The Unholy Four (1970) Movie Script

Hey, come on out here, Jake.
- Waiting for the gold huh?
- $100,000.
That's a very fine fee. It would
make a nice present for me old mother.
We're not the James brothers.
They were just show offs.
If they'd been a couple of Irish...
You know Mike it wouldn't be that hard.
It wouldn't be that hard at all.
Just be a matter of
distracting them for a while,
while you start a ruckus
over by the saloon...
Come on, get him out of sight.
What was the trouble?
You're kinda late.
Yeah, we got stuck crossing the Peyote
Where the hell have you been?
Look, the river's up nearly three feet Mr.
Bowden. We're lucky we got here at all.
Start unloading.
Hey friend, you gotta let me out.
Me tool, me too!
Let me out!
Let me out!
Hey you open it, God damn it!
Let me out, let me out!
Let me out!
Over here!, here!
Let me out!
That place is a damn nuthouse.
Woody! Woody!
Over here!
Don't let me burn to death!
Woody!, here! Woody!
Hey! Let me out! Come back here!
Use the gun!
Yea Hah! I love you God damn Ox.
Mantron! Dutch!
You two, come with me.
Get back!
You bastard!
Johnny, if we let this crazy bunch out,
they'll take the whole town apart!
And with that fire, it'll be murder.
Murder, Hell! we got orders
to shoot if they get out.
Get out there Dummy!
Hey Dummy! Come here, help me man.
Get a move on!
For the love of God, Dummy, get over here!
Get out of my way!
I can do it.
Anybody know if the Sheriff showed up yet?
I ain't seen no sheriff, but if he's around,
he'd be out there fighting the fire.
Come on, get the gold!
What the Hell are you waiting for, inside!
Hold back!
Hold it!
They're waiting for us out there!
This way!
Come on!
Come on!
Chuck Mool!
Hey, you know me. What's my name?
What did you call me?
What's my name?
Chuck Mool.
Chuck Mool!
Let's go!
- Chuck Mool?
Forget it Dummy. You'll have all the time
in world to think about it afterwards.
This way!
Six of them got away Sheriff.
What are we paying you for Sheriff?
For your information Sheriff,
we just ain't gonna feel safe
in this here town until those
loonies are back inside.
You gotta let the Sheriff to protect this
town, when it needs protecting, bad!
Ain't that your job Sheriff.
- Calm it down boys.
Sure it's my job Lou,
but first I need a group
of volunteers for a posse.
Now who'll volunteer?
You got a couple of Deputies to take along
with you, there's no reason we should go.
How about, a hundred dollar a
head reward on those fellas?
Dead or alive?
And you get an extra fifty, if you
bring em on back by tonight mister.
Who are they?
Did you recognize them?
They're bounty hunters.
Hey Santiago, let's split it right away.
We'll wait for Udo.
$100,000 bucks right?
And half of it's going to him.
That would have caused us to use his plan.
Yeah, but we could have all been killed.
What do you figure?
I figure 25 would be enough.
It'd be a pleasure to put
a bullet through you.
I don't like that kind of talk.
Well done Santiago.
I was sure it would all go as planned.
Yeah, it was as easy as falling off a log.
Lose anyone?
- Zeb. One of the guards shot him in the back.
Split it.
That's theirs.
And this one's by way of appreciation. Ok?
Let's go boys, I want to be
across the border by tomorrow.
Come on amigo.
When you hear of more gold,
you'll know where to find us. Take care.
Sure beats squirrel shootin.
Come on, let's go.
Because there is nothin
more I need from you.
Alright, let's go.
As the deer seeks the
cool waters of the river,
so thirsts my soul for you.
I will rebuild your temple oh Lord,
Oh for God's sake, cut it out Woody,
you can rebuild it later
Leave him be, he ain't talkin to you.
What do you see in the fire Dummy?
It's like there's something
in those flames.
An answer to something.
Something I can't remember anymore.
But you don't remember anything.
Not even what made em throw you in jail,
right boy?
I can tell you where his pa is.
I figured it all out
when I heard his name.
So tell him.
No, I ain't goin to.
Why not?
Cause Honda's a loner.
If he's still with us,
there's a reason for it.
And I know what it is.
What reason?
Gold. Now we stole it when we escaped.
You would think that the dummy here would
lead you to the gold. Right Hondo?
Cause the man that recognized you
was one of the bums that stole it.
I don't give a damn about the gold. I wanna
know who I am and where I come from.
Oksaka. Your pa at least lives in Oksaka.
We're partners right?
Partners? In what?
I don't want us to get caught.
You hear now?
There are five of em.
That ain't no Sheriff's posse.
They're bounty hunters.
Come on out boys. we want you alive.
I don't want to be put back
in that God damn hole!
Shut up! You listen to me and
we'll make it out of here.
Hey dammit, you hear me?
Come out of there.
With your hands in the air.
Come on, we ain't gonna shoot ya.
You mean that.
Then put your guns away.
They ain't armed.
Let's head em off.
My money is on the black one.
He's got legs like a Mustang.
What did I tell you?
He was first over the hill.
Where's Chuck?
Hey! There's still four of em left.
Gimme the knife!
Stay here and don't make a move.
Ok boy.
Well I guess it's just
that kind of day.
The gold.
Where's my gold?
Please. Don't take it Mister.
It's all mine.
Gold mine?
Ain't that what you said?
The bank. $100,000.
Yeah? And where's it gone to?
Dammit! Where'd they go to?
Oksaka. Oksaka.
Well it seems like we're all
headed for the same place.
Yeah. But make sure you
don't get in my way.
Hey, there's a relay station down there.
That means grub.
All we've got left today is some
rabbit stew, beans and whiskey.
Sounds good.
You got room for a fourth.
If you can pay your way, sit down.
Dollar ante, no limit.
Gimme two.
- Three.
I'll, take two.
You're five and another fifteen.
I'll raise that twenty.
Three, 3's.
Full house.
You know the way you handle a deck
reminds me of a fella from...
From Kansas City by any chance?
Check Lou.
I'll see that.
- It'll cost you three more to stay in.
Two cards.
I'll take one.
Alright gentlemen.
- Check.
- Me too.
Five dollars.
Your five, and I'll raise
that twenty dollars.
You raise twenty?
And I raise a hundred.
You been cheatin.
What was that?
You've been cheatin.
- So have you.
Well there's only one game you can
play where everybody's cheatin.
It's High Card.
High Card will be alright.
For everything on the table?
Is that alright with you?
- Sure.
I gotta Queen.
Why you.
Friendly place huh?
- Yeah.
Well there's a good match.
- I gotta buck that says Udo will give way to him.
Even he's scared of ole Caldwell.
Stop it you fool.
How much longer are we
gonna put up with him?
One of these days, he ain't
gonna stand for that.
Yeah, though it sure is nice to
watch a coyote gettin tamed.
But all Hell's gonna
break lose soon.
John Caldwell.
Next time he tried to make fools of us
in town, I ain't gonna take it Dad.
He's pushed me enough.
I swear I'll shoot the bastard.
If it was that easy,
you'd a shot him before.
No one can fight him fair and win.
And a lot have tried.
He's about as fast
as a man can be.
Even if he is past fifty.
And look at you. You ain't never
been good with a gun, have you?
To put an end to John Caldwell,
a man's gotta be careful.
Shoot him in the back, boy.
Make sure you don't miss.
You can come and eat.
That is if your hatred for poor Mr.
Caldwell hasn't effected you appetite.
Hey Sheila, ain't you
gonna give me a kiss?
You know you gotta hell of a lot to offer.
To bad we're brother and sister.
Yeah, I could sure show
you what it's all about.
That ain't bad Alan.
Set up some more.
I'm gonna try it again.
Now this time when you
draw, keep it low.
You're accurate enough now, so
work on gettin it a bit faster.
Shoot, I might as well quit Slim.
No matter how much I
practice, there is always
two shots left when the
dollar hits the ground.
You just keep at it.
There aren't too many
around that can do it.
I told you Chuck Mool even
had trouble to begin with.
Yeah right, heard he was only about five.
The Preacher called him a prodigy.
A real chip off the ole block.
That's what your pa used to say.
I got six out of six, Dad.
Huh? What's that son?
Nothing Dad.
Nothing important.
Can't you forget him?
Listen Alan.
No, you listen to me.
It's time you stopped living in the past.
The situation with the Udo's
is getting worse all the time.
And what are you doing about it?
I'll tell you.
You're sitting around,
brooding all day.
About a dead man.
A dead man, understand?
Chuck Mool is dead.
Stop that kind of talk.
You do every thing you can to make yourself
believe he's still alive.
It's no use Dad.
He's not here to give
you a hand any longer.
He's gone.
But I am alive.
Me, your son.
Alan, I'm sorry.
- Keep away from me.
Don't touch me.
Hey Chuck, it sure must feel
strange not to recall anything?
Seems like I was born in that asylum.
How come you wound up there?
If you're mad, you get locked
up instead of being hanged.
And nobody was wrong about you.
- Drop dead.
Step right up. Step right
up ladies and gentlemen.
See the greatest show on Earth.
It is my pleasure to present
for the first time in the west.
And because of the risk involved,
possibly the last time.
That fantastic eater of fire,
The one and only. Flaming Bill.
The little one, behind the strong box.
Yeah, that's mine. The one in the middle.
How about a drink?
Not yet.
I'm gonna take a look around.
And now for my next attraction,
I'm proud to be able to offer to
you, the chance in a lifetime.
The chance to pit your strength against
the strongest man in the world.
None other than Big John.
Alright folks.
Show me your muscles.
Any one that manages to move Big
John here, one complete step,
will be presented with the
magnificent sum of $50.
Provided of course that he first pays
$2 for the privilege of trying.
That's it folks. Just $2 will get you $50.
Step right up and match your strength
against the strongest man in the world.
You're right, let's give it a try.
Alright, step right up.
There's gotta be somebody here
that's man enough to match his,
thank you very much Sir.
May I take this opportunity
to wish you the best of luck.
Big John will find it
very hard, I'm sure.
Gather round folks, we've
got our first contender.
Alright now, are
both of you ready?
- Then go.
Pull, pull, pull, pull.
Yeah, now!
Go on, go on. Now put
him on his knees.
You did it, Woody!
Hey, did you hurt yourself?
Mighty quiet around here.
You happen to know a...
friend of mine, fella called Chuck Mool?
The only mule I know son
is the mule I own myself.
And I never was one for
given animals a name.
Jesus, never fails.
Jesus, never fails.
Heaven and earth will pass away,
but Jesus never...
Jesus, never fails.
Come on Brother,
The Lord will give you strength.
Never fails.
I bought some ammunition.
I hate to be without necessities.
From people have been telling me,
there ain't a soul in town knows about you.
Still. Something tells me,
this is the right place.
Don't we know each
other from some place?
That's not what you would
call an original line friend.
But maybe I like you and
that's all that matters.
But you look like you seen an old friend.
Are you real sure you've
never seen or met me before?
Oh sure. Besides, I'd
tell you if I had.
Didn't you say you were buying?
No wait, you buy.
You oughta allow some
respect you big Nigger.
Don't do it.
You know, you're looking for trouble.
There ain't no strangers
gonna push us around Mister.
Sorry, I was just kidding.
My friend, Jack,
ain't to clever.
It's a bad joke.
He ain't never been too clever.
Hey what was that all about?
- Nothing, I ain't got time to talk to you.
That's kinda strange.
Very strange.
Hey Schuler,
go see where that fella went.
You mean to tell me
that all these goins on
aren't ringing a bell
in that head of yours?
Your name's Chuck Mool.
And folks around here are
scared to death of you.
Why was that man afraid of me?
I'm telling you it's Chuck Mool.
The either you're crazy, or
you're hitting the bottle.
Chuck Mool's been dead now for three
years now as everybody knows.
All I know is a man ain't dead when
he's standing there staring at you.
Cold sober.
I'm telling you it was Chuck Mool.
Buddy, I don't believe you.
If you'd been in the saloon,
you wouldn't think that.
Mr. Roodle.
That sure won't no ghost.
It can't be Chuck Mool, he been dead.
Are you sure?
When the Sheriff told us the boy was
dead, I saw no reason to question it.
He on is own?
No Sir, and the men that are
with him aren't from here.
What are they like?
There's one that's build like a barn door.
A big black nigger.
The other two seem more like
a couple of rattlers.
How come he didn't
recognize you Ben?
I guess I changed.
This whole thing doesn't add up.
From what Ben said, he sure
ain't acting like a Caldwell.
We gotta find out what he's up to.
Why don't you go ask him?
That's more or less what I got in mind.
The one over there.
Lord, no!
We came to ask you, if you could
say a little prayer for us Father.
What do you want from me?
Who are you?
I don't know.
Who are your three friends?
And how come you fellas came here?
I don't know.
I don't know.
What's your name?
What's your name?
I'm Woody.
An who's Chuck Mool?
I don't know.
He doesn't even know himself.
What are you saying you idiot?
You know more than that.
When he was in the crazy house,
They called him Dummy/
In the crazy house?
What was a fella like Chuck
Mool doing in a crazy house?
He couldn't remember
anything about himself.
Well how bout that for luck.
It sounds like we could help
Chuck Mool, to find his memory.
Yeah, you're right.
That 'd be a real neighborly thing to do.
It'd be kind of shock for old man Caldwell.
Let's hope he ain't forgot a simple
thing like how to pull a trigger.
You sure have a convincing style.
Be a little hard to forget you.
Now why don't you rest up, for
when I get back, hmm, alright?
I just turned the whole town upside down.
Where would he be?
Ain't like him to disappear.
Sure never figured, I'd wind
up as a God damn baby sitter.
Chuck Mool.
It is you boy.
What's happened to you?
Where have you been?
I've been mourning you for three years.
What the Hell has got in to you Chuck?
It ain't possible you don't know me.
Your own brother, Torn.
Then you are my father.
You don't recognize us do you?
What's happened to you son?
All I remember...
is the last three years.
We'll help you son.
You got plenty of time.
- You got no idea how happy this will make Sheila.
Friends of yours?
Something more.
This is my father,
and my brother, Tom.
Sure glad to know you.
I take it you're both friends of Chucks?
Well it'd be a pleasure to have you
both over, to help us celebrate tonight.
It'd been mighty nice.
Real kind of you.
See you later, Son.
Tom, that's wonderful.
Are you sure?
Real sure, Sheila.
What's more is he's lost his memory.
Now you listen to me,
We got him convinced that
we're his family, Sheila.
And he's gotta go right on thinking so.
You don't play along, and I
swear to God I'll kill you.
There's something else I oughta tell you.
He's been sleeping with
one of the saloon girls.
So don't go thinking he's
still in love with you.
Cause he ain't.
He doesn't even know who you are.
It's the best thing that
could have happened.
Now finish getting ready.
If you're not downstairs in ten
minutes, I'll come and get you.
Remember Sheila,
He's your brother now.
My old man would die,
if I showed up again.
Something doesn't add up Silver.
But damned if I can put a finger on it.
It won't be long before we find that out.
Too perfect.
Your story is incredible, why,
It's difficult to believe you're even here.
I oughta tell you Chuck,
We were convinced that you were ambushed,
and shot down by the Caldwell's.
The Caldwells?
You gotta remember, you can't expect
Chuck to know all about Caldwell.
Yeah, It's hard for you.
You get used to that.
You see Chuck, the Caldwell's just
about own the whole territory.
They got just about over
10,000 head of cattle.
One by one, they forced the
squatters and small farmers to quit.
Know we're the only one's holding out.
I don't know how much longer
we'll be able to though.
After you disappeared, things got worse.
They plan to scare us out.
And there's no limit to what they'll try.
The Sheriff found our older brother
Jimmy over by the cemetery.
He's been shot a couple
of times in the back.
It was John Caldwell's doin.
Cold blooded killer. And someday,
I'll see that he pays for it.
Jimmy was born after me.
He was only 21.
He used to follow you all over the place.
You sure did mean a lotto him, Chuck.
When you disappeared, he was convinced
that Caldwell had gotten rid of you.
So he set out for the cemetery,
Caldwell's there every night.
And that's all we know.
Next morning, Jimmy was dead.
Another victim of Caldwell's.
He died trying to avenge me?
And I can't even remember
what he looked like.
Yeah, and the Sheriff told us there was
no case unless we could find a witness.
You can fight.
- Caldwell's faster than any one of us.
He sure ain't gonna be
beaten in a show down.
Course you could put a bullet in his back,
but we ain't murderers, Chuck.
I hope you aren't trying to talk
Chuck into a show down with Caldwell.
Sheila my dear. I figured you'd be
real happy to see your brother.
I'm so glad you're back Chuck.
It's been so long.
Now shall we eat?
After all, this is a celebration.
Ain't you gonna eat?
I just ain't hungry.
Yeah, really does my heart good to have...
John and the others left really early
this morning to round up strays.
I figured they shoulda
been back by now.
Your memory will come back someday, Son.
Don't you worry.
Folks let's drink to the
return of Chuck Mool.
Welcome back Chuck.
You haven't said a thing about
your girlfriends, Chuck.
In three years you'd a had one or two huh?
When you were here, I knew many
girls who had eyes for you.
Of course, you wouldn't recall.
Don't mind your sister, Chuck.
She thinks love makes the world go round.
I have a feeling some people would be
surprised how much that word means to me.
John, what happened to you?
Sheila, this is no time to be fighting.
You just stay there, Chuck boy.
You and me gotta decide what
to do about the Caldwells
It ain't gonna be easy,
but now you're back again. Maybe we can
work out some kind of plan together.
There has to be a way to stop em.
And we're gonna find it, Son.
Can I talk to you a minute, Dad?
Sure, excuse me.
Didn't you miss me?
Sheila, uh.
We were just gonna run off
around twenty animals,
When they came out of the dark.
Then I don't know what happened.
I just turned around and ran for it.
Don't you ever learn, you idiot?
I figured you'd know enough to know to make sure
you weren't bein watched in the first place.
We did Tom. Caldwells weren't there
when we first started cutting them out.
Now you listen good, John.
Because I ain't gonna
repeat it to ya.
Oh my darling, Chuck.
Sheila, what do you mean?
I don't understand.
But, don't you remember anything?
My mind is confused.
I remember something.
Very vaguely.
I'll do all I can to help you.
You used to love me, Chuck.
It ain't too polite to but in on
you like this, but I gotta, Chuck.
The old man sent me to look for you.
You try any more of that love talk, and
I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.
There was about twenty of em.
Led by old man Caldwell.
I only got away cause I played dead.
They killed Jake and Sam and
then ran off half the herd.
We ain't ever gonna be able to stop em Son.
What are you gonna do?
I'll kill em.
You told me he goes to the
cemetery every night.
I'll wait for him there.
And I'll kill him.
You want me to come along with you?
- No.
He doesn't know I'm back, and
that's all the help I'm gonna need.
Take care Chuck, he's quick and clever.
You only got the one shot.
Chuck Mool to the rescue.
I sure hope old man
Caldwell lives long enough
to see who shot him.
All muscle, no brains I guess.
In case you didn't know, there
are guards upstairs all night.
Now make up your mind.
Are you here to steal,
or to help Chuck Mool?
Who's side you on?
They say you are his friend, and if you
can save his life, I'm on your side.
And the gold?
Trust me, and there will
be gold for you after.
You better dig your grave.
Drop that gun!
If I was that easy to surprise,
I'd a been dead a long time back.
Now turn around, slowly.
Chuck, wait!
That's your father!
You're lying!
They set a trap for you.
You're lying!
Chuck, you're a Caldwell.
Is it true?
I come here just about every night,
to visit your grave.
It's good to have you home again, Chuck.
I'm real glad.
Damn Udo, no soul.
I'll make him pay for these
three years of torture.
Now this is between
the Udo's and me.
And it's something I've gotta do myself.
Son, you don't remember the Hellish
things they are capable of.
We've gotta work together,
to get em what they deserve.
I'm mixed up enough as it is.
Don't make it any worse for me.
Better think it over Chuck.
Hate can keep a man
from thinking straight.
Better sleep on it.
You too, Dad.
Why does he hate me?
He doesn't hate you.
You know, Chuck...
You were our first child.
I guess your mother and
I favored you over him.
Is that the only reason?
Try and understand, Chuck.
He was with you, when you
had that hunting accident.
He thought you were dead
when he left you at
that old cabin at the
far end of the ranch.
He came back here and
told us what happened.
But, by the time we had got there.
The cabin had burned to the ground.
And you had disappeared.
There was no trace of you.
I'm here.
But nothing is familiar.
Not a thing.
I don't even remember you, even though
I'm sure you are my father.
There's only one thing I remember,
and that's the Udo's
Tom Udo!
What do you want!
Your life!
Why don't you come and get it?
Brainless, idiot.
Tom Udo!
I'm comm after you.
Chuck! Don't shoot, we're coming out.
We ain't armed.
You ain't about to shoot an unarmed man.
Chuck! watch out!
No, no, don't!
Don't kill me boy.
It was Tom's fault. It was his doing.
I just did what he said.
Believe me, Chuck, I had to.
You don't know Tom,
Don't kill him, Chuck.
He is my father, please.
You have about as many lives
as cat, eh Chuck Mool?
You, throw down that rifle.
Go on, throw it down!
You're crazy.
What do you want?
To see you dead.
I thought I had taken care
of you three years ago.
This time there will be no mistakes.
Go inside.
It's about time you learned to
the truth about yourself, Chuck.
Dad's not your real father,
and we're not brothers.
You aren't even a Caldwell.
But you are my brother.
No, you are not my father's son.
And you're not a Caldwell.
It can't be Alan.
Don't you understand? Your
father's not a Caldwell.
Now you listen.
I ain't gonna let you take
away what's due to me.
Yeah, cause it's my birthright
you're gonna inherit.
And me?
Who am I?
What's my name?
Who am I?
You're just a bastard, Chuck.
Right after the war, while
Dad was still away,
the ranch was attacked
by a gang of outlaws.
They raped Ma, and you're the result.
You see, you're just the son of an outlaw.
Dad has never accepted the
fact, but I know it's true.
The name Caldwell, and the cattle, and
the ranch are mine, and mine alone,
Do you understand now?
You're a bastard, Chuck.
- Yes.
Alan, Stop!
Why'd you do it, why?
You're too fast, even,
even, even though, I practiced,
and practiced.
Is it true what he said.
That you're not my real father?
Where you going?
Where you going?