The Unleashed (2012) Movie Script

(Male Narrator):
Along with the
modern spiritual movement,
came a widespread interest
in communications
with the dead.
The talking board is yet another
tool to inspire hope that a
world beyond our own can be
reached. The question is this;
are the dead taunting
the living?
Or is the living
taunting the dead?
Cleanse your thoughts of
any fears you might have.
What presence
is in here
with us now?
C B. What's C B?
When channelling, you
must open your mind to
whatever message the spirit
is trying to convey to you.
Great deal of energy is being
used to communicate with us.
Sometimes the letters are
not in the right order.
Or words are spelt to sound
out what's being said.
C B C B.
A name?
Yes. Sabrina
was my aunt.
She passed away five
years ago. C B was
my nickname for her.
But how?
Spirit. Are you Sabrina?
Charles' aunt?
D T G. Oh. This
doesn't make any sense.
What's happening?
D T G. Oh. This
doesn't make any sense.
What's happening?
Sabrina. Stay with
us. This is it,
spirit goodbye.
What happened? What
was she trying to do?
That wasn't her.
Sometimes, when speaking
with one spirit,
another attempts
to come in.
And the project
goes to traitors
as it just did.
Must always end
the session.
What does it mean
when it does that?
It open a portal
between the two realms,
some spirits
want back in.
Into what?
I see.
Does anyone else
know of this board?
Spirit I often speak
with help fashion this
board with me.
I've been using it for more
than half my life now.
Where can I acquire
one like it?
I think we're about
done here Charles.
The mark of the devil. Evil.
Not again. Go back from
whence you came demon.
The damned are not
welcome here.
M R S. B C K D N T G.
Don't go back.
growling sounds
( Growling):
Get out of me.
I surround myself
with protection.
I release the evil
that's been invoked.
Release all energies
that are not of the
purest and highest power.
I ask for forgiveness.
Please. Hear my
voice. White light.
Please. Hear my voice.
My board. Where's my board?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Tens of thousands of people
from every culture,
every period in human
history have claimed to see
them under the same
Now, most of these sightings
are described the same way.
Often the figures are
shadowy and translucent.
Sometimes disembodied. There
may be a torso here, there
may be a floating head
there. I heard a report once
about a floating arm. Which,
is kind of helpful if you
need a hand in the kitchen.
Audiences Laughs
Okay, sorry. But when we
capture these images,
are we actually seeing a
recurring event from the past?
Are they maybe a mirage
of that beautiful oasis
that lies beyond?
Now mediums, clairvoyants, and
psychics will convince you that
only they have the ability
to contact the dead.
What's the proof? I think it's
here. The magic talking board.
Now, movies and TV shows
will tell you that the
spirits can enter our bodies
and they can seize our souls
via this board.
However, it's a game that's
sold in every major
toy store in the country. Yes.
Where did the
name come from?
Ouija was first patented by
a man named Charles Kennard
in the early 1900's.
He claimed that the board itself
told him Ouija was the Egyptian
word for good luck. It
wasn't. It was just a really
great marketing ploy. Over
time, the company fell into
the hands of William Fuld who
was his former foreman. Yes.
What about the idea that
a Ouija board is just
the game of the mind and
someone is consciously
pushing the
pointer around?
Well, I think that's probably
true about 90% of the time.
Ouija's very powerful,
People are dedicated to the idea
that they might be able to
reach their loved ones again.
But, for example, boy plays
with Ouija with his friends,
the predication says
he'll die in six months.
Six months later he
dies in a car crash.
Now, is that a coincidence? Or
the fulfilment of a prediction?
So you're saying we
create coincidences?
I'm saying I want you to
think about that other 10%.
I want you to remember
those ghost stories told
around the campfire, you know,
the family folklore about
visits from Grandma. I want you
to bring that information back
to class tomorrow so we
can move a little further
forward on our journey.
squeeching Sound
Phone rings
(From Phone )
Madison Kennard?
Hi, I'm Linda, the real
estate agent. I was also a
good friend of your mother's.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I
was at the funeral. Sorry you
couldn't be there. Anyway,
I'll come by two days from
now with the deed and go
over the details of selling.
That'll give you some time
to go through the house and
see if there's anything you
want to keep of your mothers.
Phone disconnects
Sound of door opening
the steps squeek
Walking sounds from above
Whispering sounds
Madison fucking Kennard,
fucking shoot me.
Oh my god. Oh my god.
You look like an actual
goddamn person. Like, you
look like a legit adult.
Holy shit. What, what did
Europe do to you? You don't
have a piercing on
your face. Holy shit.
You actually grew up. I missed
you so much. I told you
you'd be back, didn't I?
Yeah, not eight years
later but, yeah.
Well, I didn't think
it was going to be
exactly like this, but.
Well, this is.
Did you go?
I did.
Were there a lot of
people there?
I'm really sorry you
couldn't be there.
I hadn't talked to
her in eight years,
it's not as if she
wanted to see me while
she was alive so.
Bullshit. She loved you.
she wanted you to
have the house.
This whole thing with your
Dad. It's just got to end.
This has nothing
to do with my Dad.
Besides, I'm not
keeping the house,
I'm just here to clean
it up so I can sell it.
Okay. We both
know you're here for
way more than that.
Okay. I get it, I'm
sorry, it's too soon.
But I miss you and I want to
get in as much time as I can
so, can you do me a solid
and let me stay here?
Cliff and Rick are coming
by tonight to say hi.
That's nice.
Oh my God. I used to love
this house when I was a kid.
You know, I'm going to
get my own house soon.
Really? Moving out
of Cliff's place?
Whatever happened to your
other half there, um,
what's his name again?
Julian. What
Well, he took up cheating and
I took up smoking and so the
relationship just wasn't
healthy. Anyway, it's no big
heartache. Seriously, it's
all good. Do you think it's
still haunted?
You know, ghosts.
Noises. Shit
that used to keep you up at
night? You used to talk
about it all the time
before you left.
Really? I forgot.
I always felt like I was
trapped in this house.
Trapped? What do you mean?
Like I would die
here or something.
Maddy. That's
fucking morbid.
So, what time are
Cliff and Rick
coming by tonight?
Probably around eight.
So you're really
moving out of
Cliff's place?
He's a slob.
Brother like sister.
Shut up. You would
love to have me here.
Besides, it's only going to
be until I find a new place.
Your shit's already
here, isn't it?
Shhhh. Shhhh.
Your reservation is
for the entity room.
You understand that
there have been
disturbances in that room.
That's why I'm here.
You people are always too
curious for your own good.
Always looking for a little
adventure, aren't you?
Ah, not really. If I
could have the key now?
What is it about danger that
makes you people want to mess
around with it so much?
Ah, I can assure you I don't
want to mess around with
anything. If I could just have
the key if that's all right?
The shadow usually
stands in the window
around three A.M.
Sometimes it moves
through the room,
but mostly it just stands
in front of the window.
People have been
pushed in the shower.
There are reports. Whispering.
Cold spots. Cigar smoke.
Excuse me, poking?
The last guest that
stayed in that room
experienced an invisible
entity poking him.
Kept him up all night.
Yes, well, it's kind of.
And the blood.
The blood in the bathtub.
People have reported
walking in there and
finding the tub
completely filled
with blood.
Uh, the key?
I'm here all night.
But I don't want no
lawsuit if something
happens to you.
Maddy, I do love you.
I think we should
go on a date.
You, me.
Are you
kidding me?
Hey. Hi. Good to see
Hey Maddy.
Hi. Hey. Good
to see you.
Look at the happy
couple. How are you?
Good. Good, good.
Hey Clifford. Hey.
How are you buddy?
What's up man?
Good to see you. Ricky?
How's things man?
Good to see you. Manly
drink. Ah, yeah.
Party is here.
My two favourite sisters
in the whole world.
We're your only sisters
in the whole world.
But, that's why I love
you guys so much.
Thank God I'm adopted.
You're the lucky one.
Wow, that's, that's awkward.
Drinking beer again Cliff?
Just one.
Oh yeah, just
one all right.
One case.
Hey, power up. Cheers.
Rick, save your breath.
You'll need it to blow
up your date later.
You just got told.
Love you.
Mayday. Mayday.
Seriously, man. Like,
crash and burn. It's got
to be the hair.
Has to be the hair.
Either that or you're into
farm animals or something.
You know what's
funny about that?
Is I actually think
that's the third time
I've done it to him.
He's relentless,
I'm telling you,
man. It's so funny.
It's so nice to
have laughter in
this house.
Remember when we
were kids and we
used to dare each
other to run all the
way to the basement
in the dark
without chickening
Oh my God, yeah. And
as I recall, I was
the brave one.
No you weren't.
Yes I was.... What?
Door Bell
Alison, hey. I can't
believe you're here.
I'm sorry
I'm late.
I thought you were
still in Italy.
Uh, well, no, I
was, but, um,
something kind
of happened and,
well, I'm here,
and I can't really
leave until it's
taken care of.
Well, I'm so glad
you're here.
You know, I'm here
temporarily myself.
I know. Maddy, I'm
really sorry to hear
about your Mom.
Oh, thanks, but,
I'm all right.
Go on in. Everybody's
in the house.
Yeah, well, I can
hear Cliff's stories
a mile away.
Two drinks for men
and one for a child.
Oh. So you following
the Olympics?
Yeah. You know what
I hate though?
When people bite their
silver or bronze medal
to see if it's real
Well, they did it in
the old days to see
if gold was real,
because real
gold is soft.
( Whispering voice):
... Amy.
Where's Amy?
What happened?
You're shivering.
Amy. Amy. Amy.
Let's get her out of here,
let's get her downstairs.
There's something wrong
with this house.
Hey. Hey. Don't worry,
she'll be fine.
It was probably just a cry
for attention or something.
Maddy. Maddy. Are
you all right?
I'm fine.
Lightning streaks
at Canon house.
Mostly blue in colour but
one is bright yellow.
More ectoplasm at
three different shots
in the East Grange Cemetery.
Nothing at the Bed
and Breakfast.
Is she all right?
Guys, she's really shaken
up about something.
She won't say
anything about
what the hell
happened up there.
Should someone
stay with her?
No. She'll be fine.
She's sleeping now.
You look really
worried about her.
What was she doing up there?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
You guys will never guess
what I found upstairs.
What is it?
A Ouija board... Whoa.
Cliff, where
did you find that?
The attic.
You loose your nerve, Maddy?
This shit used to never
scare you before.
No, put it back, I don't
want any part of it.
Come on. It'll be fun.
It'll be creepy.
It'll be very Halloweeny.
You're a weenie.
Cliff. Give me a break,
buddy. Are you serious?
You know these things are
bullshit, eh? It's actually
the people moving it
around, not spirits.
Dude, you've got,
like, one functioning
brain cell.
Guys, what the hell is up
with all of you. Play the game.
It'll be just like back
in the day, right?
Running around naked in
cemeteries is not exactly
similar to playing
with a Ouija board.
I'm in.
All right.
Sadie, you're
taking their side?
Why wouldn't I? We loved
this stuff. And you
more than any of us was into
this paranormal stuff, so,
why wouldn't we play?
What's the harm, really?
We'll get some candles and
stuff, it'll be cool.
I'm not touching it.
All right. I'm going
to fine some candles.
Party with
the ghosts.
You're okay with
this, right?
Sure. Just, just
be careful, okay?
I don't know about you guys,
dude, it's not my thing.
We don't care.
I'm not playing. Really?
I can get the lights for
you. Turn off the lights.
Handy Rick. Very
good, you know.
Okay. Okay.
Now, I'm not an expert
on this, but I think
we need to say some sort of
safety prayer to protect us
from bad spirits or something.
Does anybody have
any suggestions?
I suggest we just start
asking some questions.
I have two words. Captain
Howdy. If he comes
out of there, I am out of here.
What was that?
Captain Picard?
You're such an idiot, Cliff.
No, we need to say something
like, um, protect us, oh Ouija.
Protect us. Protect us and
let us talk to the ghosts
...from beyond. Owe, it burns.
It burns so bad.
Okay, okay, very, very
funny, but, you know,
be careful, that was
based on true events.
Everything is based
on true events.
Close your eyes. Now,
everyone place two
fingers on the planchette.
Now, no jokes guys.
If it starts to move on
its own, just follow it.
Don't push it, okay?
All right.
Everyone relax.
We're just going to warm
it up by moving it
around in a circle.
Oh, isn't that bad if it
moves around in a circle?
No. It's bad if the spirit
tries to move it in
the form of an eight. Or tries
to slide it off the board.
It means that the spirit's
trying to set itself free,
and that's how haunting
and possessions happen.
What? I obviously know something
about the talking boards.
Talking boards.
Yeah. That's what
they were called
before they changed
the name to Ouija.
All right. Now let's stop,
and position it in the centre.
Is there anyone here with
us from the spirit world?
Is there anyone that would
like to come in and
talk to any of us
from the other side?
We welcome any spirit to
communicate with us.
Okay. Who did that?
Okay, it wasn't me.
Wow. I didn't do anything.
Okay, it might have been
real. Everybody put their
fingers back on the planchette.
Is there anyone there?
Oh my God.
Who's here?
That makes no sense.
Amara? Amara?
What's an Amara?
A name?
Are you Amara?
You should tell everyone
to stop this now.
Is there something you
want to say to us?
Guys. I think there's more
than one ghost here.
What? We can talk to more
than one at a time?
Okay, I think whoever
was here is now gone.
However many there were.
M R X.
I have no idea.
Father or socialism?
Or. Mr. X. Anyone
know a Mr. X?
Does it ring a bell with
deceased relatives or anything?
Are you hear to speak with
anyone in particular?
Oh. Somebody likes you. What
do you want with Madison?
What do you want with Madison?
What do you want with Madison?
Get me the fuck out
of this house.
I can't fucking breath.
Did you guys see that gash?
That is freaky.
Okay, guys, we're going
to the hospital.
Can somebody come with me?
I believe we should have
listened to Maddy.
All right.
I've had all the spooks I
can take for one night.
I have to go to the
store tomorrow so,
I'm going to head out.
Linds. Linds. Lindsay.
I don't want that thing down
here, we have to put it back.
Guys, I love what you're
bringing into this class.
I love your enthusiasm, I love
the quality of your research.
Keep it up. Just remember, when
you're outside those doors,
keep your curiosity and
your eyes open, okay?
And I'll see you tomorrow.
Professor Curtis,
I'm Andrew Porter.
The writer.
Yes, I wasn't aware
you knew who I was.
Small town.
Did you get
everything you needed
from the seminar?
I thought it was
very informative.
You and I share a lot
of the same theories
and beliefs on the subject.
Oh, I don't think
so. I don't think I
could ever really just
market my research
and theories
simply for money.
Yes, well, that's
Well, as you
may know, my next
book is in relation
to the paranormal.
Your next book?
Yes, yes, it's
primarily focused on
of the tools used in
well, people
and uh, ghosts.
I seem to remember
reading one of your
books last year.
I think it was called
The Road to Nowhere.
The Other Side.
The Other
And your research on,
sort of, the spiritual
of, life after death,
it was just, so
similar to my own.
Yeah, well, you
know, I'd like to
ask you a few
questions on some of
the more common
methods used to
communicate with.
Yeah, talking boards,
table tipping, showy
stuff, I get it.
Yeah, well, with
all the research
I've been doing,
I tend to get a lot of
negative feedback on them.
Specifically Ouija
boards. I've yet to
encounter a psychic or
medium who can agree
with them. So, I
wanted to get your
thoughts since you
seem highly
experienced with them.
I do agree with
the mediums. I am
highly experienced.
And I understand the
dangers associated
with using Ouija.
Dangers? Can you
tell me about them?
Contact with the
other side should
never be attempted by
those who aren't trained
to do it. You're taking
a huge risk.
When people who
have actually
contacted the dead,
now think it's a
really bad idea, it's
best to walk away
from the subject
all together.
You ever seen
a ghost Doctor?
Do you have
any idea what it
feels like
to have a cold
presence flash
across your face,
as your eyes widen and
your heart stampedes
in your chest.
And you want
to grab a hold
of something.
You want to run,
hide, scream. But not
a part of your body
will move. And then
spend every day after
that rationalizing
your way back
to sanity. In
your classroom.
It won't open.
What the fuck?
Sounds of walking,
Whipsers: Madison. Madison.
Do you hear that?
Yeah. Let's get the
fuck out of here.
What the fuck are
you guys doing?
What the fuck are you doing
here? We thought you left.
Bringing you your
keys. Oh, Jesus Christ.
What are you guys
doing up here?
We're putting
this away.
I'm not going
up there.
I'm going to
go clean.
Fine, I'll take it up there.
I'm going to bed.
Whispering: Madison.
... Madison.
... Madison.
... Lindsay.
... Lindsay.
Mr. X.
Did you have a message
for us tonight?
What is it?
Do you want me to help you?
Let me help you.
Chicken shit.
Something kept blowing
the sheets off of me.
I couldn't sleep so
I came in here.
Nobody answers the
phone around here?
Come on in Cliff.
What do you mean no one's
answering the phone?
The phone's not
even been ringing.
I have been calling for,
like, the last 20 minutes.
Well, you're obviously
dialling the wrong number
because this one's
not ringing. Really.
What are
you making?
scrambled eggs.
Looks good.
Maybe, maybe not.
No dial tone.
What? Let me see. Oh.
Well, well. Don't
you look stunning.
What a weird night. I had
such weird nightmares.
Well, sleeping with me
does that to people.
Besides, after last night, I
think we all had nightmares.
You seem to have slept fine.
Yeah. I slept okay.
Well, I was out cold. Like a
diabetic bear in insulin shock,
having a hibernation
sleep. What?
Oh my God. Anyways guys,
there's so much to do today.
There's so much crap in
the other room we need to
get rid of, so.
Well, I only came by because
you guys weren't answering
the phone and I was worried
after what happened last night.
Yeah, and I'm sure you
didn't come over to
clean out Madison's
fridge either.
Of course not.
I will go look at the phone
box. Any idea where it is?
Yup, I think it's
in the basement.
Okay. I will have
three new eggs scrambled
with a little bit
of salt and pepper. Not
the, I, I don't know
what that is but,
just like eggs,
scrambled. Bacon.
Make it yourself.
A little bit of
salt and pepper.
So are you sure
nothing strange
happened last night?
Like, you didn't
feel anyone around
you or something?
No. Are
you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Just bad dreams.
No worries.
Um, Linda, the real estate
agent. Uh, she'll be
dropping by
tomorrow. Just to
let you know. Okay?
Bon apptit.
What? I made
it with love.
Why the fuck did I volunteer
my services for this?
Because you love me.
What?... Spider.
Why did you throw it at me?
Kill it. Kill it... Oh my
God... I'm serious, kill it.
You're such a chicken
shit. Oh my God.
It's still on there.
Jerk.... Amazing.
What are you looking at?
What are you looking at?
Excuse me.
Whoa. These are really
old, I'm actually afraid to
touch them.
Freak. They're,
like, antiques. Be
careful with them.
I think that's
my grandfather.
Oh my God, look at
this. Do you think
that's Charles?
Yeah. Check
it out. That
is so cool.
No kidding.
What else is in here?
This picture's odd.
Look at it. Tell me if
you see something weird.
No, I don't see anything...
Lindsay, can you help
me move this please?
I really need you to help me.
Lindsay. Lindsay.
Hey. Lindsay.
Your eyes. Your goddamn eyes.
I'm going to get you an Advil,
or a fucking joint or
something. I'll be back.
I'm losing my mind.
Welcome to Grandpa Bill's
House of Zen, and no, we do
not perform exorcisms. No,
we don't brew potions and
the Kama Sutra's in the
aisle closest to the window.
Um, no, I'm not. I'm
just going to go.
No, no, don't do that.
What can I do for you?
I'm looking for information
on the Ouija board.
Ah, the infamous talking
board. There's some
cheap ones on the
shelf over there.
That won't be necessary. I
have one. I just, um, want some
information on it. I just
want to know more about it.
See if there's anything special
about it, specifically.
Right, okay, for like a
thesis, a documentary or some
shits and fucking giggles.
Raina, watch your
goddamn mouth.
Grandpa, shut up. Complete
embarrassment, sorry.
Uh, it's for
personal use, I
guess you could say.
Well, shoot. I,
like, know my shit.
All right, um,
well, my friends and I
were playing with the
Ouj, sorry, I mean
talking board the
other night,
that I found in my
attic. Um, it's old
and, you know,
kind of mystical
looking and uh, ever
since we used it, these
unexplainable things
started happening.
And now I have
this constant fear
that we released
something or, or
interfered with
something and,
I don't know,
I just sound
completely insane.
No, no, not at
all. Come here.
What does the
board look like?
It's round. Um. Dark
oak wood. It's about
this big and uh,
numbers on it are
roman numeral.
Holy shit, that's
fucking cool.
Seriously Grandpa, take
a nap or some shit.
Raina, mind
your manners.
You don't pay me enough to
mind my shitty manners.
Here. Page 33. Watch
yourself lady.
Whoa, so, apparently
the old man thinks
you have one of the
original boards
ever made.
I mean, if that's even
possible. That's
freaking awesome.
I mean, you could
contact real
friggin' spirits,
not like the cheap
novelty boards they sell.
That's the problem.
Well, yeah,
I mean, you got
to be careful.
Do you know what
kind of spirits you
could contact?
I'm guessing not
the good ones.
Yeah, definitely
not. The popular belief
is that there's
a series of stages
you go through
when you die.
First, the
realization that
you're dead. Second,
the acceptance that
you've moved on, and
then there's the
ultimate decision
of whether you stay
on Earth or not.
Stay on Earth, you
mean, like,
continue to live?
Not in that sense.
You either choose
to go to whatever
your Heaven is, or
you stay on Earth in
the spirit world.
So, people
actually choose
to stay.
Yeah, I mean, if, if
they feel like they
don't deserve their
heaven yet or, or
refuse to let go of
their worldly self.
So, what
then? They're
stuck on Earth?
Yah. Unless you
retain your redemption.
See, the problem is
that once spirit's
feel the power of
being an invincible
being, it quickly
corrupts them and
they forget why
they're there in
the first place.
The point is, the
only spirits that can
come through the
Ouija boards are
the ones that stay.
And, I mean, they're
fucking angry,
you know, they've
been summoned by a
group of strangers,
they have no idea
why, and now they're
just waiting.
I read
somewhere about
Does that
really happen?
Yes. Um, mostly
by the spirits who
can remember
why they're
still there
and can't do
anything about it.
I mean, this shit
is super dangerous.
Raina. Close up.
Get out of here.
That's fine, I was
just going home
Wait, wait.
Here, why don't
you take
this with you and
just bring it back
when you're done.
Excuse me.
Hi. I couldn't
help but
overhearing your
I'm Andrew Porter.
Madison Kennard,
nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
So you're into
Ouija boards.
I happen to be
writing a book
about them.
Would I be able to ask
you a few questions,
maybe? Over coffee?
Well, I was on my
way home. But, yeah,
I have a little time.
(voice from above):
(voice from above):
... Lindsay.
So, you are a
descendant of
Charles Kennard.
I mean, I've read
so much about
him. I can't
believe that I'm
sitting here with
you. I read that
the house was here
in town and it's
why I'm here,
actually. Uh, I
wanted to meet the
owner. I guess
that's why I feel
like I already
know you.
Believe it or not, I feel
the same way. I don't
normally have
coffee with complete
strangers off the street.
Well, believe it or
not, neither do I.
I should warn
you though, um,
the house
is not going to
be mine for long.
I'm actually
in the process of
selling it.
Seriously? I mean,
your family built it,
didn't they?
I don't want to
pry but, why are
you selling?
I'm sorry. You
don't have to
answer that.
So, um, how did
you come to be
so fascinated
with the
talking board?
Well, um,
I guess I became
fascinated with it
when my wife died.
I'm sorry.
That's okay, I can
talk about it. It
happened on her last
investigation. She
became ill that
night and, she
never did tell me why
she became ill or how
she became ill.
I thought it was a
bug at first but,
she changed.
She began acting
becoming less
and less active. Two
weeks, she was
And you know,
not one Doctor
was able to.
They said it was
She had a severe
case of depression
that she
just couldn't
get out of.
Wow. I'm
sorry. That's
incredibly scary.
... Lindsay.
... Lindsay.
Well I
guess you can
say I became
obsessed with the
occult. Black magic.
Ouija. You name it.
I was more curious
than anything and
it killed me
not to be able
to help her.
My thought was
that maybe she
used it alone.
There were people
there that night
that said that they
saw it. And from
what I've learned
and, and read and,
and experienced,
those things
shouldn't be
done alone.
Is that why you write
your books about death
and the afterlife?
Yeah. It's
definitely taken its
toll on me though.
I've seen more than
I care to when it
comes to death.
You know what,
I really should
get going.
Is something
No. Look, you may
have a point about
something and I just
really got to go home.
Okay, well, I'll
come with you.
That wouldn't
be a good idea.
I'm sorry.
Madison. If
something's wrong,
I might be able
to help you.
Did you leave her alone?
... Lindsay?
Lindsay, are you here?
Jumpy, are we?
Creepy basements
do that to me.
I can see why.
Let's try upstairs.
Yeah, okay.
Lindsay. Stop.
What is the matter
with you? ...
What's the matter? ...
Maddy, what's
wrong with me?
How's she doing?
She's sleeping now.
Madison, I don't
want to alarm you,
but I found
something in the
Today, I made my wife
collapse in tears. I have
no idea why but it is
as if I cannot help
myself. There is
something inside of
me. It is controlling
every aspect of the
man I believe
to be. This rage and
angst that consumes
me is not my
own. A month has
passed since I
patented this
dreaded board and
yesterday was the
third funeral that
had occurred in my
family. I can only
believe that I have
brought a curse
upon myself and
the one's I love.
If you need anything
tonight, here's my
card, give me a call.
Okay. Thanks. Um.
Hey. Are you okay?
I'm fine.
I'll, see you
Cliff, hey. No, I'm
fine. But your sister, um.
No, she's sleeping
right now.
I just need you to do me
a favour, if you can.
Yeah, she's staying with me
for a few days. Yeah.
Listen, she's not doing too
well and I was wondering if
you can, if it'd be all right
if you spent the night here.
Yeah. Okay, I'll
see you in a bit.
Lindsay? What are you doing
there? Are you feeling better?
You're freezing. I'll
get you a blanket.
What's wrong?
Where's Lindsay?
Linds? Are you okay?
What happened?
Cliff. I'm fine.
I'm fine. I just feel
a little bit off,
but a good night's
rest and I'll be
fine tomorrow.
No, I think I
want to take you
to the hospital.
No, Cliff, I
don't need to go
to the hospital.
I just need to
go to sleep.
Are you sure?
Okay. I'm going to
take you to bed then.
Okay? Let's get up.
She's going to be okay, right?
Spiritual beings that
are summoned to our world with
such tools are bound to the very
person or tool they have been
summoned to until the
mediator of the tool asks
them to leave. Failure to
send off the summoned
spectre will bound the being
forever unless the mediator
executes the send-off. Such
beings will, over time,
become more and more
present in our world.
Hey. You haven't
gone to bed yet?
You have an incredible knack
for making my heart stop.
I have that
effect on women.
Well. I'm going
to bed anyways.
Hey. Before
you go. When I
went into the basement
this morning, I saw
burned into the back
wall. It looked like
one of those
witchcraft pendulum
Like a pentagram?
Yeah. What's
up with that?
Piano Playing
Piano Playing, violine
Piano Playing,
Piano Playing, violine
I need to talk to you. I've
been having these dreams.
More like nightmares. Ever since
I moved back into the house.
What's wrong with your
head? Ah. I thought
they were just dreams at
first but after the one I
had last night, I realized
that they were more than
just dreams. They're more
like signs. Andrew, I think
whatever's going on with
Lindsay has something to do
with that old woman in my
nightmares. You don't have
any bandages? Ice?
I feel like I know
her from somewhere.
Like I've seen her
somewhere before.
I don't know. I need
to find out why she's
taunting me.
Mr. X. She's Mr. X.
Wait a minute,
what did you say?
There's more to this
house than I realized.
I need to find
out what the hell
is going on.
Do you know what
she looks like?
Any luck?
Not yet.
Amara Xavier.
Marcus R. Xavier. Mr. X.
Hows it going?
Yeah. But I need
to get back to the
new-age store.
Why? This, this is
the old woman in my
dreams. I think they can
help me with something.
Im just going to print
this out first.
Look, I feel like Im dragging
you into this, you really
dont have to come.
Hey. Are you all
right? Youre
I m fine. Look, Im
with you on this one okay?
Just, God knows
you dont want to do
this on your own.
Yeah, but this
is only getting
more dangerous.
All the more reason
to make sure theres
someone there
for you.
Yeah. Okay.
Lets go.
We need your help.
Do you know the
name Amara Xavier?
Here, I have a
picture of her.
Is this a joke? Are
you kidding me?
No, not at all.
I dont think you
actually understand
exactly what could
happen. Never mind,
most importantly, what you
could be bringing here.
Amara Xavier is not some
fairy tale myth with a happy
ending, okay? Shes some
serious shit. And every one
of these books describe the
terror she inflicted in
everyone she knew when she
was alive, and not just her
but her husband and
his mistress. Shit.
So what do I do?
What do you do? Um, I
dont know, pick a God to
pray to? I dont even know
where to start. Okay, Amara,
she was infamous in Deep
Creek Mountain, the town she
lived in, in the late 1800s.
Her and her husband,
they lived in a cabin
completely removed from the
town, and there are
documented details on how
they used to practice certain
types of black magic.
And where the problems
really occurred?
Her husband, he took up a
mistress. Amara found out
and she lost her goddamn
mind. The mistress went
missing and her husband, he
died of a mysterious snake
bite a few days later.
She murdered
the both of them.
Well, yeah, thats the
belief. But nobody could
prove anything so she
was never convicted.
Were there
any children?
There is one book that
documents she had a child.
But he drowned at
the age of seven.
And Amara, were
there any accounts
of what she did
after he died?
She was alone. She had no
children, no husband, she had
to make a living for herself.
She knew how to connect
with the spirit world so she
charged people to do so.
Hello? Madison? Madison?
Madison? Madison, its Linda.
Is that you up there?
Maybe Cliff took her
back to his place.
No. His cars still in
the driveway. Linds.
Ill check down here.
I told you to stay
away from it. Why didnt
you listen to me?
What are you doing here?
Whats the matter?
You have to
bury that thing.
Have you
seen Lindsay?
Its going to
destroy you and
everyone we know.
Im telling you
Madison, everybody
is in danger.
Wait. How did you
get into the house?
Madison. Dont
be afraid of me.
Im here only because
I want to help you.
Its not too late for
you. But Lindsay.
Why? Whats going to
happen to Lindsay?
Its already
happening. If you really
want to save her,
you know what
you have to do.
Do what you have to
do. Get rid of it.
Allison. Allison.
Oh my God, dont do that to me.
You just about gave
me a heart attack.
You all right?
No. Who were
you just talking
to up there?
Allison. You
didnt see her?
No. I mean, I
heard you talking
to somebody but I
didnt see you
talking to somebody.
(from Phone)
Dan, hey, sorry
to bother you. You
know when
Allison was over
the other night?
Allison what,
Yes, Allison Clayton.
You saw her too, right?
You saw her too
right? Dan, please
say you saw her.
Im going crazy.
Madison, Im sorry,
I know you were
friends with her,
I thought you knew
about what happened.
But you did see
her. You were standing
right next to her.
No, I didnt see
her. There were no
It was all over the
news last year.
Theres no way
Allison could have
been at your house.
We need to go.
Hey. What
about Lindsay?
I cant find
her. I need to
find answers
and I know this
is where we
need to go.
What do you keep
looking at back there?
Everythings pointing
us in this direction.
Maybe whoever lives
there now might be
able to help us out.
Yeah, that's if anybody
lives there at all.
House might not even
be there anymore.
Well, at the very
least maybe we can
look around and leave.
Should I even ask?
Who is asking?
My name is Madison Kennard.
This is Andrew Porter.
Yes, Kennard.
You had someone by the
name of Charles Kennard
in your family?
He was my great-grandfather
four times over.
He came to
see me once. A
long time ago.
He came to
see you? Why?
He came for
the same reason
that everyone
else came to see me,
and you're holding
it in your hand. I
believe that it
was Charles that
brought on the curse
that I've been living
all these years.
So, what are you
saying exactly?
That he stole the
board from you? Put
a curse on you?
I'm saying that the
very board that you
have in your hand
is the very board
that I created over a
century ago.
How can you still
be alive?
I am bound to
the board that I
am damned to.
For unleashing an
entity I should
have left alone.
Charles Kennard
came to me for
guidance and help.
His interest in my
methods of seeking
the truth and
answer must have
overtaken his
curiosity as it was
after his visitation
that it
went missing.
He stole it and patented it.
My family is cursed?
I put the curse to
ensure that the
board would
one day come
back to me.
Why? Why would you want
it back so badly?
I needed to lay
the evil that I
unleashed to rest.
Marcus, was filled
with rage and hate.
I was very young when
I married my husband.
It was not long after that,
speculation of whether or
not I could bear his
children came about.
I was informed I was
barren. I tried
everything within my
craft to fulfil my
duty as a wife and
bear my husband
children, but
nothing worked.
Eventually, Marcus discreetly
took up with a young girl.
The affair was soon
to become anything
but discreet.
His scandalous
behaviour defaced me
and turned me into
a public disgrace.
I had to put
an end to it.
And what exactly did
you do to end it?
You killed them. You
killed them both.
I did what I had to do.
Couldn't go on the way I was.
Is what I've done wrong? I
loved him. He loved her
and why? Because she could
produce a family for him?
I wasn't about to
let that happen.
I had to put an end
to the misery.
Demon. There's a
demon in her.
You've been waiting for me,
just as I had sentenced you to.
How long has it been since you
looked into my eyes, Amara?
Was there a choice
in waiting?
Perhaps it is best
that you see me
face to face
without hiding behind
this young girl that
stands before me.
Lindsay. Lindsay. Are you
okay? Andrew, help me.
Get the board.
What do you
want from me?
What I did was my
retribution. I gave
you everything.
I loved you. You
repay me by betraying
me with her.
Your death was
well deserved.
Was it?
You cursed me to live in
hell for all these years.
To torment my very
existence. Waiting for
you to make your
way back to me. How
can you resent me?
For wanting you
to love me.
I saw the true evil
within you the first day
you presented me with
your black magic and
your dark witchery.
I wanted nothing
to do with it.
I'm here now to end
it. To end you.
I always loved you.
Hey. Hey.
Its okay.
Theyre all gone.
Youre going to be okay.
Madison, please. Wake up.
crying sounds
Maddy. Im so sorry.
Its all my fault. Please
come back to me. I need you.
No. No.
Lindsay, Im right
here, look at me.
Im right here,
Lindsay. Im not dead.
Im not dead.
No. No.
(voice over): Theres a
series of stages you go
through when you die.
First, the realization
that youre dead.
Second, the acceptance
that youve moved on.
And third, the ultimate
decision, on whether to stay.