The Unheard (2023) Movie Script

[muffled] Chloe!
Be careful!
Is it okay if I speak
and we use that?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
My signing is adequate,
but, this will get fairly detailed.
Okay, so, your address.
Oh, that's Cape Cod, isn't it?
Is that where you're from?
No, no, I'm from Maryland.
I live there with my dad.
He's a doctor.
That's our old, like,
summer house.
I haven't been in years.
We're selling it.
Oh, I see.
So how did you find
out about us?
Online. I've been
following your project.
And no cochlear implant?
No, no the timing was
never right.
Oh, everyone is different.
And with your hearing loss,
profile, and speech,
you are an excellent candidate
for our study.
I still see a speech therapist.
Oh, okay.
So, I have to ask.
Why are you doing this?
Regaining sensory ability
can be quite jarring.
I remember...
hearing sounds...
voices and...
it's still...
inside me.
The silence, it's just
something I've...
adjusted to.
But this...
this is mine!
Well, this is a stage one
clinical trial.
Right now, once mature
auditory nerve cells are damaged,
that's it.
Hearing loss is irreversible.
The purpose of this study
is to change that.
We are using
an experimental gene editing technique
that mimics prenatal cellular growth
in the inner ear.
The procedure itself is
relatively simple.
A stem cell-associated
is injected into your inner ear.
This retrovirus will "infect"
the surrounding tissue
with a gene responsible
for auditory cell growth.
The damaged nerve fibers
will grow back, restored.
And your sense of
hearing will return.
You can probably take
those bandages off now.
Just wait to put your hearing aids
back in until tomorrow.
It could be weeks until
we see results.
Kind of like a cold.
We have to allow it to
run its course.
use these drops twice a day.
Once in the morning and
once at night.
It's a steroidal solution
to increase cell growth
and slow the immune response.
You might experience
some minor side effects.
Increased heart rate, light headedness,
dizziness, but nothing too serious.
We're being hopeful.
But, please remember that
there is a strong possibility
this may not work.
Here you go. This is my card.
Please don't hesitate to email
or text me
if you have any questions or problems.
I'm Chloe.
Be careful!
Be careful!
Hold on, hold on.
Okay... okay... can you say...
can you say that again?
I'm Hank Fowler,
your dad called me about the
water heater.
Yes, yes.
Thank you.
Yep. Sorry to startle you.
You're little Chloe?
Last time I saw you you
were yay high.
Yeah, that was like
twelve years ago.
How are you doing with your...
I've adjusted.
Your dad said you were
in town for some sort of...
To restore my hearing.
They can do that?
Not yet.
It's an experiment, but
we're hopeful.
Good luck with that, wow.
I can get you hot water.
It's in...
I know...
Should be good here.
Your dad said you're
looking to sell the place.
I know he tried the
Airbnb thing.
yeah, it's just too far for us.
It's time.
I'd say.
All right, well,
if you need anything,
just let me know.
Actually there is one thing.
All right, give it a try.
That's the Swedes for you.
This is older than you are.
I wouldn't drive it back to Maryland
without having it looked at first.
Should have the roads
to yourself this time of year.
Though the off season could get
lonely if you're not used to it.
I saw a light on across
the marsh last night.
Could be late renters.
Though the addicts
like to squat in empty houses.
There's a problem
with that here.
You'll be okay.
I'm down at the harbor most days,
they made me Harbormaster.
If you need anything,
I'm a call away.
Or a text.
I do that too.
Yeah. My dad gave me
your number.
- Can I help you with something?
- Oh.
Is that your truck?
It is.
I'm cleaning out our
old house and...
I could use a truck.
I know you.
Your name is Chloe, right?
We used to play
together as kids.
I'm Joshua.
Do you remember me?
You got real sick
and you lost your hearing
and you never came back.
We were wondering what
was going to happen to your house.
Sorry, can you hear
me right now?
Do you live here?
My mom still owns them.
I told her I thought
I saw you the other day.
You should come say hi.
She didn't believe
that you were really back.
She ain't gonna bite.
Come on.
Brought the Grayden girl.
Told you she was back.
Isn't she deaf?
She is, but she makes do.
I'm Ellen.
I used to watch you
when you were a toddler.
I knew your mother.
We went to high school together.
Before she met your dad.
How's he doing?
He'll be out here in a
couple of weeks.
We're trying to sell the house.
Sounds about right.
- Joshua!
- What?
There's that picture of
the two of you.
Can you get it?
I want Chloe to see it!
Where is it?
It's in the yellow album
with the stack of old photos.
Your dad stopped coming
out here after your mom...
Can't blame him.
It's real hard to take.
It's still tough on him.
We thought she'd just run off.
Never heard from her?
You look just like her.
It's like seeing a ghost.
Found it.
I remember this.
Say Happy Fourth of July.
Fourth of July!
Say Happy
Fourth of July.
Fourth of July!
How are you calling me?
Can you hear me?
I can hear you.
I think it's working.
Oh, my god.
This is incredible...
Well say something, please!
I'm actually at a
loss for words.
I'm so happy for you.
I can't believe this is real.
After all this time, you
can hear again.
This is better
than we could have ever expected.
There's activity in 80 percent
of the damaged cells
along with new growth
in the surrounding tissue.
This is remarkable progress
and so quickly, I mean...
the range, the frequencies,
truly astonishing.
I mean I can hear like...
My voice has changed
so much and your voice is
different than what
I imagined it to sound like.
In a good way, I hope.
Yes, yes, it's fine,
it's beautiful.
It's just different.
Well, yes, this can be overwhelming.
We have therapists
who can help with the transition.
I can always hear
things in my dreams,
like memories and people,
is that... weird?
No, you were old enough to remember
sounds when you lost your hearing.
Not weird at all.
So what now?
Just keep doing what
you're doing.
Keep using the drops
and if anything changes,
anything at all, just...
well, I guess, just call me.
Woah. Yeah.
Excuse me.
Been awhile.
Another one's gone missing.
What do you mean?
Cleaning up after her shift,
never came home.
No car, no body...
No trace.
Flying south for the winter.
They use the earth's magnetic fields
for their migratory patterns.
This place...
it does things to you.
could you hear me?
Hey guys!
how are you?
How are you?
It smells funny in here.
Sweetie, you got to
go back to bed.
Hello? Is somebody there?
Who is this?
[barely audible] Chloe?
Say happy 4th of July.
Say happy 4th of July.
Say happy 4th of July.
Sweetie, you have to go back to bed.
That's our wall
of shame there.
Am I crazy or is that treatment
you're doing working?
Yeah, it is.
Ain't that something!
It's freezing out here!
You want a fisherman's warm up?
Come on.
Here you go.
It's good for what ails you.
So how does it feel?
Hearing after all this time.
Still getting used to it.
I forgot how noisy the world is.
Ain't that the truth.
I saw you in a uniform.
In my dad's old pictures.
I... I didn't know
you were police.
Was police.
Some junkie decided
to give me an early retirement.
Medals and all.
Probably for the best.
As a cop you...
see things most people
don't get to see.
I don't miss it really.
We looked for your mom.
It was really hard to do.
That's the last time I remember
really hearing anything.
I still hear her voice.
I wanted to tell you something.
I saw you the other day
with Joshua. -Ellen's
- Oh.
You might want to be
careful around them.
He's been in some trouble.
What kind of trouble?
A few years back, uh...
some pets were going missing.
Dogs, primarily.
All over the outer Cape.
They couldn't prove it, but...
I felt like he had
something to do with it.
Him and his ma,
they're wired funny.
She's had a rough go of it.
Thanks for the heads up.
Hey, don't mention it.
Do you have a drill
I can borrow?
Say Happy Fourth of July.
Say Happy Fourth of July.
Happy Fourth of July!
Be careful!
Is anyone there?
I'm from next door.
Sweetie, you gotta go
back to bed.
Chloe, say happy Fourth of July.
You've reached
the voicemail of Dr. Sophia Lynch
with the Northeast Eye
and Ear Institute.
Please leave a message and I will
return your call during office hours.
Thank you.
Dr. Lynch, it's Chloe Grayden.
I know it's late...
or early even...
I'm so sorry to call you,
I just,
I think something's wrong
with the procedure.
There's been some bleeding.
I'm getting ringing in my ears
and it's getting worse.
I don't mean to bother you.
I just...
I needed someone
to talk to about all of this.
Please just call me
when you can.
Hey, Chloe.
Hank told me you came by
to use his power drill.
Is everything okay?
Dad, yeah, yeah.
I'm okay.
Now why would you
need a drill?
Dad, I can't hear you.
Now we talked about
this... you...
Please calm down, I'm fine.
you gotta go back to bed.
Chloe, it's Dr. Sophia Lynch.
Your ears look fine.
You know, you are the first one
to show positive results.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Am I the only one?
So far, but, it's early.
You are our star subject, though.
It was working, like...
really well.
But I'm...
hearing things.
That's good, right? I mean,
that's what's
supposed to happen.
No, like... like things
that aren't there.
Yeah, no people who have
regained some...
some hearing through
cochlear implants
they're often known to have
auditory hallucinations.
It can be hard to distinguish between
what's real and what's imagined.
It could just be symptoms
of sensory overload.
Sustained loud noises can,
they can sound like voices.
Chloe, this is a lot for
anyone to handle.
It could be helpful to
talk through it.
Have you reached out to any
of the therapists we
I'm sorry, I know it's my fault.
No, no, it's...
How about you go get dressed
and we get dinner?
- Yeah.
- Let's get away from this place
for a bit.
Yeah, yeah, I'd like that.
I'm realizing I only
really know you from your file.
What are you up to?
Are you in school, or...?
I took the semester off.
For your project, actually
and to help my dad
sell the house.
Is it just the two of you?
my mom left when I was eight.
We don't know, actually.
I was the last
person to see her.
I mean I was in this...
coma for six months from
the meningitis.
And I came out of it and I
lost my hearing and my mom.
Then got set back at
school and...
just like this black
hole it's like...
just, an invisible weight.
it is what it is, right?
Forces just beyond my control.
You know I was thinking,
maybe after this,
I could like become a counselor
or something for people
who have the procedure.
We really have quite a
ways off from that.
We have the trials,
we have to get approvals...
- Yeah, no I...
- First...
No, it's...
I see.
Maybe, yeah. Maybe
down the road.
- Yeah.
- It could be helpful.
Thank you.
It sounds like
television static.
You know, I still see album covers
and I see singers, what if the way
that I imagine their songs is
better than
the way that they actually are, right?
Oh, no I... I don't
keep up with music
or trends or anything like that,
I just...
you know, whatever's on.
Yeah, I remember like...
bits of songs, like fragments.
In my dreams, usually.
I mean, I could always
hear my mom though.
It's like she was the only clear voice
in my head the whole time.
It's actually... that's...
that's why I reached out to you
and your project.
I was never ashamed
of my deafness but I felt like...
if the volume of the world
got turned back up again
I wouldn't hear her anymore.
she'd stop calling me back here.
Do you still hear her?
Of course not.
Your process worked, didn't it?
Maybe we should get the check.
Just a minute, hold on.
Do you know this?
- No... no I don't.
- I love it.
The sun and sea are smiling
When you're going to bed
I wish Allah would will me
A piece of iron in my head
On my knees and wishing
On my knees and
breaking hands
I can't get over
how bright the stars are outside
the city.
I wonder what they sound like.
Sorry, it's gotten
a little out of control.
Oh, it's okay...
there's always tomorrow...
fresh start.
It's... getting late.
You could stay if you want.
I mean you could sleep
on the couch or not.
Oh, Chloe, I...
Don't go.
I... I
really should...
I'm sorry.
You know, there's
something else I need to say.
You weren't totally
honest with me.
When your results were so positive,
I followed up on you. I had to.
What do you mean?
You should've told me
you were taking antidepressants.
It could corrupt the study.
And your mental state with
your mom and...
that can make everything
so much harder than it already is.
I don't see how that
matters right now.
Of course it matters.
It all matters.
I have to protect the project.
You should've been honest with me.
You are the first person
in the history of human kind
to have regained your hearing
like this...
Shoot. Okay, hold on, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I...
I didn't mean to upset you, I just...
No, no, I get it, I should...
I should've told you
about my prescription.
Oh, my god.
Sorry, I'm just...
I think I'm going to puke,
I'm sorry.
Come in.
They just won't stop ringing.
I really messed this up,
didn't I?
Dr. Lynch?
Saw your car.
What is all this?
I knew it, you can hear.
- It's not like that.
- Have you been faking?
You've been watching me.
You're the one next door.
We take care of that house.
I heard you throwing a party.
- You kept me up all night.
- Wait, what?
- I heard you, okay?
- Wait, what are you talking about,
you heard a party?
No one's been over there
except for me.
Okay. I'm not stupid,
I'm not crazy,
stop this shit!
I saw something
at your dad's
cottage months ago.
That's why I've been watching it,
to try to figure out what's
I mean I thought I was
seeing things,
hearing things and then
you showed up.
They're vibrations. Frequencies.
All around us, magnetic fields,
things that we can't see or hear.
But you can.
It's a spirit world.
This is an ultrasound.
It's been adjusted to pick up
frequencies beyond our senses.
What are you hearing right now?
Why did you come back here?
It wasn't a choice.
Something called you here...
- Your mother.
- Stop it.
Wait, listen!
Stop it! Stop!
- Wait!
- Stop it! Stop!
- Stop! Stop! It's just fucking
- Wait, just...
If I see you over at my house again
I'm calling the police.
Don't be like this.
Can't you see? Don't fight it!
You stay away from me.
Stay away from my house, please.
You've reached
the voice mail of Dr. Sophia Lynch
with the Northeast Eye
and Ear Institute.
Please leave a message and I
will return your call during
office hours.
Thank you!
Hi, Dr. Lynch?
Sophia, sorry.
It's Chloe.
What happened to you?
I mean, I woke up and you were gone.
I know I screwed things up...
I just want to talk it through.
Make it better.
Please call me.
Chloe, is that you?
I can see you.
My god,
how did you get so big?
Can you hear me okay?
That's good.
Your dad...
he called me, he was concerned
when you didn't pick up your phone.
With the storm,
he wanted me to come check on you.
And with good cause.
You were...
laying on the floor.
Your ears were bleeding.
We should call Dr. Lynch.
- I have her cell number somewhere.
- Hold on, hold on, hold on, hey...
Your doctor is not
coming out here in this weather.
Don't worry that's the power grid
trying to keep up with the storm.
I've got a generator.
I'll go get it going.
you can relax now.
Have some tea.
Storm's going to pass
in the morning.
It's going to be okay.
I just know it.
Thank you.
You're standing!
That's good.
I feel kind of dizzy.
Come sit down.
Your feet cold?
I'm feeling like the chills.
You're safe here.
You can relax now.
I'm going to take care of you.
Where's your bathroom?
It's over here.
You okay in there?
just feeling really sick.
Please give me a few minutes.
That tea's going to make
it all better.
All better.
What was that?
Dropped something.
You okay in there?
No, just... just...
give me a minute.
I can hear them.
Hear what they're saying.
Do you hear them?
I hear them.
The ones I took care of.
Chloe, you hear me?
Chloe, what are you
doing in there?
Open the goddamn door, sweetheart.
Get back here.
Sophia? No...
I know you're here.
Chloe I know you're out here!
I'm trying to help you,
I'm sorry!
You don't understand.
Get back here!
Sweetie, you gotta go
back to bed.
Say Happy Fourth of July.
Say Happy Fourth of July.
Say Happy Fourth of July.
Say Happy Fourth of July.
Hello... how are you?
You know he left for work earlier,
so he'll be back tonight.
I don't think you
should be here.
Please, please!
Where else could you go?
You're all alone out here.
Hey, hey,
it's just me and you now.
We can talk about this.
You even sound like her.
No! No!
If you could only
hear what I hear.
Can you hear me?
Please stop.
Please stop.
Joshua. Help me out here.
- What's going on?
- She's having some kind of breakdown,
- I called an ambulance.
- I heard her scream...
This is not good for you.
This is not good at all.
Hey! Hey!
- I'm sorry...
- No, let's go!
Come on. Come on.
You go.
God damnit!
Now you fucking hear me?
What is that?
Where's your cell phone?
We need to call 9-1-1.
Hey, hey.
Okay, okay.
Say Happy Fourth of July.
Say Happy Fourth of July.
Say Happy
Fourth of July.
Say Happy Fourth of July.
Say Happy Fourth of July.
Say Happy Fourth of July.
July Say Happy Fourth of July.
Say Happy Fourth of July.
Happy Fourth of July.