The Union (2024) Movie Script

[dramatic string music playing]
[music intensifies]
[elevator dings]
[music intensifies]
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to Trieste, Italy.
Looks like we've got a storm rolling in
off the Adriatic
and a missing CIA agent in room 620
of the Grand Hotel Castelletto.
This is London HQ.
We got a live feed up and running,
and we are good to go.
[quietly] This is Faraday.
Pickup crew on the sixth floor.
- Agent Hall, you have the field.
- [Hall] Copy that, boss.
Pickup team, give the signal
when you're in position.
Forty-five seconds. I wanna be in and out.
Vehicle team, be ready to move.
[man] In position.
Remember, I want
this piece of shit alive, Brennan.
Yeah. What is he,
a ringer on your CIA softball team?
[Faraday] In position.
Try not to shoot the guy.
You wanna pick up the tab
for his minibar too?
Yeah, yeah. Get a receipt.
I'm sure Langley will reimburse.
[Hall] Okay, everybody. Stand by.
[music subsides]
Faraday, ready to breach.
[music intensifies]
- On your knees!
- [man 1] On the ground!
[man 2] Area's secure.
- Please don't shoot!
- [man 2] Contact to target.
[man 3] Clear!
Hog-tied and ready to ride.
Confirmed. We have the hard drive.
Go for extraction.
[music intensifies]
[captive] I changed my mind.
I was gonna go to the embassy
and hand myself in.
Well, good news. We saved you a trip.
Traveling on the stairwell.
- Heads up, Rayner, they're coming to you.
- Copy that.
Five seconds until the exit.
Get down!
What the hell happened?
[Hall] Rayner's down! Exit's compromised!
Go out the back.
[Faraday] Copy that.
[captive] What's going on?!
[man] Let's move!
[Faraday] What's our play?
- Backup extraction point at the canal!
- Better not lose that intel, Brennan.
- [Brennan] Just...
- [alarms ringing]
[bullet whistles]
- [man 1] He's hit!
- [woman] Glover's gone!
- [man 2] Call for backup!
- [man 3] Who is it?
We're taking fire!
Hold your position.
I can get ground support in five minutes.
- We can get to the canal in three.
- [Hall] You'll be in the open.
Seriously, Rox.
You gotta trust me on this.
Okay. Green light.
- Go!
- [Faraday] Let's move! Come on!
- [woman] Get him outta here!
- [man 2] On me!
[bullet whistles]
[man 2] Oh my God! Please!
[Brennan] Faraday, do you copy?
Nick, do you copy?
- [bullet whistles]
- Does anybody copy? Anybody?
- [Rox] Faraday, what's your location?
- [Brennan] Nick, where are you?
[bullet whistles]
[music intensifies]
[yells angrily]
[music subsides]
[Faraday] I'm at the extraction point.
I have the asset.
[captive breathing anxiously]
[bullet whistles]
[bullet whistles]
[music fades out]
[anchor] ...time to go over to Dan
for today's outlook right across Jersey.
- Thank you, Mitch. I'm Dan Farrell...
- [soft thud]
[woman clears throat]
[weather report continues]
- Shit.
- I've made you coffee.
Thank you.
It's to go.
Are you kicking me out?
I'm too old for small talk
in the morning, Michael.
Last night was fun,
but... it ain't last night no more.
Goddamn, Nicole. That's cold.
Hey. When we first met,
did you ever think we'd hook up?
Uh, I was your seventh grade
English teacher, Mike. So... no.
You always passed me.
Look at you. You're still educating me
all these years later.
[Mike sighs]
I'll see you around, huh?
- [Nicole] I imagine so!
- [laughs]
["Lovely Day" by Bill Withers fading in]
- [Mike] Hey, Gary.
- Mike.
- Hey, Ma.
- [Nicole] Hey, honey.
That's a really nice suit.
You still working uptown?
- [Nicole] Gary works at the bank.
- Like as a teller?
Like as a manager.
Ms. Hoffman.
When I wake up in the mornin', love
And the sunlight hurts my eyes
[engine starts]
And something without warnin', love
Bears heavy on my mind...
- Hey, Ma.
- Nicole Hoffman.
Jesus, Ma, you're like the feds.
You got eyes everywhere?
There's no secrets from your mother.
Not in Jersey.
Is her Gary still working at the bank?
No, they fired him. He's selling hot dogs
outside The Rock now.
- It's kinda sad, actually.
- [laughs]
When's the date for Ronnie's wedding?
A few weeks.
[Ma] No, I need to know the exact date.
I have to make my appointments.
- For what?
- [Ma] For the right nail tech.
You gotta book these things in advance.
I don't want them to stick me with Josie.
- Oh, not Josie, huh?
- [Ma] Don't be smart, kid.
- When's the wedding?
- Two weeks from Sunday. Bye.
["The Promised Land"
by Bruce Springsteen playing]
On a rattlesnake speedway
In the Utah desert
I pick up my money
And head back into town
Driving 'cross
The Waynesboro county line
I got the radio on
And I'm just killin' time
Workin' all day in my daddy's garage
Driving' all night chasin' some mirage
But pretty soon, little girl
I'm gonna take charge
The dogs on Main Street howl
'Cause they understand
If I could take one moment
Into my hands
Mister, I ain't a boy, no, I'm a man
And I believe in a promised land
I've done my best
To live the right way...
Mrs. Hoffman?!
Ms. Hoffman, if you don't mind.
And, yes, I did. Twice.
- Wow.
- One and a half times at least.
I don't remember her from school.
If you didn't cut class every day,
maybe you'd remember.
If older women are your thing,
I know a couple of smoke shows
that play mahjong with my grandmother.
I'd love to date your grandmother.
[man 1] If you don't mind
having dinner at 4:30.
- [man 2] Oh!
- Why so late?
Hey, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no. I got this.
How, brother? You're as broke as me.
First, nobody's as broke as you.
You can barely pay attention.
And secondly, I got an advance today,
so it's all good.
- Thanks, Mike.
- Yeah.
- All right. I gotta drain the hog!
- [Mike] You do that.
I didn't know you got an advance.
Good for you.
What is this guy, dumb and ugly?
There's no advance. I'm broke as shit.
Billy's out of work. We'll split this.
Come on. Break out the lunch money.
[Brennan] Gotta be honest, Rox.
Not sure why this is our man.
I got a good feeling about him, boss.
If he's anything like that guy I remember,
he's exactly who we need.
- Hey, Jimmy. I need another.
- [Jimmy] Sure thing, Mike.
[door jangles]
First one to get a peanut in the glass
behind the bar buys the other one a drink.
Holy shit.
Hiya, Mikey.
Roxanne Hall. What are you doing here?
What does it look like I'm doing here?
I'm getting a drink!
- So, what, you're here by yourself?
- Yeah.
- [Rox] Uh...
- No.
Date night?
I'm sorry. It's just...
it's just this is such a surprise, is all.
What's a surprise to me is you still got
the same haircut since high school.
Hey, hey, don't knock Supercuts.
- Two shots, please.
- [Jimmy] You got it.
- You can handle your liquor now?
- I always handled my liquor.
I got a vomit-stained tuxedo
that says different, but...
Wait, you still got your tuxedo
from high school?
- Yeah.
- Really?
And it still fits.
[Rox] Ah.
[Mike] This is so crazy.
I mean, I just... I pictured you walking
through that door a thousand times.
Is it as you imagined?
In my head,
you were always wearing a bikini, but...
[Rox chuckles]
[Mike sighs]
Do you still breakdance
outside the rec center?
Every Saturday. And you know what?
The girls still love it too.
I don't remember any girls lovin' it.
- What about Isabella Mingarelli?
- She only liked you 'cause I liked you.
- You know this.
- No, she liked my moves. You know, that...
Oh my God.
She has six kids with Matty Museo.
- And another one on the way.
- What about you?
- What about me?
- You got kids?
Do I have kids?
No, I don't have any... Do you?
Well, I don't know. None that I know of.
[laughs] Looks like
you're losing your touch.
I forgot how good
these disco fries actually were.
You forgot about a lot of good things
when you went off to college.
I guess Paterson didn't suit you, huh?
- I don't think college did either.
- I heard about that.
What'd you hear?
You got into a fight with the point guard
of the basketball team before the finals.
Broke his jaw. Got kicked out.
Well, actually, he was the center,
and I broke his nose.
Well, you can take the girl out of Jersey.
No, no, no. Wait. What happened was
he took my best friend on a date.
She couldn't remember a thing
in the morning.
People at school didn't care,
so... what happened happened.
So you threw away your college career?
Traded it in.
For what?
For doing the right thing.
What do you say we... call it a night?
What? No, we're just having fun.
You don't wanna finish the game?
I didn't say end the night, Mike.
I mean let's
take it somewhere else.
["What I Like About You"
by the Romantics playing]
[Mike] Oh shit!
[laughs] Whoa!
If I'd known we were gonna do
the Gumball Rally,
I'd have had less disco fries!
[Rox] Wow, look at this place.
Remember that bench right there?
Where you first told me you loved me.
I was always trying to do
romantic stuff like that.
I'd do anything to make you smile.
Oh! I got... I gotta take this.
If it wasn't important...
- Mike.
- It's gonna take one second. One second.
Hang on.
Just one second.
["Jersey Girl" by Bruce Springsteen
& the E Street Band playing]
- Oh no!
- Come on. You loved this song.
No, don't sing it.
- Got no time for the corner boys
- [groans, laughs]
Down the street makin' all that noise
- How did I fall for this?
- Oh, you were young and dumb.
I wasn't dumb.
- Naive.
- Yeah.
- Naive.
- Naive.
God, I wish you hadn't left like you did.
- Sh-sh-sh! No, don't talk about that.
- All right.
Don't mess this up, Mikey. Come on.
- This is good.
- I'm sorry.
[Rox chuckles]
- Cross the river to the Jersey side
- the Jersey side
- [applause on telephone]
- [Rox chuckles]
- Take my baby to the carnival
- the carnival
I have a confession to make.
[Mike] Hmm.
I did have an ulterior motive
for bringing you here.
Oh yeah? You tryin'
to whisk me away with you, huh?
[both laugh]
- [Mike moans]
- Yeah, something like that.
Sorry, Mikey.
When I'm walking down the street
Where you sing sha la la la la la la
Sha la la la
I'm in love with a Jersey girl
[music fades out, applause echoes]
[siren passing]
What the...
[bell tolling]
What the...
[Rox] Morning.
Welcome to London, Mikey.
Rox, what the hell?
Where... where did Jersey go?
Oh, it didn't go anywhere. You did.
No, no, no. We were... we were at the Point.
Remember I was being very charming?
"Jersey Girl" was playing...
And then I injected you
with a tranquilizer
and transported you here
via freight to the UK.
No, no. I should be at work.
I can't... I can't be late again.
My foreman's gonna kill me.
[Rox chuckling]
[door opens]
[whimsical music playing]
[doorman whistles]
Hell of a wake-up call, huh, Mike?
- Who are you?
- Tom Brennan.
Local 12-25.
- What?
- I'm Roxanne's boss.
Although, sometimes,
it does not feel like that.
I'm a diligent follower of orders, boss.
Yeah, just not always the ones I'm giving.
What kind of think tank is this?
Think tank. That's good.
I usually tell people I'm a pilot.
He's got the hat and everything.
- What?
- Let me buy you breakfast. You drive.
Rox, what...
- I need some answers.
- [Brennan] Okay, what do you wanna know?
What do you mean? Am I being kidnapped?
One way you can tell
if you're being kidnapped
is if a guy tosses you the keys
to a $200,000 sport utility vehicle
and offers to buy you breakfast.
I normally jimmy this shit
with a screwdriver.
- Where... There's no place to put the key.
- Mike.
Right there.
Somebody needs to tell me
what the hell is going on.
Will do, Mike. Take a right.
[tires screech]
[car horn blares]
You might wanna try
driving on the right side.
Oh shit! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Shit!
[car horns blare]
What the...
- The hell is he doing?
- The right side is the left side.
Do you know how confusing you sound?
- First time in London?
- What do you think?
His first time
out of the tristate area. [laughs]
So you don't work
for an international think tank?
Nope. We work for the Union.
What union?
Half the intelligence community
don't know we exist.
- The other half regret finding out.
- You guys the FBI or something?
Yeah, except we do all the work,
and we don't wear coats
with our name in big yellow letters.
That sounds exciting for you,
but why am I here?
Because two nights ago, in Trieste, Italy,
a Union mission
to intercept a CIA turncoat went south.
- [Mike] That's why I'm in London?
- [Rox] Yep.
[Brennan] Basically.
I'm sorry for being a little slow here,
but you have to fill in the blanks, okay?
Tell you what makes the Union unique.
We don't recruit
out of Princeton or Harvard.
We're not looking to tap the Yale skulls
or the Oxford tennis team.
We're looking for people
that fly under the radar.
An invisible army
that keeps the world running.
People who do the actual work.
Street smarts over book smarts.
Blue collar, not blue blood.
People that build our cities,
keep production lines humming.
That's who we are... and we get shit done.
People like us
are expected to get shit done
'cause nobody ever handed us
anything a day in our lives.
What he said.
[pop music playing in caf]
Hey, Maggie. We'll have three bacon rolls
and three black coffees for takeaway.
Ketchup or brown sauce?
Just ketchup, thank you.
- What the hell is a brown sauce?
- I have no idea.
Those guys over there, they work for you?
[Brennan] If they did,
you wouldn't have noticed 'em.
So look here. This is Derek Mitchell.
Former CIA analyst.
He was on the run
with top secret information.
- Guy you were tryin' to get in Trieste?
- Yep.
- Yeah, Trieste.
- Except you guys messed it up.
Yeah, we messed it up.
Now Mitchell has a hole
where his face used to be,
the intel is in the wind,
and we are up shit creek.
Know what they call that?
[Mike] I don't know.
Space Needle? Harry Potter Wand?
The BT Tower.
You know what the Union call it?
Look in here, Mike.
How did they get all of my shit like that?
Check this out.
Juliet Quinn, AKA the Auctioneer.
We found out she's selling the intel
on the black market in London
on behalf of a mystery seller.
The mystery seller being whoever killed
your guys and stole the intel.
Those are the kind of details
you're gonna have to remember
if you wanna pass the test.
- What test?
- The entrance test.
I don't like tests.
[dramatic music playing]
- [man 1] Same thing?
- [man 2] Yeah.
Wow! Holy shit!
In two weeks, that stolen intel's
gonna be sold at a black market auction
that we need to be a part of.
- That's where you come in.
- Hey, Athena.
What's he talking about, where I come in?
- Any underlying medical issues?
- Not that I know of.
Are you on any medications presently?
I got tranquilized last night.
- I don't know if that counts.
- Nope.
Hey, what did you mean by
"that's where I come in"?
That intel Mitchell stole
wasn't launch codes or blueprints
for some secret missile base.
It was... information
about every man and woman
who has ever served
a Western-allied country.
Every local cop,
every rifleman in the marines.
Every spook at MI5, MI6... FBI, CIA,
and, yeah, the Union.
That intel gets into the wrong hands,
our ability to protect the public
is history.
Here's the rub, Mike.
We need somebody clean.
If I send in somebody
that could turn up as Miss July
on the FBI's
most promising agents calendar this year,
they're gonna get their head blown off,
and the mission is DOA.
So we need somebody with no history.
Basically, we need a nobody.
[Brennan] Correct.
After you.
[Mike] Hey, what's up, big man?
Oh, what the... Rox, what the hell?
- [man] You're a tough guy, huh?
- What? Hey!
Yeah, that's right.
- Bro. What?
- What's up, man?
Let me see how tough you are now.
Too pretty to be a tough guy.
Don't let the pretty face fool you.
I'm from the street.
Yeah? Which street is that?
Sesame Street? [laughs]
- Keep the new guy in one piece.
- There you go. Oh, you want some more?
Come on at me, Elmo.
Let's see what you got.
[Rox] Hey, hey, hey!
[man laughing]
Yeah, I can work with this.
This is Frank Pfeiffer,
physical specialist.
You were about to say you're not sure
if you're the guy for this,
and honestly, I think that's a good sign.
I'm not sure either,
but Roxanne believes you can do it, so...
You got till the end of the day
to make up your mind, okay?
You need a nobody, huh?
Why don't you get one of these people?
- I didn't mean that, Mike.
- No, you meant a nobody in a good way.
I mean, just yesterday, I'm waking up
next to Nicole Hoffman in Paterson.
I hadn't thought about you in forever.
Today, I'm in London, and you're asking me
to risk my life for you?
- None of this makes any sense.
- Wait. Let me get this straight.
You had sex
with our seventh grade English teacher?
- That is not the point, Roxanne.
- What is the point, Mike?
Why me? You haven't seen me in 25 years.
A guy who can be on a tiny beam
a thousand feet in the air
and keep his cool,
who used to be an all-star athlete.
A guy I remembered I could count on.
But I'm supposed to count on you.
You dropped out of my life.
I went to college!
Let's not make this thing overly dramatic.
No, no. You disappeared.
That was the Union. That wasn't me.
I didn't know that.
How was I supposed to know that?
- [poignant music playing]
- I'm sorry.
We're not asking you
for a lifetime commitment here.
It's one operation. That's it.
[Mike sighs]
Look, first-class ticket to Newark,
leaves tonight.
You could be back
in Wilson's bar tomorrow.
Same bar, same stool, same friends.
Your choice.
[music intensifies]
- [cell phone buzzing]
- Oh!
Roxanne Hall?
Wait. Wa... Ma, how do you know that?
- I know everything.
- Look.
I know you must be worried,
but I can explain.
I always liked her for you.
She's pretty and smart.
Comes from a good family. Ambitious.
- What is she up to?
- Nothing, okay? Can I...
Are you coming home?
Ah, the look on your face is telling me
that the answer is no!
And, yes,
I can hear the look on your face.
I'm your mother.
Oh my God, Ma.
They should've recruited you.
- [doorbell rings]
- All right. Listen, I gotta go, Mikey.
Give Roxanne a hug from me,
and don't leave your best man speech
till the last minute.
- Wait. Ma, I...
- [disconnection beeps]
[pensive music playing]
[Mike] Thanks, man.
I'm in.
Just call me the Jersey James Bond.
Double O "Go fuck yourself"?
- Exactly.
- [laughs]
[Rox] Normally, we'd put you through
a six-month training program
of everything you need to know
to be a Union agent,
but, unfortunately,
we only have two weeks.
So we're gonna have to do
the best we can, Mike.
[Mike groans]
- Any allergies?
- Nope.
Any phobias?
Heights? Spiders?
- Commitment?
- Nope.
How many fingers can fit in your anus?
- All right, stop.
- I'm doing a psychological profile on you.
What does my asshole
have to do with psychology?
Hmm. You should read Freud.
What's your relationship like
with your father?
Well, he's dead now,
so, you know, we argue a lot less.
[dynamic music playing]
Mike, this is, uh... You know what?
Doesn't matter what his name is.
- We just call him Foreman.
- Why do they call you Foreman?
- 'Cause I used to be one.
- That makes sense.
Drove a forklift for an Amazon
distribution center in Fort Worth.
Cleared 10,000 packages an hour.
Then I reprogrammed
their entire computer system.
Doubled their productivity, made half
their management level redundant.
Wow. Well, thank you
for sharing your story with me.
[Rox] Sprint to the edge of this building.
If you stop before I tell you to stop,
you fail.
You slow down, you fail.
You take this off, you fail.
If you let me run off the edge
and fall to my death, do I fail?
You do.
[Mike scoffs]
This is just like the go-karts in Jersey.
Oh, I got this shit.
The shit's on the wrong side.
They don't have go-karts
with the wheel on this side.
Mike, go again.
Okay, this is a memory and reflex test.
I'm gonna read out a series of numbers,
and I want you to repeat them back to me.
One, seven, nineteen,
eight, five, three, ten.
One, seven, nine...
Ow! Jesus!
Reflex bad. Can you finish the numbers?
No, I think I forgot.
Okay. Memory bad.
Reflex still bad.
[Rox] Go!
- Fail!
- Damn it!
It's about trust, Mike.
This guy's about to take a swing at you.
What you doin' wrong?
I shouldn't have been
talking to his girlfriend.
["Messin' Up My Mind"
by Fletcher C. Johnson playing]
- Shit.
- Put your hands.
Well, I've been down with lovers
This is your new identity.
Um, like you... but successful.
[Mike] Ed Weston?
Here. That's your cover story.
You need to learn that by heart.
- The whole thing?
- Yeah. I'm sorry.
Is there a, uh, bridge somewhere
you'd rather be fixing?
Were you this much fun
to work with at Amazon?
- What's your name?
- Ed Weston.
- How old are you?
- Forty-seven.
- Where you from?
- Boston, Massachusetts.
[Rox] Not hearing the accent!
[Boston accent] Boston, Massachusetts!
Park the car!
Got any family?
According to my file,
I met the girl of my dreams
but let her slip between my fingers.
...messin' up my mind
Messin' with my head
It's better than a Gumball Rally. [laughs]
Must have been messin' up my mind
Must have been messin' with my head
Must have been messin' up my mind
Must have been messin' up my head
Must have been messin' up my mind
Must have been messin' up my head
[music stops]
[Foreman] It's a blind auction.
Each buyer is able to bid remotely
using a specially encrypted device
provided to them by the Auctioneer.
Now, five million dollars cash up front,
along with a verifiable bank account.
This gets you a device.
Jersey Boy over here,
he has to go pick it up in person.
Your pickup location is gonna be
the Seven Dials Monument.
It's a straight handover.
Cash for the device.
We're gonna have eyes on you
the whole time.
Okay. Any questions?
How dangerous is it gonna be?
- Piece of cake.
- Okay.
Yeah. I mean, you know,
unless it isn't.
[dramatic music fades in]
[Brennan] Okay. Roll call, kids.
Rooftop in position.
Wheels, uh, in position.
Patiently waiting.
Athena and Frank in position.
[Mike sighs]
All right, uh, there's one in the chamber,
14 in the clip.
There is 15 in the spare.
That's 30 shots in all.
You quotin' Wu-Tang Clan 36 Chambers?
[Foreman] Huh?
If I get in trouble and run out of ammo,
what do I do?
- Pick something heavy up and throw it.
- See why you were the foreman.
- [Foreman] Yeah.
- You're good.
- Hey, Mike.
- What?
- Your five million dollars.
- Oh shit.
[English accent] Thank you, darling.
All right. Uh... Yeah, he's dead.
Hey, Rox. You there?
- [Rox] There you are.
- I thought this bag would be heavier.
Did you think
it was five million in pennies?
I don't know.
You know, I actually never asked you.
What does a Union agent get paid?
Ten dollars an hour and free dental care.
You wanna lowball a guy
carrying this much of your money?
You wanna negotiate with a woman
carrying an assault rifle?
[Mike chuckling]
That's actually a good point.
- Mm-hmm. Thought so.
- Yeah. All right, I'm at the monument.
Okay, here we go. Positions, everybody.
- Got any spare change, mate?
- Oh shit. Huh?
[tense music playing]
- No.
- Hold on. Who's that guy?
- [Athena] Weirdo?
- [Frank] More than a weirdo.
- You're looking for the Auctioneer.
- What?
[man] Follow me,
and turn off your earpiece.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- Mike, where you going?
- Where's he going?
- [Rox] Mike!
Um, we've got no signal
coming from his radio.
[music intensifies]
- We got a third team in play, people.
- [Frank] Shit. We got company.
[music intensifies]
Who's got eyes on him?
We've got definite hostiles
moving down Earlham Street.
[Brennan] Let's go, people.
[Rox] They've passed Monmouth Street.
I'm on my way to Mike.
They're in there, mate.
[man] Taxi!
[music subsides]
[cell phone buzzing]
- Hello?
- [Quinn] Good afternoon, Mr. Weston.
- [music intensifies]
- Where's he at?
Looks like he's gone into a pub.
Martin's Row, behind the hotel.
Behind the hotel?
On the move. Does anybody else have him?
[Quinn] Dartmouth College.
Always loved their motto.
"A voice in the dark." So poetic.
Uh, it's "a voice crying out
in the wilderness," actually.
[Athena] Third team has mobile assets.
Come on, come on. Somebody get there.
We gotta put this fire out, people.
[Quinn] I did a little digging into you,
Mr. Weston.
I didn't find much.
Well, I guess I'm not that fond
of paper trails, huh?
A man after my own heart.
Now if you proceed
to the gentlemen's bathroom,
you'll find further instructions in there.
Foreman, we're stuck.
It's a goddamn delivery truck.
I can't move.
[music subsides]
You must be further instructions.
This is Ricky.
He's going to count the money.
Are you carrying a gun?
Yes, I am.
Well, take it out... and put it on the side.
[music intensifies]
- [motorcycles accelerating]
- [man] Hey!
[tires screeching]
[music subsides]
- [Ricky] So where are you from?
- Pat... Um...
Do you know Good Will Hunting?
It's my favorite movie.
No shit.
A man from the hood,
but he's good at counting.
Yeah. That spoke to me, you know?
Nice seeing yourself
reflected on screen. I get that.
[Ricky clears his throat]
- Looks good.
- [Quinn] Excellent.
But what now? Where's the device?
You're holding it.
[urine splashing]
I guess we don't get
to meet in person, huh?
- [Ricky groans]
- Good luck in the auction, Mr. Weston.
That was a piece of cake.
Might be due for a promotion
or at least a beer, huh?
- [people screaming]
- [gunshots]
[dramatic music playing]
- Holy shit. Who was that?
- Piece of cake, huh?
- [bullet whistles]
- Get down!
- When I say get down, get down.
- I am down.
Foreman, where's the backup?
Let's go!
Holy shit. Who are these guys?
I wouldn't bother learning their names.
Mike, go!
- [Mike] Are you sure?
- [Rox] Yes! Take the device! Go!
[bullet whistles]
[music subsides]
[woman] Then listen to your teacher.
Repeat after me.
- I won't grow up
- I won't grow up
- I don't want to go to school
- I don't want to go to school
- Just to learn to be a parrot
- Just to learn to be a parrot
- And recite a silly rule
- And recite a silly rule...
Mike... where are ya?
Sounds like Mike's taking in a show, boss.
Yeah, great time
to join the Lost Boys, Mike.
Beneath my dignity to climb a tree
I'll never grow up
Never grow up, never grow up
Not me
Not I
Not me
Not me!
- I won't grow up
- I won't grow up
- I don't want to wear a tie
- I don't want to wear a tie
- Or a serious expression
- Or a serious expression
- In the middle of July
- In the middle of July
[tense music playing]
Mike, where are you?
Shit. I'm running!
This place is like a damn labyrinth!
Oh shit.
[music ends]
[panting] Oh God. All right, I'm okay.
[dramatic music playing]
[music subsides]
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Miss! Miss, hey!
[music resumes]
[music subsides]
You gotta be kidding. What...
[music resumes]
[music subsides]
[music intensifying]
Hey! Help!
Rox, watch out!
[music stops]
Holy shit.
Come on, come on. Let's go, let's go.
- [Foreman] Let's roll.
- [van accelerating]
[Rox sighs]
[Mike softly] I'm sorry.
[Foreman] Hey.
- It's totally busted.
- You can't get anything from it?
[Foreman] Well, the microchip,
the iOS, it's just totally fried.
It's like somebody fell on it
and dropped it in a sink or somethin'.
- So go tell him.
- No, you tell him.
- [Foreman] You tell him.
- [Athena] You go tell him.
Yeah. They had these, boss.
- Makarovs. So Russians, right?
- Yep.
[Frank] Thanks, man.
[Rox] My guess is Moscow is tracking
everybody else in this auction.
Easier to kill the opposition
than outbid 'em.
Let me tell you something, man.
My first day in the field... [chuckles]
...I got my ass kicked too.
Not by a woman.
Not that there's anything wrong with that,
you understand... Just clarifying. [laughs]
You know what? I think we got a leak.
Think about it.
First Trieste, now this.
We don't have a leak.
I trust everybody in this room.
As far as what happened today,
there's at least five other groups
in this thing.
They'd all do whatever the hell it takes
to get that intel.
So we gotta assume it's open season
on everybody in this auction.
We ain't in the auction.
I mean, not anymore,
not without a working device, so...
Okay, but look.
There's five other groups, right?
So that means
there's five other devices out there.
So if we can't fix ours,
then... why don't we steal another one?
I mean, would that work?
In theory.
The security of the Western world
depends on it,
not to mention the future
of this organization,
so I guess "in theory, possibly"
is gonna have to do.
The auction takes place
in less than 48 hours.
Let's all go home and get some rest, huh?
Rox, can I have a word?
[messaged received beeps]
Seems serious.
[sighs] Ronnie's wedding.
I'm the best man. I'm supposed to be
planning a bachelor party.
Real-life stuff, huh?
So are you gonna jab me again?
[scoffs] Come on, Mike. [chuckles]
I know why we're here.
Brennan wants you to send me home, right?
Yeah. Well, you're not wrong.
Maybe it's better you just go home.
Stay alive.
Seriously, you took a chance on me,
and it didn't work out,
but I don't like
letting other people down.
You did good. You did everything
you were supposed to do.
The mission just fell apart.
Not your fault.
I just wanna see it through
to prove you didn't make a mistake.
- Really?
- Yeah.
You gonna give me another chance?
- Could we have two tequilas, please?
- [barman] Coming up.
[scoffs] He's not gonna
slip me anything, is he?
[Rox chuckling]
Let's drink to it. To second chances.
[soaring music playing]
[Foreman] Intelligence gathering indicates
the other groups in the auction represent
China, North Korea,
Syria, Russia, and Iceland.
Just kidding. It's Iran. It's always Iran.
Who can we get to?
None of them are gonna be easy,
but hired muscle is like anything else.
You get what you pay for,
and North Korea... pays shit.
Oh. Well, they don't look very Korean.
I would know because I'm Korean.
Very astute, Athena.
They are, in fact, not Korean.
They are very Eastern European.
Former Soviet Bloc mercenaries
is what they are.
Our comms unit triangulated a signal,
and, uh,
they are holed up
in this vacant mansion in Hampstead.
Foreman, I need you on the ground today.
We're gonna steal a device.
Let's be sure it's actually the right one.
Roxanne, Frank, you're with Foreman.
Athena, you got recon.
Mike, since you're still here,
I'm guessing Roxanne
didn't listen to me again.
He can handle it.
All right, Mike.
Your lucky day. Let's move out.
[dramatic music playing]
Surveillance in position.
You are clear to go.
[music subsides]
[indistinct voices]
["Party Diva" by Deeper Purpose playing]
Some people tell me
I'm a party-party-party-party diva
[objects rattling]
So call me up, come on over
And I'll play it on the speaker
[gasps] Yes, queen!
[dramatic music playing]
- [elevator dings]
- [music stops]
[music resumes]
- [music subsides]
- [sighs]
[Athena] Foreman, any luck?
[Foreman] No device in here.
Okay. One more, guys.
[music intensifies]
[groans in frustration]
[gasps softly]
[music becomes unsettling]
Huh?! Oh! [panting]
[music fades out]
[dramatic music playing]
[Rox] Mike!
[music building]
[music subsides]
[music intensifies]
[man groans]
[music fades out]
[zipper rasps]
- [device beeps]
- You got it?
Look at that, huh?
You did good, Mike.
Not bad for a nobody, huh?
- [earpiece beeps]
- We got it. We're on our way out.
- [dramatic music fades in]
- Athena?
[music stops]
[Rox gasps]
[Frank] Oh shit.
Oh no, no, no. Hang in there, sweetie.
Frankie's here, baby. Come on. I got you.
There we go. Come on. Hey, baby.
Tell 'em to get the med bay ready.
We're coming in now. Come on, sweetie.
She's dead, Frank.
Goddamn it!
[poignant music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
Boss, we've been compromised.
You gotta get out of there.
Clear the building!
[music stops]
[car alarms wailing]
Oh shit.
[dramatic music playing]
[Frank] Could be the damn Russians again.
Revenge for the Seven Dials.
[Foreman] No, bro.
How'd they know about our headquarters?
- [Frank] Someone's got eyes on us.
- [phone buzzing]
- It's Brennan.
- [Foreman] It's Brennan!
[Frank] Boss, you okay?
Yeah, we got it.
Athena... We lost her.
You got it.
Bomb missed most of the control rooms.
I don't have numbers on the casualties,
but we're still on our feet, just.
Now what?
Scatter. Wait for word.
[inspirational music playing]
[door lock beeps]
[music fades out]
- [Mike] This is your safe house?
- Yeah, one of 'em.
[Mike] You okay?
I'm sorry about your friend, Rox.
[poignant music playing]
[Mike] I'm here if you wanna talk.
[music fades out]
- I'll sleep on the chair.
- You can't sleep in the chair.
I can make a bed in the corner,
on the floor.
You can sleep in the bed, Mike.
[Mike] It's not really
a safe house, is it?
It's more like a safe room.
- Yeah.
- Right?
[Mike] You gonna hog the blankets
like you always did?
I didn't hog the blankets.
- Oh yeah, you did.
- Oh no, I didn't.
Oh, you did.
- No, I didn't.
- [scoffs]
You did. And... [softly] snore too.
I didn't snore. You snored.
- No, you snored. You always snored.
- No, you snored.
You snored.
- What are you, five?
- You're five.
Go to sleep, silly.
And just for the record,
I'm not makin' a move on you here.
Just for the record,
me either.
[anchor] Officials say
it was an electrical spark
that triggered the explosion
at the iconic London landmark last night.
Several people were taken to hospital
for their injuries,
but so far, there have been
no reported deaths from the accident.
Electrical spark?
That's the best they could come up with?
- Almost sounds believable, huh?
- [grunts]
Brennan called.
The auction's at 1800 hours. Let's get it.
[dramatic music playing]
[recorded announcement]
The next station is Queensway.
Please mind the gap
between the train and the platform.
[music fades out]
[Rox] Good to see you, boss.
Good to be seen. Some of us got lucky.
What's the body count?
Let's, uh... let's focus on that
after we punch back, okay?
Well, looks like it's up and running.
Activated last night.
Foreman's working on it.
We should be able to track Quinn's signal
as soon as the auction starts,
but then we gotta make sure
the bidding lasts long enough
to get the exact location.
If the buy-in's five million dollars,
how much will the bidding go up to?
Like, enough to buy the Knicks
and pay somebody
to teach 'em how to play basketball.
Holy shit. Who's floating the cash?
We are.
Who are you?
I'm the CIA.
[smugly] And we're funding
tonight's little dance,
so if you could grab Quinn and the intel
before the US government finance
the 401K of every foreign hostile
between here and Pyongyang,
well, then we sure would appreciate it.
Get the intel,
you live to fight another day.
Screw it up, that's the Union done.
Where can I get a coffee around here?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Quinn] Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to tonight's auction.
Okay. Foreman.
[Foreman] Just started.
- Roxanne?
- Moving into position now.
- Had any disco fries today, Mike?
- Nope.
Great. They're not as good
the second time around.
- [Mike] Some things can be.
- [chuckles]
[Quinn] With only one item on the docket,
we'll begin bidding straightaway
at the opening price
of 100 million dollars.
- I have 100 million. 125.
- [CIA man] Hey, Bezos?
If you don't wanna be working a forklift
on Monday, get the damn tracker working!
- [Foreman] Um, almost there.
- [Frank] Come on now.
- [phone buzzing]
- It's my boss.
[Quinn] 150 million.
He probably wants to know if he needs
to sell one of the states to pay for this.
I think we could lose Idaho.
Nobody'd notice.
- I'm from Idaho.
- You think I don't know that?
[Rox] We got a signal yet?
- [Quinn] 175 million.
- [Foreman] Right. Here we go.
[Frank] Showtime.
[Foreman] Getting the lockdown
on the location. Rox, start heading east.
Got it.
[dramatic music playing]
[Quinn] 200 million dollars.
[Foreman] It's narrowing down
to the Southwark area.
[Mike yelps] A heads-up
would be nice, Rox.
Hold on, Mike.
[Quinn] 250 million.
Do I have 275?
275 million.
I hope you know what you're doing.
[Quinn] 300 million dollars.
Not my money.
[music intensifies]
[Quinn] 325 million.
[car horns blaring]
Do I have an advance on 325 million?
Do I have 350 million?
- Dude.
- Um, it's calibrating. I need more time.
- [Brennan sighs]
- [Quinn] Do I have 350?
-[Quinn] 350 million dollars.
Do I have 375?
[music gradually intensifying]
[Quinn] Going once.
- [CIA man] Brennan.
- What do you want me to do? My bid is in.
You know how an auction works?
I can't bid against myself.
Going twice.
[music intensifying]
[Quinn] I have 375 million.
[Foreman] We're still alive, Rox.
Net closin' in.
[car horns blaring]
[Foreman] They're somewhere
near St. Paul's.
[Rox] Two minutes out.
Okay, we're close. We've got a location.
About to locate the building.
- [Quinn] 425 million.
- No. No. What happened?
- Uh, shit, it's buffering.
- "Shit, it's buffering."
[Rox] Where to, Foreman?
This is your computer guy?
He looks like the janitor.
- Can we get a young person?
- Hold on, man!
- [CIA man] I'll do it myself.
- Going twice.
- [CIA man] How do you work this thing?
- What are you doin'? Don't do...
- [Quinn] New bid at 550 million dollars.
- Shit. I...
- There goes Boise.
- [Foreman] Connection's back.
- Rox, she's in Nicholls Avenue.
- [Rox] Nice job, Foreman.
- We're closin' in.
- Right, you're a block away.
[Quinn] Do I have 575 million?
There! Rooftop level.
["All I Need (DJ-Kicks)"
by Jayda G playing in bar]
Six hundred million dollars.
Do I have any advance
on six hundred million dollars?
How about zero dollars,
and I don't advance this bullet
through your skull?
That concludes tonight's bidding.
[computer beeps]
Roxanne Hall.
I'm surprised they let the Union
stay involved after Trieste.
After six of our people got killed,
we don't pass this to nobody else.
You shouldn't let this job
get too personal. Clouds the judgment.
It's all personal.
Mr. Weston, how duplicitous of you.
It's Mike McKenna.
Jersey branch. Where's Ricky tonight?
He has his yoga class on Tuesdays.
- Where's the intel, Quinn?
- You know you can call me Juliet, darling.
I'll be callin' you "that bitch I buried
in London" if you don't start talkin'.
You see, this is why
I hate dealing with the agencies.
Everything always starts at a ten,
doesn't it?
Shoulda seen her in high school.
The intelligence is in a lockbox
in Holland Park.
I'm... very happy to drive you.
I'll drive.
You're in the passenger seat.
He's in the back
with a gun pointed at your head.
How's that sound?
[tense music playing]
[music fades out]
Oh, for God's sake.
It's not bloody booby-trapped.
You can relax.
- [door beeps]
- [mouthing]
Thank you.
[device clicking]
[Mike] Is that it?
Yup, that's it.
- Let's go.
- [knocking at door]
[menacing music playing]
- You expecting somebody?
- No.
[tense music playing]
[Faraday] Rox.
[softly] Roxanne,
your life is in danger.
All of our lives are in danger.
Please... let me in.
[door closes]
[Quinn] Well, this evening gets
stranger and stranger.
Agent Faraday... back from the dead.
- Nick Faraday. Local 12-25.
- Oh, cool. You're Union.
- That's right.
- Hi.
One of the six dead agents in Trieste.
You're looking well for it.
How... how are you still alive, Nick?
The current carried me to the ocean.
Got myself to a doctor,
then got myself here.
Rox, Trieste was a setup.
Someone knew we were coming.
That means there's a leak in the Union.
So, what? You were just playing dead
until you figured out who it was?
- That's right.
- You shoulda told me.
- It was to keep you safe.
- I can keep myself safe, Nick.
Gimme a name.
- Tom Brennan.
- No.
The stolen intel has details
on everyone who's ever worked
for the US government
going back to the Cold War,
including mission logs.
Including classified mission logs.
How much do you know about
Tom Brennan before he set up the Union?
Did you know he used to run black ops
for the CIA?
Tom Brennan has a history, Rox.
He's done things
our government has felt compelled to bury.
Things that were never meant
to see the light of day.
All right, but if all that was true,
how come you didn't tell me?
I was trying to protect you.
You spent two weeks pretending to be dead.
Why should she trust you, asshole?
'Cause I'm married to her, asshole.
We're separated.
- This guy?
- What's that supposed to mean?
I'm sure her dad was pleased as punch
when you walked in.
Bill and I had a great rapport.
Oh, Bill? You didn't have to call him
Mr. Hall like everybody else?
Let me tell you about me and Bill.
- Yeah, no, no, no, tell me.
- Hey, we're not gonna do this.
They ought to call this the "Re-union."
You got proof that it was Brennan?
Proof is in the intel.
And it can't go to Brennan.
Who do you suggest giving it to?
Cameron Foster and the CIA are in London
overseeing the operation.
Hand it over to them.
That guy who thinks he's Gary Oldman?
He's full of shit.
Listen, new guy.
Why don't you bench yourself
and let the grown-ups talk, okay?
This guy
had all the combat training, right?
Yes, Mike. He'd beat you in a fight.
All right, I'll let that slide. This time.
Roxanne, I'm asking you to trust me.
Brennan will kill for this intel.
Too many Union agents are dead.
I don't wanna see anyone else join them.
Especially not you, baby.
Trieste, the Seven Dials, the HQ.
- You know it makes sense.
- [cell phone buzzing]
He'll have a track on your location.
We should scatter.
Suppose you want the intel as well?
No. The CIA can arrange a pickup.
We can rendezvous
at the Albert Bridge at dawn,
and we can pass it over together.
Let them handle this.
What about her?
Oh, darling.
No, I'm just a simple middleman.
Best to cut me loose, I'd say.
Let me handle her.
[intriguing music playing]
Rox. Rox!
Come on.
Well, now she's stealing a car.
That's good.
[engine starts]
Uh-uh. We're not gonna do that.
You didn't wanna tell me you were married?
A, we're separated.
B, I thought he was dead.
Yeah, like ten minutes
before you came to see me.
You drive right to the bar
after the funeral?
- Why would that matter to you?
- You know why it matters to me!
Do you care that I've been married
to somebody in the last 25 years?
To that asshole? A little bit. I do.
Okay. What was that shit about my dad?
"Oh, I bet you call him Mr. Hall."
Like somehow as if my dad was the problem.
If you wanna talk about it, let's talk.
Your father had a problem
because you had a Black girlfriend.
Your dad didn't like me either.
They were being protective.
They were old-fashioned.
Old-fashioned. Let me pull out
my appropriate racism chart,
and let's see where old-fashioned falls
between small-town housewife
and Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan!
My dad was an asshole.
I should've said something.
- Yeah.
- I shoulda done a lot, and I didn't.
But you shoulda told me the truth
before manipulating me into coming here!
I didn't manipulate you. I saved you!
I came and dragged you
out of your small, little life.
- "My small, little life." Yeah, well.
- Yeah.
I gave you an opportunity
to be a part of something.
I gotta tell you, Rox.
It might not be perfect, but it's honest.
Yeah. I live in the same house.
I got the same job and the same friends.
And you know why?
'Cause I can count on them.
They'd lie in traffic for me.
I'd do the same for them!
Can you say that about the people
that you have in your life? I doubt it.
Maybe I can, maybe I can't.
But this is a chance for you, Mike.
You wanna go back to Paterson
and throw that all away?
Oh, just stop, Rox.
How come everybody else
can see your potential except for you?
You know, thanks for the advice.
See you at the next high school reunion.
[poignant music playing]
[music soars]
[music subsides]
[melancholy music playing]
- Hey, Mikey! Hey, man, where you at?
- [men whooping]
You are missing an epic bachelor party!
I know, but I am so sorry. I'm...
[man] Check it out! This ass belongs
to Stephanie Tranata after Sunday!
- [man] Woo-hoo!
- Whoa... Is that Ronnie?
- [Johnny] Hey, man! Look who it is!
- Mikey!
- Yeah!
- [Ronnie] That's my best man!
Ronnie, I promise you, I'm gonna be there
for the wedding, okay? I promise.
I'm never gonna forgive you, man!
[Mike] Keep your pants on.
I'm kidding! I'm kidding, bro.
We love you, buddy.
Hey, whatever you're doin',
it's gotta be important, right?
- [Johnny] Yeah!
- Right.
- [Ronnie] You do you, Mikey!
- [men whooping]
[whooping stops]
Sorry about that.
[rousing music playing]
[music subsides]
[music becomes poignant]
What are you doin' here, Mike?
The mission ain't over.
I ain't goin' home.
- You're still an asshole.
- Oh, you've always been an asshole.
- [chuckles] Thanks for coming, Mike.
- No problem.
I would have got here a lot sooner,
but I was standing on the wrong bridge
for 20 minutes.
He should be here.
[intriguing music playing]
[cell phone buzzing]
So I'm on the bridge, Nick,
and you're not here.
I'm guessing this isn't gonna be
great news, is it?
- Afraid I'm not coming, Rox.
- Oh, what? So this was a setup?
You and Brennan.
If you check your bank balance,
you'll see a parting gift
of a quarter of the proceeds
from the buy-in to the auction.
I had to, uh, cover my escape.
What about the intel?
The bags switched back at the house.
I mean, the Iranians did promise
good money for it.
Wouldn't be fair
to leave 'em empty-handed.
And the Union? No loyalty, Nick?
Yeah, the Union.
It sounds good in the beginning, you know?
Then you save the world a few times,
and there's no credit and no reward.
Brennan's blue-collar bullshit
really started to piss me off
right around the time my wife decided
she'd had enough of me
just because... I wanted more.
You didn't have to kill Athena
or bomb the London branch.
I would've stopped at Trieste
if you guys hadn't been so persistent.
And I was content to play dead forever,
but once you got the Koreans' device,
I had to take the Union out.
Or you and Brennan
would never stop coming after me.
You're right about that.
And that would've
cramped my style, Roxanne.
And we wouldn't want that.
[helicopter approaching]
- Well, that's disappointing.
- Roxanne.
Look here, Nick.
In the history of men screwin' up,
you might have just screwed up the worst.
I'll be seeing you, baby.
- [music becomes tense]
- [tires screech]
[music intensifies]
Drop the intel. Hit the ground now.
Come on, Foster.
You can't possibly think all this is real.
Agent Hall. Agent...
Agent Mike, you got five seconds
before we open fire!
- Look, when I say go, follow me.
- Follow you? Where?
- Remember the trust exercise?
- Yeah.
- Did I let you die?
- [Foster] Two.
- Shit. Yeah.
- Remember that.
That shiner, is that what Brennan gave you
while you were handcuffin' him?
Yeah, I know.
He's quite fast for an old man.
Maybe prison will slow him down.
Yeah, well, he taught me
everything I know.
[music intensifies]
[music becomes dramatic]
[Foster] Shit!
Oh! Goddamn! Come on! Get out of my way!
I want that goddamned son of a bitch boat
pulled over! No one gets off!
[loud-hailer] Please halt your vessel.
Sir, please pull your vessel to the shore.
You have known fugitives on board.
[music gradually fades out]
There's Faraday. Right there.
- Oh, you put a track on him?
- Yeah, I put a track on him.
I might be an asshole, but I'm not stupid.
- I didn't mean that. I was just...
- I know. Forget it.
[Mike] Istria?
Yup. But the truth is, Mike,
the Union is out of the game.
We're on the run from the CIA.
Every cop and every agent in London
is looking for you,
and if you get caught, you're looking
at hard time for treason, so, you know...
Look, I'm not worried about it, all right?
I'm in it as long as you're in.
Okay. All we need to do now
is figure out how we get on a plane.
[cell phone ringing]
[man] Are you insane? Ah.
[vendor] Bobby!
- What the hell? Where you been?
- [Mike] Hey, hey, Bobby.
No bullshit, I swear to Christ.
Roxanne, she kidnaps me,
she makes me join some secret agency
to fight terrorists in London.
Ha-ha. Real funny, asshole.
You had us worried.
Ronnie's getting married on Sunday.
You gotta be here.
I need a favor. Are you still coordinating
all the cargo flights going out of Newark?
Right. Nothin' leaves the airport
without me knowin' about it.
What do you need?
You stupid? I need to leave an airport
without anybody knowing.
[suspenseful music playing]
- Gary?
- Yeah.
[lock rattling]
Container 726.
Tell Bobby he owes me, yeah?
I'll do that.
[Mike] Hey, here.
[music subsides]
Does this remind you of something?
Think about it.
Janitor's closet... by the gym.
That's the one.
- Eighth grade.
- Yeah.
[both chuckle softly]
[music intensifies]
[music ends]
I assume you're sitting in your office
having a nice chai latte
and listening in on this,
so I know you
and the whole Central Incompetence Agency
think I'm behind this,
and somehow, Roxanne Hall is involved
and, of course, as usual,
you've got it dead wrong.
So now the Union is on ice, and meanwhile,
the real bad guys, dollars to doughnuts,
they're selling your stolen intelligence
right this goddamn minute.
And you know what happens next?
An old flame of mine
runs a CIA office in Istanbul.
She'll be driving her grandkids
to soccer practice
when the whole car's blown to smithereens
because some terrorist cell
got her home address
and the... and the make and model
of her car from your stolen intel!
Every agency, every employee,
from the bigwigs to the regular Joes,
are gonna be droppin' like flies.
You ready for that, Foster?
'Cause this is coming down on your head.
You better pray what's left of my team
can find that intel
before somebody else does.
It's not that I think it's small.
Excuse me?
Your life... in Paterson.
You know, what I said in the car?
I don't think that your life
has been small.
You know, I just needed to get out
and see what else was out there, you know?
I get that.
Was it everything you wanted it to be?
Sometimes, no.
You know, I don't... know
if we definitely get out of this.
We might not win this one,
but I'm glad it's you and me.
And I'm really glad
I walked back into that bar.
Oh, welcome to Istria. Oh-ho!
- I read my travel guide on the way.
- [man chuckles]
Everywhere you go,
there's a Bobby Breslin, huh?
[tense music playing]
[engine starts]
- See you're still good at it.
- It's all in the wrist.
Well, he always said
he wanted to sail around the world.
Looks like he's gonna get his chance.
You two ever go on vacation together?
- Nope.
- Honeymoon?
You ever go anywhere nice just to,
I don't know, hang out, go for a swim?
Not shoot somebody?
Nope. Never.
It's worth thinkin' about.
[Rox scoffs]
I knew it.
[Mike] Looks like they're on the move.
Let's go.
You okay, Rox? You cool?
Yeah. I'm cool. Don't I look cool?
Well, you always look cool, but... Oh shit.
That was either
the president of Croatia's motorcade...
Or the deal for the intel
is about to go down.
[music intensifies]
[music fades out]
[church bell rings]
Hi. Coca-Cola for me, and...
Ice water.
[server] Thank you.
You brought bodyguards?
Well, not as many as you.
You must treat with caution a man
who is willing to betray his friends.
The Union weren't my friends.
They were my employers.
And now I'm freelance, so let's do this.
I tease. Indeed.
Let's finish this quickly.
[Quinn chuckles softly]
[case unlocking]
Once the payment is verified,
we can complete the transaction.
Once the intel is verified,
we can complete the payment.
[Rox] Well, well, well.
- What are the odds, huh?
- [guns cocking]
You made a big mistake, Roxanne.
[Rox chuckles]
- [man 1] Who is this?
- [Quinn] This is Nick's former partner.
Professional and personal.
- Hello, Rox.
- Hello, Juliet.
- Do we have a problem here?
- No.
Oh, we absolutely have a problem here.
Any quarrel you have with Mr. Faraday
has nothing to do with me.
Okay, look here.
If you wanna sit at the big kids' table
and buy stolen secrets
from an ex-secret agent, fine by me,
but what we're not gonna do
is sit here and pretend
like you don't know what you're doing.
So what do you want, Rox?
I want you to go to prison
for murder, espionage, and treason.
- Roxanne.
- I'm taking you both in right now.
- It appears we have a complication.
- I can assure you...
Your assurances are worth very little now.
I'm afraid I must treat this
as the conclusion of our negotiations.
[dramatic music playing]
[man 2 in Farsi] Get off me.
Remove your hand!
[in Farsi] Get the intel!
Get his bag!
It's a sad day when you can't even trust
an Iranian terror cell, huh?
Like I said, Rox,
you made a big mistake coming here.
Oh, my big mistake was marrying you.
Coming here was just reckless.
I guess it was.
- Kill her.
- [Quinn] Wait.
Nick, darling.
This was fun, but now it feels messy,
and that's just not me.
What are you talkin' about?
I think maybe the best thing for us
will be to have a little break. Hm?
- Chance for the dust to settle.
- [in disbelief] Juliet.
Roxanne, if you live through this,
I'm sure you'll come after me.
Oh, you can count on it.
[Quinn] Yes. Well, remember
that I spared your life
and consider that I might be
more useful to you out in the field.
I expect we'll meet again.
Nick, I suspect we probably won't.
[Rox laughing]
I just love a girls' girl, don't you?
[dramatic music playing]
[music subsides]
So that's what we're doing now, Rox?
You're just gonna shoot me in cold blood?
- Five dead in Trieste?
- They were collateral damage.
Oh, you're making this
easier and easier for me.
Get up. Let's go.
[sirens approaching]
[music intensifies]
[people screaming]
[tires screech]
Son of a bitch.
[in Farsi] After him!
[music subsides]
If you come after me, Rox,
I'm gonna have to kill you.
Oh, I don't think that's gonna happen.
I could have taken you out in Trieste,
but I didn't.
Didn't or couldn't?
Let's find out, shall we?
- [Mike] Hey, Rox. Where are you?
- Just regretting my life choices.
What about you?
Up on the roof. It's getting real crowded.
[music intensifies]
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Here. Here.
Rox, I could use a hand.
On my way, Mike.
Oh! Oh, I drop that, and it smashes,
you know who gets smashed next, right?
You don't get to go home.
You having second thoughts, huh?
Hey! No safety rope?
My foreman would have your ass.
Oh, don't look down.
Here, here, here.
Come and get it. Come on.
You want it? Come get it.
[tiles clatter]
- [music intensifies]
- [gunshots ricocheting]
I got this!
Jesus! Oh!
- You're welcome!
- [man groans]
You're welcome!
[music fades out]
Try to hold onto this this time, okay?
- I told you I got a couple of guys.
- Let's see if you can get some more.
That's enough, Rox.
- That's enough.
- [tense music fading in]
Now give me the intel or lose her forever.
Take the shot, Mike.
[Nick] You do not have the shot, Mikey.
[Rox] Go ahead, Mike. Do it.
Don't do it.
[Rox] Go ahead, Mike.
[Nick] Be a good boy. Come on.
[music intensifies]
[music stops]
[gun clatters]
You had the shot.
You're just too chickenshit to take it.
[tires screech]
[dramatic music playing]
Mike, run!
["Another Night" by Real McCoy
playing on car radio]
[driver] Hey. Hey!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
["Money On The Dash"
by Elley Duh & Whethan on car radio]
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!
Hi, sir. Hi. Here, let me help you out.
Come on. There you go.
Thank you very much.
I will take good care of her.
I won't get a scratch on her.
[cross-fades into dramatic music]
[tires screech]
[music intensifies]
[tires screech]
Son of a bitch! [groans]
[tires screech]
- [engine starts]
- Shit!
Mike! Where are you?
I'm in a car.
I don't know!
What do you mean you don't know?
I'm in the trunk.
In the trunk?
[car horns blaring]
- Give it up, Nicky!
- You know I got the better car!
[laughs] It's not about the car, baby!
It's about the driver!
Oh shit!
- What?
- [Mike groaning over radio]
Wait. Oh!
- That's the trunk you're in!
- Yeah!
Well, get outta the trunk, Mike!
- [foot banging]
- I'm workin' on it!
Oh shit! Rox!
Wasn't me!
[foot banging]
[music intensifies]
[car horn blaring]
[Mike grunting]
Mike, get back in the car!
- What?
- Get back in the car, Mike!
[music subsides]
You prick!
Rox, where are ya? Let's go.
I'm heading north up the coast!
You still in the game?
Yeah, I'm back in the game, Rox!
I'm back in the game.
[music intensifies]
Here you go, bitch!
- Goddamn it.
- [engine cranks]
[engine cranking]
Rox, are you taking a breather? Come on!
- No, smart-ass!
- [car revs]
[music intensifies]
[music stops]
[distant crash]
[car engine receding]
[quavering] Mike.
[Mike sighs, groans]
What... You... You're alive?
Oh my God. Car started swerving.
I remember my training,
all couple weeks of it.
I just screamed,
and I just jumped outta the car.
It was actually pretty cool.
I think you'd have been impressed.
Why'd you stop?
'Cause I thought you were dead, asshole!
Aw! I didn't know you cared!
That is so sweet.
You know what?
You shoulda stayed in the car!
Hey, I almost died.
You could show a little sympathy.
A little softer side.
[door shuts, engine starts]
[engine revs]
- You better hold on to something.
- Let's get his ass.
[dramatic music playing]
- I know where he's goin'.
- Oh, Mr. Big Shot on a big yacht, huh?
Well, we can't let that happen.
You know what? Bang a right right here.
Bang a right here.
[music subsides]
[car engine roaring]
- Okay, when I say "jump," jump, okay?
- Okay!
No! Wait! It's stuck! Oh!
God... damn!
You threw a car at me?!
Hands on your head and hit the ground!
Hey, I'm gonna strangle you to death
with my bare hands!
- Get on the floor now, asshole!
- That's not how this is goin' down.
Oh, that's exactly
how it's goin' down, Nicky.
That's not how this is goin' down, Rox!
I can't go in!
Look at this!
Look at where we are!
Ain't it beautiful?
I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life
in a cage, Rox. No way.
Goddamn it, Nick! Hit the ground!
We could still sell it!
Hundreds of millions of dollars!
That could be us!
He's full of shit, Rox, and you know it.
We could disappear.
Travel the world like we always...
like we always dreamed about.
Funny thing I learned about me.
I'm a homebody.
[tense music building]
[Mike] Rox!
He didn't give you much choice, Rox.
So what now?
[laughter, applause]
Look, we all know
you can never predict
how two people will fall in love.
Sometimes they meet in high school,
and they know right away.
- Sometimes they meet at a bar in Jersey...
- [laughter] of them gets drunk
and takes his shirt off...
It wasn't me.
And thankfully, somebody else
happens to be the bartender,
and she has to drive his sorry ass home.
When I heard they were tying the knot,
I wasn't upset.
We were absolutely relieved.
Finally, somebody was crazy enough
to take this guy off of our hands.
No, seriously. I love ya,
and I'm always here for you.
Give it up for them, guys!
[Bobby] Mike, cheers!
[rock music playing in venue]
[Mike] God bless you.
Congrats. Congratulations.
Boys, better get ready.
Ready, brother.
Hey, I'll see you on the floor?
[Billy] Yeah.
- Get ready for me.
- [Billy] You got it.
Nice speech.
- Rox.
- [chuckles]
I didn't know you crash weddings
in Paterson.
I told you I was a homebody.
- You look amazing.
- Thank you.
- So do you.
- Thank you.
So, uh, this is a
good turnout.
Wait, is... is that Ms. Hoffman?
- No. No, don't.
- Is that her?
Ms. Hoffman!
Hey, Nicole.
- Oh, Nicole. Oh, right, Nicole.
- Yeah, Nicole.
You know, Nicole looks good.
- You had to do that, didn't you?
- I'm sorry, yes.
["This Will Be (An Everlasting Love)"
by Natalie Cole playing]
- [Bobby] Mike, get out here!
- [Johnny] Come on, Mikey!
You know, Rox,
when I was up on that mountain,
and you thought I was dead...
...even though Faraday might have got away,
you came back for me.
And your point is?
Nothing. I mean, I just...
- I think I saw a few tears there.
- No, you didn't.
- Okay.
- Sorry.
[Mike] Hmm.
- Well, what about you?
- What?
When Faraday had the gun to my head,
you could have taken a shot,
and you didn't.
It was too risky.
I gave you permission.
I don't care.
I would never take that chance.
I don't wanna mess up your hair.
You know, I think I saw
a... janitor's closet back there.
Wanna go?
Are you serious?
Yes, I'm serious.
Let's go now. Now!
You brought a lot of sunshine
Into my life
Filled it with happiness I never knew
You gave me more joy
Than I ever dreamed of
Brennan! What? Don't you get,
like, sick days or something?
I didn't invite him.
Came to see you, Mike.
I got a job for you.
But first... we need a little vacation.
- Yeah.
- [Brennan] Do you now?
Okay, I'll give you three days.
Then I need you in Marrakesh.
You too.
Welcome to the Union, Mike.
["Ooh Child" by Levitation Room playing]
Ooh, child, have you got sunshine?
Ooh, child, won't you be all mine?
Ooh, child, you got me reelin'
Ooh, child, got a good feelin'
Baby, tell me what's your name
And what's your sign
Come along with me
On a magic carpet ride
We can shoot the stars
From a purple mountainside
C'mon, darlin'
Won't you let me be your guide?
We can be free
Like two birds in a tree
C'mon, take my hand
And I'll be your man
Ooh, child, I wanna know you
Ooh, child, I've gotta show you
Ooh, child, you got me reelin'
Ooh, child, you got a good feelin'
Do you wanna wake up
Where the sunrise meets the sea?
Maybe you could use
A little change of scenery?
Don't you know the summertime
Can go on endlessly?
You just say the word
And come along with me
We can be free
Like two birds in a tree
Come on, take my hand
And we'll understand
[music fades out]
[energetic music playing]
[music ends]
[suspenseful music playing]
[music becomes dramatic]
[music fades out]