The Unbreakable Boy (2025) Movie Script
That's me!
Hey, hey, hey.
Don't do anything
I wouldn't do!
Oh. Thank you.
Okay, here's a true fact.
See? Sometimes
it's bad when they break.
Sometimes it's good.
You don't always know
which it's gonna be.
Dad says that's a metaphor.
Mom says Dad doesn't know
what a metaphor is.
I'm gonna get something...
I'll be right back.
I'll be right back.
In my life,
lots of things have broken.
I'll tell you about
all of them. Don't worry.
But I'm starting
with this one,
'cause this is the night
when everything broke.
You are lost, my friend.
Your moral compass is broken.
You are failing as a husband
and as a father.
Who are you to judge me?
Look at me.
I'm rocking that hat.
I'm Austin.
Richard Austin LeRette.
But you can call me Auz,
or AuzMan.
When I meet new people,
I tell them everything.
Ready? Here we go.
I love sneakers,
dragons, Star Wars,
pancakes, SpongeBob,
Back To The Future,
chicken nuggets,
and ranch dressing.
Ranch dressing is the bomb.
I have a lizard named Marty,
A.K.A. Marty McFly.
I have a killer
movie collection,
and a hat collection.
Wearing the right hat
makes my day.
I have a condition called
osteogenesis imperfecta.
Those are big words,
but it basically means
my bones break easily.
I've broken my arms,
my nose, my ribs, my feet,
pretty much everything.
Oh, yeah! I also have autism.
Some kids with autism
can't talk.
But I sure can.
But hold on, I don't wanna
lose my train of thought.
Where was I?
Oh, right.
The night
when everything broke.
Did you guys
have a good time?
Oh, I had
the best time ever.
Dancin' on the...
Hold on.
We gotta
get back to Mom.
We should totally
come back here.
Here we go.
Are you okay?
Hop in, Logan. Whoo-hoo!
Oh. Ooh.
Right on, boys!
Ten. Nine. Eight.
Seven. Six. Five.
Four. Three.
Two. One.
Happy New Year!
Oh, wait.
I need to tell you about
the green khaki pants.
Without the green khaki pants,
I wouldn't even be here.
Yeah. I mean, you know.
You gotta find
your size, but...
This is a...
Oh, yeah.
Yeah. It's Stetson.
It just won't...
Yeah. Just won't work.
Hmm. Maybe
the barber shirt.
Dude, dude, dude, dude.
Look at this girl.
She's stunning!
Look at those blue eyes.
Those are the most amazing
blue eyes I've ever seen.
Buy something.
Buy what?
I don't know.
Buy pants.
Here ya go.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Hi. Can I help you?
Yeah. Uh...
I was... I'm interested
in purchasing
some of these pants.
Oh. Great choice.
Thanks. Yeah. Uh...
I'm Scott. I...
I travel a lot for work, so...
What kind of work is that?
Um, medical rep. For now.
But, uh, I've got big plans.
Are those plans pants-related?
They could be.
The pants could be
a part of the plan,
so you should definitely
sell me some of these.
Anything I can do to help.
Do you work on commission?
I do.
Great. Then I'd like to buy
four pairs of these pants,
if you would consider
going to dinner with me.
Well, they're already
two-for-one, so...
Okay. Well, then, I'll buy
eight pairs of pants.
Eight pairs of green pants?
What can I say?
I like green.
How 'bout this?
You buy no pants...
And I have coffee with you.
Teresa. Teresa?
Teresa, I'm not sure
that you know
how negotiating works.
I'm not sure you know
how asking a girl out works,
but here's a tip.
Don't use the word
"negotiating," you know.
Oh, no, no, no. I wa...
I wasn't trying to, like,
imply I was...
I'm gonna take this
and I'm gonna leave
before I talk you out of it.
And I actually do need pants.
So I'm gonna come back
and get some,
but not, like, eight pair.
That, I think, you were...
It's a lot.
...Right about that.
Stop talking.
Yeah, I'll just...
Stop talking.
After that,
Mom and Dad
went on three dates
in three weeks.
Date number one. Coffee.
I said coffee,
like, coffee shop.
Oh, yeah.
No, they serve coffee.
Don't worry. I checked.
Oh, good.
Thank you.
Date number two.
Video games.
Come on. Come on!
Mom dominated.
Don't care.
Date number three.
Mostly talking.
Five years, I'm gonna
be living in Manhattan,
working for
a massive ad agency,
driving a green Volvo.
I admire your ambition,
and your stylish
yet responsible
taste in vehicles.
Well, thank you very much.
And you know what?
I admire
your incredible blue eyes.
That if I'm being honest,
I've been admiring
since I saw you
at the store that day.
Funny thing about them,
it's actually
a genetic defect.
Um, my collagen
doesn't work right
so the whites
are really thin
and the blue arteries
show through.
Well, that defect
is working for you.
What about you?
What's your five-year plan?
I am, uh,
more of a one-day-at-a-time
kind of gal.
You know, another thing
I admire about you...
What's that?
It's your green khaki pants.
Yeah. You should.
I tried to buy 'em from
this smokin' hot salesgirl
with these, like,
amazing defective eyes,
but she was too principled
to take my money.
Wow. She sounds like
my kinda girl.
Mine, too.
Do you wanna get outta here?
They never
had a fourth date,
'cause then this happened.
So at Denver Stadium,
the Sooners tied at 10, here.
Bet it's your girlfriend.
"My girlfriend."
Gimme a break.
I don't even know
her last name.
Oh! Told you.
Shut up.
Hey there,
if you wanna go out again,
I'm gonna need to know
your last name.
Scott? Hey, listen.
Is everything okay?
Yeah. Well, no.
I'm pregnant.
That is not good!
But you like her, right?
Oh, yeah.
And you want kids.
After I've done
a million other things.
I was gonna quit my job
and go back to school.
This is the worst
timing ever. And a kid.
They do tend to last.
Shouldn't have beer.
Don't mind if I do.
Oh, yeah.
I forgot to tell you
the thing about Joe.
It's pretty important.
He's not real. He's made-up.
He's my dad's
imaginary friend.
Dad invented him as a kid.
It's how he talks
through things,
like Tyler Durden
in Fight Club.
I flippin' love that movie!
This is bad, Joe.
This is very, very bad.
Yeah. Your mom
is gonna destroy you.
This is so stupid!
I mean, honestly, you went
and got some girl pregnant.
Did you ever think about
getting married first?
Did you ever think about that?
Nobody does that anymore,
do they? No.
Obviously, I'm a huge...
I try...
Give her a minute.
You know, the warden,
she processes
through destruction.
Seriously, I didn't
raise you this way.
How can you be
so stupid?
I don't even know why you
bothered to come and tell me.
You didn't listen to me
all these years...
I'm proud of ya.
You're steppin' up.
Facing consequences.
That's what a man does.
That's what a dad does.
And what if I'm not ready
to be a dad?
I'm not, either.
Parents have no idea
what's goin' on.
Do you know what it takes
to raise a child? Do ya? No.
You don't. No, you don't.
You don't know
what your father and I
have been through
raising you boys...
I gotta say,
this went a lot better
than I thought
it was gonna go.
I mean, no doubt,
what is the matter with you?
Pivot! Ow!
Okay. Which way we goin'?
Left. Left. Left.
Left, dum-dum! Left!
So, we're really
doing this?
I think we're doing this.
When the sky is gray
And when you're feeling blue
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
I'll rub your back and sing
our little favorite song
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
That's really sweet.
Is that for our kid?
Yeah, maybe.
By the way, I know
this isn't the best place
to raise a baby.
It's much better
than my place.
Well, you know,
we'll get a house soon.
Once my band goes platinum.
It's the album
that goes platinum,
not the band, you dummy.
Do you want
the new house or no?
So, um, there is something
that I haven't told you yet.
That's a terrifying way
to start
our first night together.
No. It's just, um,
a side effect
of my amazing blue eyes.
I have a condition called
osteogenesis imperfecta. O.I.
Which means?
My bones are really brittle.
They break easily.
I mean, I'm just Type 1.
It's not nearly as bad
as some people.
And I've learned
how to manage it.
You know, I just can't do
a lot of things like...
Sports and skydiving.
Okay. No skydiving.
I can live with that.
Hmm. Yeah, I just thought
you should know,
'cause it's genetic.
Hey. T, hey, hey, hey.
Our baby's
gonna be perfect. Okay?
And if we're lucky,
their eyes will be
half as defective as yours.
You're doin' great, T.
You're a champ.
You don't know that.
You don't even know me!
That's not...
That's not true.
I know her. It's just new.
I'm here.
Stupid boss
made me settle the register.
Then my dang truck
wouldn't start again.
This is my sister, Lori.
Lori, Scott.
Hi. Nice to meet you.
I told you, it's new.
We're so close.
We're gonna go on three.
Here we go. Here we go.
Okay. Yeah.
Oh, great,
I can see the head!
Oh, God, that's a lot
of blood. Don't look!
Oh, God.
Cord's wrapped around
the neck. Get me the forceps.
What? What happened?
Is everything okay?
Is everything all right?
What is it?
It's fine.
Your baby will be fine.
What's happened?
I just need
one more push, okay?
No. I'm good.
Yeah, baby.
Here we go.
Come on, come on!
I don't wanna do it.
You got it, you got it!
You're a champ!
Okay. Pay attention.
Here's the part
where I come in.
Where's my grandson?
Mom, Dad,
meet Richard Austin LeRette.
Aw, he is a miracle.
Despite your bad choices.
Yes, you are.
Check it out, T.
We made a boy.
Look at him.
He's perfect.
He is perfect.
I cried a lot,
right away.
Partly because I was a baby,
and partly 'cause those
metal things broke my ribs,
but no one even knew.
That was break number one.
When does he sleep?
When do we sleep?
What have we done?
Looks like you guys
got this under control.
I'm gonna hit the sack.
When the sky is gray
And when you're
feeling blue
You know
what I admire about you?
You can soothe the baby
and kill mutant bugs
at the same time.
They're not mutant bugs.
They're the locust horde.
Come on.
Oh, my God.
Ooh, ooh.
No, no, baby.
Watch out. Okay,
I'm gonna head to the store.
But he's movin' fast today,
so watch him, okay?
Yeah. I got him.
We're good.
Bye, honey-bunny.
We'll see ya in a bit.
Go see Daddy. Mwah!
Yeah, yeah. I hear ya, monkey.
I can hear you jumping
on the table. Hey.
It's okay. You're gonna
be okay, little dude.
You're so strong.
You're so strong.
You're doing great.
You're doin' great, AuzMan.
Help! Hello? Hi.
A little help? Thank you.
He's broken his leg,
I think.
Really, really good.
Show me...
Can you show me
this one?
Hi, baby. What happened?
Nothing. He... He tripped.
He barely tripped.
He fell, like, six inches.
I don't get it.
Mr. And Mrs. LeRette,
can I speak with you
for a sec?
So his leg's gonna heal fine.
But I ran the body scan,
and noticed
that two of his ribs
have been broken
and healed over.
What? How?
Well, most likely
from childbirth.
Oh, my God.
That's why he was crying
so much. Scott!
Also, we ran the tests.
And you're right,
he does have O.I.
I'm sorry.
I'll give you a moment.
Oh, Scott.
Hey, hey, I'm sorry, T.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
I didn't know.
Break number two.
That's when Mom and Dad
got really good
at keeping me safe.
Are you watching him?
Where is he?
He's right...
Scott, he's running!
That's all right.
Okay, yeah.
Oh, okay. AuzMan!
Watch out. No, no, baby.
Okay, okay.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
No running.
I don't know what to do.
I don't wanna break him,
you know?
Let's just put you
right over here.
Careful, careful, careful!
No, that's... Let's put you
back down on the ground.
Let's keep you on the ground.
He's good. He's good.
Oh, my God, Scott!
Come on.
"Go, dogs, go."
Break number three.
After a while,
the nurses started calling me
"a gold star member."
How cool is that?
That's weird.
What's weird?
Well, Teresa's last name
is Houser.
It's not that weird.
What, dude?
Why're you making that face?
Yeah. I was married.
What? Twice?
Craig for a few months,
and Rudy for a few years.
I was 18 the first time.
My dad was an alcoholic,
and my mom tried so hard.
They're not bad people.
It's just that it was a mess,
and I felt like marriage
was my way out.
Is there anything else
that you wanna share with me
while we're getting
to know each other,
'cause now would be the time.
Are you mad?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm mad.
I mean, I think I'm mad.
I don't know.
How am I supposed to feel?
I feel duped, Teresa.
That's how I feel.
I wasn't trying to hide
anything. I just...
I've been divorced twice.
I have bones made of chalk.
I used to, like, dream
about being in a fairytale,
except that I never knew
if I was the princess or...
The ugly stepsister.
'Cause I always felt cursed.
And, um, I was...
Afraid that you would be
done with me, and I...
wouldn't blame you.
It's fine.
Married two times.
That's a lot.
It's fine.
Okay. Doesn't seem
like it's really fine.
Think you're suppressing
your emotions,
and that's not healthy.
I'm sorry.
Come on. Hang on.
You wanna zoom-zoom
with your truck?
do you wanna zoom-zoom?
Come on. Come here.
Yeah. Come on. Go with Mommy.
You tired?
Yeah, I know.
We had a big day, huh?
Say, "Night-night, Daddy."
Night-night, bubba.
When the sky is gray
And when you're feeling blue
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
I'll rub your back and sing
our little favorite song
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
Hey, um...
I, uh... I think
we should get married.
No. Not right now.
Why? Why not?
Because it's too soon.
But I...
I think I might love you.
You're telling me right now,
as you propose, like this,
that you "might" love me?
T, I'm just being honest, okay?
This is where we're at.
What do you want me to say?
Not that.
Well, do you love me?
Come on, don't be like that.
We agreed
that we should get married.
I don't want to.
I got it.
So you're saying
you don't wanna marry me?
Not now, I don't.
To be fair,
that was not
a very romantic proposal.
Also, you got poo
on your hand.
Don't worry, bro.
She'll come around.
Dad wanted to get
married in a courthouse.
Mom wanted to get married
in a church.
So they compromised.
Dad says Mom doesn't know
what compromise means.
Do you know
what I admire about you?
You always make me
feel so calm.
You think you're weak,
but you're not, T.
You're unbelievably strong.
Austin is lucky
to have you for his mom.
And I am even luckier
to have you for my wife.
You know what
I admire about you?
You're not afraid to say
sappy, sentimental stuff
like that.
I'm serious.
I've never had that
with anybody.
It's so nice.
And also, I lied before.
I think
I might love you, too.
All right, then.
Husband and wife.
Go ahead and kiss your bride.
Gotta hurry up.
How much does he make
selling medical supplies?
It's not his dream job,
but it gets us this.
Well, dang!
Can I sell medical supplies?
Never gonna get me
a house like this
with Cracker Barrel money.
Hey, Austin, what do you
think of the new digs?
He doesn't know
what "digs" are.
Blue cast.
Break number 12.
Come on, Austin,
it's time to see
your little brother.
Wait till you meet him.
He looks just like
a little pink tomato.
Oh. All right. Oh, baby!
And... That was
break number 13.
Oh, baby! Oh, baby!
Hey. Uh...
He fell on the stairs. I...
I am very sorry.
Hey, buddy, you okay?
AuzMan, hey, what do you think
of your new
little baby brother?
He's so sleepy, huh?
Four red, five blue.
Huh? Four red and five blue?
The stripes.
The blanket.
It's four red, five blue.
Logan was lucky.
His bones didn't break,
and he barely
ever cried at all.
That's when Mom and Dad
started to realize
I was different.
Hey, Austin.
Austin, hey, buddy, shoes on!
Right now.
Dad's late for work.
What're you doing?
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What're you doing?
Why are you making a mess?
Hey, hey.
Austin, what're you doing?
Don't start... I need you
to put your shoes on, now.
Austin, now means
put your shoes on.
Don't start...
What is happening? Austin.
Austin, what are you doing?
What is wrong with you?
Get out the door.
You understand...
Hey, Scott. Scott.
Let him finish.
Babe, I have
to get him in the car
so I can take him to school,
so I can get to work.
It's faster
if you let him finish.
Sometimes I feel like
my dad is close,
and far away,
at the same time.
One, two, three, go!
Like, even though
I'm right there,
he doesn't really see me.
Look, Dad, it's a dragon!
It's a dragon!
Isn't he awesome?
I'm just saying,
I'm worried about him, babe.
He... He won't stop counting.
He talks constantly.
He gets lost
in these fantasies.
And when I try
to connect with him,
he just melts down
for no reason.
Why can't you
see it, Daddy?
Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, little dude!
Austin! Hey, Austin!
Why? Why? Why?
I'm sorry, I just don't see
what you see, all the time.
Hey, hey, Austin. Austin...
This is, um, just
not what I thought it was
gonna be like, you know.
It's okay, it's okay...
I feel like
I'm failing every day,
and the harder I try,
the worse I do.
I can't seem
to figure him out.
Maybe you're not supposed to.
Come on, T.
Something is not right.
You gonna tell me
you're not worried?
I mean, how is this even...
How is this possible?
We would've known.
Autism presents itself
in many different ways,
as a spectrum.
Some are more verbal
than others,
and some
don't show signs as early.
And what do we do now?
I mean... What're...
What're we supposed to do now?
Is he gonna grow out of this?
Is there some kind
of medication he can take?
Looks like he's
already on SSRIs for OCD
and various other things.
We can experiment
with additional medication.
But, no, don't expect him
to grow out of it.
I'm kind of relieved.
Just to know.
I mean, to finally
just know.
I need some air.
All those times
I yelled at him...
Got so frustrated,
made him feel stupid,
just for being who he is.
You didn't know.
Now you do.
Hey, Austin,
can you please eat your toast?
I told you 100 times.
No, you told me
four times.
What? I'm going golfing.
No. You're coming to church.
We need to do family things,
especially now.
T, I don't even know anyone
at this church.
Yeah. And that's a problem.
It's weird that nobody knows
who my husband is.
Come on, let's go.
You're gonna be
on your best behavior
today, right, AuzMan?
I gotta poop!
Yeah, I got it, buddy.
Daddy, I gotta poop!
We're gonna get ya, buddy.
Daddy, I gotta poop!
Yeah, yeah.
Okay, he needs a diaper.
I got it.
Let's go. Come on.
I did it, Daddio.
All good. No worries.
No more poop! AuzMan wins!
That's great, buddy.
Oh, no, no!
No, no, no, no!
No more poop. AuzMan wins.
Go put your pants
back on, please.
No more poop.
You need to put your clothes
back on. Austin,
I need you to listen to me.
AuzMan wins!
No more poop!
Austin, please.
Please, please,
help Daddy out.
I'm doing my best, buddy.
I'm doing my best.
Austin, can you please
put your clothes back on?
Your mother's gonna kill me.
You need some help?
Uh, no, no. Thank you.
We're good,
despite what it looks like.
Yeah, that's actually
meant to be a changing table,
if you want.
Ah, yeah, no, it's just...
This is... This is better
for the both of us
down here, safer.
Trust me.
No more poop!
AuzMan win!
Hey, little man. Come here.
Watch this.
Which hand is it in?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Hey! How'd you know that?
Sorry, we're, uh... We're new.
Kinda feel like I've been
dragged here against my will.
You know,
I've often felt the same.
Nice to meet ya, AuzMan.
No more poop! AuzMan wins.
Austin, do not.
Do not... Austin!
Austin? Shh!
Austin? Austin.
Austin, no, no, no!
See that?
He saw me. For just a second.
That was the first time.
Damn it, Austin,
get back here.
Oh, my... Um...
Well, hello there, peanut.
This is my husband.
Uh, Scott,
this is Preacher Rick.
Preacher. Of course it is. Hi.
Nice to meet you, Scott.
Hey, little buddy.
Where are his clothes?
They're in the men's room.
Uh, are you sure
you don't want me
to get that?
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday...
One, two,
three, four, five.
Five years of Austin.
Five-year plan.
Dad never got to go
to Manhattan,
or be in a rock band,
or work for an ad agency,
or drive a green Volvo.
He says plans change,
and it was fine.
Fine means good,
and good means happy.
After that, more birthdays,
more years,
more broken bones.
Break 19. I fell off my bike.
Break 22 was a sled.
I think 27 was a closet door.
I'm not sure.
One time, it even happened
to Dad, me, and Mom,
all in the same week.
Dad called that the Trifecta.
You're gonna love
middle school, Logan.
The hallways are so big,
the teachers are "the bomb,"
and all the food is
a la carte.
Hey, uh, AuzMan,
are you sure that
that's the right hat
for your first day?
Don't be a goober,
Jester is the best one.
It's the Mountain Dew
Code Red of hats.
Oh, is it? I didn't know.
Why is that?
Because it makes me happy
and I feel good
when I wear it.
The colors, the way
it moves and jiggles.
It's just cool.
And the best part is,
the chicks dig it.
Oh, do they?
All right.
See ya.
I love you.
Hi, guys!
Hey, Dad. He'll be fine.
All right, dude.
Bye. Love you.
I love you!
I'm gonna be here
right after school
to pick you up, don't forget.
Hi, Jeff! Hi, Michael!
No need to worry,
AuzMan's here!
How's it going?
Arthur, how was your summer?
Mine was great!
Are you excited for school?
Welcome back, everybody!
Hi, Max. First day of school.
I know school is hard,
but it's worth it.
You're gonna do great.
Have a great day, everyone!
You can pick
whatever you want.
la carte flippin' rocks.
You can choose anything
and everything.
French fries.
Like, there's vegetables
over there and it's great.
Thank you and you're welcome.
Like, at my old school,
there wasn't any la carte,
and you had no options.
What you got is what you got,
and sometimes
it wasn't that good.
But here, we can choose.
Everything okay, Auz?
Logan, this is Tyler.
He said
we can be best friends.
All I have to do is shut up.
Hey, man,
that's my brother.
He's autistic.
I'm autistic. True fact.
Oh, geez, one of those? Hah.
What's your excuse?
Still waiting on puberty?
Come on, AuzMan.
See you in class, Tyler.
Glad we're best friends.
Please, thank you,
you're welcome, I love you.
Welcome back, guys.
Who's excited?
First day of school.
I'm excited to have you
guys back. You look great.
All your new backpacks
and school supplies.
So, who had a great summer?
Earth to Austin.
Are you with us?
I think his brain's
on another planet.
Nope. My brain is right here
in my head on Earth.
Okay, Austin,
can you lose the hat?
All right, let's
learn about the Civil War.
Take out your textbooks,
turn to page 34, please.
Come on,
you little hooligans!
Let's go.
We're holding up traffic!
Winner-winner, chicken dinner!
Well, I gave you a head start.
So, how was it?
It was good.
No! It was great.
I made a new best friend.
His name is Tyler.
He's so cool.
It was fine.
Well, good.
Fine is good.
Well, no meltdowns,
no calls from teachers.
I would call that
a great success.
When's dinner?
Is that what's for dinner?
Is that meat?
Is that pot roast
or poop with white sprinkles?
Hey, Dad, I've been thinking,
are werewolves real?
What if we had one right here
in Oklahoma?
You know,
I just know they're real.
Dad, I have a migraine.
Do you have a migraine?
Why do we get migraines?
Probably because
I talk so much
and my cortex can't keep up.
I'm such a dork, aren't I?
Do you love me, Dad?
Please tell me you love me.
I do.
must be so cool, right?
I bet
they have one at the zoo.
If they don't,
you have to get them one.
Somebody has to do
something, right?
I would just love to meet
a werewolf and invite him
to lunch. What do you think
the werewolf eats?
It's probably the same thing
as us because...
All right,
one other question.
Is Bruce Lee Chinese?
Oh, I know he is.
Oh. Austin...
But if he were alive,
would he still be Chinese?
AuzMan. Hey.
Or was he Japanese?
Either way,
he could come to lunch.
Listen to me. I have an idea.
Yes, let's hear it.
Do you wanna fly?
Yeah! Gimme that.
Whoo-hoo, yeah!
Flying is so easy, Dad!
I'm surprised
more kids don't do it.
Yeah, little dude!
Logan, you're getting
so strong, dude.
You're pushing so high, now.
Push me higher!
Okay. Here it goes!
Not too high,
though, please.
Higher! Higher!
I am AuzMan,
the Awesome AuzMan!
Hey, Austin, watch this!
This is awesome!
What's up, Dad?
Hey, Logan, you havin' fun?
Where's Austin?
Austin, no!
Oh, my God!
Say something. Say something.
Daddy, why did you hurt me?
Logan, here! Take my keys,
get to the car,
get my phone, call Mom!
Logan, listen to me!
Listen to me!
Take the keys, go to the car
and call Mom
and tell her Austin's hurt.
Please, go, right now!
I'm sorry, Dad,
I just wanna be strong
like Logan.
I'm sorry, Dad.
No, no, it's all right.
It's okay. It's okay.
I just didn't see him.
It happens, T.
It could've happened
on your watch, too.
But it didn't.
And it doesn't.
Did you ever notice that?
It's always you.
You are not
a terrible father.
You are not
the worst person ever.
You are not selfish.
Or reckless.
Or irresponsible.
Okay. Okay.
Okay, Joe, thank you.
Did I say selfish? Okay.
Thank you. Yeah.
But you're not that,
is what I'm saying.
Think he's gonna be okay?
I'm Batman!
Break 42, 43, 44.
He is good to go.
Spent the morning
cheering up the nurses,
reassuring them
that he's fine.
Yeah, he'll have to wear
that cast for a couple months
until his vertebrae heal,
but as you can see,
he doesn't seem
to mind so much.
Hey, you are
a remarkable kid, Austin.
They really
need you in Topeka?
Yeah, it's my job, T.
I kinda have to go.
No, you get to go.
And travel,
and golf, and fish,
and I'm always stuck here
with all of this and the kids.
You can do other things.
Scott, I broke my ankle
the last time
we went on a walk.
I don't know what you want me
to say, babe. Okay?
I'm late for the airport,
as it is.
where is the Count Chocula?
Forget it.
It's fine.
Just go. I love you.
Okay. I love you, too.
When Mom was a little girl,
she wanted to be
a racecar driver,
or an Olympic ice skater,
or a mountain climber.
But she can't do
any of those things
because of her bones.
Sometimes it makes her sad.
Just like it makes me sad
when I can't do things.
Mom says,
having O.I. Bonds us,
that we're in it together.
And that helps.
You know what else helps?
So every now and then,
we crank up the tunes,
and remind our stupid bones
who's boss!
Be careful.
Be careful of your back.
These are
my favorite moments with Mom.
Another round?
Dude, we got a meeting
in six hours.
I don't know how you do it.
I'm out.
I'll see you in the morning.
Am in.
Let's go!
Uh, bartender, two whiskeys.
for my real friends,
real pain for my sham friends.
That's it?
No warning? Nothing?
They said the company
needed someone
more available for travel,
or whatever.
I've been
too distracted lately,
you know,
with Austin and everything.
They didn't say anything
about being late
or missing meetings?
Nothing like that?
They don't want
a family man, T.
They... They...
They want a kid
who can commit
his whole life
to this stupid job,
and that's just not me
What're we gonna do?
I get three months' severance,
you know. We'll make do.
We'll cut back
while I find something else.
We'll figure it out.
You're lucky if you
have a dad without a job.
Know why?
He's home all the time.
So, I'm reorganizing
my DVDs and Blu-rays.
Instead of alphabetical
or color-coded,
I'm sorting by genre.
So, comedy,
drama, superheroes,
comedy with superheroes,
drama with superheroes,
with superheroes...
Austin, I gotta use
the bathroom really quick,
okay? I'm gonna see ya
in just a bit.
And also, you know what?
It's even better if your mom
doesn't have a job, either.
Hey, Mom. So, I'm reorganizing
my DVDs and Blu-rays.
Instead of alphabetical
or color-coded,
I'm sorting by genre.
Trick or treat!
Hi, Dad!
Oh, Dad!
Hi! Hi!
Look at 'em.
Come get
your candy with us.
Come on, kids!
Don't be a hermit,
Daddio. Get your candy!
Go on. Engage.
What is it with you?
You're always in my business.
I'm just saying
that sometimes
you have a tendency
to retreat.
Sorry. Thank you.
Or maybe I just think
they'd have more fun
without me.
Scott! Come on!
Come on!
Yeah! Bud, yeah! Let's do it!
Let's trick or treat!
You get a good haul
from that last house?
Are you doing okay
in here?
Yeah. Uh, we were playing
That was, like,
three hours ago.
Well, I guess I won.
I just, uh, needed a break.
You know, T, that boy,
he can really talk.
Oh, my God, he's amazing.
I wonder where he gets it.
That's not the same thing.
You talk to yourself
every day.
Or to "Joe," anyway.
Join me. Come on.
Join me.
Oh, my God.
You okay?
Just one of those days
where everything hurts.
Sorry, babe.
Hey, we're gonna be okay.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Mom, Dad,
where are you?
So, can you...
Now please welcome
your lady Tigers!
Austin, you sure
you wanna do this?
There's a lot of people
out there.
Don't be a goober, Dad.
Team mascot is
the greatest honor there is.
Okay. Just go easy
on the Velcro.
And now,
the moment
you've been waiting for.
Put your head on.
Put your hands together
for your team mascot...
Go get 'em, Tiger!
...The one and only,
Hi, everybody!
It's me, AuzMan!
Here's a true fact about me.
Sometimes a happy moment
feels sad.
And sometimes
a sad moment feels happy.
I don't always know why.
I don't always understand.
That's just what it's like
to be Austin.
Hey, Austin.
You're doing awesome, dude.
Go on,
gotta get back out there.
Go finish your dance.
I can't.
Sure you can.
Watch this.
You're doing it, AuzMan!
Come on. Whoo!
where are the bins?
The trash bins,
they're not out front.
Um, they, uh, took them.
Who took them? Who's "they"?
The company,
the trash company.
They, um...
They came today
and they took them.
You didn't pay these?
You didn't pay any of these?
I've been trying to keep up,
but with the surgeries
and the therapy
and the medication,
I had no choice.
I had to put it on cards.
And then the cards
raised the rates,
and it got...
It got out of control.
Out of control?
Out of control?
They took
our trash bins, Teresa!
I didn't even know
that was a thing!
While you're, what,
gallivanting around,
spending God knows what,
buying Austin
20 pairs of sneakers
that he doesn't need,
bunch of Star Wars crap
and DVDs and whatever!
It's not just me, okay?
What about you?
What about your hobbies
and your gadgets,
and your country club
membership, Scott?
How did you think we were
paying for all of this?
I don't know. I didn't know!
You didn't wanna know!
Sometimes Mom and Dad
yell when they talk.
Mom says Dad doesn't hear
a word she says.
Which is impossible
because she says the words
so loud.
Maybe everybody else
has it figured out,
and it's too much.
Yeah, it is too much.
It's $70,000 too much,
Teresa, okay?
How are we supposed
to pay this?
Stop yelling.
You sound like my dad...
We could lose our house!
Stop yelling!
We can't pay this.
What other choice do we have?
We negotiate.
We... We... We hire a firm.
There's firms that do
this kind of stuff.
We call someone for help.
Here's another true fact.
Sometimes if you spend too much money,
you have to spend more money
for someone to help you
spend less money
on the money
you already spent.
But after spending
all that money,
we didn't have any money left.
So, other people
got to have our house
and a bunch of our stuff.
But then we got
to have a new house
that was actually
an old house.
Do you need help?
I got it. I got it.
Are you sure?
Don't worry, we got it.
We're good.
Why're you dragging it?
That's filthy.
Why're you dragging it?
I got it!
It's Nanny and Poppa!
There he is!
Hi, honey.
God, you're so big!
Aw, Logan, look at you!
They're here!
They're finally here!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey, bubba.
Grandpa! How's it going?
Happy Thanksgiving.
The place looks great.
Go show your grandpa
the living room.
I like it.
Yeah. And I hit
a homerun. I hit a homerun.
Excuse me. May I please have
some more mashed potatoes?
There's just not enough,
and they're the best part
of Thanksgiving.
You got it, Auz.
Okay, before we eat,
why don't we all
go around the table
and say
what we're thankful for.
Hmm? Dick,
why don't you start.
Well, I am thankful
that my grandrascals
are living closer,
so we can visit
any time we want.
I'm thankful for my family.
I'm thankful for food,
all of it. Yum!
Especially mashed potatoes.
And of course, SpongeBob.
Who could forget.
And I am grateful
for our new home.
Agreed, on all fronts.
Let's eat.
I've been waiting
365 days for this meal.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving.
I don't know,
maybe I'm cursed.
I mean,
it's always something.
Another injury,
another setback,
another catastrophe.
It's just...
It's a lot.
Well, there's a word
for all that, you know?
Now you just gotta learn
to enjoy it.
Come on, Dick,
we should get going.
You hear that?
You're right, son.
It is a lot.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Where are the kids?
At a friend's house.
No school today. Remember?
What is going on?
No more drinking.
I'm sorry.
I didn't realize that you
had such a problem
with the drinking.
Why didn't you say anything?
there's a lot I haven't said.
Oh, is that right?
Why is that?
I don't know.
You don't know?
Maybe it's because
I haven't had the guts.
Because I've already
been divorced twice.
And I have two kids.
And I'm afraid
that I don't have options,
that I don't deserve options.
But you know what?
I watched my mom
put up with this for years
and I know how it ends.
I'm tired of it, and I'm just
not gonna do it anymore.
You stop this nonsense
right now, Scott,
or I am done.
Now take this out.
You know,
she's not wrong.
You do drink a lot.
I drink the exact amount
that you do.
And it's usually your idea.
My ideas are your ideas, pal.
Look, people drink.
She drinks,
and I don't say a word.
Plus, she's always playing
those stupid video games,
you know.
That, my friend,
is an addiction.
Come on!
Who said anything
about addiction?
What? I don't know.
Why bring it up?
I didn't. You did.
How was your Thanksgiving?
Mine was great!
Hi, Austin!
Hi! AuzMan loves you!
Hi, Austin!
Hi! Are you excited
for Christmas?
Christmas is my favorite!
Did you have Thanksgiving?
I know I did.
Hey, AuzMan loves you!
Have a great day!
Hello, everybody!
It's me, I'm back, AuzMan!
How's it going?
How's it going, everybody?
Tyler, what's up, my man?
Did you get
my Facebook messages?
I see you didn't respond.
I wanted to make sure
you got them.
Do you wanna come
to my house after school
and watch Yu-Gi-Oh!?
Are we still friends?
Yeah, Austin. Best friends.
Hey, Austin.
"You want answers?
"You want answers?"
"I want the truth."
"You can't handle the truth.
"Son, we live in a world
that has walls,
"and those walls have to be
guarded by men with guns.
"Who's gonna do it? You?
"You, Lieutenant Weinberg?
"I have a greater
"than you can
possibly fathom."
All right, Austin,
let's settle in.
"You weep for Santiago
and you curse the Marines.
"You have that luxury.
"You have the luxury
of not knowing what I know..."
Austin, thank you
for the performance.
"...That Santiago's death,
While tragic..."
That's enough.
"...Probably saved lives.
"And that my existence,
while grotesque
"and incomprehensible to you,
saved lives.
"You don't want the truth
because deep down in places
"you don't talk
about at parties,
"you want me on that wall!
"You need me on that wall."
I think you need a break.
Would someone walk him
to the office?
"We use words like 'honor,'
'code,' 'loyalty.'
"We use these words
as the backbone
"of a lifetime
defending something.
"You use them as a punchline.
"I have neither the time
"nor the inclination
to explain myself
"to a man who rises and sleeps
"under the blanket
"of the very freedom
that I provide..."
It's okay. Thank you.
"...And then questions
"the manner
in which I provide it."
"I'd rather you just said
"'thank you'
and went on your way."
It's okay.
"Otherwise, I suggest..."
Hey, guys.
Let's get settled in.
She called it
Resource Class.
It's a class for kids
with special needs.
She said they think
that it's time,
that it's only
gonna get worse,
and that it's not fair for him
or the other kids.
Apparently, they have
classrooms right on campus.
She said they could
enroll him right away.
Like they're doing us
some kind of favor.
Maybe we just need to change
his meds again or something.
What did you say?
I didn't know what to say.
I... I agreed.
I mean, honestly,
it really didn't seem like
we have much of a choice.
Scott, I really feel like
I just made
the worst decision
of my life.
No. T, relax. You always know
what's best for him.
Where are you?
Uh, Christmas shopping.
Just doing some last-minute
Christmas shopping.
I'll be home soon.
I love you.
Yeah. You, too.
Here you go, AuzMan.
You need help opening that?
Nah, I'm good, thank you.
It's so good.
Thank you.
I don't want those.
You love mashed potatoes.
Well, now I hate them.
They're retarded.
Hey. We don't talk like that
in this house, okay?
Retarded! Retarded! Retarded!
Austin, stop, young man.
You stop it, asshole!
Hey, hey, little dude,
what is going on with you?
Do you wanna go to bed early?
No, I don't wanna go to bed.
I don't wanna go to school.
I don't want to go anywhere!
Hey! What has gotten
into you?
No. Don't touch me!
Don't come near me!
Hey, hey, hey.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God,
what is wrong with you!
Are you okay?
Let me see your head.
I'm fine.
Okay, babe.
I'm fine. Just check...
Oh, my God!
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, Austin. It's Daddio.
The doctor said
I was taking
the wrong medication
and I was
under a lot of stress.
Which means, it was actually
the medication
that choked Logan.
Not me. Stupid medication.
It's okay.
I'm right here.
And even though
it wasn't my fault...
It's okay.
...They said
I had to stay there
for a while
for something called
"psychiatric evaluation."
That's a great spot,
right there.
Right here.
Yeah, let's get you
some more of these cars.
He's gonna love it.
He'll be so happy
when he comes home.
I'll be right back.
When the sky is gray
And when you're feeling blue
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
I'll rub your back and sing
our little favorite song
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
When you can't
sleep at night
You're feeling so alone
Just call out my name
and I'll be running home
Be there in the rain
to wipe the tears away
Don't forget that
I will always be with you
Okay, okay, okay.
I'll love you
Under chilly winter skies
I'll love you
through the night
Just close your eyes
and count to three
I'll meet you in your dreams
Dance in shallow
moonlit streams
Hey, I'll be back
in a little bit.
Hey, Scott. Good to see ya.
Listen, look, I just
wanted to say...
if you need anything,
okay, anything...
Yeah, okay.
I could use a favor.
Tell God that if he feels
the need to punish someone,
that that someone should be me
because I can handle it,
and I probably
even deserve it.
But I'd really appreciate it
if He'd leave my wife and kids
out of it. Thanks.
So, um,
how's he been doing?
He's been great.
We'd kinda like to hire him,
to be honest.
I think everybody here
is gonna be sad to see him go.
Oh, that looks great.
May not be much at first,
but it's a great start!
Hey, dude.
Mom! Dad!
Let me see you.
How are you? I missed you.
I'm good, thanks.
There's a lot of
messed up people in here.
Wanna meet them?
Let's not
call them "messed up."
Right. Right.
Hi, guys.
Like you can't tell
just from the wrapping paper.
What's it gonna be?
It's lighter
and it's more narrow,
so it's even better
for doing tricks on.
Oh, this is so cool!
I think it's your turn.
Can you hold Marty
so I can open my gift?
Be very gentle
in petting him.
It's this one
right here.
Let's see what you get.
Oh, this one
has my name on it!
What is it? Oh!
We know it's a smaller
Christmas this year.
I just thought that you might
wanna add one
to your collection.
Are you kidding?
It's the best gift ever.
Thank you so much!
But you know there's
something else I want, though.
I saw this the other day
and decided to keep it
because I think it's so cool.
There is no way we're sending
him back to that classroom.
I know.
And best of all,
it's free! Look, Dad.
There is this Father Son
Camping Trip in February.
It's annual,
which means every year.
We have to go.
I don't think this is
a good idea, uh, little dude.
It's camping,
and that's gonna be cold.
You're gonna be sleeping
in a tent,
and there's gonna
be a lot of other kids there
doing stuff that you might
not be able to do.
Isn't that the point?
Please, I just want to do
something normal
with normal kids.
I don't wanna be special.
I wanna be like
every other dude.
I wanna go camping
with my daddy. And like...
Here's a trick I know.
If you really,
really want something,
just talk and talk
and talk about it,
and whatever you do,
don't stop talking
and then you get it.
And it can be like
an extra Christmas present,
since this was a smaller
Christmas because of money.
And also I've been
so good this year,
and I did have to spend
four days
in a mental institution.
I just wanna go camping
with you!
Please, please,
please, Daddio!
I'm going camping
with my daddy!
Oh, you just got so played.
I know.
Dad, guess how many days
until the camping trip!
Oh, my God. Austin.
19 and a half.
AuzMan, AuzMan, AuzMan,
it's way too early
in the morning,
and also the camping trip
is two months away.
Nah-uh-uh. 'Cause tonight
is New Year's Eve
and there's a party.
So tonight doesn't count
because we won't be
thinking about camping.
Plus, there's eight weekends
until the camping trip,
and weekends are fun,
so those don't count.
Also, I'll be sleeping
nine hours each day,
so I won't even feel those.
Plus, I've got
two friends' birthday parties,
and then
How to Train Your Dragon 3
comes out February 22nd.
And it's 1 hour
and 44 minutes long.
But with popcorn and trailers,
that's a solid 3 hours
we won't be thinking
about anything else.
So none of that counts.
Which leaves us
with 19 and a half days...
Please, don't. No, no.
...Until Father Son
Camping weekend!
Austin. Okay. That's...
Whoo-hoo-hoo! Whoo!
I hate camping.
It is freezing cold here
in Times Square...
My joints
are all swollen, babe.
I can't dance tonight.
I can barely walk.
Why can't you just stay home?
The boys wanna go, T.
They wanna have a fun night.
You wanna have a fun night.
We all wanna have a fun night,
and you're just
gonna be here,
relaxing anyway.
Daddy! Jester hat on.
It's time to party!
Hi, honey.
Love you, Mama Bear.
Feel better.
Oh, I love you.
You look so handsome.
Thank you so much.
It's time to party!
You sure
you don't wanna come?
Yeah. Mommy's bones
hurt a little.
Just be home by 11:00. Okay?
'Cause I wanna watch
the ball drop with you guys.
Love you. Bye.
Love you. Have fun.
Have a good time.
Austin, ready to party?
What do you think? Yes!
Yeah. Let's go.
Why didn't we do valet?
What is valet?
Uh, valet is French
for "expensive parking."
Oh, okay. Bye!
Hey, hey, hey.
Don't do anything
I wouldn't do!
Oh. Thank you.
Here it is.
This is the night
I was telling you about,
The night
when everything broke.
I'll be right back.
I'll be right back.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
Get off. Get off.
I'm fine. I'm fine.
Hey, look at me.
You're lost, my friend.
Your moral compass
is broken.
And, brother,
you're failing
as a husband
and a father.
Who are you to judge me?
Hey, dude. Sweet tie.
Happy New Year.
I'm fine. I'm fine.
I'm still in control.
Right, okay.
Then let's just walk
back out there,
sober up,
and go home. Okay?
Okay. I'll drive.
No. No.
No, I am not letting you
behind the wheel.
And I am not asking
your permission.
No! No! This is none of your
business, and it never is.
Do not follow me.
I am done with you. I mean it.
I'm coming out.
Dad, are you okay?
Ten. Nine.
Eight. Seven.
Six. Five.
Four. Three.
Two. One.
Happy New Year!
Like I said,
sometimes it's bad
when things break.
Sometimes it's good.
You don't always know
which it's gonna be.
I want you out of this house
right now.
Oh, God, the kids?
The kids are fine.
They're in their room.
And that's where they're
gonna stay until you're gone.
I don't want you near them.
Or me.
Get out.
Tere... Teresa...
Get out!
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I don't know where to go
and I don't know what to do.
I'm sorry, Mom.
You'll stay here with us.
Break that.
Go on, break it.
Go on.
Is that you right now?
It's me, too.
It's all of us.
But, honey...
Your mistakes
don't define you.
How you heal does.
So get to work.
"An honest regret
for harms done,
"a genuine gratitude
for blessings received,
"and a willingness to try
for better things tomorrow
"will be the permanent assets
we shall seek."
As proud as I am of that,
I just...
I don't know...
When do you stop
feeling so ashamed?
Dad, come on!
Hey, hey!
I got it.
When are you
coming home, Dad?
I don't really know,
AuzMan. Uh...
I think I need a little
more time to get better.
Oh, maybe you should go
to that crazy hospital
like I did.
Maybe I should.
Watch out!
No, Lori, don't try
to talk me down from...
Are you kidding me?
After everything
we went through growing up?
I am not doing that again.
Will you put down the game
and let me finish?
I don't know how she put up
with it all those years.
Just let me finish.
Okay. Chill, chill, chill.
I'm listening.
Okay. Go.
Thank you.
My point is, you're not Mom,
and Scott's not Dad.
I mean, come on.
With Dad,
this went on for years.
He was gone all the time.
But, Scott,
yes, he messed up,
but he's here.
He's trying.
And you know what? I...
I bet he's struggling
with a lot right now. But...
Hey, you've had your share
of struggles, too.
Be honest.
So, do you wanna
struggle together
or do you wanna
struggle apart?
Apart. Definitely.
All right. Fair enough.
Happy New Year,
Tiny Tim.
Check out
my sweet new board.
Why're you such a jerk, man?
Give it back.
No, but you can borrow it
Give it back!
That's mine!
Get off.
Bro, get off!
Stupid piece of...
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
What is it with you?
You mess with my brother!
You mess with me!
Do you even see yourself?
You're a clich!
A bully!
You're nothing!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Logan, what is this?
He took my board.
Principal's office.
Both of you.
But he...
Why did you hit Tyler?
It's fine.
we have to keep
the ice on it, please.
Logan, why did you hit Tyler?
He hit me.
He's such a jerk.
Why do you even wanna be
friends with him?
Because he's sad.
He's what?
He's sad.
His dad's been in jail
for a really,
really long time.
And his mother's sick,
like, really sick with cancer.
And I heard that they don't
even get to do Christmas.
So I think he's sad.
And it makes me sad.
That's pretty sad.
Tyler, will you
come in here, please?
What's this?
It's for you.
I don't get it.
Open it.
I want you to have it.
Well, I thought
you may have not had
a great Christmas, so...
You what?
I don't know.
I just wanted you
to have that.
And I know it's kinda weird,
but I guess I'm kinda weird.
So, anyway...
Look, I really don't wanna
fight with you anymore.
I'd rather be friends.
Is that okay?
Hey. Mornin'.
what are you doing here?
I'm an alcoholic. You?
Yeah. Same.
Well, here's to
one day at a time.
And he's been going
to these meetings every day,
but he doesn't
even have a job,
so I don't know who the heck
he's meeting with.
Every day? Really?
Yeah, sometimes twice a day.
It's a lot of meetings,
if you ask me.
He's doing good, Mom.
And guess what,
after 30 days,
they give you this coin
with a "30" on it.
Then after 60 days
you get one with a "60"...
grant me the serenity
"to accept the things
that I cannot change,
"courage to change
the things I can,
"and the wisdom
to know the difference.
"Living one day at a time,
"enjoying one moment
at a time,
"accepting hardships
as the pathway to peace,
"taking, as Jesus did,
"this sinful world as it is,
"and not as I would have it.
"Trusting that He will
make all things right,
"if I surrender to His will,
"so that I may be
reasonably happy..."
Come on, Logan,
you're gonna miss the bus.
I know. Bye, guys.
Bye. Love you.
Bye, Marty McFly.
have fun at school.
Okay, AuzMan,
I need you to focus, babe.
I can't do all this for you.
Hold on one second.
It's just not fair.
I know.
But, hey, we're gonna
find him a good school.
I promise.
It's gonna be okay.
Do you believe me?
Get to school.
All right.
Bye. Love you.
Love you, guys.
How are you?
Okay. Better every day.
You know?
Well, should we head in?
Yeah. Let's, um...
Do you know
what this is about?
I have no idea.
Thanks for coming in.
I wanna talk about Austin.
I know you've withdrawn him
from the Resource Class.
Yes. Um, we're gonna
homeschool him for now
until we can find something
works a little bit better
than that did.
Look, we know
he's different, Ilene.
Okay? We're not delusional.
It's just that the thing
that makes Austin different
is what makes Austin...
And that's what we love
about him.
And so we refuse
to hide that away
or apologize for it
in any way.
Which means we're gonna
have to just put him
in another school, I think.
That's just... You know...
He... He... He does better
when he's around kids
of all kinds, you know?
"Typical kids,"
as you would call them,
but to him, they're just kids.
They're his friends.
And he learns from them,
and that's important.
And I think
they learn from him, too.
I agree.
And you're right
about the other kids.
Because they all love him.
Thought you'd like
to see this.
It's a petition
signed by just about
every student in school.
This is amazing.
We never should've separated
him from his friends.
And he's welcome back.
Thank you.
Oh, he is gonna
be so pumped.
I have
a special announcement.
Back by popular demand,
please give a big,
rowdy welcome,
everyone's favorite mascot,
I'm here!
Whoo-hoo! I'm back!
Don't fear! I'm back here!
That's my brother! Yeah!
AuzMan! AuzMan! AuzMan!
AuzMan! AuzMan! AuzMan!
Hey, man.
Thanks for doing this.
I don't know what you mean.
AuzMan! AuzMan! AuzMan!
AuzMan! AuzMan! AuzMan!
AuzMan! AuzMan! AuzMan!
AuzMan! AuzMan! AuzMan!
AuzMan! AuzMan! AuzMan!
I wish I could
enjoy anything
as much as my son
enjoys everything.
I've always held on
so tight to things.
I don't even know why.
I've just always
needed everything
to be a certain way.
We talk about
an attitude of gratitude...
That's never been me.
I'm never content.
I never have been.
I used to think that
that made me ambitious,
but actually,
it just makes me...
And I hate that about myself.
I push everything away,
everything and everyone
I care about.
I don't wanna do that anymore.
I wanna be more like my son.
So, um, I just wanted
to talk to you
about the, um...
The camping trip
is this weekend.
Ah, right. I...
I figured that was off,
that I shouldn't go.
I think you should.
I mean...
Austin's, uh...
So excited about it.
T, I'm so sorry.
About what I did.
About what I didn't do.
About everything.
I just have so much to say.
Do you know
what I admire about you?
You are broken
and lost and scared
and getting things wrong...
...But you keep trying.
Remember how I used to wonder
if I was the princess
or the ugly stepsister?
Well, it turns out that I'm...
I'm just a regular mess.
And I don't expect you
to be a perfect prince.
That'd be really boring.
And it would make me
You are a good man, Scott,
with a good heart.
You've given up so much
for this family,
and you have never stopped
fighting for us, not even now.
Come here.
Two months sober?
I am so proud of you.
Fifty-four days, actually.
But in fairness,
it feels like 19 and a half.
You're damn right,
I admire you.
And also,
I've been giving it some
thought since our wedding,
and, um...
I definitely do love you.
So, why not struggle together?
I feel like if Logan can
forgive the school bully,
I oughta be able
to forgive you.
Oh, man.
I love you.
I'm excited.
Yeah, are you excited?
Looks like
we're gonna have to hike
in about a mile or so
to the campsite,
and the bags are heavy.
All right, little dude?
So, if you start
getting tired
or if your ankles
start to hurt...
Meet ya there, Daddio!
Hey, guys, wait up!
good to see ya, man.
Good to see you, too.
Hey, Jack.
Nice one, Jack!
That was good. Very good.
High marks.
All right, Austin,
your turn!
Come on bud!
just like that, okay?
All right.
Straight on.
Are we sure
this is a good idea?
Austin with a bow?
He's okay. He's okay.
He's, uh...
He's always struggled
in the hand-eye
coordination department.
He'll be fine, trust me.
Look, my son's 14,
teaches me the same lesson
all the time.
That they're capable
of a lot more
than we give 'em credit for.
Come on, AuzMan!
You got this!
He hit the target!
Oh, my God!
What a great shot!
You gotta score
in this game!
You're doing great, Austin!
Watch this!
You know, I didn't even
wanna come on this trip.
I was gonna stay home.
I almost missed
all of this.
Well, you made
a good decision.
I owe you one.
Or God, maybe.
Maybe you could
tell Him for me.
No, you could tell Him.
It's not that hard.
So I have a question.
I've been talking to you
nearly my whole life...
And it's just
occurred to me...
Are you God?
Scott, look at me.
Look at my face, son.
No, I'm not God,
you dimwit.
Like, what did you think
was gonna happen there?
I don't know.
You're the worst.
Keep lookin', pal,
you'll figure it out.
Dad, I wish
I was more like you.
You do?
'Course I do, silly goose.
You're the best.
Most of the time,
Dad can't see what I see.
But that day,
floating on the lake, he did.
That day he saw
exactly what I see.
A great dad.
You see it, Daddio?
Yeah, Auz, I...
I sure do.
Daddio! Daddio! Daddio!
You were gonna leave
without AuzMan?
What? No.
I would never leave
without ya.
So what're you
thinking about?
Nothing, really.
But that wasn't true.
Dad told me later
he was thinking,
"What teenage boy wants
to hold his father's hand?"
And you wanna know
what he was feeling?
It's arrived.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Looks pretty good.
All right,
let's dig in.
I think everyone
in the whole universe
heard that.
eat your food, please.
Do you have a napkin?
Do you need one?
So dry.
Do we have ketchup...
We don't have any.
Actually, no.
But do you know
what's the best ketchup...
I can ask her
when she comes
back around...
Guys, wait, stop, look at me.
Dad, look at me, please.
Thank you. You're welcome.
This is important.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I'm looking.
What's so important?
This is the best
strawberry shake
I've ever had.
You have to believe me.
Thick texture.
The smoothness.
And it is so creamy.
Oh, man,
it is just like Heaven.
This milkshake is perfection.
Do you get it?
This milkshake makes the deal!
It makes everything better!
This is the best day
of my life!
So happy to hear that.
I believe Austin,
that it really was
the best milkshake ever.
Because to Austin,
every milkshake
can be the best milkshake.
Every day can be the best day.
Every moment, the best moment.
You just have to be
able to see it.
Until that day,
I spent most of my son's life
trying to figure him out
so I could fix him.
But it turns out,
he wasn't broken at all.
He didn't need me to fix him.
I needed him to fix me.
That's a true fact.
Look, see this moment,
right here?
Best moment of my life.
When the sky is gray
And when you're feeling blue
Don't forget that I
Will always be with you
I'll rub your back and sing
our little favorite song
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
You can't sleep at night,
you're feeling so alone
Just call out my name
and I'll be running home
I'll be there in the rain
to wipe the tears away
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
I'll love you under
chilly winter skies
I'll love you
through the night
Just close your eyes
and count to three
I'll be there in your dreams
We'll dance in shallow
moonlit streams
So when you've lost your way
out in the falling snow
Sing this song and hear
that little echo, dear
I'm right behind you, love,
and everywhere you go
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
Just remember
I will always be with you
Don't forget that
I will always be
With you
We did it.
Thank you, Oklahoma!
Tip your waiters.
And cut.
Cut. Threepeat.
Hey, hey, hey.
Don't do anything
I wouldn't do!
Oh. Thank you.
Okay, here's a true fact.
See? Sometimes
it's bad when they break.
Sometimes it's good.
You don't always know
which it's gonna be.
Dad says that's a metaphor.
Mom says Dad doesn't know
what a metaphor is.
I'm gonna get something...
I'll be right back.
I'll be right back.
In my life,
lots of things have broken.
I'll tell you about
all of them. Don't worry.
But I'm starting
with this one,
'cause this is the night
when everything broke.
You are lost, my friend.
Your moral compass is broken.
You are failing as a husband
and as a father.
Who are you to judge me?
Look at me.
I'm rocking that hat.
I'm Austin.
Richard Austin LeRette.
But you can call me Auz,
or AuzMan.
When I meet new people,
I tell them everything.
Ready? Here we go.
I love sneakers,
dragons, Star Wars,
pancakes, SpongeBob,
Back To The Future,
chicken nuggets,
and ranch dressing.
Ranch dressing is the bomb.
I have a lizard named Marty,
A.K.A. Marty McFly.
I have a killer
movie collection,
and a hat collection.
Wearing the right hat
makes my day.
I have a condition called
osteogenesis imperfecta.
Those are big words,
but it basically means
my bones break easily.
I've broken my arms,
my nose, my ribs, my feet,
pretty much everything.
Oh, yeah! I also have autism.
Some kids with autism
can't talk.
But I sure can.
But hold on, I don't wanna
lose my train of thought.
Where was I?
Oh, right.
The night
when everything broke.
Did you guys
have a good time?
Oh, I had
the best time ever.
Dancin' on the...
Hold on.
We gotta
get back to Mom.
We should totally
come back here.
Here we go.
Are you okay?
Hop in, Logan. Whoo-hoo!
Oh. Ooh.
Right on, boys!
Ten. Nine. Eight.
Seven. Six. Five.
Four. Three.
Two. One.
Happy New Year!
Oh, wait.
I need to tell you about
the green khaki pants.
Without the green khaki pants,
I wouldn't even be here.
Yeah. I mean, you know.
You gotta find
your size, but...
This is a...
Oh, yeah.
Yeah. It's Stetson.
It just won't...
Yeah. Just won't work.
Hmm. Maybe
the barber shirt.
Dude, dude, dude, dude.
Look at this girl.
She's stunning!
Look at those blue eyes.
Those are the most amazing
blue eyes I've ever seen.
Buy something.
Buy what?
I don't know.
Buy pants.
Here ya go.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Hi. Can I help you?
Yeah. Uh...
I was... I'm interested
in purchasing
some of these pants.
Oh. Great choice.
Thanks. Yeah. Uh...
I'm Scott. I...
I travel a lot for work, so...
What kind of work is that?
Um, medical rep. For now.
But, uh, I've got big plans.
Are those plans pants-related?
They could be.
The pants could be
a part of the plan,
so you should definitely
sell me some of these.
Anything I can do to help.
Do you work on commission?
I do.
Great. Then I'd like to buy
four pairs of these pants,
if you would consider
going to dinner with me.
Well, they're already
two-for-one, so...
Okay. Well, then, I'll buy
eight pairs of pants.
Eight pairs of green pants?
What can I say?
I like green.
How 'bout this?
You buy no pants...
And I have coffee with you.
Teresa. Teresa?
Teresa, I'm not sure
that you know
how negotiating works.
I'm not sure you know
how asking a girl out works,
but here's a tip.
Don't use the word
"negotiating," you know.
Oh, no, no, no. I wa...
I wasn't trying to, like,
imply I was...
I'm gonna take this
and I'm gonna leave
before I talk you out of it.
And I actually do need pants.
So I'm gonna come back
and get some,
but not, like, eight pair.
That, I think, you were...
It's a lot.
...Right about that.
Stop talking.
Yeah, I'll just...
Stop talking.
After that,
Mom and Dad
went on three dates
in three weeks.
Date number one. Coffee.
I said coffee,
like, coffee shop.
Oh, yeah.
No, they serve coffee.
Don't worry. I checked.
Oh, good.
Thank you.
Date number two.
Video games.
Come on. Come on!
Mom dominated.
Don't care.
Date number three.
Mostly talking.
Five years, I'm gonna
be living in Manhattan,
working for
a massive ad agency,
driving a green Volvo.
I admire your ambition,
and your stylish
yet responsible
taste in vehicles.
Well, thank you very much.
And you know what?
I admire
your incredible blue eyes.
That if I'm being honest,
I've been admiring
since I saw you
at the store that day.
Funny thing about them,
it's actually
a genetic defect.
Um, my collagen
doesn't work right
so the whites
are really thin
and the blue arteries
show through.
Well, that defect
is working for you.
What about you?
What's your five-year plan?
I am, uh,
more of a one-day-at-a-time
kind of gal.
You know, another thing
I admire about you...
What's that?
It's your green khaki pants.
Yeah. You should.
I tried to buy 'em from
this smokin' hot salesgirl
with these, like,
amazing defective eyes,
but she was too principled
to take my money.
Wow. She sounds like
my kinda girl.
Mine, too.
Do you wanna get outta here?
They never
had a fourth date,
'cause then this happened.
So at Denver Stadium,
the Sooners tied at 10, here.
Bet it's your girlfriend.
"My girlfriend."
Gimme a break.
I don't even know
her last name.
Oh! Told you.
Shut up.
Hey there,
if you wanna go out again,
I'm gonna need to know
your last name.
Scott? Hey, listen.
Is everything okay?
Yeah. Well, no.
I'm pregnant.
That is not good!
But you like her, right?
Oh, yeah.
And you want kids.
After I've done
a million other things.
I was gonna quit my job
and go back to school.
This is the worst
timing ever. And a kid.
They do tend to last.
Shouldn't have beer.
Don't mind if I do.
Oh, yeah.
I forgot to tell you
the thing about Joe.
It's pretty important.
He's not real. He's made-up.
He's my dad's
imaginary friend.
Dad invented him as a kid.
It's how he talks
through things,
like Tyler Durden
in Fight Club.
I flippin' love that movie!
This is bad, Joe.
This is very, very bad.
Yeah. Your mom
is gonna destroy you.
This is so stupid!
I mean, honestly, you went
and got some girl pregnant.
Did you ever think about
getting married first?
Did you ever think about that?
Nobody does that anymore,
do they? No.
Obviously, I'm a huge...
I try...
Give her a minute.
You know, the warden,
she processes
through destruction.
Seriously, I didn't
raise you this way.
How can you be
so stupid?
I don't even know why you
bothered to come and tell me.
You didn't listen to me
all these years...
I'm proud of ya.
You're steppin' up.
Facing consequences.
That's what a man does.
That's what a dad does.
And what if I'm not ready
to be a dad?
I'm not, either.
Parents have no idea
what's goin' on.
Do you know what it takes
to raise a child? Do ya? No.
You don't. No, you don't.
You don't know
what your father and I
have been through
raising you boys...
I gotta say,
this went a lot better
than I thought
it was gonna go.
I mean, no doubt,
what is the matter with you?
Pivot! Ow!
Okay. Which way we goin'?
Left. Left. Left.
Left, dum-dum! Left!
So, we're really
doing this?
I think we're doing this.
When the sky is gray
And when you're feeling blue
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
I'll rub your back and sing
our little favorite song
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
That's really sweet.
Is that for our kid?
Yeah, maybe.
By the way, I know
this isn't the best place
to raise a baby.
It's much better
than my place.
Well, you know,
we'll get a house soon.
Once my band goes platinum.
It's the album
that goes platinum,
not the band, you dummy.
Do you want
the new house or no?
So, um, there is something
that I haven't told you yet.
That's a terrifying way
to start
our first night together.
No. It's just, um,
a side effect
of my amazing blue eyes.
I have a condition called
osteogenesis imperfecta. O.I.
Which means?
My bones are really brittle.
They break easily.
I mean, I'm just Type 1.
It's not nearly as bad
as some people.
And I've learned
how to manage it.
You know, I just can't do
a lot of things like...
Sports and skydiving.
Okay. No skydiving.
I can live with that.
Hmm. Yeah, I just thought
you should know,
'cause it's genetic.
Hey. T, hey, hey, hey.
Our baby's
gonna be perfect. Okay?
And if we're lucky,
their eyes will be
half as defective as yours.
You're doin' great, T.
You're a champ.
You don't know that.
You don't even know me!
That's not...
That's not true.
I know her. It's just new.
I'm here.
Stupid boss
made me settle the register.
Then my dang truck
wouldn't start again.
This is my sister, Lori.
Lori, Scott.
Hi. Nice to meet you.
I told you, it's new.
We're so close.
We're gonna go on three.
Here we go. Here we go.
Okay. Yeah.
Oh, great,
I can see the head!
Oh, God, that's a lot
of blood. Don't look!
Oh, God.
Cord's wrapped around
the neck. Get me the forceps.
What? What happened?
Is everything okay?
Is everything all right?
What is it?
It's fine.
Your baby will be fine.
What's happened?
I just need
one more push, okay?
No. I'm good.
Yeah, baby.
Here we go.
Come on, come on!
I don't wanna do it.
You got it, you got it!
You're a champ!
Okay. Pay attention.
Here's the part
where I come in.
Where's my grandson?
Mom, Dad,
meet Richard Austin LeRette.
Aw, he is a miracle.
Despite your bad choices.
Yes, you are.
Check it out, T.
We made a boy.
Look at him.
He's perfect.
He is perfect.
I cried a lot,
right away.
Partly because I was a baby,
and partly 'cause those
metal things broke my ribs,
but no one even knew.
That was break number one.
When does he sleep?
When do we sleep?
What have we done?
Looks like you guys
got this under control.
I'm gonna hit the sack.
When the sky is gray
And when you're
feeling blue
You know
what I admire about you?
You can soothe the baby
and kill mutant bugs
at the same time.
They're not mutant bugs.
They're the locust horde.
Come on.
Oh, my God.
Ooh, ooh.
No, no, baby.
Watch out. Okay,
I'm gonna head to the store.
But he's movin' fast today,
so watch him, okay?
Yeah. I got him.
We're good.
Bye, honey-bunny.
We'll see ya in a bit.
Go see Daddy. Mwah!
Yeah, yeah. I hear ya, monkey.
I can hear you jumping
on the table. Hey.
It's okay. You're gonna
be okay, little dude.
You're so strong.
You're so strong.
You're doing great.
You're doin' great, AuzMan.
Help! Hello? Hi.
A little help? Thank you.
He's broken his leg,
I think.
Really, really good.
Show me...
Can you show me
this one?
Hi, baby. What happened?
Nothing. He... He tripped.
He barely tripped.
He fell, like, six inches.
I don't get it.
Mr. And Mrs. LeRette,
can I speak with you
for a sec?
So his leg's gonna heal fine.
But I ran the body scan,
and noticed
that two of his ribs
have been broken
and healed over.
What? How?
Well, most likely
from childbirth.
Oh, my God.
That's why he was crying
so much. Scott!
Also, we ran the tests.
And you're right,
he does have O.I.
I'm sorry.
I'll give you a moment.
Oh, Scott.
Hey, hey, I'm sorry, T.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
I didn't know.
Break number two.
That's when Mom and Dad
got really good
at keeping me safe.
Are you watching him?
Where is he?
He's right...
Scott, he's running!
That's all right.
Okay, yeah.
Oh, okay. AuzMan!
Watch out. No, no, baby.
Okay, okay.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
No running.
I don't know what to do.
I don't wanna break him,
you know?
Let's just put you
right over here.
Careful, careful, careful!
No, that's... Let's put you
back down on the ground.
Let's keep you on the ground.
He's good. He's good.
Oh, my God, Scott!
Come on.
"Go, dogs, go."
Break number three.
After a while,
the nurses started calling me
"a gold star member."
How cool is that?
That's weird.
What's weird?
Well, Teresa's last name
is Houser.
It's not that weird.
What, dude?
Why're you making that face?
Yeah. I was married.
What? Twice?
Craig for a few months,
and Rudy for a few years.
I was 18 the first time.
My dad was an alcoholic,
and my mom tried so hard.
They're not bad people.
It's just that it was a mess,
and I felt like marriage
was my way out.
Is there anything else
that you wanna share with me
while we're getting
to know each other,
'cause now would be the time.
Are you mad?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm mad.
I mean, I think I'm mad.
I don't know.
How am I supposed to feel?
I feel duped, Teresa.
That's how I feel.
I wasn't trying to hide
anything. I just...
I've been divorced twice.
I have bones made of chalk.
I used to, like, dream
about being in a fairytale,
except that I never knew
if I was the princess or...
The ugly stepsister.
'Cause I always felt cursed.
And, um, I was...
Afraid that you would be
done with me, and I...
wouldn't blame you.
It's fine.
Married two times.
That's a lot.
It's fine.
Okay. Doesn't seem
like it's really fine.
Think you're suppressing
your emotions,
and that's not healthy.
I'm sorry.
Come on. Hang on.
You wanna zoom-zoom
with your truck?
do you wanna zoom-zoom?
Come on. Come here.
Yeah. Come on. Go with Mommy.
You tired?
Yeah, I know.
We had a big day, huh?
Say, "Night-night, Daddy."
Night-night, bubba.
When the sky is gray
And when you're feeling blue
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
I'll rub your back and sing
our little favorite song
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
Hey, um...
I, uh... I think
we should get married.
No. Not right now.
Why? Why not?
Because it's too soon.
But I...
I think I might love you.
You're telling me right now,
as you propose, like this,
that you "might" love me?
T, I'm just being honest, okay?
This is where we're at.
What do you want me to say?
Not that.
Well, do you love me?
Come on, don't be like that.
We agreed
that we should get married.
I don't want to.
I got it.
So you're saying
you don't wanna marry me?
Not now, I don't.
To be fair,
that was not
a very romantic proposal.
Also, you got poo
on your hand.
Don't worry, bro.
She'll come around.
Dad wanted to get
married in a courthouse.
Mom wanted to get married
in a church.
So they compromised.
Dad says Mom doesn't know
what compromise means.
Do you know
what I admire about you?
You always make me
feel so calm.
You think you're weak,
but you're not, T.
You're unbelievably strong.
Austin is lucky
to have you for his mom.
And I am even luckier
to have you for my wife.
You know what
I admire about you?
You're not afraid to say
sappy, sentimental stuff
like that.
I'm serious.
I've never had that
with anybody.
It's so nice.
And also, I lied before.
I think
I might love you, too.
All right, then.
Husband and wife.
Go ahead and kiss your bride.
Gotta hurry up.
How much does he make
selling medical supplies?
It's not his dream job,
but it gets us this.
Well, dang!
Can I sell medical supplies?
Never gonna get me
a house like this
with Cracker Barrel money.
Hey, Austin, what do you
think of the new digs?
He doesn't know
what "digs" are.
Blue cast.
Break number 12.
Come on, Austin,
it's time to see
your little brother.
Wait till you meet him.
He looks just like
a little pink tomato.
Oh. All right. Oh, baby!
And... That was
break number 13.
Oh, baby! Oh, baby!
Hey. Uh...
He fell on the stairs. I...
I am very sorry.
Hey, buddy, you okay?
AuzMan, hey, what do you think
of your new
little baby brother?
He's so sleepy, huh?
Four red, five blue.
Huh? Four red and five blue?
The stripes.
The blanket.
It's four red, five blue.
Logan was lucky.
His bones didn't break,
and he barely
ever cried at all.
That's when Mom and Dad
started to realize
I was different.
Hey, Austin.
Austin, hey, buddy, shoes on!
Right now.
Dad's late for work.
What're you doing?
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What're you doing?
Why are you making a mess?
Hey, hey.
Austin, what're you doing?
Don't start... I need you
to put your shoes on, now.
Austin, now means
put your shoes on.
Don't start...
What is happening? Austin.
Austin, what are you doing?
What is wrong with you?
Get out the door.
You understand...
Hey, Scott. Scott.
Let him finish.
Babe, I have
to get him in the car
so I can take him to school,
so I can get to work.
It's faster
if you let him finish.
Sometimes I feel like
my dad is close,
and far away,
at the same time.
One, two, three, go!
Like, even though
I'm right there,
he doesn't really see me.
Look, Dad, it's a dragon!
It's a dragon!
Isn't he awesome?
I'm just saying,
I'm worried about him, babe.
He... He won't stop counting.
He talks constantly.
He gets lost
in these fantasies.
And when I try
to connect with him,
he just melts down
for no reason.
Why can't you
see it, Daddy?
Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, little dude!
Austin! Hey, Austin!
Why? Why? Why?
I'm sorry, I just don't see
what you see, all the time.
Hey, hey, Austin. Austin...
This is, um, just
not what I thought it was
gonna be like, you know.
It's okay, it's okay...
I feel like
I'm failing every day,
and the harder I try,
the worse I do.
I can't seem
to figure him out.
Maybe you're not supposed to.
Come on, T.
Something is not right.
You gonna tell me
you're not worried?
I mean, how is this even...
How is this possible?
We would've known.
Autism presents itself
in many different ways,
as a spectrum.
Some are more verbal
than others,
and some
don't show signs as early.
And what do we do now?
I mean... What're...
What're we supposed to do now?
Is he gonna grow out of this?
Is there some kind
of medication he can take?
Looks like he's
already on SSRIs for OCD
and various other things.
We can experiment
with additional medication.
But, no, don't expect him
to grow out of it.
I'm kind of relieved.
Just to know.
I mean, to finally
just know.
I need some air.
All those times
I yelled at him...
Got so frustrated,
made him feel stupid,
just for being who he is.
You didn't know.
Now you do.
Hey, Austin,
can you please eat your toast?
I told you 100 times.
No, you told me
four times.
What? I'm going golfing.
No. You're coming to church.
We need to do family things,
especially now.
T, I don't even know anyone
at this church.
Yeah. And that's a problem.
It's weird that nobody knows
who my husband is.
Come on, let's go.
You're gonna be
on your best behavior
today, right, AuzMan?
I gotta poop!
Yeah, I got it, buddy.
Daddy, I gotta poop!
We're gonna get ya, buddy.
Daddy, I gotta poop!
Yeah, yeah.
Okay, he needs a diaper.
I got it.
Let's go. Come on.
I did it, Daddio.
All good. No worries.
No more poop! AuzMan wins!
That's great, buddy.
Oh, no, no!
No, no, no, no!
No more poop. AuzMan wins.
Go put your pants
back on, please.
No more poop.
You need to put your clothes
back on. Austin,
I need you to listen to me.
AuzMan wins!
No more poop!
Austin, please.
Please, please,
help Daddy out.
I'm doing my best, buddy.
I'm doing my best.
Austin, can you please
put your clothes back on?
Your mother's gonna kill me.
You need some help?
Uh, no, no. Thank you.
We're good,
despite what it looks like.
Yeah, that's actually
meant to be a changing table,
if you want.
Ah, yeah, no, it's just...
This is... This is better
for the both of us
down here, safer.
Trust me.
No more poop!
AuzMan win!
Hey, little man. Come here.
Watch this.
Which hand is it in?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Hey! How'd you know that?
Sorry, we're, uh... We're new.
Kinda feel like I've been
dragged here against my will.
You know,
I've often felt the same.
Nice to meet ya, AuzMan.
No more poop! AuzMan wins.
Austin, do not.
Do not... Austin!
Austin? Shh!
Austin? Austin.
Austin, no, no, no!
See that?
He saw me. For just a second.
That was the first time.
Damn it, Austin,
get back here.
Oh, my... Um...
Well, hello there, peanut.
This is my husband.
Uh, Scott,
this is Preacher Rick.
Preacher. Of course it is. Hi.
Nice to meet you, Scott.
Hey, little buddy.
Where are his clothes?
They're in the men's room.
Uh, are you sure
you don't want me
to get that?
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday...
One, two,
three, four, five.
Five years of Austin.
Five-year plan.
Dad never got to go
to Manhattan,
or be in a rock band,
or work for an ad agency,
or drive a green Volvo.
He says plans change,
and it was fine.
Fine means good,
and good means happy.
After that, more birthdays,
more years,
more broken bones.
Break 19. I fell off my bike.
Break 22 was a sled.
I think 27 was a closet door.
I'm not sure.
One time, it even happened
to Dad, me, and Mom,
all in the same week.
Dad called that the Trifecta.
You're gonna love
middle school, Logan.
The hallways are so big,
the teachers are "the bomb,"
and all the food is
a la carte.
Hey, uh, AuzMan,
are you sure that
that's the right hat
for your first day?
Don't be a goober,
Jester is the best one.
It's the Mountain Dew
Code Red of hats.
Oh, is it? I didn't know.
Why is that?
Because it makes me happy
and I feel good
when I wear it.
The colors, the way
it moves and jiggles.
It's just cool.
And the best part is,
the chicks dig it.
Oh, do they?
All right.
See ya.
I love you.
Hi, guys!
Hey, Dad. He'll be fine.
All right, dude.
Bye. Love you.
I love you!
I'm gonna be here
right after school
to pick you up, don't forget.
Hi, Jeff! Hi, Michael!
No need to worry,
AuzMan's here!
How's it going?
Arthur, how was your summer?
Mine was great!
Are you excited for school?
Welcome back, everybody!
Hi, Max. First day of school.
I know school is hard,
but it's worth it.
You're gonna do great.
Have a great day, everyone!
You can pick
whatever you want.
la carte flippin' rocks.
You can choose anything
and everything.
French fries.
Like, there's vegetables
over there and it's great.
Thank you and you're welcome.
Like, at my old school,
there wasn't any la carte,
and you had no options.
What you got is what you got,
and sometimes
it wasn't that good.
But here, we can choose.
Everything okay, Auz?
Logan, this is Tyler.
He said
we can be best friends.
All I have to do is shut up.
Hey, man,
that's my brother.
He's autistic.
I'm autistic. True fact.
Oh, geez, one of those? Hah.
What's your excuse?
Still waiting on puberty?
Come on, AuzMan.
See you in class, Tyler.
Glad we're best friends.
Please, thank you,
you're welcome, I love you.
Welcome back, guys.
Who's excited?
First day of school.
I'm excited to have you
guys back. You look great.
All your new backpacks
and school supplies.
So, who had a great summer?
Earth to Austin.
Are you with us?
I think his brain's
on another planet.
Nope. My brain is right here
in my head on Earth.
Okay, Austin,
can you lose the hat?
All right, let's
learn about the Civil War.
Take out your textbooks,
turn to page 34, please.
Come on,
you little hooligans!
Let's go.
We're holding up traffic!
Winner-winner, chicken dinner!
Well, I gave you a head start.
So, how was it?
It was good.
No! It was great.
I made a new best friend.
His name is Tyler.
He's so cool.
It was fine.
Well, good.
Fine is good.
Well, no meltdowns,
no calls from teachers.
I would call that
a great success.
When's dinner?
Is that what's for dinner?
Is that meat?
Is that pot roast
or poop with white sprinkles?
Hey, Dad, I've been thinking,
are werewolves real?
What if we had one right here
in Oklahoma?
You know,
I just know they're real.
Dad, I have a migraine.
Do you have a migraine?
Why do we get migraines?
Probably because
I talk so much
and my cortex can't keep up.
I'm such a dork, aren't I?
Do you love me, Dad?
Please tell me you love me.
I do.
must be so cool, right?
I bet
they have one at the zoo.
If they don't,
you have to get them one.
Somebody has to do
something, right?
I would just love to meet
a werewolf and invite him
to lunch. What do you think
the werewolf eats?
It's probably the same thing
as us because...
All right,
one other question.
Is Bruce Lee Chinese?
Oh, I know he is.
Oh. Austin...
But if he were alive,
would he still be Chinese?
AuzMan. Hey.
Or was he Japanese?
Either way,
he could come to lunch.
Listen to me. I have an idea.
Yes, let's hear it.
Do you wanna fly?
Yeah! Gimme that.
Whoo-hoo, yeah!
Flying is so easy, Dad!
I'm surprised
more kids don't do it.
Yeah, little dude!
Logan, you're getting
so strong, dude.
You're pushing so high, now.
Push me higher!
Okay. Here it goes!
Not too high,
though, please.
Higher! Higher!
I am AuzMan,
the Awesome AuzMan!
Hey, Austin, watch this!
This is awesome!
What's up, Dad?
Hey, Logan, you havin' fun?
Where's Austin?
Austin, no!
Oh, my God!
Say something. Say something.
Daddy, why did you hurt me?
Logan, here! Take my keys,
get to the car,
get my phone, call Mom!
Logan, listen to me!
Listen to me!
Take the keys, go to the car
and call Mom
and tell her Austin's hurt.
Please, go, right now!
I'm sorry, Dad,
I just wanna be strong
like Logan.
I'm sorry, Dad.
No, no, it's all right.
It's okay. It's okay.
I just didn't see him.
It happens, T.
It could've happened
on your watch, too.
But it didn't.
And it doesn't.
Did you ever notice that?
It's always you.
You are not
a terrible father.
You are not
the worst person ever.
You are not selfish.
Or reckless.
Or irresponsible.
Okay. Okay.
Okay, Joe, thank you.
Did I say selfish? Okay.
Thank you. Yeah.
But you're not that,
is what I'm saying.
Think he's gonna be okay?
I'm Batman!
Break 42, 43, 44.
He is good to go.
Spent the morning
cheering up the nurses,
reassuring them
that he's fine.
Yeah, he'll have to wear
that cast for a couple months
until his vertebrae heal,
but as you can see,
he doesn't seem
to mind so much.
Hey, you are
a remarkable kid, Austin.
They really
need you in Topeka?
Yeah, it's my job, T.
I kinda have to go.
No, you get to go.
And travel,
and golf, and fish,
and I'm always stuck here
with all of this and the kids.
You can do other things.
Scott, I broke my ankle
the last time
we went on a walk.
I don't know what you want me
to say, babe. Okay?
I'm late for the airport,
as it is.
where is the Count Chocula?
Forget it.
It's fine.
Just go. I love you.
Okay. I love you, too.
When Mom was a little girl,
she wanted to be
a racecar driver,
or an Olympic ice skater,
or a mountain climber.
But she can't do
any of those things
because of her bones.
Sometimes it makes her sad.
Just like it makes me sad
when I can't do things.
Mom says,
having O.I. Bonds us,
that we're in it together.
And that helps.
You know what else helps?
So every now and then,
we crank up the tunes,
and remind our stupid bones
who's boss!
Be careful.
Be careful of your back.
These are
my favorite moments with Mom.
Another round?
Dude, we got a meeting
in six hours.
I don't know how you do it.
I'm out.
I'll see you in the morning.
Am in.
Let's go!
Uh, bartender, two whiskeys.
for my real friends,
real pain for my sham friends.
That's it?
No warning? Nothing?
They said the company
needed someone
more available for travel,
or whatever.
I've been
too distracted lately,
you know,
with Austin and everything.
They didn't say anything
about being late
or missing meetings?
Nothing like that?
They don't want
a family man, T.
They... They...
They want a kid
who can commit
his whole life
to this stupid job,
and that's just not me
What're we gonna do?
I get three months' severance,
you know. We'll make do.
We'll cut back
while I find something else.
We'll figure it out.
You're lucky if you
have a dad without a job.
Know why?
He's home all the time.
So, I'm reorganizing
my DVDs and Blu-rays.
Instead of alphabetical
or color-coded,
I'm sorting by genre.
So, comedy,
drama, superheroes,
comedy with superheroes,
drama with superheroes,
with superheroes...
Austin, I gotta use
the bathroom really quick,
okay? I'm gonna see ya
in just a bit.
And also, you know what?
It's even better if your mom
doesn't have a job, either.
Hey, Mom. So, I'm reorganizing
my DVDs and Blu-rays.
Instead of alphabetical
or color-coded,
I'm sorting by genre.
Trick or treat!
Hi, Dad!
Oh, Dad!
Hi! Hi!
Look at 'em.
Come get
your candy with us.
Come on, kids!
Don't be a hermit,
Daddio. Get your candy!
Go on. Engage.
What is it with you?
You're always in my business.
I'm just saying
that sometimes
you have a tendency
to retreat.
Sorry. Thank you.
Or maybe I just think
they'd have more fun
without me.
Scott! Come on!
Come on!
Yeah! Bud, yeah! Let's do it!
Let's trick or treat!
You get a good haul
from that last house?
Are you doing okay
in here?
Yeah. Uh, we were playing
That was, like,
three hours ago.
Well, I guess I won.
I just, uh, needed a break.
You know, T, that boy,
he can really talk.
Oh, my God, he's amazing.
I wonder where he gets it.
That's not the same thing.
You talk to yourself
every day.
Or to "Joe," anyway.
Join me. Come on.
Join me.
Oh, my God.
You okay?
Just one of those days
where everything hurts.
Sorry, babe.
Hey, we're gonna be okay.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Mom, Dad,
where are you?
So, can you...
Now please welcome
your lady Tigers!
Austin, you sure
you wanna do this?
There's a lot of people
out there.
Don't be a goober, Dad.
Team mascot is
the greatest honor there is.
Okay. Just go easy
on the Velcro.
And now,
the moment
you've been waiting for.
Put your head on.
Put your hands together
for your team mascot...
Go get 'em, Tiger!
...The one and only,
Hi, everybody!
It's me, AuzMan!
Here's a true fact about me.
Sometimes a happy moment
feels sad.
And sometimes
a sad moment feels happy.
I don't always know why.
I don't always understand.
That's just what it's like
to be Austin.
Hey, Austin.
You're doing awesome, dude.
Go on,
gotta get back out there.
Go finish your dance.
I can't.
Sure you can.
Watch this.
You're doing it, AuzMan!
Come on. Whoo!
where are the bins?
The trash bins,
they're not out front.
Um, they, uh, took them.
Who took them? Who's "they"?
The company,
the trash company.
They, um...
They came today
and they took them.
You didn't pay these?
You didn't pay any of these?
I've been trying to keep up,
but with the surgeries
and the therapy
and the medication,
I had no choice.
I had to put it on cards.
And then the cards
raised the rates,
and it got...
It got out of control.
Out of control?
Out of control?
They took
our trash bins, Teresa!
I didn't even know
that was a thing!
While you're, what,
gallivanting around,
spending God knows what,
buying Austin
20 pairs of sneakers
that he doesn't need,
bunch of Star Wars crap
and DVDs and whatever!
It's not just me, okay?
What about you?
What about your hobbies
and your gadgets,
and your country club
membership, Scott?
How did you think we were
paying for all of this?
I don't know. I didn't know!
You didn't wanna know!
Sometimes Mom and Dad
yell when they talk.
Mom says Dad doesn't hear
a word she says.
Which is impossible
because she says the words
so loud.
Maybe everybody else
has it figured out,
and it's too much.
Yeah, it is too much.
It's $70,000 too much,
Teresa, okay?
How are we supposed
to pay this?
Stop yelling.
You sound like my dad...
We could lose our house!
Stop yelling!
We can't pay this.
What other choice do we have?
We negotiate.
We... We... We hire a firm.
There's firms that do
this kind of stuff.
We call someone for help.
Here's another true fact.
Sometimes if you spend too much money,
you have to spend more money
for someone to help you
spend less money
on the money
you already spent.
But after spending
all that money,
we didn't have any money left.
So, other people
got to have our house
and a bunch of our stuff.
But then we got
to have a new house
that was actually
an old house.
Do you need help?
I got it. I got it.
Are you sure?
Don't worry, we got it.
We're good.
Why're you dragging it?
That's filthy.
Why're you dragging it?
I got it!
It's Nanny and Poppa!
There he is!
Hi, honey.
God, you're so big!
Aw, Logan, look at you!
They're here!
They're finally here!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey, bubba.
Grandpa! How's it going?
Happy Thanksgiving.
The place looks great.
Go show your grandpa
the living room.
I like it.
Yeah. And I hit
a homerun. I hit a homerun.
Excuse me. May I please have
some more mashed potatoes?
There's just not enough,
and they're the best part
of Thanksgiving.
You got it, Auz.
Okay, before we eat,
why don't we all
go around the table
and say
what we're thankful for.
Hmm? Dick,
why don't you start.
Well, I am thankful
that my grandrascals
are living closer,
so we can visit
any time we want.
I'm thankful for my family.
I'm thankful for food,
all of it. Yum!
Especially mashed potatoes.
And of course, SpongeBob.
Who could forget.
And I am grateful
for our new home.
Agreed, on all fronts.
Let's eat.
I've been waiting
365 days for this meal.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving.
I don't know,
maybe I'm cursed.
I mean,
it's always something.
Another injury,
another setback,
another catastrophe.
It's just...
It's a lot.
Well, there's a word
for all that, you know?
Now you just gotta learn
to enjoy it.
Come on, Dick,
we should get going.
You hear that?
You're right, son.
It is a lot.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Where are the kids?
At a friend's house.
No school today. Remember?
What is going on?
No more drinking.
I'm sorry.
I didn't realize that you
had such a problem
with the drinking.
Why didn't you say anything?
there's a lot I haven't said.
Oh, is that right?
Why is that?
I don't know.
You don't know?
Maybe it's because
I haven't had the guts.
Because I've already
been divorced twice.
And I have two kids.
And I'm afraid
that I don't have options,
that I don't deserve options.
But you know what?
I watched my mom
put up with this for years
and I know how it ends.
I'm tired of it, and I'm just
not gonna do it anymore.
You stop this nonsense
right now, Scott,
or I am done.
Now take this out.
You know,
she's not wrong.
You do drink a lot.
I drink the exact amount
that you do.
And it's usually your idea.
My ideas are your ideas, pal.
Look, people drink.
She drinks,
and I don't say a word.
Plus, she's always playing
those stupid video games,
you know.
That, my friend,
is an addiction.
Come on!
Who said anything
about addiction?
What? I don't know.
Why bring it up?
I didn't. You did.
How was your Thanksgiving?
Mine was great!
Hi, Austin!
Hi! AuzMan loves you!
Hi, Austin!
Hi! Are you excited
for Christmas?
Christmas is my favorite!
Did you have Thanksgiving?
I know I did.
Hey, AuzMan loves you!
Have a great day!
Hello, everybody!
It's me, I'm back, AuzMan!
How's it going?
How's it going, everybody?
Tyler, what's up, my man?
Did you get
my Facebook messages?
I see you didn't respond.
I wanted to make sure
you got them.
Do you wanna come
to my house after school
and watch Yu-Gi-Oh!?
Are we still friends?
Yeah, Austin. Best friends.
Hey, Austin.
"You want answers?
"You want answers?"
"I want the truth."
"You can't handle the truth.
"Son, we live in a world
that has walls,
"and those walls have to be
guarded by men with guns.
"Who's gonna do it? You?
"You, Lieutenant Weinberg?
"I have a greater
"than you can
possibly fathom."
All right, Austin,
let's settle in.
"You weep for Santiago
and you curse the Marines.
"You have that luxury.
"You have the luxury
of not knowing what I know..."
Austin, thank you
for the performance.
"...That Santiago's death,
While tragic..."
That's enough.
"...Probably saved lives.
"And that my existence,
while grotesque
"and incomprehensible to you,
saved lives.
"You don't want the truth
because deep down in places
"you don't talk
about at parties,
"you want me on that wall!
"You need me on that wall."
I think you need a break.
Would someone walk him
to the office?
"We use words like 'honor,'
'code,' 'loyalty.'
"We use these words
as the backbone
"of a lifetime
defending something.
"You use them as a punchline.
"I have neither the time
"nor the inclination
to explain myself
"to a man who rises and sleeps
"under the blanket
"of the very freedom
that I provide..."
It's okay. Thank you.
"...And then questions
"the manner
in which I provide it."
"I'd rather you just said
"'thank you'
and went on your way."
It's okay.
"Otherwise, I suggest..."
Hey, guys.
Let's get settled in.
She called it
Resource Class.
It's a class for kids
with special needs.
She said they think
that it's time,
that it's only
gonna get worse,
and that it's not fair for him
or the other kids.
Apparently, they have
classrooms right on campus.
She said they could
enroll him right away.
Like they're doing us
some kind of favor.
Maybe we just need to change
his meds again or something.
What did you say?
I didn't know what to say.
I... I agreed.
I mean, honestly,
it really didn't seem like
we have much of a choice.
Scott, I really feel like
I just made
the worst decision
of my life.
No. T, relax. You always know
what's best for him.
Where are you?
Uh, Christmas shopping.
Just doing some last-minute
Christmas shopping.
I'll be home soon.
I love you.
Yeah. You, too.
Here you go, AuzMan.
You need help opening that?
Nah, I'm good, thank you.
It's so good.
Thank you.
I don't want those.
You love mashed potatoes.
Well, now I hate them.
They're retarded.
Hey. We don't talk like that
in this house, okay?
Retarded! Retarded! Retarded!
Austin, stop, young man.
You stop it, asshole!
Hey, hey, little dude,
what is going on with you?
Do you wanna go to bed early?
No, I don't wanna go to bed.
I don't wanna go to school.
I don't want to go anywhere!
Hey! What has gotten
into you?
No. Don't touch me!
Don't come near me!
Hey, hey, hey.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God,
what is wrong with you!
Are you okay?
Let me see your head.
I'm fine.
Okay, babe.
I'm fine. Just check...
Oh, my God!
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, Austin. It's Daddio.
The doctor said
I was taking
the wrong medication
and I was
under a lot of stress.
Which means, it was actually
the medication
that choked Logan.
Not me. Stupid medication.
It's okay.
I'm right here.
And even though
it wasn't my fault...
It's okay.
...They said
I had to stay there
for a while
for something called
"psychiatric evaluation."
That's a great spot,
right there.
Right here.
Yeah, let's get you
some more of these cars.
He's gonna love it.
He'll be so happy
when he comes home.
I'll be right back.
When the sky is gray
And when you're feeling blue
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
I'll rub your back and sing
our little favorite song
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
When you can't
sleep at night
You're feeling so alone
Just call out my name
and I'll be running home
Be there in the rain
to wipe the tears away
Don't forget that
I will always be with you
Okay, okay, okay.
I'll love you
Under chilly winter skies
I'll love you
through the night
Just close your eyes
and count to three
I'll meet you in your dreams
Dance in shallow
moonlit streams
Hey, I'll be back
in a little bit.
Hey, Scott. Good to see ya.
Listen, look, I just
wanted to say...
if you need anything,
okay, anything...
Yeah, okay.
I could use a favor.
Tell God that if he feels
the need to punish someone,
that that someone should be me
because I can handle it,
and I probably
even deserve it.
But I'd really appreciate it
if He'd leave my wife and kids
out of it. Thanks.
So, um,
how's he been doing?
He's been great.
We'd kinda like to hire him,
to be honest.
I think everybody here
is gonna be sad to see him go.
Oh, that looks great.
May not be much at first,
but it's a great start!
Hey, dude.
Mom! Dad!
Let me see you.
How are you? I missed you.
I'm good, thanks.
There's a lot of
messed up people in here.
Wanna meet them?
Let's not
call them "messed up."
Right. Right.
Hi, guys.
Like you can't tell
just from the wrapping paper.
What's it gonna be?
It's lighter
and it's more narrow,
so it's even better
for doing tricks on.
Oh, this is so cool!
I think it's your turn.
Can you hold Marty
so I can open my gift?
Be very gentle
in petting him.
It's this one
right here.
Let's see what you get.
Oh, this one
has my name on it!
What is it? Oh!
We know it's a smaller
Christmas this year.
I just thought that you might
wanna add one
to your collection.
Are you kidding?
It's the best gift ever.
Thank you so much!
But you know there's
something else I want, though.
I saw this the other day
and decided to keep it
because I think it's so cool.
There is no way we're sending
him back to that classroom.
I know.
And best of all,
it's free! Look, Dad.
There is this Father Son
Camping Trip in February.
It's annual,
which means every year.
We have to go.
I don't think this is
a good idea, uh, little dude.
It's camping,
and that's gonna be cold.
You're gonna be sleeping
in a tent,
and there's gonna
be a lot of other kids there
doing stuff that you might
not be able to do.
Isn't that the point?
Please, I just want to do
something normal
with normal kids.
I don't wanna be special.
I wanna be like
every other dude.
I wanna go camping
with my daddy. And like...
Here's a trick I know.
If you really,
really want something,
just talk and talk
and talk about it,
and whatever you do,
don't stop talking
and then you get it.
And it can be like
an extra Christmas present,
since this was a smaller
Christmas because of money.
And also I've been
so good this year,
and I did have to spend
four days
in a mental institution.
I just wanna go camping
with you!
Please, please,
please, Daddio!
I'm going camping
with my daddy!
Oh, you just got so played.
I know.
Dad, guess how many days
until the camping trip!
Oh, my God. Austin.
19 and a half.
AuzMan, AuzMan, AuzMan,
it's way too early
in the morning,
and also the camping trip
is two months away.
Nah-uh-uh. 'Cause tonight
is New Year's Eve
and there's a party.
So tonight doesn't count
because we won't be
thinking about camping.
Plus, there's eight weekends
until the camping trip,
and weekends are fun,
so those don't count.
Also, I'll be sleeping
nine hours each day,
so I won't even feel those.
Plus, I've got
two friends' birthday parties,
and then
How to Train Your Dragon 3
comes out February 22nd.
And it's 1 hour
and 44 minutes long.
But with popcorn and trailers,
that's a solid 3 hours
we won't be thinking
about anything else.
So none of that counts.
Which leaves us
with 19 and a half days...
Please, don't. No, no.
...Until Father Son
Camping weekend!
Austin. Okay. That's...
Whoo-hoo-hoo! Whoo!
I hate camping.
It is freezing cold here
in Times Square...
My joints
are all swollen, babe.
I can't dance tonight.
I can barely walk.
Why can't you just stay home?
The boys wanna go, T.
They wanna have a fun night.
You wanna have a fun night.
We all wanna have a fun night,
and you're just
gonna be here,
relaxing anyway.
Daddy! Jester hat on.
It's time to party!
Hi, honey.
Love you, Mama Bear.
Feel better.
Oh, I love you.
You look so handsome.
Thank you so much.
It's time to party!
You sure
you don't wanna come?
Yeah. Mommy's bones
hurt a little.
Just be home by 11:00. Okay?
'Cause I wanna watch
the ball drop with you guys.
Love you. Bye.
Love you. Have fun.
Have a good time.
Austin, ready to party?
What do you think? Yes!
Yeah. Let's go.
Why didn't we do valet?
What is valet?
Uh, valet is French
for "expensive parking."
Oh, okay. Bye!
Hey, hey, hey.
Don't do anything
I wouldn't do!
Oh. Thank you.
Here it is.
This is the night
I was telling you about,
The night
when everything broke.
I'll be right back.
I'll be right back.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
Get off. Get off.
I'm fine. I'm fine.
Hey, look at me.
You're lost, my friend.
Your moral compass
is broken.
And, brother,
you're failing
as a husband
and a father.
Who are you to judge me?
Hey, dude. Sweet tie.
Happy New Year.
I'm fine. I'm fine.
I'm still in control.
Right, okay.
Then let's just walk
back out there,
sober up,
and go home. Okay?
Okay. I'll drive.
No. No.
No, I am not letting you
behind the wheel.
And I am not asking
your permission.
No! No! This is none of your
business, and it never is.
Do not follow me.
I am done with you. I mean it.
I'm coming out.
Dad, are you okay?
Ten. Nine.
Eight. Seven.
Six. Five.
Four. Three.
Two. One.
Happy New Year!
Like I said,
sometimes it's bad
when things break.
Sometimes it's good.
You don't always know
which it's gonna be.
I want you out of this house
right now.
Oh, God, the kids?
The kids are fine.
They're in their room.
And that's where they're
gonna stay until you're gone.
I don't want you near them.
Or me.
Get out.
Tere... Teresa...
Get out!
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I don't know where to go
and I don't know what to do.
I'm sorry, Mom.
You'll stay here with us.
Break that.
Go on, break it.
Go on.
Is that you right now?
It's me, too.
It's all of us.
But, honey...
Your mistakes
don't define you.
How you heal does.
So get to work.
"An honest regret
for harms done,
"a genuine gratitude
for blessings received,
"and a willingness to try
for better things tomorrow
"will be the permanent assets
we shall seek."
As proud as I am of that,
I just...
I don't know...
When do you stop
feeling so ashamed?
Dad, come on!
Hey, hey!
I got it.
When are you
coming home, Dad?
I don't really know,
AuzMan. Uh...
I think I need a little
more time to get better.
Oh, maybe you should go
to that crazy hospital
like I did.
Maybe I should.
Watch out!
No, Lori, don't try
to talk me down from...
Are you kidding me?
After everything
we went through growing up?
I am not doing that again.
Will you put down the game
and let me finish?
I don't know how she put up
with it all those years.
Just let me finish.
Okay. Chill, chill, chill.
I'm listening.
Okay. Go.
Thank you.
My point is, you're not Mom,
and Scott's not Dad.
I mean, come on.
With Dad,
this went on for years.
He was gone all the time.
But, Scott,
yes, he messed up,
but he's here.
He's trying.
And you know what? I...
I bet he's struggling
with a lot right now. But...
Hey, you've had your share
of struggles, too.
Be honest.
So, do you wanna
struggle together
or do you wanna
struggle apart?
Apart. Definitely.
All right. Fair enough.
Happy New Year,
Tiny Tim.
Check out
my sweet new board.
Why're you such a jerk, man?
Give it back.
No, but you can borrow it
Give it back!
That's mine!
Get off.
Bro, get off!
Stupid piece of...
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
What is it with you?
You mess with my brother!
You mess with me!
Do you even see yourself?
You're a clich!
A bully!
You're nothing!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Logan, what is this?
He took my board.
Principal's office.
Both of you.
But he...
Why did you hit Tyler?
It's fine.
we have to keep
the ice on it, please.
Logan, why did you hit Tyler?
He hit me.
He's such a jerk.
Why do you even wanna be
friends with him?
Because he's sad.
He's what?
He's sad.
His dad's been in jail
for a really,
really long time.
And his mother's sick,
like, really sick with cancer.
And I heard that they don't
even get to do Christmas.
So I think he's sad.
And it makes me sad.
That's pretty sad.
Tyler, will you
come in here, please?
What's this?
It's for you.
I don't get it.
Open it.
I want you to have it.
Well, I thought
you may have not had
a great Christmas, so...
You what?
I don't know.
I just wanted you
to have that.
And I know it's kinda weird,
but I guess I'm kinda weird.
So, anyway...
Look, I really don't wanna
fight with you anymore.
I'd rather be friends.
Is that okay?
Hey. Mornin'.
what are you doing here?
I'm an alcoholic. You?
Yeah. Same.
Well, here's to
one day at a time.
And he's been going
to these meetings every day,
but he doesn't
even have a job,
so I don't know who the heck
he's meeting with.
Every day? Really?
Yeah, sometimes twice a day.
It's a lot of meetings,
if you ask me.
He's doing good, Mom.
And guess what,
after 30 days,
they give you this coin
with a "30" on it.
Then after 60 days
you get one with a "60"...
grant me the serenity
"to accept the things
that I cannot change,
"courage to change
the things I can,
"and the wisdom
to know the difference.
"Living one day at a time,
"enjoying one moment
at a time,
"accepting hardships
as the pathway to peace,
"taking, as Jesus did,
"this sinful world as it is,
"and not as I would have it.
"Trusting that He will
make all things right,
"if I surrender to His will,
"so that I may be
reasonably happy..."
Come on, Logan,
you're gonna miss the bus.
I know. Bye, guys.
Bye. Love you.
Bye, Marty McFly.
have fun at school.
Okay, AuzMan,
I need you to focus, babe.
I can't do all this for you.
Hold on one second.
It's just not fair.
I know.
But, hey, we're gonna
find him a good school.
I promise.
It's gonna be okay.
Do you believe me?
Get to school.
All right.
Bye. Love you.
Love you, guys.
How are you?
Okay. Better every day.
You know?
Well, should we head in?
Yeah. Let's, um...
Do you know
what this is about?
I have no idea.
Thanks for coming in.
I wanna talk about Austin.
I know you've withdrawn him
from the Resource Class.
Yes. Um, we're gonna
homeschool him for now
until we can find something
works a little bit better
than that did.
Look, we know
he's different, Ilene.
Okay? We're not delusional.
It's just that the thing
that makes Austin different
is what makes Austin...
And that's what we love
about him.
And so we refuse
to hide that away
or apologize for it
in any way.
Which means we're gonna
have to just put him
in another school, I think.
That's just... You know...
He... He... He does better
when he's around kids
of all kinds, you know?
"Typical kids,"
as you would call them,
but to him, they're just kids.
They're his friends.
And he learns from them,
and that's important.
And I think
they learn from him, too.
I agree.
And you're right
about the other kids.
Because they all love him.
Thought you'd like
to see this.
It's a petition
signed by just about
every student in school.
This is amazing.
We never should've separated
him from his friends.
And he's welcome back.
Thank you.
Oh, he is gonna
be so pumped.
I have
a special announcement.
Back by popular demand,
please give a big,
rowdy welcome,
everyone's favorite mascot,
I'm here!
Whoo-hoo! I'm back!
Don't fear! I'm back here!
That's my brother! Yeah!
AuzMan! AuzMan! AuzMan!
AuzMan! AuzMan! AuzMan!
Hey, man.
Thanks for doing this.
I don't know what you mean.
AuzMan! AuzMan! AuzMan!
AuzMan! AuzMan! AuzMan!
AuzMan! AuzMan! AuzMan!
AuzMan! AuzMan! AuzMan!
AuzMan! AuzMan! AuzMan!
I wish I could
enjoy anything
as much as my son
enjoys everything.
I've always held on
so tight to things.
I don't even know why.
I've just always
needed everything
to be a certain way.
We talk about
an attitude of gratitude...
That's never been me.
I'm never content.
I never have been.
I used to think that
that made me ambitious,
but actually,
it just makes me...
And I hate that about myself.
I push everything away,
everything and everyone
I care about.
I don't wanna do that anymore.
I wanna be more like my son.
So, um, I just wanted
to talk to you
about the, um...
The camping trip
is this weekend.
Ah, right. I...
I figured that was off,
that I shouldn't go.
I think you should.
I mean...
Austin's, uh...
So excited about it.
T, I'm so sorry.
About what I did.
About what I didn't do.
About everything.
I just have so much to say.
Do you know
what I admire about you?
You are broken
and lost and scared
and getting things wrong...
...But you keep trying.
Remember how I used to wonder
if I was the princess
or the ugly stepsister?
Well, it turns out that I'm...
I'm just a regular mess.
And I don't expect you
to be a perfect prince.
That'd be really boring.
And it would make me
You are a good man, Scott,
with a good heart.
You've given up so much
for this family,
and you have never stopped
fighting for us, not even now.
Come here.
Two months sober?
I am so proud of you.
Fifty-four days, actually.
But in fairness,
it feels like 19 and a half.
You're damn right,
I admire you.
And also,
I've been giving it some
thought since our wedding,
and, um...
I definitely do love you.
So, why not struggle together?
I feel like if Logan can
forgive the school bully,
I oughta be able
to forgive you.
Oh, man.
I love you.
I'm excited.
Yeah, are you excited?
Looks like
we're gonna have to hike
in about a mile or so
to the campsite,
and the bags are heavy.
All right, little dude?
So, if you start
getting tired
or if your ankles
start to hurt...
Meet ya there, Daddio!
Hey, guys, wait up!
good to see ya, man.
Good to see you, too.
Hey, Jack.
Nice one, Jack!
That was good. Very good.
High marks.
All right, Austin,
your turn!
Come on bud!
just like that, okay?
All right.
Straight on.
Are we sure
this is a good idea?
Austin with a bow?
He's okay. He's okay.
He's, uh...
He's always struggled
in the hand-eye
coordination department.
He'll be fine, trust me.
Look, my son's 14,
teaches me the same lesson
all the time.
That they're capable
of a lot more
than we give 'em credit for.
Come on, AuzMan!
You got this!
He hit the target!
Oh, my God!
What a great shot!
You gotta score
in this game!
You're doing great, Austin!
Watch this!
You know, I didn't even
wanna come on this trip.
I was gonna stay home.
I almost missed
all of this.
Well, you made
a good decision.
I owe you one.
Or God, maybe.
Maybe you could
tell Him for me.
No, you could tell Him.
It's not that hard.
So I have a question.
I've been talking to you
nearly my whole life...
And it's just
occurred to me...
Are you God?
Scott, look at me.
Look at my face, son.
No, I'm not God,
you dimwit.
Like, what did you think
was gonna happen there?
I don't know.
You're the worst.
Keep lookin', pal,
you'll figure it out.
Dad, I wish
I was more like you.
You do?
'Course I do, silly goose.
You're the best.
Most of the time,
Dad can't see what I see.
But that day,
floating on the lake, he did.
That day he saw
exactly what I see.
A great dad.
You see it, Daddio?
Yeah, Auz, I...
I sure do.
Daddio! Daddio! Daddio!
You were gonna leave
without AuzMan?
What? No.
I would never leave
without ya.
So what're you
thinking about?
Nothing, really.
But that wasn't true.
Dad told me later
he was thinking,
"What teenage boy wants
to hold his father's hand?"
And you wanna know
what he was feeling?
It's arrived.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Looks pretty good.
All right,
let's dig in.
I think everyone
in the whole universe
heard that.
eat your food, please.
Do you have a napkin?
Do you need one?
So dry.
Do we have ketchup...
We don't have any.
Actually, no.
But do you know
what's the best ketchup...
I can ask her
when she comes
back around...
Guys, wait, stop, look at me.
Dad, look at me, please.
Thank you. You're welcome.
This is important.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I'm looking.
What's so important?
This is the best
strawberry shake
I've ever had.
You have to believe me.
Thick texture.
The smoothness.
And it is so creamy.
Oh, man,
it is just like Heaven.
This milkshake is perfection.
Do you get it?
This milkshake makes the deal!
It makes everything better!
This is the best day
of my life!
So happy to hear that.
I believe Austin,
that it really was
the best milkshake ever.
Because to Austin,
every milkshake
can be the best milkshake.
Every day can be the best day.
Every moment, the best moment.
You just have to be
able to see it.
Until that day,
I spent most of my son's life
trying to figure him out
so I could fix him.
But it turns out,
he wasn't broken at all.
He didn't need me to fix him.
I needed him to fix me.
That's a true fact.
Look, see this moment,
right here?
Best moment of my life.
When the sky is gray
And when you're feeling blue
Don't forget that I
Will always be with you
I'll rub your back and sing
our little favorite song
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
You can't sleep at night,
you're feeling so alone
Just call out my name
and I'll be running home
I'll be there in the rain
to wipe the tears away
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
I'll love you under
chilly winter skies
I'll love you
through the night
Just close your eyes
and count to three
I'll be there in your dreams
We'll dance in shallow
moonlit streams
So when you've lost your way
out in the falling snow
Sing this song and hear
that little echo, dear
I'm right behind you, love,
and everywhere you go
Don't forget that I will
always be with you
Just remember
I will always be with you
Don't forget that
I will always be
With you
We did it.
Thank you, Oklahoma!
Tip your waiters.
And cut.
Cut. Threepeat.