not know
a mun is killed here.
We're not chopping it up
or cny1hing, right?
The whole ploce is in construction,
so the body will get found soon.
How about...
we hide h' in The Tunnel?
A fucking good idea.
I know There well.
IT can never be found
in there.
How can we make sure
we all keep This secret?
Thcfs why we all go in Together.
Everyone here!
And get rid of The body.
No one in here?
So no fun here.
Why cm I here.
Whcfs Ki-chul doing There?
Let's find a Tunnel
thcfs not under construction.
Where are they going?
I Think...
someone's here.
Thank you.
Hurry UP!
Help me!
Careful .
Bring it down There
and Throw, got it?
What is it, who?!
Alive. It's still olive!
IT just moved.
The body just moved!
Is he olive?
Are you sure he's not dead?
Just kill him.
No! Don'? do it!
Let's just Throw him over.
Let's just do it!
Do your fucking job!
Slow down.
We should hurry.
Before anyone notices we're out
let's get book To The pension.
Bro, slow down a lifile.
Yoo-kyungs gefiing lefl behind.
Why do you cure!
I'll Toke cure of her.
Like he knows The way.
You shouldve visited
The puny at my stage.
You didn't peek, do you?
You've worked here for long?
And I was born and raised here.
Been much longer.
Real? IT musfve been hard!
Been heord about The neighborhood
from my doddy since I was young.
Hope The resort open soon
and get crowded.
I Think you drink Too much.
Let me guide you To your room.
Hold on.
Hove some fun with me.
What's wrong?
What's going on?
H' doesn't work.
- What?
- The powers off?
The electric lines are
all lorn here.
What happened?
Who did This! Fuck!
Are we locked in here?
She's not here.
Weren't you with her?
She was right behind our buck.
You don'? give a damn
whether she's following well?
You coll her.
No signal in here.
Told you to leave.
I'll show you
The block hell good.
You son of a bitch!
You bastard!
You, fucking idiot.
Hey! Stop!
You killed her.
I said we should slow down!
Something wrong.
She musfve fallen
on her buck.
Look at The scratches
on The floor.
was stepping backward
from something then slipped.
You mean
someone else is in here?
WhGT if...
The miner we killed is
still olive?
That's bullshit.
he can still be olive.
No time. Let's move.
Guys, let's just get out of here,
Not until
I make sure he's dead.
If we have to get out
we should find The miner first.
Are you insane?
Why search a murderer?
Eun-iods right.
Whoever ii is,
leis find him first.
No time.
We split in Mo.
Found him.
Young-min, where are you?
Con you hear me?
Nothings here.
The blood stains...
IT stops here.
What is it?
Ifs weird.
We are...
circling The some place
over and over.
I don'? get it.
We've been stepping forward.
No we are.
Hey! Woke up!
Nobody There?
Isn'? it Sue-hee?
I'll go check.
You stay put.
Don'? move. Got it?
Are you alright, Sue-hee?
Yes, I'm good.
What a fucking dream.
Sue-hee, wake up.
Almost time.
Yoo-kyungs coming.
Soe-hee. Sue-heel
What are you?
Son of a bitch!
Who The hell are you?
Why did you kill her! Why!
Fucking shit.
Why The hell is it here.
Kim's olive.
He is olive!
Ki-chul, where are you?
Where are youl?
ls The stream water in Seoul
also so block like this?
You fool.
It's only The stream water here
That's block.
Every1hing here
is block.
The mountain, stream,
and even The face of my dud.
You wanna become a miner too?
I hate it here.
I can'? wait to grow up
to leave for Seoul.
Don'? soy that.
The mining work is
exiremeiy hard.
That is why I said so.
my ddddy does d difficult job.
Never has time for me.
Oh, right! Daddy and I
go to The beach This Sunday!
And ddddy mdde These.
They were between codls.
You have one.
Mon don'? wear jewelry.
Don'? need it.
What? Of course a mun can!
Kim's still olive.
He killed Yoo-kyung Too.
Let's get out of here with me.
Eun-ioo, who? is it?
Yeah, ifs me.
Ifs me, Dong-jun.
You alright?
I'm okay. The scarf!
- How clumsy.
- Somethings on.
Here, help!
People are still in There.
But h' keeps on collapsing.
We should send more rescue Teams.
Don't. It's Too late.
No need. lfll only raise
The amount of compensation.
Please, sdve my ddddy.
He's still in there.
Cmon! Pull The Team out!
- No. Please, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Bring my ddddy bdck!
Save my dOddV!
Bring my ddddy bdck!
Save my dOddV!
Or I'll kill you all myself.
Don't go There.
Don't get in!
Let me go;
Come book!
Get off me!
After The accident.
You were found in The mine
cfler Three days.
Then you remembered nothing.
Then you were sent to
your relative cfler all.
What is it?
Fucking bastard!
Is it you? The musk?
You son of bitch.
You are sefiing up all these?
HAN Ki-chul.
You are poisoned with
carbon monoxide.
Everybody's out of mind.
We should escape.
Escape? You killed people!
You killed Them both.
No, it wcsn'? me.
I was just following,
watching you.
Cut The bullshit.
You med Sue-hee.
Thcfs fucking rubbish.
Ifs you who killed Sce-hee.
What have you done to me.
"M going To kill you!
I'll kill you!
Come on.
You fucking son of a bitch.
You killed Them both.
Go to hell!
You killed
You killed!
Eun-ioo! What are you doing?
SEO Eun-ioo!
Pull yourself Together.
How about...
we hide h' in The Tunnel?
In The locked Tunnel.
Daddy must have gone Through
The horrible illusion and pain.
I turned off The compressor so
you all can feel Them yourselves.
AT lust,
I have to end it myself.
Who are you.
Who cm I?
You should ask that
Ifs his son.
The son of The murderer.
Eunice, no.
This is murder.
Dying of starvation or
dying of gas poisoning.
Death are all The some.
Ifs a murder for me
but on accident for another?
The real murderer
generation cfler generation.
He's right here.
Stop it.
Everybody's dead.
And you are out of your mind.
We should get out of here.
People have forgofien,
that a mine even existed.
The lives they chose to forget will
eventually gel forgollen
like This mine.
I will be here.
This is The grove of my dud.
I will protect it.
Then why you weren't There?
You were just standing by!
Why didn'? you come help me!
Nothing like that, Eun-ioo.
You are The some.
If we die here,
people will soon forget that
once There were miners.
The miners, like us.
Gefiing forgofien.
Thcfs who? you fear?
Fear is Too much, but.
I cm not happy about it
to be honest.
'(w huveEunim/a.
Just think of her.
You are also all she's got.
Oh, damn.
I promised her to go The beach
This weekend.
This is her first Trip ofler
entering middle school.
I can linger.
I can survive for days.
The battery's fl of.
The sound of music was The
one thing that keeps me olive.
Wont me To sing c1 lifile?
No enough air
even for breathing.
Do you hear music again?
Is if?
I don'? know.
What's your deal?
I'm The coworker.
It's alright.
Hey! Dong-jun.
Dong-jun, you idiot.
Hey, you okay?
Why on ecnh you got in There?
Oh, right.
The bones discovered inside.
They belong To The miners
died 0T The uccidenT in The pusT.
You were so right.
That dangerous mine
shouldve been closed earlier.
Experi en oe center,
That's c1 joke.
His not.
This plc1ce must be developed and
remained as on experience center.
So The people never forget.
And remember for good.
You see, me gm Eunimo.
Her body wasn't found in The mine
even ofler The Thorough search.
Hey, Eun-joo!
Been longtime!
Is that her?
- Hop in.
- Okay.