The Tutor (2023) Movie Script

There are no wrong answers.
It's a persuasive essay.
All you got to do is pick a side
and support it
Well, that question
makes no sense.
It's just exponential growth.
I'm gonna go with A, sadiated.
I know
what exponential growth is,
but nobody would make
an initial deposit of $3,000.
It's way too low.
Number 32,
what is the value of X?
Every time that you say X,
it always just reminds me
of my ex.
No, con.
Who invented the telephone?
- Alexander Graham Bell.
- Xander Graham Bell.
What's up? Yeah.
Good. Good, good, good.
Hiya, hiya, hiya!
Yeah! My dad collects em.
This thing is worth like,
six figures or something.
ETHAN: Reconciliation.
It's like when you were beefing.
But then you come back
together and like,
now you're all chill.
- That's great.
- Mmm.
Catherine loves having
you as her tutor.
What's your process?
For me, it's about connection.
Your hair looks great.
Very good.
You missed that one last time.
Repetitive, annoying.
Wait, how much
are nickels again?
Hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya!
All right. Time's up. Let's go.
I can tell you right now...
My dad works at JP Morgan...
And if there's an imaginary
number in the denominator,
then you multiply
the top and bottom
by the complex conjugate.
Your raspberry leaf tea.
Thank you, sir.
Good for the uterus.
You're really gonna
drink that in front of me?
I waited three months.
Oh. Where's the solidarity?
I left it somewhere.
I talked to my dad today.
And did he mention that a child
born out of wedlock was illegal
in most states until recently?
Did you tell him?
I will.
I promise.
Are you gonna make me do
the baby meditation again?
No. Didn't like your voice.
Well, I didn't either.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Now dip me.
Careful. I'm pregnant.
I've noticed.
Morning, morning.
Hey, Jeremy.
Morning, Rick.
Ethan, Ethan, wait.
Finish your examination,
I'll be right back.
Hey, Chris wanted you
to call him.
I was gonna text you.
He has something for you.
He say what it was?
Not sure.
You look pretty.
All right, where were we?
Are you at a party?
No, no, I'm across the pond
making deals happen, man.
All these shipping magnets,
they want their sons
to go prison.
It's definitely
an emerging market.
Hey, listen, have you ever
had blood sausage?
Yes, I have, Chris.
They make it super fresh here.
Daria said you got something.
I got an email this morning.
Summer gig, might be a great way
to keep you afloat
through the fall.
Cause I know you need that
dinero, baby.
What is it?
They asked for you by name.
You're tutor famous, man.
It's probably a referral from
Goldman Sachs connection.
I don't know.
All I know is they're offering
you $2,500 a day.
Holy shit.
CHRIS (ON PHONE): Yeah, I know.
Listen, the only thing is
they're gonna pay you
under the table.
You're gonna stay on premise
for a week as a trial basis.
Of course.
They've got some sort of
tutor bungalow.
Um... Who's the family?
Details are sparse.
But it's definitely VIP
and it definitely starts ASAP.
Look, buddy,
I've got to go, man.
Important meeting I gotta
get to a donor and everything.
I'll call you later. Okay?
All right. Ciao.
This feels strange to be
leaving right now.
I know.
I mean, hey, at least
it gets you out of unpacking.
I don't want to
get out of unpacking.
I mean, yeah, like it sucks.
All I want to do is, is nest.
But you know, it's fine. Right?
You're not gonna
be there forever and...
We need the money.
We need the money.
And I mean, it does kind of
seem like the universe is just
handing you this thing.
So, you've got to take it.
You've got to go.
Handing us this thing?
Mr. Campbell?
That's me.
Thank you, sir.
Thanks for the ride.
How are you, sir?
Thank you.
[Charles clears throat]
It's this way, sir.
Where does this go?
Back to the horse stables?
[Ethan laughs]
Thank you.
You must be Sir Jackson.
You must be Ethan.
Well, that is correct.
It's a beautiful house.
Do you know what we're supposed
to be working on?
Usually, I get
a little more information.
You took the SATs in the fall?
How'd you do?
I don't know.
It wasn't good.
Like 1100s, 1200s?
I don't know.
I can have my dad's assistant
forward them to you
later tonight.
All right.
Let's try a practice test.
We'll see how you do.
All right. This is the test.
You'll have 25 minutes,
20 questions.
Remember, take your time.
And clock starts now.
No Wi-Fi.
Very curious, aren't you?
There's a whole series
on geriatrics.
[Jenny chuckles]
Sorry if I was bothering you.
I didn't know anybody
else was in here.
I'm Ethan.
You guys live here?
Well, I'll be here, too,
for a week.
Do you guys know um, if there's
a landline or...
A landline?
Cell service is a little bad.
None of my texts
are going through.
Maybe try by the pool.
Service is usually
best out there.
Appreciate it.
Sorry for bothering.
JENNY: You could try the Wi-Fi.
What's the password?
The butler has a phone.
Butler has got a phone.
No, Ethan, that's the password.
[Jenny chuckles]
Thank you, guys.
I'll have to ask you,
have you seen this test before?
Okay. Maybe you're a math whiz.
Let's get you
on the writing section.
For this,
you'll have 35 minutes.
I hope you like
Russian literature.
Right this way.
I'll show you your room.
Already? That was quick.
I'm timing you still.
I am timing him.
Here's your room, sir.
The sessions are separate,
2:00 p.m. every day.
Your bedroom is right
through those doors.
Thank you.
Thank you.
[Indistinct lyrics]
Goodbye, I'll be leaving
I see no sense in this crying,
We'll both live a lot longer
If you live without me
How are you?
You're kind of old
to be a tutor, right?
Um, well, that's debatable,
I guess.
How did you become a tutor?
Uh, flashcards.
Pretty much mainly flashcards.
It's a party.
I can see that.
Have fun.
I will.
Party on.
So goodbye, I'll be leaving
I see no sense in this crying,
We'll both live a lot longer
If you live without me
I mean, maybe he's one of those
perfect-score kids
and they just wanna make sure.
I don't know though.
They made it sound like
he failed in the spring.
Well, I don't know.
Maybe he gets anxious
on the real thing.
How's the house?
Well, you tell me.
Whoa, whoa. What was that?
Own personal pool table.
Are you serious?
I walked into a room earlier
and it had like,
50 motorcycles in it.
What? 50 motorcycles?
Have you met the parents?
No, but I met the butler.
The butler, shut up!
Well, the kid is giving me
sort of a strange vibe.
Like, he's got to be
on the spectrum or something.
Sounds like
some kind of mad genius.
Well, I hope he's mad genius.
Well, I mean, sounds
like a pretty easy week.
Take that money and run, baby.
I guess, I've got to stop
thinking like
I have to do this instead of
I get to do this for us.
You get to have
your own pool table.
It's pretty cool.
[Both laugh]
How's the little
romance killer doing?
Oh my God, stop saying that.
It's not funny.
I'm just kidding.
[Mimics laughing]
We should probably
get some sleep.
See how tomorrow is.
Mm-hmm. Yeah, me too.
I hope I can call you
with some wonderful stories
of all my...
ETHAN (ON PHONE): adventures.
I'll talk to you tomorrow.
I love you.
Okay. Sleep tight.
So, what do you like to do?
What do you mean?
Like in school,
what do you like?
Math, English.
ETHAN: You like music?
Everyone listens to music.
ETHAN: What do you listen to?
A little bit of everything.
Little bit of everything.
[Laughter in distance]
Who is that guy?
Oh my!
JACKSON: He's my cousin.
He summers with us.
And I'm... I'm an only child,
so he's like a brother to me.
What's your dad do?
JACKSON: I'm not allowed to say.
You can't tell me what
your dad does?
What about your mom?
Um, sh...
They sent her away.
What kind of pictures
do you take?
I saw your camera.
People mostly.
You ever take
pictures of your students?
That'd be a little weird.
Mostly an abstract photographer.
Did you go to school for it?
No, I did photo journalism
in high school.
And that just kind of stuck,
caught the bug.
What about the baby?
Was it planned?
How do you know about the baby?
Are you worried about
having a bastard?
Excuse me?
Well, you're not married, right?
I'm just curious.
Let's focus on work.
What's up?
[Indistinct speech]
Aren't you late for something?
We actually don't start
until 2:00 today.
You want a ride?
I'm all right.
Come on, get in the car.
[Indistinct lyrics]
You like Teddi?
She has to obey me.
You can have her.
I got a girlfriend. Thanks.
Jackson told me that
your lady is pregnant.
So, this could be
your last chance.
JENNY: How's Jackson doing?
I mean, after all that
he's been through.
ETHAN: What do you mean?
What did he tell you?
That his mom was sent away.
GAVIN: Yeah, you could say that.
You could say that.
And... boom.
Hey, will you take my picture?
Not in a creepy way,
but professional.
Got to grade this.
Okay. Where do you want to?
Don't do that.
Um, just relax.
Be comfortable.
Just be real.
Got ya.
Also, guess what?
The rest of our session
has been cancelled.
No, it hasn't.
GAVIN: Not yet.
We're just trying to figure out,
what's your price?
You won't get in trouble.
His father doesn't
know anything.
What if I give you a $1,000?
Jackson, that's ridiculous.
I can't take your money.
Come on!
A 1,000 is like nothing.
Maybe for you.
How much? 3,000?
I'm not naming a number.
Going once.
Going twice?
Phew. That was easy.
I thought you'd make me
work for that.
But tomorrow?
Just when you've thought
you've seen it all.
They say we might find out
the sex at our next visit.
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa!
I'm so excited.
[Ethan laughs]
Should I um,
wait until you come back? Or?
Absolutely, you better.
You okay?
ANNIE (ON PHONE): I'm fine.
Just... just missing you.
Well, I miss you, too.
It'll just be a few more sleeps.
We'll be together.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
ETHAN (ON PHONE): I love you.
I love you, too.
Okay. Goodnight.
Can I come in?
I'm sorry.
I lied.
My mom, she never got sent away.
She left.
Go on.
Usually, people just nod
and check out.
It's been super hard.
He's never liked me, my dad.
And it's only gotten worse
as I've gotten older.
I'm not living up
to his expectations.
My dad's horrible.
Racist, angry,
drinks all the time.
I never know what version
of him I'm gonna get.
I still haven't told him
I have a baby on the way.
My mom took off when I was 10.
She couldn't handle it.
It's probably the hardest thing
I ever had to go through
was losing her.
I just try and remind myself
that we're all just broken.
We can really only
just try our best.
I'm sure your dad
loves you, Jackson.
He probably just has a really
strange way of showing that.
You listen.
You must be
a really special person.
What the fuck!
Jesus Christ!
[Indistinct chatter]
Thanks for being my stand-in
birthing partner today.
Yeah. Duh!
I love that they had orgasmic
birth on the syllabus.
You believe that?
I could not believe.
But I wouldn't get
your hopes up.
Kinda hoping.
I don't know.
[Both laugh]
I always feel like I'm supposed
to like stop
and do triceps dips there.
No, no.
I can never do.
Mm-mm. Mm-mm.
You need to enjoy
being pregnant, enjoy this bod.
Eat what you want, girl.
Don't work out.
Ethan will love it.
[Anne clears throat]
I don't know.
I'm just obsessing again.
Sculptor girl?
I don't know.
Maybe it's the hormones,
but it's just... I'm still angry.
- You know what I mean?
- Yeah, yeah.
It's just... it's so fucking
clich like, hooking up
at an artists' retreat?
I know.
It makes sense to be angry.
It's like everything changes
when you have a kid.
He's not just your husband
he's the father of your child.
Well, I mean, we're not married.
But, but I hear you.
[Both laugh]
I talked to my dad.
He said we can have
a special dinner tomorrow
to celebrate the final session.
He gets in by early evening.
Well, we hardly did
any work today.
Well, he doesn't know that.
He's excited to meet you.
I have to leave right
after our session.
Come on! Just stay a little.
You're so cool.
I... I want to get to know you.
Jackson, this is a job. Okay?
I don't know what
you thought it was,
but I'm your tutor.
I'm not your friend. Okay?
Have a good night.
Which problem are you on?
We only have two hours
left today,
and I want to
get some good work done.
Okay. Okay.
Look, hey, just relax.
Just breathe.
Calm down.
Look, I'm sorry about yesterday.
I didn't mean to upset you.
But I do have to get home.
I have plans with my girlfriend.
And I do think that you formed
a slightly unhealthy
attachment to me.
I just want to get to know you.
What's wrong with that?
I saw the pictures
on your computer.
You shouldn't be on my computer.
I know.
I came to find you last night
to apologize, to say I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Do you want to talk about it?
I think if we...
[Jackson yells, grunts]
Hey, Jackson.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Jackson! Hey, stop!
Stop, stop, stop.
Hey, stop it.
[Jackson grunts]
You must be Jackson's father.
I'm sorry,
he's an emotional kid.
Uh, you know, he was doing great
and then...
And just all of a sudden
he got...
You know how they prep soldiers
for target practice
in World War II?
I do not.
They'd spin them around
in circles
until they got dizzy.
And then... then they'd make em
fire their weapons.
Don't go easy on him.
He has to be able
to perform at all times.
I found that out the hard way.
Hey, sorry, I'm not gonna be
able to make it
to dinner tonight.
That's okay.
Oh, okay.
It's a beautiful painting.
You can have it.
Come on.
We've got three more
around here somewhere.
Hey, Chris.
Ethan. Nailed the presentation.
Montclair, New Jersey,
it's gonna be a goldmine.
ETHAN (ON PHONE): Chris, listen.
No, you listen.
I just got a phone call
from Jackson's father.
Yeah, before
you say anything...
They want you to continue
through the summer, my main man.
They think it'd be good
for Jackson
to have someone around,
you know, keep him company.
I... I don't know, man.
They're offering you triple
your day rate moving forward.
Make your year in a month.
Oh, Chris.
You're welcome.
I'll take that as a yes.
So, we found out the sex.
Don't pause like that.
Come on!
We are having... a boy.
[Miriam gasps]
We're having a little Ethan.
Yes! Oh, I knew it, I so knew
it was gonna be a boy.
I'm not cheering the boy part,
I would have cheered either way.
He's very woke.
You do?
Congrats, you guys.
Oh, we're so excited for you.
That's amazing.
Thank you.
We're really excited.
Um, we have an announcement
to make, too.
Ah, we're moving to Portland.
Wow! Okay.
So, it's really happening.
JOSH: Yeah.
Hey, um,
we are not going to leave
until the baby is born.
I would never do that to you.
JOSH: Yeah.
Oh my gosh.
I'm gonna miss you guys so much.
MIRIAM: Ah, I'm sorry.
It's okay.
MIRIAM: I'm sorry.
It's okay. It's okay.
I can't say that
I didn't see it coming.
Hey, how's... how's work?
I bet you got some crazy shit.
Yeah, but I put up with it,
because the pay is good.
Well, tell them my favorite one.
Oh, which one?
Oh, you know.
[All laugh]
MIRIAM: Tell us.
Oh, the one where the girl uh...
The girl threw her textbook
at me...
- and called me white trash.
- White trash.
- Mm-hmm.
- MIRIAM: Oh my God.
[Miriam laughs]
And the Russian oligarch that
flew me to London
to take his son
on a college tour
and the father that screamed
at me to not tell him
how to raise his fucking kid...
Annie said you have
a new student who's, oh,
interesting, I guess.
He's um...
Yeah, he's interesting.
He's um, obsessed with me.
He's a... in a total stalker
sort of way.
You know,
"Ethan, you're so cool."
"Man, you really listen."
And he starts waving money
in front of my face
at any moment
like he can fucking buy me...
- like I'm...
- MIRIAM: Okay.
Some kind of whore.
He had pictures of Annie and I
on his laptop.
And then we're working
on a section
and he makes one mistake
and he starts flipping out
in some sort of...
Sort of a psychotic like,
bipolar episode.
He's such a weird little kid
that I don't know how
he lives with himself.
We get it.
We were just talking
about someone else.
No big deal.
Jackson, hi, I'm... I'm Annie.
Ethan's told me a lot about you.
Uh, you like this place?
I... I think the food here
is divine.
Yeah, it's good.
It's um, it's expensive.
What are you doing
out here so late?
Well, I'm 17, Ethan.
I have a life.
Of course.
My family owns three
buildings on this block.
We're here on weekends.
Well, it was so nice
meeting you.
ANNIE: Nice to meet you, too.
Every single time
that you drink,
you embarrass me
and you embarrass yourself.
God, I hate it
when you get like that.
It was a mistake.
ANNIE: No, it's belittling.
I'm sorry.
And it reminds me of your dad.
I'm sorry.
God, they're just kids, Ethan.
They can't help if they come
from money.
Even if they're
a little bit messed up,
it's not their fault.
Annie, I'll apologize to him
the next time I see him.
ANNIE: Yeah. Okay.
[Annie sighs]
Hey, what's up?
Hey, change of plans.
My dad has a thing in the city
and I need to be there.
Can we push it back
and meet at our townhouse?
I was actually just about to
head out there now.
I'm uh, just waiting
for the car.
No, I called them.
They'll pick you up at 2:00.
Feel free to let yourself in.
Okay. Cool.
Hey, I mean, I just wanted
to say sorry for...
Let's just talk later.
See you soon.
We're running late.
I didn't know this was gonna
be an all-afternoon thing.
I told Annie we'd get dinner.
Have something to eat
if you're hungry.
I let you some fruit.
Yeah, I see it.
Thank you.
I'll be here.
[Gasping, coughs]
Hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey!
Where were you?
Jackson never showed up.
For seven hours?
He called, said he was gonna
be late,
left some fruit
for me to have and I passed out.
Passed out?
Ethan, you're soaking wet.
Because I woke up in a lake,
That's crazy.
What are you saying that he...
You're saying that this kid,
that he drugged you?
Well, I don't know what to
tell you,
because that's what happened.
Well, you uh, you missed
our doctor's appointment.
Goddamn it, that was...
Yeah, it was today. Yeah.
Oh, and some woman
called for you.
I don't know.
I don't know, Ethan.
She hung up
every time that I asked.
That's... what's her number.
I'll call her back.
Oh my God.
Ethan, don't walk away from me.
Who was she? Who was this woman?
Why is your hair wet?
Annie, you're jumping
to conclusions.
I think that I have a right
to be suspicious
given what's happened
in the past, Ethan.
[Overlapping speech]
You say that you're gonna be
in the city
and I can clearly see
that you're in Long Island.
Look, I know that you have
my tracker on your phone.
I asked you to keep it there.
I'm the father of our child
and I have nothing to hide.
Ethan, that's crazy.
What are you...
What are you saying?
That... that... that why...
Why would this kid drug you?
Why have some random woman
call the house?
What do you want me to say,
I don't...
Huh? I'm trying to find
answers, too.
I don't know what happened.
You clearly don't trust me.
Hmm. This is interesting.
Tetrahydrozoline found in
nasal spray, eye drops,
causes lack of consciousness
and coma.
That's probably what he gave me.
And I have such a headache.
Another side effect.
She's standing 2 feet away
Her high heels aross
the marble floor
I see her evryday
Have something
to eat if you're hungry.
I left you some food.
[Indistinct whispers]
Teddi, Teddi,
take his shirt off.
Jakson, hurry. Take the photo.
How'd... how'd the pictures
turn out?
ETHAN: They're all right.
Yeah, you get anything good?
ETHAN: Not really.
I'm sure there must have
been something good in there.
I'm sorry, Annie.
I don't want to fight.
I don't want to fight either.
I'm sorry, too.
Let's go to bed, okay?
I don't know, Ethan.
Maybe, maybe he's not
getting your texts.
I mean he could be on vacation.
But what kid with a pulse
these days doesn't check
his phone for a week?
Well, did you try
calling his dad?
I didn't get his information.
Maybe it's a way of firing you.
I mean, you were kind of a dick
to him at the restaurant
that night.
But hey, I called his school
this... this morning.
No Jackson goes there.
Ethan, why are you
obsessing over this?
- Look, it's good...
- I'm not. It's just...
It's good if you don't go
back out there because...
It's just been...
- Guess what?
- Frustrating. What?
Then you get more Annie time.
Don't worry.
It's okay.
Let it go.
Shake it off.
Chris is calling.
Ethan, how are you?
I was just about to call you.
What's up?
I just spoke with Jackson.
ETHAN (ON PHONE): Oh, good, I...
Yeah, he just explained to me
he's cancelling
the rest of his sessions,
because he's scared of you.
Wait, what?
Chris, that's absurd.
Yeah, he didn't
really go into detail.
But he said
there was an incident
and that there's a pretty
substantial bruise on his leg.
Chris, that is ridiculous.
Jackson gave himself
those bruises.
Why would he do that?
Because he had some sort of
some sort of meltdown
during a session that... he...
He just started flipping out
like some bipolar sort of thing
hitting himself.
His dad walked in
on the situation.
- ETHAN (ON PHONE): He saw it.
- Ethan, he said...
We talked about it afterwards.
Ethan, Ethan, his dad said
he never met you before.
Chris, that's ridiculous.
His dad was there.
He came down the stairs.
He was talking about
World War II shit
and everything.
Firing guns,
spinning people around.
What... what is happening here,
Jackson also said that
you were pretty inappropriate
with some young lady friends
of his
and that there were pictures.
Oh my God.
What were you thinking, man?
Chris, I don't know
what's going on.
But there's a lot more that
he's not telling you.
Enlighten me.
Like the other week,
when I went to his apartment,
he didn't show up,
told me to eat
some fucking fruit
and I was drugged.
Those pictures with that girl,
Jackson staged those photos.
So, there are pictures.
Look, man, we worked
together long time.
These are serious allegations,
Chris, I need this job.
I have a baby on the way.
I'm gonna have to let you go.
ETHAN (ON PHONE): Chris. Chris.
ANNIE: What's going on?
I don't know.
ANNIE: You don't know?
Sounded pretty serious.
Is everything okay?
[Indistinct chatter
in background]
- I'm sorry.
- Stop.
I don't know what the hell
is going on,
but this needs to
fucking stop right now.
Did you mean it?
What's that?
The other night
at the restaurant.
- What you said to me...
- Yeah, I meant...
I meant every
goddamn word of it.
You're a piece of shit
for judging me.
You know that?
I don't know how to judge you.
You don't know
anything about me.
Oh, I don't?
I've been tutoring rich pricks
like you my entire life.
You and your traumas
and your triggers.
Oh, bless you!
You don't know
what I've been through
or what you've done to me!
Oh, what I've done to you?
What I've done to you?
Hey, don't put the fucking
hands on him, man.
I gave you a chance.
But I'm gonna totally
fuck you over now.
You stay the fuck away from me.
All right?
You stay away from my family.
You hear me, Jackson?
Or I'll hurt you.
I'll hurt you.
Ethan, do you have a much
experience waiting tables?
No, but I think I can
catch on pretty quick.
I just see a lot of tutoring
and some
telecommunications work.
That's right.
I can do like busser.
But that's a...
The pay rate is way lower.
And I don't wanna waste
your time, Ethan.
One second.
Hey! Bring it right in here!
Thanks for coming in.
Thank you, sir.
Wait, what?
And that's supposed to be me?
The victim told us it was.
Well, that's crazy.
It's not me.
It's probably his cousin, Gavin.
That's who you should
be questioning.
I don't know what to tell you.
Let's start with where
you were last night.
He isn't a good guy.
Please, tell me what's going on.
You can trust me.
There's so much you don't know.
I... I don't know what
to believe anymore.
I don't... I don't think
that you'd do this.
But then I think about your dad
and I think about...
I'm not my dad.
Why your mom left.
And I don't want to be stressed
like this all the time, Ethan.
It's... it's not good
for the baby.
I don't understand
how you can't just...
Who's Rachel Platt?
ANNIE: Who is she?
Jackson told me at the station
that he's worried about me.
He... he told me that
his mother's name
was Rachel Platt.
ETHAN: His mother?
He said that she was murdered.
I looked it up and a decade ago
a woman named Rachel Platt
drowned in the lake.
Yeah, I know.
Okay. So what does this woman
have to do with you, Ethan?
We were...
[Clicks tongue]
seeing each other.
We dated.
It was just a fling.
And she wasn't murdered here.
She committed suicide.
I always thought her son's
name was Christopher.
So, you were having an affair?
No, it wasn't an affair.
They basically weren't
even together anymore.
He didn't care about her.
Poor Jackson.
Poor Jackson then,
but now he's fucking crazy.
I mean, if he thinks
that she was murdered,
he probably thinks I had
something to do with that.
That's why he's trying to ruin
both of our lives.
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't want to relive it.
How am I supposed
to bring that up to you?
She was crazy, Annie.
Jackson probably inherited it.
That's why he's so fucked up.
Of course, he's fucked up.
He's been traumatized.
You... you can't just... oh.
Okay. You know what?
If you ever want to tell me
what the hell
is really going on, Ethan,
you let me know.
But until then, I want you gone.
Goddamn son of a... fucking go...
[Indistinct shouting]
Charles, how are you?
Welcome back, sir.
Do you live here?
Here, let me grab those for you.
Can I help you?
Yeah. I was...
I said, do you live here?
Yes, we do.
Is there a problem?
Yeah, I'm looking for Jackson.
Do you know a Jackson?
You renting the place
for the summer?
We live here.
You can just tell me, because
I've... I've been here all week.
What do you mean you've
been here all week?
Yeah, I've been here all week.
- ETHAN: Oh!
- Hey, dad.
Teddi, do you know this man?
Hey, I developed those photos,
that nice little ploy
that you had
trying to make like...
What are you talking about?
We had some little rendezvous
trying to get me in trouble.
You and Jackson's dad,
that was...
That was a great little trick.
I don't know who you are!
Because I'm still trying
to figure things out for myself.
I don't know who you are!
Sir! Tell her to come back
out here...
because I have some questions.
You need to stay back.
- You need to stay back.
- I will stay back.
I'm just trying to figure out
who's house this is...
It's my house.
Where I've been all week,
cause I am done
being fucked with
and I need information.
Leave now or I make you leave.
[Takes deep breaths]
I got you now, bastard.
Do you live here, sir?
Huh? No.
Uh, I... I left something here.
It's a friend of mine.
Who lives here?
Jackson, I think.
Keep your hands
where I can see em.
[Indistinct chatter
in background]
[Indistinct speech]
Look, here's another one.
Rachel had some...
[inaudible speech]
I mean, just read.
Look, Ethan didn't have
any involvement,
but it would just...
This doesn't prove anything.
I mean, it proves
that he's a liar.
Because he didn't tell you that
he was questioning
this kid's mom's death.
I mean... I mean,
don't you think that's
something that should've come
up over the past five years.
It seems like
a pretty big deal to me.
I don't know.
Did you sleep last night?
And I think you are jumping
to conclusions a little bit.
This is Ethan.
You know him.
I know.
I know.
But I just... I don't know.
These days I feel like I don't
really know him at all, so.
Are you still tracking
his phone?
Yeah, I am.
And he knows?
Yeah, he knows.
He... he said that
he wanted me to.
He... he knows that
I still don't trust him.
Okay. So then I think you should
get out of the house
and stop thinking
about this stuff.
Yeah, you're right.
You're right.
Ethan, do you know
who's property you broke in to?
It's where I was drugged.
I was trying to get proof,
so I could get restraining order
so that this kid
can't come near me anymore.
It was Jefferson Platt's.
The husband of Rachel Platt?
Whose death you were questioned
about exactly 10 years ago?
And I had nothing to do with it.
That's what I'm trying
to tell you, guys.
This kid had some fixation.
He had some idea.
Ask his father.
Jefferson Platt died from
cancer three years ago, Ethan.
Why did your tutoring company
let you go?
Because they accused me
of um, assaulting him.
So, that's twice you've been
accused of assaulting Jackson.
I'm gonna have to ask you
not to leave the area
for a few days.
We're gonna wanna talk to you
some more.
Yeah, I wouldn't do anything
now, because...
I just want my life back.
I just want my life back.
How was your evening, Ethan?
I've lost everything
thanks to you.
Thanks to you.
No, you listen.
I wanna talk.
No, I... I give up.
I don't want anything
to do with you.
All right? Just leave me alone.
Meet me where she died,
unless you prefer
we continue this charade.
This was her favorite place,
where she felt most at peace.
But you already knew that.
Her body washed up
2 miles downstream.
But they didn't find
water in her lungs.
So someone killed her
and then pushed her in.
That was one theory along
with many others.
The heel from her shoe snapped
off and lodged right there.
Her head was slammed against
the deck with such force
that it cracked the wood.
The police determined that that
was the exact spot
that she died.
Detectives put that
in their confidential report.
My father got a copy, of course.
And so only he, myself,
and the murderer knows
that was the exact spot.
And here you are.
Oh, that's bullshit!
It only makes sense
this is where she died.
It's your property.
The current runs straight
to where she was found.
It doesn't take a genius to
figure out this is
where she killed herself.
Where are you going?
I want closure, Ethan.
I am sorry for your loss.
But your mom and I's
it was a mistake.
And her death?
I had nothing to do with it.
I promise!
I guess if you tell
a lie long enough,
then you just start
to believe it.
What? Where are you?
JACKSON: What do we do?
GAVIN: I don't know.
You know what?
Let's stick to the plan,
He's waking up.
Okay. Stay down, unless he
asks you a fucking question.
Hey, Jackson, can we kill him?
Let's... let's just call
the police.
It was just an affair.
I know you blamed me for what
happened to your mom,
but we weren't even seeing
each other anymore.
You were with her that night.
No, I wasn't.
You don't know what it was like
stuck at that awful
boarding school.
She was the only one that
ever gave a shit about me.
Okay, I talked to her. Okay?
Say her name.
Rachel, I talked to her
on the phone that night.
Maybe an hour before she died.
She was sad about
our relationship ending.
She was drunk,
but I didn't come here.
I knew it'd be a mistake.
The autopsy showed
she was pregnant.
It was gonna be a boy.
I wouldn't be alone.
We know it wasn't his dad,
because they weren't fucking.
He's not gonna tell the truth.
Let's kill him.
No, fine! Okay!
I was with her,
but I wasn't there
when she died.
I begged her for one more night
and she agreed.
We took a bottle of wine
to the docks to our spot,
and we made love.
And after,
she didn't want it to end,
because she loved me.
Her husband gave her
an ultimatum.
He said she couldn't
leave her family.
She couldn't leave you.
And so, she got hysterical.
But I didn't... I didn't think
she'd hurt herself.
Jackson, come on,
I think about it every day
what would've happened
had I just fucking stayed here.
I mean, I...
Oh God!
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
This is bullshit.
ETHAN: Uh, no, it's not.
I blamed myself for years
and then I found the things
she left behind.
She wrote about you
in her diary.
She was scared.
She said you seemed unstable.
And then suddenly,
it made sense to me.
It had never been my fault,
and I knew what I needed to do.
What do you want from me?
It wasn't an accident.
You killed her.
Turn yourself in.
Why can't you see what...
What was between us was real,
that I loved her?
Well, she didn't feel the same.
She said you were
a pathetic puppy dog.
She couldn't understand
why you wouldn't stop.
Jackson, stop.
"This poor boy begging
to be accepted..."
Stop it!
"to be wanted..."
Stop it! belong.
"A hopeless interloper..."
ETHAN: Stop!
...desperate to be
a part of the world
"that has no desire..."
Oh my gosh! include him in anything
more than a weekend of pleasure.
What was once adorable
is now just sad and pathetic.
He's delusional.
I was just a kid.
You took her from me.
Why couldn't you just let it go?
No, no, no, no, no, no!
When I was a little boy,
I used to play.
I spy with my mom and she'd say
if I was getting hotter
or colder.
What am I getting at?
Hotter or colder?
[Taking deep breaths]
I see you.
Where is it?
[Ethan whistles]
Come out, come out
wherever you are.
I know you're in here somewhere.
The question is where?
[Jackson whimpers]
There you are!
My God, I can't believe
I didn't see you before.
You look just like her.
I watched her take
her last breath.
Now I'm gonna watch you
take yours.
Ah. Come on!
It's your time to die.
I'll kill you like Rachel.
Ethan, what are you doing?
Do you see what this psycho kid
has done to me?
He did all of this.
You just can't see it, because
he's been fucking with us.
He's been lying to you.
He's been lying to me.
No, no, it's not true.
It's not true.
You killed... you killed Rachel.
Rachel, no,
that was an accident.
ANNIE: I just heard you.
Yes, it was.
It was a mistake.
- ANNIE: No, it wasn't.
- It was a mistake.
She was drinking.
No, that's not true.
It was.
You know me.
You know who I am.
No, I don't.
We were good, just you and I.
We were good together.
But now you know too much.
You're a monster.
[Annie gasps]
[Indistinct radio chatter]
Nothing yet.
[Indistinct radio chatter]
Did they find the body?
Why didn't you tell me
what he did?
I should've.
But I needed to find out
for myself.
You can spend your entire life
with someone,
and never know who
they really are.
For me, it's about connection.
Helps to identify and relate
to the walls and barriers that
could potentially be blocking
each particular student.
A simple solution can go
a long way.
Not just in education,
but in life.
Most importantly,
you've got to love what you do.
Understand that
each student's journey
has its own unique reward.