The Umbrella Man (2016) Movie Script

(rain falls)
(crows squawk)
- I pray and hope for my
family, relatives, and friends,
and for all those dead known to you alone,
in company with Christ,
who died and now lives,
may they rejoice in your Kingdom,
where all our tears are wiped away,
unite us again together in one family,
to sing your praise, forever and ever,
(somber music)
(church bell rings)
(mournful music)
(rain pours)
(birds squawk)
(church bell rings)
(door opens)
(door closes)
(cabinet door squeaks)
(somber music)
Benjamin was a good boy, Peter.
- Of course he was, Father.
He never had the chance not to be.
- Sam said the...
The kid who did it came forward.
- Yeah, he did.
Um, there's still going to be
an investigation, though, so...
- Sam's the best there is.
You're in good hands.
- Thanks.
(sirens wail)
- He lied.
He was told what to say and he lied.
He was drinking and horsing around,
and not paying any damn attention.
- Who else wasn't paying attention, Peter?
I got him the jacket and
the hat for his birthday.
Why wasn't he wearing it?
- Because he didn't like the jacket.
I told you, it was too big.
- He was supposed to grow into it.
- The judge wants us back in.
- When any defendant
faces criminal charges,
it puts a great burden on
the person in my position
to render justice.
While it can be construed
that there was negligence
on the part of Mr. Thompson,
and that alcohol could have been a factor,
I have no way to determine
the state of Mr. Thompson's sobriety
at the time of the event.
It appears, however,
that the young victim's
father, Mr. Brennan,
failed to ensure that his son
was wearing the mandatory safety attire,
thus putting that child at great risk.
I've listened to the testimony,
I've reviewed the evidence,
and while I find no one legally culpable,
I find everyone responsible.
There is insufficient cause
to proceed with the criminal trial.
(rain pours)
(wipers drone)
- It's bullshit.
That judge was paid off.
The kid's father is a big
shot on the city council.
You don't think they hang out together,
look out for one another?
It's a big fucking club.
- Stop it.
I've had enough. I'm tired.
- I want our son back.
- And I don't?
Ben is gone,
and the sooner we accept that, the better.
- But I want justice!
(door slams)
Oh, damn it.
(Peter pants)
- [Woman] It's a well-respected charity.
They said everything
goes to needy families.
- [Peter] What's the damn rush, anyway?
What's it hurting?
- It's hurting me, Peter, okay?
I admit it, I can't take it anymore.
I need his things gone.
- Well, then, why don't you
give your sister a call?
I'm sure she's got nothing better to do.
(sirens wail)
- [TV Reporter] This month
marks the 20th anniversary
of the Kennedy assassination.
But, for many residents,
November is a solemn reminder
of the disaster...
- Mac.
Don't you ever leave?
- Peter!
Hey, we all have our calling.
God, I haven't seen you
since Margie's wedding.
- Yeah.
- How you holding up?
You know, with the--
- Okay.
- I got this one. Beer?
- And a seven back, if you're buying.
(Mac chuckles)
- You know, Peter,
if you don't mind my saying,
if it was me,
that son of a bitch who
did it wouldn't be walking.
And if your father were
alive, it'd be the same thing.
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
You know what I'm saying?
- [TV Reporter] Dealey Plaza has become
a magnet for conspiracy buffs.
- [Man] Hey, Mac?
- [TV Reporter] And a shrine
for Kennedy supporters
the world over.
Two days later, accused
assassin Lee Harvey Oswald
was cut down in the basement
of a Dallas police station
by local nightclub owner Jack Ruby
as a nationwide television
audience watched
in stunned disbelief.
- Yeah, I know what you're saying.
- [TV Reporter] Questions still persist
as to Ruby's true motives,
whether he knew Oswald,
and if the two had been
part of a larger conspiracy.
(birds chirp)
- Why not keep something?
You know, there may come a time--
- A time when what?
Ben walks through the door
asking for something to play with?
- It's just so final.
- Like most everything, I guess.
(somber music)
So, this is going to
needy families, right?
- Couldn't tell ya.
(keys jingle)
(car starts)
(car radio blares)
(tires squeal)
(engine revs)
(ominous music)
(sinister music)
(tires squeal)
(metal cracks)
(teakettle whistles)
(vehicle approaches)
(car door closes)
(dog yips)
- Oh, damn it.
(hood rattles)
(door closes)
(somber music)
(knock on door)
- I'll get it.
There's ice cream, if you like.
(knock on door)
- Mrs. Brennan?
- Yes?
- Is that your vehicle?
- It's my husband's.
- Is he home?
- Oh, another fundraiser, Officer?
Don't you guys ever give it a rest?
- Step out onto the porch, please.
- Wait, what's going on?
- Sorry about the wisecrack.
- I said, step out onto the porch!
(police radio chatters)
Sir, were you driving this vehicle
in the vicinity of McPherson
and 5th this afternoon?
(somber music)
- Yeah, I guess I was.
- Peter, what...
- Sir, turn around, please.
You're under arrest for
a suspected hit-and-run.
(handcuffs jingle)
- Oh, God.
- Annie, call Sam.
(handcuffs lock)
- Peter, what did you do?
- Everything is going to be okay.
Just call Sam.
Just call Sam!
(somber music)
(sirens wail)
(car door closes)
(engine revs)
- Listen, Peter, we all feel
terrible for you and Annie.
- I've given the company eight years.
- And we appreciate it, Peter.
This is for your own good.
We'll make sure you get a nice severance.
And once you get this
thing in its right place,
you can always try us back.
- [Annie TV Voiceover] Good boy!
Hey, Ben, look at Mommy.
(ice cubes clink)
There's my big boy.
You're doing so well,
Mommy's so proud of you!
Hey, Ben, look out for Mommy!
- You're home early.
(door closes)
Did you pick up the dry cleaning?
- I forgot.
- Listen, I got a call from Sam today.
He said he tried you at work,
but there was no answer.
He said the Thompsons wanted to file
a restraining order against you,
but that he talked them out of it.
- Should be against that
fucking kid of theirs.
- He talked them out of it
with a personal guarantee
that you would get some help.
There's a group that meets at church.
(Ben giggles on TV)
- If you want to go, go.
Sam had no business
promising them anything!
It was our kid that was killed.
Not theirs,
not his,
God damn it!
(door slams)
- [Peter TV Voiceover] Yeah, buddy, yeah!
All right, you got it.
Way to go, big man.
(upbeat music)
- [Peter] Two packs of reds.
(sirens wail)
(slow blues music)
- [Man] Can I get a bag of peanuts?
- Zapruder was one lucky son of a bitch.
He says to his secretary, "Hey, Marilyn,
"hold me steady while I get
a shot of the President."
Three hours later, he's
got 50 grand in his pocket.
And Life Magazine deep-sixes the film.
- Sorry about the wait.
What can I get you?
- Beer and a seven back.
What is all this?
- Kennedy gets whacked by some nut job,
and these guys sit
around and talk about it.
- It was 20 years ago.
- Maybe it gets them out of the house.
- I don't know how many
of you have seen it,
but this month's Diary Magazine
makes one thing perfectly clear.
And that is that for two decades,
for more than 20 years,
documents pertaining
to the assassination...
- Don't forget your donut.
- I'm good.
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy,
have been kept from us by
agents of our own government.
And not only have they
kept us from the truth,
but they have also altered that truth
so as to make black appear
white and white appear black.
Fortunately, one thing that
they no longer can hide
is the film that I'm about
to show you this evening,
in which the laws of science
speak truth to power,
and the notion of a lone gunman
firing from above and behind
melt like a child's
snowman in spring sunshine.
And, perhaps, it brings us
one step closer to justice.
(mysterious music)
(film reel putters)
(gun fires)
(water runs)
- Where's your section on
the Kennedy assassination?
- The what?
- There's not as much
demand as there used to be.
Here we go, and it goes
all the way down there.
When you figure out who
did it, let me know.
- What are those?
- Some books from the library.
- "The Plot to Kill the President."
- What's this?
"Good Grief.
"The Seven-Step Path to Healing
and Renewal After Loss."
- There are seven stages of grieving.
Can you name them?
- Only the first three.
more drinking.
- Yeah, I noticed.
Did you hear that?
- Hear what?
- Sometimes I think I hear him.
- Annie,
- No, it's real, I...
I can hear his voice.
- Yeah, well, maybe he
wants his stuff back.
- Bastard.
- Annie, I was just trying to--
- How dare you!
- Annie!
- Stop it!
- I was just making a joke.
- A joke?
In case you haven't noticed,
Peter, we're the joke.
- "Six Seconds in Dallas."
It's one of the first.
- Is that good?
It's always good to
start at the beginning.
- I saw you speak the other night.
At the meeting.
- I'm Alan Atwood.
- Peter Brennan.
It says here that three shots
were fired in 5 1/2 seconds,
but it took nearly half that time
to load and fire Oswald's rifle once.
Is that true?
- Yes.
And that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Listen, Peter, a few of
us get together in private
outside of the public meetings.
And tonight we're meeting at my house.
I think you'll find it interesting.
- Thanks.
(glass shatters)
- That just scared me half to death.
Can I get a cleanup on
aisle three, please?
Hey, can you, can you
cover for me for a minute?
- Sure, hon.
Take as long as you need.
- Peter Brennan, please.
There must be some kind
of a mistake, he...
What are you reading?
(clock ticks)
"On the Path of the Assassins."
Are we closing in on
the real killers, Peter?
Just make sure you let
me know, okay, because I,
I certainly wouldn't want
to get in the way of that.
- Hey, tell me.
What happened?
- The Thompson kid came in today.
- Did he see you?
- Of course he saw me.
I had to ring him up and bag his crap,
him and that girlfriend of his.
You know, Peter, there's
another group at church tonight
and I really think we should go.
- No. Don't.
- No, I really think
you should come with me.
- I can't, I have to finish--
- If you don't come with me--
- What? What if I don't?
- You know, I called
you at work today and,
and they told me you'd been let go.
When were you planning on telling me that?
- I was going to tell you, and it,
it just, it slipped my mind.
- It slipped your mind.
Losing your job, you know,
I can't go on like this.
- Listen, Annie--
- No, no, don't touch me!
- Why should tonight be any different?
- I think we need some time.
I've given it a lot of thought,
and Sarah has offered to
let me stay at the lake,
to help get myself clear on this.
- Clear on this?
Clear on me is more like it.
- No, Peter, that's not
what I'm talking about.
- Well, sure, it is.
Sarah has blamed me for
Ben's death since day one,
and so have you.
Admit it.
- Peter, stop it!
- Stop it?
You're the one that wanted
every last memory of Ben
out of this house, and now it's gone,
you're fucking leaving, great!
What more do you want?
- I want us, Peter!
- We're not the same anymore,
why can't you see that?
- God damn it, Annie, listen--
- This environment is toxic.
I have never seen you drink this way.
I am so sick of hearing
about guns and death.
- Toxic.
Where'd you get that? From Sarah?
- No, from group.
- From group.
Did you tell your group how
you haven't been a wife to your husband?
Hmm? Did you tell them that?
- Peter, don't touch--
(glass breaks)
(somber music)
- You're right.
We're not the same anymore.
Tell Sarah to go fuck herself.
(door slams)
(mysterious music)
- Can I help you?
- Uh, Alan asked me to swing by.
- Peter.
Glad you could make it. Ah.
Would you like a drink?
- Sure.
- Jerry.
Make Peter a drink.
- Manhattan?
- [Peter] Sure.
- Great drink.
(liquor flows)
Here you go.
My uncle turned me on
to those when I was ten.
- Thanks.
- I came to the conclusion
that these two murders were connected.
Subsequently, I read everything
I could find on the subject.
One year became 20, and
I came to the realization
that the assassination
was not the only thing,
it was the only thing I cared...
- So you're the guy Alan
brought in from the cold.
- Sorry.
- Well, he said a new guy was coming.
- Okay. Right.
I guess he did.
- Donny Brack.
Cars is my trade.
This is my real calling.
- Peter Brennan.
- Alan's right.
She's an intoxicating
mistress, the quest for truth.
The perfect alternate reality.
You round the corner of Elm and Houston
and move slowly down the grade
toward the triple overpass.
A hundred different vantage
points, a thousand sets of eyes,
(lighter clicks)
yet only one truth.
Oswald was either in the window,
or he wasn't.
Ruby either knew Oswald,
or he didn't.
And just when you think you
know everything about her,
(pounds table)
the door slams shut,
your theory shatters
into a thousand pieces.
you pour yourself a drink,
swallow your pride,
and begin again,
hoping that maybe you'll
see something you missed,
the one piece of evidence
that's undeniable, incontrovertible,
an arrow of truth
shot straight into the heart
of the lie.
- Gentlemen,
to the arrow of truth.
(ice cubes clink)
- [Radio Announcer Voiceover]
36 hours of steady rainfall
have left many homes in the metro area
knee-deep in flood waters.
Power was out for three
hours in East Washington
because of downed power lines,
and police report at least 200 accidents.
No injuries were reported.
Cleanup is expected to
take at least two days.
Damage to homes and property
is pending through (mumbles).
(upbeat music)
- Can I help you?
- Um, coffee, please.
Cream and sugar?
- Over there.
(ominous music)
(banging on window)
- Stay away from him, asshole!
Stay away, or you're going to jail!
(upbeat music)
(door closes)
- [TV Reporter Voiceover] Five years ago,
the House Select Committee
on Assassinations
made news when it called to testify
one Louis Steven Witt,
the so-called Umbrella Man.
Witt claimed that he was the
man who had a black umbrella
just steps away from the motorcade
at the exact moment
President Kennedy was shot.
Conspiracy supporters
claim that the Umbrella Man
played a critical role
in the assassination,
although the nature of
that role is hotly debated.
Simon Baumgartner,
author of several books,
and an outspoken debunker
of conspiracy theories,
had this to say.
- [Simon TV Voiceover] These guys are on
a fishing expedition, that's all.
They should buy some rods
and reels and a few worms
and go stand in a river somewhere.
They'd have better luck.
- [TV Reporter Voiceover]
For some, however,
the assassination of
President Kennedy remains,
even 20 years later,
the greatest murder mystery of all time.
(mysterious music)
(ominous music)
- [Reporter Voiceover]
The Warren Commission
admitted testimony...
- [Reporter Voiceover]
Just-released photos reveal
that two sniper bullet casings
were found near the
so-called sniper's lair.
Eyewitnesses, including
Kennedy's personal aide,
say they saw smoke coming
from the grassy knoll.
(cacophonous music)
The question is,
what is the government hiding,
and who are they hiding it for?
Official police photos reveal
that two bullet casings and one live round
was found near the
so-called sniper's lair.
(voices chatter indistinctly)
If true, then only two shots were fired.
- [Lee Harvey Oswald Voiceover] I'd like
some legal representation.
These police officers have
not allowed me to have any.
(cacophonous music)
(sirens wail)
- [Reporter Voiceover]
Photos from the scene
show that the agents
in the Vice President's
car reacted to four shots.
They also show that the President's car...
- [Reporter Voiceover]
They never made a move.
- [Reporter Voiceover] The
man with the black umbrella.
- [Reporter Voiceover] The
man with the black umbrella
stood just 20 feet...
- You know what?
I was just like most people at the time.
I guess I never gave it much thought.
- That's what they counted on, Sam.
The Warren Commission was a
huge public relations stunt
to sell Oswald as the lone assassin.
No second shooter,
no conspiracy.
No conspiracy,
no coup d'etat.
No coup d'etat,
it's business as usual.
- Maybe.
But a lot of people think it happened
just the way they said it did.
- Sam, where's your umbrella?
- It's a beautiful day.
I didn't bring an umbrella.
- Exactly.
- Damn it, Peter.
As your attorney, I'm
obligated to tell you,
sitting in front of the
Thompson house was bad enough.
You're lucky they let that pass.
But the other night?
Actually following the
kid into a restaurant?
One more incident like that,
and there's nothing I can do for you,
no matter how justified
you may feel you are.
- I can't even eat in the
same restaurant with him now?
- That's not what I
meant, and you know it.
Look, are we going to see you tomorrow?
- No, I don't think I'm going to make it.
- I really think Annie would
love it if you made it.
It might do you some good.
It's Thanksgiving, for God's sakes.
Besides, what else you got to do?
- Not a damn thing, Sam.
Not a goddamn thing.
- Pete, come on.
Pete, that's not what I meant.
Peter. Pete!
(door closes)
Aw, fuck.
(baking sheet clatters)
- Sam, please, let me handle this.
Why don't you go chop some
firewood or something?
- Love you, too, honey.
- I'll set the table?
- Holiday dishes are in
that cabinet up there.
- [Sam] Mmm.
(birds chirp)
(car pulls up)
- Oh, that must be Peter.
I told him to come a little early.
- [Annie and Sarah] Peter?
(car door closes)
- Sam, I told you Will was coming.
- [Annie and Sam] Will?
- It was supposed to be a surprise.
- What the hell.
It's Thanksgiving.
The more, the merrier.
- Sarah?
- Hmm?
- What's this all about?
- Like I said, it was
supposed to be a surprise.
- Well, it certainly is that.
- [Sam] It's great to see you, man.
Glad you decided to come over.
(door closes)
So, Peter, just make yourself at home.
And I'll grab you a beer.
- Thanks, Sam.
- Sure.
- Hi, Sarah.
- Hi, Peter.
- Happy Thanksgiving, Annie.
- Listen, Peter,
let's just try and have
a nice day today, okay?
- What's that supposed to mean?
(door opens)
- Hello!
Happy Thanksgiving!
- Will.
- Will, hey, it's great to see ya.
Sarah told me you were coming
and I'm glad you could make it.
- Me, too.
- Like I said, let's just
try and have a nice day.
(birds chirp)
(water laps)
- As it turned out, Sam wanted
peach and I wanted yellow,
so we settled on seafoam
and bought a new sofa.
End of story.
- Thank God for that.
- So, anyway, there was an
eyewitness named Virgil Hoffman
who saw two men with a rifle
running away from the grassy knoll
along the railroad tracks.
- Peter.
I thought we're off the subject.
- Look, Peter, if that's the case,
why didn't he tell anybody?
- He was a deaf mute.
No one bothered with him.
And the Warren Commission ignored him.
Finally, after 14 years of frustration,
he came forward again.
- Yeah, to collect a check, probably.
(group laughs)
- Burke, I would love to hear
more about your practice.
Peter, did you know
Burke was a veterinarian?
- No, Annie, I didn't know that.
I just met him. How would I?
- Go on, Burke, tell us.
I, for one, would love to
hear about your practice.
- It's nothing, really.
- Oh, sure it is.
We got fed up with the city
and Burke realized that--
- Sarah, would you pass me
the salt and pepper, please.
- Burke realized that a
reliable animal hospital was--
- Really needed up here,
(centerpiece clatters)
- This is where Zapruder was standing.
This is where the freeway sign is.
The motorcade looped around here.
A man with an umbrella stands
just in front of the sign,
just out of sight of
Zapruder's camera lens.
He holds it out, and up,
not 20 steps from where
Kennedy's head passes
on a sunny day without a
goddamn cloud in the sky!
On the film, when Kennedy
appears from behind the sign,
he's been hit.
You can see it.
You can see the expression on
his face that he has been hit!
- Well, maybe he was just hung over.
You know, I hear those
Secret Service agents
could really put it away.
(group chuckles)
- Can we change the subject?
It's been 20 years.
Nobody cares about that anymore.
Besides, it's so gruesome.
- Do you know what this man,
this so-called Umbrella Man,
said when he testified before Congress?
That he was protesting
Joseph Kennedy's support
of Neville fucking Chamberlain!
I mean, who is going to buy that crap!
- Hey, Pete, um,
Washington's playing Dallas.
Why don't we go into the
living room and watch the game?
- Hey, did you notice that?
Today, Thanksgiving Day,
and it's November 22nd,
and Washington
is at Dallas.
- Fuck you, Will.
- Oh, God, Peter.
- Hmm.
I guess
you can take the boy out
of the trailer park but...
How does the rest of that one go?
- Come on, Pete.
Why don't we go watch some football?
- Goddamn football.
Is that all you people care about?
(somber music)
(door closes)
(birds twitter)
(crickets chirp)
(water laps)
- Pete, I don't know what to say.
- It's getting late.
I'd better get heading back.
- Are you sure?
Come on.
We still have dessert.
- Say good-bye for me,
will you?
- Yeah.
(car engine engages)
(mysterious music)
(people chatter indistinctly)
(cacophonous music)
(birds chirp)
(car door closes)
- Frames 204 to 205,
1/18th of a second.
Kennedy's head snaps nearly 40 degrees.
That can only be a reaction to a gunshot.
- My God.
Play it again.
The point is it comes
only a second and a half
before the moment everyone
agrees is when Connelly is hit.
You know what that means.
- Oswald couldn't have fired both shots.
Not enough time.
- And the shot came from the front.
If we're to believe the doctors in Dallas.
- An entrance wound to the throat
was how Dr. Perry described it.
- Firing from the grassy knoll
simply presents too many obstacles.
- Which brings us to the
only conclusion possible.
- It's the man the open umbrella.
The Umbrella Man.
- Protecting himself from
blue sky and fall sunshine
on a late November day in Dallas.
- Peter, this is good work.
This is...
This is going to put you on the map.
(electronic alarm chimes)
(door creaks)
(bells jingle)
- Hunter?
- Sorry?
- Do you hunt?
- Not anymore.
- Personal protection, then.
- Oh, uh...
- How's this?
9mm semi-automatic.
State of the art.
(voices chatter indistinctly)
- Let's see.
(ominous music)
Thinking about something a
little more like that one.
(car horn honks)
(engine idles)
(car horn honks)
(car horn honks)
(engine switches off)
(knock on door)
- [TV Reporter Voiceover]
There's Mrs. Kennedy,
and the crowd yells,
and the President of the United States.
- Are you coming?
You're not even dressed.
- [TV Reporter Voiceover]
I can see his suntan
all the way from here.
- No. I, uh...
I really, uh...
- [TV Reporter Voiceover]
Shaking hands now
with the Dallas people,
the Governor and Mrs. Connelly.
- You go.
- [TV Reporter Voiceover]
Governor Connelly on your left.
- Well, you said you'd come.
You said you'd come.
- I lied.
- You know, you act like
you never even had a son.
Or a wife, for that matter.
- That's pretty good.
You're the one that walked out.
How's lover boy, by the way?
- Will is just a friend, Peter.
- Right!
And Jack Ruby is just a nightclub owner.
- Oh, please.
You know what? Here.
I picked this up by mistake.
- You opened it.
- I thought it was a bill, okay?
- It's an invitation.
- I know.
- To New Orleans.
They've invited me to speak.
You could come with me.
We could make a weekend out of it.
- We don't have that kind of money.
- But look, they've invited me to speak.
- Stop, okay?
I don't want to hear about this anymore.
- How can I not go?
They respect my work.
- Your work?
Fixing things is work.
- What are you saying?
That serious research isn't work?
- Standing at a damn cash
register for eight hours is work.
This is an obsession, Peter.
- Obsession, unbelievable.
- Kennedy has been dead
for what, 20 years?
A bunch of men meeting
at the Swissvale Lodge
are not going to solve anything.
You have wasted your
time and my time on this,
this thing you do.
- Wasted my time.
- Look at yourself!
- Look at Kennedy in Zapruder 204.
Kennedy's head--
- This is not going to end well.
It's not going to end like you imagine.
- Next time we see Kennedy he's been hit.
In his face, you can see it.
- Why can't you see this?
- And Connelly hasn't...
Oh, my God, do you know
what that means, Annie?
- You're so bright, I...
I don't know why you're
doing this to yourself, why?
- It proves it, it proves
it that once and for all,
Oswald didn't do it alone,
he didn't do it alone.
Oswald didn't do it alone!
(somber music)
It proves it.
I'm not going to miss
this opportunity, Annie.
Not for anything.
(door slams)
(Annie grunts)
(car starts)
- [TV Reporter Voiceover]
That's one interesting sideline.
(door slams)
The crowds are still getting
bigger here in downtown Dallas.
The motorcade still not in sight.
(mysterious music)
(crow caws)
(Annie sobs)
(revolver clicks)
(Annie sighs)
(ominous music)
(revolver fires)
(can clinks)
(revolver fires)
- You know this is big, right?
Hey, they don't invite
just anybody to speak.
- I wouldn't think so.
- Have you heard?
Baumgartner will be there.
- No, I hadn't.
He's coming out with a new book.
He's a publicity hound.
- Yeah, whore is more like it.
- Yeah, well, he doesn't
have what we have.
- Hey, listen, Peter.
Deb's giving me grief about going,
so I, uh...
I told her I'd be sharing a room.
That seemed to cool her down a bit.
- Smart.
Oh. No.
Why don't you ask Jerry or Frankie?
- Nah, no go.
Jerry's looking to get lucky
and Frankie can't come, he's got a hernia.
- Come on, Donny.
We're adults.
- I don't snore.
I wear underwear.
And I promise, cross my heart,
to flush every chance I get.
Plus, we'll save some money.
And I hear there's this great place
called The Shim Sham Club.
What do you say?
It'll be fun, right?
You going to eat the rest of that?
(door closes)
(ominous music)
(machinery drones)
(bowling pins break)
(ominous music)
(bowling pin rattles)
(machinery drones)
(sinister music)
(bowling pins break)
(bowling pins break)
(sinister music)
(knock on door)
(Peter retches and coughs)
- Holy shit.
(clock ticks)
- [Peter] Sam!
- Peter. Jesus.
- What are you doing here?
- I tried knocking, but you
wouldn't answer the door.
- Uh...
Yeah, I'm sorry, I was,
I was, uh...
- Well, uh...
We haven't spoken in a while,
and I came to say congratulations.
Annie told us about your
invitation to speak.
- Yeah.
Yeah, uh...
Hey, sorry about the mess.
How about a drink?
- It's a little bit early for me,
but thanks.
- It's 5:00 somewhere, right?
(bottle clanks)
- So, um,
I bet it's quite an honor to be invited.
- It is.
It's, uh...
It's been a lot of work.
The Umbrella Man, huh?
- Who woulda thought, huh?
- So, anyway, now it's just a
matter of swinging the trip.
I'm thinking about driving
instead of flying to save money,
that way if the hotel's expensive.
You know, it's not just some vacation.
Annie doesn't want me to spend the money,
but how can I not do it, you know?
- Tomorrow I'll leave some
cash with my secretary
at the front desk.
- But don't think of it as a loan,
think of it as an investment in the truth.
(clock ticks)
(door closes)
(light jazz music)
(crickets chirp)
- Sam's mother gave us this
crock pot for our anniversary.
It's about time we break it in.
- Or break it.
I'm not really a fan of stewed anything.
- I like crock pots.
There's something reassuring about them.
- Personally, I find wine reassuring.
Oh, by the way, I
went to see Peter today.
- Oh?
- Have you spoken with him lately?
- I was at the house last week.
- Did you go in?
- No.
- Well,
it's a disaster in there.
I really think he's losin' it.
- If you ask me,
he's suffering from an acute
case of self-indulgence.
- Message from Florence Nightingale.
- He lost his son, Sarah.
- And you didn't?
I'm just saying, it's
always been about Peter.
Look where it's gotten you.
- What the hell is that supposed to mean?
- I don't know.
It's just that,
well, Mom and I always thought that
you coulda done better.
- Better?
Better how?
A better catch, better
financially, a bigger house?
That's what you're saying, isn't it?
- Yes, that's what I'm saying.
You deserve it.
- I loved Peter, Sarah.
But I guess my priorities
were different than yours.
(light jazz music)
- Nice going, Florence.
- So, I ask you,
was Louis Witt nothing
but someone trying to graft himself
onto the skin of history?
Or was he something more?
(car door closes)
(crickets chirp)
I believe his claim of innocence
was a calculated distraction
meant to mislead those of us
who have embarked on a
serious and thoughtful...
and, discussion
of how that man fits into the events
that unfolded that day in Dallas.
As we've seen in many a Western,
shooting from the hip can be done
with tremendous accuracy
by a skilled marksman.
And we know the geometric triangulation
is a reality in the first sound,
the supposed backfire
could have distracted
from the less obvious
sound of a silenced pistol.
(mysterious music)
And now I'm just a man with an umbrella
protecting myself from
blue sky and fall sunshine
on a late November day in Dallas, Texas.
(somber music)
(briefcase lock clicks)
(airplane engine roars)
(airplane tires squeal)
(lively jazz music)
- You know, you see what I'm saying?
It seems uncivilized, that's all.
- [Woman] Hey!
- You don't have a first-class ticket,
so you can't use the first-class bathroom?
I mean, is that what it's come to?
- Divide and conquer.
Class warfare is the first
step toward total control.
- Yeah, the only person I want
controlling my bladder is me.
- I went inside for one
minute to take a pee, okay?
- See what I mean?
Divide and conquer.
- Kiss my ass and write
the damn ticket, then!
See if I care.
- Does she kiss her
mother with that mouth?
(lively jazz music)
I'll check us in.
(Donnie imitates gunshot)
(mysterious music)
(lively jazz music)
The rifle they found on the sixth floor
is not the rifle in the backyard photos.
- Room numbers, gentlemen?
- [Donny and Peter] 217.
- Right.
- I got it.
(elevator dings)
- I'm going to get a snack.
That airplane food went right through me.
- I'll be at the bar.
- Roger that information.
Yeah, can I get a Ruby dog,
no onions, no sauerkraut.
- Yeah, but then it ain't a Ruby dog.
- You better gimme two.
(Donny snaps fingers)
- Peter Brennan.
Meet Mr. Butch Riles of Savannah.
- It's a honor to me ya, man.
- Nice to meet you, too.
- Oh, Livingston made it.
The guy's an expert on CIA dirty tricks.
Ultra paranoid, too.
Every year he swears he
won't get on another plane.
- And hailing from Chicago,
ladies and gentlemen,
Mr. Richard Rudman.
He spent 20 years studying
the missing frames
in the Zapruder film.
Groundbreaking work.
Except, in fact, there
are no missing frames.
- By the way, he hates being called Dick.
- [Butch and Jerry] Who doesn't.
- And then there's Baumgartner.
- Yeah, the one and only.
- The man is nothing if not persuasive.
He's CIA.
- Man, the Star Trek conventions
were nothing like this.
- Star Trek was bullshit.
- Hardly.
If you really look at it,
you'll see that it's
actually a deep homage
to the Kennedy administration.
You know, the Captain.
James Kirk, same initials, JK.
And the second in command
is a guy with weird ears
who comes from a strange,
otherworldly place, you know?
Like Texas.
(sinister music)
It's all there.
- Peter.
You coming?
- Yeah. Sure.
(people chatter)
And up,
(revolver clicks)
And now I'm just a man with an umbrella.
Conspiracy is a human act,
an act by those who don't
have the strength or power
or intelligence to do
it as they see to do it.
(somber music)
Ready, Donny?
I locked that.
- Peter, I'm sorry.
I didn't know.
- It's okay.
Go on downstairs.
I'll meet you down there.
I will get it.
- Sorry, man. I didn't know.
- I will see you downstairs, Donny.
- The need for a gunman
on the grassy knoll
was mitigated by the
placement of a shooter in...
- Hey, Peter, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to go through your--
- Forget it, I said.
- Once again, that was Dr. Wayne Davis.
(audience applauds)
- For years, conventional theory has held
that the Umbrella Man provided a signal
to multiple shooters.
An alternate theory is held by
Peter Brennan, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
We're fortunate to have him here today.
Mr. Brennan?
(audience applauds)
(feedback whines on microphone)
- When I first began my
research not so long ago,
although it seems like a lifetime,
a friend of mine told me
that the Zapruder film
was the Rosetta Stone to
the Kennedy assassination.
He said
if you could crack the code
and draw back the curtain,
the notion of a single
shooter from above and behind
would melt away,
like a child's snowman
in the spring sunshine.
After watching the film 100 times,
I noticed something
that no one had ever seen before.
At least not anyone
outside the FBI or the CIA.
(audience laughs)
Pay close attention.
The two frames that I am going to show you
are the key
to unlocking the truth about
what really happened that day
and may bring us one
step closer to justice.
I present frames 204 and 205.
(mysterious music)
Frame 204,
frame 205.
Frame 204,
frame 205.
04, 05.
Within one frame of
film, 1/18th of a second,
the President's head
shifts nearly 45 degrees.
Clearly, a startled, involuntary reaction.
A reaction to a gunshot.
A shot fired from within 20 feet
of the Presidential limousine.
A shot fired by the Umbrella Man.
(audience applauds)
- 04, 05.
- 04, 05.
04, 05.
Congratulations, Mr. Brennan.
Quite impressive.
I'd say at the very least
you have a firm grasp
on gradeschool arithmetic.
- Mr. Baumgartner, I don't
believe that Mr. Brennan
had concluded his presentation.
- Of course he has.
Frames 204 and 205.
What else is there?
You say you watched this, what,
100 times or so?
And then and only then you
spotted this so-called proof?
- Any place that there are human beings,
there is human nature and--
- A fishing expedition is what
you're really on, Mr. Brennan.
Admit it.
It's what you people do.
- There is the sorting of people
amongst themselves against each other.
- Conspiracy is a dangerous word.
Don't you think?
- Conspiracy is a human act.
- Mr. Brennan.
May I call you Peter?
(ominous music)
Mr. Brennan, then.
I knew people on the Warren
Commission personally.
- They gather and they plot.
They bind together in their desires.
- You don't think they
watched this film 100 times?
I know for a fact they watched
it at least 1,000 times.
And don't you think it odd
that the foremost legal minds
and forensic experts in our country
never, ever saw what you say you see?
- Mr. Baumgartner, please,
let the man finish.
- Was Louis Witt nothing more than someone
trying to graft himself
on the skin of history?
- Of all the volumes of evidence
proving that Lee Harvey
Oswald acted alone,
you come up with the notion
that the man who actually shot
the President of the United States
stood there with an open
umbrella on a sunny day
so as to not be conspicuous.
- Shut up, Baumgartner.
Go ahead, Peter.
- I believe that his claim of innocence
was a calculated distraction.
- He wants no one to notice,
so he holds a black umbrella
to hide the fact that he's the assassin.
- Intended to mislead those of us
who have embarked on a
serious and thoughtful--
- What?
A serious and thoughtful what?
- Discussion of how that
man fits into the events--
- A complete and utter
disregard for the facts
is your idea of a serious discussion?
- Progression of how that man
fits into the events that
unfolded that day in Dallas!
- Hogwash!
Your methodology is flawed
and your conclusion is absurd.
And in light of this, I'd
say that the child's snowman
is alive and well and
doing just fine, thank you.
Spring sunshine notwithstanding.
- I think we should take a short break
before we move on to the next speaker.
Ten minutes, everyone.
(somber music)
(people chatter)
(upbeat Latin music)
(door closes)
- Hey!
Hola, senorita!
- Will, what in the world?
You're two hours early.
I was gonna--
- No, I'm not.
Tonight there is no time,
Only you and me in a very
expensive lake house,
full of champagne and jumbo shrimp.
- You're crazy, you know that?
- Yes.
Yes, I am.
Crazy as a loon.
(mellow piano music)
- I screwed up, that's what happened.
- Oh, what of it.
Seattle's in six months.
We'll fine-tune things,
and then it will be Baumgartner's turn.
- I need a drink.
- Hey, Mark Lane's hosting
a suite on the fourth floor.
I'm going to get his book signed.
- Hey, what is it they say about beer?
- That you can't buy it,
you can only rent it.
(Donny belches)
- That's it.
Jerry, I'm comin' with you.
(sultry piano music)
- Might anyone conspire
to buy a lady a drink?
- What do you know about conspiring?
- Just that it's not
that hard, that's all.
What, are you a cop or something?
You know, if you are a cop, the law says
you have to identify yourself when asked.
- Do you even know who you are?
- Well, who does it
look like I think I am?
- Hiya, Deb, how--
Do I know what time--
Of course, I know what time--
Research, baby, that's what--
- [Simon] Yes, can I speak
to Eleanor Witt, please?
- Deb. Shh, honey.
- Eleanor, Simon.
I'm sorry to bother you at work.
I need to get your address again.
Tomorrow, if that's still okay.
Louis is home, I trust?
- Deb, listen, something
big is going down.
- All right, very good, Eleanor.
I'll see you then.
(paper tears)
- Deb, stop.
I gotta go.
Take a bubble bath or something.
- Excuse me.
(dog barks and snarls)
National security.
- And so I said to Premier Kruschev,
"Nikita, you'll just have
to find your own girls."
(audience laughs)
Jackie, I thought you
were in Hyannis Port.
- Oh, well, you were wrong.
Nice jacket, by the way.
- I got it from Joseph McCarthy.
(audience laughs)
My brother, Teddy, has been accused
of philandering at night
in the New England area.
- How are you this evening?
- Bourbon. Neat.
- Double grasshopper, s'il vous plait.
- [Comedian] Jackie was taken aback
by Nikita Kruschev's appearance.
- Are you even old enough to drink?
- I'm old enough to do anything.
You are a cop!
- No, I'm not a cop.
It's part of my presentation.
You're a little paranoid.
- Well, I'd say I'm in good company.
- So, is this what you do?
Show up and play the part?
- I was Betty Boop at a
pipefitters' convention
in St. Louis last weekend
and I cleared $2,000.
- Do you really need that kind of money?
- Oh, I do.
How else do you think I can afford
to decorate the White House?
- [Comedian] My little brother,
Ted, Senator Kennedy...
- Mr. Peter Brennan.
All talk,
no action.
- Fuck off.
- So,
what's a girl like you doing
hanging around with a crackpot like this?
- Pardon me?
- The man just got made a fool of today
with his laughable theories.
- You say that as if theories
aren't all you're clinging to.
- He's self-deluded,
Jacqueline, forgive him.
He's had a very bad day.
- Why don't you take a walk?
- Well, why don't you
go buy yourself some new theories, Petey.
- And so, I took the Queen's hand
and told her what an honor and
pleasure it was to meet her
to reaffirm our commitment to England.
- Take this and
you and me can...
- Leave the lady alone.
- Have a little fun later on.
- I said leave the lady alone!
- Oh!
- And do you know what the Queen said?
- Fuck me!
(audience laughs)
- Now we're talking.
- It took me two days to
make this dress, you turd.
- Pardon me, Madam First Lady, I didn't--
- Let's get outta here.
- Jackie, you're making a mistake!
Jackie, you're walking outta your context!
- [Will] And every time Nora
got up to go pee she'd--
- [Annie] Let the water
running in the shower.
- In the shower, right?
Aw, that weekend was huge.
100,000 people,
mad as hell,
screaming their lungs out,
fighting with the police.
And we...
We never left the room.
- Well, that's because we were having
more fun than they were.
- Do you even like these things?
- Peter, Jesus, I've been
lookin' all over for ya.
I have some intel.
I was at the phones on the mezzanine,
and I heard Simon talking to...
- Who?
- Witt's wife.
- What?
- He knows where Witt is.
He's just outside of Dallas.
He's going there tomorrow afternoon,
and I have got his address.
- Okay, who are you talking about?
- I gotta get there before he does.
I gotta go now.
How much money do you have?
- Well, not enough, man.
Wait till tomorrow, we'll
get the guys to pitch in.
- No, that's too late.
- Okay, I said who?
- [Pete and Donny] Baumgartner.
- Is that the shithead
who ruined my skirt?
- Yeah, that's the shithead
who ruined your skirt.
- Let me handle this.
'62 Rambler, parked around the corner.
Pull up front. Meet me there.
- Why?
I'm taking you to Dallas.
Just get the car, Peter.
I'll take care of Bunwarmer,
or whatever his name is.
- I can't go, Peter, Deb'll kill me.
The arrow of truth, right?
(mellow piano music)
- [Simon] I don't know what song it is,
but it's a great song.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
(Simon grunts)
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, that's what I need, baby.
Oh, yeah.
(fly zips up)
(urinal flushes)
(water runs)
Well, well.
Look who's come to her senses.
Sorry about the dress.
- What can I say?
You were right.
That jerk was all talk.
- Well,
I got the presidential suite upstairs.
- You do?
A presidential suite?
- Jesus, what's the hurry, baby?
- Time is money, right?
- Well, yeah, but a guy likes it...
- You do have money, don't you?
- Of course, I do.
- That's a little thing
I learned in Paris.
- What else you learn in Paris?
- How much do you have?
- It's in my pocket. Don't stop.
- This one?
- It's all the money you need, baby.
- Ooh, what are you,
a banker or something?
- Well, I'm several things, but I'm a--
- You don't need this either.
- What? No, wait a second.
You only--
(muffled vocalizing)
- Now, where were we?
(knee lands)
(Simon groans)
(muffled whimpering and vocalizing)
(mellow piano music)
(sirens wail)
- Scoot! Get over!
(door slams)
- You didn't kill him, did you?
(car starts)
- Just a little.
(engine revs)
- Remember this?
I thought I'd lost it all these years.
It turns out Sarah had it the whole time.
(wistful guitar music)
You remember when we got it?
- Yeah, I do.
- Yeah, you...
You couldn't come home
for the holidays, so
I had to come and visit you.
- That was a long time ago.
- Yeah.
You are my forever
- God, I've missed you.
Hold me in your arms
- Will, that weekend at school...
That was special, right?
- Yeah.
Yeah, it was.
- You remember the weekend?
- Of course I do.
- It was that weekend.
- Yeah.
Yeah, it certainly was.
- No, I mean, he or she would be, what--
- Shh.
- 15.
- Don't.
- By now?
I try not to,
but with you here,
it's hard.
He or...
He or she
would have been a sophomore by now.
- Would have been.
- Are you ever curious?
She would have been ours, Will.
- And so would all the
trouble that comes with it.
You know that better than anybody.
- What are you saying?
Will, stop. What do you...
What do you mean by that?
I wouldn't trade those
years with Ben for anything.
- All I'm saying is,
having a kid was a commitment
the two of us were not ready to make.
- You didn't want it, Will.
I did it because you didn't want it.
- Look at all the shit
you've been through.
And for what?
To end up with a broken heart
and a nut job for a husband.
That could have been me
just as well as Peter.
No, thank you.
- Peter held our son in his
arms and watched him die.
He said after it happened,
Ben looked up at him like he
wanted to ask him a question,
but he couldn't find the words.
(sorrowful music)
Peter and I had something
wonderful together,
and then we went through
something terrible together,
but he's the only person in the world
who will ever feel what I feel.
- What about us?
We loved each other once.
- That wasn't love, Will.
I had a child with a man
who wanted that child
and who wanted me.
That's love.
(engine revs)
- The Stemmons freeway sign was removed
within days of Kennedy's assassination.
It's probably in the basement
of the FBI for all we know.
The rifle in the National Archives
is not the same one as the backyard photo.
Different straps,
different serial numbers.
- So, Peter, do you have any kids?
(Ben giggles)
- Not anymore.
- Tell me what happened.
- No.
- My God, Peter, you
can't not talk about it.
That's not healthy.
You can tell me.
(wistful music)
- She kissed me.
Three other girls held me down,
she sat on me, and she kissed me.
I mean, yuck, Dad.
- I had a son.
I took him hunting on the
first day of hunting season,
just like my father did,
to show him the outdoors.
- Pretty cool.
- Yeah.
These guys were drinking.
- So why don't you open
up your little register
and give me my damn change.
- They say they weren't,
but I know they were.
(birds chirp)
I looked away,
just for a second.
- Dad, where are the Twinkies?
- Ben ran back for something.
And they shot him.
(gun fires)
- [Peter Voiceover] Ben!
- Look.
96 miles.
Almost there.
(car doors close)
(laundry flaps)
- Excuse me?
I'm looking for Louis Witt.
(ominous music)
I'm Peter Brennan.
Your husband may have heard of me.
- Then again, probably not.
- I'm looking
for Louis Steven Witt.
I would like to ask him some questions.
- It seems like every time I hang the wash
out here on the line it rains.
- He worked for Rio Grande Insurance.
Carlos Marcello had connections with him.
- I don't know why I do it.
Do you think it's gonna rain, Mr. Brennan?
- Marcello paid your husband
to shoot Kennedy, didn't he?
- My husband didn't shoot anybody.
- That's a lie.
Marcello paid your
husband to shoot Kennedy.
(revolver cocks)
Where is he?
- Oh. Here we go.
- Peter, easy.
- I said, where is he?
- [Eleanor] He's in the living room,
through that door there.
- There's nobody here.
- Who are you people?
And what is it that's
missin' in your own lives?
It's been 20 years and all you have
are your books and your clues
and your fancy theories.
- Baumgartner called.
Simon is my cousin, Mr. Brennan.
He's comin' to pay his respects.
- You're lying.
How do I even know you're his wife?
- Peter, come on, I think we should--
- He's still alive, God damn it.
Tell me where he is!
He killed Kennedy! Admit it!
- Peter, stop!
- What do you want me to say?
That he worked for Marcello
or Hoover or Castro?
And he was given a gun and an umbrella
and programmed by the CIA or
the KGB to shoot that man?
As they looked at each
other not but 20 feet apart?
Is that what you want to hear?
Is that the kind of man
you thought my husband was?
- I just want the truth.
- It's because he was there, isn't it?
(somber music)
He was part of history,
and you're not.
He was connected to it,
and you're not.
That's it, isn't it?
And it drives all of
you crazy, doesn't it?
You killed him.
All of you!
You're nothing but a bunch of bums.
You make me sick.
- Let's go.
- Peter, are you okay?
- Just get in the car.
(car starts)
(engine revs)
- Peter, where are we going?
- We're going downtown.
We're going to Dealey Plaza.
We're going downtown.
We're going to Dealey Plaza.
We're going to Dealey Plaza.
We're going to Dealey Plaza.
- So, this is it?
(car doors close)
- Yeah, this is it.
Dealey Plaza was named after the founder
of the Dallas Morning News.
(sinister music)
He hated Kennedy.
The whole thing keeps you awake at night.
Kennedy was shot here in a
place of honor for his enemy.
You look at it and think,
what was he doing out there?
Didn't he know it could be dangerous?
But that's the whole point, isn't it?
(crowd cheers)
That the world was so different then.
Our age of innocence.
From a distance it all
seems so much clearer.
Seems like something you can depend on.
An idealistic notion until
you are in the middle of it.
(crowd cheers)
(gun fires)
The motorcade entered the plaza
(car horn beeps)
from Main Street
and turned
right over there on Elm Street.
People were clapping,
happy to see him.
(gun fires)
After the shots began,
people ran over here,
(people clamor and scream)
up this hill,
to the railroad tracks behind the fence.
Everyone had a different
version of the same instant.
But when you're in the
middle of it, it's so clear.
That's how they must have felt.
- Who?
Peter, who?
- The witnesses.
The witnesses standing right here.
Everyone had a different
version of what happened.
(ominous music)
Zapruder stood right here.
He loved Kennedy.
He practiced shooting
frames of his secretary
to make sure his camera was running.
The triple overpass.
It was a hot day, and Mrs.
Kennedy saw the shade,
and was looking forward to cool air.
Her last innocent thought.
(gun fires)
The shots came from above and to the left.
Car nearly stopped
(people scream)
right there.
Witnesses say they saw smoke
from behind that fence.
The Stemmons freeway sign was right there.
And everybody had a story that day.
And they all stick to the
version they want to remember.
The Umbrella Man stood here.
Right here.
He stood here and opened
his umbrella on a sunny day.
The sign was here, Zapruder was there,
and for a brief moment
that damn sign blocks
the view from his camera.
Key frames that could
have told us so much.
How is it possible?
It's so absurd.
You look away,
you blink,
(thunder crashes)
and everything changes.
An instant,
over and over and over and
over again in your head!
(gun fires)
He stood right here with
an umbrella on a sunny day,
protecting himself from
something that doesn't exist!
Why would he do that, I have to know!
Why he'd do that, what is the connection,
why would he do that?
- I don't know!
Nobody knows!
Nobody will ever know!
Sometimes things just happen, Peter.
I don't know, for some reason,
I don't know, maybe it's,
maybe it's God or the
universe or whatever,
sometimes things just, they happen.
That's what my grandma
always told me, she said...
She said sometimes things just happen.
Oh, Peter.
(Peter weeps softly)
- I guess that's just what there is,
a pile of facts
that I can't make into anything neat.
And even if I could,
it doesn't change anything, does it?
I guess it's possible
it happened just like they said it did.
No perfect conspiracy,
no complicated reality,
just a man in a window,
making two perfect shots
in under five seconds.
- And a little boy,
just doing what little boys do.
- My God.
What am I doing?
(rain falls)
(somber music)
(thunder crashes)
(birds chirp)
- Hey.
Do you think they mean it?
- I'm sure they do.
So, is this who you really are?
- Well, now, that's part
of the mystery, isn't it?
Come with me.
I thought about following the
rodeo for a while, you know,
I'm working on this
fantastic Annie Oakley getup.
- I'm sure you'll knock 'em dead.
- Thanks for the history lesson.
(engine revs)
(wistful piano music)
When you least expect it
Somethin's gonna come
- Been gone long?
- Yeah.
You'll be affected
Too long.
You will be undone
It will creep into
The darkest place inside of you
And it will wait
And you will ache
Clouds will come
Rain will fall
Hope will fail
When you've lost it all
You've lost it all
You've lost it all
Clouds will come
Rain will fall
Time will heal you
When you've lost it all
You've lost it all
You've lost it all
When you least expect it
Somethin's gonna change
You'll feel stronger
You'll feel strange
But you'll go on
You'll hold on
Just hold on
Clouds will come
Rain will fall
Love will save you
When you've lost it all
You've lost it all
You've lost it all
You've lost it all
(wistful orchestral music)
(soulful guitar music)