The Underdogs (2017) Movie Script

I really want to come,
but I can't if it's tonight.
If only he can wait.
Yeah. Anyway, some cute guys
will be there tonight.
They will be performing tomorrow.
- I want to see them.
- No need.
Let's just watch...
Sheila on 7.
Let's watch the cute ones.
But both are cute.
- You're right.
- So which one?
- Let's just watch Sheila on 7.
- But...
How about we watch Bangkutaman?
Is she talking to you?
To you?
- Who is she talking to?
- I think she's talking to herself.
Why would we want to go all the way
to the park just to watch benches?
Ellie. Don't mind them.
You still have us.
You're not weird. They just
don't understand you.
What's wrong with me?
How come I don't have any friends?
Don't I deserve to have friends?
So, what do you take us for?
I meant girlfriends.
what do you take me for?
Let's get a manicure and pedicure.
Or we can get our hair washed.
Most disciplined kid in Indonesia.
- No need.
- Look at me!
No need for violence. Let him go.
- Hurry up!
- Wait.
Now, be honest.
Were you the one who reported us
for smoking at the cafeteria?
- Tell me the truth!
- Aci!
Calm down, Ci. Relax.
Hurry! Before we burn
your uniform with a cigarette.
If I'm honest, you won't hurt me, right?
Just tell the truth!
- Gosh!
- Be patient, Ci.
Yeah, sorry. I reported you.
They lied to me all along.
Why do you like telling on people so much?
I've told you many times, don't mind them.
It's my duty as the class leader.
Let it go, Bob. Just learn from it.
What kind of lesson can I take from this?
Look, Nanoy can see your nipple.
Just give it to him, Bob.
- Come on, Noy.
- Bob.
Just relax, Bob.
- Relax, Bob.
- Make it feel good.
- What are you doing?
- Finish him.
- No! Don't!
- Let me touch it.
- Shut up! You're annoying!
- Relax.
Yesterday, I ate a bowl of meatballs.
The seller was a fraud.
Mister. Give me the usual salad, okay?
Mister Dio, I don't remember.
Give me long beans and extra potatoes.
And hold the cabbage.
Two eggs, three chilies,
cut the tofu into big pieces.
And no cucumber.
Right away, sir.
You're so complicated.
Worse than a MasterChef judge.
Enlighten us.
Don't go anywhere.
We'll be back after these messages.
Just sit and chill.
So you're a food expert. Okay.
- Close your eyes.
- Okay.
- Close your eyes.
- This one.
Blindfold him.
Why are you closing your eyes?
Taste the food, and guess what it is.
But if you get it wrong,
we will pour this orange juice on you.
No! Use this one!
You're so stingy.
Fine, we'll use iced tea.
Open up. Just let it go.
Be quiet.
Quiet. That's a good boy.
What's the food?
Again, Bal.
Don't blow, it's not a candle.
Your turn. Give it to him.
Open up.
Fish cake.
You bum.
Let it go, Dio, just learn from it.
What's the lesson?
You got showered
with sweet iced tea?
No, plain iced tea.
- It's true, it was plain.
- I'm sure it was sweet.
Execute him, Noy.
- Lick him, Noy.
- Plain iced tea!
- Just relax.
- No!
- Come on. Relax.
- No!
Are they genuine or fake, Noy?
As if you don't know Nanoy.
Of course, they're fake.
These are original. They're all good.
You see?
Expensive or cheap, that's relative.
How much?
Eighty thousand.
Eighty thousand!
The originals are different.
They're squeaky.
They make me want to run.
Let's just take the back door.
Come on. We better go.
Relax. I'm here.
What kind of poster is this? Should've
put Bob Marley's or Slank's poster, right?
New shoes!
Let's get to know each other.
Pleased to meet you.
Not like that! Like this!
I'm tired of you guys.
I'm a senior here.
You're the dumb one who can't graduate.
- Stupid!
- Hold it.
You shut up.
- Cockroach!
- You're the cockroach!
Relax. His face is like that. Be patient.
You think we're afraid of you?
So you dare?
You dare?
You dare?
There, there. Just learn from it.
If it stays like this,
I'm going to tell my uncle.
Let him beat those punks.
That will create a bigger problem.
There, there.
Let's put this behind us.
We better find a way to conceal
these bumps on our faces.
- Losers shouldn't brag.
- Split the cards.
They say high school is the best time.
The coolest, most fun.
What is this?
We don't even have any friends.
- I had a great time in high school.
- Huh?
What do you mean, Noy?
Well, back then,
but since I had to repeat 12th grade,
you are the only ones
who want to be my friends.
That was then, not now, so it's the same.
Where did we go wrong?
Why are you all being sensitive?
Just wait until we all
graduate from high school.
After that, we go to college.
I guarantee everything will change.
We will not get bullied again.
We will have lots of friends.
Every human action, significantly,
is the process of designing goals.
From there, there is action...
Many factors influence it.
There are producers,
there are consumers, there's Superman.
That's my favorite hero.
Excuse me.
What do you think?
Is today's lecture interesting?
Interesting, sir.
Of course. Here I am talking,
there you are chatting.
You guys are funny.
Well, so that you can chat freely,
let's end today's class.
Someone's finally
paying attention. What is it?
Aren't you going to collect
yesterday's assignment?
Of course, I will collect them.
All the hard work getting into college,
but your lives are still the same.
You poor things.
Look at me. I don't go
to college, straight to work.
You're the same, Noy.
At school or at work. You haven't changed.
I changed.
Why's your face all black and blue?
It was a misunderstanding.
Excuse me. Who are you?
Why are you staring at me
like that? It's disturbing.
You! I told you to get out!
I was just looking at the camera.
Looking at the camera?
Your face is perverted!
- My face is like this!
- You snap at me?
What is this? You're getting a stiffy.
You dare snap at me?
You're a pervert?
I have no such ideas!
Calling me a pervert.
Were you wet?
I swear.
- Just a little.
- For goodness sake, man.
With a face like yours,
you should've done more good deeds.
No need to have too much sexual drive.
God wouldn't like that.
I bet it was hard.
- What was?
- The punch.
Of course, it was hard.
The punch was hard. I thought
you meant something else.
That one was limp.
No, but seriously.
I was just looking at the camera.
Because I want to be a cameraman.
The camera is my passion.
Why do you suddenly
want to become a cameraman?
Because cameramen are cool.
when shooting sexy girls,
nobody tells the cameraman to get out.
Yup, you're a pervert.
That's one of the advantages.
This is the one.
This is their latest, you know?
This is new!
- I like their videos so much.
- Their productions are so different.
- So creative.
- I like them so much.
Classy but chillin' high
We are SO, SO, L
We're the coolest
Call me Sandro X
Once I wrote scripts
Now I'm writing checks
I got flow as good as sex
Call me Oscar without Dela Hoya
One shake from me
And the girls are on fire
Once an office boy, Bekasi-Kedoya
My success is far from misery
I can throw money at ya
I am L-O to the L-A
It's pronounced Lola
SOL forever the grooviest
So adorable!
Aren't they cool?
Okay, carry on.
Lizard stew.
- Sir?
- Yes?
Why did you put cabbage in it?
You should be more like Little Miss here.
Cabbage is good for you.
It makes you live longer
and easier to get hitched.
Excuse me, bro.
Easier for girls to get hitched,
not for men.
Especially ones who look like you.
Eating a truck full of cabbage
won't make a difference.
Just pray a lot.
Let's play the PS.
No way. We've been
playing PS since high school.
You are always my opponent.
And you lose all the time.
- What?
- Let's play cards.
No. Just play by yourself.
Another round of applause for SOL.
It's SOL?
I like their videos so much.
Lola is so pretty.
They are the ones
that those girls watched at the food tent.
Here's a question.
What gave you the idea
to start making YouTube videos?
- I want to answer that.
- Maybe the others...
- Yes, or someone else...
- Me, Lola. Lola wants to answer.
- Yes, perhaps the...
- Lola.
Okay, fine.
So, we are actually shy people.
We don't have many friends.
Moreover, I'm like,
the only white foreigner in Indonesia.
- So I'm...
- Lola.
You're not white.
White, boy.
So, I'm a white foreigner in Indonesia.
So I didn't feel confident. I was timid,
but YouTube is the perfect place
where we can be confident.
Oh, this is interesting.
So you guys are actually bashful?
Yes, we are.
Yes, so,
well, we were bullied at school.
Basically dorks,
but since YouTube,
we've gained more respect.
Enyong. Enyong?
- It's "you know."
- I heard "enyong."
I don't know. I thought it's
some lingo among kids nowadays.
Now, as for you.
As far as I know,
from my creative team, you were
quite miserable.
If I'm right, we have pictures.
Let's look.
Yes, here are the pictures.
These are at your lowest point,
huh? Let's see.
- Yes, really.
- Oh my goodness.
- I forgot.
- Is that you?
Is that your real skin?
Not leggings?
I thought you were
a refugee from Rwanda.
Such a sad face.
But now that he's rich,
he looks even more miserable.
Give them another round of applause.
Give them applause.
Now, for Sandro X. Are you
still shy? Do you still get bullied?
I'm not shy anymore or get bullied.
It's just those haters.
Their comments are, you know,
But we're used to dealing with them.
It's our daily meal.
Oh, really? So you rarely eat real food?
Bob, come here.
- What is it?
- Come here.
Watch this!
Take off your headphone.
You know them?
Oh. SOL.
- You know them?
- I do.
Let's make a YouTube channel.
- What?
- Yes, YouTube.
We follow in their footsteps.
They were like us.
No friends, bullied.
Now they're famous.
We haven't changed
since high school because we do nothing.
Now, it's time we do something.
We make a YouTube channel.
What do you say?
I don't feel like it.
Why bother?
As if any of us can create such a thing.
You're so simple-minded.
I understand YouTube.
YouTube is my passion.
Wasn't it camera?
Yes, I added one.
Can you do that? Aren't you
supposed to have just one?
You don't have to have just one passion.
As long as we're happy to do it.
That is also a passion.
Come on, Bob.
Besides, it's better
to run a YouTube channel
than to run
your dad's tempeh factory, right?
Tofu, Noy.
Glad that you know it.
I meant tofu factory.
Yes, I know it's a factory.
You think I'm that stupid?
I was talking about factory.
What's with you?
I was talking about factory.
Come on! Aren't you tired
of living like this?
Don't even try it, Dio.
we are already weird
in people's eyes. Secondly,
have you ever heard of netizens
successfully enjoying weird people?
I don't want it.
Just live a normal life like most people.
Being a YouTuber is not easy.
YouTubers are cool kids.
What are we?
My point is that Sol wasn't cool.
They were bullied just like us.
Noy, it's pronounced S-O-L, not Sol.
S-O-E-L, Sol.
You guys are the victims
of artists' branding on TV like this.
Look at them.
Red hair, tattoos.
Even invited to this kind of show.
Dear, Miss Enah said you're not home yet.
I'm on my way home, Mom.
Mom, when will you come back?
I don't know.
After Paris, your dad
wants to go to Germany.
Can I have some money to buy a camera?
What for?
I want to make videos with Nanoy.
Please don't act weird.
I'm concerned.
Mom. Please trust me. I'm a college boy,
and you still think I'm weird.
I know what's right and what's not.
Fine, I'll transfer the money.
But I have to see
the video, alright, dear?
Here you go, honey.
I see. The more I yell, the more you care.
Open your mouth.
- Again.
- How romantic.
Like Romeo and Butet.
Have you eaten?
I have.
I'm glad that you have.
Two people sharing
a plate, that's romantic.
If three people share it,
that means they're poor.
How was your day, Uncle?
Lots of passengers?
Pretty much.
That bus always breaks down.
I'd take it to the shop,
but I have no money.
That's nonsense.
You don't have money?
You realize that now?
I am penniless from paying
for your tuition until your graduation.
And you had to go to
the most expensive school.
Quality matters when it
comes to education, Uncle.
It's useless. You're still stupid.
At least I tried.
That's right.
Uncle, what do you say?
You promised to pay
for my trip home to Medan.
Relax. You don't have to go home now.
Your father doesn't miss you.
It's your own fault.
You were such a delinquent
and a fool beyond comparison.
Kept on repeating classes.
That's why you were dumped here.
Not dumped.
Noy, you should be grateful.
You have us to pick up the trash.
Trash like me.
What's important
is that I can be recycled.
The problem is you're plastic trash.
The only way to recycle it is to be burnt.
You're burnt.
That was too much. It's not funny anymore.
Oh, right.
Have a drink, Dad.
Thank you.
Where are your friends?
They went home, Dad.
How's college? Fine?
It's fine, Dad.
This is what I want.
Study well so that you become smart.
Then you can use that knowledge
to continue my tofu factory.
Where do you usually go after college?
Nowhere, Dad.
If you have nothing to do,
to make use of your time,
why don't you come by
to the factory starting tomorrow?
Why, Bob?
Because one day,
you will run that factory.
El? New song?
You and your driver are like soulmates.
You talking to me? Being sarcastic again?
I'm not being sarcastic.
I was just asking.
Why do you prefer
to come home with the driver?
Whenever I pick you up, you won't get in.
I don't want you to drive me
because you're always
speeding like a madman.
That's how I drive.
I'm your husband. Just accept it.
Maybe you're the madwoman.
- Am I right?
- Are you calling me crazy?
No, it's just that I've
been driving in circles
for half an hour just to
pick you up at the gate.
Yet you chose to use
the driver's entrance.
It's me again.
This time, I'm gathering
my subscriber friends to sing together.
Everybody, say hi to the camera.
- Why did you choose the driver over me?
- Well, that's how I like it.
Hello, Dio! It's turned off.
Come to our place.
You can ask anything.
Come. You can ask anything.
- Welcome.
- Have you seen Dio?
You said I can ask.
I asked and you don't know.
Don't be a smarty pants.
Hello, kid.
What are you looking for?
Are you buying a camera?
- Yes, a camera.
- Okay.
Do you know what it's for?
Photo or video camera?
For videos, bro.
Video. Come.
I have a good one.
This camera has the best colors.
Great lens. The colors are amazing.
So clear, like in those Korean dramas.
Here, you can try it. I've turned it on.
It's on, right? Say, "action."
You are such a bad man!
How is it? Nice, right?
Let's not try cameras for drama.
Do you have anything else?
Not drama cameras.
I have a better one.
It's similar to the previous one.
A little more expensive,
but this one's more professional.
Just a second. I have
so many customers. Please look around.
You got the camera?
Here. The owner said it's a good one.
See. It's good, right?
This thing is high-tech?
It is, Noy.
It can play MP3?
- This is a camera, Noy.
- Which one's the camera, Lie?
Which one do you want, Bob?
I like this pink one.
I think the blue one is better
because blue means...
Why don't you just use a phone camera?
Where do we start?
Let's start with our channel's name.
Hear me out.
Sol is already taken.
We can use La.
- Do.
- Gosh.
Sol la ti do, right?
Noy, just shut up.
Oh, I know. A Minor.
What's your point, Noy?
I'm just giving you ideas.
I know. People always underestimate us.
It's time we prove to them
that we can do more.
Our name...
That's cool.
Oh, well.
Even though that name
has nothing musical in it,
at least it has "dogs" in it.
Yes, menacing.
So what kind of videos do we make?
I did some research yesterday.
Of all the videos on YouTube,
there are three kinds
that are viewed most.
First, prank.
Second, social experiment.
Third, rap music video.
Of the three, which one's the easiest?
The easiest would be prank videos.
So what pranks should we do?
Let's make a video like this.
Let me see.
This is cool.
I think it suits me.
I can do this.
Why skip it?
The problem is, nobody wants that, Noy.
Let's just try it first.
How about this video?
This one's good too.
To make more profit,
after we give them flowers,
we ask for money.
That's called peddling, Noy.
Noy, be serious.
How about this video?
Can I ask you something?
If I want to have a daughter
who has pretty eyes like yours,
can you tell me which girl I should marry?
This is good.
Let's try this.
We can do this, right?
- We can.
- Can you?
- Nanoy?
- Can you do it?
You don't want to try the kissing one?
Which color do you want, sir?
Which one do you think
suits a stud like me?
Excuse me. Do you have this in size S?
He's running away.
What is this?
Pretty boy got mistaken for a store clerk.
I give up. Let someone else try.
You do it, Noy.
We'll have Dio record.
Yes, I'll record.
Why do I have to do this kind of thing?
Hold this.
You guys watch me, okay?
Oh my goodness!
Don't run.
- Miss.
- Disgusting!
Hey, return the shoes!
Why is it so hard to make a prank?
It looks so easy.
Let's make social experiments.
Miss, is this your money?
No, it's not.
Check it first.
It's not bad.
What do you guys think?
Many will fall for this.
I'm Bobi.
I'm Dio.
This time, we'll put money on the street.
If people pick it up, we'll approach them.
Let's see how honest
these people in the park are.
Help! I'm going to hit the tree!
- Watch your hair.
- What do you want?
Move a little.
They're not taking it.
He's pretending to fall.
- Now what?
- Well, take the money.
Look at where he's putting it. Hurry.
Is this real money or fake?
Kid? Where's the money?
In your pocket?
Little brother.
That was our money.
Please return it, okay?
This little kid is naughty.
Give it back. Where's the money?
You chewed it?
That is gross.
Don't cry.
What are you doing to that boy?
Don't cry. You can eat it again.
How could you guys leave me?
I think being bruised is my fate.
It happens so many times.
Is it
What? I'm numb now.
It's normal for me. It's painless.
I have a lot of experience.
You dare to ask.
Stop laughing, you.
Now, what do we do?
We haven't tried a rap music video.
But that's hard.
Let's make another prank
or social experiment.
Let's just try rap.
When I think about it,
rapping is quite easy, you know?
Just spewing out words, right?
Just watch our videos yesterday.
We always interact with people.
Even though we know that's our weakness.
Actually, if you want to
make a rap music video,
I can help you make the music.
And then? Who's going to sing?
Why don't you sing, El?
Among us, you're the only one
who can sing.
Did you forget?
I am a Batak.
You're a fake Batak.
Even your cough is out of tune, Noy.
That was my cough when I had a cold,
so it didn't sound beautiful.
Come on, El, you do it. It can't be Nanoy.
No way. If I'm doing this alone,
I'd rather quit this whole thing.
If we want to do this,
we have to do it together.
Fine. We will all try.
Now, of this I'm sure.
I can tap into my Batak voice.
I like singing stuff like this.
Cool, isn't it? I can imagine.
We create works with style
You don't believe us
Just subscribe to our profile
We are Underdogs
We were dorks in a box
It stings, like my toe hitting a rock
From wherever I can be
I rap on YouTube because it's my hobby
- Are you done?
- I'm done
Don't look us down with a notion
We're like a chemical reaction
Shit, shit, never mind
If you forget me, I'll be out of my mind
My name is Nanoy, the most handsome boy
Boy, rapping is tiring, never mind
We create works with style
You don't believe us
Just subscribe to our profile
We are Underdogs
We were dorks in a box
Starting with a dime
Dreaming of stacks of bucks
People have been doubting me
But I keep living humbly
Now, I'm making a melody
Why'd you stop midway?
Creating works, never fear the haters
Sharp wit, like Darth Vader's lightsaber
It goes pew-pew like a laser
Gotta go now
Shit, shit, never mind
If you forget me, I'll be out of my mind
- Why are you repeating your lyrics?
- That's how I like it! Never mind.
We create works
We create works with style
You don't believe us
Just subscribe to our profile
We are Underdogs
We were dorks in a box
I don't know what to say! Creative block!
Seriously? We don't have any friends
who can help us edit this video?
I only have you guys as friends.
I know one.
An intern at my workplace.
What do you say?
Can he do it?
I think so.
I often see him in front of a computer.
- Editing videos?
- Playing solitaire.
Noy, be serious.
Can't a person who plays solitaire a lot
know how to edit videos?
But I can't join your group.
Sorry, it's not about the physical.
It's just that you're...
- dorks.
- What a big head you have.
Who asked you to join us?
We just need you to edit a video.
I can't.
Don't embarrass me.
I already told them that you can.
I have a lot of college assignments.
I don't have the time.
Here he is.
Your friend?
- Ellie.
- How beautiful.
Like a bird of paradise.
After I reviewed my schedule,
I still have a time slot.
So you can do it?
I can do it really well
if somebody fixes up my hair.
Please don't.
Please do.
Here's the data.
When do you need this?
Whenever you can.
Just make sure to finish it tonight.
What? Tonight?
- Yes.
- Shit.
It's done.
- That was fast.
- That was fast.
But one of my buns is messy.
Come on, El, make it quick.
Commence, El.
I still have more hair to tidy up.
You happy?
Clean your hands.
Use some dirt.
Don't touch me. You know
I don't like gross things.
We create works with style
You don't believe us
Just subscribe to our profile
We are Underdogs
We're dorks in a box
It stings, like my toe hitting a rock
This is crappy.
But it would be a waste
if we don't upload it.
We put our efforts into it.
And I touched that guy's hair.
Stop thinking too much.
This is only our first video.
It's okay if it's not perfect.
It has been all day.
Only 13 viewers.
How sad.
We got one more viewer!
It was you?
That's not funny.
Let's promote our video on social media.
How can people watch our video
if they don't know about it?
You all do it.
I don't have many followers.
Me too.
I have three followers.
You, you, you.
It's okay. Just promote it for now.
Okay? You're holding your phones already.
Come on. Log in
to your social media and promote.
To three people.
Oscar, Lola.
What is this?
What is this video?
I don't know. Someone tagged us.
Never mind them, Boy.
They're just new kids, Boy.
- They're so weird.
- Right, right.
Wake up!
Look. Look at this. Look here.
Ellie, wake up. Look.
What's with you?
Look, we have so many viewers.
That was fast.
Must be my followers.
Who is that?
How come it's like this?
What's with all these hate comments?
And how can Sandro X comment on our video?
How did he know about us?
I did
mention it to Sandro X.
I asked him to help promote our video.
What the heck?
We make a YouTube video
to change our conditions
in the real world.
Now, not only are we
lowlifes in the real world
but also in cyberspace!
Thanks a lot, Dio.
- Now what?
- Look at this.
It's for real. Look.
- What's real?
- This.
Look who mentioned us.
Who is it?
We have so many viewers.
- They keep increasing.
- Let me see.
They keep increasing.
That is a lot of viewers.
Maybe because Sandro X watched it.
He's my follower.
Yes. We believe you.
Come on, friends of mine
Move your behind
Just follow my design
Come along, don't just twiddle and whine
Just a little, just a little better
I'm the stud, I check myself in the mirror
But my look is the same like the former
Turns out my face has always been mediocre
Mediocre but we are kindhearted
God is good, our status is elevated
Keep brewing tunes until they are rated
Eventually, our music's getting wicked
You guys do it, I'm already cool
In my hometown, I'm a goat
In the city, I'm the bull
I look like a can, rusty and awful
But babes will gather
'Til my hands are full
We are crumply, but we become the trend
People say we're ugly, now we are high end
Don't get dizzy
Don't get your head spinning
And don't let me catch you pretending
We are crumply, but we become the trend
People say we're ugly, now we are high end
I'm dizzy, my head is spinning
I've been holding back my whizzing
Sis Ellie?
Sis Ellie from The Underdogs, right?
I'm a big fan of yours.
- Really?
- I'm so happy.
- I'm Ellie.
- I'm Suci.
- Hi, Suci. I'm Ellie.
- I'm a big fan.
Ellie's boyfriend is coming.
- Noy.
- That was fast.
- Open it.
- Dio, open it.
- Why me?
- I'll do the talking.
- Come on. Hurry.
- What are you doing?
I'm here.
- Hi.
- Hey, bro.
You good?
Where's Ellie?
She went out to the grocery store.
- Grocery store?
- Yes.
Fine, if Ellie's not here,
Nanoy can do my hair.
Are you crazy?
Give me the memory card, quick.
That's it. Go home.
Remember! Ellie still owes me one.
When she returns,
tell her to come to my dorm.
Well, not inside the room.
Just outside.
Not in the room, it's safe.
No funny business, okay?
New video!
Actually, they're funny, Boy.
That's why they get a lot of viewers.
Yeah, they're crappy but funny.
Especially that white guy.
He's handsome but also awkward.
It makes him cuter.
He's also not a...
Never mind.
- They have a new video, Boy.
- Really?
- Lots of viewers, Boy.
- Yeah.
That's my phone, Boy.
Of course, it's yours.
Why would I throw mine?
Move it.
That's right. It's your phone.
You've seen the video, Mom?
It's so crappy but funny.
Mommy will always support you.
You won't suspect me of doing
weird stuff anymore, right?
All parents are like that.
You'll understand when you get older.
I know.
You, dog.
You dogs, the four of you.
I like you guys so much. May I sit?
Yes, please.
I like you guys.
Where's your friend Babi?
What? Babi?
- Bobi?
- Yeah, Bobi.
What about the one with the afro?
- Monkey?
- Monkey?
- Nanoy.
- Nanoy.
He does look like a monkey.
Take a picture...
Take a picture. I'm a fan. You take it.
What will you make next?
- Another video.
- It will be amazing, you dogs!
I was waiting for you
yesterday at the factory.
Why didn't you come?
What have you been doing after college?
I make videos.
You want to see?
Just a second.
Here's the video.
This video has gone viral.
My friends and I are famous now.
Do you think it's good?
Give it a rest, Bob. What are you doing
making this kind of thing?
What's the use?
It would be better
if you help me at the factory.
Bob. Do you love your dad?
I do, Dad.
Then please come to the factory.
You work on weekends.
You work on weekdays.
Keep it up.
I don't need company.
Well, good. You don't need a friend.
Don't think highly of yourself.
I don't need to be accompanied.
Especially by a jerk like you.
You're the one who came on to me.
You were, because you...
Our songs are getting so sick
Subscribers are sympathetic
Sick. Sick shake it sick
Sick. Sick shake it sick
More and more we're getting so sick
Many viewers are secured, that is
Famously viral, that is most sick
They watch and move their bodies
'Cause they're so sick
Sick sick
Sick shake it sick
Sick sick
Sick shake it sick
Sick sick
Sick shake it sick
Sick sick
Sick shake it sick
Our songs are getting so sick
Subscribers are sympathetic
Sick shake it sick
This is a hospital.
More and more we're getting so sick
They're stupid but funny, ya?
Yes, Ma?
You want some porridge?
I want some.
With churros!
'Cause they're so sick
Holy cow!
How come we didn't use this place earlier?
Because this room was still rented.
Besides, before this,
my mom wouldn't allow it.
This place is so comfortable.
It's a nice place to sleep in.
May I stay here?
It's fine. But isn't this place
far from your workplace?
- I don't work there anymore. I resigned.
- Why?
Because my heart is saying
I was born to be a YouTuber.
Born to be a YouTuber?
Thank you, Dio.
- You have shown me my passion.
- Right.
- Give me five.
- Okay.
This is the workshop.
I always come to this shop.
This place is the best.
They let you pay later.
Don't be like that. We'll pay.
Can you do it or not?
I can do it, Uncle.
You're playing with your phone down there?
I'm watching tutorials, bro.
I have one bolt left.
I'm confused.
That's what makes this shop great.
They have WiFi here?
Uncle, it's finished.
What about that extra bolt?
I'll just swallow it.
Better than being confused.
What are you, a cannibal?
Uncle, start the engine. Give it a try.
- Is it ready?
- Just try it.
Okay, then.
How about it, Uncle?
It sounds amazing.
It makes me comfortable.
Comfortable bus, comfortable passengers.
They won't get off when they arrive.
Just want to chill.
You're crazy, Uncle.
Don't back it up!
I'm still down here! Uncle!
Hi, guys. I'm at The Underdogs' base camp.
This is so cool.
We have Bobi, we have Dio,
we have Nanoy, and the pretty one, Ellie.
Thank you so much.
- Is this a vlog?
- Yeah, my vlog.
- This is so cool!
- Behave.
What's even cooler,
over the last three months,
they have gained
a hundred thousand subscribers.
It's hitting the ceiling.
That is so amazing.
What does it feel like?
We never imagined it would
be like this because normally,
people on YouTube...
We totally didn't imagine
that we would achieve this.
That is so amazing.
So what's the secret
to being creative like you?
Actually, we don't have any secrets.
What's important is that we all...
We almost gave up in the beginning.
We failed at prank videos.
We failed at social experiments.
Finally, I convinced the others
that rap videos will work.
That is so cool.
So the rap idea was yours?
We all pitched in,
but the name Underdogs, that was me.
I admire you guys. This is so cool, wow.
Easy, Boy, easy.
These Underdogs are not bad.
The trending videos are all theirs. Look.
Now what?
What is this?
Never mind, Boy.
Just let it go, Boy.
Let it go? You want YouTube
to be filled with these kinds of things?
They're garbage, you know!
Then what should we do, Boy?
We have to show people
that this kind of content is rotten.
What will become of YouTube?
Number one
Your lyrics are garbage
Number two
You are the dorks of this age
S-O-L we seize
Number three
Your viewers' taste are horrible
Number four
Your videos are differently able
S-O-L we seize
First time in history
When I log in to YouTube
I saw a video that makes me want to poop
It was a disaster and a total sleaze
Force me to watch
And I'll be crying on my knees
I'd rather be honest, I don't mean to hurt
I just saw a rapper who is older than dirt
Your rap is unintelligible like a gargle
Your rap is unintelligible like a gargle
This guy is asking for a beating.
You piece of shoe.
- Why shoe?
- You know, sole.
They're just jealous of us.
They're the dorks.
How dare they?
If I see them, just watch it.
- What will you do?
- I don't know.
We'll see.
I just got here.
So crowded.
They invited you too?
Can I take a picture?
Of course. Give me your phone.
You're hassling me, Boy.
Go take a picture with them. I'll do it.
Are you ready?
One, two, three.
What are you doing taking pictures
with snobs like them?
Watch your mouth.
- Relax.
- What do you want, Sandrox?
My name is Sandro X.
I don't care if it's Sandro X or triplex.
I don't care.
- You dare?
- What?
Please don't fight here.
We're here to have fun. No fighting, okay?
I'm sure you know them.
Hi, Cameo Project.
Meet The Underdogs.
- Karjo.
- Hi, sis.
- How are you?
- I'm good.
I'm sure you've watched
his tutorials for hijabs.
I thought hijabs are worn by girls?
Tutorials aren't limited to girls.
Am I right?
It has to be girls.
Girls are pretty.
I see.
Let me introduce you to Fadli.
He's a YouTuber who's famous
for his tutorials of brushing dogs.
He's so cute.
Look at him.
Nothing better to do, huh?
Can I ask you something?
- This brush is for dogs, right?
- Yeah.
What brush would you use for this one?
Sorry, I only deal with tame dogs.
Welcome to...
This time, we will organize a competition
where you can win Rp 100 million.
We have selected 20 channels
with the most votes
who will be eligible for the competition.
Third, Aulion.
And the newcomer in YouTube Indonesia,
Trashy channel got picked up.
Don't act so tough.
Anybody can make videos like yours.
You talk too much.
I'll crack open your head.
Please don't. It's embarrassing.
Enough with the big mouth.
Just show us your skill.
Let's make a bet.
The loser must delete their channel.
- You dare?
- You dare?
Aren't you afraid, Boy?
Okay, friends, you'll be our witnesses.
The loser among us
must delete their channel.
You're all too much, you know that?
I've told you since the beginning.
I've told you many times.
Never mind those kinds of people.
There, there.
You just relax, El.
What was our purpose?
From the start,
we just wanted to have fun.
If you're like this, it's way out of line.
- El. They started it first.
- Bob!
Do you realize that you've changed?
Do you?
You want to be the tough guy?
But leave me out of this.
I'm possessed.
Our next performance will also need
a background video?
Background videos are easy.
What we have to be concerned with
is the live performance.
- What should we do?
- Let's just rap.
That's all we can do.
Noy, if we perform like we always do,
we will lose.
I don't want to lose.
I also don't want to quit
being a YouTuber.
How about we play instruments?
How am I supposed to do that?
The only one who can is
Let's just lip-sync. We'll make it funny.
- No.
- Why?
I just don't like it.
We can break dance.
Or snake dance.
No, I don't like that either.
Why do you have to decide on everything?
You think you're more important
than the rest of us?
Than Ellie?
Underdogs are the four of us.
Not just you.
Dio, why are you blaming me?
Bob, next week,
I will be meeting
the tofu distributors for our factory.
You should come with me.
What date would that be?
The 31st.
I can't come with you.
There's this event...
No, no.
I don't want to hear any kind of excuses.
You must come
to the factory tomorrow.
I can't do it tomorrow either, Dad.
I have a rehearsal.
Bobi, you can rehearse any other time.
Dad, I can also go to the factory
any other time.
You dare talk back to me?
All because of this.
I thought you were a nice boy.
You never went against my wishes.
How about this?
Let's do a magic show.
We make the audience disappear.
Then we don't bring them back.
So the next performer
will have no audience.
Not funny?
Your sense of humor is low.
Or... how about we do comedy?
Stand up or a sketch. I saw it on YouTube.
How about it?
You're not listening to me, are you?
Yes, Noy, I heard you.
What's Dio doing with that Sandrox?
He's with Sandrox.
Why is this happening?
Let's just disband The Underdogs.
You too. Go back home.
I'm flustered.
Just go!
Go home.
Dad, are you well?
What do you want?
Let me come home, Dad.
I miss you.
No can do. The airport is closed.
Sinabung volcano erupted.
Wasn't that two years ago?
The effect is still lasting.
Who was that? Nanoy?
Just some mad man.
- What?
- I let you win, Boy.
Just to make you happy, Boy.
I can only say, "Oh, really?"
You like her?
No, no.
Come on, Boy.
It shows, Boy.
Just seize the day, Boy.
Don't be single for too long, Boy.
Where are you going?
I said I have to go.
No, you can't.
I made chili for you.
Peppers are expensive.
You can't let it go to waste.
Who asked you to make chili?
I don't like spicy food.
Fine, you really are... I'll throw it away.
- Fine, throw it away.
- I'll throw it away!
Throw it away. People will
get sick if they eat your food.
You wanna play or not?
Let's play.
This only makes me tired.
I'm not getting any richer.
Poor me.
Sir. Start using diesel, sir.
So that I don't have to haul logs
anymore. My muscles are aching.
If we use diesel,
production costs will increase.
I will have to terminate some employees.
You want to find another job?
Let's just use logs, sir.
I'm high-spirited, sir.
I'm feeling energetic.
Poverty is my lifestyle.
I don't want to be rich, sir.
What? You want a day off again?
Yes, that, sir.
Retno's mom is dizzy.
She needs Retno to take her to the clinic.
Retno needs your permission, sir.
Fine, fine.
- Come back quickly.
- Thank you, sir. Excuse me.
Bobi, come here.
You finally came.
You're not going to the clinic?
Mother is a big girl. No need for company.
Bobi is also a big boy.
Isn't that right?
Retno is also a big girl, sir.
Bob, take a look.
I'm planning to buy around ten hectares
to build a new factory.
So to...
Excuse me, sir.
- Excuse me.
- Yes.
I think the white one is better.
I think the white one suits you better.
Red and white.
Let me wear it. It's okay.
- Is it okay?
- It's okay.
Of course. It's good, isn't it?
Hi, I'm Ellie.
Now, the loneliest person in the world.
I have no sister.
No brother.
And no friends.
Also no parents and no home.
I have nothing.
Well, my house
is filled with parents who always bicker.
Hi, I'm Ellie.
Now, the loneliest person in the world.
Why now?
Because once,
I had the chance to have
a family and a home.
Once I had Bobi,
Dio, and Nanoy.
They were my home,
where I could feel comfortable.
I'm comfortable with Bobi,
who is cute and tidy
but afraid of girls.
I'm comfortable with Dio,
who is kind and wise
but gutless.
I'm comfortable with Nanoy,
who is a moron
and annoying
but funny.
Now, they're gone.
For the same reason.
They only think of themselves.
Their own egos.
Their own wants.
Hi, I'm Ellie.
Now, the loneliest person in the world.
I have no home.
No friends.
I have nobody.
Where should I go?
Hey. What are you looking at?
Why are you gathering here?
What are you looking at?
Go on. Scram!
Continue, boss.
No, be gone.
I'm sleepy. I wasn't crying.
Come on, kid. It's useless.
We better watch Utaran.
Let's preview it.
Are you crying?
I'm not. Boys don't cry.
It's okay.
Boys are human too.
That means they're sensitive,
have feelings, and are good people.
I like those kinds of guys.
Yes, I was crying!
You want me to like you that bad?
Future couple here.
No, we're just talking.
Tie the knot, Boy.
Why are you so sad?
Let Retno hug you.
No, it's okay. I'm okay.
How's college, El?
Right now, I'm...
So Daddy does love his daughter.
Is being a sour grape your hobby
or your annual illness?
El, tell me, since when
does your dad care about you?
I never asked, not because I don't care.
If I didn't care,
why did I put her through college?
Now, let me ask you.
Between us, who cares for you more?
Mom or Dad?
Me, of course.
You were never at home.
So don't act like you care.
I can't stand being at home because
you never stop talking. Just try.
Try to record yourself.
You just pretend to eat
everything that I cook,
when you actually don't like, right?
No, it tastes bad.
- If it tastes bad...
- I never liked it!
If it tasted bad,
you wouldn't become this big.
What? You don't like it?
You think you're so thin?
People at her house
said she just went out.
So she should still be around here.
Ellie, Ellie.
Ellie! Ellie!
Ellie, get in!
I'll do it.
El, are you alright?
There, there. Calm down.
We understand.
But I'm...
Say no more, El.
Calm down first.
It's cold. Turn down
the air conditioner, moron.
You got possessed, El?
What's with you people?
Being away from you guys
makes me miss you.
But now that we're together,
I lost my appetite.
Then why don't you get out, El?
El, I'm sorry.
I realized I've lost my way.
El, I'm sorry as well.
I've done a lot of bad things to you.
I don't have to apologize, right?
I didn't do anything wrong.
You two are the bad ones.
So now what?
We go to base camp, right?
We're still doing the Video Fest?
El, are you in?
Of course. You want us to lose?
No way.
Even if we lose, we'll do it together.
Okay, Bob, to base camp.
- Yeah!
- The Underdogs!
- One, two, three!
- Go!
This side, let me hear some noise!
How about this side?
- Nanoy, are you nervous?
- What to do?
In grade school, I was asked to sing
in front of the class and soiled my pants.
Now I have to face such a big audience.
You're not going to poop
on the stage, right?
Because we didn't prepare anything.
A bit bloated.
Go do your business.
Okay, let's not waste any more time.
We will call our first contestant.
Who is it?
Apa kabar?
It's time we introduce you to who we are
We're not from the TV or the cinema by far
Watching us won't cost you a dinar
Since digital became the hero
The responsibility is on you
What's with you? Having a cold?
Your crap stinks like heck!
I forgot to flush.
Well, flush it!
You think this is a latrine?
No wonder the poop stinks.
The person is hideous.
Hey, all poop stinks.
Especially coming from an anxious guy.
Okay, Auntie.
Calling my poop stinky?
Because it's poop.
The responsibility is on you
On YouTube
On YouTube
Our second contestant. Let me introduce
Monochrome doesn't feel good.
He won't answer my call.
Keep trying.
Hi, are you ready?
We're waiting for Oscar,
but he's on his way.
Okay, then.
I'll go check on the others. Good luck.
Okay, thanks.
- That was so cool.
- Yeah, crazy.
- Thank you.
- Bye. I'll get going.
The crowd is crazy out there.
If anyone disses you, just ignore them.
They're just haters, okay?
We're dead.
Come on, Noy, lighten up.
Look at your face. You look half dead.
How about you guys perform?
Let me go home.
How about I make you fully dead?
Next, we have a performance by...
Son, excuse me. Which group is Bobi in?
The Underdogs, sir.
The Underdogs are lousy. Get off!
- You're lousy!
- Who are you calling lousy?
Hi, everyone.
I'm Ellie.
Tonight, I will tell you the story
about my three friends.
First, Dio.
He's kind, smart, and single.
He's cool, optimistic, and also single.
The third,
He's very funny, and don't ask
if he's single or not.
You should know the answer.
Here we are.
Sometimes I feel so tired
Of not getting enough credit
It's not always sunny
Makes me just wanna quit
I wanna let it go, I just want to submit
My heart is breaking
Makes me just wanna quit
I was always in a bind
Writing lyrics my memory can't rewind
People's words make me feel undermined
But keep your spirits
Don't lose your mind
Mousy, I was very mousy
Please understand, I was only a peewee
Rapping was full of uncertainty
Now everybody knows that I am me
Passion, my passion is continuous
You laugh at me, I'm getting more serious
My charm always makes women confused
They pass out and need IV to infuse
Say our name
- What are you doing?
- I'm shooting.
Do it later!
We still have a long way to find
We have to be strong
We have have to be tough
I can see the finish line
We have to be strong
We have have to be tough
Sometimes I feel so tired
Of not getting enough credit
It's not always sunny
Makes me just wanna quit
I wanna let it go, I just want to submit
My heart is breaking
Makes me just wanna quit
I'm so lean and mean
Though I look like a latrine
Don't be slow, stay keen
I'm a bachelor, still pristine
When I become so famous
I'll be hard to be seen
Calm down.
How can I calm down
when it's time and he's not here?
I've been trying to call him 11 times.
Underdogs aren't fit to be YouTubers
We show you who's at the top
We still have a long way to find
We have to be strong
We have to be tough
Bro, The Underdogs are performing.
Yes, I know the rundown.
No need to remind me!
I never thought that
you could be that cool.
Oh my God.
Do you think we have anyone
cooler than The Underdogs?
Calm down. Perhaps he's driving.
Calm down? You want
just the two of us performing?
Who's gonna do the music?
Did you remind him to come earlier?
I told him.
- Then where is he?
- Why are you blaming me?
Where have you been, Dog?
Where? Where?
Where is he?
representing SOL,
would like to apologize to you all
because we won't be performing today.
had an accident on his way here.
his condition is critical.
They said Oscar needs
a lot of O negative blood.
Sandro X
is on his way to the hospital.
He's sorry
that he left without saying anything.
He's sorry
for disappointing all of you.
Thank you for all your support.
Be strong.
We almost lost this one.
When I checked up front,
a lot of people wanted to
donate their blood.
He's a famous YouTuber, Doctor.
Famous YouTuber?
How can a thug like this
be a famous YouTuber?
You know who's the real famous YouTuber?
Young Lex. You know Young Lex?
He can rap. He can do freestyle.
His pants are red, but not because he bled
I use a stethoscope
'Cause I'm the top doctor of this trope
- This is the data, Doc. Sorry.
- Fine, just leave.
Dang, dang, D-A-N-G
YouTuber, YouTuber, more than TV, boom.
Brother Sandro!
You have to be strong.
Though I'm a fan of The Underdogs,
I pray for Brother Oscar's recovery.
How did you get here?
My house happens to be near here.
I saw it on Instagram.
I'm Bobi.
I'm a friend of Nanoy, Ellie, and Dio.
But I'm also a friend of Sandro X,
Lola, and Oscar.
We were brought together by YouTube.
And I know that friends, in good times
or in bad times, share them.
Share the feelings. We can't
all go to the hospital right now,
but we can help in another way.
I ask you guys
to tell everyone around you.
I'm asking you for a favor. To log in
to your social media accounts.
Tell your friends with #BloodForOscar.
Right now, Oscar needs O negative blood.
Once again, thank you for your attention.
I'm donating my blood for Brother Oscar.
You have the same type?
For goodness sake, bro.
How dare you discriminate
at a time like this?
That's what tears our nation apart.
- We are one, Indonesia.
- Yeah, thanks.
- Indonesia!
- Be strong, bro!
Doctor Liwutang?
Luckily, this guy survived.
That man has corny taste.
How can a doctor be a fan of Young Lex?
Knock on wood.
Who are you?
His relative?
No, I'm his friend.
Oh, his friend. Well,
you don't look anything like his relative.
Yeah. How's he, Doc? Is he well?
Thank goodness, he is now stable
and no longer in a critical condition.
Thank you, Doc.
Now, you're in a critical condition.
- Why me, Doc?
- Administration at the cashier.
That is the most
critical moment in hospitals.
A white girl. White.
Well, I take my leave.
- Yes, thank you, Doc.
- You're welcome.
I thought you were dead.
Thank goodness.
Finally, you survived.
Thank you, guys.
I never thought that you
would go this far to help Oscar.
I'm sorry we've been
harassing you all this time.
We forgive you.
But on one condition.
What is it?
SOL must not delete their channel.
Welcome to Itu Talk Show.
That one, not this one
because this is Itu Talk Show.
Thank you, my paid audience.
Not very responsive. That's okay.
Young people.
Young people travel in packs,
like elephants do.
That also applies to a pack of youngsters
I'm about to interview.
Asik, asik.
Put your hands together for The Underdogs.
Hi. Welcome.
- I'm doing the young people's style.
- Cool.
Please, please.
Another round of applause, audience.
Yes, yes.
My paid audience is so quiet, okay.
So nice that my show,
Itu Talk Show, is honored to have you
wicked youngsters.
Let's get to the important questions
because many in my audience,
I call my audience "thingies."
Those thingies.
They want to know, is it true
that the ones who inspired you
for the first time
to make YouTube videos were SOL?
Yes, well...
We were confused
about what to do with our lives.
One day, we were watching Itu Talk Show.
- Itu Talk Show?
- Yeah.
- This show?
- No.
- What? No?
- That one.
But that one's not this one.
Just like our tagline.
That one, not this one.
Because this is Itu Talk Show.
Okay, go ahead. And then?
So we were watching that episode
where SOL were the guests.
After that, we decided
to make YouTube videos.
Well, I heard,
at first, you had a quarrel
with SOL. Is this true?
- True.
- Yeah, we were enemies.
Well, it's human nature.
Sometimes we lose our way.
Sir, it's Bobi.
Yes, yes.
Sir, it's Bobi.
Yeah, yeah.
- Sir, it's...
- One more time
and I will cut your lunch money.
Sir, you're okay with Granny.
She's old. Let her be.
In the end, why did you help SOL?
We realized
that all those hostilities were pointless.
Only hurting
yourself and others.
If we could just listen
and understand other people,
and creatures like Nanoy,
we will understand why we...
do this,
Well said. Cool.
What was that?
What was that?
Why did you do that with your hand?
You're quite narcissistic, aren't you?
You think I'm going to
throw you a question?
Cool, cool.
May I ask what is the key to your success?
Actually, people would've figured it out.
My goodness, it's Brother Nanoy, Dad.
It's our big bro Nanoy.
- That's Big Bro Nanoy.
- Amazing.
Nanoy is on TV.
How could he be on TV?
You're so mean. That was Brother Nanoy.
This is more educational.
- What is this?
- Never mind, Dad.
Okay, back to our last question
because this is so important.
What is your next project?
Didn't think it would happen so soon
Was once impossible
But now we can commune
Now we all are humming
And singing the same tune
What's the use of keeping us apart?
It only makes you weary
From a broken heart
Were on different sides, but now
We're walking from a new start
Once I thought you were my enemy
Every time we met, makes me wanna fight
Staring eye to eye
Your whispering made me antsy
Wrong perception makes your heart moldy
Turns out that we are the same
Like looking in a mirror with a frame
I was wrong to play the guessing game
You're not so different from where I came
It's better being together
Than to always bicker
Even if we are different
This is my song
With my friends along, oh
We were in disputation
Now we're in action
Foes turn to bros
Together in this flows
Hey, what is this?
What are you doing here?
What's with all these cameras?
I don't like you
exposing my personal life.
We are recording for YouTube.
- You have permission?
- Do we need one?
Didn't you take care of the permission?
When I was in school,
you needed permission to go to the toilet,
- let alone to do shootings.
- Break it up!
Sir, please don't let us stop
Sir, we're having fun, don't let it drop
We're living our passion
Don't be like that
Come and move with us, shake that
Shake it to the left
Shake it to the right
Don't just stand there
Relax and lose your fright
Turns out that we are the same
Like looking in a mirror with a frame
I was wrong to play the guessing game
You're not so different from where I came
It's better being together
Than to always bicker
Even if we are different
This is my song with my friends along, oh
We were in disputation
Now we're in action
Foes turn to bros, together in this flows
Let's take a bath together.
Oh, gosh.
You want to be dead?
How's that?
It hurts.
There's a wasp in your hair!
Fine. When...
What was it? I forgot.
You dogs, pigs.
Cool, cool.
- Dio.
- Yoora.
You're Lola.
What do you want, Oscar?
Why don't we hook up?
Actually, one key to our success is...
It only needs one key.