The Unseen (2005) Movie Script

One of the most important things
mama ever said to me was...
Sammy, I don't think God's
going to judge us on who we love,
but whether we loved at all.
What do you think?
Can I have my perfume back?
- Thank you. What? You want some?
- No.
I don't think so, silly.
Mama never had a problem
accepting people for who they were,
but Daddy, he judged them and always
worried what other people was thinking.
Come on let's go!
- I heard your dad taught you how to use a gun.
- Yeah.
That's cool.
Did your father ever teach you?
I wish, he was always making me
read and study and stuff...
Lookie here, Harold's a nigger lover!
Don't call me no nigger lover!
Wait til we tell your daddy
you're playing with a nigger!
Sit down Sammy, right here!
We're going to lynch you nigger!
Stop it! Stop! No...
What are you doing!?
Get off of him! Get off!
Get off my friend!
Come on Roy, help me get Sammy...
Come on Sammy, let's go.
- Hey Roy, you okay?
- Yeah...
I always wondered why people
can't see things the way I do.
You know, you really didn't have to do that...
I know, but that's what friends are for though, right?
I mean, you would have done the same for me...
Of course.
I got something for you.
Close your eyes.
It's a shilling coin from England.
My grandfather gave it to me before he died.
I got one too.
Now we both have one.
- I got something for you too...
- What is it?
It's soft.
It sure is strange how people will
be looking at exactly same thing.
and see it completely different.
Get off my boy!
You like kissing my boy.
I ought to stomp your monkey face right here.
Harold, you grab your brother, now!
Come on Sammy.
Come here!
Give me your hand!
I want you to come here
and look at your nigger friend.
Look at him!
That's the last time your going to see him.
Get over here, come on! Come on...
I think you're a little faggot too!
You like kissing nigger? Come on!
Tragedy has a way of showing us
things a bit more clearly.
But even then it's often too late.
I will teach you a lesson, you
understand that...
Move on up those stairs!
Sammy, get on inside there and turn
on the radio, move it!
What's wrong with you!?
You little nigger lover!
- We weren't doing nothing.
- Keep your mouth shut!
I hate Roy.
What were you doing getting all up on him?
What are you doing running
around in the woods then for, huh?
Harold, are you in there?
Mrs. Dickerson?
Hello? Is anyone here?
What are you doing here boy?
Everyone reacts differently.
Some people go inside themselves.
Don't let things touch them
like they did in the past.
And others
keep hiding the hurt away
until the happiness is squeezed right out of them.
And someone like me,
I always find the light,
even through the darkness.
Ah Sammy.
You okay?
I can't see a god damn thing in here!
Hey Harold, can you get some new
licky things if you go by the store today?
- Earl. Earl!
- Yeah, yeah...?
Get your god damn ass up.
We got to go load that beer...
You know how mama feels about you
using the Lord's name in vain...
Morning Earl!
What time is it?
- You ready?
- Yeah...
Hey get to starting on that next batch...
This is the part of Christopher Columbus' discovery
that people don't realize...
A lot of...
Interestingly enough Native
Americans believed that if...
Native Americans believed that...
Innocent people died so can
rest on your liberties and yawn.
I understand - it seems boring -
and it happened hundreds of years ago-
I know -summer is here-
But if you really knew...
If you could see a perspective
outside the one you currently live in...
Native Americans believed in sun,
wind, rain, fire,
animal gods and spirits -
these beliefs were and
are considered primitive.
What if our forefathers thought differently?
What if they changed
their point of view ever so slightly?
Seen things from another angle?
Maybe...Perhaps we would have
become more interesting, deeper people.
Or maybe worse?
Still, the truth remains:
sun, wind,
water, fire
and animals exist...
These we see,
yet in many ways have no comprehension of...
At the same time -
things don't need to be seen
to be powerful and to have meaning...
Christopher Columbus, he made a mistake...
Excuse me, Mr. Clemens
there's an important phone call
for you in the office.
Roy, is that you?
Oh Roy,
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Two months back he was fine.
I know, I know.
But he loved you so much.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Good morning Mr. Clemens.
Good morning.
I'm real sorry about your daddy.
I always thought it was great that he
named this store after your mama.
Thank you.
You've certainly turned
into a beautiful young lady.
Thank you.
Any bites on the store?
There was one interested business man,
but he didn't want the store, only the building.
But we ain't even put the sign up yet,
that was just on word of mouth.
Snap with the wrist.
It's a bit like snapping
a towel on somebody's keister.
Admittedly I've never snapped
a towel on anyone's keister.
But you're doing a fine job...
I think you're doing a real fine job.
- Good morning Ms. Lucille!
- Veronica.
- Hey Roy.
- Hey.
Hey listen, I'm real sorry about your daddy...
Thank you.
Veronica, I came by to look at
those planter pots you said you got on sale?
Oh that's right, but I can't do it now,
I've got to finishing my pricing,
although I'm sure Mr. Clemens
would be happy to show you...
Wouldn't you sir?
Um okay...sure...fine.
I'm not quite sure what's back
Well, why don't we just take a look?
You been working out Roy?
Sure looks like you've been working out.
This is a new shirt.
Well, you ought to get
a lot more shirts like that then...
You're grandma, she still full of spark?
You still think I'm pretty?
It's hot!
- Good morning Harold. Earl.
Ms. Kathleen.
Hi there cutie petutti.
Morning Veronica...
It's going to be a scorcher!
How long you plan
on staying in town this time?
I'm hoping to get back in time to
teach summer school.
It's been a long time hasn't it?
A large fern would do nicely in here.
Don't you remember kissing me Roy?
A big reservoir for water and the overflow...
And it's...
What was that?
Oh, that's just Roy,
you know - Mr.Clemens son?
He's showing Ms. Lucille the new
planter pots we got in.
Is that so?
Alright, here we go Kathleen.
Four cases at a $1.69 each.
Oh, lookie here, there's been another sighting!
Lucille I've got customers.
You know I was thinking
maybe I could come around
after you close up the store tonight and we could...
Lucille please!
What are you doing!
You can have any man you want. I'm...
I'm just...
Come on Roy,
you know there's no
good men left in Haralson.
You got sense, you've got a life.
The rest of these red necks ain't got nothing
but a future full of
tobacco stained teeth
and I'm stuck with them.
Give me that god damn paper!
You can just put those
broken ones on my account.
Bye Ms. Lucille.
Bye Ms. Lucille. Bye...
This is Ms. Kathleen and her cousin Earl.
I heard about your daddy...
- I'm sorry.
- Thank you.
Yeah, that was a real tragedy...
Hello Harold.
Now, this here
is the only beer we sell down
here in Haralson these days.
Why's that?
Here's your $73.50 from last month.
Thank you darlin'.
Well, you sure have inherited
yourself quite a liability here,
haven't you?
See why you would be in such a hurry to sell it.
If there's anything I can do to
help out I surely will.
You know Harold,
I got you the sponge
licky things you were asking for.
They were right here.
Well they were right here.
Let me go take a quick peek in the back.
Welcome home Roy.
I'm going to leave you one of these.
Right here.
It's on the house.
Come on now,
it's the best beer in Georgia.
It's only 8 a.m.
Suit yourself.
Harold, the Virgin Mary is up in
Conyers again, can I borrow the truck?
Nice to meet you Roy.
My pleasure Ms. Kathleen.
You think this here is good greasy oil?
I'm looking for the most
greasy of all oils.
I've got it down to these two.
I got the green one and the yellow one.
This one's 10W 30 and this one's 10W 30.
This one? Or this one?
Ha! That's the one I think too!
Let's go Earl!
I'm coming, I've got to get my Penzoil!
And get me this dinosaur thingy
and I'll get this and just...
put it on Harold's account.
Alright, bye.
Got my oil.
This is the good stuff right here.
Hey Harold sorry about that,
I finally found them...
Dang it!
Well he went and left the sponge licker thingys.
He'll come back for them.
You know what, you need to take
them over there, would you?
No. I...
You know where the house is...?
Just this side of the tracks...
I need to go clean up that mess
y'all made in the back...
Actually, I should clean...
No, no, no... you'll do no such thing.
She's like ninety nine pounds of dynamite
and my girl she sure looks nice.
Anybody home?
Harold are you there?
I've brought your licky things
you left at the store.
Anybody home?
Anybody home?
I got your licky things from the store.
It's in a blue ba...
You scared the hell out of me!
You scared me! Who's that?
It's Roy.
- Roy Clemens?
- Yes, Roy Clemens.
How did you get up here?
Up where?
- You got a ladder?
- No.
Can you help me out?
Get in that window!
What are you doing?
You left your licky things
at the store so I...
You know better than to come around here.
Veronica said I should bring back...
Said you should what?
- I know I shouldn't come... by...
- Hey.
get out of here.
What are you doing Sammy!
- I just...
- What?
What have I told you about that window?
I was careful.
- You wanna fall again?
- No.
I can't afford to pay for
another broken clavicle!
Get on the ground!
What about all these envelopes?
You haven't stuffed a single one!
I'm sorry.
I was working hard on the beer labels.
And why are you so wet?
What have I told you about that pool?
It was just so hot today.
Did you have a good day?
- Sammy?
- Uh huh?
- Get up.
- Okay.
Sit down.
I was thinking.
What were you thinking?
Well, it's been a long time...
maybe you and me can go see mama?
Uh huh?
I will say when we do what.
I know.
- Okay?
- Uh huh.
You think Roy could have some
dinner with us some night?
Roy's not going to have dinner with us Sammy.
I'll start stuffing these envelopes right now.
Wait a second.
Just wait a second.
Sorry I made a mess.
You have no idea what you're doing.
Give me your hand.
Here's the first page.
Here's the second page.
Here's the envelopes.
Where's my lickys?
Here's your lickys.
Here's your stickers...
Somehow we've already run
clean out of pork rinds.
I know I ordered 4 more
boxes like normal.
Want me to show you how to order...
Dang Mr. C...
look like you've seen
a ghost, are you alright?
Want me to get you some water or
one of them dramamine pills?
Anyone come to see the store?
No. No sir.
Just be sure to let me know
if anyone comes around.
Yes sir.
You got one flying right there by your head...
Here you go Jasper.
That's what I'm talking about.
- Six bucks do ya?
- Yep.
Boys. Bear, let's go.
- See ya Jasper.
- Thank you fellas.
It's hot out!
What's the matter baby,
didn't see no gooey green men?
Shut your hole.
Hey, come here now.
You know I got you something
special up at the store.
You seen this one yet?
Oh sugar pie!
Why are you so good to me?
Elvis Presley was born a triplet.
Hey, how did I miss that!?
Oh, well that explains a whole lot don't it.
Sure does.
Hey good looking.
You scared me half to death.
I'm sorry about earlier.
I just don't know why you stay here.
What? And miss glares like those?
Heavens no.
Well, you know...
we could... I mean I could...
You could pick me up at 8
and take me for a little walk.
I need to tire myself out.
You're awfully brave.
Well, I just do what I want.
Well, look at this god damn mess.
- What a surprise.
- I'm cleaning.
- Hey Sammy.
- Hey Kathleen.
- Want a beer?
- Yep.
That's a nice shirt you got on.
Feel it. It's soft.
I like your shirt too Kathleen.
It feels good.
You sure do like Kathleen don't you.
- Kathleen?
- Yeah baby?
Is there something wrong with my shirt?
No sweet cakes there's nothing wrong with it.
We got to get Sammy a lady friend.
I hope she's nice and sweet like Kathleen is to me.
So what's going on with Roy.
You two were acting a might bit
peculiar up at the store.
Hey we all used to be best friends!
Harold and Roy, those two was like
two ticks on a dog!
Didn't I tell you to clean this mess up!
I'm doing it now.
Now you ain't going out on the porch tonight.
Well I'll be, you all stayed in touch?
Why don't you just forget about Roy Clemens.
I think I'm getting hungry.
Why don't you have you some potatoes.
Here, I'll open up the "potatoes" for you.
And don't forget your "butter."
I got it right here.
I don't know why you do that!
- Why I do what?
- Don't worry about it baby.
Who's talking to you Sammy?
No one.
Dammit Earl!
This can opener goes
in this drawer right here!
Sorry. I forgot.
- Hey Earl?
- Yeah?
You want some of my potatoes?
They're good.
Um... no.
- Okay.
- You have them.
Harold, what are you eating?
Don't you ever feed this boy at your house?
No she don't.
Well, I got me some of this venison.
Eww! Venison is so nasty.
Well, maybe you ain't had it prepared right.
Well, let's fire up the grill and
see what we can do about that.
Did you finish up those beer labels yet?
Yep. I did it this morning.
Can I come outside too?
Nope. You can stay in here and finish cleaning.
Let's go Earl.
I'm going to find out
who took that gourd off the porch.
I ain't seen a Martin around here in weeks.
- Mosquitos are eating me alive!
- It wasn't me.
You're awful to Sammy, you know that!
Ain't no harm done,
just having a little amusement.
I know I'm amused.
You all are mean, just plain mean.
It's funny.
What's it matter what the food's called?
If he didn't like it, I guarantee you
Sammy would not eat it.
Harold's got a point.
- Stop it! Stop it!
- It's funny.
- Stop it!
- I'm sorry.
He thinks venison is hot lemon!
Well ain't it?
I think people treat their dogs better. I swear!
Now are you going to leave just like that?
I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry.
Don't "baby" me!
Come on now.
What about your newspaper?
Let Sammy come out!
He's a human being he deserves to come outside!
Sammy ain't coming out.
It's for his own good.
He's not a child.
There ain't nothing wrong with him
except for the fact that he can't see.
You got people around here thinking he's crazy!
Treating him like a freak!
Acting like he's Charlie Manson or something.
It ain't fair.
And what about your mama?
He talks about seeing her
all the time and you don't take him to see her!
What is wrong with you Harold!
You forget about my mama! Alright!
She ain't none of your damn business.
Yeah? Well, then you ain't none of
my damn business then.
What do you want me to do?
Why don't you just take him...
Take him to some blind schools.
They got schools for people that are blind.
You can get him some help...
I don't see why you don't?
There's that one blind school down up in Griffin...
Earl! Would you please shut it!
Listen to me baby,
I ain't got the money
to get him no special schooling.
Why don't you take all your money out of the bank
and help Helen Keller in there.
You don't know what it's like.
You've got no idea.
I think you're wrong.
Thank you!
I know this ain't none of my business, but
why are you and Harold at odds?
You know Haralson has more rumors
than blades of grass
and people talk
and they say you and Harold...
well, they say all kinds of crazy things.
Gossip is the sour fruit of boredom.
Yes sir.
Veronica please don't call me sir.
I'm sorry si...
I mean Roy.
I really don't mean to pry.
It's just I like you.
And I don't like to hear people say
mean things about nice people.
Thank you.
Shall we?
I don't know why you indulge him.
You're the one sleeping with him, not me.
Do you think that's nice?
I don't know. I know I ain't doing it.
So you'll stop?
I ain't never done it in the first place.
What are you talking about?
You do it every day.
What are you talking about woman?
I ain't never slept with Harold and
I never going to and I ain't never did.
You're acting completely insane!
I'm not talking about the sleeping
arrangements between you and Harold or mine.
I'm simply saying that I don't agree
with the way you egg
Harold on with regards to Sammy.
Oh, well why didn't you say so in the first place?!
Do you like Sammy?
Course I do.
Don't you think it's hurtful that
Harold don't take Sammy to see his mama?
Yeah, I guess.
I mean, after all, if there's
anyone who should understand
what it's like to miss their mama...
Well I just ain't had the best viscosity lately...
- Huh?
- Flow-ability.
Sometimes when motor oil gets too thin
it don't work too good at high temperatures.
Sometimes when Harold gets hot
I don't work to good.
You love him?
I do.
I don't know.
Sometimes I guess, I wonder...
I mean you're so pretty and smart.
You can do anything!
What happened to going down up to
Peachtree City with your sister?
She said she can get you a teaching job up there...
You're so good with numbers and all.
Thank you Earl...
You're like a female calculator.
What about you, what would you do?
Easy. I'd go down up and get me a
job at Valvoline or Penzoil,
one of them big oil companies.
I'd be studying up on polymeres,
dexron, techron and all that stuff.
Or maybe I'd start oil
at one of them auto part stores.
Work my way up the lubricant food chain so to say.
I think you would do very well.
You might be right.
I'm hungry. Hot lemon?
Come give me a ride on the board here.
I'll race you to the railroad tracks.
Hey you all.
Don't forget to bring me back some potato chips.
I left your labels and your envelopes
and your mailers stacked
up on the table in there.
I left you some snacks up in the cabinet.
Bye Kathleen.
Bye Earl.
Bye Sammy.
Brush your teeth.
Bye Harold.
Hi Roy, you want some coffee?
No thank you.
Not much has changed around here in twenty years.
Not even you.
You've been talking to Lucille.
I don't have to talk to anybody.
You've got to learn there's some
things you cannot change.
The only thing that you can change is you.
You need a haircut.
Is that so?
Listen, she's expecting you over there right now.
You certainly are sure of yourself.
I can't believe I let you talk me into this.
Don't let 'em take too much off of the edges.
I heard your dad taught you how to use a gun...
- Yeah.
- That's cool.
What are you doing?
Get off my friend.
- Hey Roy, you okay?
- Yeah.
Hey Sammy, wait a minute.
What are you doing?
- Roy?
- Yeah, let me help you back in.
Hold on.
No! No, I'm coming out.
I'm coming out!
- Am I far from the ground?
- No.
- Roy, you there?
- Yes.
Oh, it's nice out. I like it out here.
I'm going to go for a walk.
Oh it's nice.
It's beautiful!
Sammy, we need to get you back inside...
We need to get you back inside.
What happens if Harold comes back
and sees that you've been out.
Well he ain't coming back for a couple of days.
Sure it's bright. Blazes it's bright on my eyes.
Hold on.
Put your hands down.
- How's that?
- What's that?
- Those are sunglasses.
- They strange.
Well, they help you out that's all.
Harold, Kathleen and them got sunglasses?
Yes, they've got sunglasses.
Sammy where are you going?
Four cases?
That's a job well done my dear.
Thank you.
Where do I mark it?
- What do I write down?
- Well I don't know.
Seems like our calculator's broken this morning!
- What's it, like, fifty bucks?
- It's four cases.
Twenty four bottles in a case.
- Twenty four?
- Same price! Thirty five cents a bottle.
You know, multiplication
is just fast adding Earl...
Thirty three sixty.
Oh! Thirty three sixty!
Alright. Thirty three sixty!
I got it right there.
Man, my pen ain't working...
How did your daddy die?
Lung cancer. Smoked like a forest fire.
Here comes the street.
I'm sorry about that.
- You got a dog?
- No.
See if you would have had a
Labrador or an Alsatian,
you would have known about your daddy's cancer.
They can sniff it out.
Is that right?
I wonder when Roy's daddy
kicked the bucket?
I wonder if he had one
of them open casket funerals.
Cause that would be cool like
if he was in a car wreck or something cause
then at the open casket they
would have has blood and guts hanging out...
intestines spilling out all over the place.
That would be cool.
Well? When did he die?
I don't know.
And I don't care.
I need to get you back to the house.
I'm hungry though!
That's fine...
Look, we'll get you back to the house
and then I'll get you some food, alright?
But, I could sit right here.
And I could stay in the sun.
- And you could bring it back to me?
- Look, Sammy it's not safe.
Alright. I best come with you then.
No, we are going back to the house!
Come on.
Has Sammy always been blind?
Ah, yeah. Born that way.
Can't believe your aunt took off
soon as you turned eighteen.
What's it matter?
It is what it is.
Okay. Just curious.
You don't have to bite my head off.
Want a pickle?
It's just, you know, Kathleen,
I'm fairly sure you wouldn't
want me prying into your past.
I don't know why you make being
interested in someone's life a crime.
I find it attractive when
you ask me questions.
Want a bite of my burger?
Why don't you tell me about your daddy
out in Nevada with his wife and kids.
Well, he lives in Nevada
with his wife and kids.
And he left when I was a baby.
You know, I feel so much closer to you now.
Yeah? Because I feel closer
to you when we talk like this?
You know Harold the hard ass thing
doesn't excite me.
As a matter of fact, it's turn off to my heart
which is directly correlated to how
much sex I want to have;
for future reference!
What have you been doing with yourself?
I've been working in the city.
My mama is up in Atlanta you know?
Screaming broke her talking muscles.
She's been real sick ever since.
I think she had a stroke.
You know bat spit can cure a stroke.
Kathleen told me that too.
She's real smart Kathleen.
Harold doesn't take you up to see your mama?
No. He says it's too far.
Hey, maybe you could take me up there?!
I think you ought to get Harold to take you up.
Harold don't even take me out on the porch.
I don't reckon he's going
to take me all the up to Atlanta.
I can't be responsible.
Why not?
I'm sorry.
Come on.
Hey, we're coming uphill
where Grandmama Earl's place.
Remember, we used to have you
sitting right up here under this tree, right in front of it.
- We used to park you right under this tree.
- Yeah.
We would run up to her back door
and chase her dog.
Then we'd come back, grab you and run off.
Yeah, I remember.
Last time I met her we had the
greatest times with Grandma Earl.
I'm so glad you're back Roy.
Well, thank you. Thank you kindly.
Now I'm taking you to Mama Jacks!
That's the best place
you can eat in the whole state.
Nothing in the city is
as good as Mama Jack's cooking.
Hey there Mama Jack.
Hey there son.
- This here is Harold's brother Sammy.
- Well hello Sammy.
Howdy ma'am. How are you doing?
It smells good in here.
I haven't seen you in a long time.
You got mashed potatoes?
We ain't got mashed potatoes today.
That's Tuesdays and Thursdays.
But I'll tell you what,
have a seat right here...
We've got macaroni and cheese
and I want you to help yourself. OK?
You're talking awful loud ma'am.
Are you deaf?
Wait a minute.
That's right.
Now you've got to show him where everything is.
All right, I will.
Okay Sammy.
It's good to see you after all these years.
Look how you look.
Now, right here is your chicken.
Here are your baked beans.
And over here...
Excuse me Mary...
You've got some collard greens.
We'll bring out the pot licker, 'cause you got
a biscuit there and macaroni and cheese.
I want you to eat all you see here on this table...
Anything you see...
I can't see ma'am, but I'll eat it all.
Sammy, we're just going to step
right out here for a minute.
Yeah we are going to step
right out there for a minute.
Yum. This is good!
Do you have what I have?
What in the world are you doing with him?!
Well, I went to get my hair cut and
he was hanging out the window.
My goodness.
I tried to put him back in the
house, but he wouldn't go.
Yum! This is real good.
Look, he wants me to take him to
Atlanta to see his mama.
I think you should!
I mean, you've been hanging around...
Good afternoon Ms. Lucille.
Roy. Didn't expect to see you here today.
- Mama Jack.
- Ms. Lucille.
- You got my corn bread?
Not today. Tuesdays and Thursdays.
You promised me last week?
Hey Darlynn.
How you doing Hank?
When are you coming by the beauty parlor.
I told you I want to trim that beard of yours.
I'm tired of looking at it like that.
I think she's real nice...
I think you ought to...
I ought to nothing.
Yum. You smell pretty. I'm Sammy.
What's your name?
Oh my God.
You should take Sammy.
Who's going to mind the restaurant if I take him?
I'll mind the restaurant for you.
You take him.
Sammy, how did you get here?
Oh, my friend Roy brought me here.
You know Roy? He's real nice. Roy?
All I know is I'm not taking him
anywhere looking like that.
How about if you come by a little
later this afternoon
and I'll take care of you?
We should go vacation somewhere.
Like over to Athens.
Something romantic without...
Well, does this mean I'm forgiven for last night?
Well, in that case,
we can do something a little...
romantic right here in this truck.
You know, something sort of
sexy and nasty?
You are so simple!
Oh come on Kathleen!
Cut me some slack.
There's only so much
discussion a man can take!
There you are.
I think you are just about done.
How do I look?
Ms. Lucille has outdone herself.
You look like a right handsome young man.
You know Roy. Maybe you should think
about taking Sammy
here down to the Target?
Get him a pair of Lee jeans, huh?
What do you think?
You got to get out of this chair.
I have to take care of Bea.
Got to get those foils out of her head
or she's going to end up looking like
Don King if I don't take care of her.
Watch your step.
Thanks for making me look so nice.
Well, you're welcome.
Alright, you all have a nice trip.
Roy, are we going on a trip?
I don't know. I'm not quite sure yet.
Bye Ms. Lucille.
Why am I doing this again?
Does there really have to be a reason?
Last thing I heard they had Loretta
up at that Capitol Hospital.
Drive carefully.
Yes ma'am.
Here's a nice napkin for that fine shirt, okay?
Yeah, I don't want to mess it up.
- Here's your hotdog.
- Okay. I got it.
Thank you Sammy.
Darling it's been a long time since
I've seen you darling...
Just try it, turn up the volume
and sing along with me.
It will be fun.
You're going to like it.
- Ooooo that girl she sure looks bright.
- Sammy? Sammy? Sammy!
It's not your fault, but your
singing, it grates my ears.
I like the wind, it feels nice.
Are we here? That was quick.
The car is broken down.
What are we going to do?
Wait for somebody to pick us up.
Meanwhile it's a nice view of the city.
I always thought the city was further away.
Harold told me it was too far to come visit.
Hey, maybe he's seen mama?
Harold and I used to talk about
coming here all the time.
I know. He told me,
"Me and Roy, we going to get out of Haralson.
We're going to get ourselves a
place up in the city."
And I'd say, "Can I come too?"
And he'd say, "Sure you can."
You remember my daddy?
He used to get real mad
whenever Harold would talk about you.
I know.
Mama was happy Harold had a friend.
She had such a calming voice.
It worked all the time.
Well, most of the time.
What's the city like?
Well, there's a lot of big huge buildings.
Wow, how big?
If you were to stack two hundred of
me one on top of the other,
that would be about
the size of one of them buildings.
Roy? You ain't got no hair!
- Hey Earl.
- Yeah?
Where was the last place you lived
before the the last place you lived
before you moved down here?
Dalton. Yeah, it's awesome man!
Patrick Swayze's name in Roadhouse
and the carpet manufacturing capitol of the world.
Oh no way, really?
Well I think it is...
You know, I think so...
Maybe it's not, but it
sure seems like it to me man.
They got carpets everywhere.
Why? Why did you ask?
Oh, I don't know.
Just human curiosity.
I hear that some people
find that attractive.
Well I don't care.
What did they say about my mama?
Hospital said she was transferred.
They wouldn't give any information over the phone.
Why not?
I don't know, bureaucracy.
Oh no, mama's got bureaucracy!
Poor mama.
She going to be okay?
She'll be fine.
I'm sorry baby, I've got to pee.
Can you pull over.
You think Earl's got to pee?
- I don't know.
- Well he ain't invited.
I'm going to have to warn you baby,
the little girl's room is broken.
So you're going to have
to come in the men's with me.
I ain't had sex before.
I think about it a lot.
I think about it with Kathleen.
She's so nice.
She smells like roses and pancakes.
I remember the first time
I heard her and Harold doing it.
That was noisy.
I jumped on top of Harold
and I started hitting him
cause I thought he was hurting Kathleen.
She was screaming and moaning.
I'm there! I'm there!
Sounded like murder to me.
Didn't I feel like a right fool
when he told me they was making love...
But I had missed the beginning
because I was asleep.
I don't miss the beginning no more
I love you too. Harold, I love you.
Ms. Lucille's got big boobs!
Oh, no need to be sorry.
She rubbed 'em up against me
when I was getting my hair cut,
and they was big and soft.
They was like balloons filled with Jello.
You ever touch them?
You're asking some mighty personal questions.
Well she kisses you don't she?
Some things are private.
I told you I ain't had sex
and that's private.
Come on, you can tell me something private.
I have to go to the bathroom.
I can see how you might think that's private,
but I was thinking more like...
Does Ms. Lucille have big boobs!?
Look fellas, I got to stop right down here
and take care of a little
business, you all don't mind do you?
Of course not.
I was thinking.
You and Harold should be
best friends again like before.
Oh, I got to pee now.
Hey Earl!
How you feeling?
I'm all right. I'm sleeping.
I'm good. Where we at man?
- You got to piss?
- No.
- You sure.
- Yeah.
- All right man.
- Where are we at?
- We're leaving.
- We're leaving where?
I don't understand why you
put your old clothes back on?
Easy now. Watch your step.
I like that shirt. That's a bad ass shirt.
See, Jack likes my shirt.
These clothes here, they're itchy.
I like my clothes, they're soft.
- Feel my shirt Jack.
- Yeah, yeah...That's nice.
Sammy, there are certain standards for dressing.
The actual term is "dress code."
Well I'm not wearing a dress.
See, you know, if you're going to
go out in public you should change back
because you look pretty funny.
I like my clothes.
I don't care what people think. It's silly.
- What?
- I'm not changing.
Look, for years Harold's
been mocking you
by dressing you in
these mismatched clothes.
I don't even know why you listen to him.
Harold don't pick out my clothes. I do.
Well he's supposed to be taking care of you.
And he's letting you dress
in these mismatched things...
It's wrong!
I don't know why you keep defending him.
He's never done right by you!
I wear what makes me feel good.
It don't hurt nobody.
Why do you care what I'm wearing?
- Look, you want a girlfriend right?
- Yeah.
No girl will be caught dead
with you looking like that.
Uh huh, I can too get a girl.
Jack told me I ought meet a nice girl right here.
Oh yeah. Jack said you're going to
meet a nice girl right in here!
Well, come on Sammy!
Let's go inside and find you a pretty girl
who will love you for what you wear!
Who will love you for just who you are!
Let's go in here
and find you that kind of girl!
Roy, stop it!
You're hurting me, are you insane!?
You look ridiculous!
This is an embarrassment to be seen with you!
That's why Harold's had you locked
up for all these years!
You're an embarrassment!
Well some people might be embarrassed
to be seen with you because you're black,
but I don't care none!
Why can't you just let me be!
I ain't trying to peel the
black off your skin.
You are still black ain't you?
- Jack? Jack?
- Jack's here. Come on now.
I like my shirt.
Well, you act like it's all my fault!
I shouldn't have been
carrying this damn beer in the first place!
You dropped a whole case of beer on
her tiny little head!
Her head's like that big and the
case is like that big!
You squashed her brains out!
Why did you do that?!
You're a cat killer.
Never... I would never hurt anyone...
...or anything on purpose.
I would never do anything...
You did though. Kathleen I'm sorry.
It's okay cousin.
Your hand!
She's your cousin man.
It's just a friendly cousin hug.
Well, I guess we'll just have to call it a day.
I'm sorry.
I know you can't peel your skin off.
I'm real sorry I was mean to you.
I know you was trying to help me.
Yeah, well,
I shouldn't have made
an issue about your clothes.
I'm sorry too.
What happened?
Well, my car, it broke down.
So you didn't have any luck finding Loretta.
No, they moved her.
I'm so sorry about that.
Well look, I'm going to take
the car to the garage
and get Sammy back home
and then I'll see you all later.
All right son.
Hey ladies.
Harold. You all are back early.
Yeah, Kathleen decided to kill a cat.
Where's your boss?
Um, Roy?
Well I think he went up
to the township for a minute.
I'll tell you what, come on!
Come on with me.
I'm going to fix you
the best plate of pinto beans!
No thank you Mama Jack.
I got some short ribs and beef?
No ma'am. I'm full. Thank you.
I just need some smokes.
Well move woman, I ain't got all damn day.
Oh right.
hank you.
Don't forget the marshmellows!
It's my last bag. Half price.
Have fun you all.
Put it on my account.
You need to need to make
a payment on that Harold.
I'm sorry we didn't find your mama.
Just seemed like we were so close.
When Harold comes home
I'm going to tell him,
'You need to take me to see her.'
I don't understand why he won't.
I guess I better get back in the window huh?
Is that Harold's truck?
What's the rush, slow down!
Where's my window Roy?
What do you think you're doing?
Hey, relax...
I thought I told you to get out of here!
Sammy, what are you doing out here?
I just wanted to go see Mama.
Harold! Stop!
I think it's a little bit too late
for you to be coming around trying to save the day.
You just need to calm down.
Get off of him!
- Stop it Harold! Stop!
- Get off!
Get off of him Harold!
Get up Sammy!
Back up. Get off!
You stay off me Earl!
- Settle down.
- Back up man!
- Stop it!
- Settle down!
Roy took me to see Mama!
You never take me to see her!
Oh really? Yeah?
Roy did you fill our little blind bat in on why
our Mama and Daddy
ain't around here no more, huh?
You work that out yet?! Huh?
Now Sammy come with me.
Now that is enough Harold! That is enough!
I'm not going in that house ever again!
Well take him! Go!
- Kathleen...
- Come on Sammy. Come baby.
You're crazy Harold.
You're crazy man.
Good Lord!
What happened to you?
Oh my Lord, what happened?
I'm going to get some ice.
- Harold.
- Harold?
- He came home early.
- Sit down right here.
What the hell did he do to you? Let me see.
Veronica, bring me some ice.
Good Lord, who does that stupid
bully think that he is?!
Just hold it there tight.
You hold onto that lip.
I'm going to tell him what's what.
No, no.
Stay nearby for awhile.
All right.
Sit down. Let me look at that.
Yeah, well I'm going to clean up
a little bit then go check on the 'stupid bully...'
Sorry Kathleen.
You're the best
thing that ever happened to Harold.
You are right.
He probably ain't no good for me.
Yeah, well you better take care of yourself.
Sammy, you can stay with us tonight if you want.
We'll put Earl on the lazy boy
and you can take the couch.
Roy, can't I stay with you.
Roy, I think it would be a fine idea.
All right Sammy.
Well, if you change your mind you
can bring him on over to our place.
Thank you. You all are very nice.
Roy's got you.
- Darling, you going to be okay?
- I don't know.
What happened between you and Harold?
I'm going to come over and check on you.
Thanks for staying so long.
I can stay longer if you like.
Sammy's still a little shook up...
You're a good man Roy Clemens.
Look, let me go tell him I'm going
to walk you home.
No, it's all right. It's okay.
It's a pretty night.
I'm sorry because I've been so distant.
And I said a lot of things that I didn't mean.
I'm sorry.
Can I ask you something?
This is harder than I thought.
Do you swing for the other team?
Oh come on Roy,
people have been talking around here.
You know how they do.
And you are not the same
person that left here.
I was just thinking, you know, that
you went up to the city and all
and you just found out that you don't...
I mean it's okay... I just...
thought maybe you weren't attracted...
I'm attracted to you.
That's always been the case.
And no,
I do not like ABBA,
or show tunes
or men.
Although, I am a might partial
to West Side Story.
You know my grandmother
is a constant reminder
of me missing out in life.
I guess I've just been afraid of
dying without love, you know?
I'm sorry I've put all
my lack of patience on you.
I've got time.
I've got plenty of time.
Good bye.
Roy, you in there?
I got something for you.
Harold sure is strong.
He gave us a whooping!
I love marshmellows. These are great!
I'm sorry, I don't have marshmellows,
only these...
Describe potato chips.
They're kind of soft and squishy.
And the outside is like
dry and a little powdery,
but I like the inside the best!
It's all sweet and creamy.
what you're describing,
those are marshmellows.
Your brother has been telling you
the wrong name for foods,
probably for a long time.
That's kind of funny.
I hope Harold's okay.
All up at the house by himself.
Thanks for the P.J.'s
Let's get you to sleep, all right.
why do you think Harold's so mad at you?
I reckon he thinks I'm responsible for some things.
Maybe if you would just tell him
that you was sorry,
and then he would say he's sorry too.
And everything would be okay.
What if I didn't do anything to say I'm sorry for?
Saying sorry don't cost nothing.
I wish it were that simple.
I say it all the time.
Do you mean it?
Of course I mean it.
That's a silly question.
I know you would never really do
anything to hurt Harold,
- did you?
- No,
of course not, but it sure feels like I did.
just been real hard growing up around here.
God damn nigger!
- You like kissing my son?!
- No sir.
- You like it!
- No.
I'll be back for you my little friend.
I want you to come over here and
look at your little nigger friend.
It's the last time you're going to see him.
We weren't doing nothing.
What are you doing running the
woods for then, huh?!
Get in that room!
Keep your mouth shut.
We weren't doing nothing Pa.
You weren't doing nothing?
I want you to keep your mouth shut!
Do you understand me?!
You understand me!
What is wrong with you boy!?
I ain't got nothing wrong with me!
I ain't got nothing wrong...
with me...
I ain't got nothing!
You hear!
I'm going to make you hate Roy.
I got something for you.
It's a shilling coin from England.
Now we both have one.
Harold, are you in there?
I hate Roy!
Why were you running
around in the wood with him?!
We didn't do nothing.
We didn't do nothing daddy!
Pa, we weren't doing nothing!
So what were you doing running
around the woods for then? Huh?
Nigger lover!
Help! Please! Somebody!
You embarrassing me and you ain't
going to embarrass me no more!
You understand me?
Please! Don't Pa!
You little faggot, huh?!
You little faggot!
Nigger lover, you understand that!
Stop it! Don't!
No! Please don't Pa!
I want you to keep your mouth shut,
do you understand me?
Do you understand me?
It's for your own good.
What are you doing here boy?
I told you not to come back here.
What's going on here?
He was...
He was misbehaving.
Roy, take Sammy out back.
He had to understand!
Harold, come on. Come on.
Pull your britches up son.
I had to teach him a lesson.
What is wrong with you?
I had to show him.
I had to show him!
Oh my god...
You are an animal!
I know. I know.
- I'm sorry.
- No.
You do it!
Do it!!!
What's wrong?
I went over to check on Sammy.
Roy wasn't there. And I saw the fire.
And I just came to get everyone.
Harold? What's burning? Where's Harold?
Sammy, your house is on fire.
Where's Harold!?
I've got to get Harold!
I've got to get him!
Where's Harold!?
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine... Easy there...
I'm going to get some water!
I'll be right back.
Watch his head!
Give me something to put under his head.
I'm sorry I made you mad.
I never should have left you.
It's all my fault.
I love you Harold.
You're my best friend.
I love you too... Sammy.
I'm sorry...
I didn't take you to see mama.
You see her again,
you tell her...
You're going to tell Harold.
We're going to go see her together.
Earl, go back and see
what happened to the ambulance.
All right, I'm going.
I don't want to go.
I got him.
I got him. Take him with you.
I don't want to go.
Look here. Wake up man. Come on.
Come on. Look at me.
Look at me! Focus! Yes.
I'm right here. Right here.
You should have left me in there.
Why... Why did you get me out?
You would have done the same.
You would have done the same, right?
How did you go back in there?
How did you go back in there
after you saw what you saw?
I don't know what got me back here.
I just know...
that we shouldn't
have had to deal with that.
No, we shouldn't.
I kept thinking it was my fault
that if I hadn't came back that...
If you hadn't come back...
he would have never stopped.
Here. Give me your hand.
Open it.
Take it.
Okay. I got it.
Stay with me.
Stay with me!
Me and you right?
Me and you. Come on!
Let's get him on the board,
and then get him the stretcher.
They're putting you on the stretcher.
You guys know what you're doing?
Watch his head man!
Watch it!
I'm right here. Hey look, I'm right here.
I'm right here. Here I am.
Roy! Take...
Sammy to see...
see Mama.
She ain't right in the head...
All right, I'll take him. I'll take him.
I need to put this oxygen on him.
If he's going to make it
we're going to have to take him now.
Loretta you have some guests.
Mama, it's me, Sammy...
and Roy.
My friend Roy is here.
He took me to see you.
I'm going to step out, okay?
I'm sorry it took us so long to get here.
We missed you so much.
I got so much to tell you.
I brought you this.
After you left us,
Harold gets upset.
He's so angry.
He drinks and smokes.
Well, the other night
he had a terrible accident.
Home all burnt down.
It's all gone.
I asked if you could come home to see Harold.
They said you could mama.
We need you so bad.
I love you Mama.
We need you.
I wonder,
would we live our lives differently
if we started at the end.
Close your eyes.
I got something for you.
I've got something for you too.
What is it?
It's a rabbit's foot.
Don't you recognize it?
It's soft.
We lived through the darkness.
Fortunately the spring of life came around
and gave us another chance
to rediscover who we always were.
And we wouldn't be
judged for who we loved,
but whether we loved at all.